Master Direction DNBR.PD.007/03.10.119/2016-17 September 01, 2016
(Updated as on August 29, 2023*)
(Updated as on June 20, 2023*)
(Updated as on December 29, 2022*)
(Updated as on September 29, 2022*)
(Updated as on July 22, 2022*)
(Updated as on June 14, 2022*)
(Updated as on May 02, 2022*)
(Updated as on April 01, 2022*)
(Updated as on March 03, 2022*)
(Updated as on February 17, 2020*)
(Updated as on November 22, 2019*)
(Updated as on August 02, 2019*)
(Updated as on February 22, 2019*)
(Updated as on May 31, 2018*)
(Updated as on February 23, 2018*)
(Updated as on November 09, 2017*)
(Updated as on March 09, 2017*)
(Updated as on March 02, 2017*)
(Updated as on February 02, 2017*)
(Updated as on October 17, 2016*)
Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company – Non-Systemically
Important Non-Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016
The Reserve Bank of India (the Bank), having considered it necessary in the public
interest, and being satisfied that, for the purpose of enabling the Bank to regulate the
financial system to the advantage of the country and to prevent the affairs of any
Non-Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Non-Banking Financial Company
(NBFC-ND)from being conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of investors
or in any manner prejudicial to the interest of such NBFCs, and in exercise of the
powers conferred under sections 45JA, 45L and 45M of the Reserve Bank of India
Act, 1934 (Act 2 of 1934) and section 3 read with section 31A and section 6 of the
Factoring Regulation Act, 2011 (Act 12 of 2012), hereby issues to every NBFC-ND,
in supersession of the Notification No.DNBS.193/ DG(VL)-2007 dated February 22,
2007, Notification DNBS. PD. CC. No. 168 / 03.02.089 / 2009-10 dated February 12,
2010, Notification DNBS.PD.No.234 / CGM(US)2011 dated December 02, 2011,
Notification DNBS.PD.No.247/CGM(US)-2012 dated July 23, 2012 and Notification
No.DNBR.008/CGM(CDS)-2015 dated March 27, 2015 the Non-Banking Financial
Company–Non-Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking (Reserve Bank)
Directions, 2016 (the Directions) hereinafter specified.
(J P Sharma)
Chief General Manager
* Since this Master Direction has been significantly amended, it has been replaced rather than showing
the changes in track mode for reader convenience.
Section I : Introduction
Chapter I – Preliminary
Chapter II – Definition
Chapter III – Registration
Section II : Prudential Issues
Chapter IV – Prudential Regulations
Chapter V – Fair Practice Code
Chapter VI – Specific Directions to NBFC- Factors
Chapter VII – Specific Directions to IFC-NBFCs
Chapter VIII – Specific Directions to NBFC-MFIs and Microfinance Loans of
Applicable NBFCs including NBFC-MFIs
Section III: Governance Issues
Chapter IX – Acquisition/Transfer of Control
Section IV: Miscellaneous Issues
Chapter X - Opening of Branch/Subsidiary/Joint Venture/Representative Office or
Undertaking Investment Abroad by NBFCs
Chapter XI – Miscellaneous Instructions
Chapter XII – Reporting Requirements
Chapter XIII – Interpretations
Chapter XIV – Repeal
Annex I –Timeline for Government NBFCs
Annex II – Guidelines on Liquidity Risk Management Framework
Annex III - Schedule to the Balance Sheet of a NBFC
Annex IV - Data on Pledged Securities
Annex V - Guidelines for Licensing of New Banks in the Private Sector - Definitions
Annex VI - Norms on Restructuring of Advances by NBFC
Annex VII - Flexible Structuring of Long Term Project Loans to Infrastructure and
Core Industries
Annex VIII - Deleted
Annex IX- Deleted
Annex X - Self – Regulatory Organization (SRO) for NBFC-MFIs –Criteria for
Annex XI- Information about the proposed promoters/directors/shareholders of the
Annex XII - Guidelines for Entry of NBFCs into Insurance
Annex XIII - Guidelines on issue of Co-Branded Credit Cards
Annex XIV - Guidelines on Distribution of Mutual Fund Products by NBFCs
Annex XV- Guidelines for Credit Default Swaps - NBFCs as users
Annex XVI – Deleted
Annex XVII - Guidelines on Private Placement of NCDs
Annex XVIII - Early Recognition of Financial Distress, Prompt Steps for Resolution
and Fair Recovery for Lenders: Framework for Revitalising Distressed Assets in the
Annex XIX – Directions on Managing Risks and Code of Conduct in Outsourcing of
Financial Services by NBFCs
Annex XX - Regulatory Guidance on Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards
by Non-Banking Financial Companies
Section I: Introduction
Chapter – I
2. Applicability
(1) The provisions of the Directions shall apply to the following:
(i) every Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) not accepting/ holding public
deposits which is not systemically important (as defined in paragraph 3(xxix) of the
(2) The Category of NBFCs as mentioned in points (i) to (iv) above are hereinafter
referred to as ‘applicable NBFCs’, for the purpose of these Directions. Specific
directions applicable to specific categories of NBFCs registered as NBFC-Factors,
NBFC-IFCs and NBFC-MFIs are as provided for under respective Chapters in these
(4)(i) The Directions under Chapter IV, paragraph 70 and Chapter V shall not apply
to those applicable NBFCs who have not accessed any public funds and do not have
any customer interface.
(ii) Applicable NBFCs accessing public funds but having no customer interface are
exempt from the applicability of paragraph 70 and Chapter V of the directions.
(iii) Applicable NBFCs having customer interface but not accessing public funds are
exempt from the applicability of Chapter IV of the directions.
Chapter II
3. For the purpose of these Directions, unless the context otherwise requires:
(i) "Act" means the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934;
(ii) "Bank" means the Reserve Bank of India constituted under section 3 of the
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
(iii) “Break up value” means the equity capital and reserves as reduced by intangible
assets and revaluation reserves, divided by the number of equity shares of the
investee company;
(iv) “Carrying cost” means book value of the assets and interest accrued thereon but
not received;
Government Companies were advised vide DNBS.PD/CC.No. 86/03.02.089/2006-07 dated December 12, 2006 to submit to
the Reserve Bank [Department of Supervision – (DoS)] a road map for compliance with the various elements of the NBFC
regulations, in consultation with the Government.]
(v) ‘Company’ means a company registered under section 3 of the Companies Act,
1956 or a corresponding provision under Companies Act, 2013;
(vi) “Companies in the group”, shall mean an arrangement involving two or more
entities related to each other through any of the following relationships:
Subsidiary – parent (defined in terms of AS 21), Joint venture (defined in terms
of AS 27), Associate (defined in terms of AS 23), Promoter-promotee (as
provided in the SEBI (Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997)
for listed companies, a related party (defined in terms of AS 18), Common brand
name, and investment in equity shares of 20per cent and above.
(vii) “Conduct of business regulations” means the directions issued by the Bank from
time to time on Fair Practices Code and Know Your Customer.
(viii) "Control" shall have the same meaning as is assigned to it under clause (e) of
sub-regulation (1) of regulation 2 of Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011.
(ix) “Current investment” means an investment which is by its nature readily
realisable and is intended to be held for not more than one year from the date on
which such investment is made;
(x) “Customer interface” means interaction between the NBFC and its customers
while carrying on its business.
(x)(a) “Dividend Payout Ratio” means the ratio between the amount of the dividend
payable in a year and the net profit as per the audited financial statements for
the financial year for which the dividend is proposed. Proposed dividend shall
include both dividend on equity shares and compulsory convertible preference
shares eligible for inclusion in Tier I Capital. In case the net profit for the relevant
period includes any exceptional and/or extra-ordinary profits/ income or the
financial statements are qualified (including ’emphasis of matter’) by the statutory
auditor that indicates an overstatement of net profit, the same shall be reduced
from net profits while determining the Dividend Payout Ratio.
(xi) “Earning value” means the value of an equity share computed by taking the
average of profits after tax as reduced by the preference dividend and adjusted
for extra-ordinary and non-recurring items, for the immediately preceding three
years and further divided by the number of equity shares of the investee
company and capitalised at the following rate:
(a) in case of predominantly manufacturing company, eight per cent;
(b) in case of predominantly trading company, ten per cent; and
(c) in case of any other company, including non-banking financial
company, twelve per cent;
Note: If, an investee company is a loss making company, the earning value will be
taken at zero;
(xii) “Fair value” means the mean of the earning value and the break up value;
(xiii) “Hybrid debt” means capital instrument which possesses certain characteristics
of equity as well as of debt;
(xiv) “NBFC-IFC” means a non-deposit taking NBFC that fulfills the following criteria:
(a) a minimum of 75 per cent of its total assets deployed in “infrastructure
(b) Net owned funds of ₹300 crore or above;
(c) minimum credit rating of 'A' issued by any of the SEBI-registered Credit
Rating Agencies;
(d) CRAR of 15 percent (with a minimum Tier I capital of 10 percent).
(xv) “Infrastructure lending” means a credit facility extended by non-banking financial
company to a borrower, by way of term loan, project loan subscription to
bonds/debentures/preference shares/ equity shares in a project company
acquired as a part of the project finance package such that subscription amount
to be “in the nature of advance” or any other form of long term funded facility for
exposure in the infrastructure sub-sectors as notified by the Department of
Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, from time to time2.
(xvi) “Non-Banking Financial Company- Investment and Credit Company - (NBFC-
ICC)" means any company which is a financial institution carrying on as its
principal business - asset finance, the providing of finance whether by making
loans or advances or otherwise for any activity other than its own and the
acquisition of securities; and is not any other category of NBFC as defined by the
Bank in any of its Master Directions.
(xvii) “Leverage Ratio” means the total Outside Liabilities/ Owned Funds.
(xviii) “Long term investment” means an investment other than a current investment;
(xix) "NBFC-Factor" means a non-banking financial company as defined in clause
(f) of section 45-I of the RBI Act, 1934, which has its principal business as
defined in paragraph 42 of these directions and has been granted a certificate
of registration under section 3 of the Factoring Regulation Act, 2011.
Modified vide Circular No. DNBR.PD.CC.No. 085/03.10.001/2016-17 dated March 02, 2017
(xx) “NBFC-MFI” means a non-deposit taking NBFC that fulfils the following
(a) Minimum Net Owned Funds of ₹5 crore. (For NBFC-MFIs registered in the North
Eastern Region of the country, the minimum NOF requirement shall stand at ₹2
(b) Not less than 75% of its total assets are in the nature of “microfinance loans” as
defined under Reserve Bank of India (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance
Loans) Directions, 2022.
(xxi) “Non-Operative Financial Holding Company (NOFHC)” means a non-deposit
taking NBFC referred to in the "Guidelines for Licensing of New Banks in the
Private Sector", issued by the Bank, which holds the shares of a banking
company and the shares of all other financial services companies in its group,
whether regulated by the Bank or by any other financial regulator, to the extent
permissible under the applicable regulatory prescriptions.
(xxii) “Net asset value” means the latest declared net asset value by the mutual
fund concerned in respect of that particular scheme;
(xxiii) “Net book value” means:
(a) in the case of hire purchase asset, the aggregate of overdue and future
instalments receivable as reduced by the balance of unmatured finance
charges and further reduced by the provisions made as per paragraph
13(2) of these Directions;
(b) in the case of leased asset, aggregate of capital portion of overdue lease
rentals accounted as receivable and depreciated book value of the lease
asset as adjusted by the balance of lease adjustment account.
(xxiv) “Owned fund” means paid up equity capital, preference shares which are
compulsorily convertible into equity, free reserves, balance in share premium
account and capital reserves representing surplus arising out of sale proceeds of
asset, excluding reserves created by revaluation of asset, as reduced by
accumulated loss balance, book value of intangible assets and deferred revenue
expenditure, if any;
(xxv) “Public deposit” for the purpose of the Directions shall have the same meaning
as defined in the Non-Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public
Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions 2016.
(xxvi) “Public funds” includes funds raised either directly or indirectly through public
deposits, inter-corporate deposits, bank finance and all funds received from
outside sources such as funds raised by issue of Commercial Papers,
debentures etc. but excludes funds raised by issue of instruments compulsorily
convertible into equity shares within a period not exceeding 5 years from the
date of issue.;
(xxvii) "Subordinated debt" means an instrument, which is fully paid up, is unsecured
and is subordinated to the claims of other creditors and is free from restrictive
clauses and is not redeemable at the instance of the holder or without the
consent of the supervisory authority of the non-banking financial company. The
book value of such instrument shall be subjected to discounting as provided
Chapter III
5. In exercise of the powers conferred under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section
45–IA of the RBI Act and all the powers enabling it in that behalf, the Bank, hereby
specifies two hundred lakh rupees as the Net Owned Fund (NOF) required for a non-
banking financial company to commence or carry on the business of non-banking
financial institution, except wherever otherwise a specific requirement as to NOF is
prescribed by the Bank.
It will be incumbent upon such NBFCs, the NOF of which currently falls below ₹200
lakh, to submit a statutory auditor's certificate certifying compliance with the
prescribed levels by the end of the period as given above.
NBFCs failing to achieve the prescribed level within the stipulated period shall not be
eligible to hold the CoR as NBFCs.
(ii) Investors in existing NBFCs holding their investments prior to the classification of
the source or intermediate jurisdiction/s as FATF non-compliant, may continue with
the investments or bring in additional investments as per extant regulations so as to
support continuity of business in India.
6. Leverage Ratio
The leverage ratio of an applicable NBFC (except NBFC-MFIs and NBFC-IFCs) shall
not be more than 7 at any point of time, with effect from March 31, 2015.
In respect of NBFCs primarily engaged in lending against gold jewellery (such loans
comprising 50 percent of more of their financial assets) they shall maintain a
minimum Tier I capital of 12 per cent.
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) periodically identifies jurisdictions with weak measures to combat money laundering and
terrorist financing (AML/CFT) in its following publications: i) High-Risk Jurisdictions subject to a Call for Action, and ii) Jurisdictions
under Increased Monitoring. A jurisdiction, whose name does not appear in the two aforementioned lists, shall be referred to as a FATF
compliant jurisdiction.
Potential voting power could arise from instruments that are convertible into equity, other instruments with contingent voting rights,
contractual arrangements, etc. that grant investors voting rights (including contingent voting rights) in the future. In such cases, it should
be ensured that new investments from FATF non-compliant jurisdictions are less than both (i) 20 per cent of the existing voting powers
and (ii) 20 per cent of existing and potential voting powers assuming those potential voting rights have materialised.
7. Income recognition
(1) The income recognition shall be based on recognised accounting principles.
(2) Income including interest/ discount/ hire charges/ lease rentals or any other
charges on NPA shall be recognised only when it is actually realised. Any such
income recognised before the asset became non-performing and remaining
unrealised shall be reversed.
(3) In cases of loans where moratorium has been granted for repayment of interest,
the interest income may be recognised on accrual basis for accounts which continue
to be classified as ‘standard’.
(4) If loans with moratorium on payment of interest (permitted at the time of sanction
of the loan) become NPA after the moratorium period is over, the capitalized interest
corresponding to the interest accrued during such moratorium period need not be
(2) Income from bonds and debentures of corporate bodies and from Government
securities/bonds shall be taken into account on accrual basis:
Provided that the interest rate on these instruments is pre-determined and interest is
serviced regularly and is not in arrears.
9. Accounting standards
NBFCs that are required to implement Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS) as per
the Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 shall prepare their
financial statements in accordance with Ind AS notified by the Government of India
and shall comply with the regulatory guidance specified in Annex XX of these
Directions. Disclosure requirements for notes to accounts specified in these
directions shall continue to apply. Other NBFCs shall comply with the requirements
of notified Accounting Standards (AS) insofar as they are not inconsistent with any of
these directions.
(2) (i) Quoted current investments shall, for the purposes of valuation, be grouped
into the following categories, viz.
(a) equity shares,
(b) preference shares,
(c) debentures and bonds,
(d) Government securities including treasury bills,
(e) units of mutual fund, and
(f) others.
(ii) Quoted current investments for each category shall be valued at cost or market
value whichever is lower. For this purpose, the investments in each category shall
be considered scrip-wise and the cost and market value aggregated for all
investments in each category. If the aggregate market value for the category is less
than the aggregate cost for that category, the net depreciation shall be provided for
or charged to the profit and loss account. If the aggregate market value for the
category exceeds the aggregate cost for the category, the net appreciation shall be
ignored. Depreciation in one category of investments shall not be set off against
appreciation in another category.
(3) Unquoted equity shares in the nature of current investments shall be valued at
cost or breakup value, whichever is lower. However, applicable NBFCs may
substitute fair value for the breakup value of the shares, if considered necessary.
Where the balance sheet of the investee company is not available for two years,
such shares shall be valued at one Rupee only.
(4) Unquoted preference shares in the nature of current investments shall be valued
at cost or face value, whichever is lower.
(6) Unquoted investments in the units of mutual funds in the nature of current
investments shall be valued at the net asset value declared by the mutual fund in
respect of each particular scheme.
(8) A long term investment shall be valued in accordance with the Accounting
Standard issued by ICAI.
Note: Unquoted debentures shall be treated as term loans or other type of credit
facilities depending upon the tenure of such debentures for the purpose of income
recognition and asset classification.
11. Need for policy on demand/ call loans
(1) The Board of Directors of every applicable NBFC granting/intending to grant
demand/call loans shall frame a policy for the company and implement the
(2) Such policy shall, inter alia, stipulate the following -
(i) A cut-off date within which the repayment of demand or call loan shall
be demanded or called up;
(ii) The sanctioning authority shall, record specific reasons in writing at the
time of sanctioning demand or call loan, if the cut-off date for
demanding or calling up such loan is stipulated beyond a period of one
year from the date of sanction;
(iii) The rate of interest which shall be payable on such loans;
(iv) Interest on such loans, as stipulated shall be payable either at monthly
or quarterly rests;
(v) The sanctioning authority shall, record specific reasons in writing at the
time of sanctioning demand or call loan, if no interest is stipulated or a
moratorium is granted for any period;
(vi) A cut-off date, for review of performance of the loan, not exceeding six
months commencing from the date of sanction;
(vii) Such demand or call loans shall not be renewed unless the periodical
review has shown satisfactory compliance with the terms of sanction.
(2) The class of assets referred to above shall not be upgraded merely as a result of
rescheduling, unless it satisfies the conditions required for the upgradation.
(3) (i) Standard asset shall mean the asset in respect of which, no default in
repayment of principal or payment of interest is perceived and which does not
disclose any problem or carry more than normal risk attached to the business;
(b) an asset where the terms of the agreement regarding interest and/ or principal
have been renegotiated or rescheduled or restructured after commencement of
operations, until the expiry of one year of satisfactory performance under the
renegotiated or rescheduled or restructured terms:
(v) Non-Performing Asset (referred to in these Directions as “NPA”) shall mean:
a) an asset, in respect of which, interest has remained overdue for a period of
six months or more;
b) a term loan inclusive of unpaid interest, when the instalment is overdue for a
period of six months or more or on which interest amount remained overdue
for a period of six months or more;
c) a demand or call loan, which remained overdue for a period of six months or
more from the date of demand or call or on which interest amount remained
overdue for a period of six months or more;
d) a bill which remains overdue for a period of six months or more;
e) the interest in respect of a debt or the income on receivables under the head
'other current assets' in the nature of short term loans / advances, which
facility remained overdue for a period of six months or more;
f) any dues on account of sale of assets or services rendered or reimbursement
of expenses incurred, which remained overdue for a period of six months or
g) the lease rental and hire purchase instalment, which has become overdue for
a period of twelve months or more;
h) in respect of loans, advances and other credit facilities (including bills
purchased and discounted), the balance outstanding under the credit facilities
(including accrued interest) made available to the same borrower / beneficiary
when any of the above credit facilities becomes non-performing asset;
Provided that in the case of lease and hire purchase transactions, an applicable
NBFC shall classify each such account on the basis of its record of recovery.
Vide circulars DOR.STR.REC.68/21.04.048/2021-22 dated November 12, 2021 and DOR.STR.REC.85/
21.04.048/2021-22 dated February 15, 2022
apprised of the same at the time of loan sanction and also at the time of subsequent
changes, if any, to the sanction terms/ loan agreement till full repayment of the loan.
In cases of loan facilities with moratorium on payment of principal and/ or interest,
the exact date of commencement of repayment shall also be specified in the loan
agreements. In case of existing loans, compliance to these instructions shall
necessarily be ensured as and when such loans become due for renewal/ review.
(2) Every NBFC shall recognise incipient stress in loan accounts, immediately on
default, by classifying such assets as special mention accounts (SMA) as per the
categories specified in para 1.1.1 of Annex XVIII of these directions.
(3) The above instructions on SMA classification of borrower accounts are applicable
to all loans, including retail loans, irrespective of size of exposure of the lending
(4) The borrower accounts shall be flagged as overdue by the lending institutions as
part of their day-end processes for the due date, irrespective of the time of running
such processes. Similarly, classification of borrower accounts as SMA as well as
NPA shall be done as part of day-end process for the relevant date and the SMA or
NPA classification date shall be the calendar date for which the day end process is
run. In other words, the date of SMA/NPA shall reflect the asset classification status
of an account at the day-end of that calendar date.
Example: If due date of a loan account is March 31, 2021, and full dues are not
received before the lending institution runs the day-end process for this date,
the date of overdue shall be March 31, 2021. If it continues to remain overdue,
then this account shall get tagged as SMA-1 upon running day-end process on
April 30, 2021 i.e. upon completion of 30 days of being continuously overdue.
Accordingly, the date of SMA-1 classification for that account shall be April 30,
Similarly, if the account continues to remain overdue, it shall get tagged as
SMA-2 upon running day-end process on May 30, 2021 and if continues to
remain overdue further, it shall get classified as NPA upon running day-end
process as per extant asset classification norms.
(5) Loan accounts classified as NPAs may be upgraded as ‘standard’ asset only if
entire arrears of interest and principal are paid by the borrower. NBFCs shall have
time till September 30, 2022 to put in place the necessary systems to implement this
In case of borrowers having more than one credit facility, loan accounts shall be
upgraded from NPA to standard asset category only upon repayment of entire
arrears of interest and principal pertaining to all the credit facilities. With regard to
upgradation of accounts classified as NPA due to restructuring, non-achievement of
date of commence of commercial operations (DCCO), etc., the instructions as
specified for such cases shall continue to be applicable.
(6) Consumer Education on SMA/ NPA
With a view to increasing awareness among the borrowers, NBFCs should place
consumer education literature on their websites, explaining with examples, the
concepts of date of overdue, SMA and NPA classification and upgradation, with
specific reference to day-end process. NBFCs shall also consider displaying such
consumer education literature in their branches by means of posters and/or other
appropriate media. Further, it shall also be ensured that their front-line officers
educate borrowers about all these concepts, with respect to loans availed by them,
at the time of sanction/disbursal/renewal of loans.
be made. The realisable value is to be
estimated on a realistic basis;
(b) In addition to item (a) above, depending
upon the period for which the asset has
remained doubtful, provision to the extent of
20 per cent to 50 per cent of the secured
portion (i.e. Estimated realisable value of the
outstanding) shall be made on the following
Period for which the asset has Per cent of provision
been considered as doubtful
Up to one year 20
One to three years 30
More than three years 50
(iii) Sub-standard assets A general provision of 10 per
cent of total outstanding shall
be made.
(2) Lease and hire purchase assets -The provisioning requirements in respect of hire
purchase and leased assets shall be as under:
(i) Hire purchase assets - In respect of hire purchase assets, the total dues
(overdue and future instalments taken together) as reduced by
(a) the finance charges not credited to the profit and loss account and
carried forward as unmatured finance charges; and
(b) the depreciated value of the underlying asset shall be provided for.
Additional provision for hire purchase and leased assets
(ii) In respect of hire purchase and leased assets, additional provision shall be
made as under:
Where hire charges or lease rentals are overdue
(a) Nil
upto 12 months
Where hire charges or lease rentals are overdue 10 per cent of the
for more than 12 months upto 24 months net book value
Where hire charges or lease rentals are overdue 40 per cent of the
for more than 24 months but upto 36 months net book value
Where hire charges or lease rentals are overdue 70 per cent of the
for more than 36 months but upto 48 months net book value
Where hire charges or lease rentals are overdue 100 per cent of the
for more than 48 months net book value
(iii) On expiry of a period of 12 months after the due date of the last instalment of
hire purchase/leased asset, the entire net book value shall be fully provided for.
1. The amount of caution money/margin money or security deposits kept by
the borrower with the applicable NBFC in pursuance of the hire purchase
agreement may be deducted against the provisions stipulated under clause
(i) above, if not already taken into account while arriving at the equated
monthly instalments under the agreement. The value of any other security
available in pursuance to the hire purchase agreement shall be deducted
only against the provisions stipulated under clause (ii) above.
2. The amount of security deposits kept by the borrower with the applicable
NBFC in pursuance to the lease agreement together with the value of any
other security available in pursuance to the lease agreement shall be
deducted only against the provisions stipulated under clause (ii) above.
3. It is clarified that income recognition on and provisioning against NPAs are
two different aspects of prudential norms and provisions as per the norms
are required to be made on NPAs on total outstanding balances including
the depreciated book value of the leased asset under reference after
adjusting the balance, if any, in the lease adjustment account. The fact that
income on an NPA has not been recognised shall not be taken as reason
for not making provision.
4. An asset which has been renegotiated or rescheduled as referred to in
paragraph 12(3)(ii)(b) of these Directions shall be a sub-standard asset or
continue to remain in the same category in which it was prior to its
renegotiation or re-schedulement as a doubtful asset or a loss asset as the
case may be. Necessary provision shall be made as applicable to such
asset till it is upgraded.
5. The balance sheet to be prepared by the NBFC shall be in accordance with
the provisions contained in sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 17 of the
6. All financial leases written on or after April 1, 2001 shall attract the
provisioning requirements as applicable to hire purchase assets.
Type I NBFC-ND as defined in RBI press release dated June 17, 2016.
those with asset size of below ₹500 crore and those with asset size of ₹500 crore
and above. The regulations as applicable to the two categories shall be applicable to
each of the non-deposit taking NBFC within the group. For this purpose, Statutory
Auditors are required to certify the asset size of all the NBFCs in the Group.
However, NBFC-D, within the group, if any, shall be governed under the Non-
Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank)
Direction 2016 and Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-
Deposit taking Company and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions,
2016 as applicable to deposit taking NBFCs.
(2) The provisions shall be distinctly indicated under separate heads of account as
(i) provisions for bad and doubtful debts; and
(ii) provisions for depreciation in investments.
(3) Such provisions shall not be appropriated from the general provisions and loss
reserves held, if any, by the applicable NBFC.
(4) Such provisions for each year shall be debited to the profit and loss account. The
excess of provisions, if any, held under the heads general provisions and loss
reserves may be written back without making adjustment against them.
(2) Even in cases where the Bank and the Registrar of Companies grant extension of
time, the applicable NBFC shall furnish to the Bank a proforma balance sheet
(unaudited) as on March 31 of the year and the statutory returns due on the said
date. Every applicable NBFC shall finalise its balance sheet within a period of 3
months from the date to which it pertains.
(2) Only NBFCs that meet the following minimum prudential requirements shall
declare dividend:
a) NBFCs shall have met the minimum capital requirements (including leverage
ratio wherever applicable) prescribed under this Master Direction in each of
the last three7 financial years including the financial year for which the
dividend is proposed.
b) The net NPA ratio shall be less than six per cent in each of the last three
years, including as at the close of the financial year for which dividend is
proposed to be declared.
c) NBFCs shall comply with the provisions of Section 45 IC of the Reserve Bank
of India Act, 1934.
d) NBFCs shall be compliant with the prevailing regulations/ guidelines issued by
the Reserve Bank. The Reserve Bank shall not have placed any explicit
restrictions on declaration of dividend.
(3) NBFCs that meet the eligibility criteria specified in paragraph (2) above can
declare dividend upto a dividend payout ratio of 50 per cent. There will be no ceiling
on dividend payout ratio for eligible NBFCs that do not accept public funds and have
no customer interface.
(4) An NBFC which does not meet the applicable capital ratio (including leverage
ratio wherever applicable) requirements and/ or the net NPA ratio requirement as
above, for each of the last three financial years, shall be eligible to declare dividend,
Where an NBFC has been in existence for less than three financial years, it shall be since registration.
subject to a cap of 10 per cent on the dividend payout ratio, provided the NBFC
complies with both the following conditions:
a) meets the applicable minimum capital requirement (including leverage ratio
wherever applicable), as per this Master Direction, in the financial year for
which it proposes to pay dividend, and
b) has net NPA of less than four per cent as at the close of the said financial
(5) The Board shall ensure that the total dividend proposed for the financial year
does not exceed the ceilings specified in these guidelines. The Reserve Bank shall
not entertain any request for ad-hoc dispensation on declaration of dividend.
(i) maintain a Loan to Value (LTV) ratio of 50 per cent for loans granted against
the collateral of shares. LTV ratio of 50 per cent is required to be maintained
at all times. Any shortfall in the maintenance of the 50 per cent LTV occurring
on account of movement in the share prices shall be made good within 7
working days.
(ii) in case where lending is being done for investment in capital markets, accept
only Group 1 securities (specified in SMD/ Policy/ Cir - 9/ 2003 dated March
11, 2003 as amended from time to time, issued by SEBI) as collateral for
loans of value more than ₹5 lakh, subject to review by the Bank.
25. Norms for restructuring of advances
Norms for restructuring of advances by applicable NBFCs are as set forth in Annex
VI. For projects under implementation, the instructions in Annex VI and circular
DoR.NBFC (PD).CC.No.110/03.10.001/2019-20 dated April 17, 2020 on ‘Prudential
Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning Pertaining to
Advances - Projects under Implementation’ shall be applicable.
26. Flexible Structuring of Long Term Project Loans to Infrastructure and Core
Norms for Flexible Structuring of Long Term project loans to Infrastructure and Core
Industries by applicable NBFCs shall be on the lines of the norms specified by the
Bank for banks as modified and set forth in Annex VII.
(b) NBFCs shall not grant any advance against bullion / primary gold and gold coins.
The NBFCs shall not grant any advance for purchase of gold in any form including
primary gold, gold bullion, gold jewellery, gold coins, units of Exchange Traded
Funds (ETF) and units of gold mutual fund.
a borrower at any one time or cumulatively on loan outstanding is more than 20
(b) NBFCs shall have an explicit policy in this regard as approved by the Board in
their overall loan policy.
(4) Auction
(a) The auction shall be conducted in the same town or taluka in which the branch
that has extended the loan is located. NBFCs can however pool gold jewellery from
different branches in a district and auction it at any location within the district, subject
to meeting the following conditions:
(i) The first auction has failed.
(ii) The NBFC shall ensure that all other requirements of the extant directions
regarding auction (prior notice, reserve price, arms-length relationship,
disclosures, etc.) are met.
Non-adherence to the above conditions will attract strict enforcement action.
(b) While auctioning the gold the NBFC must declare a reserve price for the pledged
ornaments. The reserve price for the pledged ornaments shall not be less than 85
per cent of the previous 30 day average closing price of 22 carat gold as declared by
the Bombay Bullion Association Ltd. (BBA) or the historical spot gold price data
publicly disseminated by a commodity exchange regulated by the Forward Markets
Commission and value of the jewellery of lower purity in terms of carats shall be
proportionately reduced.
(c) It shall be mandatory on the part of the NBFCs to provide full details of the value
fetched in the auction and the outstanding dues adjusted and any amount over and
above the loan outstanding shall be payable to the borrower.
(d) NBFCs shall disclose in their annual reports the details of the auctions conducted
during the financial year including the number of loan accounts, outstanding
amounts, value fetched and whether any of its sister concerns participated in the
(5) Safety and security measures to be followed by Non-Banking Financial
Companies lending against collateral of gold jewellery
(a) Non-Banking Financial Companies, which are in the business of lending against
collateral of gold jewellery, shall ensure that necessary infrastructure and facilities
are put in place, including safe deposit vault and appropriate security measures for
operating the vault, in each of its branches where gold jewellery is accepted as
collateral. This is required to safeguard the gold jewellery accepted as collateral and
to ensure convenience of borrowers.
(b) No new branch/es shall be opened without suitable arrangements for security
and for storage of gold jewellery, including safe deposit vault.
Chapter – V
Fair Practices Code for applicable NBFC
Applicable NBFCs having customer interface shall adopt the following guidelines:
28. Applications for loans and their processing
(1) All communications to the borrower shall be in the vernacular language or a
language as understood by the borrower.
(2) Loan application forms shall include necessary information which affects the
interest of the borrower, so that a meaningful comparison with the terms and
conditions offered by other NBFCs can be made and informed decision can be taken
by the borrower. The loan application form shall indicate the documents required to
be submitted with the application form.
(3) Applicable NBFCs shall devise a system of giving acknowledgement for receipt of
all loan applications. Preferably, the time frame within which loan applications will be
disposed of shall also be indicated in the acknowledgement.
Borrowers may not be fully aware of the terms and conditions of the loans including
rate of interest at the time of sanction of loans, either because the NBFC does not
provide details of the same or the borrower has no time to look into detailed
agreement. Not furnishing a copy of the loan agreement or enclosures quoted in the
loan agreement is an unfair practice and this could lead to disputes between the
NBFC and the borrower with regard to the terms and conditions. Applicable NBFCs,
shall furnish a copy of the loan agreement as understood by the borrower along with
a copy each of all enclosures quoted in the loan agreement to all the borrowers at
the time of sanction / disbursement of loans.
29A. Penal Charges in Loan Accounts8
(1) Penalty, if charged, for non-compliance of material terms and conditions of loan
contract by the borrower shall be treated as ‘penal charges’ and shall not be levied in
the form of ‘penal interest’ that is added to the rate of interest charged on the
advances. There shall be no capitalisation of penal charges i.e., no further interest
computed on such charges. However, this will not affect the normal procedures for
compounding of interest in the loan account.
(2) The NBFCs shall not introduce any additional component to the rate of interest
and ensure compliance to these guidelines in both letter and spirit.
(3) The NBFCs shall formulate a Board approved policy on penal charges or similar
charges on loans, by whatever name called.
(4) The quantum of penal charges shall be reasonable and commensurate with the
non-compliance of material terms and conditions of loan contract without being
discriminatory within a particular loan / product category.
(5) The penal charges in case of loans sanctioned to ‘individual borrowers, for
purposes other than business’, shall not be higher than the penal charges applicable
to non-individual borrowers for similar non-compliance of material terms and
(6) The quantum and reason for penal charges shall be clearly disclosed by NBFCs
to the customers in the loan agreement and most important terms & conditions / Key
Fact Statement (KFS) as applicable, in addition to being displayed on NBFCs
website under Interest rates and Service Charges.
(7) Whenever reminders for non-compliance of material terms and conditions of loan
are sent to borrowers, the applicable penal charges shall be communicated. Further,
any instance of levy of penal charges and the reason therefor shall also be
(8) These instructions shall come into effect from January 01, 2024. NBFCs may
carry out appropriate revisions in their policy framework and ensure implementation
of the instructions in respect of all the fresh loans availed/ renewed from the effective
date. In the case of existing loans, the switchover to new penal charges regime shall
be ensured on next review or renewal date or six months from the effective date of
these instructions, whichever is earlier.
Inserted vide DoR.MCS.REC.28/01.01.001/2023-24 dated August 18, 2023
30. Disbursement of loans including changes in terms and conditions
(1) Applicable NBFCs shall give notice to the borrower in the vernacular language or
a language as understood by the borrower of any change in the terms and conditions
including disbursement schedule, interest rates, service charges, prepayment
charges etc. Applicable NBFCs shall also ensure that changes in interest rates and
charges are affected only prospectively. A suitable condition in this regard must be
incorporated in the loan agreement.
(2) Decision to recall/ accelerate payment or performance under the agreement shall
be in consonance with the loan agreement.
(3) Applicable NBFCs shall release all securities on repayment of all dues or on
realisation of the outstanding amount of loan subject to any legitimate right or lien for
any other claim they may have against borrower. If such right of set off is to be
exercised, the borrower shall be given notice about the same with full particulars
about the remaining claims and the conditions under which applicable NBFCs are
entitled to retain the securities till the relevant claim is settled/ paid.
(1) At the time of sanction of EMI based floating rate personal loans, NBFCs are
required to take into account the repayment capacity of borrowers to ensure that
adequate headroom/ margin is available for elongation of tenor and/ or increase in
EMI, in the scenario of possible increase in the interest rate during the tenor of the
loan. However, in respect of EMI based floating rate personal loans, in the wake of
rising interest rates, several consumer grievances related to elongation of loan tenor
and/or increase in EMI amount, without proper communication with and/or consent of
the borrowers have been received. In order to address these concerns, the NBFCs
are advised to put in place an appropriate policy framework meeting the following
requirements for implementation and compliance:
(i) At the time of sanction, NBFCs shall clearly communicate to the borrowers about
the possible impact of change in interest rate on the loan leading to changes in EMI
and/or tenor or both. Subsequently, any increase in the EMI/ tenor or both on
Inserted vide DOR.MCS.REC.32/01.01.003/2023-24 dated August 18, 2023
As defined in the RBI circular No. DBR.No.BP.BC.99/08.13.100/2017-18 dated January 04, 2018 on “XBRL
Returns – Harmonization of Banking Statistics”.
account of the above shall be communicated to the borrower immediately through
appropriate channels.
(ii) At the time of reset of interest rates, NBFCs shall provide the option to the
borrowers to switch over to a fixed rate as per their Board approved policy. The
policy, inter alia, may also specify the number of times a borrower will be allowed to
switch during the tenor of the loan.
(iii) The borrowers shall also be given the choice to opt for (i) enhancement in EMI or
elongation of tenor or for a combination of both options; and, (ii) to prepay, either in
part or in full, at any point during the tenor of the loan. Levy of foreclosure charges/
pre-payment penalty shall be subject to extant instructions.
(iv) All applicable charges for switching of loans from floating to fixed rate and any
other service charges/ administrative costs incidental to the exercise of the above
options shall be transparently disclosed in the sanction letter and also at the time of
revision of such charges/ costs by the NBFCs from time to time.
(v) NBFCs shall ensure that the elongation of tenor in case of floating rate loan does
not result in negative amortisation.
(vi) NBFCs shall share / make accessible to the borrowers, through appropriate
channels, a statement at the end of each quarter which shall at the minimum,
enumerate the principal and interest recovered till date, EMI amount, number of
EMIs left and annualized rate of interest / Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for the
entire tenor of the loan. The NBFCs shall ensure that the statements are simple and
easily understood by the borrower.
(2) Apart from the equated monthly instalment loans, these instructions would also
apply, mutatis mutandis, to all equated instalment based loans of different
(3) NBFCs shall ensure that the above instructions are extended to the existing as
well as new loans suitably by December 31, 2023. All existing borrowers shall be
sent a communication, through appropriate channels, intimating the options available
to them.
31. General
(1) Applicable NBFCs shall refrain from interference in the affairs of the borrower
except for the purposes provided in the terms and conditions of the loan agreement
(unless information, not earlier disclosed by the borrower, has been noticed).
(2) In case of receipt of request from the borrower for transfer of borrowal account,
the consent or otherwise i.e., objection of the applicable NBFC, if any, shall be
conveyed within 21 days from the date of receipt of request. Such transfer shall be
as per transparent contractual terms in consonance with law.
(3) In the matter of recovery of loans, an applicable NBFC shall not resort to undue
harassment viz., persistently bothering the borrowers at odd hours, use muscle
power for recovery of loans etc. As complaints from customers also include rude
behaviour from the staff of the companies, applicable NBFC shall ensure that the
staff are adequately trained to deal with the customers in an appropriate manner.
(4) As a measure of customer protection and also in order to bring in uniformity with
regard to prepayment of various loans by borrowers of banks and NBFCs, applicable
NBFCs shall not charge foreclosure charges/ pre-payment penalties on any floating
rate term loan sanctioned for purposes other than business to individual borrowers,
with or without co-obligant(s).
(1) the name and contact details (Telephone / Mobile nos. as also email address) of
the Grievance Redressal Officer who can be approached by the public for resolution
of complaints against the Company.
(2) If the complaint / dispute is not redressed within a period of one month, the
customer may appeal to the Officer-in-Charge of the Regional Office of Department
of Supervision of the Bank (with complete contact details), under whose jurisdiction
the registered office of the applicable NBFC falls.
(2) The rates of interest and the approach for gradation of risks shall also be made
available on the website of the companies or published in the relevant newspapers.
The information published in the website or otherwise published shall be updated
whenever there is a change in the rates of interest.
(3) The rate of interest must be annualised rate so that the borrower is aware of the
exact rates that would be charged to the account.
37. Complaints about excessive interest charged by Applicable NBFCs
The Bank has been receiving several complaints regarding levying of excessive
interest and charges on certain loans and advances by NBFC. Though interest rates
are not regulated by the Bank, rates of interest beyond a certain level may be seen
to be excessive and can neither be sustainable nor be conforming to normal financial
practice. Boards of applicable NBFCs shall lay out appropriate internal principles and
procedures in determining interest rates and processing and other charges. In this
regard, the guidelines indicated in the Fair Practices Code about transparency in
respect of terms and conditions of the loans are to be kept in view.
(2) A copy of such terms and conditions must be made available to the borrower.
Applicable NBFCs shall invariably furnish a copy of the loan agreement along with a
copy each of all enclosures quoted in the loan agreement to all the borrowers at the
time of sanction/ disbursement of loans, which forms a key component of such
contracts/ loan agreements.
(i) They shall put in place Board approved policy for lending against gold that shall
inter alia, cover the following:
(a) Adequate steps to ensure that the KYC guidelines stipulated by RBI are
complied with and to ensure that adequate due diligence is carried out on the
customer before extending any loan,
(b) Proper assaying procedure for the jewellery received,
(c) Internal systems to satisfy ownership of the gold jewellery,
(d) Adequate systems for storing the jewellery in safe custody, reviewing the
systems on an on-going basis, training the concerned staff and periodic
inspection by internal auditors to ensure that the procedures are strictly
adhered to. Normally, such loans shall not be extended by branches that do
not have appropriate facility for storage of the jewellery,
(e) The jewellery accepted as collateral shall be appropriately insured,
(f) Transparent auction procedure in case of non-repayment with adequate prior
notice to the borrower. There shall be no conflict of interest and the auction
process must ensure that there is arm’s length relationship in all transactions
during the auction including with group companies and related entities,
(g) The auction shall be announced to the public by issue of advertisements in
at least two newspapers, one in vernacular and another in national daily
(h) As a policy, the applicable NBFCs themselves shall not participate in the
auctions held,
(i) Gold pledged shall be auctioned only through auctioneers approved by the
(j) The policy shall also cover systems and procedures to be put in place for
dealing with fraud including separation of duties of mobilization, execution and
(ii) The loan agreement shall also disclose details regarding auction procedure.
a) NBFCs financing against the collateral of gold must insist on a copy of the
PAN Card of the borrower for all transaction above ₹5 lakh.
b) Documentation across all branches must be standardized.
c) NBFCs shall not issue misleading advertisements like claiming the availability
of loans in a matter of 2-3 minutes.
Chapter –VI
Specific Directions applicable to NBFC-Factors11
40. Registration
(1) Every company intending to undertake factoring business shall make an
application to the Bank for grant of CoR as NBFC-Factor under section 3 of the
Factoring Regulation Act, 2011 and shall ensure compliance with principal business
criteria(PBC) as stipulated in paragraph 42 of these directions.
(3) Application for such conversion shall be submitted with all supporting documents
meant for new registration as NBFC-Factor, together with surrender of original CoR
issued by the Bank to the NBFC-ICC under section 45-IA of the RBI Act, 1934.
(4) An entity not registered with the Bank under the Factoring Regulation Act, 2011
may conduct the business of factoring, if it is an entity mentioned in section 5 of the
Factoring Regulation Act, 2011, i.e., a bank or a body corporate established under
an Act of Parliament or State Legislature, or a Government Company;
(4) NBFC-Factor shall commence factoring business within six months from the date
of grant of CoR.
Notification No. DOR.FIN.080/CGM(JPS) – 2022 dated January 14, 2022 (published in Official Gazette – Extraordinary –
Part-III, Section 4 dated January 17, 2022)
43. Conduct of business and prudential regulations
NBFC-Factors shall conduct the factoring business in accordance with the Factoring
Regulation Act, 2011 and the rules and regulations framed under it or the directions
and guidelines issued by the Bank from time to time.
a. NBFC-Factors shall carry out a thorough credit appraisal of the debtors before
entering into any factoring arrangement or prior to establishing lines of credit with the
export factor.
d. NBFC-Factors and banks shall share information about common borrowers. For
the purpose of exchange of information, the assignor will be deemed to be the
borrower. NBFC-Factors shall ensure to intimate the limits sanctioned to the
borrower to the concerned banks / NBFCs and details of debts factored so as to
avoid double financing.
Chapter – VII
Specific Directions applicable to Infrastructure Finance Companies
I. On balance sheet assets–
(1) In these Directions, degrees of credit risk expressed as percentage weightages
have been assigned to balance sheet assets. Hence, the value of each asset / item
requires to be multiplied by the relevant risk weights to arrive at risk adjusted value
of assets. The aggregate shall be taken into account for reckoning the minimum
capital ratio. The risk weighted asset shall be calculated as the weighted aggregate
of funded items as detailed hereunder:
Weighted risk assets - On-Balance Sheet items Percentage weight
(ii) Investments
(a) Approved securities [Except at (c) 0
(b) Bonds of public sector banks 20
(c) Fixed deposits/ certificates of 100
deposits/bonds of public financial
(d) Shares of all companies and
debentures/ bonds/ commercial 100
papers of all companies and units of
all mutual funds
(e) All assets covering PPP and post 50
commercial operations date (COD)
infrastructure projects in existence
over a year of commercial operation.
(b) Premises 100
(c) Furniture & Fixtures 100
4.12 (i) Applicable NBFCs are permitted to apply zero percent risk weights in respect
of exposures guaranteed under any existing or future schemes launched by Credit
Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE), Credit Risk
Guarantee Fund Trust for Low Income Housing (CRGFTLIH) and individual schemes
under National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd (NCGTC) provided they
satisfy the following conditions:
(a) Prudential Aspects: The guarantees provided under the respective schemes
should comply with the requirements for credit risk mitigation in terms of paragraph
7.5 of the ‘Master Circular on Basel III Capital Regulations’ dated April 01, 2022, as
amended from time to time, which, inter alia, requires such guarantees to be direct,
explicit, irrevocable and unconditional;
(b) Restrictions on permissible claims: Where the terms of the guarantee schemes
restrict the maximum permissible claims through features like specified extent of
guarantee coverage, clause on first loss absorption by member lending institutions
(MLI), payout cap, etc., the zero percent risk weight shall be restricted to the
maximum permissible claim and the residual exposure shall be subjected to risk
weight as applicable to the counterparty in terms of extant regulations.
(c) In case of a portfolio-level guarantee, effective from April 01, 2023, the extent of
exposure subjected to first loss absorption by the MLI, if any, shall be subjected to
full capital deduction and the residual exposure shall be subjected to risk weight as
applicable to the counterparty in terms of extant regulations, on a pro rata basis. The
maximum capital charge shall be capped at a notional level arrived at by treating the
entire exposure as unguaranteed.
(ii) Further, subject to the aforementioned prescriptions at clause (i) above, any
future scheme launched under any of the aforementioned Trust Funds, in order to be
eligible for zero percent risk weight, shall provide for settlement of the eligible
guaranteed claims within thirty days from the date of lodgement, and the lodgement
shall be permitted within sixty days from the date of default.
(iii) The above regulatory stipulation shall be applicable to the applicable NBFCs, to
the extent they are recognised as eligible MLIs under the respective schemes.
(iv) Some illustrative examples of risk weights applicable on claims guaranteed
under specific existing schemes are given below:
Inserted vide Circular DOR.STR.REC.67/21.06.201/2022-23 dated September 07, 2022.
Illustrative Examples - Risk Weights (RW) applicable on credit facilities
guaranteed under specific existing schemes
(Guarantee coverage, first loss percentage and payout cap ratio may be factored in as given below
and as amended from time to time in the respective schemes)
o CP = Crystallized Portfolio
(sanctioned amount)
o C = Claims received in
previous years, if any, in the
crystallized portfolio
o SLA = Sanctioned limit of each
account in the crystallized
o 15 per cent represents the
payout cap
Balance amount in default -
Counterparty/ RRP RW as
(2) Non-market-related off- balance sheet items
(i) The credit equivalent amount in relation to a non-market related off-balance sheet
item shall be determined by multiplying the contracted amount of that particular
transaction by the relevant credit conversion factor (CCF).
(ii) Conditional take-out finance 50
Note: As the counter-party
exposure will determine the
risk weight, it will be 100
percent in respect of all
borrowers or zero percent if
covered by Government
xii. Commitment to provide liquidity facility for 100
securitization of standard asset
xiii. Second loss credit enhancement for 100
securitization of standard asset
transactions provided by third party
xiv. Other contingent liabilities (To be 50
1. Cash margins/ deposits shall be deducted before applying the
conversion factor
2. Where the non-market related off-balance sheet item is an undrawn
or partially undrawn fund-based facility, the amount of undrawn commitment
to be included in calculating the off-balance sheet non-market related credit
exposures is the maximum unused portion of the commitment that could be
drawn during the remaining period to maturity. Any drawn portion of a
commitment forms a part of NBFC-IFCs on-balance sheet credit exposure.
For example:
A term loan of ₹700 crore is sanctioned for a large project which can be drawn
down in stages over a three year period. The terms of sanction allow draw
down in three stages – ₹150 crore in Stage I, ₹200 crore in Stage II and ₹350
crore in Stage III, where the borrower needs the NBFC-IFCs explicit approval
for draw down under Stages II and III after completion of certain formalities. If
the borrower has drawn already ₹50 crore under Stage I, then the undrawn
portion would be computed with reference to Stage I alone i.e., it will be ₹100
crore. If Stage I is scheduled to be completed within one year, the CCF will be
20 per cent and if it is more than one year then the applicable CCF will be 50
per cent.
(3) Market Related Off-Balance Sheet Items
(i) NBFC-IFCs shall take into account all market related off-balance sheet items
(OTC derivatives and Securities Financing Transactions such as repo/
reverse repo/ CBLO, etc.) while calculating the risk weighted off-balance
sheet credit exposures.
(ii) The credit risk on market related off-balance sheet items is the cost to an
NBFC-IFC of replacing the cash flow specified by the contract in the event of
counterparty default. This shall depend, among other things, upon the
maturity of the contract and on the volatility of rates underlying the type of
(iii) Market related off-balance sheet items shall include:
(a) interest rate contracts - including single currency interest rate swaps,
basis swaps, forward rate agreements, and interest rate futures;
(b) foreign exchange contracts, including contracts involving gold, -
includes cross currency swaps (including cross currency interest rate
swaps), forward foreign exchange contracts, currency futures,
currency options;
(c) Credit Default Swaps; and
(d) any other market related contracts specifically allowed by the Reserve
Bank which give rise to credit risk.
(iv) Exemption from capital requirements is permitted for -
(a) foreign exchange (except gold) contracts which have an original
maturity of 14 calendar days or less; and
(b) instruments traded on futures and options exchanges which are
subject to daily mark-to-market and margin payments.
(v) The exposures to Central Counter Parties (CCPs), on account of derivatives
trading and securities financing transactions (e.g. Collateralized Borrowing
and Lending Obligations - CBLOs, Repos) outstanding against them shall be
assigned zero exposure value for counterparty credit risk, as it is presumed
that the CCPs' exposures to their counterparties are fully collateralized on a
daily basis, thereby providing protection for the CCP's credit risk exposures.
(vi) A CCF of 100 per cent shall be applied to the corporate securities posted as
collaterals with CCPs and the resultant off-balance sheet exposure shall be
assigned risk weights appropriate to the nature of the CCPs. In the case of
Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL), the risk weight shall be 20 per
cent and for other CCPs, risk weight shall be 50 per cent.
(vii) The total credit exposure to a counter party in respect of derivative
transactions shall be calculated according to the current exposure method as
explained below.
a. For contracts with multiple exchanges of principal, the add-on factors
are to be multiplied by the number of remaining payments in the
b. For contracts that are structured to settle outstanding exposure
following specified payment dates and where the terms are reset such
that the market value of the contract is zero on these specified dates,
the residual maturity shall be set equal to the time until the next reset
date. However, in the case of interest rate contracts which have residual
maturities of more than one year and meet the above criteria, the CCF
or add-on factor is subject to a floor of 1.0 per cent.
c. No potential future credit exposure shall be calculated for single
currency floating / floating interest rate swaps; the credit exposure on
these contracts shall be evaluated solely on the basis of their mark-to-
market value.
d. Potential future exposures shall be based on 'effective' rather than
'apparent notional amounts'. In the event that the 'stated notional
amount' is leveraged or enhanced by the structure of the transaction,
the 'effective notional amount' must be used for determining potential
future exposure. For example, a stated notional amount of USD 1
million with payments based on an internal rate of two times the lending
rate of the NBFC-IFC would have an effective notional amount of USD 2
this, the bought CDS position shall attract a capital charge for
counterparty risk which shall be calculated by applying a credit
conversion factor of 100 percent and a risk weight as applicable to the
protection seller i.e. 20 per cent for banks and 100 per cent for others.
(ii) For corporate bonds held in permanent category and hedged by CDS
where there is no mismatch between the CDS and the hedged bond,
NBFC-IFCs can recognise full credit protection for the underlying asset
and no capital shall be required to be maintained thereon. The exposure
shall stand fully substituted by the exposure to the protection seller and
attract risk weight as applicable to the protection seller i.e. 20 per cent
for banks and 100 per cent for others.
Chapter – VIII
Specific directions applicable to Non-Banking Financial Company – Micro
Finance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs) and Microfinance Loans of applicable NBFCs
including NBFC-MFIs
of assets. The aggregate shall be taken into account for reckoning the minimum
capital ratio. The risk weighted asset shall be calculated as the weighted aggregate
of funded items as detailed hereunder:
Weighted risk assets - On-Balance Sheet items Percentage weight
(ii) Investments
(iv) Fixed Assets (net of depreciation)
(a) Assets leased out (net book value) 100
(b) Premises 100
(c) Furniture & Fixtures 100
1. Netting shall be done only in respect of assets where provisions for depreciation
or for bad and doubtful debts have been made.
2. Assets which have been deducted from owned fund to arrive at net owned fund
shall have a weightage of `zero’.
3. While calculating the aggregate of funded exposure of a borrower for the purpose
of assignment of risk weight, NBFC-MFIs shall net off the amount of cash
margin/caution money/security deposits (against which right to set-off is available)
held as collateral against the advances out of the total outstanding exposure of the
deposits and partly paid shares and
securities, which represent commitments
with certain draw down.
viii. Lending of NBFC securities or posting of 100
securities as collateral by the NBFC-MFI,
including instances where these arise out
of repo style transactions
ix. Other commitments (e.g., formal standby
facilities and credit lines) with an original
maturity of
up to one year 20
over one year 50
transactions provided by third party
For example:
A term loan of ₹700 crore is sanctioned for a large project which can be drawn
down in stages over a three year period. The terms of sanction allow draw
down in three stages – ₹150 crore in Stage I, ₹200 crore in Stage II and ₹350
crore in Stage III, where the borrower needs the NBFC’s explicit approval for
draw down under Stages II and III after completion of certain formalities. If the
borrower has drawn already ₹50 crore under Stage I, then the undrawn
portion would be computed with reference to Stage I alone i.e., it will be ₹100
crore. If Stage I is scheduled to be completed within one year, the CCF will be
20 per cent and if it is more than one year then the applicable CCF will be 50
per cent.
(3) Market Related Off-Balance Sheet Items
(i) NBFC-MFIs shall take into account all market related off-balance sheet items
(OTC derivatives and Securities Financing Transactions such as repo /
reverse repo/ CBLO etc.) while calculating the risk weighted off-balance
sheet credit exposures.
(ii) The credit risk on market related off-balance sheet items is the cost to an
NBFC-MFI of replacing the cash flow specified by the contract in the event of
counterparty default. This would depend, among other things, upon the
maturity of the contract and on the volatility of rates underlying the type of
(iii) Market related off-balance sheet items shall include:
(a) interest rate contracts - including single currency interest rate swaps,
basis swaps, forward rate agreements, and interest rate futures;
(b) foreign exchange contracts, including contracts involving gold,-
includes cross currency swaps (including cross currency interest rate
swaps), forward foreign exchange contracts, currency futures,
currency options;
(c) Credit Default Swaps; and
(d) any other market related contracts specifically allowed by the Bank
which give rise to credit risk.
(iv) Exemption from capital requirements is permitted for -
(a) foreign exchange (except gold) contracts which have an original
maturity of 14 calendar days or less; and
(b) instruments traded on futures and options exchanges which are
subject to daily mark-to-market and margin payments.
(v) The exposures to Central Counter Parties (CCPs), on account of derivatives
trading and securities financing transactions (e.g. Collateralized Borrowing
and Lending Obligations - CBLOs, Repos) outstanding against them shall be
assigned zero exposure value for counterparty credit risk, as it is presumed
that the CCPs' exposures to their counterparties are fully collateralized on a
daily basis, thereby providing protection for the CCP's credit risk exposures.
(vi) A CCF of 100 per cent shall be applied to the corporate securities posted as
collaterals with CCPs and the resultant off-balance sheet exposure shall be
assigned risk weights appropriate to the nature of the CCPs. In the case of
Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL), the risk weight shall be 20 per
cent and for other CCPs, risk weight shall be 50 percent.
(vii) The total credit exposure to a counter party in respect of derivative
transactions shall be calculated according to the current exposure method as
explained below.
(i) Current credit exposure is defined as the sum of the gross positive mark-to-
market value of all contracts with respect to a single counterparty (positive
and negative marked-to-market values of various contracts with the same
counterparty shall not be netted). The Current Exposure Method requires
periodical calculation of the current credit exposure by marking these
contracts to market.
exposure on these contracts shall be evaluated solely on the
basis of their mark-to-market value.
d. Potential future exposures shall be based on 'effective' rather
than 'apparent notional amounts'. In the event that the 'stated
notional amount' is leveraged or enhanced by the structure of
the transaction, the 'effective notional amount' must be used for
determining potential future exposure. For example, a stated
notional amount of USD 1 million with payments based on an
internal rate of two times the lending rate of the NBFC-MFI
would have an effective notional amount of USD 2 million.
(ii) Asset classification and provisioning norms
All NBFC-MFIs shall adopt the following norms:
(a) Asset Classification Norms:
i. Standard asset means the asset in respect of which, no default in repayment
of principal or payment of interest is perceived and which does not disclose
any problem nor carry more than normal risk attached to the business;
ii. Nonperforming asset means an asset for which, interest/principal payment
has remained overdue for a period of more than 90 days.
(iii) All other provisions contained in Chapter IV of these Directions, where not
contradictory to the contents of this paragraph, shall be applicable to NBFC-MFIs.
(iv) An NBFC, which does not qualify as an NBFC-MFI shall extend microfinance
loans, which in aggregate does not exceed 25 per cent of its total assets.
51. Deleted13
52. Deleted14
53. Deleted
54. Deleted15
In view of instructions contained in Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance Loans)
Directions, 2022 dated March 14, 2022
In view of instructions contained in Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance Loans)
Directions, 2022 dated March 14, 2022
55. Channelizing Agents for Schemes operated by Central/State Government
(i) NBFC-MFIs acting as Channelizing Agents for Schemes operated by
Central/State Government Agencies shall abide by the following guidelines:
(a) loans disbursed or managed by NBFC-MFIs in their capacity as channelizing
agents for Central/ State Government Agencies shall be considered as a
separate business segment. These loans shall not be included either in the
numerator (microfinance loans) or the denominator (total assets) for the
purpose of determining compliance with the minimum threshold of
microfinance loans.
(ii) The NBFC-MFIs may act as channelising agents for distribution of loans under
special schemes of Central/State Government Agencies subject to following
(a) accounts and records for such loans as well as funds received/ receivable
from concerned agencies shall be maintained in the books of NBFC-MFI
distinct from other assets and liabilities, and depicted in the financials/ final
accounts/balance sheet with requisite details and disclosures as a separate
(b) such loans shall be subject to applicable asset classification, income
recognition and provisioning norms as well as other prudential norms as
applicable to NBFC-MFIs except in cases where the NBFC-MFI does not bear
any credit risk;
(c) all such loans shall be reported to credit information companies (CICs) to
prevent multiple borrowings and present complete picture of indebtedness of
a borrower.
56. Deleted
In view of instructions contained in Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance Loans)
Directions, 2022 dated March 14, 2022
58. Formation of SRO
All NBFC-MFIs shall become member of at least one Self-Regulatory Organization
(SRO) which is recognized by the Bank and shall also comply with the Code of
Conduct prescribed by the SRO. Further, the SRO holding recognition from the Bank
shall have to adhere to a set of functions and responsibilities as mentioned in Annex
X. The same may be modified by the Bank from time to time to improve the
efficiency of the sector.
60. Deleted16
Chapter - IX
Acquisition / Transfer of Control of Applicable NBFCs
61. An applicable NBFC, shall require prior written permission of the Bank for the
a) any takeover or acquisition of control of the applicable NBFC, which may or may
not result in change of management;
In view of instructions contained in Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Regulatory Framework for Microfinance Loans)
Directions, 2022 dated March 14, 2022
Provided that, prior approval would not be required in case of any shareholding
going beyond 26 per cent due to buyback of shares/ reduction in capital where it has
approval of a competent Court. The same is to be reported to the Bank not later than
one month from its occurrence;
c) any change in the management of the applicable NBFC which would result in
change in more than 30 per cent of the directors, excluding independent directors.
Provided that, prior approval would not be required in case of directors who get re-
elected on retirement by rotation.
62. Notwithstanding paragraph 61, applicable NBFCs shall continue to inform the
Bank regarding any change in their directors / management.
(2) Applications in this regard shall be submitted to the Regional Office of the
Department of Supervision of the Bank in whose jurisdiction the Registered Office of
the applicable NBFC is located.
without sale of shares. Such public notice shall be given by the applicable NBFC and
also by the other party or jointly by the parties concerned, after obtaining the prior
permission of the Bank.
(2) The public notice shall indicate the intention to sell or transfer ownership/ control,
the particulars of transferee and the reasons for such sale or transfer of ownership/
control. The notice shall be published in at least one leading national and in one
leading local (covering the place of registered office) vernacular newspaper.
65. Prior approval of the Bank shall be obtained in cases of opening of branch/
subsidiary/ joint venture/ representative office or undertaking investment abroad by
applicable NBFCs No applicable NBFC shall open subsidiaries/ joint ventures/
representative office abroad or shall make investment in any foreign entities without
obtaining prior approval in writing from the Bank. The application from the applicable
NBFC seeking No Objection would be considered subject to general and specific
conditions prescribed in these directions.
(ii) Direct investment in activities prohibited under FEMA or in sectoral funds shall not
be permitted;
(iii) Investments shall be permitted only in those entities having their core activity
regulated by a financial sector regulator in the host jurisdiction;
(iv) The aggregate overseas investment shall not exceed 100 per cent of the NOF.
The overseas investment in a single entity, including its step down subsidiaries, by
way of equity or fund based commitment shall not be more than 15 per cent of the
applicable NBFC’s owned funds;
(v) Overseas investment shall not involve multi layered, cross jurisdictional structures
and at most only a single intermediate holding entity shall be permitted;
(vi) The CRAR/ Leverage of the applicable NBFCs post investment in subsidiary
abroad shall be not less than the regulatory prescriptions;
(vii) The applicable NBFC shall continue to maintain required level of NOF after
accounting for investment in the proposed subsidiary/investment abroad as
prescribed in the explanation to section 45-IA of the RBI Act;
(viii) The level of Net Non-Performing Assets of the applicable NBFC shall not be
more than 5 per cent of the net advances;
(ix) The applicable NBFC shall be earning profit for the last three years and its
performance in general shall be satisfactory during the period of its existence;
(x) The applicable NBFC shall comply with the regulations issued under FEMA, 1999
from time to time;
(xi) Regulatory compliance and servicing of public deposits, if held by the applicable
NBFC, shall be satisfactory;
(xii) The applicable NBFC shall comply with the KYC norms;
(xiv) An annual certificate from statutory auditors shall be submitted by the applicable
NBFC to the Regional Office of Department of Supervision of the Bank where it is
registered, certifying that it has fully complied with all the conditions stipulated under
these directions for overseas investment;
(xv) If any adverse features come to the notice of the Bank, the permission granted
shall be withdrawn. All approvals for investment abroad shall be subject to this
(a) In case of opening of subsidiary abroad, the parent applicable NBFC shall not be
permitted to extend implicit or explicit guarantee to or on behalf of such
(b) No request for letter of comfort in favour of the subsidiary abroad from any
institution in India shall be permitted;
(c) It shall be ensured that applicable NBFCs liability in the proposed overseas
entity is restricted to its either equity or fund based commitment to the
(d) The subsidiary being established abroad shall not be a shell company i.e "a
company that is incorporated, but has no significant assets or operations."
However, companies undertaking activities such as financial consultancy and
advisory services with no significant assets shall not be considered as shell
(e) The subsidiary being established abroad by the applicable NBFC shall not be
used as a vehicle for raising resources for creating assets in India for the Indian
(f) In order to ensure compliance of the provisions, the parent applicable NBFC
shall obtain periodical reports/ audit reports about the business undertaken by
the subsidiary abroad and shall make them available to the Bank and inspecting
officials of the Bank;
(g) If the subsidiary has not undertaken any activity or such reports are not
forthcoming, the approvals given for setting up a subsidiary abroad shall be
reviewed/ recalled;
(h) The permission granted to any applicable NBFC for setting up of overseas
subsidiary shall be subject to condition that the subsidiary shall make disclosure
in its Balance Sheet to the effect that liability of the parent entity in the proposed
overseas entity shall be limited to its either equity or fund based commitment to
the subsidiary;
(i) All the operations of the subsidiary abroad shall be subject to regulatory
prescriptions of the host country.
have to ensure compliance with the minimum capitalization norms and other
regulations as applicable.
stock exchanges (NSE, BSE and MCX-SX). The provisions of the circular dated
IDMD.PCD.10/14.03.06/2013-14 dated February 24, 2014, as amended from time to
time, shall be adhered to.
76. Treatment of deferred tax assets (DTA) and deferred tax liabilities (DTL) for
computation of capital
(1) As creation of DTA or DTL give rise to certain issues impacting the balance sheet
of the company, the regulatory treatment to be given to these issues shall be as
(i) The balance in DTL account shall not be eligible for inclusion in Tier I or Tier
II capital for capital adequacy purpose as it is not an eligible item of capital.
(ii) DTA shall be treated as an intangible asset and shall be deducted from Tier I
(2) In this connection
(i) DTL created by debit to opening balance of Revenue Reserves or to Profit
and Loss Account for the current year shall be included under 'others' of "Other
Liabilities and Provisions."
(ii) DTA created by credit to opening balance of Revenue Reserves or to Profit
and Loss account for the current year shall be included under item 'others' of
"Other Assets."
(iii) Intangible assets and losses in the current period and those brought forward
from previous periods shall be deducted from Tier I capital.
(3) DTA computed as under shall be deducted from Tier I capital:
(i) DTA associated with accumulated losses; and
(ii) The DTA (excluding DTA associated with accumulated losses) net of DTL.
Where the DTL is in excess of the DTA (excluding DTA associated with
accumulated losses), the excess shall neither be adjusted against item (i) nor
added to Tier I capital.
78. Finance for Housing Projects - Incorporating clause in the terms and
conditions to disclose in pamphlets/ brochures/ advertisements, information
regarding mortgage of property to the applicable NBFC
While granting finance to housing/ development projects, applicable NBFC shall also
stipulate as a part of the terms and conditions that:
(i) the builder/ developer/ owner/ company shall disclose in the Pamphlets/
Brochures/ advertisements etc., the name(s) of the entity to which the property
is mortgaged.
(ii) the builder/ developer/ owner/ company shall indicate in the pamphlets/
brochures, that they would provide No Objection Certificate (NOC)/ permission
of the mortgagee entity for sale of flats/ property, if required.
Applicable NBFCs shall ensure compliance with the above stipulations and funds
shall not be released unless the builder/ developer/ owner/ company fulfil the above
79. Loan facilities to the physically/ visually challenged by applicable NBFCs
Applicable NBFCs shall not discriminate in extending products and facilities including
loan facilities to physically/ visually challenged applicants on grounds of disability. All
branches of applicable NBFCs shall render all possible assistance to such persons
for availing of the various business facilities. Applicable NBFCs shall include a
suitable module containing the rights of persons with disabilities guaranteed to them
by the law and international conventions, in all the training programmes conducted
for their employees at all levels. Further, applicable NBFCs shall ensure redressal of
grievances of persons with disabilities under the Grievance Redressal Mechanism
already set up by them.
(2) Applicable NBFCs shall take up insurance agency business on fee basis and
without risk participation, without the approval of the Bank subject to the certain
eligibility conditions.
b) The aforesaid prohibition shall also be applicable in respect of Association of
persons, these being similar in nature to partnership firms
Applicable NBFCs which had already contributed to the capital of a partnership firm/
LLP/ Association of persons or are a partner of a partnership firm/ LLP or member of
an Association of persons shall seek early retirement from the partnership firm/ LLP/
Association of persons.
86. Submission of data to Credit Information Companies (CICs) - Format of
data to be submitted by Credit Institutions
(1) All applicable NBFCs (other than those which are purely into investment activities
without any customer interface) shall become member of all CICs and submit data
(including historical data) to them.
(2) In terms of sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 17 of the Credit Information
Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005, a credit information company may require its
members to furnish credit information as it may deem necessary in accordance with
the provisions of the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005 and every
such credit institution has to provide the required information to that credit
information company. In terms of Regulation 10(a)(ii) of the Credit Information
Companies Regulations, 2006, every credit institution shall:
(a) keep the credit information maintained by it, updated regularly on a
monthly basis or at such shorter intervals as mutually agreed upon between the
credit institution and the credit information company; and
(b) take all such steps which may be necessary to ensure that the credit
information furnished by it, is update, accurate and complete.
87. Data Format for Furnishing of Credit Information to Credit Information
Companies and other Regulatory Measures
All applicable NBFCs shall comply with the instructions contained in the Bank’s
circular DBOD.No.CID.BC.127/20.16.056/2013-14 dated June 27, 2014, amended
from time to time; laying down instructions regarding the following:
(i) Creating Awareness about Credit Information Report (CIR);
(ii) Usage of CIR in all Lending Decisions and Account Opening;
(iii) Populating Commercial Data Records in Databases of all CICs;
(iv) Standardisation of Data Format;
(v) Constitution of a Technical Working Group;
(vi) Process of Rectification of Rejected Data;
(vii) Determining Data Quality Index;
(viii) Calibration of Credit Score and Standardising Format of CIR;
(ix) Best practices for Banks/FIs.
(2) Applicable NBFCs shall comply with the provisions contained in the circular
DoR.FIN.REC.59/20.16.056/2021-22 dated October 14, 2021 on ‘Data Format for
Furnishing of Credit Information to Credit Information Companies’.
Applicable NBFCs shall comply with the directive issued under CICRA Sec 11(1) by
the Bank vide DBR.No.CID.BC.59/20.16.056/2014-15 dated January 15, 2015.
A scrutiny of the said BG revealed that these bank guarantees were fake and the
signatures of the bank officials appearing on the BG were forged. The bank
branches purported to have issued the BGs also confirmed that they had not issued
the same. Even the format of the BGs and their serial numbers did not match with
that of the bank.
Applicable NBFCs shall take notice of the above facts in order to exercise due
caution while handling such cases.
the CDS contracts. They shall exit their bought CDS positions by unwinding them
with the original counterparty or by assigning them in favour of buyer of the
underlying bond.
(2) Apart from complying with all the provisions above, applicable NBFCs shall, as
users, also ensure that the guidelines enclosed including operational requirements
for CDS as provided in Annex XV, are fulfilled by them.
92A. Legal Entity Identifier for Borrowers17
(1) The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) code is conceived as a key measure to improve
the quality and accuracy of financial data systems for better risk management post
the Global Financial Crisis. LEI is a 20-digit unique code to identify parties to
financial transactions worldwide. Accordingly, it is advised that non-individual
borrowers enjoying aggregate exposure of ₹5 crore and above from banks18 and
financial institutions (FIs)19 shall be required to obtain LEI codes as per the timeline
given below
Total Exposure LEI to be obtained on or before
Above ₹25 crore April 30, 2023
Above ₹10 crore, and up to ₹25 crore April 30, 2024
₹5 crore and above, and up to ₹10 crore April 30, 2025
Note: “Exposure” for this purpose shall include all fund based and non-fund based
(credit as well as investment) exposure of banks/FIs to the borrower. Aggregate
sanctioned limit or outstanding balance, whichever is higher, shall be reckoned for
the purpose. Lenders may ascertain the position of aggregate exposure based on
Vide circular DOR.CRE.REC.28/21.04.048/2022-23 dated April 21, 2022.
“Banks” shall mean Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks), Local Area Banks, Small Finance
Banks and Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks
“Financial Institutions” (FIs) shall mean All India Financial Institutions (Exim Bank, SIDBI, NHB, NABARD and NaBFID) and
NBFCs (including HFCs).
information available either with them, or CRILC database or declaration obtained
from the borrower.
(2) Borrowers can obtain LEI from any of the Local Operating Units (LOUs)
accredited by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) – the entity
tasked to support the implementation and use of LEI. In India, LEI code may be
obtained from Legal Entity Identifier India Ltd (LEIIL), a subsidiary of the Clearing
Corporation of India Limited (CCIL), which has been recognised by the Bank as
issuer of LEI under the Payment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007 and is
accredited by the GLEIF as the LOU in India for issuance and management of LEI.
The rules, procedure and documentation requirements may be ascertained from
LEIIL. After obtaining LEI code, applicable NBFCs shall also ensure that borrowers
renew the codes as per GLEIF guidelines.
(3) Borrowers who fail to obtain LEI codes from an authorised LOU shall not be
sanctioned any new exposure nor shall they be granted renewal/enhancement of
any existing exposure. However, Departments/Agencies20 of Central and State
Governments (not Public Sector Undertakings registered under Companies Act or
established as Corporation under the relevant statute) shall be exempted from this
(4) Applicable NBFCs shall encourage borrowers to obtain LEI for their parent entity
as well as all subsidiaries and associates.
A government agency is an administrative set up of the government, responsible for certain area/s of activity, e.g., ISRO,
BIS, DGCA, etc.
the records with the Central Registry as and when equitable mortgages are created
in their favour. Applicable NBFCs shall register all types of mortgages with CERSAI.
95. Early Recognition of Financial Distress, Prompt Steps for Resolution and
Fair Recovery for Lenders: Framework for Revitalizing Distressed Assets in
the Economy
Framework for Revitalizing Distressed Assets in the Economy (Framework) as
provided for in Annex XVIII shall apply to all NBFC-Factors. The Department of
Regulation, of the Bank has made certain modifications to the Framework vide
circulars dated October 21, 2014, December 22, 2014, June 8, 2015, September 24,
2015 and February 25, 2016.The modifications in the Framework made vide the
above mentioned circulars shall also apply, mutatis mutandis, to applicable NBFCs.
Inserted vide circular DOR.STR.REC.20/21.04.048/2023-24 dated June 08, 2023
99. Undertaking of Point of Presence (PoP) Services under Pension Fund
Regulatory and Development Authority for National Pension System (NPS)
Applicable NBFCs shall not undertake Point of Presence (PoP) services for National
Pension System (NPS) under Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority.
(2) In a dynamic environment, the asset size of a company can fall below ₹ 500 crore
in a given month, which may be due to temporary fluctuations and not due to actual
downsizing. In such a case the company shall continue to meet the reporting
requirements and shall comply with the extant directions as applicable to NBFC-ND-
SI, till the submission of its next audited balance sheet to the Bank and a specific
dispensation from the Bank in this regard.
101. Need for public notice before Closure of the Branch/ Office by applicable
Applicable NBFCs shall give at least three months public notice prior to the date of
closure of any of its branches / offices in, at least, one leading national newspaper
and a leading local (covering the place of branch / office) vernacular newspaper
indicating therein the purpose and arrangements being made to service the
depositors etc.
(beneficiary) against dishonour of electronic funds transfer instructions on grounds of
insufficiency of funds as are available under section 138 of the Negotiable
Instruments Act, 1881, there shall be no need for applicable NBFCs to take
additional cheques, if any, from customers in addition to ECS (Debit) mandates.
Cheques complying with CTS-2010 standard formats shall alone be obtained in
locations, where the facility of ECS/ RECS is not available.
i. Such loans shall be 'standard' in the books of the existing lenders, and shall
have not been restructured in the past;
ii. Such loans shall be substantially taken over (more than 50 per cent of the
outstanding loan by value) from the existing financing lenders; and
iii. The repayment period shall be fixed by taking into account the life cycle of
the project and cash flows from the project.
(2) For existing project loans where the aggregate exposure of all institutional
lenders is minimum ₹1,000 crore, applicable NBFCs may refinance such loans by
way of full or partial take-out financing, even without a pre-determined agreement
with other lenders, and fix a longer repayment period, and the same shall not be
considered as restructuring in the books of the existing as well as taking over
lenders, if the following conditions are satisfied:
i. The project shall have started commercial operation after achieving Date of
Commencement of Commercial Operation (DCCO);
ii. The repayment period shall be fixed by taking into account the life cycle of
and cash flows from the project, and Boards of the existing and new lenders
shall be satisfied with the viability of the project. Further, the total repayment
period shall not exceed 85 per cent of the initial economic life of the project /
concession period in the case of PPP projects;
iii. Such loans shall be 'standard' in the books of the existing lenders at the time
of the refinancing;
iv. In case of partial take-out, a significant amount of the loan (a minimum 25%
of the outstanding loan by value) shall be taken over by a new set of lenders
from the existing financing lenders; and
(3) A lender who has extended only working capital finance for a project shall be
treated as 'new lender' for taking over a part of the project term loan as required
under the guidelines.
(4) The above facility shall be available only once during the life of the existing
project loans.
106A. Guidelines on Digital Lending
NBFCs shall also comply with the instructions contained in circular on ‘Guidelines on
Digital Lending’ dated September 02, 202222, as amended from time to time.
Refer to circular DOR.CRE.REC.66/21.07.001/2022-23 dated September 02, 2022
(b) Digital lending platforms engaged as agents shall be directed to disclose upfront
to the customer, the name of the NBFC on whose behalf they are interacting with
(c) Immediately after sanction but before execution of the loan agreement, the
sanction letter shall be issued to the borrower on the letter head of the NBFC
d) A copy of the loan agreement along with a copy each of all enclosures quoted in
the loan agreement shall be furnished to all borrowers at the time of sanction/
disbursement of loans.
e) Effective oversight and monitoring shall be ensured over the digital lending
platforms engaged by the NBFCs.
f) Adequate efforts shall be made towards creation of awareness about the
grievance redressal mechanism.
(4) Any violation in this regard by NBFCs (including NBFCs registered to operate on
‘digital-only’ or on digital and brick-mortar channels of delivery of credit) will be
viewed seriously.
106C. Guidelines on Default Loss Guarantee (DLG) in Digital Lending23
NBFCs shall also comply with the instructions contained in circular on ‘Guidelines on
Default Loss Guarantee (DLG) in Digital Lending’ dated June 08, 2023, as amended
from time to time.
Inserted vide circular DOR.CRE.REC.21/21.07.001/2023-24 dated June 08, 2023
Applicable NBFCs acting either as Financial Information Providers (FIP)24 or
Financial Information Users (FIU) are expected to adopt the technical specifications
published by ReBIT, as updated from time to time.
Chapter - XII
Reporting Requirements
Chapter – XIII
109. For the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of these Directions, the Bank
may, if it considers necessary, issue necessary clarifications in respect of any matter
covered herein and the interpretation of any provision of these Directions given by
the Bank shall be final and binding on all the parties concerned. Violation of these
directions shall invite penal action under the provisions of RBI Act. Further, these
provisions shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of the provisions of any other
laws, rules, regulations or directions, for the time being in force.
Chapter - XIV
Repeal Provisions
110. With the issue of the directions, the instructions/ guidelines contained in the
following circulars issued by the Bank stand repealed (list as provided below). All
approvals/ acknowledgements given under the above circulars shall be deemed as
given under these directions. Notwithstanding such repeal, any action taken/
purported to have been taken or initiated under the instructions/ guidelines having
repealed shall continue to be guided by the provisions of said instructions/
Circular No. Date Subject
1 Notification December NBFC Prudential Norms (Reserve
No.DNBS.128/CGM(VSNM)- 18, 1998 Bank) Directions, 1998
2 DNBS.(PD).CC.No. 11 November Amendments to NBFC Regulations
/02.01/99-2000 15, 1999
The definitions of FIP and FIU are as per the Master Direction- Non-Banking Financial Company - Account Aggregator
(Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016, as amended from time to time.
Circular No. Date Subject
3 Notification No. January 13, NBFC Prudential Norms (Reserve
DNBS.135/CGM(VSNM)- 2000 Bank) Directions, 1998
4 Notification June 30, NBFC Prudential Norms (Reserve
DNBS.142/CGM(VSNM)- 2000 Bank) Directions, 1998
5 DNBS(PD).CC.No.15/02.01/2 June 27, Asset Liability Management (ALM)
000-2001 2001 System for NBFCs - Guidelines
6 DNBS.(PD).CC.No.16/02.01/ June 27, Amendments to NBFC Regulations
2000-01 2001
7 DNBS (PD) C.C. February Entry of NBFCs into Insurance
No.35/10.24/2003-04 10, 2004 Business
8 DNBS (PD) CC No. 38 June 11, Transactions in Government Securities
/02.02/2003-04 2004
9 DNBS (PD) C.C. July 7, 2004 Issue of credit card
10 DNBS (PD) CC No.49 June 9, Operative instructions relating to
/02.02/2004-05 2005 relaxation/modification in Ready
Forward Contracts, Settlement of
Government Securities Transactions
and Sale of securities allotted in
Primary Issues
11 DNBS.(PD).C.C.No.63/02.02/ January 24, Prior Public Notice About Change in
2005-06 2006 Control / Management
12 DNBS (PD) CC September Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for
No.80/03.10.042/2005-06 28, 2006 Non-Banking Financial Companies
13 DNBS (PD) CC No. 82 / October 27, Prior Public Notice about change in
03.02.02 / 2006-07 2006 control / management
14 DNBS (PD) CC No. December Issue of Co-branded Credit Cards
83/03.10.27/2006-07 04, 2006
15 DNBS (PD) CC No. December Distribution of Mutual Fund products
84/03.10.27/2006-07 4, 2006 by NBFCs
16 DNBS.PD/ CC. December Financial Regulation of Systemically
No.86/03.02.089/2006-07 12, 2006 Important NBFCs and Banks’
Relationship with them – for NBFCs’
17 DNBS.PD/ CC. No. February Prudential Norms Directions – Deposit
89/03.05.002 /2006-07 22, 2007 taking and Non-deposit taking Non-
Banking Financial Companies
18 DNBS.PD/CC.No.95/03.05.0 May 24, Complaints about excessive interest
02/2006-07 2007 charged by NBFCs
19 DNBS.PD/CC.104/03.10.042/ July 11, Guidelines on Corporate Governance
2007-08 2007
20 DNBS.PD/ C.C. No. 96/ July 31, NBFCs - FIMMDA Reporting Platform
03.10.001/2007-08 2007 for Corporate Bond Transactions
21 DNBS.PD/CC.No.107/03.10. October 10, Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for
042/2007-08 2007 Non-Banking Financial Companies
Circular No. Date Subject
22 DNBS.PD/ C.C November Unsolicited Commercial
No.109/03.10.001/2007-08 26, 2007 Communications - National Do Not
Call Registry
23 DNBS (PD) C.C. No. 124/ July 31, Accounting for taxes on income-
03.05.002/ 2008-09 2008 Accounting Standard 22- Treatment of
deferred tax assets (DTA) and
deferred tax liabilities (DTL) for
computation of capital
24 DNBS (PD). CC. August 1, Guidelines for NBFC-ND-SI as regards
No.125/03.05.002/2008-2009 2008 capital adequacy, liquidity and
disclosure norms
25 DNBS.PD. CC No. 128 / September Reclassification of NBFCs
03.02.059 /2008-09 15, 2008
26 DNBS (PD) January 2, Regulation of excessive interest
C.C.No.133/03.10.001/2008- 2009 charged by NBFCs
27 DNBS (PD) CC. February Ratings of NBFCs
No.134/03.10.001/2008-2009 04, 2009
Circular No. Date Subject
38 DNBS.(PD).CC. No. 200 September Submission of data to Credit
/03.10.001/2010-11 17, 2010 Information Companies Format of data
to be submitted by Credit Institutions
39 Notification No. January 5, Non-Banking Financial (Non-Deposit
DNBS.(PD).219/CGM(US)- 2011 Accepting or Holding) Companies
2011 Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank)
Directions, 2007
40 DNBS.CC.PD.No.208/03.10. January 27, Services to Persons with Disability -
01/2010-11 2011 Training Programme for Employees
41 DNBS (PD) CC. March 16, Amendment to Definition of
No.213/03.10.001/2010-2011 2011 Infrastructure Loan
42 DNBS.PD/ CC.NO. March 30, NBFCs not to be Partners in
214/03.02.002/2010-11 2011 Partnership firms
43 DNBS.PD.CC.No.221/03.02. May 27, Review of Guidelines on entry of
002/2010-11 2011 NBFCs into Insurance Business
44 DNBS (PD) CC.No. June 14, Opening of Branch/Subsidiary/Joint
222/03.10.001/2010-11 2011 Venture/Representative Office or
Undertaking Investment Abroad by
45 DNBS(PD).CC. No.245 September Attempt to defraud using fake bank
/03.10.42 /2011-12 27 , 2011 guarantee-modus operandi
46 DNBS(PD).CC. No October 28 , Implementation of Green Initiative of
248/03.10.01 /2011-12 2011 the Government
47 DNBS.CC.PD.No. December Introduction of New Category of
250/03.10.01/2011-12 02, 2011 NBFCs - ‘Non Banking Financial
Company-Micro Finance Institutions’
(NBFC-MFIs) - Directions
48 DNBS.CC.PD.No.255/03.10. December Issuance of Non-Convertible
01/2011-12 30, 2011 Debentures (NCDs)
49 DNBS (PD)CC.No.259 March 15, Non- Reckoning Fixed Deposits with
/03.02.59/2011-12 2012 Banks as Financial Assets
50 DNBS.PD/ March 20, Non Banking Financial Company-Micro
CC.No.263/03.10.038 /2011- 2012 Finance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs) -
12 Provisioning Norms- Extension of time
51 DNBS.CC.PD.No.265/03.10. March 21, NBFCs - Lending Against Security of
01/2011-12 2012 Single Product – Gold Jewellery
52 DNBS.CC.PD.No266/03.10.0 March 26, Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for
1/2011-12 2012 NBFCs
53 DNBS.PD.CC.No.273/03.10. May 11, Prudential Norms Directions, 2007 -
01/2011-12 2012 Infrastructure Finance Companies -
Eligible Credit Rating Agencies -
Brickwork Ratings India Pvt. Ltd.
54 DNBS.PD.CC.No.276/03.02. May 30, Uniformity in Risk weight for Assets
089/2011-12 2012 Covering PPP and Post COD Projects
55 DNBS(PD)CC.No.297/Factor/ July 23, The Non-Banking Financial Company
22.10.91/2012-13 2012 –Factors (Reserve Bank) Directions,
Circular No. Date Subject
56 Notification August 1, Revised Capital Adequacy Framework
No.DNBS(PD).249/CGM 2012 for Off-Balance sheet items for NBFCs
(US) -2012 - Clarifications
57 DNBS (PD) August 03 , Non Banking Financial Company-Micro
CC.No.300/03.10.038/2012- 2012 Finance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs) –
13 Directions – Modifications
58 DNBS. PD. No. August 21, Revisions to the Guidelines on
301/3.10.01/2012-13 2012 Securitisation Transactions
59 DNBS (PD) CC. No.303/ September The Non-Banking Financial Company
Factor / 22.10.91/ 2012-13 14, 2012 –Factors (Reserve Bank) Directions,
60 DNBS.PD/CC.NO.308/03.10. November Standardisation and Enhancement of
001/2012-13 06, 2012 Security Features in Cheque Forms -
Migrating to CTS 2010 Standards
61 DNBS(Inf.).CC. No November Readiness of major service providers
309/24.01.022/2012-13 08, 2012 to migrate from IPv4 to IPv6
62 DNBS.CC.PD.No. December Checklist for NBFCs, Non Banking
312/03.10.01/2012-13 07, 2012 Financial Company-Micro Finance
Institutions, Non Banking Financial
Company-Factoring Institutions and
Core Investment Companies
63 DNBS.PD.CC.No. December Definition of 'Infrastructure Loan' of
317/03.10.001/2012-13 28, 2012 NBFCs - Harmonisation
64 DNBS.CC.PD.No.320/03.10. February Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for
01/2012-13 18, 2013 NBFCs – Grievance Redressal
Mechanism - Nodal Officer
65 DNBS.CC.PD.No.326/03.10. May 27, NBFCs finance for Purchase of Gold
01/2012-13 2013
66 DNBS.(PD).CC.No.327/03.10 May 31, ‘Non Banking Financial Company-
.038/2012-13 2013 Micro Finance Institutions’ (NBFC-
MFIs) – Directions – Modifications in
Pricing of Credit - Margin cap
67 DNBS.PD/CC.No. June 11, NBFCs not to be Partners in
328/03.02.002/2012-13 2013 Partnership Firms - Clarifications
68 DNBS (PD) CC No. 353/ July 26, Unsolicited Commercial
03.10.042/2013-14 2013 Communication- National Do Not Call
69 DNBS.PD.CC.No.354/03.10. August 2, Financing of Infrastructure - Definition
001/2013-14 2013 of 'Infrastructure Lending'
70 DNBS.CC.PD.No.356 September Lending Against Security of Single
/03.10.01/2013-14 16, 2013 Product – Gold Jewellery
71 DNBS.PD/CC.No November Migration of Post-dated cheques
359/03.10.001/2013-14 06, 2013 (PDC)/Equated Monthly Instalment
(EMI) Cheques to Electronic Clearing
Service (Debit)
72 DNBS.(PD).CC.No November Filing of records of equitable
360/03.10.001/2013-14 12, 2013 mortgages with the Central Registry
73 DNBS.PD.CC.No November Participation of NBFCs in Insurance
361/03.02.002/2013-14 28, 2013 sector
Circular No. Date Subject
74 DNBS.PD.CC.No. November Financing of Infrastructure - Definition
362/03.10.001/2013-14 29, 2013 of 'Infrastructure Lending'
75 DNBS.PD.363/03.10.38/2013 January 1, Advances guaranteed by Credit Risk
-14 2014 Guarantee Fund Trust for Low Income
Housing (CRGFTLIH) – Risk Weights
and Provisioning
76 DNBS.CC.PD.No. January 08, Lending Against Security of Single
365/03.10.01/2013-14 2014 Product – Gold Jewellery
77 DNBS.CO.PD.No January 23, Review of Guidelines on Restructuring
367/03.10.01/2013-14 2014 of Advances by NBFCs
78 DNBS (PD) February ‘Non-Banking Financial Company-
CC.No.369/03.10.038/2012- 07, 2014 Micro Finance Institutions’ (NBFC-
13 MFIs) – Directions – Modifications in
“Pricing of Credit”
79 DNBS (PD) March 21, Early Recognition of Financial
CC.No.371/03.05.02/2013-14 2014 Distress, Prompt Steps for Resolution
and Fair Recovery for Lenders:
Framework for Revitalising Distressed
Assets in the Economy
80 DNBS. PD. No. March 24, Revision to the Guidelines on
372/3.10.01/2013-14 2014 Securitisation Transactions - Reset of
Credit Enhancement
81 DNBS (PD) April 07, Investment through Alternative
CC.No.373/03.10.01/2013-14 2014 Investment Funds – Clarification on
Calculation of NOF of an NBFC
82 DNBS (PD).CC.No. April 07, Registration of Non-Operative
374/03.10.001/2013-14 2014 Financial Holding Companies
83 DNBS (PD) May 26, Requirement for obtaining prior
CC.No.376/03.10.001/2013- 2014 approval of RBI in cases of acquisition/
14 transfer of control of NBFCs
84 DNBS.CC.PD.No.377/03.10. May 27, Rounding off transactions to the
01/2013-14 2014 Nearest Rupee by NBFCs
85 DNBS(PD).CC.No.399/03.10. July 14, Levy of foreclosure charges/pre-
42/2014-15 2014 payment penalty on Floating Rate
86 DNBS.CC.PD.No. August 12, Appointment of Non-Deposit Accepting
405/03.10.01/2014-15 2014 NBFCs with asset size of ₹100 crore
and above as sub - agents under
Money Transfer Service Schemes
87 DNBS.CC.PD.No.406/03.10. August 12, Interest Rate Futures - NBFCs
01/2014-15 2014
88 DNBS (PD).CC. No August 20, Data Format for Furnishing of Credit
407/03.10.42 /2014-15 2014 Information to Credit Information
Companies (CICs) and other
Regulatory Measures
89 DNBS (PD).CC.No. 408 August 21, NBFCs- Lending against Shares
/03.10.001/2014-15 2014
90 DNBR (PD) CC. November Revised Regulatory Framework for
No.002/03.10.001/2014-15 10, 2014 NBFC
Circular No. Date Subject
91 DNBR (PD) CC.No. November Review of the Non-Banking Financial
003/22.10.91/2014-15 10, 2014 Company – Factors (Reserve Bank)
Directions, 2012
92 DNBR.CO.PD.No.011/03.10. January 16, Review of Guidelines on Restructuring
01/2014-15 2015 of Advances by NBFCs
93 DNBR.PD.CC.No.012/03.10. January 19, Flexible Structuring of Long Term
001/2014-15 2015 Project Loans to Infrastructure and
Core Industries
94 DNBR.(PD).CC.No.015/03.10 January 28, Submission of Data to Credit
.001/2014-15 2015 Information Companies - Format of
Data to be submitted by Credit
95 DNBR.(PD).CC.No.019/03.10 February Membership of Credit Information
.001/2014-15 06, 2015 Companies (CICs)
96 DNBR (PD) CC February Raising Money through Private
No.021/03.10.001/2014-15 20, 2015 Placement of Non-Convertible
Debentures (NCDs) by NBFCs
97 Notification March Non-Systemically Important Non-
No.DNBR.008/CGM.(CDS)- 27,2015 Banking Financial (Non-Deposit
2015 Accepting or Holding) Companies
Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank)
Directions, 2015
98 DNBR.012/CGM.(CDS)-2015 March Non-Banking Financial Company -
27,2015 Factor (Reserve Bank) Directions,
2012 (Amendment)
99 DNBR.CC.PD.No.027/03.10. April 08, Non-Banking Financial Company-
01/2014-15 2015 Micro Finance Institutions (NBFC-
MFIs) – Directions – Modifications
100 DNBR April 10, NBFCs- Lending against Shares –
(PD).CC.No.028/03.10.001/2 2015 Clarification
101 DNBR. (PD).CC.No. April 30, Distribution of Mutual Fund products
033/03.10.001/2014-15 2015 by NBFCs
102 DNBR.CC.PD.No.036/03.10. May 21, Lending against security of single
01/2014-15 2015 product - Gold Jewellery
103 DNBR.CC.PD.No.041/03.10. June 25, Appointment of Non-Deposit Accepting
01/2014-15 2015 NBFCs with asset size of ₹ 100 crore
and above as sub- agents under
Money Transfer Service Schemes
104 DNBR (PD) CC.No. July 09, Requirement for obtaining prior
065/03.10.001/2015-16 2015 approval of RBI in cases of acquisition/
transfer of control of Non-Banking
Financial Companies (NBFCs)
105 DNBR.CC.PD.No.066/03.10. July 23, Early Recognition of Financial
01/2015-16 2015 Distress, Prompt Steps for Resolution
and Fair Recovery for Lenders:
Framework for Revitalising Distressed
Assets in the Economy - Review of the
Guidelines on Joint Lenders' Forum
(JLF) and Corrective Action Plan
Circular No. Date Subject
106 DNBR.CO.PD.No. July 30, Review of Guidelines on Restructuring
067/03.10.01/2015-16 2015 of Advances by NBFCs
107 DNBR.CC.PD.No. 069/ October 01, Non Banking Financial Company-Micro
03.10.01/ 2015-16 2015 Finance Institutions (NBFC-MFIs) –
Directions – Modifications
108 DNBR.CC.PD.No. October 29, Early Recognition of Financial
070/03.10.01/2015-16 2015 Distress, Prompt Steps for Resolution
and Fair Recovery for Lenders:
Framework for Revitalising Distressed
Assets in the Economy - Review of the
Guidelines on Joint Lenders' Forum
(JLF) and Corrective Action Plan
109 DNBR.CC.PD.No. November Non-Banking Financial Company-
071/03.10.038/2015-16 26, 2015 Micro Finance Institutions (NBFC-
MFIs) – Directions DNBS.PD.No.
234/CGM (US)-2011 dated December
2, 2011 and DNBR.CC.PD.No.
027/03.10.01/2014-15 dated April 08,
2015 – Revision of the loan amount
with tenure not less than 24
110 DNBR(PD).CC.No. January 28, Provision of Safe Deposit Locker
072/03.10.001/2015-16 2016 facility by NBFCs
111 DNBR (PD)CC.No. February Undertaking of Point of Presence
073/03.10.001/2015-16 18, 2016 (PoP) Services under Pension Fund
Regulatory and Development Authority
for National Pension System (NPS)
112 DNBR.CC.PD.No.074/03.10. February NBFC – Factors (Reserve Bank)
01/2015-16 18, 2016 Directions, 2012 – Review
113 DNBR.(PD).CC.No.076/03.10 March 10, Review of risk weights assigned to
.001/2015-16 2016 sovereign debt
114 DNBR.CC.PD.No.078/03.10. April 13, Non-Banking Financial Company-
038/2015-16 2016 Micro Finance Institutions (Reserve
Bank) Directions, 2011 – Acting as
Channelizing Agents for Schemes
operated by Central/State Government
115 DNBR.CC.PD.No.081/03.10. May 26, Review of Framework for Revitalising
01/2015-16 2016 Distressed Assets in the Economy and
Strategic Debt Restructuring
116 DNBR.CC.PD.No.082/03.10. June 2, Refinancing of Project Loans
001/2015-16 2016
117 DNBR(PD)CC.No.083/03.10. July 28, Guidelines for Relief Measures by
001/2016-17 2016 NBFCs in areas affected by Natural
Annex I
Norm Extant Provisions for Govt. NBFCs Timeline
other NBFCs
Acceptance of Deposit Directions
Deposit Directions As prescribed for Investment Grade Credit rating for
NBFC-D acceptance of public deposits-
March 31, 2019.
A Govt. NBFC-D having
investment grade credit rating can
accept deposits only upto 1.5
times of its NOF. Govt. NBFCs
holding deposits in excess of the
limit shall not access fresh
deposits or renew existing ones till
they conform to the limit, the
existing deposits will be allowed to
run off till maturity.
All other directions shall apply
from Balance Sheet dated March
31, 2019.
Statutory Provisions
Sec 45 IB Maintenance of March 31, 2019–5% of outstanding
percentage of assets – deposits
15% of the outstanding March 31, 2020 – 10% of outstanding
deposits deposits
March 31, 2021 – 12% of outstanding
March 31, 2022 – 15% of outstanding
Sec 45 IC Reserve Fund March 31, 2019
Annex II
Non-deposit taking NBFCs with asset size of ₹100 crore and above, systemically
important Core Investment Companies and all deposit taking NBFCs (except Type I
NBFC-ND26, Non-Operating Financial Holding Company and Standalone Primary
Dealer) shall adhere to the guidelines as mentioned herein below. It will be the
responsibility of the Board to ensure that the guidelines are adhered to. The internal
controls required to be put in place by NBFCs as per these guidelines shall be
subject to supervisory review. Further, as a matter of prudence, all other NBFCs are
also encouraged to adopt these guidelines on liquidity risk management on voluntary
basis. The guidelines deal with following aspects of Liquidity Risk Management
In order to ensure a sound and robust liquidity risk management system, the Board
of the NBFC shall frame a liquidity risk management framework which ensures that it
maintains sufficient liquidity27, including a cushion of unencumbered, high quality
liquid assets to withstand a range of stress events, including those involving the loss
or impairment of both unsecured and secured funding sources. It shall spell out the
entity-level liquidity risk tolerance; funding strategies; prudential limits; system for
measuring, assessing and reporting/ reviewing liquidity; framework for stress testing;
liquidity planning under alternative scenarios/formal contingent funding plan; nature
and frequency of management reporting; periodical review of assumptions used in
liquidity projection; etc.
“Liquidity Risk” means inability of an NBFC to meet such obligations as they become due without adversely affecting the
NBFC’s financial condition. Effective liquidity risk management helps ensure an NBFC’s ability to meet its obligations as and
when they fall due and reduces the probability of an adverse situation developing.
Type I NBFC-ND as defined in RBI press release dated June 17, 2016.
“Liquidity” means NBFC’s capacity to fund the increase in assets and meet both expected and unexpected cash and collateral
obligations at reasonable cost and without incurring unacceptable losses.
to integrate basic operations and strategic decision-making with risk management.
The Chief Risk Officer appointed by the NBFC in terms of our circular DNBR (PD)
CC. No.099/03.10.001/2018-19 dated May 16, 2019 shall be involved in the process
of identification, measurement and mitigation of liquidity risks. A desirable
organisational set up for liquidity risk management should be as under:
a) Board of Directors
The Board shall have the overall responsibility for management of liquidity risk. The
Board shall decide the strategy, policies and procedures of the NBFC to manage
liquidity risk in accordance with the liquidity risk tolerance/limits decided by it.
performance measurement and new product approval process for all material
business lines, products and activities.
With a view to recognizing the likely increased risk arising due to Intra-Group
transactions and exposures (ITEs), the Group Chief Financial officer (CFO) is
expected to develop and maintain liquidity management processes and funding
programmes that are consistent with the complexity, risk profile, and scope of
operations of the companies in the Group28. The Group liquidity risk management
processes and funding programmes are expected to take into account lending,
investment, and other activities, and ensure that adequate liquidity is maintained at
the head and each constituent entity within the group. Processes and programmes
should fully incorporate real and potential constraints, including legal and regulatory
restrictions, on the transfer of funds among these entities and between these entities
and the principal.
D. Maturity Profiling
a) For measuring and managing net funding requirements, the use of a maturity
ladder and calculation of cumulative surplus or deficit of funds at selected
maturity dates is adopted as a standard tool. The Maturity Profile should be used
As defined in the Master Direction - Non-Banking Financial Company - Systemically Important Non-Deposit taking Company
and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016
for measuring the future cash flows of NBFCs in different time buckets. The
Maturity Profile as given in Appendix I could be used for measuring the future
cash flows of NBFCs in different time buckets. The time buckets shall be
distributed as under:
(i) 1 day to 7 days
(ii) 8 days to 14 days
(iii) 15 days to 30/31 days (one month)
(iv) Over one month and upto 2 months
(v) Over two months and upto 3 months
(vi) Over 3 months and upto 6 months
(vii) Over 6 months and upto 1 year
(viii) Over 1 year and upto 3 years
(ix) Over 3 years and upto 5 years
(x) Over 5 years
c) The NBFCs holding public deposits may be given freedom to place the mandatory
securities in any time buckets as suitable for them. The listed non-mandatory
securities may be placed in any of the "1 day to 7 days, 8 days to 14 days, 15 days
to 30/31 days (One month)", Over one month and upto 2 months" and "Over two
months and upto 3 months" buckets depending upon the defeasance period
proposed by NBFCs. The unlisted non-mandatory securities (e.g., equity shares,
securities without a fixed term of maturity etc.) may be placed in the "Over 5 years"
buckets, whereas unlisted non-mandatory securities having a fixed term of maturity
may be placed in the relevant time bucket as per residual maturity. The mandatory
securities and listed securities may be marked to market for the purpose of the ALM
system. Unlisted securities may be valued as per Prudential Norms Directions.
d) Alternatively, the NBFCs may also follow the concept of Trading Book which is as
NBFCs which maintain such ‘Trading Books’ and complying with the above
standards shall show the trading securities under "1 day to 30/ 31 days (One
month)", Over one month and upto 2 months" and "Over two months and upto 3
months" buckets on the basis of the defeasance periods. The Board/ ALCO of the
NBFCs shall approve the volume, composition, holding/ defeasance period, cut loss,
etc. of the ‘Trading Book'. The remaining investments shall also be classified as
short term and long term investments as required under Prudential Norms.
e) The policy note recorded by the NBFCs on treatment of the investment portfolio
for the purpose of ALM and approved by their Board/ ALCO shall be forwarded to
the Regional Office of the Department of Supervision of RBI under whose
jurisdiction the registered office of the company is located.
f) Within each time bucket, there could be mismatches depending on cash inflows
and outflows. While the mismatches up to one year would be relevant since these
provide early warning signals of impending liquidity problems, the main focus
shall be on the short-term mismatches, viz., 1-30/ 31 days. The net cumulative
negative mismatches in the Statement of Structural Liquidity in the maturity
buckets 1-7 days, 8-14 days, and 15-30 days shall not exceed 10 per cent, 10
per cent and 20 per cent of the cumulative cash outflows in the respective time
buckets. NBFCs, however, are expected to monitor their cumulative mismatches
(running total) across all other time buckets upto 1 year by establishing internal
prudential limits with the approval of the Board. NBFCs shall also adopt the
above cumulative mismatch limits for their structural liquidity statement for
consolidated operations.
g) The Statement of Structural Liquidity may be prepared by placing all cash inflows
and outflows in the maturity ladder according to the expected timing of cash
flows. A maturing liability shall be a cash outflow while a maturing asset shall be
a cash inflow.
h) In order to enable the NBFCs to monitor their short-term liquidity on a dynamic
basis over a time horizon spanning from 1 day to 6 months, NBFCs shall
estimate their short-term liquidity profiles on the basis of business projections and
other commitments for planning purposes.
E. Liquidity Risk Measurement – Stock Approach
NBFCs shall adopt a “stock” approach to liquidity risk measurement and monitor
certain critical ratios in this regard by putting in place internally defined limits as
approved by their Board. The ratios and the internal limits shall be based on an
NBFC’s liquidity risk management capabilities, experience and profile. An indicative
list of certain critical ratios to monitor re short-term29 liability to total assets; short-
term liability to long term assets; commercial papers to total assets; non-convertible
debentures (NCDs)(original maturity of less than one year) to total assets; short-term
liabilities to total liabilities; long-term assets to total assets; etc.
Less than one year
F. Currency Risk
Exchange rate volatility imparts a new dimension to the risk profile of an NBFC’s
balance sheets having foreign assets or liabilities. The Board of NBFCs should
recognise the liquidity risk arising out of such exposures and develop suitable
preparedness for managing the risk.
G. Managing Interest Rate Risk (IRR)
a) The operational flexibility given to NBFCs in pricing most of the assets and
liabilities imply the need for the financial system to hedge the Interest Rate Risk.
Interest rate risk is the risk where changes in market interest rates might adversely
affect an NBFC's financial condition. The changes in interest rates affect NBFCs in a
larger way. The immediate impact of changes in interest rates is on NBFC's earnings
(i.e. reported profits) by changing its Net Interest Income (NII). A long-term impact of
changing interest rates is on NBFC's Market Value of Equity (MVE) or Net Worth as
the economic value of NBFC's assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet positions get
affected due to variation in market interest rates. The interest rate risk when viewed
from these two perspectives is known as ‘earnings perspective’ and ‘economic value
perspective', respectively. The risk from the earnings perspective can be measured
as changes in the Net Interest Income (NII) or Net Interest Margin (NIM). There are
many analytical techniques for measurement and management of Interest Rate Risk.
To begin with, the traditional Gap analysis is considered as a suitable method to
measure the Interest Rate Risk in the first place. It is the intention of RBI to move
over to the modern techniques of Interest Rate Risk measurement like Duration Gap
Analysis, Simulation and Value at Risk over time when NBFCs acquire sufficient
expertise and sophistication in acquiring and handling MIS.
b) The Gap or Mismatch risk can be measured by calculating Gaps over different
time intervals as at a given date. Gap analysis measures mismatches between rate
sensitive liabilities and rate sensitive assets (including off-balance sheet positions).
An asset or liability is normally classified as rate sensitive if:
c) The Gap Report shall be generated by grouping rate sensitive liabilities, assets
and off-balance sheet positions into time buckets according to residual maturity or
next repricing period, whichever is earlier. The difficult task in Gap analysis is
determining rate sensitivity. All investments, advances, deposits, borrowings,
purchased funds, etc. that mature/ reprice within a specified timeframe are interest
rate sensitive. Similarly, any principal repayment of loan is also rate sensitive if the
NBFC expects to receive it within the time horizon. This includes final principal
payment and interim instalments. Certain assets and liabilities to receive/ pay rates
that vary with a reference rate. These assets and liabilities are repriced at pre-
determined intervals and are rate sensitive at the time of repricing. While the interest
rates on term deposits are fixed during their currency, the tranches of advances
portfolio is basically floating. The interest rates on advances received could be
repriced any number of occasions, corresponding to the changes in PLR.
d) The Gaps may be identified in the following time buckets:
i) 1 day to 7 days
ii) 8 days to 14 days
iii) 15 days -30/ 31 days (One month)
iv) Over one month to 2 months
v) Over two months to 3 months
vi) Over 3 months to 6 months
vii) Over 6 months to 1 year
viii) Over 1 year to 3 years
ix) Over 3 years to 5 years
x) Over 5 years
xi) Non-sensitive
The various items of rate sensitive assets and liabilities and off-balance sheet items
shall be classified as explained in Appendix - III.
e) The Gap is the difference between Rate Sensitive Assets (RSA) and Rate
Sensitive Liabilities (RSL) for each time bucket. The positive Gap indicates that it has
more RSAs than RSLs whereas the negative Gap indicates that it has more RSLs
than RLAs. The Gap reports indicate whether the institution is in a position to benefit
from rising interest rates by having a positive Gap (RSA > RSL) or whether it is in a
position to benefit from declining interest rates by a negative Gap (RSL > RSA). The
Gap can, therefore, be used as a measure of interest rate sensitivity.
f) Each NBFC shall set prudential limits on individual Gaps with the approval of the
Board/Management Committee. The prudential limits shall have a relationship with
the Total Assets, Earning Assets or Equity. The NBFCs may work out Earnings at
Risk (EaR) or Net Interest Margin (NIM) based on their views on interest rate
movements and fix a prudent level with the approval of the Board/Management
Committee. For working out EaR or NIM any of the current models may be used.
g) The classification of various components of assets and liabilities into different time
buckets for preparation of Gap reports (Liquidity and Interest Rate Sensitivity) as
indicated in Appendices I & II is the benchmark. NBFCs which are better equipped to
reasonably estimate the behavioural pattern of various components of assets and
liabilities on the basis of past data / empirical studies could classify them in the
appropriate time buckets, subject to approval from the ALCO / Board. A copy of the
note approved by the ALCO / Board shall be sent to the Regional Office of the
Department of Supervision of RBI under whose jurisdiction the registered office of
the company is located. These notes may contain 'what if scenario' analysis under
various assumed conditions and the contingency plans to face various adverse
h) The present framework does not capture the impact of premature closure of
deposits and prepayment of loans and advances on the liquidity and interest rate
risks profile of NBFCs. The magnitude of premature withdrawal of deposits at times
of volatility in market interest rates is quite substantial. NBFCs shall, therefore,
evolve suitable mechanism, supported by empirical studies and behavioral analysis
to estimate the future behavior of assets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items to
changes in market variables and estimate the probabilities of options.
i) A scientifically evolved internal transfer pricing model by assigning values on the
basis of current market rates to funds provided and funds used is an important
component for effective implementation of ALM System. The transfer price
mechanism can enhance the management of margin i.e. lending or credit spread,
the funding or liability spread and mismatch spread. It also helps centralising interest
rate risk at one place which facilitates effective control and management of interest
rate risk. A well-defined transfer pricing system also provides a rational framework
for pricing of assets and liabilities.
Appendix I
Public disclosure on liquidity risk
(i) Funding Concentration based on significant counterparty (both deposits and
Sr Number of Amount % of Total % of Total
No. Significant (₹ crore) deposits Liabilities
Appendix - II
5. Borrowings
a) Term money borrowings As per the residual maturity
b) From RBI, Govt. & others -do-
c) Bank borrowings in the nature of WCDL, Over six months and up to one year
CC etc
6) Current liabilities and provisions:
a) Sundry creditors As per the due date or likely timing of cash
outflows. A behavioral analysis could also
be made to assess the trend of outflows and
the amounts slotted accordingly.
b) Expenses payable (other than interest) As per the likely time of cash outflow.
c) Advance income received, receipts from In the 'over 5 years' time-bucket as these do
borrowers pending adjustment not involve any cash outflow.
d) Interest payable on bonds/deposits In respective time buckets as per the due
date of payment.
e) Provisions for NPAs The amount of provision may be netted out
from the gross amount of the NPA portfolio
and the net amount of NPAs be shown as
an item under inflows in stipulated time-
f) Provision for Investments portfolio The amount may be netted from the gross
value of investments portfolio and the net
investments be shown as inflow in the
prescribed time-slots. In case provisions are
not held security-wise, the provision may be
shown on "over 5 years" time bucket.
g) Other provisions To be bucketed as per the purpose/nature
of the underlying transaction.
B. Inflows
1. Cash In 1 to 7 day time-bucket.
2. Remittance in transit ---do---
3. Balances with banks (in India only)
a) Current account The stipulated minimum balance be shown
in 6 months to 1 year bucket. The balance in
excess of the minimum balance be shown
under Day 1-7 bucket.
b) Deposit accounts/short term deposits As per residual maturity.
4. Investments (net of provisions)
a)Mandatory investments As suitable to the NBFC
b)Non Mandatory Listed "1 day to 30/31 days (One month)" Over
one month and upto 2 months" and "Over
two months and upto 3 months" buckets
depending upon the defeasance period
proposed by the NBFCs
c) Non Mandatory unlisted securities (e.g. "Over 5 years"
shares, etc.)
d) Non-mandatory unlisted securities having a As per residual maturity
fixed term maturity
e) Venture capital units In the 'over 5 year' time bucket.
5. In case Trading book is followed
Equity shares, convertible preference shares, (i) Shares classified as "current"
non-redeemable/perpetual preference shares, investments representing trading book of
shares of subsidiaries/joint ventures and units the NBFC may be shown in time buckets of
in open ended mutual funds and other "1 day 7 days, 8 days to 14 days , 15 days
investments . to 30 days (One month)""Over one month
and upto 2 months" and "Over two months
and upto 3 months" buckets depending
upon the defeasance period proposed by
the NBFCs .
(ii) Shares classified as "long term"
investments may be kept in over "5 years’
time" bucket. However, the shares of the
assisted units/companies acquired as part
of the initial financing package, may be
slotted in the relative time bucket keeping in
view the pace of project
implementation/time-overrun, etc., and the
resultant likely timeframe for divesting such
6. Advances (performing)
a) Bill of Exchange and promissory notes As per the residual usance of the underlying
discounted and rediscounted bills.
b) Term loans (rupee loans only) The cash inflows on account of the interest
and principal of the loan may be slotted in
respective time buckets as per the timing of
the cash flows as stipulated in the
original/revised repayment schedule.
c) Corporate loans/short term loans As per the residual maturity
7. Non-performing loans
(May be shown net of the provisions, interest
suspense held )
a) Sub-standard
i) All overdues and instalments of principal In the 3 to 5 year time-bucket.
falling due during the next three years
ii) Entire principal amount due beyond the In the over 5 years’ time-bucket
next three years
b) Doubtful and loss
i) All instalments of principal falling due during In the over 5 year time-bucket
the next five years as also all overdues
ii) Entire principal amount due beyond the In the over 5 year time-bucket
next five years
8. Assets on lease Cash flows from the lease transaction may
be slotted in respective time buckets as per
the timing of the cash flow.
9. Fixed assets (excluding leased assets) In the 'over 5 year' time-bucket.
10. Other assets
(a) Intangible assets and items not In the 'over 5 year' time-bucket.
representing cash inflows.
(b)Other items (such as accrued income, In respective maturity buckets as per the
other receivables, staff loans, etc.) timing of the cashflows.
C. Contingent liabilities
(a) Letters of credit/guarantees (outflow Based on the past trend analysis of the
through devolvement) devolvements vis-à-vis the outstanding
amount of guarantees (net of margins held),
the likely devolvements shall be estimated
and this amount could be distributed in
various time buckets on judgmental basis.
The assets created out of devolvements
may be shown under respective maturity
buckets on the basis of probable recovery
(b) Loan commitments pending disbursal In the respective time buckets as per the
(outflow) sanctioned disbursement schedule.
(c) Lines of credit committed to/by other As per usance of the bills to be received
Institutions (outflow/inflow) under the lines of credit.
Any event-specific cash flows (e.g. outflow due to wage settlement arrears, capital
expenses, income tax refunds, etc.) shall be shown in a time bucket corresponding
to timing of such cash flows.
a. All overdue liabilities be shown in the 1 to 7 days and 8-14 days time buckets
based on behavioural estimates
(i) Overdue for less than one month. In the 3 to 6 month bucket.
(ii) Interest overdue for more than one month In the 6 to 12 month bucket without
but less than seven months (i.e. before the reckoning the grace period of one
relative amount becomes past due for six month.
(iii) Principal instalments overdue for 7 months In 1 to 3 year bucket.
but less than one year
Appendix III
per residual maturity in the relative time bucket.
ii) Floating rate Sensitive; reprice on the roll-over/ repricing
date. To be placed as per residual period to the
repricing date in the relative time bucket.
6. Current liabilities & provisions
a. Sundry creditors )
b. Expenses payable )
c. Swap adjustment a/c. )
d. Advance income received/receipts ) Non-sensitive
from borrowers pending )
adjustment )
e. Interest payable on bonds/deposits )
f. Provisions )
discounted & rediscounted residual usance of the underlying bills.
b) Term loans/corporate loans / Short
Term Loans (rupee loans only)
i) Fixed Rate Sensitive on cash flow/ maturity.
ii) Floating Rate Sensitive only when PLR or risk premium is
changed by the NBFCs.
Annex III
(₹ in lakh)
Liabilities side Amount Amount
outstanding overdue
(1) Loans and advances availed by the non-
banking financial company inclusive of
interest accrued thereon but not paid :
(a) Debentures : Secured
: Unsecured
(other than falling within
the meaning of public
(b) Deferred Credits
(c) Term Loans
(d) Inter-corporate loans and borrowing
(e) Commercial Paper
(f) Public Deposits*
(g) Other Loans (specify nature)
* Please see Note 1 below
(2) Break-up of (1)(f) above (Outstanding
public deposits inclusive of interest
accrued thereon but not paid) :
(a) In the form of Unsecured debentures
(b) In the form of partly secured
debentures i.e. debentures where
there is a shortfall in the value of
(c) Other public deposits
* Please see Note 1 below
Assets side Amount outstanding
(3) Break-up of Loans and Advances
including bills receivables [other than
those included in (4) below] :
(a) Secured
(b) Unsecured
(4) Break up of Leased Assets and stock on
hire and other assets counting towards
asset financing activities
(i) Lease assets including lease rentals
under sundry debtors :
(a) Financial lease
(b) Operating lease
(ii) Stock on hire including hire charges
under sundry debtors :
(a) Assets on hire
(b) Repossessed Assets
(iii) Other loans counting towards asset
financing activities
(a) Loans where assets have been
(b) Loans other than (a) above
(5) Break-up of Investments
Current Investments
1. Quoted
(i) Shares
(a) Equity
(b) Preference
(ii) Debentures and Bonds
(iii) Units of mutual funds
(iv) Government Securities
(v) Others (please specify)
2. Unquoted
(i) Shares
(a) Equity
(b) Preference
(ii) Debentures and Bonds
(iii) Units of mutual funds
(iv) Government Securities
(v) Others (please specify)
Long Term investments
1. Quoted
(i) Share
(a) Equity
(b) Preference
(ii) Debentures and Bonds
(iii) Units of mutual funds
(iv) Government Securities
(v) Others (please specify)
2. Unquoted
(i) Shares
(a) Equity
(b) Preference
(ii) Debentures and Bonds
(iii) Units of mutual funds
(iv) Government Securities
(v) Others (please specify)
(6) Borrower group-wise classification of assets financed as in (3) and (4)
above :
2. Provisioning norms shall be applicable as prescribed in these Directions.
3. All notified Accounting Standards and Guidance Notes issued by ICAI are
applicable including for valuation of investments and other assets as also
assets acquired in satisfaction of debt. However, market value in respect of
quoted investments and break up/ fair value/ NAV in respect of unquoted
investments shall be disclosed irrespective of whether they are classified
as long term (amortised cost in the case of Ind AS) or current (fair value in
the case of Ind AS) in (5) above.
Annex IV
Name of the
NBFC Lender
Date of
No of Type of the
Name of Name of
Shares held Borrower PAN of the
the ISIN the
against (Promoter/Non Borrower
Company Borrower
loans Promoter)
Annex V
Guidelines for Licensing of New Banks in the Private Sector
I. Promoter
Promoter means, the person who together with his relatives (as defined in section 6
of the Companies Act, 1956), by virtue of his ownership of voting equity shares, is in
effective control of the NOFHC, and includes, wherever applicable, all entities which
form part of the Promoter Group.
II. Promoter Group
"Promoter Group" includes:
(i) the promoter;
(ii) relatives of the promoter as defined in Section 6 of Companies Act 1956; and
(iii) in case promoter is a body corporate:
(A) a subsidiary or holding company of such body corporate;
(B) any body corporate in which the promoter holds ten per cent or more of the
equity share capital or which holds ten per cent or more of the equity share capital of
the promoter;
(C) any body corporate in which a group of individuals or companies or combinations
thereof which hold twenty per cent or more of the equity share capital in that body
corporate also holds twenty per cent or more of the equity share capital of the
(D) Joint venture (as defined in terms of AS 23) with the promoter;
(E) Associate (as defined in terms of AS 27) of the promoter;
(F) Related party (as defined in terms of AS 18) of the promoter; and
(iv) in case the promoter is an individual:
(A) any body corporate in which ten per cent or more of the equity share capital is
held by the promoter or a relative of the promoter or a firm or Hindu Undivided
Family in which the promoter or any one or more of his immediate relative is a
(B) any body corporate in which a body corporate as provided in (A) above holds ten
per cent or more, of the equity share capital;
(C) any Hindu Undivided Family or firm in which the aggregate shareholding of the
promoter and his immediate relatives is equal to or more than ten per cent of the
total; and
(v) all persons whose shareholding is aggregated for the purpose of disclosing in the
prospectus under the heading "shareholding of the promoter group";
(vi) Entities sharing a common brand name with entities discussed in A, B, C, D E, F
where the promoter is a body corporate and A, B, C where the promoter is an
Provided that a financial institution, scheduled bank, foreign institutional investor or
mutual fund shall not be deemed to be promoter group merely by virtue of the fact
that ten per cent or more of the equity share capital of the promoter is held by such
Annex VI
2. Key Concepts
Key concepts used in these norms are defined in Appendix-2.
3.3. Project Loans for Infrastructure Sector
(i) A loan for an infrastructure project shall be classified as NPA during any time
before commencement of commercial operations as per record of recovery, unless it
is restructured and becomes eligible for classification as 'standard asset' in terms of
paras (iii) to (v) below.
(ii) A loan for an infrastructure project shall be classified as NPA if it fails to
commence commercial operations within two years from the original DCCO, even if it
is regular as per record of recovery, unless it is restructured and becomes eligible for
classification as 'standard asset' in terms of paras (iii) to (v) below.
(iii) If a project loan classified as 'standard asset' is restructured any time during
the period up to two years from the original DCCO, it shall be retained as a standard
asset if the fresh DCCO is fixed within the following limits, and further provided the
account continues to be serviced as per the restructured terms.
(a) Infrastructure Projects involving court cases
Up to another 2 years (beyond the existing extended period of 2
years, as prescribed in para 3.3 (ii), i.e. total extension of 4 years),
in case the reason for extension of date of commencement of
production is arbitration proceedings or a court case.
(b) Infrastructure Projects delayed for other reasons beyond the
control of promoters
Up to another 1 year (beyond the existing extended period of 2
years, as prescribed in para 3.3 (ii), i.e. total extension of 3 years),
in other than court cases.
(iv) It is re-iterated that the dispensation in para 3.3 (iii) is subject to adherence to
the provisions regarding restructuring of accounts which shall inter alia require that
the application for restructuring shall be received before the expiry of period of two
years from the original DCCO and when the account is still standard as per record of
recovery. The other conditions applicable shall be:
(a) In cases where there is moratorium for payment of interest,
NBFCs shall not book income on accrual basis beyond two years from
the original DCCO, considering the high risk involved in such
restructured accounts.
(b) NBFCs shall maintain following provisions on such accounts as
long as these are classified as standard assets in addition to provision
for diminution in fair value :
(v) For the purpose of these Directions, mere extension of DCCO shall not be
considered as restructuring, if the revised DCCO falls within the period of two years
from the original DCCO. In such cases the consequential shift in repayment period
by equal or shorter duration (including the start date and end date of revised
repayment schedule) than the extension of DCCO shall also not be considered as
restructuring provided all other terms and conditions of the loan remain unchanged.
As such project loans shall be treated as standard assets in all respects, they shall
attract standard asset provision of 0.25 per cent.
(v) (a) Multiple revisions of the DCCO and consequential shift in repayment schedule
for equal or shorter duration (including the start date and end date of revised
repayment schedule) shall be treated as a single event of restructuring provided that
the revised DCCO is fixed within the respective time limits as stated in above points
and all other terms and conditions of the loan remained unchanged.
If deemed fit, NBFCs may extend DCCO beyond the respective time limits quoted at
(iii)(a) to (b) above; however, in that case, NBFCs shall not be able to retain the
‘standard’ asset classification status of such loan accounts.
(v)(b) In cases where NBFCs have specifically sanctioned a ‘standby facility’ at the
time of initial financial closure to fund cost overruns, they may fund cost overruns as
per the agreed terms and conditions.
In cases where the initial financial closure does not envisage such financing of cost
overruns, NBFCs have been allowed to fund cost overruns, which may arise on
account of extension of DCCO within the time limits quoted at (iii)(a) to (b) above,
without treating the loans as ‘restructured asset’ subject to the following conditions:
improve in favour of the lenders and the revised Debt Service
Coverage Ratio shall be acceptable to the lenders;
iv) Disbursement of funds for cost overruns shall start only after the
Sponsors/Promoters bring in their share of funding of the cost
overruns; and
v) All other terms and conditions of the loan shall remain unchanged or
enhanced in favour of the lenders.
(b) It is clarified that in cases where change in ownership and extension of DCCO
(as indicated in paragraph 3(3.3)(v)(c)(a) above) takes place before the original
DCCO, and if the project fails to commence commercial operations by the extended
DCCO, the project shall be eligible for further extension of DCCO in terms of
guidelines quoted at paragraph 3(3.3)(iii) and 3(3.3)(v) above. Similarly, where
change in ownership and extension of DCCO takes place during the period quoted in
paragraph 3(3.3)(v) above, the account may still be restructured by extension of
DCCO in terms of guidelines quoted at paragraph 3(3.3)(iii) above, without
classifying the account as non-performing asset.
(c) The provisions contained in sub para (a) and (b) above are subject to the
following conditions:
ii) The project in consideration shall be taken-over/acquired by a new
promoter/promoter group with sufficient expertise in the field of operation. If the
acquisition is being carried out by a special purpose vehicle (domestic or
overseas), the NBFC shall be able to clearly demonstrate that the acquiring
entity is part of a new promoter group with sufficient expertise in the field of
iii) The new promoters shall own at least 51 per cent of the paid up equity capital
of stake in the acquired project. If the new promoter is a non-resident, and in
sectors where the ceiling on foreign investment is less than 51 per cent, the new
promoter shall own at least 26 per cent of the paid-up equity capital or up to
applicable foreign investment limit, whichever is higher, provided NBFCs are
satisfied that with this equity stake the new non-resident promoter controls the
management of the project;
iv) Viability of the project shall be established to the satisfaction of the NBFCs.
vi) Asset classification of the account as on the ‘reference date’ shall continue
during the extended period. For this purpose, the ‘reference date’ shall be the
date of execution of preliminary binding agreement between the parties to the
transaction, provided that the acquisition/ takeover of ownership as per the
provisions of law/regulations governing such acquisition/takeover is completed
within a period of 90 days from the date of execution of preliminary binding
agreement. During the intervening period, the usual asset classification norms
shall continue to apply. If the change in ownership is not completed within 90
days from the preliminary binding agreement, the ‘reference date’ shall be the
effective date of acquisition/ takeover as per the provisions of law/regulations
governing such acquisition/ takeover;
vii) The new owners/ promoters are expected to demonstrate their commitment
by bringing in substantial portion of additional monies required to complete the
project within the extended time period. As such, treatment of financing of cost
overruns for the project shall continue to be subject to the guidelines prescribed
in these Directions. Financing of cost overrun beyond the ceiling prescribed in
the circular dated January 16, 2015 shall be treated as an event of restructuring
even if the extension of DCCO is within the limits prescribed above;
ix) This facility shall be available to a project only once and will not be available
during subsequent change in ownership, if any.
(d) Loans covered under this guideline shall attract provisioning as per the extant
provisioning norms depending upon their asset classification status.
3.4. Project Loans for Non-Infrastructure Sector (Other than Commercial Real
Estate Exposures)
(i) A loan for a non-infrastructure project shall be classified as NPA during any time
before commencement of commercial operations as per record of recovery, unless it
is restructured and becomes eligible for classification as 'standard asset' in terms of
paras (iii) to (iv) below.
(ii) A loan for a non-infrastructure project shall be classified as NPA if it fails to
commence commercial operations within one year from the original DCCO, even if is
regular as per record of recovery, unless it is restructured and becomes eligible for
classification as 'standard asset' in terms of paras (iii) to (iv) below.
(iii) In case of non-infrastructure projects, if the delay in commencement of
commercial operations extends beyond the period of one year from the date of
completion as determined at the time of financial closure, NBFCs can prescribe a
fresh DCCO, and retain the "standard" classification by undertaking restructuring of
accounts, provided the fresh DCCO does not extend beyond a period of two years
from the original DCCO. This among others shall also imply that the restructuring
application is received before the expiry of one year from the original DCCO, and
when the account is still "standard" as per the record of recovery.
The other conditions applicable shall be:
(a) In cases where there is moratorium for payment of interest, NBFCs
shall not book income on accrual basis beyond one year from the original
DCCO, considering the high risk involved in such restructured accounts.
(b) NBFCs shall maintain following provisions on such accounts as long
as these are classified as standard assets apart from provision for
diminution in fair value due to extension of DCCO:
Particulars Provisioning Requirement
If the revised DCCO is * 0.25 percent
within one year from the
original DCCO prescribed
at the time of financial
If the DCCO is extended Project loans restructured with effect from
beyond one year and January 24, 2014 :
upto two years from the * 5.00 per cent –From the date of
original DCCO prescribed restructuring for 2 years
at the time of financial Stock of Project loans classified as
closure restructured as on January 23, 2014 :
- 2.75 per cent - with effect from March
31, 2014
- 3.50 per cent - with effect from March
31, 2015 (spread over the four quarters
of 2014- 15)
- 4.25 per cent - with effect from March
31, 2016 (spread over the four quarters
of 2015- 16)
- 5 percent - with effect from March 31,
2017 (spread over the four quarters of
* The above provisions will be applicable from
the date of restructuring for 2 years.
(iii) For the purpose of these guidelines, mere extension of DCCO shall not be
considered as restructuring, if the revised DCCO falls within the period of one year
from the original DCCO. In such cases the consequential shift in repayment period
by equal or shorter duration (including the start date and end date of revised
repayment schedule) than the extension of DCCO shall also not be considered as
restructuring provided all other terms and conditions of the loan remain unchanged.
As such project loans shall be treated as standard assets in all respects, they shall
attract standard asset provision of 0.25 per cent.
(iv)(a) Multiple revisions of the DCCO and consequential shift in repayment schedule
for equal or shorter duration (including the start date and end date of revised
repayment schedule) shall be treated as a single event of restructuring provided that
the revised DCCO is fixed within the respective time limits as stated in above points
and all other terms and conditions of the loan remained unchanged.
If deemed fit, NBFCs may extend DCCO beyond the respective time limits quoted at
(iii)(a) to (b) above; however, in that case, NBFCs shall not be able to retain the
‘standard’ asset classification status of such loan accounts.
(iv)(b) In cases where NBFCs have specifically sanctioned a ‘standby facility’ at the
time of initial financial closure to fund cost overruns, they may fund cost overruns as
per the agreed terms and conditions.
In cases where the initial financial closure does not envisage such financing of cost
overruns, NBFCs have been allowed to fund cost overruns, which may arise on
account of extension of DCCO within the time limits quoted at (iii)(a) to (b) above,
without treating the loans as ‘restructured asset’ subject to the following conditions:
(b) It is clarified that in cases where change in ownership and extension of DCCO
(as indicated in paragraph 3(3.4)(iv)(c)(a) above) takes place before the original
DCCO, and if the project fails to commence commercial operations by the extended
DCCO, the project will be eligible for further extension of DCCO in terms of
guidelines quoted at paragraph 3(3.4)(iii) and 3(3.4)(iv) above. Similarly, where
change in ownership and extension of DCCO takes place during the period quoted in
paragraph 3(3.4)(iv) above, the account may still be restructured by extension of
DCCO in terms of guidelines quoted at paragraph 3(3.4)(iii) above, without
classifying the account as non-performing asset.
(c) The provisions contained in sub para (a) and (b) above are subject to the
following conditions:
iii) The new promoters shall own at least 51 per cent of the paid up equity capital
of stake in the acquired project. If the new promoter is a non-resident, and in
sectors where the ceiling on foreign investment is less than 51 per cent, the new
promoter shall own at least 26 per cent of the paid-up equity capital or up to
applicable foreign investment limit, whichever is higher, provided NBFCs are
satisfied that with this equity stake the new non-resident promoter controls the
management of the project;
iv) Viability of the project shall be established to the satisfaction of the NBFCs.
vi) Asset classification of the account as on the ‘reference date’ would continue
during the extended period. For this purpose, the ‘reference date’ would be the
date of execution of preliminary binding agreement between the parties to the
transaction, provided that the acquisition/ takeover of ownership as per the
provisions of law/regulations governing such acquisition/ takeover is completed
within a period of 90 days from the date of execution of preliminary binding
agreement. During the intervening period, the usual asset classification norms
would continue to apply. If the change in ownership is not completed within 90
days from the preliminary binding agreement, the ‘reference date’ shall be the
effective date of acquisition/ takeover as per the provisions of law/regulations
governing such acquisition/ takeover;
vii) The new owners/ promoters are expected to demonstrate their commitment
by bringing in substantial portion of additional monies required to complete the
project within the extended time period. As such, treatment of financing of cost
overruns for the project shall continue to be subject to the guidelines prescribed
in these Directions. Financing of cost overrun beyond the ceiling prescribed in
the circular dated January 16, 2015 shall be treated as an event of restructuring
even if the extension of DCCO is within the limits prescribed above;
ix) This facility shall be available to a project only once and shall not be available
during subsequent change in ownership, if any.
(d) Loans covered under this guideline shall attract provisioning as per the extant
provisioning norms depending upon their asset classification status.
basis, only on realisation and not if the amount of interest overdue has been
funded. If, however, the amount of funded interest is recognised as income, a
provision for an equal amount shall also be made simultaneously. In other
words, any funding of interest in respect of NPAs, if recognized as income,
shall be fully provided for.
(b) Conversion into equity, debentures or any other instrument: The amount
outstanding converted into other instruments shall normally comprise principal
and the interest components. If the amount of interest dues is converted into
equity or any other instrument, and income is recognised in consequence, full
provision shall be made for the amount of income so recognised to offset the
effect of such income recognition. Such provision shall be in addition to the
amount of provision that may be necessary for the depreciation in the value of
the equity or other instruments as per the valuation norms. However, if the
conversion of interest is into equity which is quoted, interest income can be
recognised at market value of equity, as on the date of conversion, not
exceeding the amount of interest converted to equity. Such equity must
thereafter be classified ''current investment" category and valued at lower of
cost or market value. In case of conversion of principal and /or interest in
respect of NPAs into debentures, such debentures shall be treated as NPA,
ab initio, in the same asset classification as was applicable to loan just before
conversion and provision made as per norms. This norm shall also apply to
zero coupon bonds or other instruments which seek to defer the liability of the
issuer. On such debentures, income shall be recognised only on realisation
basis. The income in respect of unrealised interest which is converted into
debentures or any other fixed maturity instrument shall be recognised only on
redemption of such instrument. Subject to the above, the equity shares or
other instruments arising from conversion of the principal amount of loan shall
also be subject to the usual prudential valuation norms as applicable to such
4.1 Eligibility criteria for restructuring of advances
4.1.1 NBFCs may restructure the accounts classified under 'standard',
'substandard' and 'doubtful' categories.
4.1.2 NBFCs cannot reschedule/ restructure/ renegotiate borrowal accounts with
retrospective effect. While a restructuring proposal is under consideration, the usual
asset classification norms shall continue to apply. The process of re- classification of
an asset shall not stop merely because restructuring proposal is under consideration.
The asset classification status as on the date of approval of the restructured package
by the competent authority shall be relevant to decide the asset classification status
of the account after restructuring / rescheduling / renegotiation. In case there is
undue delay in sanctioning a restructuring package and in the meantime the asset
classification status of the account undergoes deterioration, it shall be a matter of
supervisory concern.
4.1.3 Normally, restructuring cannot take place unless alteration / changes in the
original loan agreement are made with the formal consent / application of the debtor.
However, the process of restructuring can be initiated by the NBFC in deserving
cases subject to customer agreeing to the terms and conditions.
4.1.4 No account shall be taken up for restructuring by the NBFCs unless the
financial viability is established and there is a reasonable certainty of repayment from
the borrower, as per the terms of restructuring package. Any restructuring done
without looking into cash flows of the borrower and assessing the viability of the
projects / activity financed by NBFCs shall be treated as an attempt at ever greening
a weak credit facility and shall invite supervisory concerns / action. NBFCs shall
accelerate the recovery measures in respect of such accounts. The viability shall be
determined by the NBFCs based on the acceptable viability benchmarks determined
by them, which may be applied on a case-by-case basis, depending on merits of
each case. Illustratively, the parameters can include the Return on Capital
Employed, Debt Service Coverage Ratio, Gap between the Internal Rate of Return
and Cost of Funds and the amount of provision required in lieu of the diminution in
the fair value of the restructured advance. As different sectors of economy have
different performance indicators, it shall be desirable that NBFCs adopt these broad
benchmarks with suitable modifications. Therefore, it has been decided that the
viability shall be determined by the NBFCs based on the acceptable viability
parameters and benchmarks for each parameter determined by them. The
benchmarks for the viability parameters adopted by the CDR Mechanism are given
in the Appendix-1. NBFCs shall suitably adopt them with appropriate adjustments, if
any, for specific sectors while restructuring of accounts in non-CDR cases.
4.1.5 Borrowers indulging in frauds and malfeasance shall continue to remain
ineligible for restructuring.
4.1.6 BIFR cases are not eligible for restructuring without their express approval.
CDR Core Group in the case of advances restructured under CDR Mechanism, the
lead bank in the case of SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism and the individual
NBFCs in other cases, may consider the proposals for restructuring in such cases,
after ensuring that all the formalities in seeking the approval from BIFR are
completed before implementing the package.
4.2.2 The non-performing assets, upon restructuring, shall continue to have the
same asset classification as prior to restructuring and slip into further lower asset
classification categories as per extant asset classification norms with reference to
the pre-restructuring repayment schedule.
4.2.3 Standard accounts classified as NPA and NPA accounts retained in the
same category on restructuring by the NBFC shall be upgraded only when all the
outstanding loan/ facilities in the account perform satisfactorily during the 'specified
period' (Appendix - 2), i.e. principal and interest on all facilities in the account are
serviced as per terms of payment during that period.
4.2.4 In case, however, satisfactory performance after the specified period is not
evidenced, the asset classification of the restructured account shall be governed as
per the applicable prudential norms with reference to the pre-restructuring payment
4.2.5 Any additional finance shall be treated as 'standard asset' during the
specified period (Appendix - 2) under the approved restructuring package. However,
in the case of accounts where the pre-restructuring facilities were classified as
'substandard' and 'doubtful', interest income on the additional finance shall be
recognised only on cash basis. If the restructured asset does not qualify for
upgradation at the end of the above specified period, the additional finance shall be
placed in the same asset classification category as the restructured debt.
(iii) Restructured accounts classified as non-performing advances, when upgraded
to standard category shall attract a higher provision (as prescribed from time to time)
in the first year from the date of upgradation.
(iv) The above-mentioned higher provision on restructured standard advances
shall be 5 per cent in respect of new restructured standard accounts (flow) with effect
from January 24, 2014 and 5 per cent for the stock of restructured standard accounts
as on January 23, 2014 with effect from March 31, 2017 (spread over the four
quarters of 2016-17
For this purpose, the erosion in the fair value of the advance shall be computed as
the difference between the fair value of the loan before and after restructuring. Fair
value of the loan before restructuring will be computed as the present value of cash
flows representing the interest at the existing rate charged on the advance before
restructuring and the principal, discounted at a rate equal to the NBFC's bare lending
rate i.e. the interest rate applicable to the borrower as per the loan agreement had
the loan been serviced without any default, as applicable to the concerned borrower,
as on the date of restructuring. Fair value of the loan after restructuring shall be
computed as the present value of cash flows representing the interest at the rate
charged on the advance on restructuring and the principal, discounted at a rate
equal to the NBFC's bare lending rate as applicable to the borrower as on the date of
The above formula moderates the swing in the diminution of present value of loans
with the interest rate cycle and shall have to be followed consistently by NBFCs in
future. Further, it is reiterated that the provisions required as above arise due to the
action of the NBFCs resulting in change in contractual terms of the loan upon
restructuring which are in the nature of financial concessions. These provisions are
distinct from the provisions which are linked to the asset classification of the account
classified as NPA and reflect the impairment due to deterioration in the credit quality
of the loan. Thus, the two types of the provisions are not substitute for each other.
(ii) The amount of principal converted into debt/ equity instruments on restructuring
shall be held under 'current investments' and valued as per usual valuation norms.
Therefore, for the purpose of arriving at the erosion in the fair value, the NPV
calculation of the portion of principal not converted into debt/ equity has to be carried
out separately. However, the total sacrifice involved for the NBFC would be NPV of
the above portion plus valuation loss on account of conversion into debt / equity
NBFCs are therefore advised that they shall correctly capture the diminution in fair
value of restructured accounts as it shall have a bearing not only on the provisioning
required to be made by them but also on the amount of sacrifice required from the
promoters (Ref. para 7.6). Further, there must not be any effort on the part of NBFCs
to artificially reduce the net present value of cash flows by resorting to any sort of
financial engineering. NBFCs shall put in place a proper mechanism of checks and
balances to ensure accurate calculation of erosion in the fair value of restructured
(iii) In the event any security is taken in lieu of the diminution in the fair value of the
advance, it shall be valued at Re.1/- till maturity of the security. This will ensure that
the effect of charging off the economic sacrifice to the Profit & Loss account is not
(iv) The diminution in the fair value shall be re-computed on each balance sheet
date till satisfactory completion of all repayment obligations and full repayment of the
outstanding in the account, so as to capture the changes in the fair value on account
of changes in the bare lending rate as applicable to the borrower. Consequently,
NBFCs shall provide for the shortfall in provision or reverse the amount of excess
provision held in the distinct account.
the methodology prescribed above for computing the amount of diminution in the fair
value, NBFCs shall have the option of notionally computing the amount of diminution
in the fair value and providing therefor, at five percent of the total exposure, in
respect of all restructured accounts where the total dues to NBFC(s) are less than
rupees one crore.
4.4.3 The total provisions required against an account (normal provisions plus
provisions in lieu of diminution in the fair value of the advance) are capped at 100
per cent of the outstanding debt amount.
Depreciation on these instruments shall not be offset against the appreciation in any
other securities held under the 'current investment' category.
7. Miscellaneous
Following general conditions shall be applicable in all cases of restructuring:
7.1 The NBFCs shall decide on the issue regarding convertibility (into equity)
option as a part of restructuring exercise whereby the NBFCs shall have the right to
convert a portion of the restructured amount into equity, keeping in view the relevant
SEBI regulations.
7.2 Conversion of debt into preference shares shall be done only as a last resort
and such conversion of debt into equity / preference shares shall, in any case, be
restricted to a cap (say 10 per cent of the restructured debt). Further, any conversion
of debt into equity shall be done only in the case of listed companies.
7.3 NBFCs may consider incorporating in the approved restructuring packages
creditor's rights to accelerate repayment and the borrower's right to pre pay. Further,
all restructuring packages must incorporate 'Right to recompense' clause and it shall
be based on certain performance criteria of the borrower. In any case, minimum 75
per cent of the recompense amount shall be recovered by the lenders and in cases
where some facility under restructuring has been extended below bare lending rate,
100 per cent of the recompense amount shall be recovered.
7.4 As stipulating personal guarantee will ensure promoters' "skin in the game" or
commitment to the restructuring package, promoters' personal guarantee shall be
obtained in all cases of restructuring and corporate guarantee cannot be accepted as
a substitute for personal guarantee. However, corporate guarantee can be accepted
in those cases where the promoters of a company are not individuals but other
corporate bodies or where the individual promoters cannot be clearly identified.
7.6 Promoters must bring additional funds in all cases of restructuring. Additional
funds brought by promoters shall be a minimum of 20 per cent of NBFCs' sacrifice or
2 per cent of the restructured debt, whichever is higher. The promoters' contribution
shall invariably be brought upfront while extending the restructuring benefits to the
borrowers. Promoter's contribution need not necessarily be brought in cash and can
be brought in the form of conversion of unsecured loan from the promoters into
7.7 NBFCs shall determine a reasonable time period during which the account is
likely to become viable, based on the cash flow and the Techno Economic Viability
(TEV) study;
7.8 NBFCs shall be satisfied that the post restructuring repayment period is
reasonable, and commensurate with the estimated cash flows and required DSCR in
the account as per their own Board approved policy.
7.9 Each NBFC shall clearly document its own due diligence done in assessing the
TEV and the viability of the assumptions underlying the restructured repayment
8. Disclosures
With effect from the financial year ending March 2014, NBFCs shall disclose in their
published annual Balance Sheets, under "Notes on Accounts", information relating to
number and amount of advances restructured, and the amount of diminution in the
fair value of the restructured advances as per the format given in Appendix - 4. The
information shall be required for advances restructured under CDR Mechanism,
SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism and other categories separately. NBFCs must
disclose the total amount outstanding in all the accounts / facilities of borrowers
whose accounts have been restructured along with the restructured part or facility.
This means even if only one of the facilities / accounts of a borrower has been
restructured, the NBFC shall also disclose the entire outstanding amount pertaining
to all the facilities / accounts of that particular borrower. The disclosure format
prescribed in Appendix - 4, inter-alia, includes the following:
i. details of accounts restructured on a cumulative basis excluding the
standard restructured accounts which cease to attract higher provision and
risk weight (if applicable);
ii. provisions made on restructured accounts under various categories; and
iii. details of movement of restructured accounts.
This implies that once the higher provisions on restructured advances (classified as
standard either ab initio or on upgradation from NPA category) revert to the normal
level on account of satisfactory performance during the prescribed period, such
advances shall no longer be required to be disclosed by NBFCs as restructured
accounts in the "Notes on Accounts" in their Annual Balance Sheets. However, the
provision for diminution in the fair value of restructured accounts on such
restructured accounts shall continue to be maintained by NBFCs as per the existing
Appendix -1
Key Concepts
(i) Advances
The term 'Advances' shall mean all kinds of credit facilities including, term
loans, bills discounted / purchased, factored receivables, etc. and investments
other than that in the nature of equity.
(ii) Fully Secured
When the amounts due to an NBFC (present value of principal and interest
receivable as per restructured loan terms) are fully covered by the value of
security, duly charged in its favour in respect of those dues, the NBFC's dues
are considered to be fully secured. While assessing the realisable value of
security, primary as well as collateral securities shall be reckoned, provided
such securities are tangible securities and are not in intangible form like
guarantee etc., of the promoter / others. However, for this purpose the bank
guarantees, State Government Guarantees and Central Government
Guarantees shall be treated on par with tangible security.
(iii) Restructured Accounts
A restructured account is one where the NBFC, for economic or legal reasons
relating to the borrower's financial difficulty, grants to the borrower concessions
that the NBFC would not otherwise consider. Restructuring shall normally
involve modification of terms of the advances/ securities, which shall generally
include, among others, alteration of repayment period/ repayable amount/ the
amount of instalments/ rate of interest (due to reasons other than competitive
reasons). However, extension in repayment tenor of a floating rate loan on reset
of interest rate, so as to keep the EMI unchanged provided it is applied to a
class of accounts uniformly shall not render the account to be classified as
'Restructured account'. In other words, extension or deferment of EMIs to
individual borrowers as against to an entire class, shall render the accounts to
be classified as 'restructured accounts'.
In the cases of roll-over of short term loans, where proper pre-sanction
assessment has been made, and the roll-over is allowed based on the actual
requirement of the borrower and no concession has been provided due to credit
weakness of the borrower, then these shall not be considered as restructured
accounts. However, if such accounts are rolled-over more than two times, then
third roll-over onwards the account shall be treated as a restructured account.
Besides, NBFCs must be circumspect while granting such facilities as the
borrower may be availing similar facilities from other banks/ creditors in the
consortium or under multiple banking. Further, Short Term Loans for the
purpose of this provision do not include properly assessed regular Working
Capital Loans like revolving Cash Credit or Working Capital Demand Loans.
(iv) Repeatedly Restructured Accounts
When an NBFC restructures an account a second (or more) time(s), the
account will be considered as a 'repeatedly restructured account'. However, if
the second restructuring takes place after the period upto which the
concessions were extended under the terms of the first restructuring, that
account shall not be reckoned as a 'repeatedly restructured account'.
(v) SMEs
Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) is an undertaking defined in circular
RPCD.PLNFS.BC.No.63.06.02/2006-07 dated April 4, 2007 amended from time
to time.
(vi) Specified Period
Specified Period means a period of one year from the commencement of the
first payment of interest or principal, whichever is later, on the credit facility with
longest period of moratorium under the terms of restructuring package.
(vii) Satisfactory Performance
Satisfactory performance during the specified period means adherence to the
following conditions during that period.
Non-Agricultural Term Loan Accounts
In the case of non-agricultural term loan accounts, no payment shall remain
overdue for a period of more than the number of days after which it would be
classified as NPA. In addition there shall not be any overdues at the end of the
specified period.
(i) While extending repayment period in respect of housing loans to
keep the EMI unchanged, NBFCs shall satisfy themselves about the
revenue generation/ repaying capacity of the borrower during the entire
repayment period including the extended repayment period.
(ii) NBFCs shall not extend the repayment period of such borrowers
where they have concerns regarding the repaying capacity over the
extended period, even if the borrowers want to extend the tenor to keep
the EMI unchanged.
(iii) NBFCs shall provide the option of higher EMI to such borrowers
who want to repay the housing loan as per the original repayment
Organisational Framework for Restructuring of Advances Under
Consortium/ Multiple Banking/ Syndication Arrangements
A. Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) Mechanism
1.1 Objective
The objective of the Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) framework is to ensure
timely and transparent mechanism for restructuring the corporate debts of viable
entities facing problems, outside the purview of BIFR, DRT and other legal
proceedings, for the benefit of all concerned. In particular, the framework shall aim at
preserving viable corporates that are affected by certain internal and external factors
and minimize the losses to the creditors and other stakeholders through an orderly
and coordinated restructuring programme.
1.2 Scope
The CDR Mechanism has been designed to facilitate restructuring of advances of
borrowers enjoying credit facilities from more than one bank/ Financial Institution (FI)
in a coordinated manner. The CDR Mechanism is an organizational framework
institutionalized for speedy disposal of restructuring proposals of large borrowers
availing finance from more than one bank/ FI. This mechanism shall be available to
all borrowers engaged in any type of activity subject to the following conditions:
a) The borrowers enjoy credit facilities from more than one bank/ FI under
multiple banking/ syndication/ consortium system of lending.
b) The total outstanding (fund-based and non-fund based) exposure is ₹ 10
crore or above.
CDR system in the country shall have a three tier structure:
• CDR Standing Forum and its Core Group
• CDR Empowered Group
• CDR Cell
2. CDR Standing Forum
2.1 The CDR Standing Forum shall be the representative general body of all
financial institutions and banks participating in CDR system. All financial institutions
and banks shall participate in the system in their own interest. CDR Standing Forum
shall be a self-empowered body, which shall lay down policies and guidelines, and
monitor the progress of corporate debt restructuring.
2.2 The Forum shall also provide an official platform for both the creditors and
borrowers (by consultation) to amicably and collectively evolve policies and
guidelines for working out debt restructuring plans in the interests of all concerned.
2.3 The CDR Standing Forum shall comprise of Chairman & Managing Director,
Industrial Development Bank of India Ltd; Chairman, State Bank of India; Managing
Director & CEO, ICICI Bank Limited; Chairman, Indian Banks' Association as well as
Chairman and Managing Directors of all banks and financial institutions participating
as permanent members in the system. Since institutions like Unit Trust of India,
General Insurance Corporation, Life Insurance Corporation may have assumed
exposures on certain borrowers, these institutions may participate in the CDR
system. The Forum will elect its Chairman for a period of one year and the principle
of rotation shall be followed in the subsequent years. However, the Forum may
decide to have a Working Chairman as a whole-time officer to guide and carry out
the decisions of the CDR Standing Forum. The RBI shall not be a member of the
CDR Standing Forum and Core Group. Its role shall be confined to providing broad
2.4 The CDR Standing Forum shall meet at least once every six months and would
review and monitor the progress of corporate debt restructuring system. The Forum
shall also lay down the policies and guidelines including those relating to the critical
parameters for restructuring (for example, maximum period for a unit to become
viable under a restructuring package, minimum level of promoters' sacrifice etc.) to
be followed by the CDR Empowered Group and CDR Cell for debt restructuring and
shall ensure their smooth functioning and adherence to the prescribed time
schedules for debt restructuring. It can also review any individual decisions of the
CDR Empowered Group and CDR Cell. The CDR Standing Forum shall also
formulate guidelines for dispensing special treatment to those cases, which are
complicated and are likely to be delayed beyond the time frame prescribed for
2.5 A CDR Core Group shall be carved out of the CDR Standing Forum to assist
the Standing Forum in convening the meetings and taking decisions relating to
policy, on behalf of the Standing Forum. The Core Group shall consist of Chief
Executives of Industrial Development Bank of India Ltd., State Bank of India, ICICI
Bank Ltd, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Indian Banks'
Association and Deputy Chairman of Indian Banks' Association representing foreign
banks in India.
2.6 The CDR Core Group shall lay down the policies and guidelines to be followed
by the CDR Empowered Group and CDR Cell for debt restructuring. These
guidelines shall also suitably address the operational difficulties experienced in the
functioning of the CDR Empowered Group. The CDR Core Group shall also
prescribe the PERT chart for processing of cases referred to the CDR system and
decide on the modalities for enforcement of the time frame. The CDR Core Group
shall also lay down guidelines to ensure that over-optimistic projections are not
assumed while preparing/ approving restructuring proposals especially with regard to
capacity utilization, price of products, profit margin, demand, availability of raw
materials, input-output ratio and likely impact of imports/ international cost
3.3 The CDR Empowered Group shall consider the preliminary report of all cases
of requests of restructuring, submitted to it by the CDR Cell. After the Empowered
Group decides that restructuring of the company is prima-facie feasible and the
enterprise is potentially viable in terms of the policies and guidelines evolved by
Standing Forum, the detailed restructuring package shall be worked out by the CDR
Cell in conjunction with the Lead Institution. However, if the lead institution faces
difficulties in working out the detailed restructuring package, the participating banks/
financial institutions shall decide upon the alternate institution/ bank which shall work
out the detailed restructuring package at the first meeting of the Empowered Group
when the preliminary report of the CDR Cell comes up for consideration.
3.4 The CDR Empowered Group shall be mandated to look into each case of debt
restructuring, examine the viability and rehabilitation potential of the Company and
approve the restructuring package within a specified time frame of 90 days, or at
best within 180 days of reference to the Empowered Group. The CDR Empowered
Group shall decide on the acceptable viability benchmark levels on the following
illustrative parameters, which shall be applied on a case-by-case basis, based on the
merits of each case :
• Return on Capital Employed (ROCE),
• Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR),
• Gap between the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the Cost of Fund
• Extent of sacrifice.
3.5 The Board of each bank/ FI shall authorise its Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
and/ or Executive Director (ED) to decide on the restructuring package in respect of
cases referred to the CDR system, with the requisite requirements to meet the
control needs. CDR Empowered Group shall meet on two or three occasions in
respect of each borrowal account. This shall provide an opportunity to the
participating members to seek proper authorisations from their CEO / ED, in case of
need, in respect of those cases where the critical parameters of restructuring are
beyond the authority delegated to him / her.
3.6 The decisions of the CDR Empowered Group shall be final. If restructuring of
debt is found to be viable and feasible and approved by the Empowered Group, the
company shall be put on the restructuring mode. If restructuring is not found viable,
the creditors shall then be free to take necessary steps for immediate recovery of
dues and / or liquidation or winding up of the company, collectively or individually.
4. CDR Cell
4.1 The CDR Standing Forum and the CDR Empowered Group shall be assisted
by a CDR Cell in all their functions. The CDR Cell shall make the initial scrutiny of
the proposals received from borrowers/ creditors, by calling for proposed
rehabilitation plan and other information and put up the matter before the CDR
Empowered Group, within one month to decide whether rehabilitation is prima facie
feasible. If found feasible, the CDR Cell shall proceed to prepare detailed
Rehabilitation Plan with the help of creditors and, if necessary, experts to be
engaged from outside. If not found prima facie feasible, the creditors may start action
for recovery of their dues.
4.2 All references for corporate debt restructuring by creditors or borrowers shall
be made to the CDR Cell. It shall be the responsibility of the lead institution/ major
stakeholder to the corporate, to work out a preliminary restructuring plan in
consultation with other stakeholders and submit to the CDR Cell within one month.
The CDR Cell shall prepare the restructuring plan in terms of the general policies
and guidelines approved by the CDR Standing Forum and place for consideration of
the Empowered Group within 30 days for decision. The Empowered Group can
approve or suggest modifications but ensure that a final decision is taken within a
total period of 90 days. However, for sufficient reasons the period can be extended
up to a maximum of 180 days from the date of reference to the CDR Cell.
4.3 The CDR Standing Forum, the CDR Empowered Group and CDR Cell is at
present housed in Industrial Development Bank of India Ltd. However, it may be
shifted to another place if considered necessary, as shall be decided by the Standing
Forum. The administrative and other costs shall be shared by all financial institutions
and banks. The sharing pattern shall be as determined by the Standing Forum.
4.4 CDR Cell shall have adequate members of staff deputed from banks and
financial institutions. The CDR Cell may also take outside professional help. The cost
in operating the CDR mechanism including CDR Cell shall be met from contribution
of the financial institutions and banks in the Core Group at the rate of ₹50 lakh each
and contribution from other institutions and banks at the rate of ₹5 lakh each.
5. Other features
5.1 Eligibility criteria
5.1.1 The scheme shall not apply to accounts involving only one financial institution
or one bank. The CDR mechanism shall cover only multiple banking accounts /
syndication / consortium accounts of corporate borrowers engaged in any type of
activity with outstanding fund-based and non-fund based exposure of ₹10 crore and
above by banks and institutions.
5.1.2 The Category 1 CDR system shall be applicable only to accounts classified
as 'standard' and 'sub-standard'. There may be a situation where a small portion of
debt by a bank might be classified as doubtful. In that situation, if the account has
been classified as 'standard' / 'substandard' in the books of at least 90 per cent of
creditors (by value), the same shall be treated as standard / substandard, only for
the purpose of judging the account as eligible for CDR, in the books of the remaining
10 per cent of creditors. There shall be no requirement of the account / company
being sick, NPA or being in default for a specified period before reference to the
CDR system. However, potentially viable cases of NPAs will get priority. This
approach shall provide the necessary flexibility and facilitate timely intervention for
debt restructuring. Prescribing any milestone(s) may not be necessary, since the
debt restructuring exercise is being triggered by banks and financial institutions or
with their consent.
5.1.3 While corporates indulging in frauds and malfeasance even in a single bank
shall continue to remain ineligible for restructuring under CDR mechanism as
hitherto, the Core group shall review the reasons for classification of the borrower as
wilful defaulter specially in old cases where the manner of classification of a
borrower as a wilful defaulter was not transparent and satisfy itself that the borrower
is in a position to rectify the wilful default provided he is granted an opportunity under
the CDR mechanism. Such exceptional cases shall be admitted for restructuring with
the approval of the Core Group only. The Core Group shall ensure that cases
involving frauds or diversion of funds with malafide intent are not covered.
With a view to preserve the economic value of viable accounts, it has been decided
that in cases of fraud / malfeasance where the existing promoters are replaced by
new promoters and the borrower company is totally delinked from such erstwhile
promoters / management, NBFCs and JLF shall take a view on restructuring of such
accounts based on their viability, without prejudice to the continuance of criminal
action against the erstwhile promoters / management. Further, such accounts shall
also be eligible for asset classification benefits available on refinancing after change
in ownership, if such change in ownership is carried out under guidelines contained
in Circular DBR.BP.BC.No.41/21.04.048/2015-16 dated September 24, 2015 on
"Prudential Norms on Change in Ownership of Borrowing Entities (Outside Strategic
Debt Restructuring Scheme)". Each NBFC shall formulate its policy and
requirements as approved by the Board, on restructuring of such assets.
5.1.4 The accounts where recovery suits have been filed by the creditors against
the company, shall be eligible for consideration under the CDR system provided, the
initiative to resolve the case under the CDR system is taken by at least 75 per cent
of the creditors (by value) and 60 per cent of creditors (by number).
5.1.5 BIFR cases are not eligible for restructuring under the CDR system.
However, large value BIFR cases shall be eligible for restructuring under the CDR
system if specifically recommended by the CDR Core Group. The Core Group shall
recommend exceptional BIFR cases on a case-to-case basis for consideration under
the CDR system. It shall be ensured that the lending institutions complete all the
formalities in seeking the approval from BIFR before implementing the package.
legal basis to the CDR mechanism. The debtors shall have to accede to the DCA,
either at the time of original loan documentation (for future cases) or at the time of
reference to Corporate Debt Restructuring Cell. Similarly, all participants in the CDR
mechanism through their membership of the Standing Forum shall have to enter into
a legally binding agreement, with necessary enforcement and penal clauses, to
operate the System through laid-down policies and guidelines. The ICA signed by
the creditors shall be initially valid for a period of 3 years and subject to renewal for
further periods of 3 years thereafter. The lenders in foreign currency outside the
country are not a part of CDR system. Such creditors and also creditors like GIC,
LIC, UTI, etc., who have not joined the CDR system, could join CDR mechanism of a
particular corporate by signing transaction to transaction ICA, wherever they have
exposure to such corporate.
5.3.2 The Inter-Creditor Agreement shall be a legally binding agreement amongst
the creditors, with necessary enforcement and penal clauses, wherein the creditors
shall commit themselves to abide by the various elements of CDR system. Further,
the creditors shall agree that if 75 per cent of creditors by value and 60 per cent of
the creditors by number, agree to a restructuring package of an existing debt (i.e.,
debt outstanding), the same shall be binding on the remaining creditors. Since
Category 1 CDR Scheme covers only standard and substandard accounts, which in
the opinion of 75 per cent of the creditors by value and 60 per cent of creditors by
number, are likely to become performing after introduction of the CDR package, it is
expected that all other creditors (i.e., those outside the minimum 75 per cent by
value and 60 per cent by number) shall be willing to participate in the entire CDR
package, including the agreed additional financing.
5.3.3 In order to improve effectiveness of the CDR mechanism a clause shall be
incorporated in the loan agreements involving consortium/ syndicate accounts
whereby all creditors, including those which are not members of the CDR
mechanism, agree to be bound by the terms of the restructuring package that shall
be approved under the CDR mechanism, as and when restructuring may become
5.3.4 One of the most important elements of Debtor-Creditor Agreement shall be
'stand still' agreement binding for 90 days, or 180 days by both sides. Under this
clause, both the debtor and creditor(s) shall agree to a legally binding 'stand-still'
whereby both the parties commit themselves not to take recourse to any other legal
action during the 'stand-still' period, this shall be necessary for enabling the CDR
System to undertake the necessary debt restructuring exercise without any outside
intervention, judicial or otherwise. However, the stand-still clause shall be applicable
only to any civil action either by the borrower or any lender against the other party
and shall not cover any criminal action. Further, during the stand-still period,
outstanding foreign exchange forward contracts, derivative products, etc., shall be
crystallised, provided the borrower is agreeable to such crystallisation. The borrower
shall additionally undertake that during the stand-still period the documents shall
stand extended for the purpose of limitation and also that it shall not approach any
other authority for any relief and the directors of the borrowing company shall not
resign from the Board of Directors during the stand-still period.
restructuring package approved by the Empowered Group. The exiting lenders shall
be allowed to continue with their existing level of exposure to the borrower provided
they tie up with either the existing lenders or fresh lenders taking up their share of
additional finance.
5.5.3 The lenders who wish to exit from the package shall have the option to sell
their existing share to either the existing lenders or fresh lenders, at an appropriate
price, which shall be decided mutually between the exiting lender and the taking over
lender. The new lenders shall rank on par with the existing lenders for repayment
and servicing of the dues since they have taken over the existing dues to the exiting
5.5.4 In order to bring more flexibility in the exit option, One Time Settlement can
also be considered, wherever necessary, as a part of the restructuring package. If an
account with any creditor is subjected to One Time Settlement (OTS) by a borrower
before its reference to the CDR mechanism, any fulfilled commitments under such
OTS shall not be reversed under the restructured package. Further payment
commitments of the borrower arising out of such OTS shall be factored into the
restructuring package.
5.6.2 No individual case shall be referred to RBI. CDR Core Group shall take a
final decision whether a particular case falls under the CDR guidelines or it does not.
5.6.3 All the other features of the CDR system as applicable to the First Category
shall also be applicable to cases restructured under the Second Category.
(iv) The lender shall work out the restructuring package and implement
the same within a maximum period of 90 days from date of receipt of
(v) The SME Debt Restructuring Mechanism shall be available to all
borrowers engaged in any type of activity.
(vi) Lenders shall review the progress in rehabilitation and restructuring of
SMEs accounts on a quarterly basis and keep the Board informed.
Appendix 4
Under SME
Under CDR
Type of Restructuring Restructuri Others Total
Asset Classification S S S S
u u u u
S b D S b D S b D S b D
t - o t - o t - o t - o
No. T T T T
a S u L a S u L a S u L a S u L
o o o o
n t b o n t b o n t b o n t b o
t t t t
Details d a t s d a t s d a t s d a t s
a a a a
a n f s a n f s a n f s a n f s
l l l l
r d u r d u r d u r d u
d a l d a l d a l d a l
r r r r
d d d d
1 Restructured No. of
Accounts as borrowers
on April Amount
1 of the FY outstanding
(opening Provision
figures)* thereon
2 Fresh No. of
restructuring borrowers
during the year Amount
3 Upgradations No. of
to borrowers
restructured Amount
standard outstanding
category Provision
during the thereon
4 Restructured No. of
standard borrowers
advances Amount
which cease to outstanding
attract higher Provision
provisioning thereon
and / or
additional risk
at the end of
the FY
and hence
need not be
shown as
advances at
beginning of
the next
5 Downgradation No. of
s of borrowers
restructured Amount
accounts outstanding
during the FY Provision
6 Write-offs of No. of
restructured borrowers
accounts Amount
during the FY outstanding
7 Restructured No. of
Accounts as borrowers
on Amount
March 31 of outstanding
the FY Provision
(closing thereon
* Excluding the figures of Standard Restructured Advances which do not attract higher
provisioning or risk weight (if applicable).
Annex VII
Flexible Structuring of Long Term Project Loans to Infrastructure and Core
1. The long tenor loans to infrastructure / core industries projects, say 25 years, shall
be structured as under:
i. The fundamental viability of the project shall be established on the basis of all
requisite financial and non-financial parameters, especially the acceptable level of
interest coverage ratio (EBIDTA / Interest payout), indicating capacity to service the
loan and ability to repay over the tenor of the loan;
ii. Allowing longer tenor amortisation of the loan (Amortisation Schedule), say 25
years (within the useful life / concession period of the project) with periodic
refinancing (Refinancing Debt Facility) of balance debt, the tenor of which shall be
fixed at the time of each refinancing, within the overall amortisation period;
iii. This shall mean that the NBFC, while assessing the viability of the project, would
be allowed to accept the project as a viable project where the average debt service
coverage ratio (DSCR) and other financial and non-financial parameters are
acceptable over a longer amortisation period of say 25 years (Amortisation
Schedule), but provide funding (Initial Debt Facility) for only, say, 5 years with
refinancing of balance debt being allowed by existing or new lenders (Refinancing
Debt Facility) or even through bonds; and
iv. The refinancing (Refinancing Debt Facility) after each of these 5 years shall be of
the reduced amounts determined as per the Original Amortisation Schedule.
2. NBFC shall finance fresh long term projects in infrastructure and core industries
as suggested in paragraph 1 above provided that:
i. Only term loans to infrastructure projects, as defined under the Harmonised Master
List of Infrastructure of RBI, and projects in core industries sector, included in the
Index of Eight Core Industries (base: 2004-05) published by the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, Government of India, (viz., coal, crude oil, natural gas,
petroleum refinery products, fertilisers, steel (Alloy + Non Alloy), cement and
electricity- some of these sectors such as fertilisers, electricity generation,
distribution and transmission, etc. are also included in the Harmonised Master List of
Infrastructure sub-sectors)- shall qualify for such refinancing;
ii. At the time of initial appraisal of such projects, NBFC shall fix an amortisation
schedule (Original Amortisation Schedule) while ensuring that the cash flows from
such projects and all necessary financial and non-financial parameters are robust
even under stress scenarios;
iii. The tenor of the Amortisation Schedule shall not be more than 80 per cent
(leaving a tail of 20 per cent) of the initial concession period in case of infrastructure
projects under public private partnership (PPP) model; or 80 per cent of the initial
economic life envisaged at the time of project appraisal for determining the user
charges / tariff in case of non-PPP infrastructure projects; or 80 per cent of the initial
economic life envisaged at the time of project appraisal by Lenders Independent
Engineer in the case of other core industries projects;
iv. The NBFC offering the Initial Debt Facility shall sanction the loan for a medium
term, say 5 to 7 years. This is to take care of initial construction period and also
cover the period at least up to the date of commencement of commercial operations
(DCCO) and revenue ramp up. The repayment(s) at the end of this period (equal in
present value to the remaining residual payments corresponding to the Original
Amortisation Schedule) shall be structured as a bullet repayment, with the intent
specified up front that it shall be refinanced. That repayment shall be taken up by the
same lender or a set of new lenders, or combination of both, or by issue of corporate
bond, as Refinancing Debt Facility, and such refinancing shall repeat till the end of
the Amortisation Schedule;
v. The repayment schedules of Initial Debt Facility shall normally correspond to the
Original Amortisation Schedule, unless there is an extension of DCCO. In that case,
in terms of extant instructions contained in DNBS.CO.PD.No.367/03.10.01/2013-14,
dated January 23, 2014 and DNBR.CO.PD.No. 011/03.10.01/2014-15, dated
January 16, 2015, mere extension of DCCO shall not be considered as restructuring
subject to certain conditions, if the revised DCCO falls within the period of two years
and one year from the original DCCO for infrastructure and non-infrastructure
projects respectively. In such cases the consequential shift in repayment schedule
by equal or shorter duration (including the start date and end date of revised
repayment schedule) than the extension of DCCO shall also not be considered as
restructuring provided all other terms and conditions of the loan remain unchanged
or are enhanced to compensate for the delay and the entire project debt amortisation
is scheduled within 85 per cent (Refer Note 1 below)of the initial economic life of the
project as prescribed in paragraph 2(iii) above;
vi. The Amortisation Schedule of a project loan shall be modified once during the
course of the loan (after DCCO) based on the actual performance of the project in
comparison to the assumptions made during the financial closure without being
treated as ‘restructuring’ provided:
a) The loan is a standard loan as on the date of change of Amortisation Schedule;
b) Net present value of the loan remains the same before and after the change in
Amortisation Schedule; and
c) The entire outstanding debt amortisation is scheduled within 85 per cent (refer
note 2 below) of the economic life of the project as prescribed in paragraph 2 (iii)
vii. If the Initial Debt Facility or Refinancing Debt Facility becomes NPA at any stage,
further refinancing shall stop and the NBFC which holds the loan when it becomes
NPA, shall be required to recognise the loan as such and make necessary provisions
as required under the extant regulations. Once the account comes out of NPA
status, it shall be eligible for refinancing in terms of these instructions;
viii. NBFCs shall determine the pricing of the loans at each stage of sanction of the
Initial Debt Facility or Refinancing Debt Facility, commensurate with the risk at each
phase of the loan, and such pricing shall be as per the rate approved by its Board;
ix. NBFCs shall secure their interest by way of proper documentation and security
creation, etc;
x. NBFCs shall be initially allowed to count the cash flows from periodic
amortisations of loans as also the bullet repayment of the outstanding debt at the
end of each refinancing period for their asset-liability management; however, with
experience gained, NBFCs shall be required in due course to conduct behavioural
studies of cash flows in such amortisation of loans and plot them accordingly in ALM
xi. NBFCs shall recognise from a risk management perspective that there will be a
probability that the loan shall not be refinanced by other NBFCs/lenders, and shall
take this into account when estimating liquidity needs as well as stress scenarios.
Further, unless the part or full refinancing by other NBFCs/lenders is clearly
identified, the cash flows from such refinancing shall not be taken into account for
computing liquidity ratios. Similarly, once committed, the refinancing NBFC/lender
shall take into account such cash flows for computing their liquidity ratios; and
xii. NBFCs shall have a Board approved policy for such financing.
3. Further, NBFCs may also flexibly structure the existing project loans to
infrastructure projects and core industries projects with the option to periodically
refinance the same as per the norms given below:
i) Only term loans to projects, in which the aggregate exposure of all institutional
lenders exceeds ₹500 crore, in the infrastructure sector (as defined under the
Harmonised Master List of Infrastructure of RBI) and in the core industries sector
(included in the Index of Eight Core Industries (base: 2004-05) published by the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India) shall qualify for such
flexible structuring and refinancing;
ii) NBFCs shall fix a Fresh Loan Amortisation Schedule for the existing project loans
once during the life time of the project, after the date of commencement of
commercial operations (DCCO), based on the reassessment of the project cash
flows, without this being treated as ‘restructuring’ provided:
a. The loan is a standard loan as on the date of change of Loan Amortisation
b. Net present value of the loan remains same before and after the change in Loan
Amortisation Schedule;
c. The Fresh Loan Amortisation Schedule shall be within 85 per cent (leaving a tail of
15 per cent) of the initial concession period in case of infrastructure projects under
public private partnership (PPP) model; or 85 per cent of the initial economic life
envisaged at the time of project appraisal for determining the user charges / tariff in
case of non-PPP infrastructure projects; or 85 per cent of the initial economic life
envisaged at the time of project appraisal by Lenders Independent Engineer in the
case of other core industries projects; and
d. The viability of the project is reassessed by the NBFC and vetted by the
Independent Evaluation Committee constituted under the aegis of the Framework for
Revitalising Distressed Assets in the Economy dated March 21, 2014.
iii) If a project loan is classified as ‘restructured standard’ asset as on the date of
fixing the Fresh Loan Amortisation Schedule as per para 3(ii) above, while the
current exercise of fixing the Fresh Loan Amortisation Schedule shall not be treated
as an event of ‘repeated restructuring’, the loan shall continue to be classified as
‘restructured standard’ asset. Upgradation of such assets shall be governed by the
extant prudential guidelines on restructuring of accounts taking into account the
Fresh Loan Amortisation Schedule;
iv) Any subsequent changes to the above mentioned Fresh Loan Amortisation
Schedule shall be governed by the extant restructuring norms;
v) NBFCs may refinance the project term loan periodically (say 5 to 7 years) after the
project has commenced commercial operations. The repayment(s) at the end of
each refinancing period (equal in value to the remaining residual payments
corresponding to the Fresh Loan Amortisation Schedule) shall be structured as a
bullet repayment, with the intent specified up front that it will be refinanced. The
refinance shall be taken up by the same lender or a set of new lenders, or
combination of both, or by issue of corporate bond, as refinancing debt facility, and
such refinancing shall repeat till the end of the Fresh Loan Amortisation Schedule.
The proviso regarding net present value as at paragraph 3(ii) shall not be applicable
at the time of periodic refinancing of the project term loan;
vi) If the project term loan or refinancing debt facility becomes a non-performing
asset (NPA) at any stage, further refinancing shall stop and the NBFC which holds
the loan when it becomes NPA shall be required to recognise the loan as such and
make necessary provisions as required under the extant regulations. Once the
account comes out of NPA status, it shall be eligible for refinancing in terms of these
vii) NBFCs shall determine the pricing of the loans at each stage of the project term
loan or refinancing debt facility, commensurate with the risk at each phase of the
loan, and such pricing shall be as per the rate approved by the Board;
viii) NBFCs shall secure their interest by way of proper documentation and security
creation, etc.;
ix) NBFCs shall be initially allowed to count the cash flows from periodic
amortisations of loans as also the bullet repayment of the outstanding debt at the
end of each refinancing period for their asset-liability management; however, with
experience gained, NBFCs shall be required in due course to conduct behavioural
studies of cash flows in such amortisation of loans and plot them accordingly in ALM
x) NBFCs shall recognise from a risk management perspective that there shall be a
probability that the loan shall not be refinanced by other lenders, and shall take this
into account when estimating liquidity needs as well as stress scenarios; and
xi) NBFCs shall have a Board approved policy for such financing.
4. It is clarified that NBFCs may also provide longer loan amortisation as per the
above framework of flexible structuring of project loans to existing project loans to
infrastructure and core industries projects which are classified as ‘NPAs’. However,
such an exercise shall be treated as ‘restructuring’ and the assets shall continue to
be treated as ‘NPA’. Such accounts shall be upgraded only when all the outstanding
loan/facilities in the account perform satisfactorily during the ‘specified period’ (as
defined in the extant prudential guidelines on restructuring of accounts), i.e. principal
and interest on all facilities in the account are serviced as per terms of payment
during that period. However, periodic refinance facility shall be permitted only when
the account is classified as ‘standard’ as prescribed in the para 3(vi) above.
Annex X
ii. The SRO shall have at least 1/3rd of the NBFC-MFIs registered as its
members, at the time of recognition.
iii. It shall have adequate capital to be able to discharge its functions without
being overly dependent on subscription from members.
iv. The memorandum / bye laws of the Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) shall
specify criteria for admission of members and the functions it shall discharge,
as one of its main objects;
v. The Memorandum / bye laws of an SRO shall provide for the manner in which
the Governing Body / Board of Directors of the SRO would function.
vi. The Board shall have adequate representation from both large and small
vii. 1/3rd of the Board of Directors shall be independent and not associated with
member institutions.
viii. The Board of Directors and individuals comprising the management shall be
considered fit and proper, by the Reserve Bank.
ix. It shall have adequate internal controls in place.
x. The SRO shall function in the interest of all the stake holders and not seen to
be only an industry body.
xi. The SRO shall frame a Code of Conduct to be followed by its members.
xii. It shall have a Grievance Redressal Mechanism and a Dispute Resolution
Mechanism in place, including a specially appointed Grievance Redressal
Nodal Officer.
xiii. It shall be in a position to exercise surveillance over its members to ensure
compliance with the Code of Conduct and regulatory prescriptions of the Bank
through an Enforcement Committee
xiv. It shall also have a developmental function of training and awareness
programmes for its members, for the Self Help Groups and conduct research
and development for the growth of the MFI sector
Obligations of the SRO towards the Reserve Bank
i) The SRO, once recognized, shall need to nominate a Compliance officer who
shall directly report to the Reserve Bank and who shall keep the Reserve
Bank regularly posted of all developments in the sector.
ii) The SRO shall have to submit its Annual Report to the Reserve Bank.
iii) It shall have to conduct investigation into areas of concern as pointed out by
the Reserve Bank.
iv) The SRO shall inform the Reserve Bank of the violations of the provisions of
the RBI Act,1934, the directions, the circulars or the guidelines issued by the
Reserve Bank from time to time, by any of its members.
vi) The Reserve Bank shall, if need arises, inspect the books of the SRO or
arrange to have the books inspected by an audit firm.
Annex XI
Annex XI (1)
Particulars Required Response
1 Name
2 Designation Chairman / Managing
Director / Director / Chief
Executive Officer
3 Nationality
4 Age (to be substantiated with date of birth)
5 Business Address
6 Residential Address
7 E-mail address / Telephone number
8 PAN Number under Income Tax Act
9 Director Identification Number (DIN)
10 Social security number / Passport No.*
11 Educational / professional qualifications
12 Professional Achievement relevant to the job
13 Line of business or vocation
14 Any other information relevant to the
15 Name/s of other companies in which the
person has held the post of Chairman /
Managing Director/ Director / Chief
Executive Officer
16 Name/s of the regulators
foreign regulator) of the entities mentioned in
which the persons hold directorships
17 Name/s of the NBFCs, if any, with which the
person is associated as Promoter, Managing
Director, Chairman or Director including a
Residuary Non-Banking Financial Company,
which has been prohibited from accepting
deposits/ prosecuted by RBI ?
18 Detail of prosecution, if any, pending or
commenced or resulting in conviction in the
past against the person and/or against any of
the entities he is associated with for violation
of economic laws and regulations
19 Cases, if any, where the person or relatives of
the person or the companies in which the
person is associated with, are in default or
have been in default in the last 5 years in
respect of credit facilities obtained from any
entity or bank
20 If the person is a member of a professional
association/ body, details of disciplinary
action, if any, pending or commenced or
resulting in conviction in the past against him
/ her or whether he / she has been banned
from entry of any professional occupation at
any time
21 Whether the person attracts any of the
disqualification envisaged under section 164
of the Companies Act, 2013
22 Has the person or any of the companies, he/
she is associated with, been subject to any
investigation at the instance of the
Government Department or Agency
23 Has the person at any time been found guilty
of violations of rules / regulations / legislative
requirements by Customs / Excise / Income
Tax// Foreign Exchange / Other Revenue
Authorities, if so, give particulars
24 Experience in the business of NBFC (number
of years)
25 Equity shareholding in the company
(i) No. of shares ……………………………
(ii) Face value ₹……………………..
(iii) Percentage to total paid up equity share
capital of the company
26 Name/s of the companies, firms and
proprietary concerns in which the person
holds substantial interest
27 Names of the principal bankers to the
concerns at 26 above
28 Names of the overseas bankers *
29 Whether number of directorships held by the
person exceeds the limits prescribed under
section 165 of the Companies Act, 2013
Signature :
Date : Name :
Place: Designation :
Company Seal :
* For foreign promoters / directors / shareholders
Note: (i) Separate form shall be submitted in respect of each of the proposed
promoters/ directors/ shareholders
Annex XI (2)
Particulars Required Response
1 Name
2 Business Address
3 E-mail address / Telephone number
4 PAN Number under Income Tax Act
5 Name and contact details of compliance officer
6 Line of business
7 The details of their major shareholders (more than 10%)
and line of activity, if corporates
8 Names of the principal bankers/ overseas bankers *
9 Name/s of the regulators
(RBI,SEBI,IRDA,PFRDA,NHB or any other foreign
10 Name/s of Company/ies in the Group as defined in the
Prudential Norms Directions
11 Name/s of the company/ies in the Group that are
12 Specify the names of companies in the group which
have been prohibited from accepting deposits/
prosecuted by RBI?
13 Detail of prosecution, if any, pending or commenced or
resulting in conviction in the past against the corporate
for violation of economic laws and regulations
14 Cases, if any, where the corporate, is in default or have
been in default in the last 5 years in respect of credit
facilities obtained from any entity or bank
15 Whether the corporate has been subject to any
investigation at the instance of the Government
Department or Agency
16 Has the Corporate at any time been found guilty of
violations of rules/ regulations/ legislative requirements
by Customs/ Excise/ Income Tax// Foreign Exchange/
Other Revenue Authorities, if so, give particulars
17 Has the promoter corporate/ majority shareholder of the
promoter corporate, if a corporate, ever applied to RBI
for CoR which has been rejected
Signature :
Date : Name :
Place: Designation :
Company Seal :
* For foreign corporate
Annex XII
1. NBFCs registered with the Bank shall undertake insurance agency business on
fee basis and without risk participation, without the approval of the Bank, only subject
to the following conditions:
(i) The NBFCs shall obtain requisite permission from IRDA and comply with the
IRDA regulations for acting as `composite corporate agent' with insurance
(ii) The NBFCs shall not adopt any restrictive practice of forcing its customers to go
in only for a particular insurance company in respect of assets financed by the
NBFC. The customers shall be allowed to exercise their own choice.
(iii) As the participation by an NBFC's customer in insurance products is purely on
a voluntary basis, it shall be stated in all publicity material distributed by the NBFC in
a prominent way. There shall be no `linkage' either direct or indirect between the
provision of financial services offered by the NBFC to its customers and use of the
insurance products.
(iv) The premium shall be paid by the insured directly to the insurance company
without routing through the NBFC.
(v) The risks, if any, involved in insurance agency shall not get transferred to the
business of the NBFC.
3. All NBFCs registered with RBI which satisfy the eligibility criteria given below shall
be permitted to set up a joint venture company for undertaking insurance business
with risk participation subject to safeguards. The maximum equity contribution such
an NBFC can hold in the joint venture company shall normally be 50 per cent of the
paid-up capital of the insurance company. On a selective basis, the Bank may permit
a higher equity contribution by a promoter NBFC initially, pending divestment of
equity within the prescribed period [see Note (1) below].
In case more than one company (irrespective of doing financial activity or not) in the
same group of the NBFC wishes to take a stake in the insurance company, the
contribution by all companies in the same group shall be counted for the limit of 50
percent prescribed for the NBFC in an insurance JV.
In cases where IRDA issues calls for capital infusion into the Insurance JV company,
the Bank may, on a case to case basis, consider need based relaxation of the 50%
group limit as specified. The relaxation, if permitted, shall be subject to compliance
by the NBFC with all regulatory conditions as prescribed for in these Directions and
such other conditions as may be necessary in the specific case. Application for such
relaxation along with supporting documents shall be submitted by the NBFC to the
Regional Office of the Bank under whose jurisdiction its registered office is situated.
The eligibility criteria for joint venture participant shall be as stated below:
(i) The owned fund of the NBFC shall not be less than ₹500 crore,
(ii) The CRAR of the NBFC shall be not less than 15 percent..
(iii) The level of net non-performing assets shall be not more than 5% of the
total outstanding leased/hire purchase assets and advances taken together,
(iv) The NBFC shall have net profit for the last three continuous years,
(v) The track record of the performance of the subsidiaries, if any, of the
concerned NBFC shall be satisfactory,
The provisions of RBI Act shall be applicable for such investments while computing
the net owned funds of the NBFC.
4. In case where a foreign partner contributes 26 per cent of the equity with the
approval of insurance Regulatory and Development Authority/ Foreign Investment
Promotion Board, more than one NBFC may be allowed to participate in the equity of
the insurance joint venture. As such participants will also assume insurance risk,
only those NBFCs which satisfy the criteria given in paragraph 3 above, shall be
5. NBFCs registered with RBI which are not eligible as joint venture participant, as
above can make investments up to 10 per cent of the owned fund of the NBFC or
₹50 crore, whichever is lower, in the insurance company. Such participation shall be
treated as an investment and shall be without any contingent liability for the NBFC.
The eligibility criteria for these NBFCs shall be as under:
(i) The CRAR of the NBFCs shall not be less than 15 per cent;
(ii) The level of net NPA shall be not more than 5 per cent of total outstanding
leased/hire purchase assets and advances;
(iii) The NBFC shall have net profit for the last three continuous years.
Notes :
(2) The eligibility criteria shall be reckoned with reference to the latest available
audited balance sheet for the previous year.
Annex XIII
Guidelines on issue of Co-Branded Credit Cards
In order to strengthen the NBFC sector by allowing diversification of their area of
business, it has been decided to allow NBFCs, selectively, registered with the
Reserve Bank of India to issue co-branded credit cards with scheduled commercial
banks, without risk sharing, with prior approval of the Reserve Bank, for an initial
period of two years and a review thereafter. NBFCs fulfilling the following minimum
requirements are eligible to apply for issuance of co-branded credit card:
(i) Minimum net owned fund of ₹100 crore;
(ii) The company shall have made net profit as per last two years audited
(iii) The percentage of net NPAs to net advances of the NBFC as per the last
audited balance sheet shall not be more than 3 per cent;
(iv) The non-deposit-taking NBFCs (NBFCs-ND) shall maintain a Leverage
Ratio of 7. While systemically important non-deposit taking NBFCs (NBFCs-ND-
SIs) and deposit taking NBFCs (NBFC-D) shall have CRAR of 15 per cent.
NBFC shall not be debited for settlement of dues arising out of co-branded
credit card;
(e) The NBFC entering into tie-up shall be guided by the need to ensure
confidentiality of the customer's accounts. The co-branding NBFC shall not
reveal any information relating to customers obtained at the time of opening
the account and the co-branded credit card issuing bank shall not be
permitted to access any details of customers' accounts that may violate
NBFCs' secrecy obligations.
(f) The bank issuing the card shall put in place suitable mechanism for the
redressal of customer grievances. Customer complaints arising out of
deficiency in the credit card service shall be the responsibility of the bank.
(g) Legal risk, if any, arising out of court cases, damages, etc shall be borne
by the issuing bank.
(ii) Other Aspects
(a) The NBFC shall have put in place guidelines on fair practices code as
required in terms of these Directions;
(b) The NBFC shall be adhering to Know Your Customer Guidelines and
provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act;
(c) The NBFC shall be complying with other instructions and provisions of
RBI Act, 1934 to the extent applicable to the NBFC concerned;
(d) The NBFC shall comply with other terms and conditions as the Bank may
specify in this behalf from time to time.
Annex XIV
(b) the NBFC shall be adhering to Know Your Customer (KYC) Guidelines and
provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act.
2. NBFCs shall comply with other terms and conditions as the Bank may specify in
this regard from time to time.
Annex XV
Guidelines for Credit Default Swaps - NBFCs as users
Definitions The following definitions are used in these guidelines:
(i) Credit event payment – the amount which is payable by the credit protection seller
to the credit protection buyer under the terms of the credit derivative contract
following the occurrence of a credit event. The payment shall be only in the form of
physical settlement (payment of par in exchange for physical delivery of a deliverable
(ii) Underlying asset / obligation – The asset30 which a protection buyer is seeking to
hedge. (iii) Deliverable asset/ obligation – any obligation31 of the reference entity
which shall be delivered, under the terms of the contract, if a credit event occurs.
(Assets under (iii) above, will rank at least pari-passu or junior to the underlying
(iv) Reference obligation - the obligation32 used to calculate the amount payable
when a credit event occurs under the terms of a credit derivative contract. [A
reference obligation is relevant for obligations that are to be cash settled (on a par-
less-recovery basis).]
Please refer to paragraph 2.4 of the circular IDMD.PCD.No. 5053 /14.03.04/2010-11 dated May 23, 2011.
For the present, only deliverable obligation permitted in terms of guidelines on CDS vide circular IDMD.PCD.No. 5053
/14.03.04/2010-11 dated May 23, 2011.
Please refer to paragraph 2.4 of the circular IDMD.PCD.No. 5053 /14.03.04/2010-11 dated May 23, 2011.
e) The credit events specified by the contracting parties shall at a minimum cover:
(i) failure to pay the amounts due under terms of the underlying obligation that
are in effect at the time of such failure (with a grace period that is closely in
line with the grace period in the underlying obligation);
(ii) bankruptcy, insolvency or inability of the obligor to pay its debts, or its
failure or admission in writing of its inability generally to pay its debts as they
become due, and analogous events; and
(iii) restructuring of the underlying obligation (as contemplated in the
guidelines on CDS issued vide Circular No.
IDMD.PCD.No.5053/14.03.04/2010-11 dated May 23, 2011) involving
forgiveness or postponement of principal, interest or fees that results in a
credit loss event;
(iv) when the restructuring of the underlying obligation is not covered by the
CDS, but the other requirements in paragraph 2 are met, partial recognition of
the CDS shall be allowed. If the amount of the CDS is less than or equal to
the amount of the underlying obligation, 60% of the amount of the hedge can
be recognised as covered. If the amount of the CDS is larger than that of the
underlying obligation, then the amount of eligible hedge is capped at 60% of
the amount of the underlying obligation.
f) If the CDS specifies deliverable obligations that are different from the underlying
obligation, the resultant asset mismatch shall be governed under paragraph (j).
g) The CDS shall not terminate prior to expiration of any grace period required for a
default on the underlying obligation to occur as a result of a failure to pay33 .
i) The identity of the parties responsible for determining whether a credit event has
occurred shall be clearly defined. This determination shall not be the sole
Definition of maturity – the maturity of the underlying exposure and the maturity of the hedge shall both be defined
conservatively. The effective maturity of the underlying shall be gauged as the longest possible remaining time before the
counterparty is scheduled to fulfill its obligation, taking into account any applicable grace period.
responsibility of the protection seller. The protection buyer shall have the right/ability
to inform the protection seller of the occurrence of a credit event.
(k) A mismatch between the underlying obligation and the obligation used for
purposes of determining whether a credit event has occurred is permissible if (1) the
latter obligation ranks paripassu with or is junior to the underlying obligation, and (2)
the underlying obligation and reference obligation share the same obligor (i.e. the
same legal entity) and legally enforceable cross-default or cross acceleration clauses
are in place.
4. Prudential treatment post-credit event In case the credit event payment is not
received within the period as stipulated in the CDS contract, the NBFC shall ignore
the credit protection of the CDS and reckon the credit exposure on the underlying
asset and maintain appropriate level of capital and provisions as warranted for the
exposure. On receipt of the credit event payment, (a) the underlying asset shall be
removed from the books if it has been delivered to the protection seller; or (b) the
book value of the underlying asset shall be reduced to the extent of credit event
payment received if the credit event payment does not fully cover the book value of
the underlying asset and appropriate provisions shall be maintained for the reduced
5. Capital Adequacy In terms of Non-Banking Financial Company –Non-Systemically
Important Non-Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2016 risk
weights for credit risk for corporate bonds held by NBFCs is 100 per cent. A CDS
contract creates a counterparty exposure on the protection seller on account of the
credit event payment. In case of hedging of the cash position by CDS, the exposure
shall be reckoned on the protection seller subject to the conditions mentioned in para
6 below. NBFCs shall calculate the counterparty credit risk charge for all bought
CDS positions as the sum of the current mark-to-market value, (if positive and zero,
if MTM is negative) and the potential future exposure.
6.2 Risk weights as applicable to the underlying assets shall be applied for the
unprotected portion of the exposure. The amount of credit protection shall be
adjusted if there are any mismatches between the underlying asset/ obligation and
the deliverable asset / obligation with regard to asset or maturity. These are dealt
with in detail in the following paragraphs.
6.3 Mismatches The amount of credit protection shall be adjusted if there are any
mismatches between the underlying asset/ obligation and the deliverable asset /
obligation with regard to asset or maturity.
(i) Asset mismatches: Asset mismatch will arise if the underlying asset is
different from the deliverable obligation. Protection shall be reckoned as
available to the NBFC only if the mismatched assets meet the requirements
specified in paragraph 2 (j) above.
(ii) Maturity mismatches: The NBFC shall be eligible to reckon the amount of
protection if the maturity of the credit derivative contract were to be equal to
the maturity of the underlying asset. If, however, the maturity of the CDS
contract is less than the maturity of the underlying asset, then it shall be
construed as a maturity mismatch. In case of maturity mismatch the amount
of protection shall be determined in the following manner:
a. If the residual maturity of the credit derivative product is less than three
months no protection shall be recognized.
b. If the residual maturity of the credit derivative contract is three months or
more protection proportional to the period for which it is available shall be
When there is a maturity mismatch the following adjustment shall be applied.
Pa = P x (t- .25) ÷ (T- .25) Where: Pa = value of the credit protection adjusted
for maturity mismatch P = credit protection t = min (T, residual maturity of the
credit protection arrangement) expressed in years T = min (5, residual
maturity of the underlying exposure) expressed in years Example: Suppose
the underlying asset is a corporate bond of Face Value of ₹ 100 where the
residual maturity is of 5 years and the residual maturity of the CDS is 4 years.
The amount of credit protection is computed as under: 100 * {(4-.25) ÷ (5-.25)}
= 100*(3.75÷ 4.75) = 78.95 c. Once the residual maturity of the CDS contract
reaches three months, protection ceases to be recognised.
6.4 NBFCs as users shall adhere to all the criteria required for transferring the
exposures fully to the protection seller in terms of paragraph 6.1 above on an on-
going basis so as to qualify for exposure relief on the underlying asset. In case any
of these criteria are not met subsequently, the NBFC shall have to reckon the
exposure on the underlying asset. Therefore, NBFCs shall restrict the total exposure
to an obligor including that covered by way of CDS within an internal exposure
ceiling considered appropriate by the Board of the NBFC in such a way that it shall
not breach the single / group borrower exposure limit prescribed by RBI. In case of
the event of any breach in the single / group borrower exposure limit, the entire
exposure in excess of the limit will be risk weighted at 667 per cent. In order to
ensure that consequent upon such a treatment, the NBFC shall not breach the
minimum capital requirement prescribed by RBI, it shall keep sufficient cushion in
capital in case it assumes exposures in excess of normal exposure limit.
6.5 No netting of positive and negative marked-to-market values of the contracts with
the same counterparty shall be allowed for the purpose of complying with the
exposure norms.
8. Reporting Requirement:
On a quarterly basis, NBFCs shall report “total exposure” in all cases where they
have assumed exposures against borrowers in excess of the normal single / group
exposure limits due to the credit protections obtained by them through CDS,
guarantees or any other permitted instruments of credit risk transfer, to the Regional
Office of Department of Supervision where they are registered.
9. NBFCs shall also disclose in their notes to accounts of balance sheet the details
given in annex below:
Format of Disclosure to be made in the Annual Financial Statements
(₹ crore)
1. No. of transactions during the year
2. Amount of protection bought during the year
3. No. of transactions where credit event payment
was received during the year
a) pertaining to current year's transactions
b) pertaining to previous year(s)' transactions
4. Outstanding transactions as on March 31
a) No. of Transactions
b) Amount of protection
5. Net income / profit (expenditure / loss) in respect
of CDS transactions during year-to-date
a) premium paid
b) Credit event payments received (net of value
of deliverable obligation).
Annex XVII
3. Tax exempt bonds offered by NBFCs are exempted from the applicability of the
4. For NCDs of maturity upto one year, guidelines on Issuance of Non-Convertible
Debentures (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2010, dated June 23, 2010, by Internal Debt
Management Department, RBI shall be applicable.
Early Recognition of Financial Distress, Prompt Steps for Resolution and
Fair Recovery for Lenders: Framework for Revitalising Distressed Assets in
the Economy
1. Corrective Action Plan to arrest increasing NPAs
1.1 Early Recognition of Stress and Reporting to Central Repository of
Information on Large Credits (CRILC)
1.1.1 Every NBFC shall recognise incipient stress in loan accounts, immediately on
default34, by classifying such assets as special mention accounts (SMA) as per the
following categories:
Basis for classification - Principal or interest
SMA Sub-
payment or any other amount wholly or partly
SMA-0 Upto 30 days
SMA-1 More than 30 days and upto 60 days
SMA-2 More than 60 days and upto 180 days
1.1.2 The Reserve Bank of India has set up a Central Repository of Information on
Large Credits (CRILC) to collect, store, and disseminate credit data to lenders as
advised by the Bank in its Circular No. DBS.No.OSMOS. 9862/33.01.018/2013-14
dated February 13, 2014 issued by the Department of Banking Supervision. All
NBFCs, (Notified NBFCs, for short) shall be required to report the relevant credit
information on a quarterly basis in the enclosed formats given in Annex I to CRILC
once the XBRL reporting mechanism is established. Till then they shall forward the
information to PCGM, Department of Banking Supervision, Reserve Bank of India,
World Trade Centre, Mumbai - 400 005 in hard copy. The data includes credit
information on all the borrowers having aggregate fund-based and non-fund based
exposure of ₹ 5 crore and above with them and the SMA status of the borrower. The
Notified NBFCs shall be ready with the correct PAN details of their borrowers having
‘Default’ means non-payment of debt (as defined under the IBC) when whole or any part or instalment of the
debt has become due and payable and is not paid by the debtor or the corporate debtor, as the case may be.
fund based and/ or non-fund based exposure of ₹5 crore and above duly
authenticated from Income Tax records.
1.1.3 Individual notified NBFCs shall closely monitor the accounts reported as SMA-
1 or SMA-0 as these are the early warning signs of weaknesses in the account. They
shall take up the issue with the borrower with a view to rectifying the deficiencies at
the earliest. However, as soon as an account is reported as SMA-2 by one or more
lending banks/ notified NBFCs, this will trigger the mandatory formation of a Joint
Lenders' Forum (JLF) and formulation of Corrective Action Plan (CAP) (Annex-B) as
envisioned in Para 2.3 of the Framework. Notified NBFCs must put in place a proper
Management Information and Reporting System so that any account having principal
or interest overdue for more than 60 days gets reported as SMA-2 on the 61st day
itself in the format given in Annex II in hard copy to PCGM, Department of Banking
Supervision, Reserve Bank of India, World Trade Centre, Mumbai - 400 005. NBFCs
shall endeavour to put in place an XBRL reporting framework at the earliest.
(unsecured months --
ab-initio) 6 6 months 10 40
months to 1 and
to 1 half year
year 6 months 10
to 1 and
half year
Doubtful I 2nd Upto One 20 40 (secured
year year portion)
Up to one 100 100 (unsecured
year portion)
1-3 years 30 for secured For NBFCs the
portion and 100 above may be
for unsecured adopted i.e. 40 and
portion 100
Doubtful II 3rd & More than 100 for 100 for both
4th year Three unsecured secured and
Years portion and 50 unsecured portions
for secured
Doubtful III 5th year 100
1.2.2 Further, any of the lenders who have agreed to the restructuring decision under
the CAP by JLF and is a signatory to the Inter Creditor Agreement (ICA) and Debtor
Creditor Agreement (DCA), but changes their stance later on, or delays / refuses to
implement the package, shall also be subjected to accelerated provisioning
requirement as indicated above, on their exposure to this borrower i.e., if it is
classified as an NPA. If the account is standard in those lenders' books, the
provisioning requirement would be 5 per cent. Further, any such backtracking by a
lender might attract negative supervisory view during Supervisory Review and
Evaluation Process.
1.2.3 Presently, asset classification is based on record of recovery at individual
NBFCs and provisioning is based on asset classification status at the level of each
NBFCs. However, if lenders fail to convene the JLF or fail to agree upon a common
CAP within the stipulated time frame, the account shall be subjected to accelerated
provisioning as indicated above, if it is classified as an NPA. If the account is
standard in those lenders' books, the provisioning requirement would be 5 per cent.
2. Board Oversight
2.1 The Board of Directors of NBFCs shall take all necessary steps to arrest the
deteriorating asset quality in their books and shall focus on improving the credit risk
management system. Early recognition of problems in asset quality and resolution
envisaged in the Framework requires the lenders to be proactive and make use of
CRILC as soon as it becomes functional.
2.2 Boards shall ensure that a policy is put in place for timely provision of credit
information to and access to credit information from CRILC, prompt formation of
JLFs, monitoring the progress of JLFs and periodical review of the above policy.
Annex A
SMA-0 Signs of Stress
Illustrative list of signs of stress for categorising an account as SMA-0:
1. Delay of 90 days or more in (a) submission of stock statement/ other stipulated
operating control statements or (b) credit monitoring or financial statements or (c)
non-renewal of facilities based on audited financials.
2. Actual sales / operating profits falling short of projections accepted for loan
sanction by 40% or more; or a single event of non-cooperation/ prevention from
conduct of stock audits by NBFCs or evidence of diversion of funds for unapproved
3. Return of 3 or more cheques (or electronic debit instructions) issued by borrowers
in 30 days on grounds of non-availability of balance/DP in the account or return of 3
or more bills/ cheques discounted or sent under collection by the borrower.
4. Devolvement of Deferred Payment Guarantee (DPG) instalments or invocation of
Bank Guarantees (BGs) and its non-payment within 30 days.
5. Third request for extension of time either for creation or perfection of securities as
against time specified in original sanction terms or for compliance with any other
terms and conditions of sanction.
6. The borrower reporting stress in the business and financials.
7. Promoter(s) pledging/ selling their shares in the borrower company due to
financial stress.
Annex B
Formation of Joint Lenders Forum (JLF)
Notified NBFCs are advised that as soon as an account is reported by any of the
lenders to CRILC as SMA-2, they shall mandatorily form a committee to be called
Joint Lenders’ Forum (JLF) if the aggregate exposure (AE) [fund based and non-fund
based taken together] of lenders in that account is ₹ 100 crore and above. Lenders
also have the option of forming a JLF even when the AE in an account is less than
₹100 crore and/or when the account is reported as SMA-0 or SMA-1.
1.2 While the existing Consortium Arrangement for consortium accounts shall serve
as JLF with the Consortium Leader as convener, for accounts under Multiple
Banking Arrangements (MBA), the lender with the highest AE shall convene JLF at
the earliest and facilitate exchange of credit information on the account. In case
there are multiple consortium of lenders for a borrower (e.g. separate consortium for
working capital and term loans), the lender with the highest AE will convene the JLF.
1.3 It is possible that a borrower may request the lender/s, with substantiated
grounds, for formation of a JLF on account of imminent stress. When such a request
is received by a lender, the account shall be reported to CRILC as SMA-0, and the
lenders shall also form the JLF immediately if the AE is ₹100 crore and above. It is,
however, clarified that for the present, JLF formation is optional in other cases of
SMA-0 reporting.
1.4 All the lenders shall formulate and sign an Agreement (which may be called JLF
agreement) incorporating the broad rules for the functioning of the JLF. The Indian
Banks’ Association (IBA) would prepare a Master JLF agreement and operational
guidelines for JLF which could be adopted by all lenders. The JLF shall explore the
possibility of the borrower setting right the irregularities/weaknesses in the account.
The JLF may invite representatives of the Central/State Government/Project
authorities/Local authorities, if they have a role in the implementation of the project
1.5 While JLF formation and subsequent corrective actions shall be mandatory in
accounts having AE of ₹ 100 crore and above, in other cases also the lenders shall
have to monitor the asset quality closely and take corrective action for effective
resolution as deemed appropriate.
consultation with the borrower. These measures are intended to turn-around the
entity/company without any change in terms and conditions of the loan. The JLF may
also consider providing need based additional finance to the borrower, if considered
necessary, as part of the rectification process. However, it shall be strictly ensured
that additional financing is not provided with a view to ever-greening the account.
(b) Restructuring - Consider the possibility of restructuring the account if it is prima
facie viable and there is no diversion of funds, fraud or malfeasance, etc. At this
stage, commitment from promoters for extending their personal guarantees along
with their net worth statement supported by copies of legal titles to assets may be
obtained along with a declaration that they shall not undertake any transaction that
shall alienate assets without the permission of the JLF. Any deviation from the
commitment by the borrowers affecting the security/recoverability of the loans may
be treated as a valid factor for initiating recovery process. For this action to be
sustainable, the lenders in the JLF may sign an Inter Creditor Agreement (ICA) and
also require the borrower to sign the Debtor Creditor Agreement (DCA) which shall
provide the legal basis for any restructuring process. The formats used by the
Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) mechanism for ICA and DCA could be
considered, if necessary with appropriate changes. Further, a ‘stand still’ clause
could be stipulated in the DCA to enable a smooth process of restructuring. The
‘stand-still’ clause does not mean that the borrower is precluded from making
payments to the lenders. The ICA may also stipulate that both secured and
unsecured creditors need to agree to the final resolution.
(c) Recovery - Once the first two options at (a) and (b) above are seen as not
feasible, due recovery process may be resorted to. The JLF may decide the best
recovery process to be followed, among the various legal and other recovery options
available, with a view to optimising the efforts and results.
2.2 The decisions agreed upon by a minimum of 75 per cent of creditors by value
and 60 per cent of creditors by number in the JLF shall be considered as the basis
for proceeding with the restructuring of the account, and shall be binding on all
lenders under the terms of the ICA. However, if the JLF decides to proceed with
recovery, the minimum criteria for binding decision, if any, under any relevant
laws/Acts would be applicable.
2.3 The JLF is required to arrive at an agreement on the option to be adopted for
CAP within 30 days from (i) the date of an account being reported as SMA-2 by one
or more lender, or (ii) receipt of request from the borrower to form a JLF, with
substantiated grounds, if it senses imminent stress. The JLF shall sign off the
detailed final CAP within the next 30 days from the date of arriving at such an
2.4 If the JLF decides on options 2.1 (a) or (b), but the account fails to perform as
per the agreed terms under option (a) or (b), the JLF shall initiate recovery under
option 2.1 (c).
3. Restructuring Process
3.1 RBI’s extant prudential guidelines on restructuring of advances lay down detailed
methodology and norms for restructuring of advances under individual as well as
multiple/ consortium arrangements. Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) mechanism
is an institutional framework for restructuring of multiple/ consortium advances of
banks and NBFCs where even creditors who are not part of CDR system can join by
signing transaction to transaction based agreements.
3.2 If the JLF decides restructuring of the account as CAP, it shall have the option of
either referring the account to CDR Cell after a decision to restructure is taken under
para 2.1 as indicated above or restructure the same independent of the CDR
3.3 Restructuring by JLF
3.3.1 If the JLF decides to restructure an account independent of the CDR
mechanism, the JLF shall carry out the detailed Techno-Economic Viability (TEV)
study, and if found viable, finalise the restructuring package within 30 days from the
date of signing off the final CAP as mentioned in paragraph 2.3 above.
3.3.2 For accounts with AE of less than ₹500 crore, the above-mentioned
restructuring package shall be approved by the JLF and conveyed by the lenders to
the borrower within the next 15 days for implementation.
3.3.3 For accounts with AE of ₹500 crore and above, the above-mentioned TEV
study and restructuring package shall have to be subjected to an evaluation by an
Independent Evaluation Committee (IEC) of experts fulfilling certain eligibility
conditions. The IEC will look into the viability aspects after ensuring that the terms of
restructuring are fair to the lenders. The IEC shall be required to give their
recommendation in these cases to the JLF within a period of 30 days. Thereafter,
considering the views of IEC if the JLF decides to go ahead with the restructuring,
the restructuring package including all terms and conditions as mutually agreed upon
between the lenders and borrower, shall have to be approved by all the lenders and
communicated to the borrower within next 15 days for implementation.
3.3.4 Asset Classification benefit as applicable under the extant guidelines shall
accrue to such restructured accounts as if they were restructured under CDR
mechanism. For this purpose, the asset classification of the account as on the date
of formation of JLF shall be taken into account.
3.3.5 The above-mentioned time limits are maximum permitted time periods and the
JLF shall try to arrive at a restructuring package as soon as possible in cases of
simple restructuring.
3.3.6 Restructuring cases shall be taken up by the JLF only in respect of assets
reported as Standard, SMA or Sub-Standard by one or more lenders of the JLF.
While generally no account classified as doubtful shall be considered by the JLF for
restructuring, in cases where a small portion of debt is doubtful i.e. the account is
standard/sub-standard in the books of at least 90% of creditors (by value), the
account shall then be considered under JLF for restructuring.
3.3.7 The viability of the account shall be determined by the JLF based on
acceptable viability benchmarks determined by them. Illustratively, the parameters
may include the Debt Equity Ratio, Debt Service Coverage Ratio, Liquidity/Current
Ratio and the amount of provision required in lieu of the diminution in the fair value of
the restructured advance, etc. Further, the JLF may consider the benchmarks for the
viability parameters adopted by the CDR mechanism as mentioned in these
Directions and adopt the same with suitable adjustments taking into account the fact
that different sectors of the economy have different performance indicators.
extended up to a maximum of 180 days from the date of reference to CDR Cell.
However, the cases referred to CDR Cell by JLF shall have to be finally decided by
the CDR EG within the next 30 days. If approved by CDR EG, the restructuring
package shall be approved by all lenders and conveyed to the borrower within the
next 30 days for implementation.
3.4.4 For accounts with AE of ₹500 crore and above, the TEV study and
restructuring package prepared by CDR Cell shall have to be subjected to an
evaluation by an Independent Evaluation Committee (IEC) of experts. As stated in
paragraph 3.3.3, composition and other details of the IEC would be communicated
separately by IBA to banks. The IEC shall look into the viability aspects after
ensuring that the terms of restructuring are fair to the lenders. The IEC shall be
required to give their recommendation in these aspects to the CDR Cell under advice
to JLF within a period of 30 days. Thereafter, considering the views of IEC if the JLF
decides to go ahead with the restructuring, the same shall be communicated to CDR
Cell and CDR Cell shall submit the restructuring package to CDR EG within a total
period of 7 days from receiving the views of IEC. Thereafter, CDR EG shall decide
on the approval/modification/rejection within the next 30 days. If approved by CDR
EG, the restructuring package shall be approved by all lenders and conveyed to the
borrower within the next 30 days for implementation.
‘skin in the game’ of promoters, JLF/CDR may consider the following options when a
loan is restructured:
• Possibility of transferring equity of the company by promoters to the lenders to
compensate for their sacrifices;
• Promoters infusing more equity into their companies;
• Transfer of the promoters’ holdings to a security trustee or an escrow arrangement
till turnaround of company. This shall enable a change in management control,
should lenders favour it.
4.4 In case a borrower has undertaken diversification or expansion of the activities
which has resulted in the stress on the core-business of the group, a clause for sale
of non-core assets or other assets shall be stipulated as a condition for restructuring
the account, if under the TEV study the account is likely to become viable on hiving
off of non-core activities and other assets.
4.5 For restructuring of dues in respect of listed companies, lenders shall be ab-initio
compensated for their loss/sacrifice (diminution in fair value of account in net present
value terms) by way of issuance of equities of the company upfront, subject to the
extant regulations and statutory requirements. In such cases, the restructuring
agreement shall not incorporate any right of recompense clause. However, if the
lenders’ sacrifice is not fully compensated by way of issuance of equities, the right of
recompense clause may be incorporated to the extent of shortfall. For unlisted
companies, the JLF shall have option of either getting equities issued or incorporate
suitable ‘right to recompense’ clause.
4.6 In order to distinguish the differential security interest available to secured
lenders, partially secured lenders and unsecured lenders, the JLF/CDR could
consider various options like:
• Prior agreement in the ICA among the above classes of lenders regarding
repayments, say, as per an agreed waterfall mechanism;
• A structured agreement stipulating priority of secured creditors;
• Appropriation of repayment proceeds among secured, partially secured and
unsecured lenders in certain pre-agreed proportion.
The above is only an illustrative list and the JLF may decide on a mutually agreed
option. It also needs to be emphasised that while one lender may have a better
security interest when it comes to one borrower, the case may be vice versa in the
case of another borrower. So, it shall be beneficial if lenders appreciate the concerns
of fellow lenders and arrive at a mutually agreed option with a view to preserving the
economic value of assets. Once an option is agreed upon, the lender having the
largest exposure may take the lead in ensuring distribution according to agreed
terms once the restructuring package is implemented.
4.7 As regards prudential norms and operational details, RBI’s guidelines on CDR
Mechanism, shall be applicable to the extent that they are not inconsistent with these
Annex XIX
1. Introduction
1.1 'Outsourcing' is defined as the NBFC’s use of a third party (either an affiliated
entity within a corporate group or an entity that is external to the corporate group) to
perform activities on a continuing basis that would normally be undertaken by the
NBFC itself, now or in the future.
‘Continuing basis' includes agreements for a limited period.
1.2 NBFCs have been outsourcing various activities and are hence exposed to
various risks as detailed in para 5.3. Further, the outsourced activities are to be
brought within regulatory purview to a) protect the interest of the customers of
NBFCs and b) to ensure that the NBFC concerned and the Reserve Bank of India
have access to all relevant books, records and information available with service
provider. Typically outsourced financial services include applications processing
(loan origination, credit card), document processing, marketing and research,
supervision of loans, data processing and back office related activities, besides
1.3 Some key risks in outsourcing are Strategic Risk, Reputation Risk,
Compliance Risk, Operational Risk, Legal Risk, Exit Strategy Risk, Counterparty
Risk, Country Risk, Contractual Risk, Access Risk, Concentration and Systemic
Risk. The failure of a service provider in providing a specified service, a breach in
security/ confidentiality, or non-compliance with legal and regulatory requirements by
the service provider can lead to financial losses or loss of reputation for the NBFC
and could also lead to systemic risks.
1.4 It is therefore imperative for the NBFC outsourcing its activities to ensure
sound and responsive risk management practices for effective oversight, due
diligence and management of risks arising from such outsourced activities. The
directions are applicable to material outsourcing arrangements as explained in para
3 which may be entered into by an NBFC with a service provider located in India or
elsewhere. The service provider may either be a member of the group/ conglomerate
to which the NBFC belongs, or an unrelated party.
1.5 The underlying principles behind these directions are that the regulated entity
shall ensure that outsourcing arrangements neither diminish its ability to fulfil its
obligations to customers and RBI nor impede effective supervision by RBI. NBFCs,
therefore, have to take steps to ensure that the service provider employs the same
high standard of care in performing the services as is expected to be employed by
the NBFCs, if the activities were conducted within the NBFCs and not outsourced.
Accordingly, NBFCs shall not engage in outsourcing that would result in their internal
control, business conduct or reputation being compromised or weakened.
1.6 (i) These directions are concerned with managing risks in outsourcing of
financial services and are not applicable to technology-related issues and activities
not related to financial services, such as usage of courier, catering of staff,
housekeeping and janitorial services, security of the premises, movement and
archiving of records, etc. NBFCs which desire to outsource financial services would
not require prior approval from RBI. However, such arrangements would be subject
to on-site/ off- site monitoring and inspection/ scrutiny by RBI.
(ii) In regard to outsourced services relating to credit cards, RBI's detailed
instructions contained in its circular on credit card activities vide
DBOD.FSD.BC.49/24.01.011/2005-06 dated November 21, 2005 would be
3. Material Outsourcing
For the purpose of these directions, material outsourcing arrangements are those
which, if disrupted, have the potential to significantly impact the business operations,
reputation, profitability or customer service. Materiality of outsourcing would be
based on:
the level of importance to the NBFC of the activity being outsourced as well as
the significance of the risk posed by the same;
the potential impact of the outsourcing on the NBFC on various parameters
such as earnings, solvency, liquidity, funding capital and risk profile;
the likely impact on the NBFC’s reputation and brand value, and ability to
achieve its business objectives, strategy and plans, should the service
provider fail to perform the service;
the cost of the outsourcing as a proportion of total operating costs of the
the aggregate exposure to that particular service provider, in cases where the
NBFC outsources various functions to the same service provider and
the significance of activities outsourced in context of customer service and
4.4 The service provider shall not impede or interfere with the ability of the NBFC
to effectively oversee and manage its activities nor shall it impede the Reserve Bank
of India in carrying out its supervisory functions and objectives.
4.5 NBFCs need to have a robust grievance redress mechanism, which in no way
shall be compromised on account of outsourcing.
4.6 The service provider, if not a group company of the NBFC, shall not be owned
or controlled by any director of the NBFC or their relatives; these terms have the
same meaning as assigned under Companies Act, 2013.
ii. developing and implementing sound and prudent outsourcing policies and
procedures commensurate with the nature, scope and complexity of the
outsourcing activity;
iii. reviewing periodically the effectiveness of policies and procedures;
iv. communicating information pertaining to material outsourcing risks to the Board
in a timely manner;
v. ensuring that contingency plans, based on realistic and probable disruptive
scenarios, are in place and tested;
vi. ensuring that there is independent review and audit for compliance with set
policies and
vii. undertaking periodic review of outsourcing arrangements to identify new
material outsourcing risks as they arise.
ix. Concentration and Systemic Risk– Where the overall industry has
considerable exposure to one service provider and hence the NBFC may
lack control over the service provider.
x. Country Risk– Due to the political, social or legal climate creating added risk.
right to intervene with appropriate measures to meet legal and regulatory obligations.
The agreement shall also bring out the nature of legal relationship between the
parties - i.e. whether agent, principal or otherwise. Some of the key provisions of the
contract shall be the following:
i. the contract shall clearly define what activities are going to be outsourced
including appropriate service and performance standards;
ii. the NBFC must ensure it has the ability to access all books, records and
information relevant to the outsourced activity available with the service provider;
iii. the contract shall provide for continuous monitoring and assessment by the NBFC
of the service provider so that any necessary corrective measure can be taken
iv. a termination clause and minimum period to execute a termination provision, if
deemed necessary, shall be included;
v. controls to ensure customer data confidentiality and service providers' liability in
case of breach of security and leakage of confidential customer related
information shall be incorporated;
vi. there must be contingency plans to ensure business continuity;
vii. the contract shall provide for the prior approval/ consent by the NBFC of the use
of subcontractors by the service provider for all or part of an outsourced activity;
viii. it shall provide the NBFC with the right to conduct audits on the service provider
whether by its internal or external auditors, or by agents appointed to act on its
behalf and to obtain copies of any audit or review reports and findings made on
the service provider in conjunction with the services performed for the NBFC;
ix. outsourcing agreements shall include clauses to allow the Reserve Bank of India
or persons authorised by it to access the NBFC's documents, records of
transactions, and other necessary information given to, stored or processed by the
service provider within a reasonable time;
x. outsourcing agreement shall also include a clause to recognise the right of the
Reserve Bank to cause an inspection to be made of a service provider of an
NBFC and its books and account by one or more of its officers or employees or
other persons;
xi. the outsourcing agreement shall also provide that confidentiality of customer's
information shall be maintained even after the contract expires or gets terminated
xii. the NBFC shall have necessary provisions to ensure that the service provider
preserves documents as required by law and take suitable steps to ensure that its
interests are protected in this regard even post termination of the services.
integrity and reputation of the NBFC and that they observe strict customer
5.7.3 The NBFC and their agents shall not resort to intimidation or harassment of
any kind, either verbal or physical, against any person in their debt collection efforts,
including acts intended to humiliate publicly or intrude upon the privacy of the
debtors' family members, referees and friends, sending inappropriate messages
either on mobile or through social media, making threatening and/or anonymous
calls, persistently35 calling the borrower and/ or calling the borrower before 8:00 a.m.
and after 7:00 p.m. for recovery of overdue loans, making false and misleading
representations, etc. Any violation in this regard will be viewed seriously.
5.7.4 The above paragraph 5.7.3 is not applicable to microfinance loans covered
under Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Regulatory Framework for
Microfinance Loans) Directions, 2022 dated March 14, 2022, (as amended from time
to time)36.
For example- calling repeatedly
Inserted vide circular DOR.ORG.REC.65/21.04.158/2022-23 dated August 12, 2022.
5.8.4 Outsourcing often leads to the sharing of facilities operated by the service
provider. The NBFC shall ensure that service providers are able to isolate the
NBFC's information, documents and records, and other assets. This is to ensure that
in appropriate situations, all documents, records of transactions and information
given to the service provider, and assets of the NBFC, can be removed from the
possession of the service provider in order to continue its business operations, or
deleted, destroyed or rendered unusable.
between the NBFC and the service provider (and/ or its sub-contractor), are carried
out in a timely manner. An ageing analysis of entries pending reconciliation with
outsourced vendors shall be placed before the Audit Committee of the Board (ACB)
and NBFCs shall make efforts to reduce the old outstanding items therein at the
5.9.7 A robust system of internal audit of all outsourced activities shall also be put in
place and monitored by the ACB of the NBFC.
shall also cover demarcation of sharing resources i.e. premises, personnel, etc.
Moreover the customers shall be informed specifically about the company which is
actually offering the product/ service, wherever there are multiple group entities
involved or any cross selling observed.
6.2 While entering into such arrangements, NBFCs shall ensure that these:
a. are appropriately documented in written agreements with details like scope of
services, charges for the services and maintaining confidentiality of the customer's
b. do not lead to any confusion to the customers on whose products/ services they
are availing by clear physical demarcation of the space where the activities of the
NBFC and those of its other group entities are undertaken;
c. do not compromise the ability to identify and manage risk of the NBFC on a
stand-alone basis;
d. do not prevent the RBI from being able to obtain information required for the
supervision of the NBFC or pertaining to the group as a whole; and
e. incorporate a clause under the written agreements that there is a clear obligation
for any service provider to comply with directions given by the RBI in relation to the
activities of the NBFC.
6.3 NBFCs shall ensure that their ability to carry out their operations in a sound
fashion would not be affected if premises or other services (such as IT systems,
support staff) provided by the group entities become unavailable.
6.4 If the premises of the NBFC are shared with the group entities for the purpose
of cross-selling, NBFCs shall take measures to ensure that the entity's identification
is distinctly visible and clear to the customers. The marketing brochure used by the
group entity and verbal communication by its staff/ agent in the NBFCs premises
shall mention nature of arrangement of the entity with the NBFC so that the
customers are clear on the seller of the product.
6.5 NBFCs shall not publish any advertisement or enter into any agreement
stating or suggesting or giving tacit impression that they are in any way responsible
for the obligations of its group entities.
6.6 The risk management practices expected to be adopted by an NBFC while
outsourcing to a related party (i.e. party within the Group/ Conglomerate) would be
identical to those specified in Para 5 of this directions.
7. Off-shore outsourcing of Financial Services
7.1 The engagement of service providers in a foreign country exposes an NBFC
to country risk -economic, social and political conditions and events in a foreign
country that may adversely affect the NBFC. Such conditions and events could
prevent the service provider from carrying out the terms of its agreement with the
NBFC. To manage the country risk involve in such outsourcing activities, the
NBFC shall take into account and closely monitor government policies and
political, social, economic and legal conditions in countries where the service
provider is based, both during the risk assessment process and on a continuous
basis, and establish sound procedures for dealing with country risk problems.
This includes having appropriate contingency and exit strategies. In principle,
arrangements shall only be entered into with parties operating in jurisdictions
generally upholding confidentiality clauses and agreements. The governing law of
the arrangement shall also be clearly specified.
Annex XX
1. Governance Framework
(a) In view of the criticality of the nature of the business model in determining the
classification of financial assets and restrictions on subsequent reclassification,
NBFCs are advised to put in place Board approved policies that clearly
articulate and document their business models and portfolios. NBFCs shall
also articulate the objectives for managing each portfolio.
(b) NBFCs shall frame their policy for sales out of amortised cost business model
portfolios and disclose the same in their notes to financial statements.
(c) The Reserve Bank expects the Board of Directors to approve sound
methodologies38 for computation of Expected Credit Losses(ECL) that address
policies, procedures and controls for assessing and measuring credit risk on all
lending exposures, commensurate with the size, complexity and risk profile
NBFCs that are required to implement Ind AS in terms of Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015 as
amended from time to time
NBFCs may draw reference to Guidance on Credit Risk and Accounting for Expected Credit Losses issued by Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in December 2015, which is structured around 11 principles out of which first eight
principles deal with supervisory guidance and inter-alia cover Board/Senior Management’s responsibilities, adoption of sound
methodologies for credit risk measurement, disclosure requirements etc.
specific to the NBFC. The parameters and assumptions considered as well as
their sensitivity to the ECL output should be documented. NBFCs are advised
to not make changes in the parameters, assumptions and other aspects of their
ECL model for the purposes of profit smoothening. The rationale and
justification for any change in the ECL model should be documented and
approved by the Board. Similarly, any adjustments to the model output (i.e. a
management overlay) should be approved by the Audit Committee of the Board
(ACB) and its rationale and basis should be clearly documented.
(d) Ind AS 109 does not explicitly define default39, but requires entities to define
default in a manner consistent with that used for internal credit risk
management. It is recommended that the definition of default adopted for
accounting purposes is guided by the definition used for regulatory purposes.
The ACB should approve the classification of accounts that are past due
beyond 90 days but not treated as impaired, with the rationale for the same
clearly documented. Further, the number of such accounts and the total
amount outstanding and the overdue amounts should be disclosed in the notes
to the financial statements.
(e) Regardless of the way in which the NBFC assesses significant increase in
credit risk, there is a rebuttable presumption under Ind AS 109 that the credit
risk on a financial asset has increased significantly since initial recognition
when contractual payments are more than 30 days past due. Ind AS 109 also
permits that an NBFC can rebut this presumption if it has reasonable and
supportable information that demonstrates that the credit risk has not increased
significantly since initial recognition even though the contractual payments are
more than 30 days past due. NBFCs should educate their customers on the
need to make payments in a timely manner. However, in limited circumstances,
where NBFCs do rebut the presumption, it should be done only with clear
documentation of the justification for doing so. All such cases shall be placed
before the ACB. NBFCs shall not defer the recognition of significant increase in
credit risk for any exposure that is overdue beyond 60 days.
Para B5.5.37 of Ind AS 109 states that “…an entity shall apply a default definition that is consistent with the definition used
for internal credit risk management purposes for the relevant financial instrument and consider qualitative indicators (for
example, financial covenants) when appropriate. However, there is a rebuttable presumption that default does not occur later
than when a financial asset is 90 days past due unless an entity has reasonable and supportable information to demonstrate
that a more lagging default criterion is more appropriate. The definition of default used for these purposes shall be applied
consistently to all financial instruments unless information becomes available that demonstrates that another default definition
is more appropriate for a particular financial instrument.”
2. Prudential Floor for ECL
(a) NBFCs shall hold impairment allowances as required by Ind AS. In parallel,
NBFCs shall also maintain the asset classification and compute provisions as
per extant prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and
Provisioning (IRACP) including borrower/beneficiary wise classification,
provisioning for standard as well as restructured assets, NPA ageing, etc. A
comparison (as per the template in Appendix) between provisions required
under IRACP and impairment allowances made under Ind AS 109 should be
disclosed by NBFCs in the notes to their financial statements to provide a
benchmark to their Boards, RBI supervisors and other stakeholders, on the
adequacy of provisioning for credit losses.
(b) Where impairment allowance under Ind AS 109 is lower than the provisioning
required under IRACP (including standard asset provisioning), NBFCs shall
appropriate the difference from their net profit or loss after tax to a separate
‘Impairment Reserve’. The balance in the ‘Impairment Reserve’ shall not be
reckoned for regulatory capital. Further, no withdrawals shall be permitted from
this reserve without prior permission from the Department of Supervision, RBI.
(c) The requirement for ‘Impairment Reserve’ shall be reviewed, going forward.
(a) In determining ‘owned funds’ , ‘net owned funds’ and ‘regulatory capital’,
NBFCs shall be guided by the following:
taking Company and Deposit taking Company (Reserve Bank)
Directions, 2016; and
B. Others
While netting may be done within the aforementioned categories, net gains
from one category should not be offset against losses in the other
category. Unrealized gains/losses shall be considered net of the effect of
ii) Any unrealised gains or losses recognised in equity due to (a) own credit risk
and (b) cash flow hedge reserve shall be derecognised while determining
owned funds.
v) Where NBFCs use fair value as deemed cost at the date of transition with
respect to Property, Plant and Equipment (PPE) in terms of Ind AS 101, and
the difference between the deemed cost and the current carrying cost is
adjusted directly in retained earnings, any fair value gains upon such
transition shall be reckoned as Tier II capital for NBFCs at a discount of 55
vi) 12 month expected credit loss (ECL) allowances for financial instruments i.e.
where the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition,
shall be included under general provisions and loss reserves in Tier II capital
within the limits specified by extant regulations. Lifetime ECL shall not be
reckoned for regulatory capital (numerator) while it shall be reduced from the
risk weighted assets.
vii) Securitised assets not qualifying for de-recognition under Ind AS due to
credit enhancement given by the originating NBFC on such assets shall be
risk weighted at zero percent. However, the NBFC shall reduce 50 per cent
of the amount of credit enhancement given from Tier I capital and the
balance from Tier II capital.
(b) Regulatory ratios, limits and disclosures shall be based on Ind AS figures.
Impaired assets and restructured assets shall be considered as non-performing
assets (NPA) for calculation of NPA ratios.
Template for Disclosure in Notes to Financial Statements
Loss Difference
Gross Allowances Provisions between Ind
Asset Classification as per RBI Carrying (Provisions) Net Carrying required as AS 109
tion as
Norms Amount as as required Amount per IRACP provisions
per Ind
per Ind AS under Ind AS norms and IRACP
AS 109
109 norms
Loss Stage 3
Subtotal for NPA
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3