BDP Shear Aci
BDP Shear Aci
BDP Shear Aci
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Katrin Beyer
cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne
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Title no. 108-S17
Experimental results gained from quasi-static cyclic tests on 34 deformations will remain constant once the nominal yield
slender structural reinforced concrete walls available in the force has been reached. Although experimental evidence that
literature are used to examine the shear deformations for proved this conclusion wrong has been available for many
displacement demands in the inelastic range. Based on these decades, it has not often been considered when modeling
results, the distribution of shear strains within the walls and the slender RC walls. Hence, regarding the acknowledgement of
variation of shear deformations with top displacements is
discussed. It is shown that for shear walls whose shear-transfer
the magnitude of the shear deformations, a vicious circle was
mechanism is not significantly deteriorating, the ratio of shear-to- created, wherein shear deformations in structural analyses
flexural deformations remains approximately constant over the are underestimated due to excessively large shear stiffness
entire range of imposed displacement ductilities, whereas for walls values. Their contribution to the total deformations are therefore
whose shear-transfer mechanism is significantly degrading, the perceived as negligible and their effect on the structural
ratio of shear-to-flexural deformations increases. For the former, a performance is not considered.
simple model is proposed that allows the estimation of the ratio of The objective of this paper is to present experimental data
shear-to-flexural deformations. for the shear deformations of slender cantilever walls by
examining the data of 34 test units available in the literature
Keywords: cyclic tests; instrumentation; reinforced concrete; shear with an aspect ratio larger than 2 that were subjected to
deformations; structural walls. quasi-static cyclic loading and to identify parameters that
affect the shear deformations. Of particular interest is the
INTRODUCTION ratio of shear-to-flexural deformations when the wall is
Slender reinforced concrete (RC) walls, which are loaded in the inelastic range to conclude whether shear
designed to have a larger shear resistance than flexural deformations are important to consider in structural analysis.
resistance, and whose behavior is therefore controlled by Based on these results, shear displacements can be estimated
flexure rather than shear, behave in a ductile flexural mode or the effective stiffnesses of beam elements can be determined.
when loaded beyond the elastic limit. The inelastic seismic
behavior of such walls can be analyzed using advanced RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE
models that account for the biaxial in-plane stress state in the The purpose of this paper is: 1) to examine the shear
RC elements, such as the modified compression field theory deformations in rectangular and nonrectangular RC walls;
by Vecchio and Collins,1 on which the Response-20002 and and 2) to provide estimates of the expected shear deformations
VecTor23 programs are based. Other advanced modeling in walls controlled by flexure that can be used for computing
approaches that have been developed to analyze the inelastic shear deformations for plastic-hinge analysis or for deriving
response of RC members are based on macroelements, such equivalent elastic shear stiffnesses representative of a certain
as the PERFORM4 program, in which different layers of the displacement ductility level for use in other types of analyses,
macroelements are assigned a specific load-carrying such as the analysis of models with inelastic beam elements.
mechanism, such as axial forces and bending moments or
shear forces. In engineering practice, however, slender walls DETERMINING SHEAR AND FLEXURAL
are still often modeled with beam elements. The formulation DEFORMATIONS FROM EXPERIMENTAL
of the most common types of nonlinear beam elements (that MEASUREMENTS
is, displacement-based5 or force-based inelastic beam The total top displacement of a cantilever RC wall can be
elements6) focuses on modeling the flexural rather than the interpreted as the sum of three displacement components
shear response of the member. As a result, relative elaborate that is, 1) the flexural displacement f, which is the sum of
techniques are available for modeling the inelastic flexural the flexural deformations f of the wall panel and the
response, such as models with inelastic beam elements with displacement caused by the fixed-end rotation of the wall
fiber sections. Compared to the options that are available to associated with the strain penetration of the longitudinal
engineers when modeling the flexural response of RC reinforcing bars into the foundation; 2) the shear deformations
members, the variety of approaches for modeling the shear s of the wall; and 3) the sliding displacement sl along the
response is relatively sparse. In most structural engineering joint between the wall and foundation. For typical wall
programs, the shear stiffness of beam elements that develop designs, the sliding displacements are relatively small and
a flexural mechanism is assigned a constant value that
cannot be updated during the loading process. This modeling ACI Structural Journal, V. 108, No. 2, March-April 2011.
MS No. S-2008-281.R3 received January 19, 2010, and reviewed under Institute
approach has been supported by the misconception that publication policies. Copyright 2011, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved,
because the shear reinforcement is not supposed to yield and including the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright proprietors.
Pertinent discussion including authors closure, if any, will be published in the January-
the compression strut is not supposed to crushthe shear February 2012 ACI Structural Journal if the discussion is received by September 1, 2011.
with shear deformations only. If the curvature is not constant where (hsh) is the difference of rotations at the top and bottom of
over the height of the shear panelas is the case for cantilever the panel of height hsh for which the shear deformations are
wallspart of the difference in the lengths of the diagonals determined, and is a measure for the variation of the curvature
has to be attributed to flexural deformations. This is illustrated over the height of the panel. The values of vary between 0.5 and
in Fig. 3. Consequently, Eq. (1(a)) and (1(b)) overestimate 1 if the point of contraflexure is above the panel for which the
the actual shear deformation if the curvature is not constant shear deformations are determined
over the height of the shear panel. Hiraishi10 also showed
that a term needs to be subtracted to account for the variation h sh
of curvature over the height of the panel
( z ) dz
1 2 2
= ----------------------
s = ------ ( ( d + 2 ) ( d + 1 ) ) ( 0.5 ) ( h sh )h sh (2) - (3)
4b ( h sh )h sh
by Oesterle et al.8,9 and Hines et al.,12,13 the data were only points were available), the s/f ratio tended to increase with
available in the form of plots presented in the test reports, displacement demand for top 1%that is, with increasing
where the shear deformations had been evaluated top displacement, the shear deformations contributed an
according to Eq. (1(b)); this, of course, impairs the quality increasing proportion of the total displacement. Differences
of the available results. The shear displacements reported between the two groups of specimens exist not only regarding
in these test reports, however, are considered of sufficient the variation of the s/f ratio with ductility demand, but can
accuracy for the following discussion. also be found in their failure mechanisms: The first group
Unlike Vallenas et al.,20 Dazio11 found that the ratio of shear- Specimens R1 and B1failed in flexure and the shear transfer
to-flexural displacements of the six capacity-designed RC walls mechanism as such did not significantly deteriorate in both
with rectangular sections that were tested under quasi-static specimens. In the second group, the picture is less homogenous;
cyclic loading11 remained approximately constant for the peak but in all specimens, the shear-transfer mechanism significantly
displacements of all cycles in the inelastic range; this is shown degraded before failure occurred. Specimens B2, B3, and B5
in Fig. 6(c). The ratios of shear-to-flexural displacements for the experienced abrasive rubbing of concrete and spalling of the
six walls vary between approximately 0.05 and 0.13. The walls concrete along inclined cracks through the web, which was
tested by Dazio et al.11 were all capacity-designed; therefore, most likely assisted by the absence of an axial force in the wall.
their behavior was always controlled by flexure. To illustrate As a result, the cracks were not properly closed upon load
the difference for walls with shear-controlled behavior, the reversal and facilitated a deterioration of the crack interfaces.
walls of Phase I of the PCA test series are discussed in the From the onset of the deterioration of the web concrete, the
following. In this test series, Oesterle et al.8 tested seven walls contribution of the shear deformations to the overall
with different cross sections under unidirectional cyclic loading. deformations significantly increased. Specimens B2 and B5
No axial load was applied during these tests. Figure 6(a) shows finally failed due to web crushing, whereas Specimen B3 failed
the ratio of shear-to-flexural displacements as a function of the due to fracture of the longitudinal reinforcing bars. Shortly
top drift. The s/f ratios in Fig. 6(a) are plotted for inelastic before the bar fracture, however, the boundary element had
cycles onlysmall amplitude cycles at the beginning of the test sheared through. Specimen R2 was subjected to concrete
and cycles at the end of the test when either bar fracture or web crushing and also experienced large out-of-plane deformations
crushing had occurred and the capacity of the wall had due to instabilities of the wall under cyclic loading, which might
significantly decreased are omitted. In the following, the have contributed to the deterioration of the compression struts
variation of the s/f ratios for top displacements corresponding and other parts of the shear-transfer mechanism.
to a drift ratio of top 1% is discussed. For these walls, a drift Unlike the walls in the first phase, the walls that were
ratio of top 1% corresponds to a displacement ductility tested in the second phase of the PCA tests were subjected to
between = 1.6 and 3.6, according to the yield displacements a constant axial load and all walls failed due to the sudden
determined by Oesterle et al.8; hence, for top 1%, all walls are crushing of the compression struts.9 The variation of s/f
undergoing inelastic deformations. Figure 6(a) shows that for ratios with drift demand for these walls is shown in Fig. 6(b).
Walls R1 and B1, the s/f ratio is approximately constant over Up to failure, the shear-transfer mechanism was not significantly
the entire ductility range. For the other four walls (Walls R2, degrading, and the ratio of shear-to-flexural displacements
B2, B3, and B5; Wall F1 is excluded because only two data remained relatively constant (note that the cycles in which
s L ph ----------
- L ph (5)
Fig. 8For U-shaped wall TUA7: (a) average s/f ratios; where is a cracking angle representative of the fanned
and (b) actuator forces loading web and flanges at = 4.0. crack pattern (Fig. 9(a)). The flexural deformations, on the
(Note: actuator forces are in kN; 1 kip = 4.448 kN.) other hand, are computed assuming that all inelastic flexural
deformations can be ascribed to the plastic hinge mechanism.
f H n L ph H n (6)
s m 1
----- ------------------
- ------ (7)
f tan H n
where the quantities m and are the axial strain at the center
of the wall sections and the curvature, respectively, and are
derived from the moment-curvature analysis. In this study,
Fig. 9Plastic hinge method: (a) crack pattern; (b) true m and were evaluated for the walls described in Table 1
curvature profile; and (c) plastic curvature profile assumed for a maximum steel strain of 1.5%. The ratio m-, however,
in plastic hinge method. remains typically quite stable along the inelastic branch of
the moment-curvature relationship. For the U-shaped walls,
is most peculiar. When loading in the diagonal direction to moment-curvature analyses were carried out in the five
Position E, the force in the East flange did not reach its peak different directions of loading that were applied during
at the maximum displacement but dropped from the force at testing. For each direction of loading, the m- ratios
zero displacementwhich was required to restrain the rotation corresponding to the three wall sections of the U-shaped
of the wall headto the final value at Position E. This drop wall (web and two flanges) were determined by extracting
in force probably led to a reversal of the shear displacements the axial strain at the center of the wall section and dividing
in the East flange. Note that the same observation was made it by the curvature component associated with the in-plane
for the second U-shaped wall (TUB) tested by Beyer et al.7 bending moment of this wall. For a given ratio m- (that is,
and also for the U-shaped walls tested by Pgon et al.15-18 for a given ratio of the compression zone c to the wall length
lw; refer to Fig. 7(c)), Eq. (7) yields that s/f is proportional
EMPIRICAL MODEL FOR ESTIMATING RATIO OF to lw/Hn. Equation (7) is therefore mainly a geometric
SHEAR-TO-FLEXURAL DEFORMATIONS FOR relationship. It also accounts, however, for the fact that for
WALLS CONTROLLED BY FLEXURE the same wall subjected to different loading conditions, the
To the authors knowledge, there are only two equations at m- ratio might be different, as it was observed for U-shaped
present for estimating the ratio of shear-to-flexural walls under bidirectional loading.