Appendix 3 Lesson Plan of Experimental Group

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Appendix 3


Name of School : SMP Nusantara

Subject : English

Skill : Reading

Class / Semester : VIII-A /2

Time Allotment : 2 X 40 minutes

A. Standard Competency

Understanding the meaning of simple short functional text associated with the environment.

B. Basic Competency

Responding the meaning of simple short functional text accurately in the form of narrative


C. Indicator

Answering the narrative multiple choice question.

D. Goals

Students are able to answer the multiple choice of narrative text.

E. Step Activities



Introducing self

Whilst activity

Teacher gives the pre-test

Students answers the pre-test individually

Teacher monitors the class

Teacher collects the pre-test

Post activity


Jakarta, 29th May 2013

English Teacher

Naning Prasiwi, S. Pd.


Name of the student:
Class: VIII-

Read the text and answer question 1-8

Long time ago in West Java lived a woman named Dayang Sumbi. She lived alone in a
forest. One dayDayang Sumbi was quilting when suddenly, her quilt fell off from her house.
Then she prayed to God. If a man picks up my quilt, he will be my husband. If a woman, she
will be my sister. Then a male dog picks it up. For keeping her words, Dayang Sumbi married
the dog and called him Tumang. Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby, named him Sangkuriang
but never told him who his father was.
One day, Sangkuriang was hunting with Tumang in the forest and he found nothing. He
blamed Tumang for the failure and killed him. When Dayang Sumbi knew that, she hit
Sangkuriangs head with a big spoon and asked him to go.
Many years later, the wandering Sangkuriang found a house in the forest, and an old
beautiful woman was in the house. The woman, Dayang Sumbi recognized the adventurer as
Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang forced her to marry him and Dayang Sumbi asked him to make a vast
boat in one night. In the night Sangkuriang called his friends, ghosts, and forest fairies, to help
him. Dayang Sumbi feared the boat could be finished on time, so she asked some woman nearby
to help her. The woman hit the grain punchers to make noise which disturbed the ghosts and the
fairies. The ghosts and the fairies run away before completing the boat. Sangkuriang was very
angry. He kicked away the boat upside down, and it turned into a mountain called Tangkuban
Perahu. It means the down side boat, which stood in the north Bandung.
(source: Sukses Menghadapi UN SMP/MTs 2013)
c. She wanted the boat completed
1. What is the title of the story above? soon
a. Sangkuriang d. She was angry with Sangkuriang
b. Dayang Sumbi
c. Tumang 3. Why did Sangkuriang kick away the
d. Tangkuban Perahu boat upside down?
a. He failed to make the boat
2. Why did Dayang Sumbi ask the b. He was disappointed with the
women to punch the grain? ghosts and the fairies
a. She was afraid the boat would be c. He wanted to make a mountain
completed in one night from
b. She wanted to help Sangkuriang d. He wanted to show his strength
making a boat to Dayang Sumbi
a. Do not trust ghosts and fairies
4. What is the main idea of paragraph b. Do not blame someone for our
two? failure
a. Dayang Sumbi married the dog c. Tell the truth to avoid something
b. Dayang Sumbis quilt feel off unexpected
from her house d. Do the work patiently without
c. Dayang Sumbi gave births to a asking for someones help
d. A male dog picked up Dayang 7. Which paragraph tells us about the
Sumbis quilt resolution of the text?
a. Paragraph three
5. .that Sangkuriang had to build a b. Paragraph two
vast boat for their honey moon c. Paragraph one
(paragraph 4). What does the d. Paragraph four
underline word mean?
a. Very expensive 8. Who is the main character of the
b. Extremely large story above?
c. Very luxurious a. Dayang Sumbi
d. Extremely beautiful b. Sangkuriang
c. Tumang
6. What is the moral value of the story? d. Fairies

Read the text and answer question 9-12

One day long ago, some sailors set out to sea in their sailing ship. One of them brought
his pet monkey along for the long journey.
When they were far out at sea, a terrible storm overturned their ship. Everyone fell into
the sea, and the monkey was sure that he would drown. Suddenly a dolphin appeared and picked
him up.
They soon reached the island and the monkey came down from the dolphin's back. The
dolphin asked the monkey, "Do you know this place?" The monkey replied, "Yes, I do. In fact,
the king of the island is my best friend. Do you know that I am actually a prince?"
Knowing that no one lived on the island, the dolphin said, "Well, well, so you are a
prince! Now you can be a king!" The monkey asked, "How can I be a king?" As the dolphin
started swimming away, he answered, "That is easy. As you are the only creature on this island,
you will naturally be the king!"
(source: Sukses Menghadapi UN SMP/MTs 2013)

9. What does the text tell you about?

a. The sailors and their pet. 10. What happened to the sailors ship?
b. The monkey and the dolphin. a. The terrible storm overturned it.
c. The king and the prince. b. It drowned with all her loads.
d. The dolphin and his friends. c. It hit an island under the sea
d. Its machine stopped working 12. What moral message does the story
11. What does the dolphin like based on a. We should help one another in
the text? our real life
a. A wild creature b. We must not act like a real
b. A helpful animal monkey in the woods
c. A good swimmer c. Those who lie and boast may end
d. A nice friend up in trouble
d. We may not talk too much about
some new things

Read the text and answer question 13-16

The Wolf and the Goat

A wolf saw a goat grazing at the edge of a high cliff. The wolf smacked his lips at the
thought of a fine goat dinner.
"My dear friend," said the wolf in his sweetest voice, "aren't you afraid you will fall
down from that cliff? Come down here and graze on this fine grass beside me on safe, level
ground." "No, thank you," said the goat.
"Well then," said the wolf, "aren't you cold up there in the wind? You would be warmer
grazing down here beside me in this sheltered area." "No, thank you," said the goat. "But the
grass tastes better down here!" said the exasperated wolf, "Why dine alone?"
"My dear wolf," the goat finally said, "are you quite sure that it is MY dinner you are
worrying about and not your own?"
(source: Sukses Menghadapi UN SMP/MTs 2013)

13. What did the wolf ask when he saw 15. What can we learn from the story
the goat grazing at the edge of a high above?
cliff? a. Dont look down other creatures
a. To be his friend b. Dont easily believe in well
b. To graze on the level ground behaved creatures
c. To climb up higher c. Dont judge others by their
d. To be his dinner appearance
d. Dont easily beat other creatures
14. arent you cold up there in the
wind the word there refers to 16. From the story we know..
a. A high cliff a. The goat was very hungry
b. Sheltered area b. The wolf was a helpful animal
c. Grass c. The wolf was eager to eat the
d. Ground goat
d. The goat was going to fight with
the wolf
Read the text and answer question 17-21

A fox fell into a well and couldnt get out. By and by a thirsty goat came along. Seeing the fox in
the well it asked if the water was good. Good, said the fox. Its the best water Ive tasted in all
my life. Come down and try it yourself. The goat thought of nothing but how thirsty he was. So
he jumped into the well. When he had drunk enough he looked around but there was no way to
get out. Then the fox said, I have a good idea. You stand on your hind legs and put your
forelegs against the side of the well. Then Ill climb on your back, from there Ill step on your
horns, and I can get out. And when Im out Ill help you out of the well. The goat did as he was
asked and the fox got on his back and so out of the well. Then he coolly walked away. The goat
called out loudly after him out. The fox merely turned to him and said, If you only has as much
sense in your head as you have hairs in your beard you wouldnt have jumped into the well
without making sure that you could get out again.
(source: soal uan 2006/2007)

17. What is the type of the text above? 20. What is the type of the text ?
a. Recount a. Myths
b. Narrative b. Plays
c. Procedure c. Folk tales
d. Report d. Fable

18. What is the setting for this story?

a. It is a well 21. Why did the fox get the goat into the
b. It is a city well? because....
c. It is a goat a. The fox was very hungry and
d. It is a fox thirsty
b. The goat was very hungry and
19. Why did the goat jump into the well? thirsty
because c. The fox promised that it would
a. It was hungry help to get out of the well
b. It was sad d. The fox needed the goat to get
c. It was thirsty out of the well
d. It was good

Read the text and answer question 22-26

Once upon a time there were four little rabbits. Their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail
and Peter. One morning they were allowed to play outside. Their mother reminded them not to
go to Mr. McGregors garden because their father had an accident there.
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail were good little rabbits. They went down the lane to pick
blackberries. But Peter was naughty. He ran straight away to Mr. McGregors garden. He ate
some lettuces, French beans, and radishes. Suddenly, he met Mr. McGregor. Peter was very
frightened and rushed away as fast as he could. He lost a pair of shoes and a jacket while he was
running. Peter never stopped running or looked behind him till he got home. During the evening,
he was sick because he was so tired. He had to drink some medicine while three of his brother
had bread, mild and blackberries for supper
(source: Sukses Menghadapi UN SMP/MTs 2013)

22. Who was the naughtiest rabbit? b. a book

a. Flopsy c. vegetable
b. Mopsy d. a pair of shoes
c. Cotton-tail
d. Peter 25. Why did Peter get sick? Because .
a. He was so tired
23. What did Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton- b. He did not eat
tail eat? c. He caught a cold
a. Carrot d. He was eating too much
b. Blackberries
c. Lettuce 26. Whom did Peter meet at the garden?
d. strawberry a. His mother
b. Flopsy
24. What did Peter lose while he was c. Mr. McGregor
running? d. Mrs. McGregor
a. one of his shoes

Read the text and answer question 27-30

The Princess and the Pea

Once upon a time there was a prince he wanted to get himself a princess, but she had to be
real princess. So he traveled all over the world to find one, but in every case something was the
matter. There were lots of princess, but he could never quite make out whether they were real or
not. So he came home feeling very unhappy, for really wanted to find a true princess.
One evening a terrible storm came; lightening flashed, thunder rolled, and the rain poured
down in torrents-it was simply awful ! suddenly there was a knock at the city gate, and the old
king went out to answer it.
There was a princess standing outside, but what a sight the rain and the bad weather had
made of her ! The water streamed down her hair and her clothes, and yet she said she was a real
It wont take long to find that out, thought the old Queen. Without saying anything, she
went into bed chamber, took off all the bedclothes, and places one pea on the bottom boards of
the bed. Then she took twenty mattresses and put them on top of the pea, and after that she put
twenty feather-pillows on top of the mattresses.
That was where the princess was to spend the night.
In the morning they asked her how she had slept.
Oh, dreadfully! said the princess. I hardly slept a wink all night. Whatever could have been
in the bed ? I was lying on something so hard that Im black and blue all over.
So of course they could see that she was a real princess, since she had felt the pea through
twenty mattresses and twenty feather-pillows. No one but a real princess could have such a
tender skin as that.
So the prince took her for his wife, and they lived happily ever after.
(source: Sukses Menghadapi UN SMP/MTs 2013)

27. What kind of the text is it? a. To inform about princess and the
a. Report pea
b. Recount b. To describe the story of the
c. Narrative princess and the pea
d. Descriptive c. To give information that the
prince looked for the real
28. The generic structure of the text is? princess
a. Orientation > Complication > d. To amuse the reader with the
Resolution > Re-Orientation story of the princess and the pea
b. Orientation > Events > Re-
Orientation 30. What is the dominant structure used
c. General Classification > in the text ?
Description a. The simple present tense
d. Identification > Description b. the simple past tense
c. the present continuous tense
29. What is the purpose of the text? d. passive voice

1. A 11. B 21. D

2. A 12. C 22. D

3. B 13. B 23. B

4. A 14. A 24. D

5. B 15. B 25. A

6. C 16. C 26. C

7. D 17. B 27. C

8. B 18. A 28. A

9. B 19. C 29. D

10. A 20. D 30. B

First meeting

Name of School : SMP Nusantara

Subject : English

Skill : Reading

Class / Semester : VIII-A /2

Time Allotment : 2 X 40 minutes

A. Standard Competency

Understanding the meaning of simple short functional text associated with the


B. Basic Competency

Responding the meaning of simple short functional text accurately, fluently and

acceptably in daily life contexts and to access science in the form of narrative


C. Indicators

1. Identifying the generic structure of narrative.

2. Identifying the function of narrative text

3. Identifying the information in narrative text.

D. Goals

1. Students know the generic structure of narrative.

2. Students know the function of narrative text

3. Students know the information in narrative text.

E. Material

1. Text:

The Legend of Toba Lake

Once upon time, there was a handsome man. His name was Batara

Guru Sahala. He liked fishing. One day, he caught a fish. He was surprised

to find out that the fish could talk. The fish begged him to set it free.

Batara Guru could not bear it. He made the fish free. As soon as it was

free, the fish changed into a very beautiful woman. She attracted Batara

Guru so much. He felt in love with that fish-woman. The woman wanted

to marry with him and said that Batara Guru had to keep the secret which

she had been a fish. Batara Guru aggreed and promised that he would

never tell anybody about it.

They were married happily. They had two daughters. One day Batara

Guru got very angry with his daughter. He could not control his mad. He

shouted angrily and got the word of fish to his daugters. The daughters

were crying. They found their mother and talked her about it.

The mother was very annoyed. Batara Guru broke his promise. The

mother was shouting angrily. Then the earth began to shake. Volcanoes

started to erupt. The earth formed a very big hole. People believed that the

big hole became a lake. Then this lake is known as Toba lake.
2. The Function of Narrative

To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or various experiences in different


3. The Generic Structure of Narrative

Orientation: Sets the scene and introduces the participants.

Complication: A crisis arises.

Resolution: The crisis is resolved, for the better or for worse.

Reorientation: A stepping back to evaluate the plight.

F. Learning Method: Cooperative Learning type: ask together - learn together

G. Step Activities



Explaining about ask together learn together technique

Whilst activity

Teacher explains the materials

Teacher creates six groups. Each group consists of six to seven people.

Teacher considers ability levels, genders and backgrounds when making a


Teacher gives a role to each member such as recorder, postman, etc.

Teacher gives the narrative text

Each student reads the text

Every group makes one question on the card

Each postman of the groups send a question to other group

Debate leader responds the question in front of the class.

Teacher gives appreciation.

Post activity

Teacher evaluates group presentations


H. Learning Source

I. Evaluation

Instrument: Essay

Jakarta, 28th May 2013

English Teacher Praktikan

Naning Prasiwi, S.Pd. Novi Yanti Sinaga


Principal of Nusantara Junior High School Lecturer

M. Tri Purwoko, S.Pd. Lamhot Naibaho, M. Hum.



Long time ago in West Java, lived a woman named Dayang Sumbi. She lived

in the forest.

One day, Dayang Sumbi was quilting when suddenly, her quilt fell off from

her house. Then she prayed to Gods, If a man picks up my quilt, he will be my

husband, if a women, she will be my sister. Then, a male dog picks it up. For

keeping her words, Dayang Sumbi married the dog and called him Tumang. Dayang

Sumbi gave births a baby, named Him Sangkuriang, but never told him who his

father was.

One day, Sangkuriang was hunting with Tumang in the forest and he found

nothing. He blamed Tumang for the failure and killed him. When Dayang Sumbi

knew that, she hit Sangkuriangs head with a big spoon and asked him to go.

Many years later, the wandering Sangkuriang found a house in the forest and

an old beautiful woman was in the house. The woman, Dayang Sumbi recognized the

adventurer is Sangkuriang. Sangkuriang forced her to marry him and Dayang Sumbi

asked him to make a vast boat in the one night. In the night, Sangkuriang called his

friends, ghosts and forest fairies to help him. Dayang Sumbi feared the boat could be

finished on time, so she asked some woman nearby to help her. The women hit the

grains with puncher to make noise which disturbed the ghosts and the fairies. The

ghosts and the fairies ran away before completing the boat. Sangkuriang was very
angry. He kicked away the boat upside down and it turned into a mountain called

Tangkuban Perahu. It means the downside boat, which stood in the north of Bandung.

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