Joyful Joyfull Hymn
Joyful Joyfull Hymn
Joyful Joyfull Hymn
Jubilosos Te Adoramos
Sol Sol sus4 Sol Re Sol Re Sol Re
G Gsus4 G D G D G D
1. Joy ful, joy ful, we a dore thee, God of glo ry, Lord of love;
2. All thy works with joy sur round thee, Earth and heavn re flect thy rays,
3. Thou art giv ing and for giv ing, Ev er bless ing, ev er blest,
4. Mor tals, join the might y cho rus Which the morn ing stars be gan;
1. Ju bi lo sos, te a do ra mos, Dios de glo ria y Sal va dor;
2. Tie rra y cie lo es tn go zo sos, re fle jan do a s tu a mor;
3. Dios, que li bre pro por cio nas bie nes tar y ben di cin,
4. Oh, mor ta les, hoy can te mos con el co ro ce les tial;
1. Hearts un fold like flowrs be fore thee, O pning to the sun a bove.
2. Stars and an gels sing a round thee, Cen ter of un bro ken praise;
3. Well spring of the joy of liv ing, O cean depth of hap py rest!
4. Love di vine is reign ing oer us, Bind ing all with in its span.
1. nues tras vi das en tre ga mos co mo se a bre al sol la flor.
2. n ge les y es tre llas to dos can tan siem pre tu lo or.
3. y en tu gra cia nos per do nas, go zo da al co ra zn.
4. co mo her ma nos* ha bi te mos en a mor san to y re al.
Re Sol Re Sol Re Si7 Mi m La Re
D guitar and keyboard
Note: When G D keyboardists should
play together, G improviseD B7 above the melody.
using the guitar chords Em A D
Nota: Cuando el teclista y el guitarrista toquen juntos, el teclista debe improvisar utilizando los acordes de guitarra arriba de la meloda.
Text: 87 87 D; English, Henry van Dyke, 18521933, alt. Spanish, verses 1, 2, 4, George P. Simmonds, 18901991; Spanish, verse 3, Esteban Sywulka B.;
Spanish George P. Simmonds. Property of William L. Donaldson. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Music: HYMN TO JOY; Ludwig van Beethoven, 17701827; adapt. and keyboard acc. by Edward Hodges, 17961867.
1. Melt the clouds of sin and sad ness; Drive the dark of doubt a way;
2. Field and for est, vale and moun tain, Flow ry mead ow, flash ing sea,
3. Thou our Fa ther, Christ our broth er, All who live in love are thine;
4. Ev er sing ing, march we on ward, Vic tors in the midst of strife;
1. Des va ne ce nues tros ma les y tris te zas, oh Je ss;
2. Mon te, va lle, r o y fuen te, cam po, sel va y an cho mar
3. T, de to do a mor la fuen te, haz que a me mos en ver dad;
4. A la ban do siem pre va mos en la vi da a con quis tar;
Edition #30107889
1. Melt the clouds of sin and sad ness; Drive the dark of doubt a way;
2. Field and for est, vale and moun tain, Flow ry mead ow, flash ing sea,
3. Thou our Fa ther, Christ our broth er, All who live in love are thine;
4. Ev er sing ing, march we on ward, Vic tors in the midst of strife;
1. Des va ne ce nues tros ma les y tris te zas, oh Je ss;
2. Mon te, va lle, r o y fuen te, cam po, sel va y an cho mar
3. T, de to do a mor la fuen te, haz que a me mos en ver dad;
4. A la ban do siem pre va mos en la vi da a con quis tar;
1. Giv er of im mor tal glad ness, Fill us with the light of day.
2. Chant ing bird and flow ing foun tain, Call us to re joice in thee.
3. Teach us how to love each oth er, Lift us to the joy di vine.
4. Joy ful mu sic leads us sun ward, In the tri umph song of life.
1. da nos bie nes ce les tia les, ll na nos de go zo y luz.
2. nos re cuer dan que hoy y siem pre te de be mos a la bar.
3. i lu mi na nues tra men te con di vi na cla ri dad.
4. si go zo sos ca mi na mos f cil nos se r triun far.
Edition #30107889