Poedts MHD Theory PDF
Poedts MHD Theory PDF
Poedts MHD Theory PDF
Stefaan Poedts
Centre for Plasma-Astrophysics, K.U.Leuven (Belgium)
based on
by J.P. Goedbloed & S. Poedts (Cambridge University Press, 2004)
by J.P. Goedbloed, R. Keppens & S. Poedts (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
USO School "Solar Magnetism" @ Dwingeloo, 30 June 2009 intro-2
0. Brief introduction [ book: Chap. 1 ]
plasma: definitions, occurrence, conditions, different descriptions
1. Elements of plasma physics [ book: Chap. 2 ]
plasma: definitions, occurrence, conditions, different descriptions
2. The MHD model [ book: Chap. 4 ]
laboratory and astrophysical plasmas from one point of view
3. Linear MHD waves & instabilities [ book: Chap. 5 ]
waves in homogeneous plasmas, phase and group diagrams
4. Waves & instabilities in inhomogeneous plasmas [ book: Chap. 7 ]
waves inhomogeneous plasmas, MHD spectrum (continuous spectra)
5. Magnetic structures and dynamics [ book: Chap. 8 ]
solar and planetary magnetic structures, solar wind, space weather
USO School "Solar Magnetism" @ Dwingeloo, 30 June 2009 intro-3
Other literature
Introductory plasma physics:
• F.C. Chen, Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (1984).
• J.A. Bittencourt, Fundamentals of Plasma Physics (1986).
• J.P. Freidberg, Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics (1987).
• J.P. Goedbloed and S. Poedts, Principles of Magnetohydrodynamics (2004).
www.rijnh.nl/users/goedbloed (ErrataPrMHD.pdf)
• M. Goossens, An introduction to plasma astrophysics and magnetohydrodynamics
Plasma astrophysics:
• E.R. Priest, Solar Magnetohydrodynamics (1984).
• C.J. Schrijver and C. Zwaan, Solar and Stellar Magnetic Activity (2000).
• A.R. Choudhuri, The Physics of Fluids and Plasmas, intro for Astrophysicists (1998).
USO School "Solar Magnetism" @ Dwingeloo, 30 June 2009 0-1
Brief introduction
• Theory of motion of single charged particles in given magnetic and electric fields;
[ book: Sec. 2.2 ]
Nuclear forces
quarks / leptons
nuclei (+) / electrons (−) 10−15 m
Electrostatic forces
atoms / molecules 10−9 m
(ordinary matter: electrically neutral)
stars / solar system 109 /1013 m
galaxies / clusters 1020 /1023 m
universe 1026 m
However, ...
Introduction: Astrophysical plasmas (2) 0-4
The universe does not consist of ordinary matter
• Spherical symmetry of atomic physics and gravity (central forces) not present on the
plasma scale:
∇ · B = 0 is not compatible with spherical symmetry
(example: solar flares).
Introduction: Astrophysical plasmas (3) 0-5
Example: The Sun
a magnetized plasma!
Introduction: Astrophysical plasmas (4) 0-6
Example: Coronal loops (cont’d)
Example: Stellar wind outflow (simulation)
• Axisymmetric magnetized
wind with a ‘wind’ and a
‘dead’ zone
[ Keppens & Goedbloed,
Ap. J. 530, 1036 (2000) ]
Introduction: Astrophysical plasmas (6) 0-8*
Example: Polar lights
Example: Accretion disk and jets (YSO)
Example: Accretion disk and jets (AGN)
Example: Accretion disk and jets (simulation)
Crude definition:
Microscopic definition:
Plasma is a quasi-neutral gas of charged and neutral particles which exhibits collective
behaviour (cf. Chen).
(a) Long-range collective interactions dominate over binary collisions with neutrals
(b) Length scales large enough that quasi-neutrality (ne ≈ Zni ) holds
(c) Sufficiently many particles in a Debye sphere (statistics)
Introduction: Definitions of plasma (2) 0-13
Collective behavior
ND = 1
1 1032
(a) τ ≪ τn ≡ core sun
nnσvth λD = 10- 8 m
tokamak: λD = 7×10−5 m λD = 1 m
corona sun
corona: λD = 0.07 m ; N D = 1016
(c) ND ≡ 43 πλ3D n ≫ 1
Introduction: Definitions of plasma (3) 0-14
Macroscopic definition:
⇒ MHD ≡ magnetohydrodynamics
Elements of plasma physics: Overview 1-1
• Theory of motion of single charged particles in given magnetic and electric fields;
[ book: Sec. 2.2 ]
Cyclotron motion
• Equation of motion of charged particle in
given E(r, t) and B(r, t):
m = q(E + v × B) . (1)
dt Ri
• Apply to constant B = Bez and E = 0 :
ẍ − (qB/m) ẏ = 0 ,
ÿ + (qB/m) ẋ = 0 .
⇒ periodic motion about a fixed point x = xc, y = yc (the guiding centre).
This yields periodic motion in a magnetic field, with gyro- (cyclotron) frequency
Ω≡ (3)
and cyclotron (gyro-)radius
v⊥ 2mkT
R≡ ≈ . (4)
Ω |q|B
⇒ Effectively, charged particles stick to the field lines.
Elements of plasma physics: Single particle motion (2) 1-3
Cyclotron motion (cont’d)
Orders of magnitude
• Typical gyro-frequencies, e.g. for tokamak plasma ( B = 3 T ):
Ωe = 5.3 × 1011 rad s−1 ( frequency of 84 GHz ) ,
Ωi = 2.9 × 108 rad s−1 ( frequency of 46 MHz ) .
• Gyro-radii, with v⊥ = vth ≡ 2kT /m for Te = Ti = 1.16 × 108 K :
vth,e = 5.9 × 107 m s−1 ⇒ Re = 1.1 × 10−4 m ≈ 0.1 mm ,
vth,i = 1.4 × 106 m s−1 ⇒ Ri = 4.9 × 10−3 m ≈ 5 mm .
⇒ Tokamak time scales (∼ 1 s) and dimensions (∼ 1 m) justify averaging.
vd = 2
, (6) -- (x)
B B vd
independent of the charge, so that elec-
trons and ions drift in same direction! (z)
Elements of plasma physics: Single particle motion (4) 1-5
Mirror effect
a b
z J1 : gyration
r J2 : bouncing J3 : drift
S W Example: Charged particles
trapped in the magnetosphere
φ (Van Allen belts).
Elements of plasma physics: Kinetic theory (1) 1-6
Distribution functions
Boltzmann equation
• One such expression is the Landau collision integral (1936). Neglect of the collisions
(surprisingly often justified!) leads to the Vlasov equation (1938).
Elements of plasma physics: Kinetic theory (3) 1-8
Completing the system
• Solving such kinetic equations in seven dimensions (with the details of the single
particle motions entering the collision integrals!) is a formidable problem
⇒ look for macroscopic reduction!
Elements of plasma physics: Kinetic theory (4) 1-9
Moment reduction
• E.g., the zeroth moment of the Boltzmann equation contains the terms:
∂fα 3 ∂nα ∂fα 3
dv= , v· d v = ∇ · (nαuα) ,
Z ∂t ∂t ∂r Z
qα ∂fα 3
(E + v × B) · d v = 0, Cα d3 v = 0 .
mα ∂v
Adding them yields the continuity equation for particles of species α:
+ ∇ · (nαuα) = 0 . (12)
Elements of plasma physics: Kinetic theory (5) 1-10
Moment reduction (cont’d)
• The first moment of the Boltzmann equation yields the momentum equation:
(nαmα uα) + ∇ · (nαmα hvviα) − qαnα(E + uα × B) = Cαβ mα v d3v . (13)
• The scalar second moment of Boltzmann Eq. yields the energy equation:
(nα 21 mαhv 2iα) + ∇ · (nα 21 mα hv 2viα) − qαnαE · uα = Cαβ 12 mα v 2 d3v . (14)
• This chain of moment equations can be continued indefinitely. Each moment intro-
duces a new unknown whose temporal evolution is described by the next moment of
the Boltzmann equation. The infinite chain must be truncated to be useful. In fluid
theories truncation is just after the above five moments: continuity (scalar), momentum
(vector), and energy equation (scalar).
Elements of plasma physics: Fluid description (1) 1-11
From kinetic theory to fluid description
In summary:
Kinetic theory
frequent collisions
Two-fluid theory
large scales
Diss. MHD ⇒ slow dissipation ⇒ Ideal MHD
Elements of plasma physics: Fluid description (3) 1-13
Resistive MHD equations
• Define one-fluid variables that are linear combinations of the two-fluid variables:
ρ ≡ neme + nimi , (total mass density) (18)
τ ≡ −e (ne − Zni) , (charge density) (19)
v ≡ (nemeue + nimiui)/ρ , (center of mass velocity) (20)
j ≡ −e (neue − Zniui) , (current density) (21)
p ≡ pe + pi . (pressure) (22)
• Operate on pairs of the two-fluid equations
• Evolution expressions for τ and j disappear by exploiting:
|ne − Zni| ≪ ne , (quasi charge-neutrality) (23)
|ui − ue| ≪ v , (small relative velocity of ions & electrons) (24)
v ≪ c. (non-relativistic speeds) (25)
Elements of plasma physics: Fluid description (4) 1-14
Resistive MHD equations (cont’d)
Combining one-fluid moment equations thus obtained with pre-Maxwell equations (drop-
ping displacement current and Poisson’s equation) results in resistive MHD equations:
+ ∇ · (ρv) = 0 , (continuity) (26)
ρ( + v · ∇v) + ∇p − j × B = 0 , (momentum) (27)
+ v · ∇p + γp∇ · v = (γ − 1)η|j|2 , (internal energy) (28)
+ ∇ × E = 0, (Faraday) (29)
j = µ−1
0 ∇ × B, (Ampère) (30)
E′ ≡ E + v × B = η j , (Ohm) (31)
∇·B=0 (no magnetic monopoles) (32)
is initial condition on Faraday’s law.
Elements of plasma physics: Fluid description (5) 1-15
Ideal MHD equations
• The ideal MHD equations: postulating the basic equations, scale independence,
what is a physical model?; [ book: Sec. 4.1 ]
• Magnetic flux: flux tubes, global magnetic flux conservation; [ book: Sec. 4.2 ]
• Discontinuities: shocks and jump conditions, boundary conditions for interface plas-
mas; [ book: Sec. 4.5 ]
Postulating the basic equations
In the second approach, since the MHD equations describe the motion of a conducting
fluid interacting with a magnetic field, we need to combine Maxwell’s equations with the
equations of gas dynamics and provide equations describing the interaction.
The MHD model: The ideal MHD equations (2) 2-3
• Maxwell’s equations describe evolution of electric field E(r, t) and magnetic field
B(r, t) in response to current density j(r, t) and space charge τ (r, t):
∇×E = − , (Faraday) (1)
1 ∂E
∇ × B = µ0j + 2 , c ≡ (ǫ0µ0 )−1/2 , (‘Ampère’) (2)
c ∂t
∇·E = , (Poisson) (3)
∇ · B = 0. (no monopoles) (4)
• Gas dynamics equations describe evolution of density ρ(r, t) and pressure p(r, t):
Dρ ∂ρ
+ ρ∇ · v ≡ + ∇ · (ρv) = 0 , (mass conservation) (5)
Dt ∂t
Dp ∂p
+ γp∇ · v ≡ + v · ∇p + γp∇ · v = 0 , (entropy conservation) (6)
Dt ∂t
D ∂
≡ +v·∇
Dt ∂t
is the Lagrangian time-derivative (moving with the fluid).
The MHD model: The ideal MHD equations (3) 2-4
Consequences of pre-Maxwell
Basic equations of ideal MHD
• Exploiting these approximations, and eliminating E and j through Eqs. (10) and (11),
the basic equations of ideal MHD are recovered in their most compact form:
+ ∇ · (ρv) = 0 , (12)
∂v 1
ρ( + v · ∇v) + ∇p − ρg − (∇ × B) × B = 0 , (13)
∂t µ0
+ v · ∇p + γp∇ · v = 0 , (14)
− ∇ × (v × B) = 0 , ∇ · B = 0. (15)
⇒ Set of eight nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) for the eight variables
ρ(r, t), v(r, t), p(r, t), and B(r, t).
• The magnetic field equation (15)(b) is to be considered as a initial condition: once
satisfied, it remains satisfied for all later times by virtue of Eq. (15)(a).
The MHD model: The ideal MHD equations (6) 2-7
Thermodynamic variables
Scale independence
• The MHD equations (12)–(15) can be made dimensionless by means of a choice for
the units of length, mass, and time, based on typical magnitudes l0 for length scale,
ρ0 for plasma density, and B0 for magnetic field at some representative position. The
unit of time then follows by exploiting the Alfvén speed:
B0 l0
v0 ≡ vA,0 ≡ √ ⇒ t0 ≡ . (22)
µ0ρ0 v0
• By means of this basic triplet l0, B0, t0 (and derived quantities ρ0 and v0), we create
dimensionless independent variables and associated differential operators:
l¯ ≡ l/l0 , t̄ ≡ t/t0 ⇒ ¯ ≡ l0∇ ,
∇ ∂/∂ t̄ ≡ t0 ∂/∂t , (23)
and dimensionless dependent variables:
ρ̄ ≡ ρ/ρ0 , v̄ ≡ v/v0 , p̄ ≡ p/(ρ0v02) , B̄ ≡ B/B0 , ḡ ≡ (l0/v02) g . (24)
• Barred equations are now identical to unbarred ones (except that µ0 is eliminated).
⇒ Ideal MHD equations independent of size of the plasma (l0), magnitude of the
magnetic field (B0), and density (ρ0), i.e. time scale (t0).
The MHD model: The ideal MHD equations (9) 2-10
Scales of actual plasmas
tokamak 20 3 3 × 10−6
magnetosphere Earth 4 × 107 3 × 10−5 6
solar coronal loop 108 3 × 10−2 15
magnetosphere neutron star 106 108 ∗ 10−2
accretion disc YSO 1.5 × 109 10−4 7 × 105
accretion disc AGN 4 × 1018 10−4 2 × 1012
galactic plasma 1021 10−8 1015
(= 105 ly) (= 3 × 107 y)
A crucial question:
Do the MHD equations (12)–(15) provide a complete model for plasma dynamics?
Answer: NO!
Two most essential elements of a scientific model are still missing, viz.
1. What is the physical problem we want to solve?
2. How does this translate into conditions on the solutions of the PDEs?
This brings in the space and time constraints of the boundary conditions and initial data.
Initial data just amount to prescribing arbitrary functions
ρi(r) [ ≡ ρ(r, t = 0) ] , vi(r) , pi(r) , Bi(r) on domain of interest . (25)
Boundary conditions is a much more involved issue since it implies specification of a
magnetic confinement geometry.
⇒ magnetic flux tubes (Sec.4.2), conservation laws (Sec.4.3), discontinuities (Sec.4.4),
formulation of model problems for laboratory and astrophysical plasmas (Sec.4.5).
The MHD model: Magnetic flux (1) 2-12
Flux tubes
• Magnetic flux tubes are the basic magnetic structures that determine which boundary
conditions may be posed on the MHD equations.
a b
Flux tubes (cont’d)
Magnetic flux of all field lines through surface element dσ1 is the same as through
arbitrary other element dσ2 intersecting that field line bundle.
⇒ Ψ≡ B · n dσ is well defined (27)
(does not depend on how S is taken). Also true for smaller subdividing flux tubes!
The MHD model: Conservation laws (1) 2-14
⇒ used to obtain local and global conservation laws and shock conditions and also in
numerical techniques (FVM)
• Remark: this is the differential form of the conservation law ⇒ derived from the
integral form (even more general):
The MHD model: Conservation laws (2) 2-14b
Derivation of differential from integral form
Z x2 Z t2
∂u ∂f
+ dxdt = 0
x1 t1 ∂t ∂x
∂u ∂f
• must hold for all x1, x2, t1, and t2 ⇒ + =0
∂t ∂x
The MHD model: Conservation laws (3) 2-15
Conservation form of the MHD equations
• Defining
– momentum density: π ≡ ρv , (33)
– stress tensor : T ≡ ρvv + (p + 12 B 2) I − BB , (34)
– total energy density: H ≡ 21 ρv 2 + γ−1
p + 12 B 2 , (35)
– energy flow: U ≡ ( 21 ρv 2 + γ−1 p)v + B 2v − v · B B , (36)
– (no name): Y ≡ vB − Bv , (37)
+∇·π =0 (conservation of mass), (38)
+∇·T=0 (conservation of momentum), (39)
+∇·U=0 (conservation of energy), (40)
+∇·Y =0 (conservation of magnetic flux). (41)
The MHD model: Conservation laws: with gravity 2-17
Conservation laws, gravity included
⇒ Total mass, momentum, energy, and flux conserved: the system is closed!
The MHD model: Conservation laws (4) 2-18b
• Berger (1984): ‘relative helicity’ = the difference in helicities between a given field
and the potential field with the same boundary conditions
HR ≡ A · B dV − Ap · Bp dV
⇒ is also conserved in ideal MHD:
= −2 (Ap · v)B · n dS + 2 (Ap · B)v · n dS
dt | S {z } | S {z }
shear and twist flux emergence/disappearence
The MHD model: Conservation laws (5) 2-18c
with ∇ · B = 0
⇒ conserved quantities (in ‘closed’ systems):
– total mass: M ≡ V ρ dV
– total momentum: Π ≡ V ρv dV
R ρv2 B2
– total energy: H ≡ V 2 + ρe + 2 dV
The MHD model: Conservation laws (6) 2-18d
• magnetic flux, magnetic helicity, and entropy are not conserved in resistive MHD
⇒ can diffuse, change due to magnetic reconnection,. . .
⇒ the dissipation rate of these quantities is limited by the diffusion time scale
µ0 l0vA
• Lundquist number: Lu ≡ ≫1
– used for study of instabilities which also occur in static plasmas
Rm V0
⇒ Alfvén Mach number: = MA ≡
Lu vA
The MHD model: Conservation laws (7) 2-18e
Jump conditions
Shock formation
2 1
shocked unshocked
Shock formation (cont’d)
• Without the non-ideal and nonlinear effects, the characteristics would cross (a).
With those effects, in the limit δ → 0, the characteristics meet at the shock front (b).
t t
a b
x x
Procedure to derive the jump conditions
• Hence, jump conditions follow from the conservation laws by simply substituting
∇f → n [ f ] , ∂f /∂t → −u [ f ] . (56)
The MHD model: Discontinuities (5) 2-23
⇒ MHD jump conditions
• Conservation of mass,
+ ∇ · (ρv) = 0 ⇒ −u [ ρ]] + n · [ ρv]] = 0 . (57)
• Conservation of momentum,
(ρv) + ∇ · [ ρvv + (p + 21 B 2) I − BB ] = 0
⇒ −u [ ρv]] + n · [ ρvv + (p + 12 B 2) I − BB]] = 0 . (58)
• Conservation ot total energy,
∂ 1 2
( 2 ρv + ρe + 12 B 2) + ∇ · [( 12 ρv 2 + ρe + p + B 2)v − v · BB] = 0
⇒ −u [ 12 ρv 2 + γ−1 p + 21 B 2] + n · [ ( 12 ρv 2 + γ−1 p + B 2)v − v · BB]] = 0 . (59)
• Conservation of magnetic flux,
+ ∇ · (vB − Bv) = 0 , ∇·B=0
⇒ −u [ B]] + n · [ vB − Bv]] = 0 , n · [ B]] = 0 . (60)
The MHD model: Discontinuities (6) 2-24
MHD jump conditions in the shock frame
⇒ Two classes of discontinuities:
(1) Boundary conditions for moving plasma-plasma interfaces, where there is no flow
accross the discontinuity (vn′ = 0) ⇒ will continue with this here.
(2) Jump conditions for shocks (vn′ 6= 0) ⇒ leave for advanced MHD lectures.
BCs at co-moving interfaces
(a) Contact discontinuities
(b) Tangential discontinuities
• For co-moving interfaces with purely tangential magnetic field, Bn = 0 , the jump
conditions (68)–(72) are much less restrictive:
– jumping: [ ρ]] 6= 0 , [ vt′ ] 6= 0 , [ p]] 6= 0 , [ Bt] 6= 0 ,
– continuous: vn′ = 0 , Bn = 0 , [ p + 12 Bt2] = 0 .
Examples: tokamak plasma separated from wall by tenuous plasma (or ‘vacuum’),
dayside magnetosphere where IMF meets Earth’s dipole.
• Plasma–plasma interface BCs by transforming back to lab frame, vn − u ≡ vn′ = 0 :
n·B=0 (B k interface) , (75)
n · [ v]] = 0 (normal velocity continuous) , (76)
[ p + 21 B 2] = 0 (total pressure continuous) . (77)
• Jumps tangential components, [ Bt] & [ vt] , due to surface current & surface vorticity:
j=∇×B ⇒ j⋆ ≡ lim δ→0, |j|→∞ (δ j) = n × [ B]] , (78)
ω ≡∇×v ⇒ ω ⋆ ≡ lim δ→0, |ω|→∞ (δ ω) = n × [ v]] . (79)
The MHD model: Model problems (1) 2-28
Model problems
• For example, recall two generic magnetic structures: (a) tokamak; (b) coronal loop.
a b
• Generalize this to six model problems, separated in two classes:
⇒ Models I–III (laboratory plasmas) with tangential discontinuities;
⇒ Models IV–VI (astrophysical plasmas) with contact discontinuities.
The MHD model: Model problems (2) 2-29
Laboratory plasmas (models I–III)
a b c
n n
ϕ ϕ ϕ
Model I: plasma confined inside rigid wall
• Most widely used simplification: cylindrical version (1D) with symmetry in θ and z .
⇒ Non-trivial problem only in the radial direction, therefore: one-dimensional.
The MHD model: Model problems (4) 2-31**
Model II: plasma-vacuum system inside rigid wall
• Model II: as I, but plasma separated from wall by vacuum (tokamak with a ‘limiter’).
⇒ Plasma–vacuum–wall, wall now perfectly conducting (since vacuum in front).
• Vacuum has no density, velocity, current, only B̂ ⇒ pre-Maxwell dynamics:
∇ × B̂ = 0 , ∇ · B̂ = 0 , (82)
∂ B̂
∇ × Ê = − , ∇ · Ê = 0 . (83)
BC at exterior interface (only on B̂ , consistent with Êt = 0 ):
Model II*: plasma-plasma system inside rigid wall
• Variant of Model II with vacuum replaced by tenuous plasma (negligible density, with
or without current), where again the impenetrable wall needs not be conducting.
⇒ Applicable to tokamaks to incorporate effects of outer plasma.
⇒ Also for astrophysical plasmas (coronal loops) where ‘wall’ is assumed far away.
• BCs at exterior interface for outer plasma:
n · B̂ = 0 (at the wall) ,
n · v̂ = 0 (at the wall) .
• BCs at interior interface for tangential plasma-plasma discontinuity:
n · B = n · B̂ = 0 (at plasma–plasma interface) ,
n · [ v]] = 0 (at plasma–plasma interface) ,
Model III: plasma-vacuum system with external currents
• Model III is an open plasma–vacuum configuration excited by magnetic fields B̂(t) that
are externally created by a coil (antenna) with skin current.
⇒ Open system: forced oscillations pump energy into the plasma.
⇒ Applications in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas: original creation of the
confining magnetic fields and excitation of MHD waves.
• Magnetic field outside coil subject to exterior BC (84) at wall (possibly moved to ∞),
combined with plasma-vacuum interface conditions (85) and (86):
Astrophysical plasmas (models IV–VI)
a b c
θ θ
model IV model V
closed loop open loop
a b
model VI
line stellar wind
pl. pl.
line line
tying tying
The MHD model: Model problems (9) 2-35
Model IV: ‘closed’ coronal magnetic loop
• In model IV, the field lines of finite plasma column (coronal loop) are line-tied on both
sides to plasma of such high density (photosphere) that it is effectively immobile.
⇒ Line-tying boundary conditions:
v = 0 (at photospheric end planes) . (90)
⇒ Applies to waves in solar coronal flux tubes, no back-reaction on photosphere:
Model V: open coronal magnetic loop
• In model V, the magnetic field lines of a semi-infinite plasma column are line-tied on
one side to a massive plasma.
⇒ Line-tying boundary condition:
v = 0 (at photospheric end plane) .
⇒ Applies to dynamics in coronal holes, where (fast) solar wind escapes freely:
• In model VI, a plasma is ejected from photosphere of a star and accelerated along the
open magnetic field lines into outer space.
⇒ Combines closed & open loops (models IV & V), line-tied at dense photosphere,
but stress on outflow rather than waves (requires more advanced discussion).
• MagnetohydraSTATICS
• Physics and accounting: use example of sound waves to illustrate method of lin-
earization and counting of variables and solutions; [ book: Sec. 5.1 ]
• MHD waves: different representations and reductions of the linearized MHD equations,
obtaining the three main waves, dispersion diagrams; [ book: Sec. 5.2 ]
• Phase and group diagrams: propagation of plane waves and wave packets, asymp-
totic properties of the three MHD waves; [ book: Sec. 5.3 ]
• static equilibrium configurations can be found by assuming no time dependence and
by putting the velocity equal to zero in the MHD equations:
ρ = ρ0(r), e = e0(r), B = B0(r), v0 ≡ 0
Sound waves
Wave equation
• Equation for ρ1 does not couple to the other equations: drop. Remaining equations
give wave equation for sound waves:
∂ 2v1 2
− c ∇∇ · v1 = 0 , (8)
where p
c ≡ γp0 /ρ0 (9)
is the velocity of sound of the background medium.
• Plane wave solutions X
v1(r, t) = v̂k ei(k·r−ωt) (10)
MHD waves
• Similar analysis for MHD in terms of ρ , v , e ≡ γ−1 p/ρ , and B :
+ ∇ · (ρv) = 0 , (15)
ρ + ρv · ∇v + (γ − 1)∇(ρe) + (∇B) · B − B · ∇B = 0 , (16)
+ v · ∇e + (γ − 1)e∇ · v = 0 , (17)
+ v · ∇B + B∇ · v − B · ∇v = 0 , ∇ · B = 0, (18)
• Linearise about plasma at rest, v0 = 0 , ρ0 , e0 , B0 = const :
+ ρ0∇ · v1 = 0 , (19)
ρ0 + (γ − 1)(e0∇ρ1 + ρ0∇e1 ) + (∇B1) · B0 − B0 · ∇B1 = 0 , (20)
+ (γ − 1)e0∇ · v1 = 0 , (21)
+ B0∇ · v1 − B0 · ∇v1 = 0 , ∇ · B1 = 0 . (22)
Waves and characteristics: MHD waves (2) 3-6
(bk · − b · k) v̂ = ω B̂ , k · B̂ = 0 .
⇒ Symmetric eigenvalue problem! (The equations for ρ̂ , v̂ , ê , and B̂ appear to know
about each other.) .
• The symmetry of the linearized system is closely related to an analogous property of
the original nonlinear equations: the nonlinear ideal MHD equations are symmetric
hyperbolic partial differential equations.
Waves and characteristics: MHD waves (4) 3-8
Matrix eigenvalue problem
MHD wave equation
MHD wave equation (cont’d)
1) Entropy waves:
ω = ωE ≡ 0 , (37)
v̂ = B̂ = 0 , p̂ = 0 , but ŝ 6= 0 . (38)
⇒ just perturbation of thermodynamic variables.
2) Alfvén waves:
ω 2 = ωA2 ≡ kk2b2 → ω = ±ωA , (39)
(x) (x)
k k
ϑ ϑ
(z) (z)
B0 B0
ω2 ω2
fast 7
2 fast
4 Alfven
slow 1 3 5
k // k⊥
• Note: ω 2(kk = 0) = 0 for Alfvén and slow waves ⇒ potential onset of instability.
• Asymptotics of ω 2(k⊥ → ∞) characterizes local behavior of the three waves:
∂ω/∂k⊥ > 0 , ωf2 → ∞ for fast waves,
∂ω/∂k⊥ = 0 , ωA2 → kk2b2 for Alfvén waves, (44)
2 2
∂ω/∂k⊥ < 0 , 2 2 b c
ωs → kk 2 2 for slow waves.
b +c
Waves and characteristics: Phase and group diagrams (1) 3-14
Phase and group velocity
Wave packet
Wave packet of plane waves satisfying dispersion equation ω = ω(k) :
Z ∞
Ψi(r, t) = Ai(k) ei(k·r−ω(k)t) d3k . (51)
(2π)3/2 −∞
Evolves from initial shape given by Fourier synthesis,
Z ∞
Ψi(r, 0) = Ai(k) eik·r d3k , (52)
(2π)3/2 −∞
where amplitudes Ai(k) are related to initial values Ψi(r, 0) by Fourier analysis,
Z ∞
Ai(k) = Ψi(r, 0) e−ik·r d3r . (53)
(2π)3/2 −∞
MHD: Ψi – perturbations (ρ̃1 ,) ṽ1 (, ẽ1, B̃1); Ai – Fourier amplitudes (ρ̂1 ,) v̂1 (, ê1, B̂1).
Example: Gaussian wave packet of harmonics centered at some wave vector k0 ,
− 12 |(k−k0 )·a|2
Ai(k) = Âi e , (54)
corresponds to initial packet with main harmonic k0 and modulated amplitude centered at
r = 0: Âi 1 2 2 2
Ψi(r, 0) = eik0·r × e− 2 [(x/ax) +(y/ay ) +(z/az ) ] . (55)
ax ay az
Waves and characteristics: Phase and group diagrams (3) 3-16**
Wave packet (cont’d)
For arbitrary wave packet with localized range of wave vectors, we may expand the dis-
persion equation about the central value k0:
ω(k) ≈ ω0 + (k − k0) · , ω0 ≡ ω(k0) . (56)
∂k k0
Inserting this approximation in the expression (51) for the wave packet gives
Z ∞
i(k0·r−ω0 t) 1
Ψi(r, t) ≈ e × Ai(k) ei(k−k0)·(r−(∂ω/∂k)k0t) d3k , (57)
(2π)3/2 −∞
Example: Alfvén waves
a b
-b b
(a) Phase diagram for Alfvén waves is circle ⇒ (b) wavefronts pass through points ±b
⇒(c) those points are the group diagram.
Waves and characteristics: Phase and group diagrams (5) 3-18**
Group diagram: queer behavior
Friedrichs diagrams (schematic)
[ exact diagrams in book: Fig. 5.5,
parameter c/b = 21 γβ , β ≡ 2p/B 2 ]
a b
b2+ c 2 b2+ c 2
f n
s A
b2+ c 2
b c b c
B • • B
slow Alfvén
Alfvén fast fast
v x 0.0 0.0
-1 . 0 -1 . 0 -1 . 0
-2 . 0 -2 . 0 -2 . 0
-1 . 0 0.0 1.0 -1 . 0 0.0 1.0 -1 . 0 0.0 1.0
v z v z v z
( b ) G r o u p d i a g r ams
c/b = 0.8 c/b = 1.0 c/b = 1.2
2.0 2.0 2.0
v x o o 0.0 o o 0.0 o o
• Linear advection equation in one spatial dimension with unknown Ψ(x, t),
∂Ψ ∂Ψ
+u = 0, (59)
∂t ∂x
and given advection velocity u. For u = const, the solution is trivial:
Ψ = f (x − ut) , where f = Ψ0 ≡ Ψ(x, t = 0) . (60)
⇒ Initial data Ψ0 propagate along characteristics: parallel straight lines dx/dt = u .
• For u not constant, characteristics become solutions of the ODEs
= u(x, t) . (61)
Along these curves, solution Ψ(x, t) of (59) is
dΨ ∂Ψ ∂Ψ dx t
≡ + = 0. (62)
dt ∂t ∂x dt
⇒ For given initial data, the solution can be t1
x i.
determined at any time t1 > 0 by constructing
characteristics through suitable set of points.
E.g., Ψ(x′i, t1) = Ψ0(xi) for ‘tent’ function. x i-1 xi x i+1 x
Waves and characteristics: Characteristics (2) 3-22
Application (cont’d)
b 2+c 2
f- A- s- E s+ A+ f+
b 2+c 2 b•c
• • B
• Hydrodynamics of the solar interior: radiative equilibrium model of the Sun, con-
vection zone; [ book: Sec. 7.1 ]
⇒ please read at home!
• Hydrodynamic waves & instabilities of a gravitating slab: HD wave equation,
convective instabilities, gravito-acoustic waves, helioseismology; [ book: Sec. 7.2 ]
⇒ not treated this year
• MHD wave equation for a gravitating magnetized plasma slab: derivation MHD
wave equation for gravitating slab, gravito-MHD waves; [ book: Sec. 7.3 ]
⇒ not treated this year
• Continuous spectrum and spectral structure: singular differential equations, Alfvén
and slow continua, oscillation theorems; [ book: Sec. 7.4 ]
Waves / instab. inhomogeneous plasmas: motivation (1) 4-1
• plasma WAVES and INSTABILITIES play an important role. . .
– in the dynamics of plasma perturbations
– in energy conversion and transport
– in the heating & acceleration of plasma
Fusion plasmas
• interaction of time-varying
solar wind with the geomag-
netic field near the mag-
netopause results in wave
mode conversion
⇒ interaction of time-varying solar wind with the geomagnetic field near the magnetopause
results in resonant wave mode conversion
Waves / instab. inhomogeneous plasmas: motivation (4) 4-4
• Orders of magnitude :
τ ∼ 5 min ⇒ ν ∼ 3 mHz
ṽr < 1km/s ≈ 5 × 10−4R⊙/5 min
⇒ linear theory OK!
• p-modes of low order l penetrate deep in the Sun, high l modes are localized on
outside. g -modes are cavity modes trapped deeper than convection zone and,
hence, quite difficult to observe.
• Frequencies deduced from the Doppler shifts of spectral lines agree with calcu-
lated ones for p-modes to within 0.1% !
Waves / instab. inhomogeneous plasmas: Helioseismology (2b) 4-6b**
Waves / instab. inhomogeneous plasmas: Helioseismology (3) 4-7
Systematics of helioseismology
Ω(r, θ) – diff. rotation
B(r, θ) – magn. field ?
f (t) – stellar evolution Doppler shifts of - {ωl,n }observ.
spectral lines
• Similar activities:
– MHD spectroscopy for laboratory fusion plasmas (Goedbloed et al., 1993),
– Sunspot seismology (Bogdan and Braun, 1995),
– Magneto-seismology of accretion disks (Keppens et al., 2002).
Waves / instab. inhomogeneous plasmas: approaches 4-8
Different approaches
• the system of linear PDEs L· = R · u can be approached in three different
ways (after spatial discretization of L and R):
∂ 2ξ
F(ξ) ≡ −∇π −B×(∇×Q)+(∇×B)×Q+∇Φ ∇·(ρξ) = ρ 2 = −ρω 2ξ , (1)
Finite homogeneous plasma slab
• equilibrium: B0 = B0ez ω2
– with ρ0 , p0 , B0 = const
– enclosed by plates at x = ±a • •
• •
• ω 2
f0 •
• normal modes: ∼ exp(−iω t) • •
• •• •
⇒ eigenvalueproblem • • • • • • • • • •2 • • • • ωA2
ω s0
• plane wave solutions ∼ exp(~k · ~x) • • •
• • • • • •
• • • •
⇒ kx = πa n is quantized • • ω S2
⇒ three MHD waves: FMW, AW, 7 654 321 012 3 4567
SMW Dispersion diagram ω 2 = ω 2 (kx) for ky and kz fixed
Waves / instab. inhomogeneous plasmas: continuous spectrum (2) 4-12
• eigenfunctions: • eigenfunctions:
(x) (x)
BA k
ϑ ϑ
B0 B0
(y) Bs,f
Waves / instab. inhomogeneous plasmas: continuous spectrum (3) 4-13
b ω2
ω 2
• • fast
• •
• ω f0
• • •
• • ••
• • • • • • • • • •2 • • • • ωA2 ω A2 Alfvén
ω s0
• • •
• • • • • •
• • • • slow
• • ω S2 ω S2
7 654 321 012 3 4567
(a) Dispersion diagram ω 2 = ω 2 (kx) for ky and kz fixed; (b) Corresponding structure of the spectrum.
• three MHD waves exhibit a strong anisotropy depending on the direction of the wave
vector k with respect to the magnetic field B0
a b
b2+ c 2 b2+ c 2
f n
s A
b2+ c 2
b c b c
B • • B
slow Alfvén
Alfvén fast fast
Friedrichs diagrams: Schematic representation of (a) reciprocal normal surface (or phase diagram) and (b) ray
surface (or group diagram) of the MHD waves (b < c).
Waves / instab. inhomogeneous plasmas: continuous spectrum (6) 4-16
Finite inhomogeneous plasma slab
• the coefficient factor N/D of the ODE plays an important role in the analysis
⇒ may be written in terms of the four ω 2’s introduced for homogeneous plasmas:
2 2 2 2
N 2 2 [ ω − ωA (x) ] [ ω − ωS (x) ]
= ρ(b + c ) 2 2 (x) ] [ ω 2 − ω 2 (x) ]
D [ ω − ωs0 f0
b2c2 γp
ωA2 (x) 2 2 2
≡ f b ≡ F /ρ , ωS2 (x)
≡f 2 2
≡ F 2
/ρ ,
b + c2 γp + B 2
2 1 2 2 2
h 4f 2b2c2 i
ωs0,f 0(x) ≡ 2 k0 (b + c ) 1 ± 1 − 2 2
k0 (b + c2)2
⇒ inversion of the Alfvén frequency function: (a) ωA2 = ωA2 (x) ; (b) xA = xA(ω 2)
x xA
x1 x0 x2 xA (ω02 )
Waves / instab. inhomogeneous plasmas: continuous spectrum (10) 4-20
• since
η ∼ (ω 2 − ωS2 ) ξ ′ , ζ ∼ (ω 2 − ωA2 ) ξ ′
Waves / instab. inhomogeneous plasmas: continuous spectrum (11) 4-21
{ω 2 } {ωA }
ω F2 = ∞
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxx ω2
{ ωs0
} { ω f0
Surface mode
Body mode
Leaky mode
• Solar magnetic structures: solar atmosphere and magnetic structuring and dynam-
ics; [ book: Sec. 8.2.2 ]
• Solar wind and space weather: solar wind, interaction with magnetospheres;
[ book: Sec. 8.4 ]
Eventually, all theory has to be confronted with empirical reality. This should lead to
attempt to answer the following questions:
• Is the MHD model developed so far an adequate starting point for the description of
observed plasma dynamics?
Solar magnetism
Convective flows
Solar cycle
• Butterfly diagram of the solar cycle shows variation sunspot number with years:
– drifting in latitude with roughly 11 year periodicity.
Solar dynamo
vertical field. 40
• Filamentary penumbra, intercombed 30
bral dots). 0
⇒ Need sunspot (local) seismology
0 20 40 60 80
Magnetic structures and dynamics: Solar magnetic structures (2) 5-11
Active region seismology
Corona: eclipse images
Corona: coronagraph
Coronal dynamics
Magnetic dipole
22 2
– Earth: mE = 8.1 × 10 A m . S
98 0
60 0
11.7 0 00
14 0 9.6 0
Jovian system
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap990920.html (Io)
Solar wind modeling
Space weather modeling
• Space weather affects all planets! Near-alignment of Earth, Jupiter, Saturn (2000)
⇒ Series of CMEs (seen by SOHO) leading to interplanetary shock (overtaking
and merging shocks), detected as auroral storms on Earth (Polar orbiter), observed
in Jovian radio activity as measured by Cassini (fly-by on its way to Saturn), seen by
Hubble as auroral activity on Saturn.
⇒ MHD model (using VAC code) used to simulate time evolution.
Magnetic structures and dynamics: Solar wind and space weather (6) 5-24
• First observation of CME event traced all the way from Sun to Saturn,
Prangé et al., Nature, 432 (4), 78 (2004). Right: comparison with VAC simulations,
with input from WIND spacecraft.
Sun (SOHO)
Earth (POLAR)
aurora image
Jupiter (Casini)
radio signal
Saturn (HST)
aurora image
Magnetic structures and dynamics: Perspective 5-25
• Space missions produce(d) numerous observations
– SOHO (1995): solar phenomena from core to beyond the Earth’s orbit.
– Cluster satellites (1996, 2000): 3D spatial structure of Earth’s magnetosphere.
– Ulysses (1990) in situ investigations of inner heliosphere.
– Solar Orbiter (2012–2017) highest resolution and images of Sun’s polar regions.
• Observed dynamics demonstrates:
– Validity of magnetic flux conservation and dynamics of magnetic flux tubes.
– Observed magnetic flux tubes occur in large numbers.
• Many unsolved problems remain:
– quantitative theory of solar dynamo,
– theory of coronal heating,
– prediction of solar flares,
– theory of solar wind generation, heating, interaction with magnetospheres,
– prediction of space weather.
USO School "Solar Magnetism" @ Dwingeloo, 30 June 2009 5-26