9 Experimental and Computational Studies of
9 Experimental and Computational Studies of
9 Experimental and Computational Studies of
The regimes and physical features of 3-D symmetric and asymmetric crossing-shock-wave / turbulent-boundary-layer
interaction in the vicinity of two fins mounted on a flat plate are analyzed at the Mach number range M∞ = 4 and 5. The possibilities
of numerical modeling of the flowfield structure, surface pressure and heat transfer distributions on the basis of the Reynolds
averaged three-dimensional time-depended Navier – Stokes equations (RANS) and different turbulence models are demonstrated.
The perspectives of the computations improvement on a basis of properties discovered in the experiments are discussed.
Experimental study and numerical modeling of crossing-shock-wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions
(CSWTBLI) are of critical importance for development of efficient air-breathing propulsion systems for high speed
flight (Fig. 1, a). These complex three-dimensional (3-D) interactions generally degrades the flowfield quality in
proposed promising scramjet designs. They are generally at the origin of important losses in the inlet efficiency as well
as often lead to the concentration of high heat fluxes in some regions of the inlet walls, which can cause serious
damages. Such interactions also may become strong enough to cause the unstart of the inlet. Development of advanced
numerical methods require a comprehensive understanding of the physics of CSWTBLI by examples of simplified
canonical configurations. Two symmetric (β1 = β2) or asymmetric (β1 ≠ β2) sharp vertical fins mounted on a flat plate
(Fig. 1, b) are among such configurations actively studied the last decade.
a b
Fig. 1. Hypersonic aircraft with the air-breathing propulsion system (a); double-fin test configuration (b)
ã A.A. Zheltovodov, A.I. Maksimov, E. Schülein, D.D. Knight, F. Thivet, D.V. Gaitonde, J.D. Schmisseur, 2001.
154 Труды Международной конференции RDAMM–2001 2001 Т. 6, Ч. 2, Спец. выпуск
Wide review of theoretical and experimental studies of the CSWTBLI can be found in [1–5]. Significant research
efforts have been concentrated on the development and evaluation of turbulence models capable of providing accurate
predictions of the flow structure and aerothermodynamic loads on the bottom flat-plate surface. The computed flows
generally exhibit good agreement with the experimental data for surface pressure, shock structure and boundary layer
profiles of pitot pressure and yaw angle for limited range of the crossing-shock-wave (CSW) strength. However, the
accurate prediction of surface heat transfer and skin friction remains a challenging problem. Recent studies [6–10]
distinctly demonstrates obvious limitations of various turbulence models to predict correctly different properties of
symmetric and asymmetric CSWTBLI for a wide range of CSW strength. They have stimulated new attempts to
analyze the possibilities of two-equation k–ω turbulence model for predicting the properties of such flows [11–14].
The objective of the present paper is to present a comprehensive comparison between experimental and last
computational data and asses the capability of the popular two-equation k–ω and k–ε turbulence models to predict
CSWTBLI as well as suggest new directions of work for improving the agreement between experiment and CFD.
2. Theoretical models
The computations by Thivet and Knight on a basis of the the Wilcox’ k–ω model [18] are performed with the code
GASPex [19], which solves the Reynolds Averaged 3-D compressible time depended Navier-Stokes equations (RANS).
Details of the theoretical model and computations may be found in [11–14] and are not repeated here. Briefly, the
convected fluxes are computed to third-order accuracy using the Roe scheme and a MUSCL reconstruction method with
the Min-Mod limiter. The viscous terms are evaluated by second order central differencing. The steady solution is
obtained by applying a time-marching method based on the hybrid Approximate Factorization / Relaxation algorithm.
The inflow conditions are applied 14 mm upstream of the fin leading edges, as the mean experimental values
2001, Vol. 6, Pt 2, Special Issue Proceedings of International Conference RDAMM–2001 155
supplemented with a computed boundary layer matching the measured θ values. Turbulence is represented using the
Wilcox’ k–ω model, implemented with the slightly-rough but hydraulically-smooth-surface boundary conditions and
the constant turbulent Prandtl number Pr t = 0.9 [18, 20]. The adiabatic and the isothermal wall solutions provided the
heat flux and the Stanton numbers Ch.
A special effort is made to assess the grid-convergence of the computed results and to show how this point may be.
In each considered case, three levels of grid refinement are defined. At each level, the longitudinal step size (along x) is
constant and equal to 2 mm (about 0.6δ 0). The cells of the fine grid (level 1) are merged two by two in both y and z
directions to define the medium grid. (level 2). The coarse grid (level 3) is obtained the same way from the medium
grid. In the 15°×15° configuration only, a fourth refinement level is defined, namely the very fine grid level (level 0),
obtained by dividing the cells of the fine grid in two in both x and y directions. The details of the grid are gathered in
Table 1, where ∆y1+ is the first cell height above the wall.
T a bl e I . Grid configurations
Co nfigur atio ns
Grid 7°×7° 7°×11° 15°×15°
Fine Medium Coarse Fine Medium Coarse Very Fine Fine Medium Coarse
N cell 614400 153600 38400 1228800 307200 76800 3993600 998400 249600 62400
∆y1+ 0.35–0.5 0.75–1.2 1.9–3.5 0.35–1.3 0.75–3.0 1.9–7.0 0.17–1.0 0.35–2.0 0.75–4.0 1.6–8.2
At the top as well as at the outflow boundary, the solutions is extrapolated to first order from interior. In the
symmetrical cases, only half a configurations is computed and a second-order symmetrical condition is prescribed on
the symmetry plane. On the bottom and side walls, fully turbulent boundary layers are computed, using a no-slip
adiabatic or isothermal condition.
The computations by Gaitonde and Schmisseur have been performed on a basis of the full three-dimensional mean
compressible Navier – Stokes equations in strong conservation form and mass-averaged variables. Details may be found
in [9, 10, 21–23]. Briefly, the inviscid fluxes are evaluated to nominal third-order accuracy with Roe's flux-difference
split scheme together with a limiter to enforce monotonicity. Viscous terms are differenced to second-order accuracy in
a centered manner. An implicit time-integration scheme, based on the Beam – Warming approach [24], is employed to
march the solution to steady state. The effects of turbulence are incorporated through the eddy viscosity µ t assumption
and the turbulent Prandtl number Pr t = 0.90. The turbulence model used to determine µ t is based on the k–ε equations
[25, 26] with low Reynolds number terms and a compressibility correction. The incoming boundary-layer profile is
specified at the indicated positions upstream of the fin leading edges by matching the momentum thickness with two-
dimensional calculations. On the symmetry plane, all gradients are
set to zero with the exception of the normal velocity which is itself
T a bl e 2 . Grid configurations
set to zero instead. On the solid surfaces the no-slip boundary
Configurations Resolution condition is invoked, the wall temperature is specified based on
7°×15° 123×88×197 experiment and the normal pressure gradient, k and ε are all
assumed to be zero. At the outflow and top boundaries, zero-
23°×23° Mesh 1 91×72× 52 gradient extrapolation boundary conditions are applied.
23°×23° Mesh 2 181×143×103 The grid employed for each simulation is composed of
23°×23° Mesh 3 229×179×129 sequential non-uniform Cartesian planes oriented normal to the
freestream direction. Gridpoints are clustered to resolve the
secondary features of the interior vortical flowfield, with the location of the clustered regions determined from previous
experience. For the 7°×15° strong asymmetric interaction case the solution was computed on the grid with 2.13×106
points. For the strongest, 23°×23° interaction, the solution was computed with various grid spacing to yield some
indication of the degree of mesh independence [7, 9, 23]. A summary of the parameters for each mesh is presented in
Table 2 where is indicated the number of grid points in the streamwise, plate-normal and spanwise directions
respectively. The finest mesh, Mesh 3, has about twice as many points as Mesh 2 and consists of 5.3×106 mesh points.
Convergence of the solution is determined from monitoring the global norm, surface pressure and skin friction
Fig. 2. Experimental topological schemes (a–c, from [4, 5]) and computed skin-friction/heat-transfer
coefficients on the bottom wall (d-f, from [12, 13], with permission) at M∞ = 4
of the grids. In the symmetrical cases (7°×7° weak interaction and 15°×15° strong interaction), the distributions of the
skin-friction and heat-transfer coefficients are displayed in the upper part and lower part of the frames respectively; in
the asymmetric case (7°×11° weak interaction), only the heat transfer coefficient is provided. The results are primary
discussed in [12–14]. Our conclusion is that the surface flow pattern are at least comparable to and, at some points,
slightly better than given by k–ε model and shown in [7–10]. The limiting streamlines on the plate in the experiments
are smoothly deviated towards the channel axis along the shock traces corresponding to inviscid part of the flow
(dashed lines in Figs. 2, a–c). These lines initially converge to the coalescence (or separation) lines S1 and S2. The
upstream influence lines (indicated by the dash-dotted lines and marked U) denote the beginning of the rise in the
surface pressure; they merge at or near the TML. Downstream, the lines S1 and S2 converge to form a characteristic
throat. The more the interaction strengthens, the more the fluidic throat forms upstream and narrows. In the
computations, the same features are evidenced in the weak interactions. In the 15°×15° case however, the computation
predict a full separation of the incoming boundary layer and therefore, no fluidic throat. Similar features are typical for
the computations with the k–ε model [5–10]. This is not in agreement with the experiment, where the fluidic throat still
exists, and where the singular saddle point is located further downstream.
The secondary convergence (or separation) lines S3 and S4 are predicted in the weak and mild interaction cases
(Fig. 2, a, b, d, e) and, in the asymmetric 7°×11° case, only on the 11° fin side. In the 15°×15° strong case, the
experiment shows a strong convergence to these secondary separation lines (Fig. 2, c). A large-scale central separation
region is formed behind the saddle point downstream the throat bounded by two additional coalescence lines which
penetrates from the saddle point. The secondary separation lines S3 and S4 are close to merge with these coalescence
lines approximately in the middle of the central separation zone. The computed topology is somewhat different (Fig. 2, f):
it does not reveal the distinct secondary separation lines and demonstrates an appearance of the node point in the apex
2001, Vol. 6, Pt 2, Special Issue Proceedings of International Conference RDAMM–2001 157
Fig. 3. Static pressure (a–c) and Stanton number (d–f) along the Throat Middle Line at M∞ = 4 (from [13], with
of the central separation zone [12–14]. The disappearance of the secondary separation lines in the computations may be
related to a disagreement in the turbulence level in the near-wall region. Such a statement is supported by conclusions
of the paper [27] and by previous experiments by Zheltovodov and Schülein [28, 29], with sand-grain roughness mounted
in the secondary flow region, between the divergence and convergence lines of the one-fin configuration. By such way,
they demonstrated that the secondary separation could be suppressed for weak and some mild interactions by initiating
(or amplifying) turbulence in the separated flow.
The high heat fluxes are associated with the attachment of the Entrainment Flow (EF) which comes from an
essentially inviscid part of the incoming flow, impinges the bottom wall along attachment lines R1 and R2 (Fig. 2) and
then spreads out from these lines [11–14]. These attachment lines are clearly visible both in the computations and the
experiments, and they compare very well to each other.
The mesh-convergence is verified for the pressure, adiabatic temperature, skin-friction and heat-transfer
coefficients using the mesh-convergence index [12–14]. In the 7°×7° case, the pressure and Ch along the TML with the
fine-grid solution is mesh-converged (Fig. 3, a, d). In the 7°×11° case (Fig. 3, b, e), it is concluded that the fine-grid
solution is very close to the mesh-converged solution. In the 15°×15° configuration, the fine-grid may be compared
with confidence with experimental data (Fig. 3, c, f). Note that the heat-transfer coefficient obtained on the coarse grid
in the 15°×15° case compares very well to the experimental data (Fig. 3, f). Of course, this occurs only by chance and
has no particular meaning. It is nevertheless interesting as an illustration of how wrong conclusions can be drawn from
solutions which are not mesh-converged.
The comparison of computations on the basis of k–ε model for 7°×15° strong asymmetric interaction at M∞ = 4
[10, 21, 22] is presented in Fig. 4. The computations distinctly reproduce the two primary separation lines S1 and S2 and
divergence lines R1, R2, R3. Nevertheless, the secondary separation line S3 is suppressed in the computation (Fig. 4, b)
comparing with experiment (Fig. 4, a). The upstream propagation of the line S4 is also smaller in the computations than
in experiment. In the cases with the k–ω this is related to a disagreement in the turbulence level in the near-wall region.
The prediction of surface pressure distribution is rather good for this case (Fig. 4, c, d). An attempt was made to inhibit
the transition of the fins sidewall boundary layer by limiting the production of turbulent kinetic energy in a k–ε
model [9, 22]; it resulted in a rectification of the discrepancies between the flowfield visualization and simulations
158 Труды Международной конференции RDAMM–2001 2001 Т. 6, Ч. 2, Спец. выпуск
Fig. 4. Comparison of computations with experiment for 7°×11° case: oil-flow visualization (a), computed skin-friction lines (b),
surface pressure along the TML (c) and cross sections I, II and III (d) at M∞ = 4
Fig. 5. Experimental and computational data for 23°×23° interaction at M∞ = 5: oil-flow visualization (a, from [7, 16]), Cf
measurements in section I (b), computed surface stream lines and shock waves (pressure gradient) structure (c, d – from
[9, 23], with permission)
2001, Vol. 6, Pt 2, Special Issue Proceedings of International Conference RDAMM–2001 159
in the sidewall/shock-vortex interaction region. However, these modifications have no significant impact on the plate
surface pattern.
The computations with standard k–ε model for the strongest 23°×23° interaction case at M∞ = 5 [7, 9, 23]
reproduce accurately main topological features revealed in the experiment (Fig. 5). In accordance with the analysis of
the shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction regimes for one-fin configuration, presented in [27–29], the secondary
separation and attachment lines S′3, S′4, R′3, R′4 (Fig. 5, a) appear in the near-wall supersonic turbulent cross flow in the
vicinity of additional local normal shock waves at such conditions. The strength of such shocks is sufficient for
stimulation of the secondary separation in the turbulent near wall flow. Strong variation of the surface skin friction
coefficient in the interaction region (presented in the region of the quasi-conical flow, Fig. 5, a, section I) is illustrated
on a basis of GISF measurements [15–17] (Fig. 5, b) with the using algorithm for the data processing developed by
Schülein [17]. The computations reproduce very well the surface flow pattern (Fig. 5, c) and an appearance of local
shock structure in the vicinity of secondary separation (Fig. 5, d) supporting experimental conclusion concerning a
possibility of secondary separation of the turbulent near-wall flow. The comparison of the measured and computed
spanwise pressure distribution with different meshes (see Table 2) demonstrate in general good agreement (Fig. 6).
Nevertheless, significant discrepancy exists on the interaction centerline (Z = z/δ0= 0) as in the considered above
15°×15° case (see Fig. 3, c). The spanwise pressure distribution also appears to be grid dependent in the region of the
pressure rise approaching the fin face. The attempts to decrease the overprediction of surface pressure through limits on
the production of turbulent kinetic energy in the 23°×23° case have not been fruitful [9]. Note that high level of CSW
unsteadiness at such conditions [7] may be additional reason which stimulates discrepancy in surface pressure.
The regions of high levels of heat flux and skin friction as was indicated above have been found to correspond to
the attachment lines of the 3-D flow originating from the upper part of the incoming boundary layer, or even the
inviscid part of the flow [11, 14]. This flow crosses the primary shock waves before plunging down to the bottom wall.
One hypothesis put forward in the literature [30] is that two-equation turbulence models predict a too large increase in
the turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) in the outer part of the boundary layer across the shock waves, and that this
excessive TKE is convected down to the wall due to the strong vortices formed behind shocks. The basis of this analysis
is the mathematical concept of realizability [31, 32]: the variances of the fluctuating velocity components must be
positive and the cross-correlations bounded by the Schwartz inequality. The goal of the studies [11, 12, 14] was to
determine if the SWTBLI heat-flux issue was related to some violation of the realizability constraints.
Fig. 6. Surface pressure distributions for 23°×23° interaction at M∞ = 5 (from [7, 9], with permission)
160 Труды Международной конференции RDAMM–2001 2001 Т. 6, Ч. 2, Спец. выпуск
Fig. 7. Regions of violation of realizability constraints (gray zones) at M∞ = 4: 7°×11° (a), 15°×15° (b) (from [14], with permission)
The solutions obtained with basic Wilcox’s k–ω model are not realizable in the outer part of the boundary layer
and above. In the 7°×11° configuration, in the section y = δ 0 , the realizability constraints are violated within the foot of
the primary shock waves (Fig. 7, a); the irrealizable zone is larger on the 11° fin side than on 7° side. Another
irrealizable zone is very narrow and extends parallel to the fin, not far from the location of the primary attachment line.
In the 15°×15° configuration, the irrealizable zone is even larger and occupies the whole upper part of the lambda foot
of the primary shock waves (Fig. 7, b, top). In the region of the flow not influenced by the bottom wall boundary layer
(above y = 30 mm), the realizability constraints are violated across the shock wave only (Fig. 7, b, bottom part) with
certainly no significant impact on the flow in the vicinity of the bottom wall. In the weak interaction case (7°×7°, not
displayed here), no significant irrealizable zone is fixed outside the vicinity of inviscid shock waves [12]. The circled
regions in the figures should contain the irrealizable zones in an incompressible flow in accordance with approach by
Durbin [33].
A recent review of the realizability corrections to two-equation turbulence models [34] recalls that the idea is to
enforced the realizability constrained by limiting the value of the constant αν in the definition of the eddy viscosity
µ t =αν cµ ρ k/ω (where ω = ε /k). In order to determine the impact of the realizability enforcement on SWTBLI, four
models have been tested [11, 12, 14]: so-called Wilcox – Moore (WM) and Wilcox – Durbin (WD) models (the
realizability factor is used in accordance with [11, 14] to compute the eddy viscosity with the Moore and Moore [34]
and Durbin [33] coefficients respectively). The versions in which the production term in the specific dissipation
equation is kept at its original and maximum level are denoted WM+ and WD+ respectively.
In the 7°×11° configuration the pressure distribution is essentially unchanged by realizability corrections (Fig. 8, a)
but the variation in the heat transfer predicting is seen (Fig. 8, a, b). Different considered turbulence models (WM, WD,
WM+ and WD+) obtained some improvement of predicted Ch level but it is still high above the sparse experimental data
and is close to predictions on the basis of different modifications of the k–ε model and Reynolds Stress Equations
(RSE) considered in [6]. In the 15°×15° configuration, the realizability correction induce significant changes in the
pressure distribution (Fig. 8, c) in some regions of the interaction zone. The evolution of the Stanton number is closely
related to some changes in the topology of flow comparing to experiment which discussed in [11, 12, 14]. The
streamlines arriving near the wall in the regions of overpredicted heat-transfer coefficients are shown to originate from
very narrow regions close the fin leading edges, in the upper part of the incoming boundary layer, and to be associated
with an increase of TKE when approaching the bottom wall, rather when crossing the shock waves. The realizability
correction does not modify the computed topology, so that the features of Ch remains the same. Nevertheless, the levels
Fig. 8. 7°×11° medium grid pressure and heat transfer coefficient along the TML (a) and spanwise (b), 15°×15° – pressure and
heat transfer coefficient along the TML for different grids (c) at M∞ = 4 (from [14], with permission)
2001, Vol. 6, Pt 2, Special Issue Proceedings of International Conference RDAMM–2001 161
are significantly modified, essentially because of the lower turbulence level in the WM+ solution. In the 7°×7° weak
interaction case the pressure and the skin friction and heat transfer coefficients are lowered by at most 5 % in the
interaction zone. It demonstrates that the modifications are not active in the case when the results are already quite
4. Conclusions
A systematic comparison of experimental and computational results has been considered in the cases of symmetric
and asymmetric CSWTBLI at the Mach numbers M∞ = 4 and 5. The topological features of such flows, surface pressure
and heat transfer distributions in the interaction regions and the CSW structure have been examined in great detail.
Experiment and computations with different modifications of k–ω and k–ε turbulence models agree on a lot of main
features at various stages of the flows development. The topological features, as well as pressure distribution, are in
close agreement in the week interaction case. Moderate to significant discrepancies occur in the mild and strong
interactions in topology predicting on the stages of the central separated zone and secondary separation appearance and
development. Nevertheless, they are successfully predicted for very strong interaction case. The pressure is always
correctly predicted, except near the centerline and in the regions of primary attachment, where it is overestimated in the
mild, strong and very strong interaction cases. It is demonstrated that the stronger the interaction, the more the
numerical solutions violate the realizability principle and the heat flux prediction is sensitive to the realizability
correction. Next stage of study is necessary to find a rational way for decreasing of the heat transfer overestimation for
mild and strong interaction cases. The primary origin of the discrepancies between experiments and computations may
be the turbulence level in the secondary flow: it seems to be much lower in the experiments than in computations. The
unsteady nature of turbulent separation might also explain some discrepancies evidenced in the vicinity of singular
separation points and the secondary separation lines.
Acknowledgements. The authors affiliated with ITAM were supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic
Research (project code 97–01–00885) and the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD
grants No. F61708-970W0136 and F61775-98-WE091 monitored by Dr. C. Raffoul). Some of the experimental
investigations were performed at the DLR Institute of Fluid Mechanics during a visit of the first author as Visiting
Scientist and supported by the German Research Association (DFG Grant no. 436 RUS 17/29/97). The author affiliated
with ONERA was supported by the French Delegation Generale pour l’Armement, Direction des Systemes de forces et
de la Prospective, under Grants ERE No. 981075 and 9960053. The work was also supported in part by
DGA/DSA/SPAe under Grant No. 90-95-005 BC-80. The computational resources were provided by NSF at the
National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaighn under Grant No.
MSS99 0001N. The numerical simulations of authors affiliated with Air Force Research Laboratory Wright-Patterson
AFB were sponsored by AFOSR under tasks monitored by R. Canfield and S. Walker as well as in part by a grant of
HPC time from the DoD HPC Shared Resource Center at CEWES and NAVO. The authors acknowledge several
insightful communications with J. Shang and M. Visbal.
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