CV Jrkumar
CV Jrkumar
CV Jrkumar
Details of employment:
S.No. Place of Training Position Period Country
1. Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Professor 2015 - till date India
Technology Kanpur
2. Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Associate Professor 2010 - 2015 India
Technology Kanpur
3. Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Assistant Professor 2003 - 2010 India
Technology Kanpur
Professional awards/recognition/fellowship (e.g. Swarnjayanti/Bhatnagar Prize, Fellow of INAE, INSA etc.):
1. Rajesh Kumar Porwal, 2014 Neural Network based Modeling International Journal of
Vinod Yadava, J. and GRA coupled PCA Manufacturing, Materials, and
Ramkumar Optimization of Hole Sinking Mechanical Engineering.4(1), pp. 1-
Electro Discharge Micro 21.
2. Syed Nadeem Akhtar, 2014 Simulation and experiments on Journal of Micro / Nanolithography,
Hirendra Choudhary, S. excimer laser micromachining of MEMS, and MOEMS 13(1), 013008-
Anantha Ramakrishna metal and polymer 013008
and J. Ramkumar
3. G. Karthikeyan, J. 2014 Block EDG: issues and Machining Science and Technology 18
Ramkumar, S. applicability in multiple pass (1), 120-136
Dhamodaran µED-milling
4. K. Pallav, P. Han, J. 2014 Comparative Assessment of the Journal of Manufacturing Science and
Ramkumar, K. F. Ehmann Laser Induced Plasma Micro Engineering 136 (1), 011001
machining and the Micro-EDM
5. R.K. Porwal, V. Yadava, J. 2014 Modelling and multi-response Journal of Mechanical Science and
Ramkumar optimization of hole sinking Technology 28 (2), 653-661
electrical discharge micro
machining of titanium alloy thin
6. D. Jhodkar, M. Amaranth, 2014 Experimental Investigations on Applied Mechanics and Materials
H. Chelladurai, J. the Effect of Vegetable Based 541, 368-373
Ramkumar Cutting Fluid in Turning AISI
1040 Steel
7. B. Muralidharan, H. 2015 Experimental Investigation on International Mechanical Engineering
Chelladurai, J. Electro-Discharge Deposition Congress and Exposition .Volume 76,
Ramkumar Process Issue 1-4, pp. 69-82.
8. Dharmesh Kumar ; Syed 2015 Tribological Performance of Journal of Wear, 322, 203-217
N. Akhtar ; Anup K. Patel; Laser Peened Ti-6Al-4V
J. Ramkumar ; Dr.
Kantesh Balani
9. Syed Nadeem Akhtar, 2015 Excimer laser micromachining of Sadhana – Academy Proceedings in
Shashank Sharma, S. oblique microchannels on thin Engineering Science, 41(6), 633-641
Anantha Ramakrishna, metal films using square laser
and J. Ramkumar spot
10. Divyansh Patel, V. K. Jain, 2015 Surface Texturing for Inducing Directions IIT Kanpur Publications,
J. Ramkumar Hydrophobicity Vol. 15-1, pp. 46-53
11. Divyansh Patel, V. K. Jain, 2015 Micro texturing on metallic Proceedings of the Institution of
J. Ramkumar surfaces: State-of-the-art Mechanical Engineers, Part B, 232(6),
12. Ajay Vardhaman B. S, M. 2015 Examining the Role of Cutting International Institute of Engineers
Amarnath, Durwesh Fluids in Machining AISI 1040
Jhodkar, J. Ramkumar Steel Using Tungsten Carbide
and H. Chelladurai Insert under Minimal Quantity
Lubrication Condition
13. Amandeep Singha, 2015 Quantifying green Procedia CIRP 29 ( 2015 ) 257 – 262
Deepu Philip , J. manufacturability of a unit
Ramkumar production process using
14. Durwesh Jhodkar, H. 2015 Performance evaluation of Journal of Mechanical Science and
chelladurai, M. Microwave Treated Technology 32(6), 2551-2558
Amarnath and J. Cemented Carbide insert on AISI McMat2015-6318
Ramkumar 1040 steel during turning
15. Syed Nadeem 2015 Micro feature edge quality Journal of Micromechanics and Micro
Akhtar, Shashank enhancement in engineering , 25(6), 065001
Sharma, Govind Dayal, S excimer laser micromachining of
Anantha Ramakrishna metal films
and J. Ramkumar by coating with a sacrificial
polymer layer
16. Nishith Verma, Prateek 2015 Control of Bacterial Growth in Chemical Engineering Journal 276
Khare, Janakaranjan Water using Novel Laser-Ablated (2015) 65–74.
Ramkumar, Metal-Carbon-Polymer
17. Bhargava, 2015 Comparing the Adhesion and Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue
Neelima; Shanmugaiah, Survival of Adult Rod and Cone Engineering, Volume 5, Number 6,
Vellasamy; Balakrishnan, Photoreceptor Neurons on ‘Poly- June 2015, pp. 431-438(8).
Karuppiah; Ramkumar, D-Lysine’ and ‘Concanavalin-A’
Janakarajan; Das, Substrate
18. F. Islam, J. Ramkumar & 2015 A simplified damage prediction Polymer & Composites Science, 1:4,
A.S. Milani framework for milling of 175-184, DOI:
unidirectional carbon fiber- 10.1080/20550340.2015.1117747
reinforced plastics .
19. T. V. K. Gupta, J. 2015 Application of Artificial Neural Procedia CIRP 37 ( 2015 ) 225 – 229.
Ramkumar , Puneet Networks in Abrasive Water Jet
Tandon , N. S. Vyas Milling
20. Akhtar, S. N., Sharma, S., 2015 Micro feature edge quality Journal of Micromechanics and
Dayal, G., Ramakrishna, enhancement in excimer laser Microengineering, 25(6), 065001.
S. A., & Ramkumar, J. micromachining of metal films by
coating with a sacrificial polymer
21. Akhtar, S. N., Sharma, S., 2015 Excimer laser micromachining of Ref no:- Ms. No.SADH-D- 15-
Dayal, G., Ramakrishna, oblique micro channels on thin 00069R3,Sadhana, 41(6), 633-641
S. A., & Ramkumar, J. metal films using square laser
22. F. Islam, J. Ramkumar, 2015 A Simplified Damage Prediction Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer &
A.S. Milani Framework for Milling of Composites Science, 1(4), 175-184.
Unidirectional Carbon Fiber
Reinforced Plastics
23. Rita Maurya, Binit 2016 Effect of carbonaceous Materials and Design 98 (2016) 155–
Kumar, S. Ariharan, J. reinforcements on the 166.
Ramkumar, Kantesh mechanical and tribological
Balani properties of friction stir
processed Al6061 alloy
24. M. Ravi Sankar, V. K. 2016 Nano-finishing of cylindrical hard Int J Adv Manuf Technol DOI
Jain, J. Ramkumar steel tubes using rotational 10.1007/s00170-015-8189-5
abrasive flow finishing (R-AFF)
25. Leeladhar Nagdeve, V. K. 2016 Experimental Investigations into Procedia CIRP 42 ( 2016 ) 793 – 798
Jain, J. Ramkumar nano-finishing of freeform
surfaces using negative replica
of the knee joint
26. Prateek Khare, Ashish 2016 Microchannel-embedded metal– Chemical Engineering Journal 293
Yadav, Janakranjan carbon–polymer nanocomposite (2016) 44–54.
Ramkumar, Nishith as a novel support for chitosan
Verma for efficient removal of
hexavalent chromium from water
under dynamic conditions
27. Amandeep Singh, Deepu 2016 Green Index quantification of a Procedia CIRP 41 1131 – 1136.
Philip , J. Ramkumar unit manufacturing process
through simulation experiments
28. P Murkute, J Ramkumar, 2016 Effect of alternate corrosion and Wear 368, 368-378
S Choudhary, K Mondal` wear on the overall degradation
of a dual phase and a mild steel
29. P Murkute, S Choudhary, 2016 Effect of Exposure Face Journal of Materials Engineering and
J Ramkumar, K Mondal Orientation and Tilt Angle on Performance, 1-10
Immersion Corrosion Behavior of
Dual-Phase and Mild Steels
30. P Murkute, J Ramkumar, 2016 Stress Corrosion Cracking Journal of Materials Engineering and
K Mondal Behavior of Interstitial Free Steel Performance 25 (7), 2878-2888
Via Slow Strain Rate Technique
31. Sachin Singh; M. Ravi 2016 Modelling of nano-finishing International Journal of Precision
Sankar; V.K. Jain; J. forces and surface roughness in Technology 6 (2), 123-141
Ramkumar abrasive flow finishing process
using rheological properties
32. Rao R.V., Rai D.P., 2016 A new multi-objective Jaya Advances in Production Engineering &
Ramkumar J., Balic J. algorithm for optimization of Management, Volume 11,Number 4,
modern machining processes pp 271–286
33. Yaswanth K. Penke , 2017 Aluminum Substituted Cobalt ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,9 (13), pp
Ganapathi Ferrite (Co−Al−Fe) Nano 11587–11598
Anantharaman, Adsorbent for Arsenic Adsorption
Janakarajan Ramkumar, in Aqueous Systems and
and Kamal K. Kar Detailed Redox Behavior Study
with XPS
34. Leeladhar Nagdeve, Ajay 2017 On the effect of relative size of Machining Science and Technology,
Sidpara, V. K. Jain & J. magnetic particles and abrasive 22(3), 493-506
Ramkumar particles in MR fluid-based
finishing process
35. Leeladhar Nagdeve, V. K. 2017 Differential finishing of freeform Machining Science and Technology,
Jain & J. Ramkumar surfaces (Knee Joint) using R- 22(4), 671-695
MRAFF process and negative
replica of workpiece as afixture
36. Aakash Tyagi,Vyom 2017 Investigations into side gap in International Journal of Advanced
Sharma, V. K. Jain & J. Wire Electrochemical Manufacturing Technology, 94(9-12),
Ramkumar Micromachining (Wire-ECMM) 4469-4478.
37. G.V.L. Parameswari, V. K. 2017 Experimental investigations into International Journal of Advanced
Jain & J. nano finishing of Ti6Al4V flat Manufacturing Technology, 1-
Ramkumar,Leeladhar disc using Magnetorheological 11,2017
Nagdeve finishing process
38. Sahil Kajal, Leeladhar 2017 Experimental and theoretical International Journal of Advanced
Nagdeve,V. K. Jain & J. investigations into internal Manufacturing Technology(2017):1-
Ramkumar Magnetic Abrasive Finishing of a 18
Revolver Barrel
39. Harsh Sheokand, 2017 Transparent broadband Journal of Applied Physics, 122(10),
Saptarshi Ghosh, metamaterial absorber based on 105105
Gaganpreet Singh, resistive films
Mondeep Saikia, Kumar
Vaibhav Srivastava, J.
Ramkumar, and S.
Anantha Ramakrishna
40. Abhilasha Singh, 2017 Single step laser surface Int J Adv Manuf Technology, (2017):1-
Divyansh Singh Patel, J. texturing for enhancing contact 15
Ramkumar & Kantesh angle and tribological properties
41. Leeladhar Nagdeve, V. K. 2017 Preliminary investigations into The International Journal of Advanced
Jain and J. Ramkumar nano-finishing of freeform Manufacturing Technology, (2017): 1-
surface (femoral) using inverse 12
replica fixture
42. Divyansh Singh Patel, 2017 Investigations into insertion force The International Journal of Advanced
Abhilasha Singh, V. K. of electrochemically micro- Manufacturing Technology , (2017): 1-
Jain, J. Ramkumar & A. textured hypodermic needles 16
43. B.S. Ajay Vardhaman, M. 2018 Experimental Investigations to Journal of Materials Engineering and
Amarnath, J. Ramkumar, Enhance the Tribological Performance, (2018): 1-14
and Prabhat K. Rai Performance of Engine Oil by
Using Nano-Boric Acid and
Functionalized Multiwalled
Carbon Nanotubes: A
Comparative Study to Assess
Wear in Bronze Alloy
44. Kiran Kumar Surthi , 2018 Enhancement of the surface Journal of Physics and Chemistry of
Bibekananda De, J. reactivity of zigzag boron nitride Solids, 120, 34-43
Ramkumar , Kamal K. Kar nanoribbons by chlorine gas
decoration: A computational
45. Ambuj Shah, Arvind 2018 Analysis of transient thermo- Journal of Materials Processing
Kumar , J. Ramkumar fluidic behavior of melt pool Technology, 256, 109-120
during spot laser welding of 304
46. Durwesh Jhodkar, M. 2018 Experimental investigations to Journal of the Brazilian Society of
Amarnath, H. enhance the machining Mechanical Sciences and
Chelladurai,J.Ramkumar performance of tungsten carbide Engineering, 40(4), 200
tool insert using microwave
treatment process
47. Koshal Kishor, Alhad 2018 Rational Design Strategy for Canadian Journal of Chemical
Parashtekar, Sulay Saha, Optimization of Clamping Engineering,96(4), 881-885
Sri Sivakumar, Pressure to Minimize Contact
Janakarajan Ramkumar Resistance between Electrode
and Raj Ganesh S. Pala and Current Collector while
Preserving Porosity of Electrodes
in Water Electrolyzers
49. Durwesh Jhodkar, H. 2018 Comparison of machining Journal of Microwave Power and
Chelladurai, Akhilesh performance of microwave post- Electromagnetic Energy, 52(2), 109-
Kumar Choudhary & J. heated WC insert with dry, wet 127
Ramkumar and MQL cutting in turning
50. Amandeep Singh , Deepu 2018 A simulation based approach to Journal of Cleaner Production , 182,
Philip , J. Ramkumar , realize green factory from unit 67-81
Mainak Das green manufacturing processes
51. Durwesh Jhodkar, M. 2018 Performance assessment of Journal of Mechanical Science and
Amarnath, H. microwave treated WC insert Technology, 32(6), 2551-2558.
Chelladurai, and J. while turning AISI 1040 steel
52. L Nagdeve, V K Jain, J 2018 Nanofinishing of Manufacturing Review,5, 6
Ramkumar freeform/sculptured surfaces:
53. V Sharma, DS Patel, VK 2018 Wire Electrochemical Threading: Journal of The Electrochemical
Jain, J Ramkumar, A Tyagi A Technique for Fabricating Society, 165(9), E397-E405
Macro/Micro Thread Profiles
54. M R Sankar, V K Jain, J 2018 Medium rheological The International Journal of Advanced
Ramkumar, S K Sareen, S characterization and Manufacturing Technology , 1-15
Singh performance study during
rotational abrasive flow finishing
(R-AFF) of Al alloy and Al
alloy/SiC MMCs
55. Amandeep Singh, Deepu 2018 A simulation based approach to Journal of Cleaner Production, 182,
Philip, J.Ramkumar, realize green factory from unit 67-81
Mainak Das green manufacturing processes
56. Divyansh Singh Patel, 2018 Topographical effects of laser Surface and Coatings Technology,
Abhilasha Singh, K surface texturing on various time- 2018
Balani, J Ramkumar dependent wetting regimes in
57. Pragya Shukla, Shikha 2018 Protective trivalent Cr-based Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
Awasthi, Janakarajan electrochemical coatings for gun 768, 1039-1048
Ramkumar, Kantesh barrels
58. A K Yadav, S Banerjee, R 2018 Mechanical Analysis of Nickel ACS Applied Nano Materials,1(8),
Kumar, K K Kar, J Particle-Coated Carbon Fiber- 4332-4339
Ramkumar, K Dasgupta Reinforced Epoxy Composites for
Advanced Structural
59. Hitendra Kumar, J 2018 Surface texture evaluation using Measurement,125, 612-633
Ramkumar, KS 3D reconstruction from images
Venkatesh by parametric anisotropic BRDF
60. S Sharma, V Mandal, SA 2018 Numerical simulation of melt Journal of Materials Processing
Ramakrishna, J hydrodynamics induced hole Technology, 262, 131-148
Ramkumar blockage in Quasi-CW fiber laser
micro-drilling of TiAl6V4
61. Yaswanth K. Penke, 2018 Redox Synergistic Mn-Al-Fe and Journal of Hazardous Materials,364,
Ganapathi Cu-Al-Fe Ternary Metal Oxide 519-530
Anantharaman, Nano Adsorbents for Arsenic
Janakarajan Ramkumar, Remediation with
Kamal K. Kar Environmentally Stable As(0)
62. Durwesh Jhodkar, M. 2018 Experimental Investigations to Journal of Materials Engineering and
Amarnath, H. Study the Effects of Microwave Performance,27(12), 6374-6388
Chelladurai, J. Treatment Strategy on Tool
Ramkumar Performance in Turning
63. Sharma, V., Srivastava, I., 2018 Theoretical and Experimental Journal of The Electrochemical
Tyagi, A., Jain, V. K., & Investigations into Wire Society, 165(14), E773-E783
Ramkumar, J. Electrochemical Turning (Wire-
ECTrg) Process Using Finite
Element Method
64. Sheokand, H., Singh, G., 2019 An Optically Transparent IEEE Antennas and Wireless
Ghosh, S., Ramkumar, J., Broadband Microwave Absorber Propagation Letters, 18(1), 113-117
Ramakrishna, S. A., & Using Interdigital Capacitance
Srivastava, K. V.
65. Singh, G., Sheokand, H., 2019 Excimer laser micromachining of Applied Physics A, 125(1), 23
Ghosh, S., Srivastava, K. indium tin oxide for fabrication of
V., Ramkumar, J., & optically transparent
Ramakrishna, S. A. metamaterial absorbers
66. Penke, Y. K., 2019 Redox synergistic Mn-Al-Fe and Journal of hazardous materials, 364,
Anantharaman, G., Cu-Al-Fe ternary metal oxide 519-530
Ramkumar, J., & Kar, K. K nano adsorbents for arsenic
remediation with
environmentally stable As (0)
67. Penke, Y. K., Tiwari, N., 2019 Arsenic surface complexation Journal of hazardous materials, 361,
Jha, S., Bhattacharyya, behaviour in aqueous systems 383-393
D., Ramkumar, J., & Kar, onto Al substituted Ni, Co, Mn,
K. K and Cu based ferrite nano
68 D.S. Patel, V.K. Jain, A 2019 Electrochemical micro texturing The International Journal of Advanced
Shrivastava, J. on flat and curved surfaces: Manufacturing Technology, 100,
Ramkumar simulation and experiments 1269-1286
69. S. Sharma, V. Mandal, 2019 Numerical simulation of melt Journal of Manufacturing Processes,
S.A. Ramakrishna, J. pool oscillations and 39, 282-294
Ramkumar protuberance in pulsed laser
micro melting of SS304 for
surface texturing applications
70. G.B. Shirsath, K. 2019 Condensation of water vapor Applied Surface Science
Muralidhar, R.G.S. Pala, underneath an inclined
J. Ramkumar hydrophobic textured surface
machined by laser and electric
71. G. Singh, H. Sheokand, K. 2019 Fabrication of non-wettable Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Chaudhary, K.V. wearable textile based
Srivastava, J. Ramkumar, metamaterial microwave
73. Mahavir Singh, J. 2019 Experimental investigation and Advances in Production Engineering &
Ramkumar, R. V. Rao, J. multi-objective optimization of Management, 14(2),
Balic micro-wire electrical discharge
machining of a titanium alloy 9.2.326
using Jaya algorithm
74. Mahavir Singh, 2019 Thin-wall micromachining of Ti- Journal of the Brazilian Society of
Amandeep Singh, J. 6Al-4V using micro-wire Mechanical Sciences and
Ramkumar electrical discharge machining Engineering, 41:338,
75. Ramendra Singh 2019 Experimental Investigation of Advances in Fluid and Thermal
Niranjan, Onkar Singh, J Forced Convection on Square Engineering
Ramkumar Micro-Pin Fins 117-126
List of peer reviewed conference publications in last 5 years:
1. Sachin Singh, M. Ravi 2014 Modeling of Finishing Forces and 5th International and 26th All India
Sankar,V. K. Jain and J. Surface Roughness in Abrasive Flow Manufacturing Technology, Design
Ramkumar Finishing (AFF) Process Using and Research Conference, IIT
Rheological Properties Guwahati, Dec 2014
2. T. V. K. Gupta, J. 2014 Application of Grey Relational 5th International and 26th All India
Ramkumar, Puneet Analysis for Geometrical Manufacturing Technology, Design
Tandon and N. S. Vyas Characteristics in Abrasive Water Jet and Research Conference, IIT
Milled Channels Guwahati, Dec 2014
3. J.M. Jafferson, P. 2014 Effect of Layer Thickness in Micro 5th International and 26th All India
Hariharan and J. Ram Electric Discharge Milling: An Manufacturing Technology, Design
Kumar Experimental Investigation and Research Conference, IIT
Guwahati, Dec 2014
4. Syed Nadeem Akhtar, 2014 Fabrication of micro lens array by 5th International and 26th All India
Shashank Sharma and excimer laser micromachining Manufacturing Technology, Design
J. Ramkumar and Research Conference, IIT
Guwahati, Dec 2014
5. Gupta, T.V.K., 2014 “State of the art on Abrasive Water ICMMM 2014 International
Ramkumar J., Puneet Jet milling: Challenges ahead” Colloquium on Materials,
Tandon and Vyas, N.S. Manufacturing and Metrology, August
8-9, 2014, IIT Madras. Ref No.
6. J. Ramkumar, Syed 2015 Large area texturing of metal 3rd International Conference on Laser
Nadeem Akhtar and S. surfaces and Plasma Applications in Materials
A. Ramakrishna Science, Jan 2015, Kolkata.
7. Leeladhar Nagdeve, V. 2015 Nano-finishing of International conference on
K. Jain and J. freeform/Sculptured surfaces: A Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano
Ramkumar review Engineering (COPEN9)
8. S. Sharma, S. N. 2015 A study on hydrodynamics of melt Proceedings of COMSOL
Akhtar, , Y. Pachaury & expulsion in Nd:YAG laser drilling of CONFERENCE
J. Ramkumar titanium
9. S. Sharma, S. N. 2015 A study on millisecond underwater proceedings of COPEN’15
Akhtar, , Y. Pachaury & laser ablation of thin titanium
J. Ramkumar sheets,
10. Vishal Kumar, J. 2015 Experimental Investigations on International Conference on
Ramkumar, R. K. Gupta Micro-hole EDM Drilling in γ-TiAl Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano
Engineering (COPEN-9)
11. Leeladhar Nagdeve, V. 2016 Experimental Investigations into joint18th CIRP International
K. Jain and J. nano-finishing of freeform surfaces conference on Electro Physical and
Ramkumar using negative replica of the knee Chemical Machining (ISEM XVIII)
joint (Accepted)
12. Divyansh Patel, V. K. 2016 Preliminary study of effect of surface International conference on
Jain, J. Ramkumar, texturing on hypodermic needles nanotechnology for better living
Ankit Shrivastava (Accepted)
13. Hitendra Kumar, J. 2016 Micro/Nano Surface texture International conference on
Ramkumar, K. S. evaluation by reconstruction from nanotechnology for better living
Venkatesh images using approximated BRDF (Accepted)
14. Abhilasha Singh, 2016 Micro-channels fabrication through International conference on
Divyansh Patel, J. pulsed Nd:YAG laser on Ti6Al4V nanotechnology for better living
Ramkumar, K. Balani (Accepted)
15. Vishal Kumar, J. 2016 Optimization Study of Electric International conference on
Ramkumar, R. K. Gupta Discharge Trepanning Process on nanotechnology for better living
CP70 (Accepted)
16. Prashnath K, Divyansh 2016 Finite element analysis for shape International conference on
Patel, V. K. Jain, J. prediction of micro-dimples nanotechnology for better living
Ramkumar produced through ECMM (Accepted)
17. G. Parameswari 2016 Magneto rheological finishing of Ti- International conference on
Guides: Dr.V. K . Jain, 4Al-6V disc nanotechnology for better living
Dr. J Ramkumar (Accepted)
18. J. Torres, F. Islam, B. 2014 The effect of design parameters on SAMPE 2014 Conference, Seattle,
Crawford, L. Bichler, the quality of open molded fiber USA
A.S. Milani reinforced composites with sharp
19. F. Islam, J. Ramkumar, 2015 Prediction and quantification of International conf. on manufacturing
A.S. Milani damage during milling of of advanced composites (ICMAC
unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced 2015), June 24-25, Bristol, UK
plastics (CFRPs)
20. A.S. Milani, D. Frey, R. 2016 A roadmap to account for potential (2016) 31st ASC Technical
Seethaler, J. uncertainties in non-destructive Conference and ASTM D30 Meeting,
Ramkumar, B. testing during structural health September 19-22, Williamsburg, USA
Crawford, H. Teimouri, monitoring of composites
F. Islam, P. Pal
21. G.Parameswari, 2016 Development of nano finishing Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on
V.K.Jain, J. Ramkumar technique for flat and curved plates Nanotechnology for Better Living,
22. G. Parameswari, 2016 Experimental investigations into Conference AIMTDR 2016
V.K.Jain, J. Ramkumar nano finishing technique for flat ti-
6al-4v disc
23. Sharma, S., Akhtar, S. 2016 A study on hydrodynamics of melt Proceedings of COMSOL
N., Pachaury, Y., & expulsion in Nd:YAG laser drilling of CONFERENCE 2015, Pune India
Ramkumar, J. (2015) titanium
24. Sharma, S., Akhtar, S. 2015 A study on millisecond underwater proceedings of COPEN15 IIT Bombay.
N., & Ramkumar, J. laser ablation of thin titanium sheets
25. Ajay Vardhaman B.S, 2014 Tool wear assessment in turning AISI International Colloquium on
DurweshJhodkar, J. 1040 steel using cutting force Materials, Manufacturing and
Ramkumar, M. signature analysis Metrology (ICMMM-14), IIT Madras.
Amarnath, H. 2014
26. Ajay Vardhaman B.S, 2015 Examining the Role of Cutting Fluids Institute of Engineers (IIE
DurweshJhodkar, J. in Machining AISI 1040 Steel Using Conferences), London (UK),2015.
Ramkumar, M. Tungsten Carbide Insert under
Amarnath, H. Minimal Quantity Lubrication
Chelladura Condition
27. Gaganpreet Singh, 2016 Feasibility study of micromachining Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on
Shashank Sharma, of silicon wafer with excimer Laser Nanotechnology for Better Living,
Kartar Singh and J. using COMSOL multiphysics 2016
28. Abhilasha Singh, 2016 Viscosity Affecting Wettability of AIMTDR 2016,College of Engineering
Divyansh Patel, J. Laser Textured Surfaces Pune
Ramkumar, Kantesh
29. Mahavir Singh, V.K. 2016 Experimental Investigations into AIMTDR 2016,College of Engineering
Jain and J. Ramkumar Turbulated Holes using Shaped Tube Pune
Electrochemical Machining
30. Vyom Sharma, V.K. Jain 2016 Experimental Analysis of Wire AIMTDR 2016,College of Engineering
and J. Ramkumar Electrochemical Machining Process Pune
31. Gaganpreet Singh,J. 2017 Micromachining of Silicon using Proceedings of 10th international
Ramkumar, S. Anantha Excimer laser for MEMS applications conference on Precision,Meso,Micro
Ramakrishnan and Nano Engineering (COPEN 10)
32. Y.K. Penke, G. 2017 Redox active Mn-Al-Fe ternary metal 5th Nano Today Conference,
Anantharaman, J. oxide Nano adsorbent for Arsenic December 6-10, 2017 (Hawaii, USA)
Ramkumar, K.K. Kar Remediaion and Mitigation by
Significant As (0) formation behavior
33. B.S. Ajay Vardhaman, 2017 Experimental investigation on the International Conference on
M. Amarnath, J. tribological behaviour of nano boric Manufacturing Technology and
Ramkumar acid and FMWCNTs as oil additives Simulation (ICMTS), IIT Madras 2017
on bronze alloy surface
34. T. U. Siddiqui, J. 2017 Micro-wire electric discharge ICEMS 2017
Ramkumar machining of Mg alloy used in
biodegradable orthopaedic implants
35. Singh, A., Philip, D., 2017 A review on work environment quality IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian
Ramkumar, J. in shop floor: Impact of aerosols Technology Conference, R10-HTC
2017: Proceedings
36. Singh, A., Singh, S., 2017 A review on NIOSH lifting equation IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian
Philip, D., Ramkumar, applicability Technology Conference, R10-HTC
J. 2017: Proceedings
37. H. Sheokand, G. Singh, 2018 An Optically Transparent Microwave National Conference on
S. Ghosh, M. Saikia, Broadband Absorber using Resistive Communication
K.V. Srivastava, J. Sheet
Ramkumar, S. Anantha
38. Mahavir Singh,Devesh 2018 Numerical Simulation of the Micro- Annual Technical Volume of
Kumar Chaubey, J. EDM Process using Multi-Spark Production Engg. Division Board: The
Ramkumar Approach Institute of Engineers (India), Vol.III
39. Sudha Malik, Mondeep 2019 Design of Broadband Microwave 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio
Saikia, Gaganpreet Absorber with 20 dB Absorption Science Conference (AP-RASC)
Singh, J Ramkumar, S Bandwidth Pages 1-4
Anantha Ramakrishna,
Kumar Vaibhav
Details and status of patents filed/accepted and commercialized(International, National):