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Pile Group Analysis
and Pile Cap Design

Advancing the State of Structural Software ....Again

Printed March 2017


1.1 Program Introduction and procedures 3


2.1 Analysis
2.1.1 Analysis and load distribution 4

2.2 Pile Layout Configuration 5

2.3 Design Criteria-Shear

2.3.1 Two Way (Punching) Shear 6
2.3.2 One Way (Beam Action) Shear 6-7
2.3.3 Single Interior Pile Punching Shear 8
2.3.4 Corner Pile Two Way (Punching) Shear 9
2.3.5 Corner Pile One Way (Beam) Shear 10

2.4 Design Criteria- Flexure 11


3.1 Analysis Data Screen 12-13

3.1.1 Automatic Pile Generation 14
3.1.2 Options at top of screen 15-18
3.2 Design Data Screen 19-20
3.2.1 Options at top of screen 21

4.1 Perform Analysis Output 22

4.1.1 Pile Coordinates 22
4.1.2 Loading Information 23
4.1.3 Analysis Results 24
4.1.4 Options at top of screen 25 Options 25 View 26
4.2 Perform Analysis and Design Output 27
4.2.1 Pile coordinates 27
4.2.2 Loading Information 27
4.2.3 Pile Cap parameters 27
4.2.4 Analysis Results 28
4.2.5 Shear Forces 29
4.2.6 Pile Cap Design Results 30
4.2.7 Complete Results 31
4.2.8 Options at top of screen 32 “Options” tab 32 “View” tab 33-35

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Chapter 6 ASSUMPTIONS 37






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This versatile program is used to analyze any pile arrangement, for the applied loads
(dead, live and wind) and design the pile cap accordingly.

Many of the practicing engineers are aware of the fact that for standard pile cap
design, the tables in the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) Handbook are
used assuming that one of the given pile arrangements would satisfy the user's
design criteria, and there is not any moment transfer from column into a pile cap.

However, if a different pile arrangement is used or there is a misplacement of some

of the piles in a group at the job site, those tables become ineffective.

Due to the importance of pile caps in the deep foundations for load distribution, an
exact analysis is required to determine the individual pile loads and the design of the
cap for the revised pile arrangement. TGPILES program gives the user this
flexibility by providing the following:

1. The actual pile configuration can be analyzed to get the loads on each pile
and determine if any of the piles are over-stressed. Also, the program will
print the exact location of the centroid of the pile group with respect to the
column location. This is very useful to determine the moments due to the
new eccentricity.

2. If some of the piles are found to be over stressed, one or more piles can be
added at any location to reduce the stress on the other piles.

3. Once the user has determined a pile configuration which satisfies the load
criteria for the piles, he can proceed to design the cap for this arrangement.

4. The program has many error checking sections which insures all the given
data is correct and satisfies the code requirement.

5. Biaxial bending capability is provided for analysis and design. In many

cases, in order to reduce the deflection in the structure, supports need to be
fixed. This forces the Pile Cap to resist the applied bending moments.
TGPILES program analyzes this condition and gives the exact pile axial loads
due to combined axial load and bending moments.

6. TGPILES is written by practicing structural engineers. It provides the user

with all the useful information required for design, rather than theoretical
stress distributions which must be interpreted per different coordinate
systems and then the forces be calculated for the piles.

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2.1.1 Analysis and load distribution

Pile groups are analyzed to compute the load distribution to each pile based
on its location, for the combination of axial load and bending moments (if

In order to calculate the load in each pile, the following steps are taken: Each pile carries an equal amount of the load for a concentric
axial load on the cap, or for n piles carrying a total load P, the
load Q per pile is:

Q = p/n The combined stress equation (assuming a planar stress

distribution is valid for a pile cap) eccentrically loaded or loaded
with a load P and a moment, as:

Q = p/n + MyX/'X2 + MxY/'Y2

Where: Q = load per pile (kips)

P = Column axial load (kips)
Mx, My = Moment about x and y axes, respectively. (k. ft.)

'X2, 'Y2 = moment of inertia of the group.

X, Y = Distances from y and x axis to any pile.

Due to positive and negative signs, Q has a maximum and minimum

value which is calculated.

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The pile locations and their relative distances are imperative as to the proper
functioning of and load distribution to the pile system through the cap. Following indicates
some of these requirements.

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TGPILES conforms to the Latest ACI 318 and IBC codes for pile cap shear design. It also
follows closely the procedure described below:

Shear criteria is the most critical part of the pile cap design. Unlike spread footings
where ACI guidelines simply provide for checking of one way (beam action) and two way
(punching) shears, pile caps create various conditions. These conditions are produced due

prescribed in the ACI code at section d/2 (Vc=4 ofc') about the column for the two way
to different pile configurations for each cap. The investigation for spread footing is

the one way shear criteria (Vc=2 ofc') (ACI 11.12). However, as the depth of the pile cap
shear and at a section "d" from the face of the column in either direction of the footing for

increases , the distance "d" falls outside one or more piles which makes the ACI approach
Inapplicable. To accommodate this deep beam criteria, other formulas must be utilized for
pile cap design.

2.3.1) Two Way (Punching) Shear

The ACI prescribed formulas for this condition become inapplicable for the pile
caps as the depth increases and the distance of the closest pile to column face becomes
less than the "d" distance. This requires an Exact deep beam shear analysis. Following
formula as expressed in the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Manual satisfies this condition:

*Vc = 0.85(d/R)(1+d/c)(2*Fc')(b*d)
Where :

d = Distance from top of pile cap to flexural rebar

R = Distance from closest pile to face of column
c = Column dimension
b*= Column perimeter

2.3.2) One Way (Beam Action) Shear

This condition similar to the two way shear criteria requires a special deep beam
investigation. ACI formulas for footings again become Inapplicable as the depth increases.
For this criteria one way shear must be investigated along both axes of the pile cap. There
are to conditions for this shear criteria.
For "d" less than the distance of the closest pile to the column face, the following formula
is utilized :

Vc = 1.9*Fc' + 0.10*Fc'(Vud/Mu) > 2*Fc'

Where "d" falls outside any of the piles , the following formula is utilized :

2*Fc' < Vc=(d/R)[3.5-2.5(Mu/Vud)][1.9*Fc'+0.10*Fc'(Vud/Mu)] < 10*Fc'


d = Distance from top of pile cap to flexural reinforcing

R = Distance from column face to nearest pile
Vu and Mu = Ultimate shear and moments for piles outside the distance "d" from column
face (along the respective axis)

TGPILES checks the shear along both axes of the pile cap for all applicable conditions as
it iterates and increases the depth.

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2.3.3) Single Interior Pile Punching Shear

individual entity to prevent punching shear. The punching shear allowable stress, Vc=4 ofc'
Along other conditions, the maximum load on each pile should be considered as an

is considered for this condition.

C = ((d+Pd)
Vc= .75 * 4 ofc'*C*d


Pd = Pile Diameter

d = Pile depth - Cover

C = Circumference of shear circle

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2.3.4) Corner Pile Two Way (Punching) Shear

Corner Failure at 45 degree angles is another consideration near the edges of the
pile. This condition becomes more significant as the spacing between piles is increased.
The area to be considered for this condition extends a distance of d/2 past the single pile
at the corner area. The allowable shear is calculated as follows:

C = (E+Pd+d/2) * 4
Vc = .75* 4 ofc' * C * d


Pd = Pile Diameter

d = Pile depth - Cover

E = Edge distance

C = Circumference

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2.3.5) Corner Pile One Way (Beam) Shear

Solution for a Corner Failure at 45 degree angles as a beam is another

consideration near the edges of the pile. This condition becomes more significant as the
spacing between piles is increased. The area to be considered for this condition extends
along a line at the edge of the single pile at the corner area in a 45 degree slope. The
allowable shear is calculated as follows:

L = o2(2E+Pd) + Pd

Vc = .75* 2 ofc' * L * d


Pd = Pile Diameter

d = Pile depth - Cover

E = Edge distance

L = Length of shear line

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Upon determination of the depth of pile cap, then the adequacy of the section for
flexure and required area of steel is determined by strength design method of ACI 318 for
the following load combinations:

U = 1.4DL
U = 1.2DL+ 1.6LL + 0.5Lr
U = 1.2DL+ 1.6Lr + 1.0LL
U = 1.2DL+ 1.6WL+ 1.0LL + 0.5Lr
U = 0.9DL + 1.6WL


DL = Dead Load
LL = Live Load
Lr = Roof Live Load
WL = Wind Load

Note: If a value is calculated for Roof Live Load, then Live Load should not include
the roof value.

From the above equations, the largest value will be used for calculation of ultimate
column load. Since the depth required is usually established by shear, the steel ratio is
usually near or controlled by the minimum ratios required by the ACI Code (ACI318- 10.5
and ACI318- 7.12).

The theoretical steel area based on stress and strain equilibrium is also calculated.
TGPILES calculates the required rebar area and selects the lightest bar size which satisfies
all the code requirements based on applied loads and minimum rebar areas.

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Every effort has been made to make this program sophisticated in its internal
operation while making the revision of input variables simple. The program provides some
default values for some of the variables which the user may accept or revise. Input
variables can be either in SI or FPS units. TGPILES has two distinct input phases:

3.1-Analysis data Screen

The follwoing data will be required to get started with TGPILES.


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Title for the job (up to 80 characters)

System Of Units:
Select the type of units to be used. This will be used throughout the program and all values
provided by the user are assumed to be in the selected unit. (SI Metric or FPS English)

Number of Piles:
Provide Number of piles in the group. (Maximum 200 piles) This section should be left blank
if Generate option will be used.

Pile Coordinates
X and Y coordinate of the center of each pile relative to the column center line should be
provided. The column centroid is used as the point of origin in an orthogonal coordinate
system for the pile group. (x axis is always in the horizontal direction and y axis is
perpendicular to it). Do not provide any coordinates if Auto Generate option will be utilized.

Loading Information:
All loading shall be provided in working values for calculation of loading on the piles.

Axial Loads
Provide Dead, Live, Roof live load, and Wind working axial loads.

Bending Moments
Bending moments for Dead, Live and Wind loads may be entered for both the X and Y axis.

Working Capacity/Pile
Working load capacity per pile.

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3.1.1 Automatic Pile Generation

The user also has the option of generating the pile coordinates for symmetrical pile layouts.
To utilize this option, number of piles should not be specified as it is determined by the
generate screen based on the values provided. Click on the Generate button to go to the
generate screen. In this screen, the user should provide number of rows and columns of the
pile group along with the spacing between the center of the piles. The software does not
accept values below minimum requirements by the ACI code and will provide the minimum
requirement. Once all the values are provided click on “Generate Geometry” button and click
“Return” to go back to main screen. This will show the total number of piles and coordinates
for all the pile locations. Once all coordinates have been generated, the user may edit some
of the coordinates by going into the coordinate box of the Analysis screenand change the
desired pile locations.

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Once all the pile geometry information has been provided, then the “VIEW” tab at top of the
analysis screen maybe clicked to see the pile arrangement graphically and verify the accuracy
of the coordinates provided. In the view command, the user has the option of showing all the
pile coordinates or the pile numbers , or both information, This will facilitate the location of
specific piles in the group. This feature is also available from the next screen which is the
design screen.

3.1.2 The options available at top of this screen: File- Standard options such as “New”, “Open”, “Save”, “Save As” are provided.
Existing files may be opened from any directory and saved to any directory. “Examples” option
provide for examples provided with the program and are indicated in the program manual.

TGPILES user manual © 2017 Page 15 of 71 Design Data- This option is enabled once all the data has been provided for the
Analysis screen. Upon completion of all data, then user is able to go to the Design data
screen. We will discuss the Design screen later in the manual. View- This option provides for graphical verification of the pile locations and
coordinates. In this screen, “Options” button provides for addition of numbers and coordinates
for each pile.

View option showing pile numbers

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View option showing pile Coordinates

The “Return” option maybe used to return to the Previous screen. This option is also
available at the “Design data screen”.

TGPILES user manual © 2017 Page 17 of 71 Perform Analysis- This option may be used once all the data for Analysis screen
has been provided. This will provide the analysis results based on the loading and pile group
configuration provided. Typically “perform analysis” is done several times by changing the
number of piles and pile capacity to find the optimum number of piles and pile capacity for the
applied loadings.

Once, pile group geometry has been verified, and pile group has been analyzed and number
of them adjusted to provide loading within allowable limits. Then, user may proceed to design
screen to design the pile cap. Help - This feature provides the full TGPILES manual available to the user.

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3.2) - Pile Cap Design Screen

Once the pile loads are satisfactory, the Pile Cap may be designed based on these loads. In
this phase, the program first determines the required depth for the pile cap due to the shear
force. This depth has to satisfy the ACI criteria for both axes as explained in the Design
Criteria Section. After the depth is established the program calculates the flexural reinforcing
steel. TGPILES designs the flexural steel bar size based on satisfying the ACI development
length for the pile cap size and minimum and maximum spacing requirements. In addition,
among all of the bars which meet the above criteria, the bar size with the most economical
weight is selected. In order to get to this screen the user should choose the design data tab
at top of the Analysis Screen.

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In this screen the following data should be provided:

Minimum Depth for Pile Cap:

This is the minimum pile cap depth (this should include the cover for the flexural steel.)
(default value = 12 in. or 304 mm)

Pile Diameter:
Pile diameter (in. or mm.)

Is this a circular column (Y/N):

Specify if the column is round.

Concrete Compressive Strength:

Concrete 28 day compressive strength
(default = 3000 psi or 20.85 MPa)

Steel Yield Strength

Steel yield strength (default = 60000 psi or 413.7 MPa)

Column Dimension Along X-Axis

Column dimensions (if round use diameter of column for both sides)

Column Dimension Along Y-Axis

Column dimensions (if round use diameter of column for both sides)

Rebar Cover Distance

Cover from bottom of the cap to centerline of the reinforcing bars.
(default = 10 in. or 254 mm.)

Edge Distance Dimension

Distance from the outside piles to the edge of the pile cap.
(default values for different pile capacities (P) are as follows:

A. For P < 160 Kips (711.68 KN), E = 15 in. (381 mm.)

B. For 160 Kips (711.68 KN)< P < 240 Kips(1067.52 KN), E = 21 in. (533.4 mm.)
C. For P > 240 Kips(1067.52 KN), E = 27 in.(685.8 mm.))

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In the Design Screen, there are two tabs at top of the screen.

3.2.1)- Options at top of screen

“ View”- provides the Pile group geometry as was shown in the Analysis screen.

“Options”- provides for two selections:

“Analysis Data”- Returns the user back to the main screen.
“Perform Analysis and Design”- This option initiates the calculation process for the
combination of pile group analysis and pile cap design. Upon completion of the
calculations, the user is transferred to the output result section of the program.

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TGPILES provides an accurate and complete output. The results are provided in several
ways. First, the Analysis results only are generated from using the “Perform Analysis Tab”
in the main screen. In the Analysis results screen there are three tabs which provide data in
various ways.


4.1.1) Pile Coordinates- This section provides the pile configuration information provided
by the user in the main screen.

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4.1.2) Loading Information- All the loading data provided by the user along with appropriate
units are indicated on this tab for verification purposes.

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4.1.3) Analysis Results - This option provides for a complete output of the user provided
data along with analysis results which includes the loading on each pile based on the applied
load. Please note that the loading on the piles provided at this stage do not include the pile
cap weight since the cap design has not been performed at this stage. Hence, the output will
indicate this fact at top of the pile loading as part 1 which excludes cap weight. It is possible
that for piles that are stressed close to their capacity at this stage, once the cap weight is
added in the design section, they may be over-stressed. The table indicating the pile loads
under the “pile status” heading indicates if pile is below its capacity by “OK”or its over
stressed which “CHECK” will be indicated. This will also be shown for piles in uplift condition.
In case of uplift there will also be a message printed under the load table warning the user
of the uplift situation in the configuration provided. In case of uplift, usually either number of
piles are increased or friction piles are utilized.

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4.1.4) Tabs at top of the screen

There are two tabs present in this area. “Options Tab” - “Analysis Data” Returns the user back to the Main Input screen. This is
typically done, when changes are needed in the pile configurations due to overstress
conditions indicated in the results of this section. - “ Design Data” Returns the user back to the Design Input screen. This is
typically done to proceed with design of the pile cap after the results in this screen are
satisfactory. “Print” This options prints the complete Analysis Results in a device
specified by the user.

TGPILES user manual © 2017 Page 25 of 71 “View tab” “Analysis Result” - This option provides for the graphical illustration of the
piles which maybe Over-stressed or in Uplift conditions. This makes it easy to identify the
location of the pile in the group, specially in large pile groups, and make modifications to
eliminate the over stress condition. “ Design Result”- This option is only activated if the “perform Analysis and
Design” option is selected from the Design screen.

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In this section there are seven tabs from which three indicate input information, three provide
various portions of the results, and one is the complete output result of the analysis and

4.2.1) Pile coordinates- This is similar to the Analysis output tab explained earlier.

4.2.2) Loading Information- This is similar to the Analysis output tab explained earlier.

4.2.3) Pile Cap Parameters- In this section all the user provided information in the design
screen regarding column shape, dimensions, concrete strength, steel yield strength, steel
cover at the bottom, edge distance, and pile diameter are printed for future references. At this
stage, the ultimate column load based on ACI load combinations present is also printed.

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4.2.4) Analysis Results: This portion provides the centroid due to all of the pile locations
using a sign convention based on global x and y orthogonal coordinate system. This means
that negative sign is always based on the origin (column location) coordinates (0,0). This
makes it easier to track the location of the centroid. However, the loading on the piles are
divided in two parts. The first part excludes the weight of the pile cap, whereas the second
part provides the loading on piles including the pile cap weight which is determined after
design. The program determines the maximum and minimum loads on each pile using the
equations described in section 2.1. If any of the piles are over stressed or are in uplift, the
program prints “CHECK” in the pile status portion of tables providing the loading on each pile.
The user should increase the number of piles in case of overstress condition and design the
pile cap again. In case of uplift condition, the user should provide for uplift resistance (i.e.
friction piles) and design rebar for the top of the cap based on the moment present due to
uplift, or, increase the number of piles to eliminate uplift. It is possible that the piles maybe
within allowable without the pile cap weight, but, once the cap weight is added, they are over
stressed and require additional piles to be added to the group.

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4.2.5) Shear Forces: This section provides the allowable (Vc) and applied ultimate shear
(Vu) values for various cases noted in section 2.3. Each section is identified along with the
corresponding loadings and the ratios based on said loadings. Typically the one with ratio
closer to 1.0 is the controlling criteria for shear.

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4.2.6) Pile Cap Design Results: In this section, the results for the final pile Cap design are
provided. This information is divided into three sections. First, Final Pile cap dimensions
including dimensions along X and Y coordinates, and the depth of the cap including the user
provided rebar cover dimension for the depth. The orthogonal dimensions are based on the
location of the piles at extreme points of the pile group and the edge distance provided by the
user. The depth is calculated using all shear criteria noted in section 2.3 of this manual.
Second, is the required flexural reinforcing for the bottom of the cap. Typically due to depth
of the cap, minimum reinforcing is the controlling criteria, unless, very high moments are
present which require more than minimum criteria. In this section, the rebar size selected
based on the most efficient weight and to satisfy the development length of ACI among
various bar sizes is selected and provided with the number required in each direction. Also,
for user reference, the area of steel required, the ration of steel used for calculation, and
ultimate moment produced on the cap and used for flexural design based on the loadings
provided by the user. In case of existence of large moments, the program designs the cap
with several layers of rebar in order to utilize the existing pile cap dimensions. Third section
provides the quantity take off for both concrete and rebar for easy cost calculation of material.

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4.2.7) Complete Results: In this section the information from all sections are combined as
a complete output result section. This basically provides the same data as if the output file
is printed out.

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4.2.8) Tabs at top of the screen

There are two tabs present in this area. “Options Tab” - “Analysis Data” Returns the user back to the Main Input screen. This is
typically done, when changes are needed in the pile configurations due to overstress
conditions indicated in the results of this section. - “ Design Data” Returns the user back to the Design Input screen. This is
typically done to make revisions to the design data based on the design results. “Print” This options prints the complete Analysis and Design Results in a
device specified by the user.

TGPILES user manual © 2017 Page 32 of 71 “View” tab

In this section Graphical results for Analysis and design are displayed.

TGPILES user manual © 2017 Page 33 of 71 “Analysis Result” - This option provides for the graphical illustration of the
piles which maybe Over-stressed or in Uplift conditions. If there are any piles that are over-
stressed or in uplift condition, the program prompts the user for this condition and shows
these piles in red color for easy recognition. This makes it easy to identify the location of the
pile in the group, specially in large pile groups, and make modifications to eliminate the over
stress condition.

TGPILES user manual © 2017 Page 34 of 71 “ Design Result”- This option provides for a graphical overview of the
design including the pile cap dimensions, required Reinforcing steel, and quantity take off.
This option will not be available if there are any errors present during the error checking
phase for the design.

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TGPILES has many error tracking sections in order to verify that the input conforms with ACI
guidelines. The following conditions are also checked.

1) Minimum edge distance from any pile to edge of pile cap.

2) Minimum spacing between pile cancroids.
3) If the given edge distance is not adequate, the program automatically revises this
4) Minimum spacing between outside to outside of the piles.

TGPILES also provides for many code checks during its design process to assure conformity
with the ACI code. The following is a brief description:

1) Column area is checked for allowable bearing. (ACI section 10-15)

2) The development length for flexural rebar is checked.
3) Spacing between the flexural rebar is checked.

The program provides messages if any of the above exists. In some cases, the user is
warned with the condition and program proceeds, however, if violation of any code sections
exists, the program provides the message for user and stops the calculations. These
messages are printed in the output sections of the software.

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The following assumptions are utilized throughout the program:

i. All the given loads (axial and moments) are unfactored (working) loads.

ii. Maximum load combinations are used to calculate the shear force and also
the ultimate moments.

iii. Shear is designed for both directions.

iv. Weight of the pile cap is not included in the pile loads during the preliminary
analysis. However, the pile cap weight is included in the loads on the piles
during the design portion of the program.

v. If wind forces exist, the user may compare the axial pile loads to 1.33
times the allowable pile capacities.

vi. Flexural steel cover should include the depth of embedment of the piles in
the cap.

vii. TGPILES can handle a maximum of 200 piles per cap.

viii. Earthquake, dynamic, impact, fluid, thermal expansion, differential

settlement, or creep loads are not considered.

ix. The analysis is based solely on structural loads and cap configuration. It
does not account for soil effects including: soil conditions, group
interaction, water pressure, or earth pressure.

x. Individual pile capacities may be required to be reduced in order to

consider the pile group efficiency factor If they are placed closer than
minimum required.

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This Example Illustrates the use Of Metric Units (SI) for TGPILES:

Design a pile cap for the 10 pile arrangement as shown:

Use the following criteria for the design:

Working dead load = 4480 KN

Working live load = 4003 KN

Working Individual Pile Capacity = 890 KN

Column size = 711.2 mm X 711.2 mm

fc' = 20.69 MPa

fy = 413.7 MPa

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Design a pile cap for the 16 pile arrangement as shown:

Use the following criteria for the design:

Working dead load = 1800 kips

Working live load = 1280 kips

Working Individual Pile Capacity = 200 Kips

Column size = 36" x 36"

fc' = 4 ksi
fy = 60 ksi

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This example illustrates the use of wind loads and applied bending moments on a pile cap.
Design the pile cap shown in example number 2 for the following loads:
WORKING DEAD LOAD (kips) = 900.00
WORKING LIVE LOAD (kips) = 740.00
WORKING WIND LOAD (kips) = 200.00


DEAD LOAD = 20.00
LIVE LOAD = 15.00
WIND LOAD = 250.00
DEAD LOAD = 24.00
LIVE LOAD = 18.00
WIND LOAD = 290.00

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This example is the hand verification for TGPILES program. Working units in this example are
FPS units. However, the same procedure can be utilized for verification of SI metric units.

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Design the pile cap for the following given data:

Total working column Dead load = 308 kips

(This load does not include the pile cap weight)

Column size = 12"x12"

Working capacity per pile = 40 tons(80 kips)
Concrete Strength = 3000 psi
Rebar strength = 60000 psi
Rebar cover = 10 inches

From TGPILES output use the total depth of 33"(d=23"). We will verify that this depth does
satisfy all shear criteria. Please note that minor differences between hand calculation
and TGPILES results are due to use of rounded number for depth in hand calculations.


Due to the symmetry of the pile configuration, only the X direction will be investigated.

A) TWO WAY SHEAR (Section 2.3.1)

d = 23" and Wx = 12" (Wx is the distance from the closest pile to column face in the
direction of investigation)

d/2 = 11.5" < Wx , So ACI method can be utilized (See section B-2.1):

Vu = (4)(80.)(1.4) = 448.0 kips

(TGPILES prints Vu= 448.67)

b0 = (4)(12+23) = 140 in.

vc = (.75)(4 /3000)(140)(23)/1000. = 529.1 Kips

(TGPILES prints Vc=503.2)

Vu/ Vc = 448./529.1 = .84

(TGPILES prints Vu/Vc = .89)

B) ONE WAY SHEAR (Section 2.3.2)

We must first establish the applicable method to be used for this criteria:

Wx = 12" and d = 23" , Since Wx < d, ACI method is not applicable and the shear must
be investigated at the face of the column (deep beam method) :

Vu = (2)(80k)(1.4) = 224.0 Kips

(TGPILES prints Vu=224.34)

Mu = (80k)(2)(12)(1.4) = 2688. K.ft.

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Vud = (224)(23) = 5172.

Vud/Mu = 1.92 , Mu/Vud = .52

K = [3.5-2.5(.52)][1.9+(0.10)(1.92)](23/12) = 8.56 < 10 o.k.

Vc = (.75)(8.56)(/3000)(66)(33)/1000 = 766.19 kips

(TGPILES prints Vc= 732.9)

Vu/Vc = 224/766.19 = 0.292

(TGPILES prints Vu/Vc = 0.30)


C= B (23+8) = 97.34
Vc = (.75)(4/3000)(97.34)(23)/1000

Vc = 367.87 Kips
(TGPILES prints Vc= 348.96)

Vu = (80)(1.4) = 112 Kips

(TGPILES prints Vu= 112.16)

Vu/Vc = 112/367.87 = 0.31

(TGPILES prints Vu/Vc = 0.32)


C = (15+8+11.5)(4) = 138

Vc = (.75)(4/3000)(138)(23)/1000

Vc = 521.54 Kips
(TGPILES prints Vc= 500.90)
Vu = (80)(1.4) = 112 Kips
(TGPILES prints Vu= 112.16)

Vu/Vc = 112/521.54 = 0.215

(TGPILES prints Vu/Vc = 0.22)


L = (/2)((2x15)+8)+8 = 61.74

Vc = (.75)(2/3000)(61.74)(23)

Vc = 116.67 Kips
(TGPILES prints Vc= 113.18)

Vu = (80)(1.4) = 112 Kips

(TGPILES prints Vu= 112.16)

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Vu/Vc = 112/116.67 = 0.96
(TGPILES prints Vu/Vc = 0.99)

So, the controlling criteria in this pile arrangement was corner pile one way shear.


First Calculate the rebar required along X-axis based on the calculated depth. Since the
pile layout is symmetrical, this applies to both directions:

Calculate the moment at the column face about Y axis, using the maximum working
load capacity per pile:

Mu = 2(18-6)(80k)(1.4) = 2688. = 224.0 k.ft.

(TGPILES prints Mu= 224.33 k.ft.)

K = (2688.X1000.)/(0.90X66X23X23) = 117.27

R = Fy/(.85Fc) = (60)/(.85X3) = 23.53

C = (2)(23.53)(85.54)/60000. = 0.0671

RHO = (1/23.53)(1-/(1-0.0671)) = 0.0015

(TGPILES prints Rho = .0019)

Calculate various rebar areas required by code :

1) Theoretical value
As1 = (.0015)(66)(23) = 2.277 sq. in.
2) Minimum rebar area
As2 = (200/60000)(66)(23) = 5.06 sq. in.
3) Temperature rebar area
As3 = (.0018)(66)(33) = 3.92 sq. in.

Since the minimum area is greater than the theoretical area, calculate 1.33 times the
theoretical area (ACI code 10.5.2) :
As4 = 2.277X1.33 = 3.01 sq. in. (USE THIS VALUE)

As4 is less than As3, so, use As3 for the required flexural area.

As (required) = 3.92
(TGPILES prints required steel area = 3.83 )


The available development length from ACI equation 12.2.2 starting from #6 bar is as

Dev. length=(.04)(AsFy)/ Fc' OR (.0004)(bdFy)

Available length=[(pile cap dimension-column dimension)/2.0] -(3.0)

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#6 15.42" 24"
#7 21.03" 24"
#8 27.69" 24"

So, we must choose between #6 and #7 bars, as any bar larger than #7 exceeds the
available length.

required area = 3.92 sq. in.

#6 bars = 3.92/.44 = 8.91

#7 bars = 3.92/.60 = 6.53

Try 9 # 6 bars , As = 3.96 sq. in.

Try 7 # 7 bars , As = 4.20 sq. in.

As 9 # 6 bars have less weight , choose 9 # 6 bars for flexure.

(TGPILES selects 9#6 bars)

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