Workbook Facilitation Skills
Workbook Facilitation Skills
Workbook Facilitation Skills
Facilitation skills workbook
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Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Training You Have Attended: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Bloom's Taxonomy
Psychologist Benjamin Bloom developed a classification scheme
for Types of learning which includes three overlapping domains:
cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Skills in the cognitive
domain, the one most relevant to faculty and administrator training
(Lee, 1999), include:
Pedagogy and Andragogy are used to describe the art and
science of teaching.
o Teachers who lecture to their students (e.g. child
education in schools) are considered to be pedagogy
(teacher centered).
o Teachers who take on a facilitating role by directing
the students in the leaning process (e.g. adult and
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Children Adults
Rely on others to decide what is Decide for themselves what is
important to be learned important to be learned
Accept the important being Need to validate the information
presented at face value based on their beliefs and
Expect what they are learning Expect what they are learning to
to be useful in their long-term be immediately useful
Have little or no experience Have much experience upon
upon which to draw- are which to draw-may have fixed
relatively Clean slates viewpoints
Little ability to serve as a Significant ability to serve a
knowledgeable resource Pedagogy
to Andragogy
knowledgeable resource to
teacher or fellow classmates trainer and fellow learner
Children are dependent on Adults Expect and enjoy
Self teacher and enjoy independence
Expects to be taught. Takes They like control, I.e like to take
no responsibility of teaching control
Train theto Children need
Trainer Workshop-CSD- to know
Training what TeamAdult
& Development Mahlearners
& Goa need to know why
know the teacher teaches in order to they need to learn something
pass and get promoted. before undertaking to learn it
Material does not need to be
life applicable
Train the Trainer Workshop
Pedagogy Andragogy
Pedagogy Andragogy
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Why train?
To improve the trainee's knowledge and skill
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Good Listener
Honest & Open to feedbacks
Maintain an open environment
Non threatening
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Train the Trainer Workshop
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Train the Trainer Workshop
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Train the Trainer Workshop
When the group is large - say 30 or more
When knowledge or understanding is to be imparted by an
When a body of factual information has to be communicated
in a short time
When information is not readily available to group members
Essentials of good delivery:
Words must all be clear
Words must be spoken at a suitable pace
Pauses should occur at logical places
Variety should be used: emphasizing important points in a
deliberate manner, connecting parts and using illustrations
in a conversational way
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Body of lecture:
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Summary of lecture material
Restatement of the relationship of this lecture to others in
the series
Reference to additional material that should be read or seen
Setting of any assignments
Lecturer bombards students with considerable information
(saturation may occur)
Participants sit passively without interaction
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Train the Trainer Workshop
When the group is small - say 20 or less
When the members know one another well enough to risk
making errors
When the material is of a kind that can be assimilated
readily, at least in part, or when there is some prior
knowledge of it
Refer to preceding section.
The most useful starting point for the discussion is the question.
Some uses of questions:
At beginning of lecture: to find out what trainees already
know and to discover opinions
During lecture: to find out whether the participants
understand and are following the lecture
End of lecture: to recapitulate and test the participants'
knowledge and understanding
Desirable features of questions:
They should be clear
They should be brief
They should lead to some constructive statement rather
than to a nod or a grunt
They should stimulate thinking, rather than suggest the
Lecture/Discussion- Contd
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
To teach correct and safe job methods
To develop confidence in job performance
To achieve accuracy and speed
To encourage conscientious effort
Development (body of skill lesson)
Demonstration by trainer (complete)
Demonstration and trainee practice of each stage, in
Practice of demonstrated job skill Conclusion
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Step 1
Prepare the worker
Put the worker at ease
State the job and find out what the worker already knows
about it
Stimulate the worker's interest in learning the job
Place the worker in the correct position
Step 2
Present the operations
Tell, show and illustrate one important point at a time
Stress each key point
Instruct clearly, completely and patiently, but teach no more
than the worker can master
Step 3
Try out the worker's performance
Have the worker do the job, and correct errors
Have the worker explain each key point to you as he or she
does the job again
Make sure the worker understands, and continue until you
are certain of this
Step 4
Follow up
Put the worker on his or her own
Designate to whom he or she should go for help
Check frequently
Encourage questions
Taper off extra coaching and reduce follow-up
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Presentation Skills
Interacting with Learners
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Presenting Information
Clarity and Simplicity
Using Humor
Dealing with Difficult Learners
Good Training
Good training presentation is mastery of:
Encouraging Independence
Dont just tell themask them
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Adapting to Learners
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Managing Your Fears
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Be prepared!
Know your presentation
Chat with learners before starting
Transmute nervousness into energy
Ask them questions
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Presentation Structure
2. Tell them
Main content, questions
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Move around!
Teaching Visually
Always utilize the whiteboard or flipchart!
Content Structure
The sum is greater than the parts
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
To be effective, trainers must be skilled questioners. Carefully
devised questions, skillfully asked, are the basis of the
lecture/discussion method of training, and questions should also
feature prominently in other methods of training. Few people
question well, and to do so requires careful preparation and
Questioning is one of the essential skills for any good
Unless you question properly you cannot hope to know how
much (if any) of your message is getting across.
A rhetorical question is a question to which no answer is
expected. Examples:
o Now that is simple enough, isn't it?
o What could be clearer?
o Anybody could understand that, don't you agree? Do
not overuse this type of question.
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Train the Trainer Workshop
A direct question to a named person can be a useful management
device in a class situation.
Prakash, what detergent would you use for washing fish
Do not overuse direct questions.
An overhead question is asked to the whole group, and then a
person named to answer.
What detergent is used for washing fish crates? Prakash, do
you know?
A leading question suggests the answer.
If chlorine kills microorganisms in water, what is it likely to
do to them elsewhere?
Leading questions are of limited use.
Questions are used for all sorts of purposes in training. Some of
the more common purposes are:
Getting trainees to participate
Checking on a trainee's understanding
Attracting a trainee's attention
Testing a trainee's knowledge of the subject
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Prepare questions before the lesson, but use them flexibly.
Introduce questions with such words as: what, when,
explain, compare, how, why, outline, contrast, define, trace,
describe, illustrate.
An effective question
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Train the Trainer Workshop
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Answer if you can. Do not bluff. If you cannot answer, say
so, but indicate that you will try to find out the answer.
A trainee may be trying to embarrass the trainer or someone
in the group. The options are:
Ignore the question
Reply negatively: "Let's leave that. I don't think it's entirely
Relay the question: "Would somebody in the group like to
answer that?"
Reverse to questioner: "What do you think the answer might
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Linking Ideas & Using Analogies
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Using Humor
Facilitates learning
Relaxes participants
Builds rapport
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Train the Trainer Workshop
General Guidelines
Actively listen.
Try not to view anyone as a problem.
Understand what their needs are and try to satisfy.
Dont take anything personally.
Never reflect their attitude.
Focus on their behavior, not on their personality.
Be unbelievably patient
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Train the Trainer Workshop
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Train the Trainer Workshop
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Plan carefully the use of instructional aids
Make sure that the aids can be seen clearly from all areas of
the room
If you write, write clearly
Use colour for emphasis
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Handouts are specially prepared sheets and notes. They are
For reference purposes during the session or course
To substitute for note taking
To retain as a permanent record for reference after the
A handout can:
Introduce a topic
Provide revision
Provoke discussion
Handouts should:
Be brief and sharp/containing only essential details
Be accurate and complete
Be designed clearly and attractively, with good use of white
Include diagrams if appropriate
Always have a title
Be planned
Be of a standard size
Be presented in a logical sequence
Be pitched at a level appropriate to the audience
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Train the Trainer Workshop
The overhead projector is one of the most useful training
aids. It can replace the need for chalkboards, whiteboards and
charts. The overhead projector can be used for presentation to a
group of any size.
All material for use on an overhead projector needs to be
reproduced on to transparencies using either special pens or
printers with either non-permanent or permanent ink (the latter if
the trainer wants to keep and reuse the transparencies). It is also
possible to make either black and white or colour transparencies
using a specially designed photocopier. Computer-generated
transparencies can be excellent.
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Train the Trainer Workshop
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Main features
Slides are relatively inexpensive to procure
They are easily used
They facilitate study of a topic one step at a time
All trainees get the same clear view
Each frame can be studied and discussed at leisure during
the screening
They can be used in conjunction with a tape-recorder
(tape/slide sequence)
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Every presentation in a training programme should be
planned. The trainers who do not plan their presentations are not
doing their job properly
Unless the trainer is particularly gifted, it is most unlikely that
the presentation will be successful and effective if it is unplanned.
All effective trainers plan their presentations. They know precisely
how the presentation will flow before they begin. The trainer who
does not plan presentations is attracting trouble. Trainees are
quick to sense a lack of planning, and their response will reflect
their disdain for the trainer.
The most important part of the presentation is preparation
The first step in preparation is to have a plan
Take a sheet of paper and commence planning
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Train the Trainer Workshop
State objective
Select the objective to be reached in satisfying the trainees'
needs. Select it on the basis of what you expect the trainees will
know or be able to do at the end of the training session. Consider:
Time available in which to conduct the session
Facilities available
Prior knowledge and abilities of the trainees
Relationship to the needs of the trainees
Are you concerned with knowledge, skills or attitudes?
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Presentation checks
Check session plan, particularly timing and trainee activities
Check equipment, aids, ventilation, seating and lighting
Obtain feedback on students' learning during the session;
use test questions
Self-evaluation (How can I improve the session?)
Write down on the session plan any comments for future
reference before you forget them
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Remember that the trainer's job is to help the trainee learn
and remember. This is hard work. The trainer must be fully
committed to the job. Trainees quickly sense whether a trainer is
positive about what he or she is doing or is simply going through
the motions. The trainer must motivate the trainees and spark
their desire to learn new ideas and skills.
How is this done through delivery? The personal variations
in manner and style employed by trainers are important in that
they make instruction animated and interesting. Good delivery
requires practice!
Influence attitudes through your manner
Project enthusiasm regarding the training - through use of
voice (modulation), body language (gesticulation) and eye
Be confident and positive (this comes from sound session
planning and preparation and from sound knowledge of
what you are doing)
Be firm
Be energetic and lively - do not stay glued to one spot,
move around the trainees (but don't overdo it)
Introduce humour, if you can do so effectively (forced
humour may be counterproductive, and too much humour
may be damaging)
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Set an example
Convey a sense of the importance of the subject
Take the subject seriously
Distracting mannerisms
Not giving your best at every presentation
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Q1. Tom's mom had three children. The first was named May,
the second was June. What was the third childs name?
Q2. The manufacturer doesn't want to use it, the buyer
doesn't need to use it and the user doesn't know he's using
it. What is it?
Q3. The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters. Can
you figure out how?
Q4. Bill bets Craig $100 that he can predict the score of the
hockey game before it starts. Craig agrees, but loses the
bet. Why did Craig lose the bet?
Q5. What is the next 3 letters in this sequence? o t t f f s s _ _
Q6. FOUR is HALF of FIVE. Is this statement True or False?
Q7. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him
under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But
5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a
wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
Q8. What do these 3 have in common? Superman, Moses,
The Cabbage Patch Kids
Q9. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and
gray when you throw it away?
Q10. Can you name three consecutive days without using the
words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, or Sunday?
Q11. I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg, I have
plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg, I peel layers like
onions, but still remain whole, I can be long, like a flagpole,
yet fit in a hole, What am I?
Q12. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly
you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so
plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact,
nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and
think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if
you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without
any coaching!
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Q13. Hi! Ma and Pa told me I'd better say that all the two-letter
words in this paragraph have something in common ...... or
else! What's the common factor here?
Q14. What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never
Q15. This one's a tuffy! There is a common English word that
is seven letters long. Each time you remove a letter from it,
it still remains a common English word - from seven letters
right on down to a single letter. What is the original word,
and what are the words that it becomes after removing a
letter at a time?
Q16. In olden days you are a clever thief charged with treason
against the king and sentenced to death. But the king
decides to be a little lenient and lets you choose your own
way to die. What way should you choose? Remember,
you're clever!
Q17. What is it that when you take away the whole, you still
have some left over?
Q18. What six-letter word in the English language contains ten
other words without rearranging any of its letters?
Q19. Name an English word of more than 2 letters that both
begins and ends with the letters "he" in that order. There are
two possible answers. "hehe" is not acceptable.
Q20. A man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His wife
immediately called the police. The police questioned the
wife and staff and got these alibis: The Wife said she was
sleeping. The Cook was cooking breakfast. The Gardener
was picking vegetables. The Maid was getting the mail. The
Butler was cleaning the closet. The police instantly arrested
the murdered. Who did it and how did they know?
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Mad Lib - write a sentence leaving out key words that the trainees
will fill in with what theyve learned throughout the training.
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Next Steps have participants write down how they will use what
theyve learned on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and what the
barriers might be to making changes.
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Train the Trainer Workshop
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Train the Trainer Workshop
1. Attendance Sheet
2. Executive participant inventory
3. Feedback form
4. Training Schedule
5. Presentation assessment sheet
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Programme Name : _______________________________
Date : ________________________________
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Train the Trainer Workshop
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Train the Trainer Workshop
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Train the Trainer Workshop
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa
Train the Trainer Workshop
Executive Structure (a) Score Style(b) Score Content(c) Score Use of Score Total Score
Name (a) (b) (c) equipment & (d) (a+b+c+d)
Material (d)
Rating scale
1- Poor 2. Fair 3. Good 4. Very Good 5.Excellent
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