Pharmacists play an important role in ensuring optimal drug therapy and public safety. They are involved in regulatory control and drug policymaking, community pharmacy, hospitals, academia, and research. As drug experts, pharmacists contribute to drug selection and distribution, provide medication information to patients and healthcare professionals, and advise on proper medication use.
Pharmacists play an important role in ensuring optimal drug therapy and public safety. They are involved in regulatory control and drug policymaking, community pharmacy, hospitals, academia, and research. As drug experts, pharmacists contribute to drug selection and distribution, provide medication information to patients and healthcare professionals, and advise on proper medication use.
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The Role of the Pharmacist in the Health Care System
Pharmacists play an important role in ensuring optimal drug therapy and public safety. They are involved in regulatory control and drug policymaking, community pharmacy, hospitals, academia, and research. As drug experts, pharmacists contribute to drug selection and distribution, provide medication information to patients and healthcare professionals, and advise on proper medication use.
Pharmacists play an important role in ensuring optimal drug therapy and public safety. They are involved in regulatory control and drug policymaking, community pharmacy, hospitals, academia, and research. As drug experts, pharmacists contribute to drug selection and distribution, provide medication information to patients and healthcare professionals, and advise on proper medication use.
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The scope of pharmacy and the functions of pharmacists
With the development of specific and potent synthetic drugs, the emphasis of the pharmacists responsibility has moved substantially towards the utilization of sc ientific knowledge in the proper use of modern medicines and the protection of t he public against dangers that are inherent in their use. Pharmacists are employed in regulatory control and drug management, community ph armacy, hospital pharmacy, the pharmaceutical industry, academic activities, tra ining of other health workers, and research. In all these fields, their aim is t o ensure optimum drug therapy, both by contributing to the preparation, supply a nd control of medicines and associated products, and by providing information an d advice to those who prescribe or use pharmaceutical products. Regulatory control and drug management Health and drug policy Each ministry of health has a section dealing with pharmaceutical affairs. In vi ew of the importance of drugs in government health services, and of the related expertise within the pharmaceutical section, it is important that the pharmaceut ical affairs section should have equal prominence with other sections of the min istry. Pharmacists in administration participate in formulating health and drug policies, particularly those on the selection, procurement and distribution of d rugs. They serve as sources of information for health care professionals and the public, and participate in the preparation of pharmacopoeias and other official documents. They cooperate with educators and the professional body of pharmacis ts in establishing and modifying the curricula of schools of pharmacy and contin uing education programmes. In some countries, pharmacists have roles in environm ental health control and in control of the quality of food and of cosmetics and medical devices. Pharmacists do not perform these functions in all countries. A prerequisite to t heir widespread adoption is the involvement of pharmacists with the appropriate expertise in the determination and implementation of national health policy, whi ch provides the context for policies related to drugs and pharmacy. In view of t he special knowledge and expertise of pharmacists, they should be given the resp onsibility at a senior level for the determination and implementation of policy on drugs and pharmacy manpower and for the drafting and administration of legisl ation. Pharmacists in such senior positions should preferably have postgraduate training and a qualification in public health. In some countries, potent medicines and related products may be supplied or disp ensed by non-pharmacists and without the supervision or control of pharmacists. For the safety of the public, such transactions should be performed or supervise d by pharmacists, to ensure the supply of correct medicines of acceptable qualit y. In some countries the management of drug procurement and supply, and drug contro l, registration and enforcement, do not meet satisfactory standards. To achieve acceptable standards, pharmacists with suitable postgraduate training should be appointed to senior positions, and standards should be assured by comprehensive pharmaceutical legislation and its effective enforcement. Management Government-employed pharmacists are responsible for drug management, which inclu des the selection of essential drugs, the determination of drug requirements, th e procurement and distribution of drugs and their rational use, as well as the d esign and use of information systems. Also, they collect and collate data requir ed by their national government agencies and by international bodies, such as th e International Narcotics Control Board. Administration In some countries, tenders for the import and supply of drugs are awarded to non -pharmaceutical businesses. The management of such businesses is not capable of applying professional standards and is influenced solely by commercial considera tions. Procedures for inviting, accepting and awarding tenders for the supply of pharmaceuticals should be separate from those for non-professional commercial t enders, and should be managed by pharmacists. Educational policy Pharmacists cooperate with educators in establishing and implementing policies w ith regard to undergraduate and continuing education, in-service training, and o ther aspects of manpower development. Regulatory and enforcement agencies Pharmacists are employed by regulatory agencies concerned with the approval, reg istration and quality control of drugs, cosmetics and medical devices, and with enforcement agencies, including customs departments, that control the distributi on of drugs through licit and illicit channels, and as inspectors of the manufac ture, importation, distribution and sale of drugs. Professional registration authorities Pharmacists are prominently engaged in agencies, such as boards of pharmacy, tha t establish criteria for the registration of pharmacists or licensing requiremen ts, register pharmacies and pharmacists, and monitor the way pharmacies are oper ated and the professional conduct of pharmacists. International agencies and professional bodies Pharmacists employed in these bodies perform a variety of technical and administ rative functions in professional bodies and in drug- and health-related agencies , e.g., the World Health Organization, the International Narcotics Control Board , the United Nations Division of Narcotic Drugs, the United Nations Commission o n Narcotic Drugs, the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control, Interpol, nati onal pharmacopoeial committees, and pharmaceutical societies. 4.2 Community pharmacy Community pharmacists are the health professionals most accessible to the public . They supply medicines in accordance with a prescription or, when legally permi tted, sell them without a prescription. In addition to ensuring an accurate supp ly of appropriate products, their professional activities also cover counselling of patients at the time of dispensing of prescription and non-prescription drug s, drug information to health professionals, patients and the general public, an d participation in health-promotion programmes. They maintain links with other h ealth professionals in primary health care. Today, an increasingly wide range of new and analogous products are used in medi cine, including high-technology biological products and radio-pharmaceuticals. T here is also the heterogeneous group of medical devices, which includes some pro ducts analogous to medicines, some of which demand special knowledge with regard to their uses and risks (e.g., dressings, wound management products, etc.). Pharmacists have progressively undertaken the additional task of ensuring the qu ality of the products they supply. The main activities of community pharmacists are described below. Processing of prescriptions The pharmacist verifies the legality, safety and appropriateness of the prescrip tion order, checks the patient medication record before dispensing the prescript ion (when such records are kept in the pharmacy), ensures that the quantities of medication are dispensed accurately, and decides whether the medication should be handed to the patient, with appropriate counselling, by a pharmacist. In many countries, the community pharmacist is in a unique position to be fully aware o f the patients past and current drug history and, consequently, can provide essen tial advice to the prescriber. Care of patients or clinical pharmacy The pharmacist seeks to collect and integrate information about the patients drug history, clarify the patients understanding of the intended dosage regimen and m ethod of administration, and advises the patient of drug-related precautions, an d in some countries, monitors and evaluates the therapeutic response. Monitoring of drug utilization The pharmacist can participate in arrangements for monitoring the utilization of drugs, such as practice research projects, and schemes to analyse prescriptions for the monitoring of adverse drug reactions. Extemporaneous preparation and small-scale manufacture of medicines Pharmacists everywhere continue to prepare medicines in the pharmacy. This enabl es them to adapt the formulation of a medicine to the needs of an individual pat ient. New developments in drugs and delivery systems may well extend the need fo r individually adapted medicines and thus increase the pharmacists need to contin ue with pharmacy formulation. In some countries, developed and developing, pharm acists engage in the small-scale manufacture of medicines, which must accord wit h good manufacturing and distribution practice guidelines. Traditional and alternative medicines In some countries, pharmacists supply traditional medicines and dispense homoeop athic prescriptions. Responding to symptoms of minor ailments The pharmacist receives requests from members of the public for advice on a vari ety of symptoms and, when indicated, refers the inquiries to a medical practitio ner. If the symptoms relate to a self-limiting minor ailment, the pharmacist can supply a non-prescription medicine, with advice to consult a medical practition er if the symptoms persist for more than a few days. Alternatively, the pharmaci st may give advice without supplying medicine. Informing health care professionals and the public The pharmacist can compile and maintain information on all medicines, and partic ularly on newly introduced medicines, provide this information as necessary to o ther health care professionals and to patients, and use it in promoting the rati onal use of drugs, by providing advice and explanations to physicians and to mem bers of the public. Health promotion The pharmacist can take part in health promotion campaigns, locally and national ly, on a wide range of health-related topics, and particularly on drug-related t opics (e.g., rational use of drugs, alcohol abuse, tobacco use, discouragement o f drug use during pregnancy, organic solvent abuse, poison prevention) or topics concerned with other health problems (diarrhoeal diseases, tuberculosis, lepros y, HIV-infection/AIDS) and family planning. They may also take part in the educa tion of local community groups in health promotion, and in campaigns on disease prevention, such as the Expanded Programme on Immunization, and malaria and blin dness programmes. Domiciliary services In a number of countries, the pharmacist provides an advisory as well as a suppl y service to residential homes for the elderly, and other long-term patients. In some countries, policies are being developed under which pharmacists will visit certain categories of house-bound patients to provide the counselling service t hat the patients would have received had they been able to visit the pharmacy. Agricultural and veterinary practice Pharmacists supply animal medicines and medicated animal feeds. Hospital pharmacy Hospitals and other institutions and facilities, such as outpatient clinics, dru g-dependency treatment facilities, poison control centres, drug information cent res, and long-term care facilities, may be operated by the government or private ly. While many of the pharmacists activities in such facilities may be similar to those performed by community pharmacists, they differ in a number of ways. Addi tionally, the hospital or institutional pharmacist: has more opportunity to interact closely with the prescriber and, therefore, to promote the rational prescribing and use of drugs; in larger hospital and institutional pharmacies, is usually one of several pharm acists, and thus has a greater opportunity to interact with others, to specializ e and to gain greater expertise; having access to medical records, is in a position to influence the selection of drugs and dosage regimens, to monitor patient compliance and therapeutic respon se to drugs, and to recognize and report adverse drug reactions; can more easily than the community pharmacist assess and monitor patterns of dru g usage and thus recommend changes where necessary; serves as a member of policy-making committees, including those concerned with d rug selection, the use of antibiotics, and hospital infections (Drug and Therape utics Committee) and thereby influences the preparation and composition of an es sential-drug list or formulary; is in a better position to educate other health professionals about the rational use of drugs; more easily participates in studies to determine the beneficial or adverse effec ts of drugs, and is involved in the analysis of drugs in body fluids; can control hospital manufacture and procurement of drugs to ensure the supply o f high-quality products; takes part in the planning and implementation of clinical trials. 4.4 Industrial pharmacy (the pharmaceutical industry) Statutory provisions in some countries may require that certain positions be hel d by pharmacists. The main activities of industrial pharmacists are described be low. Research and development Pharmacists contribute to research, and their expertise in formulation developme nt is of particular relevance to the biological availability of active ingredien ts. Manufacture and quality assurance The pharmacists broad knowledge of the pharmaceutical sciences ensures an integra ted approach to quality assurance (including good manufacturing practice) throug h the validation of the various stages of production and the testing of products before release. Drug information The pharmacist has the knowledge and expertise to provide detailed information o n medicines to members of the health professions and the public. Also, pharmacis ts provide an information service within the company. Patent applications and drug registration The pharmacist is ideally qualified to understand and collate the diverse inform ation required for patent and authorization submissions. Clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance The pharmacist has the knowledge of drugs and health care provision required to facilitate collaboration between companies, health professionals and governments in relation to clinical trials and surveillance. Sales and marketing The pharmacist, whose professional ethics demand a concern for the interest of p atients, can make a contribution to proper marketing practices related to health care and to the provision of appropriate information to health professionals an d the public. Management The inclusion of pharmacists in all levels of management promotes an ethical app roach within management policies. 4.5 Academic activities Academic pharmacists engage in education, pharmaceutical practice, and research in schools of pharmacy. These three aspects of academic activity are interrelate d, and at the same time connected with manpower planning and management. Undergr aduate, postgraduate and continuing education require the educators to have expe rtise in the various pharmaceutical sciences, but, in view of the professional a nd vocational goals of pharmacy education and the necessary interaction of educa tion and research with service, the academic staff must also include a substanti al component of pharmacists with appropriate postgraduate education.
Factors Influencing Little Application of Elimination of Mother To Child HIV Transmission Services at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, Mbarara District, Uganda.