Ghubaiba Bus Station - Dubai Investment Park - Ç RC Ó% - P ( @ ( - Õ C R'? @ (

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Ghubaiba Bus Station - Dubai Investment Park

X92 |rc % |P{ @{ - <c r'? @{

Friday |Pc
Ghubaiba Bus Station 05.24 05.54 06.19 06.41 07.04 07.24 07.44 08.04 08.24 08.44 09.04 09.24 09.44 10.04 10.19 10.34 10.49 11.04 11.19 11.34 <c r'? @{
Department of Health 05.33 06.03 06.28 06.50 07.13 07.33 07.53 08.13 08.33 08.53 09.14 09.34 09.54 10.15 10.30 10.45 11.00 11.15 11.30 11.45 @c %
Al Jafiliya Seaside Metro Bus 05.34 06.04 06.29 06.51 07.14 07.34 07.54 08.14 08.34 08.54 09.15 09.35 09.55 10.16 10.31 10.46 11.01 11.16 11.31 11.46 @c FO d'Pc { @{
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 06.01 06.31 06.56 07.18 07.41 08.01 08.21 08.41 09.01 09.22 09.43 10.03 10.23 10.44 10.59 11.14 11.29 11.44 11.59 12.14 d bO @c |c c c
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1 06.06 06.36 07.01 07.23 07.46 08.06 08.26 08.46 09.06 09.26 09.47 10.07 10.27 10.48 11.03 11.18 11.33 11.48 12.03 12.18 1 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2 06.06 06.36 07.01 07.23 07.46 08.06 08.26 08.46 09.06 09.27 09.48 10.08 10.28 10.49 11.04 11.19 11.34 11.49 12.04 12.19 2 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 06.08 06.38 07.03 07.25 07.48 08.08 08.28 08.48 09.08 09.28 09.49 10.09 10.29 10.50 11.05 11.20 11.35 11.50 12.05 12.20 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 06.09 06.39 07.04 07.26 07.49 08.09 08.29 08.49 09.09 09.29 09.50 10.10 10.30 10.51 11.06 11.21 11.36 11.51 12.06 12.21 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 06.09 06.39 07.04 07.26 07.49 08.09 08.29 08.49 09.10 09.30 09.51 10.11 10.31 10.52 11.07 11.22 11.37 11.52 12.07 12.22 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 06.11 06.41 07.06 07.28 07.51 08.11 08.31 08.51 09.13 09.33 09.54 10.13 10.33 10.54 11.09 11.24 11.39 11.54 12.09 12.24 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 06.12 06.42 07.07 07.29 07.52 08.12 08.32 08.52 09.13 09.34 09.55 10.14 10.34 10.55 11.10 11.25 11.40 11.55 12.10 12.25 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 06.12 06.42 07.07 07.29 07.52 08.12 08.32 08.52 09.14 09.35 09.56 10.15 10.35 10.56 11.11 11.26 11.41 11.56 12.11 12.26 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 06.13 06.43 07.08 07.30 07.53 08.13 08.33 08.53 09.16 09.36 09.57 10.16 10.36 10.57 11.12 11.27 11.42 11.57 12.12 12.27 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 06.13 06.43 07.08 07.30 07.53 08.13 08.33 08.53 09.17 09.37 09.58 10.17 10.37 10.58 11.13 11.28 11.43 11.58 12.13 12.28 5 - c d bO
Dutco 06.16 06.46 07.11 07.33 07.56 08.16 08.36 08.56 09.21 09.41 10.02 10.20 10.40 11.01 11.16 11.31 11.46 12.01 12.16 12.31 W% V
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 06.17 06.47 07.12 07.34 07.57 08.17 08.37 08.57 09.22 09.42 10.03 10.21 10.41 11.02 11.17 11.32 11.47 12.02 12.17 12.32 _c dc {
Falcon Chemicals 06.19 06.49 07.14 07.36 07.59 08.19 08.39 08.59 09.24 09.44 10.05 10.23 10.43 11.04 11.19 11.34 11.49 12.04 12.19 12.34 |Wdc Wc' {
Solico 06.19 06.49 07.14 07.36 07.59 08.19 08.39 08.59 09.24 09.45 10.05 10.24 10.44 11.05 11.20 11.35 11.50 12.05 12.20 12.35 Wc
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 06.31 07.01 07.26 07.48 08.11 08.31 08.51 09.11 09.36 09.56 10.18 10.36 10.56 11.17 11.32 11.47 12.02 12.17 12.32 12.47 s|dc  e| W
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 06.31 07.01 07.26 07.48 08.11 08.31 08.51 09.11 09.36 09.57 10.18 10.37 10.57 11.18 11.33 11.48 12.03 12.18 12.33 12.48 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 06.32 07.02 07.27 07.49 08.12 08.32 08.52 09.12 09.37 09.58 10.19 10.38 10.58 11.19 11.34 11.49 12.04 12.19 12.34 12.49 ddc c @c {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 06.33 07.03 07.28 07.50 08.13 08.33 08.53 09.13 09.38 09.58 10.20 10.38 10.58 11.19 11.34 11.49 12.04 12.19 12.34 12.49 s|dc % e| W
Insulite Block Factory 06.33 07.03 07.28 07.50 08.13 08.33 08.53 09.13 09.38 09.59 10.20 10.39 10.59 11.20 11.35 11.50 12.05 12.20 12.35 12.50 c  {
Dubai Investment Park 06.36 07.06 07.31 07.53 08.16 08.36 08.56 09.15 09.40 10.01 10.22 10.41 11.01 11.22 11.37 11.52 12.07 12.22 12.37 12.52 |rc % |P{ @{
Friday |Pc
Ghubaiba Bus Station 11.49 12.04 12.19 12.34 12.49 13.04 13.19 13.34 13.49 14.04 14.19 14.34 14.49 15.04 15.19 15.32 15.49 16.04 16.19 16.34 <c r'? @{
Department of Health 12.00 12.15 12.30 12.45 13.00 13.16 13.31 13.46 14.01 14.16 14.31 14.46 15.01 15.19 15.34 15.47 16.03 16.16 16.31 16.46 @c %
Al Jafiliya Seaside Metro Bus 12.01 12.16 12.31 12.46 13.01 13.17 13.32 13.47 14.02 14.17 14.32 14.47 15.02 15.20 15.35 15.48 16.04 16.17 16.32 16.47 @c FO d'Pc { @{
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 12.29 12.44 12.59 13.14 13.29 13.45 14.00 14.15 14.30 14.45 15.00 15.15 15.30 15.48 16.03 16.16 16.32 16.45 17.00 17.15 d bO @c |c c c
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1 12.33 12.48 13.03 13.18 13.33 13.49 14.04 14.19 14.34 14.49 15.04 15.19 15.35 15.52 16.07 16.20 16.36 16.50 17.05 17.20 1 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2 12.34 12.49 13.04 13.19 13.34 13.50 14.05 14.20 14.35 14.50 15.05 15.20 15.35 15.53 16.08 16.21 16.37 16.50 17.05 17.20 2 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 12.35 12.50 13.05 13.20 13.35 13.51 14.06 14.21 14.36 14.51 15.06 15.21 15.37 15.54 16.09 16.22 16.38 16.52 17.07 17.22 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 12.36 12.51 13.06 13.21 13.36 13.52 14.07 14.22 14.37 14.52 15.07 15.22 15.38 15.55 16.10 16.23 16.39 16.53 17.08 17.23 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 12.37 12.52 13.07 13.22 13.37 13.53 14.08 14.23 14.38 14.53 15.08 15.23 15.39 15.56 16.11 16.24 16.40 16.54 17.09 17.24 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 12.39 12.54 13.09 13.24 13.39 13.55 14.10 14.25 14.40 14.55 15.11 15.26 15.41 15.59 16.13 16.26 16.42 16.56 17.11 17.26 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 12.40 12.55 13.09 13.24 13.39 13.55 14.10 14.25 14.40 14.55 15.12 15.27 15.42 15.59 16.14 16.27 16.43 16.57 17.12 17.27 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 12.41 12.56 13.10 13.25 13.40 13.56 14.11 14.26 14.41 14.56 15.12 15.27 15.43 16.00 16.15 16.28 16.44 16.57 17.12 17.27 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 12.42 12.57 13.11 13.26 13.41 13.57 14.12 14.27 14.42 14.57 15.13 15.28 15.44 16.01 16.16 16.29 16.45 16.58 17.13 17.28 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 12.43 12.57 13.11 13.26 13.41 13.57 14.12 14.27 14.42 14.57 15.14 15.29 15.45 16.02 16.17 16.30 16.46 16.59 17.14 17.29 5 - c d bO
Dutco 12.46 13.01 13.14 13.29 13.44 14.00 14.15 14.30 14.45 15.00 15.18 15.33 15.49 16.06 16.20 16.33 16.49 17.03 17.18 17.33 W% V
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 12.47 13.02 13.15 13.30 13.45 14.01 14.16 14.31 14.46 15.01 15.19 15.34 15.50 16.07 16.21 16.34 16.50 17.04 17.19 17.34 _c dc {
Falcon Chemicals 12.49 13.04 13.17 13.32 13.47 14.03 14.18 14.33 14.48 15.03 15.21 15.36 15.52 16.09 16.23 16.36 16.52 17.06 17.21 17.36 |Wdc Wc' {
Solico 12.50 13.04 13.18 13.33 13.48 14.04 14.19 14.34 14.49 15.04 15.22 15.37 15.52 16.09 16.24 16.37 16.53 17.06 17.21 17.36 Wc
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 13.02 13.17 13.30 13.45 14.00 14.16 14.31 14.46 15.02 15.18 15.36 15.51 16.08 16.26 16.40 16.53 17.10 17.24 17.39 17.54 s|dc  e| W
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 13.03 13.17 13.31 13.46 14.01 14.17 14.32 14.47 15.02 15.18 15.36 15.51 16.08 16.26 16.41 16.54 17.10 17.24 17.39 17.54 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 13.04 13.18 13.32 13.47 14.02 14.18 14.33 14.48 15.03 15.20 15.38 15.53 16.09 16.28 16.42 16.55 17.12 17.26 17.41 17.56 ddc c @c {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 13.04 13.19 13.32 13.47 14.02 14.18 14.33 14.48 15.04 15.20 15.38 15.53 16.10 16.28 16.43 16.56 17.12 17.26 17.41 17.56 s|dc % e| W
Insulite Block Factory 13.05 13.19 13.33 13.48 14.03 14.19 14.34 14.49 15.04 15.21 15.39 15.54 16.11 16.29 16.44 16.57 17.13 17.27 17.42 17.57 c  {
Dubai Investment Park 13.07 13.21 13.35 13.50 14.05 14.21 14.36 14.51 15.06 15.23 15.41 15.56 16.13 16.31 16.46 16.59 17.15 17.29 17.44 17.59 |rc % |P{ @{
Friday |Pc
Ghubaiba Bus Station 16.49 17.04 17.19 17.34 17.49 18.04 18.19 18.34 18.49 19.04 19.19 19.32 19.49 20.04 20.19 20.34 20.49 21.00 21.19 21.34 <c r'? @{
Department of Health 17.01 17.16 17.31 17.46 18.02 18.19 18.34 18.49 19.03 19.17 19.32 19.45 20.02 20.16 20.31 20.46 21.01 21.12 21.31 21.46 @c %
Al Jafiliya Seaside Metro Bus 17.02 17.17 17.32 17.47 18.03 18.20 18.35 18.50 19.04 19.18 19.33 19.46 20.03 20.17 20.32 20.47 21.02 21.13 21.32 21.47 @c FO d'Pc { @{
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 17.30 17.45 18.00 18.16 18.32 18.49 19.04 19.19 19.33 19.47 20.02 20.15 20.32 20.46 21.01 21.16 21.31 21.42 22.01 22.16 d bO @c |c c c
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1 17.35 17.50 18.04 18.20 18.36 18.53 19.08 19.23 19.37 19.51 20.06 20.19 20.36 20.50 21.05 21.20 21.35 21.46 22.05 22.20 1 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2 17.35 17.50 18.05 18.20 18.36 18.53 19.08 19.23 19.38 19.51 20.06 20.20 20.37 20.51 21.06 21.21 21.36 21.47 22.06 22.21 2 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 17.37 17.52 18.06 18.22 18.38 18.55 19.10 19.25 19.39 19.53 20.08 20.21 20.38 20.52 21.07 21.22 21.37 21.48 22.07 22.22 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 17.38 17.53 18.07 18.23 18.39 18.56 19.11 19.26 19.40 19.54 20.09 20.22 20.39 20.53 21.08 21.23 21.38 21.49 22.08 22.23 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 17.39 17.54 18.08 18.24 18.40 18.57 19.12 19.27 19.41 19.55 20.10 20.24 20.41 20.55 21.10 21.25 21.40 21.51 22.10 22.25 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 17.41 17.56 18.11 18.27 18.43 18.59 19.14 19.29 19.43 19.57 20.13 20.26 20.43 20.57 21.12 21.27 21.42 21.53 22.12 22.27 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 17.42 17.57 18.12 18.27 18.43 19.00 19.14 19.29 19.44 19.58 20.14 20.27 20.44 20.58 21.13 21.28 21.43 21.54 22.13 22.28 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 17.42 17.58 18.13 18.28 18.44 19.01 19.15 19.30 19.45 19.59 20.15 20.28 20.45 20.59 21.14 21.29 21.44 21.55 22.14 22.29 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 17.43 17.59 18.14 18.30 18.46 19.02 19.16 19.31 19.46 20.00 20.16 20.30 20.47 21.01 21.16 21.31 21.46 21.57 22.16 22.31 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 17.44 18.00 18.15 18.31 18.47 19.03 19.17 19.32 19.46 20.01 20.17 20.31 20.48 21.02 21.17 21.32 21.47 21.58 22.17 22.32 5 - c d bO
Dutco 17.48 18.03 18.19 18.35 18.51 19.06 19.20 19.35 19.50 20.05 20.22 20.35 20.52 21.06 21.21 21.36 21.51 22.02 22.21 22.36 W% V
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 17.49 18.04 18.20 18.36 18.52 19.07 19.21 19.36 19.51 20.06 20.23 20.36 20.53 21.07 21.22 21.37 21.52 22.03 22.22 22.37 _c dc {
Falcon Chemicals 17.51 18.06 18.22 18.38 18.54 19.09 19.23 19.38 19.53 20.08 20.25 20.38 20.55 21.09 21.24 21.39 21.54 22.05 22.24 22.39 |Wdc Wc' {
Solico 17.51 18.07 18.23 18.38 18.54 19.10 19.24 19.39 19.53 20.08 20.25 20.39 20.56 21.10 21.25 21.40 21.55 22.06 22.25 22.40 Wc
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 18.08 18.23 18.39 18.55 19.09 19.24 19.38 19.53 20.07 20.22 20.39 20.53 21.10 21.24 21.39 21.54 22.09 22.20 22.39 22.54 s|dc  e| W
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 18.09 18.24 18.40 18.55 19.10 19.24 19.38 19.53 20.08 20.23 20.40 20.53 21.10 21.24 21.39 21.54 22.09 22.20 22.39 22.54 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 18.10 18.25 18.41 18.57 19.11 19.26 19.40 19.55 20.09 20.24 20.41 20.55 21.12 21.26 21.41 21.56 22.11 22.22 22.41 22.56 ddc c @c {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 18.11 18.26 18.42 18.57 19.12 19.26 19.40 19.55 20.10 20.25 20.42 20.55 21.12 21.26 21.41 21.56 22.11 22.22 22.41 22.56 s|dc % e| W
Insulite Block Factory 18.12 18.27 18.43 18.58 19.12 19.27 19.41 19.56 20.10 20.25 20.42 20.56 21.13 21.27 21.42 21.57 22.12 22.23 22.42 22.57 c  {
Dubai Investment Park 18.15 18.30 18.46 19.01 19.15 19.30 19.44 19.59 20.13 20.28 20.45 20.59 21.16 21.30 21.45 22.00 22.15 22.26 22.45 23.00 |rc % |P{ @{
Ghubaiba Bus Station - Dubai Investment Park
X92 |rc % |P{ @{ - <c r'? @{
Friday |Pc
Ghubaiba Bus Station 21.49 22.04 22.19 22.34 22.49 23.04 23.31 23.55 <c r'? @{
Department of Health 22.01 22.16 22.31 22.46 23.01 23.15 23.42 00.06 @c %
Al Jafiliya Seaside Metro Bus 22.02 22.17 22.32 22.47 23.02 23.16 23.43 00.07 @c FO d'Pc { @{
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 22.31 22.46 23.01 23.15 23.29 23.43 00.10 00.34 d bO @c |c c c
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1 22.35 22.50 23.05 23.19 23.33 23.47 00.14 00.38 1 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2 22.36 22.51 23.06 23.19 23.33 23.47 00.14 00.38 2 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 22.37 22.52 23.07 23.21 23.35 23.49 00.16 00.40 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 22.38 22.53 23.08 23.22 23.36 23.50 00.17 00.41 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 22.40 22.54 23.09 23.23 23.37 23.51 00.18 00.42 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 22.42 22.57 23.11 23.24 23.38 23.52 00.19 00.43 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 22.43 22.57 23.11 23.25 23.39 23.53 00.20 00.44 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 22.44 22.58 23.12 23.26 23.40 23.54 00.21 00.45 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 22.46 22.59 23.13 23.26 23.40 23.54 00.21 00.45 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 22.47 23.00 23.13 23.27 23.41 23.55 00.22 00.46 5 - c d bO
Dutco 22.51 23.04 23.16 23.30 23.44 23.58 00.25 00.49 W% V
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 22.52 23.05 23.17 23.31 23.45 23.59 00.26 00.50 _c dc {
Falcon Chemicals 22.54 23.07 23.19 23.33 23.47 00.01 00.28 00.52 |Wdc Wc' {
Solico 22.55 23.08 23.20 23.34 23.48 00.02 00.29 00.53 Wc
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 23.09 23.22 23.34 23.48 00.02 00.16 00.43 01.07 s|dc  e| W
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 23.09 23.22 23.35 23.48 00.02 00.16 00.43 01.07 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 23.11 23.24 23.36 23.50 00.04 00.18 00.45 01.09 ddc c @c {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 23.11 23.24 23.37 23.50 00.04 00.18 00.45 01.09 s|dc % e| W
Insulite Block Factory 23.12 23.25 23.37 23.51 00.05 00.19 00.46 01.10 c  {
Dubai Investment Park 23.14 23.27 23.39 23.53 00.07 00.21 00.48 01.12 |rc % |P{ @{
Sunday to Wednesday Cw c $?w {
Ghubaiba Bus Station 04.58 05.28 05.58 06.28 06.58 07.28 07.56 08.27 08.58 09.28 09.58 10.28 10.58 11.28 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.58 14.23 <c r'? @{
Department of Health 05.10 05.40 06.11 06.41 07.11 07.42 08.12 08.44 09.13 09.43 10.12 10.42 11.12 11.42 12.15 12.46 13.13 13.43 14.13 14.38 @c %
Al Jafiliya Seaside Metro Bus 05.11 05.41 06.12 06.42 07.12 07.43 08.13 08.45 09.14 09.44 10.13 10.43 11.13 11.43 12.16 12.47 13.14 13.44 14.14 14.39 @c FO d'Pc { @{
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 05.37 06.07 06.39 07.09 07.41 08.17 08.50 09.22 09.51 10.17 10.43 11.13 11.43 12.14 12.47 13.17 13.43 14.13 14.43 15.08 d bO @c |c c c
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1 05.41 06.11 06.43 07.13 07.45 08.21 08.54 09.27 09.56 10.21 10.47 11.17 11.47 12.18 12.51 13.22 13.48 14.18 14.48 15.15 1 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2 05.42 06.12 06.44 07.14 07.46 08.22 08.55 09.28 09.57 10.21 10.48 11.18 11.48 12.18 12.52 13.22 13.49 14.18 14.48 15.15 2 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 05.45 06.14 06.46 07.16 07.48 08.24 08.57 09.29 09.58 10.23 10.49 11.19 11.49 12.20 12.53 13.24 13.50 14.20 14.50 15.17 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 05.46 06.15 06.47 07.17 07.49 08.25 08.58 09.30 09.59 10.24 10.50 11.20 11.50 12.21 12.54 13.25 13.51 14.21 14.51 15.18 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 05.46 06.15 06.47 07.17 07.50 08.26 08.59 09.31 10.00 10.24 10.51 11.21 11.51 12.21 12.55 13.26 13.52 14.22 14.52 15.19 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 05.48 06.17 06.49 07.19 07.51 08.27 09.00 09.32 10.01 10.26 10.52 11.22 11.52 12.23 12.56 13.27 13.54 14.23 14.53 15.21 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 05.48 06.18 06.50 07.20 07.52 08.28 09.01 09.33 10.02 10.27 10.53 11.23 11.53 12.24 12.57 13.28 13.54 14.24 14.54 15.21 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 05.48 06.18 06.50 07.20 07.52 08.29 09.01 09.34 10.03 10.27 10.54 11.24 11.54 12.24 12.58 13.29 13.55 14.25 14.55 15.22 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 05.49 06.19 06.51 07.21 07.53 08.29 09.02 09.34 10.03 10.28 10.54 11.24 11.54 12.25 12.58 13.29 13.56 14.25 14.55 15.23 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 05.49 06.19 06.51 07.21 07.53 08.30 09.03 09.35 10.04 10.28 10.55 11.25 11.55 12.25 12.59 13.30 13.56 14.26 14.56 15.23 5 - c d bO
Dutco 05.51 06.22 06.54 07.24 07.55 08.33 09.05 09.37 10.06 10.31 10.57 11.27 11.57 12.28 13.01 13.33 13.59 14.29 14.59 15.26 W% V
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 05.52 06.23 06.55 07.25 07.56 08.34 09.06 09.38 10.07 10.32 10.58 11.28 11.58 12.29 13.02 13.34 14.00 14.30 15.00 15.27 _c dc {
Falcon Chemicals 05.55 06.26 06.58 07.28 08.00 08.36 09.08 09.40 10.11 10.35 11.02 11.32 12.01 12.31 13.04 13.36 14.02 14.32 15.02 15.29 |Wdc Wc' {
Solico 05.56 06.27 06.59 07.29 08.01 08.37 09.09 09.41 10.12 10.36 11.03 11.33 12.02 12.31 13.05 13.36 14.03 14.32 15.03 15.30 Wc
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 06.08 06.38 07.10 07.43 08.14 08.51 09.23 09.55 10.25 10.50 11.16 11.46 12.16 12.46 13.18 13.50 14.16 14.46 15.18 15.45 s|dc  e| W
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 06.08 06.39 07.11 07.43 08.15 08.51 09.23 09.55 10.26 10.50 11.17 11.47 12.17 12.46 13.19 13.50 14.17 14.46 15.18 15.46 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 06.09 06.40 07.12 07.45 08.16 08.52 09.24 09.56 10.27 10.51 11.18 11.48 12.18 12.47 13.20 13.51 14.18 14.47 15.19 15.47 ddc c @c {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 06.10 06.40 07.12 07.45 08.16 08.53 09.25 09.57 10.27 10.52 11.18 11.48 12.19 12.48 13.20 13.52 14.18 14.48 15.20 15.48 s|dc % e| W
Insulite Block Factory 06.10 06.41 07.13 07.46 08.17 08.53 09.25 09.57 10.28 10.52 11.19 11.49 12.19 12.49 13.21 13.52 14.19 14.48 15.21 15.48 c  {
Dubai Investment Park 06.14 06.45 07.17 07.50 08.19 08.56 09.27 09.59 10.32 10.56 11.23 11.53 12.23 12.53 13.25 13.56 14.23 14.52 15.25 15.52 |rc % |P{ @{
Sunday to Wednesday Cw c $?w {
Ghubaiba Bus Station 14.53 15.20 15.53 16.22 16.53 17.22 18.03 18.38 19.09 19.39 20.09 20.34 21.01 21.28 22.00 22.30 23.00 <c r'? @{
Department of Health 15.08 15.35 16.08 16.37 17.08 17.35 18.15 18.50 19.20 19.50 20.21 20.46 21.13 21.40 22.12 22.42 23.12 @c %
Al Jafiliya Seaside Metro Bus 15.09 15.36 16.09 16.38 17.09 17.36 18.16 18.51 19.21 19.51 20.22 20.47 21.14 21.41 22.13 22.43 23.13 @c FO d'Pc { @{
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 15.38 16.05 16.38 17.07 17.39 18.08 18.48 19.19 19.47 20.19 20.50 21.15 21.42 22.09 22.40 23.10 23.40 d bO @c |c c c
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1 15.45 16.12 16.45 17.14 17.45 18.15 18.54 19.24 19.52 20.23 20.54 21.19 21.46 22.14 22.45 23.15 23.45 1 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2 15.46 16.13 16.46 17.15 17.46 18.15 18.55 19.25 19.53 20.23 20.55 21.20 21.47 22.14 22.46 23.16 23.46 2 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 15.48 16.15 16.48 17.17 17.48 18.17 18.57 19.27 19.56 20.25 20.57 21.22 21.49 22.16 22.48 23.18 23.48 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 15.49 16.16 16.49 17.18 17.49 18.18 18.58 19.28 19.57 20.26 20.58 21.23 21.50 22.17 22.49 23.19 23.49 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 15.50 16.17 16.50 17.19 17.50 18.19 18.59 19.29 19.58 20.27 20.59 21.24 21.51 22.18 22.50 23.20 23.50 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 15.51 16.18 16.51 17.20 17.51 18.21 19.01 19.31 19.59 20.29 21.00 21.25 21.52 22.20 22.51 23.21 23.51 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 15.52 16.19 16.52 17.21 17.52 18.21 19.01 19.32 20.00 20.29 21.01 21.26 21.53 22.20 22.52 23.22 23.52 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 15.53 16.20 16.53 17.22 17.53 18.22 19.02 19.32 20.01 20.30 21.02 21.27 21.54 22.21 22.53 23.23 23.53 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 15.53 16.20 16.53 17.22 17.53 18.23 19.03 19.33 20.02 20.31 21.02 21.27 21.54 22.22 22.53 23.23 23.53 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 15.54 16.21 16.54 17.23 17.54 18.23 19.04 19.34 20.02 20.31 21.03 21.28 21.55 22.22 22.54 23.24 23.54 5 - c d bO
Dutco 15.57 16.24 16.57 17.26 17.57 18.26 19.07 19.37 20.05 20.34 21.06 21.31 21.58 22.25 22.57 23.27 23.57 W% V
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 15.58 16.25 16.58 17.27 17.58 18.27 19.07 19.38 20.06 20.35 21.06 21.31 21.58 22.26 22.57 23.27 23.57 _c dc {
Falcon Chemicals 16.00 16.27 17.00 17.29 18.00 18.29 19.09 19.40 20.08 20.37 21.08 21.33 22.00 22.28 22.59 23.29 23.59 |Wdc Wc' {
Solico 16.01 16.28 17.01 17.30 18.01 18.30 19.10 19.40 20.08 20.37 21.09 21.34 22.01 22.28 23.00 23.30 00.00 Wc
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 16.16 16.43 17.16 17.45 18.16 18.45 19.22 19.53 20.20 20.49 21.20 21.45 22.12 22.40 23.11 23.41 00.11 s|dc  e| W
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 16.16 16.43 17.16 17.45 18.16 18.46 19.23 19.53 20.20 20.49 21.21 21.46 22.13 22.40 23.12 23.42 00.12 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 16.17 16.44 17.17 17.46 18.17 18.47 19.24 19.54 20.21 20.50 21.22 21.47 22.14 22.41 23.13 23.43 00.13 ddc c @c {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 16.18 16.45 17.18 17.47 18.18 18.48 19.24 19.55 20.22 20.51 21.22 21.47 22.14 22.42 23.13 23.43 00.13 s|dc % e| W
Insulite Block Factory 16.19 16.46 17.19 17.48 18.19 18.48 19.25 19.55 20.22 20.51 21.23 21.48 22.15 22.42 23.14 23.44 00.14 c  {
Dubai Investment Park 16.23 16.50 17.23 17.52 18.23 18.52 19.31 20.01 20.26 20.55 21.27 21.52 22.18 22.45 23.17 23.47 00.17 |rc % |P{ @{
Ghubaiba Bus Station - Dubai Investment Park
X92 |rc % |P{ @{ - <c r'? @{
Thursdays |_c c $?w {
Ghubaiba Bus Station 04.58 05.28 05.58 06.28 06.58 07.28 07.58 08.28 08.58 09.28 09.58 10.28 10.58 11.28 11.54 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.58 14.21 <c r'? @{
Department of Health 05.10 05.40 06.10 06.42 07.11 07.41 08.12 08.42 09.11 09.41 10.11 10.41 11.14 11.45 12.11 12.45 13.16 13.46 14.17 14.40 @c %
Al Jafiliya Seaside Metro Bus 05.11 05.41 06.11 06.43 07.12 07.42 08.13 08.43 09.12 09.42 10.12 10.42 11.15 11.46 12.12 12.46 13.17 13.47 14.18 14.41 @c FO d'Pc { @{
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 05.36 06.06 06.37 07.13 07.49 08.19 08.50 09.20 09.49 10.19 10.49 11.18 11.50 12.21 12.47 13.19 13.49 14.19 14.51 15.15 d bO @c |c c c
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1 05.40 06.10 06.42 07.17 07.53 08.23 08.54 09.24 09.53 10.23 10.53 11.22 11.54 12.25 12.51 13.23 13.53 14.25 14.57 15.20 1 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2 05.41 06.11 06.43 07.17 07.53 08.23 08.54 09.24 09.53 10.23 10.53 11.22 11.55 12.25 12.51 13.23 13.53 14.26 14.57 15.21 2 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 05.42 06.12 06.45 07.19 07.55 08.25 08.56 09.26 09.55 10.25 10.55 11.24 11.56 12.27 12.53 13.25 13.55 14.28 14.59 15.23 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 05.43 06.13 06.46 07.20 07.56 08.26 08.57 09.26 09.55 10.25 10.55 11.24 11.57 12.27 12.53 13.25 13.55 14.29 15.00 15.24 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 05.44 06.14 06.47 07.21 07.57 08.26 08.57 09.27 09.56 10.26 10.56 11.25 11.57 12.28 12.54 13.26 13.56 14.29 15.01 15.24 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 05.45 06.15 06.48 07.22 07.58 08.28 08.59 09.28 09.57 10.27 10.57 11.26 11.59 12.29 12.55 13.28 13.58 14.31 15.02 15.26 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 05.46 06.16 06.49 07.23 07.59 08.29 08.59 09.29 09.58 10.28 10.58 11.27 12.00 12.30 12.56 13.28 13.58 14.32 15.03 15.27 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 05.46 06.16 06.49 07.24 07.59 08.29 09.00 09.29 09.58 10.28 10.58 11.28 12.00 12.31 12.57 13.29 13.59 14.32 15.04 15.27 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 05.47 06.17 06.50 07.24 08.00 08.30 09.00 09.30 09.59 10.29 10.59 11.28 12.01 12.31 12.57 13.30 13.59 14.33 15.04 15.28 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 05.48 06.18 06.51 07.25 08.01 08.30 09.01 09.30 09.59 10.29 10.59 11.29 12.01 12.32 12.58 13.30 14.00 14.33 15.05 15.28 5 - c d bO
Dutco 05.50 06.20 06.53 07.28 08.03 08.33 09.03 09.33 10.02 10.32 11.02 11.31 12.04 12.34 13.00 13.33 14.03 14.36 15.07 15.31 W% V
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 05.51 06.21 06.55 07.29 08.04 08.34 09.04 09.34 10.03 10.33 11.03 11.32 12.05 12.35 13.01 13.34 14.04 14.37 15.08 15.32 _c dc {
Falcon Chemicals 05.55 06.25 06.58 07.31 08.06 08.36 09.06 09.36 10.05 10.35 11.05 11.34 12.07 12.37 13.03 13.36 14.06 14.39 15.10 15.34 |Wdc Wc' {
Solico 05.56 06.26 06.59 07.32 08.07 08.37 09.07 09.37 10.06 10.36 11.06 11.35 12.08 12.38 13.04 13.37 14.06 14.39 15.11 15.34 Wc
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 06.08 06.40 07.13 07.46 08.20 08.49 09.20 09.49 10.18 10.48 11.22 11.52 12.24 12.55 13.21 13.54 14.22 14.55 15.32 15.55 s|dc  e| W
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 06.09 06.40 07.14 07.46 08.20 08.50 09.20 09.50 10.19 10.49 11.23 11.52 12.25 12.55 13.21 13.54 14.23 14.56 15.32 15.56 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 06.10 06.42 07.15 07.48 08.21 08.51 09.21 09.51 10.20 10.50 11.24 11.54 12.26 12.57 13.23 13.56 14.24 14.57 15.34 15.57 ddc c @c {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 06.10 06.42 07.16 07.48 08.22 08.51 09.22 09.51 10.20 10.50 11.25 11.54 12.27 12.57 13.23 13.56 14.25 14.58 15.35 15.58 s|dc % e| W
Insulite Block Factory 06.11 06.43 07.16 07.49 08.22 08.52 09.22 09.52 10.21 10.51 11.26 11.55 12.28 12.58 13.24 13.57 14.25 14.58 15.36 15.59 c  {
Dubai Investment Park 06.15 06.47 07.18 07.51 08.24 08.54 09.24 09.54 10.23 10.53 11.28 11.57 12.30 13.00 13.26 13.59 14.27 15.00 15.38 16.01 |rc % |P{ @{
Thursdays |_c c $?w {
Ghubaiba Bus Station 14.54 15.26 16.03 16.34 17.08 17.40 18.15 18.51 19.23 19.58 20.28 20.54 21.23 21.55 22.25 23.00 <c r'? @{
Department of Health 15.11 15.43 16.17 16.48 17.21 17.53 18.28 19.03 19.35 20.09 20.39 21.05 21.34 22.06 22.36 23.11 @c %
Al Jafiliya Seaside Metro Bus 15.12 15.44 16.18 16.49 17.22 17.54 18.29 19.04 19.35 20.10 20.40 21.06 21.35 22.07 22.37 23.12 @c FO d'Pc { @{
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 15.49 16.16 16.47 17.20 17.54 18.26 19.01 19.34 20.05 20.39 21.08 21.34 22.03 22.35 23.05 23.40 d bO @c |c c c
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1 15.54 16.21 16.52 17.25 17.59 18.31 19.06 19.39 20.10 20.43 21.13 21.38 22.07 22.39 23.09 23.44 1 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2 15.55 16.22 16.52 17.26 18.00 18.32 19.06 19.39 20.10 20.44 21.13 21.39 22.08 22.40 23.10 23.45 2 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 15.57 16.24 16.54 17.28 18.02 18.35 19.08 19.41 20.12 20.45 21.15 21.40 22.09 22.41 23.11 23.46 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 15.58 16.25 16.55 17.29 18.04 18.36 19.09 19.41 20.12 20.46 21.16 21.41 22.10 22.42 23.12 23.47 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 15.58 16.25 16.56 17.30 18.05 18.37 19.10 19.42 20.13 20.47 21.17 21.42 22.11 22.43 23.13 23.48 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 16.00 16.27 16.58 17.32 18.06 18.39 19.12 19.44 20.15 20.48 21.18 21.44 22.13 22.45 23.15 23.50 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 16.00 16.27 16.58 17.32 18.07 18.39 19.12 19.45 20.15 20.49 21.19 21.44 22.13 22.45 23.15 23.50 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 16.01 16.28 16.59 17.33 18.08 18.40 19.13 19.45 20.16 20.50 21.19 21.45 22.14 22.46 23.16 23.51 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 16.01 16.28 16.59 17.34 18.08 18.41 19.14 19.46 20.17 20.50 21.20 21.45 22.14 22.46 23.16 23.51 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 16.02 16.29 17.00 17.35 18.09 18.41 19.15 19.47 20.17 20.51 21.21 21.46 22.15 22.47 23.17 23.52 5 - c d bO
Dutco 16.04 16.31 17.03 17.38 18.12 18.44 19.18 19.50 20.20 20.54 21.23 21.49 22.18 22.50 23.20 23.55 W% V
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 16.05 16.32 17.04 17.39 18.13 18.45 19.19 19.51 20.21 20.55 21.24 21.50 22.19 22.51 23.21 23.56 _c dc {
Falcon Chemicals 16.07 16.34 17.06 17.41 18.15 18.47 19.21 19.53 20.23 20.57 21.26 21.52 22.21 22.53 23.23 23.58 |Wdc Wc' {
Solico 16.08 16.35 17.06 17.41 18.15 18.48 19.21 19.54 20.24 20.57 21.27 21.52 22.21 22.53 23.23 23.58 Wc
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 16.24 16.51 17.23 17.58 18.32 19.04 19.35 20.05 20.35 21.09 21.38 22.04 22.33 23.05 23.35 00.10 s|dc  e| W
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 16.25 16.52 17.23 17.58 18.32 19.05 19.35 20.06 20.36 21.09 21.39 22.04 22.33 23.05 23.35 00.10 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 16.26 16.53 17.25 18.00 18.34 19.06 19.36 20.07 20.37 21.10 21.40 22.05 22.34 23.06 23.36 00.11 ddc c @c {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 16.27 16.54 17.25 18.00 18.34 19.06 19.37 20.07 20.37 21.11 21.40 22.06 22.35 23.07 23.37 00.12 s|dc % e| W
Insulite Block Factory 16.28 16.55 17.26 18.01 18.35 19.07 19.37 20.08 20.38 21.11 21.41 22.06 22.35 23.07 23.37 00.12 c  {
Dubai Investment Park 16.30 16.57 17.28 18.03 18.37 19.09 19.39 20.10 20.40 21.13 21.43 22.08 22.37 23.09 23.39 00.14 |rc % |P{ @{
Saturdays c
Ghubaiba Bus Station 04.58 05.28 05.58 06.28 06.58 07.28 07.58 08.28 08.58 09.28 09.58 10.28 10.58 11.28 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.58 14.24 <c r'? @{
Department of Health 05.10 05.40 06.10 06.40 07.09 07.39 08.09 08.39 09.10 09.40 10.10 10.41 11.11 11.41 12.11 12.41 13.11 13.41 14.10 14.35 @c %
Al Jafiliya Seaside Metro Bus 05.11 05.41 06.11 06.41 07.10 07.40 08.10 08.40 09.11 09.41 10.11 10.42 11.12 11.42 12.12 12.42 13.12 13.42 14.10 14.36 @c FO d'Pc { @{
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 05.38 06.08 06.38 07.08 07.36 08.06 08.36 09.06 09.37 10.07 10.38 11.10 11.40 12.10 12.40 13.10 13.40 14.10 14.38 15.04 d bO @c |c c c
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1 05.43 06.13 06.43 07.12 07.40 08.10 08.40 09.12 09.43 10.13 10.42 11.14 11.44 12.14 12.44 13.14 13.44 14.14 14.42 15.08 1 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2 05.43 06.13 06.43 07.13 07.41 08.11 08.41 09.13 09.44 10.14 10.42 11.14 11.44 12.14 12.44 13.14 13.44 14.14 14.43 15.08 2 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 05.45 06.15 06.45 07.14 07.42 08.12 08.42 09.15 09.46 10.16 10.44 11.16 11.46 12.16 12.46 13.16 13.46 14.16 14.45 15.10 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 05.46 06.16 06.46 07.15 07.43 08.13 08.43 09.16 09.47 10.17 10.45 11.17 11.47 12.17 12.47 13.17 13.47 14.17 14.46 15.11 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 05.47 06.17 06.47 07.16 07.44 08.14 08.44 09.17 09.48 10.18 10.46 11.18 11.48 12.18 12.48 13.18 13.48 14.18 14.46 15.12 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 05.48 06.18 06.48 07.18 07.46 08.16 08.46 09.18 09.49 10.19 10.47 11.19 11.49 12.19 12.49 13.19 13.49 14.19 14.48 15.13 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 05.49 06.19 06.49 07.18 07.46 08.16 08.46 09.19 09.50 10.20 10.48 11.20 11.50 12.20 12.50 13.20 13.50 14.20 14.49 15.14 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 05.49 06.19 06.49 07.19 07.47 08.17 08.47 09.20 09.51 10.21 10.49 11.21 11.51 12.21 12.51 13.21 13.51 14.21 14.49 15.15 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 05.50 06.20 06.50 07.19 07.47 08.17 08.47 09.20 09.51 10.21 10.49 11.21 11.51 12.21 12.51 13.21 13.51 14.21 14.50 15.15 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 05.51 06.21 06.51 07.20 07.48 08.18 08.48 09.21 09.52 10.22 10.50 11.22 11.52 12.22 12.52 13.22 13.52 14.22 14.50 15.16 5 - c d bO
Dutco 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.23 07.51 08.21 08.51 09.24 09.55 10.25 10.52 11.24 11.54 12.24 12.54 13.24 13.54 14.24 14.53 15.18 W% V
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 05.54 06.24 06.54 07.24 07.52 08.22 08.52 09.25 09.56 10.26 10.53 11.25 11.55 12.25 12.55 13.25 13.55 14.25 14.54 15.19 _c dc {
Falcon Chemicals 05.56 06.26 06.56 07.28 07.56 08.26 08.56 09.27 09.58 10.28 10.56 11.28 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.58 14.27 14.56 15.22 |Wdc Wc' {
Solico 05.56 06.26 06.56 07.29 07.57 08.27 08.57 09.28 09.59 10.29 10.57 11.29 11.59 12.29 12.59 13.29 13.59 14.28 14.57 15.23 Wc
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 06.09 06.39 07.16 07.50 08.13 08.43 09.14 09.44 10.15 10.45 11.13 11.45 12.15 12.45 13.15 13.45 14.16 14.46 15.13 15.39 s|dc  e| W
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 06.09 06.39 07.16 07.51 08.14 08.44 09.14 09.45 10.16 10.45 11.13 11.45 12.15 12.45 13.15 13.45 14.17 14.46 15.14 15.39 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 06.10 06.40 07.18 07.53 08.15 08.45 09.16 09.46 10.17 10.46 11.14 11.46 12.16 12.46 13.16 13.46 14.18 14.48 15.15 15.40 ddc c @c {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 06.11 06.41 07.19 07.54 08.16 08.46 09.16 09.47 10.18 10.47 11.15 11.47 12.17 12.47 13.17 13.47 14.19 14.48 15.15 15.41 s|dc % e| W
Insulite Block Factory 06.11 06.41 07.20 07.55 08.17 08.46 09.17 09.48 10.19 10.48 11.16 11.48 12.18 12.48 13.18 13.48 14.20 14.49 15.16 15.42 c  {
Dubai Investment Park 06.13 06.43 07.22 07.57 08.19 08.48 09.19 09.50 10.21 10.50 11.18 11.50 12.20 12.50 13.20 13.50 14.22 14.51 15.18 15.44 |rc % |P{ @{
Ghubaiba Bus Station - Dubai Investment Park
X92 |rc % |P{ @{ - <c r'? @{
Saturdays c
Ghubaiba Bus Station 14.58 15.28 15.58 16.28 16.58 17.28 17.55 18.25 18.58 19.28 19.58 20.21 20.58 21.27 22.00 22.30 23.00 <c r'? @{
Department of Health 15.10 15.41 16.10 16.40 17.12 17.43 18.09 18.38 19.11 19.41 20.11 20.34 21.10 21.39 22.12 22.42 23.12 @c %
Al Jafiliya Seaside Metro Bus 15.11 15.42 16.11 16.41 17.13 17.44 18.10 18.39 19.12 19.42 20.12 20.35 21.11 21.40 22.13 22.43 23.13 @c FO d'Pc { @{
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 15.39 16.11 16.41 17.10 17.40 18.11 18.38 19.08 19.41 20.10 20.39 21.02 21.38 22.07 22.40 23.10 23.39 d bO @c |c c c
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 1 15.43 16.16 16.47 17.14 17.45 18.17 18.44 19.13 19.46 20.14 20.43 21.06 21.42 22.11 22.44 23.14 23.43 1 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 2 15.44 16.17 16.47 17.15 17.45 18.18 18.45 19.14 19.47 20.15 20.43 21.06 21.43 22.12 22.45 23.14 23.43 2 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 15.46 16.19 16.49 17.16 17.47 18.20 18.47 19.15 19.48 20.16 20.45 21.08 21.44 22.13 22.46 23.16 23.45 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 15.47 16.20 16.50 17.17 17.48 18.21 18.48 19.16 19.49 20.17 20.46 21.09 21.45 22.14 22.47 23.17 23.46 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 15.47 16.20 16.51 17.18 17.48 18.22 18.49 19.17 19.50 20.18 20.47 21.09 21.46 22.15 22.48 23.17 23.46 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 15.49 16.22 16.52 17.19 17.50 18.24 18.51 19.19 19.52 20.20 20.48 21.11 21.47 22.16 22.49 23.19 23.48 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 15.50 16.23 16.53 17.20 17.51 18.25 18.52 19.19 19.52 20.20 20.49 21.11 21.48 22.17 22.50 23.19 23.48 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 15.50 16.23 16.54 17.21 17.51 18.25 18.52 19.20 19.53 20.21 20.50 21.12 21.48 22.17 22.50 23.20 23.49 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 15.51 16.24 16.54 17.21 17.52 18.26 18.53 19.21 19.54 20.22 20.50 21.12 21.49 22.18 22.51 23.20 23.49 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 15.51 16.24 16.55 17.22 17.52 18.27 18.54 19.21 19.54 20.22 20.51 21.13 21.49 22.18 22.51 23.21 23.50 5 - c d bO
Dutco 15.54 16.27 16.57 17.24 17.55 18.30 18.57 19.24 19.57 20.25 20.54 21.15 21.51 22.20 22.53 23.23 23.52 W% V
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 15.55 16.29 16.59 17.25 17.56 18.31 18.58 19.25 19.58 20.26 20.55 21.15 21.52 22.21 22.54 23.23 23.52 _c dc {
Falcon Chemicals 15.57 16.34 17.02 17.28 17.59 18.35 19.01 19.27 20.00 20.28 20.57 21.17 21.54 22.23 22.56 23.25 23.54 |Wdc Wc' {
Solico 15.58 16.36 17.03 17.29 18.00 18.36 19.02 19.28 20.01 20.29 20.58 21.18 21.54 22.23 22.56 23.26 23.55 Wc
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 16.12 16.50 17.21 17.47 18.16 18.52 19.23 19.49 20.17 20.45 21.12 21.32 22.08 22.37 23.09 23.38 00.07 s|dc  e| W
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 16.13 16.50 17.21 17.47 18.17 18.53 19.23 19.50 20.18 20.46 21.12 21.32 22.09 22.38 23.10 23.39 00.08 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 16.14 16.52 17.23 17.49 18.18 18.54 19.25 19.51 20.19 20.47 21.14 21.34 22.10 22.39 23.11 23.40 00.09 ddc c @c {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 16.15 16.52 17.23 17.49 18.19 18.55 19.26 19.52 20.20 20.48 21.14 21.34 22.11 22.40 23.11 23.40 00.09 s|dc % e| W
Insulite Block Factory 16.15 16.53 17.24 17.50 18.20 18.56 19.27 19.53 20.20 20.48 21.15 21.35 22.11 22.40 23.12 23.41 00.10 c  {
Dubai Investment Park 16.17 16.55 17.26 17.52 18.22 18.58 19.32 19.58 20.22 20.50 21.17 21.37 22.13 22.42 23.14 23.43 00.12 |rc % |P{ @{

Dubai Investment Park - Ghubaiba Bus Station

X92 <c r'? @{ - |rc % |P{ @{
Friday |Pc
Dubai Investment Park 05.00 05.35 06.05 06.35 07.05 07.29 07.51 08.14 08.35 08.50 09.05 09.20 09.35 09.50 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.50 11.05 11.20 |rc % |P{ @{
Insulite Block Factory 05.01 05.36 06.06 06.36 07.06 07.30 07.52 08.15 08.36 08.51 09.06 09.21 09.36 09.51 10.06 10.21 10.36 10.51 11.06 11.21 c  {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 05.02 05.37 06.07 06.37 07.07 07.31 07.53 08.16 08.37 08.52 09.07 09.22 09.37 09.52 10.07 10.22 10.37 10.52 11.07 11.22 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 05.03 05.38 06.08 06.38 07.08 07.32 07.54 08.17 08.38 08.53 09.08 09.23 09.38 09.53 10.08 10.23 10.38 10.53 11.08 11.23 ddc c @c {
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 05.04 05.39 06.09 06.39 07.09 07.33 07.55 08.18 08.39 08.54 09.09 09.24 09.39 09.54 10.09 10.24 10.39 10.54 11.09 11.24 s|dc % e| W
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 05.05 05.40 06.10 06.40 07.10 07.34 07.56 08.19 08.40 08.55 09.10 09.25 09.40 09.55 10.10 10.25 10.40 10.55 11.10 11.25 s|dc  e| W
Port Saeed Transport Company 05.14 05.49 06.19 06.49 07.19 07.43 08.05 08.28 08.49 09.04 09.19 09.34 09.49 10.04 10.19 10.34 10.49 11.04 11.19 11.34 bdc $ C{ V
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Unimix 05.14 05.49 06.19 06.49 07.19 07.43 08.06 08.29 08.50 09.05 09.20 09.35 09.50 10.05 10.20 10.35 10.50 11.05 11.20 11.35 W{ c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, 05.15 05.50 06.20 06.50 07.20 07.44 08.06 08.30 08.51 09.06 09.21 09.36 09.51 10.06 10.21 10.36 10.51 11.06 11.21 11.36 }' c d bO
Solico 05.17 05.52 06.22 06.52 07.22 07.46 08.09 08.33 08.54 09.09 09.24 09.39 09.54 10.09 11.39
10.24 10.39 10.54 11.09 11.24 Wc
Falcon Chemicals 05.18 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.23 07.47 08.11 08.34 08.55 09.10 09.25 09.40 09.55 10.10 11.40
10.25 10.40 10.55 |Wdc Wc' {
11.10 11.25
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 05.21 05.56 06.26 06.56 07.26 07.50 08.15 08.38 08.59 09.14 09.29 09.44 09.59 10.14 11.44
10.29 10.44 10.59 _c dc {
11.14 11.29
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 05.24 05.59 06.29 06.59 07.29 07.53 08.19 08.42 09.03 09.18 09.33 09.48 10.03 10.18 11.48
10.33 10.48 11.03 4 - c d bO
11.18 11.33
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 12 05.26 06.01 06.31 07.01 07.31 07.55 08.22 08.45 09.06 09.21 09.36 09.51 10.06 10.21 11.51
10.36 10.51 12 c d bO {
11.06 11.21 11.36
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 05.27 06.02 06.32 07.02 07.32 07.56 08.23 08.47 09.08 09.23 09.38 09.53 10.08 10.23 11.53
10.38 10.53 11.08 7 - c d bO
11.23 11.38
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 05.28 06.03 06.33 07.03 07.33 07.57 08.24 08.47 09.08 09.23 09.38 09.53 10.08 10.23 11.53
10.38 10.53 11.08 8 - c d bO
11.23 11.38
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 05.28 06.03 06.33 07.03 07.33 07.57 08.25 08.48 09.09 09.24 09.39 09.54 10.09 10.24 11.54
10.39 10.54 11.09 11 c d bO
11.24 11.39
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 05.29 06.04 06.34 07.04 07.34 07.58 08.25 08.49 09.10 09.25 09.40 09.55 10.10 10.25 11.55
10.40 10.55 11.10 6 - c d bO
11.25 11.40
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 05.30 06.05 06.35 07.05 07.35 07.59 08.26 08.50 09.11 09.26 09.41 09.56 10.11 10.26 11.56
10.41 10.56 11.11 5 - c d bO
11.26 11.41
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, BHC 05.31 06.06 06.36 07.06 07.36 08.00 08.27 08.51 09.12 09.27 09.42 09.57 10.12 10.27 11.57  V { - c d bO
10.42 10.57 11.12 11.27 11.42
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Transgulf 05.31 06.06 06.36 07.06 07.36 08.00 08.28 08.51 09.12 09.27 09.42 09.57 10.12 10.27 10.42 10.57 11.12 11.27 11.42 11.57  V - c d bO {
Cement Products |tc &dO
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 05.38 06.13 06.43 07.13 07.43 08.07 08.34 08.58 09.19 09.34 09.49 10.04 10.19 10.34 10.49 11.04 11.19 11.34 11.49 12.04 d bO @c |c c c
Al Jafiliya Landside Metro Bus 06.10 06.45 07.15 07.45 08.16 08.40 09.08 09.31 09.52 10.07 10.22 10.37 10.52 11.07 11.22 11.37 11.52 12.07 12.22 12.37 V|c FO d'Pc { @{
Department of Ports & Customs 06.14 06.49 07.19 07.49 08.19 08.44 09.11 09.35 09.56 10.11 10.26 10.41 10.56 11.11 11.26 11.41 11.56 12.11 12.26 12.41 X|Pc |c %
Ghubaiba Bus Station 06.16 06.51 07.21 07.51 08.22 08.47 09.14 09.38 09.59 10.14 10.29 10.44 10.59 11.14 11.29 11.44 11.59 12.14 12.29 12.44 <c r'? @{
Dubai Investment Park - Ghubaiba Bus Station
X92 <c r'? @{ - |rc % |P{ @{
Friday |Pc
Dubai Investment Park 11.35 11.50 12.05 12.20 12.35 12.50 13.05 13.20 13.35 13.50 14.05 14.20 14.35 14.50 15.05 15.20 15.35 15.50 16.05 16.20 |rc % |P{ @{
Insulite Block Factory 11.36 11.51 12.06 12.21 12.36 12.51 13.06 13.21 13.36 13.51 14.06 14.21 14.36 14.51 15.06 15.21 15.36 15.51 16.06 16.21 c  {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 11.37 11.52 12.07 12.22 12.37 12.52 13.07 13.22 13.37 13.52 14.07 14.22 14.37 14.52 15.07 15.22 15.37 15.52 16.07 16.22 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 11.38 11.53 12.08 12.23 12.38 12.53 13.08 13.23 13.38 13.53 14.08 14.23 14.38 14.53 15.08 15.23 15.38 15.53 16.08 16.23 ddc c @c {
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 11.39 11.54 12.09 12.24 12.39 12.54 13.09 13.24 13.39 13.54 14.10 14.25 14.40 14.55 15.10 15.25 15.40 15.55 16.10 16.25 s|dc % e| W
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 11.40 11.55 12.10 12.25 12.40 12.55 13.10 13.25 13.40 13.55 14.11 14.26 14.41 14.56 15.11 15.26 15.41 15.56 16.11 16.26 s|dc  e| W
Port Saeed Transport Company 11.49 12.04 12.19 12.34 12.49 13.04 13.19 13.34 13.49 14.04 14.20 14.35 14.50 15.05 15.20 15.35 15.50 16.05 16.20 16.36 bdc $ C{ V
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Unimix 11.50 12.05 12.20 12.35 12.50 13.05 13.20 13.35 13.50 14.05 14.21 14.36 14.51 15.06 15.21 15.36 15.51 16.06 16.21 16.37 W{ c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, 11.51 12.06 12.21 12.36 12.51 13.06 13.21 13.36 13.51 14.06 14.22 14.37 14.52 15.07 15.22 15.37 15.52 16.07 16.22 16.37 }' c d bO
Solico 11.54 12.09 12.24 12.39 12.54 13.09 13.24 13.39 13.54 14.08 14.24 14.39 14.54 15.09 15.24
16.40 15.39 15.54 16.09 16.24 Wc
Falcon Chemicals 11.55 12.10 12.25 12.40 12.55 13.10 13.25 13.40 13.55 14.10 14.26 14.41 14.56 15.11 15.26
16.41 15.41 15.56 |Wdc Wc' {
16.11 16.26
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 11.59 12.14 12.29 12.44 12.59 13.14 13.29 13.44 13.59 14.14 14.30 14.45 15.00 15.15 15.30
16.45 15.45 16.00 _c dc {
16.15 16.30
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 12.03 12.18 12.33 12.48 13.03 13.18 13.33 13.48 14.03 14.18 14.34 14.49 15.04 15.19 15.34
16.49 15.49 16.04 4 - c d bO
16.19 16.34
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 12 12.06 12.21 12.36 12.51 13.06 13.21 13.36 13.51 14.06 14.20 14.36 14.51 15.06 15.21 15.36
16.52 15.51 12 c d bO {
16.06 16.21 16.36
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 12.08 12.23 12.38 12.53 13.08 13.23 13.38 13.53 14.07 14.22 14.38 14.53 15.08 15.23 15.38
16.53 15.53 16.08 7 - c d bO
16.23 16.38
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 12.08 12.23 12.38 12.53 13.08 13.23 13.38 13.53 14.08 14.22 14.38 14.53 15.08 15.23 15.38
16.54 15.53 16.08 8 - c d bO
16.23 16.38
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 12.09 12.24 12.39 12.54 13.09 13.24 13.39 13.54 14.09 14.23 14.39 14.54 15.09 15.24 15.39
16.55 15.54 16.09 11 c d bO
16.24 16.39
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 12.10 12.25 12.40 12.55 13.10 13.25 13.40 13.55 14.09 14.24 14.40 14.55 15.10 15.25 15.40
16.55 15.55 16.10 6 - c d bO
16.25 16.40
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 12.11 12.26 12.41 12.56 13.11 13.26 13.41 13.56 14.10 14.25 14.41 14.56 15.11 15.26 15.41
16.56 15.56 16.11 5 - c d bO
16.26 16.41
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, BHC 12.12 12.27 12.42 12.57 13.12 13.27 13.42 13.57 14.11 14.26 14.42 14.57 15.12 15.27 16.57  V { - c d bO
15.42 15.57 16.12 16.27 16.42
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Transgulf 12.12 12.27 12.42 12.57 13.12 13.27 13.42 13.57 14.12 14.26 14.42 14.57 15.12 15.27 15.42 15.57 16.12 16.27 16.42 16.58  V - c d bO {
Cement Products |tc &dO
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 12.19 12.34 12.49 13.04 13.19 13.34 13.49 14.04 14.18 14.33 14.49 15.04 15.19 15.34 15.49 16.04 16.19 16.34 16.49 17.04 d bO @c |c c c
Al Jafiliya Landside Metro Bus 12.52 13.07 13.22 13.37 13.52 14.08 14.23 14.38 14.53 15.07 15.23 15.38 15.53 16.08 16.23 16.38 16.53 17.08 17.23 17.39 V|c FO d'Pc { @{
Department of Ports & Customs 12.56 13.11 13.26 13.41 13.56 14.11 14.26 14.42 14.56 15.11 15.27 15.42 15.57 16.12 16.27 16.42 16.57 17.12 17.27 17.42 X|Pc |c %
Ghubaiba Bus Station 12.59 13.14 13.29 13.44 13.59 14.14 14.29 14.45 14.59 15.14 15.30 15.45 16.00 16.15 16.30 16.46 17.01 17.16 17.31 17.46 <c r'? @{
Friday |Pc
Dubai Investment Park 16.35 16.50 17.05 17.20 17.35 17.49 18.05 18.20 18.35 18.50 19.05 19.20 19.35 19.50 20.05 20.20 20.35 20.50 21.05 21.25 |rc % |P{ @{
Insulite Block Factory 16.36 16.51 17.06 17.21 17.36 17.50 18.06 18.21 18.36 18.51 19.06 19.21 19.36 19.51 20.06 20.21 20.36 20.51 21.06 21.26 c  {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 16.37 16.52 17.07 17.22 17.37 17.51 18.07 18.22 18.37 18.52 19.07 19.22 19.37 19.52 20.07 20.22 20.37 20.52 21.08 21.28 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 16.38 16.53 17.08 17.23 17.38 17.52 18.08 18.23 18.38 18.53 19.08 19.23 19.38 19.53 20.08 20.23 20.38 20.53 21.09 21.29 ddc c @c {
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 16.40 16.55 17.10 17.25 17.40 17.54 18.10 18.25 18.40 18.55 19.10 19.25 19.40 19.55 20.10 20.25 20.40 20.55 21.11 21.31 s|dc % e| W
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 16.41 16.56 17.11 17.26 17.41 17.55 18.11 18.26 18.41 18.56 19.11 19.26 19.41 19.56 20.11 20.26 20.41 20.56 21.12 21.32 s|dc  e| W
Port Saeed Transport Company 16.51 17.06 17.21 17.36 17.51 18.05 18.21 18.36 18.51 19.06 19.21 19.36 19.51 20.06 20.21 20.36 20.51 21.06 21.22 21.42 bdc $ C{ V
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Unimix 16.52 17.07 17.22 17.37 17.52 18.06 18.22 18.37 18.52 19.07 19.22 19.37 19.52 20.07 20.22 20.37 20.52 21.07 21.23 21.43 W{ c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, 16.53 17.08 17.23 17.38 17.53 18.07 18.23 18.38 18.53 19.08 19.23 19.38 19.53 20.08 20.23 20.38 20.53 21.08 21.24 21.44 }' c d bO
Solico 16.55 17.10 17.25 17.40 17.55 18.09 18.25 18.40 18.55 19.10 19.25 19.40 19.55 20.10 21.46
20.25 20.40 20.55 21.10 21.26 Wc
Falcon Chemicals 16.57 17.12 17.27 17.42 17.57 18.11 18.27 18.42 18.57 19.12 19.27 19.42 19.57 20.12 21.47
20.27 20.42 20.57 |Wdc Wc' {
21.11 21.27
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 17.01 17.16 17.31 17.46 18.01 18.15 18.31 18.46 19.01 19.16 19.31 19.46 20.01 20.16 21.51
20.31 20.46 21.00 _c dc {
21.15 21.31
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 17.05 17.20 17.35 17.50 18.05 18.19 18.35 18.50 19.05 19.20 19.35 19.50 20.05 20.20 21.55
20.35 20.50 21.04 4 - c d bO
21.19 21.35
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 12 17.07 17.22 17.37 17.52 18.07 18.21 18.37 18.52 19.07 19.22 19.37 19.52 20.07 20.22 21.57
20.37 20.52 12 c d bO {
21.06 21.21 21.37
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 17.09 17.24 17.39 17.54 18.09 18.23 18.39 18.54 19.09 19.24 19.39 19.54 20.09 20.24 21.58
20.39 20.54 21.07 7 - c d bO
21.22 21.38
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 17.09 17.24 17.39 17.54 18.09 18.23 18.39 18.54 19.09 19.24 19.39 19.54 20.09 20.24 21.59
20.39 20.54 21.08 8 - c d bO
21.23 21.39
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 17.10 17.25 17.40 17.55 18.10 18.24 18.40 18.55 19.10 19.25 19.40 19.55 20.10 20.25 21.59
20.40 20.55 21.09 11 c d bO
21.23 21.39
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 17.11 17.26 17.41 17.56 18.11 18.25 18.41 18.56 19.11 19.26 19.41 19.56 20.11 20.26 22.00
20.41 20.56 21.10 6 - c d bO
21.24 21.40
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 17.12 17.27 17.42 17.57 18.12 18.26 18.42 18.57 19.12 19.27 19.42 19.57 20.12 20.27 22.01
20.42 20.57 21.10 5 - c d bO
21.25 21.41
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, BHC 17.13 17.28 17.43 17.58 18.13 18.27 18.43 18.58 19.13 19.28 19.43 19.58 20.13 20.28 22.02  V { - c d bO
20.43 20.58 21.11 21.26 21.42
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Transgulf 17.13 17.28 17.43 17.58 18.13 18.27 18.43 18.58 19.13 19.28 19.43 19.58 20.13 20.28 20.43 20.58 21.12 21.26 21.42 22.02  V - c d bO {
Cement Products |tc &dO
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 17.20 17.35 17.50 18.05 18.20 18.34 18.50 19.05 19.20 19.35 19.50 20.05 20.20 20.35 20.50 21.05 21.18 21.33 21.49 22.09 d bO @c |c c c
Al Jafiliya Landside Metro Bus 17.54 18.09 18.24 18.39 18.54 19.08 19.24 19.39 19.54 20.09 20.24 20.39 20.54 21.10 21.25 21.40 21.54 22.08 22.23 22.42 V|c FO d'Pc { @{
Department of Ports & Customs 17.58 18.13 18.28 18.43 18.58 19.12 19.28 19.43 19.58 20.13 20.28 20.43 20.58 21.13 21.28 21.44 21.57 22.11 22.26 22.46 X|Pc |c %
Ghubaiba Bus Station 18.03 18.20 18.35 18.50 19.05 19.19 19.35 19.50 20.05 20.20 20.35 20.50 21.03 21.17 21.32 21.48 22.01 22.15 22.30 22.50 <c r'? @{
Friday |Pc
Dubai Investment Park 21.45 22.05 22.35 23.05 |rc % |P{ @{
Insulite Block Factory 21.46 22.06 22.36 23.06 c  {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 21.48 22.07 22.37 23.06 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 21.49 22.08 22.38 23.07 ddc c @c {
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 21.51 22.10 22.40 23.08 s|dc % e| W
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 21.52 22.11 22.41 23.09 s|dc  e| W
Port Saeed Transport Company 22.02 22.21 22.51 23.18 bdc $ C{ V
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Unimix 22.03 22.22 22.52 23.18 W{ c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, 22.04 22.23 22.53 23.19 }' c d bO
Solico 22.06 22.25 22.55 23.21 Wc
Falcon Chemicals 22.07 22.26 22.56 23.22 |Wdc Wc' {
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 22.11 22.30 23.00 23.26 _c dc {
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 22.15 22.34 23.03 23.29 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 12 22.17 22.36 23.05 23.31 12 c d bO {
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 22.18 22.37 23.07 23.32 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 22.19 22.38 23.07 23.33 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 22.19 22.38 23.08 23.33 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 22.20 22.39 23.09 23.34 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 22.21 22.40 23.09 23.35 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, BHC 22.22 22.41 23.10 23.36   V { - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Transgulf 22.22 22.41 23.11 23.36  V - c d bO {
Cement Products |tc &dO
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 22.29 22.48 23.17 23.43 d bO @c |c c c
Al Jafiliya Landside Metro Bus 23.02 23.19 23.47 00.13 V|c FO d'Pc { @{
Department of Ports & Customs 23.05 23.22 23.50 00.16 X|Pc |c %
Ghubaiba Bus Station 23.08 23.25 23.53 00.19 <c r'? @{
Dubai Investment Park - Ghubaiba Bus Station
X92 <c r'? @{ - |rc % |P{ @{
Sunday to Wednesday Cw c $?w {
Dubai Investment Park 05.10 05.40 06.10 06.40 07.10 07.40 08.10 08.40 09.10 09.40 10.12 10.44 11.14 11.44 12.14 12.44 13.14 13.42 14.12 14.42 |rc % |P{ @{
Insulite Block Factory 05.11 05.41 06.11 06.41 07.11 07.41 08.11 08.41 09.11 09.41 10.13 10.45 11.15 11.45 12.15 12.45 13.15 13.43 14.13 14.43 c  {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 05.11 05.41 06.11 06.41 07.11 07.41 08.11 08.41 09.11 09.41 10.13 10.45 11.15 11.45 12.15 12.45 13.15 13.43 14.13 14.43 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 05.12 05.42 06.12 06.42 07.12 07.42 08.12 08.42 09.12 09.42 10.14 10.46 11.16 11.46 12.16 12.46 13.16 13.44 14.14 14.44 ddc c @c {
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 05.13 05.43 06.13 06.43 07.13 07.43 08.13 08.43 09.13 09.43 10.15 10.47 11.17 11.47 12.17 12.47 13.17 13.45 14.15 14.45 s|dc % e| W
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 05.14 05.44 06.14 06.44 07.14 07.44 08.14 08.44 09.14 09.44 10.16 10.48 11.18 11.48 12.18 12.48 13.18 13.46 14.16 14.46 s|dc  e| W
Port Saeed Transport Company 05.23 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.27 07.57 08.30 09.00 09.27 09.57 10.25 10.57 11.27 11.57 12.27 12.57 13.27 13.55 14.25 14.55 bdc $ C{ V
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Unimix 05.23 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.29 07.59 08.32 09.01 09.29 09.59 10.25 10.57 11.27 11.57 12.27 12.57 13.27 13.55 14.25 14.55 W{ c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, 05.24 05.54 06.24 06.54 07.29 07.59 08.32 09.02 09.29 09.59 10.26 10.58 11.28 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.56 14.26 14.56 }' c d bO
Solico 05.25 05.55 06.25 06.56 07.31 08.01 08.34 09.04 09.31 10.01 10.27 10.59 11.29 11.59 12.29
14.57 12.59 13.29 13.57 14.27 Wc
Falcon Chemicals 05.26 05.56 06.26 06.56 07.32 08.02 08.35 09.05 09.32 10.02 10.28 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30
14.58 13.00 13.30 |Wdc Wc' {
13.58 14.28
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 05.29 05.59 06.29 06.59 07.35 08.05 08.38 09.07 09.35 10.04 10.31 11.03 11.33 12.03 12.33
15.01 13.03 13.33 _c dc {
14.01 14.31
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 05.31 06.01 06.31 07.02 07.38 08.08 08.41 09.10 09.38 10.07 10.33 11.05 11.35 12.05 12.35
15.03 13.05 13.35 4 - c d bO
14.03 14.33
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 12 05.32 06.02 06.32 07.03 07.40 08.10 08.43 09.12 09.39 10.08 10.35 11.07 11.37 12.07 12.37
15.04 13.06 12 c d bO {
13.36 14.04 14.34
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 05.33 06.03 06.33 07.04 07.41 08.11 08.44 09.13 09.40 10.09 10.35 11.07 11.37 12.07 12.37
15.05 13.07 13.37 7 - c d bO
14.05 14.35
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 05.33 06.03 06.33 07.05 07.42 08.11 08.44 09.13 09.41 10.09 10.36 11.08 11.38 12.08 12.38
15.05 13.07 13.37 8 - c d bO
14.05 14.35
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 05.34 06.04 06.34 07.05 07.42 08.12 08.45 09.14 09.41 10.10 10.36 11.08 11.38 12.08 12.38
15.06 13.08 13.38 11 c d bO
14.06 14.36
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 05.34 06.04 06.34 07.06 07.43 08.12 08.45 09.14 09.42 10.10 10.37 11.09 11.39 12.09 12.39
15.06 13.08 13.38 6 - c d bO
14.06 14.36
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 05.35 06.05 06.35 07.06 07.43 08.13 08.46 09.15 09.42 10.11 10.37 11.09 11.39 12.09 12.39
15.07 13.09 13.39 5 - c d bO
14.07 14.37
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, BHC 05.37 06.07 06.37 07.07 07.44 08.14 08.47 09.16 09.43 10.13 10.39 11.11 11.41 12.11 15.08  V { - c d bO
12.41 13.10 13.40 14.08 14.38
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Transgulf 05.38 06.08 06.38 07.08 07.45 08.15 08.48 09.16 09.44 10.13 10.40 11.12 11.42 12.12 12.42 13.10 13.40 14.08 14.38 15.08  V - c d bO {
Cement Products |tc &dO
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 05.44 06.14 06.44 07.14 07.51 08.21 08.54 09.23 09.50 10.20 10.46 11.18 11.48 12.18 12.48 13.18 13.48 14.16 14.46 15.16 d bO @c |c c c
Al Jafiliya Landside Metro Bus 06.15 06.45 07.17 07.49 08.27 08.57 09.31 10.00 10.26 10.56 11.22 11.54 12.24 12.54 13.23 13.51 14.21 14.49 15.19 15.49 V|c FO d'Pc { @{
Department of Ports & Customs 06.18 06.48 07.20 07.52 08.31 09.01 09.35 10.04 10.30 11.00 11.26 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.26 13.55 14.25 14.53 15.23 15.53 X|Pc |c %
Ghubaiba Bus Station 06.25 06.55 07.24 07.56 08.35 09.05 09.39 10.11 10.37 11.07 11.33 12.05 12.35 13.06 13.34 14.03 14.33 15.01 15.31 16.01 <c r'? @{
Sunday to Wednesday Cw c $?w {
Dubai Investment Park 15.10 15.40 16.10 16.35 17.02 17.35 18.04 18.38 19.14 19.44 20.14 20.40 21.10 21.40 22.10 22.40 |rc % |P{ @{
Insulite Block Factory 15.11 15.41 16.11 16.36 17.03 17.36 18.05 18.39 19.15 19.45 20.15 20.41 21.11 21.41 22.11 22.41 c  {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 15.11 15.41 16.11 16.36 17.03 17.36 18.06 18.40 19.16 19.46 20.15 20.41 21.11 21.41 22.11 22.42 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 15.12 15.42 16.12 16.37 17.04 17.37 18.06 18.40 19.16 19.46 20.16 20.42 21.12 21.42 22.12 22.42 ddc c @c {
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 15.13 15.43 16.13 16.38 17.05 17.38 18.08 18.42 19.18 19.48 20.17 20.43 21.13 21.43 22.13 22.44 s|dc % e| W
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 15.14 15.44 16.14 16.39 17.06 17.39 18.08 18.42 19.18 19.48 20.18 20.44 21.14 21.44 22.14 22.44 s|dc  e| W
Port Saeed Transport Company 15.23 15.53 16.25 16.50 17.18 17.51 18.22 18.56 19.28 19.58 20.27 20.53 21.23 21.53 22.23 22.52 bdc $ C{ V
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Unimix 15.23 15.53 16.26 16.51 17.19 17.52 18.23 18.57 19.29 19.59 20.28 20.54 21.24 21.53 22.23 22.53 W{ c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, 15.24 15.54 16.26 16.51 17.19 17.52 18.24 18.58 19.30 20.00 20.28 20.54 21.24 21.54 22.24 22.53 }' c d bO
Solico 15.25 15.56 16.28 16.53 17.22 17.55 18.26 19.00 19.32 20.02 20.30 20.56 21.26 21.55 22.25 22.55 Wc
Falcon Chemicals 15.26 15.56 16.29 16.55 17.23 17.56 18.28 19.01 19.33 20.03 20.32 20.58 21.27 21.56 22.26 22.56 |Wdc Wc' {
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 15.29 15.59 16.32 16.58 17.27 18.00 18.32 19.05 19.37 20.06 20.35 21.01 21.30 21.59 22.29 22.58 _c dc {
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 15.31 16.02 16.35 17.01 17.31 18.04 18.36 19.09 19.41 20.09 20.38 21.04 21.33 22.01 22.31 23.00 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 12 15.32 16.03 16.37 17.03 17.33 18.07 18.38 19.11 19.43 20.11 20.40 21.06 21.34 22.03 22.33 23.02 12 c d bO {
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 15.33 16.04 16.38 17.04 17.34 18.08 18.40 19.12 19.44 20.12 20.41 21.07 21.35 22.03 22.33 23.03 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 15.33 16.05 16.39 17.05 17.35 18.08 18.40 19.13 19.45 20.13 20.41 21.07 21.36 22.04 22.34 23.03 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 15.34 16.05 16.39 17.05 17.36 18.09 18.41 19.13 19.45 20.13 20.42 21.08 21.36 22.04 22.34 23.03 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 15.34 16.06 16.40 17.06 17.37 18.10 18.42 19.14 19.46 20.14 20.43 21.09 21.37 22.05 22.35 23.04 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 15.35 16.06 16.40 17.07 17.37 18.11 18.43 19.15 19.47 20.15 20.43 21.09 21.37 22.05 22.35 23.04 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, BHC 15.36 16.07 16.41 17.08 17.38 18.12 18.44 19.16 19.48 20.16 20.44 21.10 21.38 22.06 22.36 23.05   V { - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Transgulf 15.36 16.08 16.42 17.08 17.39 18.12 18.44 19.16 19.48 20.16 20.45 21.11 21.39 22.07 22.37 23.06  V - c d bO {
Cement Products |tc &dO
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 15.44 16.14 16.48 17.18 17.48 18.20 18.52 19.23 19.55 20.23 20.51 21.17 21.45 22.13 22.43 23.12 d bO @c |c c c
Al Jafiliya Landside Metro Bus 16.19 16.50 17.32 18.06 18.39 19.10 19.40 20.08 20.35 21.02 21.29 21.50 22.15 22.43 23.12 23.41 V|c FO d'Pc { @{
Department of Ports & Customs 16.22 16.54 17.37 18.11 18.44 19.16 19.45 20.13 20.39 21.06 21.33 21.53 22.18 22.46 23.15 23.44 X|Pc |c %
Ghubaiba Bus Station 16.30 17.03 17.47 18.23 18.56 19.26 19.55 20.21 20.47 21.14 21.40 22.00 22.25 22.53 23.22 23.51 <c r'? @{
Thursdays |_c c $?w {
Dubai Investment Park 05.10 05.40 06.10 06.40 07.10 07.40 08.10 08.40 09.10 09.40 10.12 10.44 11.14 11.44 12.14 12.44 13.14 13.42 14.12 14.42 |rc % |P{ @{
Insulite Block Factory 05.11 05.41 06.11 06.41 07.11 07.41 08.11 08.41 09.11 09.41 10.13 10.45 11.15 11.45 12.15 12.45 13.15 13.43 14.13 14.43 c  {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 05.12 05.42 06.12 06.42 07.11 07.41 08.11 08.41 09.12 09.42 10.14 10.46 11.16 11.46 12.16 12.46 13.16 13.44 14.13 14.43 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 05.13 05.43 06.13 06.43 07.12 07.42 08.12 08.42 09.13 09.43 10.15 10.47 11.17 11.47 12.17 12.47 13.17 13.45 14.14 14.44 ddc c @c {
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 05.14 05.44 06.14 06.44 07.13 07.43 08.13 08.43 09.14 09.44 10.16 10.48 11.18 11.48 12.18 12.48 13.18 13.46 14.15 14.45 s|dc % e| W
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 05.15 05.45 06.15 06.45 07.14 07.44 08.14 08.44 09.15 09.45 10.17 10.49 11.19 11.49 12.19 12.49 13.19 13.47 14.16 14.46 s|dc  e| W
Port Saeed Transport Company 05.23 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.28 07.58 08.33 09.01 09.27 09.57 10.26 10.58 11.28 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.56 14.25 14.55 bdc $ C{ V
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Unimix 05.23 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.29 07.59 08.34 09.03 09.29 09.59 10.27 10.59 11.29 11.59 12.29 12.59 13.29 13.57 14.26 14.56 W{ c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, 05.24 05.54 06.24 06.54 07.30 08.00 08.35 09.03 09.29 09.59 10.27 10.59 11.29 11.59 12.29 12.59 13.29 13.57 14.26 14.56 }' c d bO
Solico 05.26 05.56 06.26 06.56 07.32 08.01 08.37 09.05 09.31 10.01 10.29 11.01 11.31 12.01 14.58
12.31 13.01 13.31 13.59 14.28 Wc
Falcon Chemicals 05.27 05.57 06.27 06.57 07.33 08.02 08.38 09.06 09.32 10.02 10.30 11.02 11.32 12.02 14.59
12.32 13.02 13.32 |Wdc Wc' {
14.00 14.29
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 05.30 06.00 06.30 07.00 07.37 08.05 08.40 09.08 09.34 10.04 10.32 11.04 11.34 12.04 15.01
12.34 13.04 13.34 _c dc {
14.03 14.32
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 05.32 06.02 06.32 07.03 07.40 08.07 08.43 09.11 09.37 10.07 10.35 11.07 11.37 12.07 15.04
12.37 13.07 13.37 4 - c d bO
14.06 14.35
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 12 05.34 06.04 06.34 07.05 07.42 08.09 08.45 09.13 09.39 10.08 10.36 11.08 11.38 12.08 15.06
12.38 13.08 12 c d bO {
13.38 14.08 14.37
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 05.35 06.05 06.35 07.06 07.43 08.10 08.45 09.13 09.39 10.09 10.37 11.09 11.39 12.09 15.06
12.39 13.09 13.39 7 - c d bO
14.09 14.38
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 05.36 06.06 06.36 07.07 07.44 08.10 08.46 09.14 09.40 10.09 10.37 11.09 11.39 12.09 15.07
12.39 13.09 13.39 8 - c d bO
14.09 14.39
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 05.36 06.06 06.36 07.07 07.44 08.11 08.46 09.14 09.40 10.10 10.38 11.10 11.40 12.10 15.07
12.40 13.10 13.40 11 c d bO
14.10 14.39
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 05.37 06.07 06.37 07.08 07.45 08.11 08.47 09.15 09.41 10.10 10.38 11.10 11.40 12.10 15.08
12.40 13.10 13.40 6 - c d bO
14.10 14.40
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 05.37 06.07 06.37 07.09 07.46 08.12 08.47 09.15 09.41 10.11 10.39 11.11 11.41 12.11 15.08
12.41 13.11 13.41 5 - c d bO
14.11 14.40
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, BHC 05.40 06.10 06.40 07.10 07.47 08.13 08.49 09.17 09.43 10.12 10.40 11.12 11.42 12.12 15.10  V { - c d bO
12.42 13.12 13.42 14.12 14.42
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Transgulf 05.40 06.10 06.40 07.11 07.48 08.13 08.49 09.17 09.43 10.13 10.41 11.13 11.43 12.13 12.43 13.13 13.43 14.13 14.42 15.10  V - c d bO {
Cement Products |tc &dO
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 05.46 06.16 06.46 07.17 07.54 08.19 08.55 09.24 09.50 10.20 10.48 11.20 11.50 12.20 12.50 13.20 13.50 14.20 14.50 15.18 d bO @c |c c c
Al Jafiliya Landside Metro Bus 06.18 06.48 07.20 07.53 08.30 08.55 09.32 10.01 10.27 10.58 11.26 11.58 12.28 12.58 13.28 13.58 14.30 15.01 15.28 15.55 V|c FO d'Pc { @{
Department of Ports & Customs 06.21 06.51 07.24 07.56 08.34 08.59 09.36 10.05 10.31 11.02 11.30 12.02 12.32 13.02 13.32 14.02 14.34 15.05 15.32 15.59 X|Pc |c %
Ghubaiba Bus Station 06.24 06.54 07.28 08.00 08.37 09.04 09.41 10.10 10.36 11.06 11.34 12.06 12.36 13.06 13.36 14.06 14.39 15.09 15.37 16.04 <c r'? @{
Dubai Investment Park - Ghubaiba Bus Station
X92 <c r'? @{ - |rc % |P{ @{
Thursdays |_c c $?w {
Dubai Investment Park 15.10 15.41 16.14 16.40 17.10 17.41 18.16 18.54 19.27 19.57 20.25 20.54 21.23 21.52 22.19 22.45 |rc % |P{ @{
Insulite Block Factory 15.11 15.42 16.15 16.41 17.11 17.42 18.17 18.55 19.28 19.58 20.26 20.55 21.24 21.53 22.20 22.46 c  {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 15.12 15.43 16.16 16.42 17.12 17.43 18.18 18.56 19.29 19.59 20.27 20.56 21.25 21.54 22.21 22.47 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 15.13 15.44 16.17 16.43 17.13 17.44 18.19 18.57 19.30 20.00 20.28 20.57 21.26 21.55 22.22 22.48 ddc c @c {
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 15.14 15.45 16.18 16.44 17.14 17.46 18.20 18.58 19.31 20.01 20.29 20.58 21.27 21.56 22.23 22.49 s|dc % e| W
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 15.15 15.46 16.19 16.45 17.15 17.47 18.21 18.59 19.32 20.02 20.30 20.59 21.28 21.57 22.24 22.50 s|dc  e| W
Port Saeed Transport Company 15.25 15.56 16.32 16.58 17.27 17.58 18.35 19.09 19.42 20.11 20.38 21.07 21.37 22.06 22.33 22.59 bdc $ C{ V
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Unimix 15.26 15.57 16.34 17.00 17.28 17.59 18.37 19.10 19.43 20.11 20.39 21.08 21.37 22.06 22.33 22.59 W{ c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, 15.26 15.57 16.34 17.00 17.28 17.59 18.37 19.11 19.43 20.12 20.39 21.08 21.38 22.07 22.34 23.00 }' c d bO
Solico 15.28 15.59 16.37 17.03 17.31 18.02 18.40 19.13 19.46 20.15 20.41 21.10 21.40 22.09 22.36 23.02 Wc
Falcon Chemicals 15.29 16.01 16.38 17.04 17.32 18.03 18.41 19.15 19.47 20.16 20.42 21.11 21.41 22.10 22.37 23.03 |Wdc Wc' {
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 15.31 16.04 16.41 17.07 17.35 18.07 18.45 19.19 19.51 20.20 20.45 21.14 21.44 22.13 22.40 23.06 _c dc {
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 15.34 16.07 16.44 17.10 17.38 18.11 18.49 19.23 19.55 20.24 20.48 21.17 21.46 22.15 22.42 23.08 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 12 15.35 16.09 16.47 17.13 17.41 18.14 18.52 19.25 19.58 20.27 20.50 21.19 21.48 22.17 22.44 23.10 12 c d bO {
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 15.36 16.10 16.48 17.14 17.42 18.15 18.53 19.27 19.59 20.28 20.51 21.20 21.49 22.18 22.45 23.11 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 15.36 16.10 16.48 17.14 17.42 18.16 18.54 19.27 20.00 20.29 20.52 21.21 21.50 22.19 22.46 23.12 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 15.37 16.11 16.49 17.15 17.43 18.17 18.55 19.28 20.01 20.30 20.52 21.21 21.50 22.19 22.46 23.12 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 15.37 16.12 16.50 17.16 17.44 18.17 18.55 19.29 20.01 20.30 20.53 21.22 21.51 22.20 22.47 23.13 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 15.38 16.12 16.50 17.16 17.44 18.18 18.56 19.30 20.02 20.31 20.53 21.22 21.51 22.20 22.47 23.13 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, BHC 15.39 16.14 16.52 17.18 17.46 18.20 18.58 19.31 20.04 20.33 20.55 21.24 21.53 22.22 22.49 23.15   V { - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Transgulf 15.40 16.14 16.52 17.18 17.46 18.20 18.58 19.32 20.04 20.33 20.55 21.24 21.53 22.22 22.49 23.15  V - c d bO {
Cement Products |tc &dO
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 15.47 16.22 17.00 17.29 17.57 18.31 19.05 19.38 20.11 20.40 21.02 21.31 21.59 22.28 22.55 23.21 d bO @c |c c c
Al Jafiliya Landside Metro Bus 16.27 17.04 17.52 18.26 19.00 19.34 20.04 20.28 20.53 21.21 21.40 22.03 22.31 23.00 23.27 23.53 V|c FO d'Pc { @{
Department of Ports & Customs 16.31 17.09 17.58 18.32 19.06 19.40 20.10 20.33 20.57 21.25 21.44 22.07 22.35 23.04 23.31 23.57 X|Pc |c %
Ghubaiba Bus Station 16.36 17.13 18.02 18.36 19.10 19.44 20.14 20.37 21.01 21.29 21.48 22.11 22.39 23.08 23.35 00.01 <c r'? @{
Saturdays c
Dubai Investment Park 05.10 05.40 06.10 06.40 07.10 07.49 08.10 08.40 09.10 09.40 10.10 10.40 11.10 11.40 12.10 12.40 13.10 13.40 14.10 14.40 |rc % |P{ @{
Insulite Block Factory 05.11 05.41 06.11 06.41 07.11 07.50 08.11 08.41 09.11 09.41 10.11 10.41 11.11 11.41 12.11 12.41 13.11 13.41 14.11 14.41 c  {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 05.11 05.41 06.11 06.41 07.11 07.50 08.11 08.41 09.11 09.41 10.11 10.41 11.11 11.41 12.11 12.41 13.11 13.41 14.11 14.41 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 05.12 05.42 06.12 06.42 07.12 07.51 08.12 08.42 09.12 09.42 10.12 10.42 11.12 11.42 12.12 12.42 13.12 13.42 14.12 14.42 ddc c @c {
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 05.13 05.43 06.13 06.43 07.13 07.52 08.13 08.43 09.13 09.43 10.13 10.43 11.13 11.43 12.13 12.43 13.13 13.43 14.13 14.43 s|dc % e| W
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 05.14 05.44 06.14 06.44 07.14 07.53 08.14 08.44 09.14 09.44 10.14 10.44 11.14 11.44 12.14 12.44 13.14 13.44 14.14 14.44 s|dc  e| W
Port Saeed Transport Company 05.22 05.52 06.22 06.52 07.22 08.02 08.23 08.53 09.23 09.53 10.23 10.53 11.23 11.53 12.23 12.53 13.22 13.52 14.22 14.53 bdc $ C{ V
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Unimix 05.23 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.23 08.02 08.23 08.53 09.24 09.54 10.23 10.53 11.23 11.53 12.23 12.53 13.23 13.53 14.23 14.54 W{ c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, 05.23 05.53 06.23 06.53 07.23 08.03 08.24 08.54 09.24 09.54 10.24 10.54 11.24 11.54 12.24 12.54 13.23 13.53 14.23 14.55 }' c d bO
Solico 05.25 05.55 06.25 06.55 07.25 08.05 08.26 08.56 09.26 09.56 10.26 10.56 11.26 11.56 14.57
12.26 12.55 13.25 13.55 14.25 Wc
Falcon Chemicals 05.26 05.56 06.26 06.56 07.26 08.06 08.27 08.57 09.27 09.57 10.26 10.56 11.26 11.56 14.58
12.26 12.56 13.26 |Wdc Wc' {
13.56 14.26
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 05.28 05.58 06.29 06.59 07.29 08.09 08.29 09.00 09.30 10.00 10.29 10.59 11.29 11.59 15.00
12.29 12.59 13.28 _c dc {
13.58 14.28
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 05.31 06.01 06.31 07.02 07.32 08.12 08.32 09.02 09.33 10.03 10.32 11.02 11.32 12.02 15.03
12.32 13.01 13.31 4 - c d bO
14.01 14.31
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 12 05.33 06.03 06.33 07.03 07.34 08.14 08.34 09.04 09.35 10.04 10.33 11.03 11.33 12.03 15.05
12.33 13.03 12 c d bO {
13.32 14.02 14.33
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 05.33 06.03 06.34 07.04 07.35 08.15 08.35 09.05 09.36 10.05 10.34 11.04 11.34 12.04 15.06
12.34 13.04 13.33 7 - c d bO
14.03 14.33
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 05.34 06.04 06.34 07.05 07.35 08.15 08.35 09.06 09.37 10.06 10.35 11.05 11.35 12.05 15.06
12.35 13.04 13.33 8 - c d bO
14.03 14.34
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 05.34 06.04 06.35 07.05 07.36 08.16 08.36 09.06 09.37 10.06 10.35 11.05 11.35 12.05 15.07
12.35 13.05 13.34 11 c d bO
14.04 14.34
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 05.35 06.05 06.35 07.06 07.36 08.16 08.36 09.07 09.38 10.07 10.36 11.06 11.36 12.06 15.07
12.36 13.05 13.34 6 - c d bO
14.04 14.35
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 05.35 06.05 06.36 07.06 07.37 08.17 08.37 09.07 09.38 10.07 10.36 11.06 11.36 12.06 15.08
12.36 13.06 13.35 5 - c d bO
14.05 14.35
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, BHC 05.37 06.07 06.37 07.08 07.38 08.18 08.40 09.09 09.40 10.10 10.39 11.09 11.39 12.09 15.09  V { - c d bO
12.39 13.07 13.36 14.06 14.36
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Transgulf 05.37 06.07 06.37 07.08 07.39 08.19 08.40 09.09 09.40 10.11 10.40 11.10 11.40 12.10 12.40 13.07 13.36 14.06 14.37 15.09  V - c d bO {
Cement Products |tc &dO
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 05.43 06.13 06.43 07.14 07.46 08.26 08.46 09.14 09.45 10.17 10.46 11.16 11.46 12.16 12.46 13.14 13.43 14.13 14.43 15.16 d bO @c |c c c
Al Jafiliya Landside Metro Bus 06.12 06.43 07.14 07.47 08.21 09.02 09.19 09.46 10.20 10.53 11.22 11.52 12.22 12.52 13.22 13.50 14.19 14.48 15.18 15.51 V|c FO d'Pc { @{
Department of Ports & Customs 06.15 06.46 07.18 07.50 08.25 09.05 09.23 09.49 10.23 10.57 11.26 11.56 12.26 12.56 13.25 13.53 14.22 14.52 15.22 15.54 X|Pc |c %
Ghubaiba Bus Station 06.22 06.51 07.23 07.52 08.27 09.08 09.26 09.52 10.28 11.02 11.31 12.01 12.31 13.01 13.30 13.58 14.27 14.59 15.29 16.01 <c r'? @{
Saturdays c
Dubai Investment Park 15.10 15.40 16.10 16.40 17.10 17.40 18.10 18.40 19.10 19.42 20.10 20.40 21.10 21.50 22.40 |rc % |P{ @{
Insulite Block Factory 15.11 15.41 16.11 16.41 17.11 17.41 18.11 18.41 19.11 19.43 20.11 20.41 21.11 21.51 22.41 c  {
Dubai Contracting Labour Camp 15.11 15.41 16.11 16.41 17.11 17.41 18.11 18.41 19.11 19.43 20.11 20.41 21.11 21.51 22.41 s|dc % e| W
Seven Seas Steel Industries 15.12 15.42 16.12 16.42 17.12 17.42 18.12 18.42 19.12 19.44 20.12 20.42 21.12 21.52 22.42 ddc c @c {
Depa Contracting Labour Camp 15.13 15.43 16.13 16.43 17.13 17.43 18.13 18.43 19.13 19.45 20.13 20.43 21.13 21.53 22.43 s|dc % e| W
Shoba Contracting Labour Camp 15.14 15.44 16.14 16.44 17.14 17.44 18.14 18.44 19.14 19.46 20.14 20.44 21.14 21.54 22.44 s|dc  e| W
Port Saeed Transport Company 15.23 15.53 16.23 16.53 17.23 17.53 18.22 18.52 19.22 19.54 20.23 20.53 21.23 22.03 22.52 bdc $ C{ V
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Unimix 15.24 15.54 16.24 16.54 17.24 17.54 18.23 18.53 19.23 19.55 20.24 20.54 21.24 22.04 22.53 W{ c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, 15.25 15.55 16.25 16.54 17.24 17.54 18.23 18.53 19.23 19.55 20.24 20.54 21.24 22.04 22.53 }' c d bO
Solico 15.27 15.57 16.27 16.56 17.26 17.56 18.26 18.55 19.25 19.57 20.26 20.56 21.26 22.06 22.55 Wc
Falcon Chemicals 15.28 15.58 16.28 16.57 17.27 17.57 18.27 18.57 19.27 19.58 20.27 20.57 21.27 22.07 22.56 |Wdc Wc' {
Amssar Wood Manufacturing 15.30 16.00 16.30 17.00 17.30 18.01 18.30 19.00 19.30 20.01 20.29 20.59 21.29 22.09 22.58 _c dc {
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 4 15.33 16.03 16.33 17.03 17.33 18.03 18.33 19.03 19.33 20.03 20.32 21.02 21.32 22.12 23.00 4 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 12 15.35 16.05 16.35 17.04 17.34 18.05 18.36 19.05 19.35 20.05 20.33 21.03 21.33 22.13 23.02 12 c d bO {
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 7 15.36 16.06 16.36 17.05 17.35 18.06 18.37 19.06 19.36 20.06 20.34 21.04 21.34 22.14 23.03 7 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 8 15.36 16.06 16.36 17.06 17.36 18.07 18.37 19.07 19.37 20.06 20.34 21.04 21.34 22.14 23.03 8 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 11 15.37 16.07 16.37 17.06 17.36 18.08 18.38 19.07 19.37 20.07 20.35 21.05 21.35 22.15 23.03 11 c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 6 15.37 16.07 16.37 17.07 17.37 18.08 18.39 19.08 19.38 20.07 20.35 21.05 21.35 22.15 23.04 6 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area 5 15.38 16.08 16.38 17.07 17.37 18.09 18.39 19.09 19.39 20.08 20.36 21.06 21.36 22.16 23.04 5 - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, BHC 15.39 16.09 16.39 17.08 17.38 18.10 18.40 19.10 19.40 20.09 20.37 21.07 21.37 22.17 23.05   V { - c d bO
Jebel Ali Industrial Area, Transgulf 15.39 16.09 16.39 17.09 17.39 18.10 18.41 19.10 19.40 20.09 20.37 21.07 21.37 22.17 23.06  V - c d bO {
Cement Products |tc &dO
Jebel Ali Free Zone, Main Gate 15.46 16.16 16.46 17.15 17.45 18.17 18.47 19.17 19.47 20.17 20.45 21.15 21.45 22.25 23.13 d bO @c |c c c
Al Jafiliya Landside Metro Bus 16.21 16.52 17.23 17.53 18.23 18.54 19.25 19.54 20.22 20.51 21.19 21.49 22.19 22.58 23.46 V|c FO d'Pc { @{
Department of Ports & Customs 16.24 16.56 17.27 17.57 18.27 18.58 19.29 19.58 20.26 20.54 21.22 21.52 22.22 23.01 23.50 X|Pc |c %
Ghubaiba Bus Station 16.31 17.04 17.35 18.02 18.31 19.02 19.33 20.03 20.31 20.59 21.27 21.57 22.27 23.04 23.53 <c r'? @{

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