Sweet Sacrament Music

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Sweet Sacrament Divine

A hymn to Christ in his sacramental presence

Divine Mysteries 66 66 886 F. Stanfield 1835-1914
This Edition Copyright Louisa Billeter 2009
Source: New English Hymnal, Canterbury Press, Norwich, 2005
Sweet - Sa - cra ment - di vine, Hid in Thine - earth ly
home, Lo, round Thy - low ly shrine, With - sup pliant hearts we
come; - Je su, to Thee our voice we raise In songs of love and
- heart felt praise: Sweet - Sa - cra ment - di vine, Sweet - Sa - cra ment - di vine.
2. Sweet Sacrament of peace,
Dear home for every heart,
Where restless yearnings cease
And sorrows all depart;
There in thine ear all trustfully
We tell our tale of misery:
Sweet Sacrament of peace.
3. Sweet Sacrament of rest,
Ark from the oceans roar,
Within thy shelter blest
Soon may we reach the shore;
Save us, for still the tempest raves,
Save, lest we sink beneath the waves:
Sweet Sacrament of rest.
4. Sweet Sacrament divine,
Earths light and jubilee,
In thy far depths doth shine
The Godheads majesty;
Sweet light, so shine on us, we pray
That earthly joys may fade away:
Sweet Sacrament divine.

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