Workbook Facilitation Skills

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Facilitation skills workbook

CSD- Training & Development Team

Maharashtra & Goa

Mobile Services

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Train the Trainer Workshop


Training You Have Attended: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

A. Describe & discuss the best training you have attended.

1. What qualities & skills did the instructor possess?

2. As a trainee, how did you feel?


3. Were you motivated to use what you learned? Why?


B. Tell me about the worst training you have attended.

1. What qualities & skills did the instructor possess?

2. As a trainee, how did you feel?


3. Were you motivated to use what you learned? Why?


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Train the Trainer Workshop


Bloom's Taxonomy
Psychologist Benjamin Bloom developed a classification scheme
for Types of learning which includes three overlapping domains:
cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Skills in the cognitive
domain, the one most relevant to faculty and administrator training
(Lee, 1999), include:

Knowledge (remembering information);

Comprehension (explaining the meaning of information);
Application (using abstractions in concrete situations);
Analysis (breaking down a whole into component parts);
Synthesis (putting parts together to form a new and
integrated whole).

Pedagogy and Andragogy are used to describe the art and
science of teaching.

o Teachers who lecture to their students (e.g. child
education in schools) are considered to be pedagogy
(teacher centered).

o Teachers who take on a facilitating role by directing
the students in the leaning process (e.g. adult and

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Train the Trainer Workshop

further education) are considered to be andragogy

(student centered)

Difference between Children & Adults as learners

Children Adults
Rely on others to decide what is Decide for themselves what is
important to be learned important to be learned
Accept the important being Need to validate the information
presented at face value based on their beliefs and
Expect what they are learning Expect what they are learning to
to be useful in their long-term be immediately useful
Have little or no experience Have much experience upon
upon which to draw- are which to draw-may have fixed
relatively Clean slates viewpoints
Little ability to serve as a Significant ability to serve a
knowledgeable resource Pedagogy
to Andragogy
knowledgeable resource to
teacher or fellow classmates trainer and fellow learner
Children are dependent on Adults Expect and enjoy
Self teacher and enjoy independence
Expects to be taught. Takes They like control, I.e like to take
no responsibility of teaching control

Expects teacher to be Learning is a process of sharing

dominant in determining what with the teacher and one
when, and how something is another
to be learned
Teacher has responsibility to
encourage and nurture the
process of self direction
Comparison of pedagogy & Andragogy

Train theto Children need
Trainer Workshop-CSD- to know
Training what TeamAdult
& Development Mahlearners
& Goa need to know why
know the teacher teaches in order to they need to learn something
pass and get promoted. before undertaking to learn it
Material does not need to be
life applicable
Train the Trainer Workshop

Pedagogy Andragogy

Children have few experiences Have many experiences

Experience relevant to what is being therefore, teacher must draw on
taught, therefore teacher must adult-learner experiences
create pertinent experiences

Teachers or experts are the Trade off. Anyone in class also

transmitter of experience could share

Teacher seldom recognize

experiences that children do In some areas , students may
have have more experience than the
Elicits like discussion in class-
teacher to student, one-way Elicits 2and 3-way
communication communications: instructor to
student and student to student

Readiness Children are not necessary Adult normally comes to class

to learn ready to learn, teacher must motivated and ready to learn
decide when it is time to learn because they haveContd..
chosen the
specific skills or knowledge training
and tries to create motivation
Adults learn in order to cope up
We impose uniform curricula with
Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team real& life
Mah Goatask
on children by classes and age
group Adults do not group by age sex,
but by experience
Train the Trainer Workshop

Pedagogy Andragogy

Children are believed content to Pragmatic- want application today

Time study for the future (Someday
youll need this)
Can barely tolerate studying
e Children are believed content to anything that cant be applied to a
only accept knowledge and task they expect to perform
understanding level, not
application level

Orientation Children and teachers of Adults and teachers need to be

to learning children are subject-centered
and enjoy being so (1:00
problem or task centered

reading, 2:00 math etc)

Learning is a process of
Train the TrainerLearning is a process
Workshop-CSD- Training &of increasing
Development Team competence to achieve
Mah & Goa
acquiring subject matter content full potential in life
to be used at a later time in life
Train the Trainer Workshop

Adult Learning Principles

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Train the Trainer Workshop

1. Focus on Real World problems

2. Emphasize how the learning can be applied
3. Related the learning to the learners goal
4. Relate the material to the learners past experience
5. Allow debate and challenge of ideas
6. Listen to and respect opinion of learners
7. Encourage learners to be resources to you and to each
8. Treat learners like adults
9. ****** Give learners control******

Why Learn This

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Train the Trainer Workshop

You would learn this because

You deal with adults day-to-day
You can Focus on Real World problems
You can Emphasize How the learning
can be applied
You can Relate the learning to the
learners goal
You can Relate the material to the learners past
You can Allow debate and challenge of ideas
You can Listen to and respect opinion of learners
You can Encourage learners to be resources to you and to
each other
You can Treat learners like adults

Why Train? Trainers Role & Responsibility

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Why train?
To improve the trainee's knowledge and skill

What is the responsibility of the trainer?

To get the message across - that is, to ensure that the
trainees have received and understood the message

Training is not easy

Training is hard work
Some trainers merely go through the motions of training
Some trainers are unsuccessful

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Train the Trainer Workshop


Trainers Personal Quality

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Good Listener
Honest & Open to feedbacks
Maintain an open environment
Non threatening


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Train the Trainer Workshop

You have a choice of the following methods to prepare for

effective training:
Skill lesson
On-the-job training (the four-step method)
There are other methods of training, but their effective use is
specific to special training situations and will not be discussed in
this lecture. Some of those methods include:
Structured Role play
Facilitate group Discussion
Case study
Training games


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Train the Trainer Workshop

All the resources at your command must be used to make your

instruction real and vital for your trainees. The number and types
of training methods you use during any presentation depend on
many factors, and you must therefore have answers to the
following questions before you decide how you will present your
What is the ability and level of knowledge of the group?
How many trainees are in the group and why are they
How much time do you have to prepare your material?
Can you cover your topic fully in the time available?
What aids do you require?
Do you have the experience to use these aids with
Are you aware of the limitations of aids?
Your method of presentation will depend on the answers to these


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Train the Trainer Workshop

When the group is large - say 30 or more
When knowledge or understanding is to be imparted by an
When a body of factual information has to be communicated
in a short time
When information is not readily available to group members

Essentials of good delivery:
Words must all be clear
Words must be spoken at a suitable pace
Pauses should occur at logical places
Variety should be used: emphasizing important points in a
deliberate manner, connecting parts and using illustrations
in a conversational way

Preparation and lecture notes

Preparation is important. The lecturer's notes need to be
designed to facilitate efficient delivery. Distinction is needed
between lecture outlines (showing matter only) and lecture notes
(showing method and matter).
Notes may be too brief. The lecturer may then improvise,
and he or she may be vague or may forget important elements.
On the other hand, notes may be too extensive. The lecturer will
then read them, and this is undesirable.


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Given an outline of the material, prepare the notes by asking

these questions:
What is it safe to assume that the listeners know?
What are they likely to find difficult?
Hence, what will require special care or illustration?
What will the illustrations (in detail) be? Can they be
misunderstood or misinterpreted?
What demonstrations will be appropriate? Will everyone see
clearly? (Demonstrations are used to illustrate really
important points. The more important the point, the more
spectacular the demonstration should be.)
What new terms will be introduced? What unusual names?
Mark these in the notes. They will need to be written on a
blackboard, whiteboard, chart or overhead transparency.
What precisely should everyone know at the end of the
lecture? (This is really a re-examination of the outline and a
restatement of the important points.)
Statement of aims
Relation of this lecture to those that came before and are to
Establishment of goal (which gives purpose and direction)
by linking aims with participant needs
Outline of thoughts that are to be developed

Body of lecture:

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Step-by-step building up of subject matter

Logical development
A few well-developed steps, strongly made (more effective
than many steps)
Appropriate use of aids and questions to stimulate student
interest and activity
Appropriately spaced summaries of material covered

Summary of lecture material
Restatement of the relationship of this lecture to others in
the series
Reference to additional material that should be read or seen
Setting of any assignments
Lecturer bombards students with considerable information
(saturation may occur)
Participants sit passively without interaction


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Train the Trainer Workshop

When the group is small - say 20 or less
When the members know one another well enough to risk
making errors
When the material is of a kind that can be assimilated
readily, at least in part, or when there is some prior
knowledge of it
Refer to preceding section.
The most useful starting point for the discussion is the question.
Some uses of questions:
At beginning of lecture: to find out what trainees already
know and to discover opinions
During lecture: to find out whether the participants
understand and are following the lecture
End of lecture: to recapitulate and test the participants'
knowledge and understanding
Desirable features of questions:
They should be clear
They should be brief
They should lead to some constructive statement rather
than to a nod or a grunt
They should stimulate thinking, rather than suggest the

Lecture/Discussion- Contd


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Repeating the answer (Do not repeat. Move on.)

Holding a dialogue with a single answerer (Bring in the
group, e.g. "Would anyone like to add to that?")
Trampling the incorrect answerer
Asking too many questions (Adults do not like to be cross-
Letting the discussion take too long (Guide it carefully.
Remember the objective of your discussion.)
Body of lecture


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Train the Trainer Workshop

To teach correct and safe job methods
To develop confidence in job performance
To achieve accuracy and speed
To encourage conscientious effort

Development (body of skill lesson)
Demonstration by trainer (complete)
Demonstration and trainee practice of each stage, in
Practice of demonstrated job skill Conclusion



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Train the Trainer Workshop

Step 1
Prepare the worker
Put the worker at ease
State the job and find out what the worker already knows
about it
Stimulate the worker's interest in learning the job
Place the worker in the correct position
Step 2
Present the operations
Tell, show and illustrate one important point at a time
Stress each key point
Instruct clearly, completely and patiently, but teach no more
than the worker can master
Step 3
Try out the worker's performance
Have the worker do the job, and correct errors
Have the worker explain each key point to you as he or she
does the job again
Make sure the worker understands, and continue until you
are certain of this
Step 4
Follow up
Put the worker on his or her own
Designate to whom he or she should go for help
Check frequently
Encourage questions
Taper off extra coaching and reduce follow-up


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Method Advantages Drawbacks

Structured Aids Knowledge retention Requires preparation

Exercises/ Allows practice of new skills time
Role plays in a controlled environment Maybe difficult to tailor
Learners are actively involved to all learners situation
Needs sufficient class
time for exercise
completion and
Facilitated Keep learners interested and Learning points can be
Group involved confusing or lost
discussion Learner resources can be A few learners may
discovered and shared dominate the
Learning can be observed discussion
Time control is more

Case Study Requires active learner Information must be

involvement precise and kept up-to-
Can stimulate performance date
required after training Needs sufficient class
Learning can be observed time for completion of
the cases
Learner can become
too interested in the
case content


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Method Advantages Drawbacks

Training Natural way to stimulate Requires preparation

Games learners interest time
Induces energy and Needs sufficient class
enthusiasm time for exercise
The learner is willing to learn completion and
The output is experiential feedback
nature May need open space
Learning outcomes can be (e.g. team work activity)
observed Will not be effective if
Personality traits of trainees not facilitated properly
can be observed (team work,
listener etc)

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Presentation Skills

Interacting with Learners

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Presenting Information
Clarity and Simplicity
Using Humor
Dealing with Difficult Learners

Good Training
Good training presentation is mastery of:

Communicating information clearly

Communicating effectively with learners
Managing the room

Encouraging Independence
Dont just tell themask them

Have them verbalize concepts

Have them do most of the work

Have them evaluate their progress

Teach them to be independent



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Train the Trainer Workshop


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Interacting with learners

Create a non-threatening environment

Train by walking around

Use learners names

Interact with everyone

Encourage learner-learner interactions

Adapting to Learners

Use examples they can relate to

Adapt to their personality styles

Stay flexible, open, and accepting

Adapt to age and ability differences

Address their fears and concerns

Managing Their Fears

Manage prerequisites!
Try to gauge beforehand what their fears may be
Help them relax early on
o Let them know they are not alone
o Share your experiences
o Let them talk and share their concerns


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Managing Your Fears
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Train the Trainer Workshop

Be prepared!
Know your presentation
Chat with learners before starting
Transmute nervousness into energy
Ask them questions



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Train the Trainer Workshop

Presentation Structure

1. Tell them what you are going to tell them

Outline, agenda, questions

2. Tell them
Main content, questions

3. Tell them what you told them

Summary, review, questions

Clarity and Simplicity

Explain ideas or concepts clearly

Study, plan and practice
If you truly understand it - you can explain it simply
Study, plan and practice

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Train the Trainer Workshop



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Train the Trainer Workshop



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Train the Trainer Workshop

Engaging Your Audience

Be energetic!

Move around!

Speak with enthusiasm and passion!

Maintain eye contact

Use vocal variety

Teaching Visually
Always utilize the whiteboard or flipchart!

Draw diagrams whenever possible

Draw pictures in the air

Create pictures in their mind

Content Structure
The sum is greater than the parts

Make sure you show them the big picture

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Train the Trainer Workshop


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Train the Trainer Workshop


Use Open-ended or Reflexive questioning

Try to ask more and tell less
Address thinking rather than memorization
Lead learners to the right answer
Wait for their responses
Dont put anyone on the spot

To be effective, trainers must be skilled questioners. Carefully
devised questions, skillfully asked, are the basis of the
lecture/discussion method of training, and questions should also
feature prominently in other methods of training. Few people
question well, and to do so requires careful preparation and
Questioning is one of the essential skills for any good
Unless you question properly you cannot hope to know how
much (if any) of your message is getting across.

A rhetorical question is a question to which no answer is
expected. Examples:
o Now that is simple enough, isn't it?
o What could be clearer?
o Anybody could understand that, don't you agree? Do
not overuse this type of question.

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Train the Trainer Workshop

A direct question to a named person can be a useful management
device in a class situation.
Prakash, what detergent would you use for washing fish
Do not overuse direct questions.

An overhead question is asked to the whole group, and then a
person named to answer.
What detergent is used for washing fish crates? Prakash, do
you know?

A leading question suggests the answer.
If chlorine kills microorganisms in water, what is it likely to
do to them elsewhere?
Leading questions are of limited use.

Questions are used for all sorts of purposes in training. Some of
the more common purposes are:
Getting trainees to participate
Checking on a trainee's understanding
Attracting a trainee's attention
Testing a trainee's knowledge of the subject

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Breaking the ice and initiating a discussion

Stimulating confidence in shy trainees
Reviewing earlier work
Changing the topic


Ask the question in a friendly and natural way to the group.
Pause, and then name one individual to answer.
Vary tempo with pauses.
Spread questions throughout the group at random.

Prepare questions before the lesson, but use them flexibly.
Introduce questions with such words as: what, when,
explain, compare, how, why, outline, contrast, define, trace,
describe, illustrate.

An effective question

Is simple and direct

Is clear and well expressed in a complete sentence
Contains one main thought
Has only one correct answer;
Requires more than a "yes" or "no" answer

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Train the Trainer Workshop


State questions clearly, concisely and audibly
Ask in a friendly and natural way
Use questions carefully and time them appropriately - to
create interest, lift attention and evaluate
Involve the whole group
Include one main thought in each question
Know the answer
Interrogate people
Embarrass people
Trick people
Get sidetracked by answers
Ask questions with more than one correct answer
Answer your own questions
Ask more than one question at a time
Ask questions with a "yes" or "no" answer


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Answer if you can. Do not bluff. If you cannot answer, say
so, but indicate that you will try to find out the answer.
A trainee may be trying to embarrass the trainer or someone
in the group. The options are:
Ignore the question
Reply negatively: "Let's leave that. I don't think it's entirely
Relay the question: "Would somebody in the group like to
answer that?"
Reverse to questioner: "What do you think the answer might


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Linking Ideas & Using Analogies
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Train the Trainer Workshop

Use every opportunity to relate the content to learners

Use analogies often - particularly with highly conceptual
o Plan them beforehand
o Choose clear and appropriate ones
o Ask learners for analogies


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Train the Trainer Workshop


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Using Humor
Facilitates learning

Relaxes participants

Builds rapport

Defuses tense situations

Improves your evaluations :-)

Dealing with Difficult Learners

We cannot directly change the learners behavior...

We can only change our attitude to it.

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Types of Difficult Learners

Lacking Confidence
Slow Learner
Fast Learner
Wide Range of Abilities
Not Listening
Student Answers all Questions
Angry, Upset, Aggressive
Apathetic, Bored

General Guidelines
Actively listen.
Try not to view anyone as a problem.
Understand what their needs are and try to satisfy.
Dont take anything personally.
Never reflect their attitude.
Focus on their behavior, not on their personality.
Be unbelievably patient

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Train the Trainer Workshop


Motion pictures
Colour slides
Overhead projector transparencies
Computer pallet
Charts and diagrams
Tape recorder
In selecting aids, take into account the following:
Practicability , Attractiveness and interest; vividness
Preparation and presentation
Time factor

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Train the Trainer Workshop


Anything that can be quantified or is factual can be
presented visually
Obtain and select the necessary data; confusing data and
confusing information will result in confusing visuals
Know clearly what you want to say in your visuals; write it
Plan your visuals; know what you want to include (Sketch an
outline of ideas you think will work.)
Try the visuals out on others before you use them
Tips to ensure the trainees do not go to sleep during
presentation of your visuals
Make your visuals visible
Ensure that the trainees can see them
Use colour for headings
Take care with drawings; they can be misinterpreted
Make them simple; eliminate details
Ensure the key feature occupies a prominent part of the
screen or display
Minimize reflection
Show all the key points (oral presentation includes
everything necessary to sell the key points through the ears;
visual presentation includes everything necessary to sell the
key points through the eyes)

Whatever instructional aid(s) you choose to use as a trainer,

it is important to remember practice.... practice.... practice

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Plan carefully the use of instructional aids
Make sure that the aids can be seen clearly from all areas of
the room
If you write, write clearly
Use colour for emphasis


These fall in two main categories:
Bold and simple
These are for use during a training session. They should:
Be large enough to be seen by all
Not necessarily be self-explanatory
Be functionally coloured
Include only the essentials
These are for close study at leisure. They should:
Be more or less self-explanatory
Be of medium or small size
Be suitable for semi-permanent display
Be artistically produced

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Handouts are specially prepared sheets and notes. They are
For reference purposes during the session or course
To substitute for note taking
To retain as a permanent record for reference after the
A handout can:
Introduce a topic
Provide revision
Provoke discussion
Handouts should:
Be brief and sharp/containing only essential details
Be accurate and complete
Be designed clearly and attractively, with good use of white
Include diagrams if appropriate
Always have a title
Be planned
Be of a standard size
Be presented in a logical sequence
Be pitched at a level appropriate to the audience

Why use handouts?

They carry the stamp of authority
They provide a record of important information
They supply data to reflect the presentation

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Train the Trainer Workshop

They can provide background documentation (longer and

more comprehensive)
They can be studied at the reader's own pace
They convey with certainty the same data to a number of
They appeal to the sense of sight

When should handouts be distributed?

Before the presentation
During the presentation
At the end

The overhead projector is one of the most useful training
aids. It can replace the need for chalkboards, whiteboards and
charts. The overhead projector can be used for presentation to a
group of any size.
All material for use on an overhead projector needs to be
reproduced on to transparencies using either special pens or
printers with either non-permanent or permanent ink (the latter if
the trainer wants to keep and reuse the transparencies). It is also
possible to make either black and white or colour transparencies
using a specially designed photocopier. Computer-generated
transparencies can be excellent.

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Design of overhead transparencies

Keep them simple
Include only essentials
Make sure lettering is of sufficient height (>5 mm)
Use colour on colourless film or contrasting colours on
coloured film
Do not clutter (no more than seven principle points to a
Illustrations can be useful

Using the overhead projector

Make sure the projector is placed so that all can see
Focus correctly
Use masking technique: cover part of the transparency so
only the material you are discussing is shown
The overhead projector is probably the most flexible of the aids
available to the trainer. Used correctly, it will enhance trainee
learning by making presentations more interesting and
explanations clearer.

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Train the Trainer Workshop


The computer pallet is a device that replaces the computer
screen. It is placed on top of an overhead projector, allowing the
instructor to project material that has been prepared and stored
on a computer disk.
The same basic principles that apply to the design of
overhead transparencies also apply to the preparation of material
on a computer for use on a computer pallet. The benefits of using
a computer pallet include flexibility and the ability to amend
material easily. Particular computer programs, if available to the
instructor, can provide a large selection of graphic materials and
presentation packages.
At present this technology is not widely available. An
instructor who wishes to utilize a computer pallet should be
trained and familiar with its use.

Main features
Slides are relatively inexpensive to procure
They are easily used
They facilitate study of a topic one step at a time
All trainees get the same clear view
Each frame can be studied and discussed at leisure during
the screening
They can be used in conjunction with a tape-recorder
(tape/slide sequence)

How to use slides effectively

Do not treat as entertainment
Select slides that are relevant
Plan your presentation

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Include an introduction and conclusion

Do not prolong the presentation
Ensure the equipment is sound and well set up before the
Make sure videos are directly related to the subject; do not
use them merely for entertainment or to give yourself a rest
Make sure all trainees can see the monitor
The video should be introduced; trainees should be told
what it is about and what they should look for
Review the video in a discussion after screening

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Train the Trainer Workshop


Allow ample time for preparation: sufficient time to plan and
construct and sufficient time to rehearse
Make a file copy of your visuals
Check on your worst seats, those on the extreme right and
Mount screen high enough for all to see
Remove competing attractions; competition will reduce
impact of your visuals
Check all arrangements before you go on, even if it means
going without your breakfast, lunch or dinner; make sure
you have done everything possible for a smooth
Maintain constant contact with your audience; know your
visuals well enough that you do not have to break your
commentary to check points
Time your visuals to coincide with your comments;
mistiming is distracting
Make your presentation straightforward; be sincere and win
the confidence of your audience
Keep your visuals moving; parallel the flow of your words
with the flow of visuals
Use only the required number of words; avoid excessive
Use only well-trained assistants who know the visuals as
well as you do
Keep your visuals; they may be needed again

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Planning and delivering a presentation

Every presentation in a training programme should be
planned. The trainers who do not plan their presentations are not
doing their job properly
Unless the trainer is particularly gifted, it is most unlikely that
the presentation will be successful and effective if it is unplanned.
All effective trainers plan their presentations. They know precisely
how the presentation will flow before they begin. The trainer who
does not plan presentations is attracting trouble. Trainees are
quick to sense a lack of planning, and their response will reflect
their disdain for the trainer.
The most important part of the presentation is preparation
The first step in preparation is to have a plan
Take a sheet of paper and commence planning


Determine what the trainees need to learn
How to achieve a high level of personnel and plant hygiene
How to peel a prawn correctly
How to use a thermometer
How to disinfest cashews correctly
How to apply HACCP
How to establish export/import food control

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Train the Trainer Workshop

State objective
Select the objective to be reached in satisfying the trainees'
needs. Select it on the basis of what you expect the trainees will
know or be able to do at the end of the training session. Consider:
Time available in which to conduct the session
Facilities available
Prior knowledge and abilities of the trainees
Relationship to the needs of the trainees
Are you concerned with knowledge, skills or attitudes?

Choose an appropriate training method

Appropriate to objective: is the objective to solve problems?
To change attitudes? to teach skills?
Appropriate to the trainee
Appropriate to you, the trainer
Appropriate administratively

Organize your material

Decide on what the trainees must know
Decide on what the trainees should know
Decide on what the trainees could know
Select key ideas
Arrange (sequence) key ideas in logical order, e.g. known to
unknown, simple to complex, concrete to abstract

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Write the session plan

Method of training
Organization of material: introduction, body, conclusion
(keeping in mind time, questions, subheadings, details)
Aids to be used
Questions to be asked

Prepare and check aids

Overhead transparencies, chalkboard plan, prepared charts,
film, slides, tapes
Check readability sequence, volume levels, suitability
Handouts: notes, supplements

Presentation checks
Check session plan, particularly timing and trainee activities
Check equipment, aids, ventilation, seating and lighting

Obtain feedback on students' learning during the session;
use test questions
Self-evaluation (How can I improve the session?)
Write down on the session plan any comments for future
reference before you forget them

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Presentation planning checklist

Use the above outline as a checklist to be sure you follow all
the necessary steps.

Use a plan - you will be more confident and training will

be more effective

Remember that the trainer's job is to help the trainee learn
and remember. This is hard work. The trainer must be fully
committed to the job. Trainees quickly sense whether a trainer is
positive about what he or she is doing or is simply going through
the motions. The trainer must motivate the trainees and spark
their desire to learn new ideas and skills.
How is this done through delivery? The personal variations
in manner and style employed by trainers are important in that
they make instruction animated and interesting. Good delivery
requires practice!
Influence attitudes through your manner
Project enthusiasm regarding the training - through use of
voice (modulation), body language (gesticulation) and eye
Be confident and positive (this comes from sound session
planning and preparation and from sound knowledge of
what you are doing)
Be firm
Be energetic and lively - do not stay glued to one spot,
move around the trainees (but don't overdo it)
Introduce humour, if you can do so effectively (forced
humour may be counterproductive, and too much humour
may be damaging)

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Be pleasant, relaxed, and sympathetic to trainees; do not

talk down to them
Involve trainees in the training process, taking them into
your confidence
Desirable qualities of speech
Coordinated with gesture

Set an example
Convey a sense of the importance of the subject
Take the subject seriously
Distracting mannerisms
Not giving your best at every presentation

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Train the Trainer Workshop


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Q1. Tom's mom had three children. The first was named May,
the second was June. What was the third childs name?
Q2. The manufacturer doesn't want to use it, the buyer
doesn't need to use it and the user doesn't know he's using
it. What is it?
Q3. The word CANDY can be spelled using just 2 letters. Can
you figure out how?
Q4. Bill bets Craig $100 that he can predict the score of the
hockey game before it starts. Craig agrees, but loses the
bet. Why did Craig lose the bet?
Q5. What is the next 3 letters in this sequence? o t t f f s s _ _
Q6. FOUR is HALF of FIVE. Is this statement True or False?
Q7. A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him
under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But
5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a
wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
Q8. What do these 3 have in common? Superman, Moses,
The Cabbage Patch Kids
Q9. What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and
gray when you throw it away?
Q10. Can you name three consecutive days without using the
words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, or Sunday?
Q11. I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg, I have
plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg, I peel layers like
onions, but still remain whole, I can be long, like a flagpole,
yet fit in a hole, What am I?
Q12. This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly
you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so
plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact,
nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and
think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if
you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without
any coaching!

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Q13. Hi! Ma and Pa told me I'd better say that all the two-letter
words in this paragraph have something in common ...... or
else! What's the common factor here?
Q14. What falls but never breaks? What breaks but never
Q15. This one's a tuffy! There is a common English word that
is seven letters long. Each time you remove a letter from it,
it still remains a common English word - from seven letters
right on down to a single letter. What is the original word,
and what are the words that it becomes after removing a
letter at a time?
Q16. In olden days you are a clever thief charged with treason
against the king and sentenced to death. But the king
decides to be a little lenient and lets you choose your own
way to die. What way should you choose? Remember,
you're clever!
Q17. What is it that when you take away the whole, you still
have some left over?
Q18. What six-letter word in the English language contains ten
other words without rearranging any of its letters?
Q19. Name an English word of more than 2 letters that both
begins and ends with the letters "he" in that order. There are
two possible answers. "hehe" is not acceptable.
Q20. A man was found murdered on Sunday morning. His wife
immediately called the police. The police questioned the
wife and staff and got these alibis: The Wife said she was
sleeping. The Cook was cooking breakfast. The Gardener
was picking vegetables. The Maid was getting the mail. The
Butler was cleaning the closet. The police instantly arrested
the murdered. Who did it and how did they know?

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Brain Teasers Answer Sheet

1) Tom...Tom's mom had three children, June, May, and Tom.

2) A Coffin
3) The answer: C and Y
4) Bill said the score would be 0-0 and he was right. Before
any hockey game starts, the score is always 0-0.
5) "e n t " They represent the first letter when writing the
numbers one thru ten.
6) It's True. The Roman Numeral FOUR (IV) is in the middle of
the word Five: F (IV)E
7) The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her
husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry.
8) They were all adopted!
9) The answer is Charcoal. In Homer Simpson's words:
Hmmmm... Barbecue.
10) Sure you can: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow!
11) A snake.
12) The letter "e", which is the most common letter in the
English language, does not appear once in the long
13) All the two-letter combinations are abbreviations of
U.S. States: Hi:Hawaii, MA:Massachusetts,
PA:Pennsylvania, me:Maine, in:Indiana, I'd: Idaho,
14) Night and Day!

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Train the Trainer Workshop

15) The original word is "Snowing". It decomposes to:

sowing, swing, sing, sin, in, and I.
16) I think I would have chosen to die of "old age". Did
17) The word Wholesome.
18) The word is Spared. The ten words are: Spa, Spar,
Spare, Pa, Par, Pare,Pared, Are, Re, and Red. If you got
this one you are good!
19) Headache or Heartache.
20) It was the Maid. She said she was getting the mail.
There is no mail on Sunday!

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Train the Trainer Workshop

ICEBREAKERS & Other interesting ideas for TRAINING

Action Idea Lists Ask participants to stop periodically and write

down specific actions that they will do because of what they have
learned in the course.
Index cards with Ahas throughout the day

Anonymous Cards - Ask participants to write on index card and

share information by passing the completed cards around the
group. OR require participants to come up with questions to
answers written on index cards in order to review class material.

Artists Way Have people draw a picture of something relating

to the topic What does your organization look like? How do
you feel when confronted by an angry customer? Draw a picture
of the organization as you would like for it to be Draw a picture
of a model of teamwork,

Bingo - Give participants a Bingo card with topics throughout the

day or for a single exercise where they fill in the squares either by
talking to people in the room or discovering something on the

Brainstorming - Generate ideas in a group by eliciting quick

contributions without trainer comment or opinion.

Case Study/Scenario/Simulation - Engage participants in an

activity that reflects reality in a symbolic or simplified manner
usually through giving a scenario and letting people work out a
problem, decide options for how to react, practice responding.
Pick from a hat or envelope - Put a bunch of
scenarios in an envelope or a hat and have individuals
(or group) choose one to solve. For example: Youve
been asked to take the gay books off the shelves
The library director tells you all staff require training
on the new catalog An outside vendor says they can
offer a half-day Word class but with no customizing for

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Train the Trainer Workshop

the same price that an in-house trainer or IFP can

except that the vendor can do it anyway at any time.
You need to offer library culture training to 50 new
Table top drill if you need to go over emergency
routines, have a map of the building and a scenario to
have them map out exactly what theyd do maybe
in groups so they can share ideas.

Closing Circle - Gather participants into a circular arrangement

of chairs for sharing last thoughts at the end of a class.

Contracting Having individuals or work teams agree to carry

out a future behavior, usually involves an agreement on when and
how to follow-up.

Demonstration - Showing participants how a concept, procedure,

or skill looks in action.

Discussion To give participants a chance to share their

knowledge with one another. To make the best use of discussion,
you need to give participants a definite task Have a discussion
with your partner about Discuss the pros and cons of Find
a solution for Come up with 3 reasons why
Pairs discussion Good for quick exchanges on a topic
to give relief from lecturing. Dont get as many points of
view as in small group discussion.
Small Group of 3-5 This size group gives all
participants a chance to speak. Its best to mix up the
groups periodically so people interact with a variety of
people in the class (unless your working on team-building
or projects based on groups that should stay together.)
Peer Led Group have knowledgeable participants run
small group discussion and let participants go to
whichever group interests them most.
Panel discussion - Exchange of ideas between a panel
made up of trainees while others listen and ask

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Full-group discussion - Conducting any exchange of

ideas when the entire group is able to participate.
Read and discuss group - Asking participants to read
and then discuss the contents of a handout or short
written assignment.

Flash Cards - Use for teaching terminology maybe play with

them in pairs for important terms

Game - Use quiz-program formats or game board ideas to

experience or review training material. Jeopardy, bingo,

Guided Teaching- Pulling from participants their knowledge of

the subject matter and shaping it to be consonant with the
facilitators knowledge. This is often done through asking
appropriate questions of the group. Its more interesting than
lecturing on a topic when the group contains expertise.
Have people create their own job aids from a
template/skeleton you give them so they write in their
own words theyre more likely to remember and use the
job aid.

Icebreaker/Energizers Structured interaction that introduces

playfulness and lets participants get acquainted. Usually done at
the beginning of a training to create readiness for learning
Wild Idea -: To encourage freethinking, try the wild idea
technique. If a group has seemingly run out of ideas,
invite them to dream up a really wild and crazy idea. The
laughter can be a good break and sometimes the best
idea is imbedded in something crazy. Try How many
uses can you think of for a paper clip?
There are books written on icebreakers ;)

Introductions Introductions should include at a minimum a

name and some information about the person in relation to your
topic. You can also use introductions to get people talking to one

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Interview the Person next to You Pick a topic related

to your course and have the pairs introduce one another
to the group. You can make this more like an icebreaker
if you start it out by having them find someone with the
same color eyes, or socks or underwear, same
astrological sign, height, then interview them and
introduce them to the group.
Finish this Sentence Go around the room and have
people finish a sentence as they introduce themselves.
For example, My pet peeve about training is If I had a
Saturday all to myself My favorite vacation was My
most memorable teacher My ideal vacation would
be If a movie was made of my life, it would be called
My favorite book is The person I would love to have a
conversation with is

Feedback Activity - Requesting participants to give one another

reactions to the behavior of the other.

Fishbowl - Configuring a group by asking a portion of it to form a

discussion circle and having the remaining participants form a
listening circle around the discussion group.

Information Scavenger Hunts As individuals or in teams, have

participants compete to find information pertaining to your topic

Lecturette - Briefly presenting key points about a classroom

topic. Though this ends up being part of every training, it should
not be predominant and not last longer than 15-20 minutes at a
time. A good rule of thumb would be 25% or less.

Mad Lib - write a sentence leaving out key words that the trainees
will fill in with what theyve learned throughout the training.

Mental Imagery - Guiding participants through an event or

experience visualized in their minds rather than through real

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Mind-Mapping Identify a central question and draw a circle

around it. Sketch and circle other thoughts as they occur. Draw a
line between connecting ideas to show relationships.

Next Steps have participants write down how they will use what
theyve learned on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and what the
barriers might be to making changes.

Observation - Watching others, without directly participating but

giving feedback in written or verbal form at the end of the
observation period.

Peer Consultation - Allowing participants to help fellow

participants with real-life problems. This is very useful to
encourage people to help each other in computer classes.

Personal Aside/Story - Stimulate participant reflection by telling

a tale or anecdote.

Physical Continuum - Request that participants arrange

themselves in a line that represents their relative responses to the
facilitators questions.

Problem-Solving Activity - Have people write down their

problem on a flip chart paper and tape the paper to the walls.
Have participants use sticky pads and go around pasting their
solutions to the flip chart.

Project - Assigning a challenging task to participants either

individually or in groups.

Questionnaire - Giving a survey or instrument that participants

complete and obtain some form of structured feedback.

Review techniques - Break into small groups, have groups

prepare a sentence or paragraph on their topic and 3 questions
for the group to test knowledge. Give out something for answers
but dont let anyone answer more than one question.

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Role-play - Having participants act out and thereby experience

real-life situations.

Scavenger Hunt - Give everyone a sheet of paper with some

questions to answer or items to collect

Self-Assessment - Posing questions that require participants to

reflect on their attitudes, knowledge, or behavior.

Share a Feeling Ask participants to complete this sentence

Right now Im

Skill Practice - Trying out and rehearsing new skills.

T-Charts - Draw a T on a piece of flip chart paper. Draw a plus

sign on one side and a minus side on the other. Invite participants
to tell you good news and bad news about the issue or topic.

Teach Back - Use participants to provide instruction for one

Have participants absorb written training material and
teach its contents to other participants.
Have a participant write steps of how to do something
and have a partner read it back and use it to see how
clear the instructions are

Whip - Rapidly sharing information or ideas by going quickly

around the full group for contributions.

Writing Task - Requiring participants to compose a writing

response to a training assignment such as an action plan or a
learning journal.

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Train the Trainer Workshop

1. Attendance Sheet
2. Executive participant inventory
3. Feedback form
4. Training Schedule
5. Presentation assessment sheet

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Programme Name : _______________________________

Trainer Name : ________________________________

Date : ________________________________

Venue (Zone) : ________________________________

Sr.No Name of the Agency Name Signature


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Train the Trainer Workshop

Executive Participant Inventory

Date: ___________ Zone: ___________ Venue: __________

Trainer Name: _______________

Participant Agency Designation Total work No. of years Qualification

name experience at Bharti

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Train the Trainer Workshop


Training Feedback Form
Start Date __________________ End Date _______________
Trainer: 1 __________________ Trainer: 2 _______________
Target Team __________________ Location _______________

Your Name: ________________________ (Optional)

Your suggestions are valuable to us, Kindly Rate us on a

scale of 1-5 (1 Low 5 High)
1 2 3 4 5
1. Relevance
1.1 How clearly were the objectives defined by the
Trainer / Coordinator at the beginning of the
1.2 How well were the stated objectives achieved by
the end of the programme?
1.3 How would you rate your confidence level to use
your learning for the enhanced personal effectiveness?
2. Structure
2.1 Practice of the concepts learnt (hands-on,
exercises, examples etc.)
2.2 Do you think that the programme conducted today
was in accordance to the process you handle?
3. Trainer
3.1 Presentation skills
3.2 Knowledge of subject
3.3 Interest in the program
Any other suggestion:

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Train the Trainer Workshop

Any other programme you want us to conduct:

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Train the Trainer Workshop


Presentation Date: ________________________________

Evaluated By: ________________________________

Executive Structure (a) Score Style(b) Score Content(c) Score Use of Score Total Score
Name (a) (b) (c) equipment & (d) (a+b+c+d)
Material (d)

Rating scale
1- Poor 2. Fair 3. Good 4. Very Good 5.Excellent

Train the Trainer Workshop-CSD- Training & Development Team Mah & Goa

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