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t more powerful and efficient engines.

Aiding in these advances are computer based design

(specifically CFD and finite element analysis) and the development of advanced materials: Base
materials with superior high temperature strength (e.g., single-crystal superalloys that exhibit yield
strength anomaly) or thermal barrier coatings that protect the structural material from ever-higher
temperatures. These advances allow higher compression ratios and turbine inlet temperatures, more
efficient combustion and better cooling of engine parts.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has contributed to substantial improvements in the
performance and efficiency of Gas Turbine engine components through enhanced understanding of
the complex viscous flow and heat transfer phenomena involved. For this reason, CFD is one of the
key computational tool used in Design & development of gas [74] turbine engines.
The simple-cycle efficiencies of early gas turbines were practically doubled by incorporating inter-
cooling, regeneration (or recuperation), and reheating. These improvements, of course, come at the
expense of increased initial and operation costs, and they cannot be justified unless the decrease in
fuel costs offsets the increase in other costs. The relatively low fuel prices, the general desire in the
industry to

less vibration than a reciprocating engine

Fewer moving parts than reciprocating engines results in lower maintenance cost and higher
reliability/availability over its service life.
Greater reliability, particularly in applications where sustained high power output is required
Waste heat is dissipated almost entirely in the exhaust. This results in a high temperature
exhaust stream that is very usable for boiling water in a combined cycle, or for cogeneration
Lower peak combustion pressures than reciprocating engines in general
High shaft speeds in smaller "free turbine units" although larger gas turbines employed in power
generation operate at synchronous speeds.
Low lubricating oil cost and consumption
Can run on a wide variety of fuels
Very low toxic emissions of CO and HC due to excess air, complete combustion and no
"quench" of the flame on cold surfaces
Core engine costs can be high due to use of exotic materials.
Less efficient than reciprocating engines at idle speed
Longer startup than reciprocating engines
urbocharger as
blading are of heavier construction. They are also much more closely integrated with the devices
they power often an electric generatorand the secondary-energy equipment that is used to
recover residual energy (largely heat).
They range in size from portable mobile plants to large, complex systems weighing more than a
hundred tonnes housed in purpose-built buildings. When the gas turbine is used solely for shaft
power, its thermal efficiency is about 30%. However, it may be cheaper to buy electricity than to
generate it. Therefore, many engines are used in CHP (Combined Heat and Power) configurations
that can be small enough to be integrated into portable container configurations.

Gas turbines can be particularly efficient when waste heat from the turbine is recovered by a heat
recovery steam generator to power a conventional steam turbine in a combined
cycle configuration.[34] The 605 MW General Electric 9HA achieved agenerator (DFIG) is currently the
dominant technology while permanent-magnet (PM), switched reluctance (SR) and high temperature
superconducting (HTS) generators are all extensively researched and developed over the years. In this chapter,
the topologies and features of these machines are discussed with special attention given to their practical
considerations involved in the design, control and operation. It is hoped that this chapter provides quick
reference guidelines for

The use of wind energy to generate electricity first appeared in the late 19th century [35] but did not gain
ground owing to the then dominance of steam turbines in electricity generation. The interest in wind energy
was renewed in the mid-1970s following the oil crises and increased concerns over resource conservation.
Initially, wind energy started to gain popularity in electricity generation to charge batteries [17] in remote
power systems, residential scale power systems, isolated or island power systems, and utility networks. These
wind turbines themselves are generally small (rated less than 100kW) but could be made up to a large wind
farm (rated 5MW or so). It was until the early 1990s when wind projects really took off the ground, primarily
driven by the governmental and industrial initiatives. It was also in 1990s there seemed a shift of focus from
onshore to offshore development in major wind development countries, especially in Europe.
Offshore wind turbines were first proposed in Germany in 1930s and first installed in Sweden in 1991 and in
Denmark in 1992. By July 2010, there were 2.4 GW of offshore wind turbines installed in Europe. Compared
to onshore wind energy, offshore wind energy has some appealing attributes such as higher wind speeds,
availability of larger sites for development, lower wind sheer and lower intrinsic turbulence intensity. But the
drawbacks are associated with harsh working conditions, high installation and maintenance costs. For offshore
operation, major components should be marinized with additional anti-corrosion measures and de-
humidification capacity [24]. In order to avoid unscheduled maintenance, they should also be equipped with
order began to appear in the EU, the US and now in China and India. Typically, the large installed wind
turbines in utility grids are between 1.5-5MW whilst 7.5 and 10 MW are under extensive development, as
shown in Fig. 1. Nowadays, modern wind turbines are reliable, quiet, cost-effective and commercially
competitive while the wind turbine technologies are proven and mature. At present, technical challenges are
generally associated with ever-growing wind turbine size, power transmission, energy storage, energy
efficiency, system stability and fault tolerance.

The worlds energy potential for land-based wind turbines (estimated energy output in kWh/kW from a wind
turbine that is dimensioned for 11 m/s) [36].

Currently, wind power is widely recognized as a main feasible source of renewables which can be utilized
economically in large

Commonly agreed wind turbine type and its divergence [24].

One of key components in the wind turbine is its drive train, which links aerodynamic rotor and electrical
output terminals. Optimization of wind turbine generators can not be realized without considering mechanical,
structural, hydraulic and magnetic performance of the drive train. An overview of the drive train technologies
is illustrated in Fig. 5 for comparison. Generally, they can be broken down into four types according to their
structures [24]:

Conventional: gearbox and high speed generator with few pole pairs.

Direct drive: any drive train without a gearbox and low speed generator with many pole pairs.

Hybrid: any drive train with a gearbox and the generator speed between the above two types.

Multiple generators: any drive train with more than one generator.

Drive train topologies may raise the issues such as the integration of the rotor and gearbox/bearings, the
isolation of gear and generator shafts from mechanical bending loads, the integrity and load paths. Although it
may be easier to service separate wind turbine components such as gearboxes, bearings and generators, the

quire an additional damping element (e.g. flexible coupling in the drive train), or the gearbox assembly
mounted on springs and dampers. When they are integrated into the power grid, synchronizing their frequency
to that of the grid calls for a delicate operation. In addition, they are generally more complex, costly and more
prone to failure than induction generators. In the case of using electromagnets in synchronous machines,
voltage control takes place in the synchronous machine while in permanent magnet excited machines, voltage
control is achieved in the converter circuit.

Cutaway of a synchronous generator [22].

In recent decades, PM generators have been gradually used in wind turbine applications due to their high
power density and low mass [39]. Often these machines are referred to as the permanent magnet synchronous
generators (PMSGs) and are considered as the machine of choice in small wind turbine generators. The
structure of the generator is relatively straightforward. As shown in Fig. 8. the rugged PMs are installed on the
rotor to produce a constant magnetic field and the generated electricity is taken from the armature (stator) via
the use of the commutator, sliprings or brushes. Sometimes the PMs can be integrated into a cylindrical cast
aluminum rotor to reduce costs [35]. The principle of operation of PM generators is similar to that of
synchronous generators except that PM generators can be operated asynchronously. The advantages of PMSGs
include the elimination of commutator, slip rings and brushes so that the machines are rugged, reliable and
simple. The use of PMs removes the field winding (and its associated power losses) but makes the field control
impossible and the cost of PMs can be prohibitively high for large machines.
Because the actual wind speeds are variable, the PMSGs can not generate electrical power with fixed
frequency. As a result, they should be connected to the power grid through AC-DC-AC conversion by power
converters. That is, the generated AC power (with variable frequency and magnitude) is first rectified into
fixed DC and then converted back into AC power (with fixed frequency and magnitude). It is also very
attractive to use these permanent magnet machines for direct drive application. Obviously, in this case, they
can eliminate troublesome gearboxes which cause the majority of wind turbine failures. The machines should
have large pole numbers and are physically large than a similarly rated geared machine.
Cutaway of a permanent magnet synchronous generator [18].

A potential variant of synchronous generators is the high-temperature superconducting generator

[31; 27; 49; 55]. See Fig. 9 for a multi-MW, low-speed HTS synchronous generator system. The machine
comprises the stator back iron, stator copper winding, HTS field coils, rotor core
In DFIGs, active power is used to evaluate the power output and reactive power is responsible for its electrical
behavior in the power network. The DFIG requires some amounts of reactive power to establish its magnetic
field. In case of grid-connected systems, the generator obtains the reactive power from the grid itself [48]. In
case of isolated system operation, the reactive power needs to be provided by external sources such as
capacitors [4] or batteries [9].
(d) Switched Reluctance Generator Technologies
Switched reluctance WTGs are characterized with salient rotors and stator. As the rotor rotates, the reluctance
of the magnetic circuit linking the stator and rotor changes, and in turn, induces currents in the winding on the
armature (stator). See Fig. 14 for a schematic of the switched reluctance generator system.
Schematic of a switched reluctance generator system [12].

The reluctance rotor is constructed from laminated steel sheets and has no electrical field windings or
permanent magnets. As a result, the reluctance machine is simple, easy to manufacture and assembly. An
obvious feature is their high reliability because they can work in harsh or high-temperature environments.
Because the reluctance torque is only a fraction of electrical torque, the rotor of switched reluctance is
generally large than other with electrical excitations for a given rated torque. If reluctance machines are
combined with direct drive features, the machine would be extremely large and heavy, making them less
favorable in wind power applications.

5. Design Considerations and Challenges

Generally speaking, wind turbine generators can be selected from commercially available electrical machines
with or without minor modifications. If a wind turbine design is required to match a specific site, some key
issues should be taken into account. These include:

Choice of machines

Type of drive train

Brush topology
Rated and operating speeds

Rated and operating torques

Tip speed ratio

Power and current

Voltage regulation (synchronous generators)

Methods of starting

Starting current (induction generators)

Synchronizing (synchronous generators)

Cooling arrangement

Power factor and reactive power compensation (induction generators)

Power converter topology

Weight and size

Protection (offshore environment)

Capital cost and maintenance.

Among these design considerations, the choice of operating speed, drive type, brush topology, and power
converter are focused and further analyzed in details.

(a) Fixed or Variable Speed?

Clearly, it is beneficial to operate WTGs at variable speed. The reasons are several. When the wind speed is
below rated, running the rotor speed with the wind speed and keeping the tip speed ratio constant ensure that
the wind turbine will extract the maximum energy. Variable speed operation helps reduce fluctuating
mechanical stresses on the drive train and machine shaft, the likelihood of fatigue and damage as well as
aerodynamically generated acoustic noise. The rotor can act as a regenerative storage unit (e.g. flywheel),
smoothing out torque and power fluctuations prior to entering the drive train. Direct control of the air-gap
torque also aids in minimizing gearbox torque fluctuations. Since there is a frequency converter between the
wind turbine generator and the power grid, it becomes possible to decouple the network frequency and the
rotor rotational speed. This permits variable speed operation of the rotor and controllability of air-gap torque of
the machine. Furthermore, variable speed operation enables separate control of active and reactive power, as
well as power factor. In theory, some wind turbine generators may be used to compensate the low power factor
caused by neighboring consumers. In economic terms, variable speed wind turbine can produce 8-15% more
power than fixed speed counterparts [45]. Nonetheless, the capital costs will be increased arising from the
variable speed drive and power converters, as well as increased complicity and control requirements.
Variable speed control system [35].
In principle, variable speed operation can be achieved mechanically by the use of differential gearboxes or
continuously-variable transmission systems [8], based on the control of speed and angular speed of
gyroscopes. But the general practice is to achieve this goal by electrical means. There are two major methods
in use: broad range and narrow range variable speed [8]. The former refers to a wide operational range from
zero to the full rated speed where the latter refers to a narrow operational range between a fraction (up to
50%) of synchronous speed. In reality, this latter range is practically sufficient and can saving significant
costs on power electronic converters. A closed loop speed control of such a method is demonstrated in Fig. 15.
In the design of variable-speed wind turbines, three control aspects in association with the wind speed need to
consider. First, a constant optimized tip speed should be maintained to achieve maximum aerodynamic
efficiency by varying the rotor speed with the actual wind speed. Second, the rotor speed should be maintained
constant after the rotor has reached its rated speed but the power has not, in the case of moderate winds. When
the wind speed is higher, the control is to maintain a constant rated power via the pitch angle control or stall
control. Whilst using the pitch angle control, the blade pitch is varied to control the rotor speed together with
the generator torque.

(b) Direct or Geared Drive?

In a geared wind turbine, the generator speed increases with the gear ratio so that the reduction in machine
weight is offset by the gain in gearbox weight. For instance, the wind turbine operates at a speed of 15 rpm and
the generator is designed to operate 1200 rpm (for 60 Hz) [2]. An up-speed gearbox of 1:80 is required to
match the speed/torque of the turbine with these of the generator.
However, historically, gearbox failures are major challenges to the operation of wind farms. This is especially
true for offshore wind turbines which are situated in harsh and less-accessible environments. Because of this,
direct drive systems are increasingly desired in new wind turbine systems. One example is the excited
synchronous generator with wound field rotor is a well-established design in the marketplace; and another may
be a popular neodymium magnet generator design which also attracts much attention in the marketplace.

Obviously, direct drive configuration removes the necessity for gears and the related reliability problems [46].
Therefore, some wind turbine manufacturers are now moving toward direct-drive generators to improve
system reliability. Since wind turbine generators are operated with power electronic converters, direct drive
topology can provide some flexibility in the voltage and power requirements of the machines. Nonetheless, a
drawback of the direct drive is associated with the low operating speed of the turbine generator. As the
nominal speed of the machine reduces, the volume and weight of its rotor would increase approximately in
inverse proportion for a given power output. This can be explained in the following equation governing the
power output of any rotating electrical machine [28],

P=k(D2L)nP=k(D2L)n (11)


where k is a constant, n is the rotor rotational speed, D is the rotor diameter and L is the rotor length, in
arbitrary units.
Direct drive increases the size of electrical generators which effectively offsets some of the weight savings
from removing gearboxes. See Fig. 16 for a direct drive wind turbine generator, which is more than 10 times
larger than its equivalent geared machine. Moreover, it typically requires the full rated power converters for
grid connection. As a consequence, it is always needed to strike a balance between the weight of machines and
the weight of gearboxes. Hybrid systems use one or two stages of gears rather than three or four required by
conventional MW generators. Sometimes, hybrid systems can offer a better compromise in terms of the overall
performance of the wind turbine system.
Example of a direct drive MW wind turbine generator.

For direct drive, the popular machine option is the PM synchronous machines. Although considerable effort
and investment have been spent on improving reluctance machines [10; 15], they are still not commercially
competitive to date. Direct drive brings about some design challenges on the generator and the power
converters. For PM direct drive generators, they require a significant amount of costly rare-earth permanent
magnets [51; 53; 44]. In addition, it needs to increase the rating of IGBTs in the back-to-back converter, or to
integrate machine side converter components with the stator windings. Obviously, the advantage of direct
drive is the removal of gearbox at the expense of increased size and weight of the wind turbine generator. As a
rule of thumb, the machine volume is proportional to the torque required and inversely proportional to the
operational speed for a given power. The increased mass of the generator can be a limiting factor for offshore
installations because the shipping carrying capacity is generally limited to 100 tons so that the direct drive
generator may not be greater than 10 MW.
With the hybrid option, the generator size and speed lie in between direct and geared drives. In this case,
synchronous machines are more popular than induction machines. It generally involves medium-speed, multi-
pole generators which are almost exclusively permanent magnet machines. The hybrid drive train can facilitate
more nacelle arrangements and match the size of the generator and gearbox.

(c) Brushed or Brushless Topology?

In general, DC machines, wound rotor synchronous generators, wound rotor induction generators all employ
commutators, brushes or sliprings to access the rotating rotor circuits. Consequently, routine maintenance and
replacement lead to some difficulties in wind power applications, especially for offshore installations. Clearly
it would be particularly desirable to rid of any components physically connected to the rotating parts of wind
turbines. There are several ways of achieving this. Taking the DFIG for example, brushless doubly-fed
generators (BDFGs) can be a solution. They use two windings on the stator (a power winding and a control
winding) with different pole numbers. The rotor can be of squirrel cage type and an indirect coupling of the
two stator windings is established through the rotor. It is also possible to use a reluctance rotor in this topology
where the machine has become a brushless reluctance generator [6, 14, 25]. By modifying the conventional
machines, a higher reliability is achieved due to the absence of the brushes and slip rings. The penalty is the
use of two machines in a machine case.
(d) Two-Level, Multi-Level or Matrix Converter?
Power electronics is recognized as being a key and enabling component in wind turbine systems. Broadly,
there are three types of converters widely used in the wind market. These are two-level, multi-level and matrix

Two level power converters are commonly called back-to-back PWM converters, as shown in Fig. 17(a).
They include two voltage source inverters (with PWM control scheme) connected through a DC capacitor.
This is a mature technology but suffers from high costs, high switching loss and large DC capacitors. Any
power converters having three or more voltage levels are termed multi-level converters. These are illustrated
in Fig. 17(b). They are particularly favored in multi-MW wind turbines since they offer better voltage and
power capacity, lower switching loss and total harmonic distortion. However, the power electronic circuits are
more complex and costly.
Three types of power converters in wind applications. (a) [21], (b) [42], (c)[5].

On the contrary, matrix converters are different in the way of AC-AC conversion. They remove the necessity
of a DC stage and directly synthesize the incoming AC voltage waveform to match the required AC output. As
shown in Fig. 17(c), they generally have nine power electronic switches with three in a common leg. The
elimination of DC capacitors improves the reliability, size, efficiency and cost of power converters. The
downsides are the limited voltage (up to 86% of the input voltage), sensitivity to grid disturbances [26], and
high conducting power loss.

5. Performance Comparisons
A quantitative comparison of DFIGs, synchronous and PM generators is listed in Table 1. It can be seen that
direct drive wind turbine generators are larger in size but shorter in length compared to geared counterparts.
From this limited range of data, three-stage geared DFIGs appear to be lightest; conventional synchronous
generators are the heaviest and the mostly costly machines.
In addition, a performance comparison of different wind turbine generators is summarized in Table 2.

DFIG Synchronous generators

1-stage 3-stage Electro-excited PM 1-stage PM direct
geared geared direct drive geared drive

Air-gap diameter (m) 3.6 0.84 5 3.6 5

Stack length (m) 0.6 0.75 1.2 0.4 1.2

Iron weight (ton) 8.65 4.03 32.5 4.37 18.1

Copper weight (ton) 2.72 1.21 12.6 1.33 4.3

PM weight (ton) 0.41 1.7

Generator active
67 30 287 43 162
material cost (kEuro)

Gearbox cost (kEuro) 120 220 120

Converter cost (kEuro) 40 40 120 120 120

Generator construction
60 30 160 50 150
cost (kEuro)
Total generator system
287 320 567 333 432
cost (kEuro)

Annual electricity yield

7760 7690 7740 7700 7890

Yield/total cost
4.22 4.11 3.67 4.09 3.98

Quantitative comparison of three major wind turbine generators [38; 30].

Induction generators Synchronous generators

indicator Electromag Reluctan
net ce

Speed variable fixed variable variable variable variable

totally totally totally
directly directly y
Power totally via via via via
to the to the stator-
supply converters converte converter converte
grid grid convert
rs s rs

Voltage very
high high low low low medium
fluctuation low

Converter app.
100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100%
scale 30%

Controllabil very
poor poor good good good good
ity good

reactive depende separat
no separate separate separate separate
power nt e

support low low high medium medium high

very extremel
Efficiency low low high high medium
high y high

Reliability poor medium high high high very high high

Fault very
slow slow high high high high
response high
Induction generators Synchronous generators
indicator Electromag Reluctan
net ce

mediu very
Cost low low medium high medium
m high

very extremel
Mass saving low low high medium low
high y high

low direct
mediu large
power, small- drive;
small m-large wind
residenti medium small- early
Suitability wind wind turbines;
al wind medium stage
turbines turbine early
applicati turbines wind
s stage
on turbines

Overall performance comparison of different wind turbine generators (partially, 3; 20).

6. Conclusions
Wind energy has attracted much attention from research and industrial communities. One of growth areas is
thought to be in the offshore wind turbine market. The ongoing effort to develop advanced wind turbine
generator technologies has already led to increased production, reliability, maintainability and cost-
effectiveness. At this stage, the doubly-fed induction generator technology (equipped with fault-ride-through
capacity) will continue to be prevalent in medium and large wind turbines while permanent magnet generators
may be competitive in small wind turbines. Other types of wind turbine generators have started to penetrate
into the wind markets to a differing degree. The analysis suggests a trend moving from fixed-speed, geared and
brushed generators towards variable-speed, gearless and brushless generator technologies while still reducing
system weight, cost and failure rates.

This paper has provided an overview of different wind turbine generators including DC, synchronous and
asynchronous wind turbine generators with a comparison of their relative merits and disadvantages. More in-
depth analysis should be carried out in the design, control and operation of the wind turbines primarily using
numerical, analytical and experimental methods if wind turbine generators are to be further improved. Despite
continued research and development effort, however, there are still numerous technological, environmental and
economic challenges in the wind power systems.
In summary, there may not exist the best wind turbine generator technology to tick all the boxes. The choice of
complex wind turbine systems is largely dictated by the capital and operational costs because the wind market
is fundamentally cost-sensitive. In essence, the decision is always down to a comparison of the material costs
between rare-earth permanent magnets, superconductors, copper, steel or other active materials, which may
vary remarkably from time to time.

7. Acknowledgements
The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful discussions with Prof G. Asher of Nottingham University and
Prof B. Mecrow of Newcastle University, UK.
March 13, 2009

Counter-Weighted HAWT
Filed under: Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) Tags: Very Large Wind Turbine, Wind Energy, Wind Power, Wind
Turbine, Wind Turbine Scalability, Wind Turbine Scalable Tower, Wind Turbine Tower Salient White Elephant @ 11:42

Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most effective. Whats wrong with a turbine that has guy wires that
attach to the top of the tower and a counter-weighted nacelle?

One advantage of a three bladed rotor is that it is much quieter than a two bladed rotor. This is true
because a three bladed rotor rotates more slowly than a two bladed rotor. But maybe a four bladed rotor

Marines from 1st Tank Battalion load a Honeywell AGT1500 multi-fuel turbine back into an M1 Abrams tank at
Camp Coyote, Kuwait, February 2003

The German Army's development division, the Heereswaffenamt (Army Ordnance Board), studied a
number of gas turbine engines for use in tanks starting in mid-1944. The first gas turbine engines
used for armoured fighting vehicle GT 101 was installed in the Panther tank.[60] The second use of a
gas turbine in an armoured fighting vehicle was in 1954 when a unit, PU2979, specifically developed
for tanks by C. A. Parsons & Co., was installed and trialled in a British Conqueror
tank.[61] The Stridsvagn 103 was developed in the 1950s and was the first mass-produced main battle
tank to use a turbine engine. Since then, gas turbine engines have been used as APUs in some
tanks and as main powerplants in Soviet/Russian T-80s and U.S. M1 Abrams tanks, among others.
They are lighter and smaller than diesels at the same sustained power output but the models
installed to date are less fuel efficient than the equivalent diesel, especially at idle, requiring more
fuel to achieve the same combat range. Successive models of M1 have addressed this problem with
battery packs or secondary generators to power the tank's systems while stationary, saving fuel by
reducing the need to idle the main turbine. T-80s can mount three large external fuel drums to
extend their range. Russia has stopped production of the T-80 in favour of the diesel-powered T-
90 (based on the T-72), while Ukraine has developed the diesel-powered T-80UD and T-84 with
nearly the power of the gas-turbine tank. The French Leclerc MBT's diesel powerplant features the
"Hyperbar" hybrid supercharging system, where the engine's turbocharger is completely replaced
with a small gas turbine which also works as an assisted diesel exhaust turbocharger, enabling
engine RPM-independent boost level control and a higher peak boost pressure to be reached (than
with ordinary turbochargers). This system allows a smaller displacement and lighter engine to be
used as the tank's powerplant and effectively removes turbo lag. This special gas
turbine/turbocharger can also work independently from the main engine as an ordinary APU.
A turbine is theoretically more reliable and
The first large scale, partially gas-turbine powered ships were the Royal Navy's Type 81 (Tribal
class) frigates with combined steam and gas powerplants. The first, HMS Ashanti was
commissioned in 1961.
The German Navy launched the first Kln-class frigate in 1961 with 2 Brown, Boveri & Cie gas
turbines in the world's first combined diesel and gas propulsion system.
The Danish Navy had 6 Slven-class torpedo boats (the export version of the British Brave class
fast patrol boat) in service from 1965 to 1990, which had 3 Bristol Proteus (later RR Proteus) Marine
Gas Turbines rated at 9,510 kW (12,750 shp) combined, plus two General Motors Diesel engines,
rated at 340 kW (460 shp), for better fuel economy at slower speeds.[64] And they also produced 10
Willemoes Class Torpedo / Guided Missile boats (in service from 1974 to 2000) which had 3 Rolls
Royce Marine Proteus Gas Turbines also rated at 9,510 kW (12,750 shp), same as the Slven-
class boats, and 2 General Motors Diesel Engines, rated at 600 kW (800 shp), also for improved fuel
economy at slow speeds.[65]
The Swedish Navy produced 6 Spica-class torpedo boats between 1966 and 1967 powered by
3 Bristol Siddeley Proteus 1282 turbines, each delivering 3,210 kW (4,300 shp). They were later
joined by 12 upgraded Norrkping class ships, still with the same engines. With their aft torpedo
tubes replaced by antishipping missiles they served as missile boats until the last was retired in
The Finnish Navy commissioned two Turunmaa-class corvettes, Turunmaa and Karjala, in 1968.
They were equipped with one 16,410 kW (22,000 shp) Rolls-Royce Olympus TM1 gas turbine and
three Wrtsil marine diesels for slower speeds. They were the fastest vessels in the Finnish Navy;
they regularly achieved speeds of 35 knots, and 37.3 knots during sea trials. The Turunmaas were
paid off in 2002. Karjala is today a museum ship in Turku, and Turunmaa serves as a floating
machine shop and training ship for Satakunta Polytechnical College.
The next series of major naval vessels were the four Canadian Iroquois-class helicopter carrying
destroyers first commissioned in 1972. They used 2 ft-4 main propulsion engines, 2 ft-12 cruise
engines and 3 Solar Saturn 750 kW generators.
drawn up by the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company and launched on the UK's Princess Elizabeth's
21st birthday in 1947, the ship was designed with an engine room layout that would allow for the
experimental use of heavy fuel in one of its high-speed engines, as well as the future substitution of
one of its diesel engines by a gas turbine.[68] The Auris operated commercially as a tanker for three-
and-a-half years with a diesel-electric propulsion unit as originally commissioned, but in 1951 one of
its four 824 kW (1,105 bhp) diesel engines which were known as "Faith", "Hope", "Charity" and
"Prudence" - was replaced by the worlds first marine gas turbine engine, a 890 kW (1,200 bhp)
open-cycle gas turbo-alternator built by British Thomson-Houston Company in Rugby. Following
successful sea trials off the Northumbrian coast, the Auris set sail from Hebburn-on-Tyne in October
1951 bound for Port Arthur in the US and then Curacao in the southern Caribbean returning
to Avonmouth after 44 days at sea, successfully completing her historic trans-Atlantic crossing.
During this time at sea the gas turbine burnt diesel fuel and operated without an involuntary stop or
mechanical difficulty of any kind. She subsequently visited Swansea, Hull, Rotterdam, Oslo and
Southampton covering a total of 13,211 nautical miles. The Auris then had all of its power plants
replaced with a 3,910 kW (5,250 shp) directly coupled gas turbine to become the first civilian ship to
operate solely on gas turbine power.
Despite the success of this early experimental voyage the gas turbine was not to replace the diesel
engine as the propulsion plant for large merchant ships. At constant cruising speeds the diesel
engine simply had no peer in the vital area of fuel economy. The gas turbine did have more success
in Royal Navy ships and the other naval fleets of the world where sudden and rapid changes of
speed are required by warships in action.[69]
The United States Maritime Commission were looking for options to update WWII Liberty ships, and
heavy-duty gas turbines were one of those selected. In 1956 the John Sergeant was lengthened and
equipped with a General Electric 4,900 kW (6,600 shp) HD gas turbine with exhaust-gas
regeneration, reduction gearing and a variable-pitch propeller. It operated for 9,700 hours using
residual fuel(Bunker C) for 7,000 hours. Fuel efficiency was on a par with steam propulsion at
0.318 kg/kW (0.523 lb/hp) per hour,[70] and power output was higher than expected at 5,603 kW
(7,514 shp) due to the ambient temperature of the North Sea route being lower than the design
temperature of the gas turbine. This gave the ship a speed capability of 18 knots, up from 11 knots
with the original power plant, and well in excess of the 15 knot targeted. The ship made its first
transatlantic crossing with an average speed of 16.8 knots, in spite of some rough weather along the
way. Suitable Bunker C fuel was only available at limited ports because the quality of the fuel was of
a critical nature. The fuel oil also had to be treated on board to reduce contaminants and this was a
labor-intensive process that was not suitable for automation at the time. Ultimately, the variable-pitch
propeller, which was of a new and untested design, ended the trial, as three consecutive annual
inspections revealed stress-cracking. This did not reflect poorly on the marine-propulsion gas-turbine
concept though, and the trial was a success overall. The success of this trial opened the way for
more development by GE on the use of HD gas turbines for marine use with heavy fuels.[71] The John
Sergeant was scrapped in 1972 at Portsmouth PA.
refitted with, what at the time, was more economical diesel-fueled engines but the increased engine
size reduced cargo space.[citation needed]
The first passenger ferry to use a gas turbine was the GTS Finnjet, built in 1977 and powered by
two Pratt & Whitney FT 4C-1 DLF turbines, generating 55,000 kW (74,000 shp) and propelling the
ship to a speed of 31 knots. However, the Finnjet also illustrated the shortcomings of gas turbine
propulsion in commercial craft, as high fuel prices made operating her unprofitable. After four years
of service additional diesel engines were installed on the ship to reduce running costs during the off-
season. The Finnjet was also the first ship with a Combined diesel-electric and gas propulsion.
Another example of commercial usage of gas turbines in a passenger ship is Stena Line's HSS
class fastcraft ferries. HSS 1500-class Stena Explorer, Stena Voyager and Stena Discovery vessels
use combined gas and gas setups of twin GE LM2500 plus GE LM1600 power for a total of
68,000 kW (91,000 shp). The slightly smaller HSS 900-class Stena Carisma, uses twin ABB
STAL (sv) GT35 turbines rated at 34,000 kW (46,000 shp) gross. The Stena Discovery was
withdrawn from service in 2007, another victim of too high fuel costs.[citation needed]
In July 2000 the Millennium became the first cruise ship to be propelled by gas turbines, in
a Combined Gas and Steam Turbine configuration. The liner RMS Queen Mary 2 uses a Combined
Diesel and Gas Turbine configuration.[73]
In marine racing applications the 2010 C5000 Mystic catamaran Miss GEICO uses two Lycoming T-
55 turbines for its power system.[citation needed]

Advances in technology[edit]
Gas turbine technology has steadily advanced since its inception and continues to evolve.
Development is actively producing both smaller gas turbines and more powerful and efficient
engines. Aiding in these advances are computer based design (specifically CFD and finite element
analysis) and the development of advanced materials: Base materials with superior high
temperature strength (e.g., single-crystal superalloys that exhibit yield strength anomaly) or thermal
barrier coatings that protect the structural material from ever-higher temperatures. These advances
allow higher compression ratios and turbine inlet temperatures, more efficient combustion and better
cooling of engine parts.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has contributed to substantial improvements in the
performance and efficiency of Gas Turbine engine components through enhanced understanding of
the complex viscous flow and heat transfer phenomena involved. For this reason, CFD is one of the
key computational tool used in Design & development of gas [74] turbine engines.
The simple-cycle efficiencies of early gas turbines were practically doubled by incorporating inter-
cooling, regeneration (or recuperation), and reheating. These improvements, of course, come at the
expense of increased initial and operation costs, and they cannot be justified unless the decrease in
fuel costs offsets the increase in other costs. The relatively low fuel prices, the general desire in the
industry to

less vibration than a reciprocating engine

Fewer moving parts than reciprocating engines results in lower maintenance cost and higher
reliability/availability over its service life.
Greater reliability, particularly in applications where sustained high power output is required
Waste heat is dissipated almost entirely in the exhaust. This results in a high temperature
exhaust stream that is very usable for boiling water in a combined cycle, or for cogeneration
Lower peak combustion pressures than reciprocating engines in general
High shaft speeds in smaller "free turbine units" although larger gas turbines employed in power
generation operate at synchronous speeds.
Low lubricating oil cost and consumption
Can run on a wide variety of fuels
Very low toxic emissions of CO and HC due to excess air, complete combustion and no
"quench" of the flame on cold surfaces
Core engine costs can be high due to use of exotic materials.
Less efficient than reciprocating engines at idle speed
Longer startup than reciprocating engines
Less responsive to changes in power demand compared with reciprocating engines
Characteristic whine can be hard to suppress

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