(1) While the agent derives his (2)While a trust may ordinarily
authority from his principal, the be terminated only by the
guardian, although he acts for and fulfillment of its purpose, an
on behalf of his ward, does not agency may in general be
derive his authority so to act from revoked at any time;
the ward (2 C.J.S.
1027.); (3)Agency is formed with the
thought of constant
(2) The relation of principal and supervision and control by
agent is founded upon consent of principal, whereas a trust is
the parties thereto, while that of based on the idea of
guardian and ward may be created discretion in the trustee and
irrespective of the consent or guidance by the settler or
capacity of the ward; cestui only to a limited extent
and when expressly provided
(3) Agents are subject to the for;
control of their principals, while
guardians are not subject to the Notes:
direction of their wards;
While trust is not an agency,
(4) A legal guardian is substituted it is possible for a trustee to
by law, while ordinarily an agent is be an agent also where
the appointee of the principal and extensive direction and
his power may at any time be control are kept over the
abrogated or modified by the trustee. (First Wisconsin Trust
principal (see 3 Am. Co. v. Wisconsin Dept. of
Jur. 2d 421.); and Taxation)
Incidentally, a director of a
corporation acts in a Agency may be oral, unless the law
“fiduciary capacity” but the requires a specific form.
relationship is not of trust but
ADMINISTRATION Agency may be classified as
(1)A judicial administrator is
appointed by the court. He is (1) As to manner of its creation:
not only the representative of
the said court, but also of the (a) express. — one where the agent
heirs and creditors of the has been actually authorized by
estate. In agency, such is not the principal, either orally or in
the case; writing (Art.1869.); or