Improved Cost of Energy Comparison of Permanent Magnet Generators For Large Offshore Wind Turbines
Improved Cost of Energy Comparison of Permanent Magnet Generators For Large Offshore Wind Turbines
Improved Cost of Energy Comparison of Permanent Magnet Generators For Large Offshore Wind Turbines
where is the mass density of air, r is the rotor
radius of the wind turbine, vw is the wind speed, (5)
and Cp is the power coefficient (or aerodynamic
Cost functions for two-stage gearboxes are more
efficiency) which is a function of tip speed ratio
difficult to find. In this case we assume an average
and pitch angle . The Weibull distribution
of equations (4) and (5); this gives equation (6). In
that describes the variation in wind speed at a
this study the gear ratio is chosen to be 40.
given site over a year is given in equation (2)
below: (6)
( ) [ ( ) ] (2) In previous studies (e.g. [1], [6]) gearbox losses
have been approximated based on an assumption
where k is the shape parameter, C is the scale that 1% of viscous losses per gearbox stage are
parameter, and v is the wind speed. reasonable. Reference [1] used x = 3% for a 3-
stage gearbox and x=1.5% for a single-stage
The annual energy production (AEP) is calculated gearbox and scaled the loss using a ratio of actual
based on the Weibull probability distribution: rotational speed (n) to rated rotational speed
(nrated). Prated is the wind turbine power:
∫ (3)
where vi is the cut-in wind speed and vc is the cut-
out wind speed if the turbine.
The losses in an example 3-stage gearbox
The power curve and Weibull distribution of the topology [7] were calculated according to equation
turbine are shown in Figure 1. The cut-in wind (7). These are shown by the ―Scaled 3% loss
model‖ curve in Figure 2 for a 2.5MW turbine. A
speed is 4 m/s and the cut-out wind speed is 25
more sophisticated approach was then used to
m/s with a rated power of 6 MW being attained at a
calculate the losses. ISO/TR 14179-1:2001
wind speed of 11 m/s. The parameters for the
standards [8] specify likely losses for cooling
Weibull distribution are based on a location in the requirements and where applied to the gear and
North Sea with a mean wind speed of 9.8 m/s, a bearing data from [6]. The losses from this method
scale parameter of 10.8 and a shape parameter of are given in Figure 2 by the ―ISO method‖ curve. It
2.32. shows that equation (7) can overestimate gearbox
losses over the whole wind speed range and
0.1 particularly at low-medium wind speeds.
Power (MW)
4 0.06
2 0.04
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Wind Speed (m/s) Wind Speed (m/s)
Figure 6: PMG2G Drivetrain Operation & Figure 7: PMG3G Drivetrain Operation &
Performance Performance
COE: 1 generator
114.0 112.2 115.9 117.8
The generator size is considerably smaller than replacement (Euro/MWh)
the single-stage gearbox design and so has Table 3: Sensitivity analysis for different
reduced losses in the stator. This lightweight scenarios
generator would also be advantageous to
developers during installation procedures.
4.1 Gearbox and generator 5 Discussion and Conclusions
replacement scenarios
This study provides a comparison between four
different drivetrain configurations using permanent
There have been some wind farms where there
magnet generators. The drivetrains were modelled
have been a significant number of gearbox
to assess which drivetrain configuration offers the
replacements required. What happens to the cost
lowest Cost of Energy solution for a large offshore
of energy if there is one gearbox replacement per
wind turbine.
turbine over the lifetime of the wind farm? This can
be modelled by modifying equation (14) and
A direct-drive option can deliver the lowest Cost of
adding a replacement cost for one gearbox
Energy. This is shown in both the baseline study
replacement or one generator replacement. Table
and when a gearbox replacement is required (for
3 shows the change in cost of energy (from the
the other candidate designs). Permanent magnet
baseline study in section 3). The increase in Cost
generators have a limited track record in the wind
of Energy for the geared drivetrains demonstrates
industry (particularly offshore) and so the scenario
gives a clearer advantage for the direct-drive
of a generator replacement – once during the
turbine’s lifetime – is not unreasonable. Here the
direct-drive generator is second best. Even under
On the other hand the geared drivetrains are less
significant permanent magnet cost increases (i.e.
sensitive to the cost of having to replace a
×2.5) this drivetrain fairs well, though once the
generator once in the wind turbine’s life. Under this
magnet price increases above about €60/kg it is
scenario it is the single-stage design which has the
inferior to the single-stage gearbox machine.
lowest Cost of Energy.
Some potential disadvantages of the direct-drive
4.2 Permanent magnet cost increase generator have not been captured in this study:
scenario any increased wind turbine costs if the tower,
The last scenario in this study looks at the foundation and installation costs increase because
sensitivity of Cost of Energy to changes in if increased top head mass is large; also changes
permanent magnet prices. Future changes in in operation and maintenance costs which depend
magnet costs mainly affect a portion of the on the drivetrain. The availability has been based
generator part of the initial capital cost (ICC) on onshore failure rate data in the absence of real
component in equation (14). The baseline cost of operating data of offshore wind turbines with
the magnets is €48/kg; here the same baseline direct-drive PMGs.
designs but with a scenario of €120/kg are also
tested. Figure 8 shows these points. If all other In this study the diameter of the direct-drive
factors are constant then the Cost of Energy generator was limited to 7m – this was assumed to
changes linearly. The direct-drive design has the be pragmatic in terms of transportation – and
highest gradient, reflecting the high magnet based on an air-cooled design. The optimisation
content in lower speed, higher torque generators. consistently delivered designs at this limit which
One can interpret Figure 8 as showing that a future suggests that a large diameter machine would
magnet cost change from €48/kg to €60/kg would deliver an even lower Cost of Energy (by
make the permanent magnet generator with a producing higher efficiency with the same amount
single-stage gearbox more attractive than the of expensive active material). This is an
direct-drive option. opportunity for offshore wind turbines where
transportation restrictions are not as strict as
The higher speed generator drivetrains faired [4] Trading Economics, Euro Area Inflation
much worse under the baseline and other Rate. [Online] [Cited 20/7/12]
scenarios. Gearbox cost reductions below the
assumed values predicted by equations (5) and (6) area/inflation-cpi.
may help reduce Cost of Energy to more
competitive levels under the combined scenarios [5] L. Fingersh, M. Hand, and A. Laxson,
of higher magnet costs and a generator
―Wind turbine design cost and scaling
model,‖ no. December, 2006.