Lantek Expert 2020 SP1 EN
Lantek Expert 2020 SP1 EN
Lantek Expert 2020 SP1 EN
METAL Platform FACTORY Management SYNERGY Intelligence
Spanish law regarding the intellectual and
industrial property right of Lantek protects the
contents and graphics of this user manual. The
GENERAL .................................................................................................................. 5
CAD...................................................................................................................... 13
CUT ...................................................................................................................... 13
Overlapping for Special Offset Lead-in/Lead-outs in Circular Holes ............................................. 13
Special Lead-in/Lead-outs with Offset in All Types of Geometry ................................................ 16
Convert Bevel Machining Lead-in/Lead-out Segment Into an Arc with Segment ............................... 17
Real Distance for Micro-Joints and Micro-Joints at the End of Contour ......................................... 18
Lead-in/Lead-outs, Micro-joints and Loops with Preview ........................................................ 20
GENERAL ................................................................................................................ 21
Improved Execution Times ........................................................................................ 21
Automatic Remnant Marking .................................................................................... 26
Execute a Sheet Turn Over to Finish the Automatic Machining.................................................. 28
Modify the Initial Clamp Position to Execute a Sheet Turn Over ................................................. 31
Magnetic Suction Cups ........................................................................................... 32
CUT ...................................................................................................................... 34
Nesting for Common Cut in Rows and Columns .................................................................. 34
Machining for Common Cut in Rows and Columns .............................................................. 35
Machine Marking Contours with Cutting Ones .................................................................. 36
Remnant Line Offset in the Sheet Edge .......................................................................... 37
Technology Options Execution in All the Parts of a Subjob ...................................................... 38
Machining Sequence Minimizing the Passing Through Cut Holes ............................................... 39
Cut the Remnant Line Near the Beginning of the Work Zone .................................................... 41
Collision Avoidance ............................................................................................... 44
Machining Verification with Collision Avoidance ................................................................ 52
Fit the Remnant Line to the Sheet............................................................................... 55
Destroy Sheet Holes Using Continuous Cut ..................................................................... 56
Lead-in/Lead-out Configuration Improvement in “Common Cut of a Grid Element of Rectangular Parts” ... 58
Machining of a Part with Optimized Multihead ................................................................ 63
Maintain Lead-in/Lead-outs Defined in Part and/or Imported Module ........................................ 65
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
STACKMASTER .......................................................................................................... 73
LISTS..................................................................................................................... 75
PRINT WORKSHOP SHEET OF THE SELECTED SHEETS IN A SINGLE PDF FILE ....................................................... 75
IMPORTERS ............................................................................................................. 77
PUNCH .................................................................................................................. 80
Allow Partial Shearings with Pressure-Foot over Certain Instructions ........................................... 80
IMPORTERS/EXPORTERS ............................................................................................... 82
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
For the moment, in the same way that has been done until now, these new configuration
parameters can be adjusted manually in the system file 'IMAGE.FMT' that is located in the root
directory within the Expert installation.
I011, I012 e I013 parameters allow customizing the saving path of the images generated
meanwhile I005 parameter includes the new white and grey color range (-1).
Parameters I011, I012 and I013 will only take effect if the value of I007 has been modified and
does not contain its default value. For example, if the user wants to modify the generation of PNG
files for nests, I007 parameter should be changed from IMGB to any other value (it is also useful to
enter an empty value '').
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
However, if any type of technology or machining is applied to these types of parts, the system is
using a default configuration, and this may pose a risk in the event that the part is finally cut to
another configuration.
For example, it is possible for a part to be cut with Oxygen or Nitrogen. The user decides to insert
the lead-in/lead-outs in the part, and at that moment (even in a transparent way) the system will
use the properties of the lead-in/lead-outs defined for one of the two gases, for example,
Oxygen. Next, the user goes to the Nesting and Machining module and the system will allow
nesting the part in both the Oxygen and Nitrogen subjobs, so it may happen that the part is
finally cut with Nitrogen having defined the lead-in/lead-outs with the Oxygen parameters:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
With the aim of avoiding these type of situations, the system has been modified so that when the
user decides to apply technology or machining to these parts without a defined configuration,
in the event that the part can be cut with more than one configuration, a list with the available
configurations is displayed so that the user can select one of them:
As it can be seen, it will also be possible to keep the field empty, but at least the user will already
be aware that this action can be dangerous, since a default configuration will be used and later
the part can be nested and cut with a different configuration.
In addition to this, a new configuration parameter has been created in the system, with the aim
of making this treatment even more restrictive: if this parameter is enabled and there are several
possible configurations for a part, the user will be forced to choose one of them when trying to
insert some type of technology or machining:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In this way, when the available configurations are displayed, the user will not be allowed to leave
the field empty, and it will be necessary to select a configuration in order to continue executing
the option:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Finally, if this parameter is enabled and there are parts with technology or machining that do not
have an associated configuration, the system will lock these parts so Features
that theyLantek
be nested
until they are assigned a configuration:
In addition, within this same window, there are two options for the system to assign by default to
the new production order the same machine, material, and thickness as the original part. To
obtain this data, the system will check the table of products of the database.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Since this product table is not saving the machine configuration, it is not possible to create a new
New Features
option that works exactly the same as the previous ones. However, in order Lantek Expert
to obtain a similar
behavior, an option that will allow assigning a default machine configuration to each part has
been added. This default value will be obtained from the last manufacturing order of the part in
the database, also checking that the machine, the material and the thickness of that order are the
same as those of the new order to be generated:
Finally, it should be noted that this same option has also been added to the window for importing
duct figures from the database.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In order to optimize this export process, a new configuration window has been created in which
New Features
the user will be able to configure various parameters, thus establishing theLantek Expert
elements of the
database required to be exported:
As shown in the previous image, the user will be able to select which machines, sheets and
materials are going to be exported, being able to choose between exporting all the elements of
the database (as it happened until now) or only those that are part of the exported work. In
addition, in the case of the sheets, it will be possible to select a third option, through which the
system will not only export the sheets used in the current job but will also export all those sheets
with a range of material and thickness valid to nest any of the parts of the job.
All these parameters will be saved in a new configuration file called 'ExportJob.cfgx'. In this file, in
addition to setting the value of these parameters, it will also be possible to manually configure
whether or not to enable each of the export options. If all parameters are disabled, the system
will not show the window when exporting a new job, and will directly use the values configured
in the file:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
It is now possible to apply a small overlap for special lead-in/lead-outs with 'offset' in circular
holes. A positive value it will ensure the complete cut of the contour in the lead-in/lead-out itself,
whereas a negative value will act as a micro-joint. (The overlap will be cancelled in case of values
that exceed the arc perimeter in the lead-in/lead-out).
The system allows adjusting it through the configuration window of the lead-in/lead-out
parameters, but it can also be modified in the side panel during the execution of the option.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In the following images we can observe a lead-in/lead-out of this type without overlap, with
positive overlap and with negative overlap:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
So far, it was only possible to introduce special lead-in/lead-outs in circular holes. From this
version on, the user will be able to introduce these lead-in/lead-outs, either with or without
offset, both in holes as well as in arcs or segments.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
So far, bevel lead-in/lead-outs could be modified by just moving the endpoint or converting an
arc into a segment. From now on, the user will have an additional option available at the same
A pop-up window will display the former options to modify lead-in/lead-outs as well as the new
option to convert the segment into an arc with a segment (perpendicular to the base element
where lead-in/lead-out is placed) located at the bottom.
As a final step, the user will have to select the required point where the new geometry will be
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
The current algorithm always calculates the separation based on projections to the base
elements. This results on not achieving a separation that may be considered as "real". In other
words, it may not leave enough material (based on the value defined by the user) to keep the
part attached to the sheet. The new algorithm makes sure that the real separation is achieved.
The following images show some problematic situations that are solved by the new approach:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
The yellow color shows the distance interpreted by the current approach. Whereas the
green color displays the real separation obtained by means of the new approach.
In order to activate this new approach the following parameter must be enabled:
By default, this parameter will be disabled, the normal algorithm will be applied.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Just by hovering over a geometry the user can see what would happen if the selected option
would be executed. This option also allows the user to change the values and to visualize how
the geometries change in real-time.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In order to continue making progress in achieving the best possible user experience, some
algorithms have been optimized so that the execution time is as short as possible.
For the tests the example machine Lantek Laser has been used and the times have been taken in
a version 2019 SP1 and in the version 2020 SP0.
The following sections detail the improvements that have been made in the system:
For the test, a 3000 x 2000 mm sheet has been created and the part has been manually nested in
one of the corners of the sheet.
The parts were then machined, so the system automatically assigned the lead-in/lead-outs and
cut it.
Finally, we have executed advanced copy in grid option and selecting the part we have indicated
to copy it in direction to the other end of the sheet, also copying the technology and the
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In the example a 1600x1250 mm sheet has been used where 520 parts of 50x50 mm have been
nested, as can be seen in the following image:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
The improvement of the execution time in this example has been of 95%.
Normally parts with many holes require a lot of calculation time to perform some operations.
One of the slowest points is when the part has a lot of lead-in/lead-outs to perform the cutting of
the contours. The same happens for other types of technologies such as micro-joints.
In the following example you can see a rectangular part of 3000 x 2500 mm and 7254 circles of 10
mm radius, where the times have been reduced improving the usability of this type of parts:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In this nest the window selection time of the lead-in/lead-outs has been reduced up to 90%,
making it almost immediate.
The automatic machining of the sheet has been reduced by 10% and the regeneration of the sheet
around 5%.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
It is recommended not to include a large number of parts in the same job as it slows down the
execution of certain operations. However, sometimes this is not possible.
A number of improvements have been made to speed up the use of the system in these cases.
On the one hand, the opening of the Nesting and Machining module has been optimized. In the
same way, the execution of those operations that after their execution require updating the
nested and pending quantities in the different views of the system has been improved.
In order to provide an example, we have used a job with 1750 different parts nested in 20 sheets.
In this case, the new version reduces the time required to open the Nesting and Machining
module by about 88%. It should also be noted that the opening time now does not depend on
whether or not the color display of parts is selected. In other words, the time to open the Nesting
and Machining module is the same in both cases, whereas before it could take more than twice as
long with the color display enabled.
As for the execution of options in which quantities of nested parts are updated (such as nesting a
new part, deleting a part from a sheet, deleting all parts from a sheet, etc.) the improvement is of
The saving process has been optimized in the assignment of evacuations to nested parts. This can
be seen significantly as the number of parts with evacuation in the same sheet increases.
For example, in a sheet with 200 parts evacuated, the improvement in saving time is 70%. If the
same part is nested 600 times in the sheet, the improvement reaches 99%.
This machining option has been optimized, achieving an improvement in time of 96%.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
From now on, the system automatically marks the remnants in the same way as the parts, sheets,
etc. are marked.
By means of the configuration window for the remnants generation it is possible to enable the
automatic marking of the remnants.
Here the user may configure, among other things, the text to visualize and its position on the
remnant, the vertical and horizontal separation between characters and their size, the
technology to use, etc.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Whenever the remnants are generated, the marking texts will be created according to
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In these cases, the user had the option to insert (manually) a sheet turn over instruction, and
then execute the automatic machining option again so that the system would try to finish the
pending machining.
The aim of this new development is to optimize this process so that it is the system that detects
this type of situations and automatically executes a sheet turn over and continues with the
automatic machining.
Firstly, several new parameters have been added to the machine configuration window in which
the parameters associated with the turning of the sheet are defined:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
• Execute a sheet turn over to try finishing the automatic machining: If enabled, when a
New Features
sheet is machined automatically and the system cannot finish Lantekthrough
this machining Expert the
use of repositions, an instruction to turn the sheet will be inserted. Once the instruction is
inserted, the system will continue with the automatic machining to try to finish the
pending machining.
• Work zone offset after the turn over: It refers to the movement that will be applied to
the work zone after executing the turn over. This parameter was already in use when the
user turned the sheet over manually. Now, in addition to that, its value will be saved in
the machine configuration and the system will be able to use it when automatically
executing a turn over.
• Alternative turn over type when there are hits with form tools in the sheet: In case the
system has to execute a manual symmetry, it will be checked previously that there are no
semi pierces in the sheet. If the sheet contains drawings, this turn over will not be
executed, and the user will be able to choose if he wants to execute another type of turn
over, or if none is executed.
• Use the manual symmetry when the sheet is too long: If the user selects a 180º rotation
turn over, there may be occasions when (if the sheet is too long) it is preferable to use
manual symmetry. To do this, the user can enable this option and set the dimensions of
the sheet that will force the system to perform a turn over by symmetry instead of a turn
over by rotation.
o Minimum length of the sheet: Length from which it is considered that the sheet is
too long and that it is preferable to make a turn over by manual symmetry.
o Maximum width of the sheet: Maximum width that the sheet can have for the
system to change the type of turn over and decide to use a manual symmetry.
Furthermore, in order to simplify the configuration of this type of machine, it has been decided to
separate the parameters related to the automatic turning device, creating a new configuration
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
If the option to automatically execute the sheet turn over to try to finish machining is enabled, it
will be necessary to set a fixed value for all the associated parameters so that when machining
automatically the system does not have to request any additional data from the user.
In addition, if when executing the sheet turn over any of the defined points is outside the work
area, the system will try to make a replacement that allows these points to remain inside the
Once this parameter has been enabled, and in the cases where the system cannot finish the
automatic machining, a sheet turn over will be inserted with the values established in the
machine configuration. Next, the system will try to complete the pending machining by
continuing with the automatic machining execution:
If after turning the sheet over the system is not able to insert any additional instruction, the
turning instruction will be removed.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In such cases, the system will calculate a new clamp position considering the configuration
parameters of the repositions, such as the minimum number of clamps that must hold the sheet
or the incremental search for the correct position:
If a correct position is found, the system will use this position as the initial position of the clamps
and will carry out all the automatic machining of the sheet again. In this way, at the moment of
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
executing the turn over and returning to the initial position, the clamps will be placed in a correct
position: New Features Lantek Expert
If the system is not able to find a correct position, or if, when executing the automatic machining
for the second time, the clamps are left empty again, the machining of the sheet will stop before
executing the turn over, and in this way it will be the user who will have to decide how to resolve
this situation.
So far, all evacuations with an elevator were carried out by means of vacuum suction cups.
However, in order for a suction cup to be valid the entire suction cup had to be on the part or
In this version there is a new development that allows working with magnetic suction cups.
These suction cups no longer need to have the entire surface of the suction cup in contact with
the part or sheet and it is possible to configure the minimum percentage that must have
contact in order for the suction cup to be usable. It is also possible to set a minimum distance
between the suction cup and the skeleton of the sheet.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Find below an example with magnetic suction cups. The suction cups 1 and 4, inside the part, are
disabled because they are very close to the sheet. Suction cup 3 is enabled even though it is
above a hole, since the contact surface complies with the parameter set by the user.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
New Features Lantek Expert
There are new modes to perform the common cut nesting: in columns or in rows.
Only those parts that are placed in the sheet at the same X coordinate will be nested in common
cut, when the parameter "Nesting for common cut" is defined as "Between a column of parts",
or in the same Y coordinate, when it is defined as "Between a row of parts".
These new execution modes are valid for both automatic and semi-automatic nesting.
If the user wants to nest non-rectangular parts, to obtain good results, in the nesting for
common cut in columns or rows, it would be advisable to use a nesting optimization level that
uses modules, so that they can later be nested correctly in columns or rows.
If the user wants to prioritize the nesting in columns, instead of the performance of the sheet, it
is possible to enable the nesting parameter "Rectangular mode is allowed", and in its
configuration, select the type "Optimize for linear cut of parts". This way, it is possible to obtain
very good nests in common cut in column, sometimes sacrificing some performance. This nesting
mode will use the existing modules to make nests in common cut in column or row.
Generally, the result of nesting in common cut will be better in columns than in rows because the
system tries to minimize the X dimension of sheet used, so it tends to nest in column. If the
nesting is done in common cut in a row, and the result is not satisfactory enough, the user can try
to perform the nesting in common cut in a column, setting the parameter "Nesting priority
direction" to "Horizontal". In this way, the system will provide a new common cut nest in a row,
possibly better than the first one.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
COLUMN OF PARTS New Features Lantek Expert
Closely related to the new methods of nesting in common cut by column or row, two new
machining modes have been developed, also by column or row.
These new methods allow a column or row to be machined completely before any other
machining of the sheet. If modules have been used in the nesting by column or row, all the parts
of these that are in common cut will be considered as part of the block to be machined as a
The machining parameters in common cut in column or row will be the same as for the common
cut between several parts, as well as a new exclusive parameter for these two new cutting
modes, which is "Cut holes first". This parameter will cause all the holes in the column or row to
be cut before starting to cut the exteriors.
There is an option in the system that allows the parts of a column or row that are in common cut
to be cut semi-automatically. This option can be used to machine those columns or rows that
have been automatically created, instead of using either of these two new machining modes.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
For this reason, a new option has been introduced in the system that allows cutting the contours
of marking together with those of cutting with the consequent improvement in the paths of
the head, getting that the final cutting time of the sheet is reduced.
Given the case no ordering has been configured for the holes in the sheet, whenever this
parameter is enabled for an already nested sheet, it will be necessary to machine the part again in
the Drawing module in addition to regenerating the sheet.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
For machines that work with automatic warehouses, if the remnant is completely cut, the
automatic handling of the sheet can be dangerous for it.
For this reason, the new parameter "Offset in the sheet edge" has been added to the definition of
the remnant line, which makes it possible to define micro-joints of a specific size at the ends of
the remnant line that coincide with the edges of the sheet.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In this version, the functionality has been developed so that a subgroup of these options can also
run on all the active sheets of the subjob.
A new associated parameter has been added to the existing one that will only be activated when
options 2 or 3 are selected.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Find listed below the options that can be executed in the new way:
In this version, we have included an option to carry out a machining sequence that minimizes as
much as possible the passing of the head through part holes that have been cut.
The following two parameters have been included: “Minimize passing through cut holes while
part machining”, which enables the ordering option and “Maximum number of holes”.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
The process consists of two phases, the first carries out a reorganization of the part machining based on
the spatial ordering algorithm using UL, UR, LL, LR. This phase is executed as long as the parameter
"Maximum number of holes" has a greater value than the holes of the part or -1. The second phase is
always executed and it consists of reordering the part machining avoiding collisions as long as it is
possible to eliminate them; to do so, it goes through the machining obtained in the previous phase or
the machining that the part had and looks for alternative paths that eliminate the collision between the
head and a previously cut hole.
Current machining:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Machining by enabling the option to minimize the pass through already cut holes:
New Features Lantek Expert
This option is only available for machining by part and respects the order mode of cutting small holes
first that are around a larger one, in this case the spatial order will not be applied and will only rearrange
the existing machining avoiding collisions.
Cut the Remnant Line Near the Beginning of the Work Zone
There are occasions in which it is necessary to cut the remnant line as the cutting of the sheet
progresses. In addition, it might happen that this cut has to be carried out as close as possible to the
beginning of the working area, so that the freed remnant can be evacuated from an external device.
Therefore, a new machine configuration parameter has been created that will allow the user to enable
this treatment:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
When enabling this parameter, a maximum distance must be indicated between the remnant line and
the beginning of the work zone. Subsequently, when machining in automatic, the system will always
respect this maximum distance, so that if a remnant line is at a greater distance, it will be necessary to
carry out a reset.
Find below an example where you can see a cutting sequence of a sheet in which several remnant lines
have been inserted and the parameter of cutting the remnant line near the beginning of the working
area has been enabled:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Collision Avoidance
A new machining algorithm has been developed to prevent collisions in high-power laser cutting
The high-power laser cutting machines can make the holes or parts of the sheet get displaced from their
original position, once they have been cut. This can cause a collision between the cutting head and the
first contour after cutting a contour, when going to cut a contiguous one.
As shown in the previous image, the part on the left has been cut, and when going to cut the second
one, at the cutting point displayed, the head would cut the first part again or would collide with it if it
had been inclined over the machine grid.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In order to configure the behavior of the collision avoidance algorithm, a new node has been included in
New Features Lantek Expert
System tab of the machine configuration tree.
• A predefined micro-joint is one that was defined prior to the execution of the collision avoidance
• A normal micro-joint is one that is not a micro-joint at the end of the contour.
Find described below the parameters defining the behavior of the algorithm:
• Use temporary micro-joints for collision avoidance: In order for the collision avoidance
algorithm to be executed, this parameter must be enabled.
What the system does to try to prevent collision between the head and the already cut contours
is to hold the contours that could become conflictive through the use of micro-joints.
A contour will be conflictive when it is unstable, and in addition it happens that, after being cut,
the head has to pass again cutting close to it.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
If a contour had predefined micro-joints, no attempt will be made to assign more micro-joints.
New Features Lantek Expert
The system will only try to lengthen the existing ones.
The micro-joints of a contour will be cut later, when the contours with which the original
contour had conflict are already cut. The micro-joints will be placed in contour locations that are
not conflicting, i.e., that can be cut at a later stage.
The algorithm will try to add a micro-joint at the end of the contour, and then try to add normal
micro-joints at the defined distance. If no micro-joint is valid, a micro-joint will be added to the
end of the contour, even if it is not possible to cut it in the micro-joint phase.
A series of parameters have been added under the grouping "Unstable contours" to define
when a contour is considered unstable.
• Consider the grid: The detection of unstable contours may be done taking into account the
machine grid or the dimensions of the contours. If this parameter is enabled, the detection will
be carried out taking the grid into account and, if not, it will be carried out according to the
dimensions of the contours.
If the detection of unstable contours is carried out considering the grid, the system will check
that the contour is stable on it after it has been cut, i.e. it does not fall, or it is not inclined. Also,
if the system judges that the contour is stable on the grid, it will check again to see if it can be
inclined, taking into account the center of gravity of the contour and the force of the cutting
If the detection is made according to the contour dimensions, the following parameters will be
• Minimum length, Maximum length, Minimum width, Maximum width: They establish the
minimum and maximum dimensions that will be used to check that a contour, after being cut,
does not fall or does not remain stable on the grid.
If the length and width of the rectangle circumscribing the contour are both smaller than the
defined minimum dimensions, or both larger than the defined maximum dimensions, the
contour will be considered stable, because it will either fall or remain stable on the machine grid.
Otherwise, it will be considered unstable.
When calculating the rectangle that circumscribes the contour, the system will attempt to
obtain the minimum rectangle.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Scratched areas would correspond to stable contour sizes. The contours contained in the light
grey striped area would fall. The contours contained in the dark grey striped area would be
stable on the machine grid. The rest of the contours, the contents in the unlined area, would be
• Real area must be lower than a % of rectangular area: If during the dimensional contour
instability testing, the contour being tested is large enough to be considered stable (dimensions
contained in the dark gray striped area of the previous figure), a final test will be run to see if it is
really stable.
For the contour to be considered unstable, the real area must be less than a % of the rectangular
area. This will allow you to discard cases like the one displayed in the following figure:
If this parameter is set to 0.0, it will be ignored and only the contour dimensions will be taken
into account.
To define the behavior of the collision avoidance algorithm, a series of parameters have been
added under the grouping "Assign or lengthen micro-joints in unstable Contours".
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
• Offset to avoid collisions: This parameter allows deciding whether it will be necessary to assign
New Features Lantek Expert
or lengthen micro-joints in unstable contours. If, when applying this offset to an unstable
contour, this collides with another contour that must be cut later than the first one, the contour
being tested will be considered conflictive and micro-joints will have to be assigned or
• Width value of micro-joint: Width of the micro-joints with which the conflicting contours will be
fastened. If the conflictive contour did not have predefined micro-joints, micro-joints of this
width will be assigned to it. If there were predefined micro-joints, these will be lengthened to
the defined width. At the time of cutting the micro-joints, in the case of lengthened micro-joints,
only the added part will be cut (to its original width).
• Maximum length without micro-joints: Allows the user to define the maximum distance
between micro-joints. If the user tries to assign a micro-joint at a particular point, and it is not
possible to do so because this would be a conflictive point at the time of cutting the micro-
joints, it will not be assigned.
• Offset to search correct position of micro-joints: If the placement point of a micro-joint is not
valid, an attempt will be made to find a valid point to both sides of the contour from that point
at a distance defined by this offset. If one of the 2 new points is valid, the micro-joints will be
assigned to the first valid point found.
• Do not lengthen micro-joints if there was more than one: When the contour has predefined
micro-joints, this parameter will prevent the micro-joints from lengthening if the contour was
subject to more than one micro-joints.
• Cutting order of the micro-joints: Allows the user to define when the added micro-joints will be
cut to temporarily hold the conflicting contours. It will be possible to choose between:
o As soon as possible: The micro-joints of a contour will be cut as soon as the contours
with which it could collide have been cut.
This option will make several passes over the machining in order to cut the maximum number of
temporary micro-joints of the contours that are no longer conflictive. At the end of the process, the system
will mark the temporary micro-joints of the conflicting contours and cut them.
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o At the end: All temporary micro-joints will be cut at the end of the sheet machining.
New Features Lantek Expert
A series of parameters have been added under "Head raising test" grouping in order to define
the height of the head during rapids, if the collision avoidance algorithm is executed. This group
of parameters will only be visible if "Head raising test" is active.
• Calculate head up height: Allows the user to calculate the height at which the head should rise
in order to pass safely over the already cut contours.
If a contour, after being cut, falls, is destroyed, is evacuated, or remains stable on the grid, it will
not be necessary to lift or raise the head to pass over it.
If an unstable contour has been completely cut and the head passes over it quickly, the height of
the head will be calculated from the diagonal of the rectangle that circumscribes the contour,
plus the minimum height defined in this same group.
If an unstable contour has not been completely cut, it will only be necessary to raise the head
the minimum height, to pass over it, if the micro-joints that hold it are predefined.
If the micro-joints placed by the collision prevention algorithm are being cut, after each one of
these micro-joints has been cut, the head will be raised to the minimum height defined in this
same group.
The head raising height to go from one point to another will be the highest of the heights
calculated for that movement.
The head height of a head raising instruction will be shown in the list of machining instructions.
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If the calculation of the head up height is active, during the head raising test, the value of
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parameters "Maximum hollow" or "Offset" will be modified. If it is configured to use a value of
"Maximum hollow", it will be canceled. The head raising test would always be executed by
applying an "Offset" but with the value obtained from parameter "Offset to avoid collisions" to
prevent collisions instead of the one defined in the head raising test.
If "Raise the head at the end of each part" parameter is active in the head raising test, the
raising will be done when all the temporary micro-joints have been cut. If, after cutting the last
micro-joints, it was necessary to raise the head to go to another contour and the height of the
head had been calculated, it will be left there, otherwise it will be lifted to the maximum.
• Minimal head up height: Minimum height at which the head will be raised when a head raising
test is necessary. See previous parameter for more details.
All the parameters defined for the collision avoidance algorithm can be configured by material-
thickness as shown below:
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The machining added by the collision avoidance algorithm is not taken into account for the
calculation of part times.
If the parameter "Perform the head raising test when saving" is active, the collision avoidance
algorithm will also be executed during the saving process, if it is active.
If there are multiheads, common cut or manual contours (other than flying cut) while machining a
sheet, the collision avoidance algorithm will not be executed. When executing the "Verify machining"
option, a warning will be displayed if the algorithm could not be executed indicating the reason.
The micro-joints at the end of the pre-defined contour will be treated as if they had been added by
the algorithm. They will be cut if possible. If this is not possible, the initial size will be restored if necessary.
It is assumed that the micro-joints at the end of the contour serve precisely to avoid this type of collisions,
so if they were defined before performing the automatic machining, the algorithm will end up treating
them as its own.
If the contour has predefined normal micro-joints and it has been configured not to lengthen if
there is more than one micro-joint in the contour, it is assumed that the existing micro-joints will be enough
to hold the part definitively.
The system will only try to add or lengthen normal micro-joints in segment type elements. This is
because cutting cycles (which are machined as segments) are used to cut the micro-joints. In small lengths
it is not important, but if, for example, the user tries to cut a non-small arc with a cycle, cutting it as a
segment would damage the contour.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Several tests have been added to the Verify machining option in order to be able to report on whether
there has been any problem related to collision avoidance in the machining generation.
3 new parameters have been added to carry out 2 new tests related to the collision avoidance
algorithm, but actually, 4 new verifications are carried out.
The new parameters that serve to configure if the verifications 2 and 3 should be done are the
• Machining instructions not executed: Parameter already existing in the verification of sheet
When executing collision avoidance, it may happen that some of the added micro-joints is cut
even if it has been placed at a conflictive point in the contour. In other words, when going to cut
this micro-joint, the head could collide with an unstable contour close to this micro-joint. These
micro-joints will always be micro-joints at the end of the contour. In this case, the machining
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verification would indicate that “The contour has been machined with collisions” , indicating that
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these micro-joints were machined and could be conflictive.
• The contour has enough micro-joints: During the machining verification, the system will display
on the sheet which contours do not have as many micro-joints assigned as it would be possible,
according to the parameter "Maximum length without micro-joints", defined in the "Collision
avoidance" configuration. In addition, a message warning about this situation will be displayed.
Next to the parameter, a tooltip has been added indicating the type of machining for which the
test will be carried out.
• Head up height: For those head raising instructions that include a certain height, it will be
checked that they do not exceed the "Maximum head height", defined in the machining
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In the event that any head raising instruction exceeds the maximum height defined, the system
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will display a message, and the head height defined for the instruction will be displayed on the
sheet during the machining verification.
• Detection of cases where collision avoidance is not executed: If a sheet is machined using
manual contours, common or multihead cutting, it will not execute the collision avoidance
algorithm. When verifying the machining of this sheet, a warning will be displayed indicating
that collision avoidance could not be executed, and for what reason.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Fit the Remnant Line to the Sheet New Features Lantek Expert
A new parameter called “Fit the remnant line to the sheet” has been added within the option to
manually draw the cutting edge of the remnant. This parameter deletes all the geometry outside the
limits of the sheet.
As previously detailed in section 3.2.4. Remnant Line Offset in the Sheet Edge, the parameter “Offset in
the sheet edge” has also been included in this option. The initial value of this parameter comes from the
configuration of remnant data, which allows micro-joints of a specific size to be defined at the edges of
the remnant line that coincide with the sheet edges.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
So far, the system would only destroy those holes with a grid cut. In this version, the destruction of
holes has been developed in a continuous way with diagonal pattern that allows:
1. Not to lift the head during the hole destruction, unlike the grid cut in which it must be lifted
2. Once the hole has been destroyed, the outer contour is also cut continuously.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Up until now, when the "Common cut of an element of a grid of rectangular parts" option was
executed, the only configurable aspect for lead-in/lead-outs was their length.
In this version, the features of the lead-in/lead-outs have been extended, which can now be configured
from the option panel.
First of all, it is now possible to choose to machine with the option "Common cut of a grid element of
rectangular parts" without adding lead-in/lead-outs. To do this, the user must only enable the
corresponding parameter on the panel:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
When the "Do not add lead-in/lead-outs" box is disabled, the panel shows the configuration options
New Features Lantek Expert
available for the lead-in/lead-outs. The configuration of the lead-in/lead-outs is now divided into two
main groups:
• Lead-in/lead-out values: Lead-in/lead-out configuration for those parts that are machined in a C-
type pattern, i.e. all parts except the last one.
• Lead-in/lead-out values for the last machined part: Configuration of the lead-in/lead-outs for the
last machined part, which follows a type D pattern.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
The main new feature is that it is now possible to configure the angle for the lead-in/lead-out, as well as
New Features Lantek Expert
its length.
• For those parts that are machined following a type C pattern, the angles of the lead-in/lead-outs
are taken with regard to the references shown below:
• For the last machined part, which follows a type D pattern, the angles of the lead-in/lead-outs
are taken with regard to the references shown below:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
With regard to the length of the lead-in/lead-out (the user can still choose between assigning it an
automatic value or a value specified by the user), now it is possible to choose that the value of the lead-
in/lead-out length is equal to that of the radius cutter. In this case, it is not possible to choose an angle
for the lead-in/lead-out, since a direct lengthening of the contour is applied.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
When the user configures the lead-in/lead-out length to take an automatic value, or enters a specific
value through the panel, it is possible to assign an angle for that lead-in/lead-out. In addition, when an
angle can be assigned for the lead-in/lead-out, then it is also possible to lengthen the element where the
lead-in/lead-out is positioned with a value equal to that of the cutter radius by enabling the
corresponding parameter:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
This option does not generate an optimal result for the use of the multi-head because:
• The algorithm used starts from the minimum possible distance between heads and increases
this value until it finds a solution in which both heads are used inside the part.
To improve the automatic machining efficiency of the inside contours of a part using multi-head, a
new system option called "Machining of a part with optimized multihead" has been developed. This
new option is also accessible from Applications tab located on the Nesting and Machining module:
For this new system option, an algorithm has been developed based on the following criteria, which are
also used in the algorithm already implemented to cut identical parts nested in a sheet using multi-head
• The maximum number of heads to be used is limited only by the capacity of the system to work
with multiple heads (the system can work with a maximum of 20 heads) and the multihead
configuration of the machine used.
• The system will always try to use the maximum possible number of heads among those available
for each cutting operation and, in addition, it will apply the maximum possible distance between
Find below an example of multihead machining of a part with the new option. Based on the following
configuration for the multihead data of a machine:
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If we machine it with the new option we will get the following result:
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As it is configured, the multihead moves along the X axis, and the control head is the one below. For
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each internal contour column, three multihead cutting operations are carried out. Each of these 3
multihead cutting operations is carried out with all 4 heads:
The part has 120 internal contours, which are machined in 30 multihead cutting operations.
If the same part is machined with "Machining of a part with 2 heads" option, 60 multihead cutting
operations would be required. Therefore, it is obvious that the new option improves machining
However, in some cases, the lead-in/lead-out on certain parts is required at a specific point and the user
does not want to change their position. In these cases, the lead-in/lead-out is then defined at the part
This implies that there was a limitation in the system in those scenarios consisting of a nesting made up
of two types of parts:
• On the one hand, parts that require lead-in/lead-outs at a specific point (and, therefore, have it
defined at the part level).
• On the other hand, parts in the same nesting that do not have this restriction.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
It is very important to point out that when the position of an lead-in/lead-out on a part must be
carried out at a certain point, it is not only possible to define it at the part level. It is also possible to create
in the Nesting and Machining module, a module with a specific lead-in/lead-out technology to meet the
requirements of the part or parts that make up the module, and store that module in a database, so that it
can be imported whenever required.
The new feature introduced consists in that, when any of the options that allow an optimal machining
sequence to be obtained according to the criterion chosen is enabled, the user has the possibility to
disable the modification of the lead-in/lead-out positions in those parts and/or modules imported that
include lead-in/lead-out technology in their definition. In order to do this, the user must enable the new
parameter shown 'Maintain lead-in/lead-out when the part or imported module has lead-in/lead-out
technology assigned'.
In this way, the position of the lead-in/lead-outs in the imported parts and/or modules will be changed in
those cases without lead-in/lead-out technology in definition, but the position of the lead-in/lead-outs
will not be modified when it is required in a specific point.
The system allows to configure the automatic machining to obtain an optimal machining sequence by
moving the positions of lead-in/lead-outs according to different criteria, which can be performed from
different windows:
• From Modify lead-in/lead-outs window of machine configuration, where the user can choose
between the following optimization criteria:
o Place by proximity
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
• From Automatic Lead-in/Lead-out Values window in machine configuration, where the user can
select to optimize the machining by modifying the position of the lead-in/lead-outs following the
cutting sequence:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
The option Cut contours contained by zones is designed for those machines provided with two axes in
one of the two coordinates. One of the axes is faster than the other so it is usually interesting to
arrange the contours by zones of equal length to the path of the fast axis.
Within each zone, the sorting was done so far strictly in X or in Y, that is to say, every time the machine
cut a contour in a zone that was at a certain Y, then it would proceed to cut all the contours that were
at the same Y.
If the working area of the rapid axis is very large, this way of sorting does not have to be optimal, so
the possibility of sorting by proximity has been added. This way, the system will go to the closest
contour to the current one.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
A new option has been included in the configuration of cutting machines with tangential head that
allows locking the head when making bevels so that the lead-in/lead-out is performed with the same
angle as the bevel and the cut is correct.
The option is located in the machine configuration, more specifically in “Head Data” section located in
“Bevel Head Data”.
The selected head type must be “Tangential” so that this option is enabled.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Whenever this option is enabled, the lead-in/lead-out to the bevel contour will be performed with the
same angle as the bevel:
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New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
A new option to always execute the punching reposition through the pistons has been included in this
Only applicable when the pressure-foot and the shear are not independent.
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However, when these CNC files are generated from the CAM, it is possible for the user to change the
default path defined in the machine configuration by selecting a different path at that time. In these
cases, the two CNC files (the one before and the one after palletizing) were being generated in two
different folders.
For that reason, a new parameter has been defined in the previous window. When enabling this
parameter, the new CNC files generated when palletizing will always be saved with the same path as
the original CNC file:
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
However, it is now possible to generate a single PDF file containing all the files of the selected sheets.
To do this, a new parameter has been placed in the sheet selection window to be printed that enables
this printing mode.
If the new parameter is enabled, the user will be able to define the saving path of the resulting PDF file
by means of a dialog box that will be displayed after validating the selection. This dialog box will display
by default the path of the last file resulting from previous printing operations.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
The default printer launched to generate the file is the 'PDFCreator' application.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
In order for this recognition to be done automatically with each import, only a previous
configuration process is required, which is described below.
In the ISO importer configuration, a new window called 'Code Translation' has been added,
accessible from 'Others'. From this new window the user can create a list of code equivalences in
text format and generic ISO instructions.
In order to save an equivalence in the list, simply click on 'New...' button to display 'Code
Translation' window, which allows the user to introduce the required data.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
For example:
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• Based on the following codes translation list:
• The ISO importer is now able to interpret files as the one shown below:
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New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Forming operations on a sheet run the risk of being affected by the pressure-foot of a shearing
operation. In order to avoid this, the system avoids carrying out such operations whenever it finds
itself in such a situation.
Let´s take for example a nesting that contains both forming and shearing instructions. If the system
detects that the pressure-foot of the shearing machine will press onto a forming instruction, it will
not carry out the shearing instruction to avoid any possible damage.
In this scenario, if the red lines are instructions created by a forming tool, the current shearing will
not be executed.
Although the pressure-foot is above one of those operations, it does not have to affect negatively in
all situations, that is why this development allows to disable this restriction for the types of
instructions indicated in the configuration window. The user can enable/disable those instructions
that require the system not to check.
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By default, every checkbox will be disabled and possible damage will be checked for every
forming instruction.
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The previous image displays a DSTV file where the left side is equivalent to the marking of the bottom
side and the right side is equivalent to the marking of the upper side.
The possibility of assigning a marking type to the markings on the bottom side has been added, so that
the post-processor can detect the markings on the bottom face and treat them appropriately. In
addition, there is an option to assign the "No cut" technology to those marks, so as to maintain the
current operation.
New Features Lantek Expert 2020 SP1
Metal Digital Transformation
[email protected]