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List of Competencies

No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Assemble Electronic Assembling Electronic
1 ELC724335
Products Products
Service consumer Servicing consumer
2 electronic products and electronic products and ELC724336
systems systems
Service industrial Servicing industrial
3 electronic modules, electronic modules, ELC724337
products and systems products and systems

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

1. Procedure in PCB Designing.
2. Procedure in PCB Layouting.
3. Procedure in PCB Etching
4. Procedure in PCB Drilling
1. PCB layout is verified for conformity with the schematic diagram in
accordance with the layout rules
2. PCB layout is transferred to copper-cladded board following
acceptable methods and standards
3. Visual inspection is performed based on standards procedures.
4. Thru-hole is drilled based on standards procedures
5. PCB is cleaned based on standards procedures
6. Functionality of PCB is tested and visual inspection is performed
based on standards procedures
Students/trainees must be provided with the following:
- Desktop Computer
- Laptop Computer
- LCD Projector
- Television
- DVD player
- Multitester (VOM)
- White board
- Set of screw drivers
- Set of Pliers
- Whiteboard marker
- Ball pens
- Log book/bond papers
- Information sheet
- Task sheet
- Assembled variable regulated power supply.
Written examination

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(Assemble Electronic
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Learning Guide

Learning Outcome 2

Learning Steps Special

Read the information
sheet 1.2-1 on
Procedure in PCB
designing Read Information
Answer Self-check 1.2-1 on Procedure in PCB Sheet and answer
designing. the self-check. After
answering, compare
Compare to answer key 1.2-1. your answer from
the answer key.
Perform activity sheet 1.2-1
Perform the
Evaluate students performance using performance activity required in
checklist 1.2-1 the task sheet and
Read the information sheet 1.2-2 Procedure in PCB evaluate your work
lay outing according to the
performance criteria
Answer Self-check 1.2-2 on Procedure in PCB lay checklist. Make the
outing necessary
corrections or
Compare to answer key 1.2-2 improvements.
Perform activity sheet 1.2-2 Secure the
evaluation of the
Evaluate students performance using performance trainer and let
checklist 1.2-2 him/her record your
Read the information sheet 1.2-3 Procedure in PCB accomplishment.
Answer Self-check 1.2-3 on Procedure in PCB

Compare to answer key 1.2-3

Perform activity sheet 1.2-3
Evaluate students performance using performance
checklist 1.2-3

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Read the information sheet 1.2-4 Procedure in PCB
Answer Self-check 1.2-4 on Procedure in PCB

Compare to answer key 1.2-4

Perform activity sheet 1.2-4
Evaluate students performance using performance
checklist 1.2-4

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo
Information Sheet 1.2.1
Procedure in PCB Designing

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Acquire knowledge how to design printed circuit board.
2. Perform Printed circuit board designing using the circuit
diagram of variable regulated AC/DC power supply.
3. Understand the importance of printed circuit board designing in
making PCB module

A printed circuit board (PCB) has components inserted into

the hole and soldered to form its circuit connection. Its main
purpose is to reduce the space and to troubleshoot easily when
problem arises.

The printed circuit board (PCB) has conductors that are thin
strip of copper,
usually bonded to a baseboard called substrate. There are two very
substrate materials used in printed circuit, the phenolic and epoxy


Printed Circuit Board

In PCB designing, we should not focus only on the size of the pathways
linking to the other component, but also on the types, kinds, and
characteristics of component. Here are the other design factors needed:

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1. PCB size and shape. The PCB must be big enough for the entire
component to be mounted where it is anticipated.
2. Position of the Terminal. Input, output and supply voltage if possible
should be placed near the border for easier way during
troubleshooting or minor repair.
3. High Temperature Dissipation. Too much heat is the number one
problem of all components. Bigger space is needed so that heat sink
can be provided to the component. This will protect the component
from burning up.
4. Accessibility of Components. This component that is adjustable or
variable (example: potentiometer, trimmer resistor or capacitor)
should be placed near the border to make the troubleshooting or
minor repair easier.
5. Space for Bolt and Nut. The designer should place an allowance for
mounting the PCB with bolt and nut in securing the entire board to
the chassis.
6. Different Types of Circuit Should be grouped according to its
Application. This will enhance the circuit operation and will prevent it
from distortion generated by other circuit. This is the reason why the
circuit of the power supply is far from the audio circuit.

Procedure in PCB designing

1. Prepare the tools and materials needed in lay outing and designing

Tools and materials needed:

Utility cutter
Permanent marker
Pencil and Eraser
Graphing paper and a piece of bond paper (short)
Masking Tape

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2. Prepare the schematic diagram of the circuit.

Schematic diagram of Variable regulated AC/DC power supply

3. Make the PCB design. Arrange the components terminals on a

graphing paper or a piece of paper to show/illustrate the
interconnection of the components based on the schematic
diagram given.

Example position of the pads or terminals of the components

4. Interconnect the traces to the pads/terminals of the components

depending on the connections of the components to one another.
Make sure that the traces will be the same as the connection of the
schematic diagram.

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Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo
5. Finalized your design with the actual size of the component,
terminals and size of the PCB (1 x 2) to check the spacing of
the components. It should not be on top of the other components.

6. Let your work check by the trainer.


Direction: Identify the following items.

1. A board that is open with electronic components is

mounted and soldered.

2. A conductor where the components terminal lead is soldered.

3. It consists of a thin copper layer which is firmly bonded to an

insulating base material. It is sometimes called as a component

4 -5. The two types of substrate materials used in a present circuit.

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1. PCB
2. Substrate
3. Copper foil side
4. Epoxy
5. Phenolic

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

Title: Procedure in PCB Designing

Performance Objective: Given the ACTIVITY SHEET 1.2-1, you

should be able to perform procedure in PCB
designing for variable regulated AC/DC power
supply circuit diagram

Supplies/Materials : Activity Sheet 1.2-1, piece of paper

pencil or ball pen, circuit diagram of variable regulated AC/DC
power supply

Equipment : N/A

Procedure in PCB designing

1. Prepare the tools and materials needed in lay outing and designing a

Tools and materials needed:

Utility cutter
Permanent marker
Pencil and Eraser
Graphing paper and a piece of bond paper (short)
Masking Tape

2. Prepare the schematic diagram of the circuit.

3. Make the PCB design. Arrange the components terminals on a
graphing paper or a piece of paper to show/illustrate the
interconnection of the components based on the schematic diagram
4. Interconnect the traces to the pads/terminals of the components
depending on the connections of the components to one another.
Make sure that the traces will be the same as the connection of the
schematic diagram.
5. Finalized your design with the actual size of the component, terminals
and size of the PCB (1 x 2) to check the spacing of the
components. It should not be on top of the other components.
6. Let your work check by the trainer.

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(Assemble Electronic
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7.Discuss your answers with the trainer
8.Apply the safety precautions following the OH&S policies and
Assessment Method:

Written - Oral Questioning

Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance criteria checklist 1.2-1

Did you.
1. Interconnect base on the schematic diagram?
2. Used appropriate tools and materials in PCB
3. Position the terminals not overlapping to each
4. Used correct PCB size?

5. Position the terminal of the input , output

and auxialliary components accessible?
6. Provide space for the bolts and nuts?
7. Provide proper grounding on your design?

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

Procedure in PCB Lay-outing

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Acquire knowledge how to layout printed circuit board.
2. Perform Printed circuit board layout using the circuit diagram of
variable regulated AC/DC power supply.
3. Understand the importance of printed circuit board layout in
making PCB module

In every electronic activity specially PCB layout can be performed (using

CAD ) or in combination with an Autorouter, The results are usually still
achieved using at least some manual routing simply because the design
engineer has a far better judgement of how arrange circuitry.Surprisingly,
many autorouted boards are often illogical in track routing the program has
optimized the connections an sacrificed any small amount of order that may
have been put in place by manual routing. Generally autorouted boards are
somewhat harder for a technician to repair debug; for this reason. Historically,
PCBs used to be laid out by using stick on paper shapes and ape on mylar
drafting film, - that really WAS manual routing.

Procedure in Lay outing

1. Using a permanent marker, art transfer or masking tape for layout

the design on the PCB. Follow the procedure on how to trace the path
of the connection traces from the schematic diagram.

2. Be wise on positioning the terminals or the pads of the components

and avoid shorting the traces of the connections.

3. Double check your design, make sure that all of the connections are
the same as the connections on the schematic diagram.

4. Make sure that the components size are seized so the components will
not be on top of the other in mounting procedure.

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo
5. Let your trainer check your design work before the etching process.


Direction : Answer the following questions and write your answers in separate
sheet of paper.
1. What should be consider in PCB layout?
2. This will protect the component from burning up?
3. The _______ layout must be accessible to all Components?
4. The layout should place an allowance for mounting the PCB?
5. What do you call the status where excessive heat is the number one
problem of all components?

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Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

1. Size
2. Space
3. PCB
4. Bolts and Nuts
5. High Temperature Dissipation

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

Title: Procedure in PCB Layouting

Performance Objective: Given the ACTIVITY SHEET 1.2-2, you

should be able to perform procedure in PCB
lay outing for variable regulated AC/DC power
supply circuit diagram

Supplies/Materials : Activity Sheet 1.2-2, piece of paper

pencil or ball pen, circuit diagram of variable regulated AC/DC
power supply

Equipment : N/A

Procedure in PCB Layouting

1. 1 Using a permanent marker, art transfer or masking tape for

layout the design on the PCB. Follow the procedure on how to
trace the path of the connection traces from the schematic
1. 2 Be wise on positioning the terminals or the pads of the
components and avoid shorting the traces of the connections.
1. 3 Double check your design, make sure that all of the
connections are the same as the connections on the schematic
1. 4 Make sure that the components size are seized so the
components will not be on top of the other in mounting
1. 5 Let your trainer check your design work before the etching

Assessment Method:
Written - Oral Questioning

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Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo
Performance Criteria checklist

Performance Criteria Checklist 1.2-2

Did you.... YES NO

1. Finalized your layout with the actual size of the

component, terminals and size of the PCB?

2. use appropriate materials in layouting your design

on the PCB?

3. position the terminals or the pads of the

components to avoid shorting the traces of the

4. Double check your Layout or make sure that all of

the connections are the same as the connections on
the schematic diagram?

5. measure the actual size of the component so it will

not be on top of each other?

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

Procedure in PCB ETCHING

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Acquire knowledge how to etch printed circuit board.
2. Perform Printed circuit board etching using the materials needed
in PCB etching.
3. Understand the importance of printed circuit board etching in
making PCB module

Printed Circuit Board Etching is where the excess copper is removed to

leave the individual tracks or traces as they are sometimes called. Buckets,
bubble tanks, and spray machines are tools to do different ways of etching but
most firms currently use high pressure conveyors spray equipment. Spray
etching is fast Ammoniacal etching solutions when sprayed can etch 55
microns of copper a minute. Less than 40 seconds to etch a standard 1
oz, 35 micron circuit board.

Many different chemical solutions can be used to etch circuit

boards ranging from slow controlled speed etches used for surface
preparation to the faster etches used for etching the tracks. Some are
best used in horizontal spray process equipment while others are best
used in tanks. Enchants for PTH work have to be selective and be non-
aggressive to tin / tin lead plating, which is used as the etch resists.
Copper etching is normally exothermic where high speed etching is
carried out solution cooling is normally required. This is normally done
by placing titanium water cooling coils into the enchant. Almost all
etching solutions liberate toxic corrosive fumes. Extraction is
highly recommended. All enchants are corrosive and toxic mainly due to
the high metal content. P.P.E. Personal Protection Equipment must
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Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo
always be used. Spent solutions should always be disposed properly
and not to be spilled down local drains where they can pollute local
sewage works and rivers.

Printed Circuit Board Etching

It is the removal of unwanted portion or layer of conductive

materials (that is copper) bonded to an insulating base called
substrate. By using a chemical reaction to the copper called ferric
chloride, it liquefies the uncovered surfaces of the designed copper
clad board that creates a PCB.

Tools and Materials Needed In PCB Etching

1. Designed PCB
2. A bottle of the Ferric Chloride. (The quantity of bottle will
depend upon the area of the PCB).
3. Plastic Basin. It is the medium of ferric chloride
4. Popsicle sticks (2 pieces). It is used for hauling the designed PCB.
5. Old newspaper. It is placed under the plastic basin for the
prevention of accidental spill of chemical over the table.
6. Apron
7. Piece of Cloth
8. Plastic Varnish 1 bottle
9. Lacquer Thinner
10. Surgical Gloves
11. Knife or Cutter


1. Prepare the necessary tools and materials needed in PCB etching.
2. Wear your apron and surgical gloves in order to prevent accidental
splash of the solution on your clothes or on your skin.
3. Pour the ferric chloride in the plastic basin.


4. Etch the PCB by immersing it in a basin filled with ferric

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chloride until the uncovered part of the copper clad is totally

Immerse PCB in
plastic basin filled
with ferric chloride

5. After 10 - 15 minutes, check the PCB if all the parts needed

to be removed are totally etched (using the two Popsicle
sticks in hauling). If not yet, return it into the plastic basin
filled with ferric chloride. After 3 - 5 minutes check it again.

6. Haul the PCB from the plastic basin and wash it in a free flowing
water to remove the remaining residue in the PCB.


7. With a clean and dry piece of cloth, wipe the wet PCB.

8. Pour a little amount of lacquer thinner on a clean dry piece of

cloth and wipe the markings of the permanent marker pen in the
copper clad. (Note: In doing this, you should wear your surgical

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo
9. Aided by bright light, inspect the PCB for possible hairline break
or short. If there is a hairline path between the copper
conductors, cut it by a knife or cutter. And if there is a break
between the copper conductors, solder it.

PCB Light

10. Apply plastic varnish to the newly etched PCB to prevent corrosion
or rust, and let it dry before touching it.

Techniques to correct PCB Hairline Break or Short

A. Hairline Break. It is an open copper foil in the Printed Circuit

Board. Most of the time this is due to improper PCB designing or
etching. To
eliminate the hairline break, just place a hook up wire and solder

Hairline Break

B. Hairline Short in the PCB Conductor. It arises if the printed

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circuit board designing or etching is done improperly. To eliminate
the hairline short, you should cut it with a knife.

Hairline Short in the PCB Conductor

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Procedure in PCB ETCHING

Direction : Answer the following questions and write your answers in separate sheet of paper,

1. What is the method called by removing unwanted copper in the PCB?

2. What material is used, that protects parts of the laminate from the acid and leaves the
desired copper layer untouched?
3. At least how many minutes the PCB is in the basin with acid?
4. What is the chemical solution use in PCB Etching?
5. What are the safety equipment and use when we do the process of etching?

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1. Etching

2. Masking tape

3. 20 minutes

4. Ferric Chloride

5. Goggles, mask, gloves , apron

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

Title: Procedure in PCB Etching

Performance Objective: Given the ACTIVITY SHEET 1.2-3, you

should be able to perform procedure in PCB
Etching for variable regulated AC/DC power
supply circuit diagram

Supplies/Materials : Activity Sheet 1.2-3, ferric chloride,

basin, designed PCB, rags, water, popsicle stick, newspaper, utility
cutter and PPE.

Equipment : N/A

Procedure in PCB Etching
1. Prepare the necessary tools and materials needed in PCB

2. Wear your apron and surgical gloves in order to prevent

accidental splash of the solution on your clothes or on
your skin.

3. Pour the ferric chloride in the plastic basin

4. Etch the PCB by immersing it in a basin filled with ferric

chloride until the uncovered part of the copper clad is
totally etched.

5. After 10 - 15 minutes, check the PCB if all the parts

needed to be removed are totally etched (using the two
Popsicle sticks in hauling). If not yet, return it into the
plastic basin filled with ferric chloride. After 3 - 5
minutes check it again.

6. Haul the PCB from the plastic basin and wash it in a

free flowing water to remove the remaining residue in the
7. With a clean and dry piece of cloth, wipe the wet PCB.
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8. Pour a little amount of lacquer thinner on a clean dry
piece of cloth and wipe the markings of the permanent
marker pen in the copper clad. (Note: In doing this, you
should wear your surgical gloves.)

9. Aided by bright light, inspect the PCB for possible

hairline break or short. If there is a hairline path
between the copper conductors, cut it by a knife or
cutter. And if there is a break between the copper
conductors, solder it.

10. Apply plastic varnish to the newly etched PCB to prevent

corrosion or rust, and let it dry before touching it.

11. Apply the safety precautions following the OH&S policies

and Procedures

Assessment Method:

Written - Oral Questioning

Performance Criteria checklist

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Performance Criteria Checklist 1.2-3

Did you.... Yes No

1. Use appropriate PPE while performing the etching activity?

2. Etch your designed PCB following the procedure correctly?

3. Fix any hairline short or hairline break on your PCB?

4. Apply proper safety precaution while performing the activity?

5. Use appropriate tools while performing the activity?

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

Procedure in Drilling

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Acquire knowledge how to drill printed circuit board.
2. Perform Printed circuit board drill using the Mini drill.
3. Understand the importance of printed circuit board drill in making
PCB module

Drilling is a cutting process that uses a drill beat to cut a hole of circular cross section in solid
material, the drill beat is rotary cutting tools, often multi point, the beat is pressed against the
work piece and rotated at rates from hundreds to thousands of revolution per minute. This
forces the cutting edge against the work piece, cutting off chips (swarf) from the
hole as it is drilled. Exceptionally, specially-shaped bits can cut holes of non-
circular cross-section; a square cross-section is possible,

How to set up Mini Drill

1. Loosen the chuck by using a long metal tool and change the drill bit.
This is done in a counter clockwise movement.

Drill Bit
Long Metal


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2. Insert the drill bit 1mm diameter in size and attach it to the chuck of the
3. Turn the long metal tool clockwise to tighten the jaw of the unit. Be sure
that the drill bit is well secured on the chuck.
4. Before inserting the 12 volts adaptor, you should turn off the unit.
5. Test the rotation of the unit if it is well aligned. If not, align it following
the steps no. 1 and 2.

How to Use a Mini Drill

To control the unit, hold the mini - drill at the lower part and firmly
position your arm. Then with the mini drill held perpendicularly to your work
surface, lightly press downward to the holes to be drilled in the PCB but be
sure that the PCB has a piece of wood under it to avoid damaging the table.
With practice, you will be able to get the procedure correctly.




1. Prepare all the materials needed.
- Mini drill
- Designed etched PCB

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2. Mark where the holes are to be drilled.

3. Using the mini drill, bore hole perpendicularly to the surface of the PCB.

4. Clean the surface of the PCB and look for open line or short circuit.

5. Apply varnish on the clad surface to prevent it from corrosion.

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo
Direction : Answer the following questions and write your answers in separate
sheet of paper.

1. What is the material use in PCB drilling?

2. What do you called the process of cutting using the drill beat?
3. Mark where the __________ are to be drilled?
4. What should be the position of the hole to the surface of the PCB?
5. What liquid form is used to prevent it from corrosion?

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Answer Key 1.2-4

1. PCB
2. Drilling
3. Hole
4. Perpendicularly
5. Varnish

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

Title: Procedure in PCB Drilling

Performance Objective: Given the ACTIVITY SHEET 1.2-4, you

should be able to perform procedure in PCB
Drilling for variable regulated AC/DC power
supply circuit diagram

Supplies/Materials : Activity Sheet 1.2-4, 12v Mini Drill

designed etched PCB, and PPE.

Equipment : N/A

Procedure in PCB Drilling
1. Prepare all the materials needed.
- Mini drill
- Designed etched PCB
2. Mark where the holes are to be drilled.

3. Using the mini drill, bore hole perpendicularly to the surface

of the PCB.

4. Clean the surface of the PCB and look for open line or short

5. Apply varnish on the clad surface to prevent it from


6. Apply the safety precautions following the OH&S policies and


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Assessment Method:

Written - Oral Questioning

Performance Criteria checklist

Performance Criteria Checklist 1.2-4

Did you.... Yes No

1. Use appropriate PPE while performing the drilling activity?

2. Drilled your designed etched PCB following the procedure correctly?

3. Clean your PCB after drilling?

4. Apply proper safety precaution while performing the activity?

5. Use appropriate tools while performing the activity?

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(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

Tan, Michael Q., Gantalao, Fred T., Lasala, Rommel M. Simple

Electronics; Andes Mountain Printers: 2004

Enriquez, Marcelo T. Electronics Technology IV; Souvenir

Publications,Inc. 2003

Online Resources :




CBLM on Electronic Document No. 1

Products Assembly Date Developed: Issued by:
and Servicing NCII Page 35 of 35
Developed By: Revision No. 0
(Assemble Electronic
Products) PaulSenen O. Didulo

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