This document provides information and instructions for quantitatively determining gamma-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) levels in serum samples using a kinetic liquid substrate method. γ-GT catalyzes the transfer of γ-glutamyl groups from γ-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide to the acceptor glycylglycine. The rate of product formation is measured photometrically and is proportional to the γ-GT concentration in the sample. Elevated γ-GT levels are useful for diagnosing and treating hepatobiliary diseases. The kit contains reagents, buffers, substrates and instructions for performing the assay using a spectrophotometer.
This document provides information and instructions for quantitatively determining gamma-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) levels in serum samples using a kinetic liquid substrate method. γ-GT catalyzes the transfer of γ-glutamyl groups from γ-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide to the acceptor glycylglycine. The rate of product formation is measured photometrically and is proportional to the γ-GT concentration in the sample. Elevated γ-GT levels are useful for diagnosing and treating hepatobiliary diseases. The kit contains reagents, buffers, substrates and instructions for performing the assay using a spectrophotometer.
This document provides information and instructions for quantitatively determining gamma-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) levels in serum samples using a kinetic liquid substrate method. γ-GT catalyzes the transfer of γ-glutamyl groups from γ-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide to the acceptor glycylglycine. The rate of product formation is measured photometrically and is proportional to the γ-GT concentration in the sample. Elevated γ-GT levels are useful for diagnosing and treating hepatobiliary diseases. The kit contains reagents, buffers, substrates and instructions for performing the assay using a spectrophotometer.
This document provides information and instructions for quantitatively determining gamma-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) levels in serum samples using a kinetic liquid substrate method. γ-GT catalyzes the transfer of γ-glutamyl groups from γ-glutamyl-p-nitroanilide to the acceptor glycylglycine. The rate of product formation is measured photometrically and is proportional to the γ-GT concentration in the sample. Elevated γ-GT levels are useful for diagnosing and treating hepatobiliary diseases. The kit contains reagents, buffers, substrates and instructions for performing the assay using a spectrophotometer.
BEIS47-I 01/07/13 SPINREACT,S.A/S.A.U. Ctra.Santa Coloma, 7 E-17176 SANT ESTEVE DE BAS (GI) SPAIN Tel. +34 972 69 08 00 Fax +34 972 69 00 99. e-mail: [email protected] -GT-LQ Quantitative determination of gamma-glutamyl transferase (GT) IVD
Store at 2-8C
PRINCIPLE OF THE METHOD Gamma-glutamyl transferase (-GT) catalyses the transfer of -glutamyl group from -glutamyl-p-nitroanilide to acceptor glycylglycine, according to the following reaction: --L-Glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide + Glycylglycine GT
The rate of 2-nitro-5-aminobenzoic acid formation, measured photometrically, is proportional to the catalytic concentration of -GT present in the sample 1,2 .
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Gamma-glutamyl transferase (-GT) is a cellular enzyme with wide tissue distribution in the body, primarily in the kidney, pancreas, liver and prostate. Measurements of gamma-glutamyl transferase (-GT) activity are used in the diagnosis and treatment of hepatobiliary diseases such biliary obstruction, cirrhosis or liver tumours 1,2,5,6 . Clinical diagnosis should not be made on a single test result; it should integrate clinical and other laboratory data.
REAGENTS R 1 Buffer TRIS pH 8.6 Glycylglycine 100 mmol/L 100 mmol/L R 2 Substrate L--glutamyl-3-carboxy-4-nitroanilide 3 mmol/L
Stability: 2 months at 2-8C or 1 week at room temperature (15-25C).
STORAGE AND STABILITY All the components of the kit are stable until the expiration date on the label when stored tightly closed at 2-8C, protected from light and contaminations prevented during their use. Do not use reagents over the expiration date. Signs of reagent deterioration: - Presence of particles and turbidity. - Blank absorbance (A) at 405 nm > 1,20.
ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT - Spectrophotometer or colorimeter measuring at 405 nm. - Thermostatic bath at 25C, 30C o 37C ( 0.1C) - Matched cuvettes 1.0 cm light path. - General laboratory equipment.
SAMPLES Serum 1 . GT is stable for at least 3 days at 2-8C, 8 hours at 15- 25C and 1 month at 20C.
PROCEDURE 1. Assay conditions: Wavelength: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 nm Cuvette: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1 cm light path Constant temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25C /30C / 37C 2. Adjust the instrument to zero with distilled water or air. 3. Pipette into a cuvette( note 1 ):
WR (mL) 1,0 Sample (L) 100
4. Mix, wait for 1 minute. 5. Read initial absorbance (A) of the sample, start the stopwatch and read absorbances at 1 minute intervals thereafter for 3 minutes. 6. Calculate the difference between absorbances and the average absorbance differences per minute (AA/min).
CALCULATIONS AA/min x 1190 = U/L of -GT
Units: One international unit (IU) is the amount of enzyme that transforms 1 mol of substrate per minute, in standard conditions. The concentration is expressed in units per litre of sample (U/L).
Temperature conversion factors To correct results to other temperatures multiply by:
Assay temperature Conversion factor to 25C 30C 37C 25C 30C 37C 1,00 0,73 0,56 1,37 1,00 0,77 1,79 1,30 1,00
QUALITY CONTROL Control sera are recommended to monitor the performance of assay procedures: SPINTROL H Normal and Pathologic (Ref. 1002120 and 1002210). If control values are found outside the defined range, check the instrument, reagents and technique for problems. Each laboratory should establish its own Quality Control scheme and corrective actions if controls do not meet the acceptable tolerances.
REFERENCE VALUES 1 25C 30C 37C Women 4-18 U/L 5-25 U/L 7-32 U/L Men 6-28 U/L 8-38 U/L 11-50 U/L These values are for orientation purpose; each laboratory should establish its own reference range.
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Measuring range: From detection limit of 2 U/L to linearity limit of 300 U/L. If the results obtained were greater than linearity limit, dilute the sample 1/2 with NaCl 9 g/L and multiply the result by 2. Precision: Intra-assay (n=20) Inter-assay (n=20) Mean (U/L) 38,3 190 40,1 198 SD 0,39 0,53 0,82 2,30 CV (%) 1,03 0,28 2,05 1,16
Sensitivity: 1 U/L = 0,0008 AA/min. Accuracy: Results obtained using SPINREACT reagents (y) did not show systematic differences when compared with other commercial reagents (x). The results obtained using 100 samples were the following: Correlation coefficient (r): 0,99990. Regression equation: y= 1,334x - 1,493. The results of the performance characteristics depend on the analyzer used.
INTERFERENCES Plasma should not be used, anticoagulants inhibit the enzyme. Gross haemolysis interferes in the assay 1 . A list of drugs and other interfering substances with -GT determination has been reported by Young et. al 3,4 .
NOTES SPINREACT has instruction sheets for several automatic analyzers. Instructions for many of them are available on request.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Gendler S. -GT. Kaplan A et al. Clin Chem The C.V. Mosby Co. St Louis. Toronto. Princeton 1984; 1120-1123. 2. Persijn J P et al. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1976; (14) 9: 421-427. 3. Young DS. Effects of drugs on Clinical Lab. Tests, 4th ed AACC Press, 1995. 4. Young DS. Effects of disease on Clinical Lab. Tests, 4th ed AACC 2001. 5. Burtis A et al. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, 3rd ed AACC 1999. 6. Tietz N W et al. Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests, 3rd ed AACC 1995.
Ref: 41290 R1: R2: 1 x 60 mL 1 x 15 mL Ref: 41292 R1: R2: 1 x 240 mL 1 x 60 mL Ref: 41293 R1: R2: 1 x 480 mL 1 x 120 mL Cont.
- GT-LQ Substrato carboxilado. Cintico. Liquido
BEIS47-E 01/07/13 SPINREACT,S.A./S.A.U. Ctra.Santa Coloma, 7 E-17176 SANT ESTEVE DE BAS (GI) SPAIN Tel. +34 972 69 08 00 Fax +34 972 69 00 99. e-mail: [email protected] -GT-LQ Determinacin cuantitativa de gamma-glutamil transferasa (GT) IVD
Conservar a 2-8C
PRINCIPIO DEL MTODO La -glutamil transferasa (-GT) cataliza la transferencia de un grupo -glutamilo de la -glutamil-p-nitroanillida al dipptido aceptor glicilglicina, segn la siguiente reaccin: L- -Glutamil-3-carboxi-4-nitroanilida + Glicilglicina GT
La velocidad de formacin del cido 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoico, determinado fotomtricamente, es proporcional a la concentracin cataltica de -glutamil transferasa (-GT) en la muestra ensayada 1,2 .
SIGNIFICADO CLNICO La -glutamil transferasa (-GT) es una enzima que se encuentra presente en casi todos los tejidos del organismo, siendo particularmente alta en hgado, pncreas, rin y prstata. La determinacin de los niveles de -glutamil transferasa (-GT) es el mtodo mas til para el diagnstico y tratamiento de las enfermedades hepatobiliares como obstruccin heptica, cirrosis o tumores hepticos 1,2,5,6 . El diagnstico clnico debe realizarse teniendo en cuenta todos los datos clnicos y de laboratorio.
REACTIVOS R 1 Tampn TRIS pH 8,6 Glicilglicina 100 mmol/L 100 mmol/L R 2 Substrato L--glutamil-3-carboxi-4-nitroanilida 3 mmol/L
PREPARACIN Reactivo de trabajo (RT) Mezclar: 4 vol. (R1) Tampn + 1 vol. de (R2) Substrato.
Estabilidad: 2 meses a 2-8C o 1 semana a temperatura ambiente.
CONSERVACIN Y ESTABILIDAD Todos los componentes del kit son estables, hasta la fecha de caducidad indicada en la etiqueta del vial, cuando se mantienen los viales bien cerrados a 2-8C, protegidos de la luz y se evita su contaminacin. No usar reactivos fuera de la fecha indicada. Indicadores de deterioro de los reactivos: - Presencia de partculas y turbidez. - Absorbancias del Blanco a 405 > 1,20.
MATERIAL ADICIONAL - Espectrofotmetro o analizador para lecturas a 405 nm. - Bao termostatable a 25C, 30C 37C ( 0,1C) - Cubetas de 1,0 cm de paso de luz. - Equipamiento habitual de laboratorio.
MUESTRAS Suero 1 . GT es estable hasta 3 das a 2-8C, 8 horas a 15-25C y 1 mes a 20C.
PROCEDIMIENTO 1. Condiciones del ensayo: Longitud de onda: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .405 nm Cubeta:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 1 cm paso de luz Temperatura constante . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .25C / 30C / 37C 2. Ajustar el espectrofotmetro a cero frente a agua destilada o aire. 3. Pipetear en una cubeta:
RT (mL) 1,0 Muestra (L) 100
4. Mezclar, incubar 1 minuto. 5. Leer la absorbancia (A) inicial de la muestra, poner en marcha el cronometro y leer la absorbancia cada minuto durante 3 minutos. 6. Calcular el promedio de la diferencia de absorbancia por minuto (A/min).
CLCULOS A/min x 1190= U/L de -GT
Unidades: La unidad internacional (UI) es la cantidad de enzima que convierte 1 mol de substrato por minuto, en condiciones estndar. La concentracin se expresa en unidades por litro (U/L).
Factores de conversin de temperaturas Los resultados pueden transformarse a otras temperaturas multiplicando por:
Temperatura de medicin Factor para convertir a 25C 30C 37C 25C 30C 37C 1,00 0,73 0,56 1,37 1,00 0,77 1,79 1,30 1,00
CONTROL DE CALIDAD Es conveniente analizar junto con las muestras sueros control valorados: SPINTROL H Normal y Patolgico (Ref. 1002120 y 1002210). Si los valores hallados se encuentran fuera del rango de tolerancia, se debe revisar el instrumento, los reactivos y la tcnica. Cada laboratorio debe disponer su propio Control de Calidad y establecer correcciones en el caso de que los controles no cumplan con las tolerancias.
VALORES DE REFERENCIA 1 25C 30C 37C Mujeres 4-18 U/L 5-25 U/L 7-32 U/L Hombres 6-28 U/L 8-38 U/L 11-50 U/L Estos valores son orientativos. Es recomendable que cada laboratorio establezca sus propios valores de referencia.
CARACTERSTICAS DEL MTODO Rango de medida: Desde el lmite de deteccin 2 U/L hasta el lmite de linealidad 300 U/L. Si la concentracin de la muestra es superior al lmite de linealidad, diluir 1/2 con ClNa 9 g/L y multiplicar el resultado final por 2. Precisin: Intraserie (n= 20) Interserie (n= 20) Media (U/L) 38,3 190 40,1 198 SD 0,39 0,53 0,82 2,30 CV (%) 1,03 0,28 2,05 1,16
Sensibilidad analtica: 1 U/L = 0,0008 A/min. Exactitud: Los reactivos SPINREACT (y) no muestran diferencias sistemticas significativas cuando se comparan con otros reactivos comerciales (x). Los resultados obtenidos con 100 muestras fueron los siguientes: Coeficiente de regresin (r): 0,99990. Ecuacin de la recta de regresin: y= 1,334x - 1,493. Las caractersticas del mtodo pueden variar segn el analizador utilizado.
INTERFERENCIAS No utilizar plasma. Los anticoagulantes inhiben al enzima. La hemlisis elevada interfiere en el ensayo 1 . Se han descrito varias drogas y otras substancias que interfieren en la determinacin de la -GT 3,4 .
NOTAS SPINREACT dispone de instrucciones detalladas para la aplicacin de este reactivo en distintos analizadores.
BIBLIOGRAFA 1. Gendler S. -GT. Kaplan A et al. Clin Chem The C.V. Mosby Co. St Louis. Toronto. Princeton 1984; 1120-1123. 2. Persijn J P et al. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1976; (14) 9: 421-427. 3. Young DS. Effects of drugs on Clinical Lab. Tests, 4th ed AACC Press, 1995. 4. Young DS. Effects of disease on Clinical Lab. Tests, 4th ed AACC 2001. 5. Burtis A et al. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, 3rd ed AACC 1999. 6. Tietz N W et al. Clinical Guide to Laboratory Tests, 3rd ed AACC 1995.
Ref: 41290 R1: R2: 1 x 60 mL 1 x 15 mL Ref: 41292 R1: R2: 1 x 240 mL 1 x 60 mL Ref: 41293 R1: R2: 1 x 480 mL 1 x 120 mL Cont.