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Construction Contracts

4th Edition
John Murdoch - University of Reading, UK
Will Hughes - University of Reading, UK

This is a fully revised edition of the UKs leading textbook on

the law governing construction contracts and the management
and administration of those contracts. Although the legal
principles involved are an aspect of general contract law,
the practical and commercial complexities of the construction
industry have increasingly made this a specialist area.

This new edition has been brought up to date with recent

cases and developments in the law as it stands at July 2007.
The basic approach of the book has been retained. Rather
than provide a commentary on standard-form contracts, our
approach is to introduce the general principles that underlie
contracts in construction, illustrating them by reference to
the most important standard forms currently in use. Some
of the common standard-form contracts have been revised
since the previous edition, and the text has been revised
to take account of these changes.

Practitioners (consultants, builders, clients and lawyers) will

find this an extremely useful source of reference, providing
in-depth explanations for all of the features found in
contemporary construction contracts, with reasons. A
unique feature of this book is the way that it brings together
the relevant principles of law with the practical issues arising
in construction cases. It is a key text for construction
undergraduates and postgraduates as well as for those
taking the RIBA Part III and CIOB Part II examinations.

Introduction; Cases; Statutes; Glossary; UK construction industry context; Roles and relationships; General
contracting; Design and build; Construction management; Procurement and contract choiceTendering
and contract formation; Liability in contract and tort; Contractors obligations; Employers obligations;
Responsibility for design; Time; Payment; Contractors claims for loss and expense; Insurance and
bonds; Role of the contract administrator; Health and safety obligations; Sub-contracts; Nomi-
nation; Financial remedies for breach of contract; Defective buildings and subsequent owners; Suspension
and determination of contracts; Non-adversarial dispute resolution; Adversarial dispute resolution;
References; Index

September 2007:
Hb: 978-0-415-39368-3 80.00
Pb: 978-0-415-39369-0 24.99
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