NHB (ND) DRS Policy Circular 79 2016 17

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NHB (ND)/DRS/Policy Circular No.

April 27, 2017

All Registered Housing Finance Companies

Dear Sir/Madam,

Housing Finance Companies Corporate Governance (National Housing Bank)

Directions, 2016 - Clarification

Please refer to the Notification No. NHB.HFC.CG-DIR.1/MD&CEO/2016 dated

February 09, 2017, whereby the National Housing Bank had issued the Housing
Finance Companies Corporate Governance (National Housing Bank) Directions,
2016 (Directions). In this regard, the following clarifications in the matter may be
noted keeping in view the feedback received from industry participants.

2. (i) In terms of paragraph 3 I (ii) of the Directions, the Audit Committee must ensure
that an Information System Audit of the internal systems and processes is
conducted at least once in two years to assess operational risks faced by the
(ii) It is clarified that the HFCs are necessarily required to carry out an Information
System Audit separately through a Certified Information System Auditor (CISA),
in compliance with the provisions of the Directions.

3. (i) In terms of paragraph 4 IV of the Directions, HFCs shall furnish to the National
Housing Bank a quarterly statement on change of directors and a certificate
from the Managing Director that fit and proper criteria in selection of the
directors have been followed.
(ii) It is clarified that the quarterly statements, can be certified by the Managing
Director, except that the statement pertaining to the quarter ended March 31
needs to be necessarily certified by the auditors. Further, in case of no change
in the directors during a quarter, a Nil statement should be submitted.

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4. (i) In terms of paragraph 3(iv) of Annex 3 of the Directions, HFCs shall
communicate outcome of Board deliberations to Directors and concerned
personnel and prepare and circulate minutes of the meeting of Board to
Directors in a timely manner and to the extent possible within two business days
of the date of conclusion of the Board meeting.
(ii) It is clarified that circulation of minutes within two business days is not
mandatory and provisions in the Companies Act, 2013 in this regard shall apply.

5. (i) In terms of paragraph 3.4. of Annex 4 of the Directions, HFCs are required to
make certain disclosures regarding Derivatives transactions.
(ii) It is clarified that disclosure requirement for FY-2016-17 under the said
paragraph with respect to previous year figures has been dispense off in the
light of the Guidance Note issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(ICAI) on accounting for derivatives contracts is effective from April 1, 2016 i.e.
applicable from financial year 2016-17.

6. (i) In terms of paragraph 3.5.1 of Annex 4 of the Directions, HFCs are required to
make certain disclosures regarding assets securitised by them.
(ii) It is clarified that disclosure relating to all the outstanding securitisation
transactions entered into by the HFC and outstanding as of March 31 should be
made by HFCs.

7. (i) In terms of paragraph 3.7.2 (vi) of Annex 4 of the Directions, HFCs are required
to make disclosure regarding loans sanctioned to corporates against the
security of shares/bonds/debentures or other securities or on clean basis for
meeting promoter's contribution to the equity of new companies in anticipation of
raising resources.
(ii) It is clarified that the computation of exposure to the capital markets should be
done by HFCs in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 31(2)(d) of the
HFCs (NHB) Directions, 2010.

8. (i) In terms of paragraph 4.3 of Annex 4 of the Directions, HFCs are required to
disclose the policy on dealing with Related Party Transactions on its website
and also in the Annual Report.
(ii) It is clarified that the said policy shall also be disclosed by the HFCs in their
Annual Report besides being made available on the website of the Company.
9. (i) In terms of paragraph 6 of Annex 4 of the Directions, HFCs are required to make
disclosure of complaints.
(ii) It is clarified that the HFCs may be guided by the definition of customer as
given in the Guidelines on Know Your Customer & Anti Money Laundering
Measures for HFCs issued by the NHB.

10. HFCs should note that all the disclosures as specified under Annex-4 of the
Directions shall be necessarily and suitably made by the HFCs and none of
them should be omitted based on the ground of its being not applicable in a
particular case.

Yours faithfully,

(A. P. Saxena)
General Manager

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