Ccs 4 Day 1
Ccs 4 Day 1
Ccs 4 Day 1
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
The quality of service is of utmost importance in
the Business Process Outsourcing world.
This subject is designed to orient you
Overall customer satisfaction is determined byon
the essential functions and specific tasks
the quality of your service. Improved customer
involved in Business Process Outsourcing
experience later on builds lasting and profitable
relationships which is one of the many
advantages of a quality customer service.
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Furthermore, it will enable you to gain the
necessary skills and the right attitude in
transmitting and/or receiving calls from the
This subject is designed to orient you
customers, handling customers’ complaints, on
the essential functions and specific tasks
providing after-sales support and documenting
involved in Business Process Outsourcing
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
At the end of this semester, you are expected to:
This subject is designed to orient you on
the essential
1. describe functions
the functions and specific
and processes involved tasks
in a BPO /
Call Center industry;
involved in Business Process Outsourcing
2. transmit / receive calls from customers;
3. handle customers’ complaints accordingly; and
4. provide after-sales support and document events.
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
The world adapts to the fast-paced developments brought about by
globalization and technological advancements. As a result, major changes in
This subject
the industries introduced is designed
various means totominimize
orientor you
expenses while maximizing profit.
the essential functions and specific tasks
This isinvolved in Business
one of the many reasons whyProcess
companies Outsourcing
channel the processes of
their production or service to third-party clients which lead to the birth of
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
people who are current or potential
buyers, subscribers, account owners
This subject is designed to orient
or patrons you on
of the industry who enters
the essential functions
into and specific
transaction with tasks
you through
information technology (IT) assisted
involved in Business devices
Process Outsourcing
like computers, telephones and
(BPO). mobile phones.
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
This subject is designed to orient you on
the essential functions and specific tasks
refer to companies you will represent.
involved in Business Process Outsourcing
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
This subject is designed to orient you on
the essential functions and
are job specific
titles tasks
of personnel who assist
involved in Business customers
Process Outsourcing
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
This subject is designed to orient you on
It refers to the management of one
the essential functionsor and specific
more specific tasks
involved in Business Process Outsourcing
processes or functions by a third
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
This subject is designed to orient you on
the essential functionsHere,
and youspecific tasks
hire a separate company
or firm to handle business
involved in Business Process Outsourcing
activities for a company.
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
It is the delegation of one or more
This subject is designed to orient you on
IT intensive business processes to an
the essential functions and
external specific
provider that, intasks
turn, owns,
involved in Business administrates
Process Outsourcing
and manages the selected
process based on a defined and
(BPO). measurable performance metrics.
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Why Outsource?
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
The benefits that BPO industry contributes to
the economy may be quantified in terms of
money and it can be from billions to trillions
of dollars.
Peregrine Institute
Peregrine Institute
Communicating Effectively
Communicating Effectively InInEnglish
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
Prof. Rhayan Ramos De Castro
The Philippines is an important offshore player driven by several
factors such as the following: