Semester-Iii Numerical Analysis and Programming (Ma 3103)
Semester-Iii Numerical Analysis and Programming (Ma 3103)
Semester-Iii Numerical Analysis and Programming (Ma 3103)
Linear Time Invariant first order and second order circuits- Analysis using integro-
differential and Laplace transform approach.
Coupling elements and coupled circuits.
Network Graphs and their application in network analysis, Tellegens theorem.
State equations.
Natural frequency
Network function.
Two port networks.
Network Synthesis PRF, synthesis of one port L-C,R-C & R-L network.
Linear Data Structures - Sequential representations - Arrays and Lists, Stacks, Queues
and Dequeues, strings, Application. [6L]
Linear Data Structures, Link Representation - Linear linked lists, Circularly linked lists.
Doubly linked lists, application. [6L]
Recursion - Design of recursive algorithms, Tail Recursion, When not to use recursion,
Removal of recursion. [4L]
Non-linear Data Structure: Trees - Binary Trees, Traversals and Threads, Binary Search
Trees, Insertion and Deletion algorithms, Height-balanced and weight-balanced trees, B-
trees, B+ -trees, Application of trees; Graphs - Representations, Breadth-first and Depth-
first Search. [10 L ]
Sorting and Searching Algorithms- Bubble sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick
Sort, Merge Sort, Heap sort and Radix Sort. [6L]
File Structures - Sequential and Direct Access. Relative Files, Indexed Files - B+ tree as
index. Multi-indexed Files, Inverted Files, Hashed Files.
Number systems, Binary representation, Codes and their conversions: BCD, Octal, 5L
Hexadecimal, ASCII, EBDIC, Gray, Signed binary number representation with 1s
and 2s complement methods, Binary arithmetic.
Boolean algebra, Venn diagram, logic gates and circuits, Minimization of logic 8L
expressions by algebraic method, K-map method and Quine Mc Clauskey method
Sequential Circuits- Flip Flops, various types of Registers and counters and their 8L
design, Irregular counter, State table and state transition diagram, sequential circuits
design methodology
Different types of A/D and D/A conversion techniques. 5L
Different Logic families- TTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS, their operation and 4L
Electrical measurements:-
errors in measurement, Classification of errors, statistical analysis of errors, Probable
error and limit errors, Calculation of limiting errors.
Potentiometer: DC and AC
Measuring Instruments:-
Fundamentals ,operation and construction of galvanometer(DC & AC), ammeter and
voltmeters, wattmeters, extension of range of instruments, energy-meter, frequency meter
and single phase reactive power measurements, single phase power factor meter,
megger , multimeter , trivectormeter.
Instrument Transformer:-
CT & PT, ratio& phase angle errors.
Measurement of resistance , inductance and capacitance
High voltage measurement:-
Surge and impulse test and oil testing set
Magnetic measurement: ballistic galvanometer and flux-meters, Determination of BH
curve and hysteresis loop, separation of hysteresis and eddy current losses by using loyd,
Fisher square.
Electronic Instruments:-
CRO and its uses , Special purpose CRO , VTVM, Principles of digital instrumentation.
1. Wave spectra: Introduction, spectral analysis of respective waves.
2. Noise: Introduction, Thermal noise, S/N ratio, Equivalent Noise Resistance, Noise
Factor, Noise Temperature.
3. Modulation and demodulation of signals:
(i) Amplitude Modulation, Frequency spectrum, Average power, Diode envelope
(ii) SSB modulation, Principles, FET Balanced Modulators, SSB Generation by Phase
shift method.
(iii) FM and PM: Frequency spectra, Equivalence between FM and PM, FET Reactance
Modulator, The Armstrong method, FM stereo Broad Transmitter, Foster seely
Discriminator, Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis. Automatic Frequency control.
4. Performance of Communication Systems. Noise in Amplitude Modulated systems and
Angle modulated systems.
5. Super heterodyne Receivers (Block diagram treatment) choice of IF and Oscillator
frequency, Image rejection.
6. Sampling Theorem, Pulse Modulation, Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Pulse Time
Modulation, TDM, FDM.
7. Digital Communication: Pulse code modulation, Delta Modulation, Quantization
Noise in Binary PCM, Digital carrier systems: ASK, FSK, PSK, and DPSK.
8. Introduction to Information theory, Measure of information channel capacity,
exchange of BW for S/N ratio.
Hardware Interfacing: Interfacing memory, peripheral chips (IO mapped IO & Memory
mapped IO).
Peripherals: 8279, 8255, 8251, 8253, 8237, 8259, A/D and D/A converters and
interfacing of the same.
16 bit processors: 8086 and architecture, segmented memory has cycles, read/write cycle
in min/max mode. Reset operation, wait state, Halt state, Hold state, Lock operation,
interrupt processing. Addressing modes and their features. Software instruction set
(including specific instructions like string instructions, repeat, segment override, lock
prefizers and their use) and Assembly Language programming with the same.
Reflection and refraction of plane waves, surface Impedance, Transmission line Theory,
VSWR, RF and UHF Transmission Lines, UHF lines as circuit elements, Quarter wave
Impedance, Inverting Transformer, single stub matching. Guided waves, waves between
parallel planes, TM and TE / TEM waves, Rectangular, spherical wave guide Earth
ionosphere as a resonant cavity
PROPAGATION: - Different modes of radio wave propagation, ionospheric Propagation,
MUF, Critical frequency, skip distance, dust propagation, tropospeheric propagation.
ANTENNA: - General solution of Maxwells Equation, Expression for E and H in term
of potentials, Retarded potentials, Antenna Definition, Function of as Antenna, properties
of an Antenna, Antenna parameters, Basic Antenna Elements, Radiation Mechanics,
Radiation fields of an Alternating current Element (Or Oscillating Electric Dipole),
radiation from half wave Dipole. Basic of small circular-loop Antenna, Monopole
Antenna, Horn antenna, parabolic reflector.
Evolution of Telecommunication, Basics of Switching System, Classification of
Switching System, limitation of Manual Switching System, Evolution of Automatic
Switching System, Principle of Operation of Stranger & Crossbar Electromechanical
Systems, pulse dialing & tone dialing-DTMF dialing, Signaling tones Circuit Switching
& Packet Switching. 10L
Electronic Switching:
Stored program control, centralized SPC, distributed SPC, software architecture,
application software. 6L
Traffic Engineering:
Blocking network, blocking probability, grade of service, traffic load, Parameters of
traffic engineering,Erlang-B congestion formula. 6L
Basic time division space switching, Basic time division time switching, time
multiplexed space switching, time multiplexed time switching, combination switching,
Frequency division switching, 4L
The Fermi level, Electron and Hole concentration at equilibrium, Direct and Indirect
recombination of electrons and holes, Hall effect, Steady-state carrier generation, Quasi-
Fermi levels.
Drift and Diffusion of Carriers, Recombination, Continuity and Diffusion equations,
Hynes-Shockley experiment.
The Contact Potential, Space Charge at a junction, Steady state condition, Current at a
junction, Carrier injection, Junction breakdown, Time variation of stored charge, P-N
junction capacitance, Graded junction.
Varactor Diode, Concept of negative resistance, Tunnel Diode, Current and Voltage in an
illuminated junction, Photo Diode, Photo detector, Solar Cells, Light Emitting Diode,
Metal Semiconductor Junction.
Principle of PIN photo detector and Avalanche photodiode, Noise in photo detectors,
Detector response time, Photodiode materials.
Principle of Operation and I-V Characteristics of FET, MESFET, MOSFET, MOS
Capacitor, Threshold voltage in MOSFET.
Introduction and types of feedback control system , Block diagram and signal flow graph
analysis, Time domain analysis of control system, Stability concept, Routh stability
criterion, Root locus technique, frequency domain analysis, Bode plot , Nyquist plot,
Time domain and frequency domain design of control system , state variable formulation,
analysis and solution.
Productions Management: [ 5L ]
Concept. Difference from Operations Management, Types of Production( Mass, Batch,
Project), Functions of Production Management.
Productivity: Concept, Different Inputs and Productivity Measures, Effeciency and
Effectiveness, Measures to increase Productivity.
Marketing Management: [6L
Basic Concepts of Marketing, Difference between Selling and Marketing, Elements of
Marketing Mix- the 4 Ps.
Marketing Environment: Mega Environment, Micro Environment, Internal Environment,
Relevant Environment.
Simple Marketing Strategies: SWOT Analysis, BCG Matrix, Industry Matrix.
Materials Management: [6L
Concept, Functions, EOQ Models- Wilson model, model with shortage, model with
quantity discount, model without shortage , Selective Inventory ControlABC, VED,
FSN analysis.
Aperture antenna 2L
Planar antenna 2L
Lens antenna 1L
Broadband antenna 2L
Antenna synthesis 3L
Introduction 1
RF and microwave spectrum, historical background, application of RF and L
Microwave Impedance Matching 4
Unknown impedance measurement using shift in minima technique and impedance L
matching using single and double stub matching
Planar structures 3
Strip line, microstrip line, coplanar structure L
Microwave Tubes 5
Limitations of conventional tubes, Multicavity Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Magnetron, L
Travelling Wave Tube, Backward Wave Oscillator
Semiconductor Microwave Devices 8
Tunnel diode, Gunn diode and their waveguide mounts, Avalanche diodes IMPATT, L
TRAPATT, Microwave bipolar transistor, heterojunction bipolar transistor,
Microwave field effect transistor JFET, MOSFET, MESFET
Applications of microwave 3
Industrial Applications of microwave L
Microwave Measurement 3
VSWR measurement, power measurement, impedance measurement, frequency L
Equivalent RF circuit parameters L
Low pass filter, high pass filter, band pass filter, RF amplifier
1. Introduction 1
A historical perspective in the development of digital communication. Elements L
of digital communication system.
2. Source encoding 5
Pulse code modulation, quantization noise, linear and non linear quantization, L
companding. Differential pulse code modulation, delta modulation, adaptive
delta modulation, Delta sigma modulation, linear predictive coders.
3. Multiplexing: 4
Introduction to different type of multiplexing, Frequency Division & Time L
Division Multiplexing: multiplexing hierarchy, synchronous and asynchronous
multiplexing, pulse staffing and word staffing.
4. Baseband transmission 6
Baseband signal receiver: integrate and dump type filter probability of error L
calculations, optimum filters, coherent reception, matched filter and its transfer
function. Probability of error of matched filter.
Regenerative repeater, Bit synchronization, Inphase and midphase synchronizer.
Early late gate synchronizer. Frame synchronization.
5. Different type of line coding UPNRZ, UPRZ, PNRZ, PRZ, Manchester, 2
differential encoding and their spectral characteristic, self synchronization L
properties of some of the encoded signal..
6. Equalization 6
Inter symbol interference (ISI), Purpose of equalization, Eye pattern, Nyquiest L
criterion for zero ISI, fixed equalizer. Design of equalizer, Adaptive equalizer,
Decision directed equalizer, Adaptive decision directed equalizer, Partial
response signaling.
7. Digital modulation techniques 6
Error calculation.
9. Spread-spectrum modulation 3
Pseudo-Noise Sequence, A notion of Spread Spectrum, Direct-Sequence Spread- L
Spectrum with Coherent Binary Phase-Shift Keying, Processing Gain, Probability
of Error, Frequency-hop Spread Spectrum, Code-Division Multiple Access.
Security [4L]
Cryptography, Message Security, User Authentication, and Key Management, Security
Protocols in the Internet.
Textbooks --
[1] David
Introduction [3L]
File & Data Base Concept , Overview of DBMS, Data Models, Database Administrator,
Database Users, Schema. Data Independence
SQL [5L]
Basic Concepts, Set operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values, assertions, views,
Nested Sub-queries, Cursors, Stored procedures and triggers.
Length estimations 1L
Motion analysis 3L
Optical flow 2L
Remote sensing 4L
Bio-medical imaging 4L
Document processing 4L
Target tracking 4L
Virtual Reality concepts. [2L]
Windows concepts and terminology, key elements Creating the look, communication via
messages, windows resources and functions, adding multimedia and sound resources.
Writing windows applications, taking control of windows, adding menus, dialog boxes,
Special controls.
Global system for mobile communication GSM services and features, system 10L
architecture, GSM radio subsystem, GSM channel types, location updating and
call setup, introduction to CDMA digital cellular standard, comparison between
Fiber optic transmitters using LEDs and Laser diodes, Bias stabilization of LEDs and 5L
Lasers, Driver circuits for analog and digital modulation, Temperature stabilization
of laser diodes, Modulation bandwidths of lasers and LEDs
Fiber optic receivers using PIN and APD photodiodes, photo-diode amplifiers, SNR 5L
in PID and APD receivers, Receiver sensitivity, Eye diagram
Fiber optic interconnectivity devices for fiber optic communication links and 8L
networks :
Optical isolators, polarizers, circulators, attenuators, Bragg grating filters, add/drop
multiplexers, WDM MUX / DEMUX, fiber amplifiers, guided wave devices as
external optical modulators
Fiber optic networks for LAN, MAN and WAN a brief study 4L
Operation and analysis History of single phase and multiphase uncontrolled and
controlled rectifiers with R, RL and back EMF load, Effect of source inductance, free
wheeling effect, power factor improvement methods for phase controlled rectifiers,
Operation and analysis of single phase integral cycle and phase controlled converters,
Configuration of three phase controllers.
Coppers classification, step down, step up and four quadrant converters operation,
analysis and control with R,RL and EMF load, current and voltage commutation circuits.
Single phase and three phase bridge inverters, VSI and CSI, voltage control, PWM &
square wave operation, Harmonics and their reduction techniques.
Single phase and three phase configuration & operating principles.
Routing [7L]
The origin of Gateway routing tables, Original Internet Architecture and Cores, Core
Gateways, Automatic route propagation, Vector distance (Bellman-Ford), routing,
Gateway to Gateway Protocol (GGP), Autonomous system concept, Exterior Gateway
Protocol (EGP), Interior Gateway Protocol (RIP, OSPF, HELLO), Routing Information
Protocol (RIP), Combining RIP, HELLO, and EGP, Routing with partial information.
Image resolution 1L
Geometric transformation 1L
Morphological operations 1L
Region growing 1L
Fourier description 2L
Case studies 3L
Operations on Intervals & Numbers, Lattice of Fuzzy Numbers, Fuzzy Equations.Fuzzy
Logic: Classical Logic.
Global Mobile Satellite Systems; case studies of the IRIDIUM and GLOBALSTAR
systems. Wireless Enterprise Networks: Introduction to Virtual Networks, Blue tooth
technology, Blue tooth Protocols.
[ 7L ]
Server-side programming in Java, Pervasive web application architecture, Device
independent example application
Introduction [4L]: Need for data compression, Fundamental concept of data compression
& coding, Communication model, Compression ratio, Reqirements of data compression,
Methods of Data Compression [8L]: Data compression-- Lossless & Lossy; Entropy
encoding-- Repititive character encoding, Run length encoding, Zero/Blank encoding;
Statistical encoding-- Huffman, Arithmatic & Lempel-Ziv coding; Source encoding--
Vector quantization(Simple vector quantization & with error term); Differential
encodingPredictive coding, Differential pulse code modulation, Delta modulation,
Adaptive differential pulse code modulation; Transform based coding : Discrete cosine
transform & JPEG standards; Fractal compression.
Introduction To Security [5L]: Need for security, Security approaches, Principles of
security, Types of attacks.
Crytographic Techniques [5L]: Plaintext, Cipher text, Substitution & Transposition
techniques, Encryption & Decryption, Types of attacks, Key range & Size.
Symmetric & Assymetric Key Cryptography [8L]: Algorithm types & Modes, DES,
IDEA, Differential & Linear Cryptanalysis, RSA, Symmetric & Assymetric key together,
Digital signature, Knapsack algorithm.
User Authenticattion Mechanism [4L]: Authentication basics, Passwords, Authentication
tokens, Certificate based & Biometric authentication, Firewall .
Case Studies Of Cryptography [5L]: Deniel of service attacks, IP spoofing attacks,
Secure inter branch payment transactions.
Biomedical electrodes: 4L
Electrode theory.
Working principle & application of different bio-potential electrodes & biochemical
o Microelectrodes, surface electrodes, needle electrodes
o Reference electrode, pH electrode, blood gas electrode
o Ion electrode.
Cardiovascular measurements: 8L
Brief description of cardiovascular system.
o Sources of cardiac bio-potentials,
o Methodology & principle of measurement
o Electrocardiograms & their inferences
Vector cardiography- concept
Principles of direct & indirect measurement of blood pressure
Principles of measurement of blood flow/cardiac rate
PH & blood gas analyzer
Electroencephalography (EEG): 4L
Sources of action potentials
Methodology & principle of measurement
Electroencephalograms & their inferences
Electromyography: 4L
Sources of action potentials
Methodology & principle of measurement
Electromyograms & their inferences
Respiratory system measurement: 4L
Respiratory mechanism, parameters of respiratory system
Principle of measurement of various parameters, impedance pneumograph, Spiro
Electrical safety: 1L
Physiological effect of electricity, micro shock & macro shock hazards, electrical safety
standards for human body, basic approaches to shock protection.
Satellite link design basic transmission theory, system noise temperature and G/T 12L
ration for earth stations, design of uplink and downlink, atmospheric and ionospheric
effects on satellite link
Earth station description, earth station antenna, low noise amplifier, up converter, 8L
down converter, monitoring and control, VSAT
Rapid Technological growth and depletion of resources, Reports of the Club of Rome.
Limits of growth: sustainable development
Energy Crisis: Renewable Energy Resources
Environmental degradation and pollution. Eco-friendly Technologies. Environmental
Regulations, Environmental Ethics
Appropriate Technology Movement of Schumacher; later developments
Technology and developing notions. Problems of Technology transfer, Technology
assessment impact analysis.
Human Operator in Engineering projects and industries. Problems of man, machine,
interaction, Impact of assembly line and automation. Human centered Technology.
Ethics of Profession:
5. Four Cs : ( Convergence, Collaborative Computing, Content Management &
Call Center ).