HMC 2 Section 3 Topic
HMC 2 Section 3 Topic
HMC 2 Section 3 Topic
1. Freedom of movement
Section 7
The right of the people to
information on matter of public
concern shall be recognized. Access
to the official records, and to
documents, and paper pertaining to
official acts, transactions, or
decisions, as well as to government
research data used as basis for
policy development, shall be
afforded the citizen, subject to such
limitation as may be provided by the
Information that be withheld to the public:
Just Compensation
must be given to the
The property must be The property must be owner.
private in nature used for public use. Compensation must
be equal to the
property market
Eminent Domain
Section 10
No law impairing the
obligation of contract be
Impairment of Contract