Kondotec Wire Rope Catalog

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Capital (Head Quarter) : 2,666.5 million yen

( Around 888 million THB)
Capital (Thailand) : 102 million yen
Japan Representative : Katsuhiko Kondo,President
Thailand Representative : Soichi Furuta, President
Employee : 691 (as of March 2014)
Suppliers : Ourself Factory and Around 5,000 companies both at home and abroad
Wire Rope Cooperate Factory (Original equipment manufacturer : OEM)
Customers : Dealers of Civil
Construction material
Do-it-yourself stores (DIY)

Environmental / Green Belt / Industrial Waste Materials Turnbuckles / Bolt / Fastener
- Oil Absorbent - Architecure Turnbuckle
- Container Bag, Jumbo Bag - High Tension Bolt & Nut(F10T)
- Grating - Eye Bolt & Eye Nut
- Anchor Bolt
Wire Rope / Lifting Equipments - Railway Hook Anchor
- Wire Rope Clip
- Belt Sling Transport-Cargo Equipment / Chain / Shipping
- Lever Hoist
Hook / Ring / Shackle / Swivel - Chain Sling, Chain
Scaffolding Material - Winch
- Form Tie (Seperator) - Power Lashing
- Scaffolding Chain - Load Binder
- Scaffolding Clamp - Strecth Wrap Film
- Bonjoint - Toe Lift Jack & Roller

Fabricate Material Tools / Stainless Steel Product

Construction Material Hardware for Wooden House/ Building Material

























The right picture illustrates the component of a wire rope.
In general, a wire rope consists of a number of wire strands
formed helically about a central axis.
The most popular ropes have 6 or 8 strands supported by
an axial member known as the core. STRAND
There are other constructions, but they are less common. CENTER WIRE
Each strand is composed of a number of individual wires
which have been formed helically about an axial member
called the center.
This center supporting member of the strand is generally once or more wires, however, it may be natural
ibers (cotton, hemp, sisal, etc) or synthetic ibers (rayon, nylon, polypropylene).
Ungalvanized (Bright) Steel Wire
Drawn Galvanized Steel Wire
Stainless Steel Wire


Steel wire is made in various tensile strength to meet the different requirements of a particular job.
For the production of our ropes, we use wire in the following tensile strength ranges:

1470 N/mm2 (=150 kgf/ mm2) JIS STANDARD : E type (E) 1320 N/mm2
1570 N/mm2 (=160 kgf/ mm2) : G type (G) 1470 N/mm2
1770 N/mm2 (=180 kgf/ mm2) : A type (A) 1620 N/mm2
1960 N/mm2 (=200 kgf/ mm2) : B type (B) 1770 N/mm2
2160 N/mm2 (=220 kgf/ mm2)

In the U.S.A the various grades are designated as follows:

Traction Steel
Mild Plow Steel (MPS)
Plow Steel (PS)
Improved Plow Steel (IPS)
Extra Improved Plow Steel (EIPS)

The most common grades is Improved Plow Steel

Which comes nearest to our 1770 N/mm2 (=180 kgf/ mm2) tensile strength.



1960 N/mm2 200 kgf/ mm2 Extra Improved Plow Steel (EIPS)
1770 N/mm2 180 kgf/ mm2 Improved Plow Steel (IPS)
1570 N/mm2 160 kgf/ mm2 Plow Steel (PS)
1420 N/mm2 145 kgf/ mm2 Traction Steel
Components of the strand
A strand consists of a strand core and a layer or a number of layers
of round wires. The round wire are laid helically around the strand
core. the stran core consists either of a wire (core wire) or a number
of wires or even iber yarns. Equal Lay
Two different types of laying the strand are Equal Lay and Cross Lay.
Cross Lay
Strands with Equal Lay Wires
In these constructions, the pitches of various layers of wire are identical as stranding is carried out in
a single operation, therefore, the contacts between wires are linear. Seale, Warrington and Filler strands
belong to this construction. Wires of different diameters are required for these construction.

As For Example:
Seale : 9+9+1
Warrington : 6/6+6+1
Filler : 12+6F+6+1 Filler Seale Warrington Warrington-Seale

Strands with Cross Lay Wires

All the wires in this type of strand are of equal diameter and for geometrical reasons the number of wires
decreases in each layer, starting from the outermost one, according to an arithmetical progression based
on number (e.g. 16+10+3 or 18+12+6+1 or 12+6). In cross lay constructions, each layer of wire is laid up
a seperate operation with a different length of lay, the result being the crossing of the various layers of wires.
Consequently strong pressure occurs between the wires which may break, especially with variable with
variable loads.
Ropes are supplied either with iber or steel core, the choice being largely dependent on the application.
Fiber Core
Fiber cores are mainly made from polypropylene. This material has the advantage that it neither absorbs
nor retains moisture, and thus it eliminates conditions creating internal corrosion.
Polypropylene core will have small variations in size and weight and are less susceptible to damage,
especially under moist conditions.
The following precautions must be taken during use:
- Do not use iber core ropes where these are exposed to high temperatures, i.e. above 90 degree, this will damage the iber core.
- The iber core ropes should not be used when multi-layer winding is required as the iber cores susceptible to crushing.
Steel Core
The steel core is designated IWRC (Independent Wire Rope Core) and normal construction is 7 x 7.
Steel core proves advantageous in severe working conditions involving a low factor of safety, small drums
and sheaves, high operational speeds and wide leet angles. Steel core tends to preserve the circular
cross-section of the rope when it is crushed by over - winding on drums. It also prevents the strands from
bridging, (being forcibly against each other) which can result in fatigue failure of wires.


The direction of lay or rotation of the strands is normally
right hand. But some machinery needs left hand lay.
R.H.O.L- Right Hand Ordinary Lay
R.H.L.L - Right Hand Langs Lay
L.H.O.L - Left Hand Ordinary Lay
L.H.L.L - Left Hand Langs Lay R.H.O.L. L.H.O.L. R.H.L.L. L.H.L.L.
Diameter of Wire Ropes
The diameter of a wire rope is the diameter of circle which encloses all of the wires.
When measuring wire rope, it is important to take the greatest distance of the outer limits of the Crowns of 2 opposite strands.
A measurement across the valleys will result in incorrect lower readings.

Method of Measuring Diameter

Caliper, itted with jaws broad enough to cover
not less than two adjacent strands (see picture)

Safety Factor of Wire Rope

It is dif icult to ix the safety factor for each type of wire rope to be
used for various equipments, as this factor depends not only on the
load carried, but also on the speed of rope working, the kinds of itting used for rope ends, the acceleration and deacceleration,
length of rope, the number, size and arrangements of sheave and drums etc.
The following safety factor are minimum requirements for safety and economy in the common installation.

Ropes Characteristics MINIMUM

This chart is purely an attempt to illustrate the relative characteristics
of different constructions of wire rope as indicated in the text.
No numerical scale is shown or intended. 6


The following list of suggested contructions of wire rope for various applications is of course not exhaustive and, may often
be modi ied the light of a particular machine manufacturers advice or of local experience where unusual conditions may
favor some variation from accepted practice elsewhere.
These suggestions should therefore be taken as a guide where no other guidance exists, or as possible alternatives
where one construction has been found unsatisfactory.



6 x 19 Filler (6 x 25Fi) IWRC O or L

6 x 36 IWRC O or L
CRANES 6 x 19 Filler (6 x 25Fi) IWRC O
Incl. Clamshells Hoist
6 x 36 IWRC O
18 x 7 FC or Strand O or L
Tag lines 6 x 19 FC O
Tower Cranes Hoist 6 x 19 FC or Strand O or L
Boom Hoist 6 x 19 Filler (6 x 25Fi) IWRC O
Swing 6 x 19 Filler (6 x 25Fi) IWRC O
Dredgers 6 x 19 Filler (6 x 25Fi) IWRC O
Ladder Hoist
6 x 36 IWRC O or L
Spud 6 x 19 Filler (6 x 25Fi) IWRC O
Drilling Lines 6 x 19 Seale IWRC O
Drilling Rigs
Sand Coring Swabbing 6 x 7 Galv. Poly O
Casing 6 x 19 Filler (6 x 25Fi) IWRC or FC O
Drilling Rigs
Drilling Lines 6 x 21 Filler, Generally Left Hand FC O
Handling and Installation
- Twist, loop or kink of wire rope.
- Moisture, dust and acid or sulphuric hume gas
- Overload
- Crushing or hammering
- Sever or reverse bending (S-Bending)
- Too small sheaves, drums and guide rollers.
- Hard rolling of sheaves and guide rollers.
- Worn groove, broken or soft sheaves and rollers.
- Poor or no lubrication.
- Heat in luence
- Wrong itting and spooling on the drum
- Excessive leet angle
- Vibration
- Obstacles, sand and grit on the surface of operation line
- Shock too fast or stop

How to order
In ordering steel wire rope, you are requested to give us complete information as speci ied below :

1. Application : Working condition, type of reprocessing.

2. Size : Diameter of the rope in millimeters or inches.
3. Construction : Number of strands, number of wires per strand and type of strand construction.
4. Type of core : Fiber core (FC),
Independent wire rope core (IWRC),
or Independent wire strand core (IWSC)
5. Lay : Right regular lay, left regular lay, right lang lay, left lang lay.
6. Preforming : Preformed or not.
7. Material : Bright (ungalvanized), galvanized or stainless steel.
8. Wire Grade : Tensile strength of the wires
9. Breaking Load : Minimum or calculated breaking load in tones or pounds.
10. Lubrication : Whether lubrication is desired or not, and required lubricant.
11. Packing Length : Length of wire rope per package.
12. Packing : In coils wrapped with oil paper and hessian (or PP) cloth, or on wooden reels.
13. Quantity : By number of coils or reels, by length or weight.
14. Speci ication : Any recognized speci ication, if required.
15. Test Report : Any format or ISO/IEC 17025 accredited test report.
16. Remarks : Other requirements such as coating, swaging, armouring, shipping, etc.
Standard Steel Wire Rope

Steel Wire Rope

GB/T 8918 EN 12385-4
6 x 7 + FC Diameter
Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx. Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx.
mm Weight Weight
2 2 2 2
1670N/mm 1770N/mm (Kg/100m) 1670N/mm 1770N/mm (Kg/100m)
2 2.21 2.35 1.40 2.35 2.60 1.38
3 4.98 5.28 3.16 5.29 5.86 3.11
4 8.87 9.40 5.62 9.40 10.40 5.52
5 13.80 14.60 8.77 14.70 16.30 8.63
6 19.90 21.10 12.60 21.20 23.40 12.40
7 27.10 28.70 17.20 28.80 31.90 16.90
8 35.40 37.60 22.50 37.60 41.60 22.10
9 44.90 47.50 28.40 47.60 52.70 27.90
10 55.40 58.70 35.10 58.80 65.10 34.50
Usage: 11 67.00 71.10 42.50 71.10 78.70 41.70
Mining, Stay, 12 79.80 84.60 50.50 84.60 93.70 49.70
Logging, Tramway 13 93.70 99.30 59.30 99.30 110.00 58.30
14 108.00 115.00 68.80 115.00 128.00 67.60
16 141.00 150.00 89.90 150.00 167.00 88.30
18 179.00 190.00 114.00 190.00 211.00 112.00
20 221.00 235.00 140.00 235.00 260.00 138.00
22 268.00 284.00 170.00 284.00 315.00 167.00
24 319.00 338.00 202.00 338.00 375.00 199.00
26 374.00 397.00 237.00 397.00 440.00 233.00
28 434.00 460.00 275.00 461.00 510.00 270.00
32 567.00 601.00 359.00 602.00 666.00 353.00

GB/T 8918 EN 12385-4
6 x 19 + FC Diameter
Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx. Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx.
mm Weight Weight
2 2 2 2
1670N/mm 1770N/mm (Kg/100m) 1670N/mm 1770N/mm (Kg/100m)
3 4.61 4.89 3.11 4.89 5.42 3.11
4 8.20 8.69 5.54 8.69 9.63 5.54
5 12.80 13.50 8.65 13.60 15.00 8.65
6 18.40 19.50 12.50 19.60 21.70 12.50
7 25.10 26.60 17.00 26.60 29.50 17.00
8 32.80 34.70 22.10 34.70 38.50 22.14
9 41.50 44.00 28.00 44.00 48.70 28.03
10 51.20 54.30 34.60 54.30 60.20 34.60
11 62.00 65.70 41.90 65.70 72.80 41.87
Usage: 12 73.80 78.20 49.80 78.20 86.70 49.82
Mining, Stay, 13 86.60 91.80 58.50 91.70 102.00 58.47
Logging, Tramway 14 100.00 106.00 67.80 106.00 118.00 67.82
16 131.00 139.00 88.60 139.00 154.00 88.58
18 166 .00 176.00 112.00 176.00 195.00 112.00
20 205.00 217.00 138.00 217.00 241.00 138.00
22 248.00 263.00 167.00 263.00 291.00 167.00
24 295.00 312.00 199.00 312.00 347.00 199.00
26 346.00 367.00 234.00 367.00 407.00 234.00
28 401.00 426.00 271.00 426.00 472.00 271.00
32 524.00 556.00 354.00 556.00 616.00 354.00
Standard Steel Wire Rope

JIS Steel Wire Rope (JIS G3525-1998)

6 x 7 + FC 67
Breaking Load
Dia GALV UN-GALV Approx Weight
mm Grade G Grade A Kg/m
kN kN
6 19.0 21.4 0.134
8 33.8 38.1 0.237
9 42.8 48.2 0.300
10 52.8 59.5 0.371
12 76.0 85.6 0.534
14 103 117 0.727
16 135 152 0.950
18 171 193 1.20
20 211 238 1.48
Usage: 22 256 288 1.80
Mining, Stay, 24 304 343 2.14
Logging, Tramway 26 357 402 2.51
28 414 466 2.91
30 475 535 3.34
32 541 609 3.80

6 x 19 + FC 619
Breaking Load
Dia GALV UN-GALV Approx Weight
mm Grade G Grade A Kg/m
kN kN
6 18.1 19.4 0.131
8 32.1 34.6 0.233
9 40.7 43.8 0.295
10 50.2 54.0 0.364
12 72.3 77.8 0.524
14 98.4 106 0.713
16 128 138 0.932
18 163 175 1.18
20 201 216 1.46
Usage: 22 243 261 1.76
Mining, Stay, 24 289 311 2.10
Logging, Tramway 26 339 365 2.46
28 393 424 2.85
Standard Steel Wire Rope

Steel Wire Rope


6 x 24 + 7FC Diameter
Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx.
mm Weight
1570 N/mm2 1670 N/mm2 (Kg/100m)
8 28.10 29.90 20.40
9 35.60 37.80 25.80
10 43.90 46.70 31.80
11 53.10 56.50 38.50
12 63.30 67.30 45.80
13 74.20 79.00 53.70
14 86.10 91.60 62.30
Usage: 16 112.00 119.00 81.40
Hoist, Marine, 18 142.00 151.00 103.00
General Engineering, 20 175.00 187.00 127.00
Lashing 22 212.00 226.00 154.00
24 253.00 269.00 183.00
26 297.00 316.00 215.00
28 344.00 366.00 249.00
32 450.00 478.00 326.00

GB/T8918 EN 12385-4
6 x 37 + FC Diameter
Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx. Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx.
mm Weight Weight
1670 N/mm2 1770 N/mm2 (Kg/100m) 1770 N/mm2 1960 N/mm2 (Kg/100m)
5 12.30 13.00 8.65 13.10 14.50 8.65
6 17.70 18.70 12.50 18.80 20.80 12.50
7 24.10 25.50 17.00 25.60 28.30 17.00
8 31.50 33.40 22.10 33.40 37.00 22.10
9 39.90 42.20 28.00 42.30 46.80 28.00
10 49.20 52.20 34.60 52.20 57.80 34.60
11 59.60 63.10 41.90 63.20 70.00 41.90
12 70.90 75.10 49.80 75.20 83.20 49.80
Usage: 13 83.20 88.20 58.50 88.20 97.70 58.47
Mining, Stay, 14 96.50 102.00 67.80 102.00 113.30 67.82
Logging, Tramway 16 126.00 133.00 88.60 133.00 148.00 88.58
18 159.00 169.00 112.00 169.00 187.00 112.00
20 197.00 208.00 138.00 209.00 231.00 138.00
22 238.00 252.00 167.00 252.00 280.00 167.00
24 283.00 300.00 199.00 300.00 333.00 199.00
26 333.00 352.00 234.00 353.00 391.00 234.00
28 386.00 409.00 271.00 409.00 453.00 271.00
32 504.00 534.00 354.00 534.00 592.00 354.00
Standard Steel Wire Rope

JIS Steel Wire Rope (JIS G3525-1998)

6 x 24 + 7FC
Breaking Load
Dia GALV UN-GALV Approx Weight
mm Grade G Grade A Kg/m
kN kN
6 16.5 17.7 0.120
8 29.3 31.6 0.212
9 37.1 39.9 0.269
10 45.8 49.3 0.332
12 65.9 71.0 0.478
14 89.7 96.6 0.651
16 117 126 0.850
18 148 160 1.08
20 183 197 1.33
Usage: 22 222 239 1.61
24 264 284 1.91
Hoist, Marine, 26 309 333 2.24
General Engineering, 28 359 387 2.60
Lashing 30 412 444 2.99
32 469 505 3.40
36 593 639 4.30
40 732 789 5.31

Breaking Load
6 x 37 + FC GALV UN-GALV
Dia Approx Weight
mm Grade G Grade A Kg/m
kN kN
6 17.8 19.1 0.129
8 31.6 34.0 0.230
9 40.0 43.0 0.291
10 49.4 53.1 0.359
12 71.1 76.5 0.517
14 96.7 104 0.704
16 126 136 0.920
18 160 172 1.16
20 197 212 1.44
22 239 257 1.74
24 284 306 2.07
26 334 359 2.43
Mining, Stay, 28 387 416 2.82
Logging, Tramway 30 444 478 3.23
32 505 544 3.68
36 640 688 4.66
40 790 850 5.75
44 956 1030 6.96
48 1140 1220 8.28
52 1330 1440 9.72
56 1550 1670 11.3
60 1780 1910 12.9
Standard Steel Wire Rope

Steel Wire Rope

6 x S(19) + FC 6 x W(19) + FC
GB/T8918 EN 12385-4
6 x S(19) + FC Diameter
Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx. Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx.
mm Weight Weight
1670 N/mm2 1770 N/mm2 (Kg/100m) 1770 N/mm2 1960 N/mm2 (Kg/100m)
6 19.80 21.00 13.30 21.00 23.30 12.90
7 27.00 28.60 18.10 28.60 31.70 17.60
8 35.20 37.30 23.60 37.40 41.40 23.00
9 44.60 47.30 29.90 47.30 52.40 29.10
6 x W(19) + FC 10 55.10 58.40 36.90 58.40 64.70 35.90
11 66.60 70.60 44.60 70.70 78.30 43.30
12 79.30 84.10 53.10 84.10 93.10 51.70
13 93.10 98.70 62.30 98.70 109.00 60.70
14 108.00 114.00 72.20 114.00 127.00 70.40
16 141.00 149.00 94.40 150.00 166.00 91.90
18 178.00 189.00 119.00 189.00 210.00 116.00
20 220.00 233.00 147.00 234.00 259.00 144.00
General Engineering, 22 266.00 282.00 178.00 283.00 313.00 174.00
Crane 24 317.00 336.00 212.00 336.00 373.00 207.00
26 372.00 394.00 249.00 395.00 437.00 243.00
28 432.00 457.00 289.00 458.00 507.00 281.00
32 564.00 598.00 377.00 598.00 662.00 368.00

6 x S(19) + IWRC 6 x W(19) + IWRC
6 x S(19) + IWRC GB/T8918 EN 12385-4
Diameter Approx. Approx.
Min. Breaking Load (kN) Min. Breaking Load (kN)
mm Weight Weight
1670 N/mm2 1770 N/mm2 (Kg/100m) 1770 N/mm2 1960 N/mm2 (Kg/100m)
6 21.40 22.60 14.60 22.70 25.10 14.40
7 29.10 30.80 19.90 30.90 34.20 19.60
8 38.00 40.30 25.90 40.30 44.70 25.60
9 48.10 51.00 32.80 51.00 56.50 32.40
6 x W(19) + IWRC
10 59.40 63.00 40.50 63.00 69.80 40.00
11 71.90 76.20 49.10 76.20 84.40 48.40
12 85.60 90.70 58.40 90.70 100.00 57.60
13 100.00 106.00 68.50 106.00 118.00 67.60
14 116.00 123.00 79.50 124.00 137.00 78.40
16 152.00 161.00 104.00 161.00 179.00 102.00
18 192.00 204.00 131.00 204.00 226.00 130.00
Usage: 20 237.00 252.00 162.00 252.00 279.00 160.00
Hoist, 22 287.00 304.00 196.00 305.00 338.00 194.00
General Engineering, 24 342.00 362.00 234.00 363.00 402.00 230.00
Crane 26 401.00 425.00 274.00 426.00 472.00 270.00
28 466.00 494.00 318.00 494.00 547.00 314.00
32 608.00 645.00 415.00 645.00 715.00 410.00
Standard Steel Wire Rope

Steel Wire Rope

6 x Fi(25) + FC 6 x WS(26) + FC
GB/T8918 EN 12385-4
6 x Fi(25) + FC Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx. Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx.
mm Weight Weight
1670 N/mm2 1770 N/mm2 (Kg/100m) 1770 N/mm2 1960 N/mm2 (Kg/100m)
6 ---- ---- ---- 21.00 23.30 12.90
7 ---- ---- ---- 28.60 31.70 17.60
8 ---- ---- ---- 37.40 41.40 23.00
9 ---- ---- ---- 47.30 52.40 29.10

6 x WS(26) + FC 10 ---- ---- ---- 58.40 64.70 35.90

11 ---- ---- ---- 70.70 78.30 43.30
12 79.30 84.10 54.70 84.10 93.10 51.70
13 93.10 98.70 64.20 98.70 109.00 60.70
14 108.00 114.00 74.50 114.00 127.00 70.40
16 141.00 149.00 97.30 150.00 166.00 91.90
18 178.00 189.00 123.00 189.00 210.00 116.00
20 220.00 233.00 152.00 234.00 259.00 144.00
Hoist, 22 266.00 282.00 184.00 283.00 313.00 174.00
General Engineering, 24 317.00 336.00 219.00 336.00 373.00 207.00
Crane 26 372.00 394.00 257.00 395.00 437.00 243.00
28 432.00 457.00 298.00 458.00 507.00 281.00
32 564.00 598.00 389.00 598.00 662.00 368.00

6 x Fi(25) + IWRC 6 x W(26) + IWRC

6 x Fi(25) + IWRC GB/T8918 EN 12385-4
Diameter Approx. Approx.
Min. Breaking Load (kN) Min. Breaking Load (kN)
mm Weight Weight
1670 N/mm2 1770 N/mm2 (Kg/100m) 1770 N/mm2 1960 N/mm2 (Kg/100m)
6 ---- ---- ---- 21.00 23.30 12.90
7 ---- ---- ---- 28.60 31.70 17.60
8 ---- ---- ---- 37.40 41.40 23.00
9 ---- ---- ---- 47.30 52.40 29.10
6 x WS(26) + IWRC
10 ---- ---- ---- 58.40 64.70 35.90
11 ---- ---- ---- 70.70 78.30 43.30
12 79.30 84.10 54.70 84.10 93.10 51.70
13 93.10 98.70 64.20 98.70 109.00 60.70
14 108.00 114.00 74.50 114.00 127.00 70.40
16 141.00 149.00 97.30 150.00 166.00 91.90
18 178.00 189.00 123.00 189.00 210.00 116.00
Usage: 20 220.00 233.00 152.00 234.00 259.00 144.00
Hoist, 22 266.00 282.00 184.00 283.00 313.00 174.00
General Engineering, 24 317.00 336.00 219.00 336.00 373.00 207.00
26 372.00 394.00 257.00 395.00 437.00 243.00
28 432.00 457.00 298.00 458.00 507.00 281.00
32 564.00 598.00 389.00 598.00 662.00 368.00
Standard Steel Wire Rope

JIS Steel Wire Rope (JIS G3525-1998)

Breaking Load
Construction 6S 19 6W 19
Dia GALV / UN-GALV Approx Weight
mm Grade E Grade A Grade B Kg/m
kN kN kN
4 9.29 0.062
5 14.5 0.096
Section 6 16.1 19.6 20.9 0.139
6.3 17.7 21.6 23.0 0.153
8 28.6 34.9 37.2 0.247
9 36.2 44.1 47.0 0.312
10 44.7 54.5 58.1 0.386
11.2 56.1 68.3 72.8 0.484
12 64.4 78.5 83.7 0.556
Construction 6Fi 25 6WS 26 12.5 69.9 85.1 90.7 0.603
14 87.7 107 114 0.756
16 115 139 149 0.988
18 145 176 188 1.25
20 179 218 232 1.54
22.4 224 273 291 1.94
Section 25 280 340 363 2.41
28 455 3.02
30 523 3.47
31.5 576 3.83
33.5 652 4.33
35.5 732 4.86
37.5 816 5.43
40 929 6.17

Breaking Load
Construction IWRC 6S 19 IWRC 6W 19
Dia GALV / UN-GALV Approx Weight
mm Grade B Kg/m
10 66.2 0.430
11.2 83.0 0.539
Section 12.5 103 0.672
14 130 0.843
16 169 1.10
18 214 1.39
20 265 1.72
22.4 332 2.16
25 414 2.69
Construction IWRC 6Fi 25 IWRC 6WS 26 28 519 3.37
30 596 3.87
31.5 657 4.27
33.5 743 4.83
35.5 834 5.42
37.5 931 6.05
Section 40 1060 6.88
Steel Wire Rope

8 x S(19) + FC 8 x W(19) + FC

Usage: Hoist, General Industry,

Sink, Boat Dragging

8S19 8W19
GB/T 20118-2006 / GB 8918-2006 EN 12385-4 JIS G 3525-2006

Min. Breaking Load

Diameter Min. Breaking Load (kN) Min. Breaking Load (kN)
Approx. Approx. (kN) Approx.
mm Diameter
Weight Weight Weight
mm Ungalv./Galv.
(Kg/100m) (Kg/100m) (Kg/m)
1670N/mm2 1770N/mm2 1770N/mm2 1960N/mm2
E Type A Type B Type

8 31.30 33.20 22.10 33.20 36.80 21.80 8.0 26.0 30.8 32.8 0.220
9 39.60 42.00 28.00 42.00 46.50 27.50 10.0 40.6 48.1 51.3 0.343
10 48.90 51.90 34.60 51.90 57.40 34.00
11 59.20 62.80 41.90 62.80 69.50 41.10 11.2 51.0 60.3 64.3 0.430
12 70.50 74.70 49.90 74.70 82.70 49.00 12.0 58.5 69.2 73.8 0.494
13 82.70 87.60 58.50 87.60 97.10 57.50 12.5 63.5 75.1 80.1 0.536
14 95.90 102.00 67.90 102.00 113.00 66.60 14.0 79.6 94.3 100.0 0.672
16 125.00 133.00 88.70 133.00 147.00 87.00 16.0 104.0 123.0 131.0 0.878
18 159.00 168.00 112.00 168.00 186.00 110.00 18.0 132.0 156.0 166.0 1.110
20 196.00 207.00 139.00 207.00 230.00 136.00 20.0 162.0 192.0 205.0 1.370
22 237.00 251.00 168.00 251.00 278.00 165.00 22.4 204.0 241.0 257.0 1.720
24 282.00 299.00 199.00 299.00 331.00 196.00 25.0 254.0 301.0 320.0 2.140
26 331.00 351.00 234.00 351.00 388.00 230.00
28 384.00 407.00 271.00 407.00 450.00 267.00
32 501.00 531.00 355.00 531.00 588.00 348.00


624 637 6Fi25 6Fi25IWRC 6Fi29FC 6Fi29IWRC

Standard Steel Wire Rope

6 x WS(31) + IWRC
6 x WS(36) + IWRC
6 x WS(41) + IWRC

GB / T 20118-2006 / GB 8918-2006 EN 12385-4 JIS G 3525-2006

Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx. Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx. Breaking Load kN
Weight Weight mm kg/m
1670 N/mm2 1770 N/mm2 (Kg/100m) 1770 N/mm2 1960 N/mm2 (Kg/100m) Grade B

8 38.00 40.30 26.80 40.30 44.70 26.20

9 48.00 51.00 33.90 51.00 56.50 33.10 10.0 67.7 0.440

10 59.50 63.00 41.80 63.00 69.80 40.90 11.2 84.9 0.552

11 72.00 76.20 50.60 76.20 84.40 49.50 12.5 106.0 0.688

12 85.60 90.70 60.20 90.70 100.00 58.90 14.0 133.0 0.863

13 100.00 106.00 70.60 106.00 118.00 69.10 16.0 173.0 1.130

14 117.00 124.00 81.90 124.00 137.00 80.20 18.0 219.0 1.430
16 152.00 161.00 107.00 161.00 179.00 105.00 20.0 271.0 1.760

18 193.00 204.00 135.00 204.00 226.00 133.00 22.4 340.0 2.210

20 238.00 252.00 167.00 252.00 279.00 164.00 25.0 423.0 2.750

22 288.00 305.00 202.00 305.00 338.00 198.00 28.0 531.0 3.450

24 342.00 363.00 241.00 363.00 402.00 236.00 30.0 609.0 3.960

26 402.00 426.00 283.00 426.00 472.00 276.00 31.5 672.0 4.370

28 466.00 494.00 328.00 494.00 547.00 321.00 33.5 760.0 4.940

32 609.00 645.00 428.00 645.00 715.00 419.00 35.5 853.0 5.550

37.5 952.0 6.190
40.0 1080.0 7.040

42.5 1220.0 7.950

45.0 1370.0 8.910

47.5 1530.0 9.930

50.0 1690.0 11.000

6 x WS(31) + IWRC 6 x WS(36) + IWRC 6 x WS(41) + IWRC 53.0 1900.0 12.400

56.0 2120.0 13.800

60.0 2440.0 15.800

Usage: Well Drilling, Hoist, General Industry,

Crane, Construction Machine, Mine Lifting,
High-furnace Hoisting, Cable Car, Excavator, Marine
JIS Standard Steel Wire Rope

18 x 7 + IWS
17 x 7 + IWS

GB/T 20118-2006 / GB 8918-2006 EN 12385-4 JIS G 3525-2006

Approx. Approx. Min. Breaking

Diameter Min. Breaking Load (kN) Min. Breaking Load (kN)
Weight Weight Load (kN) Approx.
mm Diameter
(Kg/100m) (Kg/100m) Weight
1670N/mm 2
1770N/mm 2
1770N/mm 2
1960N/mm 2 mm Ungalv./Galv. (Kg/m)

6 19.70 20.90 15.50 20.90 23.10 13.80 14.40 12 84.70 0.612

7 26.80 28.40 21.10 28.40 31.50 18.70 19.60 14 115.00 0.833
8 35.10 37.20 27.50 37.20 41.10 24.40 25.70 16 151.00 1.090
9 44.40 47.00 34.80 47.00 52.10 30.90 32.50 18 191.00 1.380
10 54.80 58.10 43.00 58.10 64.30 38.20 40.10 20 235.00 1.700
11 66.30 70.20 52.00 70.20 77.80 46.20 48.50 22 285.00 2.060
12 78.90 83.60 61.90 83.60 92.60 55.00 57.70
13 92.50 98.10 72.70 98.10 109.00 64.60 67.80
14 107.00 114.00 84.30 114.00 126.00 74.90 78.60
16 140.00 149.00 110.00 149.00 165.00 97.80 103.00
18 177.00 188.00 139.00 188.00 208.00 124.00 130.00
20 219.00 232.00 172.00 232.00 257.00 153.00 160.00
22 265.00 281.00 208.00 281.00 311.00 185.00 194.00
24 316.00 334.00 248.00 334.00 370.00 220.00 231.00
26 370.00 392.00 291.00 392.00 435.00 258.00 271.00
28 429.00 455.00 337.00 455.00 504.00 299.00 314.00
32 561.00 594.00 440.00 - - - -

Usage: Vertical Well, Tramway Support, Crane

Steel Wire Rope

34 x 7 + FC 36 x 7 + FC Usage: Crane, General Engineering

GB/T 20118-2006 / GB 8918-2006 EN 12385-4

Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx. Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx.
Weight Weight
mm 1670N/mm 2
1770N/mm 2
1770N/mm 2
1960N/mm 2
(Kg/100m) (Kg/100m)

10 51.60 54.70 39.00 56.30 62.30 39.00 40.10

11 62.40 66.20 47.20 68.10 75.40 47.20 48.50
12 74.30 78.80 56.20 81.10 89.80 56.20 57.70
13 87.20 92.40 65.90 95.10 105.00 65.90 67.80
14 101.00 107.00 76.40 110.00 122.00 76.40 78.60
16 132.00 140.00 99.80 144.00 160.00 99.80 103.00
18 167.00 177.00 126.00 182.00 202.00 126.00 130.00
20 206.00 218.00 156.00 225.00 249.00 156.00 160.00
22 249.00 264.00 189.00 272.00 302.00 189.00 194.00
24 296.00 314.00 225.00 324.00 359.00 225.00 231.00
26 348.00 369.00 264.00 380.00 421.00 264.00 271.00
28 403.00 427.00 306.00 441.00 489.00 306.00 314.00
32 527.00 558.00 399.00 576.00 638.00 399.00 411.00

34 x 7 + IWS 36 x 7 + IWS Usage: Crane, General Engineering

GB/T 20118-2006 / GB 8918-2006 EN 12385-4

Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx. Min. Breaking Load (kN) Approx.
Weight Weight
mm 1670N/mm2 1770N/mm2 1770N/mm2 1960N/mm2
(Kg/100m) (Kg/100m)

10 53.10 56.30 43.00 56.30 62.30 39.00 40.10

11 64.30 68.10 52.00 68.10 75.40 47.20 48.50
12 76.50 81.10 61.90 81.10 89.80 56.20 57.70
13 89.70 95.20 72.70 95.10 105.00 65.90 67.80
14 104.00 110.00 84.30 110.00 120.00 76.40 78.60
16 136.00 144.00 110.00 144.00 160.00 99.80 103.00
18 172.00 182.00 139.00 182.00 202.00 126.00 130.00
20 212.00 225.00 172.00 225.00 249.00 156.00 160.00
22 257.00 272.00 208.00 272.00 302.00 189.00 194.00
24 306.00 324.00 248.00 324.00 359.00 225.00 231.00
26 359.00 380.00 291.00 380.00 421.00 264.00 271.00
28 416.00 441.00 337.00 441.00 489.00 306.00 314.00
32 544.00 576.00 440.00 576.00 638.00 399.00 411.00
Steel Wire Rope

35 (W) X 7
Usage: Crane, General Engineering

GB/T 20118-2006 / GB 8918-2006 EN 12385-4

Diameter Approx. Approx.
Min. Breaking Load (kN) Min. Breaking Load (kN)
mm Weight Weight
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1570N/mm 1670N/mm 1770N/mm 1870N/mm 1960N/mm 2160N/mm (Kg/100m) 1960N/mm 2160N/mm (Kg/100m)
8 36.20 38.50 40.80 43.10 45.20 49.80 29.40 45.20 48.40 29.10
9 45.80 48.70 51.60 54.50 57.20 63.00 37.30 57.20 61.20 36.80
10 56.50 60.10 63.70 67.30 70.60 77.80 46.00 70.60 75.60 45.40
11 68.40 72.70 77.10 81.50 85.40 94.10 55.70 85.40 91.50 54.90
12 81.40 86.60 91.80 96.90 102.00 112.00 66.20 102.00 109.00 65.40
13 95.50 102.00 108.00 114.00 119.00 131.00 77.70 119.00 128.00 78.70
14 111.00 118.00 125.00 132.00 138.00 152.00 90.20 138.00 148.00 89.00
16 145.00 154.00 163.00 172.00 181.00 199.00 118.00 181.00 194.00 116.00
18 183.00 195.00 206.00 218.00 229.00 252.00 149.00 229.00 245.00 147.00
20 226.00 240.00 255.00 269.00 282.00 311.00 184.00 282.00 302.00 182.00
22 274.00 291.00 308.00 326.00 342.00 376.00 223.00 342.00 366.00 220.00
24 326.00 346.00 367.00 388.00 406.00 448.00 265.00 406.00 435.00 262.00
26 382.00 406.00 431.00 455.00 477.00 526.00 311.00 477.00 511.00 307.00
28 443.00 471.00 500.00 528.00 553.00 610.00 361.00 553.00 593.00 356.00
30 509.00 541.00 573.00 606.00 635.00 700.00 414.00 635.00 680.00 409.00
32 579.00 616.00 652.00 689.00 723.00 796.00 471.00 723.00 774.00 465.00
34 653.00 695.00 737.00 778.00 816.00 899.00 532.00 816.00 874.00 525.00
36 732.00 779.00 826.00 872.00 914.00 1010.00 596.00 914.00 980.00 588.00
38 816.00 868.00 920.00 972.00 1020.00 1120.00 664.00 1020.00 1090.00 656.00
40 904.00 962.00 1020.00 1080.00 1130.00 1240.00 736.00 1130.00 1210.00 726.00
Wire Rope Sling

Rope End Fitting

Processing Ef iciency Methord

Socket 100%

Eye Plice 7595%

Rocked 95%

Clips about 80%

Wedge 6570%

Splice With Rocked 95%

JIS Rocked Wire Rope

1m 2m 3m 4m
Dia Product Weight Product Weight Product Weight Product Weight
Code (kg) Code (kg) Code (kg) Code (kg)
6 061 0.21 062 0.33 063 0.45 064 0.57
8 081 0.39 082 0.61 083 0.82 084 1.03
9 091 0.50 092 0.77 093 1.04 094 1.31
10 101 0.68 102 1.01 103 1.34 104 1.67
12 121 1.01 122 1.48 123 1.96 124 2.44
14 141 1.49 142 2.14 143 2.79 144 3.44
16 161 1.97 162 2.82 163 3.67 164 4.52
18 181 2.68 182 3.76 183 4.84 184 5.92
20 201 3.33 202 4.66 203 5.99 204 7.32
22 221 4.17 222 5.78 223 7.39 224 9.00
5m 6m 8m 10m
Dia Product Weight Product Weight Product Weight Product Weight
Code (kg) Code (kg) Code (kg) Code (kg)
6 065 0.69 066 0.81 068 1.05 0610 1.29
8 085 1.24 086 1.45 088 1.88 0810 2.30
9 095 1.57 096 1.84 098 2.38 0910 2.92
10 105 2.01 106 2.34 108 3.00 1010 3.67
12 125 2.92 126 3.40 128 4.35 1210 5.31
14 145 4.09 146 4.74 148 6.05 1410 7.35
16 165 5.37 166 6.22 168 7.92 1610 9.62
18 185 7.00 186 8.08 188 9.16 1810 11.32
20 205 8.65 206 9.98 208 12.64 2010 15.30
22 225 10.61 226 12.22 228 15.44 2210 18.66
Ferrule, Cutter
W type: type:

Alminium Ferrule (JIS/EN)

Mandrel Mandrel
Seamless Tube, Seamless Tube,
Double Type Single Type

JIS H4080 (According to JIS B8817) JIS H4080 (According to JIS B8817)
Length Length
Size Q'ty Size
A ) A )
06 24 600 6 29
08 31.5 500 8 39
09 36 400 9 44
10 40 250 10 48
12 48 200 12 58
14 56 140 14 68
16 64 100 16 77
18 72 070
20 80 050
22 88 040
24 96 030
26 104 028
28 112 021
30 120 017
32 128 013

Hydraulic Wire Rope Cutter

No necessity of the auxiliary tool in work, and it will be possible to cut in a few
Grinding and subsitution of the cutting blade can be easily done.
The oil leakage is prevented by adopting the new methord for packing
The state of oil plances from the oil gauge on the tank side and understands.
The oil can be easily replenshed

Capacity Size Weight

A ) (L)X(W)X(H) O
A 20 310 90 152 10
B 30 380 105 180 15
C 40 400 120 200 20
D 50 485 130 220 30
E 60 630 175 270 70
L 100 1000 600 360 200
Wire Rope Clip

Drop Forged Steel Wire Rope Clip (JIS/US)



JIS B2809-1996 (JIS Sandard F Type)


C E G H Thread L S N
6 30 24.5 14 16 M6 35 20 47
8 36 31 18 19 8 40 20 80
9 41 29 22 19 10 46 24 112
10 45 35 22 23 10 50 28 150
12 51 39 26 27 12 60 35 220
14 53 45 28 31 12 65 40 260
16 60 48 32 35 14 75 45 380
18 62 53 34 37 14 80 50 450
20-22 78 62 44 43 18 100 60 800
24-25 86 68 48 47 20 110 65 1100
26-28 94 75 54 53 22 120 70 1500
30-32 98 79 58 58 22 130 75 1600
33-38 120 93 70 65 27 150 85 2800
40-45 136 100 80 72 30 175 95 4400
47-50 150 115 89 81 33 195 100 6100
53-60 170 128 101 96 36 240 125 8900
63-70 191 142 116 105 39 270 130 10900
73-80 212 156 128 114 42 300 150 14600

Fitting Standard (FOR 6X24 / 6X 37)

Methord of installing wire rope clip Rope Dia
Fitting Q'ty
Space Toruque
. Please install the wire rope clip correctly. A A O f B

. It was tightened by correct torque then the retension ef iciency is 80%. 6 4 40 100
8 4 50 120
10 4 70 160
12 4 80 240
14 4 90 380
16 4 100 530
18 5 120 680
20 5 130 840
Correct Wrong 24 5 160 1210
26 5 170 1400
30 6 200 1900
The slipping is caused in the tightening parts if the wrong instruction or
36 7 230 2660
tightening torque is not proper and it causes an accident due to the
40 7 260 3050
decrease in retentivity.
48 8 310 4050


1: Please use what suitable for JIS rope diameter (please do not use the rope of
different kinds & diameterwith the same wire rope clips)
2: Please remove if the sand on the clips and please do not use the rusted.
3: Please bring a wire rope clip that is the nearestthe eye of the thimble close the
thimble as much as possible.
4: Moreover, please give the length of the wire rope of the part of the terminal end
of the wire rope clip as 6 times the diameter.
Please tighten tightening with the toruque wrench by correct torque. Moreover,
please tighten tightening one by one dividing from the wire rope clip of the
terminal into 3 timesor more in the same order.
5: Please fasten in the diameter's become thin and slipperiness
6: Please mark with the paint or others, and sometimes con irm the presence of
slipping after installation ends.
7: Please do not use the wire rope clip for the Vinyl cora wire rope when the laod.
Malleable Iron Cast Wire Rope Clip



Self Color
Size U-BOLT/NUT Weight

3 3/16 15
4.5 1/4 27
6 5/16 55
8 5/16 62
9 3/8 105
12 3/8 130
Galvanized 16 1/2 254
Please use the drop forged wire rope
clip (JIS type) when the heavy loading
19 1/2 295
19KL 1/2 272
22 5/8 545
25 5/8 650
The KL clip is the small size and light for the lashing wire

KM19 61 32 33 74
KL19 56 28 32 73
Wire rope socket

Wire rope socket Open type JIS F 3432-1995

Wire Rope Socket Open Type


t t D R
r D

t t L L X-X Y-Y

WLL KN Weight
Size Rope Dia D D1 D2 D3 B L L1 L2 L3 H t t1 R1 r r1 d2
tf O

16 16 20 26 37 55 40 193 88 8 74 24 9 13 26 12 2 26 25.5 2.6 1.04

18 18 23 30 40 62 43 210 95 9 81 27 11 15 29 13 2 29 32.4 3.3 1.49
20 20 25 35 44 69 47 227 103 10 86 30 13 18 32 15 2 32 40.2 4.1 2.13
22 22.4 30 40 49 77 52 245 111 11 93 33 14 20 35 17 2 35 50.0 5.1 2.84
24 24 32 44 52 84 56 262 119 12 98 36 16 22 38 18 2 38 57.9 5.9 3.77
25 25 33 49 56 91 60 281 127 13 106 39 18 24 41 20 2 41 67.7 6.9 4.83
28 28 36 53 61 98 65 298 135 14 111 41 19 26 44 21 2 44 78.5 8.0 5.92
30 30 38 58 64 106 68 316 143 15 118 44 21 28 47 23 3 47 90.2 9.2 7.50
32 31.5 40 62 68 113 72 335 151 16 125 47 23 31 50 25 3 50 103.010.5 9.21
34 33.5 42 67 71 120 75 353 159 17 131 50 25 33 54 26 3 54 112.811.5 11.3
36 35.5 44 71 76 127 80 373 168 18 138 53 26 35 57 28 3 57 127.513.0 13.1
38 37.5 47 76 80 134 84 392 177 19 144 56 27 36 60 29 3 60 142.214.5 15.4
40 40 49 80 84 141 88 413 186 20 153 59 29 38 63 31 4 63 161.816.5 18.0
42 42.5 52 84 88 148 92 434 196 21 160 61 30 40 66 33 4 66 181.418.5 20.9
45 45 54 92 96 162 101 474 214 23 175 67 33 44 72 36 4 72 205.921.0 27.5
48 47.5 57 96 99 169 104 494 223 24 183 70 35 46 75 37 4 75 225.623.0 31.4
50 50 60 99 104 176 109 516 233 25 191 73 36 48 78 39 5 78 250.125.5 35.1
53 53 63 102 108 183 113 536 242 26 199 76 38 50 81 40 5 81 274.628.0 39.3
56 56 66 108 114 193 119 567 256 28 211 80 40 53 85 42 5 85 308.931.5 46.9
60 60 70 116 124 210 129 619 279 30 232 87 43 57 92 46 6 92 353.036.0 59.4
63 63 74 120 128 216 133 641 289 31 240 90 44 58 95 47 6 95 392.340.0 64.5

Hexagonal Bolt And Nut For Wire Rope Socket Open Type

f s g d

d d

d R

b h R h b

Dia of
Thread Weight
Size Rope Dia d d1 R R1 S g h b d3 Cotter Pin f h1
d4 O

16 16 25 M22 81 6.5 13 10 13 32 17 5 4 14 0.50

18 18 28 M24 89 6.5 14 10 14 36 19 5 5 15 0.69
20 20 31 M27 101 8 16 12 16 41 22 5 5 17 0.80
22 22.4 34 M30 110 8 18 12 18 46 25 6 5 19 1.12
24 24 37 M33 120 8 20 12 20 50 27 6 6 21 1.44
25 25 40 M39 134 10 23 15 23 60 30 8 6 25 2.09
28 28 43 M42 143 10 25 15 25 63 32 8 7 26 2.49
30 30 46 M45 152 10 27 15 27 67 35 8 7 28 3.17
32 31.5 49 M48 162 10 29 15 29 71 35 8 8 30 3.73
34 33.5 52 M48 169 10 29 15 29 71 38 8 8 30 4.06
36 35.5 55 M52 178 10 31 15 31 77 40 8 8 32 4.83
38 37.5 58 M56 190 12 34 18 34 85 46 10 9 35 6.15
40 40 61 M56 198 12 34 18 34 85 46 10 9 35 6.63
42 42.5 64 M60 206 12 36 18 36 90 50 10 9 38 7.84
45 45 70 M68 225 12 40 18 40 100 58 10 10 42 10.5
48 47.5 73 M68 232 12 40 18 40 100 58 10 10 42 11.1
50 50 76 M72 6 241 12 42 18 42 105 58 10 10 45 12.6
53 53 79 M76 6 253 12 46 18 46 110 64 10 10 48 14.3
56 56 83 M80 6 265 12 48 18 48 115 68 10 11 50 17.1
60 60 90 M85 6 287 14 50 22 50 120 75 13 11 52 20.4
63 63 93 M85 6 293 14 50 22 50 120 75 13 11 52 21.8
Wire rope socket

Wedging Socket

2 E D

d Rope dia


Rope Dia d Weight

Size D A B E F G C
m/m O
10 1012 25 19 37 50 30 150 84 3.1
14 1416 29 24 50 58 35 195 106 5.0
18 1820 32 28 64 64 40 235 128 8.7
22 2224 40 34 78 80 48 280 154 16.2
26 2628 45 38 90 90 55 330 178 23.8
30 3032 50 42 104 100 60 380 203 38.2
34 3436 60 48 118 120 75 420 233 53.8
38 3840 65 52 128 130 80 450 260
42 4244 70 54 142 140 85 480 286

Wire rope socket Closed type JIS F 3432-1995

Wire rope socket Closed type




WLL KN Weight
Size Rope Dia D D1 D2 D3 B L L1 L2 H C R r r1
tf O

16 16 20 26 37 55 40 193 88 8 24 21 38 12 2 25.5 2.6 1.18

18 18 23 30 40 62 43 210 95 9 27 24 41 13 2 32.4 3.3 1.64
20 20 25 35 44 69 47 227 103 10 30 26 44 15 2 40.2 4.1 2.24
22 22.4 30 40 49 77 52 245 111 11 33 29 48 17 2 50.0 5.1 2.95
24 24 32 44 52 84 56 262 119 12 36 31 51 18 2 57.9 5.9 3.84
25 25 33 49 56 91 60 281 127 13 39 34 54 20 2 67.7 6.9 4.89
28 28 36 53 61 98 65 298 135 14 41 36 58 21 2 78.5 8.0 5.87
30 30 38 58 64 106 68 316 143 15 44 39 61 23 3 90.2 9.2 7.37
32 31.5 40 62 68 113 72 335 151 16 47 42 64 25 3 103.0 10.5 8.97
34 33.5 42 67 71 120 75 353 159 17 50 44 68 26 3 112.8 11.5 10.8
36 35.5 44 71 76 127 80 373 168 18 53 47 72 28 3 127.5 13.0 12.6
38 37.5 47 76 80 134 84 392 177 19 56 49 75 29 3 142.2 14.5 15.0
40 40 49 80 84 141 88 413 186 20 59 52 79 31 4 161.8 16.5 17.5
42 42.5 52 84 88 148 92 434 196 21 61 54 83 33 4 181.4 18.5 20.3
45 45 54 92 96 162 101 474 214 23 67 60 91 36 4 205.9 21.0 26.6
48 47.5 57 96 99 169 104 494 223 24 70 62 95 37 4 225.6 23.0 30.5
50 50 60 99 104 176 109 516 233 25 73 65 99 39 5 250.1 25.5 34.1
53 53 63 102 108 183 113 536 242 26 76 67 103 40 5 274.6 28.0 38.0
56 56 66 108 114 193 119 567 256 28 80 71 109 42 5 308.9 31.5 45.2
60 60 70 116 124 210 129 619 279 30 87 78 119 46 6 353.0 36.0 58.3
63 63 74 120 128 216 133 641 289 31 90 81 123 47 6 392.3 40.0 64.0
1-7 Zuellig House Building Unit 302 3rd Floor
Silom Road Silom Bangrak Bangkok 10500
Tel : +66(0)2 236 5070-71
Fax : +66(0)2 236 5073
Email : [email protected]
Site : www.kondotec-inter.com

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