Section 6-9
Section 6-9
Section 6-9
ARTICLE 3 BILL OF RIGHTS Section 7. The right of the people to information on matters of public concern
shall be recognized. Access to official records, and to documents and papers
Section 6. The liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to government
prescribed by law shall not be impaired except upon lawful order of the court. research data used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded the
Neither shall the right to travel be impaired except in the interest of national citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law.
security, public safety, or public health, as may be provided by law.
Freedom of information cannot be absolute. The constitution itself recognizes that
The first guarantee of Section 6 is the liberty of abode which may only be impaired there has to be limitations which must be provided for by law. (e.g. military secrets of
upon lawful order of the court. the AFP or PNP that are very sensitive, cannot be subject to the right of information)
The second guarantee of this section 6 is the right to travel. The right to travel This is an example of a limitation provided for by law. Unfortunately, there are only
means not only within the country but also outside the country. It is likewise administrative enactments of the Executive providing for these limitations. There is no
guaranteed and may only be impaired on the basis of national security, public safety, law yet imposing such limitation. The FOI Bill would have provided such limitations.
or public health and as may be provided by law. Since the FOI is an administrative order, then it will only be applicable to the
executive. It cannot be used as a basis for request for information regarding the other
Judging from Section 6, freedom of movement involves 2 rights- the liberty of abode
departments of the government.
and the liberty of travel
The rights guaranteed by the provision are the following:
What is encompassed in liberty of abode?
1. Right to information on matters of public concern and;
The liberty of abode includes the freedom to choose and change ones place of
abode or residence within the limits prescribed by law and may only be impaired 2. The corollary right to access to official records and documents
upon lawful order of the court.
Section 7 refers to political rights and not civil. These rights are available only to the
A clear example of an allowable order of the court would be a condition imposed in citizens of the Philippines. Section 7 is the only provision limited and applicable only
the grant of bail. In granting a bail, there are conditions involved. to citizens of the Philippines.
As held in Yap v. Court of Appeals, the liberty of travel includes the freedom to The right of access to public documents and records is a self-executory
travel within the country and outside. It may be impaired even without a court order, constitutional right. It does not need an enabling law by the Congress to be
but the appropriate executive officer is not armed with arbitrary discretion to impose implemented.
limitations. He can impose limits only on the basis of national security, public safety,
or public health and as may be provided by law. (e.g. passport officers) But why do we still need an FOI bill? The FOI Bill would have to address only the
limitations, because as of now, the limitations are imposed by administrative orders.
The case of Marcos v. Manglapus arose during the time when Marcos was in Hawaii There is no law yet regulating these limitations.
and wanted to return in the Philippines. Cory Aquino imposed a ban which prevented
Marcos from returning. Marcos brought a case against her. Manglapus then was the The right, moreover, was a public right where the real parties in interest are the
Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs. The petitioner, Marcos pointed out people. Every citizen has a standing to challenge any violation of the right and may
that under the Constitution, he may only be prevented to return as may be provided seek its enforcement by mandamus.
by law, which means that Cory Aquino must impose the ban in accordance with a law.
But there is none. There is no such law which gives the authority to the President to The case of Chavez v. Public Estates Authority and Amari involves information on
impose the ban. The case reached the Supreme Court. The SC found the authority of an on-going evaluation of bids. The provision says, Access to official records and to
the President within the four corners of the constitution, written or unwritten. documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as
to government research data used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded
Exclusive to Inclusio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius (Eva Alcaraz, Carla Calos, Edison Cauilan, Glenda Garcia, Norma Goyagoy, Shiryl Saquing, Marlon Saquing and Janine Ursulum)
Constitutional Law 2 Notes Patricia Chan 2017
the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by law. In the case of PEA- granted by law to legitimate labor organizations. Anybody who does not want to
AMARI, the Supreme Court said that it is not yet ripe for the petitioner to ask for register under Section 23 may do so.
information because the bidding process is still going on. There is no decision yet.
When a decision has been made regarding the bidding, then it becomes an official In People v. Hernandez, the Supreme Court held that mere membership in the
act, transaction or decision. Before bidding is done or completed, it is not yet a Communist Party or in the CLP renders the members either of rebellion or of
decision or a transaction. It is not yet an official act, it is still on-going. conspiracy to commit rebellion, because mere membership and nothing more merely
implies advocacy of abstract theory or principle without any action being induced
Some of the recognized limitations on the right to information include: thereby; and that such advocacy becomes criminal only if it is coupled with action or
advocacy of action, namely actual rebellion or conspiracy to commit rebellion, or acts
1. National security matters conducive thereto or evincing the same.
2. Trade secrets and banking transactions
3. Criminal matters or classified law enforcement matters The same decision, however, declared membership in the HMB a sufficient basis for
4. Diplomatic Correspondence conviction.
5. Closed-door cabinet meetings
6. Executive sessions of wither house of Congress Membership in the HMB (Hukbalahap) implied participation in actual uprising or
7. Internal deliberations of the Supreme Court rebellion to secure, as the Huks pretend, the liberation of the peasants and laboring
class from thralldom. By membership in the HMB, one already advocates uprising and
These grey areas are the reasons why the FOI bill could not pass in Congress. The the use of force, and by such membership he agrees or conspires that force be used
debate is on-going on whether the FOI law would eventually allow these transactions to secure the ends of the party. Such membership, therefore, even if there is nothing
to be the subject of a petition on access to official records. more, renders the member guilty of conspiracy to commit rebellion punishable by
Section 8. The right of the people, including those employed in the public and
private sectors, to form unions, associations, or societies for purposes not And when a HUK member, not content with his membership, does anything to
contrary to law shall not be abridged. promote the ends of the rebellion like soliciting contributions, or acting as courier, he
thereby becomes guilty of conspiracy, unless he takes to the field and joins in the
The right to form associations shall not be impaired without due process of law. Even rebellion or uprising, in which latter case he commits rebellion.
without this provision, the protection of this right given to organizations- the right of
the people to organize themselves would still be protected, and the protection comes Because of the People v. Hernandez case, Congress passed the Anti-subversion Act
from the due process clause of the Constitution. (RA 1700) which makes criminal the membership in the Communist Party of the
Philippines. This is to cure the case of People v. Hernandez.
In Philippine Jurisprudence, the right of association has figured in litigation involving
2 areas of associational activity: labor unionism and communist organization. This is now the case of People v. Herrer, which involved the constitutionality of the
Anti-Subversion Act. Justice Castro then proceeded to lay down what he called "basic
In Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions v. Secretary of Labor, Section 23 guidelines" for prosecution under the Act. He said that in addition to proving
of Republic Act No. 875 requiring the registration of labor unions was challenged as circumstances which may affect liability, the following elements of the crime must be
violative of the Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court held that the theory to the effect established:
that Section 23 of RA No. 875 unduly curtails the freedom of assembly and
association guaranteed in the Bill of Rights is devoid of factual basis (1) In the case of subversive organizations other than the Communist Party of the
Philippines, (a) that the purpose of the organization is to overthrow the present
The registration prescribed in paragraph (b) of said section is not a limitation to the Government of the Philippines and to establish in this country a totalitarian regime
right of assembly or association, which may be exercised with or without registration. under the domination of a foreign power; (b) that the accused joined such
The latter is merely a sine qua non for the acquisition of legal personality by labor organization; and (c) that he did so knowingly, willfully and by overt acts; and
organizations, associations, or unions and the possession of the rights and privileges
Exclusive to Inclusio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius (Eva Alcaraz, Carla Calos, Edison Cauilan, Glenda Garcia, Norma Goyagoy, Shiryl Saquing, Marlon Saquing and Janine Ursulum)
Constitutional Law 2 Notes Patricia Chan 2017
(2) In the case of the Communist Party of the Philippines, (a) that the CPP continues to 2. Article 12 Section 18 -- The State may, in the interest of national welfare or
pursue the objectives which led Congress in 1957 to declare it to be an organized defense, establish and operate vital industries and, upon payment of just
conspiracy for the overthrow of the Government by illegal means for the purpose of compensation, transfer to public ownership utilities and other private enterprises to
placing the country under the control of a foreign power; (b) that the accused joined be operated by the Government.
the CPP; and (c) that he did so willfully, knowingly and by overt acts.
3. Article 13 Section 4 -- The State shall, by law, undertake an agrarian reform
On the labor front, a significant decision is United Pepsi-Cola Supervisory Union program founded on the right of farmers and regular farmworkers who are landless,
(UPSU) v. Laguesma, where the dispute was about the right of association of to own directly or collectively the lands they till or, in the case of other farmworkers,
managerial employees. to receive a just share of the fruits thereof. To this end, the State shall encourage and
undertake the just distribution of all agricultural lands, subject to such priorities and
The first sentence of Article 245 of the Labor Code provides that: "Managerial
reasonable retention limits as the Congress may prescribe, taking into account
employees are not eligible to join, assist or form any labor organization." The
ecological, developmental, or equity considerations, and subject to the payment of
Petitioner-Union contended that this provision contravened the constitutional right to
just compensation. In determining retention limits, the State shall respect the right of
form associations. The validity of the ban, however, was upheld because the "right
small landowners. The State shall further provide incentives for voluntary land-
guaranteed in Art. 3 Section 8 is subject to the condition that its exercise should be
for purposes 'not contrary to law.'
In the case of Art. 245, there is a rational basis for prohibiting managerial employees 4. Article 18 Section 22 -- At the earliest possible time, the Government shall
from forming or joining labor organizations." It was held that "if these managerial expropriate idle or abandoned agricultural lands as may be defined by law, for
employees would belong to or be affiliated with a Union, the latter might not be distribution to the beneficiaries of the agrarian reform program.
assured of their loyalty to the Union in view of evident conflict of interest. The Union
can also become company-dominated with the presence of managerial employees in The concept of public use is equated to the broader concept of public welfare of
the Union membership." national welfare. Section 4, Article 13 on the other hand deals with the just
distribution of agricultural lands subject to payment of just compensation.
Government employees absolutely have the right to form unions, but even if they are
members of a union, they do not have the right to strike. The right to eminent domain must be understood to be the ultimate right of the
sovereign power to appropriate not only public but also the private property of the
Section 9. Private property shall not be taken for public use without just citizens for public purposes. It is a power inherent in the sovereignty, and it need not
compensation. be granted by any fundamental law.
There are 2 constitutional limitations on the power of eminent domain: The exercise of the power of eminent domain is by tradition lodged with the
executive arm of the government. The power must be granted by the Legislature. The
1. Private property must be taken for public use one that executes the power of eminent domain is always the Executive. Without the
2. There must be just compensation Congress giving the exercise of power of eminent domain, the Executive cannot
exercise the same. Therefore, the power is inherent.
The constitutional provisions on eminent domain are:
Section 9 does not provide the grant of eminent domain to the state. It is only there
to limit the enormous power of the state and that is the function of the Bill of Rights.
1. Article 3 Section 9 -- Private property shall not be taken for public use without
This power must be granted by the Legislature. Once authority is given to exercise the
just compensation.
power of eminent domain, the matter ceases to be wholly legislative. The executive
authorities may then decide whether the power will be invoked and to what extent.
Exclusive to Inclusio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius (Eva Alcaraz, Carla Calos, Edison Cauilan, Glenda Garcia, Norma Goyagoy, Shiryl Saquing, Marlon Saquing and Janine Ursulum)
Constitutional Law 2 Notes Patricia Chan 2017
Under the Local Government Code, the power of eminent domain may also be Public use means public usefulness, utility, or advantage, or what is productive of
conferred to municipal government, other governmental entities and to private general benefit, so that any appropriating of private property by the state under its
entities operating public utility. As to the Legislature, the power is inherent. For right of eminent domain, for purposes of great advantage to the community, is a
government agencies, local government and public utilities, it is only a delegated taking for public use. The concept of public use is as broad as public welfare.
The scope of the power of eminent domain has become broad as the expansive and
In the hands of Congress, the scope of the power is, like the scope of legislative ever expanding scope of police power. The taking of private property for subdivision
power itself. It is plenary. It is all-encompassing. It is as broad as the scope of police and resale for land reform is for public use because land reform is mandated by the
power itself. It can reach even private property which the State might need for public Constitution, that fact already establishes the public purpose of the taking. (Mataas
use. The delegated power of eminent domain of local governments is strictly na Lupa v. Dinayuga)
speaking not a power of eminent but of inferior domain a share merely in eminent
domain. Expropriation for socialize housing is for public use. (Sumulong v. Guerrero)
In City of Manila v. Chinese Community of Manila, the issue in the case was Expropriation for the construction of irrigation canals. (Coscullela v. CA)
authority over a portion of a Chinese cemetery which had been established under
authority of the Spanish Governor-General and "founded and maintained by the The case of Manosca v. CA involves the expropriation of the birthplace of Felix
spontaneous and fraternal contribution of their protector, merchants and Manalo, the founder of Iglesia ni Cristo. For the purpose of preserving a historical
industrialists." It was a cemetery "adjusted to the taste and traditional practices of landmark, it was upheld by the Supreme Court as for public use, under the broadened
those born and educated in China" and authorized by the Spanish government as a definition of public use. Moreover, it was questioned on the constitutional
mark of recognition of the civic contribution of Chinese nationals. The city was prohibition of non-establishment clause of the Constitution. The SC said that the non-
seeking to expropriate a portion of the property in order to open a street through the establishment objection was answered by the argument that whatever benefit of the
cemetery. Did the city have authority to do it? Iglesia would only be incidental to the public historical purpose.
The Court asserted that a cemetery open to the public was already in public use "and 3. There must be just compensation
no part of the ground could be taken for other public uses under a general authority.
And general authority was all that the City of Manila could show. Hence, it was
Just compensation is the just and complete equivalent of the loss which the owner of
without authority to expropriate the property.
the thing expropriated has to suffer by reason of the expropriation. The compensation
given to the owner is just if he receives for his property a sum equivalent to its
The Court said that "if the legislature under proper authority should grant the "market value."
expropriation of a certain or particular parcel of land for some specified purpose, the
courts would be without authority to enquire into the purpose of the legislation.
Market value is the price which the property will command if the seller is not bound
And that is what the legislature did; it authorized the City of Manila to expropriate the
to sell and the buyer is not bound to buy. This is the definition of the deliberation of
specific parcel of property which accounts for the present extension of Rizal
the Constitutional Commission. A statutory determination of just compensation
Avenue across what once was a portion of the Chinese cemetery.
would only be prima facie assessment. In the end, the final determination of just
compensation will have to be made by the Court.
The requisites for the exercise of the power of eminent domain are:
Statutory determination is a determination by Congress, by statute or law.
1. There is taking of private property
2. The taking must be for public use
Who are entitled to just compensation? It is not only the registered owner but
includes also those who have lawful interest in the property to be condemned
Exclusive to Inclusio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius (Eva Alcaraz, Carla Calos, Edison Cauilan, Glenda Garcia, Norma Goyagoy, Shiryl Saquing, Marlon Saquing and Janine Ursulum)
Constitutional Law 2 Notes Patricia Chan 2017
including a mortgagee of a registered mortgage, a lessee, a vendee, or every person The value of the property should be fixed as of the date when it was taken and not
having an estate or interest at law or in equity in the land taken is entitled in to share the date of the filing of the proceedings." For where property is taken ahead of the
in the award of just compensation. filing of the condemnation proceedings, the value thereof may be enhanced by the
public purpose for which it is taken; the entry by the plaintiff upon the property may
Entry may be made by the expropriator even prior to actual payment of just have depreciated its value thereby; or, there may have been a natural increase in the
compensation. What is merely required is that a deposit is made of the provisional value of the property from the time it is taken to the time the complaint is filed, due
value of the property. PD 42 removed the discretion of the court in determining to general economic conditions. The owner of private property should be
provisional value. What is to be deposited is an amount equivalent to the assessed compensated only for what he actually loses; it is not intended that his compensation
value for taxation purposes. No hearing is required for that purpose. All that is shall extend beyond his loss or injury. And what he loses is only the actual value of his
required is notice to the owner of the property sought to be condemned. property at the time it is taken.
However, the determination of just compensation provision by PD 42 was declared In Republic of the Philippines v. Heirs of Borbon and CA, the expropriator who
unconstitutional. What was merely declared unconstitutional was the computation of has taken possession of the property subject to expropriation is obliged to pay
just compensation, because there is now a jurisprudence that says that just reasonable compensation to the landowner for the period of such possession
compensation can only be determined by the courts. although the proceedings had been discontinued on the ground that the public
purpose for the expropriation had meanwhile ceased. It is only equitable that when a
As a general rule, the value of the property expropriated is determined through the property is taken and used, the expropriator must have to pay.
time of the filing of the complaint for expropriation. This is because the filing of the
case coincides the taking. But what if the property is immediately taken and the There is part in the deliberation of the Constitutional Commission on land reform.
expropriation proceedings will be filed later? Then the value of the property Just compensation and expropriation for land reform can be less than the market
expropriated is determined during the time of the taking of the property value, because land reform is both an eminent domain act and a police power act.
expropriated. This deliberation is revealed by Bernas in his book. But the Constitution does not
provide that just compensation for properties taken for land reform can be less than
The Court has consistently ruled that compensation for property expropriated must the market value. It could have been justified had there been a provision
be determined as of the time the expropriating authority takes possession thereof implementing this deliberation.
and not as of the institution of the proceedings. (Republic v. Sarabia)
Under the 1935 Constitution, the government must use the area test for
In the case of Secretary of Department of Public Works and Highways v. Spouses expropriation. It must comprise a big area such as haciendas and large estates. This is
Tecson, the Court thus determined the landowners right to the payment of just the Guido-Baylosis cases. But under the 1973 Constitution, and even under the 1987
compensation and, more importantly, the amount of just compensation. The Court Constitution, the area test is no longer used. The area test was rejected in favor of
has uniformly ruled that just compensation is the value of the property at the time of the states quest for social justice and peace. This is because of the strengthened
taking that is controlling for purposes of compensation. In Forfom, the payment of provisions of social justice under the 1973 and 1987 Constitution. Therefore, even if it
just compensation was reckoned from the time of taking in 1973; in Eusebio, the not a big landed estate, it can already be expropriated for resale to the landless. This
Court fixed the just compensation by determining the value of the property at the is called the Tuason Doctrine.
time of taking in 1980; in MIAA, the value of the lot at the time of taking in 1972
served as basis for the award of compensation to the owner; and in Republic, the Is the valuation of properties for the purpose of just compensation subject to judicial
Court was convinced that the taking occurred in 1956 and was thus the basis in fixing review? Yes, definitely.
just compensation. As in said cases, just compensation due respondents in this case
should, therefore, be fixed not as of the time of payment but at the time of taking, How about the exercise of power of eminent domain? It depends. When the
that is, in 1940. expropriation is done not directly by Legislative authority but by another government
agency or by a municipal corporation, in virtue of an authorizing statute which
Exclusive to Inclusio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius (Eva Alcaraz, Carla Calos, Edison Cauilan, Glenda Garcia, Norma Goyagoy, Shiryl Saquing, Marlon Saquing and Janine Ursulum)
Constitutional Law 2 Notes Patricia Chan 2017
specifies neither the purpose of the taking nor the property to be taken, it is subject When the right of way enforced by the state results in making adjoining property
to judicial review. When the Legislature itself specifies the purpose of the taking and unusable, just compensation is due. (Republic v. Andaya)
singles out the property to be taken, the judgment made by the Legislature is not
reviewable by the courts. So also, where the nature and effect of the installation of the 230 KV Mexico-Limay
transmission lines results in the imposition of limitation against the use of the land for
Res Judicata is the finality of judgment or decision. The very nature of eminent an indefinite period, there is compensable taking. (NPC v. San Pedro)
domain, as an inherent power of the state dictates that the right to exercise the power
is absolute and unfettered by prior judgment or Res Judicata. Res Judicata does not When the municipal property is taken by the State, compensation is required if it is
affect the power to exercise eminent domain. The scope of eminent domain is plenary patrimonial property of the municipality (property is acquired by its private funds in
and, like police power, can 'reach every form of property which the State might need its corporate or private capacity) (Salas v. Jarencio)
for public use. However, the impropriety of res judicata "does apply to specific issues
decided in a previous case. For example, a final judgment dismissing an expropriation But if it is any other property such as public buildings, merely held in trust by the city
suit on the ground that there was no prior offer precluded another suit raising the for the benefit of the public but was private property held by the city in its proprietary
same issue; it cannot, however, bar the State or its agent from thereafter complying capacity, the State is free to dipose of it at will. (Province of Zamboanga del Norte
with this requirement, as prescribed by law, and subsequently exercising its power of v. City of Zamboanga)
eminent domain over the same property."
The power of eminent domain has been given to local governments by the Local
Regulation vs. Taking Government Code.
Regulation- police power; when property right is impaired by regulation, Expropriation by local governments under Section 19 of the Local Government Code
compensation is not required; does not amount to taking, merely regulatory (R.A. 7160) must follow the following rules:
Taking- eminent domain; when property is taken, the Constitution prescribes just (1) "An ordinance is enacted by the local legislative council authorizing the local chief
compensation. executive,in behalf of the LGU.
When a property interest is appropriated and applied to some public purpose, there (2) "The power of eminent domain is exercised for public use, purpose or welfare, or
is compensable taking. for the benefit of the poor and the landless.";
When property interest is merely restricted, the cause continued on restricted use (3) "There is payment of just compensation, and
would be injurious to public welfare or where the property is destroyed because
continued existence to the property would be injurious to public interest, there is no
(4) "A valid and definite offer has been previously made to the owner of the property
compensable taking.
sought to be expropriated, but said offer was not accepted."
When the entry into private property is not just a simple right of way, which is
ordinarily allowed by court under the Civil Code, but it is for the purposes of
conducting mining activities such as exploration and extraction, there is already
compensable taking. All these will definitely oust the owners or occupants of the
affected areas. (Didipio Earth Savers v. Secretary)
Exclusive to Inclusio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius (Eva Alcaraz, Carla Calos, Edison Cauilan, Glenda Garcia, Norma Goyagoy, Shiryl Saquing, Marlon Saquing and Janine Ursulum)