Amh CV 17
Amh CV 17
Amh CV 17
Agnit Mukhopadhyay
Climate & Space Sciences Department, University of Michigan
2477, Hayward Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Phone: (734)-881-0625
Email: [email protected]
University of Michigan
Doctor of Philosophy (Pre-Candidate) in Space Sciences 2017 - Present
Topic: Magnetospheric & Ionospheric Physics
Advisors: Daniel T. Welling, Michael Liemohn
Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering 2016 - 2017
Specialization: Gas Dynamics
Travel Grants
Mukhopadhyay, A., Welling, D. T., (2017) Statistical Comparisons of Cross Polar Cap Potential estimated
by Global MHD Models, in progress.
Mukhopadhyay, A., van der Holst, B., Landi, E., (2017) Numerical Modeling of the Lower Corona during the
Total Solar Eclipses, in progress.
Mukhopadhyay, A., (2016) Space Debris Charging and Control by Electrodynamics, Senior Thesis.
Mukhopadhyay, A., (2015) Thermal Response Study of Thermal Protection Systems (TPS) of a Space Cap-
sule during atmospheric Re-entry, Junior Thesis.
Sharma, N., Mukhopadhyay, A., Sharma, V., Mukund, M. and Pant, R. S., (2014) Design and Field Trials
of Payload Recovery Device for Tethered Aerostats, Innovative Design, Analysis and Development Practices in
Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, 79 - 84. Springer International Publications AG, ISBN:978-81-322-1870-8
(Print) 978-81-322-1871-5 (Online).
Mukhopadhyay, A., Mathpal, R. K., Thermal Response Study of Thermal Protection Systems (TPS) of a
Space Capsule during atmospheric Re-entry. Engineers Day Symposium 2015, Chandigarh, India. Invited
Gupta, N., Kiran, A., Shivakumar, R. H., Mukhopadhyay, A., A Study of Design and Combustion of a Home-
made Rocket Motor, National Conference on Advancements and Futuristic Trends in Aerospace Engineering
(AFTAE 2015), Sponsored by TEQIP-II and TBRL, DRDO. 2015 , Chandigarh, India.
Mukhopadhyay, A., Pant, R. S., Use of Vehicle Sketch Pad in conceptual design of amphibious aircraft. IIT
Bombay Symposium 2014, Mumbai, India. Invited Talk.
Research Experience
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2017 - Present
Mentor: Dr. Daniel Welling, Prof. Michael Liemohn, Prof Xianzhe Jia Summer 2017
Validated the Ridley Ionosphere Model used in the Space Weather Modeling Framework
(SWMF) along with two other MHD models by initially comparing cross polar cap potential
data with AMIE and SuperDARN radar observations, and then approaching changes in
ionospheric conductance by analyzing previous work and studying the midlatitude current
Mentor: Prof. Enrico Landi, Dr. Bart van der Holst Winter, Summer 2017
Simulated solar wind properties and multi-wavelength images using the SWMFs Alfven
Wave Solar MHD Model (AWSoM) to study the structure of the lower solar corona by com-
parison with observational data from OMNI, LASCO C2/C3, STEREO/EUVI, SDO/AIA
satellites and white-light observations during the total solar eclipse of August 1, 2008 and
July 11, 2010.
Technical Skills
Languages C/C++, Python, MATLAB, FORTRAN 90
Operating Systems Linux, Windows, Mac
Software IDL, TecPlot, ANSYS, CATIA, Gambit, FLUENT, Microsoft Office, LATEX
Teaching Experience
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Winter 2017
Mentor: Prof. Mirko Gamba
Grader for AE 225 - Introduction to Gas Dynamics.
Available, if requested.