BFR Ebook Gift
BFR Ebook Gift
BFR Ebook Gift
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The Lifters Clinic
BFR training manual
Blood flow
By: Dr. Mario G. Novo, DPT, PT 1
The Lifters Clinic
BFR training manual
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The Lifters Clinic
BFR training manual
This EBook is designed to take you the trainer
to the next level in evidence based training
methods within the application of Blood
Flow Restriction (BFR). Following this EBook
you will further understand the current
scientific evidence behind blood flow
occlusion training, the various methods of
application, the safety/efficacy and how to
realistically apply it in the training
environment for increased Image: Delfi PTS Owens Recovery Science Unit
hypertrophy/strength gains.
Dr. Mario Novo, DPT, PT is a results driven sports orthopedic physical therapist
who specializes in strength and conditioning. Known well by his clients/patients
as a mentor and educator, Marios passion is to unify the highest levels of rehab
science with successful mind and body strength coaching. With Marios
research having focused on new advancements in muscle hypertrophy
periodization and joint health, his goals are to share his knowledge and improve
on the human condition through personalized cutting edge program design.
Mario currently resides in middle TN where he plans on integrating his skills and
knowledge in resistance exercise and rehab to empower and inspire those
individuals ready to make a change in their lives through health and fitness. 3
The Lifters Clinic
BFR training manual
Main chapters
Guide to Bfr Application
The Science of Blood Flow
Chapter 1 Restriction 4
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BFR training manual
Chapter 1
The Science of Bfr 5
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BFR training manual
What is Blood flow restriction
(Bfr) training?
Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training is a
form of safe low intensity resistance
exercise (LIRE) that when applied has
demonstrated enhanced muscle growth,
muscle strength, oxygen delivery and
utilization (VO2Max), collagen dependent
tissue repair, and increased bone healing
following a fracture.
HIT style training via the American Sports College of Medicine (ACSM) has been
defined as intensity levels of 65% up to 85% of a single repetition maximum
(1RM). BFR training can achieve similar if not better results for inducing muscle 6
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BFR training manual
growth when compared to what has been traditionally observed with higher
intensity training (HIT). Historically muscle adaptations such as Muscle
Hypertrophy (muscle cell growth), Muscle Strength (increased motor unit
recruitment of higher threshold motor units), and VO2Max (Functional measure
of oxygen deliver and oxygen uptake), have been seen with high intensity bouts
of exercises repeated over a duration of time. What BFR training has shown, is
that similar if not enhanced effects of muscle hypertrophy, muscle strength, and
VO2Max, can be achieved with as little 20-35% of 1 RM and 40% VO2Max
settings respectively.
BFR training is well established in the research literature to be a safe for the
general population with similar responses seen in blood pressure (BP), blood
coagulation, delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS) and oxidative stress that
has been observed during regular resistance training. 7
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BFR training manual
How does BFR work?
Blood flow restriction training research has been around for the last decade and
has looked at everything from using BFR in individuals that are immobilized to
reduce atrophy (Kubota et al. 2008) all to way to NASA investigating how to use
BFR in order to protect skeletal muscle integrity while in the confines of zero G
(Hackney et al. 2012).
BFR training enhances the effects of the lactic acid cycle via the application of
a tourniquet around a limb. Although the tourniquet can cut off complete
blood flow to the working limb which is still considered safe under the care of a
certified medical provider and FDA compliant equipment; BFR implements
partial occlusion which is safe and less demanding on the circulatory system as
compared HIT. Once the tourniquet it placed around a proximal limb a specific
and often individual limb occlusion pressure (LOP) is used. 8
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BFR training manual
Current literature demonstrates that safe compression ranges between 90-110
mmHg for upper extremity and 110-130 mmHg for Lower extremity can be used
to safely target the current best evidence for reaching occlusion ranges of 50%
(UE) and 80% (LE) of total limb occlusion. These ranges though are not
individualized which should therefore be taken as estimates for BFR training. To
achieve the gold standard in safety a Doppler must be used as is seen in 3rd
generation cuff systems.
While the individual is working with BFR and the respective % of LOP has been
achieved the extremity will begin to accumulate muscle metabolic byproduct
such as lactic acid, and hydrogen ions (H+). Lactic acid is the key metabolite
responsible for cascade of anabolic signaling pathways. As these positive
anabolic signaling pathways, namely mTORC1 become activated, the negative
muscle anabolic pathways, such as Myostatin will become inhibited. Equally,
Lactate will later play a role systemically in the up-regulation of growth
hormone, which is directly involved in collagen synthesis; and thus providing
additional super structure to tendons, ligaments, bone, and muscle.
Cell swelling mechanism: As a direct result of venous blood flow occlusion, there
continues to be an increase in fluid into the working muscle. This leads to a
characteristic swelling or pump. While muscles are contracting they push fluid
away from themselves much like a sponge being squeezed. As the fluid pressing
decreasing in the working muscle, upon relaxation of the contraction, fluid
rushes inward. As there is an accumulation of fluid and metabolite build up
which attracts more fluid, the muscle cells begin to engorge. As they increase in
size there is a stress placed on the cellular walls. This stress leads to a protective
response again leading to adapt and grow. 9
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BFR training manual
Growth Hormone
As a direct result of increased lactate, the pituitary gland up regulates the
formation of endogenous growth hormone (GH). Growth hormone is currently
understood to play more of an indirect role with post exercise recovery than
with direct muscle growth via protein synthesis. What is agreed upon is that GH
promotes and increases the super structure of muscle, tendon, ligaments,
cartilage, blood vessels and bone.
How GH affects muscle and tendon is through the formation of new collagen
structures known as collagen synthesis. Following a bout of HIT, soft tissue
disruption and micro-damage are present. The cascade of inflammation and
lower oxygenation, which to the casual observer may be seen as negative do
play a critical role in the release of GH and subsequent collage synthesis. It
would be of upmost importance for the body to promote collagen synthesis as
collagen promotes soft tissue compliance, elasticity, and load tolerability.
What is most interesting with BFR+LIRE is the absence of inflammation and tissue
breakdown all while demonstrating the same if not better effects of increased
whole blood lactate, GH, and collagen synthesis. In fact, the data has
demonstrated that following BFR+LIRE, increases in GH have been seen to rise
up to 300% from baseline. The data further demonstrates that with the rise in GH
and subsequent collagen synthesis BFR+LIRE would improve in tissue recovery
and regeneration following an acute injury or post-operative rehabilitation
treatment program.
The application of BFR+LIRE within the rehabilitation setting can also be seen
with its positive effects on bone regeneration/remodeling. Following a bone
fracture a clot is formed, which aids in the formation of new blood vessels. The
process of building new vessels is known as angiogenesis and in bone requires
the increased expression of a growth factor known as vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF). VEGF is stimulated via hypoxia and lactate which also
occur with BFR+LIRE. As loading is required for healing yet contraindicated,
BFR+LIRE can play an early role in promoting increased bone healing. 10
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Myogenic stem cells
Myogenic stem cells: (MSC) also play a critical role in inducing protein synthesis.
IGF-1: Insulin like growth factor 1plays the role of aiding with fusion of MSC
(satellite cells) to muscle fibers. 11
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BFR training manual
The key anabolic signaling
Until recently, Insulin-Like
Growth Factor (IGF-1) was
through to be the key
anabolic signaling pathway.
What is currently agreed
upon, is that IGF-1 a muscle
growth mediator play but a
part in the larger anabolic
signaling pathway that is the
mammalian target of
rapamycin complex 1, or
better known as the
mTOR1C pathway.
As stated above IGF-1 plays an role with the fusion of satellite cells into a muscle
fiber. This fusion can allow for the satellite cell to mature into a muscle specific
cell (myocyte) which can now undergo protein synthesis and other cellular
processes. For protein synthesis to occur, certain inhibiting growth pathways
must be deactivated.
With increased work demand on a muscle as seen with HIT there is a rise in the,
there is direct increase in motor unit recruitment. This means that as
mTOR1C is the anabolic signaling pathway that directly controls the pathways
associated with muscle growth. This complex is regulated by insulin, growth
factors, key amino acids (e.g., leucine, -hydroxy -methylbutyrate), fatty acids
(phosphatidic acid) as well mechanical stimuli, and oxidative stress. 12
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BFR training manual
What is interesting is that ingestion of exogenous PA and leucine, that when
combined with resistance training such as BFR, can increased the activation of
the mTOR1C pathway. 13
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BFR training manual
Exercise + Blood
Flow Restriction
Strength/Hypertrophy Endurance
20-35% 1 RM
40% Vo2Max
Sets: 4 (30,15,15,15)
Rest: 30 sec /set
15 min total time
Frequency Frequency
3-4 days/wk 4-6 days/wk
Krebs Cycle
Cori Cyle
No Lactate
No increased goals present Lactate
Increased goals
Tendon regeneration
Bone Remodeling
Super structure of muscle
cappilary angio-genesis 14
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BFR training manual 15
The Lifters Clinic
BFR training manual
Get certified
Medical provider certification and FDA compliant BFR
pneumatic unit through Owens Recovery Science 16
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BFR training manual 17
The Lifters Clinic
BFR training manual
Kacin A, & Strazar K (2011). Frequent low-load ischemic resistance exercise to
failure enhances muscle oxygen delivery and endurance capacity. Scand J
Med Sci Sports, 21, e231-241.
Wilson JM, Lowery RP, Joy JM, Loenneke JP, & Naimo MA (2013). Practical Blood
Flow Restriction Training Increases Acute Determinants of Hypertrophy Without
Increasing Indices of Muscle Damage. J Strength Cond Res, epub ahead of
Loenneke JP, Abe T, Wilson JM, Ugrinowitsch C, & Bemben MG (2012) Blood flow
restriction: how does it work? Front Physiol, 3, 392.
Loenneke JP, Wilson JM, Marin PJ, Zourdos MC, & Bemben MG (2012). Low
intensity blood flow restriction training: a meta-analysis. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112(5),
Loenneke JP, Fahs CA, Wilson JM, & Bemben MG (2011). Blood flow restriction:
the metabolite/volume threshold theory. Med Hypotheses, 77(5), 748-752.
Loenneke JP, Fahs CA, Rossow LM, Abe T, & Bemben MG (2011). The anabolic
benefits of venous blood flow restriction training may be induced by muscle cell
swelling. Med Hypotheses, 78(1) , 151-154.
Loenneke JP, Wilson GJ, & Wilson JM (2010) A mechanistic approach to blood
flow occlusion. Int J Sports Med, 31(1) , 1-4.
Loenneke JP, Abe T, Wilson JM, Thiebaud RS, Fahs CA, Rossow LM, & Bemben
MG (2012) Blood flow restriction: an evidence-based progressive model. Acta
Physiol Hung, 99(3) , 235-250. 18
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BFR training manual
Thiebaud RS, Yasuda T, Loenneke JP, Abe T (2013). Effects of low-intensity
concentric and eccentric exercise combined with blood flow restriction on
indices of exercise-induced muscle damage. Interven Med Appl Sci, 5, 53-59.
Lowery RP, Joy JM, Loenneke JP, Oliveira de Souza E, Weiner S, McCleary S, &
Wilson JM (2013). Practical blood flow restriction training increases muscle
hypertrophy during a periodized resistance training program. National Strength
and Conditioning Conference, J Strength Cond Res supplement. 19