Run Issue 21 1985 Sep
Run Issue 21 1985 Sep
Run Issue 21 1985 Sep
The Home User's Guide to Commodore Computing CANADA $3.95
immodore's New,
Exciting Amiga
September 1985 A CWC/i Publication
lUN'S CHECKSU X - 3X - 28
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Sure Summer Games was great, but event. It's so realistic, there's even an
why stop there? Lei Summer (lames II lake opening and closing ceremony along with
you even farther with eight new evenls medal presentations after each event.
including cycling, fencing, kayaking, triple
jump, rowing, high jump, javelin and even It's not bo early to get ready for 1988.
equestrian. They am all be played by With Ihe right diet, proper training and
up to eight players and some, like cycling, hours of practice you just might make it. In
rowing and fencing challenge you with ihe meantime, put on your sweatsuit, grab
realistic head-to-head competition. that joystick and let Summer Games II give
you eight new ways to Go Vor The Gold!
First, you decide which ofthe 18 different
countries you're ciriiiK to represent Then,
in true Olympic fashion, you will need the
proper strategy and mental toughness,
not just speed and agility lo excel in each Strategy Games for the Action-Game Player
Circle 12 on ResOoi Sflivlco card.
September 1985 Vol. 2, No. 9
22 Meet the Amiga 62 UltraQuiz
The SCOOp on Commodore's exciting new Create and print out quizzes, questionnaires
business and personal computer. and other such goodies.
By Margaret Morabito /ty Robert Pouliot and Ronald Poidiol
An Interview with Commodore's Manager of 74 Commodore Helps Pay
Educational Marketing. The Bills
Print professional-looking checks, a record
40 Commodore Launches a of each entry and a running balance of your
New Program tty Wayne Arnetl
Commodore supports the Young Astronaut
78 64 Perfect Typist
RUN'S long-awaited checksum program is
46 Short-Order Typist finally here to ensure that all the programs
This typing-tutor program is the toasi of you type in from RUN will work the first
the town. time without error.
By George Decker By James E. Borden
,n«Tcd with Ciimnwdore BU,in™ 1BB5 by CW (:..mraU1ii™irai.«'mrboroiigli. IK. No pan ..r ihU l»*«™ '«■ I'""'"'
fll'.V (ISSN 117-11 4MB) » an Independenl journal nol ici
momhl)) byy CW Commu- iMhntTMrtHmfclM.MPlM
iGrtlonsffawrboroughi Inc. 80 Pine « -d-n*. nfnd»>d - ■"' «ta I-"-.""" *"".*• P£5£ 5??S!?IIS
ruTiMHr i(|]|nii|irni uiijiulji Himrii \n * hiuhuii hm«* «■»- t* »«^ hiin«, In.-. HUN
U i' pobHihed
$l".!!7 one >car; t39.W, IWD yeji^- |4t.9Ti sacEmniHs in RUN* Subicrtpdan ServTcia. 3'<J Bm« ^54- Fannlngdzlt, NY 11737. (Send
i, Ml 0MS8 U.S. suliv [ipliiin
SL, I' Krlmr.iuLjIi, p i 151. Fori Eric, Oniarta Camda L1A SNS)
mdi dr^wn on UJ. bant F<itrinii t hang a <>i addrai loflWV. pci b
three icari. Canada I Menteo
Mte I8S.ST,
I8SST .>"c iear. us. , Dbldbulon RUN mnVci fvm ClTorl tq
. lubM-i-tptHtTii—pkaK mi|nirr N« uU] dLMrttHJUd by ln[nwilonal CircuUi
J:w \ >oir. t'.S Ikindt drawn on VS tunl. Forci
□I dlllJilrt. 1i*[lIJ|J> Jllll liiiHi puUbbcd in i>»r ni.tjr.ivim' RUN utumo
Sen pounge \>-i"\ m PeurtiOTOughi Ml, ami cMtUMLul iimiIiih Office* (Ciiuiii.i'1
i!jin>|in due U- mi>i> in »r
KOi ilcl.wnwilicni.iuiiiMi numliri flMS.)
fiS Phone
I'h MMW-917!. EnHlT canlenu (sprHgnl
6 RUNNING 108 Commodore's
Ruminations Service 22
105 Commodore
A questions-and-answers
column to help you aid
your ailing computer.
A Classroom Hit this issue (beginning oti p. 22) contain colorful photos of the new
machine and its graphics capabilities and examine the features
Teachers who adhere lo traditional methods arc like
devotees of the "old" Coke—they don'1 want to tamper of Commodore's exciting high-end computer.
with proven, time-honored formulas. The review, which is the result of a close working relationship
going to cure everybody's problems. Hut it certainly is a three characters on the screen after you enter a program
very powerful tool that has the capability of performing line. If this number matches the digits published in the
a greater number of tasks than anything else we've ever magazine, then you know that you have correctly entered
had in education."
that program line. With this checksum feature, your pro
grams should work the first time without errors.
Thanks to the efforts of authortprogrammerJames Nor-
* * * NEWS BULLETIN * * *
den and RUiYs, technical manager, Margaret Mnrabito,
We interrupt our regularly scheduled coverage of the we are able to present this top-quality checksum program
Commodore 128 and f>-f to bring you the following im for the C-64. (A C-128 version will be forthcoming.) We're
portant message: sure that this program will make your Commodore com
The September issue o/RUN contains thefirst in-depth analysis, puting experience much more enjoyable.
of the Amiga by a Commodore-specific publication. Six pages of
Stephen Twombly FASTER?
Manacunc; Ei»'ii>K/PKcii)ticri kin
'■M.iiii Prati
Con Editor
Marilyn Annucci
Review editor
Sus:m lanona
Nkw Products Editor
Harold Bjiirmert
Technical Manager
"If languages Interest you, this one Is well worth a look... It's inexpensive to try.
Margaret MorabitO You may find that it's just what you have been looking for."
Technical Ediujk -Jim liniiiifi.i
Timothy Walsii
Technical Assistant "I can recommend a better, faster, and cheaper programming language.
Jim Wilham
Ifs a flashy little European import called COMAL..
Associate Ewtcw-s
Christine Adatnec. Robert Ei alter, the most user-friendly language around."
Louis V. Sander.Jim Strasma. Brown, Him 64
Guy Wright
"...overall COMAL averages out to about three times faster than BASIC"
Advertising Sai.ks
- I turn Wright. HICHO
.Sicniicn Robbing
Sales kepr es entati v ks
Ken Blakeman, Nancy Ptmer "combines some of the best features of languages like Logo, Modula, Pascal,
Ad Coordinator and Ada in an easy-to-use format"
Heather I'aquelte - ah on
Marketing Coordinator
XONAL was just what I was looking for."
Wendie Haincs
- i r'.'jii Thompson, H|.,'t
Wkst Coast Sales
Giorgio Saluti, manager
1001) Marsh Road
Menln Park, CA 94025 Where else do you get all this...
The complete CONAL 0.14 System for Commodore 64™ includes
Art Director
Glenn Suokko the Tutorial Disk* (teaches you the fundamentals of COMAL), plus
Production/Advertising Supervisor
Rosa I y n Scribner
the Auto-Run DEMO Disk* (demonstrates 26 COMAL programs
Editorial Design Including games, graphics, sprites and sounds),
Anne Dillon
all for just $7.00.
K;>rla M, Whitney
You can add the reference book, COMAL from AtoZ,
Graphic Services Manager
Dennis Christensen for just $4.00 more.
film Preparation Supervisor $7 or $11 - either way you're a winner!
Robert M. Vilieneuve
Tvpesettinc Supervisor
Linda P. Canale
jj rated by The Booh o! Commwlnrci 64 Softwait I9B5.
Manufacturing Manager
Susan Cross
OoeraU Rating A A Reliability
Ease of Use A A Error handling
James S. Povec Documentation A A Value for Money
President I'nblhlied fly .-lm_i/\ Inc., The Book Division
Debra Wetherbee
Vick-Presi dent/Financk
Kogcr Murphy
Assistant General Manachh If you want only the best, get the COHAL Cartridge Fak
Mutt Smith Includes: 64K CO11AL Cartridge, 2 boohs, and 5 demo disks'
Assistant to VP/Finance
lliiminiquc Smith
Over $140.00 value - now only $89.95 plus $4.00 shipping.
Executive Creative Director
Christine Destrempes
Director of Circulation For more information or to place an order call (608) 222-4432.
William P. Howard
Visa or Master Card accepted.
Circulation Manager
Frank S. Smiih All orders prepaid ■ no CO.D.
Direct & Newsstand Sales Manager
Raiiui Wirein
S0&34M728 Send checkor money order in U.S. dollars toi
Director of Credit Sales & Collections
William M. Boyer
Wayne Green 6041 Monona Drive, *IO2, Madison, Wl 53716
phone: (608) 222-4432
Every month, Magic bringi you brief and useful computer tricksfrom ammd
the imilil—trirfa la make computing easier, men enjcrftdilt or more railing. We $240 Autostart programs for tho C-64—
number oar trick in hex, the Ham/frig system of wnerers anil computerate.
Here's a simple routine that adds the autostart feature to
Magir mlials your simple hardware ideas, short programs, useful programming
Basic programs on tape or disk. Type it in and run it,
tedmimuB, littlt-knewn computer facts and similar items of interest. We look for
neir or recycled material Ihul run he imptementrt! with a minimum of time, effort
and if your Data statements are correct, you'll be asked
or theoretical knowledge and that is of current valiW it> Commodore computerists to delete lines 11-13. Delete them, then save the program.
(Pltafit mid 016 Burners. lot)}, We typically pay $10 for each trick accepted. Now, when you want to save an autostart version of a
Realty super DM! get $2t)-$5l), Send your tricks to: program, just run Autostart and follow the instructions
on the screen. Once it is saved, a syntax error message
(fa lnuis F. Sander Will appear on the screen; disregard it At this point, your
POBoxlOWU computer is in an altered state, so you must reset it or
Pittsburgh, FA I 52J7 turn it off then back on.
Ifyou endost a teffafldmstd Stamped envelope, we'll send you a Trick Writer's Programs saved in this manner must be loaded using
Guide. International readert may omit the stamp. the form:
l_OArnileiMm<.-".H. I
As you read these words, work on RUN'S second Special They will run as soon as they are loaded, with no further
Issue is already under way. Our plans are to reprint all action from you. Because (he autostart process puts char
of I985's tricks, indexed and grouped by subject matter,
acters onto the screen, it's helpful if the saved program
clears the screen as one of its first operations. (If you're
plus over a hundred brand-new items. Get your orders
using tape, change the 8 to a I in the Load statement
in early, since we expect another sellout.
Attention all programmers: If you're seeking fame and and in the screen message in line 80.)
fortune, scud your short programs to Magic. As you can 10 REM AUTOSTART - BILL GIEL
see from this month's trickery, we look for useful or 11 FORX=1T04S:READY:CS=CS+Y:NEXT
entertaining items whose listings (ill less than one screen. 12 IFCSoS991THENPRINT"DATA ERROR" : STOP
Our readers love utilities, but we publish good software 13 PRINT"DELETE LINES 11-13":END
from any subject area.
30 Q$=CHR$(34):PRINTCHR$(147)CHR$(18)"TO MA
Klawretaw—We don't know who sent SCREEN*"
this, but it's well worth keying In. Can you tell what it 50 PRINT"AND MOVE THE CURSOR TO THE BOTTOM
does before running it? LINE.":PRINT
$(A$,A,1 ):NEXT:B$=B$ + B$-fB$ + B$ E"Q$"FILENAME"Q$",B"
40 PRINTCHR$(147)CHRS(17)B$B$:FORJ=1TO35:PR OAD"Q$"FILENAME"Q$",8,1 **
INTCHR$(19)TAB(J)C$;:FORK=1TO5 945 DATA 169,147,032,210,255,169,082,032
With Timeworks you get more With Timeworks you get more 'With Timeworks you get our
power for your dollar than software Money Baik Guarantee
You can use each program alone. Or You Get Our Customer Technical If you can find anything that works better
interface this trio - one at a time if you like Support Team for you, simply send us your Timeworks
- into a completely integrated productivity At the other end of our toll-free hotline, program, your paid receipt, and the name
system that delivers all Ihe power and you'll find cur full-time Customer Techni of the program you want, along with your
features most of you will ever need ... at cal Support Team. Free of charge to all check or credit card number for any retail
a cost that leis you enjoy Iheir use. registered users. price difference. II it's available, we'll buy
it for you."
Look for these and other Timeworks pro You Get Our Liberal Trade-Up Policy
grams at your favorite dealer. Or contact You'll find Ihe details inside each package. Available for Apple, IBM,
Timeworks, 444 Lake Cook Road, Deer- Commodore 64 and 128,
field, IL 60015. Phone: (312) 948-9200. and Atari Computers.*"
Circle 2 on R&ador Sorvkce cord.
engine power. Death to the treacherous Klingons! If you also know the load address, you can find the length
Douglas Marshall
$242 Input with default—Input parameters Bell, CA
are often known in advance, hut sometimes you may want
to make a change. If the Input statement itself contains
the most-used parameter, you can select it just hy pressing S246 Renaming disks—The 1541 New com
the return key. If another parameter is desired, you merely mand is capable of more than most people think. The
type it in the usual way. Here's a simple example: command
The number 8 will appear under the cursor and can be completely formats a disk, giving it the name diskname
selected by hitting the return key. and the ID id. If you use the abbreviated command
E. Dam Ravn
Olstykke, Denmark
you erase the directory without doing the time-consuming
complete reformatting process. But if you use the
$243 Filename finder—On the C-64, SYS Nll:anothenia>ne
62913 displays the name of the currently active file. Did you'll end up with a blank disk called anathernatne. It will
you ever load a program or open a disk file, then later
still have its original ID, but it most surely will have a
forget its name? Or have you saved something, then
brand-new name.
wondered what you called it? Try this magic SYS call,
Charles Lavin
and the forgotten filename will materialize before your
Coral Gables, FL
eyes! Usable in Direct or Program mode, it displays the
filename at the current cursor position. )SR $F5C1 is the
machine language version.
Rick Crone $247 Directories on non-CBM printers-
Jackson, TN Users of non-Commodore printers may have trouble print
ing directory listings, since the reverse-field characters in
the first line can be interpreted as printer-control charac
ters. The way around the problem is to remove the reverse-
$244 Load address finder—This short pro field characters.
gram finds the load address for any program saved on Loading the directory, then pressing zero and the re
disk and is useful for investigating machine language turn key will delete the problem line. But your listing will
Hies. It gives (he load address plus the low byte and high have no disk name. Alternatively, leave line 0 in the direc
byte of (hat address—all in decimal form. Since many tory, but replace bodi quotes witli apostrophes or some
machine language programs are executed by a SYS com other character, and then hit the return key. Your printed di
mand to their first byte, knowing the load address is often rectory should turn out all right. If problems persist, you can
the same as knowing the enabling SYS. retype line 0 without the quotes or reverse field, and enter
10 HEM LOAD ADDR - M. TRANCHEMONTAIGNE the corrected line by pressing the return key.
Gary Fields
30 OPEN2,8,2,F$+",P,R"
40 GET#2,L0$ : LO$=LO$+CHR$(0) Asheville, NC
»!PSI Professional Software, Inc., 51 Fremont Street, Needham, MA 02194 (617) 444-5224 Tek-x: 951579
mn/i™™'™ riVt'IVcf' '."; -F1"'Sl'"™;'".">J"^)l""l""l»'l»'»h, V'l.i,,nlf.1nk>,[.ul.-C,1mmi)ll»fc(H'»i>Jlrnltin«k«.U:<.mm.B]11rcntt-
J> on Mjpporl rrrtun FlCW IfRua ? hjKtHOJ lOdfoi [c.iulrc U UlcrfUl Fkuc chttt «Hh ,.,,,r , - llrjlci jn.1 DMrtfiniiK ImjUltkl Jrc InvKol
Clicla 93 on Roader Service carB.
The Lamps
There is also a view option that
Lives up lo its billing. No has
allows you to see your document A Flying-Carpet Ride
sles, headache! i>r disappoint
(with its print format implemented) ments lit-re,
before you actually print it out. You
Through a Land Filled
use scrolling to utilize this feature, There arc some problems with With Magic and Evil
as you do for any input that requires this program. There ate belter
more than 40 columns. on the market
id I'ro Quo is a terrific idea The music composer has seven oc
Before you aie seven gongs, each of
that needs work. It combines a taves and the sound envelopes of
a different color and tone. Strike any
And That's What Irs All About
The Connection
Canon/C. Itoh, NEC/Seikosha, Gorilla Tymac is a registered [rjJemaik of Tymac Conlrofs CorpQ'tiOn
ComrnoQQre, Commodorn 64, ComrTWdor* 1?fl. Pfustf, Commadort 16. jnfl
Banana/and Universal. VIC 20 its reo'Stcred trj:m uk^ al Commodore Electronic* L-m ud
0 Software Gallery
( iilKir helps you solve household and small business time it takes to ask "What If.. .T Vou can make
problems (hat involve rows and columns of numbers. projections and plan ahead with confidence!
• balance your chequebook in seconds The CalKit problem-solving package includes built-
in templates for the most important home and busi
• plan your home or business budget with ease
ness needs. Over 20 ready-to-use, real-life applica
• simplify your income lax, and your investment tions on one disk. The rows, columns and calcula
portfolio tions are already defined. No need for time-
consuming initial set-ups - all you do is enter your
• calculate loan or mortgage payments, and then data. Other CalKit features, like on-screen menu and
find out what happens to them in seconds, when simple commands, make it even easier.
interest rates change
An easy and comprehensive manual with tutorials un
That's the real advantage - with CalKil, you can each application are included. Youil be using CalKit
change any number in your equation, and see how it like a pro, right out of the bo*. And once you \e
affects the other numbers. All calculations are per- mastered the built-in templates, youil be ready for
formed instantly! CalKit gives you (be answers, in the your own unique spreadsheet programs.
Powerful solutions + ease of use + low low cost = CalKit. It all adds up to exceptional value,
for a computer program that can help you every day.
io Mural Street
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Uchmond Hill, Ontario
SB IBS CANADA The Energized Software Company!
Bfex; 06-21-8290
H Software Gallery
Trivia Plus
Knowledge. You can play the game players without the added feature of
alone or match wits with a maximum the challenges.
of five other players. You may elect If trivia lias captured your imagi
This Package Will to keep score or just play for fun. nation. Trivia Plus deserves your con
Category selection is performed sideration. It is an excellent game.
Surely Test Your
randomly by the computer. You may (Academy Software, I'O Box 6277, San
Talent for Trivia also elect a wildcard category by Rafael, CA 94903. C-64/S2-I.95 disk.)
pressing one of the function keys. Jim Grubbs
With more than 3500 questions on Springfield, IL
It's not surprising thai the trivia the disk, you aren't likely to see (he
craze has found its way into home same ones very often. There are over
computing. After all. computers are 11)0 songs included in the Humani Racing
great For storing a lot of information ties category, adding a dimension to
ami retrieving ii at a moment's notice.
Operation ol'Trivia Plus i.s simple.
the game that provides a break from
the text questions.
Destruction Set
A .single instruction sheet accompa The graphics in the game show the
nies the disk and adequately de same attention to detail. Trivia Plus Rev Up Your C-64
scribes [he game. comes across as a very professional- And Head for the
One feature of Trivia Plus caught looking program.
Checkered Flag
my attention immediately. When ask To help vary the action. Trivia Plus
ing music-related questions, it makes offers a Challenge option, where the
use of the superb sound of the C-64. Computer chooses a player and a
There are eight categories from challenger for each question. Play ro- One of the latest construction-
which your questions are chosen: lines so that in each round, each per sel programs to be released liy
History and Polities, Geography. Hu son is a player once and a challenger Electronic Arts is Racing Destruction
manities, Sports and Games, Movies, once. During normal play, the com Sel. ll's easy to use, and ils excellent
Science, Television and General puter asks questions of individual use of sound and graphics creates a
Morse Coach.
enclosure, with speaker in/oul and practice hand key
jacks, it needs no other computer connection or
power supply. Unshift on space, word wrap
around, real time clock, and keyword or
manual printer control for permanent 54995
paper copy, so that you won't miss a
single bit of the action. For about A complete Morse code tutor in a conveni
the price of another "Pac-Zapper" ent plug-in cartridge for your Commodore
game, you can lie into the 64." The Morse Coach means business. It's
exciting world of digital not a toy program or a simple random code gen
communication with erator. Originally developed jointly by Microiog and
the Mlcrolog SWL. several government agencies experienced in Morse in
struction. Four years of extensive service prove It's the
$64 quickest way to Morse proficiency.The method works! You start from absolutely no
Knowledge of Morse, progress through the alphanumeric symbols, and on to any speed
desired. The "alphabet" part of the program introduces new characters and plots the progress
on a Bar-chart. The speed/test section correlates the input, analyzes mistakes and provides a
printout o( the analysis/test results on your Commodore screen or printer. As a bonus, it also boosts
typing skill. You've never seen any tape or program do that! In fact, there's never been a system so
thorough, so efficient and so effective as the Microiog Morse Coach.
Foreign And Domestic 1651 Easl Edinger Suite 209 Sanla Ana, CA 92705 Telephone: (714) 953-6165
Inquiries Welcome Commoaoro' laa Roalaleied Trademark olCommodoroBus. Machines. TelfiX: 503727
Clrclo IB on Rcauei Service esrd
B Software Gallery
realistic world that draws you in and How many laps will he required to The Sixth Sense program has a
holds you enthralled The program win? Will it be a simple- contest of 700-line virtual screen that scrolls for
offers you more Features and options Speed and driving skill, or will ii be ward and backward at a high rate of
than you'll probably ever have time a no-holds-barred race to destroy the speed when the program is searching
to explore. opponent? for menus and other text files.
Did you ever wonder what it would There are 1 (> hel p screens that give
Although you can boot Racing
be like to race on the moon? Saturn? you access to submenus for control'
Destruction Set and begin racing im
Mars? Now you can find out. with a ling your terminal. Features include
mediately (either against a computer-
choice of 14 possible gravity settings. autoanswer, autodial, automatic re-
controlled vehicle or a human op
You could even create a Grand Prix dial, buffer control, disk commands,
ponent), you'll soon want to leave
circuit spanning the entire solar modem settings, print options, a
behind the Can-Am racers and gruel
system! clock and uploading and download
ing demo-track to experiment with
Racing Destruction Set is the kind ing capabilities.
some of the eight other available rac
of software that will keep you up Furthermore. Sixth Sense provides
ing machines and the 50 race tracks
nights designing tracks, lesiing racers utility routines lor text-to-program
that are supplied on Side 2 of the pro
and challenging your favorite op conversion, and vice versa. It allows
gram disk. You can lest your racing
ponent to just one more race. (Elec you to use DOST). I wedge commands
skill with siock cars, formula-Is For
tronic Arts, 2755 Campus Drive, San and handle ASCII/PKTASCI1 text and
Grand Prix races, dirt or street bikes,
Mateo, CA 94403. C.-6-t/$32.95 disk.) program files, using either text, XMo-
jeeps, baja bugs, pickup trucks and
dem or CompuServe*]) protocol
even out-of-this-world lunar rovers. Bob Guerra
modes. It also offers you the ability
You can customize each vehicle by Charlestown, MA
to fine-tune the computer's internal
selecting spiked, knobby, street tires
baud rate to suit your own particular
or slicks, and a variety of engine- sizes,
depending on the vehicle yon select. Sixth Sense modem.
Programmers will appreciate the
To help you decide how to modify
your racer, the Edit Vehicle mode
1(5 macros that are programmable
An Advanced Terminal through the Function keys and can
shows you how your vehicle's trac
Program for the handle up to 80 characters per key.
tion, weight, top speed, acceleration
You can program system functions
rate and shock strength is affected Serious Telecommunicator into these macros and set condition
each time you make a change.
al tests.
Once you've chosen and modified
Sixth Sense's screen editor lets you
your vehicles, it's time to pick out a
track. These range from one-of-a- For intermediate and advanced
create text files for uploading and
also allows you to edit downloaded
kind originals to real tracks such as telecommunicators. Sixth Sense,
text files before you save them to
Monaco or Daytona. There are even from Microtechnic Solutions, Inc., is
disk. There is an Wl-character screen
a few European test tracks. Using the a terminal program that's worth look
window that is set off for your text
built-in track editor, you can com ing into. This program (for the C-64)
entry ai the same lime that you are
pletely redesign these courses or sim is called a thinking terminal, and of
receiving texi from a host computer.
ply wipe them out and construct your fers many features for on-line com
YOU must thoroughly read the user's
own track from scratch. munications thai go beyond those
There are several kinds of track manual in order to gel the most out of
provided by many other terminal
pieces from which to choose, includ programs.
this terminal package. Both the man
ual and the program itself are proba
ing straightaways, forks, curves, cross This disk-based terminal will work
bly too complicated for the newcomer
overs, jumps and sections with start with one or two 1541 disk drives, the
or finish lines. In addition, most 4041) drive and both of the MSI) to telecommunications, but others
pieces can be narrowed down to a
will really appreciate the thorough
drives (single ami dual). It is com
documentation and the program's
single lane or bent to provide the patible with the Commodore 1525
exact shape and incline that you want and 1526 printers, as well as with many features and options.
Sixth Sense should appeal to the
for your jumps. Finally, you can indi any transparently connected ASCII
person who likes to gel technical, and
vidually select the surface of every printer.
advanced users will like this terminal
section of irack, choosing from pave As for modems, the Sixth Sense
package because it offers virtually
ment, dirt or ice. Both customized package claims to work with the Com
vehicles and race courses can be modore 1600, 1650, 1600, 1070, everything that could possibly be
saved on a blank disk. Westridge, Mitey Mo, HrsModem I
needed. All of the options are im
pressive, bin keep in mind that, for
Even when you've selected vehicles and II and any KS-232 modem. I used
and decided on a track, there are still
many people, they may not be nec
the program successfully with the
essary. (Microtechnic Solutions, PO Box
more options to consider. Wilt you 1600 and 1(360 modems.
2940, New Itavm, CT 06515. C-641
race under normal, advanced or se Not only does Sixth Sense offer
vere conditions? Will your computer■ hardware versatility; it alsohas do/ens S89.95 dhk.)
controlled racer drive as a pro, ex of software features that place you on Margaret Morabilo
pert or novice? a high plane of telecommunicating. R UN staff
Includes: 170K Quick Data Drive ($84.95);
Unbelievable? Believe it. The Quick Data Word Manager word processor ($34.95); Plan
Microwafer1" Drive is a new drive technology that Manager spread sheet ($34.95); the Speed File file
loads a 24K program in 20 seconds vs. 8 minutes for manager ($69.95). A $189.05 value for S139.95.
a cassette drive or 1 minute for a Commodore Disk THE MICROWAFER TEACHER: $129.95
Drive. Includes: 170K Quick Data Drive ($84.95);
Unbeatable price. One 170K drive: $84.95. Two General Math; Spelling; plus Typing Tutor. A
drive 340K system: $154.95. Factory direct, with a $159.00 value for $129.95.
full 30-day guarantee. If you'ro not delighted with THE MICROWAFER ENTERTAINER: $119.95
your Quick Dfila Drives, return them within 30 days Includes: 17(lK Quick Data Drive ($84.95);
for a full refund. No questions asked. plus, three of the must popular game programs for
Software included. All Quick Data Drives come Commodore computers. A S174.80 value for
with the QOS" operating system, system utilities $119.95.
and easy-to-use Instructions. Plus a blank Micro- THE PHANTOM QOS PACKAGE: $99.95
wafer. You can be up and running in about five Includes: 170K Quick Data Drive ($84.95);
minutes. Phantom QOS ROM Cartridge that quickly loads
Lots of software. Dozens of leading programs are and locates the operating system in ROM outside
available on Microwafors. Or, you can use Entrepo the computer's main memory ($29.95). A $114.90
QOS to copy your existing Basic Programs to value for $99.95.
Microwafers from either cassette or diskette.
Mix-and-match. You can daisy-chain the Quick
Data Drive with your existing cassette recorder by Commodore- 64 " owners. Qil! us at the toll free
number below. Give us your VISA or MasterCard
plugging il Into the cassette port, or, use two QDD's
Credit Card number, ((ill us which package you want.
linked together for diiitl drive capability. No problem.
It will be on its way to you the following clay. Simple
as that. Allow $3.00 for shipping and postage. Really
UnciHKlitifiiuil (JunrnntM: li you nro nol LUmuletely satisfied >villi your Quirk DaB
Drive System. Mum II In Bnlrepo. Inc. wilhin 30 ttays [or a fill] refund1. Your svslniii
fasl delivery? Add $10 for overnight package express
!■ also cavand liy a BO ilny wirranty agiliul Muret nr defects in manufacture. TOLL FREE ORDERING: 1 (800) 231-0251
Micrawnfiir" mid Ijulti DnliLllrivii" nnttriiiN'mnrkitnf Kntniim, Iiil. Cotnm
IN CALIFORNIA 1 (800) 648-4114
in .1 indanurk of CbmniDdora [nltfroAttonati int..
ft Minn Bnlrapo, Inc. Circle 3D on Roatior Service card, entrepo
Meet the Amiga
For months, the Amiga has at the time.This makes it possible for the
By MARGARET MORABITO tracted much positive, though un- computer to execute several applica
specific, coverage in computer col tions simultaneously.
umns. Wo at RUN would like to fill Depending upon the peripherals
Here's the scoop on the you in on the exact details of tlm and the amount of expansion you wish
new Commodore computer, which to purchase for the Amiga, this com
Amiga, Commodore's lias been in development ai the Com- puter will meet a wide range of needs.
new business and modore-Amiga Corporation ever In its minimal configuration, it will at
since March 1383. tract the person who is planning to pay
personal computer that The Amiga is [he First of a new from $1500 to $2000 for a computer.
breed of computers that will Strongly When it is expanded to 512K and has
offers speed, extraordi challenge the more expensive graph been outfitted with a hard disk drive,
ics-oriented personal computers like VCUs and other video equipment,
nary graphics capabili the Apple Macintosh and those using business and professional people will
ties, 4-channel sound the GEM system, ll represents a giant find the Amiga very attractive.
step forward in personal computer
and multitasking. technology, supplying its owners with Custom Chips
the capability for truly extraordinary The custom graphics chip and the
graphics, sound and multitasking. custom animation chip make possible
The Amiga is built around the Mo the Amiga's superior color graphics
torola tiSOOO microprocessor, which output These graphics chips provide
is being used more frequently in per multidimensional displays, a selec
sonal computers. This 16/32-bit pro tion of 4096 colors and video reso
cessor greatly increases the speed of lution to match that of a modern
operation and lias the capability of television set.
addressing a full eight megabytes of Both 40- and 80-column text dis
memory. plays can be combined with the Ami
The Amiga is different from other ga's graphics modes, creating visual
(>8()00 computers because of its three quality and versatility that rival the
specially designed custom chips, mini- and mainframe computers.
which handle much of the burden of The Amiga also has line-drawing and
implementing the Amiga's extraordi area-fill functions, which occur at the
nary graphics and sound features, as amazing rate of one million pixels
well as its input/output operations. per second.
These chips serve to free up the (iHOOO, The sound/peripherals chip han
allowing it to run at full speed most of dles both the sound and input/output
features. The Amiga can duplicate
molrfvoiced sounds on any of its four
sound channels. By combining [he
power of iliis chip with the dual
stereo output ports, the Amiga can
easily match the quality of commer
cial synthesizers.
Peripheral Ports
keyboard cable. tion keys for software control. Also age capacity of 880K,
for software control are two special
The Keyboard and System Box Graphics
Amiga keys to the left and right of
'The Amiga comes with an H9-key the space bar. The Amiga is already highly re
"There are 256K bytes of RAM and spected for its superior graphics, and
detached keyboard and a separate
svsiem box, which houses the inter- a very large amount of ROM, 192K. ibis will open up its use for appli
nal hardware and a disk drive. The This is plenty of RAM for most per cations Tar different from those of
sonal and small-business applica most traditional personal computers.
keyboard very conveniently slides
tions. However, for more demanding The Amiga will provide a tool for
under the system unit when you don't
need to use it. For example, if you applications, you can expand the serious graphics applications and
Amiga's memory up to 512K by sim will likely attract engineers, archi
are using llie mouse extensively, you
might prefer to slide the keyboard ply inserting a 2.r>(iK RAM module tects, creative artists and other profes
into the from of the system box. sionals who rely on detailed design
out of the way.
'The keyboard has a numeric key- The Amiga's built-in disk drive ac ing in their work.
Circle 6B on Reader Sarvka card
The Great American
Watch for Details!
Call lor specific product/computer availability.
120 LAKEFRONT DRIVE • HUNT VALLEV. MD 21030 • (301) 667-1151
There arc two basic screen displays iin.ii inn is as impressive as sprite resolution. You can display 16 colors
mi iIil' Amiga: playfields and sprites. animation. Playfield animation is ac in each high-resolution mode.
PI ayfields are backgrounds upon tually preferable in many cases be You can also simultaneously dis
which you may display sprites, text cause it allows the use of more colors play all four of the resolution modes,
and other graphics objects. You have and imposes no size limit on an object. with their own specifically chosen
available two playfields, which you The Amiga's low-resolution modes colors.
can scroll vertically and horizontally arc 320x200 and 820x400. Each of
Text and Sprites
on the same screen. You may define these low-resolution modes can simul
objects on a playfield, animate them taneously display :i'2 differeni colors, You can place text characters on
and make them interact with sprites. chosen from the 4096 available. any of the Amiga's screens in any
The Amiga lias a hardware device There is a special low-resolution resolution mode. Each character is
tailed a blilter, which controls the mode.1 that lets you control the color treated as a special graphics element
partitioning and movement of back even more. This mode can simulta and is defined as a series of pixels in
ground objects. The blitter acts SO neously display -4()W> colors. an 8x8 grid. This means that there
quickly in performing its tasks thai In high-resolution mode, the Amiga are no limitations to the mixing of
even the Amiga's low-resolution an- offers 1)40x200 and 640x400 pixel text with graphics. You also can mix
Electric Works, the
This is just 1 of 15 pages of the
oldest and largest
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professional specialists in
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We know you'll want this page, in its full
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make your Commodore 128 orC-64 computer yles Electric Works
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So, if we missed sending you your very =r (415)965-1735
own copy within the last few weeks, call us at
(800) 227-9998, unless you live in California,
in which case call (415) 965-1735.
$&hqh(ikrca - iruumw Version 25.38
User Interface
The Amiga's user interface is made
up of a group of system software pro
grams and is controlled with either
a mouse or the keyboard. This system
software lets you control the multi
tasking capabilities through the use
of pull-down screens, windows and
from New York lo Los Angeles. High speed color-filled 3Dgraphlcs will give you a beautiful panoramic vie
as you practice takeoffs, landings, and aerobatics. Complete documentation will get you airborne quickly ■
even if you've never flown before. When you think you're ready, you can play the World War i Ace aerial battlef
game. Flight Simulator II features include ■ animated color 3D graphics ■ day, dusk, and night flying modes
■ over 80 airports In four scenery areas: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, with addltionai scenery
areas available ■ user-variable weather, from clear blue skies to grey cloudy conditions ■ complete (tight ;
Instrumentation ■ VOR, ILS, ADF, and DME radio equipped ■ navigation facilities and course plotting ■ World I
War t Ace aerial battle game ■ complete information manual and flight handbook.
TextCrafl is provided as an entry- ket, but many home users won'i The potential of the Amiga in busi
level word processor. For a more so need all of iis capabilities. For ex ness graphics applications, as well as
phisticated program, you can ask for ample, someone who doesn't need in traditional number-crunching and
Enable. There is also a music pro to perform multitasking at light word processing, is tremendous.
gram, called MusicCraft. Also avail ning speed probably won't be drawn These capabilities, in addition to the
able is a graphics program called to the Amiga. multitasking, make the Amiga a
GraphicCraft, which will give you ac As a practical matter, the new sound investment.
cess id many of the compilings graph C-12H will offer the home user and Lastly, the Amiga is bound to pen-
ics features. the small-business person everything eiraie the market of professional art
Mosi of the major software com they need at a fraction of (he Amiga's ists and musicians. It promises to be
panies are working on other pro cost. However, for those users who a key to unlocking the barriers be
grams for the Amiga. Unfortunately, feel thai they need more, the Amiga tween computers and creative artists.
Commodore computer owners who will serve perfectly. It definitely will It is both affordable and refined.
want to upgrade to the Amiga won't attract the home user who may have The cost of this powerhouse has
be able to use any of their present been thinking of getting a Macintosh been unofficially quoted at approx
imately J1BO0 for (he system unit
with disk drive, keyboard, RtiH color
monitor and1 bundled software.
The Amiga has been highly touted
for good reason during the past year.
When you actually see (his computer
in action, you will find that none of
the rumors were exaggerations. IS
STARDOS accelerates every (yes, we sard every) function of the 1541 disk drive.
Other fast loaders only load PRG files faster. STARDOS also speeds up SEQ, REL, USR
and DIRECT ACCESS files. Everything including FORMAT, VERIFY, SCRATCH, VALIDATE,
INITIALIZE and COPY are much faster. In addition STARDOS adds a vast array
of easy to use commands and utilities all at the touch of a key.
• Accesses ALL types of files up to 1,000% faster! • Harness the full power of your disk drive with the
• Saves up to 300% faster than normal (with extended built in DOS wedge
verify) • Lock/unlock files and protect/unprotect disks from
DRIVE MOTOR SPINS • Powerful sector editor allows direct viewing of diskette
• Makes your 1541 MORE RELIABLE and LESS PRONE • Upgrades computer and drive to the latest Commodore
TO BREAK DOWN or OVERHEAT! specifications
• STARDOS is fully expandable for multiple fast • Instant access to the built in mini-wordprocessor
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• Easy (5 minute) plug in installation. User friendly • Built in copier copies all file types (even relative)
manual easily and effectively
• 100% compatible with software and serial bus • Built in disk duplicator copies an entire diskettte
peripherals In less than 3 minutes
• Adds years of life to your disks and drive in • Fully expanded machine language monitor, always
reduced wear on line
• Cures a number of bugs in the Commodore 64 and 1541 • Quality hardware. Full 120 day repair or replace
disk drive including : warranty
• The damaging 'Head Knock" that can mis-align • Satisfaction guaranteed or money back—no questions
your 1541 asked
• Iheifi: Save with replace bug!! • (Oh, by the way, we lied, STARDOS makes LOUSY
• The Editor lock-up bug
Personalize your C64! for a $10 (non-refundable) charge .A. WRI7E OH PHONE
we will include a 21 character power-on message with
your favorite screen, border and text colors. Example: ST*RPOIfVT SOFTWARE
Star Route 10 Gazelle. CA 96034
ft t K E S c 0 n M 0 D O R E - 6 f
When ordering Dy mail:
Biicknrniinrt /ll*cK Borrter Rzd Tput C*-
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• Shipping out of USA $600 Please allow 4-6 weeAs tor delivery
'My purchase of RUN is a
better investment than my
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D. Suggs, Tallahassee, Fla.
Join llie thousands of C-64, Plus/4, and VIC-20 users think that yours is the best. 1 now have a subscription
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Disk drive alignment problems? What the review in Computels OTHER QUALITY CSM PRODUCTS
Drive out of alignment again? Gazette said about... PROGRAM PROTECTION MANUAL
Tired of waiting two weeks or THE 1541 DISK DRIVE FOR THE C-G4 VOLUME II
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WE HA VE THE ANSWER 11 ".. . with 1541 Disk Drive Alignmenl
With the 1541 DISK DRIVE ALIGNMENT Irom CSM Software, you can fix it
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Align the drive yourself with CSM's 1 541 DISK DRIVE ALIGNMENT PROGRAM
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Every lesson contains 12 separate No tutorial program can predict I hope Shannon's Fractions will be
problems. You're guided through the all possible student errors. If the stu useful to many students in mastering
process of adding the fractions one dent in your home is having diffi the complexities of numerators,
step at a lime. You will be asked to culty, you'd be wise to be available denominators and lowest common
reduce all fractions, but if you end to offer some help. denominators. la!
up with an improper fraction, you The program as listed will run on
won't be asked lo change it into a the C-64 and the C-128 (in C-64
mixed number. Errors made during mode) with sound. It will also work
the process are caught, and you're on the Plus/4, C-16 and VIO20 with Address alt author correspondence to
given another opportunity to reenter 8K expansion, but without sound. J. Michael Dickey, 7056 Styers Ferry
the proper response. For this reason. You may want to change the sound Road, Cirmmons, NG 27012.
RUN It Right
34 / RUN SEPTEMBER 1085 C-64; C-128 (in C-64 mode); PlusH; 016;
VIC-20 with at Ittut IK expansion
Circle 63 on Reader Sorvicu card
500:NEXT :REM*27
Statement: All of a sudden some of our competitors have made
astonishing technical and pricing breakthroughs.
Fact: At DSI we believe in designing and pricing a product
properly from the beginning so that you don't have to
scramble for breakthroughs later.
Gee whiz, don't flog a dead horse.
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Total Emulation of Commodore's Graphic, Character,
High Speed Graphics Buffer. and Command Set.
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True Commodore Graphics. Combining of Expanded and Condensed Print features.
Expanded Alpha, Numeric, and Graphic Character. Combining of Emulation and Transparent Modes.
Expanded Reverse Alpha, Numeric, and Graphic No confusing DIP switches.
Characters. 15 page easy to follow Users Manual.
Condensed Reverse Alpha Numeric Characters. Fully Shielded from end to end.
Distributor and dealer programs available. Call 316-264-6118 for immediate information.
dsi T.M.
Pat Walkington is manager of educa RUN: A recent front-page article in training in computer use in the class
tional marketing at Commodore. She has The Wall Street Journal argued that room, as well as in hardware and soft
earned two master's degrees—one in edu computers in education are over ware. Salary incentives should also be
cation with a specialization in reading, emphasized and that students derive available to teachers who take univer
and the other in administration. Ms. no measurable benefits from having sity courses in computer instruction.
Walkington has extensive experience in exposure to computers in the class Another factor is quality software
room. Arc computers effective in beyond "drill and practice." Publish
the field of education, having taught for
helping students learn better, or, as ers are not making serious efforts to
nine yean from kindergarten through ju
the article asserts, are computers develop the second generation of ed
nior high, as well as groups ofgifted chil
dren. She has aho taught in the area of overs tressed? ucation software referred to by some
computer education and has had several
as the "intelligent tutor." By this I
articles published, including a curriculum Walkington: The article is very mis mean software thai will be able to
leading. In fact, there are studies to identify what the student's strengths
guidefor the use ofcomputers in education.
indicate that computers do have an and weaknesses are and to keep track
influence on student achievement. of individual progress until there is
A 1985 study done by M. D. Rnblyer more student-access time. In other
(printed In the Publication of the As words, the national average of stu
sociation on Educational Data Systems) dents to computers is 97 to 1. It's
stated that students made a three- difficult for computers to have an
month gain in math and a two-month impact on student learning when ex
gain in reading when the computer posure is limited.
was used to supplement the instruc Bill Roihcnbach, Commodore's VP
tional programs. of administration, coined a slogan for
However, several other factors are our national education advertising
involved ifStudents are to derive mea campaign: Don't run out of comput
surable benefits from computers. ers before you run out of students.
These include the ratio of the num
ber of students to the number of com RUN: Do you see any misuses or
puters and the presence of quality harmful effects of computers in the
software and trained teachers. classroom?
Circle 31 on Reader Service card
Carries easily
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MINNEAPOLIS. MINN! SIM A SB441-3397 Sian horn .
and view the sky from any location in promoting third-party software. oped programs, and we will become
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Lyco Computer
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GP5S0CD (C-64 239 CITIZEN 6100 Sneet Fe«B;' 209 1385 399
tO9T 239
739 MSP-1D 2B9 Juk. 6300 765
GP550PC IIBMI 1093 185
GP550AP {Applet 269 mIp-is 449
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569 15K BUFFER 7s
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Qhimale 10 '
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GPlOOAT rAiaril CALL SnoellOi (1S/P51 199 6-tK BUFFER 125
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C. ITOH 192
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1550AP . 459 JXBO Color -189 BROTHER D25 549 BD-10 339
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A10.30P 44S nOMrwBHEB miNeiii CALL HH-15XL-S 359 630ECS 1759 fin 10 !'.■
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TAXAN SG1000 12 Qraan 99 JB12G0 Greei 05 ZVM I22A Amuor .84
115 T2 Gfflon Compos.r& Al.l ,131201 Green 135 ZVM I23G Greon . . .. 75 AMDEK
HA1UU0 12 AniBer 109
I IS lj" Amooi' BL1 SQiSDO i? Oraan TTL tto JC 1215 Color 335 ZVM 124 AmDor IBM 139
121 12" Gtasn TTL JC 1316 HGB 37^ ZVM 131 Color 275 300 Am Mr 139
135 SAISWJ 12 Aimier TT L 129
123 13" Amuei TIL 145 JC14ES0 Color 265 ZVM 133 RGB 389 310 AmBor IBM 155
SC100 13 ' Color Cornp 209 Colo* 300 AuOio .. . 245
220 14 Cater Compame 2S? SC?00 131 RGB 389 JB.1205 Amber 139 ZVM 135 Composile 449
510 12 RGB Mi Res <BM Colo. 500 Compusiie 369
339 STSI Till Sl.inQ 39 ZVM 136 Hi Res Color 5B3
iX 12 RGB Supsr Hi IBM 1(19 PRINCETON GRAPHICS Coror600 . 429
440 13 RGB Uitra Hi tin 569 Color 700 495
MAX-12 AmSer 189
iiii Siana 35 PANASONIC HX.12 RGB 475 X-TRON Color 710 569
OT 130P HGl comrjosile 399 SR12 RGB . 599
Comcotor I Coowuhec Crpcn iB5
CAl I I Oil I HI ( „, „„„ o,n., ,D ■ , - i ' I- i •. ■*. * ', I i ,j ■'-;...■■ i.i .....-.:.■
Ot) - .;. I - I. ! i !■ *i s'h.- '- rjinmrit IfU
ECS... irtflatlon-flghtinQ prices. Ml* JT FHICI
1711 PfliiiT snoe (D) ■191 2! 81
No ItUUii-n ehonptt No crrtUt cttrdfrcs! 171! PfllMSMOP CHAPWIC5 Llfi (Ol ;i9i 16 00
0256 POINT SHOP PAP!H »CII 19 91 17 70
IB06 PflOFESSIOtiAl rOUROOll (Uj 39 91 2161
izrt PfidV.'RIlLfl NYLON BIBBOJ 1000 6 65
15DJ 0UES1I10N (0) . 39 95 25 85
OUR oun 1311 R1CING O€STRUCT!ON SET (01 35 00 2191
LIST PHI El LIST h ■met 1397 PAID ON euN&ELNG SAY (01 J9 95 19 26
1101 (36 RAID OVifi MOSCOW IDI 39 95 2'01
1511 WGflMENT PRQCBAM (D| . 39 35 3705 0107 EPSON MX 30 KiaOCS
20!S REWlf B BAB8IT (0) 39 95 27 01
161! F 11 STflIKE EAGLE (Dl 3191 7215
7711 (CUT BW MGMT/CHECKS IDI S9 91 105O 131S REALM OF IMPOSSIEULIIV (0) 35 00 !195
1SHI F1NFASY 39 91 H65
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ADYEHllVfillERtWFUJ'HICS MOO 3t'1 17S4 »(0) H5! 71 m
1H3 SIMON in IOl 19 91 37 05
AovtmjnE constivn smni moo aa 35W IISUBfS AND FMMULAS 29 91 20 30
1310 1221 1195 J21S
CW7 Financial coxeuw* iDi 50 00 15*5
0770 A^FNE LISA 4Oh 2995 1920 72K SJ" IfiWll H9S 7165
3OU ILF.ET SYS1FU 2 79 95 Mil
U95 ALB BtStUE Of* |QI W* »« 7510 SKVFIM 76 JO
7911 UOil SiMJLM0HI.(0i 19 91 3121
.,.: aiifniuotkwmi mco nos 719! I'M
19 91 23 85
SUi AlltGAIOH UL1 (Ol KO) 71 BO SITS 29 95 70 30
IUO FlffNfLU' 19 9= 11)0
771J U.PHAKTZ0OID) 26S5 1125 39 95 7S«S
■■ ■ ■. 1000 It SO i:U SI JKlDi 10 01 2030
mi 69 95 HIS
OM? CiUi SWA- (01 1991 »(0
ARCFON 1 ■ ADEPT (01 40GD 2* 10 2310 39 9S 77 05
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3995 7SW
Si ■ e :■ '. L 35M 2'95 189' 5TMUEA&!£ BiElBMim) .■-".': 2190
1150 SJRIRUDt S SUZZLE5 iD, US 1010
1MB bam?inniimsswlis ism isoo IMI STATES S TflAITS (01 i!91 1010
Mil GERTRUDE S SECTSTS <B) 79 9*1 7010
in; 6AMI STflEtT MU&CWTER '9Si M50 MK 5TIC«Y BiSB ABC (Si ?9 95 20 30
HIM RANK 5TRFFI WWISR (0j . 4995 12 05 1090 STICM BEAR Ji 79 91 »36
151! CBAMMAfl EXAMINER* 101 "95 Kill
mm BARRONSSIUDYFORSAT [Dl 8991 W90 ?«! SIKCtSS MATK I 71 M 16 00
2911 HARD HA1 MAW (01 3103 7195
mm FiAiiii mnnmijiNDV(□) .. . 3951 7'os mi ELtCESS MATH UIXJ/Olil (Dj 7195 t(«J
213/ HELLCAT ACC 40) 29 91 70 30
nn>: BfAOIHtUKDj 3431 7105 77 IS 1101 SUPER 2AXX0N (01 1195 73 61
0391 BiLUWlWHOOl(D) »9S HJO 11(8 EUPfflSASF 61 (0) 79 91 5116
1'i7 HOME ACC0UN1ANI (Ol '191 IS 01
0067 BEYONDCASTK WIFE-IT ID) » 91 2715 a vi SUPEFICLONE IKJUIGUAIIO llll 19 95 3'20
19 95 37 01
35!0 SIOLUIIVVDL1 .. 39 95 25 65 7551 SUHMWL GUIDE TO 1511 503 37S
3M5 I 1195 7715
si a; 6LUF MAK700I (0| ... ?99S 71 H 7111 THE CONSULTANT LDI 99 95 EJtO
7'62 IMPEBiW GALACTICLJM (OJ 19 9b 29 70
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3167 MHANA JONES (Dl 79 95
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7953 IMIOEL (D) . .. 3995 15 65
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59 9J 3115
CAVE OF WOflO WIZARD IO) it 95 33 65 153 mass couPUTtd f5O2 (Oi •ooa J!6S
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B95 3D7S unco jmsid 7995 (0 30
J112 (31 1VFMSS (Ol 119! 7I4S
1X00 ■141 HftUT JJ15I1CK ■ CU<VM 1795
1154 CUDiWBim ID) l&i nonoAntciirai !■ ■■. 17 CO
06JJ 199! 1155
1101 (CUMOOHt 1S!4IWBu« 7 7b 191 B95 7101
9S5 in Ml!
itaas i in white {iom
HOI COHU0ODK SOfTVUHf 15SS 19 91 3J» ■..*-; . . 34 00 UK
LEARWtj mHjE-GOHEN iOl 19 91 SI 71
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Short-Order Typist
Playing Toaster
To begin the game, enter a skill
level from 1 (hardest) to •! (easiest)
and press the N key. The more dif
ficult the skill level and the longer
you play, the quicker the toasi ap
pears and disappears. This is a lest
of your reflexes.
Nine Coasters appear on the screen
and toast begins to pop oui. Kach
lousier is labeled with a letter. To
keep the toasi from falling back into
the toaster, you must quickly press
[he corresponding key.
Kor each slice of toast you pull out toasters appear on the screen as in letters, they'll appear on the screen
in lime, you're awarded 25 points, Toaster, but this time, the letters on only if you press the N key after
and the- running lotal is displayed in the toasters change with every four choosing a skill level.
the upper-left corner of the screen. slices toasted. Scoring and errors al If you don't want to type in the
Kor each slice you miss, the number lowed are the same as in Toaster. program, I'll mail you a copy if you
of customers decreases by one. Ibis If you want to try your hand {or send me $'(, a blank cassette and a
is displayed in the upper-right cor fingers) using more difficult skill lev self-addressed stamped mailer. But
ner. You lose when you run out of els, change the last number in lines remember to specify either the VIC
customers. Ofcourse, your lyping re 520 and 620 to a lower number. or CM version. S
flexes improve as you improve your To customize the toasters for any
score. To play again, press any key. letter, number or symbol, change the
CHRS codes in lines 60 and 70. All
Typing Tutor the letters on die toasters arc stored Address all author correspondence to
To play Typing Tutor, choose your by their CHRS codes in the array YS. George Decktr, 251 N. l.uzerne Ave., Bal
skill level and press the Y key. Nine Please note that if you change the timore, MD2122L
RUN It Right
-16 / RUN SKI-IV-MHKK 19H5 064; G12S (in C64 mode); unexpanded V1O20
s s
Commodore"'' owners, are you ready for a disk drive that delivers Other products offered by Peripheral Systems of
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C-64 Is a registered trademark of Commodore Business Machines trie Peripheral Systems of America, Inc.
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PRODUCTS YOU CAN BELIEVE IN Circle 70 on Reaflei Service caid.
350 P0KEA*B+C+D+1227,224:POKEA+B+C+D+55499,
430 PRINT"{HOME}{37 CRSR RTs)"PEO :REM*115
440 C1=C1+1:IFC1=4ANDCL=1THENC1=0:GOSUB950
480 IFPEO=0THEN830 :REM*249
520 X=(-TI):X=INT(RND(1)*F)+5 :REM*76
540 POKE54 276,32:FORC=1TO10:NEXTC:NEXTL
580 POKE54276,17:N=INT(RND{1)*9)+1:K=9:GOSU
B890 :REM*198
620 POKE54 276,16:X=INT(RND(1)*F}+30 :REM*96
Listing 1. Toaster/Typing Tutor program far the C-64. 640 REM - STOP SOUND :REM*228
660 POKE198,0:FORL=1TOX :REM* 2
10 REM TOASTER GAME (C/64) :BEM*244 :REM*56
41 POKE54276,0 :REM*49 1:GOSUB910:GOTO420 :REM*240
43 POKE54296,15:POKE54273,45:POKE54272,128: 730 REM UPDATE SCORE - SPEED UP POPPING
POKE54 277,4:POKE54278,34 :REM*153 :REM*46
50 DIMZ(9):DIMY$(9):Z(1)=4:Z<2)=17:Z(3)=30: 770 FORU=1TO75:POKE54276,129:NEXTU:POKE5427
Z(4)=324:Z(5)=337:Z(6)=350:Z(7)=644 6,128 :REM*95
:REM*58 780 PEO=PEO-1:GOTO420 :REM*123
60 Z(9)=670:Y$(1}=CHR$(82):Y$(2)=CHR$(84 ) :X :REM*191
$<3)=CHR$(89):Y$(4)=CHR$(71) :REM*40 830 PRINT"{HOME)(10 CRSR DNS){8 CRSR RTsJGA
70 Y$(5)=CHR$(72):Y$(6)=CHR$(74):Y$(7)=CHR$ ME OVER!" :REM*137
<86):Y$(8)=CHR$(66):Y$(9)=CHR$(78) 840 PRINT"(8 CRSR RTsJTO PLAY AGAIN HIT ANY
:REM*114 KEY . " :REM*219
90 REM DIMZ PLACES TOAST :REM*236 850 POKE198,0:WAIT198,1:RUN :REM*233
Sensational Prices!
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Listing 1 continued
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You Now Longer
5-LOAQ Numitf"! will load in nu/moers lo conlmuo wnore <T lelt oil 1) Will read and Mil program! from DISK
need to be an
2) Will read and lilt program! from MEMORY
ll pick .jp d-diing where ii was mierrupled EGGHEAD lo
3) Dlraet uiar Imput (from magazines, etc.)
read Mich In*
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The SAT may be one important factor
in getting you into college, so why not be as prepared
as possible? There's software available that
can give you practice. Find out what
these programs have to offer.
In the late 1950s and on into the cus of anxiety. All sorts of tutoring test scores in the admission process.
'60s, a swelling tide of college-bound courses, books and, lately, computer So I was always sorry to see students
students put college admissions, es sollware have been developed to lake become so concerned about their
pecially to the more selective col- commercial advantage of this con SATs that they neglected the much
luges, under a spotlight This also cern lo improve SAT scores. Do these more important day-to-day work.
made Lhe SAT—the Scholastic Apti various aids really help? If so, in I also observed over the years how
tude Test of the College Entrance what ways? well SAT scores correlated—ai least in
Examination Board—oneoi themosi The Educational Testing Service, my school—with the students' suppos
familiar acronyms in America. which publishes and administers the edly more or less immutable IQs. In
Then, as now, there were, in the SAT and other tests for the College my mind, this fact lent much support
most sought-after colleges, fewer Hoard, says thai studies of high to the College Hoard's assertion that
places available than good students school and commercial coaching lhe skills and knowledge tested by the
applying. This loomed ;is a threat to programs show results ranging from SAT were those that can he developed
many an ambitious parent, creating no improvemeni to an average of and acquired only through many years
an atmosphere of anxiety and pres 25-30 points over and above the of reading and siudy; that crash
sure for the students who had to do score increases I hat occur without courses could do little lo improve lest
the work and confront the exams that any special preparation, Of course, results for students lacking that back
would get them admitted. these are avi'mgi1 results. Who can say ground of experience.
Of all college admission tests and how any individual might benefit? Does all this mean that I scorn spe
other requirements, the SAT was the During sonic 15 years of high school cial SAT preparation as useless? Noi
most ubiquitous and, hence, easiest college admissions counseling, I saw at all. lini ii is important to keep
lor the public to identify as the pass students'SAT scores both increase and matters in perspective. What can the
port to "'acceptance in lhe college of decrease with special coaching—and student reasonably expect the courses,
your choice." Of course, a student's Without it. lu a few cases, the increases the books and the software packages
high school record, class rank and were spectacular—well over 100 points to do—and not do—for him or her?
special skills counted, but in the from one testing to the next—while I believe these aids, if well con
media-encouraged popular view, the in some Other instances, students structed, can contribute by increas
SAT acquired an almost magical stat were thrown into temporary despair ing the students' Familiarity with the
ure. High SAT scores would gel you when their scores dropped. SAT's format and the types of ques
in, die myth said; low scores would tions asked, and. of course, by pro
keep you out. Let the Record Speak viding the opportunity for practice
In spite of reiterated assurance by Whatever the pros and cons of spe with the content.
both the colleges and the College cial preparation for lhe SAT, my ex What they COnfWi effectively do is
Board that lhe SAT (or any other perience convinced me that a high lo leach a chronic math avoider lhe
entrance exam) is merely one of sev school record reflecting hard and vast span of arithmetic, simple ge-
eral imporiani predictors of success steady work in challenging courses omclry and algebra on which the SAT
in college work, this test Us still a fo would almost always outweigh modest math is based: nor can ihey make up
RUN sH'iniWR 1986/ 53
for a young lifetime of not reading,
not writing! not speaking and nol
listening to the English language.
In the following reviews of five
SAT-preparation software packages What is the SAT?
for the CMS4 (and the C-128 in C-64
mode], [ shall try to describe and
evaluate them in the lighl of the com Tin- Scholut|< Aplllude Tesl (SAT) 'n. developed and pniiluicd by [In- Educations]
resting Service ol Princeton, NJ, :is pan til the College Ktitr:nn.e Kxaniinaiiari Board's
ments above.
Admissions Testing Program [ATP). One of the requirement lor admission to several
hundred colleges and universities in the United Suites, the SA'I consists of six half-hour
Mastering the SAT
sections, two verbal, two mathematical, one experimental [eliher verbal or mathematical,
Of the five programs reviewed but not scored) mill ihe Test of Standard Written Lnglisli (TSWE), which is intended
here, Mastering the SAT approaches primarily :1s 3 guide 10 placing the student in an appropriate hii^lish course, rather than
mosi closely the. format and con- Jm admission, Ttokiag the SAT, a booklet describing both die SAT and [he TSWE, is
tenl of the SAT. Developed by CBS available fur 51I'min Ilie College Hoard. Fnr< oples ol the booklet or for Other in formation,
Soft ware In cooperation with the write in College Doard ATP, CN6200, Princeian. NJ 08841.
low these exercises by raking both of ](t!-)-' = L'7. then 3(x + >)(x - y) =
the leMs printed in the manual. This (A)fl (B)2I IC)->1 (E)8]
is good practice, for the instructions,
the format and even the answer 2 v -3
-=- and —— = . which ol ilu-loll<iivinii iihis[ he-ini<\'
sheets resemble those of the actual
SAT, except (hat they're much smaller I-*---] II. sy = li tl],(x + /|-' = I)
(A) None (II) 1 only (OII only (1>) III only (E) I ami III
The final recommended step is to
see how you make out on the com
puter posttest. Of course, you can do
all of the above in a different order
and can repeat the computer mate
rials as you wish. You can share the disk. On each menu, you have the omission or ambiguity in a math
program with friends, loo, since a Option of Score and Analysis, bin this question shatters the precision of
built-in management Feature allows does noi lead to review or explanation, right vs. wrong, while shades of
computing and storing the scores of as you might expect. 1 became very meaning i" language can always be
up to three users. frustrated before discovering thai you debated. In math, it's (almost in-
The manual, clear and well-orga first have in go hack and choose the variahly) correct or incorrect; in lan
nized, is mainly devoted to the two Pre- or Posttesi option from the main guage, especially in English, ii is
printed lests. hut it also includes a menu of whichever disk yon are on often a question of better or worse.
brief section on test-taking strategies arid thru (he Instruction option from In any case, though I spotted a
that describes the types of SAT ques ihe resulting sub-menu. The manual number Ol things in the verbal sec
tions and gives a thumbnail synopsis barel) touches on this and does not tions that 1 disagreed with, there were
of math facts. 1'he locations of the make il clear what to do. a few egregious goofs {and too many
various programs on the disks are As with mosi of the other programs misprints!) among the math ques
listed, as are the disk menus. covered in ihis review, ihe verbal sec tions, notably item 25 on page 33 of
'file one thing thai is mil clearly tions of Mastering the SAT come off the manual. My note at that point
staled is how 10 gel 10 the review and with higher marks than the math. I reads, "utter confusion!"
explanations of the test Questions on suppose this is because an error. Mastering the SAT, however, comes
found in the legend printed at the
top of each page (but not on the
cover): "ACT/SAT Review." \\ appears
Quantitative annparisan quathiu: In (his type o! question, expressions tor two Quantities that this package purports to prepare
an* given, one under Column A (so headed ai ihe mp of the page) wid 'I"' oiliei uihUt also for the ACT, the American Col
I lolumn II I'm Miinc cil 1 lie question*, certain inhumation is 111 si gneii [H-Tlaiillng la the
lege Testing program, the chief and
iwo i|ii;tniiiifs. Vdu have four answer choices
virtually only rival of the SAT.
(A) If the quantity in Column A is ihe greater; (The ACT differs from the SAT in
(11) it thequanlii) in Column it is the greater;
that it includes tests ol"social studies
(C) ii ihe two quantities .11c equal;
and science as well as English and
(D) if there is nol sufiGi lent information to determine which quantity is the greater
mathematics, and so renders scores
in four areas. It is required, often
For example:
with the SAT as an optional alter
Column A C'riluiini II
native, by numbers of small private
or slate colleges, primarily in mid- or
011 a(li + c) hi 1
far-western states.)
(Tin1 answei is 11, since nothing is known about "a")
Having solved the ACT mystery,
you read the manual to see how to
Q2: use SAT Review. Page 2 tells you to
y = ! place disk 1, side I, in the drive "as
explained in chapter 1." Chapter 1"'
No chapters visible anywhere, but
ionect choice isA.since H(l); -£(-'.>) ■ 3 + 4 ■ 7) there's an introduction that includes
disk-handling directions that, among
The Test of Standard Written English: other cautions. lell you to "hold the
I Iil- ISWE li;is two t\\>t~f of questions. One jsk* you to identify the (one) error in four diskette as shown in Figure I," Figure
underlined wordjai phrases (labeled A. B. ('. D] in a sentence, or 10 choose t! il there is no 1? No figures anywhere, either; not
errorm ;tll, t'oi example: even a drawing of a triangle.
Mum people listen in the weather forecast everyday, bin they know hardly niiihioi; Oh. well. You type LOAD ■'O_r.H.
;ilioin ilit- times ih.ii iniliu'inu the weather. No error.' (hen RUN. and in nearly a minute
C U V.
Qua!it) input's logo appears. Sup
The other type displays a sentence with one underlined portion and five (A-E)selei tions pressing sarcasm, you note that the
ofdiflerent wavs ol expressing the underfilled portion. Vou are asked to select the version
manual tells you you'll now see lest
that is he.-I.CIioii c (A) is always a repeal of ihe underlined portion, in case thai serins to lie
the best. I01 example:
options, giving you the choice of the
ACT or the SAT. Not so. Noihin^
Young people ore nui rejecting iimrringt!, hut some postponing j;.
whatever appears about the ACT; in
(A) Miine postponing it stead, you get (after another minute
(il) lome are postponing ii
or so) an SAT menu ofEnglish Usage.
(C) ii is postponed hy some ofthem
Math Usage or Test of Standard Writ
([)) ii is being postponed
ten English (TSWE). It is now evideni
(F.) some having postponed it
that the two disks in this package
concern only ihe SAT.
From this point, matters Improve,
Smriph' SAT Questions 1111' irl'iwtrti fa ptnniision "J the tjiltrg? i-'utinnir l\\jtmhmti'iu Boar
ttii'f Ihr l\tliittifitiiuit Trying Srn'irr except for long loading waits after you
make menu choices. You eventually
get fairly decent, if very simple, tuto
rials on the various types of SAT tjues-
tions: or. at your option, practice
questions, explained, with number
far closer than ilie other programs double-sided disks and two small, sta and percent correct when you finish
to presenting consistently the type of pled, priiiler-^encraied booklets, or elect to return to the menu. An op
question and Che range and quality The documentation, at least in the tion lo print your scores is available,
of mathematical subject matter that package received for tltis review, is but there's no multiuser capability.
you would 1 union 1 he SAT. A student unfortunate to a ludicrous degree. The questions in the program can
am get quite a realistic and helpful The little booklets are in no way possibly be of some help for review
picture of Che i»'si from iliis package. differentiated on the covers. Only by and practice, but too many in the
If you want to buy a computerized opening and reading can yon learn math sections are of the Straightfor
SAT practice and preparation pro that one is the manual and the Othei ward, textbook type, often requiring
gram, 1 recommend Mastering the is a 43-page recital of disassoci extensive computation. By contrast,
SAT as the- best 1 have so far seen. ated facts—mathematical, historical ihe SAT poses many math questions
(CBS Software, One Fawcett Place, and scientific—arranged as three in unfamiliar or non-standard forms
Greenwich, CT06836. $79.95 disk,} appendices. or contexts, and all of them require
Mathematics you'd expect, bill his only minimal figuring to determine
SAT Review torical and scientific subject matter? an answer. The SAT challenges your
SAT Review is a tutorial package The SAT does not ai all teal you on ihinking. not your ability to multiply
from Quality Input thai includes two these as such. The e\plauai ion is or divide.
SAT Review also contains an inex flashing screen, and the program com questions: quantitative comparisons,
cusable number of errors, especially putes your score when you're finished antonyms and word analogies. (See
in the math areas. Kor example, num and asks if you wan! k printed. Menu- sidebar for examples of all the types
ber 5 of the geometric problems reads, handling is good, and key-pressing di of SAT questions.) Moreover, the
"If (lie perimeter of an equilateral rections are clear and consistent quality of the material is often me
triangle is 2-t and [he area is 52, find Outside of the deplorable docu diocre or uselessly simple.
ilie height of the triangle." The prob mentation, SAT Review is reasonably This product consists of two large,
lem Is overdetennined. If the perim friendly. Iis one serious drawback is well-printed booklets, six single-sided
eter is 24, the base (any of the three that it keeps shunting you from disk disks and presumably four cassette
equal sides) is H, the height is 4 times to disk and menu to menu, with wails tapes, of which my package contained
the square root of 3, and the area is, such that it seems to lake forever to only one. One manual, with the title
not .52, hut l(i limes the square root get what you want. and subtitle of ihe package cover, first
of 3. It's possible, of course, to have How useful is SAT Review? Ihe describes the program and bow to
a triangle with base 8 and area 52 tutorials are possibly helpful as a load the disks. Then it goes on to ana
{and hence a height of IS, as ihe review or as refresher material, bul lyze, with examples, synonyms, ant
program's solution slates!), bill such they're generally far 100 brief and onyms and word analogies, number
a triangle cannot he equilateral. simplified to teach any subject mailer series and, at great length, quantita
Another problem asks you to find tive comparisons.
the sum of 16x-r5, -7x+15 and Outside of the number series,
2tx-7. The erroneous answer given which occupy one disk ami are far
is 30x - 5, more useful for IQ tests than for the
Two Other non-SAT soils ol quirk-, SAT, all the math is in ihe quantita
If3 = h ", then 3b must equal
in the math deserve frowning men tive-comparison formal, which ap
tion. First, problems involving circles (A)b*'1 (B)bxt* (C)b**s plies only to about one-third of the
ask you to use 3.14 as the approxi
mate value for /);' in computation. I
(D) 6s- (E) ^ SAT math questions, the rest being
standard multiple-choice.
would be very surprised to team that The other manual—Making the
the SAT lias ever used anything bul Grade, with the subtitle Him- in Hike and
tbc pi symbol in stub problems. The P<as it Test—gives advice on test-taking
second departure from SAT practice
The number 99,999,999 strategies and goes into some detail on
is that questions on the Pythagorean vocabulary, word analogies, reading
Theorem all seem to give ihree sides is not divisible by comprehension, math and the TSWE.
of a triangle and ask you to deter (A) 9 (B) 11 (C) 99 The author, PDI's president, John
mine whether it is a right triangle. Victor, voices some strong opinions,
(D)I11 (E) 9,999
This may be all right as an exercise, one ofwhich is that women are partic
but surely it's misleading to a student ular victims ol no-good ai-inaih inferi
who's trying to get a better grasp of ority feelings, and thus are defeated
I he SAT, before they start
Finally, again in the math section, In Victor's discussion of math,
noi already studied. The practice ma
lltere are tutorials and problems in
terial, though often too elementary there are some good points made,
logarithms and other more advanced
to provide much challenge, is good but also some misprints, curious
algebra topics that are clearly outside statements and outright errors. For
as to form, and so can provide a tune-
the range of die SAT subjeel matter. up as long as you are wary of errors. example, in explaining steps to solve
As for the English sections, these The package would be greatly im an algebraic equation, he uses ihe
appeal- less prone to error, although archaic-sounding phrase "rid ~% from
proved by the inclusion ol a full-scale
I did find hypocrisy spelled bipoc- left side," and. later, he asks, "What
sample test.
risy, vacillating spelled vascillating
I cannot resist ending with one are supplementary, complementary,
and this sentence-completion ques
word relationship I came across in and perpendicular angles!-" (Italics
tion, quoted exactly: mine.) By perpendicular, does he
the analogy section. One of the an
Classified by I.inneas in 1735 as swer choices was obat : xuindwood. It's mean right angles, vertical angles or
I lomosapiens, winch means "wise really a more descriptive word, when What? Still further along comes the
man," are ihus _ _ from Other you come to think about it. ({hmlity statement. "A straight line equals
animals by their ability io _ , . Input, Inc., 309 W. Beaufort, Normal, IL 180°," and in his discussion ol die
a) known... walk upright 61761. $69.95 disk.) TSWE appears the explanation: "Being
b) differentiated. . .reason is a verb, and it's subject must be I."
c) similar. ..have instincts Preparing for the SAT 1 point OUt these alienations, not
d) seperated, , .work
Preparing for the SAT. produced by io nag Mr. Victor, but to suggest that
As well as sentence completion] the Program Design, has a subtitle (And programs like this need to Undergo
program adeijiiaiely covers die other Other Aptitude Tests) thai points to an meticulous review and proofreading
SAT-Verbal areas of antonyms, anal identity problem besetting ihis pack Simply to achieve basic credibility.
ogies and reading comprehension. age. It wants to be all things for all pur You may remember that a few years
Coverage of the TSWE is also pro poses, but succeeds in beiugvery litllc ago the SAT itself embarrassed its
vided. In all topics, there are tutorial for anything. makers with a couple of errors dis
introductions prior to the practice It certainly falls far shori as ade covered by students. Surely, no one
questions. quate SAT preparation, for ii essen is perfect, and errors in commercial
A correct answer selection triggers a tially covers only three types of SAT programs like these arc certainly not
as crucial as on the SAT, but even take and sets up a study plan in ac
a little expert attention would help cordance witli your evident weak
enormously. nesses, lint the study plan refers you
As for the disks in this package,
Ten people meet and everybody heavily back to the book! Use u made
the best I can say is thai they provide shahs hands exactly once with of disk sides B, C and D (verbal and
some pallid practice. One of them, math ilenis and vocabulary Hash
everybody else. Wliat is the total cards), bui (he package is designed
labeled Taking Aptitude Tests, first
tells you to turn on the cassette for number of handshakes? around the book.
Once you're inio the practice ma
voice accompaniment to the pro (A) 9 (B)10 (C) 45
gram on the screen. The only cassette terial on the disks, the program
(D) 50 (E) 90 works smoothly and rapidly, but
in my package, however, involved
number series, so I could only look. you'd probably be just as well off with
Anyway, Taking Apiimde Tests the book alone. Better off, in fact—
makes same good points on how lo by some $70. (Harcourt Brace Jovanov-
take aptitude tests. The same disk Better buy Barron's. It's a lot kh. Inf.. 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA
includes an SAT Timer Program thai cheaper and will give you more. (Pro 92101. $19.91 disk.)
you can use to time and score your gram Design, Inc., II Idar Court, Green
The Perfect Score
self in taking ,i practice SAT that you wich, CT 06830. $69.95 disk.)
The Perfect Score, a product of
Computer Preparation Mindscape. Inc.. is a fairly comprehen
For the SAT sive, well-designed package for SAT re
view. The manual—clear, readable
Computer Preparation foi tin-SAT
The ability to estimate distance and well-organized—is loose-leaf
is essentially a S!) book dressed up
comes only with ; a baby with two double-sided disks in a
bound in a hard cover with six double-
sided disks.
reaches with equal confidence heavy plastic cover. You'll have lo
The first four disks, labeled A-D,
judge whether the package is worth
for its bottle or the moon. include tutorials and practice on the
the price.
(A) tranquitity The book is Harcourt Brace's coun
principal types of questions on the
verbal section of the SAT: antonyms,
(B) talent terpart to other college entrance ex
analogies, sentence completion and
amination test-preparation volumes.
(C) experience reading comprehension. Disk V. deals
It is thick, full of tutorial passages
(D) assurance with math, and disk F is, on one side,
and practice material, and it contains
a full, timed verbal and math SAT
(E) distress four full-length SAT practice exams.
practice lest, and on the other side a
The material seems largely appro
practice Test of Standard Written
priate, except that some of the math
English (TSYVE), There is no tutorial
is clearly beyond the range that the
for the TSWK, however, except for a
SAT covers. ,
few examples in the manual.
select from any college entrance Accuracy in this prodtic! is again
examination practice book of your not what it should be. By no means
choice. (Mr. Victor recommends Bar- did 1 read the entire book. yet. just
ron's How to Prepare for College En while skimming, 1 found three mis
trance Examinations, and I concur.) prints (pages 208, 383 and 385, if
Of the five other disks, two give PHILISTINE:
you'd like to play detective), which
practice with synonyms (irrelevant to suggests that there may be quite a CULTIVATED::
the SAT) and antonyms, one with word few more. Also, the book rightly (A) regumalist :autkoritari<m
analogies, one with quantitative com states, following the SAT Form, that
parisons and the last with number se figures in the math sections are (B) anarchist -.disorderly
ries. All provide tutorials, examples drawn lo scale except when a question (C) capitalist -.greedy
and practice questions, and all but the specifically slates that the figure is
(D) visionary:practical
number series end with tests. not to scale. Unfortunately, I found a
Menus and directions are clear, but number that were not lo scale, but (E) eccentric: artistic
the level of difficulty provides little with no mention of this, and at least
challenge compared with the SAT. one that appeared accurate even
and the quality is often just poor or though the problem said it wasn't.
silly. This could certainly mislead a Hut this is a review of computer Operation of the program is easy
student who is not at all familiar with software, not books. The fact that I and straightforward, with dear
the College Board tests. appear preoccupied with the book is menus and directions. On each of
Further shortcomings, as already an indication of this package's prob disks A-E, you can choose a Learning
mentioned, are the lack of more than lem; the book is it; the two disks don't mode or Testing mode (with ten sets
a mere mention of the leading com offer much. You arc advised by the often questions in each). The former
prehension and sentence completion clear and informative manual to be guides you through eaclt question,
questions, and, in the mail], the omis gin by taking one or more of the tests telling you if your answer choice is
sion of the standard multiple-choice that are in the book, using the pro right or wrong and giving yon three
questions. Yon might justly con gram (ui disk side A to enter your chances before explaining die cor
clude that the package is somewhat answers. rect answer. Your score is displayed
misnamed. The program scores the tests you ai the end of each set.
Owli/at [Digital Research, [nc., PO Box r>7!), Pacific Grove, CA 93S0O), Owlcat has two Computer-Motivated Study
leparaie versions, A 15-hour package contains English ami mathematics reviews and
To refer back to the beginning of
tutorials. A second version (lid hours) also Includes a practice SAT exam and additional
documentation. Hie shorter version retails for 189,95; ilie expanded version, (249.95. this review. I know from experience
that many, I would even say most,
The Score Improvement Sy»tem for the SAT (Hayden Software, 800 Suffolk Si,. Lowell, high school students simply will not
MA m8">:i). Ihc Score Improvemeni System is made up <>f three modules that can be put real attention or effort into a
purchased Individually, The verbal module includes reading comprehension and vocab preparatory SAT course, nor will they
ulary reviews, llu- math program covers algebra, geometry and quantitative comparisons, lake the initiative to open a book.
The practice test module simulates the actual SAT exam. The programs retail foi $30.95 Hut they might, jus! might, be suffi
each, or all three can be purchased for S'.*'-».y5. ciently fascinated by the computer td
allow it to guide them into some help
The Computer Study Program for the SAT (Barrons Educational Scries. I [3 Crossways
ful practice. After all. the multiple-
['ark Drive. Wbodbuiy, NY 11797). The Computer Study Program includes reviews and
practice exercises in both English and mathematics, A -i lated test and a score analysis choice question was itself essentially
feature reveal the student's strengths and weaknesses Retail price is SHO.'jfl. spawned by an electronic device that
could read and tabulate marks on a
College Board SAT Exam Preparation Scries (Krcll Software Corp., 1320 Stony Brook sheet of paper, so maybe computer
Road, Stony Brook. NY 11790). This scries coven both the verbal and mathematics preparation lor the SAT is perfectly
sci lions i>r ihc exam, diagnoses the student's strengths and weaknesses and simulates appropriate. H
the SAT exam formal and level of difficulty. Two versions arc available: Gold Label
(expanded version) guarantees an 80-point store increase and retails for $299.95; Red
Label (condensed version) oilers no guarantee .mil retails for 1139.95. Address all author cttrrespundmee to
Stimiii Pratt, do RUN Mitorud, so Pine
St., Peterborough, Nil O3-I5N.
Ckcle 20 on Roador Semca card.
presenting . . CAPTURE
• promenade ci — eprom programmer with disk software 99.50
• STARTER SET- CAPTURE, promenade C1 AND 1 CPR3 149.95
• deluxe set - capture, promenade ci, dr and 2 cpr's 199.95
JOSE, CA USA 95112 •i
Currently, many .schools and col with students in a computer-assisted puter-aided instruction is still in its in
leges arc experimenting with micro learning environment, the) are freed fancy. This is more true with respect to
computers as educational tools. from the necessity of proceeding at software than hardware.
Typically, such experiments center the pace of the average student. They Current hardware limitations have
around the use- of a microcomputer are able to respond to the needs of to do mostly with the lack of space
Instructional laboratory. both the slow learner and the excep available in microcomputer memory
After being familiarized with the tional student and on disk for storing the informa
use of the equipment and the rules When computer-assisted instruc tion to be presented in the lesson or
of ilie laboratory, students follow a tion is coupled with traditional class course; however, this problem is
schedule of assignments that takes room presentations, the instructor being rapidly solved as the cost of
them independently and HI their own can devote more attention to abstract memory expansion and storage ca
pace through the course mate-rial. concepts and theory, knowing that pacity drops.
Students who find the subject matter Che factual content of the course A very exciting development in the
easy can proceed rapidly, while those (sometimes the least interesting and area of hardware is die coupling of
who have difficulties may find them challenging portion of the course) persona! computers with laser video
selves spending extra lime in tin- lab. can be effectively presented through disks. This will lead 10 some tremen
in a variation on the Laboratory computer-assisted instruction. dous information storage and pre
idea, one university has required thai At this stage of software develop sentation capabilities. A single video
ment, computers are seen as bring disk can hold the text of a small li
each entering student purchase a mi
most useful and effective in teaching brary. In addition, video disks would
crocomputer and a modem. Thus,
factual material, where the content permit the inclusion in educational
the laboratory can go wherever (he
student goes. By using their personal is specific and well-defined. programs of film sequences and elab
orate computer-aided graphics. Us
computers to communicate with the For example, computer science
ing this technology, a course could
university's mainframe computer, terminology, steps in equation solv
.students can download (receive) as ing, foreign language vocabulary and he a multimedia spectacular.
signments for study, upload (turn in) The laser disk games introduced
grammatical rules are types of factual
papers and other homework, and last year are an example of the ap
material that can easily be taught by
perhaps even lake examinations and computer software. Computers are
plication of such technology. At least
receive the instructor's evaluation, endlessly patient when presentation, one company is marketing an inex
(rum wherever they have access to a drill and practice are required. pensive interface thai allows the cou
pling of a C()4 with a laser disk player.
Hardware and Software The principal harrier to the use of
Microcomputer-assisted instruc
Developments video disks is the current high cost
tion may be used in conjunction with
traditional classroom lectures and Despite the belief of many educa of producing the disks themselves.
discussions, or students may meet in tors that the impact of the computer But this cost, like that of personal
dividually with instructors as the on all aspects of education is sure to be computers, may fall rapidly as tech
need arises. When instructors deal profound, the development of com- nology improves.
RUN It Right
(in/RUN CM, 0128 (in G64 mode); HwU; 016 Continued on p. 92.
With this program and a little imagination,
you can create and print out quizzes,
questionnaires and other such goodies.
and questionnaires, device number and filename. Incidentally, don't worry about
Edit sends you to another menu. printing on top of the perforations;
The Menu Use the Exit option to return to the UltraQuiz will automatically skip
UltraQuiz is menu-driven. Simply main menu. Use the Enter option to over them. Also, if the quiz ends part
follow the prompts to create your type in questions and answers. The way down on a sheet while you're
RUN It Right
keyboard or using
optional lightpen. Easy-to-use, yet
POINTS, LINES, versatile and power
Boxes, circles, Cdit ful features. Clear
and ELLIPSES; fill menus guide you
with solids or patterns; free-hand DRAW; from function to function. Free-form design
ZOOM-in for intricate design of small section. of data base with up to 50 fields and 2000
Mesuring and scaling aids. Exact positioning records per diskette (space dependent).
using our AccuPoint cursor positioning. Simple data base design. Convenient and
Using the powerful OBJECT EDITOR quick data entry. Full data editing
you can define new fonts, furniture, circuitry, capabilities. Complete reporting: sort on
etc. Hardcopy to most printers. $39.95 multiple fields and select records for printing
McPen lightpen, optional $49.95 in your specific format. $39.95
Abacus Software
) P 1 THXD
standard, but also
i jucee a nu.
includes much of
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P.O.Box 7211 Grand Rapids, Ml 49510 616/241-5510
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Includes full-screen
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Forth-style assembler, set of programming For fast service call 616/241-5510. For postage
iools and numerous sample programs to get and handling, include $4.00 per order. Foreign
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575 PRINT#4:PRINT#4:L=L+3 :RBM*151
590 L=2:FORI^!TOX :REM*240
600 PRINT#4,I". ";BB$(I) :REM*204
605 PRINT#4:L=L+2 :REM»113
620 REM §#### QUIZ HHUH# :REH*190
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397 IFX=0TI!ENX=1 :REM*218 :REM*116
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405 OPEN2,8,2,"0:Q"+N$+",SfR" :REM*138 NSWER IS ":PRINTBB$(K):W=W+1 :REM*64
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420 INPUTfl2,B$ :REM*93 :REM*72
422 IFB$="QQ"THENCLOSE2:X=X-1:PRINT"(SHFT C 735 S = L/(L-fW)*100 :REM*247
423 BB$(I)=B$ :REM*184 750 PRINT:PRINT"TRY AGAIN (Y/N)?" :REM*12
425 1=1+1:X=I:IFX>101THENX=101:CLOSE2:PRINT 760 GETA$:IFA$=""THEN760 :REM*192
"{SHFT CLR)":GOTO40 :REM*170 770 [FA$="Y"THEN62 5 :REM*57
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455 CLR:GOTO10 :REM*214 1015 PRINT"(CTRL 6}" :REM*152
456 REM ttlWftttf} PRINT ###### :REM*65 1020 PRINT"(SHFT CLR}":GOSUB20:PRINT"(CTRL
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560 L=2:FORI=1TOX :REM*210 1210 BB$(Z)=A$:Z=Z+1:GOTO1035 :REM*216
570 PRINT#4,I". ";AA$(I) :REM*150
300 pages, $19.95 350 pages, $1995 320 pages, $19.95 200 pages, $19,95
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On-line with
ovative methods of teaching and Tele-Learning's Electronic Univer evaluations of your progress along
learning are beginning ii> appear ai all sity is die network through which tile way.
levels ofschooling, with the microcom students and teachers exchange
puter as a key element in tliis changing information using their microcom Types of Courses
atmosphere. The computer has the po puters. The courses are taught by in The Electronic University offers
tential to dramatically reshape the way structors from all across the country, non-Credit Courses, including tutoring
the teaching-learning process occurs; who prepare lessons and transmit programs for children, personal-im
however, we've been slow to deter correspondence lo their students provement courses and courses lo
mine how the computer can effect a from the comfort of their own offices. strengthen business and profession'
positive change. TeleLearning classes feature direct al skills. The university also offers
An obvious use for the computer interaction between students and in courses for credit and degree-grant
has been in the teaching of computer structors, something thai cannot he ing programs. (For a sampling of
programming, but now many schools done in any other kind of corre Telel-earning's offerings, see Table ].)
are Starting lo use it as a teacher's spondence course, Course credits and degrees are is
aid in subjects that arc totally unre The TeleLearning network offers sued only by accredited institutions;
lated (o computer science. Moreover, over 140 courses to all ages, on many the Electronic University acts only as
there is an even more valuable ap topics and for a variety of purposes. a network system through which
plication for the computer thai can Through Electronic University, you courses and instruction are deliv
benefil home users in particular. can register for a course to aid you ered. All courses for credit require
The computer can be a Central Hg- in your work or for personal ad that you take a proctored final exam
ure, not a supplemental tool, in the vancement. Your children can regis at a library or a college in your area.
teacher-student relationship, Any ler for tutoring programs. High Degrees offered are Associate in
one who has a home computer can school graduates can take CLEF (Col Arts, Associate in Science in Manage
participate in computerized online lege Level Examination Program) ment, iSachelor of Arts. Bachelor of
instruction at home, while still hav preparation courses. Qualified stu Science in Business Administration,
ing the benefit of communication dents can register lor college-level Master ot Business Administration
with a live instructor. courses that will earn them legitimate (general MBA), MBA in Individual Fi
An on-line service in San FranciSCO college credit. You can even matri nancial Planning and MBA in Tech
has been actively doing something to culate as a student at an undergrad nology/Engineering Management
advance the use of computers it) tin- uate or graduate school. There arc two methods of study:
home for computer-based instruc Though this form of education disk-based courses and on-line sem
tion. Telel.earning Systems, Inc., is lacks the physical connection, it is inars. The disk-based courses have all
an on-line communication network full of possibilities for personal in of their lessons preprogramined onto
that provides a conduit for course teraction with Instructors and other floppy disks. When you register for
work by computer rather than by Students. It also allows you to pro a course-, you automatically purchase
classroom instruction. ceed at your own pace and receive the course disks and the accompa-
nying textbooks from TeleLearning. when compared to the actual physi questions for the counselors to an
{Von may buy the hooks locally, if cal process. Once you have sent your swer. However, you gel a quicker re
you wish.) enrollment information to iele- sponse by calling TeleLearning and
The disk-based courses are conve Learning over the modem lines, your asking your questions over the
nient, as you don't have to log on information is processed, and within phone. Counseling is optional, but if
every time you want to do ;i lesson, •18 hours you receive on-line confir you intend to enroll in a degree-
and you may stari whenever you mation of your enrollment There granting program, you must take a
wish. Each lesson usually involves after, you and any members of your counseling session, for which there
reading, problem solving and other family can access the Electronic Uni is a $15 fee.
traditional forms of study. After com versity for any of its services.
Interaction with Your Instructor
pleting a lesson, you send your The first thing you'll want to access
answers io your Instructor electron from the University is its counseling Interaction with your instructor
ically. Only after you have Finished a service. This is an on-line commu comes through the electronic mail that
lesson will you be allowed to advance nications option in which you answer the Electronic University offers. The
to the next one. several questions about your educa instructor for my Introductory Mar
Your lessons are sent lo your in tional goals and background. You keting course went over my lesson
structor's electronic mailbox, and re also have die opportunity lo list your homework and tests and sent com-
sponses are transmitted back to you
in the same manner. You should
Srmiiiiir Scries Aniei ii ll11 Miston
check your electronic mail regularly L'.S, Ili-lin v
l-egnl Rights
in order to get the most recent feed Introduction to Philosophy
ESP .-X111 j L i < .ii it his
back from your instructor before
Hutu,in Sexuality
proceeding to die next lesson. Natural Srimee/Mathemalia
Also offered are online seminars, Intelligente Physical Science
which are discussed in more detail Business Consulting Geolog)
below. Biology
Non-Credit Oiurses Introduction ra Algebra
How lo Access Tele Learn ing Tutoring Program fo> Children Trigonometry
TeleLearning provides a terminal Rcatliny Readiness
program that holds its particular pro I' M;i!li Skill-. Sin int Sciences
tocols and on-line registration pro Viiraliiil.ii \ Building
I luinan Growth and
cedures. You can buy a TeleLearning Language Ans
Problem Solving
modem or use a Commodore 1650 General Psychology
Introduction to Computers
Auto-Modem or VIC-Modem. The Educational Psychology
IlltMxhii mm lo Bask
terminal package with modem is child Psychology
$149.95 arid can lie ordered by phone Inirodui [ion lo Soi iolog]
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Call Us For
COMMODORE 64™ line information system; you needn't lated Studen I at either Edison Col
be taking a course. You pay a fee, lege, Trenton, NJ (609-984-1100) or
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ustthcminjouTawnprufTiiTn'. • UiesLAHIlLS. N«a view and political news reports, as well lake final examinations, prepared by
rinf onclir* Ji^as^cmbl? All branch (-upfii jn<l ^ub-
rouLmc cn(r> poini1. jrc ihDWD • TABLES die fully as articles and indexes on any topic. their faculty members, at your local
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CommodDre '"-jcfi-? ijinrjujw ronliru^ *tnth fiu car acnlt wrEi-i a LOAD eofhtuM ju^r \-r t Oik
Drive LOAD'S * 1 OsplayitfwO'iia rectory wlhaji dBdovgflASlCmwwy LOAD'STATUS fl
Pi^piays tDfnpicir FVrninaiiP nrTrngs anu i\iiui And nnHf1 A(H S2£0 lor yi-ppmg SuogeilaT • >-[>« IJ LOVf MR Nlflfll T1- - il nut
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LDQKI 16K BUFFEH EXPANSION - Fijtp «»dy trside PrmtmiBt^+G case Acnep!5 T6K m 40
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Special MSD Version now available!
Commodore Helps
Pay the Bills
Paying your bills can be a painful procedure.
Let your Commodore take the tedium out of this task
by printing professional-looking checks, a record of each entry
and a running balance of your transactions.
There are many time-honored meth Most banks can provide tractor- cheek number and the date to appear
ods for coping with monthly bills, but feed checks iii a variety of formats, dii the checks.
the tnosi common is probably the pen- imprinted with your name and ac The screen then clears and asks for
in-hand technique. The procedure is count number. Many other suppliers the amount of each preformatied
usually ilie same and begins with a of business forms, including Radio check. If for some reason one of your
search for the checkbook. Will ii be in Shack, have a good selection of regular creditors isn't getting paid
the giovebox this time or still in a bag checks with detachable stubs, carbon this month, just hit the return key
with the groceries? After shaking out less copies and other features, such and that cheek will be skipped.
some lotisl- dry cleaner's receipts, you as matching window envelopes. When all the prefonnatted check
prepare to wage war on personal debt 1 use all-purpose checks available amounts have been entered, the dis
with a calculator, scratch pad and ball from Moore Computer Supplies, PO play asks for payee, amount and
point pen. Box 20, Wheeling, li. 60090 (catalog memo for any additional payments.
If this sounds familiar, welcome no. 1.1 7566). The spacing and labs in The memo line is for an account
aboard. Many small businesses han the printout section of the listing are- number or any other information
dle their finances the same way. But designed lo fit the Moore checks, but you would normally jot on a hand
handwriting personal checks and Check Writer can be adapted ti> any written check.
posting them individually to a ledger other style. After the last one is "written," just
or account register invites errors and Whatever type of check you decide hit the return key without typing an-
wastes time. And consider this: Over to use, you might find it well worth Othei payee's name. Entering a blank
the years, how many nearly identical the nominal service Fee io maintain payee line or exceeding ">U total
checks will you handwrite for such a separate account for computer- checks terminates the input portion
things as your mortgage payment or printed checks, used only for your of the program.
electric bill? li seems as though some monthly bills, [t's easier to keep track It's important to position (he
of these repotil ive tasks could he of a budget, and you no longer carry blanks carefully in the printer, so thai
automated. your financial records in your pocket the Information will appear in ils
Cheek Writer prints proii-ssional- or purse. proper place. A row of asterisks
looking checks and a record of each should appear at the top of the first
entry. It also maintains a running check. Before you begin printing
balance of your transactions. You your checks, make sure the asterisks
Writing Checks are in the proper place. If they are,
don't have to enter anything except
the amount of payment. Your check Run the program after putting press II to proceed with printing; if
amount is automatically entered into blank checks in the printer. The they aren't, reposition the blanks and
the check register, so if you some display prompts you for beginning press f7 for another test row. It won't
times put one amount on a check balance, deposits and bank service lake long before you get it righl the
and enter a different figure in the charges. These are optional, but you first time.
register or ledger, then this program ean"t keep accurate records without While the checks are printing, a
should he of Interest to you. thein. You also provide the first subroutine converts tin- numeric dol-
RUN It Right
K - Humr>flr oi [he curiam tent 5) Eiflni disk rfO commands jGave. Load, Verify.
L ■ Nam* Of ttn EUirenr font Eraso. Eic )
Finc-Tuning Cttata Your Own or choosn from ovar 15 lype styles provided In this unlqua program.
It's easy to customize the printout
Bouhaus English
section of the program if your checks
Blook Italic itop
are a different style. After you type in
Bo I d Hn I ria I n itopbold
and save the program, run il with some
dummy entries and print them on reg
The Xotoc Fontmastor jequtres:
ular paper. Then compare the posi
tioning of the various items with your
checks. The value of SI' determines the
Q-T 'iniU'i; " TrTiH" CoifiHb
How many titties have you typed in run 6-4 Perfect Typist. Two SYS num
a long program listing only to find bers will be displayed on your screen.
a Syntax error or Out-of-Dala error Jot these down and keep them handy.
come upon your screen after running They are lite SYS numbers for deac
the program? It's quite easy to make a RUN 'v long-awaited tivating the checksum and reactivat
simple litde typographical error when ing it.
cfiecksum program
typing in Basic program listings; find You might want to deactivate the
ing thai little error, however, is not at isfinally \wrel checksum in the middle of your pro
all easy. Sometimes, the line men gram entry for some reason. The only
tioned in the error message actually
Noxv you can be sure that way to accomplish this, besides turn
isn't the line that has been mistyped. ing off the power, is to type SYS
all the C-64 jwograms
This is particularly confusing for new 40794 and press the return key. Si
computerists. you type infrom RUN multaneously pressing the run/stop
This is when a checksum utility and restore keys won't disable li! Per
program is invaluable. By loading
will work the first time fect Typist.
and running the checksum liefore witliout errors. After 64 Perfect Typist has been
you begin to type in a program list loaded and run, start typing in your
ing, you'll have the computer as an program lines just as you ate nor
ally, not a foe. The computer itself mally accustomed to doing. 'Ihe only
evaluates each line thai you type in. difference is that after you have
If you make any errors, you arc no pressed the return key to log in your
tified at the cud of each line, rather line, a one-, two- or three-digit num
than at the end of the entire program. ber will appear below the line on the
MJN's checksum program, 64 Per ber a! the en<l of the line in the mag left-hand margin. This number, the
fect Typist (Listing 1). will help en azine, you will know that the line you checksum, will be between 0 and 255.
sure thai all C-64 programs yon type have typed in is correct. If the two If the number matches the check*
in from RUN will work the ilrst time numbers do not match, then just Mini value given in the program Listing,
without errors. (Tins program will check over your line and llx your the line is correct, and you can type the
also work with the C-12K in C-64 typing error. next line right over the previous line's
mode, but not with VIC-20, Plus/4 or checksum value. If the checksum val
How to Use 64 Perfect Typist ues are different, look through the line
C-IC programs.)
You will notice that this month's Type in 64 Perfect Typist and save it for typing or spelling errors. (Sec the
C-64 listings all have a :REM*### at to either tape or disk before running section entitled "Correcting Lines,"
the rightmost margin of each line. Do it. If you make a mistake entering ihe below.) Make any needed changes and
mil type in these RJSM statements! They Data Statements, a message will he hit the return key again. Continue un
are there only for comparison with primed on your screen. Correct any til the program is finished.
your screen checksum number, [f the errors and save the new version. When you have entered your pro
checksum number shown on your When you want to type in a C-64 gram, disable 64 Perfect Typist (by
screen matches the checksum num- program from RUN, first load and typing the SYS disable number that
RUN It Right
78/RUN SEPTEMBER 1985 CM C-12X (m (',64 mode)
Cltcle 116 on Roatior Service cord.
from accidentally deleting a line. • ASCII conversion, lotal tesi, Emulate &
Iranparent mode
When entering programs, you may
Switch selectable Commodore graphics • Fully intelligent interlace lhat plugs into
find it easier to use the Upper-/ mode for Epson. StarMicromcs. C Itoh. standard Commodore printer socket
Lowercase mode. Hold down the Prowriter, Okidata, Seikosria. Banana,
■ Exclusive graphic key-match function
BMC, Panasonic. Mannesman Talley
shift key and press the Commodore
G others fVHcrograflx MW-350 $129
key Hi gel from graphics to lowercase. S79.00 wlthanyirudcln
Then, when you type in shifted char Universal Input/Output
acters, they will appear on the screen Board for C-64&C-128 I
as uppercase. ■ 16 Channel 8-bil A/D converter with 100
Use the shift key only where it is microsecond sampling time.
le'ew (09 U9
Easy Assembly IV
installments) you'll find a couple of your own assembly language Not all ill' the subroutines are as
small differences from standard as simple to execute as SF"'44. However,
semblers. These differences will be using the built-in subroutines makes
discussed when the need arises. How it a lot easier to program in assembly
ever, using any standard assembler, language. The most important col
you should be able to copy the pro lection of subroutines in your C-64
grams in this column and run them Like the REM statements, it helps or VIC-20 is collectively called the
on your Commodore. remind you what your code means Kernal.
Beginning on page'270 of the Com-
in a program.
Built-in Machine Language Routines modore 6-1 Programmer's Reference Guide
Now that you have some code with
First, crank up your assembler and and page 182 of the VIC-20 Pmgiom-
Which u> work, lei's see what it does.
go into the Edit mode. (Your RUN mw's Reference Guide is a description
1'heJSR opcode means jump to sub
assembler does this automatically, of each machine's Kernal. As you ad
routine. In Basic, you have to write
fusi enter the code and press the vance in lliis column, you'll be learn
your own subroutines, but in assem
return key after each entry. Alter you ing how to use several of the Kernal
bly language, the mosl useful sub
enter RTS, enter Q to quit.) Enter routine-, are built-in. The operand, subroutines. For those of you who
the following code: $E544, represents the address of the want to jump ahead, take a look at
your reference manuals. The most
LABEL OPCODE OPERAND COMMENT subroutine you're accessing. Thus,
important of the Kernal subroutines
deals with I/O (input/output).
|SR SE544
means, "Co execute the subroutine For example, a subroutine called
at the address $E544." This is some CHROUT. located at $FFD2 (65490),
Note the four fields: Libel, opcode, thing like outputs a character to the screen, and
operand and comment. Your RUN GF.TIN. at SFFE-1 (65508), gets a char
C.OSUU 58692
assembler only lias the opcode and acter from your keyboard.
operand fields, so you don't have to in Rasic. The main difference is that
worry about the label and comment you used the hexadecimal address
Non-Kernal Subroutines
fields. The label field can be used SF.">44 instead of the equivalent dec
imal value 58092. (You could have Besides the subroutines in your
like a line number that you access
used [SR 58692, but it's good practice Kernal. there are subroutines scat
with a Goto or Gosub statement, as
lo start using and thinking in terms tered all over your machine's insides.
in Basic. Your RUN assembler simply
of hexadecimal numbers lor the Your reference manuals also have
uses the addresses instead of labels.
However, you won't be using the la built-in routines in your Commo diese subroutines listed. (See p. 310
dore. It may be a little confusing at of your (.Mil's reference guide and
bel field for a while.
first, but in the long run it will make p. 170 of your VlC-20's guide.)
The commenl field is used like a
things a lul simpler.) For example, last month the HI'S
REM in Basic. Code in the comment
What does the subroutine at SKfi 14 assembler was tested with the sub
field is ignored when your program
is Compiled into machine language. do? It clears the screen and returns routine at SD021 (.r.:t2Hl). which
From The God
of Communications
A Divine Modem at a
Miracle Price
April 1984—The norldnfniurit Hypm«fr j
ihe<64, pin* Disk Sdlior IV! pmur<mi
Listing 1. Source code listingfor standard assemblers. Allows you to Listing 3. Use with standard assembler to load a value into the
set your screensforeground and background colors. accumulator and jump to a built-in subroutine that
prints characters and letters to Ik screen.
Listing 2. Source code listingforRUN assembler. Allows you to set Listing 4. Use with the RUN assembler to perform the same
your screens foreground and background colors. functions as Listing 3.
The Remark (REM) statement is llie minor differences in the Plus/4 two nested loops. The primary loop
[he easiest keyword to learn, yet it is version. Listing I is a Bask loader copies the original line links as ten
often neglected by beginners ;m<i al that puts the required machine lan tative links for llie new line and
ways ignored by the microprocessor. guage into the cassette buffer. It's copies the line-number bytes. Ihc
However, it can be most indispens fully relocatable by simply changing secondary loop then copies each byte
able because ii can give yon valuable ihc value ofN in line 200. II you use of the line to its new position in the
tape, put it in high RAM at 49152 or new line. Whenever it encounters a
information about whal a program
any other safe place. zero byte for "end of line," it recom
is doing.
Eventually, a worthwhile program Once the machine language is putes the ■■tentative links" and sub
will need to be modified for other or tucked away, load your own program. stitutes the recomputed bytes as the
Enter FRE(0) if you'd like to compare correct links. If no RF,M is encoun
newer applications, If you've ever
tried to alter a poorly documented before-and-after program sizes. Then tered, it's as if every byte had been
program—even one yun created— erase the REMs by typing in picked up and replaced in its original
yon know how irksome and time-con position.
suming ;i task it can be, And the les When a REM byte (decimal 143) is
Obviously, you must change the SYS found, one of two paths is taken. If
son probably changed your REM if you've relocated the machine lan the REM byte is in ihc middle of a
habits. guage elsewhere. Don't forget the line, ii is replaced with a zero byte.
So, why am 1 offering a mility thai CLR instruction, or important point Technically, the /en. is placed one
wipes out thousands of Valuable REM ers and links won't reset properly. address lower ihan the REM, thus
bytes in microseconds? To make Now run your program.
more memory spate available, I had overwriting the colon thai would or
I suggest you use a monitor pro dinarily precede the REM. Ihe re
some 28K + programs in which 30%-
gram such as SuperMON to save the mainder of thai line is ignored, and
40% of the program space was oc
REM Killer machine language pro ihe recomputed link points lower in
cupied by REM statements. Thai sig gram to disk. Then you can load it any memory than the original. Return to
nificantly cut down on random ac
time using Ihc wedge % command ihe primary lonj) to examine ihe next
cess memory (RAM) for arrays, bit without disturbing any Basic program line of the original program.
map screens, and so on.
that may lie in memory. It llie REM byte immediately fol
Now I store on "archive" disks all
lows the line-number bytes, the pro
the original programs, including
How II Works gram backs up to eliminate that line,
their REM statements, and use the
Every Basic line is held in memory thus avoiding a program peppered
shorter, no-REM versions for actual
with a "header" block, consisting of with "zero length" lines dial not only
operations. The space saved on work
ing disks slightly improves program four bytes. The first two bytes lell ihe lake Up unnecessary space but also
microprocessor where to gel the next might confuse the Basic Interpreter.
execution time and reduces siring
"garbage collection" needs. line; the nexi two bytes contain the
A Few Tips
Basic line number itself. The header
Using the Program is followed by the actual content and lie sure your source program's Go-
tokens, with the end of the line sig subs and Gotos do not poinl at pure
Load and run REM Killer. First I'll
nified by a zero byte. REM lines. If you have mid-line
discuss using the REM Killer pro
The REM Killer program contains REMs, with spaces between the RKM
gram with the C-G-i; later. I'll address
RUN It Right
This Publication
is available in Jry* YOUR
Microform. ^ COMMODORE 64
Liiivcrsiiy Microfilms Are you tired o) turning your Commodore 64 computer upside down just to
I nternational insert or change a cartridge? Then you need the new Cartridge Expander
from Navarone. We have been making these units for the TI-99/4A home
computer for over three years, and now have the same high quality product
available for your Commodore 64.
Ann Ailin. Mi FO ORDER: Send Cashier's Check or M.O. or personal chetk (allow 10 days 1o clear), lo
Na.crone Industries, Inc. 1996E £1 Ray Lane, Snnora, CA 95370 or coll (209) 533-8349. Far
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side US add S2.00 fef Shipping
is proud to announce
the arrival of
Listing 2. REM Killer program for the Plus!4 and C-16.
Comrcx 13" Amber ... $75 TcknikaMJIl) $189
Master Modem by Video 7 Commodorn L660 .... $5*)
NEW, 30(1 Baud, Auto Dial/Amwer VIP Terminal Cull RIKLE 10/84
UpfDwnload Software, CompuServe CompuServe Starlet Kii
Sample, America Made Besl Buy S49 & VidtOX . . . Bolh lor 39.95 AS DESIRED-- SYS N TO ACTIVATE
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Super Base 64 49 PFS;Roport 49 3, 240, 2
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MOST ORDERS SHIl'ftU WITHIN' IB HOURS MtHtlud pinn lit lor hank (hcik or mum/ uniir.
WSAIMC ordtisadd } SS NO CO [> ORDERS fasuiui M (nni(«ny !b«kl J(li)linlcn21 djyl. Alluln 514 DATA 211, 105, 0, 145, 210, 224, 4, 240
ajf filial - dtfctto much-niiihc rifhaJigtd (or iimr pnnjull onty Call (or rrlurn authoruatiun numbrr All , 2, 133
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Ik- eOnllBMUl U S aid 34 Cur shippnif |K 50 mm I Pltait nil Iw lUpjtnJ DO mimiluri Ohm Icildrnil )iM 516 DATA 211, 104, 224, 4, 240, 2, 133, 210
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, 96
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grams are intended for young audi main program for a practice session. At thi1 end of a session, the program will give you
lack of more sophisticated software is yon are done entering Hash cards, type an asterisk at the nexl ride I prompt, ami you'll
thai educators are just beginning to he returned to ihe main menu.
Option 2 lets you load a previously saved Flash-card file from disk. Enter the name of
learn how to create it. Since most ed
ihe li!e ;it the prompt, and the program will load the file, check the disk error channel
ucators are not programmers, this is
and return you lo Ihe main menu. The error status will Ik1 reported on ;i separate line
taking some lime, but ii is happening.
above ihe menu. In similar fashion, option 3 saves the current (lash card file to disk.
In some cases, educators and pro
checks lot disk errors and returns you to the main menu.
grammers are working together in Option 1 lets you drill on the flash-card set currently In memory. Cords are presented
learns to create programs lo leach in random order. Either side of the card may be presented. Von must respond by typing
everything from mathematics to for what h on (he other side ofthe card and pressing the return key. [f you make a mistake,
eign languages. the program will present you with the correct answer and then proceed with the drill.
The program also gives you ihp choice of drilling only on side 1 of your Hash cards.
In oilier instances, some adventur
ous educators are finding themselves
This is useful if the material you are studying is in quesllan-and-answex format (lor
example, math problems). If this is the case, when you create the card set. put the
becoming programmers in order to
question on side I anil Ihe answer on side '2. To drill on side 1 only, select option <i
create the .software necessary lo take
from the main menu.
advantage of the computer's poten To end a drill session, simply type an asterisk at any prompt.The program will return
tial as an educational lool in their you u> ihe menu and give your score. Including the number right, the number wrong
own fields. and ihe percentage of correct responses.
In the latter ease, many educators Option 5 allows you to add cards to a Hash card file that is currently in memory. The @
are taking advantage of special au symbol and asterisk are used here [he same way they were in creating the original file.
Options 6, 7 and S permit you to perform some useful disk functions from iviihin the
thoring soli ware designed specifi
(■lash Card Author program. Option Ii reads the disk director) for you. Option 7 allows
cally lo let non-programmers create
you to scratch or erase .) disk file. Option H lets yon name and format a new disk to
educational programs without hav
hold Hash card files.
ing 10 master traditional computer
Flash Card Author is presented here as an example ol an educational authoring
languages such as Fortran, flask or program. Ii is also, however, a useful applications program in its own right. Feel Iree to
Pascal. modify ihe program to meet any special needs you might encounter. For example, special
These special programs are re characters could he added for foreign language Iliish cards.
ferred to as either educational If you would rather not type in the program yomself. send D blank disk, a se I fad dressed
languages or educational authoring ■lamped envelope and S'* to cover cosls, and we'll lie. glucl 10 send you a copy.
Commodore 64 Accessories
ft ^r SURER ft ft
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Letter Quality, daisy wheef, use os typewriter and or printer
>349l l249( $229"
(auto correction) (Add S10 Shipping)
does Commodore grophics on graphic printers
80 Column Board - 4 Slot Expander
Allows you to program in 80 columns plus gives you a 4 slot swiich
selectable expander
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Auto Dial Modem with Super Smart Software
Upload Download Prim. Cotalog. This Packoge hos it all' ! '
Best Modem Value in the U.S.A.' !
29' 59[
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The Best Musical Software lor the C-64. ollows you to change all
'5<r '29'
Lilting J fi'Ulitnifil,
31 10 PRINT" (Stll-T DNPUT DISK NAME." :REM*20
31 11 INPUT DISK$ :REM*77
31 16 IHPUT EXT$ :REM*146
31 20 :REM*208
Cornelius Vanderbiil To find the memory locations for any screen position,
New York, NV just move your cursor there and press the fl key. Like
magic, the numbers will materialize on screen! And since
Poke Finder doesn't interfere with Basic, you can use its
services while writing other programs. Simultaneously
Fortune COOkle—This generates some
pressing the run/Mop and restore keys kills Poke Finder,
interesting messages, which may be useful in predicting
while SYS49152 resurrects it.
the future. In tests against tea leaves and an out-of-roimil
crystal hall, its output was consistently equivocal. Anyway, 1 REM SCREEN POKE FINDER - CHRIS COMLEE
it's a highk amusing program, For nonstop entertain 2 FORJ=1TO180:READK:CS=CS+K:NEXT
ment, put a drlav at the end, then skip a line and loo]) 3 IFCS<>25844THENPRINT"DATA ERROR":STOP
has ils origins in home computer antiquity, since a similar 32 DATA 192,032,240,255,104,168,104,170
33 DATA 104,076,049,234
program appeared in PET User Notes, way back in 1!17S.
It will print the day of the week for any date from March
I, 1'JOO through February 28, 2000. It does not destroy Chris Coniee
die date and may be used as a subroutine after the WD$ Moro, OR
Greal American M.ith Blaster |D| 133 Bank st Music
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make life easier for you
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0 ScripiSl BridgnlOlD) . . . 116 MonslerslD) 123 PMCHMe(D, 119
D Scuumcnpr r?.o t 3.0 u»;i rrrj Q [Ml Disk
Frsnch|D) 119 Music Const Sel iDi 119 PROFESSIONAL
□ Wo ,a pro 3/ PL US German |D) 1)9 Mirrder on Illu SOFTWARE
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Grand Master ^indfirneut(D) (17 FleoiSystiirn^iD) 149
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O Woidflio 64 IBv Sit.o Punldii MonkeymatruD) 119
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Spanish |D| 1T9 SellD) 123 M aster type ;D) 123
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Female OalaDrski 116 Stars (0) 129 ssi
Main DalaOiskll .. 116 Seven Cities Gold |D) 125 Baltic Normandy |D) 126
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THenuuaidiDl 119 Worlds Grealesl Pro Tour Goll ID) 126
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Bank St WnleriD) 133 FoolDall(D) 126 Wmg5OiWar|0) I2E
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Dr Snuis Fn-Up Ihe Inwisiclues IT Modem 134.95
Min'Ui) PuKlflHD) 119 PKnsHal (Dl 126 WicoBoss 112
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Compiled by SUSAN TANONA
left to right, each slice of video is quite a but gain for artists and systems
Computereyes compared to die threshold (preset by designers who need a digitizer, as
the brightness control), and the com they are now no longer restricted to
You Can Capture, Save puter decides whether or not the cor high-priced computer systems. (Digi
responding pixel is to be lit. As the tal Vision, Inc., I-f Oak Si., Needham, MA
And Print Out Images scan continues, data from succes 02192. C-6-I/S 129.95.)
With this Video Digitizer sive scans is compared to what is al John Premack
ready in memory. The four- and Lexington, MA
Computereyes provides the missing eight-level scans simply repeal the
link between the Commodore (>■! and process, changing the brightness
your home video equipment If you threshold each time.
don't yci own a video camera, this de-
vice might provide you with strong in
Digital Vision offers software thai
allows images to be stored in formats
Quick Data Drive
centive to go out and buy one. that can be called up directly by
The Computereyes package con Koala, Doodle!, Flexidraw and Print Here's a Neiv Data
sists oi;i hardware module that plugs Shop graphics programs. The Print Storage System for
into the user port of your G-b'-l and Sliop version also allows creation of
graphics files thai can be used to
Your VIC-20 or C-64
;i disk containing a set of machine-
I an £ii li )>i- routines thai capture any create cards, letterheads and ban
video image, digitize ii and then dis ners, (["bis optional software to sup Loading files and programs with
port specific programs is SI 5.) Commodore's Datasscttc can be a te
play it in black and white on your
While (Computereyes will be greatly dious chore at best. After a few weeks
computer .screen.
Amply documented. Computer- appreciated by those of us who use of loading and saving programs this
eyes is so easy to use that 1 hardly computer drawing and other graphics way. many users begin to search for
programs, there are dozens of other a faster method of storing data dial's
needed the manual. (Excellent help
screens are also provided within the possible applications, such as pat relatively inexpensive as well.
tern recognition, comparisons and Kntrepo, Inc.. has come up widi
Using a standard stereo cable- with security. The software i,s not copy-pro the Quick Data Drive, which claims
RCA plugs at each end, you conned tected and Digital Vision supplies to offer much greater flexibility in
comprehensive information for pro file handling than does the Datas-
a video camera to the Computereyes
module. Two knobs on the unit ad- grammers who wish lo incorporate seite. The advertisement states that
|usl the brightness sctiin^ and syn features of Computereyes in [heir Ba you can load a 24K program via the
chronize (lie computer to the camera. sic or assembly-language programs. Quick Data Drive in approximately
/Viler that, it's simply a matter of aim Since this program Utilizes a stan L'O seconds, a process that takes up
ing llie camera, and within six sec dard video source (composite signal), wards ot eight minutes on a Datas-
onds. Computereyes can scan and it can digitize the output of almost sette and one minute on die liVH
digitize its first picture. :my video device, including video disk drive.
Images can be captured in three tape recorders and video disks. (The Entrepo refers to the storage sys>
mi nil's: Normal (high contrast), Four image must not he moving during tern as MicrowafcT technology. The
level gray scale or Eight-level gray the six to 50 seconds required to com storage medium is simply a mini cas
scale. The eight-level image shows plete a picture.) 1 found that the sys sette that operates at a higher rate of
considerably more detail than the tem did best on either high contrast speed than a normal Cassette tape.
high-Contrast scan and requires 50 artwork or shots containing a limited Before using the drive, an operating
seconds lo complete ii picture. range of brightness. system called QOS (Quick Operating
The program dices a video image With a reasonable price and a one- System) must be loaded into the com
into 64,000 pieces, each correspond year warranty, Computereyes is well puter. The software is supplied with
ing to .i single pixel. Winking from within the reach of hobbvists and the unit Chis takes about 15 seconds.
H Hardware Gallery
Once loaded, the drive is ready for the drive's operating system, I found The storage medium itself seems
operation. Altlion^li I found Ilk' that several programs would not oper relatively Sturdy and is quite com
handling to be somewhai enhanced ate when transferred and loaded by pact. You can purchase these wafers
when compared to the Datassette, I die wafer-drive system. These included in packages of three or ten. The price
also discovered several [imitations. word processors, many programs that varies depending upon the length of
The lime required to format a I'd written myself and two machine- the tapes. Each cassette has a protec
wafer (mini cassette) depends upon language monitors. tive flap that covers the tape when
the length of the tape itself. Hit's 120 Although I searched for several you remove it from the unit
inches long, it takes at least as long, days, 1 could find no commercial soft The manual that accompanies the
if not slightly longer, than formatting ware that was formatted for the unit is well written and easy to
a disk with die 1541, Quick Data Drive. understand.
The operating system that came The unit is about the size of two Although (he Quick Data Drive is
with my drive provided no way to packs of cigarettes .stacked on top of somewhat of an improvement in
scratch a file once it was on the cas- each other. The sturdy metal case that speed and program accessibility over
sette.To j*i'i rid of the undesired file, I encloses the mechanism is virtually the Datassette. I found this new de
had lu reformat the entire cassette. (A indestructible. I was told to treat the vice's file handling to be boih tedious
new QOS may now be available that unit abusively, which 1 did, and could and incomplete. Also, too many of
does allow you to scratch flics.) End no apparent damage. The unit the programs that I tried interfered
Although the manufacturer adver is nearly impervious to heal and 1 with the drive's operating system.
tises that some programs load faster found it to be far less susceptible to II you're looking for increased
with (he Quick Daia Drive than with load errors than is the Datassette. speed and don't want to invest in a
(he 1541 disk drive, I found dial all You don't have to rewind the tapes disk drive, I suggest you look into the
programs took a considerably longer with the Quick Data Drive. All op several speed-up cartridges thai are
time with this drive than with the 1541. eration is fully automatic, with the available on the market. If you're
I experienced a rate of speed that was exception of loading the operating looking for increased speed />!u,s ex
35-60% slower than the 1541. system (which is done simply by push tended file handling, then it might
Due to the memory positioning of ing the only button on the unit). be a good idea to save for a disk drive.
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Smtf fin^iiim will ^ki run <HI Plinli every ReRUN ever published. Enjoy the most popular RUN pro
80 Pine St. • Ffetertxirough, NH grams on cassette or disk! It's as easy as filling out the coupon, or
9-8SBI calling 1-800-258-5473, In NH, dial 1-924-9471.
Commodore Clink work with programs specifically de because Commodore disk drives are
Box 6100 signed for them. A more satisfactory smarter than almost all others on the
Macomb, U. 61452 solution for the long term would In market, and adding the needed chips
to upgrade to Commodore's new to another type of drive would cost
Queries are answered only through this col
C-128. It COmea with 128K. RAM and more [ban an equivalent Commo
umn, but, dw to the volume of mail, only
lias at least 5 12K RAM total via prom dore disk drive. As for double-sided
those questions that appeal to the nuijority
ised addon RAM cartridges. Several drives. Commodore makes three ex
of our readers will be published. I'lense do
new Basic commands make using the cellent products: the 8250, the SFD-
iu)t enclose a self-addressed stamped enve
added memory easy. 1001 and the 1571.
lope, since we cannot provide personal
responses nor answer questions before
Q Before I purchase the C-128, Q I am planning to buy a modem
I need to know what hardware I will for my C-64, but I am a foreign ex
need to purchase. I have a Brother change student and have to go back to
Correctronic 50 with a Cardprint A Denmark soon. I have heard that we
HARDWARE interface, an Epson printer, a 1541 in Denmark have a different phone
disk drive and a 1702 monitor. system and, therefore, tan only use
Ernest Briggs acoustic modems. If so, what kinds of
Klaus Jaeobsen
into a C-64, can you use the new, fast
r^: All the equipment you men West Branch, MI
360K disk drive to load 64 games, or
tioned slumld work properly with the
do you need a separate disk drive?
new C-12H. (I've tested the 128 with r^: European countries use dif
Johnny similar equipment and found no prob ferent modems than the I'.S. Yours
Sunnyside, NY [cms, not even in booting Cl'/M.) I low follow a Standard known as CCITT
ever, you may want to gel Commo and are incompatible With U.S. mo
The new 1571 drive is sup dore's matching 1571 drive and l!i()2 dems, acoustic or otherwise. You
posed to be compatible with all monitor to take Full advantage of Ray- could, however, lake borne a U.S. mo
programs for the C-64. One copy pro-formal CP/M disks and the new dem and still use it to call up com
protected game found my early pro 80-COlumn color display. puters in the U.S. or Canada.
totype objectionable, but further im
provements in ihe 1571 have since
been made lo coned that. Q 1 have a Canon %-height, 40- SOFTWARE
track, double-sided disk drive. In
there any way to connect this to my
I would like to expand the C-64, and will Commodore's DOS
RAM memory on my 64. What would
be the best way to do this?
support double sides? Is there any
body out there. . .
Q I would like to know the best
way to enable my Commodore 64 to
David Jones J.D. Boiling run CP/M software. Where can I buy
Jeffersonville, IN Morris, MN the proper equipment, and can I do
HCommodore Clinic
il without hurting any of my current To copy programs with a sin puter number to CompuServe and
capabilities? gle disk drive, you need Unicopy, nol Dow Jones, but I am getting bored
Copy/All, liotli are for the (il. by the with them. Do you know of any com
Michael Rebaleati
same author and work in much puter numbers in the Northern Cali
Eureka, NV
the same way. If your user's group fornia area that are fairly interesting?
doesn't have Unicopy, it is on my Maybe a bulletin board controlled by a
Although Commodore's CP/M
revised TcsuDemo disk for the 1541, boy or a girl my age? And maybe
cartridge for the C(>! is still available
and I'll lie glad to send il to any RUN boards I have to break a code to get
In some stoics and Mill a very inex
reader for SI5. into because I like the challenge?
pensive way to learn about CP/M, it's
no longer the best way for (><1 owners
to use CP/M for serious business pur Scott Kirn
poses. Commodore's new C-128 com-
piuer and 1570-scrics disk drives come
Q Do you know of any compa
nies specializing in literature on ar
Cloverdale, CA
With the latest version of CP/M and are I-et me head you off right now
tificial intelligence programming?
also 100% compatible with the 64. about one point you made. Regard
Although ilic 12H and drive cost much Philip Junes
less of the challenge involved, it is
more than a CP/M cartridge, they give Slater, MD
just as illegal to break into someone
you an unencumbered CP/M, with HIV else's computer as it is to break into
column display, plenty of usable r\: Your letter arrived the same his home. It could easily lead you
memory and a East, CP/Mstandard day as an announcement from TAB
to a police record and a ruined fu
disk format. books of their new book, Artijirial
ture. If you're getting bored with
Intelligence Projects for the Commodore
CompuServe, perhaps it's time you
6-f. It sounds likejust what you want.
got serious about learning to pro
TAB is located in Blue Ridge Summit.
gram your computer.
I have both a 64 and an SX- PA, and you can call them at 717-
64. Your program, Mail List 1541, will Start with llasic, Logo or Comal,
not run on the SX. It loads all right; then dig into machine language, Pas
when I type RUN, the disk drive cal, C and, perhaps, Forth. Next, put
starts and the screen clears, but then
nothing happens. I would appreciate
Q When I try to print out linked
that knowledge to use helping peo
ple, perhaps as a volunteer program'
files using the PaperClip word pro
any help.
mcr for a church, school or charily.
cessor, the printer prints the first file
I guarantee you won't he bored with
Richard Bogardus and loads the second file. The Print
your computer once you learn more
DeSoto, IA format commands are then lost or
about it and use that knowledge to
ignored. Consequently, page 2 be
benefit someone other than yourself.
f\: You've discovered a common gins printing on page 1. I would ap
Volunteer work will also help you
problem on the SX-64 that isn't really preciate help on this.
find friends now and a real job later,
a problem at all. The Mail List works Alexander Pollatsek
As for finding bulletin boards you
fine on the SX. The only problem is Eugene, OR can call legally, an excellent new
that, like many other programs for
book, The Cornfilrt? Commodore Inner
the 64, the Mail List changes the r\: The problem is most likely Spacr Anthology, by Karl Hildon, in
cursor color to white for added read that you have duplicated your format cludes a list ofS9 boards in your area
ability against the 64's blue back commands at [he start of each file. code that you'll never have to apolo
ground. Since the SX background is That isn't necessary, and can con gize for calling. The anthology1 is
white, this leaves you hunting a white fuse not only PaperClip, but also sev available from Transactor Publish
rabbit in a snowstorm. eral other popular word processors. ing, 500 Steeles Ave., Milton, On
The cure is to change the back When using linked files, put formal tario, L9T 3I'7, Canada.
ground color to blue before running commands for such things as page
such programs. POKE 58281,6 will length only at the start of the first
do it and may be added to the first
file. From then on, use formal com
line of many such programs, includ I have a short question con
mands only when you need to make
ing my Mail List. a change, and limit the command to cerning my C-64. Do you think it will
(he setting being altered. harm my computer if I program il
to repeat the same message and
minescent coating of your display its time From (lie jiffy clock built into
Next, you send the printer what
all Commodore computers sold in
screen. ever it is you want it to print. This is
the U.S.
handled as if the Information were
going to the screen, except that you
add a #4 to your Print commands, as
shown below.
Q When using RND() statements
on my C-64, the computer generates
die same initial numbers in the same
Q Please give easy-to-follow in
structions for a beginner to print
order every time the power is turned Be sure to spell out the word Print
from Direct mode on a Commodore
off and on. What can be done to create (the abbreviation ?# is not correct)
Plus/4 to a 1526 printer.
a different first number each time the and don't omit the comma.
system is resel? Karen Baldwin Finally, when you're done with the
Zurich, KS printer, tidy up with This command:
Brian Wickizer
Salem, OR C1.OSK l
f^: To print to any printer inter Keep trying, and you'll soon be using
faced via the serial bus (like (be 1 :>'26), your printer like a pro! E
r\: Random numbers don't come
from thin air—they have to be initial
Circle ISO on Reader Service c
ised somehow, and no matter how in Circle 2-11 on Reader Sewce card.
volved the process, ii is likely lo give
the same results each time on any one
machine when ii is fust turned on. (orihe
Therefore, Commodore allows you to VIC-20.
further randomize the numbers by
changing the seed value from which
the random numbers are generated.
Although other approaches also work,
I add the following line lo the start of • 19 KEYS.
my programs to alter the initial value
• Permits much faster entry
from which other seeds generate ran of numeric data.
dom numbers:
reprogrammed to suit EXACT COPIES IN ONLY
After using this line, I simply use your own needs.
RND(l) to generate my random num 21 SECONDS
• 4'/i' cable connects to
bers, with entirely satisfactory results. SIMPLE-FULL BACK-UP IN A
joystick port #2.
• Software driver included
on cassette or disk RELIABLE—WORKS
(please specify). ViRTUALLY EVERY TIME
Sam Braid
P.O. Box 983
Ontario, Canada
McMurray, PA. 15317 (412)941-9230
Send check or money order. Add
$2.00 shipping and handling. PA (516)753-0110
f\: Yes. The trick is to use sub res. add 6% sales tax. Allow 3-4 '•'■' '■' ■■■'■!' /ISA ■■■'■'' on check i
traction instead of addition. The fol weeks for delivery. Piwies aie mail oiaei only and do nol
lowing program will do what you ask. C.O.D. orders extra.
Commodore's Service Network
Local service is now available to Commodore computer owners through the creation of a national network
of service centers. This is the last of three sections of the service center list provided to RUN by Commodore.
For Alabama through New York, see theJuly and August issues o/RUN. A call to the toll-free Commodore
support hot line (800-247-9000) will give you the most up-to-date information about service and dealer
Attention, dealers: If we haven't included you, send in the name, address and telephone number of your
store, along with a copy of Commodores letter authorizing you as an official center, to RUN editorial, 80
Pine St., Peterborough, NH 03458. We'll update the list in subsequent issues.
Symec Micro H<itii-r( K. Sbowen Int. Cotnputei Service
llOoW.Stovall Road 719 K. LmciiMtT mh Walnut St. llj'i [tw-isilk1 Ave.
Wllburton. OK 74578 Downingtown, l'A 1BS3H Miflnnburg,PA I7KM Johnston, Rl 02B19
918465-5676 316^694023 7I7-96G-1774 401-273 1001
Weirds tl lee Ironies tl/ Computer Service RC^ Sen'ice Co. RCA Service Co.
2B01 W. Memorial Road RIJ 3, Box 271 j 2104 Babcock Blvd (j8.t3 Watennan Avc.
Oklahoma CiVf, OK 73184 Latrobe pa IB650 Piltsljurgli. PA 15209 Eaii Providence, Rl OHM
405-7B1-0060 413-5395834 412-fiai-STlO ■101-i:tl-OM72
Nama. 801-972-1500
Spokane, wa 092W
Commodore Interfaces and Accessories
57 TheHetp Key
ro Him ISE4
SupeHor Softvfaro
1290 N. Mimic Uiiad Wauknha, wi 58187 ParallAX-CD Parallel Printer Interface for use
Gamang, WA B8292 with all Commodore (except PET] $57.95
206*29488! Cardprint +G Parallel Printer Interface $59.95
1'tcli Suit
70« S. IHHth
Cardprint B (without graphics) $37.95
Kent, wa SS0S2 AP-Switch -3P 3 to 1 Centronics Parallel
Peripheral Switch. Switches active pins
'|rlJliiu.itrT VldCO
1-18 and 31-36. Connects your computer
SlOSCipluJ Blvd.
Tumwjlcr. WA 98501 lo up to 3 parallel printers or up to 3
20&SBZ4B03 computers to one printer $97.95
1071 A AiinUi Acmo. Cimanllo. CA 93010 v^SSeiS
1-1000) 982 BBOOUSAo. 1 (8001 862 3800 CALIFORNIA
Add Shipping Pur llnm J3COConi U.S S6.00 CAN. Menco, HI, AK, UPS Btu
J. O ■ r UJlnv i-
About Bad Blocks... Pius/4 Perplexities mostly for small-business antl homeac-
counting use from Commodore antl Tri-
I am responding 10 .several com I would like lo thank you for Mar
Micro, and we will continue to cover the
ments that I have received from con garet Morabilo's excellent articles
Plus/4 in RUN.
cerned readers about my article "Bad on the Plus/4 computer (December
1984, February and April 1985). I am Editors
Blocks" in tfLWsJune 1985 issue.
Some readers were confused about very pleased with my Plus/4, but,
two statements I made on |>age (17; when I purchased it, 1 thought it
would receive wider acceptance. An Answer to Retirement
tile first involves scratching bad files,
and the second is my warning againsi Nonetheless, 1 appreciate the accep Who says you can't teach an old
using the Validate command. I .el me tance it has received from HUN. dog new tricks?
clarify tilings a bit. Do you know if Commodore plans Several years ago, I retired from a
1. It's usually safe to scratch a bad to release a disk drive specifically for post as an active newspaper editor.
file on a disk (as indicated by a *PRG the Plus/4? Frankly, I have delayed Four months ago, at age 1'i, I came
on a directory listing), die purchasing a disk drive in hopes that home with a C-(>4 and Datassette. I
length of the bad File on disk is something superior to the 1541 was connected the Daiassette and an old
greater than 0, as shown by the num in the offing. However, I really fear lleathkit color television to the C-64.
ber preceding the program name on now thai Commodore is going to con From that moment, I was hooked!
the disk directory. Most bad saves will centrate on the CM'28 and C-64 and Since I had never laid a finger on
give you a file length of 0 on the disk that the Plus/4 is heading lor the a computer, I did not know a cursor
directory (the BAM was not updated). great computer burial ground with from a sprite or a pixel from a byte.
Had files indicated by *SEQ or *REL the Tl, Aquarius and Tim ex/Sinclair From keyboard lesson to error mes
arc best fixed by either the Validate computers. sages, 1 pored over the User's Guide
command or ibe direct command to Thus, perhaps we Plus/4 owners and then through Commodore's
the disk drive: should consider the possible demise of Introduction to Basic, Part I. and the
our computers and purchase the new Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference
OPEN15,8,15:CIjOSE15 1571 disk drive (if the price is reason Guide. I spent hours at the computer,
able), with a view toward eventually Peeking and Poking, looping the
2. The Validate command is safe
having to dump our essentially unsup loops, working mathematical prob
to use at all times except on disks
ported Plus/4 in favor of the C-128. lems, drawing sprites, punching in
Containing random-access files and
Thank you for the benefit of any data and editing without a pencil.
when you suspect thai your disk drive
information you can give me. Everything began slowly to lake on
may be in the process of going out
Matthew F. Dyer meaning.
of alignment and the disk you're val
Augusta, ME Mistakes? Oil, yes! Urn I gradually
idating contains only a few files or
began to catch on to programming.
programs. "Safe & Fast Disk Check
There is no special disk drive for the I found all kinds of surprises and
er," the program accompanying "Had
Plvs/4. If you ininul to keep your Plus/4, unheard-of tips and shortcuts—like
Blocks," can be used (with the write- line-crunching, abbreviated com
you might want to get n double disk drive,
protect notch covered) on your test/
like the MSI) II. This would give you mands and advice on sounds and
demo disk from Commodore to
plenty of storage. Unless you seriously in colors. I experimented happily with
check for disk alignment (See "Keep
tend to dump your Plus/4 and buy a RUN's Magic nicks. I programmed
Your Disk Drive in Line," in the July
C-128 (and there's no need to do so), there's all over the place, taking my ideas of
issue of RUN, for the procedure lo
no sense in buying the 1571, as you can games, drawings and utilities and
follow when realigning your drive.)
only use it in the 1541 mode. building them up with Basic rules.
your drive.)
The Plus/4 Is a gorxt computer with What a thrill!
Joe Shaughnessy plenty of memory for running serious ap Bringing home a personal com
Jacksonville, FL plications. You can get software thut is puter starts the buildup of fabulous
new information in the user's mem nations (p. t>). As we get more and Clearly, the claim is made that this
ory, just iht opposite n> typing to the more enthusiastic and supportive of is the first program that allows you
screen NEW, which erases the com our machines, we are glad to see one to detect alignment problems, and
puter's current memory. Commodore-specific magazine offer the only one. This statement will come
Of all the positive reasons a senior ing some hope for ihe future of the as a great surprise to CSM's thou
citizen might buy a computer, the end user. I have been using Com sands and thousands of satisfied cus
greatest is mental enrichment—un modore microcomputers since early tomers worldwide, since we produce
less it's having funl 1978. I have also worked with several such a program—The 1541 Disk
W. Stuart Sewell other "higher" brands, not unlike the Drive Alignment Program. With reg
AshevUle, NC EBM PC, Apple III or the Mac, along ular use of our program, you can
with Wang word processors. clearly detect any change in the qual
Each lime I have encountered a ity of a drive's alignment. Not only
Datafile Delight professional programmer who works do we produce this program cur
I use Mike Konshak's Datafile pro with the above machines, I find they rently, we have been producing it for
grams quite frequently (RUN, No have denigrated the Commodore over a year!
vember :ind December 1984, July line of microcomputers. In addition Our program not only detects
1985). They are far superior to type- to this verbal attack, we constantly drive misalignment, it also includes
in database programs I've seen in find the media poking fun at the line, comprehensive instructions for cor
other magazines. I buy or subscribe simply because it's cheaper than the recting it. Procedures are provided
to almost alt periodicals pertaining competition. for adjusting rotational speed, ra
to the C-64. I use the C-64 daily for Of course, cheaper docs not nec dial alignment and endstop posi
business applications and can attest essarily mean it is less of a machine. tion. Diagrams illustrate the adjust
to its durability, performance and The Commodore 64 is a case in point. ment points on different drive
economy. Programs like Datafile We have all envied the ability of this models. A special section is given on
only enhance the overall value of this computer to produce the best com troubleshooting unusual situations,
machine. puter-generated sound in the indus including problems with the drive
I own Data Manager 2 by Time- try, unmatched even by the giant, belt and pressure pad. Directions are
works, and I find that Datafile is IBM. Sure there are faults to be included for a permanent FIX that
much easier and more flexible than found, but, on the whole, my C-64 can eliminate future alignment prob
Data Manager 2. I don't have exten offers more features and overall lems. We also staff a technical sup
sive knowledge of database usage, value than my neighbor's HIM PC, port line for personal help in case of
but most people don't—until they which costs more. difficulty. Thank you for this oppor
begin using a database. We all hope the post-Tramiel Conv tunity to correct the misleading state
I showed Datafile to some people modore, which includes the exciting, ments made in your review.
who operate a computer store and upcoming Amiga (previously known
handle several computers, and they Thomas N. Simstad
as Lorraine) and the upwardly mo
were most impressed with it. They President
bile 128, will be stronger than ever.
CSM Software, Inc.
couldn't believe it was available as a Simply, in my opinion, even Jack Tra-
type-in program from a magazine. miel cannot match the upcoming ag
Carl A. Wickett gressiveness of Commodore.
All that we users and enthusiasts
A Price Reduction
Decatur, MI
need is some supportive backing, like In yourjuly 1985 issue, you pub
dial provided in the June 1985 issue lished a review article, "Database
of RUN. We thank you for your pos Management Programs for the
I would like to congratulate you itive support of Commodore micro C-64," by independent reviewer Bob
on your article, "Chatterbox" (July computers and hope (or an even Guerra. It appeared on pp. 68-75.
1984). I recently built the voice syn belter picture of the future. On p. 74, you included a few
thesizer with allophone chip, and paragraphs of review information
Mark Valera
now my C-64 is chatting happily on our popular Database Manager
Rego Park, NY
away. I am rather proud of this, as I program.
am only 13 years old. Keep up the We would like to point out that the
good workl Another Alignment Program suggested list price of the Database
Roy Duncan In your recent review of the 1541 Manager program was recently low
Queensland, Australia Physical Kxani program (June 1985), ered from $99.95 to $49.95.
the opening paragraph states, "Until Thank you for your continuing
now, there was no sure way for you help in the process of publicizing
Getting Behind Commodore quality programs for the Commo
to detect disk-drive misalignment in
As an avid Commodore enthusiast, its early stages, let alone correct it dore computers.
1, along with many of my peers, read when it occurred. You had to wait Michael R, Reinhold
with interest your publisher's com for disaster to strike and then take Director of Marketing
mentary in the June RUNning Rumi- your drive to a service center.. ." Mirage Concepts, Inc.
in it in
■ it! I
QUiek-thlNKing Waiiy's Word Works age to meet your own needs. Avail
able on disk fnr $79.50,
Quink is a thinking game for the WalU's Word Works is a software
Check Reader Service number 404.
C-64 whose object is U> eliminate, be package thai helps students identify
fore your time is up, those entries (he pans of speech by showing that
Reading Is Fun
among eighi thai tin not share a com the function of a word changes as ils
role in a sentence changes. Scholastic Software (7:10 Broad
mon association.
Quink comprises six major cate Wally's Word Works is available for way, New York, NY 10003) has re
the CGI for the elementary, junior leased Success with Reading, an edu
gories: Fame, Pop Culture, Imagina
tion. Science and Nature, General high and senior high levels. cational software and hook series for
Knowledge and Mixed Hag, with over The $(>n price includes a teacher's (trades -5-6. lo help students and
disk with backup, a teacher's guide teachers reinforce reading, spelling
ISO subjects and 4700 entries. For
and one student disk. Sunburst Com and syntactic concepts.
one or tWO players or teams.
munications. Inc.. :S9 Washington Available f»r the C*64, the core
Available on disk for $34.95. CBS
Ave,, Pleasanivillc. NY KJ'wO. package (which includes a program
Software, One Fawcell Place, Green-
Check RearieT Service number-402. disk and teacher's handbook) plus
vnch, CT Q6S36.
one grade-specific package is 579.95.
Check Reader Service number ■!()().
Additional grade-specific packages
Calling All Hams are $49.95 each, and (he complete
program, containing material for all
Witnicr's Edge Software (2003 Sar-
four gracles, is SI79.
azen Place, Reston, VA U2091) has
Check Reader Service number405.
released The Coruester, n software
package for the amateur radio con
Countdown to Shutdown
test operator.
The- Contester manages all the pa In Countdown to Shutdown, a soft
perwork involved in amateur radio ware game, you must wend your way
contests itnd logs and keeps Hack of through a huge 'JlMHI-rciom power
New Products RUNdown
An Education in Finance
Lifeplan is a utility program for
middle-income families to help them
manage their personal and family
finances. The program analyzes re
sults and monitors progress while In
lives and nouns to help Gonzo res structing the user in controlling his
cue his beloved bird, Camilla the own money.
Chicken. Lifeplan is available on disk for
Based On characters from the Mup- Static Buster
the C-64 for $99.95 from Lilewarc,
pel Show television series, The'Greai 2318 Second Ave., Seattle, WA 9K121. Static Buster (Lamb's Information
Gonzo in WordRider is available on Check ReaderService number 411. Systems, Inc., 301 N. Main St., Pueblo,
disk for the C-64 and retails I'or CO 81003) consists of two foam pads
$29.95. Simon & Schuster Electronic that connect lo the CRT face- and the
Publishing Group, 1230 Avenue of Strike Up the Band keyboard to control static. Available
the Americas, New York, NY 10020. MasterSoft (PO Box 1027, Bend, for $49.95.
Check Reader Service number -[07. OR 97709) has released two more Check Reader Service number 415.
programs in its Mastery in Music se
For Math Afficionados ries for the C-64. Trumpet Master
and Clarinet Master offer an allcr-
The Practical Applications Math
naiive to drills, with random music
ematics system (P.A.M.), a program
personalized by your choice of key
for the C-64, determines the dimen
sions ofa variety of geometric shapes signature, time signature, note type
on a high-resolution screen.
and note range. You can change tem
pos and play along with access to
P.A.M. also compuies statistical
functions, including linear regres
music facts and fingerings.
Each program is available on disk
sion and interpolation.
Graphics and calculation results
for $49.95. Digi-Csm
Check Reader Service numbc-r 412.
can lie printed out. Available on tape Cardco (300 S.Topeka, Wichita. KS
or disk for S24.89. MicroEnergy Sys 67202) announces Digi-Cam, a digi
tems, PO Box 5291, High Point, NC Turn on Your Mind tizer that converts still video images
27262. to digital configurations and pro
Mentor Ix-arning Systems (1601
Check Reader Service number 408. duces a 320- by 200-dol screen im
Civic Center Drive, Sania Clara, CA
95050) has released Conceptor, an age in five gray scales. Available for
Reset Switch educational software package for the C-64 at the suggested retail price
Master Software (6 Ilillery Conn, the C-64. of $250.
Randallstown, MD 21133) has re Conceptor utilizes focus recogni Check Reader Service number 416.
leased Reset Master, a system reset tion to expand your capacity to
switch lor the C-64 and VIC-20. perceive and classify information. Kidbits
Reset Master resets your computer Available on disk for S49.95. Available together on one disk
without your having to turn off the Check Reader Service numbei 413. for the C-64 are Kidbit Software's ed-
Products RUNdown
ucation programs entitled Same/Not The suggested retail price is $24.95 its lust software package. Pilot II.
Same Game and Alpha-Bee Sequence. for the C-64 version. Pilot II is a Pilot language interpreter
In Same/Not Same Game, your Check Reader Service number 421. with high-resolution turtle graphics
child lakes a Spaceship to the scars and full sprite support, including a
by choos}ng which shape, color, di built-in sprite editor. A registered
rection or letter in a group is differ copy with full telephone support is
ent from the rest. available on disk for $40.
In Alpha-lice Sequence, your child (Iheck Reader Service number 424.
helps a bee with the letters of the
alphabet by singing the- Alphabet
Song along with him. Commander Stryker vs
For children ages 3-7, the package The Dragon
retails for S'"). Kidbit Software,
Reach Head 11. the sequel to lieach
7001 Sunkist Drive. Oakland, CA
Head, has been released by Access
Software (!>2"> Fast 900 South. Sail
Check Reader Service number! 17.
Lake City, UT 84105). It is compatible
with the C-64. Beach Head II picks
up where the original Beach Head
For RUN's Runners left oil. Now, Commander Stryker
Maximizer: Personal Running must liberate the Allied prisoners,
Coach, made up of a set of three neutralize The Dragon and his [orces
programs for serious runners, com and destroy their fortifications.
pares your training progress to spe Available on disk for $39.95.
cific inputted goals. Check Reader Service number 425.
Kach program (Base Training, Main Supershipper64
tenance/Race Preparation and Race Progressive Peripherals and Soli-
Peaking) helps prescribe your work ware (2186 South Holly, Denver, CO
out guidelines based on your per 80222) has released Supershipper(>4,
sonal physiological information. an invoice and billing program for
Available on three disks for the the (MM. Supershipper64 can store
C-64 at $79.95 per set from Mil Fit and prinl out customer account lists.
ness Software. KD 1. liox 241, Mad product and price lists, and print in
ison, NY 13402. voices, labels and C.O.D. tags. Avail
Check Reader Service number 41 fi. able on disk Tor S99.95.
Check Reader Service number422.
Artificial 1 nielli genes Demonstration Program
NORTHRIDCE. CA. 91324 t^m H03I 753^2436
(8181 885-5037 ^^*' P.O. BOX 6427
Circle GO on i
MOVING? Rbij DtiKI arm Mr SwetJ ImiicaujT Fin nulDK in the
• Unilofm character formation RS23? ojvp a"iow yoj to set iry u-m iw vnluaHy any sjsodini
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e Ik'i Liu 4i(f III tard iUfLllltill ti Mill LtU' Mlsslssauga Ont.
11.1\ mt; pntbkms with jjjwiiilii1
II moving pk\tw fju1 Iwitfi iuur Phone 4168569293
Circle 216 on Reader Service card. Circle 310 on Reader Service card
Subscription TECHNICIANS
Is your C64, SX64. or C1 26 dead?
side of the keyboard) and press the j key at the same time. of programs for your Apple ||, TBM E*C
Commodore 64 and CP/M."
{SHIFT CLR}—hold down the shift key and press the CLR/HOME key. Other gencalogvwliv.are jlH3Ji.iilabic
{HOME}—press the CLR/HOME key without shifting. Pri«Sias Sari^faciioii GturaniccJ
{CTRL !>}—hold down the control key and press the li key. olCH Bipma, Viw U MjHtrtjrd Accrpicd
{FUNCT '2}—function 'i (in this case, yon hold down ih<- shift key and press
the function 1 key). bunncu ManJiLnn.
Apple Oarnputf f.
{CRSR L'I'HCRSR DN{{CKSR I.F}{CKSR RT}—these are the four cursor
{IT ARROW}—means the arrow key (the one with the pi sign under il).
{LB.}—the liiitish pound sign (£). Family
(PI)—the pi sign key (7r); (shift and press the up arrow ke.y}.
Oui- translating program does nol designate single spaces between char
acters. Within quotations, these spaces are often critical to the screen display. QUINSEPT, INC.
P.O. Box 216, Lexington, MA 02173
Be sure to read the listings closely and include these single spaces as you
(6171 641-2930
type in your program.
Hr,vii j mendxi dI UwCW CammunTciilonWliM iP"»i» ■■■€- waritTi Ur^nl puMbhti "f nHnpuia rdxlcd iNioim-itiufi Tli? Order by statino NAME ind MODEL
group puUUm '.7 tmnimirr |iliI>Iilj n it> ■ ihin XD nujar n.unnirx Nine mOlian pebple read one *ir Dm c>( ihc «nd COLOR CHOICE TAN or BROWN.
Enclose check or money order piui S3.50
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Sl Tax.
China's Chi'm CeiapuitTHwH; Licncn.irk'^ (jintiiutwiTiiL'Manntiik. ft 1\<-UI jimI tfUW (Cmunodon); huil-ind'* .Vfj*™ Francv'i i*
.tfwufr ififunnaJitfw. CoUm (Apple), OPC(IBM j ,i[id Ijjirrtfoffffwr Cirftiutii'i cinpu^F^^V, AfviKDi^B0THr£E, /v: Htfr. Ar^BinJlfanUi
Modco'l (I'm/fui/mflrit^rmfo ,iml Oiii^uAfvBita I he \[-rliriljinl i ^^FB/ra^lVi.rif yimWiu jiid fC HfarU /tnWiu; Nutkjy's QUIREMENTS FOR OUR 1OW PRFCE QUOTES
r™»M iMWgc, PC MrU ud HtW lCmnm"d«rrj; Sjuili \iiljui VuaJj ^mj^bmvrlil; Spji
Crown Custom Covers
r .VfTt't. fYTfluflUO W>rUt and t'm^itn SuMOl tw/pr. Mir I'.SMn^llprU. fiHmpulmruitf, /w toiKBD, HDI OoCo. 9606 SHILLYFIELD ROAD-Deu! I
DOWNEY, CA 90240
{213} 862-8391
List of Advertisers
Reader Service Page Reader Service Page Reader Service Page
Coming Attractions
In the October issue, we'll have graphics to suit ScreenMaker—Three programs that let you de
every level of expertise, whether beginner, inter sign intricate graphics screens and combine them
mediate or advanced, and every level ofinterest— with your GraphMaker graphs (RUN, April 1985)
programming, business and entertainment: to display an impressive computer-generated
slide show.
High-Spirited Sprites—This isn't just another
Screen Dump Plus—With one program, you'll be
Sprite Editor program; it's an artistic tool that's
able to print out both high- and low-resolution
easy enough for beginners, yet sophisticated
graphics displays.
enough to challenge experts. If you can imagine
it, you can create it. Video Monitors for Your C-128—Thinking
Graphics Display System—With this program, of buying a C-128? Well, you needn't incur the
you can draw and print out hi-res drawings. And expense of a new monitor. You can still use your
lor those of you with disks full of Koala pictures, 1702, and our technical manager, Margaret Mm-
you'll now be able to print out those, loo. abito, explains how and why.
Pulsing Pictures—Put a little movement Into your
screen displays—waterfalls, moving belts. Hash CP/M and the C-128—Find out what CP/M is all
ing patterns—with this low-resolution keyboard about and how the C-128 opens up a whole new
graphics animation program. world of CP/M software for Commodore users.
Circle S5 on RnaOfi' Sarvlcn earn.
"-""'-■".' '■."'..
■■':: -\ •"■..:■■:.:
61,183 delicious bytes for your Commodore 64
programming (57% more than the • Full up/down scrolling through program listings
standard C-64). • Structured programming
A bridge to C-12B • Relative files
The S'MORE command structure • Print using
is similar to the C-128's new Basic • Formatted inputs
7.0, providing C-64 users advanced • Print at...and much,
programming techniques. much more. cardco, inc.