Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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Over the 6-weeks, your program will look like this:

Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Full body Cardio Full body Full body Cardio

1 Rest Rest
Workout A Workout 1 Workout B Workout A Workout 2

Full body Cardio Full body Full body Cardio

2 Rest Rest
Workout B Workout 1 Workout A Workout B Workout 2

Full body Cardio Full body Full body Cardio

3 Rest Rest
Workout A Workout 1 Workout B Workout A Workout 2

Full body Cardio Full body Full body Cardio

4 Rest Rest
Workout B Workout 1 Workout A Workout B Workout 2

Full body Cardio Full body Full body Cardio

5 Rest Rest
Workout A Workout 1 Workout B Workout A Workout 2

Full body Cardio Full body Full body Cardio

6 Rest Rest
Workout B Workout 1 Workout A Workout B Workout 2
Workout A: Full Body

Exercise Week 1 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Exercise 2 Sets/Re
Number Sets/Reps Sets/Reps Sets/Reps Sets/Reps Sets/Reps

5 reps 5 reps 5 reps 5 reps

Barbell 5 reps 5 reps
(10RM) (10RM) (10RM) (10RM)
A1 Front (10RM) (10RM)
for 10- for 12- for 14- for 15-
Squat for 6-min for 8-min
min min min min

5 reps for 5 reps for 5 reps for 5 reps for 5 reps for 5 reps for
A2 Pull Up
6-min 8-min 10-min 12-min 14-min 15-min

5 reps 5 reps 5 reps 5 reps

5 reps 5 reps
Romanian (10RM) (10RM) (10RM) (10RM)
B1 (10RM) (10RM)
Deadlift for 10- for 12- for 14- for 15-
for 6-min for 8-min
min min min min

Single 5 5 5
5 5 reps/L/R
Arm reps/L/R reps/L/R reps/L/R
reps/L/R reps/L/R
B2 Dumbbell (10RM) (10RM) (10RM)
(10RM) (10RM) (10RM)
Bench for 10- for 12- for 15-
for 6-min for 8-min for 14-
Press min min min

3x6/ 3x8/ 3x6/ 3x8/

3x6/ 3x8/
Complex* exercise* exercise* exercise* exercise*
exercise exercise
* * ** **

100 as 100 as 100 as 100 as 100 as 100 as

D fast as fast as fast as fast as fast as fast as
possible possible possible possible possible possible

*Barbell Complex = Bent Over Row, Hang Power Clean to Push Press, Back Squat
**add 5-10lb to the weight used the week prior
***add 5-10lb to the weight used the week prior
Workout B: Full Body

Exercise Week 1 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Exercise 2 Sets/Re
Number Sets/Reps Sets/Reps Sets/Reps Sets/Reps Sets/Reps

5 reps 5 reps 5 reps 5 reps

Conventio 5 reps 5 reps
(10RM) (10RM) (10RM) (10RM)
A1 nal (10RM) (10RM)
for 10- for 12- for 14- for 15-
Deadlift for 6-min for 8-min
min min min min

Chest 5 reps 5 reps 5 reps 5 reps

5 reps 5 reps
Supported (10RM) (10RM) (10RM) (10RM)
A2 (10RM) (10RM)
Dumbbell for 10- for 12- for 14- for 15-
for 6-min for 8-min
Row min min min min

5 5 5
5 5 reps/L/R
Bulgarian reps/L/Rreps/L/R reps/L/R
reps/L/R reps/L/R
B1 Split (10RM) (10RM) (10RM)
(10RM) (10RM) (10RM)
Squat for 10- for 12- for 15-
for 6-min for 8-min for 14-
min min min
Single 5 5 5
5 5 reps/L/R
Arm reps/L/R reps/L/R reps/L/R
reps/L/R reps/L/R
B2 Dumbbell (10RM) (10RM) (10RM)
(10RM) (10RM) (10RM)
Overhead for 10- for 12- for 15-
for 6-min for 8-min for 14-
Press min min min

3x6/ 3x8/ 3x6/ 3x8/

3x6/ 3x8/
Complex* exercise* exercise* exercise* exercise*
exercise exercise
* * ** **

Inverted 100 as 100 as 100 as 100 as 100 as 100 as

D Suspensio fast as fast as fast as fast as fast as fast as
n Row possible possible possible possible possible possible

*Barbell Complex = Romanian Deadlift, Hang Clean to Thruster (squat to press), Good Morning
**add 5-10lb to the weight used the week prior
***add 5-10lb to the weight used the week prior
Cardio Workout 1

Start with a 5-10 minute general cardiovascular warm up followed by 5-10 minute dynamic drills (stretches
and skipping variations).

Next, set up a treadmill to the maximal incline and at a speed you can sprint for 30-seconds. Set up a mat
beside your treadmill with an exercise ball, a 50lb dumbbell and an ab wheel.

Perform a 30-sec hill sprint and carefully step off the treadmill (keep it running).
Perform 30-sec Elbow Plank on the exercise ball.
Perform another 30-sec hill sprint.
Perform 30 reverse crunches while holding the dumbbell (which is placed on the floor above your
Perform another 30-sec hill sprint.
Perform 30 ab wheel rollouts from your knees.

Repeat this total sequence 8-10 times through.

Finish with a 5-10 minute general cardiovascular cool down.

Cardio Workout 2

Start with a 5-10 minute general cardiovascular warm up followed by 5-10 minute dynamic drills (stretches
and skipping variations).

Next, set up a treadmill to the maximal incline and at a speed you can sprint for 60-seconds.

Perform a 60-sec hill sprint and carefully step off the treadmill (keep it running).
Perform 20 kneeling high cable crunches.
Perform a farmers carry with the heaviest dumbbells you can find. Walk as far as possible before
putting the dumbbells down.
Perform another 60-sec hill sprint.
Perform 20 lateral medicine ball wall tosses per side.
Perform another farmers carry just as written above.

Repeat this total sequence 6-8 times through.

Finish with a 5-10 minute general cardiovascular cool down.

Losing fat and taking your body fat percent down is not as easy task. Youre going to need a great support team to
help you stay on track. Make sure to get enough quality sleep per night to ensure you can recovery well in between
workouts shoot for 7-9 hours per night. Drink plenty of water spaced throughout the day and prepare healthy snacks
just incase youre out and get hungry. Remember, diet plays more of a role in fat loss than high intensity workouts. Ill
end by rephrasing a quote I read from fitness great Adam Bornstein: Eat for the body you want, not for the body you
currently have.

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