Syllabus 4thsem

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Elements of Signal Space Theory: Different types of signals, Linearity, Time invariance and causality,

Impulse sequence, Impulse functions and other singularity functions.

Convolution: Convolution sum, Convolution integral and their evaluation, Time domain representation
and analysis, of LTI systems based on convolution and differential equations.

Multi Input-Output Discrete and Continuous Systems: State model representation, Solution of state,
equations, State transition matrix.

Transform Domain Considerations: Laplace transforms and Z-transforms, Application of transforms to

discrete and continuous systems analysis, Transfer function, Block diagram representation, DFT.

Fourier Series and  Fourier Transform: Sampling theorem, Discrete Fourier transform (DFT),
Estimating Fourier Transform using  (DFT).

Text/Reference Books:

1. Ziemer, R.F., Tranter, W.H. and Fannin, JD.R..; Signals and Systems - Continuous and
Discrete: (4th Edition) ; Prentice Hall ; 1998.
2. Oppenheim, A.V., Willsky, A.S. and Young, I.T. ; Signals and Systems ; Prentice Hall ; 1983.
3. Roberts, M.J.; Signals and Systems ; Tata McGraw-Hill ; 2003.
Digital Circuits (ECL207))

Analog vs. Digital Systems, Transistor as a switch, Boolean identities, Logic problems, Binary, Gray,
Octal, Hex and ASCII codes, Gates and their truth tables, D’ Morgans law,  Sum of products and
product of sums.

Combinational  basic concepts, SSI, MSI, VLSI circuit classification, Standard TTL, CMOS
characteristics, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Code  converters characteristics of display devices,
Standard configuration of gates as SSI/MSI/LSI circuits, Arithmetic circuits-adders, subtractors  (half
and full) BCD adder/subtractor, concept of  ALU.

Karnaugh Map, Simplification of sum of products and product of sums, Solution  to problems using
MUX as a function generator, Simplification of logical functions using Quine-Mclausky method.

Introduction to Flip-flop, Latches, Concept of clock, Memoir organization with flip-flop as basic cell,
RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, An overview, Master slave combination and conversion of one type to
another type flip-flops, Multi-vibrators and their design parameters.

Execution tables and introduction to sequential circuits, Counters, synchronous / asynchronous.

Different module counters with reset/clear facility, Design of counters of arbitrary module with K-
maps, Lock free counters.

Introduction to sequential system, Design of sequential system using Moore and Miley system,
Fundamental mode sequential circuits.

Text/Reference Books:

1. Taub, H.; Digital Integrated Electronics ; McGraw Hill.

2. Jain, R.P.; Digital  Logic Design ; PHI.
3. Malvino, Leach ; Digital Principles and Applications ; McGraw Hill.
4. Anand Kumar, A. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits ; PHI.
Electrical Machines-I (EEL271)

D.C. Motor:  Basic principle and operation, Classification, Armature reaction and commutation, Torque,
Characteristics, Speed control, Permanent magnet machines, Efficiency and testing, applications.

Three Phase Transformer: Connection and phasor groups, Parallel operation, Excitation phenomenon,
unbalanced operation, open delta connection, Testing of transformer bank for proper connection,
Scott  connection, Tap changing  transformer, Cooling  of transformer, Applications.

Three Phase Induction motor: Principle and operation, Classification, Torque equation, Characteristics,
Determination of equivalent circuit parameters, Losses and efficiency, Circle diagram, Starting, speed
control and braking, Crawling and cogging, Double cage motor, Applications.

Single Phase Induction motor; Principle and operation, Types, Equivalent circuit, Characteristics,

Text / Reference Books:

1.   Bhimbra, P.S.; Electrical Machinery; Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 1989.

2.   Fitzgerald, A. E., Charles Kingsley, Jr. Stephen D. Umans; Electric Machinery; Fifth Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 1990

3.         Nagrath, I. J., Kothari, D. P.; Electric Machines (Third Edition); Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2004
) MATLAB Programming (EEL208)

1. Introduction to MATLAB : Command line versus   programming

2. MATLAB variables , arithmetic operations , logical and relational operations, mathematical
functions, graphical functions, input-output operations , elementary matrix manipulations
3. String handling in MATLAB
4. Structures  and cell arrays
5. MATLAB language constructs
o if, else , else-if, for , while , switch , eval , feval etc.
6. MATLAB scripts and user created MATLAB functions
7. In-line functions and anonymous functions
8. File handling in MATLAB
9. 2-D and 3-D plotting in MATLAB
10. Introduction to concept of tool-boxes and block-sets in MATLAB
11. Advanced features
o Object oriented concepts in MATLAB
o Introduction to Simulink
o Communicating with Simulink through MATLAB script
o Graphical User Interface


1) Getting Started with MATLAB 7  , Rudra Pratap , Oxford University Press (Indian Edition ) 2006

2) Introduction to MATLAB and Simulink : A Project Approach , Third Edition ,   O. Beucher and M.
5)  Introduction to Material Science (PHL254)

Electrical Conduction : Electronic and Ionic conduction , conductivity in metals , ohm’s law , relaxation
time , collision time , mean free path of an electron , electron scattering , resistivity of metals , effect
of temperature and impurity on conductivity , Joule’s law , high conductivity and resistivity materials ,
Superconductivity  and applications.

Polarization of Dielectrics : Polar  and non-polar dielectrics , Basic concept of polarization , Types of
polarization, Dielectric constant ,Internal field in dielectrics , Ferroelectric ,Spontaneous polarization,
Curie-Weiss law, Piezoelectric  and Pyroelectric , Dielectric loss , Breakdown in dielectrics.

Dielectric in Alternating field : Dielectric properties of insulators in alternating fields, Complex

dielectric constant , Electronic polarization , Ionic polarization , Frequency dependence of electronic
polarization .Dielectric constant of non-polar solids , Dipolar  relaxation , loss tangent

Magnetic Properties of Materials :Atomic interpretation of diamagnetic, Paramagnetic,  anti-

ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic materials. Ferromagnetic domain , Alloy for core materials for
rotating machines , transformers , permanent magnets and non magnetic steels , Nonmetallic
magnetic materials , thin film magnets , magnetic materials for ferromagnetic tape and memory

Semiconductor Material Technology : Method for material preparation , purification and doping ,
introduction to processes of manufacturing semiconductor devices , Transistors , Integrated circuits
.Monolithic diodes , Integrated resistors and Integrated capacitor.

Text/Reference Books:

1.   Dekkar, A.J.; Electrical Engineering Materials ; Prentice Hall Publications Co.

2.   Kasap, S.O.; Principle of Electronic Materials and Devices ( 2 nd Edition ) ; Tata McGraw-

3.   Choudhary, D.Roy, Jain, Shail ; Linear Integrated Circuits ; New Age International (P)

Limited  Publishers.

4.  Pillai, S.O.; Solid State Physics ; New Age International Publishers(3 rd edition) ; 1999.

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