Are You Ready To Be Your Own Boss at Oven Rescue

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54 The Argus, Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Argusfranchising To advertise your franchise opportunity in The Argus call Graham
Wright on 01273 544350 or email [email protected]

Find your perfect franchise

MODERN franchising plays host bining with business administration
to an enormous variety of busi- being done from home. This sector fre-
nesses in the UK with something quently also incorporates realistic
to suit every taste and budget. and attainable growth opportunities,
with the option to develop a multi-van
With such a range of choice avail-
fleet as your business grows.
able in the Brighton and the sur-
rounding areas over 80% of all UK
Management franchises
franchises have a presence in the
Transferable skills are all-important
south east region it can be difficult
for franchisees, and this is perhaps
to know where to start.
truest in the management franchise
One of the ways to begin narrowing
category, sometimes also called white
down your choices is to consider what
collar franchising, where manage-
kind of lifestyle youre looking for,
ment experience is the perfect back-
and therefore what type of business
you want to own and run:
Rather than direct hands-on work,
these businesses rely on your ability
to manage people, business develop-
One of the most popular and widely-
ment, sales and so on from a usually
represented opportunities in the fran-
office-based position. Some of the
chise sector is the option of working
biggest business types falling under
from home. There are numerous busi-
this umbrella include home care, let-
nesses run entirely from the comfort
tings agents, business coaching,
of a home office, and yet more that
accountancy and business cost reduc-
incorporate elements of home-based tings agencies, and even childrens
tion services. Several domestic and
working. nurseries.
commercial cleaning franchises are
Bear in mind, though, that you'll Investment levels are generally
management rather than hands-on
often need to be comfortable running higher, because of the need to locate
businesses, and a lot of van-based
your business with little face-to-face and kit out premises but this is jus-
franchises can become management
contact on a daily basis. tified by the relative returns that a
fect if you like being mobile and meet- because of the convenience they offer opportunities in time.
Home-based franchises are popular franchisee can achieve.
not only for their convenience to the ing people. Theres an enormous array so if a van-based franchise appeals, Its clear that whatever your taste,
of choice, including automotive serv- theres a lot of upside and a lot of Premises-based
franchisee, but also because the start- desired lifestyle and work/life bal-
ices, vending solutions, domestic serv- choice. Costs can be low and profits This category includes among its
up costs are generally lower than else- ance, there's choices for you; these are
ices such as oven cleaning, pet care, high if youre in the right market- number traditional franchising behe-
where. just some. For more information,
cleaning, garden services, mobile place. moths from catering and hospitality,
through to some of the best-known advice and a list of accredited fran-
Van-based catering and many more. They can offer the best of both chise opportunities in the UK see the
Mobile services and products con- worlds with the ability to get out and UK retailers, a host of upcoming and
Usually in conjunction with a home British Franchise Association website
tinue to soar in consumer popularity about in your local community com- fast-growing brands, estate and let-
office, van-based franchises are per-

Are you ready to be

your own boss?
THERE is one household chore dread is cleaning their oven. With
that always tops the least With Oven Rescue more than 23 million householders
favourite list, and that is
cleaning the oven. It beats iron-
Group you will find: each with at least one oven in
their home this adds up to a huge
l Massive domestic and potential marketplace for domestic
ing, scrubbing floors and wash- oven-cleaning and a fantastic
ing up, and people tend to put commercial marketplace
repeat order business opportunity
off cleaning the oven until it l Regular, repeat business for Oven Rescue Group fran-
becomes a problem. l Opportunity to earn more than chisees.
If you dont mind rolling your 1,000 per week Oven Rescue Group is a success-
sleeves up and tackling the oven l Unique cleaning system using ful domestic oven cleaning fran-
then Oven Rescue Group could be high quality eco-products chise, providing specialist oven
your chance to be your own boss. cleaning services to this massive,
Oven Rescue provides a virtu- l In field support and business virtually untapped marketplace.
ally recession-proof business development Franchisees operate from profes-
which will give you independence, l Potential for expansion to multi- sionally liveried, fully equipped
flexibility and great satisfaction. van operation in single territory vans, benefiting from low over-
At last months franchising l Protected territory heads and high flexibility.
exhibition in Brighton, Oven Res- The proven Oven Rescue Group
cue sold franchises in Brighton, For more information telephone business model is easy to learn,
Worthing and Chichester, and it 01403 820546, visit the website simple to manage and delivers a
now has territories for sale in East- high earning, independent
bourne, Hastings and Haywards or email [email protected] lifestyle.
Heath, plus a pilot When you join Oven
franchise in Horsham, Rescue Group, you are
which brings in excess assured of the highest
of 35k profit a year, is standard of training and
now available for re- business support, backed
sale. by the founder and man-
Oven Rescue is one aging director, Mike Har-
of the hottest fran- ris.
chise opportunities of If you are interested
2013, and is proving to but feel you dont have
be an increasingly enough experience to
popular choice for take on a franchise imme-
would-be business diately there are opportu-
owners from all walks nities to join as an
of life. employee with full train-
An independent sur- ing to manage an area
vey found that the and then have the option
chore people most to purchase that area.

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