Release Not Ese Tabs 2016 V 1620

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ETABS 2016 (Version 16.2.

Release Notes
Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 2017

Notice Date: 2017-06-19

This file lists all changes made to ETABS since the previous version. Most changes do not affect most users.
Incidents marked with an asterisk (*) in the first column of the tables below are more significant.

Changes from v16.1.0 (Released 2017-04-07)

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 61501 An enhancement has been implemented to expand the time-dependent material behavior to
65676 include the Eurocode 2-2004, AS 3600-2009, NZS 3101-2006 codes and the GL2000 model. Time-
84360 dependent behavior includes creep and shrinkage strains, as well as age-dependent stiffness
101355 where appropriate, for concrete materials.
* 84352 An enhancement has been made to account for effect of reinforcing steel on the axial creep and
93521 shrinkage behavior of concrete in columns, braces, and walls. The users can specify the rebars in
individual columns and walls, or they can be taken from the most recent concrete frame or wall
design. This enhancement only affects time-dependent staged-construction load cases. This
formulation utilizes the steel reinforcement correction factor as described in "Creep and Shrinkage
and the Design of Supertall Buildings - A Case Study: The Burj Dubai Tower" by W.F. Baker, D.S.
Korista, L.C. Noval, J. Pawlikowski, and B. Young (2007), ACI Special Publications, 246.

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 103383 An enhancement has been made to allow additional modal damping in linear and nonlinear direct
integration time history load cases. This feature uses the mode shapes and periods from a
specified modal load case to calculate a modal damping matrix. This matrix is restricted to the
shape of the stiffness matrix, meaning that modal damping does not couple elements that are not
connected. The associated modal case must use the same mass source as the direct-integration
load case, and must be run before the direct-integration load case that uses it. Modal damping
parameters allow the damping ratio to be constant for all modes, interpolated by period or
frequency, or determined based on a mass and stiffness proportional coefficient. Any modal
damping specified as additional material damping will also be included in linear and nonlinear
direct-integration time history load cases. When modal damping is specified in a nonlinear direct
integration time history load case, more iterations may be necessary to reach equilibrium. Modal
damping is in addition to any proportional damping that may be specified for the direct-
integration load case. A small amount of stiffness proportional damping is recommended to
control higher modes. The CSI Analysis Reference Manual has been updated for this topic.

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Composite Beam Design
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
102260 Composite beam design reports have been enhanced to report several additional intermediate
quantities used for evaluating the beam vibration characteristics under walking excitation. These
include the span and transformed moment of inertia of the supporting girder; the transformed
moment of inertia per unit width; Ds, Dj, Dg, of the slab, beam, and girder; the coefficients Cj, Cg,
used in evaluating the beam and girder panel widths, Bj and Bg; the panel weights Wj and Wg of the
beam and girder; and the coefficient applied to the beam panel weight to account for beam

Results Display and Output

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 99296 An enhancement has been made to display crack widths on screen for concrete slabs. The display
is based on calculations for a specified load case or combination according to Eurocode EC2 2004,
using prescribed reinforcement parameters.

Application Programming Interface (API)

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
76370 The Application Programming Interface (API) has been enhanced to add functions for retrieving
design rebar information. The following functions are provided: GetBeamLongRebarData,
GetBeamTieRebarData, GetColumnLongRebarData, and GetColumnTieRebarData.
86069 The Application Programming Interface (API) has been enhanced to make available spring property
96633 definitions and assignments. Point, line and area springs are covered.
99874 The API functions to set and retrieve the design code (SetCode, GetCode) for steel frame design,
100816 concrete frame design and composite beam design have been updated to correspond to the lists
of design codes available through the ETABS graphical user interface.
102056 The Application Programing Interface (API) has been enhanced to significantly increase the speed
103770 of the function SapModel.Results.AreaForceShell.

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
200423 The version number has been changed to v16.2.0 for a new intermediate release.

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User Interface
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
91751 An incident was resolved where drawing a Developed Elevation sometimes caused an error
condition when general grids were present in the grid system.
95473 An incident was resolved where moving and managing model view windows in a certain order
could produce an error condition. Results were not affected.
98023 An incident was resolved where the Help window would go behind the main graphical user
interface when accessed using the command Help > ETABS Help. This did not occur when using the
F1 key to access the Help.
100161 An incident was resolved where an error would occur when trying to modify an existing load
combination if all the load patterns that were used in load cases that were contained in the load
combination had been deleted.
102152 An incident was resolved where, for a certain model, link property data had become corrupted,
which caused an abnormal termination when viewing the Define Links form. Such models are now
detected and corrected when opened to prevent this error.

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
96096 An incident was resolved that corrected several minor issues with DirectX graphics mode:
1.) Overlapping shells did not display correctly in DirectX mode compared with standard graphics
2.) When zooming, view angles were being reset to default, which sometimes distorted the view.
3.) Perpendicular snaps were not working in plan views.
4.) When areas (shells) were shown in extruded view, spurious lines (triangulation lines) were
being displayed on objects of complex form.
5.) For some models in meter units, the selection indication did not coincide with the edges of area
objects being selected.
6.) Selected wall elements would sometimes appear to be selected at the wrong level.
No results were affected by any of these issues.
96208 An incident was resolved for DirectX graphics mode where area (shell) objects in shrunken view
97607 showed excessive shrinkage in some cases. This also affected the display of selected area objects,
where the dashed line indicating selection showed excessive shrinkage. No results were affected.
96312 An incident was resolved for DirectX graphics mode where sloped area (shell) objects with more
than four joints were displayed as being horizontal.
100152 An incident was resolved where using the Edit>Align command would move the joint correctly, but
the display of lines and areas would not be updated graphically if the aligned joint merged into
another pre-existing joint. This was a display error only and analysis results were unaffected. Using
the Edit>Move command instead did work correctly for the display also.
100545 An incident was resolved where circular slabs were sometimes not visible in standard-graphics
mode, depending on how they were drawn. When this occurred, they were still visible in DirectX-
graphics mode. No results were affected.
100582 An incident was resolved where the model views were always being re-scaled after executing any
of the Edit > Extrude commands, losing the previous settings for pan and zoom. No results were
102501 An incident was resolved where the lighting settings for the DirectX graphics mode were being
reset every time the view was changed to a different aspect of the model (not just pan, zoom, or
rotate). Now these are retained throughout the ETABS session unless explicitly changed by the

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Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
76651 An incident was resolved for auto frame hinges where the "Is Extrapolated" option for behavior
beyond point E was not working when chosen during hinge assignment. The hinge created always
showed the "Drops to Zero" option. Results were consistent with the "Drop to Zero" option.
98791 An incident was resolved where the axial-force or shear-force values used to generate auto
nonlinear hinges were not being updated after the analysis was run. This only affected hinges that
were automatically generated and were based on ASCE 41-13 Tables 9-6, 10-7, 10-8 and also for
which the axial or shear force was specified to be updated based on a load case or a load
combination. Now, the hinge properties will be updated for the next time the model is unlocked and
run again.
98977 An incident was resolved where the stiffness modeled for steel beams with Side-Plate (SP) or
Reduced Beam Sections (RBS) may have been incorrect if the beams were adjacent to a slab that
was meshed such that the beams also got meshed for analysis. When the beam was modeled as a
single element for analysis the SP and RBS beam stiffness was correct. This would be the normal case
when the beam is adjacent to decks or slabs modeled as membrane only.
100986 An incident was resolved where column PMM fiber hinges were not being updated if the column
was assigned a Section Designer section and the section was modified after the fiber hinge
assignment was made. This was limited to column PMM fiber hinges and Section Designer sections.
The actual hinge properties used in analysis were viewable after the analysis was run.
200383 An incident was resolved where the imported properties of CoreBrace BRBs may be incorrect when
model was started in metric units. This was obvious as the parameters K_EBE, K_EZ, and Keff were
off by a factor of 25.4. This affected the stiffness factor used for Bolted Lug braces. Old models,
when opened in the new version, will automatically re-import the properties and inform the user if a
problem existed.

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
* 99530 An incident was resolved where the calculated and applied loads were zero for Chinese auto wind
102614 loads acting on semi-rigid diaphragms when the loading was based on the computed building
periods or mode shapes.
* 102079 An incident was resolved where, under certain conditions, tendon loads could become corrupted
and might result in an error condition. This happened when the tendon loads were assigned first,
and then one or more load patterns defined before the assigned tendon load patterns were deleted
by the user. The tendon loads were then incorrectly internally applied to the wrong load patterns,
including possibly load patterns that no longer existed.

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
94371 An incident was resolved where Fiber P-M-M hinges in frame elements modeled as separate link
elements (Analyze > Analysis Model for Nonlinear Hinges was set to "Model Hinges as Separate Link
Elements") result in extra axial flexibility. The elastic axial flexibility was being double-counted only
for the length of the Fiber P-M-M hinges themselves. This did not affect models where the hinges
were modeled within the element (Analyze > Analysis Model for Nonlinear Hinges was set to "Model
Hinges Within Elements"). This issue did not affect the out-of-plane bending or shear behavior of the
element nor did it affect wall elements with wall hinges assigned.

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* Incident Description
101918 An incident was resolved where a linear link property could have non-zero stiffness or damping
coefficients present for an inactive degree-of-freedom, when it is expected that these values should
be zero. This issue only occurred for link properties of type "Linear" in the case where the degree-of-
freedom had previously been specified as active, assigned a non-zero stiffness or damping
coefficient, and then made inactive.
102409 An incident was resolved where Ritz analysis could produce zero results for very large models when
run on machines with a large amount of RAM, typically 64 GB or more. This was due to Windows
file-size limits that were being exceeded. When this occurred, the analysis .LOG file indicated that
the loads were zero, and the mode shapes produced were zero.
103520 An incident was resolved where area edge releases would create an error condition if the release
was applied at a triangular area element. Results were not available.
200320 An incident was resolved where the analysis would fail to run if any link had been assigned property
"None". The expected behavior is that any link with property "None" would not contribute to the
analysis model, except when changed to use an actual property during a staged-construction load
case. Changing a link to property "None" during staged construction did work as expected. Only
version 16.1.0 was affected by this issue.

Frame Design
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
102613 An incident was resolved for concrete frame design per the Mexican RCDF 2004 code where the
column longitudinal rebar was 100 times smaller than expected when rebar was governed by Asmin
for Non-Sway and Ordinary columns. The percentage reinforcement was correctly shown in the
design report but final reported longitudinal rebar was incorrect for this case. This was an obvious
103282 An incident has been resolved for steel frame design using Russian code SP 16.13330.2011 where
there was a problem primarily affecting the documentation for calculation of the moment
coefficients m and m_ef for the different boundary conditions: Fixed-Fixed, Hinged-Hinged,
Fixed-Hinged, or Fixed-Free. The documentation has been corrected for members loaded with span
loads and for members not loaded with span loads. The calculation of the moment coefficients m
and m_ef should be different between section SP16 9.2.3 (to be used in calculation of phi_e)
and section SP16 9.2.6 (to be used in calculation of c). In addition, a minor change has been made
in the software to more accurately determine the values of m for different boundary conditions.
The effect of this change is generally very small.
103489 An incident was resolved for steel frame design using codes "AISC 360-05" and "AISC 360-10" in
which there was a sudden jump in the stress ratio when the member axial force switched between
small axial tension and small axial compression. This happened when the governing combination
given switched from AISC H1.3b to H1-2 in compression for doubly symmetric sections with very
small minor-axis bending moment. In all cases the design result did not change between failure and
safety. In other words, a stress ratio reported as being less than unity could have been incorrect for
the described situation, but the correct value would also have been less than unity in such a case.
103597 An incident was resolved for steel frame design using code "AISC 360-10" in which the interaction
equation AISC H1-2 was not implemented accurately. The value Mcx was taken as the available
flexural strength considering all limit states, including lateral-torsional buckling, while considering
the actual Cb value. However, it is now taken as the available lateral-torsional strength for strong-
axis flexure determined in accordance with Chapter F using Cb = 1.0. In Equation H1-2, Cb Mcx may
be larger than b Mpx in LRFD or Mpx /b in ASD. The yielding resistance of the beam-column is not
imposed on Cb*Mcx separately. This happens when the governing interaction equation as given in
AISC H1.3b, Eqn. H1-2 in compression for doubly symmetric sections with very small minor axis
bending moment. The previous design results were conservative.

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Composite Beam Design
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
89334 An incident was resolved that addressed three issues affecting composite beam design for deflection
97309 and vibration:
1.) The computation of the moment of inertia of the slab did not take into account the possible
variation in deck rib width from bottom of deck to top of deck.
2.) Girder deflection g was improperly being reduced per Design Guide 11 Equation 4-6 when the
frequency of the panel was computed per Design Guide 11 Equation 3-4. The girder deflection is no
longer reduced per Equation 4-6 when Equation 3-4 is utilized.
3.) When the beam being evaluated is supported by two girders having different stiffness, vibration
calculations are now based on the characteristics of the more flexible girder in accordance with a
clarification made in the second edition of AISC Design Guide 11. Previously, ETABS based its
calculations on the average stiffness of the two girders.
None of these three issues affected the strength design of the beams. Documentation will be
updated for these changes in the next release.
100757 An incident was resolved for composite beam design where, for the case when the user had
specified an explicit beam section such that the percentage of composite action required to make
the design acceptable required more shear studs than could fit the beam, the reported ratios were
different between the interactive design form on the one hand, and the reports and tables on the
other hand. Both reported that the beam failed, but the interactive design form displayed ratios
based on the required percentage of composite action, along with the excessive stud crowding ratio,
while the tables and the reports displayed ratios computed based on the properties of the steel
section alone, without any composite action. Both the interactive design form, and the reports now
displayed ratios based on the percentage of composite action corresponding to the maximum
number of shear studs that fit on the beam.
100942 An incident was resolved which affected the design of composite beams with a user-specified shear-
stud distribution and an uneven loading where the beam maximum bending moment was closer to
the end point of the beam than to its start point. In such a case, ETABS checked the composite
strength and stiffness of the beam based on the number of shear studs provided between the start
of the beam and the point of maximum moment instead of based on the number of shear studs
provided between the point of maximum moment and the end of the beam. In addition, when there
was more than one point load on the beam, ETABS did not check that enough shear studs were
provided between each point load and the nearest point of zero moment. Default shear-stud
distribution was not affected.
102064 An incident was resolved which affected composite beam design. When no loads were applied on a
given beam for certain load cases, and some of the load combinations selected for composite beam
design contained only such load cases, ETABS would occasionally place an excessive number of shear
studs on the beam. When this occurred, the error was obvious and the design was conservative.
Also, a related enhancement was made which occasionally results in a slight reduction in the
number of shear studs specified for a given percentage of composite action due to more refined
calculation. This is most notable in the case of beams where the maximum moment occurs at the
mid-span. The documentation for the AISC-360-05 Example 001 and AISC-360-10 Example 002
Composite Beam Design Verification examples has been revised to include a change of one less
shear stud for each example, with all other numbers unaffected.

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Shear Wall Design
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
88235 An incident was resolved for shear wall design using the Indian IS 456:2000 code where pier design
results were unavailable when the model was reopened in a new ETABS session. Using right click on
pier design results in such cases would cause an error condition.
100362 An incident was resolved where the calculated tributary area of a shear wall pier could be incorrect
for unevenly loaded piers. This could affect the calculated live load reduction factor (LLRF). Both the
tributary area and the LLRF were reported in the Table "Tributary Area and LLRF", and the wall pier
design results were consistent with the reported values.
101556 An incident was resolved for shear wall design per Eurocode 2-2004, CSA A23.3-14 and CSA A23.3-04
design codes where shear wall report showed the shear force and rebar from the original load
combinations instead of amplified shear for ductile seismic design when wall design failed in shear
due to force modification factor specified in the wall preferences.
103036 An incident was resolved for shear wall pier design where, under a certain combination of
103287 conditions, the forces used for shear design and boundary element design may have been almost
twice that required. For this error to occur the pier must have been broken into multiple elements
over the story height, there must have been multi-step cases present in the governing combination,
and an "Envelope" or "Envelope-All" type of design was requested. Requesting "Step by Step" design
gave the correct design. The effect of this error was over-conservative.
* 103785 An Incident was resolved for concrete shear wall design using the ACI 318-08, ACI 318-11, and ACI
318-14 design codes where the determination of the need for boundary-zones was incorrect for
certain conditions. For ACI 318-08 and 318-11, the code allows checking either section
(depth check, c < c_limit) when certain conditions are met, or else to use section (stress
check, fc < 0.20*fc'). ETABS design was checking both the conditions of sections and to determine the need of boundary-zones. This occasionally gave an under-conservative
determination. Now the user can choose whether to use section or By default, the
design will use section If the user chooses section, the design will compare
extreme-end compressive stresses to 0.2*fc' and 0.15*fc' per code, as expected. On the other hand,
if the user chooses section, the design will compare the depth of neutral axis to its limit
given in the code, as expected. However, in this case the design will not be able to ascertain the
conditions of "effectively continuous" and "single critical section" automatically. The design will
assume that the user has checked those two conditions and has determined that the relevant
section can be applied. If a boundary-zone is needed, in both cases the extent of boundary-zones
will be determined based on the section This incident also resolves a similar problem in ACI
318-14, where the relevant sections are (depth check, c < c_limit) or (stress
check, fc < 0.20*fc').

Results Display and Output

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
99707 An incident was resolved in which an abnormal termination could occur when generating a report
99757 for certain models. Results were not affected.
101804 An incident was resolved where the interaction surface and the interaction curves, accessed through
the design details form, were not being updated when the option to display the curves was changed
from Design Code data to Fiber Model data and vice-versa. Once the fiber model data was selected,
the display would always show the interaction surface for Fiber Model data irrespective of which
display option was selected. Only certain design codes were affected. Analysis and design results
were not affected.

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* Incident Description
102127 An incident was resolved in which an error could occur when displaying the composite beam design
overwrites database table for any composite beam design code if the Restrict Beam Depth overwrite
on a frame was set to Yes while the Restrict Beam Width was No for all beams. This was a database
table issue and did not affect results. It could also cause an error generating a report if the
composite beam design overwrites table was included in the report.
102353 An incident was resolved where the soil pressure plots were incorrect. This was a rare condition
when either link objects were present or nonlinear hinges were specified to be modeled as links. This
was a display error only and no other results were affected. Only version 16.1.0 was affected.
102467 An incident was resolved where the hinge backbone curve was not shown the first time nonlinear
hinge results were plotted.

Database Tables
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
101292 An incident was resolved where in some cases the Hinge States and Fiber Hinge States tables
could not be displayed and a message "Error switching between tables" was given. This happened if
triangular wall objects were present in the model.
101949 An incident was resolved where Shear Wall Pier Overwrites Table was showing the Rebar Index
instead of the Bar ID for the End Bar and Edge Bar columns. This was just a display issue and no
design results were affected.
102761 An incident was resolved where Story Drifts and Story Forces were only available in the tables for
103335 the first tower when multiple towers were present in the model.
102905 An incident was resolved where the message "Error Filling table" was shown when the Story Force
102403 table was requested. This was a rare occurrence and only happened when the model included an
102355 empty story, i.e., a story containing no objects. Only version 16.1.0 was affected.
102870 An incident was resolved in which an error could occur when displaying the steel frame design
overwrites database table for any steel frame design code if the Consider Deflection overwrite on
a frame was set to Yes. This was a database table issue and did not affect results. It could also
cause an error generating a report if the steel frame design overwrites table was included in the

External Import/Export
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
81321 An incident was resolved where exporting from ETABS to SAFE a floor that was connected to link
87486 elements would either export zero forces for the connected link elements or would cause an error
88038 condition. In the latter case, the export would not be performed. This issue did not affect floors
that were not connected to any link elements.

Application Programming Interface (API)

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
200114 An incident was resolved for the Application Programming Interface (API) where the function
cLinkObj.AddByCoord was adding the coordinates of the first joint correctly using present units,
while the coordinates of the second joint were added in the database units. Now both joints are
being added in present units. In the common case where no API functions were being used to
change from database units to different present units, this error had no effect. The effect of this
error was obvious in the geometry of the generated model, and results agreed with the model.

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