Convulsiones en Nios
Convulsiones en Nios
Convulsiones en Nios
Seizures in Children
Marla J. Friedman, DOa,T, Ghazala Q. Sharieff, MDb
Division of Emergency Medicine, Miami Childrens Hospital, 3100 SW 62nd Avenue,
Miami, FL 33155, USA
Childrens Hospital and Health Center, University of California, San Diego, 3030 Childrens Way,
San Diego, CA 92123, USA
Seizures are the most common pediatric neurologic disorder, with 4% to 10%
of children suffering at least one seizure in the first 16 years of life [1]. The
incidence is highest in children younger than 3 years of age, with a decreasing
frequency in older children [2]. Epidemiologic studies reveal that approximately
150,000 children will sustain a first-time, unprovoked seizure each year, and of
those, 30,000 will develop epilepsy [1].
A seizure is defined as a transient, involuntary alteration of consciousness,
behavior, motor activity, sensation, or autonomic function caused by an exces-
sive rate and hypersynchrony of discharges from a group of cerebral neurons. A
postictal period of decreased responsiveness usually follows most seizures, in
which the duration of the postictal period is proportional to the duration of seizure
activity. Epilepsy describes a condition of susceptibility to recurrent seizures. The
classic definition of status epilepticus refers to continuous or recurrent seizure
activity lasting longer than 30 minutes without recovery of consciousness.
During a seizure, cerebral blood flow, oxygen and glucose consumption, and
carbon dioxide and lactic acid production all increase. Early systemic changes
include tachycardia, hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hypoxemia. Brief seizures
rarely produce lasting effects on the brain. Prolonged seizures, however, can lead
to lactic acidosis, rhabdomyolosis, hyperkalemia, hyperthermia, and hypoglyce-
mia, all of which may be associated with permanent neurologic damage. Airway
management and termination of the seizure are the initial priorities in patients
who are actively seizing.
T Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.J. Friedman).
0031-3955/06/$ see front matter D 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
258 friedman & sharieff
Classification of seizures
Children between 3 and 13 years of age who suffer from benign rolandic
epilepsy experience nighttime seizures during sleep. This seizure disorder is
genetically inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. The initial phase of the
seizure involves clonic activity of the face, including grimacing and vocali-
zations, which often wake the child from sleep. An electroencephalogram (EEG)
is important in the evaluation of this condition because a characteristic peri-
sylvian spiking pattern can be seen. Unless these seizures are frequent, no therapy
is needed because patients usually will outgrow these episodes by early adult-
hood. Carbamazepine has been used with success in the treatment of frequent
rolandic seizures [13,6].
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy of Janz is inherited as an autosomal dominant
trait that manifests in early adolescence (onset 1218 years of age). Patients
experience myoclonic jerks typically on awakening but may also have tonic-
clonic (80%) or absence (25%) seizures. Typical provoking factors include stress,
alcohol, hormonal changes, or lack of sleep. The EEG is helpful in the diagnosis
because a pattern of fast spike-and-wave discharges can be seen. Valproic acid is
the drug of choice, with lamotrigine, topiramate, felbamate, and zonisamide as
alternate options [13,6].
Children with infantile spasms (Wests syndrome) present typically between
4 and 18 months of age, with males affected more commonly than females. Up to
95% of affected children are mentally retarded, and there is a 20% mortality rate.
Patients experience sudden jerking contractions of the extremities, head, and
trunk. The jerking is spasmodic and often occurs in clusters. Episodes rarely
occur during sleep. Up to 25% of patients have tuberous sclerosis. The EEG shows
the classic pattern of hypsarrhythmia (random high-voltage slow waves with
multifocal spikes) [2,3]. Treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
and prednisone has been used with some success [6,8]. Valproic acid, topiramate,
lamotrigine, vigabatrin, and zonisamide have also shown some effectiveness
Differential diagnosis
Brain abscess
Febrile seizure
Neurologic or developmental
Birth injury
Congenital anomalies
Degenerative cerebral disease
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Neurocutaneous syndromes
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction
Inborn errors of metabolism
Pyridoxine deficiency
Traumatic or vascular
Cerebral contusion
Cerebrovascular accident
Child abuse
Head trauma
Intracranial hemorrhage
Alcohol, amphetamines, antihistamines, anticholinergics
Cocaine, carbon monoxide
Lead, lithium, lindane
Oral hypoglycemics, organophosphates
Phencyclidine, phenothiazines
Salicylates, sympathomimetics
Tricyclic antidepressants, theophylline, topical anesthetics
Withdrawals (alcohol, anticonvulsants)
Idiopathic or epilepsy
Obstetric (eclampsia)
seizures in children 261
pressure. The eyes should be examined for papilledema and retinal hemorrhages.
Evaluate the neck for signs of meningeal irritation. The presence of hepatospleno-
megaly may indicate a metabolic or glycogen storage disease. Assess the skin for
lesions such as cafe au lait spots (neurofibromatosis), adenoma sebaceum or ash
leaf spots (tuberous sclerosis), and port wine stains (Sturge-Weber syndrome).
Unexplained bruising should raise the suspicion of a bleeding disorder or child
abuse [3].
Diagnostic approach
Laboratory testing
Laboratory testing for a child who has an afebrile seizure should be guided by
the history and physical examination. A rapid bedside glucose test should be
performed. A drug level should be obtained in patients who are taking anti-
convulsant medications [4]. The determination of serum electrolytes, calcium,
magnesium, ammonia, white blood cell count, and toxicology screens may not be
necessary in a child who is alert and has returned to a baseline level of function
and should be based on clinical suspicion [13]. In patients who have no iden-
tifiable risk factors, an accurate and thorough history and physical examination
have been shown to yield more diagnostic information than a laboratory evalua-
tion [14]. However, newborns and infants less than 6 months of age have been
found to be at a greater risk for electrolyte abnormalities because of underlying
metabolic abnormalities, specifically hyponatremia resulting from the increased
free water intake from formula overdilution [15]. Patients who have abnormal
electrolyte values are more likely to have been actively seizing on presentation,
have hypothermia (temperature less than 36.58C), or be younger than 1 month of
age [16]. A temperature lower than 36.58C has been shown to be the best
predictor of hyponatremia-induced seizures in infants younger than 6 months of
age [17]. Based on the results of these reports, it is reasonable to obtain laboratory
studies on pediatric patients who have prolonged seizures, are younger than
6 months of age, have a history of diabetes, metabolic disorder, dehydration, or
excess free water intake, and patients who have an altered level of consciousness.
Routine lumbar puncture is not indicated in patients who are alert and oriented
after a first afebrile seizure. A lumbar puncture should be considered after
neonatal seizures occur and should be performed in patients who have an altered
mental status, signs of meningeal irritation, or a prolonged postictal period [13].
An EEG is rarely needed in the acute setting, except for patients who have
refractory seizures or in patients in whom the diagnosis of nonconvulsive status
epilepticus is being considered. Well-appearing children who have experienced a
first-time afebrile seizure should be referred for outpatient EEG testing [3,4]. An
ictal EEG taken during a seizure event is most useful, but because this is not
always possible, a complete EEG recording should include both sleep and wake
cycles as well as periods of patient stimulation. It is important to note, however,
that a normal EEG does not rule out epilepsy or other underlying neurologic
disorders [20].
Acute stabilization
Establish ABCs: Maintain airway, give oxygen, support ventilation, establish IV access
Phenobarbital 20 mg/kg IV
General anesthesia
Fig. 1. An algorithm for the management of status epilepticus. ABC, airway, breathing, circulation;
PR, administered rectally.
Table 1
Common anticonvulsant agents
Drug Indication Side effects (mg/kg/d)
Carbamazepine Generalized tonic-clonic, partial, Rash, hepatitis, diplopia, 10-40 mg/kg/day
(Tegretol) benign rolandic seizures aplastic anemia, leukopenia
Clonazepam Myoclonic, akinetic, partial Fatigue, behavioral issues, 0.050.30
(Klonopin) seizures, infantile spasms, salivation
Ethosuximide Absence GI upset, weight gain, 2040
(Zarontin) lethargy, SLE, rash
Felbamate Refractory severe epilepsy Aplastic anemia, 1545
(Felbatol) hepatotoxicity
Gabapentin Partial and secondarily Fatigue, dizziness diarrhea, 2070
(Neurontin) generalized seizures ataxia
Lamotrigine Complex partial, atonic, myo- Headache, nausea, rash, 515
(Lamictal) clonic, absence, tonic-clonic, diplopia, Stevens-Johnson
Lennox-Gastaut, infantile spasms synd, GI upset
Levetiracetam Adjunctive therapy for Headache,anorexia, fatigue, 1060
(Keppra) refractory partial seizures infection
Oxcarbazepine Adjunctive therapy for partial Fatigue, low sodium, 1045
(Trileptal) seizures nausea, ataxia, rash
Phenobarbital Generalized tonic-clonic, partial, Sedation, behavioral issues 26
(Luminol) myoclonic
Phenytoin Generalized tonic-clonic, partial, Gum hyperplasia, hirsutism, 48
(Dilantin) atonic, myoclonic, neonatal ataxia, Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, lymphoma
Primidone Generalized tonic-clonic, partial Rash, ataxia, behavioral 1025
(Mysoline) issues, sedation, anemia
Tiagabine Adjunctive therapy for Fatigue, headache tremor, Titrate from
(Gabitril) refractory complex partial dizziness, anorexia 0.10 mg/kg/d;
(focal) seizures avg. dose
6 mg/d
Topiramate Refractory complex partial Fatigue, nephrolithiasis, 19
(Topamax) seizures, adjunctive therapy ataxia, headache, tremor,
for temporal lobe epilepsy GI upset
Valproic acid Generalized tonic-clonic, GI upset, liver involvement, 1060
(Depakote) absence, myoclonic, partial, tremor, alopecia, sedation,
akinetic, infantile spasms weight gain
Vigabatrin Infantile spasms, adjunctive Weight gain, behavior 30150
(Sabril) therapy for refractory seizures changes, visual field
Zonisamide Adjunctive therapy for partial Fatigue, ataxia, anorexia, 28
(Zonegran) seizures, atonic, infantile spasms GI upset, headache, rash
Abbreviation: SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
seizures in children 267
Long-term treatment
1. Choose an agent that is effective for the particular type of seizure. If several
drugs are available, use the drug that is least toxic.
2. Initiate therapy with a single agent.
3. Start at the low end of the dosage range.
4. Continue the same drug for at least long enough to reach a steady state,
usually five times the half-life of the drug.
268 friedman & sharieff
Maintenance doses should be started at the low end of the dosage range because
excessive sedation and ataxia are common at higher doses. The therapeutic range
is between 5 and 12 mg/mL and is measured by monitoring the serum level of
phenobarbital [3032].
Valproate (Depakote) is quite effective for the treatment of absence and myo-
clonic seizures but can be used for generalized tonic-clonic and partial seizures as
well. Valproic acid has also been used with success in the treatment of Lennox-
Gastaut seizures, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy of Janz, and occasionally in the
management of infantile spasms [2,5]. The typical maintenance dose ranges from
10 to 60 mg/kg/d, divided two to four times daily. Daily doses should be initiated
at 10 mg/kg and increased by 10 mg/kg weekly until a therapeutic serum level of
50 to 100 mg/mL is established. Common side effects include gastrointestinal (GI)
upset, weight gain, drowsiness, and alopecia. Tremors and thrombocytopenia are
dose-related effects. Children less than 2 years of age are at an increased risk for
liver and pancreatic toxicity. Valproate interferes with the metabolism of other
anticonvulsant agents and may increase the drug levels of phenobarbital, phe-
nytoin, carbamazepine, diazepam, clonazepam, and ethosuxamide [3032].
Ethosuxamide (Zarontin) is most effective for the treatment of absence sei-
zures. The maintenance dose ranges from 20 to 40 mg/kg/d, divided into two
daily doses, with an optimal therapeutic serum level of 40 to 100 mg/mL. Com-
mon side effects include GI upset, weight gain, and headache, with the rare
occurrence of erythema multiforme and a lupus-like syndrome [30,31].
Clonazepam (Klonopin) is useful for the management of myoclonic and atonic
seizures. The usual dose is 0.05 to 0.3 mg/kg/d, given in two to four divided
doses, with a therapeutic range of 0.02 to 0.08 mg/mL. Side effects include
drowsiness, ataxia, and drooling [31,32].
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) is indicated for the management of partial, atonic,
myoclonic, and tonic seizures, as well as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. The main-
tenance dose ranges from 5 to 15 mg/kg/d, but because the drug interferes with
other anticonvulsant agents, the dosage should be adjusted when used in con-
junction with other antiepileptic medications. Lamictal should be initiated at
low doses in patients who are also taking valproic acid and at higher doses when
used in conjunction with phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital, or primidone.
Lamictal is generally well tolerated, with most side effects being transient or
dose-related, including GI upset, somnolence, dizziness, headache, and diplopia.
The adverse effect of most concern is the development of a rash (Stevens-
Johnson syndrome), which is especially common in patients who are also taking
valproic acid [6,10,24,30,33].
Felbamate (Felbatol) is used mainly to treat intractable seizures that are
refractory to other treatments, mainly the seizures of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
The usual dose is 15 to 45 mg/kg, divided three to four times daily. It should be
started at the low end of the dosage range and should be used as monotherapy
because the risk of adverse effects is increased when it is used with other agents.
Felbamae is known to increase the serum concentrations of phenobarbital, phe-
nytoin, and valproic acid and to decrease that of carbamazepine. Side effects
270 friedman & sharieff
include anorexia, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, and lethargy, with the major
adverse effects of aplastic anemia and severe hepatotoxicity being reported as
well. Children taking this medication should have blood counts and liver en-
zymes monitored frequently [6,10,30,33].
Gabapentin (Neurontin) is indicated for the management of partial and sec-
ondarily tonic-clonic seizures at a dose of 20 to 70 mg/kg/d. The dose should
be given three to four times daily because of the drugs short half-life. A major
advantage of gabapentin is its lack of notable adverse effects. Minor side effects
may include fatigue, dizziness, ataxia, and diarrhea. Increased appetite and
weight gain may also occur [6,10,24,30,33].
Vigabatrin (Sabril) is effective for treating refractory partial seizures and
infantile spasms. The maintenance dose is between 30 and 150 mg/kg/d, given
once or twice daily. If seizures do not improve while on the drug, the patient is
considered to be resistant to the drug. In some infants who have infantile spasms,
treatment with vigabatrin resulted in the development of partial seizures, which is
considered by some experts to be an improvement. The most impressive response
has been seen in infants with tuberous sclerosis, with an efficacy similar to ACTH
[10]. Side effects include weight gain, hyperactivity, and behavioral changes. The
development of visual field constriction is a serious side effect that has limited the
use of this drug [6,10,24,30].
Topiramate (Topamax) is indicated as adjunctive therapy in treating children
with partial or generalized tonic-clonic seizures. It has also been effective in the
treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, infantile spasms, and refractory complex
partial seizures. The initial dose starts at 1 mg/kg/d, with a target maintenance
dose of 3 to 9 mg/kg/d. The drugs interaction with other anticonvulsant agents is
minor. Topiramate produces several adverse effects of concern, with behavioral
problems being the most common in children. Other side effects include
anorexia, weight loss, sleep problems, fatigue, headache, diplopia, speech prob-
lems, and confusion. Nephrolithiasis is another serious effect of topiramate, and
its use should be carefully considered in patients who have a history of kidney
stones or those on a ketogenic diet [6,10,24,30,33].
Tiagabine (Gabitril) is indicated as adjunctive therapy for managing refractory
partial seizures. Dosing should begin at 0.1 mg/kg/d and be adjusted to a target
dose of 0.5 to 1 mg/kg/d until adequate seizure control is achieved. Adverse
effects are dose-related and more common with polytherapy. Reported side ef-
fects include fatigue, dizziness, headache, difficulty concentrating, and depressed
mood [6,10,24,30,33].
Levetiracetam (Keppra) is effective as adjunctive therapy for refractory partial
seizures in children aged 6 to 12 years of age. Usual maintenance doses range
from 10 to 60 mg/kg/d. Adverse effects in the pediatric population include head-
ache, anorexia, fatigue, and infection, including rhinitis, otitis media, gastro-
enteritis, and pharyngitis. Leukopenia has been reported in the adult literature
but no such effect has been demonstrated in children [6,33].
Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) is indicated as adjunctive therapy for treating par-
tial seizures in children. Initial dosing begins at 5 mg/kg/d and is titrated upward,
seizures in children 271
normal EEG result compared with a 28% seizure recurrence rate in patients who
have a normal EEG result [34].
The decision to initiate drug therapy and the choice of anticonvulsant agent
should be made in conjunction with the patients primary care provider and,
oftentimes, in consultation with a neurologist [14]. These choices are complicated
and should consider the risks associated with a seizure (recurrence, chance of
injury, and psychosocial implications) against those of drug therapy (toxicity,
effects on behavior and intelligence, and expense) [2,3]. Children with a pro-
longed seizure or postictal state or status epilepticus should be hospitalized for
further observation and evaluation.
Special considerations
Neonatal seizures
error of metabolism is suspected, then blood should be tested for amino acids,
lactate, and pyruvate and ammonia levels, and urine should be tested for or-
ganic acids.
The immediate management of active neonatal seizures includes attention to
the airway, breathing, and circulation and therapy to end the seizure. Benzo-
diazepines are often given as the first line of treatment but have been associated
with serious adverse effects such as hypotension and respiratory depression in
preterm and term infants, and therefore should be used with caution [3840]. A
long-acting anticonvulsant, usually phenobarbital, and then fosphenytoin are
added [36]. Phenytoin is not a preferred initial agent because it has a depressive
effect on the newborn myocardium and an unpredictable rate of metabolism in
neonates because of immature hepatic function [38,39]. Topiramate and zonis-
amide are new agents that have also shown effectiveness in the treatment of
neonatal seizures [35]. Pyridoxine or lidocaine may be used if refractory seizures
are present [39]. If the seizure is a result of an electrolyte abnormality such as
hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, or hypomagnesemia, then these abnormalities
should be identified and treated rapidly. Ampicillin and either cefotaxime or
gentamicin should be initiated in any patient who is suspected of having sepsis.
Acyclovir also should be administered if there is a positive maternal history of
herpes or the patient has a vesicular rash, focal neurologic findings, or a CSF
pleocytosis or elevated CSF protein without organisms on Gram stain. Patients
should be admitted to a monitored bed for further observation and evalua-
tion [35].
Febrile seizures
Febrile seizures are the most common type of seizure in young children, with a
2% to 5% incidence of children experiencing at least one seizure before the age
of 5 years [1,41]. A febrile seizure is defined as a convulsion that occurs in
association with a febrile illness in children between 6 months and 5 years of age.
A simple febrile seizure is single, brief (!15 minutes), and generalized. A com-
plex febrile seizure is much less common (approximately 20%) and is recurrent
in a single illness, prolonged ("15 minutes), and focal.
The peak age for febrile convulsions is between 18 and 24 months. The exact
pathophysiology is unknown, but it seems that a fever lowers the seizure thresh-
old in susceptible children. It is unclear if the seizures are related to the rate of
rise of the temperature or to the absolute peak sustained temperature [4143]. A
strong genetic predisposition exists, with a family history of febrile seizures
present in 25% to 40% of children with febrile seizures [24].
Most febrile seizures are benign and self-limited, with no long-term neurologic
or cognitive effects identified [4143]. Approximately one third of children who
experience a first febrile seizure will have at least one recurrence, and less than
10% of children will have more than three seizures. Most recurrences (75%)
occur within 1 year of the initial episode. The younger the child is at the time of
274 friedman & sharieff
the first seizure, the greater the likelihood of recurrence, with approximately 50%
of children younger than 1 year of age having a recurrence [42]. Children who
have higher temperatures at the time of the seizure have a lower likelihood of
recurrence. A complex first febrile seizure neither alters the risk of recurrence nor
predicts that recurrent seizures, if they occur, will be complex [1].
Febrile seizures occur in otherwise healthy children with no signs of men-
ingitis, encephalitis, or other neurologic disorders. In these cases of typical
febrile seizures, an extensive laboratory evaluation has been found to have low
yield and is unnecessary [41]. Viral infections have been implicated in most cases
in which a cause has been determined. Specifically, roseola infantum (human
herpesvirus 6) and influenza A have been associated with an increased incidence
of febrile seizures [44,45]. Children who have simple febrile seizures have the
same risk for serious bacterial infections as children with fever alone [43,46,47].
In children younger than 1 year of age, clinical signs of meningitis may be
subtle or lacking. Previous American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines recom-
mended that a lumbar puncture (LP) be strongly considered in all infants less than
12 months of age and considered in those between 12 to 18 months of age [41].
However, a recent article [43] now recommends LP in infants less than 18 months
of age only if the following are present: (1) a history of irritability, lethargy,
or poor oral intake; (2) an abnormal appearance or mental status changes; (3)
abnormal physical examination findings such as a bulging fontanelle, Brudzin-
skis sign, or severe headache; (4) any complex seizure features; (5) slow pos-
tictal clearance of mental status; and (6) pretreatment with antibiotics. Therefore,
performing routine LPs in children with simple febrile seizures may no longer be
necessary. EEG and cranial imaging are not routine aspects of the evaluation of a
simple febrile seizure. Further diagnostic tests (blood and urine studies) should be
ordered only to investigate the source of the fever based on the childs age and
extent of the fever [41,46].
The treatment of a patient who presents during a febrile seizure is the same as
for other seizure types. The initial priority should focus on stabilization of the
airway, breathing, and circulation, with efforts then directed at terminating the
seizure. The reduction of body temperature with antipyretics or other cooling
methods should also be a part of the primary management. If the seizure persists,
benzodiazepines are the first drug of choice. Phenytoin and phenobarbital may be
used as second-line agents for persistent seizure activity [42].
Most febrile seizures, however, are brief, and patients will usually present for
evaluation after the seizure activity has ceased spontaneously. For these patients,
the issue of prophylactic medication therapy is controversial. The current con-
sensus is that long-term medication therapy is not necessary for most patients
who have simple febrile seizures. Following a febrile seizure, children with no
other risk factors for epilepsy (a family history of epilepsy, a complex febrile
seizure, or an underlying neurologic disorder) have only a 1% to 2% lifetime risk
of developing epilepsy compared with a 0.5% to 1% risk in the general popu-
lation [42]. In the presence of two or more of these risk factors, the future risk of
developing epilepsy is 10%.
seizures in children 275
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