Strategy Management in Construction Management - Thesis
Strategy Management in Construction Management - Thesis
Strategy Management in Construction Management - Thesis
Strategic management concepts, nature of strategic decisions
and the necessity of strategy in the construction industry to
make it secure from surprises.
. What is strategy?
Strategy is a subject that has exercised the minds of political, military and business leaders for
centuries. The earliest recorded attempts to define strategy emanate from Roman military
commanders who sought to document the strategic options available on the battlefield. The
acceptance of the need for strategic behavior in business is evidenced by the volume of literature
dedicated to the subject. Much of the knowledge base has been developed by researchers and
theorists; practitioners have had to apply critical judgments on how such theories can be applied
to their own industry. This is particularly so in the construction industry where little material in
the strategic management field has been available despite the efforts of authors such as
Newcombe, Channon and Grinyer who have done much to bring strategic management theories
to the attention of construction management practitioners.
The first perspective views strategy as planning mod. A strategy is worked out in
advance, is explicit and managers develop a systematic and structured plan to meet
The second perspective sees strategy as an evolutionary mode. From this viewpoint
strategy evolves over time, is not thought out and planned but is a stream of significant
They are concerned with the scope of the organization's activities and the interface with
the environment.
They seek to match the strengths and weaknesses of the firm to the opportunities and
threats in the market place
They seek to match the firm's activities to the capabilities of of the organization and its
They commit the organization to changes in the use of its existing resources or to
obtaining additional resources
They affect operational and administrative decisions
They are complex because there is always a high degree of uncertainty about
environmental forces and outcomes.
They affect the long term direction of the firm.
The strategic management role can be filled by an internal individual or team or an external
consultant or executive director. A combination of both internal and external modes is sometimes
The timing of the strategic management is crucial to its success. Finding time time to do it is also
. Levels of Strategy
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