Assignment Cover Sheet: School of Education
Assignment Cover Sheet: School of Education
Assignment Cover Sheet: School of Education
School of Education
Student details
Assignment details
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Responses and Marking
Student 1:
Question A:
Stick with cowbell for one bar phrases 2 bars
Monophonic soprano voice female mostly repeated
Homophonic harmony singers 3rd lower
Polyphonic - sustains the notes, then singer
Female singer strong.
Added texture throughout the song
Little contrast in notes; mostly in steps.
Cowbell is throughout the song.
There was 2 phrases both repeated 4 times each with added texture
6 5 4 3 2 1
Mark: 8/10
This response provided a discussion of pitch, duration, structure,
dynamics & expressive techniques and texture in significant detail. The use of
music terminology in this response was significant in aiding the marker with
your ideas.
Suggestions for this response would be to ensure that you talk about tone
colour also when all musical concepts are being provided. What does the bongos
sound like? What does the main vocals sound when she hits the high notes?
Another suggestion would be to make sure the marker explicitly knows how this
excerpt contrasts with the previous excerpt
Student 2:
Question A:
Starts off with a capella solo voice, with drums
As the music progresses, more voices are put in giving texture, singing the
same phrase over and over against or with one another
Towards the end you get this rich effect when the lower register voices
are added giving a padding effect and filling out the sound, adding texture
as well.
The drums accompaniment with the voices is wooden in tone colour and
provides an ostinato throughout. With the extra voices, it also provides
Voices singing sustained notes underneath or on top of the phrases gives
It, again more texture.
6 5 4 3 2 1
Mark: 4/10
This response provides an in depth understanding of the texture that was
in the piece of music and whilst providing an understanding of pitch, dynamics
and expressive techniques.
Suggestions would be to make sure to focus on other musical concepts
that also assist in talking about contrasting the first excerpt. A small discussion
was had on how this excerpt was different from the original, but instead had
more of a discussion of some musical concepts in the piece. These are all good
points, just how do these provide a difference compared to the original excerpt?
Student 3:
Question A:
Texture gradually builds, beginning with only a xylophone keeping the
beat and solo female lead. Then a 2nd voice enters and a 3rd in harmony.
As more vocals enters a 3rd texture becomes more defined with vocals
singing lead and accompaniment different parts but still homophonic.
Phrasing is in question and answer form, the same phrase is repeated 4
6 5 4 3 2 1
Mark: 6/10
The change in texture, duration, pitch, dynamics and expressive
techniques, and structure were all discussed in this response. The use of music
terminology was also used effectively in this response.
Whilst most of the concepts were discussed, you did miss tone colour.
Including this, a more in depth discussion between the contrasting factors of
both pieces were needed to have a stronger response. For tone colour and
contrasting talk about the overall sound or individual sounds of the
instrumentation or piece compared to the other piece.
Student 4:
Question A:
There is a cowbell that starts and does a constant beat throughout whole
extract, rhythmic accompaniment, monophonic
There is a lead vocalist that comes in; polyphonic texture is added when
other voices start singing underneath
There is a repeated phrase throughout the whole song
Breaking that phrase into little phrase
Unison with other singing, staccato with voices
Texture starts simple, more harmonic layers build up (voices) Long sustained
notes are sung in first part, 2nd part of phrase is short
This is drumbeat
6 5 4 3 2 1
Mark: 7/10
Understanding the texture change with now a lead vocalist and added
drums (bongos), demonstrates the knowledge of the contrast between both
pieces. By also illustrating the dynamic and expressive techniques changes
further elaborates on the contrasting features of the two excerpts.
Suggestions would be to further elaborate on the contrasts with more
musical concepts. Begin to demonstrate what changes have been made in terms
of tone colour (sounds of the instruments compared to the first excerpt) and
overall structure of the piece. Make sure these contrasts are explicitly stated
within your response.
Student 5:
Question A:
The texture used gradually builds up, it starts with one musical
instrument, like a tin can or xylophone, with a voice coming in. Then a
second one making the harmony, till finally a third male voice comes in
and the texture is more defined and louder. First the vocals are womens
leads, then an accompaniment. Still homophonic.
Phrasing question/answer, then repeats building up with extra vocals.
And it is all smoother and flowing. Rhythmic bass doesnt change. The
same phrase is repeated 4 times. Its in 4/4.
6 5 4 3 2 1
Mark: 5/10
The understanding of most of the musical concepts in the response was
shown to portray their ideas. Hearing the instrumentation change, dynamic and
expressive techniques, structure and pitch changes were all developed within
this answer.
Suggestions would be to make sure there is a clear connection between
the contrasting aspects of the question. Instead of just stating the musical
concepts, make sure to illustrate how this is different from the first excerpt, this
is the main area you lost marks. Also make sure to discuss tone colour and
duration, as they are part of the musical concepts.
Student 6:
Question A:
Gradual build up of texture, begins with one traditional instrument;
Then single female voice joined with second, third in harmony, 4th in
harmony making up a chord like structure. RICH HARMONY. RICH TEXTURE.
Phrasing for the accompaniment are quite different; the traditional
instrument is quite short/ staccato while the voice has a smooth line followed
by an uneven
6 5 4 3 2 1
Mark: 7/10
By illustrating the musical concepts in this excerpt and how this differs
from the other excerpt shows a highly developed understanding of the question.
The change of texture, expressive techniques, dynamics, and tone colour, were
all demonstrated in this response.
Suggestions would be to talk about the structure of the piece and how it
was contrasting from the first. This is done through graphic notations or dots
points illustrating how the structure is built over time in the first excerpt and
how it is quite instantly thick in the second excerpt. Also talk about the duration
changes in the phrases. Remember that contrasting with the other piece was half
of this question.
Student 7:
Question A:
The texture started with a solo percussion instrument, then voice then
became solo and choir
Beat on cowbell, solo soprano female voice then harmony; alto voices sing
in harmony, male tenor also singing harmony
the phrases are long and the solo alto sings the same two bar phrase over
with the other vocals building texture and harmony around with a
harmony line
the cowbell pattern keeps going throughout the piece
ostinato is used throughout the piece on the cowbell and the main melody
4/4 the phrases are 4 bars each. There is much syncopation in both the
rhythmic accompaniment and the main melody
6 5 4 3 2 1
Mark: 10/10
This response cleverly provides an aspect of each musical concept that has been
contrasted in the two excerpts. The response is done in a list form, going through
all the concepts one by one, making it easy for the marker to see this
comprehensive understanding.
A minor suggestion would be to go into further detail with every musical
concept. For example, are you sure the backing vocals phrasing stays the same
throughout? Or does the phrasing change slightly from four bars to two bars,
little details to be wary of that can make this response perfect.
Student 8:
Question A:
The phrasing is expressed every time the repeated sentence is said
Texture varies throughout the piece, starting off with just a continual beat,
sounding metallic. Then gradually one voice is added and the piece continues
building up voice texture with multiple harmonies and back-up vocals. The
layers of texture finish with the addition of a round. The phrase finishes
every time the voice says Mama. The phrase lasts for 6 bars, adding texture
every time it is repeated. The beat is synchronised.
6 5 4 3 2 1
Mark: 7/10
A demonstration of the change in instrumentation was specifically strong
in this response by illustrating that there is now lead vocalist and change of
percussion instrument. The demonstration of the texture variation from excerpt
A and excerpt B is shown by stating that the texture doesnt change in excerpt B.
Suggestions would be to discuss more concepts of music, more
contrasting aspects, and use more music terminology. When talking about
scatting, it is actually the use of melismas, specific details help. Also with the
dynamic changes in the crescendos, does this mean the whole time the solo voice
sings she is crescendo-ing or is she is using both decrescendos and crescendos
through the phrases?
Student 9:
Question A:
Texture: cowbell syncopated. Wooden sticks. Voice. Harmony
Voice + 1 layer. 1st giving the rhythmic accompaniment; female voice comes
in singing the main melody. Then a second voice comes in to harmonise with
the first voice. Another voice comes in providing extra harmony.
Phrasing: the main melody is sung in 2 phrases which are repeated. The
rhythmic accompaniment is one phrase repeated over and over again. The
second harmonic line has longer phrases which extend over the main melody.
Echo voice
Bass voice underneath
- rhythmic 1 phrase
- main melody time, 4 bars1, 4 bars phrase 2
- same phrase but in harmony (3rds)
- echo voice adding syncopated sections in breaks from melody
6 5 4 3 2 1
Mark: 9/10
The exploration of all the concepts (duration, pitch, texture, tone colour,
dynamics and expressive techniques, and structure) has been stated in the
response. Through most of the answers, contrasting factors were illustrated to
help assist the response.
Suggestions would be to add further details towards your answers.
Texture/structure could be talking about the change of monophony, polyphony,
and homophony. Talking about dynamics, explaining what you mean by louder
dynamics. Does this mean that the piece is louder? Are you sure that the piece
doesnt use more dynamic changes than just being louder? In terms of duration
talk about how the lyrics are held longer compared to excerpt A.
Student 10:
Question A:
Voice creates harmony and also contrast against drums. Bongo drums keep
Phrasing lasts for 2 or 3 bars after the word mama. It changes slightly
Starts with 3 taps of drum
3 types of voices female alto, female soprano, male tenor
6 5 4 3 2 1