#18 Robleza Vs CA

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#18 Robleza vs.

CA & Inter-Island
G.R. No. L-80364 Issue: Whether the proper remedy is annulment or
rescission of the contract. (rescission)
Petitioner Julita A. Robleza sold to spouses Elpedio Ruling:
and Marianne Tan 2 parcels of land. They executed a Where the parties intended to be bound by the
deed of absolute sale in favor of the Tan spouses contract except that it did not reflect the actual
over the lots supposedly for Pl0k which was purchase price of the property, as in the case at
acknowledged to have been allegedly paid. bar, there is only a relative simulation of the
Incidentally, the parents of Elpedio Tan and contract which remains valid and enforceable, but
petitioners are close to each other. It was found that the parties shall be bound by their real agreement.
the titles over the 2 lots were given to Elpedio Tan The present contract cannot be declared null and
who was able to have two new titles in his name. void or inexistent from the beginning since it does
Further, Elpedio Tan executed in favor of respondent not fall under the category of an absolutely
corporation a promissory note (PN) in the sum of simulated or fictitious contract the basic
P228,362.10 and executed a deed of mortgage over characteristic of which is that the apparent contract
the two lots to secure payment of said PN. is not really desired or intended to produce legal
effects or to alter in any way the juridical situation of
Petitioners, claiming that they did not receive a single the parties.
centavo from the Tans and maintaining that the Petitioners categorically admitted that the actual
purchase price of Pl0k appearing on the face of the consideration was P50k for each lot (minus P6k for
deed of sale was not the true purchase price, one lot since petitioners owed Tans mother P6k).
presented two checks issued by Elpedio Tan which Since there was partial payment made on the deed
represented the actual stipulated price: the 1 check of absolute sale an action for declaration of nullity
amounting to P50k and the other P44k. Both were will not prosper.
dishonored. Thereafter, Elpedio Tan assured them
that he would pay the amount of the checks but failed The power to rescind obligations is implied in
to make good his promise. reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors should
Elpedio Tan admitted that he had transferred the titles not comply with what is incumbent upon him. The
to the lots in his name and that he had mortgaged the right to rescind may be availed of for such breaches
lots and turned over his certificates of title to as are substantial and fundamental as to defeat the
respondent corporation. object of the parties making the contract.
Petitioner found out that the two lots were used as Indubitably, under the factual setting of this case,
collaterals and that the certificates of title were in the the remedy of resolution of the deed of sale is
possession of the private respondent. Apprised of the available to petitioners. The complaint was filed on
true facts on the status of the said two lots and the May 16, 1983, less than four years after the deed of
non-payment of the purchase price by the Tan absolute sale was executed on June 24,1979,
spouses, respondent corp. refused to return the hence, as an action to rescind, it was well within the
certificates of title but signified their willingness to prescriptive period.
accept other collaterals provided a partial payment of
P50k would first be made by Elpedio Tan.

For failure of the Tans to pay their outstanding

obligation to private respondent, the mortgage on the
two lots was foreclosed and the same were sold to
respondent corp. in a public auction sale. Title was
issued in its name.

Petitioners filed an action for the nullification of the

aforesaid deed of sale for want of consideration and
for the cancellation of the TCT issued to private
respondent. Petitioners claim that they have always
been in possession of the subject property, that
neither the Tan spouses nor private respondent ever
took possession thereof and that respondent
corporation acted in bad faith.

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