Criminal Poisoning Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault PDF
Criminal Poisoning Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault PDF
Criminal Poisoning Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault PDF
0733-8627/07/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
the victim and offender [11]. One multicenter study estimates 4.3% of the
DFSAs examined were surreptitiously drugged victims and 35.4% of the
DFSAs involved voluntarily use of illicit drugs [10]. Because of the absence
of national scientific studies examining the prevalence of DFSAs in the
United States, the exact number of alcohol and illicit drug–related sexual
assaults is unknown. Yet an increasing number of independent testing pro-
grams are performing analyses on urine, blood, and hair samples collected
from individuals who claim to have been sexually assaulted and believe
that drugs were involved in the United Kingdom, France, and the United
States [8,10,13,14]. These reports are attributable to an increased awareness
of the problem and technological advances in rapid drug analyses.
hypotension, and bradycardia (Box 1). Victims of sexual assault may pres-
ent to the ED with physical injuries resulting from the assault or clinical ef-
fects of the drugs. For example, a victim may present to the ED with one or
a combination of the following: contusions, lacerations, broken bones,
altered metal status, or intoxication [24]. The health care team treats the
urgent injuries but may not inquire about the possibility of sexual assault.
They may mistake the clinical effects of the drug used on the victim for
self-induced substance abuse. Physicians should be aware that symptoms
mimicking alcohol toxicity may point to the possibility of a DFSA. SANEs
are trained in investigative interview techniques that may help a patient
recall specific events leading up to injuries caused by DFSA. Physicians
must recognize the need to provide prophylaxis against sexually transmitted
disease, assess female patients for pregnancy risk, or provide follow-up care
for medical and emotional needs. In addition, the emergency medical staff
must be aware of the necessity of collecting sensitive forensic evidence if
the victim decides to report the assault.
Alcohol DOA BS
<80%% 34-45% <8%
Fig. 1. Three-tier chain of testing for drug-facilitated sexual assault at state forensic laborato-
ries. Recent publications indicate up to 80% of victims of sexual assaults are under the influence
of alcohol; 34% to 45% of sexual assaults are under the influence of drugs of abuse; and less
than 8% are under the influence of other basic amine drugs.
document 34% to 45% of victims of sexual assault are under the influence of
drugs of abuse (DOA); 8% are under the influence of drugs not typically de-
tected by standard DOA methods (eg, BAD) [7,8,10,21,31]. It is important
for physicians and SANE teams to document suspicions of drugs in the pa-
tient’s medical record, especially in cases of sexual assault. Documentation
of these suspicions justifies drug-specific analyses by the state forensic labo-
ratory. These analytic results are mandatory for the prosecution of sexual
The Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act of 1996 (Public
Law 104-305) modified 21 U.S.C. x 841 to provide penalties of up to 20
years’ imprisonment and fines for people who intend to commit a crime
of violence (including rape) by distributing a controlled substance to
another individual without that individual’s knowledge. This act provides
specific definitions of controlled substances and crimes of violence that assist
prosecutors in maximizing the penalties against sexual predators. Controlled
substances are categorized as schedule I to V drugs by the US Drug Enforce-
ment Administration (DEA) (Box 2). Extensive efforts have focused on doc-
umenting detection limits for common drugs used to facilitate sexual assault
to aid in prosecution of sexual predators [10]. Without the extensive efforts
of medical staff, forensic toxicologists, police, and judicial officials these
penalties against sexual assault offenders cannot be implemented.
Schedule V drugs
The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse relative
to the drugs or other substances in schedule IV.
The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical
use in treatment in the United States.
Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to limited
physical dependence or psychologic dependence relative to
the drugs or other substances in schedule IV.
Schedule V drugs are sometimes available without
a prescription.
The most common drug associated with DFSA is alcohol [7]. Because
most sexual assault cases are not reported, the percent of alcohol-associated
sexual assault cases varies greatly (30%–75%). Because of the prevalence of
Clinical effects
The clinical effects of alcohol are dose and time dependent. Ethanol me-
tabolism follows zero-order kinetics. Although the rate of metabolism varies
from person to person, because of phenotypic differences in alcohol dehy-
drogenase and metabolic tolerance in chronic drinkers, the reported average
rate of metabolism is found to be constant (about 15 mL/dL/h) [39,40]. The
clinical effects of ethanol intoxication include impaired judgment, incoordi-
nation, behavioral changes, ataxia, cognitive slowing, memory impairment,
nausea, vomiting, diplopia, and lethargy. Depending on a person’s pre-exist-
ing tolerance, respiratory depression, coma, and death may occur at levels of
300 to 400 mg/dL. It takes little volume to intoxicate a person. For example,
to achieve levels of intoxication of 200 mg/dL requires consumption of
about 100 mL of absolute ethanol in a 70 kg adult. Many liquors contain
40% to 50% ethanol; therefore six to seven shots (30 mL per shot) of liquor
in rapid succession may result in an ethanol level of 200 mg/dL [41]. Sig-
nificantly lower concentrations of ethanol are required to incapacitate
(or increase the susceptibility for sexual assault in) a smaller-framed victim
or a person who voluntarily or unwillingly coingests drugs with sedative or
psychotropic effects.
Laboratory monitoring
Analysis of ethanol levels from urine and blood specimens are commonly
evaluated in many clinical laboratories, private laboratories, and state
Clinical effects
The diagnosis of chloral hydrate can be difficult to differentiate from
alcohol, benzodiazepine, and barbiturate intoxication, because all share sim-
ilar clinical effects. Although the exact mechanism of action of chloral
hydrate has not been determined, it is a general central nervous system
(CNS) depressant having sedative effects with minimal analgesic effects
when administered independently. At low doses (!20 mg/kg) symptoms
may include relaxation, dizziness, slurred speech, confusion, disorientation,
euphoria, irritability, and hypersensitivity rash. At higher doses (O50 mg/
kg) chloral hydrate can cause hypotension, hypothermia, hypoventilation,
tachydysrhythmia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and amnesia
[44]. The elimination half-life (t1/2) of chloral hydrate is 4 to 12 hours
Laboratory monitoring
Chloral hydrate is not detected on routine, commercially available drug
screens. Quantification of chloral hydrate and its metabolites trichloroethanol
(TCE), TCE-glucuronide, and trichloroacetic acid can be detected in less than
1 mL plasma using HPLC-MS/MS and capillary gas chromatography with
electron-capture detection (GC/ECD) [47–49]. Limit of detection for chloral
hydrate is 5 ng/mL and 10 ng/mL for its metabolites using GC/ECD [49].
Benzodiazepines are a large class of drugs that bind to specific receptor
sites on g-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-mediated receptor synapses in the
brain. Benzodiazepines are believed to increase GABA-mediated chloride
conduction into the postsynaptic neuron, prolonging hyperpolarization of
the cell and diminishing synaptic transmission, thereby producing its seda-
tive properties. Drugs within this class vary in their affinity and efficacy at
their receptor. This variation results in differences in the degree of clinical
effects, time of onset, and rate of metabolism. Ultimately, with a faster
rate of onset there tends to be greater abuse potential [50]. Although na-
tional statistics are not available to estimate the prevalence of benzodiaze-
pines used to facilitate sexual assault, recent publications estimate
approximately 8% of sexual assault cases are positive for benzodiazepines
[7,8,10,28]. Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) is the most frequently reported
(4% of sexual assault cases) date rape drug belonging to the benzodiazepine
class [7]. The high incidence of flunitrazepam in DFSA is partially attribut-
able to the development and implementation of specific toxicologic tests in
response to increased public awareness resulting in a testing bias
[7,9,32,51,52]. Other benzodiazepines that have been reported in sexual as-
sault victims are diazepam, triazolam, temazepam, tetrazepam, and clonaze-
pam [13,19,28,53,54].
Flunitrazepam is a fast-acting sedative-hypnotic and is categorized as
a schedule I drug in the United States. Because it is still licensed for use
in Europe, Asia, and Latin America for sedation and treatment of insomnia,
sexual predators can acquire this drug through illegal trafficking [55]. On the
street, flunitrazepam is known as Roofies, Forget pill, Rubies, Ruffies,
Rope, Roopies, Ropies, Rib, R-2, Roaches, Papas, Mexican Valium and
Circles. Sexual assault predators use flunitrazepam because it can be easily
dissolved into a beverage, it is relatively tasteless and odorless, it quickly in-
capacitates victims, and routine drug screens do not detect its presence.
Clinical effects
Flunitrazepam is more potent than diazepam owing to its slower dissoci-
ation from the GABA receptor [56–58]. It is rapidly absorbed and distributed
into tissues on oral administration. The onset of its sedative, amnesic,
hypnotic, and disinhibitory effects can occur within 20 to 30 minutes [56].
Although the effects of flunitrazepam occur rapidly when used alone, it is
often coingested with alcohol, which amplifies its effects [59,60]. Initial
symptoms may consist of dizziness, disorientation, lack of coordination,
and slurred speech, which mimic alcohol intoxication. Other unique effects
are anterograde amnesia as early as 15 minutes after oral administration
[20]. Rapid alternation of hot and cold flashes may precipitously be followed
by loss of consciousness. Large doses (O2 g) have produced aspiration, mus-
cular hypotonia, hypotension, bradycardia, coma, and death [13,21,54,61].
The clinical diagnosis of flunitrazepam can be difficult to differentiate from
alcohol intoxication.
Laboratory monitoring
Patients who have a complaint of sexual assault who seem intoxicated or
have anterograde amnesia should be suspected of unknowingly ingesting
a benzodiazepine. Commonly marketed drug screens turn positive for
most benzodiazepines, but not all (ie, flunitrazepam; other benzodiazepines
marketed outside the United States). Point of care testing is available for
benzodiazepines in the ED, but clinical samples must be confirmed and
documented under strict chain-of-custody procedures [62]. In addition to
adhering to standard rape protocols, a urine or hair specimen should be an-
alyzed for benzodiazepine and their metabolites by a state forensic labora-
tory using GC-MS or HPLC-MS/MS [30,61,63–65]. Flunitrazepam
metabolites can be detected up to 60 hours in the urine using an automated
immunoassay system (EMIT II), categorized as a general toxicologic screen
that is available in many hospital laboratories. Flunitrazepam metabolites
can be detected and as early as 7 days in hair samples (HPLC-MS/MS) [54].
Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics
Zopiclone, eszopiclone, zolpidem, and zaleplon belong to a new genera-
tion of sedative-hypnotics that are structurally different from benzodiaze-
pines (Fig. 2). Like benzodiazepines, these drugs modulate the GABAA
receptor chloride channel by binding to the benzodiazepine (BZ) receptors,
otherwise known as the omega (u1) receptors, in the brain [66] without bind-
ing to peripheral BZ receptors [67,68]. These drugs therefore have fewer
muscle-relaxant properties [68]. The rapid-onset and amnesic properties of
this class of drugs can result in disinhibition, passivity, and retrograde am-
nesia, making it a favored DFSA drug. These drugs require only a low dose
Non-benzodiazepine hypnotics:
Benzodiazepine structure:
N C A = benzene ring
C B = 7-membered diazepine ring
R7 C N
to cause an effect and are rapidly metabolized. Because of the amnesic prop-
erties of these drugs, victims are often confused following the event and may
be delayed in reporting the sexual assault [7]. Commonly used drug screens
do not test for these substances; therefore, suspected amnestic drug use must
be documented to justify more elaborate drug testing by state agencies. All
these characteristics make these drugs potential agents in DFSA.
Recognition of these new-generation sleep aids as potential agents used in
facilitating sexual assault has only recently been reported in the United
States, United Kingdom, and France [7,8,21,69,70]. Few published reports
in the United States tested sexual assault victims for the presence of zolpi-
dem, and unfortunately those that tested did not report its prevalence rate
[61,71]. Because of the increased prevalence of short-acting nonbarbiturate
use on college campuses and across the United States and minimal data es-
timating the prevalence of these drugs used in sexual assault, there is a strong
demand for national systematic studies to estimate the prevalence of non-
barbiturate sleep aids in DFSA.
Most of the nonbenzodiazepine sleep aids are available through a pre-
scription as a schedule IV drug and are readily available in North American
social circles (ie, college campuses). These highly prescribed insomnia drugs
are available in a tablet form that may be crushed and dissolved into
Zaleplon is available as an immediate-release tablet or capsule. An aver-
age oral dose of 10 to 15 mg has a rapid onset of clinical symptoms of ap-
proximately 10 to 30 minutes. Although the t1/2 for zaleplon is about 1 hour,
the duration of clinical effects may persist for greater than 6 hours. This per-
sistence may be because of the higher affinity of zaleplon for specific a2 and
a3 subunits of the GABA receptor, unlike zolpidem or zopiclone [74]. Clin-
ical effects may include somnolence, dizziness, psychomotor, confusion, ner-
vousness, rebound amnesia, and hallucinations. Higher doses (O40–60 mg)
may cause increased CNS effects and impaired motor skills [44].
The precise mechanism of action of eszopiclone is unknown, but its effect
is believed to result from its interaction with GABA-receptor complexes at
binding domains located close to or allosterically coupled to benzodiazepine
receptors. An average dose of 2 to 3 mg has a rapid onset of clinical
symptoms occurring in approximately 30 minutes. Both immediate and
extended-release forms are available. Clinical effects may include dizziness,
psychomotor dysfunction, confusion, nervousness, amnesia, and halluci-
nations. Nausea, vomiting, and anticholinergic effects have been reported
in less than 10% of patients [75]. By itself, eszopiclone has not been reported
to cause respiratory depression, but it may produce additive CNS-depres-
sant effects when coadministered with other sedatives. The clinical effects
of eszopiclone are longer in duration compared with zopiclone or zolpidem,
with a t1/2 of 6 hours [67].
Zopiclone is not currently available in the United States. It is the racemic
mixture of two stereoisomers; the active stereoisomer is eszopiclone. Clinical
effects therefore are similar to eszopiclone.
Laboratory analysis
Because of the amnesic properties of these drugs, victims often may not
report the sexual assault for several days. Sensitive analytic techniques are
necessary to detect these drugs and their metabolites in urine or hair samples
after a single dose. Unfortunately, the drug screens found in most hospital
laboratories do not detect the new generation short-acting class of sleep aids
called nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics. Although numerous private facilities
are now capable of detecting nonbenzodiazepine drugs, most state forensic
laboratories integrate these HPLC-MS/MS amine-detection tests into their
repertoire of available toxicologic screens. Because testing of nonbenzodia-
zepine drugs is a third tier of testing in many state forensic laboratories, only
cases containing documentation suspecting drugs other than alcohol or
common drugs of abuse may be analyzed in this manner.
OH 5
Glutamate GABA
7 Succinic
Succinic acid
KREB cycle semialdehyde
3 4
Potential Drugs of Abuse
Fig. 3. GHB metabolism. In the brain, g-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is reversibly metabolized into
g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) using the endogenous enzyme GABA transaminase. Illicit con-
sumption of 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BD) or g-butyrolactone (GBL) may also be metabolized into
GABA by way of multiple endogenous enzyme systems. The endogenous metabolic enzymes
involved are (1) lactonase, or nonenzymatic ester hydrolysis; (2) alcohol dehydrogenase or
aldehyde dehydrogenase; (3) GHB dehydrogenase; (4) succinic semialdehyde reductase or
NADPH-dependent aldehyde reductase; (5) glutamic acid decarboxylase; (6) GABA transami-
nase; (7) succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase. Potential drugs of abuse are boxed and in bold.
Clinical effects
Onset of GHB effects occurs in approximately 15 to 30 minutes, depend-
ing on the dose (average 1–5 g) and chemical purity. Clinical effects are
Laboratory monitoring
GHB is metabolized quickly (t1/2w30 minutes) and is not detected on
most routine urine and serum toxicology screens. Several state and private
laboratories have the ability to perform analyses on blood, urine, and hair
samples using GC-FID or GC-MS [30,76,88]. Testing sensitivity is not the
primary issue with GHB; timely collection of sample collection is. Because
of its rapid metabolism, plasma samples should be collected less than 6 to
8 hours after ingestion and urine samples collected in less than 10 to 12
hours. Urine and plasma may exhibit endogenous levels of GHB within 8
to 12 hours after ingestion (!1 mg/dL in urine, !4 mg/L in blood/plasma)
[89]. Samples reaching endogenous levels make it difficult to legally prove
GHB doping in sexual assault cases. Exogenous levels of GHB have been
detected in hair samples at 7 days postintoxication [70]. The timely presen-
tation of the patient for medical attention and physician recognition of
GHB symptoms presented by sexually assaulted victims are essential for
prosecution of sexual offenders.
Ketamine (ketamine hydrochloride) is an analgesic and general anesthetic
that produces a rapid-acting dissociative effect. It was first synthesized
in1962 as a medical anesthetic for humans and animals. Today ketamine
is approved for use in emergency medicine, critical care, and veterinary med-
icine. The prosecution of a ketamine-facilitated sexual assault perpetrator in
1993 and the increase in its illicit use prompted the DEA to restrict ketamine
as a schedule III drug in August 1999. Ketamine is outlawed in the United
Kingdom and classified as a schedule I narcotic in Canada. Ketamine is
available by prescription as a tablet or a parenteral solution. On the street,
ketamine is sold under various names, including K, Ket, Special K, Super
acid, Super C, Spesh, Vitamin K, Smack K, Kit-kat, Keller, Barry Keddle,
HOSS, The Hoos, Hossalar, Kurdamin, Kiddie, Wonk, Regreta, and
Tranq. Ketamine generally is sold illegally as either a colorless, odorless liq-
uid or as a white or off-white powder. Liquid ketamine can be rapidly
Clinical effects
The onset of action after oral ingestion can be as little as 20 minutes [90].
Hallucinatory effects may be short-acting (!1 hour) but so intense that the
victim may have trouble discerning reality [77]. Ketamine produces effects
similar to phencyclidine and dextromethorphan. The onset of clinical effects
is rapid and depends on route of administration. Anesthesia effects by way
of intramuscular injection take as little 20 to 30 seconds, oral ingestion
about 30 minutes, and nasal insufflation approximately 10 minutes
[44,91,92]. The t1/2 for ketamine is 2 to 3 hours [93]. Duration of anesthetic
effects is dose dependent (usually !1 hour) and effects on the senses, judg-
ment, and coordination can have a longer duration (w6–24 hours). Ket-
amine can cause delirium, amnesia, dissociative anesthesia hallucinations,
hypersalivation, nystagmus, impaired motor function, hypertension, and
potentially fatal respiratory problems. Effects on blood pressure and respi-
ratory depression can be significantly enhanced when coingested with
Laboratory monitoring
No immunoassays are available to detect ketamine at this time. Ketamine
and its active metabolites norketamine and dehydronorketamine can be
detected in urine samples using GC-MS or LC-MS analyses. The limit of
detection is 1 ng/mL [94,95].
Barbiturates can produce a wide range of CNS depression, ranging from
mild sedation to general anesthesia. They are categorized based on their ul-
trashort-acting, short-acting, medium-acting, or long-acting duration of
clinical effects (Table 1). Barbiturates are classified as schedule II to IV
drugs based on their rapid time of onset and duration and their abuse po-
tential. They can inhibit excitatory or enhance inhibitory synaptic transmis-
sion. Barbiturates inhibit excitatory synaptic transmission by reducing
glutamate-induced depolarizations [96]. Barbiturates enhance the effective-
ness of GABA transmission by directly activating chloride channels and de-
pressing synaptic transmission at virtually all synapses. Barbiturates effect
the duration, not frequency, of GABA channel opening, thereby hyperpola-
rizing and decreasing the firing rate of neurons [97].
The estimated prevalence of barbiturates used to facilitate sexual assault
is only about 1%, because of limited availability in recent years [7]. The
Table 1
Characterization of barbiturates
Chemical name Duration DEA scheduled classification
Thiamylal Ultrashort Schedule III
Thiopental (‘‘truth serum’’) Ultrashort Schedule III
Methohexital Ultrashort Schedule IV
Amobarbital Short Schedule II
Aprobarbital Short Schedule II
Butabarbital Short Schedule II
Pentobarbital Short Schedule II
Secobarbital Short Schedule II
Butalbital Medium Schedule II
Cyclobarbital Medium Schedule III
Talbutal Medium Schedule II
Methylphenobarbital Long Schedule IV
Mephobarbital Long Schedule IV
Phenobarbital Long Schedule IV
Clinical effects
Onset of clinical symptoms varies (15–40 minutes) and the degree of
symptoms is dose and drug dependent. Clinical effects may consist of
CNS and respiratory depression, hypothermia, bullous skin lesions, aspira-
tion pneumonia, nystagmus, dysarthria, ataxia, drowsiness hypothermia, re-
nal failure, muscle necrosis, hypotension, hypoglycemia, coma, and death
[44]. Coingestion with alcohol or other CNS depressants enhances toxic ef-
fects. Duration of effects depends on the dose and the specific drug itself.
Laboratory monitoring
Detection periods for barbiturates vary greatly depending on the specific
barbiturate being used. Each barbiturate has a different half-life in the body.
Ultrashort- and short-acting barbiturates (thiopental, secobarbital) may
only be detected in the urine for 1 to 4 days, whereas longer-duration bar-
biturates (phenobarbital) can be detected for 2 to 3 weeks. Many larger hos-
pital facilities can detect most barbiturates from urine samples with an
extensive toxicology screen using competitive fluorescence polarization im-
munoassays [99]. Detection depends on the dose and half-life of the specific
drug being tested. State forensic laboratories have extremely sensitive as-
says, such as HPLC-MS/MS and GC/MS-MS, capable of detecting very
low concentrations of barbiturates from urine and hair samples that can
greatly expand the window of detection [98].
Several opioid drugs are included in the analysis for date-rape drugs.
Although these drugs are highly regulated or only available by prescription,
illicit use of these drugs is still common nationwide. Opiates are the naturally
derived narcotics, such as heroin, morphine, and codeine. These are isolated
from the poppy plant Papaver somniferum. Heroin is the only opiate cur-
rently listed as a schedule I drug, primarily owing to the rapid onset of action,
clinical effects (euphoria and sedation), and its high abuse potential. Metab-
olism of codeine to morphine is required for its analgesic effects (Fig. 4).
Opioids include the semisynthetic compounds, such as hydrocodone, hydro-
morphone, oxycodone, and fentanyl. These drugs all have potent analgesic
and sedative properties but different pharmacokinetic properties. These
drugs are available in powder or tablet forms having a slightly bitter taste.
Either form can be hidden in a beverage, smoked, or inhaled. These drugs
can easily be used to incapacitate a sexual assault victim.
Clinical effects
The major clinical effects of opioids are analgesia, sedation, pinpoint
pupils (miosis), euphoria, and respiratory depression [44]. Pinpoint pupils
may not always be seen in all and should not be solely relied on for the di-
agnosis. The onset of clinical symptoms varies with the drug and the method
of administration. Onset of effects for oral ingestion of opioids varies, but
most are within 30 to 60 minutes; inhalation or injection is more rapid
(within 5 minutes). Duration of clinical effects depends on the specific opioid
drug. Naloxone reversal of sedation may clue the health care team to the
presence of opioids.
Codeine Heroin
Morphine-3-glucuronide Morphine-6-glucuronide
Fig. 4. The opiate metabolites detected by immunoassay and GC-MS. A small percentage of
codeine is converted to active metabolites by CYP2D6 to norcodeine (w10%), morphine
(w10%), and hydrocodone (!2%). Heroin is rapidly metabolized to 6-acetyl morphine and
then hydrolyzed to morphine; both are active metabolites. Morphine is conjugated to inactive
metabolite morphine-3-glucuronide and the potent metabolite morphine-6-glucuronide.
Laboratory monitoring
In the hospital setting commercial immunoassays are designed to detect
naturally occurring opiates (morphine and codeine). Specific GC-MS anal-
ysis protocols are available for confirming natural, synthetic, and semisyn-
thetic opioid compounds from urine specimens. In addition, specific
immunoassays and GC-MS protocols are available for detection of metha-
done and propoxyphene. Documentation of suspected opioid-related clini-
cal symptoms assists state laboratories in detecting and confirming
a diverse array of opioid compounds potentially used to incapacitate a victim
of sexual assault.
Over-the-counter medications
Several medications that may be used to facilitate sexual assault are
legally available without a prescription. Although these medications are di-
verse in class, their clinical effects may be used to incapacitate a sexual as-
sault victim. Sexual predators may use these drugs because their effects
are exacerbated with alcohol and can easily be used to adulterate a victim’s
Dextromethorphan is sold over the counter as an antitussive agent alone
or in combination with other cough aids (pseudoephedrine, acetaminophen,
chlorpheniramine). It is the d-isomer of the potent opiate analgesic 3-me-
thoxy-N-methylmorphine (levorphanol). Although dextromethorphan is
structurally related to opioids, it is devoid of analgesic or sedative effects
at therapeutic doses. Dextromethorphan is metabolized by CYP2D6 to
a more potent metabolite, dextrorphan [100,101]. Dextrorphan is a stronger
noncompetitive antagonist than dextromethorphan for the N-methyl-D-as-
partate glutamate receptor [102]. These properties promote its use in treat-
ment of neuropathic and postoperative pain management [102–106].
Even though dextromethorphan has a strong safety profile at therapeutic
concentrations, it is highly abused for its sedative, hallucinogenic, short-
term memory loss, dissociative, and euphoric properties at high doses. Al-
though no cases have been published using dextromethorphan in DFSA,
large doses can impair a victim’s sensory and motor skills making it a poten-
tial drug for use in DFSA. Dextromethorphan is widely available over the
counter in liquid, tablet, and gel capsule formulations, or over the internet
in a white power form [107]. Although liquid dextromethorphan has
a bad taste, crystallized and powder forms can easily be disguised in drinks
and consumed by an unknowing victim. Street names for dextromethorphan
are Dex, DXM, Tuss, Robo, Skittles, Triple-C, and Syrup.
Despite the safety of dextromethorphan when used at the recommended
dosage (!120 mg/day), higher doses can result in nausea, vomiting, seizure,
Scopolamine and atropine are anticholinergic agents of the belladonna al-
kaloid family. Scopolamine is used for motion sickness and as an adjunct to
anesthesia to produce sedation and amnesia. Scopolamine produces a higher
degree of sedation than atropine because of the higher degree of penetration
into the CNS. The high potency, rapid onset, and amnestic effects of scopol-
amine have lead to its being included on testing for DFSA cases [114].
The major clinical effects of scopolamine are classic anticholinergic symp-
toms, such as dilated pupils (mydriasis), dry mouth, hallucinations, and
slurred speech. Other clinical effects are tachycardia, vomiting, confusion,
and amnesia. Large doses can result in coma, seizures, and death. The onset
of clinical symptoms is fast (within 15–30 minutes) and duration of effects
may last up to 2 to 3 days.
Antihistamines are typically used in the treatment of allergies or insomnia.
First-generation antihistamines (diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine) read-
ily cross the blood-brain barrier, producing greater CNS effects than second-
generation antihistamines (fexofenadine). First-generation antihistamines hit
central and peripheral histamine (H1 and H2) receptors, but are still widely
used because they are effective and inexpensive [115]. Few cases have docu-
mented the use of diphenhydramine in DFSA [32], yet the anticholinergic
proprieties of antihistamines make this a class of drugs feasible for DFSA.
First-generation antihistamines can cause CNS depression and anticho-
linergic symptoms, such as sedation, hallucinations, confusion, agitation,
and psychosis. Onset of action is 15 to 60 minutes and clinical symptoms
typically last 4 to 6 hours [116]. Large doses can exacerbate these effects
and can even result in cardiotoxicity, coma, and seizures [117]. Coingestion
with alcohol or other sedative-hypnotic drugs may increase some or all of
these clinical symptoms. Victims may have difficulty distinguishing events
of a sexual assault because of the anticholinergic effects of the drugs. A vic-
tim may not present for hours or days after a sexual assault, therefore,
because of the clinical effects of the drugs themselves.
Laboratory monitoring
Analysis of blood or urine antihistamine levels is not typically performed
in the health care setting. Because these nonprescription drugs are
DFSA is a complex and ever-prevalent problem presenting to North
American emergency departments. Emergency personnel should consider
DFSA in patients who are amnestic to the specific details of the event fol-
lowing a reported sexual assault. The presence of ethanol or a positive rou-
tine drug screen in a sexual assault victim does not exclude the potential for
another drug being present. In addition, a negative routine drug screen does
not exclude all potential agents that are used in DFSA. It is imperative for
emergency personnel to clearly document the history and the presenting
signs and symptoms to assist laboratory personnel to hone in and detect
the agent used in a DFSA.
[1] Anonymous. ACOG issues report on sexual assault - American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists - special medical reports. American Family Physician March 1, 1998.
[2] Rose VL. National Criminal Victimization Survey, 2003. In: Bureau of Justice Statistics:
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