Release Notes Sap 2000 V 1911

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SAP2000 Version 19.1.

Release Notes
Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 2017

Notice Date: 2017-05-05

This file lists all changes made to SAP2000 since the previous version. Most changes do not affect most users.
Incidents marked with an asterisk (*) in the first column of the tables below are more significant.

Version 19.1.1 was released only to implement the CSI Cloud Uploader. For this reason, the Release Notes for v19.1.1
are also included in this file.

Changes from v19.1.0 (Released 2017-03-10)

External Import/Export
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 100913 A new feature has been added to enable sending model geometry and results to CSI Cloud, an
online storage service, for subsequent display on available mobile viewer apps. This feature is
accessible from within SAP2000 using the new command File > Upload to CSI Cloud. Before
using this feature, you will need to (1) Download and install the separate CSiCloudExplorer
application that connects to CSI Cloud, and (2) Create a CSI Cloud account. The command File
> Upload to CSI Cloud will automatically direct you to download and install the latest version
of CSiCloudExplorer if it is not already present on your machine. Further information on
obtaining a CSI Cloud account and the mobile viewer apps can be found at

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
103018 The version number has been changed to v19.1.1 for a new minor update.

SAP2000 v19.1.0 2017-03-05 Page 1

SAP2000 Version 19.1.0
Release Notes
Copyright Computers and Structures, Inc., 2017

Notice Date: 2017-03-10

This file lists all changes made to SAP2000 since the previous version. Most changes do not affect most users.
Incidents marked with an asterisk (*) in the first column of the tables below are more significant.

Changes from v19.0.0 (Released 2016-11-18)

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
100668 Enhancements have been made to DirectX graphics to improve quality and speed. More options
to improve quality are now under users control.

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
12780 An enhancement was implemented to add an on screen measuring tool to measure the length of
40589 lines, area of polygons, or angle between two lines, in all views including 3-D views. The
49570 measure tools can be accessed from the View menu.
56117 An enhancement has been implemented, adding an option to the move and replicate edit
commands, to allow specifying distances and locations by clicking points on the model.
84547 An enhancement has been made to the Quick Draw Secondary Beams option to allow beams to
be drawn parallel to the nearest edge and also to control the spacing of the first and last beams

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 35781 An enhancement has been made to allow assignment of moment and shear releases to the edges
70182 of shell-type area objects.
* 60906 An enhancement has been implemented to expand the time-dependent material behavior to
include the Eurocode 2-2004, AS 3600-2009, NZS 3101-2006, JTG D62-2004 codes and the
GL2000 model. Time-dependent behavior includes creep and shrinkage strains, as well as age-
dependent stiffness where appropriate, for concrete materials.
85570 The pipes and plates templates have been enabled for the 64-bit version.
100287 An enhancement has been implemented to incorporate a library of concrete and rebar material
properties for Vietnam.

SAP2000 v19.1.0 2017-03-10 Page 1

Frame Design
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 90348 An enhancement has been implemented to add steel frame design according to the API RP 2A-
WSD 22nd Edition code.

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 75068 Convergence behavior of the triple-pendulum isolator link element has been improved,
89099 particularly to deal with large variations in the axial force, which can cause alternating slip-
97667 stick behavior during lateral loading. Models that exhibited slow convergence behavior in
previous versions should be re-run in the new version to verify the results. The new results will
be more accurate in cases where a significant difference is observed between the old and new
results. In addition, for linear load cases that use the stiffness from the end of a nonlinear load
case, the transverse stiffness of the isolator will be taken as the specified initial stiffness
regardless of whether or not the isolator was sliding at the end of the nonlinear load case,
provided that the isolator was in compression. Previously the sliding stiffness was used in such
cases. For isolators in tension at the end of a nonlinear load case, zero stiffness is used, same as
before. Linear load cases starting from zero initial conditions will use the specified linear
effective stiffness, unchanged from previous versions.
* 96716 The size of the saved analysis results files has been reduced for multi-step nonlinear static,
nonlinear direct-integration time-history, and nonlinear modal (FNA) time-history load cases.
This will reduce the amount of disk space required for these types of load cases in models
containing frames objects, isotropic frame hinges, parametric P-M-M frame hinges, and layered
shell elements using Darwin-Pecknold (coupled) concrete materials. This may also result in
some speed increase when running the analysis and displaying results, particularly for load
cases with many steps.
* 98052 Convergence behavior of the friction-pendulum isolator link element has been improved,
99061 particularly to deal with large variations in the axial force, which can cause alternating slip-
stick behavior during lateral loading. Models that exhibited slow convergence behavior in
previous versions should be re-run in the new version to verify the results. The new results will
be more accurate in cases where a significant difference is observed between the old and new
results. Furthermore, the friction model has been changed from the previous Wen formulation
that exhibited a gradual transition between stick and slip to a bilinear model that exhibits a
sudden transition. Some difference in results can be expected due to the new formulation,
particularly for models where the initial stiffness specified for the isolator was small. In
addition, for linear load cases that use the stiffness from the end of a nonlinear load case, the
transverse stiffness of the isolator will be taken as the specified initial stiffness regardless of
whether or not the isolator was sliding at the end of the nonlinear load case, provided that the
isolator was in compression. Previously the sliding stiffness was used in such cases. For
isolators in tension at the end of a nonlinear load case, zero stiffness is used, same as before.
Linear load cases starting from zero initial conditions will use the specified linear effective
stiffness, unchanged from previous versions. Results for included Verification Example 6-011
have been updated for the new formulation. This example now exhibits less numerical
sensitivity than for previous versions, and results are now largely machine independent, which
was not the case before.

Results Display and Output

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
* 28025 An enhancement has been made to the deformed shape plot to give an option to plot velocities
or accelerations (relative or absolute) instead of displacements for time history load cases.

SAP2000 v19.1.0 2017-03-10 Page 2

Application Programming Interface
Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
77210 An enhancement was implemented to add new API functions to add and retrieve polygon
78872 shapes within a section designer section.
98359 An enhancement was implemented to add a new API function AssembledJointMass_1 that
replaces a previous function for retrieving the assembled joint mass from the model. The new
function allows retrieving the assembled joint mass for a specified mass source or all mass
99681 An enhancement has been implemented in the API cHelper class to automatically detect the
installation path of the program executable based on entries in the registry. By default this will
result in the last registered version being used. As an alternative, an environment variable can
be set to specify the full path to the program executable.

Enhancements Implemented
* Incident Description
97946 The version number has been changed to v19.1.0 for a new intermediate update.

SAP2000 v19.1.0 2017-03-10 Page 3

User Interface and Display
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
83195 An incident was resolved in which the drag and drop operations were not working on the
Staged Construction Tree form. This was a user interface issue only.
99193 An incident was resolved in which the user defined wind and seismic load form used to input
the diaphragm and load data did not always work correctly.
101148 An incident was resolved in which an abnormal termination could occur when trying to add a
new tendon section property if the number of tendon sections was greater than the number of
frame objects in the model. This was a user interface issue only and did not affect results.

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
82564 An incident was resolved in which the force diagram was only shown for the first segment of
multi-segment cable objects when using DirectX graphics. This was a display issue only and
did not affect results.
85543 An incident was resolved where the bounding box shown on the inactive windows to show the
plane of the 2-D plot on the active window would not be cleared if the active window was
changed and the view was rotated in DirectX graphics mode.
87995 An incident has been resolved in which the contour legend alongside various displays was
90123 upside down when using DirectX graphics. This was a display issue only and analysis and
93626 design results were not affected.
89600 An incident was resolved in which an error could be generated on machines using regional
92882 settings with a comma as the decimal separator when trying to switch to DirectX graphics
95160 mode.
89741 An incident was resolved in which the program would terminate when attempting to draw
section cuts on screen in DirectX graphics mode.
97878 An incident was resolved in which the Assign Colors form appeared to provide a way to set the
background color of the model window at the four corners to generate a gradient background,
but the option was not working. This option has now been removed from the form.

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
86015 An incident was resolved in which the quick draw areas and quick draw secondary beams tools
87888 would create the object in the wrong location when using DirectX graphics using metric units.

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
83157 An incident was resolved in which duplicate GUIDs could be generated within a single model.
97136 While this has no effect on analysis or design results, it could cause a problem when using
certain export/import options.
97229 An incident was resolved in which an error would occur when changing the number of
integration points for a layered shell section definition if the analysis had previously been run
and layer stresses displayed on the screen.
99230 An incident was resolved in which the max size specified for general division of area objects
under the Edit > Edit Areas > Divide Areas command was not enforced. Instead a default value
was always used irrespective of the input value.

SAP2000 v19.1.0 2017-03-10 Page 4

* Incident Description
100527 An incident was resolved in which the solid maximum mesh size assignment was not always
correctly enforced when generating the analysis mesh. The results were correct for the analysis
mesh that was generated.

Section Designer
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
98291 An incident was resolved for section designer where a fiber model of the section was not able to
be generated for a concrete section if there was no rebar present in the section. In this case the
moment-curvature relationship could not be plotted in section designer. More significantly,
fiber hinges assigned to frame members using such a section designer frame section would
contain no fibers, and thus have zero strength and stiffness. Assigning rebar with negligible area
to the section was one way to avoid this problem in v19.0.0, the only version affected by this
* 99414 An incident was resolved for Section Designer when defining a Caltrans section property that
has interlock regions (where concrete cores overlap) where the size of the rebar used in the
interlock region might not have been the same as what was assigned. It would depend on the
order of input and could be overwritten by the rebar size of the associated core region.
Additionally, two enhancements were made:
(1) When the number of bundles in the interlock region is more than one, the size of the
common rebars (where the two cores intersect) remains the same as assigned, but the size of the
remaining rebar will be the same as the associated concrete core region. In other words, the
interlock region could have up to three different rebar sizes.
(2) For calculating the Mander-confined model of the cores, the number of longitudinal bars
was previously set to be the same as the number of bundles of the associated core, but excluded
any interlock regions. Now, the number of longitudinal rebars includes all bars in the outer ring
plus those in the interlock region(s) that contact the given core's confinement ring.
100685 An incident was resolved in which an abnormal termination could occur when trying to import
certain DXF files into a section designer frame section definition. This happened when the
polyline defining the section did not correctly define an area.

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
98021 An incident was resolved where a distributed projected load assigned to a curved line object
might, in some cases, be considered as a non-projected load. This tended to apply more load
than expected since the projected length of a curved line object must be less than or equal to its
arc length. Note that for models created in v19.0.0 and older, the distributed projected loads on
curved line objects will need to be reassigned when the model is first opened in later versions in
order to correct this error; otherwise the previous behavior will be retained. This reassignment
need only be performed once.
98593 An incident was resolved in which an error creating the analysis model could occur in a model
with auto wind loading applied to semi-rigid diaphragms. This only affected v19.0.0.
99199 An incident was resolved where in some rare cases the auto seismic loads would not get applied
to some joints. This happened when the top level for applying seismic loads was at the level of
the top joint in the structure, but the internal joints added for meshing at the top level ended up
with a level slightly higher due to numerical roundoff. A tolerance has now been added to this
check. The error was obvious as the calculated seismic load reported was larger than the sum of
reactions reported. Viewing the applied load on the top level will also show the joints where the
load did not get applied.

SAP2000 v19.1.0 2017-03-10 Page 5

* Incident Description
99461 An incident was resolved for NBCC 2015 auto seismic loading and response spectrum function
where F(2.0) for Site Class B was incorrectly used as 0.58 instead of 0.63. All other Site class
results were correct.
99512 An incident was resolved for the NBCC 2015 auto-seismic load and response-spectrum
function where PGAref was always assumed to be PGA instead of 0.8 PGA when Sa(0.2) /
PGA < 2.0, as given in NBCC 2015 section

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
* 43870 An incident has been resolved where element load applied to a frame element in the global
direction may rotate with the element after being applied during analysis with large
displacements geometry. This issue only affects Nonlinear Static or Nonlinear Direct-
Integration Time history analysis with the Geometric Nonlinear Parameter option "P-Delta plus
Large Displacements" selected. When this issue occurred, the computed response was in
equilibrium with the rotated load and the issue was reflected in the reported forces and base
85177 An incident was resolved where the iteration behavior for nonlinear direct-integration time-
history analysis was adversely affected by non-zero linear effective damping specified for
nonlinear link elements, even though effective damping is only intended to be used for linear
dynamic load cases. The effective damping for nonlinear link elements was correctly excluded
from the element force and equilibrium calculations, hence the effect on results was very small
and typically within the convergence tolerance. The new convergence behavior should be more
88340 An incident was resolved where the joint reactions reported for single-joint (grounded) links
91024 was too large for nonlinear modal time-history (FNA) load cases. The value reported was
incorrectly adding the response based on the linear effective stiffness to the actual nonlinear
response of the link. Only joint reactions were affected. The overall base reactions were correct,
and the link forces reported for these supports were correct. No other response was affected. No
other type of load case was affected.
95703 An incident was resolved where warnings about non-positive diagonals or lost accuracy
detected when solving the stiffness matrix using the Standard Solver could be overwritten by
another message in the analysis monitor that is displayed while the analysis is running. All
messages were present in the analysis log (.LOG) file that is available after the analysis was
completed. This was a display issue only. No results were affected. The Advanced and Multi-
threaded Solvers were not affected.
* 98787 An incident was resolved where the force response for the non-hinge degrees of freedom in
frame hinges could be incorrect when there was an internal event for the hinge and the analysis
model for nonlinear hinges was set to Model Hinges as Separate Link Elements. This issue
affected nonlinear static and nonlinear direct-integration time-history load cases using events
with iteration. Affected models could experience poor convergence, reduction of global step
size, and/or convergence error. When convergence was achieved, the effect on force response
was small, with an error usually significantly less than one percent. This issue affected
SAP2000 v19.0.0 only.
* 98957 An incident was resolved where element loading assigned to Solid, Plane, or Asolid elements
may not be correctly applied for nonlinear static or direct-integration time history analyses that
use event-to-event stepping. This issue does not affect load cases where event-to-event stepping
is not enabled or time steps where event-to-event stepping, when enabled, is not actually used.
When this issue occurs, the results are consistent and in equilibrium with the incorrect loading.
This issue effects SAP2000 v19.0.0 only.

SAP2000 v19.1.0 2017-03-10 Page 6

* Incident Description
101048 An incident was resolved where the analysis could take a very long time writing the results to
file after completing a nonlinear load case. This issue was more noticeable for models with a
large number of layered shells elements and/or models using nonlinear material models defined
with many stress-strain points. Results were not affected.

Frame Design
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
82721 An incident has been resolved in the Eurocode 3-2005, Italian NTC 2008, IS 800:2007, Norsok
N-004, and Norsok N-004 2013 steel frame design manuals in which the documentation does
not reflect the effects of the choices for the preference item Consider P-Delta Done?. The
program is correct as the choice of "Yes" or "No" affects the K2 factor calculation as intended.
Only the manuals were updated.
86355 An incident has been resolved in the Eurocode 3-2005 and Italian NTC 2008 steel frame design
codes in which a T-section was being classified as Class 4 even if the section was under axial
tension and major axis moment such that both the flange and web were under tension. The
classification was conservative. The effective section property calculations were not affected.
90346 An incident has been resolved for steel design based on the Eurocode 3-2005 and Italian NTC
2008 codes in which the expressions for alpha for section classification of I-shape and channel
sections were not given correct limits. The alpha ranges should be from zero to one, and the
manuals were showing it ranging from -1 to 1. This was a documentation error only. Design
results were not affected.
98802 An incident was resolved for steel frame design according to the Italian NTC 2008 code where
the Chi factors were taken as 1 when the axial compressive force was less than 0.04 times the
plastic capacities per NTC Eq 4.2.45, The code allows this to avoid trivial axial
capacity calculations. However, this caused confusion regarding the reported Nb,Rd axial
capacity values.
99495 An incident has been resolved for steel frame design for all codes where members are now not
checked for compression if the members were declared to be tension only with a compression
limit of zero. If a compression limit was specified as nonzero then the member is checked for
compression, but the combination forces in compression are limited to the specified amount.
99609 An incident was resolved in the Chinese 2010 steel building design code in which the rolled
section option in the overwrites form was not initialized correctly. When the default was Yes on
the overwrites, the details reported No. However, once the overwrite was toggled, the reported
value was shown correctly, and the program used the value correctly.
99610 An incident was resolved for the Chinese 2010 steel frame building design code in which a
continuous beam was incorrectly classified as a cantilever. This occurred under rare conditions
for backspans of cantilevers.
101063 An incident was resolved where the P-M-M interaction diagram for concrete columns in design
mode could have been incorrect when the rebar specified in the frame section properties had a
large difference compared to what was required for design. Column design using the check
mode was unaffected.

Results Display and Output

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
97239 An incident was resolved for the display of layered shell stress results which could have been
incorrect when the shell section property was defined with more than five integration points for
a layer. The analysis considers a maximum of five integration points, and five points were
being used for layers that specified more points. All displayed and tabulated results
(displacements, forces, moments, stresses) were correct and consistent with the use of five
integration points except for the affected layer stresses themselves, which may have referenced

SAP2000 v19.1.0 2017-03-10 Page 7

* Incident Description
the wrong integration point when retrieving results. Now the layered shell section property
consistently limits the number of integration points that can be specified per layer to five.
98062 An incident was resolved in which an abnormal termination could occur when showing a table
from within the advanced report writer and trying to export the table to Excel.
99000 An incident was resolved where incorrect principal stresses, forces, and moments were being
reported for area elements in envelope combinations when corresponding values were not
requested. The principal values were being computed based on the enveloped values, which
was not correct. Now the principal values are reported as zero in this case. Principal values
were and are correctly calculated when correspondence is requested for load combinations.
Correspondence can be requested for tabular output and using the Application Programming
interface (API).
99028 An incident was resolved in which an abnormal termination could occur when attempting to
display the individual fiber data for a PMM fiber hinge assigned to a frame with a section
designer section.

Database Tables
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
96991 An incident was resolved in which the Table and Field Name Overwrites XML File manual
listed an incorrect default name of the XML file to be used with SAP2000 and CSiBridge. The
default filename should be CSiDefaultTableNameFile.xml.

Application Programming Interface

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
99055 An incident was resolved to add missing design codes to the API DesignConcrete.SetCode and
DesignSteel.SetCode functions. The documentation of these and the corresponding GetCode
functions was also updated.

External Import/Export
Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
99190 An incident was resolved which affected the import of AutoCAD *.dxf files. When a *.dxf file
contained point objects on a layer which was assigned to link objects at import time, an error
message was displayed and only a part of the file was imported. Erasing all AutoCAD point
objects on that layer, or not assigning that layer to link objects allowed the import to proceed
successfully. DXF files containing point objects on the layer assigned to link objects are now
successfully imported.
99957 An incident was resolved which affected the export of some SAP2000 models to IFC
architectural coordination view files. When a SAP2000 model contained area objects whose
geometric definitions included intermediate points located along the object first sides but away
from the object corners, these area objects were not exported. When this occurred, a warning
was posted to the log file correctly stating that the floor or wall object had been omitted from
the IFC file, but incorrectly stating it was because the objects were not planar. These area
objects are now exported, with any intermediate points located away from their corners
removed from their IFC geometric definitions.

SAP2000 v19.1.0 2017-03-10 Page 8

Incidents Resolved
* Incident Description
89221 An incident has been resolved to correct the figure in the concrete shell reinforcement design
technical note, showing the slab element sandwich model. The figure was modified where the
local 1 and 2 axes in the figure were flipped to be consistent with the local axes of area objects.
97632 An incident was resolved to correct a couple minor typos in the API documentation for the
functions SetStageData_2 and SetStageDefinitions_2.
98384 A documentation error was corrected in the help file, removing the topic "Assign -
Link/Support Loads - Deformation Load", as this load type is not currently present in the
98626 An incident has been resolved for steel frame design based on the Eurocode 3-2005 and Italian
NTC 2008 codes in which the documented expressions for alpha for section classification of I-
shape and Channel sections were wrong. The term tf-r has been changed to tf+r. This was a
documentation error only. Design results were not affected.
99103 A minor correction was made to the Eurocode 2-2004 concrete frame design manual in section to remove the statement that beam-column flexural capacity ratios are only reported for
ductility class high moment resisting frames as they are also reported for ductility class

SAP2000 v19.1.0 2017-03-10 Page 9

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