Naval Aviation News - Jun 1945

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Aircrewmen lIIere -abruprIy reused from Ibei" lh,ep. 1t

\!.:~rfItI-j"" W,,",S mill da .. k, Th.,.y <"o.lled off their ldple-di:ck.,.. bunks and bit d,~ deck. ElVelly.Que. _ 'luil'r-.tens~. This "",~ (he m ... :ninll' Ie smash TndL

A>'.w,ge,r$ roared down lh~ Il;gh, dcc:;k and the squad~"n formed For th .. $1:Tike. Jnln" T8Pli I'J.1nneJ, M:ort,on F. Maler d:j.DC~<l, d<l","o .and !IIlW hlt ,;;;tn/III" fad~ in tbe dinanO('. H~ fell weak in 'hI' .:mid'dle .•• dum eeassueed him.$~f wil'll. "I'm nO! the ouly OD,"~ "I Jphn Reill" eh'edce'il his gun. more tim.'" tbW'l necessary, H,' r1!ill~mbe,red rhe ;WQO pound bomb In the A,'eng",'s belly-a com.r .... rting du:rugbl. The TBf dipped for Ih~ $h.

All HeJl brok" .I,,<>.~e., Evert' Jap A:A b.atf.ery .m the .,Ignd 'op,el'1ed up. Rl!iII), glaaeed out the pQ.rl .!Oi"e. Ack-a,ck eovaeed tbe ~k)o, Th.e 'next rhin.g ,he kne ... · he WJ(5 d>rOWD 'agllm!t rh"fu!ielag~ a. Ihe AI """g~1" lurched vlolendy. They h'll!:l !>"I'D hi I !,ODl:ewli{fr~ in tlfe uri!.

A5 they .p"ned our ,,£ [he' 1:uh~ the 2000 pounder ,fell ,eartbw~rd. Reilly {;JI'ip-ped h is gun.~ and I~t 'em gQ. Thick Mack clouds of -smoke -spiraled up fr(ilO'l the Jap airfidd, Ze.keJ. 8elt~% Rut/IS" and ; .. I<,C$ were. _"tie.".;! .. nd. fI ami ng_ Mm". recori:I,C!Q ihis· "~id1lllce wttil hiJ gun. camera, The larget had been hit.

Aircrewrnen ha,ve what if

Mo. :15 ~f • ""' ..



Sl1<L l!IIt';S at Ja.p .11. P~)Wt'1 iu Kyushu anti th PHOTOGRAPHJC

i lands around kiuawa again briog enemy INTElLIGENCE

~i.tfjelrl,> to Pront-rank collsith'ratkm by photo intelHgencc. Ja,p(U1 has b 'n ope,ratil1g hundreds of airfields ill the Pa me and Far East for many mouths, WITh the aBP~lrent inteution of hifling air sb'eugth rapi.dly ~b critical areas as the need arose. These airfields are of varying siz s, rauglllg from airdromes eapabl of ac (JIlllDt,)wtting heavy bombers to smell I etnergency fighter Iandlng gW\lllds. On them the enemy depeods Ier a,lt protecdou oj Ius tolen empire, but one by one the are being Wrested away a' u.s. forces driv toward Tokyo.

Phertographs show that the J~'rPIi now are pushmg ait-

:field construction in their inner defensive zone. 011 by-passed islands, determined [apane e persistently patch bombed runways some of which IlfJW look like ~tellRi.v areas of blllinrd chald with JlIIn(Jr QS, of cue holes scrap <:1 into them. Fields near Japan's vital shipping lanes ha e been used incr as~l. ttl provide I1rotective air COVtll' For threatened convo~s. Enemy industrial centers, pm:ticruarly Tokyo, are surrounded h prutoctir g airfields. and s aplane bases are located at key points along the coast. AitHe1ds still are vital ue£enses of Ilirohito's besieged domain, and Navy ahl11ell~ 100\g used to aJ:ta~kjng strips in th jUligle. on awn s , or on bare elcamc rc:lcak. now turn h') smashing mare developed airdrome.<; on japanese home is4,trlds.

Rest ruued


rUE JAil'S hllVtlcnptl!r!;)d or C!il.,nsb1Icted (jeti'll> 1.'11. <S:hi.lUl, Burma, the Emit Indies. !viallcllnria. J"l'eJj~G. Iude-Chma and OIl numerens is'htnds .. Over 250 [leld~ 01 vlltying types W{'Te fl[1erateu l{\' tIle enemy in the FhilippilH~S before Ote U..s. invu:sji")J!. Some 01. till" Illr-llung sll'lJl.~ -are .!>itulI!eu. so us to .aHol'd prota.cfilm fllr specJul f-"\htm~ in war pi.·udiJdion. StlQh as sliillpili_g ttl' [Jil r~n!!ene,~. Otllets are 1000t'ed Jl~ar defended henehes, where they are in,te~rllteJ with the g('lIl~~ plAn for -Cl'lfl:''t defense-.

A majurit,. nf IJw fields [1lmfllgr;lphed to d:.\te it! LLc J,IPunesehrune 1111:mds ure in central and southern Honshu arid

ira kyushu, in H()ushu [he), are l:Ullc.e.lIlruted Lo .;1, consideraQle t!egtN aruul1~1 industrilll .1\1e{l.'1,>\iI'C1·aJ I pIamtt 'often hnve "diuc'eflt l1irflekb which are used for te~lil]g planes, Mllny fralds in the hllJ:i.le j81.p,d~ are lV~lIred nell!" tim I!t)HSt. otteil.t·](jllf> to dvet m()ufh£ .. und t.L!ltmlly nvt fur from ruil lind highway CQlmeclit;Jns.

N01'nllU J~IP ",Wield ·(leie!lsf}-S c.()ns~l uf rnachirre gutl!>, ti)l.lem<tlie A'" ,toil a 'fql;V heavy AA~ Rada.t"I.Klntl'olled llear-chlights also have been spo'bted in recent photogJ'llphs. Trench sy81IUll~·1Ulcl H~:1I'i'e!:);' of (lither obstacles have heen el1lp]uy~r1 un !>f:rilfegic Pnejflc Islands,

B~~ti:-;henrrier phmBs now are coopentihg. with U.S, {tlrceJ> :rn k)10C~ (hit Jllp Itirfiekk Til (lttnCks on the SlIkishima group, WLh::h is ~h«jlll !1_)(J milm>'5(<Illtltwust of OldnsW'I.. they alteruated wil:h t\.Jllcnt:}Hl fliexs iII isltmd .strikes.




SI:;VERAL di!fr;irent t)'pees n:f IfUicling ate~ ... ~ ure eunstructed by the J llpanesc. GOl'lcrete fJ'Cqu~nLly ts used to surface nll-wearher runway.;. J'!.splrnll. Wl(JI11(1n, mixa.d with (loml su: rd. t.:rtJ~lle~ reek and eartb, and SQu nlso Me uLilized. dep@uding on imllort<IlIcc:: ()f the fIeld ltml mnl.eri,w ~wailHble. TUrn-l1rouull." usuully are c(Jns·lil'ucted al both ends oj' llLmJ· ing strips. Ivhioll are orirmtad to tuke llt:h.n,ntag.e at the dirgetion of ptevail:ing winds. _Runways vary m length from 3000 I L to mote than (;IO(IU Ft.

On samll P:a.ei.6c is.luuds the .typf:t nftlidield whieh the Jllfis construct varies!.Ieuord..illg tID .'l.b!i.pJi' uud Siit.e oi the p~ticular land mass. Long. narrow islands usually have Only nne l:itrip. CtrCl.lluj' i-slruuls nm:filally ~a'l"!l' two orlss-cWi:isecl litdps. Md ,011 crescent-.shapecl islands ti lfilU)gle or three strips often L~ h,id out.

Large, .irregularly-shaped la'llcliLlg areas tlppeTIT in aerial pbotGS 01 tho hmne Islands, Some strips rue in process of cClIlSl"ructi6n, (;,lnl0uUage of nliIW!l~ t(lk6~ inter(M;tir~g 10 IlTI S. one lT1Ck being to have Ialse n11'l9$ wincl:mg ac!,oss the suiip. Two-dirnensionnl dummy phmes oceasionally me lalt! out I'In laud!n,g gl'O)j.I.ids, nnd m.LJe eQfl'lel' mnrl<ers are LaIH La ooo!us@ Allied .illers.

Gapl ul'ei:l enell.lYeQlJ$!:ruetioll miJ,c!iinery 'is ou the whole IOutU stllllUe'r tball aIl~ iufwor to Am.Qrielul @arth-movlng equipment, .mnkiftg uirlield buildillg a slower process for the Japs. De:>ptte .this, they C'i'ertteil H fUI'.Jlnng a::rfield syli1lcl1l.

Re.ltriceed 3




IN om 1'10,\ to Sl~lldard }'Il,1 ' nir6e!d Eac.i1ilies sueh as hangars oentrel tower, shops, warehouses, barmeks, ailministTaUQn bWldllg,Pllll Iuel and arrununltion st'01'age. :1ir_drom~ It ar lhe heart 01 tilt' empire oItetJ have special ef}l.ll~pmenii. Flrin butts, usee! fer tl:!Stillg guns, are seen frequently. Euglue test c;oen" arid wfnd tunn Is also ocCur. At one fi Ie! a practice bombing Tange is noted. Three target jrtroles ate 1sibJe. and bhtl~e abr~ li!ro two white circles eOlTI.t#nU)l1 dunlln~ aircraft. Fnur 01m~1'\'l1tioll tu\Versprounbly are used ttl watch results on the bombing rllnge .. A targ~L-Iowil1g truck is pres.en1 lie! A1J~Lhflr nil'fidd. It 1,ils a ~maIJ dummy plnne mounted em the narrow,gillLge tr{lck, which runs fall snm> uisffince to an adjtfining field.

A.llh \Igll wl)~dd seem tu hlLVe IllLincreasing TJeeJ for IlrIs1eJ'graun hangars. suoh installations ate diffioulL to tl·tcd eu aeria] ph()tog_raph, Q.eallecl "bangl1l' ttes," con-

isli:ilg of wood or ugh (,am boo frames. covered with openWQI'k mattlng, ure observed in certain areas. Jap wil'ld "T':" ;~ppe;;!l' pla.inl)' in pictut s of some fields, as d(l bon pile of wrecker] or damaged plsnes, totes of tepair parts occasionally ate eon~pi(j,'HoUS from the air. Tn i:ht'it w~tjime l:X'p::msiQJl the Japs !Iumetirn:es empJo}' unusual areas for storage. The infilild of one flll':UU~rr:'u'ce truck, fur example, is IJseru [1., a mlyagf~ ya.ctl and ab30 cJ;1l'1tf1.irIS plrmes.

Radio towers and 1'IDl" installations are ol')1;erv€1d a.t IL gom,1 mau)' Beld'~ and ~lpen circular cistern» li~ shlilJJ and h8Jnwks areas are dlscenllhl clearly .Irmn llJ> au', SOluC J p have visible power plants, Highw.I)'S and rafl Faciliti . epMecl with many fil)lld on Henshu, simplifying eommunieatiun and tnl1lspl!)rtatiIJn. CatnCJuflag is used on buikl« in!?is" well as runways, but l_li.ctu.res show .tbat D .. bomb m"e sma lling enemy install;:llitms despite det'~F1l e paint.


Hamamalsu !leld .inuJudt!s mll~t L)'p.illal Ilirlieki structures. Thirteen la~ lwe eonulIDtoo b !lli~h uys, til sl!l"lice aprons. Tbree revetted ammunition storage bui1(Hngs are located above hltTlglus, lilld at hUl uf anunc ttomge fs hune pile 0 damaged planes and whu t ptobably is sal vageu parts t<tolilge aren. L(lll,g, nurrew llllildiugs ut lilft of hangars are-shops nnd \Vll-whflUSes, and round eisterns eait 1.(" "N'n lil'ddl' I'm; \ .of I1l ll!l • .Enemy tandlTlg

"T" is visible in fmnt of lill'ge hangars, Hamamatsu aidield has another et of hangars IUld SDl'vjce hulIwng: on opposite S'ida of htDding area. Air time of pJiQto.gmphy most p~es were on nela and not in ..r.e\'etrnellts. Planes ill t'Ile pichrre are ideutifie,,' as Foj· ltl\Y!l: 12 SII"Y. 4, P~g!/J 5 Hel(]fI~ 1 TOJl$~, ] 7 Lily, 2 rick. 1 culUmrallc;g"a twin engtl1~ Ai~rllrt, 2 Tela,. nnd 3 unldenlified ~ir\lt!e eJ'lgil'l(J pJan'e. Dummy a-2i1 built bv Jaf"l appears at lower left




MOST J-w air:llekl.s howe lid qunte dispersal arr~l1iigelDel1ts,. Hey'tm nts are built in many shnpes. including T, H. C, U, sgua:re, and diamond forms. Ooncre;te-c()\'erea revetment aJ majorairc1l'omes R'pp~r to be the enemy's strungast lype u[ plane El'rotactioll. Blast shelters, formed hy parallel walls about 50 ft. apiu1. are be,illg seen runre frequently. Frame-covered revetmeats appear near mnlly l!clds" but these serve mainly for purposes of concealment

Trutiway loops, Wttll 'evuml hardstands er reverm nts leading off them, Qften nre constructed by the [aps, 'Where the III.ndillg area is .. ery largf!. revetments Dl<IY be mlliHed erl'ti~(!ly aad .planes llcatter"Bo widely ~Iw-r the lruJdhlg grl'lllnd



and in StmGunding woods and fields, He etmant occasionally are seen in the middle of clumps 1)1 trees and among houses, ~g JiJ,p revetments scm times hold several fighters Or trainers. 11'1 some areas, small rail wily ears !Il'C pushed in fron1: df r~etmeu!:'s to act 1)5 blnst willis. during attacks.

B tiered n:imelfls in the Phillppir'le tha; were OVerrun by America.n troops showed u lack of orgru:rizatiofl and mnny impro\'ised ftt,cillties indiGRl:irtg that the J aps were not able to prepare their airfields befure the U.S, attack, til ~pile of all J;lt' scmemes Ior Cli~-persa] 11Il d p rotec tiOLl" n J ed airmen are desl'royll'1g numernus enemy airt'rl'lft on the ground" Oarrier planes. oS-Z9'S and Anny M.ustatlgs are blasting Jap aitcrnft OIl Lhe home isLands. and fields in ~llrn(}!1t 1111 other parts I'll' the empire are being subjected tu oft-tepeat d bomufng and sbuflngltttacks. Photogr!\phs show bnrning:md wrecked planes On landJfJg areM, increasing piles oE rle~lrdy6d phllli3 parts unci £ewo.r and fewer operatioaal planes,


NE'W I PE' -of JflP aircrafi are being en and bye mI!lU·isoll of several pJjOtQ(111111JhiC sorties over di:ffereIl~ lieJds~ the 11m..,. types Clan be classified as to len{!th, span, etc". Enemy gliders eau he picked outlJ:uitkly hy pFloto interpreters because or their disltncl1 e ,Ippearance 0)1 the ground. Whell field~ ar located djaceJ'lt to nil'cruft ns:emb!y plHtltli. it usually is assumed that ~e type or I, p S 01 plane which are most numernns on the Ionaing area are those cnrrently be~.g p:roduced fit the Iaetorv, Gameuflag; ~ while Jl1I\,king it difficult: to idt'lotrFy plune tYp€:l, often [nils to hlde. the l,rffSence of aircral-t, The Jllp~nese- constlilJ!'1! tW(l- and lhree-dlmensional duml1l. pllllles and Lhe,y scmetirnes park uuservieeahle IJlan s In plltces where they will make cou-

spicmllllS Ilfi1{l tempting ~~rgets, ~lally h:n~g(.l.tli have been d • stroyed or lell lJ11:i'l1irJ.g in recen to. _. attllr;'kf, pl'e,W.JlW hi y with It)ssnj· planes inside. Numerous [ap aircraft In revetments and on htlldif!g areas also nil e be n ruined.

SnppJyulg infonnalIDll on enemy planes is on' l Ult' Pl'iTIcipal tfi$ks (If ~hot(lgraphic int-elligence, and far this purpos photo iuteJ1prel()l'S constautly -are at wnnk on 'Pictures f Jap airfields, TIley "-Olmt l)JI1)]eS, look for Dew types, note \lIIl'ia· !tOilS in previously fecQgllf~ed !:)pes. wntclJ Ier dmnmi s, and oheek buildings aud In!:ilit:ies. Dfrnensions (lr phurcs QQ the gruufld Can be deterrnweu accurately ft()m ,good vertical pictures, if plrule [thi1ucle and cam rll. [6el:tl 1 ngth are known, Dnma,ged. tmrujng and wrecked !!1r!IDi.ft can be picked nut, &iJ'l.C~ the beginning of Ihe Pa;ci:frc war, pho. tos of enemy airfields hfl"V0 played au impClrtifl>1t role, and in recent meulhs furs part has expanded into (,'Overage ot numerous , f~le.l)' scutteted maj'0r and minor peltJs on which the Jllpaueso rely for defense 01 their hnrd pressed empire.



Know Your Emergency Equipment

Th -' engm of an 1<'61'-$ fnaZl¢ ut 6UOO feet_ After letting duwn tt) lO()O Ie t, th pilot decided he could !Huke the Iield, He put the- wheel I vet in the IlO' • pn~itioJ1l-. Dntiog Ulat th wbeeL

turted down, s his bydnmHc pres-

sure ..... 1l.S zero, be put Ihe hydnll11ie selector au I'I, ...... ps and pumped t-ht" liu-p' down. He made an cellent-approach, hut .stnce his wheels \VtJJ'l'io TRAIL 1"lsi~ MOll. he made a beny Ian di n_g.

Th lneal Safel}; B atd c<munenl'etl II J'o110W()U thi 'accidcn; 'This pilot (lid II sl'I!ell job in bringing his plane bsek on Il dead engine. Huwevl;ir" it .'l.llould be pointed out that, II time nd circumstances permitted, dum~ge to the plan eould Jta\'e L en liroimtted entirely bud the pilot made use of the altxiliar air JPply in hi 'uump bottles' I'() 1m v er and lock the lllmlillg O'ear."

P84Y Hatch Blows Open

Reports Indicate that the emergency Llat:ch OOl'a.1Y ~J.irplnlllis, !ee:j,led ill the top of t11e fM.'!'ulage immediately aft of the pilu~'s eorapartmrsu rear bulkhead, ~omntfnu"s 1')10\ s ope 1 In f1jght. In one

ca.lie Wle nuvigatot wa knocked uncouS¢iOIlS when thi hntcli blew ~lpeIl nntl struck him.

It is considered that although wear lll.ay he a ~utribulJng fnt'tbr. tllestl hutches ustiaJly come I1ptilll because they W0m not locked seourclv b> ore takeQ1f, or becaus fJerSowlc( hang onla the release handle whflo talking, with the pjJ(i)_t o:r copilot, H.. i.s b lievetl th!lt the hald, will remain 010 'ed during lHght if care is taken to secure it properly r.l~ fore lake~tr, and if pt'I'Sllunel refr:tbl from using handle us a hand-hold.

PV Ditching

The- folllilwJng is quoted from an uetitJn Sll11UDill)' !llllnXlitteu by a pall' I

bomber sr!llllUmll.: • hll8 Ile()n it lot written ab~'ut PV diu:l'linI;t.We haVI!h-nd tbree ditruungs In wbich no one WliS more d'aJ1 scrntcbed,

The first was a single-ert,gin.. d ilcltIng, nine m;l1lllll$ aifl>r ntkc-olf. He,I'e (uU power on one_lmgin.e, full flap IIn~ .fuJl ~Wl. mg W3S the method used, Po,>,,," '1lII!i CUI ItS 5 011 as tb, tail touched. The pla,n .. "ank in frO!l1 ergbt to Iwlllv.. I.'c~'nQ'il,

Tbe set!ond was- a dusk hU:I.lJing heSlU." of Iuk: of glQl!_ollne, Again rllll 1ln1S. lull 10'" pifeh with 20" manifold pr' me and fuJi Jlnlling were used, .... he plane sank in Ilbollt seeonds,

Th" ,f.j,d· w,.,.. -a dCAd-stick, no-ll~p "':IIU landing. ~fn, ,r,e p~ ... ~ .... 05 "tailed. <> injul'i~ t'eIlulted.

In eacn oC these cases the plane lIPli1 on li)ecent~r line JUI! obaft the bODlb-bay Slep. Bmel'gency equiPU)CIlt was obtlJlnliibrf_ in "II caset; except th.,_ ongle eng;n" ditch. ing. H .. re tl1e crew was in the ate!' fol' about two hcurs witb ani)! life jllililf, d)' .. Ina,rke" and one 38 re"lJ'lv~ with tracer ,mnmWlition. Th-w werc pjd<:~ II!> by a P6M. I[ iii thougbt that the plome 8rulk' so I'llpidly because of the grOIi3 weight- and full gilll tllfI~

The csc:o.p" hatch fa-lled (0 w(nJt on du swgl e- Cns:jn diuiliing. Tb .. e" men left fhLmugh the cockpit side window with 1110 reeuble, Je ~huuld be poiffted om thaI c:lucking till': e£Cape hatch dOI!~ n"e ;_"sure Lh.n.t it will work the next time. It is de -

~il!e tQ block UP"" rhu main aae» door witl;\ • baek- pad (l~ hldder. Eme(gmcy equipment '"as checked ea<:h ~iXt)' bour ..

This quad ron lleJi.we$ tRal the PV il' IlIIlla$Y platu: to ditch withou.t danger of p 'I'1lQ"ncJ injury or fatality.

.. Cf)"mrettl~J[ is of in~est to note tb·" gerulr,,1 change in attitude that bas oe~Ul'l'ed 115 r~ards the PV. It gen awa;y 10 11. tatb"" poor nat!: and 5000 b- d 11 bad dirchingreputation. ThUi h3lll ;ill bRWl changed, however, and tb.:- plan'l! n<lW h~~ an exceUeot di~eb1n!!<:ellordand .. ep0 tarlon, This is due, not tQ the pJ;Jllt beittg lInl' (l#1~ler to dir,h but mainJy to ftight C1"eWli 1m vipg bltCll morougbly indotttrmll(lld nod in8tt''[H:·led in propnr ditcbing ptCludllre.

Oon'[ rel.rud De~"d procedure ror ditchiPg th~ PV P. onfained in Flight Safety B.u1Iecin 11-44.

. Excessive lab Causes Failure

Recovering from 11 rocket flri1lg run wrth the aid (.If elevator tab. an F4 pLlp'l noticed a slight bl'lffetiug, butappanmUy paid little atteation to it. He then exccut. d uother run. Buffeting increased and during the recovery, the ~ltw;nt{)J'. t'l:lrnpletely £ail~. AcCording to the pilol, Hie eugine pulled the plane lJu1 of th dive. With full militar· power, he rnaUl)geJ ttl m1wlIl'lio Illght at a critically low uItitmte. 13y malting fint:. 1111dder turns . no by USin~ llaps f, r in. creased lift, he 11l1Hlaged to avoid hills in his (Ii ht pnth mtii he came to tI valley wlli'Cu: gJ~'e han 5UO feat ObO\f the terraln, at which time he made a safe- jump.

• Gr<11frpa'll' P'!llib()l"" '*<t'J'J:

~,~ Tl1is pilot l:0011y handled a rGUlI1!

n1\U'gWlC')'. Had he ".,come the least bit panicky at t~ch IDW oltiluW!., death PI" to· ably would bav .. resulted.

However. 'thO! pilot ~ated his O-W.tI ~rgo!1\(!yl EK(!~ive: er jerky UJe of tb"" tab undoubtedly "aused thOle elevator failliN. Por. <I Q>f Te.:hnil;31 N"OfI'.o. 72-44 'a')'s: "Th lLlC o~ "Iev;al:ol" tiib5 a a mearuof prin'rnr1 control in .puJJ.,outJ from high i>p~d dive is not u«Immended except in cmergenei 5ucb u may ari ... IIfJdllrcDm· pre5!flbilil')' conqrnons-. Wh_ tab ill l$Id t(l !ighJI>n I!tj"k ror~ in pull-outs, eautien should be I!l!:~tc:ised to i.n5Url.l CQ'LWnI.LO'u.:$ and smooth control oC tile r,,~ujting aaecler;Uioll$. "

ABO lARD SHIP the pilot learns to de- IlL pend on th 'lmnd s igl1als given hi;m ... b . the deck crew. 'These trained men ate responsible for getting the equip. uieut moved speedily. s1rfely. so other pllllle:s 1)'II1Y land au carrier's ftight deck.

Costly Delay

~,J aw'riil.1 IlulIllIg,._c: due Itl ''''c.'idel,tlJ.I. tfl~, chon (It l~.,ll1ding g~ar il1stm:.u,! tI.f flal~s 11'1 JIII-HiNli .lITeral{ Iln~I' ItH~'lli1Sh IS esu- 11l11trd In 1,lal't· lei ~sl lhe "N >Ivy nV'l'r ~4nr" lIOO In M.ltch uloue-, JnlNj\;f/] Ain·rufl Serviee Chupgt' ~'1 . .25 lippH.rontl} hnll J"ltlt been completed on HlIy of HIli pi unes imvo Ivt:ll.

I\HeTl~ioll is iuviterl lu Uw r~I(!1 l.bu~ this change, dated :20 l;.1l1l.4'1ry. "H';Cl,:leo the "S1tfi;lY of Hfglil" ,mt! \'illS tJirecL,f!'] tu be fU::l:omplisi1cd "as soon us pr:.wticnl,)!e-. l'lllilpnUhLe with the inl'rTlctd [ift!! ll)llitary sitti,aIil)Il," nn 10 the l'{\n.~jd(!I'1ililf· JllSti (If rnonev nnd Jtying; rime being; e.:tperi"lIw{! Ill' tltl~ 1)'1"'" l;lt'cidl'llt, it wonld !q>pemtI1(U lnrtlrer dcltlY in aeoomI)Uoshiug thb d\ulIg~ is l.mjtljilifiil'Id, pil-rfi(mhu'ly sliwl: l! requir,'~ only ~ight man-hours of work per plane, n~iu);\ n)nteri.,\ ,H"aiJ.,lh]" in Ilw{11 <i:oC'k.

H'elp Yourself

Tlin IIHlUV llil'lll"il:fl uI.'t!iden( Feporh, iU'~ t~t!f,,~d (I) whi{-h 11Iut<'rial troubles are rllptlrtecl IIt~J'd".(IS '1,mding . g.t!ltl'" .~"Il!lnre,~ ·'hr.4~tmli~ ~y'rtrTll LIJ I~n:ti. seal rlU lnre, pn~"er plallt fnilurc:' "raui" fflilyrv," "lif., rR("k('~f:rn"d j" iufl!lt{,:', "b(;. I'hj~ .~' Ict .... 1 t<!paillug IS of Uulti value Iil lllt' !lfc't$<lllUe! cl W)g):"d wilh oellig:1I IIllU mlttHlftwtutt tlr Ilircl!ah and fbFTnllTstJmt of rnurntenanoc pro~',·J.lIt(i~. Til Ill' <[,hi" til lnilillh' ,,~.rr~'"'tI\! .. IllIticI!J. lirey "'Illst hUll\\'" I:llt< t"J;,:Jd I'utt ,hal [,]il.·d._ l'n'" tr frl il. ,d. why It rlJ-iU'll---,~rIJ 1111 olh .. r B,'ril" nl"1l1 iqi'c'Wl<.ttlUO in \ ",II I'f,1

Au.;,tlliO/I i~ jj,,'lted It' ,\ I1'11UL.& 87- :urZ III 11u' H,·W Bl-l\J.:lI \)l.rnu1I1,\vhil,h n .. q1LtTl'~ lhn I "\<!ntf"'l'i;:JJ f :;tllllr!.l,~ Ivhkh II'Mdt ill "nc wit ,!~'o:kl;!IIi'!;, ~ 11<1.11 Ill:" f.,.,.Jrl,,-d, b" I A hy nuo ~ I <\t' (1 VI'Il." 'rhO:i1O J:'cpm'ts ltrt~ the IIlruJJ ~OW:(J~' !If iW"rm.u:tIrm lrl)m tlpC!'".JLInl{ \111$. ,,\ plTl'Ucub-l' tu:t:idCbl in IlUie MjlrHCUU:n muv lUll jnciklitl< 1111 hll.L'"rlulJt pr"J,h·lU. bul H'l:cJpt of II IJ1IIT! II '1'1 c ,r Sill,illlT wpn~ls f n!!ll <"11>1$ lLlllrS [Teq lI~T1tJ y ,wtll (hsalosl? "igf)jJk'al'll r[,'Hl'i~>m'ip" ill <>1l,nr.ll'ling tilt'hInlj"~ lit m;\t{lri~1

'Vh~"1 intlllllpl"l~' Hr 1111Ifllllrn,1,· t~Jllltt,; lIfo' rI!t.',·h' .. ,J, t'rorr'1'ti\'" ,,~linn i~ ,t",l,w:~n, tlms ll{'(~id"of" ("iHl!inlll:'. \Idlh (lllrU!l':\l$~i"U'V Wif:;!(> !II tl1n~ tfori.ll ilIldlu!i,.i; nl 1lJf':


But Not the Kitehen Sink!

·"J-IIS tl,1>1 I'mn,,)' TlfUll! !TIe !i!JI.!I Ii ['fJi~f/l"_ H L'rJ' ll."t'rlM lite hem! c e OUr! s of fI Co talina pnot iJnd II III ('rn" I" .~!II!I i" /II/'! /Iff UgOiM! Jt·l'd'}it· "drf~_

The $fIIUl(lrli~ I \\'tI:S muv ill¥. I U ,I lIew 1>'1.31;: i1l1d iJt~ plddt' wus heavUy lOAded, lHohltl'ing the el1tke l1erso-1l:tT hl3lnug. Ili~S oj" ~\'ery nne :IJinarcl.

'I. Iiule 1,t'Y()lltl th!'! hIIU-\\'HY mnrk, Lhings b~gaa' to happen when 01) of 0, .. ' e ug ti"!w.Jo ell n "k:e(iulIl, The pilm ,til d lliglll et\gineer h'ied e\'i:"lr}*1hin:g t\'\I1ce, b111 nuthJJlg Tile bornbcr be· gllu t~i Ih$~ alii tude !'a~R

Vreyinus ditchillg hadQ()'\1:111,liioll nuw pldd off-full>. snits. guns. ~,II'lHmlllitU,;n .Iud ;llllo~l~ weigll!" wen: quid-:ly j~u;isoned, The pluue 'W,iS sfi1] druppill& however, sll l1~r [!ilot- tuld the men fa boov~ out all personal lJagga~. "V!'h"t aho'll! yow Jtl~tlhl'j" It.lull lJ~\g?'_. the pl_ulle cupWili _ash<Gd. With a ston. the 1'1 ilo t rtl.J'i'leu 1 ie !unl II ho nrd his, two pJ'iJ'.I.:·a cam '1'1\1- (tod ~lmJl;" other ex:p~n· ~1:\le C"qUiptnNlt. T!lal Imle bao< rl;!~re!it-Iltt:'ll d(lSll tn asnn of" .his h!1U,d.l(_"~"1:lVI;' II'rImlllg'Ji. 1\ (illick. In!!k at tlw ulUrrntltcl', hflwl\!v.er_ ecnvinced him llf ,the Hlleting Wt:!I~ll ~jf ttll e<u-tl II> g0!1'(h\,

~L1Ut:IlP JU" b", Yf'Ul:ld_ hlll'k.

'fh", mad Hi.~ht went 011, L'IlL thew, still wereu I _du'iu-g tOll well. The me;1 unbolted' urid unscrewed nil the eXGe~'S p:wfs, in tli(' pllll!!1 nnt! drhllpecl tha:~ ~lv\.'l'LJrJ ... rJ. ThUll Ul~Y hRlk off lhClf shw!s ""rill tossed lmem .put. 'Vhen, at 1M! •. t~l'y (!tlme ill s~gh~ "f tLmi~ deslitwtiG!J. the pilot c:wdered lll.::· life mh II'qtlipmen1 jet1isnnl'd. rhl£ dkt l},e IricL 'n1,l;l r:Il,U1C held II .. lI!LiI mle- 1I11d I hey staggered ill fFtr llll" lllndi rtg.

Tht' hitmoer \\In,» t'l~ rl'lqre thltM :tn ~.Inp{)' ;;hel1 wheTl il1itOPJJed wiling find thee m11'n h~ld .IuJthing to their llllmo-.~ hut whqtJ:h(~}i' Wf'l'e- we;IJ·il1g. Tht'ly Jlilt \'t'I'y h!'L'kv tu bl!! lh"'i'e lIi aU, li0< ... eYllr.-"li)ltn tl11') hopped (lill pf tl,e phf\1t1,

'I''I1\>n (III> pilll~ ('limlwcl ~nll. 'he rUIJml tIll"' W'C\V S[((ntll!ltt anlUlld iu t!'teh II-[OC~i.I~$ [tl(>tl}.ud lT~fllhi4( llilU t~ a blln"h~(' of dIrl)' lupks, I Jr. t'ulolkln'[ fig:ure it mil ~UIi"or«tjcl1.JJy,. th~~1 should U!l Ulwking; j'ltetty w('11 nf hhn. Then he- InokNJ tIL llw pl.-HII:'. There_ na~tl'ilrg Itmler fhe wi1l~. wen~ Uro UWO"pmwiJ h(1l/1b~' .'1('" fwd f(.rguflt:I./ lilI fJhj'lIl.

Abandoning the 'Chute

On It "!lIlCI1e' hmy Hight hetweeli CeJ'Itr111 J\ld!h: bsses, (Ill ;>Illl~ pilot entererl 'II se.lrere. ;itPl'l'tl at ilpP"uximll!e.1)' 2,UOO fed, \Venl iU1lllIRlilttely 011 ins tru rneuts, lind Shut-oJ climbing. At 6}){)(l lect, H'le p).me lJIIlO'n'd 4 light :s,piu, which th~ pilot \\1IlS. Hllll!11e to t.:'J11~toL Blldl be IlllrJ the mechanic sue(1c..~~fJ!iJlY allnIIc.lf)nl'd [},w <tU't-J'lifl.

The' pilot W!(S last seen by th~ 'tn (It'! 11 making ,1 uoaual de~el'n!, iii fact (JI!:l<lllfatllr shouted hl h$ p't5S'er1- gcr as ~h~y floated dNwn. :\fter land. illg - in IHI'! lVil tel thttme~ha !lie snw tit" ptldt's paradlUtl? -:,nd :;~at-type I.Ue rnH. but the pilot WflS not. in si~l. Theenli~fti'tl man W<lS l'lil"ked lip ih .. next tilly: the ,pilfll 1.l001Id Inll be fmmtl.,

The air gwl.lp CI.}IIlIllOlHd;tl- fl:lpDrkd thut the pmhnhl(' eause [0.1' the pOOl's disuppei1J"<J.llee was, either 1. his fnllrug nut "J thl' 'ch,lte _ij~tel' mti,)ILC"liJm;!, it litJ praR{lrn~io:tn t'Ok .1 t\'all') Iandill,!:; or 2. Ius lTiis.juclgjug the llltilutk fl1lU leaving the P:U'lIdl\rtt too:> t'(\1"I\".

• C(lmll)"l.l'-llI:otn t!l<' d.(l!J.g1U"5 USl:CU abovt' ,mll$t bit avoided durillg fwr.achute juutps,

If time J> "..-tn its,. lJ, i"5 :d~irJi,b III lQ UD' b II .::kl!l' rIle ';:<bli.!f' h !It" e~!i illl.ring de; c .. .fI'!" =Bet'"",,," doing so, how'''''e~. be sure to J.j, »Jdi bad;! ;11' tIll! sling; AI~o du not r .. ",,,,,'" j'Ollr at"',. /umi' II. ... houlil,1T ;,tr<Tp~. !~lt~r YO-In' J(!but!!>_ i5 unbuekled, Ti:,u:l, up and'

I/O! d "I> til aU!' rlser« Un til con Lact. •

E~plP'i~n(!e h~ ~ho"", J'b,at tb""" i.II &n. siderable dangee ~:t til i5jl!d:ging the height :!I"Qv,ew~ti.)r duTing. dt'$',~nl. P~rtl1i. eeasan, iff" not .Hp. ,'>1" 0/ ""/Ir ·.:II~.II! uto,t:il 'P.Ill"'';l with '-he ",at!;, '1' made. Til", dangll'f of iea"il'lg ,!he- 'chute HI<; ... higb fur <:otJAwei11:lu ,P:JI l'!O~5jbUil")' tlmr rltepar;;di'He (.'an.up¥ will (a.Il 011 top <If YOIl.

'Re1'if!1I "l'<Trat:hJl~ .s",~SIo!";'

1\1.1 ,WU'f'OIlS mwtdil kntne r11;€ <1/1. M'l,lf,l,r., /I) 1/ I,,!,e,'!u II(~, l'lI IfH~ air. Ilw pl3lll1'IIY" ('If 1lI'>1 l!.""wiu:!, malt rm:,vli Jllft/l. If you m,,,,\ 1m 1I"~IU6" on /I,ll' l#lr"lltl>tl. 'IJl!llIrl1;J' !/!JutJI1,rr by hHrki'.l{!, 11/1 IIII! nir'n:nn·.

1. Wb 'n i~ II 1l001:e!!.;ary 10 file :in .... ril:«! lUess age!'

2. Do r~qjr;ol» nml<;'l the -i!!';rn!: of .!ihmllde~ hA~ncss 1"llnd~torJ-"1' 1_ W 1>.11 -it ,"-epcoper p rlOc~d"rI! for- littln~ " lif" .... esf?

4.. Att!l.r I)uing your IHO' v-e,.( MId dt~cking lli~riplf.wh"llt thrm; OIb~r ",h<!<'1uo ~hauld Y9u aJ ... "'ts ffil!-ke?

-:s. (Hl~ !lIght, hl'w Clln you c.I". ferltUl1 C' ... h ~th ~I' )' (:I ur llrti'fi(li"al hor''''''' is {u .. C"rioning ""tid indio cating «JJ"Tecdy?

Answ@r6 IlH'I Pag>;! 4.8.

Film Rater Tests Water skills

200 Questron5 Available for Tealll1l~g

'Two hundred qnestlons un water sur\ l\'ilJ. :.wimmll1g. lili;' saving IH,d kindred LUpics ;n'ti covered 111 Wal'w' Skills, d Jlt'w film uow ll\'uilahle Ior use In the


Automntic f1'il:rn Hntar; n.lWl('!E 5-~ • 'rhe film WIJ. p]"'I(lul.'uil UV B .\1,;0 fit) 'cinl Devices Division, (l.s!liU~cl by the courlljmttor III II<wJd a \ hll:ilin switilll'\ lng, '''''inUrln T I'airul'lg Divj.s]tH1.

R~li(·v[·cJ If) h~ nne nr the f(,jy, Gf Its kind, l1u.' film .iJwluties fJLte5t10fl. 011 modern desalrlnj; I;lclu;pment, erner!.!enc:v Outat-inll ~e6hrliILll~~, hl'lNtllin ruhber rul'ts, srnuke grenfides.. I.ife iu .k< t-ll, swimmjjlg III hunJjltg oil and lLr~)ugll e-xplo~it)ltli. Pvr'illllS ulling the device have fnnr choil;,·cs in l]Jl$WlJrilig euch qlte~tlQJ1. Botll 5J_j eel llIul UMlll[ICY 'n S(>lllotirig illlswprs detEltfl'lllle store.

M~ri"es Capture Jap Trans,port Ellemv Booty 1$ fire Fir-sf of Ifs Kl~d

Amk,'lcan r~~Qes Imncijlljl; the Philip. efm!~ have captllred a JHl'Hlllese milltury tr~III!1p(')l'l plane or tM Do~Jn, 0 .• :,: ~Y[le, IiI'sE ,t its Idnu iO ne ~izad Intact fr0m th Japs during tlJIJ WlU',

The dtuk-gr '(;'11 twtn-cTlgil~l;'d aircraft, (·woplell" \vfth LIIOH)' li'~p, was ["und insilll;! 11 mud 51~O ynnls [1'(II;rl the Zam. bo;n~gL> air&tri['l r nel\\' \i(pret l"i61J) hy woulld units of First ~t:'r1l1e Air INjug divP-hr:ntlbttr !l nd !iF;ltlL<t~qua!1r()a~ whitJh uccupied liw stYii' wll:hiu 24

11I14Jr~ !If lllt' initial hmdillg. "

. \ lthollgl lillie DHglllt' hacl l)f'clI removed hy tho Japs, the plnlltll was uudil'fmlgt'u ex(:cp Por H rc;:.\ ~IHtll h It'';\i m11sBct Ly tmflng T. S. illrplI\UC', Bomhi!l~' and '\mtll'imll navul p;uufire. whid. lu!d ,Jl',h'ovf>d s!.>vef;ll uther 11mH'by Jap planes m; the ~rollnrL "<lrl no! tC'4t-ll d U](~ nc-a \vhk'll slt,(ltl "I{nl~ ill tall grll\~S 11~;lr u JIIII~le il[ ('4If~c'lI1UL b"CtJ.'l,

Vi'.l~y jl( It tl'!d. (.)1 ambush . .\ltlrine

removed the c[U'!lOullnge lle-tting ml~J pulm ttel<" bnl.nClhes cIWlM'h., lhe ni;u re and made .J cautious 111.ipl;l,clinn. Ii. tl1ol'lmgh sC(lr{'h 0 the iHtlmOl' eevealed

)ul (lie Imnh, lrup dgg~d nj) in 01 pil~t's seal. The men tlmtloVf!U il liMIiI'


less without dOllllllg t(l plan ' 1)'1' injury.

Luxuriously J1ul'1I1sh()(L the airplane pn1bubly \vas 'f1,~tllJ til Cltny high-r<tnklug J fI'plffifl,llt: l)ffi<.''i.!I's. U. S. nulhodties have decided tn 1,111 11 .... plane bnek ill the ait, mluus Its red "Ri~iJlg\li'U;'·.

J,aps Bring Out A New fig~te:r

Geor_!l'e MOlY Be Best Plalle Of That fvpe A new lypu of jupanese Hghter, desigl111LCd G(,UJlg~ by [lie' Teehnical Air

liiteHigence Centor, has a~("",~d nit lhe west 01111.»1 (If [rl)J1[WSl:h Ullll ill 1'111' Pltilil}ph,c .

TllU plnuu is: II mid-w,ih-g. ;.jnf!ile-s(j.~1 lig;ht,1' fir the ,hm1-pangc. hlter~: ViOL lype. II Is the m:u!\t Ill*wlly armed J:1t" Flu;htOf vet enoouutered and ha~ a Past H{tr tlf' Lilli". Oi'lJrglJ. ulso hn armo I' behind the pll.01 lind selr.senling tanks. II is n N,l\ plnue.

TIl(' fir~ t CI'OI'(;?" wus brllllgni lln\"JI by the f.JomrnlUldlug officer nf a Nayy H~htef S!p'il~lnltl hnse~l U1HIIU'tl ,Lll EsS-t'l(·c1a.s~ carcier, EllOo\IIIt-1;rTIlg tho strllllg:t' cllcrll:<, oralt, Eh" ~f1~y pUnt ~!lve. chase 111 lnw ;lllilude. ",Iter IL ~hru; uf mOl'!.! lhuu 50 ntlles, ~he _ avv pH~II- I>t;()"~'u II hit with his .. 50 cali!> or gt;Il\S frlll1' h.'IIIu I' uige. aud the Jllj weut intu ,L tlin~. crashed and bnrued,

Coronados Take On Dumbo Duty

PUY·5M Has A 25.Strefefrel' Capae!tv

By addrng jet-o.s5isted take-elf and 'no~_e pIfwel'hlll,.'mgil1e$, Gmt/llifdll l'j.I:n·- 3 !lying hQ<lts bl'lv<" heen converted turo j)()spihtJ snrl rescue planes (,lIp"hle oj! ClUTyiu),!, 2$ stJ'l.!t-dhm. ·rhc IJll1dllTlil-d Coroillulos hn e be-ell designated PI32Yf>1-l. UJlIl lh'eudy are going down Or nllnp at' SltTI Dfl:'gu rt'lluy lor ~I!!i_ duty.

""'''f; S·l'IJPE:o-."TS noW may be tmuied. at once. in ehe Ltnk Oelestia! ]<,fOClg11HIIn Class 'l'ra.jrl-~ flr (i-A-n . ilttru;41ped "!I 1!w,\( r,\' Spr;clfll D("v/f;e8 91",i.\·j'clIJ. A ffllllll-jiUJ l'''~-ilm 01 th .. flrlglwif Cjiw~ald N{IPI~I1Ii(lU 1'roill fl1'. I't con 1~1-' r'lf cl1l(;~'I!llf 1/[J/tIrl, {1(1(' ,\lridw.1 .\·ttrt.fp)~, oh'llln)crsplutjIJPHI, oud illlilnltlmr'~' ~t(jtrali wl.e.rl! Uti uutomeuc recorder trace« the pmll !JJ the ''flight' uti il1i1frll (JIlt' ar ,1'1 It" flf all'l -stl)d(lUl.~ 111'& Ijflll(.tt'/lirig l.'li th» IJtrlr/i,



- --

Smql1 Arms .Sc.faty

.. rox 'lllE 1!Ml' clIO ice tn oomp lete alt~ st IJleJII(lIlil{ beloui, t/J.",lcheck yO'llr Writ/wen a1l lJrlg}? 48.

J. ~ou Eirequcntly bl!Dr ~f an old shotgun blln<el bIJT~ and in. i 1lli1l 9 tb"peyso.. 6.,1118 th Ii'- gun. The most like I}' tilUliIl i1-

o (J,-Sting t(J{l often

o b-poar wprkn'!t.ns'hip

o ,,-usc or black pswder

o a-wrlllng !dnd I:\f powdfu'

2. On1~' one gf the folJo:witlg ill 11'0' II wet)' [awgene,Tally i:oeJfe~

o u----Qnl)' ilrree -sheIk can be .. CIl.rned In "- &ho~gu:p when hunting migratory birds

o b---Llle gun m-wt be bmken dawn during I.I'IUl.i~ottQ'Iion

o ~lhe gtID musl bs ~'4lrtiOO by lil{< s t(l(!lC instead ,of by Ute: band 0.1-. feddal Inghwny is illegal hUhlin~ grouml

3. 1£ ~h elb (I re _p IJl'cllu«i, in large. qll'UltiUe5 -and k~pt for iODg peri. I) d:J Q r rim",. (key miil.y b«,o;t~ defective. But "Iorage place Q a-

D (j-coo1dmnp plaoo [j I)-Cry hot place

o C~W!l.rm damp place tJ d-CODl dry -place. '

Y. A gun wbje-Cted to' muCh !lU:ge ~r 1m" .. -dlof the fr,JJ<lIWlng ,dele~Thl,!_ Illlliil ditn&UtoW u--

o a;-llL'it &pot! in the bane] q b~n. cracked stock

o (!-s "hait''' ttiW!

o d-a wom Srin:g: pin

:;. You b"ve pr~ dll' tttiggu and ynllr gun t.if, til' fir,,- y,~ur ""le:st pro<:edUJ't iJ ~o-

o a-I'ilk!! out thl' she!!. at orwe Db-Wait 5 minut-e\i, lal:e out ~hell o " ..... brllak open yaur gunal1d

cbeok the ~hcil.l positiOD o d-p_ul fn a IOllge!' !iring jill

6. AU Ibl:ll:gUD~ of !!" huge gaugQ have .. kick tha.t mcoy 'be dangeJ'oW'. Effect can be: I_ned &p-

D a-ho.lding gun tighlLy 1I,g(lin~t


o b-r.:sting the biU'-tel on Il Ihed objecl

no-· crlnl:in_g_ the glID upwllI't1

o aJooning -against a SJ(elil object wlrile fuing

1. While hunting, .. ;1 _gun II ""dden:laU),' drop'ped In " .01.'11;" bank. :Some PI 0 II' ~. ill d\e muu.le., You lire safe if you-

o l,j-s!J.ak1: the g)lll before liring

[j ~~h;Jllk in il1f:l lnu7!1.fe before shQttting_

o c--.go aheud .am] ~hf,1ot

o d-t:Jke Ollt IDe cartrldge'-lU'Id di~e '!he SIl0W




._--------------------------_ .. _---_._--------.,



•~'il'r,); IN In fOleworo. the

'@):H, .. 'il. . T!~'.w Pa.!l'!Phl.EIt e{l~~~' titled l Rad_iO D1m~ o plffltJ Semfi:;, ~a}'s. J~ '1'ou£ radiI) may Move

_ been rn:~fluFaoh\i'li'-d in

Odlk"sh, Wiscopsin. bll~ it clIn J-;e the b~t weapontheupposltion has. SQ many !:!f our own br{jnd~asl(ffS are gil/irlg IIWol)' tnful'll1i1til)'Jc to theeno;"ny, the FIll should quit huutirlg trunsrnitters in r-,h.!a AII.d's bustle and cencentrate on the 'l'IW.

'~1iar 1-nI)Qc~rtt·S'el'ming: 1"I'1I3il'.l can be ~ d011hle-edJ1:6d weapon. nl'(}perly empIn-y~d it may melln the dll'Iirenoo beIWIl(tn me$5U:rg up the Jnps and messing Up om:..!lelves. The reports from the Fleet sfre§S danger to QUt' ~rle rtfp[l'J~ 1'1'110 pay no attention to the 'rules f:or using it. At this .. ~hl-ge ,of_ 'the- wxr, eve~bodj Should kl10w thl;l{ the. mOst- jruligr:tmClln~ virJJati on ,of rad fo d i soipllne can, 1. enc1Mgl!f our Q\VIl fQ1'c_es by letting U~_e

ellemy !mow OUT str~lIg.tb_. JQ~tLon rut.:} inteIllj~JlS; 9'. Fail td gfvt\Ollt side 'necessa:ry iufomilltion; ;3, foul. up -the earetully laid plansl 4. interf~e w:I!hl'Jur r¢SOIl!} OIl i::Ju HellS j S. ""'Illite ti:to e.

"'If yoo,L -dt"l't bl.1k and liste.n wIth the uOncetLlr:atiou you'd pul inw a phollllcmm",etsation W'Eth a ftuJ_f from Peoria, you might as w~ll lhruw that radio Oll!lt the side and m~e- in W:IIShlbg.'·

Intdlis;mL J,lSIt. ~f yo Ill' . ~d1o IlU deFends on very sll;)1[1lc thiug$ sucih as I,Llowtn_g m'lough to tUTU the right knobs at the ngllt ,time. Spflllkhlg ,go. you can be und.erstooo, speakrng lip when you: have SOlllilthihg toslly 3Url !reaping _lib(lt when you 11a:v:en"t, and ~llowing proee'Ciw:e. Eilnts v.rltfl know hew a.nd when t.o talk are" peads {If gf!'l3t p.ri~1}. If you follow therules yo1.iwill be the Fleli't's £a Vo rilB pihlr.

fOI Oint'" oft"~ ,Chill'f 01 NII" .. I Opera.iloll •• 01>39,.Jll, N't .... 'Y Pep!., Wtfl]m.g,,",,,2S, D. C. S'UIIJEct: Pamphlo.'s-R'Iqv.'" for.

'! it ""llIened Ibat copleJi of '1I1W ,,"!!!",,M.'s ''"- 'hn' ... ,,,dloo,,,d 10 1I1i~C!:cfi!;Il"


,~ •• I I I'

fIlO.'-1 (Unil Command .. ):


Rodlo Dilclplina SelUQ

Ann' .....

' ••••• , ~.~ •• ~,..._ .... ~ •.•• " ... ~~ •••••• r ••• "!I~!"""""I"~

'I .~~I ••••• 11 ~"'~_I'I--" ~I l~r~ •• T •••••••• '"'~ ....... ~ ... ,.,.+-~

V-Mail Speeds Up Ship Repair

Maltnlllllo'f '(ld: fll ,,.,,, {IJ III W •• b

V-mall helped aet the U.s,S. KDlfr1jtl Bay bade into "action in a record time of six weeks after the eVE had taken 25 shell hits during the Battle of Leyl Gull.

The Kalfniu Bay was to be repaired • t Terminal lsland. but hlueprints of the ship were not yailabl' there mla c()nsidend~le de1ny would te!iWl if bluep"int reproductions of the thousands of aetarn of the earner's plans had to be made.

All plans of the- ship Were photogrnnbed Go rnierofilm, 6lllng four small reets, These ''\Iere flown to tlie shipyard. where photographs of battJecmwage lu the Sltip alSo were received by aU; in advallce of her mri"al. Advance- manufaeb.tre 01 damaged portion of the structure therefore was possible, Mtoro. £ilmjllg cost $21, as oomparetl to the !il150D blueprwts would ha e cost. Heals {)(!cupied it cubic foot. while bluepti)1lli would have Blleda ,space 6' " IS'.

Nav, Rewlards Civilian Ideas

Co.b 1',1,., Go to 't!II.fic.hd' Program

The Navy estimates it will save $1,- 300,000 apf)Ul1lJy from use of r~'entlyadopted beneficial suggt;lS.tiollB su bmltted by clviliiw empl(}yee!>' of Its shtJre estabfubmel'lts.

Board of Awards to Gi\.dl Employees: re!elIS d names of om oftbe bigger mom:y-winners in the ,program. Largest .w:IOUlH went to UODulJ R. Heineman, head of cavy fuze insp co u Itt It Grand Rapids plant, He received $1,500 far an inveotion thai Ctlt three cents ()If the CQSI' of produQing- eaoll ftl;re. Ili which the Navy IJ ies mflliens,

Gearge F. P. Reioh. BlIBMERiON NAV\' YA~D employee., received $1.000 for hiS suggestion to itnpltove installation df eooJ\denthil electronic eqlll~pmellt. Three ernpleyees at NAS otWUS OHRlSTI -Albert L. .Bonifay. B:u-nery E. Jerkins and WilliaDl L. Mitchell-splih $600 for designing a eal1)·~n bay Take used to cut grass on lancliagfield~. 'thgit d(wicle [!ut six: day!>' work ,to two-and-s-hnlf day- and reduGfd llilJIll)C'f uf men required from -10 to 15.

Hundreds of awardt; are ll'tade yearly h local bcmeuoial sugg 'rion committees and the best ef thes idea are sent 10 WOQgt(}n for higlml' '11\'\'11((15.

Ad,agc.Bases Lu UWE.' BUI ~IO. TOI!


Flight SafelY N.e e cis Good Men AV.lA'TJON sruety programs have a deB£l.. nite goa that call he measured in the number of lives saved and pllUle8 kept Hvable. StatiStics can be cited I:D establlih that where vigorous RviatiGn safety progr:ams have pJ'Qg:res5~d in Ct)Djunotiol1 with aviatIon ,siifely board&ordere.d set up by Aviation Cireular' Letter 50-44-fl'equM!il.y oI avoidable mClra '( accidents has been r dueed materially,

~ !IIDe major (lOIUinand pUlit. ''11~e value and neees it)' of such prQgnams 15 .indi$putable."

B~!iPQfJsible cr.:lmnlll1ldeu. of . sq~:idrons or higber echelons should cOITb1Gler a number of points in ilddlti0n to rhe ones previ()u.'dy €lu'tlilled, For eJl!(I.11!pte. the fall w~ were ct'lnsidW'ca imp<ilft;.l.nt by oue lilgh fleet cemmand:

a. Ass!&rlll'lg offioer5 to ll>.!iation $;lfety wlip are be]t (lua.lHled and. hove an. mo,\'l iut reste8. it) this lUnd of 'NOr1i

b. U~in& general or special service t1~'I~.

I. ion non-Bying olSecrs,. ullll as t110~ cl!a~£lB-d all (A) or • (A). as well IlS n!wal. illmrs, for rugh t Baret)' duties

e. RetaM.I~g at l!'!I.~L 1J1lf' ur two key officers on It via ticn 811fetyl eards \vith prj. .t'I1<1ry dutie as 1Il{)lTIb 'rs thereen in order thal ,Wev IIIIIY beconlll: well versed lit the soientill:; appruHch 10 iuvmti.guting aVIation ucrciden~

d. Pennitliug night .sde-!)' al'lQ a'ldl\tion mety b ClitTd officers to IlnIl in an d utilize tilt" servfe flC anyone iD In'\'estfgatillD of accidents who is qUlli:l1l<,:d nnd experteneed, to "Msi:;t in iietetnlinfug crln~e!l and pre'venling repetitiOnS"

e. Pretill1lling all aspects of the safety pr,t1gr:lJ:mS in the most lmteJ:esling, nlil.lll1(!~ possihlll and not bogging it dewn needle~sly with statistical studies that may be of little: mt.IlI1t1!1t 10 the individual pilot

S.AFE.4Y programs will difFer Irom 10· ca,li'1 to locality. Climatic faOloT1i in N w Englallq, for instanQc, \Vip not J?cArAlle] 'tbose of the Cull Coast au- st<L. tlOOIi. DiHe.rem('eswill "emt i1S 10 ¢Jpernting oondH:iofls, terrain, types of planes used, types 01 operations as well as weather. 'l'her.far. ft is imperattve tll3~ each CI"rmTfUUlder initciate l1is own program tailored to St local corrditions l1S \y U Q.S tlre more g!>nentl avil1tioll safety req ufremen ts,

Consicleruble material is: Ilequu"d on each 'erious aircraft accident Wl.der e.x:i$ting direrties. The aviation safety boards aod Bight linfety officers sh@uld ~Jlilize dilta avallrlble in aircraft lIcci-

dent reports. a.tfrniilisttative rt>fl<ilrts, records @f cr;mrts in inquiry and boards of investigations and should <Tssistin preparatien ,and forwar.dmg of $u~h r~·

pOTts· .. , _

Witl the mrentl(ln of ooorcJ.fuafIing

nviatiop safety activities throughQut AID FORCE~ AT:LANTlC. PLl'lET. tlia commander of that aerona.lltical organization bas appointed to hIs rta.fE an aviation sar ty@fFicl'r with ~h6 following eluties;

1. Supel'visir>I1 of QrgllniZ:lltian and hl1lC'o I.Il1llilll} of aviation safety beards of subordinale mJlnniimds

2. Indoctrfnation III squadroa ru:ght ~lIfl'ty officers

S, C()/)rdinlll1()l1 tJf safety .and S'1.lrViVRl actiVities of oJflqt:rs rlf subordinate commtt.nds assigned to duties \ hicll 1U' in whole or in part direct~' o!.Illcern0d wllh IlVl1100n ~afety. i.e., safety board 111tHll bers, squadron Hight saf ty ameen, ilvillljQII equipment 0lfiCm:S, pbysical tl'l~ining uffiee I'SIUl d :fltghL $UllJl;~tms

4. CoortliiiatiQI1 6'£ avilllion 5!lIety actJvitie ot suburdinate commaad ,.nlll t host (;If I) ll:l (If collillll'an ds 1[1 ca.wo wit.l> in til t) geo'lg~plJiea1 111'ea~ Q,{ Fleet aJi' tiutaehments

5, AnlllYZ)l'tg, das5ifying and maintaining ~tiiitie,,, on all reports of :h.'C.1d en ts, deleots in eqwpment,; .deSoi~lrl(.IiB." in Iacl11· licsor olher matters llf:I:ecting safe. opuralilll [1 of ail'rmlft

0, Reviewing ll'lIlJ ~tu.clyiDg ai'('tlrntl 11.(:IiWents MId operalionaJ d B.oienci s, deduoillg and re 'Omn'JeTldmg C()rTective rn IiStU'CS til llatsen officers: in \he diViSions (If this command

7, Qondlfcting, with th aid of flight s.'l.fetyoffloors of subordfnnte- commands. II gSl1md aViation safety educn.tion pro~tJ'l wilhin "11\ re1lCE. ATl.ANW UE'T, U$lng

II mediums available

R. In.¥I''.stigalion of Ilccltients or defooti'l'e procedure wbene\'ef the nircrllft lIl'cld nt at avintiQn safety board ill the 511 hordir!llte CflJD1Ila:nd. fnil ttl e.(tund I h required informatioo

I). ConsWtati()Jl. with such experts, te h. niclan~. boards or o.rg:a.ni7.itions, ejvilian or Mlitary. whose exparienee or nbWIiy can conttihute kl reductiotl of I\l,cmrt neoitlr.nfs

1,0, Reeelvmg. colledfng and di5semi~ nating tnfermaHoll OJ] all)' phase of aviat1 on sitfety or s\lJ'\'h'al

I I, riginatfug such recornm ndatit'll'l.~ hat wm impr(l\.j:t C<ju1pmtmt and ()perntiO~ pro.ccdllre ef uni'l:!; ()~ "!Jilt&, J\'M..A.FNc,! FL8ET when sud, 1n6l1>LUl'5 will tre1\d to prarnnt avjaUon ~ar'ety

12, Liaisea willI tIle Flight Safety Couneil of the ilVv n partmemt and tile FIi .... ht . aflltV and Arr/SI'lt Restlu\' Section estab· li..~hed hy n(l-l'i'O(iUl;I), on nll 1l'Iatwl'S of 5~fl'ty in nviulilhl nnd air/sea",






A 11£.1'011'1', !>p. rendhlg In the fleet .• that uykm hf'fng lIs(>!J ill .rlluch N !Lv)" g,c~tr i high Iy irlAalllHl'able, has Jed to a seres nf new a'P~MmeJltS at the ~av~11 Nfodiu\l 1:\ '5eurcl! InmtuW. These served as .! n·-d.lel"k or I;)xhamti'.Vt' test whicl war" t!omlucted h' the f,I'JY It'ng; berere I :,Ion was adopted for use, All tc:ts shew thul ,,,,Lpn til')' not burn as , e U as ",o~tOn fu.l;tics,

I3lltll actU:ul nigh~ ~c;lr tLnd t 1St :lb'ips nf t1vlnn I.LI' cl I)f (';otlOH 1'0. hl'it:~ , ere exPQ,~er1 QJ Upetl ~LtU1e, Cotlrln, such ITS the f1l to ;~J1d u 11IlJrf)Il\1~~ Byrd d~')th


'us d in .sumrner Hyin' suits, ignltes t 4'31J" while nylon has II Ol.eJting poinl !II 4.82;". '.,-ttn,l strips lrom a 1 llVy skivvy shIrt and a Byrd cloth suit wets exposl;!tl til ~re, B1:')Ul hlll'~i: iuto' liaJlllllS ut ouee, The brmier Willi withdrawn and RUlnes pw:si;';tcd until lila cnUllll fa!?rfcJ; Were d'I'l:royed.

Nyloll strips from u llak suit, a summer \ efgJ1t nY1ng suit aur] ;UI <\llti-G '1111. Were ulsu expo-scJ tq ij.tmt' at the same time. Tl1~ nvlon did not burnt into 8<UIl~ bUL 1t1stead. ttl 1 ed UWlIV. \,Vlum the burner was \ ithdmwn d~efu~· \'anrslhtw! leaving <l hole in tlw nylon r hrlc. Blo1)s of fuzed mureri I citing to the ffigelol' th' hole.

Tn Fl~ the time eluillf'lCJ L im101 vecl ill the e,'l:perimenhl. ,,1 k;tge clock with a S tfll1e1 hllnd WHi s~,slfeHtlt'd above the

~t nick. Types Iff hl.1Jrio. W 1 eo labeled ~'\'(!e Ollt al'/lII,e). The second hand was set tlt zero lind Hl T(Je w".u, <lpplletl {see OIl )J'n~'itf! 11IIg~). I n ~lillht1y OVCl' {lye Sl:l!Ondli. burners were wiUultawli fr'orn the Jfllltilrials. .Il'lll stQPperl Plll1Tin~ almost S SHOll s the Bnrue ",,",,18 withdrawn, ~UlcllQag befpre 10 setlfmds had heeu r~aelled. p1t()1J faLriuli cunthrned to bnm, and were destreved within fol(il

seeonds, '

J..J; to Hash burn, tests showed heavv ((11] terial that is c1fl~eJv woven TsOll'Il'~ resistlult ti) Sash d1ah a light ptlTfllfs" matedal , Except for Its iil1faJl"Iffiab iHty. tJ,,,, type of f:ihriC used is relutively 1JIIImlJ'QItaIlt. tests reveal.

G· L\':-'; lh snme wei,xhL. weave, the ad count mId poroSity. th It ooth;m linen, silk Dr lly~Jn show little difference in flash resistance, Htrt the Uni'nedil,lte ItHer·e!fect~ of 11 flash would hl.· II d i Ltc re III ~tD ry , J'o:r-e Iuflarn 01<1 b le material such -as eottnn might ernrtinue IlIrrl1in~ I~m!l'el' HUlJI wl'I\11d nylon.








The beStial execution of 11 Duee Mussolfui \"in letJ.\'t> a stain on Italy's his!:my. J ~- is~ tat ed fhllr his corpse was ex:.posed to tIle ouriCllM gaz . of the public .and au concei\'al:jl insults were- heaped upon ft. SlJch n ws is almost incredlble to WI, . uOll bnlHtlity Is Ilnfnmgll'H1b~ in otu minds. ot only because Premier MUSliOljl1l led lilt' country which was Me Orr! ally, but J'UIIU the S1anapoint f w()tld eMli'lAti(m we desire, to deny the e;(i~tIJD~' of such human depruvity.

• -To 17m> EMPlM

~ In a period o( Jess tJlIlII .:Bve

WOOlcli. Ilw \!!Ietqy has ,o;u!lered th 'lImh11 blow of ll(lving I05.t 13 aitcm.ft carrtees sunk and 19 battleships sunk- or ooron:ged in theOghting aro1Jllij Okibawa. w terli. Sf) f.u 8Jl eax,i(lts nre conee:moo, the Iloem)' has only thr de ill th e pttiCM:! of being b IIi.! to PerLaps he mlly avatl himself 0' F1'ench b,'ltHesllips Of ontiq.ualW ones hom Lnti" AmeriC<itl CCltlUtties, It. is possibJ .. to empluy I!oftverten ilJ'lllsetll 1)1' lUWlia:ry earriers. hut the hattleships me irreplaeenM~.

~TQ J.M!A~

The strug~re for a fle\\'; order in EWCiPI' lias been WrP!lted Irotn the .han.ds ur Cerillany. because .If 1he fllihue 10 a:ia. and . tlPPO!'1 I'r()m the rest of the Elumpe.'ln people. )Rpllll. h(iweV('r, 15 forI1matp in hO'ving the ~J.'l1l1 c."!ltlpl,irMim'l flf the pfffi)'l les rtf Emit Asin.


M sn e Wan two week-s hav ... paSlied ~in('l' til qperun.g of the Soo Francl.seo l:'Ulflit~n(.'1:; weeks wh1lah have sHpp d b$' without -auy appfU't'tjt progress made M f,9,r

the acl'lIaJ busioe$ beio;re the ~onference Is COHQBmetL Till!- public plemu:y sesstons 1!iI:c\!e c:Ollll!lted mninlr or an!'! rather dry IIttdress -aftef :moilir..r. There were indJcatiOH tha: after ~he _t1l'$l few d~rs f endJl'S~ ''Peeche$ m~v of the daJegnfcs were ~e!tl;ing iI hille bored. Tho 1J1ajomty uf the Unl(~ n!IS heen devoted to s'1\1abbJ.iIlg~ as 00 ';I·ho b to. beeome halrman of tMs eornrnitte lind that one. IJ-Tid sham d~bate over what eouutry ShUlll!! 11t £~vit d 10 Sl,ln Frlln~;i~!;().

-To fl'nANCE

'l'h re fs Si1111etMl1~ iuspiring1y herole, mingled with tht! inefh\bly f;J:agic. in the spe(\ttlde of Mllrslml Philfppp PiltDln vlIIllnntarliy retu:mh'Ig' to Eqllirl' to tao hial rm chRtges of ll"eIl!ion a!!ulnst ni$ ctllll1ll' whioh lu'! ~er"etl so faHiJully and so lnng. M:tahal Ntl}iTli~ rio wdlllJr. hie ilr 3 pattint of pamn:ts. 115 his wholo,> lite caw f- {lIte.sts. .In tbl! dm d ys of 1940, when neith poliHdans- nor genrmls proved ealiJnhle of pre~cDting the. ~omplete CClJlnpli(J Illf'Frnnce. lh aged nnmltaJ c.'\nle nul of lJ wcll-tl!Il'Iled T titement to asslU11~ Qnfl nlso burden of pi~ tlp th shattered renmant.o; at h~ COUDlTy ~o as Ie) put it bACK (111 the road ~o l'et.lupetati(Jn_ I;Ilid tel)lwalion. NoW' Ilmt l.h.·


fortQ.llCS of France have cbauged., -pet">,, $elf~seik,jns -pulU:ician~ who have dilnbed 10 the seats 01 power BTe .lLCCusillg the old J'TIllrsh1l1 of ba\'ing betrayed 1m: t,'tllI11ltry. It Is a mas! rrap_oSt61ous charge, {Ill' tl\e murshal 6aVCt and preserved liis oountr:y. lIol

be tray-oo it. .

,-To GI\F.iI:'f _BRITAIN

In 0 ne same, UII: E tU:-op ea.n war broke out as it result of Chamberlain'S" failure to cuny ~augh the deeislons reached at the Ml,Ul,oh comerenc.-e. :Billain, to no !I1T1nll extent.. has been reGpQrlsible P'U World. Wilr Il, 'Those diehllrdS of Britain's €ollSel'vapve Party sbould be round_oo up rmt before til .Nazi Jeaders are L'lllled to aecoun t IJ S war crimina Is.

-Tc, ]IlPA,N

Ffa.g-wavfng I)y JapaneStl troop Is Er~)wlled ~pon for mty reasons, Some tfPOPS reeth'ciI ,~flfIOUS In,jlili"ls ,vhen 00- ~,()lllins: ·b:'a.IiUhit them unexpeotedly wlull' tbey were leaning out of windows And wayIng the national Bag in llV5pon .:-to pe<?ple Ii.tnding thmn nff. .Again. others lo~t

Sector Search

You clepllJ"t yoUJ' ~ru:rier> Lat. 18l> 24' • , Long. 1400 16' E. at 12.10 tn p,1b't11 /I "clatoi-ye. secfuf lrnm 3.00" to 3~O", rc;.tumiug to t'h carrier after four hours, Th0< 'arrier is on eus 232", sp d 22 k, You h&ve 11. 'TAS of 180 k, \Vine.! is from 14{)~. foree 25 k, Val' OV.

I. Wh.ot is ),OU. MH o;n.~l

1. W.ho, is yo.ur eus our7

3, W~ol is you. TIT at ~lId of T lit leg?

4. What is your posi. tion of tUfl1 !;It e~tI of hi leg?

S, What i1 you, SRM on 2.l1d leg?

6. What isyo1J' MH on 2nd I,g?

1. What Is your TTT al end of 2nd le97

8, Who-I is rOil' MH on 3r!l leg?

9. What is yoll, p05i. l-i\lll of inter,epnofl o~ c:orrior?

(An,wel5 on page 48)

thejx ey~5 by having t: _pierced by pules of Hl\_g waved bystudents. Examples llllve OI.'CIUl'ed wbere.20 to 30 people were killed whenfflllli. in respons to send-QHs and welcoItriog~1. thr$lw name c~d!> ana CAn. mels, and me pecpre, in n.ying to retrle""'f them, went on to bile tra~·J.~ and were hit by trains rurtning both ways. Meu have &h<lken hands w.lm train windows \v'ith women who came fo 5e llil!m o:rr. They did nu~ .rel~e their- nllo(ls even after till!' tl'ain started to move. This results In lnss of military wgntlj'and inv~tes the public'~ dfBrtffiped .

, -1'0 Tm: U lTED S~

Bomb ",raters made in the J!ipaIlesto industrial wty of Nagoya during airraids by 1I-29 SuperfOFt4'tl>lJe_fI are being tr.msfmmed inti'! full pands. Chfldnm in the neighborhood of tiles bomb-crater ponds will sludX the flsh 1\5 lin. object Iesson in 11(1 tnral ~ilit0"Y'

" -To Tm;; U.I'llED STATES

~ Alnerl~IHI Itp ,rfom NS raids are

lifting 11 Imi;l\'y burden from the minds of J apan .. se whose hOlilles the.y destroy. Aect:lrdiog to Dr. HiroJ;hi ShiD111~ P . sldim!- nf the N proll BCl.'ud of lnfwmatiom, teil peepl out pI len with whom h bns c:ome In C(1dtaol .hnv e ..wpreiised the view' fht\t they- feJt Ughl-henrted .and that II heR"}' burden JIIl.S bee1l taken ,~f[ their mind, beM,us pri·or 1 III /1" misfortune they hnd b~d to wmIl}' about Ihalr property and h(~ longlL'~.

No lire. 11()IVeVer fietc.'~ I'll' devastating, could destro Tokvo, Frulliermote the reborn ~'u.t>ita]' w,ll bi" ~lllFt<il withuut ddny un the vf'f)' da;<, uf I.he victo.rious en d of thewar, which h sure to c('JEtI ..

D. -l'G Clul';'A

Jj' There wilJ ",01T10 a time wll1<11'1 Chungking and !npao will rmoe again 001- Iahbtate witt, ~ h o!:her. When engaged il'1 hostilities. a Tla~ion mll~t fight on witll her lotnl stungth, but It is· throlly~h fighting fhat nIl nafi lJ n comes to truly II nd er= !;\:(Ind the con-nrv whim nppos€'-s ilt'-t'.

Iii .-:rn j.\,P l<

.., Tlu- IlIlHmy has lSSTl .da statement thl1t Admiral NI'l1lltz \iRited the Okqlawa frt1nt in erdel' III mlslead world otJiuion tIl the stabllltv of th W4<£ ~jtuation. This is a vail) g tuie to pacify the loud 1:1am-or for Inure. rei;riforeeroents and supplies from Americl1I1~rll • Ilne fllr<le$.

-T THE ENE. ty,

The sltuatiOl!1 in EljrQpe does TlDl fequir .. ('!leroy propaganDa (0 impress tlpon liS thE: mfeessfty of pUl'llting o\lJ'561 ... e,Ii for the wOrst, lnasmucll m; !lie WilJ' of Creater Easl ~II is ttl Japan Ii WM 111' e,[f-aefmls', it gat's \fhhllot sayi11l'! thAt Japan's yolicy of pw!lt'.(,llung- Uiis war will not be affected. no MaHer wl~lll cileVl.Jl)pll'leT1ts may tuk pI nee ~ .EUTO-pB>

Cerrnany's (.oupituliltlllll do(!,~ not sUrprise UB 111 nny WRy. E;VOfl!tS ill the- pM t ha \'e. clearly:and lIul11ist(lkably BhoWIl what tb~ future would hriog. The twt,J wars were nol pllllUJefl t g¢.be.r, however, IUId -the war 1"Q GIMler East Asin will bv II; \var in itS1'l1t I!l"en a A:« the \('flf fu E1U'l!lpe temIillates-


FIGHTING a war that-requires heavy aerialactivity over long reaches of the Pacific antomatically gave the Navy the job (')f creating well-equipped island air bases that ceuld be set up quickly and operate efficiently.

Air strips had to be cut out of dense jUllgle and finished with whatever material was availaDl~c:rush:ed coral orpiereed steel plank. Operations towers, repair sbops, fueling and rearming faoilities had to be. J?l'Ovided, as well as barracks and living needs of the bundreds ot men who run the air base.

Squaclton came in by air and leav €arrying little or no equipment, Ail- oases have to repaiir the planes -and keep them in action. To handle the job, the Navy created numerous units to handle specific phases oE the job-Acom-t , CASu'S, PATSU'S, AR-Ou'S~ .wG'QSES and others. Thunilmail deflnitions of c.tch of these units fDllow:

ACORN -OWt Qf llefsanneIand equipment till build and "'perote an :rir we. Seab:~s de the C{lIl9trUeti(l11Wo~k.


CASU -COmbat Aircraft Service Unit that rap_ws: fighters, bombers and otbeJl aircraft, keeps thmn in action. A !lASU is mainly personnel.

AROU -A.viation Repllil' and OVeih'aul Unit, large unit resembling an ACidl shop. equipped t[;l do major overhanl and repair work on planes.

ABATU -Adv:anced Base Aviation Tmining Uuit, ,oJg:;<nl:zilrllou at NAIl ST. WO"lll., whi@ tr'tl.ins- men who go mto th abOve-named units.

The Ia.vy also has (ilth(ltr alphabet-type or.ganizations which Had 01' shll liave a part in the advanced-air bases picture, PATS.O·S were formed to service patrol-type air(.'l'aft but many ale bsorbed by CASv'S. Units called ARGUSES, which handle radio and radar on island bases also have been merged With existing units. GBOP:AC S are harbor acti i:ties". hat'ldlin~ small boats, port op.erations, boat crews and piloting. LIQNS and CIJDS, now not so pneminent, were units to service and maintain large advanced naval bases, as ACOIUl5 handle air bases.



ACO RN WHE~ tlilt Navy pl<lJlli to til".'!! all

, , , ad \'1I1l oed Pt1S iti au an d esl;a h-

. , 1i~11 ~~ll ai rfleJrl, It puts in :111 n~cl~r

r Dr Ill! .. co AN J.rl d a ce1l.!Ilk\I ' rn~mAF'r n~Vlf:E L'~r. Each is prepared to handle the nl1111- h(,T und tYpl? tiC aircn Ft r vy elit!mH~es will use CieJd.

Th wurk of _AJ~Ol'U\S aud so's iu huilJlug Ish;md air bus S is Far less publici7.ed thun Llie figlitill~ unlts t1Htt e,'p. Iur the islands. 1'ho5'e twtl units gel ITl righl beLiud th shock troops, shure their hardships and dangers ann 'lJ'y to Ql~~C It livable pht~e IIllb of what 1I6lHlTIy is Wt\_f-tw11 .. ural jsJ~1I1(h; I'1r jUl1glp'. Between 11\ vurfous nvi tinn 1w..i_t.S helpil)g to make these air h<lse.~ ('l?rnpaet fighting units is II thin lin@-mllstly un pllJ1j.!r and o~gn.uiZtUlolJ "harts.

CASU personnel ~el'\'icc !l[;lO tepuit the planes. S~;lhef';S


«ltltc.,h eel lot he. A o ~I'" II uil tl tV <l-irstrip, H 11 "11 it din 15$ an d instullutious aud keep them up. The AQf.)I!I:>! even P1l'rnishcs the l@Ifis rhe C'&Sl1l1S(;$, 011 the planes. TIre CMlI,.- bas ta 1~ , u r\'IPhile linn rhat can he slriFteei If~)lll plnce hi' place,

l1aeb ACOJ~h is so t:qujppe~l that, when coupled wIth d I ,,'~ it eml service, relwfIi arul peH'otJll minor repairs "lid routine 111'Jkeep For ]11 rres of II carrier gr0up or patrol plano lif1unr:lnm. Tb staudrrrd A ;01f''1 ·umplement. includlng SeahHe , is (:)7 offifler.s and J59(l moo, bill this. \l a rJ~s.

Au A,COIIN IS.t cornmissioued unit and stnvs on to maiolaill and Opl>.i'a.t the "kslrijl. Ils l)l1tlaliol.L III • eclbl'r;:s m<ly move Oil to another area OJ' return to the continent [or relortning. In their place t'I OID'S'.JTTIl)'C1,01-.. ;l.1ATS, !fIt:N'ANW!: 11"IT1.'t (cnt.w). smtlllel' rhnn the o rigll\u 1 eabec mrit, moves in. Th"'.AcOnN sbw~ nn to l'PeI'a.t~ the mrfield,

,11" OPl;)tlATIONS It Up UIlW base oom under SUpt~t"t'!ory n ('(Il1ITnl ut tIm .A:COI1.N. jn&t ns c(mtfue(\~:al-bilse(:j air stillions are under u VllIl'Hlllll1CUug plHcer and hts s-ta:JI. Combat IIljs~lous narnrull y 1\ re dirl'ctaU !.>y f'!~el commands. bnt 1'1111- tme operatiuns fin the base are IOllked after hy til.' COli • The L\~'I is under 11,,0< 1\(,;011'1. ali ili the iJefUIiS blltfjW011 t')f \1anu '8 or .-\rmy p"'.rSOl me 1 that IJpmL'S in with the ACOR'" lu fu[ui:>h Ollitinil'('l'Iu+ and gr~juml de ellses •• I\U~~NS anrl ( 1\' "s l'I;J(.'IriW gUlIlI6!'}" ~:I"llinjllg ::wd occasiounlly have -ttl fight J~lPS nul driven from <In area,

l;>url Hm'11eITI , Iwfnrc ~IP wnr I lilllr ... known Cll]ilol'nia ceustal port used bv prnduc shipp :!T~, is tit hnrne of _\ (IlKII. The has 1.:0I1slSt$ (If three u!lil:s-m~ Iluvanooci hnse t1 ,'01. :amp BOUlitieaU where unattached Seabee milts stnv, HlItl .;lrnp lkdiwllli. where hell-dqUl1l"te-t~ tlf ACl'lJil'o' Assemhly ;\111'1 Tr-ailrlu~ Detachment i~ Inc'aled . .A few miles bel!'}\\' Hueneme at p{)ln~ J\ll1gu. the AA1."D Las Ulwther ci_1tl1p.

Normnl tl'ail1ll1g-1iml: for CO"" plllr5cJIlIael befuFt"!- shiPI'ing uut iii six w ks, but Ihls [$ short ned at times because ofstn_1I-eg;ic eonsideratinns. 'rbe il'lh 1)[ U1- bail11ng t1etaduTilent is tn s)1lnv M:Gm:,> unci St!Rhee pt>t~nllnel how 0·1 make rapid 1ll!ltHIlgs ftc:IUl 1.$T'S. tn train SBllbees how ttl make hUlC,lin14


b.-ips. and to assist ACOl""~ Olfiefil'S 111 pIol;ltlring In lterial,

The cletachmen] ~\1s(J g-rv~ _-I:Clf)It.": ,1I1d Seabee InO'l'stllnwl (ulldamtlu:lls ul' seanlml~hil'. smul] arms uud AA -..veapl1ns, ccrruntmicattons. health, .UIU Iarnllurrizes thettl WIth the tmd~ with which lht'y will \YilrR. Siuc.'t:' Hueneme is the last place tliev sse bt.fore tbev lund snmewlisre 1Jl the Pacific. their tr~{ning includes illlyivaJ irtI~rpHttiotf tl11d J.p eomhal I{Wl£.·!',. !'.ll-'1j r(-'lwlt l lu neme with .1 haekgJtlllllti uf trUUIing in their various mtings. so the wnrk ~iVen them tllere j,S fjf ll:U p;ch'ul1l;.'l!' lH.ltu:ul'l, il'v()I\Jin~ .. IIi much llt~uaJ (ljjt'flllionil ur 1()I1L~ iltld equlpmeut or the COHN as pClssibJe.

"rocJjce LondilllJt Po lie Wal( fo In vaifl1ns

N M·EHO '1~\D.clingS are nurde ill, f.-loT! ilml lither t.(tldiL11{ craft ~f) give men e8:pe:J'iel1e~ ill the jnb Ih~y ~ri:ll meet wllcIJ Ihey go ashore behind combat b:U!lps Oil sorne Pnci:lic island, Accllt.'IS- liSe: Ultdll' various t,ype,~ of h:u'ges. l'l(mt{jtnl&, hotH!! lll'iowl~. IllllldllZeJ>J; and ()ther t)cJuiplTlcml <Iii nUllo-,h us possibll! berOl'clonding them for the overseas jump, The kind (If gcar ther tnk€ long deptlJ1U~ It\rgely 1111 tile size aud tYlle of nil" field they will ~rt Itp wheu they land. Packin.g lind StO:wil11! thisgel~r }UIJ u lIkmdiul! 11 rue pJ'ur:ticetl to ~IISl1rl: speed.



CAS·U T:~~e~~'~~-~:~u~~~

. . o_nt£t 51 rvice Unit, is -3 wt\rl:iJn~ developmeut, providing !U'I. t:QQbUe orianlzation to keep land-based N:aV)' planes repaired.

They work hnnd-tn-haed with all COliN. 'I'1~e core ... 's Seabee battalion constructs the air strip find base flik:ilitie5. After tb> island air base i.s eompleted, the Seabees move on hot the AGORK !/ta,ys to operale the field. A smaller unit c,lf Sealress, ealled a OllMU (mllint8n:mee-ulliH. comes ill ttl take ever repair :wei construction wotk. 'qnadrons l1y ill \vith planes and the ASU ke-eps the plane.-> opernti~.

Tltt're are two types of- .~SUIS. toda~. those base~ in £~r ward s eas west of Rawo.u beIng gJver~ the delilgnntlon c. ... su (pi. Because it is a Wghly mobile unit, tI:le CASU is nnt hurdened W·jdl equipment. This beltmgs to the ACORl\l. Th CASU remams in eommtssfon as n separate entit)' while the AeOI\K may be deeomdussicned and absorbed into an air bas after it has been Clomp I t d.

If is the function of a CNiV to, service. rearm and make minor re:pair~ on laud plum~1J or s~apl:me'J:l, lllxge or smnll. It n:lnirltaillS JnclliUes anil equipment in its chatge. incluUing personnel fa cilitie1i, The- CASU also rna furnish berthing, n\ lind service 'to per-soMe! of air units, b fu filgbt and reouud personnel,

J!'ro-m rly, the Jury had units c~lled Patrol.AircrlUt ervioe nlts (p;U"su). trained te bandle only big m~Iti-eJ:lgilled .. ircmEt. TIi~~e, however, no lons:er are being Iormed tmder that nap"'l and their dll~es undalling to a CASU(F) with spada! components, These new tasks require CASu'S t have personnel trnined ttl maintain large plan sus wen -as fighters.

Hll"enemt" Trcr1lfs WeI'! 'Of' Batfle Acffon

r Paif Hueneme, where many CASIl,s are formed, they rece i ve a tour-phil ss I:ra'in fn g 11[0 gram. Til e s ta.g_e lJ mil1tu aud lecll1ucnl courses, OU11I, servicing of bat:tl&ex_. penenced aircraft at Mugu field_:- third. sqlladren-llervioins at a navn] aoxiliaty air station nearby; and last, assembly IUld lnHcling of equipment lle Port Hueneme in c.t:)operatlon wnh the COOlplUlioll ACOR.,· e, Mucb emphasis is [aId on experience 'ill lo.~dillg and equipment in u,""T'S and other sb.lps.. IfIQ!dngt(}ward the day when the CA:SU and ACillL~ will luud an rome far-off island ond start operatin_g.

,Most 'io\ '5 in the Navy are based overseas, although there are a number of larger ones- i}n the CQl'ltTUBUt at San Diego. Alamea...l. Seattle. Quonset and Il)\'folk. FrGm 11hese-; sma'Uer units of lIlen ~ majrHlIio CtllIlbat-type wtenlft abeaed

carrier are lOl'med to make up COMBAT All'! APT SEIWIGE DETA€ID\IEN'I'S lctA511' ), \<Jhicll. are ship-huS' &.

The shindard- (\)AS\J eomplement is 17 officers and ·51ll men, IWOUt a Ihire! th' ;lIZtl o£ 11.. standtmJ ACORN. Both, hpw· ever, vary widely aceerding to tile size of the job Lhey will ha e at tbair- i.<:laJld bfllie.

To facilitate setting up 'In air station t1111t will be able to meet the Navy's needs, un ACOlU'l is plll together somewhat Ilkt<- urde)'ing (rol'11. a mail oraer !.'atalo_g, Vl1l'lOT:1S oompoaents, eaoh self-corrtained units of, equipment aua per;oiOflne!~ are 35stlJitblecI a~;'cotiling to the VtIciol1S jobs the air station wi.1l hnve to perform. U it is to bflllrlle GgbLer-typa aircraft, it will be gien C6 ... rtam components. 1£ mnlti~engjned planes "i\tetQi land there also, diHerent eomponents UJ:e ··orderetL ...

Because it is u self-(llll1tained unit. II q"!"ll has a complete inner Ql'g~tn.ization of its own, consistiug of an engineering clivi ·jOIl, operations divisic;m, ordnance" radio uno radar; !lamp, sUf!ply, personnel and medical,

Engineering division [ooks after aircraft repltir'-=the main nmutiO'n of .1. CASU. Operati01l~ beadles all matters CP!leercDing operation ~lf planes attached Io or vjsiting the aA~U. Ql'l'cirwilee handles rflottJling undguns. Radio Qfld ,ackir m\'ision repnirs electrordos gear. Camp dlvisi,on usually merge." with the AGOJtl in m~tinWjning- and poliang «rounds alld buildings ot the air base,

CASU Laoh Afte, II, Own M~(J

Supply dMsj(JD looks nfter supplies and disbursing.p(Jr~ Sfl1IIJ'Blls a._Ssigned the fO~ of l1a.ndli~g officers IllJd men of The CASU, mclllding pIlyswaI IldUeatitli antl .recreation.

CAsu personnel are speclaltsts in some branch or aviation maintenance, put their geOl'ra:i naval edueatton is.D t uegIeeted while Lhey are being trtdned at Pert Hueneme. MeI:l not pJread~ trained in suilh subjects get indocl:riulltion ill naval amtoms~ sanitation and ~eamanship. Other trlliniug given men includes infantr;y training, physicaL conditiouing, chemical warfare, combat tactics, antiairt'ftUl f.iritl • arhine and pi~Wl use and bombs.

Technical COt1rstJS include ilie whole field Q instruction in u~e of efluil'tnent For $ervichig p1nIlI!S and maintaining £~ cilities assigned to the CA'SL". In tile- secoud phase at tNuning t'hey repair FIllet feed-hack aircraft at Mugu Iield. orne 01 these call be u ed fQr craining in the Smt!;1S. While CASU men are receiving ~l.Ich training. control tower and aerolQgy personn.el Of the ... ooa. .... also trarn there. In the third st'age, the ACOa., ... ~id A.sU OplW'dte jointly at outtying.lIeJds such ,us VenturtI airport, 29 Palms, Thermal or San Nreolas,


S_eabees aJtaohed- I,lJ AOOllN 6n Eniwetok set lIPQUonscet huts to house men II r the base. luiv!l.llcOO areas iaC-M (l ttl a tin] q_uarl:el'$


Rewlnr of plane.~dll iS1wd hit base is job for CA5'U ordnance» man. This 5" &II rocket carrles plenty of punch fer the Japs




. [ . FLOUSANTl!i L;lf skijJ{jIil 'It:elink:ilm:6

.: '. . '.' . T I1lRill~n'hlg N.w)' p.lf1nes ul ad~.

. vaneed .air bl'l:Sli!s are grndu!ltes ~JI

, . pnkti~~d wQrklTrrinfrog givel1 them

hv AIn .~"'CIW UASE lIS IAT,TON ,'fMJ:-rlNG VNfr (AlJII.'rll). .Fnrm~dy llt ;qnrft)lk but now at N,\S :IT. LOl1IS.

At Ihi~ "pos.tgraduate" 1~(lb00i, men from Cl!,lss A teeh)1i~tt] tralnit1~ schools, boot camp or tlle Fleet ~pecl,Jize Ju V'<lrilJus Sdd~ ,iT n'Hlin!niLlitlg Gghter, bomher or pr;tml J11ut1&'~. liaJhet than work OH trl1iniJ.lg models or mnekups, tl'w men dn actual repair work on war ... weary phures ,C!Jr other aircraft that must ijy !\fter they ,have f!!1l~tl.lild. Due in;;tnlclnr w!jJ'ks s·jHehy-side 11:Hll l:lA~h L1U'c.t' or l\mr .stlH.l~ots and also keep.s close h~b on t·hllir ' ..... 0rk til see that they dn it Ti~ht.

[II liddltillfL ~u thi>: type uf wQrk, ~A1"U pmforms mun1 sj?Qci[\I jobs L(lrflu.r~al1 (It Aeronan tics 1jlJ: vari ClUS air stations. Us lliu.d!"ub dn ev~rylHillg from IT,lllking spec,ul bolts ttl resurfndag "I!jlig~ Of Q,VP-[fitluling HII I;':nUre plm\e th,ul ba~ f...'rlJshe:d,'rbis Saves thl! NiWy money it would cost if the: jobs had to b ~ d fl}U' ll}: I;: MJi un he 1[> l.'nd trwns: students be tter.

N~the.r than I'lperatt;l vsrlous classes to il1struct it! studen'ts, :,flATV puts Ihelil til work in the hangnrs aud AMi-type


aetivities where they learn on the spnt, under d~.s€' t1'UpCI'visUm (Jf their instl'\!!etr1rs. After three mut1tl1~ '\I'ilh ''''lI.~~X\J, the eluss l\f 855 llwn that 1m tel'S c>tcil month is :stl11t 0\1 t tr'l such uir ' or earrier units .loIS ,AC!'lI\NS, (;lASo"s, A.T1OT!'S-, cAmi's, lind Vlu.fuUS r-l(:'e:t ·(lpmmIUlru. Plarres f.roTn as many as 3:) commands h::l"ve been reeeived during' 1I (1L1'1ITler for H'!pi~ir wqrk" by the stf.ldf:fl~s. As high as &5p a;tt~l'aft hl}Vt'J hee(:l c}verIHlufed. repai1"l:iId, eheeked nr mudifi'ed hy AilATO In It qUill ler .

lin It AR.ords MG.I! Wide TrQ'I,,,.ing

.'\Jl~1'lI sends intliVidu.1]JJ and ciletllc;llment8 tN. airel',lft fa<:ories, A(,(il':; aud lJUtlyirlg nel<.l.s to Wisist ill produethm, rnaiutenance find modification, 'Bntish. French, and ether United Nttir)!l~ mllirirenUJK'e pet"SOll!l(j[ luwt been tr·u1.uecl [II leud~ [elIse plane types by .,rnATU.

Anothe~ ac1ivitynf 'AlrA'f"l; is the 1\0 ,..VAL. ,..VL/t. 1(I()N :';1'0))1 ~J;; Tful,INL",e OETAct:fl.m:N!1' wbich. has Ul!!lre 1111'1n 148 mobile tl'Biners stuled by IlU officer and H) to 14 men. They use moC'kup'S,e11tJlWltys, 6.l'm!1, ¢llait!l and gther means t~) get n~~ii the latest word nu ordnance. neW planes'lJluniti0ns. and f.!rt' and tQSCUB ill all forwardareas rtF the presuut war.


A R 0 U IF.\ tffi!nI'f'$\ pl nc_ ahnard II l?lIrtler hils . eng.i':te trouble, tire CASD on til!! shtp . (ixes It', jf ]1o!isibl~. OU A:oisj_aT1~1 air the GASU attached tl1 re would make neee~'Sal'Y repairs. But if lIw plane n eds an ov@rl1'1111 or som ma.jor repairs; tll~ jtl!U 1~ 'IIH! for the Navy's huge ,WlJA:TION tl&I'Alft .\."':0 O\'ERHAl1J_. ·"ITS. \ AJ\OU)

l'liese me nothillg more thlill ssemhly & HepiLil· shops set dowu 011 Some- Iftrgl;1 idallt!. Their e~act lU(.:![tlOllll are militurv seerers. n t\J{@v Js 11 self-contui.J~ed unit which the ~l1vy ships to 1Ul Island, Full qtlll1p~d and qualin d ti;l re- 1~'Ur. Jnodify and tfi)st Rh1cr'nft, engines und aeeessorfes.

Its t.1tpttc:ily is IOU engine II J1]OIJrfi, ulth~ugh some larger -"nov's witb 1800 officel'S ~'ncl men call naoule twles that. Just us. ether mlLint~nance I~nits go out wIth tbeir own tools, .~:ROU·S carry complete $Up~lie!l. machinery -aud facilities. L\cRElU men are trained I~ the AuvanC' d Ba e A viation TrainIng Unit, whiah ·'(lIanN'·them out i~ continental &tI shnps for practical t'Nperien . After tllis they join the vao at 11:.'; staging spot. where th~)( ugajn WOI'" il1...A&-'R shops till shipped nut, Ail example of this is at N S SAN UmGO where ARO!; men work shfltllder·tJ;h~h ntlder with civililUlS nt that Station.




To ~\eQOAl1'T Illilitary persenael more rully with the facilities of Naval t'ili Transpnrt S.ervice, NAV;\.L AVT.ATION Nl::wS presents infornlation an these pages regatding routes travelled, point.q

served and eligibility required. In cases when~ pe'tsonneI do net have pritnitre~, prospecdve pa:;sengers may obtain complete jnformatlon and rn.nke .reservatmns for NJ.::rS 1I.fghtll from the Air

'Transport Officer at the nearest naval -:;tit stamofl or base served by A'l'S. The ","".Co will forward the request promptly 'to tb,e nppropriat(l' splice contral office fOT ciletermin:a:tioll of prlor1ry .eligibility"


A l..L PEB. )NS eligible to travel by ~AT , .11. exc pl those on. umcia} leave, must have a priority before making J;e}iervRti(lIlS. Military personnel 1>11 offidalleave or furlQugh frOm a Qtlty station outside the continental limits 01 til rn.ted States, 01' tnl emergency leave. should have Included in ,their leave pap ri or erders evidence t() this e;Ifact. Otbar mllitalY personnel On

lTffic-ialleave or furillugb need only possess ~ejl' af6cirtJ leave pnpers. Ttl' btain a priovity- or travel by NATS OJI the basis of tr-avel orders, personnel must have orders dire.ctt'4£ (not Tt)erely autborizing) travel b means frtcludil'1g gcvermnenr or commercial air. Then, E .. iori~ classificatiGn as certified. will he writtel1 in the ord~rs, Otherwise, a priGlrity must be obtained.

N~\~ NA'l'&lfljjjll'n ... ym,bali~e. Ni>vJ'" lr"liB-.oil:il'lI.n oUr &el'VlJo,o



j\T,,-W Y"l'k Pbihde1p'n,n W",hi.,gtOH PitLu",,,,,! "urlq,lk

Cilet rj Point CharlcSltIn

1 ,~",~yoll.



}'dn~jI ll.Q!lt1) II. !JUllD,of Pt. ,\rlt·miill

ttrpbJllI~m~ AzOtes ~"'ci:.


-"'I' York P,hiJpde1phln Pntuxern lJ,u"'llburg \"r;l",1Hngl(lU 'Ie"eland (eoinmllus

J I~LI'r,1I


St.L"nU OI{lIllc Am;lT11rD \Vin~lu'l' l'l!ueub:_ 1!;U,..,....£l"ld S;'n Drege.




Mil>m. 2tmdery

GQ'UIr.IJll1nIQ Am'll'lIPt. all "Prine.. B'flen,

','rrujiUo San-Lui"

IlrI J WID F1Jr1'nleia

Antigu. Recih

St; Lucln lIr",~clo

l'nrlQf Spain X",uil

/I'rulra .D",~T:f

CUt'aGllO CIli':I."eJl,as'

'r,.j"ilbd $m(la CI'Il"

Rio d," Jal1~lu>


l'utux~t S a .n hl11l



San FtaD';sco A""lll>l'lIl;!~ Red 1!lld'f FQI.b,uuis JP.amatb Fill. KhdW<

PorllRtld Cold Ha),

Alt""" Do~ Harbnr

J;! r,.moJ'\<>n Adilk

S'~n~fl~ Tan:a&lI

F_ar~t Amiiblb ...

Annette SI"'!i1ya


San r'"~,,d,<i) :~,bnu.

Cerena E"""CIJJk

Los Al>Il~I.'_" $llll:eb.

OCeJjn.oid S"if'!il1

an .Dirgo GIIMlJ

f[tlUalu1l1 S",,-.;,r

1\lId "'CIT Mlntioro

John'toll Manila

'l'aaw,,- P_rto l'rin""'<1

lIlnj UfO Cellu

R,a1 Z_,\", I>pltn~"

(;:liJIdilltimlll l'tlelru

Kwaj0101 n BinI<

Eb~'t HOllandb:


~ :'\' ,>\1 U01'll1l U1.l)'-1'lw smnon " IlT BOlld j'll<llllfltlnn orfl<w lhullght he'd hit a I!tl,·kill1l reeentlv when U Yf'IolTlllll! Z/~ \\'l~rkecl ill and plunked down E1101l~h "'!l.~h rll, S!:ll".5 worth of b!)l'Id~, TIle \'l'tJDIIIII. who wurk~ ill \'H-J2 Pl'flinlllld. h;"<; " siUlplf" forTnllla for ll()l·,jIlHtbtthlg ell(J~h mo-ne~ L·n Iflnkf! ~u,'l llulchll!>e..~,. "YUlI [ust 1d 0111' P ) hi' on til, lx>qk~ IIJfHl il h,dlds II •• h

)U)" "of "tIUfSI'. you gel wlLlulttf NUllw things-hIll 1 ngtl~l' the I)1!m )' ,vill dll rrurTInrr good tater thuu it wTll now."

., NA'f"fC NrmlllA.N'-1"h'-'lIi:·~ !HI oue quittli(1 Opl'hllis[l(.' ,II> " gllrd~lIe:-r.["rnl(·r 111 Oklu- 11[In1''' \lXf'l'C lUIS its 0pUllllists. ~Olll" {II whmn oHn ht, ~ ·t'n 111\ "!Ifl(·jl~on di~!!ing ii, 11mb hoptlhiL \.J t(lry garden, 'Ilhe ft,,\"dl'lI Ita, (j been laid ou t OIl til stulil:)u 'I:) til •• ! n,wII11WI'l'it1llll ~ Jil,\)

.~1!!0" t',ljIl1 th hack-tn-earth

m~e .me! at the sam u 1111.' help nul \'{illl lIle l'olld ~nt)r(l\ge. Puh- 11,' 'V<ork1! Depurtmenr has secured toels forwurldng I h~ pluls.

.. j AS UONIlt.Ul. -An AMM2c. 1lf luudI"i:llles, WIIS So m till' ·huhtl nf d~pllrt-ing for duty In the mornillg that [Jill' dll)' 110 hurriedly dtl~ed. slurved, IIt<!' his }, "kfl.l~'t,

Vl!nted UII~ thfl bus Iilll', dashed up to !Dllster just on'nll- to djsco\' r. h,u Illte. II Wl', his day oli.

.. MCAD fm4MAIl-J\. pilot from overseas reealls diving Into II blockhouse 1.0 elioope heavy bpml!lng. Aftel' twn LQu:rs, the door WllS bloWn off irs hinges by a neal' mlss, The Muriue ~h.en ilJc.wen..,J thl' Lhlek- 110 usee W 1L'1 lillixI wiLh 'G:3-"'~ of T-N1'.

, NAS J~ QNVl1.LJ>-Dt!lnit,e prnlJf recently wasreceivt;>d Lbat 11 pill! IIf blood Jowltl'd by 11 bhleinekE'i tltI th,s stu trOll lHilpeu save thl' lif.e- of rI Mn:rilJ(I who slormed the lwm:oh al h () FHlIl.

TIlf' l\f;)rinf! IIoticed Ull~ bluejltt'kefs IllDll" fll1 the bottle .a" tlw ~lu 'lht W.IS plllnplLl' th whllle- bJfllld illto hb \lIbl~ just I'ighl d~)' IIftt'f i~ WD;; ,I!i"('n • .a-!kr II Jap llJflt'i1ine "un h\dlel hut! ripfl(l\[ 1uJu hiS Iph ! 'g, (rIW[lIr!tlg tlw hOl1\", 'Tlte M,tdnl" t,)nk Ih" "ard a.nd pui it into hi!< p(1)ckcl, IUld bruught it back tu thf" Slntl'li In hfJPf'~ t~"lt ~oll!J;:<.III)' [ll" mi~hl TJ)t!d dl(, hlutijuekcl :md tilfll,k 111n:! pers011111f~"

~ N 0", 'I'('>N.\ BL\CR~ L~, (j~d ,,~ .'uggc t d iIIl Imu~1 pn,sl-war p~Ject-an iudoC'tmt.atidli!:aUl!) til 1"l'S Ill .. Stroll! of $ltilQrS " tumiu):t ~n prh .ttl! life, , IIH1I1(t the f,,,,ilmes of t.bc" ClUJ]? \viU I .. " ~Vt'OlpJ ~'rtllltt!'"optt!v¢lruc, TIll! lnlln'l) hand \VfI1 lw fit 't.m~ d te. pis hrlt with .1 ~tllnt Cfttd. It t~ be Ii evool tlm t aIt(lt h!; I, his (Inn u [,.\% tim'e:s tr)'tug to ~fllut .. he- wilJ tNlC~-


uully slip 'lilt or the hulnt. Anmhtll' wrinkle ill Hils ~~'lit('m \"ilI I'll' ad Rla~n'l dn~k lliu l'l,W t.N~m", i~l lnw, ~\I'~ej lLnllO&-to '~~l:'I'tJ IS a InLlL.~it lin ~o (he lu-':'"g \ v!lj" .oj his wlfi:' caUlll€!' hiru ~() oasl 1111(1 ron'll .. in mlllk Th(' li\'IItt>n;Il1t IUIS·not vet work'd()Ut u metho t ~)f prepnring "nli'sl~-d mf<1l W!tll 1\3'-,' tw«tnnl' .tc,'u lanl I to 1I1ee:ping in barracks tv Il,e 10]1 esome bust!W~ of gtliug til he~ i'J 11 f~J1M r<l0l1l by !Iwlll.':t'h-~".

I>N_~ JIrINClL..{JLu-fll)rill.g 111<' 'u~t tniuy '~"Mlm u Is expl'i.'tt>tllhlil IJI'),~b wll1 n~ ;lIs~all&a Ill' fht; R.'5.1)\ anrl nth(':T mis-ccU(jlleuu~ aWe,oll t SQ Ihal the l:nk@-lllT Fron I lhe ll'I;J.t mIl,- h e made ... , th",nt 1I~(t fir "II prds{lf)pe. Heoen tJy. nuder similar eizCUlJ,sltlh(!cs • au R5'1 pilot cl'lming ill (or a hV1dJng sw LrS In ~he Bible he ~[\W ... I'B:1.Y-,; t~kin,!?; otl ; '" ruuwav "a",

~ 'iI . I h}~~ll<U('IJ- aUtP 'ult."r'~ Jriatl"sta- 1~"11&1I here didn't pilL~ the J:l\)f,r nd ~he:w dgars ollt1o'idl<' II n'faferoU)' ward. 1)I:lL he bud II rWl~pl!ilble. Fat! im 11;' IJf Ihe trncliIlonal arc:lt'lll for ptOsp1(!ct:ive pa l~~'

1111., Cirqte!,ter s mille .sw~'Il~C'd ir (Jut Walth!£: {m' >1 tr,mspnctRc (,It"I"!l\OI'U: eall, ~'IICl1 it earne t[U1l1l1!il1, IUs f1HltlwT-Cx:c1ted ,wet heCODlillg, II grtmdrnlltJu"r-WllU:lluICes! j:mm ]UUJIbrll, alil.: ·'If,. u lttl 1'] Then she slll.rtf!d giving pupa other eve-witnes

detalls, '

"fie lU!;< U:.unitl; T a huir!"

"Just like his dad!" papa. sQ1c.1 l)tlmdlv~ "Ill' ~l~ Uk\" au airratd U'I'II'"

"Just like his rnamnurl" ~!I.}'S pup".

"ADd be \~cighs even p(.ltJ.I,d~ and eleven IlUll()C'~I"

"Seveu come r.kl n=urv lnekv TlIlmb., .. r."

il1terpola(!.ld paJilll. ' •

~ NAS fb"\'\I'1\\WA-ThissfutilJn t:ele'bC'ated its se~on(l hirlheln • t1'wlarcll L81 bv smash· rt~ L\U prevllluS reNll'ds f<lr 1. lit,,' n"wn ill il sil~le clay, :'vlort! that, J -00 ~tudtlT1t trainin~ I-IflpS V)talitlg ) 971 hOIli'SIlt! 188 inlittU(ltur trainlllg Hlgl' tMlllillg 234 huurs W"re Hll\vn. whjcb lUol"tnlt(ll l(1 the all-time ltij!h oE L716 lll1ps ,\nd 22C1~ ItljUr~ In [Ii! ;lir

~ A J-h:nCHlN.!!iO~-lu preplll:{ltioll fIll the KI111lt,IS hmrimnl! llllrJ v[oleut IhlllrC!~u~Ili1i'f1l Se;l~OIl. tJ II'! ;I.:rol()gfclll 'LIlIl rrpt"rtllIDn. oIri"e:r~ 'H.e r;ont,'ll,l[fllg voTtu i reel' wea tlwr ~IU 'ct>:ers uf this art'''' wllU mu1cc- 11£1 the ~fu.


tllilt S vielent-stcrm IWl'rrrulg 'wi wm'k. Vul· IlU h~"l' ,lmJn'erl! ure Sfl(lttcll ov~ IlJI -ntl:'l1 witlJ a l"jldillli L1t nppm:drnutely roo miles. "riley l1T~ t~llgllllo re.(:(;b'l'li¥.l;' violeut ~l!lnl1., pH-ftilCllllItly Im'fH"dic "l'Illtliti,,"~. lind to tl.lpml iJlIt11~"&:rtely by telephon til(' nature III till.' torm ~'<ltlill. and CUT '·timl lr Is: 11111\ ill~, Tlu- nl'twork is 11(,,1 ill ~vi 11 rm} ui.r bus .. ' ';)Tnlng -""stelllS ami wenther burenu ufflue .

• NAS I:II\tfNSwll'i~-J,asl LdJ ,I tr(1111 «re!l.ul fha( news tllrilugh a wuocled urea 'If !:h) gmti!m \VM Hhfimllv btoukeu wit}1 Ji ~1 '. sl} ltuJ; ~p r.fllg lzJI al.. W~ltPlls lIbIlILnJ"lQuk~J ,forWMtI In JUI !UlgllU'''' fill 1'4- dhl,." TI1" ,dTcillll \'II~ mueh hetter thnn the -r:ea.Ut,

• 1I11\\"·\·j,,.. \15 11,1. lnk'u rmin

. the stre<lm so fw 11l1"~ bevn

, [H\ un (I filr 11 tW!"~ll SU!!!~

..:..-1)0 ~....." lith, IICt1 . Ihe lh~:r:' Ihat

'9' - ...., tho! Wllter is ret too Jl!,g11 hlr ~f>vt] Rshibg whlle uthers ~!!y I he tlSh 111\ 1'1' 'huved -'iff fUl parbs' t.l11lmo\o;:n,

~ NA5 lfOi"'qJ.t!.I. -A l(ltfth(lcli~ hauled '3 SK10' ont of [rls sllo,;k fIJIICnUV, 1111 tlln'll!d up a] -luI<. bll~' to find thet'e W~ttl l)(l d(!nn l, urnuud. So I'll' selected ~ pair of 'forccp~ lu\d jerkud till" tn~k himself,

I> Mr..A MUJ"- E-A <filrihe 'l,t this stiltIoll }till II bit Ilf cmrtinn when it onmes to n wf.~l1g1ed devlees SH(;h II sl~ .ed: iMps, autllU1tl hlks a,ld trtlckt;, H. .. wi I rial' in them lmt Is extremely willy when it Clime..; to taking th ' ""heel: in fUl't 11 never drives such whMil""', He prerer~ hls own snte, quiet jVu-thaL oJ ,.,_ test pHul.

~l\1 A.D ~lrltt\~IAI\-TI m: 5tl1rV ClIllie ~ad, wirlcJ 1:1 ( t~lrllitlg Mal';"l~' A' m,dd.le-aged LeUcllienlllck \\ us !lp a.rnshlug !ilj1l1('WIIl'tC· ill Ihe l'acil:ic when II y~Wl,g ~l~t' swum out tlnd Juined him, Tllev fished logellwJ:

It u 11olU' hafufll UJ(: ,(tle.r .nlill hlilltit,d lh youth lii'~e;a,t.

"1 hit'" ttl lelJve nO\"," he said, "\Vhel you', flirollg'li. 'UtI caf1 re;h,m Il)-i~ l~) In' h1.ll-."

'''Thanks.'' Ult' OUUg5tl!l' ro;'nlied. lie

bad gllllt" ~lUJ Y a short tlJsi::I1,.;e whl'll !.be ('Ilher t.'llUed at [1ft hnn;

~Fh')" Ml'I!.;, I rfl~gut til liS].: wl1i!:h is YPIlI' hut,"

"j ~15t bri,,~ it to Lhu ,t.'f'lTlJllfllldrng gen!IfILl" hlJt;" fC,-PUtl "Muo,!,~ w'lw l~n1t'd (jilt (" bl" ~kjg[J~ of lhe enllf unit.

~ N lIQNUL"tiLu-llel'U'ilulIg h 'fe .. ft!T

k"'ping IlilSl"'oIl11t1i:l from a pllt,tt\ .I(,'tidenl HI HU1]]. II plnn corruna.mlet SIJCk d in for ai>tlill ei~btl:(lLl hllm, theu went tl! brll~h hl!; l!1I:'Lh, If Wl'l!' Iml111l1!: '1[;1 II !'10Q ~ink: wl1il{\' po'tishi[]g bi~ iVJlclos, Suddcnlv !lit!' hll'alurv, IJr.l.ik.;o Iii 11111(. lUut liug il uo.s.h i.p hI.> 113nd II,ut (tl.q'uired rO.lH't~-'C" ~Htdlt'~,



WFJIL.E pilots. enlisted men IUH.1 air (lfficcr~ oj' the eSC(lrt earriee's .air department !He heing trnlned at vurlnus 11 uval stations. n1!:C1I ano offiecrs whf) wl)l

wpemte tJle' ship itself .11" U1'1dutgohlg training at the C~E. Pre-Comrulssioning school at I"l!JCE'l' g()m-'D AVY '(."Jill, RREM:ElI·l'QN.

When the United States iirsl entered the w .. r it system vf !\'electiug aircraft CardlZr crews W{J,lI vastly slmpl(lf than was possible under the !I-pced-up pn)gmll1 hlte.r ~e<luittld. SLiLlyul'ds ht,;lgaD tf) tum GVE S orrt as fast ,\S OIl everv fiv~ days. U was up tu the N!l y to proum:e ere-INS to SRi! them and Aght th m. hi tbe ol(;! days whl:ln carriers were launch d rrhJl'ltl.lS apart, iI was

pn.~sible 10 nssemble crews v;dth Ioill'ge numhers 0f t.>"Xperienced gunner, 'lUtl'l'tern:nud:.ers. rtracbini st's mates ami others, They wove just tralJsterreCl Irom eider c~LP'itll"S.

BuL in wartime those carriers are i[J rhe fighting zoues and CI:III,lot .~pllre lJ1fo!ir e""perient:ed men to foern a haoklog EoI' newly-launched enrriers. Totlay 65 p!,rc6Iit of tl:!.e newova's erews are under 21 yearN of :tge and never hnve been to sea, Officers olten are ahnost as inel(-gerienced in CMrjer prOcedul'cs -aud have to be trained along with their men.




eVE School Trained 60 Ensigns to Handle PiC'S

scheol Far Ehem. but a building was being erected, So while the wnpenqrrs hlU'llll'lered an~1 awed, they wer instructed Ly 11{:lyOue whom the offi.oer-ilJ" ch .. nrge thought might be able to give them something !:ha:l would lie useful in their future job.

n sub/leq\.lElrltly expanded irito a school of indoetrIbatit>n and fun .. damentals for both officfll'S anden]jstecl men to be asrlgnetlduly .in the 13th Naval Dis.,

THE GVE school nt aj{E:~1E1ITON started almost on a shoestrin,g. 60 nsigns Wet sent to 81tEMlillTQ:N in 1941 fo~ jnstruotiolil .in handling :illshorB putro] eraft, There W.1S no

trlct, In April 194~, the school formally was Jauached an s seon canis.- training school. First aVE crew turned out was far the U.S.S. No,<]sau. SInce. then, it has expanded lIll til it hs bOl.\t 2-5 o$cers ana 100 men on its instructar staff. It hl;ls traiJ.Jed erews fc)r dozens of earriers,

The s~hoo] trained afficcrs and men for the C::V£-55 class built- Pili (he Pacific coast- until the Navy began to "produce the huger CZ"')NQ" class flattops. TIle former are 14,QOO.tonners 3l1d tb~ CQ11lmenc:ef(tt'J""~ Btly-class 23.000.lon cru:ri&.s, 43 feci longel1 and with somewDat djffiw-'CtJ t equipment.

Crews "ust Be Trtdned F(nt

In four weeks, the school has l'O take the nearly 60a OffiCfll"Sand men who make up tb ship's t·o):npIUlY and give them us much training ill their diHenmt jons 11S is' pos:sIhle. To do this, it J!ives courses in damage contrel, si,;naling. C[lJ,U'tcrrdfjster. radio, engineering. gUlIriery, sound·PQwere telephoues. seamanship, physical training and supply. Spoojnl trt\inin!! is l1:iven offiem;.·; who will have deck duties. 1U'Id TtifresJ-lttr \Vflrk II) en¢J1eeringo,fliclm ..

Eve~yone \,,11111 is. 1:0 help operllte tIl" earrrer has to be trained. f'illie:r at BIlEM1'm'rov or fi~rbv bases. LpIl.R be£(}re fl C,VK Is launched. they start ME'N DESTINED 1;'01' QU,..NER'f DIVISION ON A JEEp CA'RIUER L.EARN A.aoUT 20 MM. GilI'll! ·tminh\~ far the. task flheud oftbem.


Month of Trai'ning Fits Crew to Operate eVE's

B 1;SruBS the tr;a:iuing darderl ClW 'percllOUlllil at B~EMiER"1'O'N -'1>. Vl' YMlD. numerous other schtmb .alse, nit! in preparing them rGl' sea duty. -An Ii!lircraflt,' ~1Unuers get firiug at PaQift'e_ Beach, dlvess go to Kl'I}'pQrt, welders Iram with Navy yard chrilian, workers. fife..f:i:ghters' go through the school a~

1"u,cl1.ester, $oM R chemioaJ waciare Ilffieer gets I:riaining <it Denver !hell, returns to his ship ttl pas~ the- iPfOI:IT;I!lQCoIJl.

",I(mg' t_p others. _

Two cr three months before a ctIl"1'ier ii- til' be laurrehed, a "IIuoleus crew" of about 80 rated men gets' a two-weeks truining nr refresher course at BRl!~R" TO'. plus t';110 'days a t fu~·!ighl!ets


schQnL They then go to lltc.omil wll~re they begirl eoUet.:ting data, equipnreat anClmate-nlt] til 'go on their earrJeT, which hi bein~' bnlIl in !l. maatby }tllr'd.

The eVE, sChGol for the tel.'t of tlie erew rum from four to Jilx weeks, de, pending (In the oommn;si1Jning date, of Uia ,carrier. CHl,W~ are trainee in II group andgrftdualtl together f{Jr the mm,r part, Aptitude teflts lipan arr.iyru help offigers or the hip, to decide on l' lacernent of merl if) various divisions of the ship.

Menf Sflldents Come Ine:fperlenced 0000., the men have been selected ,fur Jtlhs:th~y are to 00 abom:d . shjp, classes sml"t to teach them their duties. Mosl of them at-a grean. Many experienced men Illlls,b be. taught· developTI1Cuts of .5hipboa:rcl equipment. Da-y classes are. foIlow(!Jo bl ses'sillns or Lf:ailling Birn.s, specialle.c-ruxes and night


duty-watches. A month is ashort tUlle to learn the ted'lnical taosles today's (Imams and m~n hpve I:e, pet!. tl.nn on an aircraft carrier. Twining has to be COlTdensed ana streainlfue:d to give them as much data as they eau -qqsorb.

am·co,." Menf,.crl" fogef.!ler

Since oBkC1S .and men of acurt'ier crew have to be -trained Fur !:heir jobs, they u[teD attend clusses tag,ether. This way aHk:el'S aJso c.'UI, Size ~Ip their man lind see wbkh will be !1lIuS± valu_aWe. Daily inspel--tiOnlland drill help keep up

the &ew's rnilitpry bearing, .

Besides gjving offi~rs iiUormdilJn on A!:lW t~. op'erate the qa:rrfer, the sohn\'ll giv:eJj deparbtI'ent heads luU: sets of typioal Ierms. records and reports '!!hey Willbave to mtLkl\l nut; tp £-amiliadze theron with the prwel'"w@rkphase?f tb~i:r dtlties..Qnrrier offi~s usuruly,adopt the fomtS Whe.D the.y t~e over their sblps.


Fie e t Sc hOD IUs e s Va ri e ty of Visual and Training Aids

TllArNtl'l". at eve pr1!·()omtlli8.1liO'fI-ill!. ~.'cl1.oo1 iTlCJt.I~le_~ f'vt'lythiT)g FtUnl g~l1er.l1 semMllm.i1rp til teehmc_a I task 11 shlp't; t~J(r'l'mny IIIllSI rerfoml I)D the Nli\'Y'!i' fighting jeep tlmti~I~, .Belittlli>e tl'U)nillg EIl1;l$t hl';1 streamlined to fit a month. er SU. lmav}' use is made oj visual aids tHld trainiDg devlees l!lf all tyP(~' Some 01' these, JtS illllstrnted on fhis pa~e. ru:1.t adultl mstrumenls t1.1klilll From surveyed glllPS, hito::hetl up ':;1) Umt l1wr I'eild jUJ,1 irs tht'y w,lulB IlLl l\!i1i1p ~Il !'loa, 54,"'/1\11> gi'vl:!~ ;;1 :mO,thet flUl't of 11\c seheol are rl.!tBjll'ed and l!lrSWel'et! ctlm'eetlv lw St'1lMellts_ Fleet 0Pf'lNll'.il1lmU Trll.iu1ng Cwnm(U1d op~mtos Hili sohoel.

T brolU e horrrd il1 e%"P1(:l (nom, d up lieu l«d I~I eVE soh 001 f:ltl!i~· r.sorll .. gives' engin!:.crl division n ehance to see- how iF'lSlTurnents 1I.dtul'lll), Iljlerntt'. Hllpk;uJ.l. wtlh llIWt]lltr· l'QllJll Iluub~t's IlIeU id, C/ulLl'blJrmu;ster sehool to send !lignilis down till "erj~ine nwr.lf<

Recogllltion llt eVE ~allflrJl h."l!m~ .:::liip tYPtlS 11'1.1111 I\ludds, a l1o:l lJ)' us", liE O\ltlJ' beau sen le en l!~ llln il h' 1'\1,*':'1 Ill1d 11 U!]:] es of flre by .ightin~ through. box to the rigl1t. Gtlllnw;v dera.Tt~ 0Il'11L meu tmlSt h' clIpt'.j,·iUlly .s'lmq> hi r~l.'ugtlkYJJ1g If. S. "ntH


Glinnel) t'rew.> i if GVlr gel Rtirl" W'Uct:i~1' llfi."f HI's! l!>itmillg fIJl.ld'l· illl:H til L~of 111f11rrlgll'l1 Sc.illlilfs l>)rnthetiL: '!;\lIJh~ djt\·jt;cs. ilieJJ frill!!:: ;Jt Ptlcifi!.' 1~"IIIlj,1 I'(rrlg(' ,Gtl',iller" 11f 10 mnr, llaLt~ries IlrJ'twr !TlJtu. barrnge dmli1g a lull in Iligl1t npenntiom


E HMs!OJl men use sound-powered telephuue Itt I ~vutk out pIQb. lem nil dnlllng!? ermlrcl, Itoum Ilrovide,~~tLht.-s nud Uim1.1t'el:iul'ls $Q ndcqllJJ;te tniuhlg tlllTl hll gtvl"a ~tmlt'Jil~ ill 1'll1'inll!>t)W:., t he~ will rtlrl !I(J]'o.<iS in C,"< t111m 1i.!'ItC'aliOlH work DFl their GarritJ

Deckoflrcer works mil (I ('IOlung pr(lhlell'l 1m II nUl,lwuverll1g hoard. Ot1I~r T'h~s!:'.> lit his \l'IllnillJ,; llwllldr nue .. (Jf road, ptl(1Ltrn~, s.llIp-L1[llldhng, orders tu the wheel, bIifdge. eommulIiC'.l.!iOIlJ> rmd sl1ip's t!rganll'.lllt\u·l. ph\.\! f<m~hl'" oilh Wllldl.t'~

Restrtct ed

Crew o,f the eVE Goes On a Shakedown Cruise

A .F'J1ETI tl,ey hove- gone to school in 1. 1.. BT'I:.lVtEII'Th,~ II 11lfllidl. ~tlficerf( ariel men go alwatfl u Irnluing C~ll'l'jor .mel !.:niilm fur 10 (lu'l'~ LI1 two l!>Ieeks. First they watch hth~' UII:''? Cl'eW I')P~ era tes, then later (like over the ttutlt\S thernsel yes and work I he shi p. Btttle cmH.I1ti(lIlS anI ptilcticed tu emirs in tr..lini11g am'! stress thornughne:~s OlflllJghuut. A rew pL,I1~e;!_c~j]~e {I,h'mlnl to give' the- ship.aetual opemtlug expertence.

Alter t.his: cruise lhe\! lTiImd'¢r lu their O\',TI ship at Tfl.COiUllil'· and the craft "is$i!.)t~ed. S\ll~plies such as fOllU, +uel amnmn itilln fwd ~l~ .. are parts a re ti'lk~1I alio_t!n!. Tests ~\re 1"1111 lin II pta,ctice orrrise anti tho ship's degutJ.ssi'H)!; and dl'!pel't'llilig chec~ed. "the Aiml'phas~ sl\fC'~ ~ho r:;fllUp eUmL? aboard ,It SI~IJ Diego. loJlm,\.ed hv a shakedown. cruise In ~each the' f!.1r (fepilTlt)16nt ~md ship?s crew how ttl work togethel" Finnlly the ~VE ilj hlidJed wfth till ~ht: planes its de:cKs ",I'm hold, 'lOcI it bed.uI.<i: tfJr the war zone.

S~lIoo' r~aehes M'<1I1Y SliliPie'(t$

Cl:fS.'ie5 qt the BU,pm:aTON st!huol proviul;! .\ wfde Vl1ri~tv of traifling. In officer-tl!-the deck ,d'il~~e.~, sucn s~{bjects as rnaneu \'I;lring L~ol1rd, ship 's ergruJizu.tim'!. 11l1Luh,· utili wilteb b'iUs. ['JJlQtin~, (,'0 rnmunie'a.lio H$ 'i:mll Seamnlishl'p UTO hu.,g_Bt. Air de.1?llT!-men~ of'ficelTS some-

'Radfamen I'_ractiL't latin!!: ~\1d('. Men nlU~,t authe»ticate b'lmsIllilistol!~.~n9iIlher uu IT Si,e:l!S a:nu llI(lintain' ~QI,lrit:j. (In 1,IU

RI.'Jftri rt'NI

IID.ICS llUend and le_lUl1 deck offit:c.J' dnties. Engi'nGcring offirers gel a refresher tl')1Jrll,ethat ind~,des keepil:lg rebt'll"a~, logs alit! reports. All intensive clnma:gl:1' <tlC)J1"brnI (;)(I II r se. ,I7l"n\ti d ~ gAs m usk in'iml{f_l\oll. fitt'-fightiu;g. liOm~u~p(I~V!!l'_t'd talephones, OOu1.prutmenlatfc!Jrl. Fuel -and water syst(>rfis. mains, pbw:er -system,.;,

I' bvs/terIT.ra 1,"JlIgl~ Streuecl

Signal $.chmj.l ~eacbes commul:UlUtllo'D,~.rec0g,uiUalJ. 1o()koul s~reen.iu_,g. As witll ull schools, s,wimnuillg and abandon-shit:" drills al'e stress,eil. Men ill lIUfrrtetri"il~ster 5t!IIOOJ g-~t small bouts. recr)!Q1itiml, l~ugine l'elegruph. SQUUuings, wtlethlM". Mel ot!.WI" dutiqs. Rltelio niul cug!.nlillU·ing divisions are given -b:(i!.lnw:g inih.eilttyj_)e$ 9f work, while g)Jlltlel"y students also g!'t !rafning tli -.'iel\mW"lsh;l~ ·and d"IThLge eontml,

Blue-print Te,ndillg t.o d91el'Jilllle cm'ulp:ll'lm_ent!ltilJll is Llluglll mijeoMS oE rleuk :;Q they will nrldl!rs~and UlllI)lIgll' cQnh'tit plau



.... om (0. lmpr4vemeru .in aircraft l'ecognitiQn. On Qne ocouiOli. P·38'., we mon disWicciVe Ameritan ligon .. s, WI'.o. hlld up""n by American .ip,s. It is axi.oma:til: dun ef6den~ llirreraft recognition wiU bre .. d -good (we disdpl1ne.

"Cr u imperative Iha~ lIircrafl t,ooqgnitic:m be! empha. ,,1zed to a g'!'etltl't ertent lind that - green ~l'e w s .and officers be f-a.m.lli:a.1' Wilh aU (lommotl An:uu-iean and Jap -..i.t-c .... 'ft. A de.tlroye:r n e '11· our area hrougbt d.,,,,n a TaF Antl, .. r;"

A-Lr: r know about aJrypJancs is ~hut 1 read ahout em and by 3-1bOkm at Eh!l".l' I>letures. But l~ol1e:>t Injun. I believe I'd know the- old por-bellfedras and that fnnny looldn 1'·38 in hell "r Heaven and my eyes aint none tOQ goocl. Hit's hard Em- IilJEI to uaderstaad why oureagle-eyed young gmtIlers cain't re-oog-niza ·em.

Yit, 1 suspeek when one ofOllr piQues is a-c:omin rigllt at us and dou't snow no fr'endJy sigJ:ts Lh!lr'~ a reaSon tn believe th' en'my mought be ill hit becaze theyve captured ome of pUt airyplanes and 've ~.;l "em agin us.

Bu.! atter J'tla.din this. hit's seems to er ne]e Kim thar mou_gbt be other reasons why these- planes wuz shot t. Fer llit don't make no nevenninds bow fr'endly ye look if yon don't behave ezakly right. ift'J.! 'Hl~1l:n fat a bushel 0' trouble. Ye got to make it paint of shoWin ym' aityplnoe i {T'~dly pro· ... a. hit. Ye cain't take a chance on yet not a-bem re-cQg-nized b . er buddies.

ACTION REPORT: "On one of our ftdkes, O~ F6F develop lid Il'llgiDl' trouble: and th0- pilot WM told to reo llUD to. tbe J;bip w-ith oJ'll! ther F6F orde, d to rel!U'-D witb him. At they pa$Sed ovet' lb pi""· tOO. tfle ~ut~ openOld ti(e, hltt1n,g one tltane. foccmz him tQ make a waw l!IIlding, which be didvl'rY niC!eJy. The comp_lon !<fluted 10 OTbi( the do;wned pl'lne.. only to find himself


aLQ in 6re. He did a wing-ova to fttve the DD a good [o(lk at bim, but 5Q(lQ fQund lhal hi! was olUY making hinuel1 a better ta~lIc-. The ttsult wu, tie was forced 10 leave th., .spot, The DO ~.QDdnu",d [0 fire.<if Ih~ dQwned plane ruid nh~_ piltn ":IIUo::111y W3.Ii fllll~;'

, WHEN.U bod read." Hils he knows thar's n J?t of waysl:,tld means ~o 1w p (;lUI' own b-oys from a-kil11n ODe all 0 ther, But here wuz one ·of our airyplane pilots thar dIdn't nnnembCf' one of flllUl' thittgs, Ano when a man can't rem~_rnber tine of l-ow things he's -got sumthlrt cis on his brain. Hit Multi be 3_ gal-liM: one 'J}ul many o' 'ern. Leastways whatever he h~d ~n h1s brain wuz might)' !Jig not to leave room fer two little words: r-df;}nt-i~ Il-cation .iilld He-cog-nition, Becaze ill this case he s:urtainly rerg(ll:a\)ollt all the rules. Mehbe he didn't give. It hallg about bis own life 'r any other man's lHe. Leas:twnys thar'$. somethln wrong with n man that1l lIlake slcha rnismke,

ACTION REPORT-Two of our PT boats were on day. light pat~o( in the SO\Jlhw~ Pa.aili". WbiJ!' lying·to (III tbll cnemy.litdd~ ,.bore Jinej two 8-25', were t'eco_gni~d very high, ap-pt'oaching on a quarterly ccurse. Onl' plan suc{dab1)' began a dive on the boar.. and wlum in. range opened nre ~ith all machine ~ru. One (If the PT'j wai< hit. JerioU&l-" damaged; a. sinking C!(lJlditian, «>rllV1etely dDableil. Five men W1'e wou:aded, fWO of them $erjou~y.

Tbil PT's had recog~d tnt B.2.5'" ar M""dly and dId flot open -fu;,(' at any rime, Befote . ..,d_ ilfter the al:lack.d,e PT'! had attempted ro contact the attacking: plane on ¥HF. In addition the ABK (IfF) was on ,n an area t:har had bee", d£6jgn-,ued as tatallyrenricted III air bombin,g "nd 1;trafing •

., TI,e ",,,,armed pll111 of IIIe 8-25 lII,1,!$ guU,)' of dIe ,lot. '1JIliiiIJF

1. Air a track in " rem i"ted -area·

2. FlljJure It) emabH5h radio Ebnta"t attempted by the P1' boa,s

3. Failure (0 observe IFP ,ig:tUlJS sent out by tb .. PT boats

4. FaiJul'(! to rllcogni%e f_{l~illy PT boats

Is ""FIE first place the pilots of both airyplanes bad no bUSl. iness o' a-flyin 1.OW41fid straight at tbis ship. Eveu a guinea roo ter would jump stifHe.gged and gH ready fer a fight if be seen a chicken hawk a("'0C!lln ut' 'im like this, 1 don't know e:r.nkly what he>d do ff .he seen two hllWks a-eomlu at "Irn Ht ouet,

In this ease hit' looks to me like they could've turned on

thar gadgets and done a Ullie t:aIJian with eae another ,w. stead 0' Q:~-tryin to do ft:jpflDpS and show the color of thar Wings which made the whale affair more sU$ptCy. If they'd Jape too in time the .sWIY might've been diHerent. But the big mf take- '~z t. hey went u't. ~ ship~ like abtcke~) hawks ,go. attar a gllmea rOC:lster which 15 alright fer hawks and gumeas, burthe wrong way fer our men to appreaeh one anoth(3r when tney're supposed to he all frie'J1dly terms.

Restrl cl ed

PRIOR. TO iORuguratitlll of the present air mass and frontal system of anal~g weather. the term "line squall" was applied to the phenomenon nOW called a cold front.

The old descriptive term still is in good usage, powevet, and mdiootes a band of Dad weatl;!er associated with a cold front. The bad-weather band mar. consist of pr~cip,illltion iD the rami ot rain or snow; ~> ~ty wiut:l.s, low trnllmg clouds, ICing, turbulence. ana frequeutly, thutiderstGtn15,

The more severe line squalls are those th!lJt occur with the passage of a vigorous cold front" when-a warm, moist air mass is fotQed tqlward abl'1l£tly by an undercutting wedge of cold and. reiuth'e1 dry' air. 'The ltction of the wedge of eold -air is to force intense cnnvecrive activity, often resulting in the [omatiion of "tliuodnrhea:,d$,"

While the maximum wind velocity of a linesquall nann-ally Is from M to 40

knots, peak gusts mny _register up to 100 knots. The deslf\_lCtlve force nnIeashed by the wind ."arres as ,the s~uare of its velocity, rather than in direct proportion to its velocity. For example, It 15-knot winq -el(ens a Ioree not 5 times but- 25 times as gt'eat as .a 15-knat wind. Destructivew:incJ$, exclusive of tornadoes, h!lvecaused almost one billion dollar damag in the u.s. during the past 80 yettrs.

~oll Cloud Annollnces LIllO Sq'ual/

The ap_Ef"oaoh of n line squall is heralded by a "roll c1oud~ which usually appears 1:5 to 2b minutes before the storm ttrikss.. This Cloud generally is estremely ragged in appearatiCie and. I} ing white in color. presents a vivid eautraS't a,gairuit'the black stonn clouds behlnd it.

A _particularly. good I,Jicture of such II. cloud Was taken at N"ATB CQ'!tPus CHIUSTI on March 6, 1945 (SEW ,cut).

The picture shows the cloud formation as the coM frant moved in Over the station, the foremost clouds appearing to .roU up over the wedge of advanciflg C"o)CI nir,

W:Ith the ;p,as!iage of the eold rT J'If (line squall), the wind backed from :ENE 10 knots to 26 kMt$. with gusts to 135 knots' the temperature dropped 8" and vistbility decreas.ed to 2. miles to the N. After the Irnnt had p~,ss.ed, tn ceiling and vislbility ~l'dVecl rapidly, but the wind continued fresh and gusty with the highest gusts of 39 knots occurrmg about two boW's qit"er the rrOlltru pas.sage_

The Corpus Cbristic-ase is typical or what ma)!. be expected with the 'passage oE a cold £ront, although the aotivity may he much mere severe. When celd fronl passage is e:~, .. pgcted, all plimes and movable gesr should be secure a iu hangars, if-possible.

.For detailed instructions on etecautions that should be t~ken, see kOL NO. 27·44 Il;Dd Ih:rAEn letLer ()f 2-9 June 1943, serial 99701, "Mooting of tlircraft for eldrem willd cooditions." Both of these letters contain excellent suggestions.

Slots Giv,e Turret VelJHfcl'tion

Hedron, AW-lG hIls reported b

I~l 1;1~'1 1!!~.jr. t1Uft fil'ill~ tdRls f'ur rl\l~ ":CI" ~SO"11 tune t ; nstl\ II ed ill the hu w of PI \"-5A alrplun ~ !mvt.' $hV\VTIib n l:ltl Ior 111lll'1t 11del']mue veutilution,

It has de- is d such a system Iw curtin t. hol",s ill tile fQrW~lfd ""ppm' PQI't.illfl


1)1 the ple):l:gll'lss enclosure. Behind these hoi l' a r.()t~tting pMx1.g1as dlllC' is affixl"d wlu· _1 regul,ates {he size' f the o_penm ~ (See OU(s). Activities desiciug au cuti{)lI;J ven HbHlln prov[s,jolls :ill tJ10S turrets arc LIT' d to fl,,1I0W the J,'_"W-ii) fi.l(,

l11t" /)I\V($lf ~l)CH-l(1 turrel, sorne-

Wh'1t similnr tu the 1"01" turret, whi(lb wll] h ill.~taUt'cl inp]3. -6A ;'lirpllt1le)'l, illcerporates additional ventilation menus,

TUI'ret Cover May Cause Oamage

CaJl as Iit~,\'et~ Ilst)d I'or proteoUflll of LIIITct domes can f:.'11l1:t\' us much harm as they are. S~IPpI:l5NJ tn dl'l Itond. If I hey Fit rather qgbt:l y :U'l(J Hr~ U~IJ(! I'eglllarly on .drplalle~ ill hot ~Jjm{~te.~, there alrnest, i:. a certainty that \ I1ltl1 tile ure 1'1)1110 ed, the U(ln1l'lS will be fomlt! '0 huve ~i11gged owl of shape d\l€' to lll(' high temi'l£1l'~1 (tl.j't's g.euel'fl ted 111- sid the tuneL

E;He('t~ (m the JiM I)f si~ln thl'uug~, tile dome cannot be pr-edihlted, but it dt!Rnitely wi!! be b~rl ,ltlrl may he tl'efiff,Clecl us 11111('1'\ as J.U-lli mils. T1)(~ uu lv recourse when this n curs is trl ("h;ln~e lIlt' dome,

itL'nlft Annnntent 8ulletins No. !j alld 12 discuss this Cl)l1llioll!l llIltl suggest thut turr II covers I e Itlif'U in h'ol')leal elirnutes only dlJriu~ inch-rneub weMh r. It rn\1'h~t' is su~ge.~ted I!tM iE


tl1 covers t11ln'f'lli h r u ru [~r'wd [flr th r [-Ilfl'etli 1\['(.' tfght--£ltt{~]g, "hey he cu'sC'arded. ?'Ii >\ covers desiglwd nnd fllhdtmlCjd Itdi'ully sJIIHlIU III> hlll,,>p-liWng t!~ all!\\\ some circulation of air between thltm lUlU the il(),me."-

HArTe Publishes Hew Bullettn

Vill'il~\I" Imiflirlg L'lIuj'S'~ll olrt'rell I:I'y schools under the Navnl Air Teohnicnl Training nmu1,-ll1d is listed ill ,I lie, ami l'I'vi~ed hulletin !~Imed latelv hy :-J A Tm:la'l'HA o~t. Ikq Ul'r~tb' fUT lh~ 1mlletin shnuld he addr 'sell w; C>O~IMi\"'1l LI£Al>QUA,ltT"H. <1600 [J[)i\lW QV TIlAJlb; fI ~'J:LDI ""';, Uf1lt.Ar;11 \, tt.t ..

Q II (II m I." :'I-ol1I1s-. Ol.l1'dCUIU III and' COIlvcn:ing dates of n.lJ crnrrses effer.ed at any nf t11 OCH1UlIanrl's 60 t:raltlitlg ,}CtivitieJ; ure listed hi tho bullertn as a !tlti de to corn 111iU1dlllll. ofliCers r:lt .run rul establI$h1l'lellt~ 'ij:h r n ·hurt.' Or <l.l1oat. C(,'s slwuld rnuke certutn that men c:hCl~{,l1 Pm' tll'" tr.Lining Me t[ll<llified t(lolll1mully $0 lh(':~ eau get ma\qmum boo £i~ +rom Ibis fI' ial in, truetinn.


UUqll:tlilfcd peT!ilmnul will not be enrolled Ior in~tTllt:tiI?lh At the lose 01 Lb .if lI'!lino'g course, lin' rnen will be rl'tu t'n.ed tn tft "it units ~1II J sl III ul d b e I£ssfgueB 1:.~ billets J'm \V !-tleh (hl"il' t:ltiug luis hest flli- d them,

Title So.. Helps in Mak-rng 'O'j

.. \ metbou for hmlc1IJH~ title plates in identlllclltilll1 ph(')tngr~lphs has been ~uggtlst('d hy the plmto!lf:lphit luburatory ut the N,\ VAL A'CXTLoIMI.Y hl11

S1' A T1GN., 1,I1S M \,m'c" ." The ill1JJ;ttatlrJlJ Sh0\~S n title box wirh pr11Jted strips, ~)esiglll~tillf! rank wh.feh lws heen Lt~l3d ~llcrl'ie!;Srltll\' hv this unit for '0mC time.

'Tht:l g.~,o(n'erl .hox. -whldt L-S eilsHy C''.i. will {lcClunmotillty SO plates on which I ave been printed the various \V;IO'tUlt and ('111JllI'lissftlfTed (lffi-


eel' ranks within rhe Nuyy. 'Two thin metal pl1lte have been 'tlesi~J'd to ·Ur ontO the title ·trips and hun the dooignlltion l:ISN and SNll.

Tilt." hOI< i.~ mount$d betwe 11 the uprights 01 the Cralle..'{hle[lli6~Htiun Cnml,l[U lind is readil . accessible t~l the operatQf. Olher units dQing Ii liu'gee 110)_ ufI1e of icicillificlllioll work )11[1.Y flnd

this sllggesJ:iOn hdpfu.l. '

Cpncrei'e SalvQged 'or Pcrvemeaf

NAS Pt.:MILo fl'~"lJtll\ - RtJmnvlll of hell vy ~ncrct~ r vetments, constructed rflJ' protection of fighter planes and nnw l!leeme~l III) hmge.r necessary. \¥.:Uj nr~l~re:1'l at thi,~ .~futltlil. At rile same Lime, plans were approved £1;Il· l::l-r~e areaa ul" bit\1I1Ji:nOlls pav·in, I l(} ht\p'nwt': stHtion r acilities.

P11l1lre WMks \)I.'it'lfllftmel'lt tnn:;es. In C6l'lpe,! Ii n w:Jb the Construednn Buttulion \ ho wert' directed, to lav the Itil\·hl~, lll'iJl,f;! (,I\1wl1 titBl'C,,!,CJ;nflflts ~\"'flll u iZOOO'poQtld s:tecl ban 'wun:g by <L hoilitillt( rnaehine. \. iththe aid of sfmw oto, hers, se.v~ I rl\rlllSI,(1(,1 ell bjt! vnnls ll1' crushed ronceete were nhb@m;-cl, rill''f of wh jell ha,s been a"ied us:

Ims1' malerml Ior tile rtlW g. Thus dHfic\llt and expeustve trnllspotttltioll or " lurgl' volume 01 J,wa'\"y matertal aboard this air station wns avoided.

Radar GeaJ"ScoJ"!es First Rescue

COl11fl1' reHectors, till' devices which teurn lip with radur to help Sm"\'l\"OFS adrift on me ruUs, huve senred thetr first uffi(;(td rescue

A00Ul'diHg L~~ II fl"pOl'l fl'm'U llle !bl .Hum hf'r00111l'f1<1lHt ~"d'. the 1>t>::~l:Ja,-* n·ll~dpl u~·,...u in mulli·'P1!lct· raf1:.'i helped su\"eth~ lillf:)s of I J m{ln who (Iitched their 1j.2.tJ in the l""':wifl(" oFf the: \!ttrlunlls Illr ladk ul I,ual.

A eomer rdle()Wr WItS l:lreeted in nne Ill' Ihlt bVIi) .,\-"!l mull i-pltllJi' flirt}, l1.'1l;rl I~y the survtvors, liml a l'E!ol.l living JC) mlluS" away at 8Un· Hl(lO-flm( alfitude ~i('ked lip the "l)lip" IlU it\ t"1ldar ~c'ilpe. The l'IJl\J dirt't'll:lt11L !te~lplar1t1 tender to the ntty;. 'rhe tl\l! d er roll ort:ed it I I ~1t1 <llllU pichd lip the enrner 'reHt'cttlr imHclI tll')l1 1111 its t~drll' [-amI .'5 111 lles mll!!!e,.

f.hi1j·-.MmY ind{},enl i" the first lJutJle,;ti(:tl.L.l~d J"es~I~1j reptJrttld 1n wh!al1 Ci1)"11tH' l"eHeclti~s lmv" pluyed q ](~ading l·G']C. However, us di~tt"ibllii()11 1)1 th~ ;\U:·131 '.1 r~Jw'dl"ll"s it'll one-man I'll fIJI an d the ~tc'\:.-1.'Ill A I'e:flec~o rs f 01' multi-place nuLl> he~,(JmIi'lS more and i!iUl'C:l wide~pte"d In tlw Fleet, it JIi expedtld tllllt'they will nssi.'ll in more. and more fWC'!lt','.

Pers{·mll~'1 utc urged tq hold l\ctuU] dl'iUs In h~com'" f.rt.nrilhtr Mtilh the procedure {I[ ere-etiug the reflf'c:tlll"s. lifl t lml til ace will he tl( I d iffi 0111 ties. II ml er reel .... mlll·~et'" . cnuditions,

New Repair Mef.hod 5o-ves Time

Through the Beneflcial Suggestion .l'rogr.llUl. n time-slll'in~ H~'rHlir ruefhod hus hl"I"H {ltwir>!'1d [,WI'f'pnir:ing plm;e lend (:'tllJH~(,'tiOIIS l!S\llt!h' 'm1 the tYpe

S~7 esofllu ttlr luhe.· ,

This U1eJiltlli ~()!I~ifils simply (1t joinillg .:! hrokeu parts of phIl'" lead TUd by means of il S"ptdttl h:i'I1.'1S: nut, tpprQ¥ !f" lung., ",iash\~T an d Itiuk out. This ma~ ht,\ llcI..'f)}hIIUshtld withaut di~-

Advance Bases LET IIM.EWS HUll fl.OI JOBI

:{5;,~muly by ~itnply J?:lllUug ~I slight pt:(O~sl,lre (j11~1df' t'J IlIslIl;I.[l)r. Lll preverrt broken lend TOd horn. Iallin ,i101<11l I Ul110ngh!r wlrile fhiot "~ b~ing 1·(Jpn1red. "Illis fap.tir 'l)peNrtiau nnw is !'Itli"f.onned In '[r.prOx.irnH~l:.lly 3(~ mlnutes, alld can lte m,tdo' wft huut l1i~n\c"" semblv of trausinitlar.

II f~.,,*~JoI'W", [-' "'1·. IJ.. A.", ,t~""~ I

:Scrfety Device Reduces .Acc.idents ~.\TI~ l"l~"'::il!.CkiU:-A S!lfe~y device which prevents dam.-tge to pny I III lis

If'fl'fO t~willg-ere c:"'ling fllilutflli );1111 t!,een itn;provil>ed by St']lln~lr(m ,v:'i~glJlHI in the fu:nn'l uf tW(1 .~heet-$teel ";<;aIety: sb:ill'l'· reinF[Jr('em~ut~ ~vhi(;h work wen:

F'u'ihcre of several 1.1:<1. h()H eeut6rlint' tow[ug-et~li resulted ill :Jeutl(.: J t~'h\rlngaccidellt~. A ~sudd!.:11 m;ed!\iad. <sLnin (Ill the 1"p'w-lf1!¢ wo\!hl CjrI.I1.'i.i.:. the: c.'lIs1- JIlg~ hi! "reak. T·ht· lU"'I! ,aliwuy,~ (l{'curred thrm.lgh the locking.plu bole. wi-l h tll~ nlJt ~e.glIi~ut of Il;Iw tell..!·ing loose abel uIlH,.\1l11g the pin that holds the 1"(""<Ii" stl'l'lt Clr ~hl:1 beuehil'l~ gear ,lo. dill! !a\villg-eye In dliQP free, The- entire he,ceh.tlllfgenr would eolhTpj~ fm(;nj,)Jiltld}. dalllugiitg t100 hill!

To p.r!'l'Vcnl (.lmn!tg@ In ~uol.l lI"tl0· ~ll:u($. lhli;' squadrnn llevi.~Hd 11"IJ reinfjwoern~nl, consistillg 'Jf Iwp .OI:!li3 ,~heel steel "saloty straps" bolted tfi lhB castIng \vith tWo AN3 steel bolts. :Cwo to- 1 . .'~H_l . hlilures fel/ cusfllgs ha.vjtlg this Il1odHl.eut:iflTI dofmHeh pm¥ed ·afficjcncv f)r III!.'" rJ!:\ t(:l!, 111"'Il>l"kh'~ pin "j;J.I'jh~ heIr] ill 11,h-u:~c in ht)th O<1!':C$-. On~ of ~1'lIt pielures SIlOW.'! a fl1i1ui"(.> resulting ill no d II 1ll,ljI;e tj.,) LI!I;! pla n P.l.

, etl."m"fl-I~Jt is recommended lb''1t t"actQI" dt'j "'I'rf be instructed to rake np the slack S(JI~11 wIJIll! si"-I'Lmg Ip- lOW, and caurioncd ",gainsl SlOpping with a jer:k IcUing t.he nirpJa1lc pull (h~ !'rQefl1~r down the n"'m.

Je,eps Rig: Out 'or Crash Rescue

NAT.I:l ~NSAOOLA-Fite i.a.i1U qlllih ctrojpma,ll~ of the Naval Air Trnmi:ng liJ.q.-:e.~ has: h~'(ln [\.ugJ1') QY Ul Hll'wly.lleslgned d1J(!I<J!1J:rp))~e Illepli ~(_J])ippt:d In light fire, do n."'S()lle work IImi It!:[ Hs Ilrnhu1<1I11:!@; wlten u~de:c.l.

Th\l n~'\v J'"cpli. ass1.h1f1f"rI ttl sHtelHt~ Held .. , ure lIol1111clmrcd eS1~).C!ci."llly suit,!blt" to 11S~ ill tuggr<d terrftln Whf'fe shtmla:rd equlpnwrH t.~llIld not 1~]'mJ'ate.

Rqllipped with C'!1fl!!,plete crash kits.

Stl,kes liner. fiul ~id kit, and fln~ . flgllting p<lrnl'hr::lmaJill~ the l rigbt I'ed j~"'11 (mrry two 5(J'P01111d eyltndsrs 01' eaeboe d.iM._'itl~, Otlc j'leI"RI)T1 ]"nanrlin~ tire

vehicle ('lUI speed to a erush aud, us;ing the GO:!, lMnthi:lF II firC!' ltmg tlunugh to ,,:ffeet rescue (l f pet1)on lilt loti p ~etl iu the wmdmge, 'I'heequiprnent is' not tla.5lgned lr) C.Ntinglli"flh large Ht£1l1,

Tile jeeps IlCC the prtfduct of ·tbe ioi!! t o.ltorts 0f ~pe·rrtti@11~. !i~ ret')' ulJ:i'oc,. b'~lI1s11Orrul;ioIl and pu blie Yi'Qrks.

~ B .. ;ler CQtnlnenl-U.nil.!l ,,9 illuatrured. bilve value 1:19 ~rotl!d bill wQuld not be Qf lfluo;ih u.~e if 6rl) of- an,. c--orfsequcnce b",eaJi-s ow. Th"il; lies, pcinllipaJl}! in being o.ble to ,,;rri'll!. 1\.[ the !Stem" of tb .. crWib. ql.liclcl r.· 1)",0. or thes.... jee_D., is mll r CIlOlW11 en ded ex:cep rio s_p edar Gases I\'lferj> othe~ C"I)!lsh IrueJ<:s' andl-ambulancC>1 CannQt be uwd or 1Ite not nY1liloble.



'uOrd I'JlIlld'Ul;el New 220·'". Fiag. IGJllb

The- bomb, fra.grneiltatiOTI. 220-Jh . .\N- 1'.(88 is a reflneJuelll and improvement of the 260-Jb". ~-(81 ("formerly A.lNdl) which reoontl), reached the Fleet. While il1e 260- lb. homb is on declive fl'lwllllDn •• eseatch and te$ls conducted 01'1 mrmerous c1iffereli\ dest~ have indicated <.AN-M1i8 is the most ufficient fragmellt8ti0II bomb of its weight

One diJFuence between ~he two fmg. b'ombs is thaJ casing of AN- ,l8B, ts made uf a closelv WQund Jlel~ of :r:I" !fted bar around an iJmer stOOl 9'linder, whUe ~l!il 1s s'i:miIill'ly e0Tl5trwit,ed of 1" bar steel. Since external dimrmsioDs of both Bomb ... III _ the- same. diameter of Ute explostve ,~\ t)' of ~-l'4-8II i~ therefore- Y' en;ter.. resulting in II larger dha:rge '0' explgsive, C(lmp. :8. for thfs bomb . Because of the smallu d1am'tef l\flllii steel bar IlfIU in-ceeased exploslve qanntity. inltial velocity and ef{eetive range of frllg:lTHI'I!ts have been IDAterinlly incre.'lSe8.

Ex;pre!jlled in p.ercentage. gain of the ANM.8s1)"mb over pre..l{enl !ifatli'iIi'Lrd $1 homb is lIS fQll OWS:

A$S8llll:ily Ana suspeJ)llion af the 'e berobs is identlCal. Both employ AN-l\uo3Al nose fuze set on InSlantaneous. the ,uI-l\.-UIlIl,u I ail fn2:e the non-delay 1o.U4 prilllttl'-< cWtonatO-f installed. itDd the same "box type" tail ~sembly &eetlred to the- bomb bQdy by a 1t1cl.-i:q,g ring, The l\-fBJ. IltId ANMas bomhs.l:\Jhen using these FUliie.5 arl.:nrle for all O_PefllOOlllll usage fI1cluding Olltapllli takeoffs and arrested lauding. Minirilum S~1t altitude ,,( releaie- flJ'e goveraed by mstruqti'Q,ns as .issued by (AJ.PNOB for bombs of this weight find fll:dng.

Total number of bombs. &'II-li.i1I8. that may be tWT~d ill TlIF~type a:irCl'aft fs lDnit-ed to e1Jtht du \0 bom b-ba)' dimensions ~fld Weiglil carrying oAp<lclty of the aircraft. ThiS &ag. 'bombil> sli~tIy IOIlg~ th.'l:n the lOO-lb. of 6P bom-b, and e\lCII though it is pbysiea.l1y rmsstble to load .I2

bombs. OIIl! en e;:JCh lOO-lb. sta.tiOIJ Ul t.I:le THY, 12 bUDllill- ever-load !;he plane and do not leave ~umci nl elearsnce between

bombs f!;le ulery. - .

On airemn where totPl lelt~ of the bomb ISl'Il,"It crlffool, total number of 9.20" lb. bombs. AN-Mis-, carried may be th same as- fbr- 100--1b. GP bombs. subject of course to Weignt-cnrrying capacity of tnt' indivkhml bomb staUoa and the mernft. BOtll the £rag. b~m b -MliJ Illld .!J//-MBlI. mR)' be hoiste(J Py ba[)d; however, th 220.260. lb. weight of these bombs makes hanil-hoisting somewhat diJJjcult. :rharefore, ill> 'b--n0fl as a vwla h1e,tIle rei::eniJy ~eveloped bomb lloist.±ng Sling. Mk 36 Mod 0, should be used in IlDi!;:liIig these bombs for loading en mob or ~hR!lkles or Novy I\trcmf,t.

PtllC.1J_ii'm t' ut 01 1)011'1 f1. !.ISt. wrn continue until ma-nuf.aclurers effeCt a sbift tn AN-MilS.

JGO·Jb. GP .80111'1:1 Ha, Loll!iler Tall fins

No diflluulties were. enecuntered from hig--]] -altitude bombing with the standardtyp firl6 flOw USed on the lOO-lb. Of' bombs. AN-~lSO, .. l, unl1l advent of the 11--29


S!lperf(Jrtre~8. :8omb(qgliom higher -altitudes made pC)SSihle by this type -phme t~ealed that the standard t:til £io assembly 110W used Oll these b01Jlbs clHlsed theroto >ta1Ie rul eratic Biglit. In So (II e cl1SeS this weuld cause the bomb to have sid. rather thitrT nose. hnpact and .hi1 to tQ(pi<lae when it hit t!h e In'ound.

HtlIl\'ier g!luge metal W;L~ used. by AmI}' in t:01IStnJcIiQll of It{i,I fins in an e£l'ort to ,clinJinntl' tlli Eudor. However, it was hUy dlft(!Im:i:ued ,h(II a long!;'I tail assem-

DIy was nettled. ante lOO-Jb. (Ill bombs were equiPIIcd With a tail assembly from the 260,lb. UabrmeJllation bOlub. ~18t. which iii it longer. Erratic (!Qnditto~ wet ei-!mina:ted Iltld ~e tllil aii~emblles will be. mude uv:tihJble by the Aony fQr lJSC on new JOQ-Ih. :1'- bombs. A -'MSOAl, but will Slot he hrmished retrmlctWely fur bOQ:l:bs II0w 011 hand B ureau of Ordnance has announced.

These lOO-lb. cp bQmbl> $(r()n will b

hiRPed will1 shipping bands instead ~f bems: crar.,d. Also, tl~ ne\v~leqgLh wi.! lins W"ill be s,l)i pp d s!l.pllJ11t~.j y. four to a cel'ltam r. Original containers used b~ Army wera Cf \yood constrUl)ijlln, how er, it has: beet! recommended that metal eontainer~ for: IlUlfing be made lI'fJailnhle for N tory. 10 eilrniJlll t fire hazards for Reel use,

The- foUQwing bombs will !lOW USt:' !.hi'

sam type tail Ilssf.1l'nbly:

1.' lbO-lb. Gr bumb, IIB.MaO/\!

2. Bomb. fragmentation, 260~lb. MlIl.

3. Bo.tiili. fl'll~etlkt.tioD, 220-1b . .v.-;lo'l88 40. IS0-lh. GP bomb, 'rt (developed by

A.rmy as <U~ W&nledlllLe substitute to alit I'i'ite II. ternparory rdiormge of .lOCI-lb. en' bombs).

The pholOgraph illustrate_!! llle ne\\14;I' type bomb. ffns. whose 'extm tw~ inell!$created the _greater :accuracy demlll'ldecl ftQm the lOO--Ih. GP bombs.

Hydrostotlc Fill. ArmIng WI,r. Brad:e.'

G~ses have been Teported in whleh fllZI;I A N'-~U: 2M allCh'1f.1:DS fitted to depth bumlj~ 1\ -M~ 54- have beeeme -armed inlu1v(!Tlently due to shearlng of a.nninB wire when carn·u (In F(lF pylon racks.

Tl1tl -shearlLlg of fhE wire is. believed dUtI to high torque developed by tile anllillg \';me together Wi_th vibration hom posfP(fm of. .the ~mb in the propeller llpstrenm, ThIS easUy can be remeditlcl hyusing an anning ,lre l:inlckej os employed with th CmQs}of t!2!l and AN-M.II: 228. Before til· Ql'\lek_et can b flt-te_d tQ ~he armIng mechanism hOnSi'llg-neek. heads of Ike two screws in th .... neck must he filed flusb with the Sllrf~(;l Fuzes mlul~ 1n 'u~ure pro· duction will have- headless drive SCI'eWl) instead of' the present round head typ of screws.

Use of this bracket is l'cquwed. OIllv 1M [uze-S' c,'lrrJ ,d on. external tacks of bighs:peed aircraft and only suHtcienf fuzes Ior ll.llis ~p";loilll ap_plieatioD should be JIIQdifted 10 re-cei'-'e ilia brack('ts. Additiom'll Of ttlplace~ent braCKets OlDy be oblaiJ'loo ,nli a pplicatioll to B'uOn:u. See OU9SS, p.[- 69, tor insta1l8lion lIislntctions for h"aC)k..-~.





Advance Bases


standsrd eqtlipmebt in all life caft its and is far more effective than dye llUll.Ker.

:Another pilot Ioreed to $pend 01)0· sldemble time ill a raft rep0l"ted (bilt altbuugh he bad sufficient emergt'lney rations, these bad baeeme s~eu by dye mllrker and he was afraid t<'l use tl;em, h(ilieviug that tl1:e d~ marker might ha e a harmful e£fecL IuvestlgatiOn hits revealed 'that fluorescein. the dYE: used in dye romer, h~ 11 very low degree of toxicity wben taken internally and the M)Ol:lJ1l that would be present in ratio/'ls 0r drinking water s'taine-rJ \vith dye marker would undoubtedly be l1ar,mle.~ ,

All pilots nud airerewmen are aware of the value of ret(Ulling theic P!ll'Ilchutes aboard Hfe rafts for use as Pl'C)tectiou against xposufe. Tests conductt>.d at the aval Medicalltesearoh Institute in recent months have shown t]lat th~ J') nne; hiHty or n ylM pJl'fa_~ Qhu~e doth If!) ultra violet radiation is slIebthaL at least three thicknesses of the cloth shuuld he lt~edin the eenstruetion (If .Jl protective covering.


IN O[;'l'O~J;l of H'l44, the pilG! of an FlfF all a rnissinn in the P.hIlippiue ru'ea. was f'(lrced. to ditch whenl1ill plane was hi~ by enemy AA. Following the ditchmg, this pilot !lpent 4ft hours in hfJ:l raIt before be.iug rescued. He st&er~d eonsiderably From_ sunburn but cl1S~0Vered thathis ankles, over which he had acciden~~y spilled dye. marker, ware not burned,

On re.cetpt of tM report. a cQ.Olplehenslve stuay of dye marker us tl sunbum preventive was made by the Naval t-,Iiediclil Research lnstitl,lt6 ~ll·e€J.uest of Bureau ot Medieine and Surgery. It WliJ; ~covei'ed thk~ tne tlye used in dye (l'l:~j:ker can en use e.'tposec;l t{S~uc beneatli t1~a sldu to become sensitized by suulIght. By virtue I'If this ph0t(l)sensitizing qua,).ity• there is a possn)ility of its causing se ere tissue dama~e if jt is l1'pplie<l OVIU' au area in which tlre !ikin is broken.

h view uf tlus fad, the Bureau. of Medicine and Swgery does not ~ollside.r it AdViSable to recornmend the 'llse' of dye. marker as a sunburn preverll;ive.

unbu!'nproventlve ointment is now



In Anticipation of Fleet Needs, NATechTrQ(om Trains Personnel To Service Advance Type Plunes

NE\\"ES'I tldditiull In i"\" VALUII TF: '11- :o<'rCAr 1'IMINLW. f ENTIW. Ctll ;A(;11 h :1 lurlm-i t rnaii1tl'U[lIlC~ aml I't'pliir setw!!!. 'Ill 'ttl. for the past StW 'Eat montln in the ch\S£!'s <ttlcol .shops at 87tll <Iliff AnlhDtlj' 1n~\11 ha ve I'(i'cci\~ed t'f'ehulcal trniruug- uecessarv to service and m,\inlaill j >.t-pJ'dPllkoll ~a.5 turluues U:ttil POWIrr t1H' Navy'S latest high- peed. h:ig1h:utiulde. fighter tn>1: l~ilvlmJ€~.


J uatructicm is opeu til AM i'of2C ur higher, A.HMC3C or higl1er. lind i!'ltllvidual!y recomlllelideri men who have l:u,'icl prior exp«rfel'Ulc- ill turbo-sup rcl'ln.l'get work, Trainees <IT ordered to tlie CL1ic'lf,>1) sehunl Irnm Lllfl FI~H and rWll1 I'lll'i(lll$ u Iatinn activities, 1\ I fist men !lUW in Il;;dJ.dug ul lw'bo-fel 51;"11-00J reponed rmrn combat theaters,

Secrecy sl1ri'onnding j t prilpul~jtJJJ has br-en lift:e(1 {"l1tmgh ill n-ceul Il'l.Ot~lhi;. to previde II glimpse of what; the Nnvv is clr.'liu~g ill UII~ dt>vell1p 1111'111 nl' jet-I)1)'" planes.

T"<:rine-es Work In Well EquIpped Shop~

The [om wBi¥k illl'im-jf't course is <ii\ jd~d flit., Iour VllUst' (;~lWI'!i18 both {heoJT Iml 1)I'IINhd -lmI' work 011 t)lrho-jet equipmenr.

Prit ctiplas of llir fl~lw. \lmpressidn :1ltd (~Xl'llll!l1olj nl gl.lSQS lire emphasized ill the fir~t phase, Theor ill 'applied dlrt'CtJy 10 the ul~£'>l'illi\J1I or the turbompl'l'C'.!1:u~gtlr :13 a pructlual basis for UJe SLlUh (Ir alrN,lft pl'op\IISio):l by jee

.Dllriqg tlw se~oJ'Ic1 phllSIil !If theil' course, trainees dt'Vol<:: intensive studv [t J the alr and f uel s~sterns or I'll£' ]"It-est euinpressor und jet propulsion gas-lur. J ines. Purpose ~r lIllI;, work i.'> to teach I e.ciltlicia'ns bow to qillckl Y j'et:tlguizl: causes tor unv failure- by the PO\Yl'l'l1Ilit .\.tIel 11(1V,' tn make neces~'ll.r)' "('pairs,

rllalnee.s Op~rate Equfpment

WII bdcat(1J1l pI'i1l'ifJle"o; null ~Llcl'y (lJ ~ne el ectrieal systoms ill use ill lhe jet prn,pulsicm ~w>·till hiue!; J'au.J..t" 111" thl1 lhird rl.ILlg~· 01'< tt.1t!J@~jel eourse.

Trainees spsnd 48 hours ill ,,()hlltl upet<lti(lU of I h' lu leSt ~mH ul'lJillj;! jP-1 l)ropulsion unit. Full el11phas]!, rs l)\acecl I U U Ie peedy recognitign fJf 1111 r",t1owd I a.ilurEi$ .\l1rl pj"(~p 'I' mnint-(;'IJ!Uu't· and repalr procedur s, Trainees ;ttl" instruetuti in t1* "ort'$ ,t manner ()! I' 'uliwillg nut! illS:t dltn Y jet pl'optusiflJ I'bUlCli in airelltl.ft. r-.'loe~lp!) are 1Ii;ee til [clIcll rrcrp~r hflnUlitlg IJ[ UIO qUick cll~llge -,,[[LIId and speedy remnvu! und instnllnbiOlJ Hf po.Wf'1' rmif and its .1(Jl·es,~{)l'ie~,


J 100 2 explain IllO..Ie1 iliff reirees ili.JJ' give overhau] 'UIIU maintennnce data. C'htwk I?to'rloil interval ~tnd ul!>t-rut'Utllh," 101' the 2S-hoilI' ffJJgine eheck.

The jet is mnst Hiuient at hi 1, alb.~ t11{~f'S m prllpulsilHl lIfiHwng lIlt! usual ]I(lnid fu I typ(;!, Beeuuse of its"demand f(fr air rOJ' QOfnbl,lNUtlP, PQ)ovt!r drtrps t\1f wllh ahitude ulIlo.~'Ii" I,l r()\rjsiUII t',UI he lII~Ld e to IOn pp Iy air arti.!lcin 11 y • In 11- I'Q "k\! ""h re the pawerr plnnt dlill'gt' carries an ingreditmts reqnIred for 0;00- ~raUoJ1 of gaS(}$ regU~'clJ ~S ('If UI;!Il~it)' or '1111l~IlPll!N·e. the e1lginc is in~ra effiClient and deveL!lps plJWI;1X at allll"ude.

[et PI'l:lpUlsiM ~lIgil1es lI!dng liql,fid IUdl UII'd all' usually are rated tlccorcHug In their t1n;uil measured stt~t1~~jUy, Il urstI[l(1'y\1 'f d sveloped by IL jet is III prodllot of the thrust times the speed in le!'t u ~cuoud divlde(l QY SilO (ordillM!! ff'lNlilJlu fl?l' Iwr,sepOll1rtr). 111e tbnul(IF H jet UFlLir. produeecl by the pI'opeller of ~I COIWE'!1t'OIl,l! ell gin , tim li spee{l tit tho airumft gives the- thrust horsepower that C!'!llfCSpnnCis t~ the c.mkuil:l. I !JIll fOl: horsepClwer dlil,,~kjr)("\1 lty l\ jot,


Aviation's Demand5 for Power With Less Wei_ght Speeded The Deveropntent of New Jet Designs

R,\lJl"A~ IlS prupene-dOB alrplnnes [lillY seeru, the idea of jet prQlwl.shill flutll!llly hits l)ct'a [111:' :nibj,el't' 1)1- t'Xlwnme;.'l1 tatlon for !TIoreth,"lI1 2..S(J "'l~ "go us I (j80. Su rS1IM \t jlA-i:ulI ,;rt)dLlt\cd n mllue! uutomolrlle en\bodyfng t1w j t id~H.

$ill~~' 19118. 11I1Hm Ihe WI'1ghl BrOIL· crs 1111ul'C Li:Jeir hisLoric HightS IJ l Ii.: i tty Ji<1ltvk, tIlt' 1!;W,l1lill'" Internu] lIomh,jsUrm t'ugum has heen the 11~lSIs fHl' rucilem dcvetopments in rurcral propulsion. As ilVitttiOIi develnlWft, demand [or ill, OI'CIlSI,l,S in speed, oporalilJllnl heigbL rule 01' climb. l!!tld 1{')~ld t.:arrying t.<tpacit)' were l'tmtiJluuI,lli, ReV(llutilll1ary t'hallges ill ul:tw" ft de jgu ns well ilS Il11dti-<'YlilH1 I eu¢ues of f:l' at weight (k·vel~T_Pl,ld. l~nd~(vCilring [0 D1 t tlll.'l (!UIlSt:ll1t demand lor more power fr01J1 stf1l\lllll'. litthter engines. t-u!:{irleers ~v.e

tu ned to ,ga -tUitbim:~s and rocke!;$,

lJiwrtl1!tl,tS i~ I Tlnlv, G,'etll Bmta fll , SI'.'f:'Il~ll, Ceml'l!l '. Fr~ll1('e. nnd the Urrltcd 'States all Ita'(" '[lillt:nted ~a!)-L!1)'hhlll n)~el Pl'llflU!S~OJI ,d' i~'_~. III 194() lil . ljlan, ltn. v. S. Ltlmplnl managed til st, y in the ,~jl I() 11'1 iTlIlll'~ wn Ii :1 f~t [?1'!3" pellerl plain- .

GcnmHl\' InL~ pluced lwo jel type't!I';lft iTT t:oIl'li-Ia.t; the I'wkl"l type Mil: lS3 ilnd th ,",U,:262 ",WI lwiu turblnes. b servers credit !:hose ~8f1n"!J planes with speeiils of 50Q til eoo mih,!$ lUI 1UJlllf a.t h)gh -ult Itu d 011 , It I~ prohrihle that jet [lropn.Jsintl Utlil'~ dlrvrd(1p-ed h} F. \"'llfll le. (If Oreal Brll1tln in 1941 aud the work of Americ.1n engiI1flfUS Ims gOlH! f,)r\ ned >ll .1 puc ~~I~UJI Ie) LliIIL Q( the U~!tWI1Ut ,

BuAel' r.,wel New EII91ne "~II-(lf,lll!

Thre-e .lte.w etlgint!! hi rll (.!.t 111 $ (t:()lIfi~ deulltiJ) are being isslII::d by ffUN1l1 1111 turbu-je] t>nwe-r plants. G(~"e-ml TutWfljet i!:ngin« Bulletin No, J outlines tIll' thuory Qf f't" prop~lbit,l1l, Ge.{llmti F:1(n:trir J-tR TIilI/lII-ief 1~llginedi'IIl(:l/;ltJ.l n«



IJl1ltu,.l.· IlI':f'UIl, ,,", ~he war. the ft'Ul.rimmll ptJUI~r [~€d' III flight WUIY rllmnal fitted IIfJW!!f'. Tld~ PQrilCf 1I1~~ flce ultfnUlfe" <lillj~ <"mltlflllClW tlr "Illl.rlu!l~ PUIJ)@!', Btlt-Iqhen um t .Clio: 1m mi Ifeni" iI' bcaalTi" n e.f~"liI1l'1J tu $(!IIP up tim errgtfr!l;f fur ,q"ofit. 111"'00" of tllllG lind rating was deooujped and ill' kfll.lum f~ MD.!'rA!lY F®\v:EfL

M rr.rtAfiY power- Is the maximum ... sale power output. with J?;eseot mOO'ary fuels. Thirty il1I1lutes IS the limiting period of operaticrn in military power In f1,cwe~ wstallaj:.i~~. {\lthou~h inadequate oooImg capUClty of ce.rt:un older cotllbi,lt:-typ&P-frpl:mes requires llmtting its use to flve-mhtute perlcds.

A Iewenter,prising suuls fouuel fully !;(1UJt1eJt:ceed m:ilit4.l.ry power witheut ill~urtlHg engine failure-whieh helped (10 end in sameooma!l.l opex(,jt!a-ns. This encuuraged establishment of a higher rllting than }<fiLl'l'A.R¥". evea though this power' r:£present:; considorable ,straw GU the engine. thus a .teduC:I;i.QrI in engine IlI'e. This higher "tinting first w::u; called 1"An f)MEl'IGE:'C'f, HOW is Irfll)WU U~ COMBAT

Millring a OOMlJA,'r wIng, Jsn't all duck soup .. Ellg._ine po-wer iii llmited in !I,ll)' or all of three ways: by 15uperehargel' c:t!?lIdty. by cleto11 aJion, by struc~ure;. $ltpercl1ruger eapadty and rum determine ri;nlximum ma:iU£a]d PJ~SSU1'e at~ t:llJ'Ul:ble at fun ~hrottl{j. structural considemtions usually liwit" the rpm and manifold [ttes_sure allowable. DetOll!ltion may be takelJ eure e[ by using 'hightlf gr'6de. fllelS' or water iIljecllon.

From thi,s it may be soon -that any cvmbination uf mluill'l')[d pressure and rpm woo't do, Tbe pill_lt- lW1or::rb:~ to aop'e out a: new-wI}!' double is liable to wind np with a fe\,' exlnl parts. Don't try it unless you have your. ~rnming trunks and curd (N.\"VI>,ER 12114) wIth )Iou.

The term WAIl T!l~iERGENCY has boon miscnnstrued and misused. Pilots have been prnne to use this powel' in ekcum~ stances- other tnnn c!l:rrtbat. E:ngiIl~ without war emergency mt1qg (wEld efjuipment have been SUbj~t8d to war emetgel1cy puwer (WEI». It is believed that mach uE this misunder:standjng bas been dliilP to .the teun W~ E].mJlf;E'Nm'.

Theee being a \"\'at em, II pilot considerIng himself in lUI emel'geu.t'Y Ietlb justilied In lLsing WAR EMPCEWcypowet. Fot thi_s reason thll Navy has changed the name tl) COtif.BAT power.

OoM'BAT power. equip.ment oon!l.~ts gf wate~/hlcoh{)1 injection systems eouEled WiI:h automatic pOWer CmaruIold e];eS5~) l:e~ation &vioos, A gODd eX!lmple is tile FM-~ 'lI.i~plane \V,ith -tbe IHII2ii-":iffW engine. In fow-1.ilo~ver:, ua water injection is tlsml, but COMBAT powel' i!i developed at SOtl M:&.t. 'Mtis 50" :is the mWt:imqrn Ute manifold pressure regulator perrnJts in lo,w-blowtlr whe'EIler throttle- is full forw-IIxd ur uot and. since DO detonation occurs @.t this MAl' jn low·blower, water is not mfilded, (Doo',t be s;urpri:sed. hQwevorr. if you !don't get 50" near se-a levetl at full throttle. because of indiviutllll dilF(Ifenees 'Illllong_ these engines and because you're operlJting near the top limit oI thesuplil'charger cap.aatty.) .

WA:rmn/ALCQIlOL injection is used in btgh-bloweJi combllt. p .. OW'eT in .. the FM-;! and Mio.P is limited to 5.2", When the supplr. of water is 0:wau!ihld, the rawer regulator ::Illt~mbrically -reduees lIlanifula pressure to a limit of 46", whicin is the maximum \lalll~ Ilt wbieh !he en,gil!B can JJ-e operated DI\"i' m higb-blower without destnnitive,.

.. CO.MBA'J' ~OWfl! shall be used only 011 engines. baving coiTIbl'i:t PQ~~er equlpment 'those desi,gna.ted' with w us in Rl82n'"Bll.w),. FOr oe..,ign study purposes, eomhat p~wer is oo:nsid:er-ed to be 11 HVe-'minute rati:lJ~, When used ia eombait~ bowev~. it' IS expe{!~ it will b~ wed ,as long as needed (or until the water/alcobol supply is e~hausted."'<IDa DolQDger. The l~nger COMM'fpOWer is used, tbe ~eater the possibility of engine fl!ilure. COM1!A'l' po\ver ,shall not be used more than ,,1 total or live hours between overhauls. CONJ:lJi\.-'r power shall be 1;!sed" o:nly l:n combar OpemtIDIlS and then fl?J~( in an emer~enoy, <;01\£BAT power IS liklJ' amm)JnitiIJD-don 1 expen,Ut ~edlellsly.

Folded Wings Mayeause Damage

A:.tlantic Fleet has directed t-hi;J;1 models TB.P/'l'DM,. PM"l!, 1"51' tim). sc ttitplmes be- taxied ",1th$ $pr-(!.ad. WWle raiding.. wing!;l shouli:l be folded Dilly when absohitely ueOO!iS~y. Unneeessarily long "aod CaSt tarliIilg it! plane." with tbe £'ola-sb-aigbt-back type. wiqgs damages: tcailwhee1s and taU wheel tir,es, as well as ~mdWy str-aillin_g tbe wing hinge fittin_gs and cup stfips of th~ mum spur in t.he shrb wio,gs.

Etter"a" :D1rappab'e Fuel Tank$

TeC'brJical Note No. 29-4,\) has been issued otltllnfng a -new mUl'kiflg s)1item to. aicJ in id~llt1floatioJl Qf all estenral droppable fuel trulks, To identify clear~ 11 .a1ld simplr .ea~h Qr the. variou. S,_~. and to dJ8tmgwsn ·belvteen modifications of :Bil0h, ~ "HUJ!l'J::" $)Iste.m of identiflcatioD has been established. similar to t1U1.~ nnw nsed fO,-lUlllameht i~eQlS.

~ fo11 external droppabIe fu:ll'a:ni? man· uf-ac.roted suhsequ.ent to 1" April 1945 are identif1-ed according 10 the following schedule:

Mk 1--513~galIt)n drop tall-k

Mk 2-150-g.a1ltm F6F centerline dn;rp tank

Mk 3.--1€lO-.:gIlUon F4U-l~en'erljne drop


Mk 4--lO~gallon slatu:illl'd drop lflnk Mk 5--15o,.gillonuni'l'en'lll dl:ri. mn:k Mk 6-ISs-gallon P-.438 drop t~-Arroy


MJ,:. 1-150~gallon II£(tf-sealing drop tank

-u.S. Jiubber Co. ..

Mk S--800.galloo stllll.aard dropmnk Mk 9-100.gallon kn~down plywood drop tanJ,;

M.k <lO-l'OO-gllllou ~1.:[f~St;~lliJ drop t\mk _'Firestonll Tire 6: Rubber Go,

NOTE: AU droll ,tlIw.. olbo~c. nj~"uf1llltur.<I Ih'kr t<> t 5 ",,,1 1,4 i. lU ",oll a~ .11, ''');J'''I,I. nt, .. hll be ~~re h ~Il 00 -Ill'l:-Irrd!TI~eo I he I!bi'I"Q _~"d"l,,-

as dnange.s in a tank- are· mo.~e whrch tr.ffect its strength or lli:rcraR: applicmhilit}', I1l0d1.6cat.iou n\lm~s will be asmgllcd. There have been two sud, mod.iflc.atWlls made to. date:

(1, MJ.i 1 Il:l.Dd. l, 5.8.gruJcu drop ttlnk with inmloo:s.ed hanger . Jug. al1:acbmenL ittJ!rlg,tn to prevent the IU6 f:rem pulling aWBY fflJllI tlmk utuier UQmJM usage,

b. Mk 5 med ~. 150-galll.lll universal drop mnk With mcr~ed!iil:reng,th in the cl)nterboom to pro-.di!e ne(.l(lloS.aty ~fI:<ffIgt;l, fot the mag post C!lsling used ".,.,[til thl) FBF fus¢!nge inStalltUioJ:l of !his 101m,


Cam.tlra maintenaIlce and repnir is an important ana hlglily lechni6al job. A Navy pho'wgraphernt VB4, Operilliomil Training 'Unit number 2 NMS JMKSONVILLE. Shov.·ed ingeriuity in his piclDriai recording of a iessl)J1 in camera repair.

ClIlSSe$ In i'e pa if amI IDllilltenJlfit!e lU'e held fo)'sta.tiO-U personnel attaobedto the photpg.rapblc departme~t. To tIlls' photograph of a eamera lle.pair instructor and his student a1' work on an iablrvakrmeter the phot-ograpben shot hem below througb a glass~topped work ben(lh In the: photo Inb-oratory. Tool,S. sere\"'!, WOSiHWS. 111ld e"en the

piec~. 0(. eqUi_PI1:l:&il UpOt1 wb1 ch the ins tftI_o.ttn' .is working, a p-p e aJ' suspended in .air, Ingenttity on the C3 rner1:umio's part can g,-i'l(e ]if·e and interest to- the most ro~e job and at the same time' record an impor. t.'lnt picture le,sS(I[], aomb~f photo crew I:I'lti~ at @'ro' II is- 1ro:Oll1 prehc Alfive,



IN TllE course of carrying ont 'rescue work in Paciltc wnter!i. Rescue 'quadron Three has developed and thorQughly ire ted a messaga buoy, tunnel chute, and a reseue ladder. This gear. designed sud built by 0fficer. all~ nlisted persollIle1 attached to the squadron, 11l1s prayed to he successIul Ul](J~L varying weather CQPdi!iQ!'l.S. The message buoy 1illIteriaDy aidl,·survivon In sl1ot1iug rnsssages dropped from fI. rescue pll:Lue.

T.u-nnef Clillte 'llcrecneJ Ac,"uracr af Drop

The squadmn has designed and used a tanllW chall'! lu uk! lu ili,opping rescue gool1 hum the Blane to survivors. The chute Increases accuracy of the pU()t'~ drop by elimmatii'lg lh V:lri, ble dela:)' of throwillg items overboard. The clrure also elimitattles Il1tlch of the hazard to crew members encountered wh n uropptng uaits tied l~getbel' with line.

A rescue. ladder attached to the waist hatch of a £B).f has reduced the time requiroo lo btiI1g survivors aboard in resellt drills. The boltnm :;ttl!? fi)f the 52:" ladder serves as a platform for a member,

Galvanlzed oylindrical sheet metal elrute Bts mtQ the tuU\ild hatch of a filM. T\"90 wires strung eeress the bottrml of ehule priNenl g_ear from droppmg uuttl the rl!Iili'<se hlttldle. is trigped. 'Device dc.. ... ~ed by T. H.lWnp. AMt.lFle and w. E. Pufhu-~ Jr., AMMlo


Mass_age p.rinl:eJ,l on \"ateT-pruo( UIlCltlilll'llnd enblps .. od in Whj~ canIIH~ !1QUllh w1th r"ll mill yellew streamers Rt~nohe'd floats about 3 ft. .abeve surface. 31l0Y itselt ill 0- dowel {j fl. long, wcightlld at buloom wlth pipe. Etlsign Willuru J. Fisbe~, llSNlI.-tlesigneU bUllY

LaddeF is IIttiwlu.!d to side Qf.!he plnne by securing the. ]jp. Oil the lOp step to edge Qf I'JlM waIst bn,tch, Steps. are covered with t,lanvas to illl:lfOf\S~ friction und p[Elvent injury burn {)1lttin._g, Ensign \\'iUlll'd J. FIShel! and J. W. llmick, A1>tN[2c, tlr,SiglJed JIlclx-lel'

Device Shaws Radio Gear on vr.

V'J'N·5,J-!\ chief rawo toohnJcl, II with tbis squadron has developed a deitle to train pilots in th Y frons Josh, ups of radiu g'~af fuulld in thlil s:qundroll' tmining pJa)j(~s. Pilots in the relu:1


room can pn,u.'tioo throwilig VuUQUS COJj~bi.JwtiQllli uf switches Dnc,.by seeing wmob lamp Itgw. tell "rhuili transmitter is being used.

The hOllnl includes a 2.'l3A VHll' transmitter .. RL intetphone. A"fC :MID". t!r,ausmil:t6lr. Norfel!';, Quonset alia 'AF bOKes. [Dl:VItL'U'.IlII 1IY)), 1'. COjl"W.u-, ",u"'1

HATS Develops Water·proo' 8ag

Vll.-1Oc-"N'"ectlssitybeiug the mother of invention, an aviation ehlef machinist mate in the hips' eqoi,pmeot section f this squadron, Illain lenaucc unit ~or NAT P!JoiBc. cleveloped a W:l.ter-pTOof bag to c rry IJhuJ:eLs tu and fmrn alrGmft and to stow them while 1n fl1g11i.

Each (l,rpnr,llng plnne mUlit IHlVt:. II SI1f£icJcu( numbe:t; of blankets to satisfy

the needs f.if plusenget1i'. Tt became a IlHljor problem with PU(ufic-ba.sed . A..'1.'8 sqnad['Ql1S to have enough blankets ou hltflij that were both cb:y and lean.

TIl Ivater-pl'uo! bag is reSinTiin~ Ef,'egn.ated canvas about 20" long, 15u wi<;1e and 30" deep. It ha it (op that snnps Jn place. two handles far ca:rry~ rug and hulds 10 blankets.

rD tl> 'Illf)i<~ Ii\' }l. 1.. S,I"UllLTN, ACOIl")



GI:IC0811ul Casual I,. Failing I.a atiministt'r flt~t aid is not 11 eomic uhject, slnce it can leud to loss III llf.e or limb, but the humomus sTant gWeu tll • lD~tW'o in the newest M{ .. GllllCtrrl~

Ul (..>LITWUIl is enough to serve £IS. 11 nudgeo -th -elbuw reminder, whIch i~ It II most tdll.lWIO lle~ IQ (11) the right tht11g:

MN.2I,lOlib FO~'IJ>mI(JiIM~11 11ft Hrqll!lF',st A,d-l uclnes ... S"d. b 'hili

McGillicuddy. 11olotimlJ!ly dim-wittt>d clmmcter whose br!litu; 'Jr~ tlUl,~i~tently .I,~vl!_:lled as (If t11 pl..'itflut, qr 0.2 varfely, ill allergic to :ill kinds. rn ntnl.sexeroise, ]1 SOOIllS that Jeaming ful\L old back in trilln..hig scilClflJ was. olle of his specilll sv<;tsions, since h was brushing up un Bre~!J S(ories fll LIt Ibn.,., ,) wl)\;! hi buud}'. Joe. stop 11 QQCOllUlH will, his head, M,,~ Cillit'lUddy's_ own personal itlte'r.pre~tion luJd l'IE!plicalion of Iksl !tid rOl' Joe oMosl turns I)U l til b hit; laSL. 1-J1 e corree t prll-

oedure is lefl fur Joe l1) ~1TloJ}\ll1l1te. -

Tat PI[OI Kno'll·How.pil1\l!s shifting f;torn th oIle.engin~:F6",,· _tQ the ~"F find plltnty of ~ards in the swlt ·fHIVer. There are tlif&,rel1Ce;s in taxiing, nornml lllk"llff. pwoeuue f01 ellghle rrulnre OIl tllk.e-oJJ, no/mol l1ppromlh ·and lrmdilig, ,tm] 111an,~'

I other pomts, The f(l~uwing 5(1I1~d slide Alms pr ('nt tl1' ssenltltl pro edurus;

~hltetilll for the above Iilms WItS gaUen t~ethel the; hard way my liiOfl' whu had bceu a td( Iiiltlt- I'm illl~ r-as. He $IDUIlOJ"~ed his knowledge of the dHJ1 ulttes uncountered by Army pltots ill ~U~e wite"over to 11 two,engine plane, He learned thl: causes ofcr3she,.,v@fked. I) ut, Il.l1tl nssembled methuds to prevent !llll!.h aeeldents, and beenme teclmical ad ism; in the :pmduetlon G{ th rum·s.

ThaI Eltra somethIng,

Mva925.. O<'lII~J" W u~p /1''/#.". ('</ . "'/11 ,s,W"III- R~~,o\l, jS mill.

Ifete'$ one ease )\,I01'!l'e \va!er ill the ga'll is 1"1 blessing insteaa of 11 gyp. Al1iruafcd tl.iagrams show how the l~ritlcjpleS of wnter iujeeliol"l in a Deuble Wasp "llI!,in~ give 5" pes:c0I!t extra combat Pl<wer. WIlt!.'! iniel~Uon in the ga:; su.pply reduces hocking 1, croolrng the engine, and so Increases effioienoy. Dally nd prdlight 1IlSj'lect:kIl1S ana pCl'ioi! inspectibns are derjlollmll~et1, Plt)t11l$ ~hU\ViJ: ]'40, 10'6:1'. P-4'l.

SUde FiI Meets PV·2. One tid Vlintage of the slide . .Illm over the motion piettrre in Inli.l'.ling 115 i'hat th~ $6ll plcture "stops" JIlQlirlll at d I il1lpoitan t point' lUldllt dlseussion and holds it lor SllJd., comment and quc.stiUllS. This p,.u-limiliu vltwt.' uf the lllmS'trlp I~ well ill 11 strtl red in the Sc;tliciJlg the P\' ~2 serlus (restl'i Q t ,d) recentl di~trlh ul ell.


S.N·3;J~h S"N l1~~i SN J733}

~~~)"",13JiI' ~·J7';Jhg

O[ ~e( films Balna SlIlpjltd:

Wilete to Gel '[Ill: Central \·jatlClu Jl'illl) Libranet; il.ll,d SIl.b,Llbraries are fisted below. hoek YOIJT nearest library before ctderhrg.


What do you know about TELETYPE SYMBOLS?

HtEROCl.YPHlCS of the ancient EgyptiallS make very

li~ s nse when flrst r ad. hnt the lonzer they are studied the mote sense they make. The sam mlght be said for teletype symbols ui!>ed to tndlcate weather conditions. They make plenty of sense til those who read them regularly. ee answers 011 p. 48.

[QUl!.ST1ilS5 ~M" ll'1:.I\"" SPl!CIA~ I,)l:VIo;Q VI5'UAJ. .O,,"Z·Z1O" FIl.l( .No. 43, TltUTY ~~ Sl'!olD(J J

CN lJ J;~a3t'4~F-

~9'J I JO/2'Sf '\8 {'9?17/ f~W C I G'


WrIte your answen

I •..........

4 •.•••••••••

2 •.... , ..•.•

5 ..•.....•..

6 .• , .

1 .

~ . "\

... . - ' ~ ~~ «::.

_ J m G'*"

t. 977 inches Hg. . ~. 977 milliJ{prsf\ <~.:

2. 2977 inches Hg. 4. 1009.1, milli9~rs'"

.5.: ~_"'«

I . 2 3 4 ,_ ~,~ d,,' ~

" ~ ~ :::; <-f



, ,.



Sprodet'IlSj Type GUIIComvro McrgozilJe

In order to sirrllllUy telcading IG-rom gLUI CiU1M·1!. film tnagMdnes and Ihlll'cby 'II\'(! til,,· tlntl e.limmate ~ of fIlII" m u..l{, Ii M:R bas adopted as standard, the sprocltctfl!$ Illl~ tN-A-6). This is ~tt' nn.l!-t,17ult' I;!urrefitl,y ill use hy ,AAV and ~ allY aclQptifJunf this -method W'J1I s!<Lil:JIl1dize I'T9(."t'dut .

All futwt: procurement III !!lin oarnem magazl.m-s will bel of the sprocJ'etless. I)pc, ~d wm be CIlrr1QIl Tllld r stock number ls.J11-4'iQ_-~OO. These will eventnallv reptnre all l\f ilia prt':mot Eastman Kad, k Co. typ 'fG" tUa~es noW wkle])' difol-tributed lhnHl.ghollt the h II val ~taIJIL'IhI11mll. IIllwever. lhe typo "~'CIt mnga?bH! ean I'flp-idl!, htl €ollvettcd to Ute ruethnd lit Joodillg -hy sub-Ulutllll?; a Double Gnte Spring (li:::fstoulD K-hd~ , 1. Part Q. 1<14145) for Ih e former !iinglc C_Q_l·epr1n.~ 4 E,\!llman Kcrlil:k Co. .PMl . 11. 49701;). QUlultmes nT 000b1e Gtloo prwgs rue be. icl.~ procured Qnd will he stocked at the lour mall,w nil pho 0 sU.I!ply pOints UDder .!Ill)ok'lc . .l8--S-22H-2ot1:. The1(6- springs are to he ff'q t,iSfti(JfI d n the same "Dlllllll6r lIS other plwt0gtllpllic $u_ppltes.

A nnnribOflk of inSti--nol:ion, Amly TO Jl~-1-.54. desuriLill g til ~ imipectiCtl of maguzines lnifu 10 reTnlldm_g Ilnd the nle-Illod of lo..1-ding the new . sprcx:ketless" type mag~ S is pl:esently b fng proo~ EttIm ME and vtilI bfl glv~) witle distribution.

Bu'" Chemica" '01' Houston Machine,

A bhHrt listin r the hulk ('b,einicnll; fflquired and the- quantities needed fLlr re~'~1'l!1I1 P rOI:~s_illg uf 16 _!UJlI. 11 II iv ~s" I film in Hnustun. ruuchine l,ta~ been p{ - pared' for _guid8nl"e- in requisllhJ[1if1g hp. plWi:. l"Jillo chart bas been Forwarded to s-upp':')' points for :iIU{);rm!ltionand abo tryrinled in the tlllJ.J'rellt Fhotogntphy Tech. 'liMI Bulletin.

Unlvettsaf 16 MM. Film Exp(ts/Jre Dahil'

Photogl'llpbic cl,'U,.e La.boratory has

IIdvu; d Duector of Vbowgraph,y' that all un! mqlllcl he'd In mind that universal 16 mm, fllru when devel"'llcd to a negat.iv.e results> in, IlH er{p(l~ute of ,l'f prQltimotdy o.n.,..,halF of wl1"t it Wo\l1be if developed to n pe$itive image. In words, if. universal film with 1'1 speed group ef ] 00 w&re "P'l~d using that l1-5 a guide it INO uid festilt j n Q. llllg:l.ti vI! tl In t \vOI!ld have finly one-lUll! the p:roper /Cposure, whi"hif developed to 11 positive. the result would be sati&fltatory ..

PholQgraphen. u:IDlg lIni\'f'ml fiI.t~. such as EI!IStmllll SU1,iIcr XX Blue Base, snould bear Uiis in uWlII whllli t'~P('~il'" the IHm (ar negllU\' de\·e1opm«lt. Ktposfti Illin ffll'WM'ded [or proeessing shmild t!fIntaiu t.'1'Jl"lplete mfonnali!.~n !;"III the Photngrnp"h('T'~ D.ata Sh E< stating ,,1 'Mly what t!Xp<7mre gl-lide or llhn speed rating was used ill exposmg BUll. This wi11 Q§fst protes$in~ agent'i~ in de"efopil)g Illin ~o a proper demU), either pns11ivl! or negnti\!I'.

Radio DfF Trainer Aids Codets

NAA5 RODD Fl:E,4JlI~A Btlll,li~ radio direct jon futdet ~a.ille_r rlevel ![led 1: y this ~tnI10n'"S lUlvlglltiClIl d tllLTtment has mnrkedly improved quaUty or ca'dt!-t radio wot'k- on tr3infllg flIghts. 'The trninjog device improves cade.t'· recI,-

Dming thiS libuse of traitilult the eadet is interested only itt the clock (time). c lffipass (h~adi(l_g), relative Ut"OIfi.Ilit ludicntor and the. radio itst;ill. 111t~ 1a~p rneunted forward of the panel i$ La II plasti~ shield that perri) - £11 s udent to see its actual operation us slliliom: tre tuned in. Because It re"'rJlves treely thl'cugh B60'"'.the Lillk C3I1 be placed on &:1y heading y the iI1$t,nlcto~. A stC>l~ pTevoots mpre tba.tI nile cOinplete fotatioll.

Cauc:1ls mll-y I.1.UItj ill ~lny of 2tl to 30 slations withIII a radius of 150 miles ot Rodd Field. Bearings ohtained are plotted and fixes cheC\.'ed with the krtuwtl 1_')nsiliun of the field. Celostialradio Ii.xes are det rmaied by crossing fl sunit1le with .oue or more radi bearj_J)(1S.

USf" of tll gl'l.ltl1)d trainer SI1"~ t«neIa til air UlIU maleriaUv reduces maintenance /if squadrcn rarlin equipment, [P~IIII\"1 PI- L:t. (JG) 'rllCl1\'M s. F'" ... 1l1i~1

W EAT'HIE"RI'R.QOF COII'£.A kOU"SES POWER UNIT n,t(lU in use uud UP-CMtiOD of Bldndjx e(Juipment lnstallecl ill the ~IH!1S fwd SNJl-!C'S and cvereorues their gen!Jr:Rl luck CilF {'Ol').fidenqe in ru<ilio lite ..

The trsfner omls1.rt or a Link (UHclllge stripped of e)l'e-Q'thill_g hut the compass and clock. A stfmdatd BenlJix l'OtUO, Army de:,i_gnaUolI SCHl!69G. ~ype curff11tly ifiSti1I d In BeecllcrrJf/1 in tl1!s squadron, is added to the fuselflge. 1\ power mit is hrmsed in a wenther.proof assembly gut iue- the grnund sCho01 building. Eliminnl:iQD of non-essential instwmeJ1r in the Lftik', panel arrangemBnt fnciiU:al:es inslruetion in proper techL1i(jul." of taking radio bearingS'.

L,uhrlcafing Cams Ellds Jamming

Several activities have te_ported failLU'e-~ c)£ the !otnrybomb seleoJ:or .switoh in I;C-1 airoraft. The £'ailtmts consiSt ol jaiIlIllillg aml of the switcb after a, certain period of np"ration.

~ The (!¢l1wtion caa be prevented by applicauon of a small quantiy (If luluieating gra.phit grea 'e (in acllorda:n,ee with 'P .ciHeaion AN-C-S) to the 'lIrf'ICe." of the detents in the master earn <LDd the switcli1 C-:UllS ~F tht: s\\'ft~h.

, "10)'11)#5



.F6.F ..

FM ..... '" .... " ••

P4U Fc3A-F ..

F7F._ ... _._

l)'Ul "JFC 011. ...... _ .. lINS "

.rM _ ' ....

.rn.B-S ·R. m ..

p ., ....

PRJ .... PBM .. PBY P82:1I. _ . ••

PB4'Y •....•..•..• , .•••

1\5c..... .-

R4D.......... . .

R5l) _

RY .

SBW . ., SJJ20~SIlF BW, "

C. '"

SNJ" , . 1'1l F-T 6 1\1

'I'B ,

'1'])20. , ..



101} 4J

194 12 15 11.

3 36 JI 30 1011


105 (05 62

US 28 39 53 SO US

17<I '4-1 ol3 179 3 2

(0'", .1 .+(lmp,*~e lin of A irtf'uJJ S-~r1li~t' C7llmg~ (Jnft Bul/pIN!.!. ,.tll /V'lwat Al!fll" t(mt-tr P1~'b~irlll;t).!L,~ J IId~1Il f:hJ'IlAr-r 00·;')00 CHid 51flli!'e1)WiJ Nawler (IrJ-SO(lB.


1 T~ sa'je lNes end [lE..nUml_ the- jobs it WIl!; prneured to do, Sill-

• I'1vai gear must ah"ays be ,properly-stowed i:11 tho pl!m!'l. If SOI"vjvnl grsr is "ot rorefulfy dl~. lmporLunl it~"'s mny

be mll>"!>iug in aD ;Wl1ergeucy. Tnstructors must h<)l on alert

2 As hllrl deseeeds intll water, crewmen take presc~~d [1081- " '. tip! \8 in ail~'l'Irdaul!e with I'lOC--5 cr~h bill. oro "U voiCl injury when hull strikes water in a real ditching, men brace themselves, lltluds ,and arms Rrpteethea:d from severe h~~p!;

3 On signal from plldt. ere ~llell carry out ubMuCl'1I ~hll:_l pru-

• oed, !,Ire ~' \~'<t1er r.1pidl~-ri~ inside. ~hille hull. rr e~rr mnfl knows hIS 'J~)h and pcrtunns 1~ efI:idi~Tltly, 1111 surviVlll gear

C}lil tn'lJf(}l\t)I mIl in r~ctml tUM urrd erew elm make eS£;P[l¢

o IT C H


Crew Members Get Difthing, Survi'vall Experience Iy Riding a PerforatedPBY Hull Into the Water

A l~g~.t.l$TlC slJlYiva) t:r, ;tltlirlg, pr,li}g~nm, rot PlI," pilots fL'lI(i tl'llcr~wmen,. desl,gned tU!!OVBr "1. Wlde ""INety oI emer g~llC'y cond:itiCTIlS with tllt$lly l'e)[1t;llliherj;td p;rinC-iples of sell prll:rerv;ttfciI1L. Ill~\v Is be-lug {It l'r4!i jACK$ONVU .. l...,,", Tnstnretton iucludes leclurl'ls, demonstrations and drill in lJSE of tt!gnluUun C(rlljpmd1l:, ~mG practice in jmEruv'il>r~ti'tll\-

Most important l?l!l1~e "r the l:rnil'lillg is <t ditohillg drill thrq uMlizes the perforated hull (if a sur\leyecl I,',(\\" During th~ etlnrStl of this a~illlhe hull. with 11 llo[lO_al crew of se\lt1u and rut gear that has pOle~U&l survival VlCUUl! tl.b,oa.rd, is lo,wer~d :::1~wJy down a ratnp mtp the wattlr, 011(:(' nl tlle \vwter thE hull begins to sUlk utmost immemllt'PJy_ The crew Cfll'l'ies oul ptoocrJbeduitdting ptQCetllU'6s ill ubulldt.Hling ship uad un' Illading all useful g~ar.

I.II,f:r,udors Mllst AI_ys B,e 0" Allort To Cotd! Mbtah$ Several crew Jnemuers,iri photographs taken dl1i'iflg one l1otui1! ditdiing clelnOnlill'!1ti~ll, were Slll)~¥n wWl.ring Ji(e jack'llts wrong Side 'Out In a real plane ditching. carelessness ClUJ cost L(v(d!o;, LIfe tf!:~kets t? bit ciJm{llet~y efEell:Nv· must be properly fitted to the. wearer's bl'!dy so they will not be t-Ori lighl- ""hao inll'fteu. Wh~D ;ngltl-side,th~ straps en t!he jacket are' tl ttll_ched '(m the side He.~l to the lru'dy. end CIll ( inHat10n tube is QIJ the We.'lIel'4~ tight_ A life jllCket t'bat beto;(l)'l1e.s' 100 tigl'¢ when fnflatetl JiI1.~ijes the man vrrt<ra,J!yl;ielp" 108s in the water and unable to swinl..

Ins ~l't!ctQrSj lik~ Av iatioll E_q u ipmen ~ ;lut! SurVIval O{ficel\s__. must be alert ·at all times to tibe!!k" equipfnellt a:rn:l CO_r:I:.eet mistakes before emergeneies occur. If students mnke misrmk~S' ,right \.lIIdef ~be in!ij:rl,oto'r's u~~e, Ihey are likely to roak!!l the same or wor~e w'!ors in l'I real ditching 'emergency, There is no Sj.lhsQtufe fer eonstan] praotice wheu it t'Xlmes to ditching procedarc. '€very mnn must know hi!; station and dutie:s,_ a. s 'WBIJ ns hmw In Me survival gear whaa 'u plane- is dlt~hed.

4 I~SlnrctDr ~tl"lP S!Ilk'int h .. ]J thl1#l'i the crew as Ib.ey b:reik mil -·life- mff :1]1d' mi:l,giainllaucm" Otht,l' crewmen wi,th surviva] geat Jlead)' starrd Q)I -prePW'aJ:{l~t (t'I~-iteriir:~ raft, TilSh:u~tor must be 0 a the III ert fat JIll.5 takes that C<JH ld cost lives


POOl 10 Moll dnohi 1I,g, dri 11, HI!'l i nstruotrrr hrre£;- )1)] b an dlf 0)1 pmrerlm~e. A small !lllilding efet'ted near training area setvL'S 11~ It IiliJ!sroom wjwrt' gnl(uld training personuel nlSb'uct crew~ i,~ cur!l'llt use or snrvivul elluipllleill. . Dermtrrstmtirurs roe (itOTldlWt~d

SHun ~irms lower in water as. l'tewn'ien beEjLLl fob or loadlf\g

• :;Urviva} g~[lt aboard rII(t. Te.'1mw,Qrk ctlLll1ls hare, ~)' that 1:s ~&t in ~ink~ng plane ill" lost overboard mll.terial1y lessens n Cf1ew'" t,hll11 ~'ll~ For survival w h Itn areal d. i tbbirig O(!~Ul"ll R/li.8trided

here, ItlRttllctur II> pOinting out procedure \0 be ftll10wed in Inflatiug IlI~ rbIl. Lifl!. \I~~s Ifni'n'g bulkhliffl.d iu !ItM must h~ prhpeJ'1! filted. tv llle WeM'er s b0dy Defore eve.!)' Righ,t If [I life vest IS tuo !iSM when inAated the survivor mil)' be helpless in Walor

6 An alloard the mil raIt ~ai'(-5 crew sll£v06S 04. The hUll or . • DOW Te$ts Oil imHQtil ,of .shnl\(lw river. r nstruet~r atop hu U ealls eu L the time ... "ken f()t dit(Jlrin_g, Av~mg: clhJ:"lscd time fol' drill Is .ab"out 70 s.~Qml~, r(!()\TItd time III 41'.1



Would II ?ilrl'l'iJ:ltl' £fllt'l[JllIllio[1 from YlJlI 'CCII1!:ClTdtlg !lIE ~Gllllda"li Clt1h" 3~ h"l whnl i4 tt..:,'CSSIIJ'j' in the way of <lpplicalion Iorms If"l h OIat' ~w ol1icilil 111 rub& 01 said dub.

I belJeve 1 cluu]U·y •. 1.1n'lOg lTI~d0 11 water kllldJnl;! ill the PhiUlIl~itJe S >j\ lit night and shortly' thereafter wns pkked lip by a destroyer.

Oaklaud, Calif. LmI1TE' \l'<o'T (jg) t'S!,\'ll W Applic1!.fi\$- for membership ]1'1 GQI~. ~ L Clob must he [I~ht pW'S(lOn 1 who have saved their lives Ull'ough use E:1 Mne West I1r an inflatable dinghy. The following mfOl'TllllU£lU ~houJa hJ sent to Mu Katt1l1t SC('rl'ltury, A1nerienn l)i i· sioa f the Jctr:uih' Olub. clo Flying MlLgDzine, HI'; Wabash Ave •• Ghicagfl 1. 111.:

1. Nume, rank amI serial Ilurnbe'.

2. I-lom~ IHltlr(·s .. 3. erviee nddress,

-I. Deocri lI"1iM of 1l1dtl.en r,

5. Dale an(l IOI'litioll of Incident.

B. CertillClJlion pf npplieution by appli-

caul's oomtllfHlcllng officer. •

The Gold£lsh 01ub was founded m Gr,en.t Britafrt.t III Jrum'<;l:I'Y IH!la 8.1111 origittaIly \VII POI' th 8AF and RAA.



Tlle 15 JIlIlIlIti"}' issue of' ANEwS has rb"lH.'fu,~4 t h u. sta tl~1l'I .'11 tl bt'r-n well 1 h UJ111'Bfl br all hands. hWl'liblHlulinn. I~ a snnree .1 much itlteresl.. iuJru:tIJ1lliull. and. Nm'S tf) all tlf us In the Beld, 'Iltllnilly. we ~aw the cnnteats of each i!;SUB for Hews nud V1 \\'8 01 lhe actiVities 1)1 felJuw·l'Ihuille S!ll.llllUUnli in partleular. In bhi.s manner We \.·11111C nCrtlS\l a brief review of aoeornpllghlnenlS hy MariJle IUlils Im 1944.

In thl~ a.r!:lcll. yOIl f.~te that II ·Murine Fighting Squad run dropped II tctsl of OV{1r 200.00Qlhs. Of hmflhs oil 111 eu my ill th' COll,rS Qf s~ veil weeks' PJlI'tatilltl$, 'fhi!> is nn .mean reoord Eor IL Hghting SquRIl'rOJl, bue ~t Llw HUl~ ynu WI'!' _gl)iJl~ Lo l'~e&~, we were 1)118)" be)ittlhlg this I.1I.i vement, OllJ"itlg the p"norl ut 2S Januarv 19·15 to 23 Feprllfll)' 194fj~. ~l'til>Mllll1.d~oll tJ.'vpped a totnl of 61f!.64S'lbs. of 110mb nil V;lriCUS

lerny IIlrgl!l5. This \V1"i' ill acl\JiUoll Co the other .1~~igl1ments. usually 3lilG'Qfdeu a .fl,ghlilll! UTlit-NWf!I'PS, s1mIing miSsiotls, grounti Il:uppert. com bllt ai r plll.J~)l.... etc.

Tn lI~hlJUoll h) III hp!1r vlllum.e nf these tlp~rR.tipll the r rd of bits was 111m.' thnn itnl?res 1\', j 0 smal! nurnher of ~ our mi~~lnhS caulrl eastlv be ... !! ulti$lfb"d n.~ hn ving been 111 tilt! '"pit:ldi:.hlU"l'eI' dll~li.

\' J§-:UJ l'SGT., lISMCIl



oe a MaJidl 1{)45 til lllldosed piornre. ,,;:\s tl!.kt'Q of n ~"lJldFt"'I\l" mnvfllg from tlle t.orl'h into t1'ili; urea, This accurrence f$ 1l0~ tare, as Ul'rt!~ In five lUI; l'J;perillllubd eaoh I't"ur. 'I'M!! pllrt!cl1hll til1J'. hnwf'ver. wl'ts ruther spllt-f,onlnl' In appearance and may l.Ie Q[ SO'l1111 interes].

TIle' pkttures were IH~tl)1 oJ "pproxtntu.telv 0820, i"!u, wind' vuried froJn S to 101 and

from cl! knnts t,o 28 !mot in velt)QiI)', TernPtJtatox,,: clt,wged odl.y ~lIghL1y dllJ1nJ,: the pegiud .bom U:;(JO l;j) iJ,ml, aYcr~~tlg aU\Jul 68" F. As willcl velQaity increw.ect. relaliv(' hun,ii.Uty decreased slight! ,

l'i I\"J:'J'C COIWUJi eamsn

C:OM.\'U\Nm-NG Ot'E!c];U ~ FelT mlloth l' werestiag pbotogrspl.l. o[ thi same storm, sec .actiol 011 "Lin Squalls" ill I"his is"!iUe.

Pijbh~""d twice rn .. "I~lv ,,"v C~.d e I Nil""" Ol'le.r6I,M' ,,"<I 1I1'!\l"~ .,1 Aeronau'«' 10 di.~",i"Q'" ,,,i.IV ,UNj • ." ".04 t.~h".<Q' ,,,rtl''''''':Oh j., he. eer .. ~aul"al "'<Jt:!nrtot'''''' CGNT1IIQU IIa'NS !t-.lVIT"ED, Au mall 'lto~ld ~. ~;ecl .. he.~ P'c(iT(obl,. fa [nJur~lJ)ndr •• 1 of ",,,,.,101 .u'bmiU..d 16, -publl<"Uon. <u:ld te ".d a> ·10,110"" o.!et c~ No,,,1 OJ;lGTajloni, N .. ool ",.:,,\100 Nu .. ,.. No" OUp ... ifm"~~t. W .. s~l"glo~ 25, D. C.


L.etters •

Jap .A.lrfields. • .

GrlllrnpQ1W 'ettibClne 8

Did YOy Know? •. • 11

FlalTleproof NVlon • T4

Avfdlon Ad'vgnc:ed· Base" • 17 Naval AIr Transport Service 14

eVE Ship's Componv 27

Line Squalls . • . 33

Tellhnic:aHySpealllnq • 14

TUl'bo.Jet School 38

Oitcbljl, .• , • 46

GfOIII paw's Qu~ 10; Bm Anll'<1'" 12; rIIgh1 Sdfetj Il; :r..,kI'D Talk> !~. Navig'" tlG" Problem 16; ShUrer Srallllll! ~6: Uh~c I(im Tu •• i~ :n; AvID I;,," O,4norlce 36; PublUdtion. l7; S:c<UJ:1 Nuw. 43; I't~ Qut>. 4.4; ~ho~lIiophy "'SCi AlfG"l"aft Bulleti .. (,s.

.BeST ANSWER.S (p. 121

I,d 2.1: 3.d 4 . .: S.b 6.a 7.d

• NAVIGATION PROBLEM (p.161 J', 322-

2. 322·

1. Ins

4. lat .. 20· !iJ' N

Long. US" 11' f

5. 102 k

6. 21Se 1. 142S 8, U3·

9. LQt. 17° 29' N Lan'll' 139· 04' E

• piX QUIZ (p. 44)

1.4 2.4 3.1

4.4 5.2 6.3

FJI"" cr.ollabh> fi"1>JTI BuA~r, Spadal Ille~ ~iClls·. lor thawinll i~ Visual Deo;.ro 5-1'. Sianda,d ,lid. film ."rsio" moy !>~ oblnlnl!d f10m Trallf1ng film., SitAe, •

• GRAM PAW'S qUIz (p. 1D,

I, Up~n completion of onv flight _fo' ",h,eh a flight plan lias been submitte.!. Ref: Par. 60.430 of CiVil Air Regs.

2. Yes, Ret; TQ 42.1.f3 and Art. 6·111 in new .BuAer ManuQI,

3. a. 111f1a.te nst, using 0,111 111110- tilll! tubes..

b. Pul it on; ,hen adiust

crotch, Wdist ond bock ilrap$ for comfortable fit. Ref.: TO 30·4S.

4, G, Che"ckarol inflatIon 1tOr"es.

Th~y ore not self-cJosiog ond must be dos-ed at all tlme5 oxcr~pt when 'est is being mflated by mQllth.

b. Clt~~k CO, (iIOtuotillg. lever lenyo.rd ler frudom.

c. C!:hec:k to see thof CO. cartridge$" have not been dlschol'9od. Ref: Tel) 30-45.

5, First check t~·e suotion gauge reading Qnd fh~1\ clred Ih j~di(otiol1 of the horiwn agoinst rbe rest af the Instrument panel. Ref: f.liglu- TTlfDUgh Illprumerrts.



STRIKING Jeep inra rhe. bean of cecdrory thaf . the Japanese once thought jnVojl:llable. carrier· based planes of the Pacific Fleet are delivering telling hlows against the enem):,. Phem abQ\'e ,\\'3:> ~aken during the mid-March fiJ,id DC rhe _I€lP navel base ar Kure, Nip submartne. upper left, was caught surfaced but gOl Wlder way in attempt ,eo escape U.S, l'aidel's. while the three carders. ret;t at anchor, perfecr rargets fOJJ A'I.'(jfJ,g",r5 and l-leltdil'e;r's. Scenes like the one at len are being reenaceed all river the PaeHie 3S u.s, Navyairc;rafr prowlcbe sea-lanes in search of enemy shipping. Njp lines of supply feel rhe effects 0:£ American plane raids.

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