Semester-Iii Numerical Analysis and Programming (Ma 3103)

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Numerical computation and error, solution of algebraic and transcendental equations-

Bisection method, Regula-Falsi method and Newton-Raphson method and their order of
convergence. Iterative methods for system of non-linear equations. Linear system of
equations: Gauss elimination method, Crouts method, Jacobis method, Gauss-Seidel
method. Computer programming of above methods. 16 L

Finite differences, difference operators and symbolic relations, difference of a

polynomial, Interpolation ,error in interpolation, Newtons forward and backward
formulae, Lagranges interpolation formula, Newton general interpolation formula,
Numerical differentiation, error in numerical differentiation. Numerical integration:
Newtons cotes formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson 1/3 rule, Simpson 3/8 rule and their
error estimation. Computer programming of above methods. 16 L

Ordinary differential equations: Taylors series method, Eulers method, Eulers

modified method, Runge-Kutta method, Boundary value problem-linear and non-linear
equations. Computer programming of above methods. 10 L


Introduction: - Material Science and Engineering, classification of engineering materials,

structure property relationship in materials, introduction to metals & alloys, Ceramics,
polymers, composites. 03L
Crystal Geometry: Introduction, the space lattices, and lattice points, Unit cell and
primitive cell, crystal systems, Bravias lattices, crystal direction and planes, reciprocal
lattice, Miller indices, coordination number and atomic packing factor and its
determination for simple cubic and Hexagonal closed packed structure. Determination of
crystal structure by X ray diffraction. 07L
Crystal Imperfections: Introduction, Classification of imperfection, Point, line and
surface imperfection. 03L
Phase Diagrams: The phase rule, single component system, Binary phase diagrams, and
the lover rule. The iron-iron carbide phase diagram, Hume Rothrey rules of alloying.
Oxidation and Corrosion: Oxidation, mechanism of oxidation, oxidation resistant
materials, Corrosion, The principle of corrosion, various forms of corrosion, Protection
against corrosion. 04L
Diffusion in solids: Introduction, types and mechanism of diffusion, Ficks law of
diffusion, the atomic model of diffusion. Experimental determination of diffusion
coefficient, The Kirkendall effect. 05L
Dielectrics: Introduction, Dielectric polarization, types of polarization, Temperature and
frequency effects, Ferro electricity, and piezoelectricity. 04L
Magnetic properties: Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism,
antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism, soft and hard magnetic materials, magnetic
moment due to electron spin 05L
Electrical properties : The free electron theory, Fermi- Dirac distribution function,
conduction by free electron, Mobility and conductivity, energy band theory of solids,
Insulators, semiconductors, metals, potential field in a metal, bond and free electron,
Superconductivity and superconducting materials, Type I and Type II superconductors,
The Meissners effect.


LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION :- Definition of Laplace transform and linearity and

shifting property, Laplace transform of elementary functions, Inverse Laplace transform,
Laplace transform of derivative and integration, convolution theorem, Solution of
differential equation by Laplace transform, Unit Step function, Unit impulse function.
09 L
VECTOR CALCULUS :- Differentiation of vector function, gradient, divergence, curl
and their geometrical or physical interpretation, Line, Surface and Volume integrals,
Statement of Greens Theorem , divergence theorem and Stokes theorem and their
applications. Curvilinear co-ordinates. 09 L

FOURIER SERIES :- Fourier series, Dirichlets conditions, Half Range series. 04 L

FOURIER TRANSFORM :- Definition of Fourier Transform, linearity, shifting,

frequency theorem, Fourier transform of derivatives and Dirac-delta function, Inverse
Fourier transform, Fourier Sine and Cosine transform, Solution of simple differential
equation by Fourier transform method. 10 L

Z- TRANSFORMATION :- Definition, Z-transformation of standard sequences, linearity

property, Shifting theorem, inverse of Z-transformations, Scaling property of Z-
transformation, differentiation of Z-transformation, convolution of sequences, solution of
difference equations by Z-transformation.


Linear Time Invariant first order and second order circuits- Analysis using integro-
differential and Laplace transform approach.
Coupling elements and coupled circuits.
Network Graphs and their application in network analysis, Tellegens theorem.
State equations.
Natural frequency
Network function.
Two port networks.
Network Synthesis PRF, synthesis of one port L-C,R-C & R-L network.


Overview of C language [6L]

Time and Space analysis of Algorithms - Order Notations.

Linear Data Structures - Sequential representations - Arrays and Lists, Stacks, Queues
and Dequeues, strings, Application. [6L]

Linear Data Structures, Link Representation - Linear linked lists, Circularly linked lists.
Doubly linked lists, application. [6L]

Recursion - Design of recursive algorithms, Tail Recursion, When not to use recursion,
Removal of recursion. [4L]

Non-linear Data Structure: Trees - Binary Trees, Traversals and Threads, Binary Search
Trees, Insertion and Deletion algorithms, Height-balanced and weight-balanced trees, B-
trees, B+ -trees, Application of trees; Graphs - Representations, Breadth-first and Depth-
first Search. [10 L ]

Hashing - Hashing Functions, collision Resolution Techniques. [ 4L]

Sorting and Searching Algorithms- Bubble sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick
Sort, Merge Sort, Heap sort and Radix Sort. [6L]

File Structures - Sequential and Direct Access. Relative Files, Indexed Files - B+ tree as
index. Multi-indexed Files, Inverted Files, Hashed Files.


Number systems, Binary representation, Codes and their conversions: BCD, Octal, 5L
Hexadecimal, ASCII, EBDIC, Gray, Signed binary number representation with 1s
and 2s complement methods, Binary arithmetic.

Boolean algebra, Venn diagram, logic gates and circuits, Minimization of logic 8L
expressions by algebraic method, K-map method and Quine Mc Clauskey method

Combinational circuits- adder, subtractor, encoder, decoder, comparator, 6L

multiplexer, de-multiplexer, parity generator.

Design of combinational circuits-Programming logic devices and gate arrays. 2L

Sequential Circuits- Flip Flops, various types of Registers and counters and their 8L
design, Irregular counter, State table and state transition diagram, sequential circuits
design methodology
Different types of A/D and D/A conversion techniques. 5L

Different Logic families- TTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS, their operation and 4L

Memory Systems: RAM, ROM, EPROM,EEROM 2L



SPECIAL FUNCTIONS :- Series solution of differential equations, Bessel and

Legendres equations and their series solution, elementary properties of Bessels function
and Legendres polynomial. 12 L

COMPLEX VARIABLE:- Analytic function, Cauchy- Riemann equation. Complex

Integration, Cauchys theorem and Cauchy Integral formula. Taylor and Laurents
expansion. Poles and Residue, Residue theorem. Conformal transformation, Bilinear and
Schwartzs transformations. . 15 L

PARATIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION :- Formulation of partial differential

equation, Linear and non-linear partial differential equations of the first order,
Lagranges method and Charpits method. Higher order Partial Linear differential
equations with constant coefficients. Method of separation of variables. Equation of
vibrating strings, heat flow, Laplaces two dimensional equation and simple problems.


Probability: classical and axiomatic definitions, addition law, conditional probability,

multiplication law, total probability, Bayes theorem and independence of events.
Random variables: Discrete and continuous random variables, probability mass,
probability density and commutative distribution functions. Mathematical expectation,
variance, moment and moment generating function, Chebyshev s inequality. 10 L

Regression Analysis: Linear regression, principle of least square, non-linear regression,

correlation, coefficient of correlation, Rank correlation. 05 L

Distributions: Binomial, Hypergeometric, Geometric, Poisson and Normal distributions.

Sampling Distribution: Population samples, sampling distribution, estimate for

population mean and variance, point of estimation, confidence interval for mean and
variance of normal population, Testing of hypothesis, the critical and acceptance region,
two type of errors, Chi-square, t-student and F distributions. 12 L

Analysis of Variance: completely randomize design and randomized block design,

Quality control, control charts(X-chart, R-chart, P-chart and C-chart).


Transistor Biasing and Stability: Self Bias-CE, CC, Compensation techniques. 6L

Voltage, current, transresistance & transconductance amplifier.

High frequency model of transistor. 2L

Power amplifiers Class A, B, AB, C, Tuned amplifier.Push pull amplifiers. 6L

Operational Amplifier: Differential Amplifier using BJT and FET,Internal 10L
structuer of Op-amp, C onstant current source (current mirror etc.), level shifter,
Ideal and practical OpAmp. Comparator, Schmitt Trigger. Instrumentation
Amplifier, Log & Anti-log amplifiers, Trans-conductance multiplier,Linear
&Nonlinear Precision Rectifier

Multivibrator Monostable, Bistable, Astable.Ckts & 6L

Timer. Monostable and astable operation using 555 timer.

Linear voltage regulator : series and shunt. 4L

Switched mode power supply.

Function generator, wave shapers. 6L

V-I, I-V, V-F & F-V converters. VCO, PLL lock-in amplifier.


Electrical measurements:-
errors in measurement, Classification of errors, statistical analysis of errors, Probable
error and limit errors, Calculation of limiting errors.
Potentiometer: DC and AC
Measuring Instruments:-
Fundamentals ,operation and construction of galvanometer(DC & AC), ammeter and
voltmeters, wattmeters, extension of range of instruments, energy-meter, frequency meter
and single phase reactive power measurements, single phase power factor meter,
megger , multimeter , trivectormeter.
Instrument Transformer:-
CT & PT, ratio& phase angle errors.
Measurement of resistance , inductance and capacitance
High voltage measurement:-
Surge and impulse test and oil testing set
Magnetic measurement: ballistic galvanometer and flux-meters, Determination of BH
curve and hysteresis loop, separation of hysteresis and eddy current losses by using loyd,
Fisher square.
Electronic Instruments:-
CRO and its uses , Special purpose CRO , VTVM, Principles of digital instrumentation.

1. Wave spectra: Introduction, spectral analysis of respective waves.
2. Noise: Introduction, Thermal noise, S/N ratio, Equivalent Noise Resistance, Noise
Factor, Noise Temperature.
3. Modulation and demodulation of signals:
(i) Amplitude Modulation, Frequency spectrum, Average power, Diode envelope
(ii) SSB modulation, Principles, FET Balanced Modulators, SSB Generation by Phase
shift method.
(iii) FM and PM: Frequency spectra, Equivalence between FM and PM, FET Reactance
Modulator, The Armstrong method, FM stereo Broad Transmitter, Foster seely
Discriminator, Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis. Automatic Frequency control.
4. Performance of Communication Systems. Noise in Amplitude Modulated systems and
Angle modulated systems.
5. Super heterodyne Receivers (Block diagram treatment) choice of IF and Oscillator
frequency, Image rejection.
6. Sampling Theorem, Pulse Modulation, Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Pulse Time
Modulation, TDM, FDM.
7. Digital Communication: Pulse code modulation, Delta Modulation, Quantization
Noise in Binary PCM, Digital carrier systems: ASK, FSK, PSK, and DPSK.
8. Introduction to Information theory, Measure of information channel capacity,
exchange of BW for S/N ratio.


Introduction to 8085A CPU architecture-register organization, addressing modes and

their features. Software instruction set and Assembly Language Programming. Pin
description and features.

Instruction cycle, machine cycle, Timing diagram.

Hardware Interfacing: Interfacing memory, peripheral chips (IO mapped IO & Memory
mapped IO).

Interrupts and DMA.

Peripherals: 8279, 8255, 8251, 8253, 8237, 8259, A/D and D/A converters and
interfacing of the same.

Typical applications of a microprocessor.

16 bit processors: 8086 and architecture, segmented memory has cycles, read/write cycle
in min/max mode. Reset operation, wait state, Halt state, Hold state, Lock operation,
interrupt processing. Addressing modes and their features. Software instruction set
(including specific instructions like string instructions, repeat, segment override, lock
prefizers and their use) and Assembly Language programming with the same.

Brief overview of some other microprocessors (eg. 6800 Microprocessor).


E.M.F (PH 5104)

Gausss Law, potential Functions Poissions and Laplaces Equations, Electrostatic

Uniquencess Theorem, Amperes Law, Magnetic scalar and Vector Potential. 7(L)

Introduction of Electromagnetic radiation, Plane wave propagation in isotropic, and

anistropic media Skin effect, e.m. Impedance, energy density. 7(L)

Reflection and refraction of plane waves, surface Impedance, Transmission line Theory,
VSWR, RF and UHF Transmission Lines, UHF lines as circuit elements, Quarter wave
Impedance, Inverting Transformer, single stub matching. Guided waves, waves between
parallel planes, TM and TE / TEM waves, Rectangular, spherical wave guide Earth
ionosphere as a resonant cavity
PROPAGATION: - Different modes of radio wave propagation, ionospheric Propagation,
MUF, Critical frequency, skip distance, dust propagation, tropospeheric propagation.
ANTENNA: - General solution of Maxwells Equation, Expression for E and H in term
of potentials, Retarded potentials, Antenna Definition, Function of as Antenna, properties
of an Antenna, Antenna parameters, Basic Antenna Elements, Radiation Mechanics,
Radiation fields of an Alternating current Element (Or Oscillating Electric Dipole),
radiation from half wave Dipole. Basic of small circular-loop Antenna, Monopole
Antenna, Horn antenna, parabolic reflector.


Evolution of Telecommunication, Basics of Switching System, Classification of
Switching System, limitation of Manual Switching System, Evolution of Automatic
Switching System, Principle of Operation of Stranger & Crossbar Electromechanical
Systems, pulse dialing & tone dialing-DTMF dialing, Signaling tones Circuit Switching
& Packet Switching. 10L

Electronic Switching:
Stored program control, centralized SPC, distributed SPC, software architecture,
application software. 6L

Traffic Engineering:
Blocking network, blocking probability, grade of service, traffic load, Parameters of
traffic engineering,Erlang-B congestion formula. 6L

Electronic space division switching 3L

Time Division Switching:

Basic time division space switching, Basic time division time switching, time
multiplexed space switching, time multiplexed time switching, combination switching,
Frequency division switching, 4L

Telephone Networks: (2-3 Stage Networks)

Subscriber loop systems, Switching hierarchy & routing, transmission systems, charging
plan, signaling techniques-in channel & common channel signaling.Numbering Plan.
Introduction, ISDN channels & access arrangements, ISDN service capabilities, user-
network interfaces, drawbacks of ISDN, introduction to B-ISDN.Introduction to ATM
and cell transmission & AAL.


The Fermi level, Electron and Hole concentration at equilibrium, Direct and Indirect
recombination of electrons and holes, Hall effect, Steady-state carrier generation, Quasi-
Fermi levels.

Drift and Diffusion of Carriers, Recombination, Continuity and Diffusion equations,
Hynes-Shockley experiment.

The Contact Potential, Space Charge at a junction, Steady state condition, Current at a
junction, Carrier injection, Junction breakdown, Time variation of stored charge, P-N
junction capacitance, Graded junction.

Varactor Diode, Concept of negative resistance, Tunnel Diode, Current and Voltage in an
illuminated junction, Photo Diode, Photo detector, Solar Cells, Light Emitting Diode,
Metal Semiconductor Junction.
Principle of PIN photo detector and Avalanche photodiode, Noise in photo detectors,
Detector response time, Photodiode materials.

Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT):

Charge transport and current in a BJT, Current transfer ratio, Terminal currents,
Generalised biasing, Charge control analysis, BJT switching, Turn-on and Turn-off
transients, Base narrowing, Frequency limitations of a transistor.

Principle of Operation and I-V Characteristics of FET, MESFET, MOSFET, MOS
Capacitor, Threshold voltage in MOSFET.


The basic CCD, Improved CCD p-n junction fabrication.


Concepts & Terminology: Digital computer concepts; Von-Neumann concept ;

Hardware & Software and their nature ; structure & functions of a computer system ,
Role of operating system. [8L]

Memory Unit : Memory classification , characteristics ; Organization of RAM ,

address decoding ROM/PROM/EEPROM ; Magnetic memories , recording formats
& methods , Disk & tape units; Concept of memory map , memory hierarchy ,
Associative memory organization ; Cache introduction , techniques to reduce cache
misses , concept of virtual memory & paging. [8L]

CPU Design: The ALU ALU organization , Integer representation , 1s and 2s

complement arithmetic ; Serial & Parallel Address; implementation of high speed
Address Carry Look Ahead & carry Save Address; Multiplication of signed binary
numbers-Booths algorithm ; Divide algorithms- Restoring & Non-Restoring ;
Floating point number arithmetic; Overflow detection , status flags. [8L]

Instruction Set Architecture- Choice of instruction set ; Instruction word formats ;

Addressing modes. [5L]

Control Design Timing diagrams; T-States , Controlling arithmetic & logic

instruction , control structures ; Hardwired & Micro programmed, CISC & RISC
characteristics. [6L]

Pipelining - General concept , speed up , instruction & arithmetic pipeline;

Examples of some pipeline in modern processors , pipeline hazards; Flynns
classification SISD ,SIMD , MISD , MIMD architectures-Vector and Array
processors & their comparison , Concept of Multiprocessor; Centralized & distributed
architectures. [

Input/output Organization : Introduction to Bus architecture , effect of bus widths ,

Programmed & Interrupt I/O , DMA.


Introduction and types of feedback control system , Block diagram and signal flow graph
analysis, Time domain analysis of control system, Stability concept, Routh stability
criterion, Root locus technique, frequency domain analysis, Bode plot , Nyquist plot,
Time domain and frequency domain design of control system , state variable formulation,
analysis and solution.

Transform analysis of Sample data systems.

Transform design of digital control.
State space analysis of sampled data systems.
Design of digital controls.



Human Resource Management: [8L]

Recruitment and selection, Performance appraisal, Industrial Relations, Trade Union,
Collective Bargaining

Organizational Behaviour: [8L]

Different Schools of Management Thought : Scientific Management, Administrative
Theory, Theory of Bureaucracy, Human Relations Theory(Elton Mayo).
Motivation: Concept, Different Theories (Maslow, ERG, Herzberg, )
Communication: Purpose, process, Barriers to effective communication, Guidelines to
make communication effective.
Perception: Process, Importance, Factors influencing perception, Shortcuts for judging
people- Halo effect, Stereotyping, Projection.
Quality Management: [6L ]
Concept, Dimensions for goods and services, Cost of Quality, Statistical Quality Control,
Control Charts, Acceptance Sampling (single).
Total Quality Management: Concept, benefits, Criticism.
New Quality Tools: Kaizen, Six Sigma, Quality Circles.

Productions Management: [ 5L ]
Concept. Difference from Operations Management, Types of Production( Mass, Batch,
Project), Functions of Production Management.
Productivity: Concept, Different Inputs and Productivity Measures, Effeciency and
Effectiveness, Measures to increase Productivity.
Marketing Management: [6L
Basic Concepts of Marketing, Difference between Selling and Marketing, Elements of
Marketing Mix- the 4 Ps.
Marketing Environment: Mega Environment, Micro Environment, Internal Environment,
Relevant Environment.
Simple Marketing Strategies: SWOT Analysis, BCG Matrix, Industry Matrix.
Materials Management: [6L
Concept, Functions, EOQ Models- Wilson model, model with shortage, model with
quantity discount, model without shortage , Selective Inventory ControlABC, VED,
FSN analysis.


Antenna fundamental and radiation mechanism 2L

Vector potential concept, Gain, Effective aperture 3L

Wire antenna, Loop antenna 3L

Aperture antenna 2L

Reflector antenna, Cassegrain antenna, Gregorian antenna 4L

Planar antenna 2L

Lens antenna 1L

Broadband antenna 2L

Frequency independent antenna 2L

Antenna synthesis 3L

Near field Far field transformation 3L

Antenna arrays, Grating lobes 5L

Antenna for mobile communication 3L

Antenna measurements: Radiation pattern, Gain and Radiation impedance. 5L


Introduction 1
RF and microwave spectrum, historical background, application of RF and L
Microwave Impedance Matching 4
Unknown impedance measurement using shift in minima technique and impedance L
matching using single and double stub matching

Microwave waveguides and components 8

Rectangular waveguide and circular waveguide mode structure, cutoff frequency, L
wall current, attenuation; microwave cavities rectangular cavity resonator, Q factor,
power divider ,scattering matrix and transmission matrix, attenuator, phase shifter,
directional coupler, Bethe hole coupler, magic tee, hybrid ring, circulator, isolator,
Ferrite Devices.

Planar structures 3
Strip line, microstrip line, coplanar structure L

Microwave Tubes 5
Limitations of conventional tubes, Multicavity Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Magnetron, L
Travelling Wave Tube, Backward Wave Oscillator
Semiconductor Microwave Devices 8
Tunnel diode, Gunn diode and their waveguide mounts, Avalanche diodes IMPATT, L
TRAPATT, Microwave bipolar transistor, heterojunction bipolar transistor,
Microwave field effect transistor JFET, MOSFET, MESFET
Applications of microwave 3
Industrial Applications of microwave L
Microwave Measurement 3
VSWR measurement, power measurement, impedance measurement, frequency L
Equivalent RF circuit parameters L
Low pass filter, high pass filter, band pass filter, RF amplifier


1. Introduction 1
A historical perspective in the development of digital communication. Elements L
of digital communication system.
2. Source encoding 5
Pulse code modulation, quantization noise, linear and non linear quantization, L
companding. Differential pulse code modulation, delta modulation, adaptive
delta modulation, Delta sigma modulation, linear predictive coders.
3. Multiplexing: 4
Introduction to different type of multiplexing, Frequency Division & Time L
Division Multiplexing: multiplexing hierarchy, synchronous and asynchronous
multiplexing, pulse staffing and word staffing.
4. Baseband transmission 6
Baseband signal receiver: integrate and dump type filter probability of error L
calculations, optimum filters, coherent reception, matched filter and its transfer
function. Probability of error of matched filter.
Regenerative repeater, Bit synchronization, Inphase and midphase synchronizer.
Early late gate synchronizer. Frame synchronization.
5. Different type of line coding UPNRZ, UPRZ, PNRZ, PRZ, Manchester, 2
differential encoding and their spectral characteristic, self synchronization L
properties of some of the encoded signal..
6. Equalization 6
Inter symbol interference (ISI), Purpose of equalization, Eye pattern, Nyquiest L
criterion for zero ISI, fixed equalizer. Design of equalizer, Adaptive equalizer,
Decision directed equalizer, Adaptive decision directed equalizer, Partial
response signaling.
7. Digital modulation techniques 6
Error calculation.

9. Spread-spectrum modulation 3
Pseudo-Noise Sequence, A notion of Spread Spectrum, Direct-Sequence Spread- L
Spectrum with Coherent Binary Phase-Shift Keying, Processing Gain, Probability
of Error, Frequency-hop Spread Spectrum, Code-Division Multiple Access.

10. Information theory and coding 7

Concept and measure of information, Entropy, Discrete and continuous messages, L
Message source, zero memory source, extension of zero memory source, Markov
source and their entropy, Channel with and without memory, Channel capacity,
Hartlay and Shannons law.
Properties of code: Uniquely decodable codes, Instantaneous codes, Kraft
inequality and Macmillion inequality, Construction of instantaneous codes,
Hoffman and Shannon Fano coding.


Overview of Data Communications and Networking [2L]

Introduction, Network Models

Physical Layer [8L]

Signals, Digital Transmission, Analog Transmission, Multiplexing, Transmission Media,
Circuit Switching and Telephone Network.

Data Link Layer [9L]

Error Detection and Correction, Data Link Control and Protocol, Point to Point Access
:PPP, Multiple Access, Local Area Networks : Ethernet, Wireless Lans, Connecting Lans,
Backbone Networks, Virtual Lans, Cellular Telephone and Satellite Networks, Virtual
Circuit Switching.

Network Layer [8L]

Host-to-Host Delivery :Internetworking, Addressing and Routing, Network Layer
Protocols : ARP, IPv4, ICMP, IPv6, and ICMPv6, Unicast and Multicast Routing :
Routing Protocols.

Transport Layer [5L]

Process-to-Process Delivery : UDP and TCP, Congestion Control and Quality of Service.

Application Layer [9L]

Client-Server Model : Socket Interface, Domain Name System (DNS), Electronic Mail
(SMTP), and File Transfer (FTP), HTTP and WWW, Multimedia.

Security [4L]
Cryptography, Message Security, User Authentication, and Key Management, Security
Protocols in the Internet.
Textbooks --

[1] David



Introduction, Overview of digital signal processing. 2

Discrete Time linear system, Sequences, arbitrary sequences, linear time invariant 8
system, causality, stability. Difference equation, relation between continuous and L
discrete system. Classifications of sequence, recursive and non-recursive system.

Mathematical operations on sequences: Convolution, graphical and analytical techniques, 4

overlap and add methods, matrix method, some examples and solutions of LTI systems, L
MATLAB examples (Tutorial)

Z-transform: Definition, relation between Z transform and Fourier transform of a 6

sequence, properties of Z transform, mapping between S-plane and Z-plane. Unit circle, L
convergence and ROC, Inverse z-transform, solution of difference equation using the one
sided Z-transform MATLAB examples (Tutorial).

Discrete Fourier transform: Definition, inverse discrete Fourier transform (IDFT) 1

Twiddle factor, linear transformation, basic properties, circular convolution, 0
multiplication of DFT, linear filtering using DFT, filtering of long data sequences, L
overlap add and save method. Computation of DFT, Fast Fourier transform (FFT), FFT
algorithm, Radix 2 algorithm. Decimation-in-time and decimation-in- frequency
algorithm, signal flow graph, butterflies, Chirp z-transform algorithm, MATLAB
examples (Tutorial).

Digital filter realization: Principle of digital filter realization, structures of All-zero 1

filters. Design of FIR (Finite impulse response) filters, linear phase, windows-rectangular, 0
Berlitt, Hanning, Hamming and Blackman. Design of infinite impulse response filters L
(IIR) from analog filters. Bilinear transformation, Butterworth, Chebyshev, Elliptic
filters. Optimisation method of IIR filters. Some example of practical filter design.
Computer aided filter design, MATLAB examples (Tutorial).


Analog VLSI Circuit Design: -

i) Review of MOSFET characteristics, scaling and small-geometry effects, MOSFET 3
capacitances. L
ii) MOS resistor, MOS current source, current mirror circuits. MOS voltage source 3
Linear voltage and current converters. L
iii) CMOS operational amplifier (OPAMP) design: - Differential amplifier, level shifter, 5
source follower, output stage voltage and power amplifiers. Cascode OPAMP. L
Compensation techniques.
iv) Analog Filters: - Switched capacitor (SC) fundamentals, first order SC circuits, 3
second-order SC circuits and cascade design. L
v) Analog to digital and digital to analog converters, speed of conversion and over 4
sampling issues. L
vi) VLSI Interconnects: - distributed RC model, transmission line model. Future inter 2
connect technologies. L

Digital VLSI Circuit Design: -

i) MOS inverters, CMOS inverter, state characteristics, switching characteristics, power 3
dissipation issues. L
ii) CMOS logic gates: NAND, NOR, XOR, CMOS logic design of half and full adders. 5
CMOS transmission gates, pseudo-nMOS, domino logic gates. L
iii) Sequential MOS Logic Circuits: The SR latch circuit, clocked latch and flip-flop, 4
CMOS D-latch and edge-triggered circuits, Schmitt trigger circuit, Comparator. L
iv) Dynamic Logic Circuits: Pass transistor logic, synchronous dynamic circuit 3
techniques. L
v) Semiconductor Memories: ROM circuits, SRAM circuits, DRAM circuits, drivers and 5
buffers, Buffer scaling and design issues. L


Assemblers: - Elements of Assembly Language Programming; Pass Structure of 4L

Assemblers; Two Pass Assembler

Compilers and Interpreters: - Aspect of Compilation; Memory Allocation; 5L

Compilation of Expressions; Compilation of Control Structures; Code
Optimization; Interpreters.

Linkers: - Relocation and Linking Concepts; Design of A Linker; Self- 3L

Relocating Programs.

Software Tools: - Editors; Debuggers. 3L

Introduction to Operating Systems: - OS Functions; Evolution of OS Functions; 4L

Batch Processing Systems; Multiprogramming Systems; Time Sharing Systems.

Scheduling: - Scheduling Policies; Job Scheduling; Process Scheduling; Process 4L

Management in UNIX.

Deadlocks: - Definitions; Resource Status Modeling; Handling Deadlocks; 3L

Deadlock Detection and Resolution; Deadlock Avoidance.

Process Synchronization: - Process Definition; Process Control; Implementing 5L

Control Synchronization; Classical Problems; Semaphores.

Memory Management: - Preliminaries; Contiguous Memory Allocation; 5L

Noncontiguous Memory Allocation; Virtual Memory Using Paging; Virtual
Memory Using Segmentation

I/O Organization: - IO Organization; IO Devices; file Organizations; Directory 3L

Structures; File Sharing.

Protection and Security: - Encryption of Data; Protection and Security 3L

Mechanisms; Protection of User Files.

Distributed Operating Systems: - Definitions and Examples; Design Issues in 3L

Distributed Operating Systems.



Introduction [3L]
File & Data Base Concept , Overview of DBMS, Data Models, Database Administrator,
Database Users, Schema. Data Independence

Entity-Relationship Model [3L]

Basic concepts , Keys, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Cardinality ratios, Strong & Weak
Entity Sets, Specialization, Generalization, Aggregation.

Relational Model [4L]

Procedural & Non Procedural Languages, Relational Algebra, Extended Relational
Algebra Operations, Views, Modifications Of the Database, Relational Calculus .

SQL [5L]
Basic Concepts, Set operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values, assertions, views,
Nested Sub-queries, Cursors, Stored procedures and triggers.

Integrity Constraints & Introduction to RDBMS [3L]

Domain Constraints, Referential Integrity Constraints, Codds rule.

Functional Dependencies and Normalization [7L]

Functional Dependency, Armstrongs axioms, Canonical Cover, Closure , Full and Partial
Functional dependencies, Prime & Non Prime attribute , 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, Multi
valued Dependency , 4NF, 5NF, DKNF .

Transaction & Concurrency Control [5L]

Transaction concept, ACID properties, Conflict & View serializabilty, Test for Conflict
serializability, Concurrency Control, Lock base protocols, Two phase locking.

Storage Strategies [4L]

Single-Level Index (primary, secondary, clustering), Multi-level Indexes, Dynamic
Multi-level Indexes, Hashing Techniques, B tree and B+ tree .

Query Optimization [4L]

Full Table scan, Indexed-based scan, Merge join, Nested loop join , Equivalence rules ,
Heuristic Optimization , Cost Based Optimization.
Backup & Recovery [3L]
Physical & Logical Backup , Transaction logs, Causes of failures , Recovery techniques.

Distributed Databases [4L]

Basic Concepts, Data Fragmentation, Replication and Allocation Techniques, Types of
Distributed Database Systems, Query Processing, Overview of Client-Server
Architecture and Its relationship to Distributed Databases.


Discrete geometry & quantization 2L

Length estimations 1L

Automated visual inspection 2L

Object recognition & matching 3L

Depth perception problems 2L

Stereo geometry & correspondence 4L

Motion analysis 3L

Optical flow 2L

Application of computer vision 4L

Remote sensing 4L

Bio-medical imaging 4L

Document processing 4L

Target tracking 4L


Introduction to Multimedia: Concepts, uses of multimedia, hypertext and hypermedia.;

Image, video and audio standards. [8L]

Audio: digital audio, MIDI, processing sound, sampling, compression. [6 L ]

Video: MPEG compression standards, compression through spatial and temporal

redundancy, inter-frame and intra-frame compression . [8L]

Animation: types, techniques, key frame animation, utility, morphing. [6L]

Virtual Reality concepts. [2L]

Windows concepts and terminology, key elements Creating the look, communication via
messages, windows resources and functions, adding multimedia and sound resources.
Writing windows applications, taking control of windows, adding menus, dialog boxes,
Special controls.


Static Web Pages [6L]

Web Pages - types and issues, tiers; comparisons of Microsoft and java technologies,
WWW-Basic concepts, web client and web server, http protocol (frame format),
universal resource locator (url), HTML- different tags, sections, image & pictures,
listings, tables, frame, frameset, form.
Dynamic Web Pages [2L]
The need of dynamic web pages; an overview of DHTML, cascading style sheet (css),
comparative studies of different technologies of dynamic page creation.
Active Web Pages [2L]
Need of active web pages; java applet life cycle.
Java Script [3L]
Data types, variables, operators, conditional statements, array object, date object, string
Java Servlet [4L]
Servlet environment and role, HTML support, Servlet API, The servlet life cycle,
Cookies and Sessions.
JSP [15L]
JSP architecture, JSP servers, JSP tags, understanding the layout in JSP, Declaring
variables, methods in JSP, inserting java expression in JSP, processing request from user
and generating dynamic response for the user, inserting applets and java beans into JSP,
using include and forward action, comparing JSP and CGI program, comparing JSP and
ASP program; Creating ODBC data source name, introduction to JDBC, prepared
statement and callable statement.
An overview of J2EE web services, basics of Enterprise Java Beans, EJB vs. Java Beans,
basics of RMI, JNI.
XML [6L]
Extensible Markup Language (XML), basics of XML, elements and attributes, document
type definition, XML parsers, sequential and tree approach.


Introduction to Wireless Communication Systems evolution of mobile radio 10L

communications, mobile radio systems around the world, radio communication
systems paging systems, cordless telephone systems, cellular telephone
systems; comparison of common wireless communications, trends in cellular
radio and personal communication, second generation (2G) cellular networks,
third generation (3G) wireless networks, introduction to radio wave propagation,
free space propagation model

Basics of mobile communication Limitations of conventional mobile system, 12L

mobile cellular communication introduction, concept of frequency reuse,
cluster size, cellular system architecture mobile station, base station, MSC,
channel assignment strategies, call handover strategies, interference and system
capacity, improving capacity in cellular systems cell splitting, sectoring,
repeaters, microcell zone concept.

Global system for mobile communication GSM services and features, system 10L
architecture, GSM radio subsystem, GSM channel types, location updating and
call setup, introduction to CDMA digital cellular standard, comparison between

Wireless networking wireless local area network standards, technology RF 8L

and IR wireless LAN, diffuse, quasi-diffuse and point-to-point IR wireless LAN,
advantages and applications of Wireless LAN, introduction to WI-FI, Bluetooth,
3G and 4G wireless systems


Introduction [2L] :Overview of AI, Problems of AI, AI techniques; Problem Solving -

Problem space and search, Defining the problem as state space search, Problem
characteristics; Tic-Tac-Toe problem.
AI languages [4L] Basic knowledge of programming languages like Prolog and Lisp.
Basic Search Techniques [4L] :Solving problems by searching; Uniform search
strategies: breadth first search, depth first search, depth limited search, bidirectional
search, comparing search strategies in terms of complexity.
Special Search Techniques [6L] : Heuristic Search- greedy best-first search, A* search;
Hill climbing search, Simulated annealing search; Genetic algorithms; Constraint
satisfaction problems; Adversarial search - Games, Optimal decisions and strategies in
games, Minimax search, Alpha-beta pruning.
Symbolic Logic [5L] :Syntax and semantics for propositional logic, Syntax and semantics
of FOPL, Properties of WFF, Clausal form, Unification, Resolution.
Reasoning Under Inconsistencies and Uncertainties [3L] :Non-monotonic reasoning,
Truth maintenance systems, Default reasoning & closed world assumption, Predicate
completion and circumscription, Fuzzy logic.
Probabilistic Reasoning [3L] :Bayesian probabilistic inference, Representation of
knowledge in uncertain domain, Semantics of Bayesian networks, Dempster-Shafer
Structured Knowledge [4L] ::Associative networks, Conceptual graphs, Frame structures.
Expert Systems [4L] :Rule based systems, Nonproduction systems: decision tree
architectures, blackboard system architectures, neural network architectures.
Learning [4L] :Types of learning, general learning model, Learning by induction:
generalization, specialization; example of inductive learner.


Introduction-defining Real time systems,Embedded Real Time Systems,Special

Characteristics of real time systems,a brief evolutionary history.

Hardware Architectures of Real Time systems. [12L]

Software architectures(concepts of interrupt driven activation,need for real time

monitor,pseudo parallelism),meeting of dead lines & real time constraints.[5L]
Overview of WARD & MELLOR Methodology: Ward & Mellor Life Cycle,the
essential model step,the implementation model,real time extensions of DFD[10L]

Real time languages: overview of ADA/Java Extension [4L]

Real time Operating Systems . [4L]
System Development Methodologies. [4L]


Robot Anatomy Arm Geometry-Direct & Inverse Kinematics Problem.Arm Dynamics,D

Alembert Equations of Motion, Synthesis of elements with movalulity
constraints,manipulations-trajectory planning,joint interpolated trajectories. [15L]

Control of Robot Manipulation-computed torque technique sequencing & adaptive

control, resolved motion control Moluie Robots. [6L]

Robot sensing-Range & Proximity & Higher-Level vision, illumination

techniques,Imaging Geometry, Segmentation Recognition & Interpretation. [8L]

Robot Programming Language Characteristics of Robot Level & Task Level

languages.Robot intelligence-State Space search, Robot learning,Robot Task
Planning,Knowledge Engineering.


The notion of system, model, simulation. Types of simulations. Illustrative examples.

Conceptual and computer models. Verification and validation of models. Simulation
experiment. Simulation project life cycle. Description of simulation models. Structure vs.
behaviour models. Classification of tasks solved within the modelling and simulation
process. [6L]
Detailed example introduction: database server as a typical queuing system. Description
of discrete-event systems behaviour. Modelling of time. The notion of status, event,
activity, process and their interdependencies. Object-oriented model design. Simulation
time, control of time advancement, event list. Event driven simulation algorithm.
Detailed example: implementation of the database server as a queuing system. [ 6 L ]
Random numbers in simulation. Random variables with discrete and continuos
probability distribution. Pseudo-random generators. Multiplicative and additive
congruential method. Nonuniform random numbers.
Testing of pseudo-random generators. Monte Carlo method. Precision. Queueing
systems. Entities: queues, service facilities, storages. Properties of input and output
stream. Kendall classification of queueing systems. Entity behaviour and statistical data
sampling during the simulation run. [6L]
Discrete and continuous Markov model. Birth -Death processes.
Steady-state queueing systems of types M/M/1, M/M/ , M/M/m, M/Er/1, Er/M/1 and
their variants.
Models M/G/1, G/M/1, G/M/m, G/G/1, G/D/1, M+D/D/1. Closed systems and queueing
networks. Simulation languages for discrete-event systems. Case study and comparison:
Simscript, GPSS, SOL, [ 6L ]
Case study and comparison: Simula 67. Object oriented design and implementation of
simulation models. Persistence of objects in C++, case studies. Application in a
simulation system. Simulation experiments. Preparation and pre-processing of input data.
Statistical data collected during the simulation run. Time dependency of statistics.
Histograms. Evaluation and interpretation of results. Model validation and verification.
Simulation of digital systems. Abstractions levels of digital system description. Models
of signals and functions. Structure vs. behaviour. Models of components. Models of
Digital systems simulators - methods of implementation. Flow of simulation time.
Synchronous and asynchronous algorithm of digital systems simulation. Acceleration of
simulation run. [4 L]
Register-transfer level simulation. Simulation languages of HDL type. VHDL language
and tools. Implementation of concurrent statements and processes in VHDL. Modelling
of time and event list.


Introduction to optical fiber communication principles and systems 2L

Different types of fibers, SMF & MMF, Ray Theory analysis for step index fiber

Fiber optic transmitters using LEDs and Laser diodes, Bias stabilization of LEDs and 5L
Lasers, Driver circuits for analog and digital modulation, Temperature stabilization
of laser diodes, Modulation bandwidths of lasers and LEDs

Fiber optic receivers using PIN and APD photodiodes, photo-diode amplifiers, SNR 5L
in PID and APD receivers, Receiver sensitivity, Eye diagram

Coupling mechanisms of optical power from source to fiber and fiber to 6L

photodetector, Transmission characteristics of fibers and their effects on system
performance, Selection of optical fiber types for short-haul, long-haul and high speed
data links, optical power budget calculations of a fiber optic communication link

Fiber optic interconnectivity devices for fiber optic communication links and 8L
networks :
Optical isolators, polarizers, circulators, attenuators, Bragg grating filters, add/drop
multiplexers, WDM MUX / DEMUX, fiber amplifiers, guided wave devices as
external optical modulators

Fiber optic analog modulation methods, Sub-carrier multiplexed analog 10L

communication principles, IM-DD systems, Fundamentals of optical coherent
detection, Optical pulse format for digital communication systems, Performance of a
10 Mb/s digital fiber optic link and a 10 Gb/s data link, Effects of charp and
linewidths of lasers on system performance

Fiber optic networks for LAN, MAN and WAN a brief study 4L



History of development of power electronics devices, constructional features,
characteristics, rating and specification, gate/base drive circuits, protection including
cooling, application. Consideration of diodes, SCRs, GTO, BJTs, MCT, MOSFET,

Operation and analysis History of single phase and multiphase uncontrolled and
controlled rectifiers with R, RL and back EMF load, Effect of source inductance, free
wheeling effect, power factor improvement methods for phase controlled rectifiers,

Operation and analysis of single phase integral cycle and phase controlled converters,
Configuration of three phase controllers.

Coppers classification, step down, step up and four quadrant converters operation,
analysis and control with R,RL and EMF load, current and voltage commutation circuits.

Single phase and three phase bridge inverters, VSI and CSI, voltage control, PWM &
square wave operation, Harmonics and their reduction techniques.

Single phase and three phase configuration & operating principles.

Combined HVAC and HVDC Systems.



An Overview on Internet [4L]

The need for an Internet, The TCP/IP Internet, Internet services, Internet protocols and
standardization, Review of Network technologies.

Internetworking Concepts [6L]

Architectural model introduction, Application level interconnection, Network level
interconnection, Properties of the Internet, Internet Architecture, Interconnection through
IP Gateways or routers, Internet and Intranet.

Internet Address [5L]

Introduction, Universal identifiers, Three primary classes of IP addresses, Classless IP
address, Network and Broadcast addresses, Mapping internet addresses to physical
addresses (ARP), ARP protocol format, Transport Gateways and subnet addressing,
Multicast addressing.

Internet Protocol [6L]

Internet Architecture and Philosophy, The concept of unreliable delivery, Connectionless
delivery system, The Internet Datagram, Routing direct and indirect delivery, Table
driven IP routing, Protocol layering, Reliable stream transport, TCP performance,
Bootstrap protocol (BOOTP).

Routing [7L]
The origin of Gateway routing tables, Original Internet Architecture and Cores, Core
Gateways, Automatic route propagation, Vector distance (Bellman-Ford), routing,
Gateway to Gateway Protocol (GGP), Autonomous system concept, Exterior Gateway
Protocol (EGP), Interior Gateway Protocol (RIP, OSPF, HELLO), Routing Information
Protocol (RIP), Combining RIP, HELLO, and EGP, Routing with partial information.

Enterprise Networking [7L]

Corporate networking, Broadband at the Metropolitan area level, High speed dedicated
WAN services and switched WAN services, ISDN, BISDN and ATM services, Frame
relay technology and services, Virtual private network concepts PPTP protocol.

Internet Servers [4L]

DNS, DHCP Servers, FTP, TELNET, E-Mail

Firewall & Networking [6L]

Introduction, Implementation of Firewall, Activities of Firewall, Configuration of
firewall, Firewalls & SSL, SSL implementation, Bit implementation of SSL, Use of SSL.


Software Quality [12L]

Software Quality Assurance, Software Metrics, Software Validation, Static and Dynamic
Analysis, Symbolic Equation, Mutation Analysis, Dynamic Testing, Unit Testing, White-
box and Black-box Testing, Test Case Generation, Integration Testing, Bottom-up and
Top-down Testing, System Testing, Function Testing, Performance Testing, Acceptance
Testing, Installation Testing, Theoretical Foundation of Testing, Formal Verification,
Test tools.

User Interface [10L]

Module Introduction, Objectives of Usability, How to Approach Usability, Designing
with Usability in mind, Measuring Usability, Guidelines for User Interface Design, User
Interface Elements, Dialog Design, SSADM, Methodology for Dialog Design,
Prototyping Tools.

Software Reliability [10L]

Reliability, Hazard, MTTF, Repair and Availability, Steady-State Availability,
Estimation of Residual Errors, Reliability Models, Software Complexity, Cyclomatic
Complexity, Halsteads Metrics.
Project Management [12L]
Issues in Project Management, Management Functions, Software Project Management
Plan, Software Management Structure, Personnel Productivity, Software Project
Complexity, Software Metrics Basic Consideration, Size Oriented and Function Point
Oriented; Software Cost Estimation Techniques, Algorithmic Cost Modeling, The
COCOMO Model, Project Scheduling, Software Project Planning, Scheduling Risk


Digital image fundamentals: - Image digitization 1L

Sampling & quantisation 1L

Image resolution 1L

Colour perception & processing 1L

Image processing: - Pixel based transformation 1L

Geometric transformation 1L

Local processing: - Edge detection, subpixel location estimation 1L

Restoration: - Degradation, inverse fitting, Wiener filtering

Binary image processing: - Thresholding, run length encoding 2L

Distance transforms, Medial axis transforms 2L

Morphological operations 1L

Region segmentation & Representation: - Split & merge algorithm 1L

Region growing 1L

Image filtering: - Histogram modification 1L

Linear & Gaussian filters 2L

Contours: - Digital curves 3L

Poly line splitting 2L

Hop along algorithm 2L

Conic & Splines Hough transform 2L

Fourier description 2L

Textures: - Statistical syntactic & model based methods 2L

Image transforms: - Fourier, Hadamard, Discrete Cosine 2L

Wavelets & other orthogonal transforms 2L

Compression of image: - Predictive compression methods, vector quantisation, 3L

hierarchical & progressive methods, JPEG, MPEG

Case studies 3L


Introduction to artificial neural network [

10L ]
Neural Networks: History, overview of biological Neuro-system, Mathematical Models
of Neurons, ANN architecture, Learning rules, Learning Paradigms-Supervised,
Unsupervised and reinforcement Learning, ANN training Algorithms-perceptions,
Training rules, Delta, Back Propagation Algorithm, Multilayer Perceptron Model,
Applications of Artificial Neural Networks.
Competitive learning networks, Kohonen self organizing networks, Hebbian learning;
Hopfield Networks, Associative Memories, The boltzman machine; Applications.

Fuzzy Logic [ 12L ]

Fuzzy Logic: Introduction to Fuzzy Logic, Classical and Fuzzy Sets: Overview of
Classical Sets, Membership Function, Fuzzy rule generation. Operations on Fuzzy Sets:
Compliment, Intersections, Unions, Combinations of Operations, Aggregation
Operations. Fuzzy Arithmetic: Fuzzy Numbers, Linguistic Variables, Arithmetic

Operations on Intervals & Numbers, Lattice of Fuzzy Numbers, Fuzzy Equations.Fuzzy
Logic: Classical Logic.

Genetic algorithms(Gas),Evolution strategies(Ess),Evolutionary

programming(EP),Genetic Programming(GP),Selecting,crossover,mutation,schema
analysis,analysis of selection algorithms;convergence;Markov & other stochastic models.

Other Soft computing approaches [ 7L ]

Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search, Ant colony based optimisation, etc.


Introduction to Personal Communications Services (PCS): PCS Architecture, Mobility

management, Networks signalling. Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
system overview: GSM Architecture, Mobility management, Network signalling. [ 5L
General Packet Radio Services (GPRS): GPRS Architecture, GPRS Network Nodes.
Mobile Data Communication: WLANs (Wireless LANs) IEEE 802.11 standard, Mobile
IP. [ 5L
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP): The Mobile Internet standard, WAP Gateway and
Protocols, wireless mark up Languages (WML). Wireless Local Loop(WLL):
Introduction to WLL Architecture, wireless Local Loop Technologies.
[ 7L ]
Third Generation (3G) Mobile Services: Introduction to International Mobile
Telecommunications 2000 (IMT 2000) vision, Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
(W-CDMA), and CDMA 2000, Quality of services in 3G. [ 7L ]

Global Mobile Satellite Systems; case studies of the IRIDIUM and GLOBALSTAR
systems. Wireless Enterprise Networks: Introduction to Virtual Networks, Blue tooth
technology, Blue tooth Protocols.
[ 7L ]
Server-side programming in Java, Pervasive web application architecture, Device
independent example application


Introduction [4L]: Need for data compression, Fundamental concept of data compression
& coding, Communication model, Compression ratio, Reqirements of data compression,
Methods of Data Compression [8L]: Data compression-- Lossless & Lossy; Entropy
encoding-- Repititive character encoding, Run length encoding, Zero/Blank encoding;
Statistical encoding-- Huffman, Arithmatic & Lempel-Ziv coding; Source encoding--
Vector quantization(Simple vector quantization & with error term); Differential
encodingPredictive coding, Differential pulse code modulation, Delta modulation,
Adaptive differential pulse code modulation; Transform based coding : Discrete cosine
transform & JPEG standards; Fractal compression.

Introduction To Security [5L]: Need for security, Security approaches, Principles of
security, Types of attacks.
Crytographic Techniques [5L]: Plaintext, Cipher text, Substitution & Transposition
techniques, Encryption & Decryption, Types of attacks, Key range & Size.
Symmetric & Assymetric Key Cryptography [8L]: Algorithm types & Modes, DES,
IDEA, Differential & Linear Cryptanalysis, RSA, Symmetric & Assymetric key together,
Digital signature, Knapsack algorithm.
User Authenticattion Mechanism [4L]: Authentication basics, Passwords, Authentication
tokens, Certificate based & Biometric authentication, Firewall .
Case Studies Of Cryptography [5L]: Deniel of service attacks, IP spoofing attacks,
Secure inter branch payment transactions.


Credit: 4
Origin of bio-potential: 3L
Electric activity of excitable cells, resting potential, action potential, Nerst equation,
propagation of action potential.
Surface map of bio-potential- concept.

Biomedical electrodes: 4L
Electrode theory.
Working principle & application of different bio-potential electrodes & biochemical
o Microelectrodes, surface electrodes, needle electrodes
o Reference electrode, pH electrode, blood gas electrode
o Ion electrode.

Cardiovascular measurements: 8L
Brief description of cardiovascular system.
o Sources of cardiac bio-potentials,
o Methodology & principle of measurement
o Electrocardiograms & their inferences
Vector cardiography- concept
Principles of direct & indirect measurement of blood pressure
Principles of measurement of blood flow/cardiac rate
PH & blood gas analyzer

Electroencephalography (EEG): 4L
Sources of action potentials
Methodology & principle of measurement
Electroencephalograms & their inferences

Electromyography: 4L
Sources of action potentials
Methodology & principle of measurement
Electromyograms & their inferences

Respiratory system measurement: 4L
Respiratory mechanism, parameters of respiratory system
Principle of measurement of various parameters, impedance pneumograph, Spiro

Medical imaging systems: 4L

Working principles of medical X-ray, CT scan, CAT scan, Ultrasound scanning, MRI

Therapeutic & prosthetic devices: 4L

Pacemakers, Defibrillators, ventilators, respirators, heamodialysis machine

Medical application of LASER including safety aspects 2L

Fiber optic application in imaging internal organs 1L

Effect of mm wave and microwave on human body 1L

Electrical safety: 1L
Physiological effect of electricity, micro shock & macro shock hazards, electrical safety
standards for human body, basic approaches to shock protection.


Introduction to satellite communication brief history and overview of satellite 3L

Orbital mechanics and launchers equations of the orbit, orbital elements, look angles, 6L
sub-satellite points, satellite launching and launch vehicles

Satellite description communication subsystem, telemetry, command and ranging 6L

subsystem, attitude control subsystem, electrical power subsystem

Satellite transponder Transponder model, channelisation, frequency plan, processing 5L

Satellite link design basic transmission theory, system noise temperature and G/T 12L
ration for earth stations, design of uplink and downlink, atmospheric and ionospheric
effects on satellite link
Earth station description, earth station antenna, low noise amplifier, up converter, 8L
down converter, monitoring and control, VSAT


Science, Technology and Engineering as knowledge and as Social and Professional


Effects of Technological Growth:

Rapid Technological growth and depletion of resources, Reports of the Club of Rome.
Limits of growth: sustainable development
Energy Crisis: Renewable Energy Resources
Environmental degradation and pollution. Eco-friendly Technologies. Environmental
Regulations, Environmental Ethics
Appropriate Technology Movement of Schumacher; later developments
Technology and developing notions. Problems of Technology transfer, Technology
assessment impact analysis.
Human Operator in Engineering projects and industries. Problems of man, machine,
interaction, Impact of assembly line and automation. Human centered Technology.

Ethics of Profession:

Engineering profession: Ethical issues in Engineering practice, Conflicts between

business demands and professional ideals. Social and ethical responsibilities of
Technologists. Codes of professional ethics. Whistle blowing and beyond, Case studies.

Profession and Human Values:

Values Crisis in contemporary society

Nature of values: Value Spectrum of a good life
Psychological values: Integrated personality; mental health
Societal values: The modern search for a good society, justice, democracy, secularism,
rule of law, values in Indian Constitution.
Aesthetic values: Perception and enjoyment of beauty, simplicity, clarity
Moral and ethical values: Nature of moral judgements; canons of ethics; ethics of virtue;
ethics of duty; ethics of responsibility.


1. Electronic Commerce : Overview, Definitions, Advantages & Disadvantages of [

E Commerce, Threats of E Commerce, Managerial Prospective, Rules &
Regulations For Controlling E Commerce, Cyber Laws.
[3 L]
2. Technologies : Relationship Between E Commerce & Networking, Different
Types of Networking For [
E Commerce, Internet, Intranet & Extranet, EDI Systems

Wireless Application Protocol : Definition, Hand Held Devices, Mobility &

Commerce, Mobile Computing, Wireless Web, Web Security, Infrastructure
Requirement For E Commerce .
[ 5L ]

3. Business Models of e commerce : Model Based On Transaction Type, [

Model Based On Transaction Party - B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C, E Governance.
[2 L ]
4. E strategy : Overview, Strategic Methods for developing E commerce.
[2 L ] [

5. Four Cs : ( Convergence, Collaborative Computing, Content Management &
Call Center ).

Convergence : Technological Advances in Convergence Types, Convergence

and its implications, Convergence & Electronic Commerce.

Collaborative Computing : Collaborative product development, contract as per

CAD, Simultaneous Collaboration, Security.

Content Management : Definition of content, Authoring Tools & Content

Management, Content partnership, repositories, convergence, providers, Web
Traffic & Traffic Management ; Content Marketing.

Call Center : Definition, Need, Tasks Handled, Mode of Operation,

Equipment , Strength & Weaknesses of Call Center, Customer Premises
Equipment (CPE). [6 L]

6. Supply Chain Management : E logistics, Supply Chain Portal, Supply Chain

Planning Tools (SCP Tools), Supply Chain Execution (SCE), SCE - [
Framework, Internets effect on Supply Chain Power.
[ 3 L ]

7. E Payment Mechanism : Payment through card system, E Cheque, E [

Cash, E Payment Threats & Protections.
8. E Marketing :. Home shopping, E-Marketing, Tele-marketing
9. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) : Meaning, Benefits, Concepts, Application,
EDI Model, Protocols (UN EDI FACT / GTDI, ANSI X 12), Data Encryption
(DES / RSA). [2 L ]
10. Risk of E Commerce : Overview, Security for E Commerce, Security
Standards, Firewall, Cryptography, Key Management, Password Systems, [
Digital certificates, Digital signatures. [4 L ]

11. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) : Features, capabilities and Overview of

Commercial Software, re-engineering work processes for IT applications, Business [
Process Redesign, Knowledge engineering and data warehouse .

Business Modules: Finance, Manufacturing (Production), Human Resources, Plant

Materials Management, QualityManagement, Sales&Distribution
ERP Market: ERP Market Place, SAP AG, PeopleSoft, BAAN, JD Edwards,
Oracle Corporation
ERP-Present and Future: Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), ERP and
E-Commerce, ERP and Internet, Future Directions in ERP


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