Coast Artillery Journal - Oct 1943
Coast Artillery Journal - Oct 1943
Coast Artillery Journal - Oct 1943
blished bi.monthly by the United States Coast Artillory Aaaociation. Editorial and exeenti"e ollices, 631 Pennsylvanis A"enno, X.W.,
ashin~n 4. D. C. Terma: $4.00 per year. (Coast Artillery As.ociation member .. $3.00 per year.) Single eopies .• 5c. Entered as
nd-cl .. s mstter at Washington, D. C.; additional entry at Richmond, Va., nnder the Act of :March 3, 18.9. Copyright. 1943. by the
aited States Coast Artillery Association.
This is the story of an automatic weapons battalion from
its conversion from a cavalry unit to the end of the Battle
of Kasserine.
October 6, 1940, saw the yellow hat cords of an old cav- Coast Artillery Corps
alry outfit replaced by the red of the Coast Artillery. The
battalion was now to be known as the X Separate Battalion
Coast Artillery (AA) (Mobile) (37mm). It left shortly equipment was being assembled. During this time the B
thereafter for a training center in Texas where it trained talion Commander and S-3 visited all British light ack
for sixteen months in the varied subjects necessary to pro- installations within fifty to seventy-five miles and, as
duce a good, smooth working, well-disciplined antiaircraft their scheme, received gratefully the invitations of th
unit. While a shortage of some materiel existed, the Bat- unit commanders to have the junior officers and non
talion made many long motor marches including a thousand missioned officers spend several days at their operatio
mile problem with many varied defenses and changes of gun sites. Another plan, whereby the services of t
position under all sorts of conditions. At the end of this artillery mechanics and fire control electricians with
time, despite the loss of two complete batteries, sent over- goodly supply of assistants were offered a local Ordna
seas, and a turnover in officer personnel of over 100%, the shop, saw the Battalion get back a large group of men
Battalion was a closely knit unit with esprit and morale that trained and experienced in the care, adjustment, and r
was to pay dividends later on. of guns, oil units, and directors. This was to prove of
From the MATC, the Battalion went to the newly estimable value.
opened Desert Training Center and there received a further After some six weeks in the comfort of a large Brit"
polish to its training. Physical conditioning and living barracks, the Division left to undergo the amphibious tr
under difficult field conditions day in and day out at tem- ing which was to be put into practice November 8th
peratures ranging from 1000 to 1400, toughened the men Oran. Here the Bofors guns were loaded into all sortS
and improved their self-confidence. It was here that the landing craft and they were unloaded and dragged ac
Battalion received its Bofors guns, without directors. It beaches by every sort of power from half-tracks to .
was here that the daily "grooming by the numbers" of the power. 1\lany landings were made on problems w~
motor transport was instituted. How thankful we were to closely simulated the actual landing. Finally the veh
be for this later. and guns were water-proofed, tested and loaded on
After three months, l'vlay, June and July, in the desert, the convoy. A few days later the Battalion went aboa~
the Battalion was rushed overseas to supply the First Infan- and the next time it was to set foot to land would be VIa
try Division with its antiaircraft. surf on D Day.
Upon arrival in England, there was a lull during which The Battalion had been increased bv attachment of
itional batteries in England and was, therefore, able to officer in a gun section in the care and adjustment of the
d two Bofors batteries with each of three combat teams. remote control system.
initial mission was protection of the beach and land- At this point the same procedure used in motor vehicle
swith a later displacement. The S-3 and Master Gunner maintenance was established for the fire unit materiel. A
eded the Battalion ashore as an advanced reconnais- systematic maintenance schedule was issued, detailing daily,
ce party to check the gun positions which had been every other day, bi-weekly, weekly, etc., tasks. The guns
ted from map and aerial photographs. The Battalion and materiel were at all times to be kept spotless, inside and
ed, carrying their machine guns and ammunition and out, wheels and lower carriage as well as top carriage. The
'ng up a beach defense prior to daylight. gun and mount were to be kept as a riRe would be for in-
he landings were uneventful but considerable resist- spection. They were.
e developed later and the Battalion had its first taste of The importance of maintenance at this level cannot be
lIery and machine gun fire. No planes were able to pass overstressed. Proper function of the fire unit requires it.
umbrella of Spitfires and Hurricanes provided by Gen- But leaving out the materiel aspect, the self pride, esprit
Doolittle. The second day saw two planes attack the and discipline instilled by this is of paramount value. A
'on of beach covered by A & B Batteries. They were unit with dirty guns soon becomes dirty in all phases of its
promptly shot down and as a result the antiaircraft's life. Men grow beards, don't bathe, wear dirty clothes, and
, soared. their efIiciency becomes very low. It was required that not
fter St. Cloud was by-passed, one and a half batteries only would the materiel be maintained properly, but all
e taken up to the outskirts of Gran which they entered personnel must be clean shaven, and keep uniforms, web
n resistance ceased and set up the defense of the town eCluipment and leather clean. There was no laundry serv-
harbors in positions selected by map reconnaissance ice. The let-down in discipline and morale when this is not
e on shipboard, later verified by ground reconnaissance done is marked. This was one of the most important facts
e by the Battalion Commander and S-3. After some we learned from the Royal Artillery.
in Gran during which time the defenses were strength- During this time the Battalion organized and dispatched
by another battery and platoon, the Battalion moved two airborne machine gun detachments of eight guns each
he airports at La Senia and T afaraoui where a static to the Tunisian front. Shortlv thereafter the Battalion \Vas
was enjoyed for about two weeks. filled to T ;0 strength in vehicles and headed East.
uring this time re-equipment and reorganization were Upon reaching Algiers it was found that the Battalion
'ed out, along with intensive training, particularly in had been assigned to a British Ack Ack Brigade and it was
~ing and care and maintenance of equipment and the with some doubts that the Staff reported to them in Bongie.
uct of schools which q'lalified every noncommissioned The doubts were quickly dispelled as the Brigadier and his
staff were most cordial and helpful and became very close camouAage difficulties was presented. And to dig-in a
friends. The "commitments" were quickly filled and again completely required a deeper hole and more time. Alth
. the Battalion settled down to intensive training during its it was not a problem often, provision for drainage must
daylight hours. Two batteries went to Philippeville and made, and a dug-in site was more difficult to drain sa
soon entered into action against night bombers with some factorilv.
success. The assignment on the coast was shortly termi- A co~pletely built-up position was easy to drain, offext:
nated but not before all batteries had been in action. Here good protection against the antipersonnel bomb but WllI
too, every opportunity was taken to improve the technical difficult to camouAage on the bare plains found there. ~
training of the men. As an example, whenever it became dirt necessary for the built-up wall had to be hauled frQQ
necessary to send a Director to the Royal Electrical & 1\ le- some narrow pit and the truck-tracks and pit complica
chanical Engineers workshop for repair, a spare Director the camouAage problem, already difficult. Here again, t
was sent and all Fire Control Technicians and their under- type of gun site required a good deal of time to make.
studies made the same repair to the spare as was being made As a standard, when possible, the Battalion adopted
by the RE~ IE on the bad one. And here again carefully very small half dug-in half built-up position. The spoil fr
selected personnel was placed in the REi\IE shops for train- the gun pit, power plant pit, and machine gun pit
ing since the more qualified Director and gun mechanics usually sufficient for the parapet. Digging in only
available the better would be the performance of the fire way effects a considerable saving in time. Another saving
units. No one could have been more cooperative than the time and labor was made by placing the Director in
officers and men of our adopted Brigade. longation of the axis of the gun chassis. It was felt that
The next move saw the Battalion finally reach Tunisia. appreciable loss of stability would result and the saving)
One battery was at Yonks-Ies-Bains, short of the Tunisian size of hole and digging was considerable. The gun pit
border, and one at Thelepte. Both were in action from usually dug as a rectangular shaped pit whose axis was al
the start. The batten' at Yonks went into action as it the direction of the azimuth of the center line of the d
arrived against a Aight ~f seven Ju8S's and it chalked up one. space area. always furnished by Battalion Headquarte
In the first two years of the war, AA guns were responsi- aircraft guns you must hit either the pilot, the engine or t
ble for destroying nearly 600 enemy aircraft over Britain. control; and the fact that an aircraft can suffer a surprisi
Many more were damaged by AA fire, and of these a fair amount of damage in other parts of its structure with
proportion failed to reach their home bases. This is not being put out of action has been proved by the experien
purely conjecture, but inference from a number of factors, of our own pilots in action over enemy territory. Even if
such as the condition of damaged aircraft when last seen shot is perfectly aimed and the fuse is accurately set to bu
and the examination of wreckage and bodies washed ashore. the shell at exactly the right place and moment, the airc
But the principal achievements of AA guns lie not in only has to deviate from its course to a small extent to esca
the destruction of enemy aircraft, in which their successes, unharmed.
though substantial, are bound to be few compared with the On the other hand, unless he is using dive-bombi
successes of fighter aircraft. The value of the guns is in the methods, the pilot must fly on a straight and even course
prevention of accurate bombing and in preventing enemy a constant speed for at least half a minute if he is to
aircraft reaching their objectives, particularly by night. The his bombs accurately. V.Then the aircraft is being enga
effect of AA gunfire is, generally speaking, to keep all by antiaircraft guns the pilot has to decide whether to
enemy aircraft at a high altitude and to deter them from tinue to fly straight, in which case he runs a serious
flying on the straight and even course necessary for accurate of being hit. If, on the other hand, he "jinks" and ta
bombing. If a 'plane cannot fly low or straight, it cannot avoiding action by altering his course and speed, then
bomb accurately and its chances of doing serious damage ruins his bomb-aimer's chance of releasing his bombs
are less. curately.
The direct destruction of enemv aircraft is the most ob-
vious purpose of antiaircraft guns, but this job is much easier
for the fighters. For, to bring about the destruction of tI
'plane with antiaircraft fire, the shell must burst within PART ONE
fiftv to one hundred feet from the target. \\lith light anti-
ther important function of AA guns is to indicate the a ceiling and a faster rate of fire, but a smaller shell. There
ion of enemy aircraft to our Own fighters. Often, when are also some 3-inch guns from the last war, whose chief
enemy 'plane is out of range, the guns fire one or two characteristic is a high rate of fire; these fire high explosive
s to burst as near as possible, simply to draw the or shrapnel shell every three seconds, producing a mush-
ter's attention to the enemy. room growth of cotton-wool bursts.
here are two main types'"of heavy AA gun. The 4.5 Our light AA gun is the Bofors, which weighs two tons
which hurls a high e:-,:plosiveshell weighing nearly and fires anything up to 120 two-pound shells a minute to
a hundred-weight to a height of eight miles in fifty
*Exlracted from ROOF OVER BRITAIN, the Offidal Stor, of the
llds' time; and the 3.7 inch, which has almost as high A.A. Defenul. /939-1942, by special permission.
/lriti"h Combin~.
the G.P.O.i\. is responsible for "fire discipline." for seeing 7th. 19-+0.The daylight battles had begun to go against
A vital link in British AA defenses:
members of the Royal Observer Corps
watch for enemy planes. Note the
"mobile" switchboard.
BritiJIh O~cial.
Ancient equipment was used in the first days of the war.
lans, though the Luftwaffe still continued them. it was, therefore, disappointing that, though the reinforce-
ndon at this time was not adequately defended. All ments in guns by the second night of the battle were very
England there was still a shortage of antiaircraft guns, considerable, there did not appear to be much more AA fire.
as we might be attacked anywhere, it was essential to Before the war a very complicated system of barrages, de-
cover to all our large cities. In the Thames Estuary a pending primarily on sound locators for their information,
'derable concentration of antiaircraft guns had been had been organized. It was known as the "Fixed Azimuth"
up, because many of the German daylight attacks system. Special regiments had been trained in its use, and
made v:a the Thames Estuary. But now it was essential during the early stages of the war it had been improved very
the gun defense of London should be rapidly improved. greatly. But, depending as it did on sound for its informa-
hin twenty-four hours of the first night attack rein- tion, it was both inaccurate and cumbersome, and it could
ments from all over the country were on their way to only produce a small volume of fire for the large number of
on, and within forty-eight hours the guns in London guns.
been doubled. During the nights of September 8th and 9th, Command
e initial attacks on London were made on the East and Divisional staffs visited gun sites and consulted together
docks and caused very great havoc. It appeared as if the in Gun Operations Rooms in order to try and produce a
y thought that by concentrating on the East End, more effective answer to the German night raids. But,
e there was a large and crowded population, he would though variations of all sorts were put into effect on the
such panic as to endanger the Government's position, night of the 9th with a view to producing greater accuracy,
t to force them to make peace. Thanks to the stubbom- everyone on the Command and Divisional staffs was most
first of the people in the East End, and later of all dissatisfied with the results. Early on the morning of the
oners, this indiscriminate bombing of the civilian pop- 10th, a conference was held at Command headquarters
n did not result in any serious loss of morale. At the with the determination that, whatever had gone before,
time, the very courage of the Londoner constituted an on that vVednesday night the enemy should be met with a
ation to defend him. barrage the like of which had never been seen or heard be-
guns take a little time to be effective after they'have fore. Great difficulties were still encountered. New methods
d into new positions. Telephone lines have to be laid, of plane location were still in their infancy, and very few
•t •••
Bren guns assisced the defense.
llritiJfh Combin~.
, which were in use with the "Fixed Azimuth" sys- formation with their fighters, flying at 18,000 feet and
were really only capable of giving the height at which 250 m.p.h.
enemy was travelling perhaps ten miles away from the The staff officers who provided the material for this story
tal; on the gun site itself there was no method of find- were watching from one of the old forts of Chatham, built
out whether the height had changed. to repel an earlier invasion which never came. The bombers
ter a very earnest consultation with scientists and ex- came steadily on. The range shortened. From the sunlit
of all sorts a meeting was called in London for 12: 30 town there was neither noise nor movement.
day. The Gun Position Officers (i.e., the officers in Then the outer gun stations went into action. The black
rge of firing the guns) from every site in London were bursts of the first salvoes sprang up among the leading
ro to attend, in addition to the Battery, Brigade and bombers. The foremost Dornier swerved and dived away, a
ional Commanders. It was made a point of honor with long plume of smoke trailing from its cockpit. From the
G.P.Os.-many of them young officers who a few engines of the second came thin wisps of white smoke that
[hs before had been civilians-that, however handi- grew to a cloud. The formation turned away from the wall
d they might be by shortage of equipment, they of bursts towards the l'vledway, climbing steadily and spread-
d put up such a barrage that night as, if it did nothing ing widely like the fingers of an outstretched hand. One of
"auld hearten the civilian population. All the schemes them exploded with a direct hit, and a string of flaming
the scientists could devise were e;..:plained to them; and fragments fell toward the river. l\lore and more gun stations
6nal bit of advice they were told that, where all else took up the action: there was an infernal crescendo of sound.
. they "'.'QuIdget a height sent to them from the Gun For half a minute-how disproportionately short these sig-
rations Room and they must use their ears to estimate nificant battles are-the Dorniers pressed on in formation.
e the enemy was, and then barrage in front of them at Then, over Dartford, the close wedge was broken, and as
t height. the bombers scattered to avoid the bursting shells, Hurri-
he result was remarkable. Punctually to time the Ger- canes and Spitfires diving out of the sun, did execution.
bombers arrived-and were met by a roar of guns which Meanwhile to the southwest of Chatham a second wave
have astonished them as much as it heartened the of Heinkels was similarly faltering under intense gun-fire.
doners. The enemy had been flying at 1,200 feet; as Long before the Medway was reached its ranks had de-
as the barrage opened they climbed to 22,000 feet. generated into a straggling line, widely dispersed.
y turned back and at least nine 'planes were shot down For some minutes the cloudy sky above the Isle of Grain
A fire. Guns were in action all night; and at dawn, as .was the setting for high drama. The routed Dorniers of the
ammunition lorries moved into the sites to replenish the first wave were staggering about in dogfights, the sky a wild
recedented number of rounds which had been fired, the medley of twisting aircraft. The white discs of parachutes
ners were washing out the hot bores of their guns. hung in the air. Over Chatham the guns still held the stage
n that barrage, so crudely begun, has been built up the and the Heinkels of the second wave rocked and jinked
t effective defense that all our scientific brains could
as they tried to run the gauntlet of the barking inner guns
lice. It has, moreover, become a pattern for the defense and the cruisers in the river. The leading Heinkel, caught
oly of the cities of Great Britain, but of our fortresses in a salvo of 3.7-inch shells with its bomb-load still in the
d and the cities of other mighty adherents to the racks, blew to pieces at 19,000 feet. Almost at the same
'led Nations. instant another Heinkel, hit in the cockpit and engines,
fell flaming down towards Dartford Park. Thirty seconds
week after the London barrages first flowered came the
later, over the Isle of Sheppey, the guns shot away the tail
of the daylight attacks. Sunday, September 15th was
of a third machine which dived 5,000 feet into the sea and
of our fighter pilots' great days. The enemy attacked
disappeared entirely. The guns had shot down three raiders
more than 500 'planes, at that time the largest force
in less than three minutes.
launched in a single day's offensive, and lost at least
Not far away the Bofors gunners engaged a Dornier
of them. Here is the antiaircraft side of the picture.
flying fast and low towards the sea. Repeated hits were
the morning attack the guns could play little part he- scored; the target danced antics in the air; both engines
of the presence of friendly fighters, though, of course, caught fire, and he turned over and fell towards the sea.
did their usual job in breaking up formations. Their The air at this time was full of the crumps of bursting sal-
unity came in the afternoon. At about 2:30 P.M. the voes, the whine of falling shell splinters, the uproar of
of two great waves of enemy planes, each more than engines. And as the London batteries engaged, the din was
strong, crossed the coast between Dover and Dungeness, multiplied.
thrust towards the Thames Estuary. Less than a hun- A third wave of enemy approached, mainly Dorniers, at
of them managed to elude the fighter net and reach slightly over 16,000 feet. This was the last mass-formation
southeastern outskirts of London. Eight minutes after attack of the day. It was not a mass formation for long. It
'og the coast it was apparent that they were headed was quickly scattered by the guns, and while out of range
'ght for the Chatham guns. There was not long to wait. of the majority of batteries, the enemy turned away west-
ot thuds came in quick succession as the \Vest MaIling ward to meet the Nemesis of further fighter squadrons.
engaged them. A curtain of white puffs, remote and In the mopping-up actions, when the returning enemy
I, shrouded the toy-like specks. One of them fell away came within range at all, two more Dorniers and a Messer-
g black smoke. Now they could be identified through schmitt 109 fell to the heavy guns and two Dorniers to the
lars, about forty Dernier 215s in close arrowhead light AA batteries. It is not possible to detail all the inci-
dents of that crowded half-hour which, of course, seemed l\len officers and senior N.C.Os. from established baue
like hours of battle to the people who took part. A fugitive combined with AT.S. officers to form the nucleus of COn
Domier appeared out of the clouds over a Bofors position In a mixed battery there are eleven men officers and tn
to be shot down in flames only 500 yards from the gun-pit. AT.S. officers. The women officers concentrate upon
A l\1esserschmitt, its tail shot away at 15,000 feet, whined fare and administration; they have nothing to do with
down to shatter itself in a rural churchyard. Another operational side. Operationally the AT.S. are entirely u
Domier, already hit in the port engine, blundered over the control of male officers, though the latter have
Chatham at 5,000 feet. As the 4.5-inch bursts sprang up disciplinary powers except that of reporting the girl
beside .it, pieces of wing and fuselage broke away from it. cemed to her officer. This naturally produces complicatio
Four occupants baled out and were captured by cheering but they have not proved insoluble.
civilians who raced across the fields while the pilotless l\lessing presented certain problems. The new life m
bomber, skimming the roof-tops, buried itself in a cottage these young women very hungry, and the A.T.S. ration
garden. smaller than the men's. Pending an official decision on
Shortly before five o'clock the gunners of a cargo vessel point great care was necessary to use the available food
steaming down the river hit a Heinkel with their twelve- the best advantage. By mutual consent the rations for m
pounder at 200 yards' range, and saw it crash into the and women were pooled and shared equally. The \vo
mudflats on the Essex side of the river. were well represented on the messing committees. M
During these late engagements cloud almost completely a while appetites were stabilized, and diet was balanced
covered the sky and visibility grew gradually worse. It was provide food popular with both sexes. Special regard
under these conditions that the last action of the day took paid to the women's need for fresh fruit, salads and m
place. At 5: 15 P.l\[. a single Dornier 215 dived from low foods.
cloud, cracking away with its machine gun at the streets of \Vomen 011 the Seardllights
an estuary town. At 3,000 feet a Bofors opened up and
In April, 1941, a searchlight site was manned with A.
brought it down flaming-a red exclamation mark to close
under experimental training to see whether they w
the story of a memorable day.
capable of taking over from men. There were fifty-f
ANTWRCRAFT \VOl\lEN A.T.S., aged from 19 to 35, average age 24. The first th
weeks were spent in preparing for the relatively hard, 6
A highly successful experiment in our AA personnel has
air life on a searchlight site. There was much drill and P.
lately caught the public fancy more than most other de-
and five route marches; also instruction in map readi
velopments of AA organization. This is the introduction of
anti-gas drill and aircraft recognition. Then came a mon
women to form mixed batteries. The first German plane to
technical training, at the end of which everyone passed
be shot down by a mixed battery crashed in the Newcastle
tests: the standard reached was higher than that of
area on December 8, 1941. When hit it was a couple of
men operating searchlights.
miles away and going out to sea. It was the first proof of a
The Station was manned for the engagement of enel
remarkable experiment, the operational significance of
aircraft on eighteen nights. Enemy aircraft were onl)3
which has been obscured by its human interest as well as
gaged twice. There was no result on either night, beca
by a wide range of prejudice.
the first was early in their training and the second time
The first point to bear in mind about women on gun
ditions were not favorable. But the detachment was 011
stations is that they are not trained for fun, but because the
in action, and this calmness was again observed when ene~
enemy is at the gates. It is not a whimsical experiment, but
aircraft were observed machine-gunning a neighboring sil
a necessary operational plan. The AA Command, in com-
The AT.S. also went in for field engineering, filling~sr.
mon with other services, has a fixed figure which is their
laying sandbags, digging and revetting emplacements. Tb
man-power ceiling. There are not enough men to go round
renovated and reconstructed field works on a derelict sea
now, and as the AA defenses are almost continually increas-
light site which was soon to be reoccupied. The work i,
ing, the prolillem gets more and more difficult.
volved shifting several tons of earth, revetting and paw
The first battery started training in spring, 1940. The
making. By their tenacity of purpose they worked m~
A.T.S. members were picked from volunteers, and the men
faster than men and it was particularly observed that t~
were newly joined recruits, the point being that men who
felt no undue fatigue or ill-effects of any sort.
had known no other army life would not find the atmosphere
They did guard duty, at first working in pairs by ni
of a mixed battery so hysterically unorthodox. There was
but soon getting used to being alone. The tour of dutY
considerable anxiety as to how men and women would work
sentries was two hours. They were armed with a pick hrl
together, but there need not have been. They took each
and their main duties were to challenge visitors to the
other very much for granted; there was none of the musical-
to watch the sky for enemy aircraft and report them; to
comedy-chorus atmosphere which had been anticipated,
port friendly aircraft in distress, and any flares seen; to
partly, no doubt, because such men and women had been
all aircraft flying in the neighborhood. Spirits were I
working side by side in civilian life for years.
first when the results of their work were not very ob
In a mixed batterv. women drive and service the trucks,
and when it was Suggested that they could not stand
act as sentries and despatch riders. and, in fact, do every-
winter. Spirits were highest when it was realized that
thing except fire the guns.
scheme was a success.
In the first mixed battery, as in subsequent batteries.
there were more than 200 women and nearly 200 men. (Part IT will appear in the next issue of the JOUlU"'l
gun crew's view of the F\\1190 zooming past at zero feet elevation and 300 m.p.h. Both pictures on this page were taken
from an A \\1 position under direct attack.
190 coming directly in at zero fee_toJ"his plane, carrying an externaIlv-slunv homh ;~ " h"nMtp pnp""" r~Mt. M:.:I~_
A British Bofors gun crew in action in the desert. Similar guns and crews are causing plenty of grief for sneak raiders in d
United Kingdom.
of a small town or village of no immediate military import- "And then we let them have it. \Ve had time to get
ance. Though on the basis of purely military considerations, just four rounds-and then, damn it, thev went behin
no air attack would be expected, still from the knowledge of house. We simply whipped the gun r~und. Out t
recent German objectives, this particular village might well came on the other side of the house and we let off
be the next scene of sneak raiders, slipping in, dropping a more rounds. The first four were in front, and the
bomb each, circling inland, reappearing over the town to two smacked home. Bits of debris jumped off the leadi
machine-gun the streets or any other opportune target, and plane, black smoke poured out of its nose, and she \\ll
then continuing on their way over the Channel and home. in a long curve plump into the sea.
Such an action lasts only ten to twentv seconds, and it is "And that was the end of the two minutes. Very sal
apparent that the 1\\ V In'USt utilize ever)' possible second to factory!"
engage the raiders successfully.
It must be apparent that the problem of dealing with 1
This fleeting raid of twenty seconds at the most may be,
sneak raider is a difficult one but not insurmountab
and probably is, the only opportunity for an 1\\\1 gun to
British AA units are coping with the problem and the hil
fire at the enemy over a period of weeks or months. It must
percentage of losses inHicted upon the enemy in this t)'
be prepared at all times to engage instantly and effectively.
engagement shows how successfully this is being done.
The succinct testimonial of a British sJldier on a gun site
Note the following requisites in this problem, all
somewhere in Great Britain illustrates this picture:
which the British have well in hand:
''I've waited nineteen months for this-nineteen months
(I) Early vVarning system.
for two minutes' action. But it was worth it.
(2) Fire orders thoroughly understood by all per1
'The warning and the planes, twelve of them, ap-
peared at the same time. The planes were about a mile
(3) Firing units a perfectly drilled team capable
away. All we could see were black outlines against the
reacting instantly to the situation.
horizon, but we could identifv them as Focke-\\'ulfs.
That was the beginning of the ~wo minutes. The German thinks (or maybe "thought") that
"They were coming straight inshore, and I saw that sneak raider is useful in order to stretch the Air Defen
they'd strike it a bit over a mile away from us. The ques- the point where bombing and machine-gunning can be
tion was, would thev turn towards us, or away from us? ried out at will. It has not proved so and the graph of
That question was ~ettled in a matter of sec'onds; they man offensive sorties against the United Kingdom cont'
came towards us, not black any more, but grey now, and to go down. Like a cornered rat trying to break out
so clear that we could even see the crosses on the sides, trap, the Hun is trying desperately to devise a met
and not more than seven tv feet above the beach-a beau- attack that is effective and cheap. The sneak rai
- ". '1'" LL L f "~Ql~~ .
ombat on Guadalcanal*
strument Sergeant's Story weeks. we expended over 1.000 rounds in various mission~.
including counter-battery. interdiction fire. barrages in in-
By Sergeant Jacob I. T ellllellbml/ll fantry support and demolition fire. Our counter-battery
was so effective that. within a few days. we either destroyed
~uch has been written about the :\avy. the ;\ larines and or forced the enemy guns to retreat. Henderson airfield ~\as
Anny Infantry, fighting and winning on Guadalcanal, saved from shell-fire and planes began to operate on an all-
hardly anything was said about the artillery which, in day schedule. Our interdiction fire took place mostly at
opinion, made the conquest possible. I was a noncom- night, spaced at various time intervals and ranges so as to
ioned officer in a Coast Artillery batterv which was hinder any prediction. and was concentrated upon enem)
red up there when the going was'still tough and there- supply lines and bivouac areas. \\'e supported each major
gained the honor of being the first Coast Artillery out- advance of the infantry, from the first battle of the 1\ latani-
to engage the enemy in combat there. Before that, we kau river to the last p~sh which secured the enemy strong-
been part of the harbor defense on one of our close-by holds at Kokumbona and Tassoforanga and made the paci-
. \ Ve received onlv• a week's warnino 0 and a twelve- fication of the entire island possible. As far as our demolition
r march order. fire was concerned, we had a number of gun emplacements.
ejng Instrument Sergeant, I had to accompany our gas dumps, a motorpool and bridges to our credit.
fllin and reconnaissance officer on a plane which It goes without saying that we were subject to frequent
oht us to Guadalcanal on October 29th, 1942, four days bombing raids which, thanks to our perfect camouflage,
d of our batter\,. Our outfit was the first to arrive there we survived without damage or casualties. \Ve had an
major calibre' guns and the second army unit on the S.O.P. to cease firing whenever enemy planes were O\"er-
d and was, therefore, attached to a 1\ larine Defense head lest we give ourselves away.
lion. The commanding officer outlined the situation Only once did we ha\'e to make an exception. The enemy
our mission which, of course, was mainly counter-bat- used one of their raids to open up and silence one of our
fire, not coast defense. \Ve immediately started to re- frontline field guns for which the above mentioned S.O.P.
oitre our positions. did not hold. \ V c were called upon for counter-battery fire
might be interesting to know that, at the time of our which we executed in the most peculiar manner. The planes
I. the 105 howitzer was the largest gun employed on wcre circling overhead and, whenever they had flown past
ide while the enemy was in a position to shell I-Iender- we would toss a few rounds and then dive into our foxholes
airfield with guns estimated to be 6-inch riRes. This was as soon as they came back. \ Ve were lucky not to get bomhed
rmed later when the wrecked guns were found, after and got the credit for neutralizing the enemy gun.
ation of cnemy territory. All of our demolition fire was done bv means of aerial
e got a taste of these guns five minutes after our plane spotters and radio communication. \ Ve \\:ould be given an
d. This was our baptism of fire and it immediately approximate grid location and the plane observer would cor-
cd the peaceful picture of wonderful coconut planta- rect our initial firing until we were on the target.
into a grim realization of war and blood. Less accurate was an improvised base system which we
ith the boundless help of the 1\ larine officers and their used for counter-batten' fire. \Ve had two fonvard observers
we picked our positions, established a 4,000 yard with oriented azimuth instruments who would send us read-
ency base line for a possible coastal attack, and tied ings to enemy gun flashes and we would locatc that point on
in with the local 1\ larine Corps map, then the standard the map which, of course, was anything but adequate for
ntrol map. This map was a reproduction of an aerial that purpose. Nevertheless, we must have been \'ery effec-
graph which only covered the American held terri- tive since the cnemy never fired from that position again.
f about ten square miles, comprising the airport and Either we put them out of action or they wcre afraid we
'nity. Since our targets were outside this area, it was would get the range on them.
ary for me to draw an approximate extension from a One of the most successful missions took place on Aovem-
rge scale map and tie it in with the grid coordinates ber 15th, the day between the two major naval battles. The.
Marine map. This way, it was possible to obtain target night before, two Japanese cruisers shelled our positions,
rnents by coordinates and to determine approximate without success, as they were aiming at the airport and all
and azimuths. their shots went way over. Since they had to get out of our
battery arrived in the morning of ~O\'ember 1st and plane range before dawn, they did not have time to linger.
unload their entire equipment and the ship stores. As it was, our planes got them the next morning. \ \'e found
e of in terruptions by two air raids, we had the ship un- out later that their main purpose was to distract our attention
by 1600 and one gun emplaced and ready to fire. At from the fact that they had brought up five transports dur-
e threw the first thirty shells over to the enemv to ing the night. Our navy had them surrounded though, and
em a taste and a warni~g of things to come .. the only thing they could do was beach them. These ships
did not have long to wait. \Vithin the next t\\'o \\'ere detected early• in the mornino 0 and dive bombers went
OUr authors of these accounts are now OCS candidates at the into action, setting them aflame. The nearest one, just in
Ip,." 'rh,.., ......
1 I: ........ ).K ....__ ....
• 1 , 1 ,..
we opened up and got on after ten rounds of sensing fire. A.A. gun positions that were set up on the beach. The
\Nith the eleventh round, we set her on fire and got about of the task force was scattered bv our navy and effecti
eighteen to twenty hits on her from then on. Two days bombed bv our airforce (who ~ccounted" for seven 0
later, she sank. It was the only one of the five ships that transports ~nd auxiliary vessels). During this time we
went to the bottom; the others just burnt out. under enemy artillery fire which was ineffective but a
On December 7th. as a "Remember Pearl Harbor" day. nerve wracking. \ Ve 'were more worried by the enem) '5 .
all of our artillery had a field day and we alone fired abo~t accuracv than accuracv. Continuous aerial observati
500 rounds.' , were ex"tremely helpful: and their reports were effective'
After the conquest of the Jap stronghold at Kokumbona, keeping the efficiency of the gun crew at a peak. Thoug
our troops advanced so fast that we could not reach the the temperature was easily above 100° F. the good ne
main objectives any longer, and we, therefore, moved two cheered the men to work on. tirelessly e\'en though they
of our guns forward. \\'e had no opportunity to fire at the no breakfast that morning. \ Ve may have had empty sto
enemy from there, though, as the Jap defenses collapsed a achs but we sure dished out a bellyful to the Japs.
few days afterwards. Our last action took place on January
25th, 1943, and on February 9th, the fight was over.
vVe then established regular seacoast positions with two The Mess Sergeant's
platoons whose fields of fire were fanned out with a 20°
overlap, allowing us an actual field of fire of 100 degrees. Experiences
Two months later, we were ordered up north to put our
By Staff Sergemlt M llrray M. Gross
guns on Panama l\lounts.
I left the island before this mission was completed, but \Ve dropped anchor off Guadalcanal early morning 0
my comrades are, as far as I know, still down there, doing a November 2nd, 1942. Everything having been previou
swell job, as always. I hope that the day when they, too, arranged, the barges went overside first and then cre
return, is not too far off. assigned to the different holds started filling the cargo ne
Half the men aboard went ashore to unload there. 0
orders were to have one gun emplaced and ready to fire
A Gun Commander Writes soon as possible. The work of the morning was interrupt
By Sergeant Michael J. Hack, Jr. twice by air alerts, but our planes went out to engage tI
Japs off-shore and they were unable to come in close enou
\Ve arrived at Guadalcanal on the morning of November to bomb us. Each time Jap planes attacked, the ship wo
2nd, 1942, disembarking with our four 155mm G.P.Fs pull anchor and steam for open water; this delayed us c
and unloading personnel, supplies and ammunition without siderably. At 1700 that afternoon, the ship was unload
casualties. By 1600 our first gun was emplaced and ready for This included fifty days rations for all soldiers on boar
action. Immediately we opened counter-battery fire against three thousand rounds of 155mm ammunition, plus alar
enemy artillery that had been shelling Henderson Field. quantity of .30 and .50 calibre cartridges.
By nightfall the enemy artillery was silenced. \Vithin the Meanwhile our captain, executive officer, and instrum
next seven days and nights our battery fired over 1,000 sergeant, who had arrived by plane two days earlier, h
rounds of H.E. ammunition, neutralizing enemy artillery, established a base line, picked gun positions, organized t
troop concentrations, bridges, gas dumps, and other strong communication setup, and established headquarters-
points. with the help of the marines to whom we were attached. I
On the night of November 13th, 1942, our area and the 1600 o'clock, November 2nd, one gun was reported ready
airfield was subjected to a severe naval bombardment by deliver fire, immediately opening on land targets. By mor
two enemy heavy cruisers that sailed into the Sealark ing of November 3rd, the four guns were emplaced, a
Channel. At dawn after they withdrew with our air force set up, and field kitchen operating. Since we were not pr
in chase, we crept out of our foxholes and placed two of our pared with local cover, we were fortunate in not being su
guns, No.2 and No.4 in position to command the Sealark jected to air attack that night. However, that was the
area, in event of the cruisers' return. That left No. 1 and night for some weeks afterwards that we were not bom
No.3 guns to command the Kokumbona land area and the \Ve did not know what we were stepping into, but
Point Cruz water area. had heard some tall stories of snipers, infiltrations,
At dawn of November 15th, a large enemy task force ings and such, and though we were positioned only a
attempted to land on the beach between Point Cruz and and one half from the front lines, the men behaved as 1f
Point Esperance (this territory was still in enemy hands). were just another maneuver problem. I'm sure though,
Both No. 1 and No. 3 guns opened fire upon the nearest were all no less apprehensive than I was. Food supplies
enemy transports that were just within range. Reports came at first \'ery meagre and we drew hardly enough to feed
in that the enemy transport was hit six times and was burn- battery-mostly staples, such as meat and vegetable
ing fiercely. Then fire was shifted to another transport canned corn, canned milk, and coffee. The work a
which was also hit. The approximate ranges of these ships plished was tremendous-everyone pitched in. In ad
were over 19,000 yards. A total of ninety four rounds of am- to firing almost every day and night, alternate seac
munition (H.E.) were fired that morning from No. 1 gun sitions had to be established nearby and ammunition s
accounting for the burning and sinking of one transport, at the emplacements. Two guns were shuttled bac
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........ ........ ~rl. ~or ..Y"f"'\'L;nn .., ...,......pnpT1'1'U
forth hetween these oositions whene\'er necessary.
her guns had to be camouflaged; protective parapets terials were not alwavs available. A bulldozer attachment
around them, fox holes dug at guns and at camp area, for the ~ 11 artillery t:actor would be a great help in build-
and Post and plotting room dug in, battery head- ing gun positions and roads to positions, and clearing ground
s, supply and kitchen set up, ammunition hauled in for camp areas. Screening wire would be a good item to in-
uouslv, water hauled in, food and water delivered to clude in organizational supplies as it is not always available
'fferen~ sections of the battery, and organizational prop- and is extremely necessary for kitchen and latrine and
bauled in from the beachhead. Things were further should be set up as soon as possible.
licated by insects and continuous rains. The mud \Ve found that a water pump and well head are very
the roads almost impassable in places where traffic was necessary pieces of equipment in the Pacific, Hauling
iest, nor was it unusual to have two or three of our drinking and cooking water is a constant problem and
s mired on the roads at the same time. The mud around there is never sufficient washing water. 1\ fairly stationar)
ttery area was knee-deep in places and the water in outfit, as coast artillery, can install showers in a short
temporary camp area, at one time, was cot high. length of time. This washing and bathing source was the
uring this time we delivered harassing fire almost greatest morale builder we had.
dy, neutralizing enemy six-inch and antiaircraft bat-
, driving the enemy guns back out of range of the air-
destroying one enemy transport and damaging another. As Seen by the Instrument
rds the end of November, one gun was moved up to
ront lines near the l\latanikau River to cover a reported Corporal
m Jap gun being emplaced near Kokumbona, Our
however, was never used, as the threat failed to ma- By Corporal Phillip Kcrllfman
lize. In January, all guns were moved up to this forward On October '26, 194'2 the battery to which I was assigned
'on as the front lines were advanced so far that the left for Guadalcanal. A weck prior to our departure we had
position was out of range. After this, we did not do any- received orders to stand by to leave for a combat zone.
artillery firing. Bombings werc frequent and in De- Everything but the necessary equipment for the tactical
r and January there were still threats of infiltrations, functioning of the battery was crated and marked. \ \' e had
fore we instigated local security measurcs, consisting learned that it is better to have \\'cll-made and tight-fitting
double apron barbed wire fence about our entire area, crates due to the fact that upon our arrival overseas we
posted guards at advantageous fence positions. found that the crates that we had made in the States had
dditional equipment and replacements were requi- not wholly survived the rough handling that they had
oed in the usual manner and signed for, but spot in- received. These crates were made upon arrival at our over-
ries were taken from time to time, to prevent unneces- seas station and were kept in good condition continuously_
disposal of equipment and wastage of supplies. Morn- Upon receiving orders to move the guns, Range Sectiofl'
Reports, Strength Reports, Ammunition and Casualty equipment and mess equipment were crated and trans-
rts, Duty Roster and Sick Book Reports, were all part ferred to the ship via I-liggins boats. The personnel were
e paper work involved. Insurance and allotment corre- also transferred in this manner. The B.c. and Instrument
dence were initiated by us and sent to our Battalion Sergeant formed the advance party, and left soon after us
nnel Office at APO ... , as were payrolls. vVe were by plane to select positions and learn our tactical mission,
very irregularly, the first time being February 1st, after leaving the Executive Officer in command of the Battery
were on the island four months, the next, March 1st, during our trip.
when I left the island at the end of April, we had not \iVe had been overseas for a long period of time and we
en paid again. However, money was not a necessary had had our fill of boredom. Despite the fact that we were
r as there was nothing to spend it on. going into action with the possibility that some of us might
ail as a morale builder cannot be over-rated. l\lail days not come back, our morale was excellent. The food on board
our important holidays at first, as they came all too ship also tended to increase our morale. It was the best food
and far between, but as the airfield became safer, there that we had had during our stay overseas. \Ve had Sing Fests
mail deliveries about every day, or every other day, and games during our trip to occupy our minds and we also
field days when transports arrived. had details to occupy our muscles. During our trip we
ken pits were found by us to be impractical for storage stopped at an island and learned that the Captain and In-
wder, as rains and ground seepage filled them with strument Sergeant had not been heard from. The Executive
, 1\ coconut log enclosure roofed as well as possible, Officer, fearing that they might be lost, placed the assistant
r best bet. Two hundred rounds of ammunition were Executive Officer in command and went the rest of the trip
on racks within the parapets at each gun. Reserve by plane to attend to the duties of the B.G in the e\'ent that
'es were kept some distance away. There was a constant he was lost. The remainder of the trip was uneventful out-
ge of sand bags, therefore empty 55-gallon oil and side of the fact that the ship's radio picked up the news that
ms were used by being cut open at one end and filled the Japs had advanced to the southern edge of Henderson
nd. This served our purpose well, since the sand bags Airfield. This news was disheartening, but rather than lose
not much good as they would deteriorate in a very our morale, we made jokes about our very precarious po-
'me in the heavy rains and dampness. At least one sition.
section observation hlwer should be included. \A/e On November 2, 1942, the personnel were awakened and
that it was alwavs necessarv to hllilrl onp <lnrl tn<l. T'\l"'PT"'''''\1'"'I''\''~AT''\€" £l.,.......n....J. ....... '"~
'1'PO .... 1_] ~1 1 ,,-1
tions consisted of making the equipment \\'hich \\ as to be suits made us the victor. At 0600 aerial observntion 5.:1\
unloaded acces~ible. The Higgins boats had been gi\-en benched Jap transports stretched between Cape Espe
a dry run the day before and they were in excellent working and Kokumbona unloading troops and eguipment. The
condition. \\' e were split into t\\.o uneven oroups. the laroer
;:> ;:, inch na\'al guns manned by marines were ordered to ~
group which \\ as to go ashore and unload the Higgins boats upon the closest ship but could not accomplish this miss'
and the smaller group which was to unload the ship itself. due to the range. \ Ve were then ordered to fire upon t
r\t approximately 0500 we caught our first glimpse of target nnd did so using nn observ<ltion station which
Guadalcanal-a huge black bulk bulging out of the water. fairly close to the gun-target line to correct our shots. WI
At 0530 we stopped and the personnel started to unload scored several hits and set the ship nfire. \ \' e continued t~
via cargo nets into I-liggins boats and then to the shore. As fire until ]200. Due to the thick black smoke surround
we approached the Island we could see coconut trees the tnrget we were unable to ascertain the final dispositi
stretched along the beach. \Ve had heard stories about .lap
snipers and therefore didn't like the idea of walking into
an area surrounded by coconut trees. At 0600 the supplies
started coming ashore-all the eguipment necessary for the
of the target.
The next day personnel were noticed on board a ship u
loading eguipment. \ Ve were ordered to deliver fire on thj
target. Our nssumption was that this was the same tarO(
proper Functioning of troops in a combat zone. The guns that we hnd fired on previously, the azimuth had chan~
and tractors were unloaded From the ship by cranes and but we assumed thnt the target had drifted. \Ve opened fi
hoisted over the side into Higgins boats which brought on this target with a maximum elevation and due to the la
them ashore. The ship was unloaded at ]700 and left im- probable error, were forced to fire guite a few rounds hefor
mediately. \Ve had brought our own ammunition due to the target was disabled. Some of our shells landed on tI~
the fact that there was no ammunition of our caliber on the beach and we learned that we had destroyed two Jnp N
Island. Approximately 3,000 rounds were unlonded-nnel gun positions. \Ve nlso lenrned that our first t<lrget la
that is a man-size job. \Ve were interrupted three times been sunk due to our fire. The other two transports h
during the day by false air-raids. No one had to tell us been dnmaged by our nirplnnes. Shortly after this we \\"
twice to hend Forn foxhole of which there were guite :1 few ordered to emplace one of our guns near the front to off
in the immedi;1te vicini tv. resistance to an enemy 240mm Howitzer reported beinJ
lIpon Inndin~ we len~ned thnt the B.G and Instrument put into position to harass our installations. The positi
Seroeant hnd teen delayed but hnd nrrived snfelv the day
C' • "
selected for our ooun was approximatel",. ],000 vnrds fro
before. Positions hnd been selected for bnd firing nnd ori- the front and we suffered mortnr fire for n few days un
ented. \ Ve were ordered to empbce our guns and deliver the enemy retreated out of our range. The enemy gu'n ne\
counter-bnttery fire against an enemy piece which had been l11aterinlized and eventunllv•. the entire batten' was brouo0
shelling the airport. The first gun was empbced and fired at up to this position nnd used ns seacoast nrtillery with t
] 500. The other guns of the Bnttery were in firing position usual sencoast methods. A base line was oriented nnd ba
by 2100 nnd also delivered fire against the same target. This end st<ltions selected. After moving up to this position \
was the first time thnt the .laps hnd been subjected to fire did not deliver fire any more due to the fact that the Cnel1l
from a major caliber field piece and apparently they didn't retreated too fast. ' ~
like it, for very shortly nfter we opened fire the enemy During the time of action on the Island we sunk a
ceased to shell the airport. enemy transport and damnged nnother, destroyed cncm
On 1'\ovember 13th at 0200 we were shelled bv two field pieces which were found to be of 6-inch caliber. d~
heavy cruisers, attempting to weaken our defenses in' prep- stroyed severnl A1\ positions, destroyed a motor park an~
aration for a task force reported heading our way. These bivouac area which was occupied by the enemy and lail
cruisers hung around too long, for the next day we heard down barrages for the Infantry. This battery was cited ~
that our planes had gone up in the morning in search of Lieutennnt General Vandegrift, USi\IC, and the Secreta
them. The planes found them and sunk one cruiser and of the Nnvv, for the pnrt which it took in the action 0 I
damaged the other. November 15th we were ordered to take Guadnlcanal. ..
up seacoast positions and be prepared to deliver fire against The food wns Field Ration B with verv little fresh mea
this naval task force which was heading our wny. Two guns It is a very monotonous diet even though supplemented
were empbced fncing the sea and base end stntions occupied. pie occasionally. However the food was good and th
I was nssigned to one of these bnse end stations Inte in the usunlly was plenty of it.
evening and finally got the station oriented as night fell. At \Ve were verv fortunate in that we had no serious casu
approximately 0030 Hashes could be seen between Cape ties. \Ve did ha've one man who received the Purple Hea
Esperance and Savo Island nnd we knew that a sea battle for being wounded in the right buttock by a fragment f
was going on. The action lasted all night and the final re- a bomb.
ntiaircraft Artillery with the
Infantry Division
Lieutenant Colonel Roger W. Moore, Coast Artillery Corps
I' a long time we have been making very comprehensive quate defense for all likely targets. It is better therefore to
'cs concernino o the tactical use of antiaircrah artillery.
defend a few points properly than to spread one's resources
ese studies particular attention has been given to rear thinlv over manv.
defense and airdrome defense. Granted the tactics and The force cOl~mander should set up priorities for antiair-
nique of such defenses are more involved due to the craft defense. I-Ie should list all points which are vital to his
rer number of weapons and the variety of weapons mission and then arrange this list in the order of importance.
loyed, still the application of tactical and technical prin- This is a command responsibility but the antiaircraft battal-
in the rear area and at airdromes is simple in com- ion commander can inHuence the division commander in his
an to the application of similar and additional prin- capacity as advisor. To do this the antiaircraft battalion
es in the forward part of the combat zone. €ommander must be thoroughly familiar with the plan of
tIT resources or militarv tools must ahvavs be a primc operations of the division. In thc event that guns as well
ieleration in the approa~h to a solution of ~ tactical prob- as automatic weapons are e~p]oyed with the division a
. In this discussion we will confine ourselves to the separate list of priorities must be prepared for each,
my division. The normal attachment to an infantry The antiaircraft defense, both passive and active, must be
ion is one automatic weapons battalion, mobile. \ Vhile coordinated and the antiaircraft battalion commander is the
type of equipment has certain inherent weaknesses in a logical coordinator. In order properly to prepare an effective
of movement it is the best which has been produced to antiaircraft defense plan the 1\1\ battalion commander must
. Some authorities believe the self-propelled battalion be familiar with the division plans, both tactical and ad-
]eI be superior. In many respects this is true and it ministrative.
nite]y is the proper attachment to an infantry division Ground units should provide their own defense against
ich has been motorized. low-flying combat aviation by passive means and the em-
he attachment of one automatic weapons battalion pro- ployment of their own organic weapons.
es the division commander with thirtv-two AA fire units Antiaircraft artillery must protect critical points on the
th which to protect his division by a~lgmentation of ur- line of march and in order to accomplish this antiaircraft
ic fires or otherwise. He also has-the advice and council units require priority on roads.
n A1\ specialist, the battalion commander, who serves as Antiaircraft artillerv fire or cessation of fire must not dis-
pecial Staff Officer. close our disposition dr plan of maneuver.
he normal mission for antiaircraft artillery is the protec- Centralized control is used whenever possible.
of ground units and ground installations against air Antiaircraft artillery fire units must be in place and ready
cks. The secondarv mission is antimechanized or anti- to fire prior to the time of the expected attack.
al defense. A forc~ commander should use his antiair-
ft artillery on the job for which it was trained and ArrACK
'pped. Only after very careful consideration should he During the preparation for and conduct of an attack.
Ign the secondary mission. Normally, antiaircraft weap- combat troops are particularly vulnerable to air attack and
engage ground targets only when the position itself is observation, not only due to their density of concentration
tened. but also because the enemy will use every effort to break up
any gre~t menace to his security. Therefore antiaircraft
artillery is disposed to provide maximum protection to those
ighter aircraft constitutes the primary defense of the elements whose destruction or disorganization would jeopar-
Hank, and the first role of antiaircraft should therefore dize the success of our mission.
to protect fighter airdromes. Since, however, the mastery In general, the Corps antiaircraft artillery guns protect
the air can never be complete, some antiaircraft artillery from enemy observation those forces making the main ef-
I always be required for the defense of defiles, troop fort, the reserves, and the artillery which follows in close
entrations, etc., against attacks by enemy aircraft that support. The defense is coordinated as much as possible.
e penetrated our fighter screen. This is the task of the In the attack, combat elements are well forward, thus per-
hed automatic weapons battalion with the infantry di- mitting AA guns to be pushed well up near the advanced
n. Airdromes will normally be defended by Corps and batteries of divisional artillery. This provides better protec-
y antiaircraft units. tion for the combat elements and also avoids early displace-
ntiaircraft artillery should provide a reasonable defense ment forward. Normally, these forward artillery batteries
vital elements. It can be taken as an axiom that there are not closer than 1000 yards in rear of the line of depar-
never be enough antiaircraft artillery to provide ade- ture, depending on disposition of the ground forces and the
rerrain features (when within light artillerv, ranoe
AM target should be at least 400 yards mean diameter.
units must be defiladed). Depending on available AM the vision element or installation should e,'er be concelli
following may be included in the AAA defense: in that area.
(1) Assault units. especially those making the main ef- Security from air obser\'3tion is one of the priman
fort. requirem~nts. To do this properly we must keep ho'stile
(2) Reserves, including their routes forward, craft so high or so far an'ay that they cannot observe
(3) Artillery areas, fectively. For daylight moves Corps should provide
( 4) Command posts. battery coverage to deny this obsen'ation. In the ahsen
(5) Supply establishments and train bivouacs. of this gun cQ\'erage. dispersal is the only answer to dav).g
(6) Critical points on the line of communications. moves. For night moves the automatic weapons batta
of the division will deny observation if proper road cI
These are not arranged in the order of priority. Remem- pline is maintained. Passive measures are utilized to
ber the situation will dictate the priority. And also remem- maximum for protection from high altitude obselV8'
ber, we arrange our areas or establishments according to both day and night.
priority and start by giving an adequate defense to these AA gun batteries under Corps or Army control prow
priorities in order until our AAA means are exhausted. critical localities along the route of march, such as R
AA1\ automatic weapons are disposed to protect those crossings and mountain passes. They generally march w'
elements vulnerable to low-level or dive bambino,o and the advance guard and are dropped off en route at pointS
strafing attacks. be defended. In keeping with the tactical principle t
These elements are: must be in position and ready to fire prior to the time of t
(1) Forces engaged in the main effort. expected attack.
(2) Reserves. Marching troops are vulnerable to attack from low-Syi
(3) Artillery areas. bombardment and strafing attacks particularly at criti
( 4)Command posts. points along the route, such as bridges, embankments,
(5) Dumps, trains, and supply establishments. lages with narrow streets, passes through hills, or any
(6) Other elements in rear of the combat troops in posi- rangement where effective enemy attack may hinder
tion. fonvard movement. Automatic weapons fire units will
(?) Critical points on the line of communications. sited at these critical points before the marching troops ani
and will remain there until the column has cleared
Forward AM automatic weapons fire units are displaced critical point.
as far forward as the situation will permit, but seldom, if Entrucking and detrucking points are considered as cr
ever, closer than 800 yards. These units should be defiladed cal points. Movement by bounds may be made by
and concealed from ground and air observation. Combat fire units protecting foot troops if a suitable road net exi
troops are largely responsible for their own protection but but is not practical for protection of motorized columns.
when in actual combat they will need additional automatic fire units employed at c'ritical points march with the advan
weapons protection. guard and drop out at points selected to be defended.
Searchlights normally will be employed only in the rear Every man in the column using every available weapon
part of the combat zone. Their mission is to illuminate tar- a potential defender. Every riRe, automatic riRe, or machi
gets for AM guns and fighter aviation. Guns will seldom gun with an AA mount must be used to engage the 10\
be employed in the forward part of the combat zone on Rying attacker. In addition each fourth truck of 2~ tl:
missions other than to deny observation. High flying obser- capacity or larger has mounted on the top of its cab a .50 c~
vation is extremely limited even on clear full-moon nights. machine gun. ~
So we might say that a searchlight will be a virtual stranger In deciding on critical points to be defended during
to the infantrv division. advance through enemy territory, oblique aerial ph
graphs will be of great value. Once the plan has been mad
it will have to be rigidly adhered to. If, however, on arri
In the advance of large forces it may be necessary to de- at his allotted critical point the battery or platoon
centralize control of the AM defense to column command- mander considers it to be undeserving of special AA ~
ers. This may seem to violate the principle of centralized tection, he should at once report the fact to his batta'
control, however certain situations may dictate this viola- commander.
tion. \Vhen the advance is begun, both tactical and admin- In the advance, it may be advisable to keep some au
istrative plans of the force must be known in detail before matic weapons fire units available at or near the head of
the MA defense plan can be prepared. Army will usually column, to deal with the unexpected. Much will de
prescribe the rear limit of the area which Corps AAA will on the amount of ground or air opposition to be expec
protect. Army should protect elements in rear of this area The greater the air threat, and the less the ground thr
and should be disposed to take over later the AM defense the greater should be the amount of AAA kept fonvard
of the Corps rear area. The Corps does likewise for its
Division installations are not normal or profitable targets Surprise is as important a factor in AA defense as in
for heavy or medium bombardment. To be a profitable other form of warfare. \iVe must both avoid being surp
target for medium or heavy high level bombardment the and also strive to surprise the attacker.
ly \\ arning is essential for AM, both to avoid exces- During the defense the enemy will endeavor to knock
srrain on personnel and to ensure an early pick-up of out our artillery. Ex-perience has taught that on the defense
tHget. AA gunfire units are equipped with warning artillery plays a major role in breaking up enemy attacks.
s which almost eliminate the possibility of an attacker Therefore, artillery in position will be a prime target for
iog an approach undetected. hostile aviation, and consequently must be gi\'en AAA pro-
utomatic weapons fire units without such equipment tection.
depend on visual or audible pick-up of the target. Ex- An acti\'e defense calls for counterattacks. To accomplish
e warning systems are impractical for fast moving a successful counterattack, reserves must move to position
atic weapons elements with the infantry division. Just for attack unobserved and unmolested. Consequently, re-
e defense lay-out will be influenced by the type of sen'es and their routes of approach must be covered by both
k expected, so wiII the warning system be influenced. an AA gun and automatic weapons defense. If a gun de-
!v\ unit in the Tunisian campaign used an impro- fense is lacking. movement is restricted to the hours of
v. arning system along the logical avenues of approach. darkness,
Ie experience had taught them that attacks would come BIVOUACS AND ASSEMBL y AREAS
o these avenues. This unit practicallv. eliminated sur-
o The infantry division in bivouac wiII depend to a large
an effort to surprise the attacker we must employ sub- extent on dispersal and concealment for defense against
uge to its maximum. It wiII usually be obtained by good hostile air observation and air attack. \Ve mioht v
think it
e.alment, periodical changes of gun positions, and the difficult to hide from 10,000 to 15,000 troops and from
holding of fire tiII the last possible moment. 1200 to 1800 vehicles. But it is not as difficult as it might
DEFENSE In late maneuvers, during one phase, an AmlOred Di-
vision remained in concealed bivouac for three days un-
uring the defense there is not the concentration of com-
located by the opposing force. The opposing force knew
troops that occurs during the preparation for and con-
the general location of this bivouac but continued air recon-
t of the attack. Troops in the fonvard localities of the
naissance failed to locate the bivouac area exactlv. This
n battle position wiII be more thinly dispersed. The
annored division contained more personnel than the infan-
sitions wiII be extended in much greater depth and
try division and over twice as many vehicles.
lery wiII be further from the line of contact.
Automatic weapons fire units will be used to augment
ements requiring protection are:
the fires and extend the defense provided by the organic
I) Troops in forward localities of the main battle posi- weapons of the assembling troops in order to provide an
tion. "area defense" where possible.
2) Supporting artillery. \\There the size of the area involved or lack of weapons in
) Reserves and their routes forward. the hands of the troops requires it, priorities wiII be estab.
4) Command posts. lished among the various elements in the area and automatic
5) Supply establishments. weapons fire units will be disposed in protection of indi-
vidual high priority objectives,
uain these are not arranged in order of importance. The
ation will dictate this order. However, supporting artil- CONCLUSION
and reserves will always be high on the list. In conclusion, a few words of advice to the battalion com-
n a war of movement, the defense is in most cases, only mander who hnds his battalion attached to an infantry di-
porary interlude prior to the resumption of the attack vision. You have a dual function. You command a battal-
he beginning of the withdrawal. Seldom will the opera- ion of highly trained specialists-a vital cog in the war
become static for long. Therefore, during this period machine-and as such you are a commander responsible for
AA battalion commander is doubly busy conducting the proper tactical, technical, and administrative handling
present defense and also planning the AA defense to of your command. Your other function is that of a special
rt the impending operation. staff officer. You are the adviser to the division commander
uring the defense phase it is imperative that Corps pro- and his expert on AA matters. You have been especially
guns to deny observation. The success of the impend- trained and are responsible that by your advice you guaran-
operation, whether it be an attack or withdrawal de- tee your battalion is employed properly and to the best ad-
s to a large extent on denying the enemy information vantage. To do this you must be constantly abreast of the
e plan. Aerial reconnaissance can be expected on a situation and be thoroughly familiar with the division plan
scale when any change in operations is probable. of operations, both tactical and administrational.
The complete setup for training a spotting crew. Azimuth and elevation readers and recorders are not present at this outd
rill, as they can practice separately on their instruments without "bursts." Several other scopes are training on the spot'
board simultaneousl}' with the B.c. scope shown here.
1 •o •.0°
. • ..
/9~ I)
k~600rJ o •
J7f" f" • 00 0 s
lOot' 0°0°000
o •
0" " 0
• 0
• • • 0 0 0
0 0 cJ
1+--15" II 4" ~
1[9.£ II-S."~
Top of confrol box Confro! box cover /lnderJlde of cMlro!
COver removed underJide box (/Joftom remoyeaJ
J1D Scale )1(1 Jca/c }1o Scale
1j,-20f' 19~"
T ;- 51"'" &Ju/k
1. J
"'-'=-~-=.-- Baftcry-;"';J,
-l- 0\
End of c()ntro/ box Bach 01 confro! bo~ End view of control box.
J1p .JcaJe, /10 .Jcq/e £ no' removed
W'irin9 omiJfed
14g Jcale;
cause we couldn't get enough for an electric cable seventy
feet long. and to reduce line-drop from our t\\O dry cells.
we limited the electric cable to twentv-t\\"O feet: thus the
keyboard-puncher must walk along dose to the spotting
board as it moves across the field,
The obseryer tra\'erses through 400 mils in azimuth to
follow the airplane and the bursts as the spotting board is
drawn along the entire 100 feet of the field, He is. in fact,
trained in all the manipulations of his instrument which he
will be required to perform in spotting of actual gun fire,
\~ith the single exception of variable epsilon settings, This
discrepancy could be partially compensated for by running
the spotting board along steel cables of several varying
heights off the ground. (A diving course could be created
by letting the board slide down along a slanting cable.)
\i\1e have not found it worthwhile to string more than the
one level-course cable, however. as the spotter quickly ap-
plies his skill to a new angular height when that element is
introduced in actual fire,
Anti-MTB Target
By Major Charles L. Beaudry, Coast Artillery Corps
Because no standardized high speed target was furnished Finallv, skids wcre attached on the under side as shown
for a recent anti-motor torpedo boat shoot at this mid- in the pllOtographs and this time it rode beautifully over
lantic station, it was therefore necessary for us to design the surface (see figures I and 2). It did not skid laterally
d construct our own. even on turns due mostly to the fact that the towrope (175
In view of the fact that this was to be a high speed target yards) was almost entirely submerged and consequen~ly
wed by a radio remote controlled speedboat) it was had a stabilizing effect on the target. Putting a fin on the
!tially decided to design the target so that it would skip bottom of the target was considered but later ruled out. A
er the water in aquaplane fashion rather than plow fin would probably help but not enough to warrant blother-
ough it. ing with it.
Our first model was made of wood. In its assembly it The towrope used \Vas three-quarter inch in diameter and
s necessary to use bolts throughout rather than nails or proved to be entirely adequate. At rest the target sank about
cws because of the high strains later imposed on it. Even five inches in the seawater.
us assembled the target proved to be too light in construc- The target has since been used for 155mm sub-caliber
n and consequently tore apart. Furthermore it was not firing and has proved very satisfactory.
oyant enough to support its own weight when floating. Finally, it should be emphasized how important it was to
make the target very strong and well braced (see figure 1).
A second design attcmpted to correct the deficiencies of
The target has taken some terrific punishment but elcctric
original. The floating section consisted of four fifty-five-
welding, apparently almost a necessity, was used through-
lion gasoline drums welded together with reinforcing
out and stood lip perfectly .
. No bolts, screws, or nails were used anywhere. The
get frame itself, four feet six inches by four feet, was EDITOR'S ;\laTE: Two sets of plans for a high speed target
ovable-its two supports fitted into two pipes cach recently have been distributed by the Coast Artillery
Ided between a pair of drums. The target was braced Board to each harbor defense. \-\lhere materials and
erally with one-half inch rope. A trial run of this model equipment for this type of target are available, use of
ved UJlsatisfactory also. In spite of the fact that the tow- these plans is desirable. In the absence of the necessary
e pull came from under the front pair of drums (which tools and materials it will be neassary to improvise tar-
uld tend to lift them up) the weight of the towline itself gets to take advantage of the local situation. In the case
nteracted any lifting tendency of the drums. Conse- of the target described in this artxle, it will be necessary
emly the target plowed through the water and the drag to determine by experimentation the size of the com-
s comparatively high which of course made the speed ponents and the angle at which the plane surfaces should
er. intersect the horizontal.
rom a fG
rom a negative tak
f erman' en
p oto of a G pnsoner th'
tion erman 88 ' IS
seems to . d' mm posi-
10 Icate '
actio antitank
trOOps use an Italian Breda
.A.A gun in North Africa.
IndiA" """'v Piloto
order given by his noncoms or obtained from the adjacent manuals were ,,,-ritten by men who have been in action
man. This would necessitate noncoms and officers learning are based on the actual e.',periences of many years and
what and how fire orders are given by infantry commanders. will ~nd it out when you go into battle. Put every bit
\Vhen the fire from all elements had been brought to bear nervous energy into your actions and voice when you
on the targets the platoon leader (or squad leader) would actually going through any exercise. It is up to you to
advance his unit by individual elements in small rushes of it interesting and vital. Forget that you were a civilian
five to ten yards while the remainder of the unit kept up its used to dealing with things that were "reasonable."
fire on the targets. Scoring could be computed at the end battle the "unreasonable" is what usually wins. What
of the exercise on the percentage of hits per rounds fired. reasonable about John Paul Jones' refusal to surre
Great realism can be added by the use of several machine when his ship was sinking? \Vas it "reasonable" for W
guns firing over the heads of the troops from their rear. ington to attack Trenton with his cold, ragged soldiers
Since it takes some time for soldiers to learn from where Christmas Eve? Is it reasonable to tell a man to go into a
the fire is coming the effect would be one of being fired at. where his life is forfeit at any moment? Then don't be a
I have personally used this exercise many times for teaching to work your men hard while training. You can not
fire and movement to troops about to go to the front and the them as tired as they will be during their first action.
men were invariably impressed and taught a great deal. any unit has been trained strenuously and effecti
This, of course, necessitates short periods of instruction in in spite of their growls and beefs, there comes a time w
the elements of the fire order (I: range estimation, 2: target it achieves its unity-its teamwork-and they begin to
designation, 3: fire order) and a "dry run" to insure safety. of their organization and their leaders. vVhen that time
Make sure that your men and your noncommissioned of- rives they have acquired the priceless military ingredien
ficers learn and practice mino!; infantry tactics: combat "esprit de corps."
principles in attack and defense, use of cover and conceal- In closing, I should like to remind my readers of one
ment, and musketry. Can your officers and noncoms give exorable truth. Disciplined troops, strong in the knowled
orders properly using the five paragraph form? Try them of their unity and cohesion, show the value of training
out by the use of sand table problems involving simple the crisis of battle. vVhen it seems that men can not sta
problems for the platoon or squad. The Infantry School at any more and events happen with mad, appalling violen
Fort Benning, Georgia, can send you any number of such what can make men hold in the face of death? Passion
problems already made up-problems which will train you loyalty or excitement can lead them to it, but only fanatici
and your men to think clearly and quickly. Always bear or long arduous practice can hold them to it. Habit result"
in mind the possibility that some day you might be faced from training is the one force that overcomes fear a
with the necessity of destroying your guns and taking up causes men, wounded, dazed, and shattered in numbers
infantry battle formations to repel an enemy or to retire. continue doing their jobs with reasonable efficiency.
Are you sure that your men could do that now without Every man who has sought for courage in war for
confusion or panic? Infantry tactics are not composed of finds it shaken by fear. How much more so does an ordin
just extended order drill-it is not as simple as that. Who man when in the chaos of battle all the props of the wo
becomes the combat scout if you are attacking? How is con- he has known are knocked out from under him! Men
tact between units maintained? How is a retirement effected not brave in battle from disdain of fear but from heat
by a company (battery)? Think it over-teach your men, emotion or habit born of discipline. Habit alone will s
and then practice it. tain men in the face of death. Habit gives freedom fr
One very important factor must be everpresent in each the terrible fear that disaster destroys man's mental um
officer's mind during any and all training. Training which Habit will ensure the correct reaction when the faculties
is done in a lackadaisical fashion where the instructor shows temporarily paralyzed. Habit, which is the result-name
in every action that he is not "responsible" for making his discipline, organization, and training, is the strongest
men go through "this silly stuff" is actually harmful. Our chological factor in the military arsenal.
at every service practice for there is no substitute for experi- this rule, while on the uther hand many a shan is mista
ence. Sen'ice firings are the nearest thing we have to com- for a hit and the whole shoot spoiled.
bat. It is well also to mention several facts which could
H a definite training routine is followed you will have a classified as development of spotters after the initial sla
battery which can shoot and shoot well. Any systematic An analysis of past firings will show that if firing data
error can be eliminated by good spotting and proper use of carefully prepared the first trial salvo will fall less than f
the rules of adjustment. probable errors from the target and that even though no
A spotter is trained to do one thing, to sense splashes so justment is made a few hits will be secured. A battery c
that adjustments can be made. He probably feels that the mander must be prepared to open fire for effect in ~om
entire battery is waiting for him to say something. Our job without any trial fire phase.
is to get him to say the correct thing. He must understand In these days of rapidly moving targetsothere is no time
that a sensing of doubtful is not a reflection on his ahility. trial fire. Therefore, spotters should be trained for s
but an indication that the other elements of the batterY are thev must not be the ones who control our rate of fire.
at fault in not securing line shots. Howe\'er, it is some(imes firs~ hit is what counts. Fire cannot be held up for spotti
possible to sense a shot properly which falls in front of the data to come in. Adjustments can be made even though
target by waiting a few seconds and seeing which side of the the shots are not sensed, as long as those sensed are spott
spray the target passes. \\lith experience he should learn correctlv. Remember a "doubtful" is treated the same a
such e},:pedients. He must understand that he is either sure "lost" i~ fire adjustment. The speedy, highly maneU\'era
that a shot is over or short or it is a doubtful. It is dangerous present-day target may cause dispersion to become
to call a hit, therefore a good rule is to prohibit a hit being friend instead of our enemy if the rate of fire is rapid a
called unless the pieces By from the ship or the pyramidal initial firing data carefully prepared. Training spotters pa
target Hiesto pieces. Adjustmen~ will not be upset by using dividends in speed and accuracy.
etermination and Use of Certain Statistical
Averages in Seacoast Artillery Fire Control
By the Coast Artillery Board
The use of statistical averages in the determination of Analysis of orientation data as well as tracking data can
rs is an important aid in the evaluation of the effecti\'e- be made by the method described in the example that fol-
of seacoast artillery ore control equipment and the lows. In the case of analvsis of orientation data the com-
"lityor state of training of its operators, These averages parison is made with true 'survey data. Tracking data may
vide a basis on which to compare personnel and equip- be analyzed by comparison with data taken simultaneously
nt in the effort to derive maximum beneot from training with the most accurate ore control system available, usually
target practices. Thorough analysis of the results of a suitable horizontal base system manned by a skilled range
ining and target practice courses may be used to demon- section. A system employing two camera theodolites at the
te to operators and observers the good and bad features ends of a suitable baseline also can be used as a standard
their functioning as members of the range section. In of comparison, particularly in the case of data on high
ition to furnishing an incentive to improve operating speed targets at close ranges.
II,such analysis also tends to develop precise Ore control Consider the problem of determining the accuracy of
hniques and generally helps to improve the esprit of any type of single station ore control system, such as a
ryone concerned with the ore control problem by creat- DPF, SCRF, or other single station set. Both the single
confidence in the standard equipment. station system and an appropriate visual horizontal base
! The averages to be considered here are the mean devia- system are used to track the target and data are recorded on
n. the instrumental deviation, and the mean accidental all instruments simultaneously on a convenient time inter-
r. The deviations, errors, and their averages are defined val. The shorter the time interval the more data can be
follows: obtained for plotting curves of DEVIATIONS versus time
DEVIATION is the observed or calculated value to obtain the period of the errors. Having obtained the
minus the corresponding true value. Individual DEVIA- basic data, the statistical analysis may be accomplished
TIONS are assigned the proper algebraic sign. either by mathematical computation, using logarithms and
computing machines, if available; or directly by plotting the
MEAN DEFlATION is the arithmetical (taken with- horizontal base data on a standard plotting board. The
out regard to sign) sum of the DEVIATIONS, divided former method is the more accurate, of course, but the latter
by the number of observations. The MEAN DEVIA- may suffice in many instances. The recorded base-end data
TION is always positive. This is the criterion of the are plotted on the battery plotting board in the usual man-
over-all performance of the instrument and the indi- ner. Then, using the arm and station center for the single
vidual. station system, the azimuth and range from the single sta-
tion are read for all the points plotted from the base-end
data. The two sets of data for the single station can be
TION is the algebraic sum of the DEVIATIONS di-
compared as shown, and the errors determined.
vided by the number of observations. The INSTRU-
The relocated base-end station data, or true values, and
MENTAL DEVIATION may be plus or minu~, de-
the single station data, or observed values, for azimuth and
pending on the nature of the individual DEVIA-
range are entered side by side as shown in the example.
TIONS. It is affected by orientation errors and any
The true values are then subtracted individualIv from the
bias in the equipment itself, as well as by the systematic
observed values. If the observed value exceeds the true
effectof any habits or tendencies of the operator to func-
value a plus sign is assigned to the deviation. If the ob-
tion in an abnormal manner. The INSTRUMENTAL
served value is less than the true value a minus sign is
DEVIATION corresponds to the distance of the center
assigned to the deviation. It will be noted that while the
of impact from the target.
accidental errors are taken with regard to sign, the sign of
ACCIDENTAL ERROR is the individual DEVIA- the individual errors is not considered in determining the
TION minus the INSTRUMENTAL DEVIATION, mean accidental error. If the accidental errors are added
Iaken with regard to sign. These values may be either with regard to sign, the result will be zero if no decimal
plus or minl!-s. The accidental error corresponds to the places ha\'e been dropped in the calculations and should be
armament error. close to zero otherwise. This affords a convenient check of
the calculations of the various averages. It is customary to
MEAN ACCIDENTAL ERROR is the arithmetical indicate the sign of the individual accidental errors since /
without regard to sign) sum of the ACCIDENTAL this information is often used in other ways. A graph of
ERRORS divided by the number of observations. This accidental errors plotted against time, range or azimuth will
falue is either positive or zero. The i'vlEAN ACCI- frequently reveal data that will assist in reducing the mag-
ENTAL ERROR is a criterion of the steadiness and nitude of the errors. Some errors may vary with range or
nsistency of the observations, and the skill of the opera- azimuth and in some cases a deonite period of repetition of
r on 'the particular instrument used. It corresponds to errors may occur, so that the graph may even resemble a
e mean or average armament error. sine curve.
E.,A~IPLE 1. Add up the plus deviations.
0, 0) «, 0' ( ) PI (n
2. Add up the minus deviations.
.... , ,
,- ...... .4
....... .....
)t ......
,t. .-,
., .... ~,
A --
c- "
I,' ~ tn)
vide this by the total number of observations includ
any zero deviations that may have occurred. The
"- (,Jim) '~I
• O'
suiting number (minus or plus, as the case may
192"0 +42
•• -.01
4. Add the totals obtained in 1 and 2 above (disreoaro
19184 19.\1" +4' -II :'"'0.16
sign) and divide by the number' of observations.
•. 19H2 19J-O ~3S ~8 :-OH :-0.\1 -,; -~!I
resulting average is called the ~IEAN DE\'IATIO
1935} 19420 +;'
.'• .:-0 ....0 !"'o...} - -.41
TION algebraically (considering sign) from each'
20093 201 \'; +41 +12
212.00 2"1.Yi
dividllal deviation. Vlhen this has been done for
ZOI11 lO!I'i ~41 2 ...
+!O !""!.92
these accidental errors, disregard:ng sign, and div'
2. 2040l 20,n~ -!-i .1"2.64 +A? -..
,. PIUlo fOl.lI .700 ~!OO PIUlo 101.11 .4,00 .! us by the total number of readings. The resulting nu
;\lim,l\local -'00 -ZOO ~Itn_l [,ll.ll LOaI -!.OS ber, which has no sign, is the ~ lEAN ACCIDE0:T
AIgt'braic TOIal .GOO 0 AI, .\00
Arilhm~lic Toul .00 400 Arithm~:ti~ TOI.II '00 .1.10
I:-":STRl"~IU,"TAl OH'IATIO:o..;
;0 )ud\ I:-":STRU~1[:\'T.""L D[\'I.o\TlO;'\O ,. The utmost care must be taken in assigning the pro
~UA:r\ Dn'IA T10~
W "". 400 ~.Irdl MEA~ DEVIATION - s!r: :;: .2S. algebraic sign as described above because if the rules a
;\I[A:" AeCiDI :'IiT. ....L fRROR 10
• 00
20 ).&rd\ ].I[A:" ACCIO[:\,fAl [RRQR = "z~O= .21 • disregarded false results are obtained. To save time a
reduce the possibility of error a form should be prepar
In order to secure the statistical averages desired, the on which is included a place for each step in the calcu
following procedure is carried out:
AA in Action
Fighting in Tunisia Germans did not return in the two weeks the outfit was in
the area.
Am1)' antiaircraft gunners have become so efficient
llinstboth the Germans and Japs that in some cases enemy In another battle at Mateur, Colonel Hogan said, "units
nes failed to return after an initial action, according of our artillery antiaircraft regiment moved under COver
reports to the \Var Department. .. of darkness into positions near three bridges where Army
-111"0 instances 01 this expert defense agamst enemy alr- Engineers, working without protection, had been bombed
rt were told by Colonel James P. Hogan who commanded and strafed constantly for days. The next day, five Messer-
antiaircraft regiment in Tunisia. schmitts and two Focke-\Vulf 190's flew over. We shot down
Reporting to Arn1)' Ground Forces Headquarters, Colo- three and scored a probable on one of a formation of four
I-logan recounted his outfit's baptism of fire at Thelepete, others that had joined the original group. Again the Ger-
rillagc south of Kasserine Pass where positions had been mans refused to return and not one Nazi bothered the
en to defend two nearby airfields. engineers during the rest of the period the regiment re-
mained there."
'That day," he said, "six German ME-109's came over
Another instance of accurate shooting was reported by
an attempt to bomb one of the airports. Three of the
Colonel \VilIis J. Tack and Lieutenant Colonel Frank J.
nes flew in at high altitude while the other three dropped
Lawrence, members of an Army Ground Forces observer
\\11 in low-level attacks-a typical German maneuver we
team recently returned from the South and Southwest Pa-
re to see repeated many times. cific.
'I was well satisfied with the conduct of my men. They "\Ve occupied Rendova on June 30," Colonel Tack said,
ained level-headed, staunch and completely in control "and the Jap bombers first came over on July 2. They re-
themselves, hitting one bomber so thoroughly that judg- turned on July 4 and those gunners gave them a real re-
from the streamers of black smoke behind him he must ception with the 90mm's. They knocked down twelve
\'c pancaked somewhere behind the enemy lines." bombers." ,
Ordinarily, Colonel Hogan said, the high-altitude bomb- All the officers praised the American soldiers highly, nQt
would first act as a decoy, then follow through with a only for their precision but for their high spirits and abilitY
-level attack in company with the remaining planes but to learn quickly and adapt themselves to every battle oc-
this instance they refused to enter the fight. And the ~~oo. )
Distinguished Service Medal Corps Area was the direct result of his untiring efforts, his
MAJORGENERALJOHN P. SMITH, United States Army. leadership, and the inspiration which his policy of service
exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services in to the field forces furnished to all who worked with him.
performance of duties of great responsibility as Com-
nding General, Fourth Corps Area, from 11 October
0, to 25 February 1942. During the period ~Iajor Gen- Soldier's Medal
I Smith was in c~mmand of the Fourth Corps Area, ap- CORPORALHARRYLIVCIIAK,Coast Artillery. For heroism
ximately half of the troops of the Army, within the in Alaska on January 24, 1943. Corporal Livchak waded
tinemal limits of the United States. were stationed in twice through the freezing waters of a heavy surf at the
t Corps Area. ~ lajar General Smith carried out his base of a fifty foot cliff to assist ashore exhausted members
ies with energy and marked ability, and the success with of the crew' of a foundered barge. Laboring under th~
ich the expansion of the Armv was carried out in that handi~p of a previously sustained 1l'Q inlurv. Cornor:ll
Lh-chak. with the aid of a rope, succeeded in assisting the Corps. Home address: 4393 Bedford Road. Detroit. Mi
crew members to scale the cliff. oan.
SERGEAC\'T 1\ IARTIC\'F. HACHFELD,Coast Artillery. For FOR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perfOO
heroism in Algeria in April. 1943. Sergeant Hachfeld ance of outstanding service from 25 January 1942 to
saved from extensive injury and death a fellow soldier, December 1942 as Chief of Staff to the Chief of Ha\\ai
\'.'ho, while cleaning a machine gun, accidentally ignited Art~llery in organizing the Office of the Chief of Ha\\ai'
the cleaning fluid. S~rgeant Hachfeld entered the burning Ar~llle.ryand supen:~sing the tactical training of all artill
room, removed the inJured soldier and smothered the flames umts 10 the Hawauan Department. Colonel 1\ Iartin's
on the soldier's clothing before mortal injuries were suf- ganizing ability and untiring efforts were responsible f(
fered, establishing and maintaining the then rapidly increasin
CORPORALJOHN CASTEEL,Coast Artillery, For heroism artillery. force on Oa~1Uand the outlying i~lands of th.e Tell1
executive ability have been of inestimable value in the ex- of those defenses to their present size and dimensions.
pansion of the 'Hawaiian Antiaircraft Artillery Command. TO: FRAC\'K J. ZELLER,Lieutenant Colonel, Coast t\r1
His achievements under adverse conditions have brought lery Corps. Home Address: Mendocino, California.
great credit to himself and the military service.
FOR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perf 011
TO: DARWIN D. '\IARTIN, Colonel, Coast Artillery ance of outstanding services as a Post Staff Officer in Al:d
ce December 30, 1940. During this period Lieutenant was expedited materially. \ \ arrant Officer Sperl's award is
Colonel Zeller as a Post Staff Ofhcer prepared policies for in the Degree of Officer.
d supervised the execution of arrangements for the supply, His wite, 1\lrs. l\lary A. Sperl, resides at 20 Tidball
transportation and construction of that station and its sub- Road, Fort l\lonroe, Virginia.
sts. TO: PERCYH. \ VALKER,1\laster Sergeant, Coast Artil-
TO: GILMOUR C. l\ lACDo~ALD,Captain, Coast Artil- lery. Home .address: 38 Chancy Street, Boston, l\ lassachu-
ery Corps. Home address: 517 Ash Avenue, Ames, Iowa. setts.
FOR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perform- FOR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perfonll-
nee of outstanding service. Captain l\lacDonald, by con- ance of outstanding service. Sergeant \Valker initiated and
tinuous and untiring application to the problems of service produced from the personnel of the command at Fort 1\lac-
f his materiel, remarkable ingenuity in designing practical Arthur, California, the plays "The Yard Birds of Fort .i\1ac-
evices to meet those problems, marked ability in recog- Arthur" and "I-ley Rookie." \ Vith a unique trailer built by
nizing the merits of the work of others, and outstanding Sergeant \ \' alker, those casts, during off-duty hours, visited
resourcefulness in constructing equipment with apparently many posts and isolated stations which other types of en-
nadequate facilities, produced for the use of his organiza- tertainment could not reach. These shows were also put on
tion and for the service, a number of valuable devices, the for the sick and wounded in nearby hospitals.
mostnotable of which greatly improved the accuracy of anti- TO: LEoNAHDA. \\lInTZ, First Sergeant, Coast Artillery.
aircraft machine gun fire. From September 8, 1939, to August 1, 1942, the conduct
TO: ALECK F. 1\IACDoNALD,Captain (then First Lieu- of Sergeant \ Virtz was exceptionally meritorious in the per-
. tenant), Coast Artillery Corps. Home address: 1807 Brazos formance of outstanding services. His ability, initiative,
Street, Austin, Texas. leadership, and resourcefulness contributed in a large
FOR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perform- measure to the successful construction under great difficul-
snce of outstanding service. As battalion and harbor de- ties of barracks and other facilities for officers and enlisted
fense reconnaissance officer, supply officer, and plans and men occupying outlying positions of the Coast Artillery
training officer of a Task Force, he selected battery po- Command in the defense of the Panama Canal. His ex-
sitions and observation posts with marked efficiency, trained emplary conduct and marked devotion to duty have re-
a completely inexperienced reconnaissance section and ob- Bected the highest ideals of the military service.
tained orientation data for all harbor defense installations The address of his mother, 1\1rs. Effie \Virtz, is P. O.
operating over difficult terrain. He devised and constructed Box 294, Athens, \Vest Virginia.
charts and scales for the conversion of firing data obtained TO: TUOl\IASJ. \VALSII, JR., Technical Sergeant, Coast
from standard fire-control instruments into a form suitable Artillerv. Home address: 1416 Reo Street, Lincoln Park,
ror use with non-standard weapons. l\lichig;n.
TO: MAURICEV. GHIFFIN, Captain (then First Lieu- FOR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perform-
tenant), Coast Artillery Corps. Home address: \Vinter ance of outstanding service in devising, conducting experi-
Street, Tilton, New Hampshire. ments, and developing instruments of great value to the
FOR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perform-
ance of outstanding service as the commanding officer of TO: FRANKVERLINDE,Staff Sergeant (then Sergeant),
an antiaircraft artillery gun detachment. Captain Griffin, Coast Artillery Corps. Home address: Route 2, St. Charles,
on the morning of December 7, 1941, as the result of dili- Michigan.
gent preparation and the skillful training of his command, FOR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perform-
wasable to deliver effective antiaircraft artillery fire against ance of outstanding services. As commander of a platoon in
the enemy. During the arduous period subsequent to the a Coast Artillery eM) regiment, he established a gun p0-
attack on Pearl Harbor, he continuously demonstrated sition in Iceland under most unfavorable conditions. Due to
uperior leadership, together with an outstanding knowledge his high qualities of leadership, initiative and devotion to
of antiaircraft artillery, earning numerous commendations duty, the smartness and efficiency of the personnel of his
for the organization which he commanded. platoon and the excellent condition of the armament were
outstanding in the regiment.
TO: \VILLARD B. CHELLIS, First Lieutenant, Coast
nillery Corps. Home address: 310 Haswade Drive, H unt- TO: GEORGE H. RAISLER, Corporal, Coast Artillery.
. gton, \Vest Virginia. Home address: Marion, Wisconsin .
FOR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perform- FOR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perform-
ance of outstanding service in devising and developing mance of outstanding service in devising and conducting
equipment. experiments of great value to the Army.
TO: FRA~KSPERL,\Varrant Officer, Armv of the United TO: RONALDE. \VAITE, Corporal, Coast Artillery. Home
States. As chief electrician, \ Varrant Office~ Sperl was re- address: Garden City Avenue, Garden City, Kansas.
nsible for improvising devices used in testing important FQR: Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the perform-
ntiaircraft equipment and for the construction of excep- mance of outstanding service as battery mechanic. As a re-
. nal items of equipment in emergencies. As the result of sult of his ingenuity, Corporal \Vaite designed and con-
. efforts, the testing of important antiaircraft equipment structed an improvised mount for an automatic riBe.
An) individual, whether or 1/ot he is a member of the sen'ice, is inl'itea to submit C01/structive sllggestion~ relating ro
prob/e-rns IlIlder stlldy b) the Coast Artillery Board, or to present any 1/ew pralJ/em that properly may he considered
bv, the Board. Commll11icatiollS should be addressed to the President, Coast Artille, - Roard, Fort l\Ionroe, Virginia.
nder manufacture and initial allotments are ready for the sets in typical fire control installations is under de,'e1op-
distribution. ment.
The Azimuth Transmitters 1\17and ~18 are intended for Jlodificmion of P01l'er Rmllmer for 16-inch Barbette
pplication to the Azimuth Instrument 1\11910 anc De- Carriages ,\I-l alld ,\15. The Ordnance Department has
$SionPosition Finder 1\ II, respectively. \ Vhen the instru- been requested to modify the power rammers now provided
ments are modified by the installation of the data transmit- for 16-inch Barbette Carriages 1\14 and i\ 15 by the addition
rs they will be known as the Azimuth Instrument i\ 12 of an unstroking device for the withdrawal stroke. Service
i Depression Position Finder i\ 12, respectively. tests of an experimental model of this unstroking device
Radio for emergency trmtS1llissiOIl of base-clld data. The indicate that it effectively stops the rammer at the end of
vulnerability of fire control telephone lines to damage from the \\ ithdrawal stroke and pre\'ents creeping of the rammer
shell fire, bombing, enem)' raids and sabotage has long been head. This unstroking device is entirely automatic. once the
ecognized. \Vhile the possibility of damage can be reduced correct setting is obtained.
y intelligent planning of cable and field wire lines and by It is expected that instructions lor the adjustment. main-
suitable construction practices, combat experience has tenance and operation of the complete power ram mer will
shown that even a well planned and constructed system can be available at an early date.
be disrupted under intensive ground and aerial attack. In Insertioll of prilllers' ill firillg l1lechanisms of 6-inch Guns
a notable instances of the present war, communication 1\11903, i\1l905 (:lId T2. Pending the revision of F1\I 4-20
with base-end stations was lost early in the action and the and AR 750-10, the following operations may be performed
effectiveness of fire control was gre~tly reduced. in accordance with approved safety precautions:
After several months of stlfdy and test of a considerable (1) During the operations of loading and firing 6-inch
number of types of radio sets, both frequency-modulated guns 1\11903, 1\ 11905, and T2, electric primers may be in-
and amplitude-modulated, the Coast Artillery Board has serted while the breech block is open.
recommend~d the issue of the Radio Sets SCR-61O and (2) During the operations of loading and firing 6-inch
SCR-S08 for the emergency transmission of base-end data, guns 1\ 11903, 1\11905 and T2, friction and percussion type
and for communication with forward observers during primers will not be inserted until the breech block has been
andward firing by seacoast artillery batteries. \Vhile the closed and locked.
SCR-61O is considered the most suitable of the sets tested A.uxiliary Azimutll Scales for Plotting Boards. The sta-
for use at base-end stations and bv forward observers, this tion arm couplers on the i\ 13 and 1\ 14 type plotting boards
set is not available at present for issue to seacoast artillery vary in length from .75 inch to 25 inches. \Vhenever the
rganizations, and the Radio Set SCR-828 has been substi- azimuth from the observing station to the target is within
uted. The SCR-808 is considered suitable for use at the about 15 degrees of the azimuth, or back azimuth, from the
plotting rooms of both mobile and fixed seacoast artillery station to the directing gun, the coupler is nearly in line with
batteries. These sets are frequency-modulated and operate the station arm and it is difficult accurately to position the
In a frequency range far removed from that of the amp li- arm in direction. In order to correct this defect, all future
tude-modulated radio sets used in seacoast artillery com- 1\ 13 and 1\14 plotting boards will have azimuth sub-scales
mand networks. Consequently, no interference with the mounted in the board. The auxiliarv azimuth scale is a
latter network can result. metal strip in the form of an arc and is'countersunk into the
The issue of sufficient sets to each harbor defense battery surface of the plotting board near the outer periphery. The
of caliber six inches and above to provide communication scale is marked in azimuth and oriented exactly in respect
k> two separate baselines (or three contiguous baselines) has to the main azimuth circle. In operating the board, the ann
been recommended. For mobile seacoast artillery batteries, setter sets azimuth by means of the standard index box until
fficient equipment to provide communication to two con- the azimuth is nea; the zone where previous tests have
tiguous baselines has been recommended. \Vhile the basis shown that inaccurate azimuths are obtained. He then be-
issue has not been determined finally, it appears that the gins setting the fiducial edge of the station arm directly on
ts will be issued on the basis recommended, at first to the auxiliary azimuth scale, holding the index box un-
ganizations serving outside the continental limits of the clamped from the main azimuth circle. This process is con-
nited States. Sufficient equipment for training purposes, tinued until the station arm has passed through the zone of
least, probably will be authorized organizations within inaccuracies.
e United States. The scales are being manufactured with an arc of twenty
The Radio Sets SCR-808 and SCR-828 are designed for degrees. The greatest accuracy in reading the sub-scale is
ration from vehicular storage batteries. For this reason, obtained with the scale for the shortest coupler link, the
R-808's used bv forward observers in landward firing accuracy decreasing with the increase in the length of the
ust remain in vehicles in defiladed positions near the ob- coupler link.
ation posts. The Board has recommended that a remote Since available facilities are being used for the production
trol unit permitting transmission from a field telephone of new 1\13and M4 plotting boards to meet present require-
the observer's position be provided. ments, there may be delay in supplying azimuth sub-scales
Since, at harbor defense base-end stations and plotting for earlier boards.
* * *********** •••• *** * ...
Coast Artillery Journal •
Fifly.ucond Year of PJlbJicJJion
LT. COL. ARTHUR SY)IOXS, Associate Editor
• ~~mm~~mmmm)rnllll)illlll)1II1111111111111illllllllm)llIIllllll)mllllllll)11II1II11IIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllffillii
Circulation Manag'er •
• New Editor Repons
• Under the provisions of the 60 year regulation, the pres-
• ent Editor of the JOURNALis reliewd from that duty with
.. • the publication of this issue ..
.. • Colonel Eugene B. \Valker, C.A.c., has reported for
• duty and becomes the next Editor of the COASTARTILLER
• JOl;n."'AL.
The JOURNAL prints articles on subjects of profes- .. f f f
sional and general interest to officers of all the com-
.. ponents of the Coast Artillery Corps in order to Stuka "All Done"?
.. stimulate thought and provoke discussion. However,
opinions expressed and conclusions drawn in articles .. The Stuka dive bomber is "all done," in the opinion of
.. are in no sense official. The)' do not reflect the opin-
ions or conclusions of any official or branch of the .. an Antiaircraft battalion commander whose unit destroyed
'Var Department •
• at least seventy-eight enemy planes with "probables" ~n-
The JOURNAL does not carry paid advertising. The • ning the score up over a hundred in the Tunisian cam-
JOURNAL pa)'s for original articles upon publica-
tion. Manuscripts should be addressed to the Editor. • paign .
The JOURNAL is not responsible for manuscripts
unaccompanied by return postage .
• 'The Stubs are slow, easy to catch and easy to hit," said
Lieutenant Colonel John C. Smith on his return to Anny
* * * * * * * * * * * * * ......... * .... Ground Forces [[eadquarters. "[ think the Stuka is all
• done," he said. "Our antiaircraft stuff scared the Stukas,
The United States Coast .. who found it too costly to come too close to us: There were
• lots of them at first, but very few at El Guettar."
Artillery Association
• Colonel Smith's unit, activated at Fort Sheridan, Illinois,
OFFICERS .. under the Antiaircraft Command at Richmond, Virginia,
.. went into action early .
• "vVe got one plane right from the landing barge when
.. we were moving off the boats, and ten more on the shore
• while we were covering the infantry and artillery while
VICE-PRESIDENT • they landed," Colonel Smith said.
• "\Ve did a lot of covering work. At one time we used our
SECRETARY-TREASURER ,.• half tracks to pull the artillery into position and then stayed
.. •
to protect them from air attack while they pounded the
enemy with heavy shells .
BRIG. GENERAL H. N. HERRICK .. "A lot of the antiaircraft units were in the rear and so did
not have the opportunity to score that we had. Our battaliQn
BRIG. GENERAL DANIEL 'vV. HICKEY, JR. • is credited with 78 enemy planes officially destroyed and our
BRIG. GENERAL RALPH C. TOBIN • total will run well over J 00 with our 'probables.' "
• Colonel Smith pointed out that it isn't always easy to de-
• termine the success of antiaircraft fire by on-the-scene ob-
• servation .
• "I recall one day when we were in position on an airfield,'
.. Colonel Smith said, "and five Me 109's came over and
bracketed our gun pits. They strafed everything in sight.
•.. Later I went to the positions and bawled out the gun creW
The purpose of the Association shall be to promote
the efficiency of the Coast Artillery Corps by main- for not knocking down a single plane. An observer said he
taining its standards and traditiOllS, by disseminating .. had noted one hit on one plane.
professional knowledge, by inspiring greater effort "Later investigation showed that two of the planes
towards the improvement of materiel and methods of
• crashed just over nearby mountains, and a third crashed
training and by fostering mtltual understanding, re- •,. twenty miles farther. That was good shooting-three out oil
spect and cooperation among all arms, branches ana ,. five. They didn't bother us after that.
components of the Regular Army, National Guard,
Organized Reserves, and Reserve Officers' Training
,. "Thirty-three enemy planes dived on us during the ~a
Corps. • push," Colonel Smith continued, "and we claimed
................. - .... probable. A little further along their course only twen
planes were sighted. \Ve never found out what happen
~E\\'S A~D CO:-'I:\IE~T
tho~e 'missing thirteen,' \\'e don't claim we got thirteen. tions: the 47th A1\.\ Group. Colonel John L. CoHo com-
t we don't know what happened to them." manding. accounted lor fi,'e. Batten' :\. 426th CA(AA)
Colonel Smith told of an officer who knocked down Bn., Li~utenant James J. Cardo, com~landing. ordered five
yen planes in three hours of fighting, the affair resulting new subscriptions.
two attacks, each about an hour and a half long. Last-minute entries included five subscriptions from Cap-
'\ \' e used' our antiaircraft guns on machine gun nests tain D. F. Bresnan for members of Battery F, 22d CoaSt
'th (Treat
success," Colonel Smith said, "and found we Artillerv; thirteen from Lieutenant Endicott A Batchelder
re kept very busy as we moved along with the troops. In for me~bers of l\lajor Francis C. Howland's 642d AAA
, we covered the rear guard during the Kasserine Pass A\V Bn., and eight from Lieutenant Benjamin H. :-'lead,
ttle and found lots of activity. Jr., for memhers of the 572d AAA A\\1 Bn,
'Initially in the campaign th~re was plenty of dive bomb- f f f
, but toward the end there was very little. I don't think
The Me 323
)' enemy planes got back from the last raid.
"\Ve had excellent equipment, and we were right up The 1\le. 323, the big German transport plane which has
ere where the planes were flying thick, which permitted been described as "a powered glider," and was used by the
to establish our record." enemy towards the end of the campaign in Africa, can, it is
now officially disclosed, mount up to eighteen 7.9mm ma-
Not so Slow
It can carry a three-ton truck, a light tank, or 100 troops,
August and September are usually considered slow During the last days of the Tunisia fighting, Allied planes
onths in the JOURNAL'SCirculation Department, but this on one occasion shot down twenty-one , of these aircraft in
r there was no slow-down in Sergeant 1\liller's bailiwick. ten minutes.
Jonel \V. C. McFadden, commanding the 61st Coast Cheapness of production is the main feature of manu-
rtillery, was as usual a one-man circulation campaign, facture, for the aircraft is constructed mainlv of steel tubes
bmitting in separate communications since the Jast issue and plywood, and is fabric covered ..
nt to press, groups of seven, eight, three, and two sub- The 1\Ie. 323 is six-engined and has a span of 181 feet
iptions. Long ago we lost track of the total number of and a length of 93 feet 4 inches. It was developed from the
bscriptions Colonell\lcFadden has sent in over a period Me. 321 glider, and has. in fact. almost an identical airframe.
many years. The engines are Gnome-Rhone 14-cylinder, two-row,
The largest single order since the last issue came from radials of 965 h.p. at 13,200 feet, which give it a maximum
e 166th AA Gun Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel lames speed of approximately 170 m.p.h. at sea level.
, Mozzey, commanding .. Major Charles \tv. Aufgang, Normal crew consists of two pilots, a radio operator, and
'ecutive, signed the letter of transmittal for twenty-four two engineers.-London Daily Mail.
bscriptions, which made the unit a member of the select
% group. Another 100% group was Battery C, 1st Bat-
ion, 202d CA(AA). The Battalion, commanded by AA Marching Song
eutenant Colonel \ Vallace \V. Elliot, sent in ten sub- Several delayed arrivals of entries from distant APOs
'ptions, including the three necessary to make C Battery have in turn delayed the final judging of submitted songs.
%. Fifty entries of combined words and music have been re-
The 102d CA Bn. (AA), Major Edward Hogan, com- ceived and will be judged in competition. The next issue
nding, sent in ten subscriptions; the 833d AAA A\tV Bn., of the JOURNALwill carry the words and music of the win-
utenant Colonel Thomas A. Baker, commanding, ac- ning AA Marching Song.
nted for seven. Chief \tVarrant Officer Louis J. Cava
ned the letter which accompanied six new subscriptions
the Harbor Defenses of San Diego; \tVarrant Officer British Mission CO Cooperate Against Japs
nior Grade George T. Murnock did the same for the Maximum British cooperation with the United States in
1st AAA Gun Battalion's list of ten subscriptions. Lieu- future operations against Japan is now being planned by a
ant John A. McMichen, Adjutant of the 601st CA(AA), special British 1\lilitary, Naval, and Air Mission, headed by
mitted five orders. The Commanding Officer of the Major-General J. S. Lethbridge, Royal Engineers, which
1st. Colonel H. A. l\1c1\lorrow, has been giving Colonel has recently arrived in \Vashington.
Fadden a close race o\'er a period of years. General Lethbridge and his staff are engaged in the study
Major M. A Gross, commanding the 2d Bn. of the of all problems of tactics, weapons, supply, transport, com-
1st CA(AA), submitted five subscriptions and some re- munications, and medical services connected with the war
als in a personal letter to one of the JOURNALstaff, against Japan, other than future operational planning.
g with some helpful suggestions concerning what the The mission will learn at first-hand the latest American
ibers at his APO would like to see in the magazine. experience of the Pacific \Var, and its members will visit
l\lajor's suggestions coincided with what the editorial military and naval establishments throughout the country
ff has been trying to present-more information from our with this object in view. On completion of its studies in
-Hung outposts. the U. S., the mission will leave for the Pacific war theatres
he 476th AAA A\V Bn., Lieutenant Colonel F. T. to observe the fighting against the Japanese on the spot, and
nberg, Commanding, sent along twelve new subscrip- will be able to assess the problems in greater detail as a result
of its experience in the combat zones. In this way it will tack. Spare torpedoes are carried on the deck as well as
be able to lay the logistical foundations for the British con- the torpedo compartment forward. There is no basis for
tribution to future campaigns against the Japanese. ports of engines of a novel design having been ad
The mission was formed following ;\ Ir. Churchill's of of of
Guildhall speech of June 30, 1943 in which he promised
Training Navy AA Gunners
that when Gennany had been crushed in Europe "e\'ery
man. every ship, and every airplane in the King's service A new and startling realistic scientific training d
that can be moved to the Pacific will be sent and there invented to advance the 0Javy's program to make its
maintained in action by the people of the British Common- aircraft gunners the most deadly in the world, has been
wealth and Empire. into use. The new device creates within' a rSmall. blae
of of of out room the illusion of aerial bombing and strafing,
steels our men to stand up and fight the surprise
CAC Colonels to Brigadier General
frightfulness of such attacks. The "hell on wings cham
Seven colonels of the Coast ..\rtillery Corps were nomi- as some Navy men call it, has proved valuable at the a
nated for promotion to the temporary rank of brigadier aircraft training and test center at Dam Neck. a bl
general September 28: Edward Barber, \ Villiam R. 0:ichols, isolated stretch of beach on the Atlantic Ocean.
Harold R. bckson. 0:athaniel ,\. Bumell. 2d. Thomas R. The Navy is rushing installation of similar units at t
Phillips, R~leigh R. Hendrix, and Frank C. 1\ lcConnell. destroyer-escort crew training school and other units \\ ill
of of of
set up at other training stations throughout the Uni
States and at our outposts from Bermuda to New Caledo
Heavy Naval Losses An amplifier and super-projector reproduce on a gi
London, July 10 (AP).-Losses which "may well prove screen the sound and three dimensional sight of spe
fatal" to Japan's navy are noted along with an amazing in- ing planes-dive bombers, torpedo bombers, high-altit
crease in United States naval power in the latest issue of bombers, fighters. A "machine gun" faces the screen,
"Jane's Fighting Ships." (The volume went to press before instead of shooting bullets it stabs electrical "tracers" at t
announcement of the losses inAicted on the Japanese fleet in darting, roaring planes. An automatic computer records t
the recent fighting in the Solomons,) hits and misses and a light flashes at the end of the "rn
"Japan continues to make free use of her cruisers and chine gun" when the trainee scores a hit.
destroyers in the Pacific, undeterred by her heavy losses. A major advantage of the device, Lieutenant Command
The most serious of these was the destruction in the Battle Philip D. Gallery, commanding officer of the Dam N
of 1\ lidway of the aircraft carriers Akagi, Kaga, H irYll. This training center, explained, is its economy. Although
blow, added to the previous sinking of the R)'lIkakll, has im- units cost about $20,000 to manufacture, they make it
posed a handicap which in the long run may well prove to sible for trainees to fire the equivalent of 100,000 twen
be fatal to Japan's naval aspirations." om shells a day. This saves about $15,000 to $20,000
Of the United States naval program, Janes says: approximately the cost of the machine) each day.
'Though full details are not available of the enormous 'This is the nearest thing possible to standing on
expansion of the United States Navy, "Fighting Ships" has deck of a destroyer and getting dive-bombed and strafed
been able to secure sufficient data to show the rapid strides the officer shouted over the roar of a "dive bomber" that
that are being made with its war construction programs. All a whizzing black shape on the screen. The trip-hammer
six ships of the \IFashillgtoll class are now in service and the the electric machine gun drowned out any further w
45,000-ton Iowa and New Jersey are to be commissioned in A trainee stood swinging the gun and sending electric da
1943 .. against the split second target. "Up, up!" barked the inst
" ... Every exertion is being made to press on with the tor. "Left, down, down! you didn't lead him, you were
many new aircraft carriers that are in hand. mile away. Next man!" The next man stepped up, a maw
"So far four carriers of the Essex class (25,000 tons) and A torpedo bomber swooped in low, pulled up sharply an
six of the Independence class (10,000 tons) have been "climbed" with exciting effect. The other trainees strai
launched, and several of them are believed to be in commis- forward in their seats as they watched the marine pep
sion. The progress on new cruisers, destroyers, submarines away at the torpedo plane and other "ships" which twist
and smaller vessels is scarcely less remarkable." tumed, and dived. The instructor kept up his running fi
The war loss section of the new book compared with the of shouted instructions.
194\ volume shows substantial losses by all major belliger- The Army has heard about the machine. It apparen
ents. In most cases, the book points out, the losses charged thinks so well of it that each day it sends over a differe
against enemy fleets are likely to be much lower than they crew of soldiers on a 60-mile round trip to practice du .
actually are, since the publication pursues a conservative the one hour of the day Co~mander Gallery's charges
policy in listing losses. not using it.-Chicago Tribune:
Of German U-boats "Fighting Ships" says, a "notable of of l'
feature of the recent German submarine design is that the
double-hull form which was used in the larger U-boats in A New Requisite for Promotion
1914-1918 has been discarded in favor of the single-hull The British emphasize the importance of equipme
type. This simplifies and accelerates construction, although conservation so strongly that they have established it as
it increases the U-boat's \'ulnerability to depth charge at- prerequisite to promotion.
~E\VS AND COl\ll\lE~T 51
A Brigadier on duty in ~orth Africa has recently testified morale. but for ultimate dlicit'IH:) w,Hch the garbage. the
t their campaign driving westward from Egypt to roadside ditches, the open fields where men and H.-hides
isia pro\'ided their greatest field test for British rolling ha\'e passed by.
'pment. ~ hnor troubles had to be solved on the spot, Garrison, maneuver or battle-waste and gl\'e to the
irs made, and the vehicles kept rolling along. Incapaci- enemy; conseryc and use against him.
motor \'ehicles meant reduced fire-power and man-
« « «
er. In that fast-mm'ing drama that spelled the doom of
A-.;is in ~orth Africa there could be no lessening of ef- A Bouquet
ti\'e Allied power due to \'ehicular attrition that was not The sun shont brighter around the JOllfu"AL oHice the
arable, All personnel had to be inoculated with the day \\e recei\'l'C1 till' following from '\lajor Herman \V.
essity of conserving the life of every form of equipment. Pontius, CAC: " ... please apply check (for orerpa:-
ur own men arc famous all over the world for their mellt) to continue my subscription to June, 1945; as long
erino0, skill. Thev are mechanicallv , minded. \ Ve also as I am a Coast. \rtillery officer I want the JOURNAL. I think
e the reputation in peacetime of being prodigal in waste. it is indispensable to an) Coast r\rtilleryman. It is a fine
he American's natural attitude that "there is more piece of work."
re that came from" must be changed upon entry into l' l'
ice to "conserve the nail. the shoe, the truck, and hasten
tory. " Tinfoil Bombardment
Pr~ventive 1\ laintenance should be the creed of every The British h3\'e shown that they are accomplished
tructor, It is not enough that men should be taught masters in the fine art of inventing little tricks which (lri\'e
\ to operate-they must be taught how to maintain. Axis technicians to despair.
ether small arms or 16" riAe-whether a shoe or prime They gave one demonstration of their inventiveness dur-
ver-every fighting weapon, every article of transporta- ing the naval battle off 1\ lontevideo which culminated in
must be efficiently maintained. \"eapons are no good the scuttling of the Graf Spec. For many months after that
ansportation, whether foot or vehicle, has failed. battle experts wondered about the bad shooting on the pan
'The litter that an Army leaves behind should present of the Germans until the British re\'ealcd whm they had
first task for an inspector. done ..
Spit and Polish" is fine as an aid to build and maintain It had been so simple, nohody had thought of it. \\,11(,11-
f f l'
split trail. Its elevation varies between °
mortar adopted in Italy has- a screw type breech block <
degrees and p
70 degrees; its traverse covers 75 degrees. \Vith a projec
British AA Battery
weighing 101 kilograms and an initial vclocity of 5
The British AA Batterv, mentioned in the JOURNAL'S meters per second, a maximum range of 16,000 meter
Activities section as being ;t Camp Davis, was last reported attained. The gun, which has a firing weight of 15,
in the New York City area, where it was staging demonstra- kilograms, is transported as a single or double load.
tions for units of the Eastern Defense Command. Parades, gun when traveling as a single load weighs 15,780
ceremonies, and entertainments honoring the visiting or- grams; the barrel on its transporting vehicle weighs 8,
ganization were scheduled. kilograms. The gun carriage alone weighs 10,800
grams. In mountains, according to Nazione Militare,
f f f
gun is broken down into four loads and loaded on four
Radio Interference Eliminated hicles with caterpillar treads.-(Artilleristische Rllndsc/
The invention of a completely successful device for Translated in the AIilitary Review.
eliminating static interference with radio reception is an- f f
nounced by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.
Called "the radio-station neutralizer," the device was dis- Christmas Mailing
covered by 1\lr. Gilbert J. Candrisen, a research physicist Christmas packages to personnel abroad will be accep
who spent several years developing it. for mailing until October 15 for the Army; and untill
It is expected to find immediate application on bomber vember 1 for the Navy.
and fighter aircraft, warships of all sizes, tanks, command In this connection, it might be well to mention 0
cars, and wherever else radio is used. It is expected also more that the JOURNALcannot accept gift magazine s
to impro\'e the electrical device for detecting enemy aircraft scriptions for personnel outside the continental limits of
and ships, as well as the transmission by wireless of pictures United States unless a letter from the person who is to
and maps. ceive the magazine, requesting the subscription, accom
The neutralizer not only keeps static from interfering nies the order.
with radio reception, but actually converts the electrical en- l' l'
ergy of static into useful work. In a demonstration held
yesterday at the company's plant at Akron, Ohio, it was British AA Record
proved that the neutralizer could reduce to a bare whisper A German reconnaissance plane flying at 36,000
man-made electrical disturbances more powerful than the suffered a direct hit from a 3.7 AA shell, and crashed in
greatest storms of thunder and lightning. In one test a 25,- South of England. The machine was thought to be a !
OOO-voltspark from the ignition system of an engine was 109G, a new type. The aircraft was escorted by
projected directly upon the antennae of a wireless receiving fighters. A "i\lixed Battery" (men and women) made
set. The device so effectivelv neutralized this that it was kill.
Officers and men at Fort Funston are enjoying cinema
orthern California Sector fare nightly. now that the new recreation building is in use.
BRIGADIER GENERAL HALPII E. I LUNES, Assistant Sector Latest films are presented and the building is also available
Commander for Harbor Defense Troops for dances. lectures, demonstrations and church services.
Scores of enlisted men throughout the defenses were
Scores of artillerymen of the Harbor Defenses of San awarded good conduct medals at ceremonies held in August
rnncisco returned ~o their respecti\'e batteries August first by the various batteries. Hibbons were presented by Colonel
hen the regimental Noncommissioned Officers' school James C. Hutson, Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Hawkins
osed its second six weeks of strenuous training at Fort and Lieutenant Colonel Richard R. J\loorman.
infield Scott. Addition of a second mobile canteen to the Fort \Vinfield
In addition to intensive schooling in coast artillery work, Scott Post Exchange has greatly improved service to out-
e men were gi\"Cn considerable infantry instruction. In- lying Coast Artillery units scattered over the Bay Area.
luded were the nomenclature, functioning and firing of J\ lost of the larger detachments get five day a week service
all arms, use of hand grenades. rifle grenades and bay- now and it has proved possible to extend the territory
nets, and defense against chemical warfare. They also covered.
arned to handle .30 and .50 caliber machine guns. In some cases field conditions have been simulated when
Particular attention was given to physical conditioning the perambulating Post Exchanges find troops on routine
ith the future noncommissioned officers getting strenuous marches. The mobile stores cover all of San Francisco, visit
ercise sessions and making at least one trip a day over the the East Bay region and dip down into San i\hteo County
mmando course. to the south.
Officers and men from all over the Harbor Defenses have Receipt of 1,500 new books from Fort Douglas, Utah,
en flocking to the Red Cross Blood Bank weekly in a and an overhauling of the books in the Fort \Vinfield Scott
contribution campaign organized by Tile Golden Library have resulted in establishment of a library service to
ate Gllardian, camp newspaper. There is an average of batteries throughout the Harbor Defenses. Boxes of books
irty men in each group, with one and usually two groups are left at each battery on a bi-weekly basis. A "balanced
. iting the bank each week. fare," with handicraft and fiction emphasized, goes into each
Batteries at Forts Funston, Baker, Milev, Cronkhite and box.
rrv have vied with those at Fort \Vinfi~ld Scott in offer- Plans are to get the Fort \Vinfield Scott Library, which
;nore men than called for. More than a thousand pints was closed temporarily, back into operation soon.
blood have been contributed since the regular blood bank Dogs from the K-9 Corps are on duty at Fort SCOtt
'ts began. nightly, helping guard key spots against intruders. Keenly
New regimental commander in the Harbor Defenses is alert for irregular noises, the dogs have added appreciably
lonel James C. Hutson, who succeeded Colonel Felix to security precautions on the post.
. Usis in mid-July. Formation of an Armed Forces Entertainment Commit-
Brigadier General Ralph E. l-Iaines' name topped the list tee for this area is expected to result in the distribution of
entrants in the officers' doubles tennis tourney scheduled entertainment to isolated batteries and positions throughout
get under way in August. The Harbor D~fense com- the Harbor Defenses of San Francisco.
nder was teamed with Captain \Villiam Epstein. \\'inner Occasional USO-Camp Shows, Inc., troupes have hit
the singles title was Major Fred C. \Veyand. adjutant, some of the outlying spots, but frequent appearances at all
rbor Defenses of San Francisco. batteries were impossible. Under the new setup more and
An ambitious program designed to teach every man in better-known talent is expected to be trekking to the remote
Harbor Defense battalion how to swim has been areas.
ched bv Lieutenant Clarence \Vaidelich of a Fort \Vin- Entertainment as a whole in the Harbor Defenses has
d Scott battery, and First Sergeant \Villiam i\ lcFarland, been good, with sizeable usa troupes augmenting the
t l\1iley battalion headquarters. \Vhen the program is movies at Forts Funston, Scott, Baker and Barrv. Another
pleted, all the men will be able to swim a reasonable unit to play the area recently was the Camel Ca;avan. The
ance in fatigues and field pack. Some of the first to finish Red Cross Cookie Brigade will continue its welcome visits
course staged a demonstration at a Coast Guard water to all points.
ivaI August fifteenth. Hard working insurance officers have met with a high de-
gree of success in this territory, with 88 per cent o~ the siderably lengthened thus allowing the men more
tactical troops carrying GI insurance. Coverage a\'erages become better trained.
$9,618 per policy. 'Tis a very hot day that does not have a silver lining
An even higher percentage of men insured is recorded to take advantage of the closeness of excellent swil
by the Ninth Service Command Unit serving the Harbor facilities, a training program for the purpose of natat
Defenses, with 94 per cent. The average policy among these struction has been instituted. 1\lanv a hot and tired
men is $8,500. must admit that there is a pleasant 'side to training, pa
larly when it seems 110 degrees on the parade ground
\ "ith the lessening of quotas for OCS the impona
the ASTP program is being stressed with the resulr
many qualified men have been sent to take courses
that program.
h the Department of Training Publications con- F~l +90 -Sm>ice of tIle Piece. 3-inch Rapid Fire Glm
to turn out training aids for the officers and men in IBC.
F~ 1 4-96 -Sen':ce of tIle Radio Set, SCR-5S2.
training films on the 155mm gun which were T~I 4-205-Coast Artillen AmllllOlition.
b,' the Coast Artillerv School and filmed at Para- T~l 4-225-0rielltatiOlI. -
Stu-dios in Hollywood: have been approved for re- T,\l 4-237 -Coast Artiller} Target Boats.
troops in the field. The numbers and titles of these C\TB-Use of the Director M9 in Firillg Against Ter-
re: restrial mId i\m'al Targets.
CATB-Temporar) and Stalld-B} Fire Control Systems
4-201O-Care mid 1\1aintenmlce of the 1\13 Carriage
for 90J//11l Guns. Alltil1lotor Torpedo Boat
mId Limber.
4-2011-Care and Maintenance of tIle Carriage and
Limber of tile I55mm GUll MI.
4-2012-Going Into Position \Fitll tIle I55mm GIOl.
show free and it's still going strong with over 500,000 Commission on War Problems meeting in Was .
ci\ ilians ha\'ing seen the show at the Belasco Theater in Ambassador Najera Hew to Fort Douglas, Utah,
Los Angeles on paid admissions. The Hey Rookie cast con- ing the Ensenada conferences, where he presen~
sists of about fifty men who go into town at 6:00 PM. put Order of the Aztec Eagle to ~ lajor General Ken
on the performance, and return to Fort MacArthur after Joyce, commanding general, Ninth Service Command.
the show. They are all present for duty at the "Dawn Alert." i\ lexican ambassador had conferred a similar d
In the interests of de\'eloping amphibious artillerymen the week before on Lieutenant General John L. De
a new Fort MacArthur swimming pool is under construc- commanding general, Fourth Army and \;Yestern
tion and it will be the training objective to turn out men Command, in San Francisco.
who are able to "swim across." After graduation from the Pretty Auxiliary Kathryn Cummings of San Diego
gymnasium and the pool. nothing can stop the artillerymen the \ VMC last February and. several months later.
from MacArthur. This pool is being built from the pro- a pleasant stir in routine of the Fort Rosecrans Station
ceeds of Hey Rookie. pital when she used her first three-day pass to visit
It seems that Fort ~1acArthur is a suburb of Hollvwood her family.
where cinema cuties convene at the VACS Canteen for the Auxiliary Cummings was graduated from the
edification of our cannoneers. Just to make sure we felt transport school at Fort Des Moines, Ia., qualified as a
at home with the camera as well as the cuties, Fort 1\lac- cialist driver, and transferred to 1\larch Field where
Arthur was "on location" for several scenes in the forth- company awaited assignment. Before she could retlt
coming film version of This is the Arm)'. \Ve finally make her station from San Diego, she found herself on an
the grade. "Non Cedo Feria." ating table at Fort Rosecrans, where l\ lajor John J. T
Fort Rosecrans personnel recently engaged in several ex- chief of surgical service, performed an appendectomy
changes of good will gestures with the 1\lexican government. Auxiliary Cummings appeared to enjoy her stay all
On 8 June l\lercedes Caraza, l\lexican diva, sang her as much as did the hospital staff.
71st concert for members of the armed forces of the United "I didn't dare even think of wanting something."
States when she appe;Jred at a Fort Rosecrans recreation said, "because they'd bring it to me. You know, I wi
hall. had another appendix they could take out."
This vivacious lady demonstrated a talent for cementing She was asked if she liked being a member of the W
friendship between sister republics, as well as a voice for "Do I!" she said. "All of us in my company are I
winning audiences. She was sent here on a good-will mis- forward to our new jobs with the Army."
sion by the l\lexican \Var Department. A soldier may be able to do a neat job of assembling
On 26 June the Fort Rosecr;Jns Public Relations staff equipment in a pint-size foot-locker. But when it comt'S
was ordered to Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, to assist selecting a gift for the girl friend, and wrapping il
Colonel Modesto E. Rodriguez, Fourth Army and \Vestern chances are he will find his Army training of no hel
Defense Command liaison officer to Mexico, in making l\'lrs. Helen Coffin, official hostess at Fort Rosccrans,
arrangements for a ceremony of international scope. solved that problem. All a soldier need do is come to
At a colorful setting before cr;Jck Mexican troops, lieu- Post Special Service office and give her a general icl
tenant General John L. De\Vitt, commanding general, what sort of gift or greeting card he has in mind, and
Fourth Army and \\'estern Defense Command, presented Coffin will make the purchase for him. And then, 1
the Legion of ~ lerit Degree of Commander to two of wishes, he may take advantage of the office's free wra
l\'lexico's highest ranking army officers of the Pacific region, service, especially designed for he-men who never g
General de Division Pablo Macias, and General de Divi- fingers.
sion Juan Felipe Rico Islas. Soldiers at Fort Rosecrans are wondering what kin
Citations, signed by President Roosevelt and Secretary a time a Private Laudrieth had in San Diego on a seven
of War Henry L. Stimson, stated the aW;Jrdswere in recog- hour pass way back in 1915.
nition of "distinguished service in establishing good rela- Discovered during a clean-up of BtI)'. B's pre-World
tions and in coordinating the defense of the west coasts of vintage barrack, the yellowed slip of paper, dated
Mexico and the United States." I, 1915, entitled Private Laudrieth to seventeen hou
Following the ceremony, Lieutenant Colonel Rudolfo bliss in any part of the world he might choose. But
Sanchez Taboada, governor of Baja California, ga\'e a din- to transportation facilities at the time, there was some
ner in honor of General De\Vitt. jecture here as to whether he could reach San Diego
. The Fort Rosecrans Public Relations staff again was or- return to his station in seventeen hours without dis
dered to Ensenada on 6 July, to handle publicity of a con- ing the MPs.
ference between l\lexico's ambassador to the United States He may, old-timers here opined, have made it b) fO
and high military and naval authorities of both countries. across the bay to the foot of Broadway-if he hit the
The ambassador, General Francisco Castillo Najera, Hew right. He could have hiked the twenty-mile round
from San Francisco for the conference. along a dusty road. Or, perchance, he may have ma
The American officers, with one exception, returned to to connect with the occasional street car that rattled
the United States following the conference. Ambassador a now abandoned line.
Najera remained until the next day to obtain first hand The pass bore the approving signatures of Lieut
information on agricultural and other problems which may Colonel Davis, Captain C. 1\1. Condon, Second Lieut
form a basis for discussions of the U. S. -1\lexican Joint Paul Doad, and First Sergeant John \\1. Meehan.
have made it all right, in case anyone wanted to were off the bat of Joe Di~laggio. Joltin' Joe demonstrated
Private Laudrieth as to his right to be outside the his fielding ability by snaring a one-handed shoe-string on
But there was no clue as to how he used this right. the run to short center-a crack that at first appeared a
.ng crowd of officers, \ VAACs and servicemen saw sure hit .
Field airmen go down to the first tournament de- A new angle in the field of competition at Fort Rosecrans
the fisticuff history of that station when Fort Rose- was introduced 13 July, to settle claims to drill superiority
sent its crack boxi~g team to the air center on the of individual batteries. Colonel Frank Drake, command-
of 23 June. ing the tactical unit on the post, instituted the competition
home station gallery yelled as much for the visiting to determine which organizations excelled in which fields.
Artillerymen as it did for its own pilots and bom- The competition consisted of three events. The first was a
, The score - Rosecrans won one TKO. two deci- squad drill, performed by twelve privates and one corporal
March Field won two decisions. There was one draw. from each battery, selected from intra-battery competition
tght of the evening was Private Batdin' Buck's main as the best in the outfit. Neatness of dress, precision of
March Field's able heavy Cavanaugh. Buck is Fort mo\'ement, and knowledge of infantry drill and the manual
ns' light heavy pride and promoter of the Fort's of arms were the factors by which the winning squad was
es. He won an easy decision, had the crowd in dithers determined.
vanaugh practically in stitches throughout. The second event was a machine gun drill, carried out
Rosecrans Cannoneers, post baseball team, met fa- by three privates and one corporal from each battery. The
company in June when it traveled to Fullerton and boys sped through the routine of stripping down a machine
Ana. gun at the starting line, and, at a signal, racing the stripped
the first city the Coast Artillerymen met the Navy gun to the finish line, assembling the piece, and firing one
r-Than-Air Craft Base team, and beat the sailors blank round to show that the crew was ready for action,
. Sergeant "Nellie" Nelson pitched a beautiful game The final event was an individual drill-down in which
Cannoneers, helped the score along with a 370-foot sergeants competed with sergeants, corporals with cor-
run. porals, and privates with privates, to determine the best in
t da" the Cannoneers trekked down the road to Santa each ~.
grade. Each batten' entered one soldier in each 0 oracle.
mdet the SAABs. which game they lost by 6 to 1. and the contest was judged on precision, technique and
nt Earl Chapple pitched this one for the Fort, broke execution, The post band played during the contests. pro-
cellent record by allowing seven hits, three of which viding tempo and cadence rhythm.
A section of the regimental victory garden at Fort Stevens, Oregon. A wide variety of
fresh vegetables has been harvested daily for the use of the men of the regiment.
Ethel \"Iaters, appeared at Fort Banks recently. The
Carm an appeared in all posts on a whirlwind tour
stations large and small.
The Coast Artillery Band presented concerts every
nesdav afternoon on the lawn in front of the Station
pital ;t Fort Banks, providing music for dances on the
and broadcasts on the ~ew England Sector hour
In th~ Harbor Defenses of Portsmouth constant trat
of troops is the by-word and will continue to be emph
during the current training season. All batteries have
conducting tests, either on their own or in conjunction
other batteries on the soundness of their respecth e S
Actual field exercises have been held using blank am
1\ lA]ORGENERALK. T. BLOOD,C01ll11lalldillg tion to add realism to the problems. Particular emph
By Lientellant Charles T. Prussiall being placed on the effectiveness of the saP's in an
round defense and on cover and concealment of local
The New Enolalld Sector Soldier Show of tile Air, Sat- fenses.
urday radio prod~ct of the soldiers of New England Sector, 1\11 outdoor activities have been stepped up incl
under the guidance of the Special Service Office, has been small arms marksmanship training, water commando
an outstandinoo success since its initial broadcast last ~Iav. ing, swimming meets and athletic programs.
A combination of fast movinoo soldier dramatics, educational Officers attend a school on basic military subjectS.
features, music, and laughter, the hour long program has classes being held weekly. Enlisted men's schools incl
attracted appreciative civilian audiences along with the Blinker, Radio, and Intelligence courses.
troops of this and adjacent commands. The Harbor Defense Baseball Team led the local
The Harbor Defenses of Boston are busily engaged com- set League, having won 15 games while losing duet:.
facilities of the \ Ventworth Golf Course and S\\ im
Pletinob taroet0
I)ractices. Dail"....ounfire can be heard rever-
berating throughout the harbor. Several special practices Pool have been made available to Harbor Defense pe
have been authorized and will take place in the near future. nel, and as a result, swimming meets and golf tourn
Rifle marksmanship is another phase of training which are being conducted.
is being given considerable attention. A large percentage of In the Harbor Defenses of Long Island Sound.
the harbor personnel has already been qualified with more priority is given to training of all units in preparedness
qualifications being completed daily. defense against any type of attack and a definite part of
Since the last issue of the JOUHNAL,a \Vi\i\C detach- program is devoted to physical conditioning and athl
ment has been assigned to the Service Command comple- \\lith water separating practically all installations, ad
ment at Fort Banks and at a very impressive ceremony held competition is confined for the most part to inter-ba
at the post theater August 6, this detachment was sworn in schedules. Regimental baseball teams are competing
to the newly established \\Toman's Army Corps. Brigadier cessfully with neighboring teams of the Navy and
General Frank S. Clark, Harbor Defense Commander, Guard. Tennis and golf facilities are available to a
administered the oath. 1\ dance sponsored by the \\lAC jority of the commissioned and enlisted personnel cJ
detachment followed the ceremony. Harbor Defenses with a swimming instruction pro
The summer recreational and athletic programs for the full progress under the active supervision of the Red
Harbor .Defenses of Boston have reached a new peak. Keen The arrival of the \VAC's has not revolutionized
competition marked the Boston Harbor Baseball League. routine of the Harbor Defenses as might have been
Fort Revere, winning eight games in a row, finished in first pated. They have fitted into the administrative functi
place while Fort Dawes and Fort Banks placed second and of the command with a minimum of confusion and
third respectively. Every post in the Harbor had a team operating in an efficient manner. One need only
entered in the League. In addition to the league games, them in their close order drill to appreciate the serio
the teams play games with other Army, Navy, and Coast with which they accept their responsibilities. They
Guard nines in and around Greater Boston. favors and receive none-in short, they are real soldi
A big morale booster for the men stationed at the Harbor The target practice season is in full progress wi
outposts is the new G.!. film program. Two men tour the firing batteries participating. An extensive sched
isolated stations every day except Sunday, showing enter- being carried on, hampered only by unfa\'orable VI
taining movies and distributing candy, cigarettes, and conditions. Excellent results have been attained to
books donated to the soldiers. Professional as well as local stage shows are pr
The Blue Circuit usa Shows now play ten dates in frequent intervals. \Vith the cooperation of the Ed
the Harbor forts as compared to six of a few months ago. In Branch of the Special Service Division, language re
addition, variety shows. radio re\'ues and plays are pre- now available in the Harbor Defenses and classes ctl
sented by entertainers from in and around Boston. \\leekl)' basic \'ocabulary in Russian. French, Spanish, Itali
dances are enjoyed by the servicemen with neighboring German are being conducted on a voluntary basis.
usa units providing the hostesses. Several famous movie During the period June, July and August, the
stars.. includino0 Constance Bennett, Carol Bruce, and Defenses of :\Iew Bedford ha\'e been engaged in
Small arms firino and special sen ice and record
ha\'e been held. ~
000d weather has been conduci\'e to more competi-
~thletics. A very notable distinction in this section
\\ ino~ of the b~seball team which is the leader of
havino1:> nine wins and one loss
credit. ~ lany of the outposts have contributed a
of the outstanding players on the baseball team
Inter-Battery baseball competition has been very
Commanding AAATC
Action during the five-day maneuvers. Airborne training at Fort Bliss attained a final d
realism this month with the arrival of six CA7 pIa
big dividends-in entertainment. From San Luis Obispo tactical maneuvers. In a series of tactical fliohts t:>
has come a Special Service Company which has aided the airfields roughly forty miles apart, heavy stress
Post Exchanges, sponsored athletic activity, put on amateur on the duplication of battle conditions, particularlv
shows and in a hundred ways has added to the recreational gards equipment carried and unloading time allo\
To satisfy the safety factor, planes were not load
activity at the desert training center.
yond 5,000 pounds and it is a point of practice to I
Along the special service line, the battalion commanded
heavy equipment well forward so that the greater
by Lieutenant Colonel \\T. E. Patrick has become well-
the load falls on the wings. In addition to the basic
known for its outstanding list of recreations and activities
the .50 caliber machine gun. the one-fourth-ton tru
for the enlisted personnel. \iVeekly fight programs, trick
trailer is part of the heavy equipment carried.
track and field meets, water carnivals, convoys to Laguna
It has been found that ten minutes is within the
Beach and Hollywood, aircraft identification contests, cooks
able maximum for unloading under ordinary batd
and baker~ contests and the organization of a battalion band
ditions. However, it is understood and quite often tb
are just a few of the activities that have been engineered
that pilots must take off when a situation demands i
by Lieutenant Gerald Locksley. Now at searchlight posts,
though the plane is partly unloaded. As a result, in
a traveling PX has been established and each light position
to avoid becoming stranded with incomplete equip
is armed with a phonograph or radio in addition to numer-
the men strive to bring the unloading time down
ous games. For this battalion, life in the Army is continuous
irreducible minimum and it is pointed out that no
activity. must the heavy equipment be unloaded from the
Accommodating nearly 500 men at one time, a new en- proper, it must be removed to a sufficient distance to
listed men's swimming pool has been opened at Camp fouling the plane on the take-off.
Haan. Needless to say, it's a popular spot after an afternoon Glowing reports have come in from every theater
on the obstacle course. effectiveness of airborne troops in action and at the p
To better alert his men to the importance of keeping time, Fort Bliss trained airborne AA troops are on
mum, l\lajor Dominic J. Cavallo conducted a contest for cally every front in the \Var.
the best security slogan. A cash prize was awarded to the Ranking civil and military officials from jVlexicoan
soldier who said "Talebearers Better Pick Pallbearers." EI Paso area were guests at a review of the troops 0
Meteorology has become a favored study in Camp with Command that marked the third anniversarv of the
the initiation of a training class, instructed by Private Merle lishment of the Training Center. .
Rinker. Practical and theoretical, it is of four weeks' dura- It is interesting to trace the expansion of the Center
tion and designed to "determine the effect of atmosphere the time when it was a wind-swept tent camp to its p
on the flight of a projectile." It is hoped that much can state. Regiments that originally activated this station
be gained for use in AA gunnery. since been spread all over the world, including one
And Camp Haan's in the movies! At least a part of it is. ment that was on Bataan.
To aid in the filming of OfPcer Candidate School, by Now the total strength has been multiplied many
Columbia Studios, an AW firing unit, a 90mm gun and and, in addition to the old area where hutments ha
crew and an "infantry" platoon have been sent to Holly- placed tents, the AA has moved over into Fort Bliss
"vood where Lieutenant \\Talter O'Brien of AAATC is and will soon take up all the area vacated by a
acting as technical advisor. Division. The ongm I desert firing camp that could
Camp Haan and Camp Irwin were visited in August by modate one regimen in what amounted to almost fi
Major General Joseph A. Green, Commanding General of ditions has been abandoned and in its place there ar
the Antiaircraft Command, on his tour of ""estern training semi-permanent desert camps that will accomm
s. proximately 3 CX)() ttoops each.
fire. Se\ eral hib were scored during the imp
So detailed \\ as the \ isit of the 1I nder Secreta
that he managed to find time to visit several of
rooms of the AAA School and to watch officer ca
at the school go through formations. An officer
battalion was at the airport to greet him and were
troops he inspected.
Late in the stay of the British Batten' at the sch
tenant General Leslev J. l\ lc;\fair. U;mmandino
" 0
Army Ground Forces. \'isited it. He was treated
BRIGADIER GENERAL BRYAN L. MILBURN, Commmulm1t sight of seeing two hits scored in a single course by
By Lieutenant Colonel Charles H. Scott 40mm gun operated by the British. His inter
British demonstration was great and with Lieutena
Making its longest stop of the many planned in its coast nel Thomas C. !\ letcalf. Commander of the British
to coast demonstration tour, the First Composite l\ntiair- explaining, he even took part in setting the fuze
craft Battery, R.A., British Army. was the guest of the of the 3.7 shells used by the British.
Antiaircraft Artillery School for seven weeks. The British The first of the B(itish demonstrations \~as h
unit came to the AAA School immediately after reaching !\ lajor General Joseph A. Green. Commanding
this country and after a brief period of becoming accus- Antiaircraft Command. who visited the British du
tomed to conditions was soon busily engaged in daily dem- Yen' first week of their stay and made them \\el
onstrations that were witnessed by officers from all parts of wa~ for him that the Britisl~ made their first parade
the service as well as many prominent officials. country. They also displayed and emplaced their
All was in readiness for the British when they arrived. ment in an impressive demonstration. Lat~r he ret
For a time before they reached these shores, sch~l ofllcials see a fuller demonstration when the LInder Secre
were planning to make their stay here a pleasant one. And \Var arrived here.
as the British themselves expressed it, it was. A large por- In all their demonstrations. the British impressed
tion of the school area was turned over to the visitors with one with the speed and thoroughness with which t
buildings marked conveniently for their purposes and so into action. Hardened by years of actual combat
arranged that no part of the unit was more than a few homefront during the Blitz and also in France,
minutes walking distance from any other part. Africa, l\ [alta and other theaters of war, the British
Further facilities were extended through the Antiaircraft sparkled in their gun drills and other demonstration
Command which provided an American Escort Detachment Aside from their brilliant firing, they staged imp
which will travel with the British and take care of so many maneuvers in the nearby countrv. In these move
of the tasks necessarv in a coast to coast tour. This esco;t they showed how thev w~uld atta~k the area and als
detachment is made" up. for the most part, of officers and the~' would defend. "
men formerly with the 1\A1\ School. Not content with showing how they go into actio
A highlight of the stay here was the visit of Under Secre- British soldiers demonstrated how they take care 0
tary of \Var Hobert P. Patterson who was greatly impressed maintain their equipment and the work of the R
by the British Battery and also by the AAA School's activi- \\'hich corresponds to our Ordnance. Also shown \\ er
ti~s. After his visit, "in a letter t~ Brigadier General Bryan many other training concerns of an antiaircraft battery
L. l\ lilburn, Commandant of the School. the Hon. Hobert as drills in aircraft recognition. All the details of
P. Patterson wrote: "The activities of the Antiaircraft Artil- work were carefully gone through in the many demo
lery School, which I observed on August 3rd, were most
interesting and instructive. I was impressed by the eager-
ness of all concerned to advance their knowledge and skill
in the use of the wonderful equipment which has been
provided for the Antiaircraft Artillery. Please express my
appreciation to the officers and men of your command."
During his eighteen-hour visit, the Under Secretary of
\Var watched an AAA School unit emplace its equipment
and then he was taken on a tour of the guns, automatic
weapons, searchlights and other materiel. At each new
section an officer explained in detail the function and
operation of the equipment. The thoroughness of thesc
talks seemed to impress him greatly. Later in the day he
was taken to the field positions of another AAA School
unit where he witnessed how various parts of the antiair-
craft artillery would appear under actual combat conditions.
A parade by the British battery was one of the colorful
events of the day with the visiting antiaircraft unit making
a splendid show as they passed in review before the Under
Secretary of \Var. During the day as well as after dark. the General McNair sets fuze ranges for the British Com
0', visitor watched British and American troo s Antiaircraft Batterv.
hich were watched by many officers from the school request of the U. S. \Var Department. It consists of seven-
as from other sections. In addition to the demon- teen officers and 329 other ranks, who make up the three
, the British held many, lectures in which trainino0 troops-one of four 3.7 inch (94mm) guns, one of six 40mm
and other subjects of interest to antiaircraft officers Bofors automatic weapons, and one of six searchlights.
Jly covered. - General Milburn was away from the AAA School for a
eir public appearances the British were fully as short time to witness the Tennessee maneuvers. \Vhile he
've as in their technical demonstration. At the cnd was away Colonel Coburn L. Berry, Director of the Divi-
first week here they paraded through the streets sion of Training Publications, was Acting Commandant.
ington, N. C., and were greeted with an enthusiasm The Silver Star was received by Captain George A.
'Il well riyal what the visitors are to meet in the Carter in a ceremony in which General Milburn pinned on
'ties of this country. On another occasion they were the award. Captain Carter was granted the medal for gal-
of honor at the launching of a Liberty ship. lantry in New Guinea where he dropped parachute bombs
the American soldiers and the civilian public on enemy planes and antiaircraft guns from an altitude of
the greatest hospitality to the visitors. Dances for 100 feet, causing great destruction.
ed men were regular events and social functions The artist who drew the exciting cover for this issue of
cers were often held. The British quickly became the CoAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL is Corporal Charles ,"V.
'With American customs and seemed to enjoy them ~ liller who is putting his artistic talent to good use in the
h-and the Americans who came in contact with Army by drawing illustrations for film strips and manuals
:rned very pleased to have them here. produced by the A1\1\ School's Division of Training Pulr
ritish Battery is not a tactical unit but was made lications. He was a scholarship student at the Chicago
purpose of the demonstration tour. It was sent Academy of Art as well as the American Academy of Art.
Ilited States bv the British War Office at the Both his parents are engaged in art work .
. 1:e
round early in July. During the six ....eeks period
"spot-check" team from the AAATC Automotive
stopped approximately twenty-five per cent of all
on the reservation, giving them a thorough check
all discrepancies awarding them the stigma of an
the reminder that it was an "X for the Axis." A low
of 4.7 points won the first round for an AA ba
The second round of this unique vehicle-main
contest was closed late in August, with the per
made by the winners proving that the contest had p
o , satisfactorv , results. The winning battalion hail
a\'eraOeo of only_ .95, a considerable reduction from
of the first round. The fifth place winner, with 4.
BRIGADIER GENERAL E. A STOCKTON, JR., Commanditzg still below the top score for the first round.
By Captain 'Valter H. Dustmarzn, Jr. The splinting rodeo, designed to emphasize and'
this type of medical work, was held the latter part
The past t\\ 0 months at this Antiaircraft Artillery T rain- and saw medical detachments from three colored ba
ing Center saw a change in the command of the AAATC clinch top places. Each of the twenty-five medical
and the creation of two new Brioadier
o Generals for antiair- ments entered had a t\velve-man team and they 00
craft brigades in training here. in four events: arm and leg splints, with and
Brigadier General Edward A Stockton, Jr., arrived from blindfolds.
Fort Eustis, Va., to take command of the AAATC in the The training aids contest proved to be one of the
latter part of July. Relinquishing it was Brigadier General and most fruitful ever held at Stewart, with more tha~
Oliver L. Spiller, who had been transferred to New Or- training aids being submitted by individual antil!;
leans, La., to assume command of the Gulf Sector of the batteries. After the contest, held in conjunction
Southern Defense Command. huoeI:>
"count\' _ fair," the aids were turned over to
Earlier in July two colonels commanding antiaircraft AAATC Training Aids Section to be made available
brigades were promoted to brigadier general. They are units on the post for furtherance of AA training. First
Oliver B. Bucher and Paul B. Kelly. went for a "Forward Area Sight Trainer." A battel) 0
The use of competitive sports and training aids continued same battalion took third prize with "an illustration of
apace at Stewart during the past two months as vital ad- observation and adjustment of fire." Second place was
juncts to the regular antiaircraft training program. \Vin- by a "Range Setter and Spotter Trainer." l\Iore
ners among the battalions were selected in a gigantic air- 10,000 soldiers viewed the day-long contest and countv
plane contest, in a novel "X for the Axis" contest, in a The fair, largest ever held at Stewart, consisted of
splinting rodeo, in a special training aids contest, in a tug-of- 250 displays in twenty-six booths.
war, in a camouflage contest and in softball. The Tug-of-\Var Contest proved to be a splendid ph
The airplane contest, with some forty models of Allied cal training stimulus, aroused a deal of competitive in
\.varplanes competing in the second contest of its kind ever among all battalions. Both units in the finals were co
held at Stewart, was won by a model of a l'vlartin "1\lariner." battalions. The II "muscle-merchants" on the win
The planes were built to one-tenth actual size, from salvage team took the first pull in I minute and 25 seconds, won
materials, to foster the aircraft recognition program of the second pull in I minute and 20 seconds, then clinched
camp. All planes were mounted on jeeps and paraded about day by making the third pull in only 35 seconds.
the camp so that the antiaircraft troops might familiarize The Camouflage Contest held early in August unco
themselves with the types of planes represented. many novel and efficacious camouflage ideas, with th
The "X for the Axis" contest completed its first six-weeks four units submitting entries. First prize was won with
artfully camouflaged gun emplacement. The second ho
went to a camouflage job on a Tunisian town; and I
place was awarded for a simulated machine gun em~
ment. This contest also was held in connection W1
county fair.
The Softball tourney engendered a spirit of high
petition in all units oF'the post. The Post Champion
will be decided in the near future when the AM
champs meet the champion Finance team of the
Service Forces' Service Command at Stewart.
Another popular and healthful contest now in its £
round among the AAATC units is an Indian hand-wr
competition, in which champs were selected for each
which then entered eliminations to determine the
A contest of an entirely different nature, but
Sign61 Gorp. Ph<Jto
Lieutenant Colooel Lawrence Strobel's battalion wins the vital towards the nnal victory over the Axis, was a
.~ t the fi
ttalions to make 100 per cent in subscriptions or
hases of \\ ar bonds. The winning battalion won
-t in a fi,'e-day blitz drive in which subscriptions
less than five per cent to a total of lOOper cent.
d unit to go lOOper cent will receive an engraved
and the winner will recei,'e a sih-er loving cup.
contest, being sponsored by the Post \ Var Bond
nd the SllOot 'Em Down, official camp paper pub-
v the Armv Service Forces' Service Command 3t
, '" ill conti~ue another month, with letters of com-
ion being awarded the five battalions which make
1 highest percentages in war bond purchases .
'lll"'('u ~orp.8 Pl\ol.o
her highlight of the two-months period was the The camp Intelligence Office, still "at anchor" during the
!fling and expansion of the camp paper, the Shoot height of the hurricane .
. It was converted into a tabloid-size publication
ust, and virtually quadrupled in size, going from a neer Officer. Two minutes later the conversation was re-
bi-weekly to a sixteen-page weekly. The paper newed with, "Never mind! The garage has blown down."
shed for personnel of both the Antiaircraft Artillery The 35th Training Battalion, commanded by Lieutenant
g Center and the Service Command. AAATC Colonel Stanley R. Kelley, had its hurricane troubles. This
r the paper is secured and coordinated through the battalion, automatic weapons, was out on a field problem
Special Service Branch. when the storm hit. Said Colonel Kelley later, "\ Ve didn't
General Joseph A Green, Commanding General realize the portent of the storm before we were ordered
A Command, made a brief inspection visit in Au- back to Camp \Vallace, but by an act of Providence and
d was a guest of General Stockton .... StC/wart's the exceptional abilities and devotion to duty of the trainee
, part of the Army Service Forces' Service Com- drivers, we came through one of the most hcctic experiences
re sworn into the Army in August at an impressive of our lives. It was a real test of driving ability and stamina
nv and revicw of thc Service Command and became to move the battalion out of its hurricane-swept bivouac
CS. area. Many of the vehicles stalled and had to be towed, and
those with cam'as tops became topless, but we cleared the
bivouac area by winch, towline, and manpower."
The Training Center is in the process of changing over
from a thirteen-week to a seventeen-week training period.
Lieutenant Colonel Elmer R. Block, S-3, and representa-
tives from Camps Callan and Eustis, working with the
Antiaircraft Command at Richmond, put in long hours
drawing up our new schedule of training. The officers of
the camp are very pleased with the new program and feel
that after trainees complete the new course of training, they
will be well qualined for duty in the combat zones.
The handicap of insufficient materiel for training is
rapidly being overcome. In recent weeks the gun battalions
Camp Wallace have received additional 90mm guns, 'directors, and height
nnders to equip fully every battery. It's a big morale booster
BRIGADIER GENERAL HAROLD R. JACKSON, for an organization to have its complete equipment.
Commanding AARTC The Camp \\lallace Air Liaison Officer, Lieutenant
James L. McDaniel, reports that the 18th Tow Target
By Captain James M. Cochran
Squadron stationed at Ellington Field, weathered the hur-
h activities are varied at Camp Wallace, the pro- ricane without excessive damage. Had it not been for the
d not call for a hurricane that reached the peak of herculean efforts of the Squadron personnel who worked
in the late afternoon of July 27. At its height, the throughout the storm there might have been some un-
s reported to have reached a velocity of eighty-six authorized "takeoffs." All planes have been "wrung out"
r hour. That's some storm when vou add over and are again giving Camp Wallace tracking and towing
nches of rainfall in less than two days. Though mISSIOns.
cannot be considered as "heavv," most of the build- General Jackson designated September 15th as "Open
ered inside and outside, and the camp remained in House" for the local press, radio, and newsreel representa-
for two nights. 1\ lany a boat has been bailed out. tives, and interested magazine correspondents. Guests were
't often that a building must be bailed out. conducted on a tour of observation to acquaint them with
garage behind my quarters doesn't look as though the training methods and procedures of Camp vVallace.
ive the storm. You had better send someone over Colonel \;Villiam W. Nairn, the Commanding Officer of
ce it," were the words of Brigadier General Jack- the 6th Training Group, was designated to arrange and
ten~nt Colonel Alfred D. Martin. Camn Enp'i- ('on(lu('t thf' tour
Fort Monroe a brief visit during AuguSt. Hying
his headquarters in New York for a.. conference
era] Tilton. After an inspection of the post, the
was entertained at lunch b,. General Tilton. then
Langley Fie]d and the retu~n Right on the same a
Another distinguished visitor to the sector dur
gust was Gm'ernor Colgate \\'. Darden of Virgi .
was given an impressive demonstration of the effect
105mm time shell during the semi-annual service
officer's elbow is a microphone connected to a public ad- charge of antiaircraft guns, automatic weapons, and
dress system which issues directions to operating personnel lights. Positions are so widely separated that section
and the troops using the course. The course is tested and and squad leaders may frequently be totally "on their ()
re-set each day, under the guidance of a maintenance crew Emergencies will constantly arise requiring command
experienced in blasting and detonations. These men are on all echelons to act without advice or help and each m
hand to set charges and insure maximum effectiveness com- able to handle these emergencies quickly. Commt
mensurate with required safety precautions. must have confidence in their ability to handle any sit
Training Center Headquarters has placed renewed em- that may arise.
phasis on the importance of retaining the unit organization 3. The squad leader or section leader must be a
ineluding that of the platoon section. In furtherance of the leader in every.- sense of the word. He must
program the Commanding General has issued the follow- Have an intimate, personal knowledge of his men
ing message to all unit commanders; their needs.
"1. To insure the effectiveness of small unit training it Hm'e a thorough knowledge of his materiel and
is essential that greatly increased emphasis be placed upon; methods by which it can be effectively used.
a. The development of leadership, a sense of personal Be able to select a suitable position and know h
responsibility and a deep feeling of devotion to dut)' fortify and camouflage it effectively.
on the part of platoon commanders, platoon sergeants, Be able to move his unit when and as required,
chiefs of section and squad leaders, and to go into action instantly to protect his unit or to
b. The tremend01lS importance of the 1W1lCOl1lmissiolled out his mission.
offzcer and the responsibilities which attach to his po- Have a thorough knowledge of field sanitation
siti01l. eluding the preparation and supen'ision of meals in
Those battery commanders who have been most success- Insure the local securitv of his unit at all times.
ful in organizing and training their units have found that Have a practical worki~g knowledge of first aid
the battery command is not and cannot be a 'one-man' show. mene. This knowledge may mean the difference bet
vVhile the efficiency of the unit as a whole is a personal re- life and death to members of his crew.
sponsibility of the commander and may therefore not be Have the will and drive to carryon when tha
delegated, many of the subordinate duties and functions and drive are all that keep his unit going.
which make up the whole must of necessity be allotted to
and performed by others under competent supervision of 4. An antiaircraft A\V battery is not a group of 0
the responsible head. Remember that platoon commanders and men working as one large group. It is, rather, a
are not staff officers in the battery but actual unit com- headquarters and two platoons, each consisting of a
manders. ' quarters and four fire units. The platoons and fire
2. The platoon commanders, the platoon officers, and are widely scattered and each must function smooth]
platoon sergeants must be developed into real leaders who effectively with an able leader, commanding a weIl-t
habitually assume the full responsibilities of their positions and well-disciplined ere\\', if the battery as a whole
and make their platoons function effectively regardless of carry out its mission. The platoon and section e
difficulties. Combat experience of antiaircraft units in all must be retained at all times, and never broken up if'
theaters ?efinitely emphasizes the important but often new possibly be avoided.
- trainin and leadershi of the comman
bettery is of utmost importance and Potts. Camp Commander, an old friend. After being es-
be corted through the camp and also viewing firing exhibitions
bIe :te.ders not developed in every echelon of at Sears Landing the former Coast Artillery chief ex-pressed
and iF true discipline is not instilled in all pleasure at the condition of troops and materiel.
,00II£ command, disaster will follow your unit every Colonel Parrv \N. Lewis is now President of the Anti-
ll:Jat. If you develop this leadership down to your aircraft Artillery Board.
nking noncommissioned officer and inculcate Both Brigadier General James R. Townsend, command-
'pline in all ranks, your unit can accomplish the im- ing general of the AAA TC, and Brigadier General Clare
nd come through with glory and unbelie,'ably low H. Armstrong, (who returned early in the summer from
temporary commands of Camps \\Tallace and Hulen, Texas)
impressed upon troops here that there should be no slack-
ening in the intensity of training because of recent triumphs
of American arms in Sicilv and in the Pacific. Rather,
both stressed the importan~e of maintaining morale and
training intensity at a high pitch. Both general officers are
advocates of realism in training and this trend has become
increasingly marked at this training center.
Singling out a particular unit. the 22Sth AAA (Search-
BRJGADIER GENERAL JAl\IES R. TOWNSEND. light) Battalion's training program throughout most of the
Commanding AAATC summer is a criterion of the methods pursued. This organ-
By Lielltenant Roger B. D01dellS ization conducted a more than two months' unbroken
bi,'ouac in a heavih- forested region center, some thirty
stern North Carolina's humid late summer and miles from Camp D;vis. J
iJian employees on the Post have established an cnvi- staoed bv the 317th Battalion ]Jroved so successful in its
cord for the purchase of \Var Bonds throuoh the
" ,
two showings on this Post, that the production was used as
I) payroll deduction plan. Over 99% of all such the main feature of a highly successful \Var Bond Rally at
) ees arc purchasing bonds totalling in excess of 11 % i\ lavfleld, Kentuckv.
ir monthly earnings. This record compares favorably Baseball held tllC sport spotlight during the summer
U1C best installations in the country. months with the garrison following the fortunes of an of-
ralization of servicemen who we're foreign nationals ficial camp team and two inter-battalion leagues. Boxing is
they entered the Army, is a continuing process at also gaining in popularity an.d regular 8-bout shows are be-
Tyson. Twenty-four enlisted men from this head- ing staged between the \'arious battalion teams. A schedule
rs were the latest to be granted citizenship before a is also being drawn up for touch-football.
I Court convened at Jackson, Tennessee. The proc- Plans are being made to stimulate soldier-art on this Post
has been facilitated by the new regulations which and already three large oil paintings depicting military sub-
t applications for citizenship after having served jects have been hung in Service Club No.1. Efforts are be-
bly for one month or more and upon recommenda- ing made to design and execute a number of murals for the
their commanding officer. walls of both Service Clubs.
TC troops have another new recreational facility: The name of General Lawrence D. Tyson, for whom
ew bowling alleys have been constructed and are now Camp Tyson was named, was further memorialized when a
ly use except Sunday. Recreation for Sunday e\-ening deep-water cargo vessel, launched July 1 at the yards of the
vided by the two BBTC Bands who alternate playing ;\forth Carolina Shipbuilding Company at \Vilmington,
clay Evening Concert in the Camp's huge amphi- N. c., was christened the S. S. Lmr'TellCe D. Tyson in
. Both symphonic and popular arrangements are in- honor of Tennessee's distinguished military and civi~ figure .
in each program. The christening was performed by ,\ Irs. Kenneth Gilpin of
All-Soldier musical comedv. Balloollatics of 1943, Boyce, Virginia, daughter of the late Senator Tyson.
The JOURNAL can supply any book in
at the usual Association discount
Professional Interest
Two by Fuller are thousands in the Army who would profit by reading It.
Colonel Greene has been with AGF since its inception,
ARMORED 'WARFARE. By l\lajor General J. F. C. Fuller.
as editor of the Illfalltry JOllmaI, has been in a position tt)
Ilarrisburg: The i.\lilitary Service Publishing Company,
serve all the ramifications of this huge, smooth-running 0
1943. 189 Pages; Charts; $1.00.
ization. He explains in plain English just what AGF's fun
MACHINE WARFARE. By l\lajor General J. F. C. Fuller. are, and how its G's, Ground Requirements, Ground P
Washington: The Infantry Journal, 1943.257 Pages; Charts. the different Commands, and other subordinate units f
251 (to members of the armed forces only). them.
A book of this sort inevitably discusses training, since
Although the titles of these two books by England's tank ing is AGF's primary function. It is in his calm, dispassio
enthusiast may be confusing, they need not be. The first book, but interesting analysis of training methods and facilities
Armored VI arfare, was first written in 1932 in protest against Colonel Greene does his best work; he explains why mil
the fact that the British staff schools were ignoring the subject trainino is conducted as it is in a manner that is readily u
of armored warfare. Its title was FSR III, which was meant standabIe. The parents of Private Joe Doaks, worried becau
to emphasize the fact that FSR II left tanks out of the picture. Inl1ltration Courses and the fact that Joe, who wanted to
The present edition, the first American edition, has been an- truck driver, is being trained as a telephone man, can put
notated and thus brought up to date by the author. Although this book with the feeling that the Army knows best.
FSR 1II had little sale in England or America, Marshal
Timoshenko insisted that a copy be placed in every day room
of the Russian arm", and the Germans, too, made wide use of
Reasonable Approach
the book. The book'is a stud" of the use of armored vehicles in
the war of the future (\Vorld \Var II, in this case). The Ger- AIR PO\VER AND TOTAL WAR. By Cy Caldwell.
mans and Russians learned something from the book, and used York: Coward-l\1cCann, 1943.242 Pages; $2.50.
what the" learned. Cv Caldwell is a peculiar aviator-he is a reasonable ~
l'\'lachi~e lVarfare, written in 1942, is a general treatise on who' believes in the importance of the plane and of air po
the use of machines in total war, and in a way, is a reexamina- but still believes that there is a place for the foot-soldier
tion of the author's theories in view of the developments during the sailor. While Seversky and Ziff want us to win the
the present war. Although much of it is justification and ex- today with tomorrow's planes, Caldwell calmly outlines
planation for what he wrote before, much of it also presents a conclusions on why that isn't such a good idea-and man
new method of evaluating the actions of the present war. his conclusions are new conclusions; resulting from what be
learned in studying the present war. 1\'lost air writers shout
loud for a separate air force-Caldwell indicates that it d
Training Command make a lot of difference either way, that the men and the pi
would still operate to the best of their ability; and he.r
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ARMY heresies, he points out that in at least one case, an aIT
GROUl\'D FORCES. By Colonel Joseph I. Greene. New mander who was in supreme command of a theater lost
York: 'yV. 'y\,. Norton Company, 1943. 204 Pages; Charts;
portant naval and ground units ..
Index; $2.50. All this does not mean that Caldwell is sour on hiS
Even in the militarv service there are those who are con- specialty; it means merely that he used reason inst
fused by the terms "A~y Ground Forces" and "army ground emotion, research instead of intuition, and that he foun
forces." There are others who, although affected in their daily airplane good, but not the only answer to the winning of a
duties by different agencies of AGF, have no idea of just what I am glad that this perfect answer to the air fanatics was w
that important subdi\'ision of the Army does. Although Colo- not by a "spray-blinded admiral, or a dust-blinded general
nel Greene's book was designed for civilian consumption, there by a noted flyer and aviation writer.
MILITARY student who can lift his mind above the level of morning T
and Saturday morning inspections.
This paper-bound book contains thirteen articles fI
J\1ilitary Affairs, on such diverse subjects as "1\loltke'
By COLE S. BREMBECK and tegical Concepts," "German Ideas of a l\1ilitary Soci
ALBERT A. RIGHTS "1\lonetary Problems of Military Occupation," and
Bridger: A \Vestern Community." As Captain Harvey
\Veerd, former editor of the magazine, writes in his for
There are few horn speakers-most of the good "The studies presented do not make for easy reading, but
ones have taken instruction at one time or another. will repay the time spent on them."
Army officers speak to large groups practically every
day-a good speaking technique is a definite asset to
a military career.
Navy Medicos
For Classroom or Self-Stud)' DOCTORS AWEIGH. By Rear Admiral Charles 1\1.
New York: Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1943.
$1.20 Pages; Illustrated; $2.50.
This story of the Navy Medical Corps could have been
boring-but not at the hands of Admiral Oman. The Ad .
writing is superb; he has lived the story he tells. He pI'
the general picture of the Navy Medical Corps' work, br'
ened and enlivened with little tales from his own broad
perience and the experiences of other medical officers.
The Air Argument
Blunt. Harrisburg: Military Service Publishing Com
1943. 162 Pages; $1.00.
Here's the book that will set every soldier assigned
to a military court on the right path, explaining to When this book appeared in England in 194 I, Lieute
him his duties and how to perform them whether he Blunt had requested permission to have the book published
general circulation. Permission was refused, so the author
be a member of the court, defense counselor trial
signed his commission in order to get the book published.
judge advocate. Plus a complete Appendix which in-
book created quite a stir in England, and was widely revi
cludes a list of lesser included offenses with citations,
in Germany. This is the first American edition.
Amendments to the 1920 Articles of War to January
1, 1943, and Amendments to the 1928 Manual for
Courts-Martial to January 1, 1943. WD Circular 105,
I Blunt's discussion of the use of air power is orthodat
some parts, and extremely controversial in others. He adv
an organization in which Ground, Sea, and Air have
April 19, 1943, is included as a separate supplement. powers under an integrated department, not as separate
ices, but as one huge service. This idea, of course is not
$1.00 I although some of the arguments this book presents are
Although few might go along with Blunt in everything he
there is much in this short volume that will open new a
II for thinking.
.. , Continued
CAL WARFARE. By Francis Vivian Drake. New
1: Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1943. 142 Pages;
rated; $3.00.
jacket of this book carries the subtitle: The bombing pro-
01J which the United St<ltes Air Force and the R.A.F. are
their operations and their plans. The discussion of the
"'Ii ties and achievements of air power is backed up by the
rdment in Africa and in other areas make good reading. By MAJOR REX APPLEGATE
discussion of the relationship between precision bombing
the British type of saturation bombing will disappoint ex-
REALISTIC ofJeme-in unadorned language that
ts in favor of both methods.
is easy to understand, and with pictures that are easy
f to follow.
It is a book about an increasingly important aspect
Texts and Technical of war as it exists today-offensive fighting at close
quarters with and without weapons. It is a book in-
Old Reliable
tended to be itself a weapon: a weapon to kill
OFFICER'S GUIDE. Harrisburg: l\lilitary Service Pub- enemies and to save the lives of our own men that they
ing Company, 1943. 567 Pages; Illustrated; Index; $2.50. may kill more enemies. That is what "total war"
. latest edition brings up-to-date a book that has come to means: that is the challenge that our soldiers must
arded as a "must" purchase by every officer in the Army meet. It is not the kind of war that we in America
Iso by many enlisted men. It combines within one volume would choose, but it is the kind of war that, since it
wealth of information both official and traditional about has been forced upon us, we are determined to win.
rmy that makes this book unique among available mil i-
ch of this edition has been rewritten and several new $2.00
es added to catch up with current \Var Department
5 in organization, administration, supply, and command.
when rapid changes of station limit the number of
an officer can carry with him, this book should be in-
in his personal tr;veling library.
GET TOI~GH! Thomas J. Hayes. New York: John \Viley & Sons,
1938. 700 Pages; Index; Illustrated; $6.50.
This textbook, used at the i\lilitary Academy, is
How to Win a revision of Textbook of Ordnance and Gunnery, p
in 1929. General Hayes has not only brought the work up
In Hand-to-Hand Fighting date, but has managed to transform it into a particularly
textbook on what is at best a difficult subject. The liberal
As taught to the British Commandos of charts' and pictures assists the student in understandino
and the u.
S. Armed Forces principles and applications of the varied facets of the sub'
f ~ f
Laudable Start
THE DRIVERS' HANDBOOK Robinson. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., I
By RICHARD GORDON McCLOSKEY 175 Pages; Illustrated; $2.50.
Written For Coast Artillery Drivers This book is intended to give beginners in interior ba
Written About Coast Artillery Materiel some idea of what takes place in a gun. Some of the gI
\Vritten by an Expert in Motor Transportation covered is treated, perhaps slightly better, in Tschappat's
nance and Gunnery, but many of the topics treated, sue
Buy Every Driver a Copy the stoichiometry and physical chemistry of the bumi
They'll respond to the man-in-the-shop language propellants and the analysis of closed chamber experi
and to the many cartoons and illustrations. although available in various places in ordnance liteI1lt
Pocket-sized and bound in a durable, flexible cloth have never before been collected in textbook form in En
cover. This much-needed integration of the subject is the pri
1 to 10 copies: 50~ each contribution of the book.
11 or more copies: 40~ each Present restrictions on publication in this field render
difficult the writing of a satisfactory book of such a nil
Yet, even with due allowance for such a handicap, there
number of errors which detract in some measure from
Gl '\ '\ERS'I I'STRl CTf()"\ authoritative quality of the work. The author, however, is
P \ 'IPIILEl'~ commended for taking the initiative in attempting such a
difficult task. With proper revision the book may fill the
NOW IN TECHNICAL MANUAL SERIES need for a basic treatment of interior ballistics.
TM 4-305 1st and 2d Class Gunner, II
f f ~
Fixed Artillery 75f
TM 4-310 Expert Gunner, Fixed Artillery 50~ Small Arms Primer
TM 4-315 1st and 2d Class Gunner, FIREARMS AND THEIR USE. By W. T. Castles and
Mobile Seacoast Artillery 60~ Kimball. Brooklyn: The Chemical Publishing Co
TM 4-320 Expert Gunner, 1942. 216 Pages; References; Index; Illustrated; $1.
Mobile Seacoast Artillery 55~ Anyone who tries to buy a serviceable pistol, shotgun,
TM 4-335 Expert Gunner, Antiaircraft Artillery 40~ these days will realize that there is a great scarcity of
articles, and that huge prices are being paid for fireann~
100/0 Discount on above Prices in Lots of 100 or More few years ago would have been considered unse
New Presentation
OOK OF .ELEMENT ARY PHYSICS. By Robert Lee's Lieutenants
Lindsay. New York: The Dryden Press, Inc., 1943.
ages; Index; Illustrated; $2.25. ,I
A Study in Command
ket of this unusual physics book states, "This volume I By DR. DOUGLAS SOUTHALL FREEMAN
to be used either (l) as a textbook for the college The second volume of this great three-volume work is
physics or (2) as a student's companion and hand- now available.
mpany a comprehensive text. This volume ... is Dr. Freeman's four-volume work on Lee himself estab-
help the student to a thorough grasp of the subject; lished him as the foremost historian and biographer of
'm ready means for clearing up the things that are Southern leaders. Every military man will want to read
to him; to provide a rapid review of fundamentals; these two volumes of LEE'S LIEUTENANTS.
ulate and broaden his study of physics." Vol. 1. Manassas to Malvern Hill $5.00
removed from a conventional physics book, both in
Vol. 2. Cedar Mountain to Chancellorsville $5.00
t of material and in choice of problems and lan-
II •• "
An "Illustrated Dictionary of Terms" takes up pages
270, and a series of appendices, including a chrono
f f' f
Lt. Co!. Thomas R. Phillips
This is the only compilation of the master words of the master
soldiers of the centuries. The imperishable military tactics of Sun CHECKLIST OF SUl\IMARIZED REGULATIONS. Harri
Tzu (500 B.C." Vegetius (390 A.D.), Marshal de Saxe (1732), Fred-
erick the Great (1747). and Napoleon, some of them unobtainable in i\lilitary Service Publishing Company, 1943. 92 Pages,
English, have been newly translated and annotated. A fundamental
military book 53.00 The title page of this pocket-sized, notebook style
PRINCIPLES OF WAR reads, "A handy digest of regulations governing unit admin
tion and supply in convenient checklist form, An exce
Carl von Clausewitz
guide to new duties and a grand refresher that keeps y
A historical distillation of VOM KRIEGE done by Clausewitx him-
self, and translated, edited and annotated by Hans W. Gatxke of to date with regulations." Inside we find pay tables.
Williams College. "The Nazis:' says Major Miksche, author of
BLITZ KREIG, "apply Clausewitx in an even more total manner than phases, conversion tables, organization charts, and a cal
Ludendorff ever thought of doing." This vital book is the Blueprint
for German conquests .. , $1.00 before we get into the meat of the book, which is a well
ized list of pertinent AR's and other publications arranged
such headings, as, "Reports of Change," "Funds," "Dailv
M~ JHieil«;e~ Report," "Supply Rooms," etc. Lined memorandum pages
S-2 IN ACTION plcte the notebook.
Lt. Col. Shipley Thomas This could be a very valuable little pocket-piece, es
The technique of securing combat information. Not a cut-and-dried for the type of officer or noncom who cannot remember
textbook, but a vivid and easily understood exposition of military particular AR to cover the particular problem arising.
intelligence based on the experiences of the author-who has "been
through the mill." One of the best how-to-do-it military books. $1.50 reviewer will safeguard his review copy.
1 1
COURT MARTIAL-Practical Guide
Pause and Punctuate Lt. Col. T. F. McCarthy
Deslsrned not to take the place of the MANUAL FOR COURTS-
FOR THE ARMED FORCES. By Wiles, Cook, MARTIAL but to supplement it. this convenient reference will save
crucial minutes in court. Spiral bound, it lies flat and opens at the
evethick. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1943. 252 selected page. It is arranged so you can find what you want Im-
mediately $1.00
Index; $1.50.
the war is not all on the red-ink side of the ledger, MANUAL OF MARTIAL LAW
nsible for the rise of a new technique in instruction. Lt. Col. F. B. Wiener
rs of formal schooling left the reviewer with the im- This books tells what can and what can't be done by military fon:ea
hat English textbooks must be dry and deadly, but a to sustain or restore civil authority, including the ri.rhts and liabili-
ties of military personnel In such situations. There is just enough of
his makes study a pleasure. Imagine, if you can, your the underlyinlf doctrine
to clarify and show the reasons for the
English text with a paragraph like this:
11 a member of the 'salt and pepper' school of punctu-
er you have finished writing, do you sprinkle marks
Colonel Sterling A. Wood
tion on your sentences just to please your instructor,
This second edition hu been completely rewritten, brought entirely
imagine, is a 'bug' on punctuation? Or are you en- up-to-date and had many illustrations added. It explain. riot con-
trol weapon., how to use them; riot control formations for cities and
e 'iced cake' school, holding that punctuation marks country; it covers street fi.rhtinlf and house-to-house fightinlf. It' ••
decoration, an ornament, something that is spread complete manual for the small unit that may be called out to quell
riots-and since any unit is liable for this duty, a copy should be
Ids to catch the eye, again, of your gullible instructor? In every unit librarY .......•..............•................ $1.50
u belong to a third organization, the 'pause and
squadron .... " Order ALL Books From
k includes sections on public speaking, efficient
ilitary correspondence, and military orders. Many
tnples of clear writing were taken from articles in
The Coast Artillerv Journal
Tojo's Lingo
ELEI\IENTARY JAPAI\'ESE. By E. J. Sullivan. South
Orientation dena: P. D. and lone Perkins, 1943. 142 Pages; $2.50.
FOR THE Reviewing a textbook on Japanese strains the powers
COAST ARTILLERY BATTERY OFFICER reviewer who knows nothing about the language, but
Revised and corrected edition, November, 19-12 volume seems quite reasonable in its approach, and the
Covers: Map Projections and Coordinates; Instru- lary is slanted for the military student. It is divided inlo
ments; Transit Traverse; Intersection; Resection; lessons that should not tax the mentality of an interested
Azimuth Determination. dent, and is admittedly not an attempt to fit one to
deathless literature in Japanese. Designed for utility in
90~ sion, rather than perfection in grammar. the book should
extremely useful for the person who wants to know
f f f
AGS BULLETIN. 12 issues $1.50
Good Neighbor Language
THE ARMY CLERK (May, 1943). A simple, thor-
ough, comprehensive manual, prepared especially cisco Ibarra and Arthur Coelho. New York: Random" H
for the enlisted branches of the Army Administra- 1943. 397 Pages; Index; $2.50.
tion Schools. Large appendix of model forms .. 75
INSTRUCTOR'S GUIDE. Supplement to THE Mr. Ibarra's Pan-Americal1 Spanish Self-T alight has
ARMY CLERK (May, 1943). A useful publication one of the JOURNAL'S most consistent "sellers" amonoo Our
for the instructor in a service or unit school. Use- language books, because it develops the subject logically,
ful also to the individual who desires to train him-
self in clerical procedures $1.00 not try to go too far too fast, and is very clear in its present
TRA VEL (April, 1943-Revised Edition). Restate- This new book has been written along almost identical
ment of Army Regulations, War Department cir- with the same methods of instruction. As important as
culars, etc., pertaining to Travel and Transporta- zilian Portuguese has become in our list of foreign langu
tion. Subjects arranged by functions in logical se-
quence. Indexed by topics; cross-indexed to official we have found no really satisfactory book for self-study
regulations, circulars, etc 60c this present volume made its appearance.
ORDERS (Revised to March 26, 1943-6th Edition).
How to write General and Special Orders, Bulletins f f f
and Circulars 50c
BOARDS OF OFFICERS (December, 1942). 20c
Planes and Pictures
ARMY PERSONNEL SYSTEM (December, 1942) . AIR NEWS YEARBOOK. Edited by Philip Andrews.
........................................... 10c York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1943.264 Pages; Illustr
1942) 10c
LEADERSHIP (April, 1943) 10c Philip Andrews, editor of Air News magazine, has asse
355 photographs of planes of every nation, collected tech
1943) 10c data about each plane, and produced the pictures, the tech
SOP FOR A REGIMENTAL ADJUTANT'S OF- data, and personal analysis of the planes in a large book.
FICE (January, 1943) 10c fully selected pictures, a gravure reproduction process. and
MILITARY CORRESPONDENCE, a Check List inch by twelve-inch pages combine to make a book that mA
(May, 1943) 10c owned with pride by any air enthusiast.
STUDENT'S KIT (April, 1943). Materials for use There are pictures other than of aircraft. Some fine p
in teaching course outlined in Instructor's Guide.
Consists of: (1) Compilation of Selected Official graphic character studies of the men who fly the planes
War Department Publications .. , .. , $1.50 to the work a more personal touch.
(2) Workbook for Army Clerical Procedures. 75c
of f f
I ..I
pictures and descriptions of individual planes, there several. Several times a luch break instead of an unluck
are general discussions of the planes of each Axis
a few planes when none appeared because there were
1 nation $2.75
appear, reinforcements at a critical time-any of these
II could ha\'e won the battle by cOI1\'incing the Genna
already paid more for the island than it was worth.
Freyberg estimated German losses at about 17,fXYJ,
Jll itself was quite a price to pay. Add to this 180
and 250 troop carriers. and we can feel that Britain Language Books
collected for their own losses. It is noteworthy that Foreign Serf'ice is More Pleasant
ans ne\-er again used the same tactics, or similar tac- if You Know the Language
anv theater of war.
H~therington balances his explanations of tactics and SPANISH
tic descriptions of the fighting to make a story that is HOW TO SAY IT IN SPANISH. The book you
'Jling and profitable reading. need to make your needs known quickly-pocket
size ..........................•........... 75c
CURRENT SPANISH. Conversational Spanish
for the more serious student, for use with an
Tokyo Flight instructor $1.00
SECONDS OVER TOKYO. By Captain Ted Law- work; written for the Army Air Forces. A basic
e\\"York: Random House, 1943. 221 Pages; Illustrated; book. $1.25
Paper Edition 75c
CONVERSACION. (Advanced Conversational
g as young Americans like Lawson and the others Spanish.) For the more advanced students to use
e the Japan flight are led by older men like General in the classroom; written for the Army Air Forces
and the Navy , $1.50
, megalomaniac paperhangers, balcony-strutters, and
Paper Edition $1.00
Heaven will never realize their dreams. The planning
tion of the bombing of Japan, and the return of most By Francisco Ibarra. Spanish as it is spoken in
rsonnel from the raid, are the perfect answers to those Latin America. Emphasis on the idioms of South
few years ago. insisted that Americans were not the men America $2.50
hers were. PORTUGUESE ..
'big picture" of the Tokyo raid has been told and retold. AN INTRODUCTORY PORTUGUESE GRAM-
MAR. By E. B. Williams. Recommended by our
Lawson tells the little picture-what happened to Ted military personnel in Portuguese-speaking coun-
and his crew. \Vith the aid of Bob Considine, he tells tries $1.90
well. The training for the Right, the cooperation of BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE SELF-TAUGHT.
vy, the forced landings, and the long road back with By Francisco Ibarra and Arthur Coelho. The com-
panion book to Pan-American Spanish Self-Taught.
of courageous and loyal Chinese makes this story one Every-day speech $2.50
~ics of the present war.
Marius A. Mendlesen. The simple vocabulary and
Altitude Zero grammar of an easy but important language.
Necessary for service in the East Indies and
DO 8. By Ira Wolfert. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Malaya $1.00
ny, 1943. 127 Pages; $2.00. FRENCH
BLITZ FRENCH. A French phrase book designed
of us know of the gallant fight that the Navy's Torpedo for soldiers. For instant use. Pocket size .... 75c
n 8 put up at Midway, and how that squadron was all
d out. To most of us, however, the fact is new that a
uted Torpedo 8, made up of some members who missed Arnold W. Spanhoofd. A good basic grammar. $1.72
way battle, and replacements, fought in the Solomons
eance against the Japs. This is the story of the fight for ELEMENTARY JAPANESE. By E. J. Sullivan.
ce-and the dead of Midway can sleep more peacefully. The basic needs for the soldier $2.50
paid for the American dead.
n gets a bit over-literary in spots, and in a few places
close to gushing, but this is probably excusable in a Four Books for Army Women
prizewinner. But no writer could miss when he had
THE ARMY WIFE. By Nancy B. Shea. Officers' Guide
ns of Torpedo 8 to put on paper. The cast-iron nerve for the army wife. Every army bride, and the wife
en who fly low and straight to pop their torpedoes into of every officer from the citizen components should
ed warships, and who perform other bombing chores have a copy of this $2.50
tion, is unbelievable. They respect and fear AA fire- THE ARMY WOMAN'S HANDBOOK. By CleBa Reeves
Collins. Instructs the army wife on how to handle
keep on coming. financial affairs during the absence of the husband,
and tells not merely what to do. but how to do it .
. . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.50
New Guinea Campaign An entirely different book for women, explaining
how the army works, and how and why it is different
UGHEST FIGHTING IN THE WORLD. Bv from civilian life. The perfect gift for a WAC, or
for the new army wife who wants to know what
H. Johnston. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearc~. makes the army tick $2.50
240 Pages; $2.50. HANDS OFF! By Major W. E. Fairbairn. Get Tough!
for women. How to protect yourself in physical en-
New Guinea campaign wasn't the toughest lighting in counters. When war work takes women to tough
it will do until another contender comes along. New sections of town, or the swing shift lets out at odd
under the best conditions, is no health resort, and the hours, the wise woman will know how to turn the
he privations and necessities of war did not improve
tables on any attacker 75c 'I
.... It
pushed the little men into the sea or to where it mioht
dead Japs go. 1\lountainous jungles, steamy heat :nd
BINDERS cold, insects, poor food, and jungle-wise Japs combined 10
fighting in 1'\ew Guinea most unpleasant.
The author, an Australian newspaper reporter, got his
FIELD MANUAL SIZE 5~" x 8~" from the firing line rather than from headquarters, wilt
result that the book is not a critique by a military "expett
TECHNICAL MANUAL SIZE 61,4" x lO~" an eyewitness account of the fighting from a front-row
Early in the book Johnston begins to give credit to the
cans where he thinks it is due, and the credit increases
campaign unfolds. The author found the teamwork .fIll
spirit of the Americans and Australians all that could be
sired. The Jap, too, was all that other accounts have in
cruel, fanatical, jungle-trained, tenacious, and dirty
personal habits and in fighting methods.
f f
Battery f f f
Fighting laps
Slide Rule MI $9.00
BLOOD FOR THE EMPEROR. By Walter R. Clausen.
Crichlow Slide Rule 1.75
York: D. Appleton-Century Company, 1943. 331 P
Special Slide Rule for Use With Height Finder .50 Illustrated; Index; $3.00.
Irregular Curves .45 Mr. Clausen, an Associated Press executive, has com
Triangle, 45 ° .. , 40 reports written by himself and other AP men on the war in
Triangle, 30°.60° 30 Pacific into a loosely-knit book that carries the subtitle,
narrative history of the human side of the war in the Pa
Mil Protractor 1.90
Most of the stories have appeared before in AP stories in
newspapers-some of them are new, and some have
added that could not be released at the time the deeds
f f f
The Navy Electricity
{Jl\'ITED STATES l'\AVY: A HrSTORY. Bv Carroll This text is used at the Coast Artillery School at Fort
Alden and Allan Westcott. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippin- Monroe. $3.00
Company, 1943. 440 Pages; Index; References; Illus-
OF ELECTRIOIT. By Lester L. Wil-
. $5.50. liard.
is primarily a text and reference book, rather than a Designed for use with wartime courses and for self-
-type continued story of the romance of the Navy. study. $1.24
g the period from the early days of the Revolution to COURSEIN ELECTRICALENGINEERING(Vol. I),
the end of 1942, the authors have had to condense their
The 3rd edition; by a Harvard faculty member. $4.00
in every way possible to get it into 440 pages. They
k to the facts, with some interpretation of the impact COURSEIN ELECTRICALENGINEERING(Vol. II),
and international affairs on the Navv, and vice versa. ALTERNATINGCURRENTS. By C. L. Dawes.
Companion book; also 3rd edition. $4.00
rs for stories of the romance and glory of our sea arm
lie to find them between the lines of the facts presented Science
k is a serious work of history, competently executed. INTRODUCTIONTO METEOROLOGY.By Sverre Peter.
of of of Used at the Naval Academy; 236 pages. $2.50
Through the Rockies A STARTIN METEOROLOGY.By Armand N. Spitz.
Easy to read; written in simple language. $1.50
UN TRAIL. By l\1erritt Parmelee Allen. New York:
mans, Green and Co., 1943. 198 Pages; $2.00. F~NDAMENTALSOF MACHINES. By Burton L. Cush-
first white man to cross the Western desert from the How they operate; with military applications. $1.24
ppi to California, according to Mr. Allen, was Jedediah ELEMENTSOF PHYSICS. By A. W. Smith.
Smith, who made the trip, with some companions, in 790 Pages; 4th edition; used at the Military Academy,
of a new route to ship out furs. Smith, a partner with West Point. $3.75
and Sublette in the fur trade, was killed later by ELEMENTS OF ORDNANCE. By Brigadier General
, but his maps and journals were of assistance in open- Thomas J. Hayes.
trail to the west. 700 Pages; used at the Military Academy; a standard
account is biography, embellished with fiction, as recon-
work on the subject. $6.50
from contemporary accounts. For the \Vestern story CRYPTOGRAPHY.By Lawrence Dwight Smith.
and for those interested in American history, it should An elementary but serious discussion of the science
of secret writing. $2.50
ch interest. A touch of juvenile moralizing does not
in spoiling the thrilling account of the journey to Cali- Radio
where the Mexicans and the Church combined to run ELEMENTS OF RADIO. By Abraham and William
much different from our own. Marcus.
A basic book; for study without an instructor. $4.00
of of of OF RADIO. By W. L. Everitt.
For classroom use. $5.00
College Course
CAN HISTORY FOR COLLEGES. By David S. Electrical and radio fundamentals through design, con.
y and John A. Krout. New York: Ginn and Company, struction, operation of amateur equipment.
934 Pages; Index; Illustrated; $4.00. $1.00
ally published in 1933, this book has been revised Bnd RADIOAMATEUR'SHANDBOOK. (Defense Edition.)
For special use in radio training courses. Includes e1e.
by chapters on the significance of the European back- mentary mathematics necessary for solution of formulas
ef American history and the important developments and interpretation of graphs, log tables .
.Ionial period. It has also been brought up to date by a $1.00
ng chapter on the history of the last six years. The MODERNRADIOSERVlONG. By Alfred A. Ghirardi.
v; been soft-pedaled, and the "philosophy" of history 1,276 pages of information, tips, and instruction for
radio servicemen. Well presented, complete and well
illustrated. $5.00
of of of
DLING. By Charles F. Chapman.
ICT: THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. By George Fort Complete illustrated course in small boat work with
. Washington: The Infantry Journal, 1943. 356 many suggested questions and problems to be solved.
25; (to members of the armed forces only). By the editor of Motor Boating. Color and black and
White illustrations. 31~ pages; index. $2.50
another of the Infantry Journal's Fighting Forces
25, reprints. The full text of the original book is pre-
sented, with paper covers, at a price within reach of evtltJ
dier. C01Z~ict nrst appeared in 1941, and was instantlf
cepted as one of the truly great histories of the Civil W~
Vipers \Vithin
BOOKS By George Fort Milton. Washington: The Infantry J
1943.247 Pages; 25~ (to members of the armed forces
The regular edition of this book was reviewed in the
vember-December edition of the ]oUJu.;AL. The present
by MARSHAL WILHELM von LEEB is p~per-bound, unabridged, pocket-sized, and much less
~':( First translation of the now world-famous pensl\'e.
treatise, Defense, originally published in f
1938 in the Scientific Military Review of the Ger-
man \Var Office. Von leeb, as a military thinker
and scientist, offered his government a plan for Miscellany
the next war in which Germany might be engaged.
Von Leeb's recommendation was that the war be Democracy at Work
opened with active defense, as a preparation for
the offensive later. The plan was rejected by Hitler
-it might have saved Germany. Appleton-Century Company, 1943. 578 Pages; Refer
Index; $3.00.
157 pages; illustrated $1.00
The Army version of this book, School of the Citizen
was reviewed in the September-October (1942) issue ol
JOURNAL.The new book is a combined course in Nava
(Street addreaa or box number)
(The Army Officers' Bille Book)
For more than two years this book
has been winning an ever-widening
circle of friends, practically by word-
of-mouth advertising alone. The
notched (and complete) index di-
vides the book into logical portions
-portions that will assist every of-
ficer whose activities bring him into
contact with courts - martial. 113
The Three Basic Books for the Library of Every
Officer, and of Every Ambitious Enlisted Man.
i*'....., i*'....., (*'.....,
If you could afford only one book, this should be the one. It not only explains the b
things that every officer should know, it keeps you up-to-date on all the nUiner
changes that affect the officer and his duties. A new edition has just been publishe'
can you afford to do without it? Is your old copy of the Guide out of date?
(*'....., (*'....., (*'....., (*'.....,
The one question owners of this book ask is, "How does he do it?" Colonel Vi
leads you by the hand through the complicated maze of administrative detail, with
latest possible information from the latest changes, as interpreted by an expert. Ah\
considered an administrative "must," in busy wartime, it saves hours and prevents err