BS 5959 PT 8

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The Fire Resistance of

Shelf Angle Floor Beams
to BS 5950: Part 8

G M Newman BSc(Eng),CEng,MIStructE,MlFS

ISBN 1 870004 88

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

0 The Steel Construction Institute 1993

The Steel Construction Institute

Silwood Park, Ascot
Berkshire SL5 7QN
Telephone: 0344 23345
Fax: 22944
This Technical report was prepared by Mr G MNewmanof The Steel Construction Institute
based on the requirements of BS 5950, Structural use of steelwork in building, Part 8: Code of
practice forfire resistant design. The research into the behaviour of shelf angle floor beams was
funded by British Steel - Sections, Plates and Commercial Steels and the fire tests were carried
out by British Steel Technical, Swinden Laboratories.

Extracts from BS 5950: Part 8: 1990 are reproduced with the kind permissionof BSI.
Complete copies of the standard can be obtained by post from BSI Publications,
Linford Wood, Milton Keynes, M K 1 4 6LE.

1 SCI Technical Reports

Technical Reports are intended for the rapid dissemination of research results as and
when they become available. They provide an opportunity for interested members
to comment and offer constructive criticisms, so that a refined design guide can be
produced eventually, after taking into consideration the comments received.

Please forward your comments to Mr G MNewman, The SteelConstruction

~ Institute, Silwood Park, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7QN.













Tests have shown that shelf angle floor beams supporting precast concrete floors havegood
inherent fire resistance. The shielded upper part of the section remains cool as do theupper parts
of the angles that support the precast slabs. Together, these cooler and hence stronger parts of
the section are capable of resisting applied m,oments in fire. Appendix C of BS 5950: Part 8
gives a method of evaluating the fireresistance of shelf angle floor beams. The method is based
on the moment capacity approach in which the plastic moment capacity of the section, including
the angles, is calculated at elevated temperatures.

Included in this report are design tables which give the highest position at which the angles can
be placed on the beam to achieve a certain momentcapacityin fire. This position therefore
relates to the portion of the beam that is exposed. Tables are given for a range of Universal
Beam sizes for grade 430 and 510 steels and for 30 and 60 minutes fire resistance. A design
example is also given.

Width of exposed bottom flange

Overall exposed depth of beam

Temperature gradient

Minimum protected depth of section for a given load and fire resistance

Strength reduction factor

Moment on beam at the fire limit state

Transverse bending moment on angle

Moment capacity of shelf angle floor beam

Design strength of steel

End reaction

Thickness of element

Elastic section modulus

Temperature at location x

Temperature at angle root

Plastic section modulus about the major axis of the section

Shelf angle floor beams supporting precast concrete units are a practical structural option to
reduce construction depths. The precast units, instead of resting on the top flange of the beam,
are supported by angles bolted or welded to the web of the beam. In this way construction depths
can be reduced as the depth of the precast unit is contained within the beam depth. An additional
benefit of shelf angle floor construction is improved performance in fire where the leg of the
angle is embedded in the slab and the upper part of the beam is partially shielded by the concrete
floor. This fact alone will cause a reduction in the amount of fire protection required because
the exposed perimeter of the steel is reduced.

Research carried out by British Steel and SCI(') has shown that inmanyinstances the fire
protection can be totally eliminated by taking account ofthe strength retention of the cooler parts
in comparison to the exposed parts of the section. Fire resistances of 30 and 60 minutes can be
readily achieved depending on the applied load. It is appreciated that the analysis of shelf angle
floor beams in fire canberelativelycomplicatedbecauseof the considerable variation of
temperature through the cross-section. Therefore, emphasis has been placed on the preparation
of simplified design tables for shelf angle floor beams of different depths carrying different loads.

The guidance in this document is based on the calculation method described in BS 5950: Part 8
Code of Practice for5re resistant design(2)and in a Handbook to BS 5950: Part 8 published by

A general arrangement of a shelf angle floor beam for fire conditions is shown in Figure 1. The
precast units may be standard proprietary units but must have reduced or solid ends in order that
they provide the necessary insulation to the steel. This point is further discussed in Section 4.
For adequate fire resistance it is essentialthat the gap between the web and concrete is filled with
grout or concrete to ensure that an effective heat sink is created around the section.

Figure 1 General arrangement for shelf angle floor

The design of an unprotected shelf angle floor beam is virtually the same as the traditional design
of a shelf angle floor beam. The only significant difference is the inversion of the angles so that
the short legs point upwards and are thus shielded from direct exposure to fire. The angles are
not normally designed to act structurally with the beam at normal design temperatures although
it is essential that they act with the beam in fire conditions. The angles may be bolted or welded
to the beam.

In fire, the precast units protect the upper part of the section resulting in only moderate rises in
temperature whilst the exposed lower part heats up rapidly and typically can exceed 900C after
60 minutes. The effective section resisting bending comprises the top flange, the upper web and
the vertical legs of the angles. The lower part of the section is only capable of contributing a
small amount to overall bending capacity.

BS 5950: Part 8 states that the strength of a beam in fire may be considered adequate if the
moment capacity at elevated temperature is greater than the applied moment in fire. The Code
describes a method for calculating the momentcapacitywhichisbased on rectangular stress
blocks comprising the reduced strength of the various elements of the beam in fire. The method
is used to determine the reduced plastic moment capacity of the section in fire as a function of
the temperatures given in the Code. By comparison with the performance in actual fire resistance
tests it can be demonstrated that the moment capacity method is conservative.

SCI and other research organisations have developed alternative mathematical models which are
less conservative than the moment capacity method butstill conservative when compared to tests.
These calculations can only be practically carried out using a computer and are not strictly in
accordance with the Code. The design tables in this publication are based on the method given
in Appendix C of BS 5950: Part 8 and are conservative because of the many beneficial factors
that are ignored.

At elevated temperatures, the strength retention of steel to be used in design is based on 1.5%
strain at all points in the cross-section ( Table l below, also Table 1 ofBS 5950: Part 8).
However, in fire, strains greater than 5 % , are often experienced in bending members. This leads
to a significant increase in strength of the highly strained elements due to strain hardening. The
1.5% strain value is therefore conservative. It may be noted that Eurocode 3: Part l .2(4)will use
a limiting strain of 2% giving slightly higher strengths than in BS 5950: Part 8.

In addition to a moment capacity calculation, BS 5950: Part 8 recommends that the transverse
bending of the angles as well as the connection ofthe angles to the beam are checked. Both these
points are illustrated in the design example in Section 7 of this publication.

Table 1 Strength reduction factors for steel to BS 4360 grades 430 and 510

300 650 600
500 550 400
450 650

I 750
I 800
0.5 0.798 0.854 0.492 0.622 0.269
0.721 0.186
0.378 I 0.127 I 0.071 I 1

1.5 1.0 1.5 0.956

0.612 0.756 0.326
0.460 0.898 0.956 1.0
2.0 1.0 0.971 0.934 0.627 0.776 0.337

(Reproduced by the kind permission of BSI)

BS 5950: Part 8 recommends a tabular method for obtaining the temperature distribution across
the section. This methodisbasedontestmeasurementsandis a close fit to the measured
temperatures. The general form of the distribution is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Temperature distribution in a shelf angle floor beam

BS 5950: Part 8 Appendix C recommends the following design conditions:

a) Precast concrete slabs should be made of normal weight concrete and should not have any
deliberately designed voids in the end 75 mm of their length.

b) The voidbetween the precast slab and the beam should be filled with grout.

c) Precast floor slabs shouldhaveatleast 75 mm of bearing on the angles.

d) The steel angles shouldbeof grade 510 steel, not less than 125 X 75 X 12 mm,fixed
with the longer legs supporting the concrete slabs, and the vertical leg upwards as shown
in Figure 1 .

e) The connections at either endof the beamshould either be containedwhollywithin the

depth of the tloor slab or else fire protectedto thesame degree as the supporting

0 The moments due to the loadstransmittedvia the slab at the fire limit state, shouldnot
exceed the transverse momentcapacityof the angles at the required periodof fire
resistance ( M q )given by:


py = the design strength of steel;

2 = elastic modulusof angle leg = t 2 / 6perunit length;

t = thickness of

kR = the strength reduction factor from Table l ( also Table 1 in BS 5950: Part 8 )
for 1.5 % strain, for the temperature of the angle at the fire limit state.

g)The angles may hewelded or boltedto the beam.In addition to resisting the applied
vertical loads at the fire limit state, the connection of the angles to the beam should be
capable of transmitting the longitudinal shear force necessary to develop the required
axial forces in the angles at the point of maximum moment. Any weld below the angle
should be ignored. In these calculations the strengths of welds and bolts should be taken
as 80% of the relevantdesignstrengthatelevated temperature, derived using the
appropriate strength reduction factor for steel from Table 1 using a 0.5% strain limit.

(Conditions a) to g) reproduced by the kind permission of BSI)

The most important of the above points relates to the precast slab. The recommendation that
there should be no deliberately designed voids in the end 75 mm is very onerous and may not be
easy to achieve economically. The purpose of the recommendation is to ensure that the slab acts
as an adequate heat sink to prevent excessive heating of the steel beam. Manufacturers can press
the ends ofeach precast unitwhilst the concrete is stillgreen. This willhave the effect of
closing the circular holes which are normally cast into the units. While this may not strictly meet
the 75 mm recommendation of a) above, it will achieve the intent of providing an effective heat
sink, in conjunction with the grout infill between the precast unit and the steel beam.

Tests carried out since the publication of BS 5950: Part 8 have shown that grout is much more
able to absorb heat than the dry sand which was used to fill the area between the beam and the
precast units in the original test programme. Alternatively the holes maybe filled, prior to
erection, with grout but this may prove expensive.

A typical pressed end detail for a precast unit is shown in Figure 1.

Shelf angle floors may present a problem during construction due to difficulties in locating the
precast units. In order to place the units the angles need to be relatively wide, but to reduce the
transverse bending of the angle the units should be as long as possible. The units should also be
located with approximately equal gaps atboth ends. It is strongly recommendedthat the
recommendations of the manufacturers or suppliers are followed or that any design is carried out
by an engineer experienced in using shelf angle floor construction.

The design information presented here is based on the assumption that the beams are adequately
restrained during construction.

The design tables given do not include anysteelbeams of depths less than 300 mm. It is
considered that beams below this depth cannot practically be used as shelf angle beams.

The moment capacity of a shelf angle tloor beam increases as the proportion of the section that
is protected by the concrete floor units increases, i.e. it increases as the angles are placed lower
down the section. For a range of universal beam sizes and load ratios the highest position that
the shelf angle maybeplacedbelow the top of the beam has been computed and is given in
Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5. The position, H, of the angle is measured from the top of the steel beam
to the top surface of the horizontal leg of the angle ( Figure 3 ).

Maximum height H

v I / ,
\ Connectordesign force
Transverse bending 6,7,8,9. Table6,7,8,9.
capacity,Table 10
Figure 3 Design factors

The load ratio is defined as:

Moment capacityat tire limit state

Moment capacityofbeamatnormal temperature

Typical load ratios for well designed beams are in the range 0.45 to 0.55. For convenience the
moment capacity at normal temperature is also given. This has been calculated as py S,.

The angle hasbeenassumed in everycasetobe125 X 75 X 12mm, grade 510 steel. Some

beamswill require a larger angle. The effectof increasing the size of the angle hasbeen
investigated and found to have little effect on the moment capacity of the beam section.

The connection between the angles and the beam should be designed to transmit the horizontal
load given in Tables 6 to 9, as appropriate. (Also, see Section 4).

The angles must be checked for transverse bending. The bending capacity of 12 mm thick angles
is given in Table 10. (Also, see Section 4).

Tables l1 and 12 define the temperature distribution in the section.

The use of all the design tables is illustrated in the design example.

Table 2 Design table for shelf angle floor beams in fire

FireResistance 30 mins

Grade Fe430
Grade Fe510

Section size MP
TH or1 of the ant]le below toD of beam for load ratio of:
0.4 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
305 x 102 x 25 93 82 82 82 91 108 123 137
x 28 112 84 84 84 101 118 133 148
x 33 132 86 86 90 108 125 141 156
3 0 5 x 1 2 7 ~37 149 86 86 94 112 124 140 155
x 42 168 87 87 98 116 128 144 160
x 48 194 89 89 104 122 133 150 166
3 0 5 x 1 6 5 ~40 172 85 85 97 115 128 145 161
x 46 199 87 87 100 118 131 148 165
x 54 232 89 89 104 124 136 154 171
3 5 6 x 1 2 7 ~33 148 84 92 113 132 149 163 179
x 39 180 86 97 119 139 157 170 187
356 x 171 x 45 21 3 86 101 123 144 162 176 194
x 51 246 88 103 126 147 167 180 199
x 57 277 90 103 127 149 169 183 202
x 67 333 96 110 134 157 174 192 21 1
4 0 6 x 1 4 0 ~39 198 98 123 145 166 185 200 21 7
x 46 244 99 126 149 171 189 207 225
406 x 178 x 54 288 110 135 152 174 196 21 1 23 1
x 60 328 109 135 150 175 197 213 234
x 67 370 111 138 154 178 20 1 21 7 238
x 74 41 4 115 143 159 184 207 223 244
457x152~ 52 301 1 24 153 178 20 1 221 239 259
x 60 353 121 151 179 204 225 243 264
x 67 396 124 155 183 208 229 247 269
x 74 430 128 159 187 21 2 232 252 274
x 82 477 125 158 187 214 235 255 278
457 x 191 x 67 40 5 130 159 176 202 227 245 266
x 74 456 130 161 178 205 230 248 27 1
x 82 504 134 165 182 210 235 252 27 6
x 89 534 135 166 184 21 2 238 255 279
x 98 59 1 129 162 180 210 237 256 28 1
533x210~ 82 565 161 195 21 5 244 272 298 317
x 92 65 1 163 197 21 9 249 278 303 324
x 101 694 164 199 222 25 1 28 l 306 328
x 109 748 161 198 223 251 282 308 330
x 122 849 154 194 227 2 50 282 31 2 334
610 x229 x 101 793 189 228 261 285 317 347 368
x113 87 1 191 23 1 265 289 322 354 376
x 125 974 181 224 263 285 32 1 355 379
x 140 1099 179 224 265 287 326 363 387
610x305~149 1212 163 21 1 255 280 323 363 366
x 179 1463 157 175 230 280 303 352 372
x 238 1976 106 106 106 166 214 288 315

Notes for Tables 2 and 3:

0 MPis the moment capacity (cold) of the Universal Beam which forms the shelf angle beam.
e The maximum load ratio that may be sustained in fire for the design conditions is tabulated.
the capacity
in is MP x Load
ratio. (continued)
Table 3 Design table for shelf angle floor beams in fire

I Fire Resistance I 30 mins I

I Beam Grade I Fe510 1

I Angle Grade I Fe510 I
Section size MP I H (mm), lthe Dosition of the an'ale below toD of beam for load ratio of:
(kNm) 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.6 0.65 0.7
305 x 102 x 25 120 82 82 93 110 125 139 152
x28 145 84 84 100 117 133 148 159
x 33 170 86 86 105 123 139 155 166
3 0 5 x 1 2 7 ~37 192 86 90 108 121 137 153 168
x 42 217 87 92 112 123 1 40 157 170
x 48 251 89 96 116 127 145 162 174
3 0 5 x 1 6 5 ~40 222 85 91 110 123 141 157 172
x 46 257 87 92 112 125 143 160 175
x 54 300 89 95 116 129 148 166 178
3 5 6 x 1 2 7 ~33 192 86 107 127 146 160 176 192
x 39 232 89 112 132 152 165 183 200
3 5 6 x 1 7 1 x 45 275 96 114 136 156 170 188 205
x 51 318 98 115 138 159 173 192 210
x 57 358 101 115 139 161 175 195 21 4
x 67 430 104 121 145 168 182 203 223
406 x 140 x 39 256 112 136 158 178 193 21 2 229
x 46 315 113 138 162 183 199 218 237
4 0 6 x 1 7 8 ~54 372 122 139 163 186 207 223 242
x 60 424 121 140 162 186 209 224 245
x 67 478 122 141 165 190 21 3 228 250
x 74 534 126 143 170 195 21 5 234 256
457x152~ 52 388 137 164 190 21 3 229 251 27 1
x 60 456 133 163 190 215 23 1 254 275
x 67 51 2 136 166 194 219 235 259 280
x 74 560 139 170 198 224 240 264 286
x 82 621 136 169 198 225 242 267 290
4 5 7 x 1 9 1 x 67 522 142 169 187 214 238 255 278
x 74 588 142 171 189 21 6 242 259 282
x 82 65 1 145 173 193 22 1 247 264 288
x 89 695 146 176 195 223 250 267 292
x 98 770 140 173 191 221 249 268 295
533 x 210 x 82 730 172 205 224 255 283 302 329
x 92 8 40 173 209 228 260 290 310 339
x 101 904 175 21 1 23 1 263 295 31 5 345
x 109 974 172 209 229 264 297 317 349
x 122 1105 165 206 227 263 299 32 1 356
610x229~101 1023 200 240 261 297 332 354 387
x113 1134 203 243 266 304 341 364 399
x 125 1269 192 236 268 30 1 341 366 404
x 140 1430 190 238 272 306 349 374 41 5
610x305~149 1577 176 228 274 303 350 366 384
x 179 1905 157 188 249 280 329 372 372
x 238 2572 106 106 116 166 226 290 338

Notes for Tables 2 and 3 iconfinuedl:

0 H is the highest permitted position of the upper surface of the horizontal leg of the angle,
as measured from the top of the beam to the upper face of the angle. Hence the exposed
depth of the section is given by subtractingH from the section depth and adding the angle
Table 4 Design table for shelf angle floor beams in fire

Fire Resistance 60 mins

I Beam Grade I Fe430 I

I Angle Grade I Fe510 I
Section size M P -r H (mm). the oosition of the a Ile below top of beam for load ratio of:
(kNm) 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 -
305 x 102 x 25 93 119 134 149 162 175 187 -
x28 112 127 143 157 171 184 196 208
x 33 132 135 150 165 179 192 204 217
3 0 5 x 1 2 7 ~37 149 136 151 165. 178 192 204 21 l
x 42 168 141 156 170 184 197 207 217
x 48 194 148 163 177 206 192 213 226
3 0 5 x 1 6 5 ~40 172 139 154 169 178 192 20 5 21 2
x 46 199 145 161 175 199 185 208 2 20
x 54 232 155 172 179 195 210 21 6 230
3 5 6 x 1 2 7 ~33 148 149 166 182 197 21 2 226 239
x 39 180 157 174 191 221 206 236 250
356 x 171 x 45 21 3 162 179 196 213 222 237 249
x 51 246 169 187 205 218 23 1 248 254
x 57 277 176 196 21 5 223 24 1 255 264
x 67 333 191 21 2 225 240 259 264 282
406 x 140 x 39 198 175 194 21 2 230 245 261 277
x 46 244 184 204 223 241 259 27 7 288
406 x 178 x 54 288 191 21 2 232 252 261 280 296
x60 3 28 20 1 222 244 264 274 293 300
x 67 370 21 1 233 255 266 285 302 312
x 74 41 4 2 20 244 267 276 297 305 3 24
4 5 7 x 1 5 2 ~52 30 1 209 232 253 274 294 314 328
x 60 353 219 243 267 288 310 332 340
x 67 396 228 253 277 322 299 336 352
x 74 430 236 262 286 309 332 341 363
x 82 47 7 245 272 296 20 342 3 354 373
457x191 x 67 40 5 229 253 278 31 1 30 333
1 3 40
x 74 456 241 266 29 1 325 305 343 355
x 82 504 250 276 302 337 313 345 368
x 89 534 256 284 310 1 345 32 353 377
x 98 59 1 267 29 5 313 352 333 366 390
533 x 210 x 82 565 278 307 336 376 361 402 41 1
x 92 651 295 325 355 368 396 408 432
x 101 694 303 334 364 40 6 378 41 6 444
x 109 748 310 343 37 l 41 3 388 427 455
x 122 8 49 325 3 58 375 41 7 404 445 474
610x229~101 793 335 3 69 402 450 420 466 49 2
x113 87 1 349 384 41 8 467 435 480 51 1
x125 974 362 400 429 47 5 452 499 53 1
x 140 1099 378 41 6 43 5 484 470 518 550
610x305~149 1212 384 424 439 51 3 476 548 ___
x 179 1463 408 433 465 542 504 578 ___
x 238 1976 438 458 50 2 583 543 ___ ___

Notes for Tables 4 and 5:

e MPis the moment capacity (cold) of the Universal Beam which forms the shelf angle beam.
0 The maximum load ratio that may be sustained in fire for the design conditions is tabulated.
the capacity
in MP x Load
ratio. (continuedl

Table 5 Design table for shelf angle floor beams in fire

Fire Resistance 60 mins

Grade Fe510

T l
Section size or I of the iangle below top of beam for load ratio of: I
(kNm) r 0.5 1 0.55 -- 0.6
-_ 0.65 I 0.7
305 x 102 x 25 120 129 144 158 172 184 196 208
x 28 145 137 152 167 180 193 205 217
x 33 170 144 159 174 188 20 1 214 227
3 0 5 x 1 2 7 ~37 192 145 160 174 188 202 209 222
x 42 21 7 1 50 166 181 196 207 21 6 230
x 48 25 1 158 174 190 206 21 2 235 227
3 0 5 x 1 6 5 ~40 222 149 166 174 189 204 224 210
x 46 257 159 175 183 200 208 220 235
x 54 300 171 179 196 21 1 21 8 234 249
3 5 6 x 1 2 7 ~33 192 158 175 191 207 22 1 23 6 248
x 39 232 166 184 20 1 21 8 234 250 257
3 5 6 x 1 7 1 x 45 275 173 192 21 1 21 9 236 259 249
x 51 318 184 204 21 8 23 1 249 272 255
x 57 358 194 214 223 242 255 267 284
x 67 430 21 1 225 241 2 60 267 305 287
4 0 6 x 1 4 0 ~39 256 185 204 223 241 259 284 276
x 46 31 5 196 218 239 258 278 288 304
406 x 178 x 54 372 207 229 251 261 28 1 29 6 307
x 60 424 21 9 243 264 275 296 323 303
x 67 478 230 254 266 287 302 31 5 336
x 74 534 24 l 265 276 299 307 328 3 50
4 5 7 x 1 5 2 ~52 388 224 248 27 1 293 315 344 328
x60 456 238 263 287 310 332 363 343
x 67 51 2 247 273 298 322 336 366 355
x 74 560 257 283 308 333 343 374 366
x 82 621 266 294 319 342 355 387 373
4 5 7 x 1 9 1 x 67 522 248 275 300 31 1 335 366 343
x 74 588 26 1 288 305 326 343 359 382
x 82 651 271 299 312 337 347 395 371
x 89 695 279 308 3 20 347 356 38 1 405
x 98 770 290 313 332 352 369 41 9 394
533 x 210 x 82 730 299 3 30 3 60 374 40 2 41 2 439
x 92 8 40 317 349 366 394 408 462 434
x 101 904 326 359 375 40 5 41 7 474 446
x 109 974 335 368 384 41 3 427 485 457
x 122 1105 349 375 399 41 7 444 503 474
610x229~101 1023 3 57 394 420 446 466 49 1 522
x113 1134 373 41 0 429 464 47 9 51 1 543
x125 1269 388 426 446 47 5 497 563 530
x 140 1430 40 2 433 462 479 514 58 1 548
610x305~149 1577 414 432 472 510 547 ___ --_
x 179
x 238

Notes for Tables 4 and 5 (continued):

l 1 573

e H is the highest permitted position of the uppersurfaceof the horizontalleg of the angle,
as measured from the top ofthe beam to the upper face of the angle. Hence the exposed
depth of the section is given by subtracting H from the section depth and adding the angle
Table 6 Angle connection force

Fire Resistance 30 mins

Section Size Load (kN) in each angle

- to be resisted bv bolts or welds of a load ratio of:
0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.7
305 x 102 x 25 105 105 106 119 132 143 153
x 28 124 124 130 145 158 170 181
x 33 140 140 151 167 182 195 208
305 x 127 x 37 162 162 179 195 200 215 229
x 42 175 177 197 21 5 21 8 235 25 1
x 48 193 198 220 241 244 263 28 1
305 x 165 x 40 191 193 209 224 228 243 256
x 46 209 21 1 230 247 249 266 282
x 54 232 236 258 278 280 299 318
356 x 127 x 33 137 151 167 181 195 200 21 3
x 39 1 60 178 196 21 2 228 233 248
356 x 171 x 45 202 207 227 246 262 268 285
x 51 226 230 252 273 29 1 296 314
x 57 246 246 27 1 294 304 320 341
x 67 286 286 315 342 348 371 395
406 x 140 x 39 168 188 206 223 233 245 259
x 46 197 220 241 260 268 284 302
406 x 178 x 54 242 266 272 294 31 5 323 343
x 60 264 290 29 1 31 6 339 344 367
x 67 284 314 317 345 37 l 376 402
x 74 313 345 348 379 408 41 3 441
457 x 152 x 52 224 251 275 297 308 326 345
x 60 244 275 302 328 338 356 379
x 67 265 300 33 1 359 370 39 1 41 7
x 74 285 321 354 384 394 41 8 445
x 82 295 337 374 407 41 8 445 475
457 x 191 x 67 293 323 325 355 382 389 41 4
x 74 31 6 3 50 353 385 41 5 421 449
x 82 343 380 383 41 8 450 456 487
x 89 356 395 399 435 469 475 508
x 98 362 407 408 450 48 9 497 534
533 x 210 x 82 344 383 389 424 458 490 498
x 92 383 426 433 47 1 508 523 552
x 101 402 446 454 493 532 547 577
x 109 41 3 462 474 51 2 555 57 2 58 6
x 122 425 484 504 539 586 586 586
S 1 0 x 229 x 101 41 5 465 484 51 6 558 586 586
x 113 448 499 521 553 586 586 586
x 125 456 51 5 569 573 586 586 586
x 140 484 551 586 586 586 586 586
510 x 305 x 149 51 4 583 586 586 586 586 651
x 179 508 539 586 586 586 586 651
x 238 332 332 351 396 506 586 586

The table provides the total longitudinal force transferred to each angle along half the span of the
beam. This force is then used to determine the number of connecting bolts or the weld size.

Table 7 Angle connection force

I Fire Resistance I 30 mins I

I BeamGrade I Fe510 I
I AngleGrade I Fe510 I 1L
r I
SectionSize Load (kN) ineachangle t o be resistedbv bolts or welds foraloadratio of: 1
305 x 102 x 25 130 132 149 164 178 191 203
x 28 152 159 177 194 209 224 230
x 33 172 182 20 2 221 238 254 260
305 x 127 x 37 199 214 235 241 260 278 295
x 42 214 232 256 259 28 1 302 310
x 48 234 257 284 287 312 335 341
305 x 165 x 40 236 252 27 1 276 295 31 2 319
x 46 257 274 296 299 3 20 340 346
x 54 283 303 329 331 357 380 383
356 x 127 x 33 181 201 220 237 245 260 275
x 39 209 233 254 274 28 1 300 317
356 x 171 x 45 248 269 293 31 5 322 343 363
x 51 276 296 323 347 352 376 398
x 57 296 31 5 346 373 378 405 430
x 67 339 363 398 430 435 466 495
406 x 140 x 39 222 245 267 287 295 314 332
x 46 256 284 309 332 340 362 383
406 x 178 x 54 309 31 6 346 373 399 408 432
x 60 336 342 370 400 428 435 462
x 67 360 367 400 434 466 473 504
x 74 393 397 437 474 487 51 7 551
457 x 152 x 52 288 320 349 376 386 41 1 43 5
x 60 31 2 349 382 41 3 41 8 448 476
x 67 336 378 41 6 450 457 490 521
x 74 363 407 446 483 490 525 558
x 82 375 425 469 51 0 518 557 586
457 x 191 x 67 370 386 41 0 446 479 486 51 8
x 74 398 41 9 443 482 51 8 526 56 1
x 82 430 449 479 521 560 568 586
x 89 448 47 1 501 545 586 586 586
x 98 455 509 51 2 563 586 586 586
533 x 210 x 82 43 1 479 483 528 570 580 586
x 92 478 530 535 585 586 586 586
x 101 503 557 564 586 586 586 586
x 109 51 5 57 5 58 1 586 586 586 586
x 122 529 586 586 586 586 586 586
510 x 229 x 101 51 6 57 6 582 586 586 586 586
x 113 559 586 586 586 586 586 586
x 125 568 586 586 586 586 586 586
x 140 586 586 586 586 586 586 586
510 x 305 x 149 586 586 586 586 586 651 651
x 179 586 586 586 586 586 651 651
x 238 389 389 439 464 586 586 586

The table provides the total longitudinal force transferred to each angle along half the span of the
beam. This force is then used to determine the number of connecting bolts or the weld size.

Table 8 Angle connection force

I Fire Resistance I 60 mins I

I BeamGrade I Fe430 I
I AngleGrade I Fe510 I
T l
Section Size I Load (E tN 1 in each anale t o be resisted bv bolts or welds for a load ratio of: I
0.4 0.45 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
305x102x25 113 124 134 144 153 162 169
x28 143 154 165 175 184 194 202
x 33 170 182 194 205 21 5 224 234
305 x127x37 196 209 221 23 1 243 253 260
x 42 221 235 247 259 261 28 1 287
x 48 253 261 261 26 1 261 287 287
305 x 165 x40 235 246 257 263 274 283 289
x 46 261 26 1 287 287 287 318 318
x 54 261 26 1 287 287 287 318 318
356 x127x33 174 186 198 209 21 8 228 238
x 39 21 2 225 238 250 26 1 261 261
356 x171 x 45 252 26 1 26 1 261 287 287 318
x51 261 26 1 26 1 287 287 287 318
x57 261 26 1 261 287 287 318 318
x67 261 261 287 287 287 318 318
406 x 140x39 21 1 225 239 252 26 1 261 26 1
x 46 260 26 l 26 1 26 1 26 1 26 l 287
406x178x54 26 1 261 26 1 26 1 287 287 318
x 60 26 1 261 261 287 287 287 318
x 67 261 26 1 261 287 287 318 318
x 74 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
457x152x52 261 26 1 261 261 261 261 287
x 60 261 26 1 26 1 261 261 261 287
x 67 261 261 26 1 261 261 287 287
x 74 261 261 261 26 1 261 287 287
x 82 261 261 261 261 287 287 318
457x191x67 26 1 26 1 261 26 1 287 287 318
x 74 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
x 82 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
x 89 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
x 98 261 261 287 287 318 318 318
533 x 210x82 261 261 261 287 287 287 318
x 92 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
x 101 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
x 109 26 1 261 287 287 318 31 8 318
x122 261 261 287 287 318 318 318
610x229x101 261 261 26 1 287 287 318 318
x113 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
x125 26 1 26 1 287 287 318 318 318
x 140 26 1 26 1 287 287 318 318 318
610x305x149 287 287 318 318 31 8 318 --.

x 179 287 318 318 318 318 318 ___

x238 287 318 318 318 318 ._. ___

The table provides the total longitudinal force transferred to each angle along half the span of the
beam. This force is then used to determine the number of connecting bolts or the weld size.

Table 9 Angle connection force

I Fire Resistance I 60 mins I
I BeamGrade I Fe510 I
Angle Grade Fe510

Section Size T Load (kN) in each angle to be resisted by bolts or welds for a load ratio of:
0.4 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
305 x 102 x 25 149 162 175 186 197 207 21 7
x 28 185 199 21 2 224 236 246 257
x 33 21 8 233 247 260 261 261 261
305 x 127 x 37 249 261 261 261 261 287 287
x 42 261 261 26 l 26 1 287 287 287
x 48 261 261 26 1 26 1 287 287 318
305 x 165 x 40 261 261 287 287 287 31 8 318
x 46 261 287 287 287 318 318 318
x 54 261 287 287 318 318 318 318
356 x 127 x 33 223 238 252 261 261 261 287
x 39 261 261 261 261 261 261 287
356 x 171 x 45 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
x 51 261 261 287 287 287 318 318
x 57 261 261 287 287 31 8 318 318
x 67 261 287 287 318 318 318 318
406 x 140 x 39 261 26 1 26 1 261 261 26 1 287
x 46 261 26 1 261 26 1 261 287 287
406 x 178 x 54 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
x 60 26 1 26 1 287 287 287 318 318
x 67 261 261 287 287 318 318 318
x 74 261 261 287 287 31 8 31 8 31 8
457 x 152 x 52 261 261 26 1 26 1 261 287 287
x 60 261 261 261 261 287 287 318
x 67 261 261 261 261 287 287 318
x 74 26 1 261 261 261 287 287 318
x 82 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
457 x 191 x 67 261 261 261 287 287 318 318
x 74 261 26 1 287 287 31 8 318 318
x 82 261 26 1 287 287 318 318 318
x 89 261 26 1 287 287 318 318 318
x 98 261 287 287 318 318 318 318
533 x 210 x 82 26 l 261 261 287 287 318 318
x 92 26 1 261 287 287 31 8 31 8 318
x 101 26 1 261 287 287 31 8 31 8 318
x 109 261 261 287 318 318 318 31 8
x 122 261 287 287 31 8 318 318 31 8
510 x 229 x 101 261 26 l 287 287 318 318 318
x 113 261 261 287 287 318 318 318
x 125 26 1 261 287 31 8 318 318 318
x 140 261 287 287 318 318 318 318
510 x 305 x 149 287 318 318 318 318 ... ___
x 179 318 318 318 318 318 ___ ___
x 238 318 318 318 318 ___ ___ ___

The table provides the total longitudinal force transferred to each angle along half the span of the
beam. This force is then used to determine the number of connecting bolts or the weld size.

Table 10 Transverse bending and angle connection design table

Period of fire resistance

Aspect 30 minutes

DJB, I9.6

0.6 D,/B, I0.8 7.43 I 240 I 3 1 3 I 1.63 I 545 I 665

0.8 DJB, I1 . l

1.1 < DJB, I 1.5

1.5 < D,/B,

Key t o table:
D, Exposeddepth
B, Width of bottomflange
M,, Transversebendingstrength(kNmJmetre)
8, Designtemperatureforwelds (OC)
8, Design
temperature for
bolts ( O C )

Table 1 1 Block temperatures (Table 18 of BS 5950: Part 81

Aspect I of Period Fire Resistance I
30 minutes 60 minutes
02 03 0, (32 83 0,
DJB, I0.6 600 e, - 140
725 350 e, - 90
0.6 D,IB, I0.8 e, - 90 510 385 e, - 60 620 745
0.8 < D,IB, I 1.1 e, - 45 e, - 30 425 550640 765
1.I D,IB, I 1.5 e, - 25 550 425 61 640 765
1.5 < D,/B, 61 425 5 5 08 , 640 765

Key to table:
8, Bottom
temperature ('C)
8, Modifiedbottom
temperature ("C)
8, Exposedangle
temperature ( O C )

8, Angle
temperature ( O C )

Table 12 Temperature gradient (Table 19 of BS 5950: Part 81

Period of fire resistance 30 minutes 60 minutes

Temperature gradient, G 2.3 3.8

(Tables 7 7 and 12 reproduced by the kind permission of SSl)

Job No. Rev.

Steel Construction


- --
Job Title
BCF 4880 Sheet 1 of 5

[nstitute -
- fire Resistance of Sherf Angle n o o r Beams
- Subiect

iilwood Park Ascot Berks SL5 7QN

Design Example
Client Date Made by
relephone:(0344) 23345
:ax:(0344) 22944
B. S . GMN Feb 1993
Checked by Date
BKC Feb 1993

SpanBeam 7.2 metres

Beam 6.0 metres
Beam 533 X 210 X 82 UB Gmde 430
Fire Resistance 30 minutes

Imposed 4.0 kN/m2

Dead 4.5 kN/m2

Load Factors for firelimit state

Dead 1.0
} BS 5950: Part 8 Clause 3.1

Moment capacity f o r normal design is 566 kNm

fire Limit State Moment

7.22 x (0.8 x 4 + 1.0 x 4.5)
= 299.4 kNm

Loadmtio =
299.4 -
- 0.53

From Table 2 f o r 533 x 210 x 82 UB:

Load mtio 0.55 0.50

H (mm), Position of 244 215
angle below top of beam

b..For load m0 of
. 0.53, H = 232 mm (by linear interpolation)

Thus the upper surface of the angles must be positioned not less than 232 mm below
the upper surface of the beam.

Steel Construction




I Job No.
Job Title

BCF 4880
I Sheet 2
Fire Resistance of Shelf Angle Floor Beams
Of 5
I Rev.

Silwood Park Ascot Berks SL5 7QN

Fax:(0344) 22944
B. S . l Made by
Checked by
Date Feb 1993


The bending moment will depend on the exact details selected and the assumed
centre of the applied load. For fire, it is reasonable to assume that the load acts
10 mm in from the end of the precast unit. The clearance between the end of the
unit and the upstand of the angle will be approximately 40 mm giving a lever arm of
50 mm.

Reactiodmetre, R

R -
- -
6 x (0.8 x 4 + 1.0 x 4.5)
- 23.1 kN/m

Transverse bending on angle, M

M -
- 50 x 23.1 x lo-, kNm/m
- l .155 kNm/m

The bending capacity of the angle is given by:

MC. = 1.2 py Z kR (see Section 4, condition v))

The bending capacity may be obtained directly from Table 10. However, to
illustrate the derivation of the table the fullcalculation is presented here.

Z -
- t 2/6

- l 22 x 1000 mm3/m
- 24000 mm3/m

The temperature of the exposed flange of the angle is obtained from BS 5950:
Part 8, Table 18. This Table is reproduced here as Table 11.

De = (528.3 - 232) = 296.3 mm

- 208.7 mm
D,/Be = l .42

.'. From Table l 1 the exposed flange temperature, 8, , is 550C.

Job No.
Steel Construction
5iilwood Park Ascot Berks SL5 7QN
Design Example
Client Date Made by
1relephone:(0344) 23345
1'ax:(0344) 22944
B. S . GMN Feb 1993
Checked by Date

The strength reduction factor is obtained from BS 5950: Part 8, Table l at 1.5%
stmin. This is reproduced here as Table 1.

- 0.612

For gmde 510 steel, pu = 355 Nlmm2

.*.Mcs -
1.2 x 355 x 24000 x 0.612 x
6.26 kNmlm

Tmnsverse bending is therefore satisfactov.


The angles may be bolted or welded to the beam. This connection must be able to
tmnsmit the vertical loads and the horizontal load induced by bending. In this
example the vertical load is 23.1 kNlm, as calculated previously. The horizontal
load is not as easily calculated ( by hand ) as it depends upon the position of the
plastic neutml axis in fire. whilst using the moment capacity method to calculate
the angle positions (H) in Tables 2 to 5, the load in each angle was also calculated.
This calculation took account of the neutral axis position and whether it fell within
the depth of the angle. This load is given in Tables 6 to 9 where Table 6
corresponds to design Table 2, Table 7 to Table 3, Table 8 to Table 4 and Table 9 to
Table 5. The temperature at which any weld or bolt must be assessed is given in
Table 10.

For the design example:

Horizontal load 410 kN ( Table 6 - by linear interpolation )

Weld temperature, 8 , 280C ( Table 10 )

Bolt temperature, 8, 352C ( Table 10 )

The derivation of the temperatures is now p*ven.

From Table l1 the temperature of horizontal leg of angle, 8, , is 550C. A linear

reduction in temperature upwards from the angle root is assumed by the Code. The
temperature gradient, G, is taken from Table 12.

t I Job No. I I Rev.
Steel Construction
- - - ,

Job Title
BCF 4880 I Sheet 4 of 5
Fire Resistance of Shelf Angle Floor Beams
Institute -

Silwood Park Ascot Berks SL5 7QN

I . Design
- Example
Client Made by Date
Fax(O344) 22944
B. S . GMN I
Feb 1993
Checked by Date

- e, - G.X
- 425 "C Table l 1
G - 2.3"C/mm Table 12 (Table 19, BS 5950: Part 8)

At mid-height

- 31.5 mm

The average temperature is therefore 352 "C. If it is assumed that the bolts are
positioned at mid-height of the vertical leg will be at a this temperature( 8, ). Bolts
are assumed to lose strength in a manner similar to welds.

Hence kR = 0.8 X 0.825 (Table l , 0.5% strain)

- 0.66

Consider 20 m m diameter, grade 8.8 bolts.

strength - 0.66 x 91.9
- 60.6 kN

effective load =
[ 4102 + (23.1 X 7.2 / 2)2]'
(per halfspan ) - 419 kN

Thus a minimum of 7 bolts will be required per half fullspan making 14 bolts on
the fullspan at a pitch of about 520 mm.

For welded construction BS 5950: Part 8 states that only weld above the angle may
be used and that any weld below must be discounted. The weld temperature, 8 , , is
taken to be the temperature at the top of the angle leg. A linear variation up the
height of the angle is again assumed.

- 63 mm

Temperature, 8 , = 425 - (63 X 2.3)

- 280 "C

The strength of weM is assumed to be 80% of the strength of steel based on 0.5%

kU = 0.8 X 0.865 (Table l , 0.5% strain)

- 0.69

Steel Construction
Job Title
BCF 4880 I Sheet 5 of 5
--- --
Institute -
-- - Subiect
Fire Resistance of Shelf Angle Noor
jilwood Park Ascot Berks SL5 7QN
Design Example
Date Client by Made
relephone:(0344) 23345
Zax:(0344) 22944
B. S . GMN Feb 1993
Checked by Date

Thus at 69% of normal design strength weld must be provided to transmit 410 kN
over half the span (114 kN/m) and a vettical load of 23.1 kN/m.

Effective load on weM per metre of the beam length

= (1142 + 23.12)'
- l1 7 kN/m

Consider a 4 m m continuous fillet weld. From BS 5950: Part l this may be

assumed to have a strength of 215 N/mm2.

Strength/m -
- 4
- x 1000 x 215 x x 0.69
- 419 kN/m

A 4 m m fillet weld is clearly more than adequate so an intermittent weM could be

considered. Below the angle there should be occasional tack welds as weld exposed
directly is not considered to contribute any strength.

Atleast 8 fire resistance tests havebeen carried on shelf angle floor beamsand these are
summarised in Table 13. The tests were onboth grade 430 and 510 universal beams all with
125 X 75 X 12 grade 510 angles. The span in each case was 4.5 m, which is the standard span
used for fire resistance tests. The angle position is measured from the top of the beam to the
upper surface of the horizontal legof the angle. The tests were carried out by BritishSteel
Technical, Swinden Laboratories.

Table 13 Summary of fire resistance tests on shelf angle floor beams




4 0 6 x 178 x 5 4

305 x 165 x 40

4 0 6 x 178 x 5 42 2



1 ::: 1 1

1 94


( mins 1


4 406 x 178 x 5 4 121 430 29 0.52

5 4 0 6 x 178 x 5 4 430 1 70 0.41 22

6 406 x 178 x 5 4 I 430 I 121 I 0.25 I 74

7 2 5 4 x 1 4 6 x 43 I 430 I 179 I 0.54 I 91

43 I I I I
8 254 x 146 x 430 148 0.55 I 69

It is not possible to make a direct comparison between all the tests and the design tables but a
reasonable comparison can be made for Tests 1, 4 and 8. These tests achieved fire resistances
close to some of the tabulated design data. In Table 14, a comparison of both angle position and
the temperature of the horizontal leg of the angle is shown. The temperature for the comparison
is taken from BS 5950: Part 8, Table 18 which is reproduced on page 16 as Table 11.

Table 14 Comparison of test results and design method

Test Section Load Fire Angle position Angle

Ratio resistance temperature (OC)
( mins 1

1 x 178 x 5 4 0 . 5 64 0 6

4 1406
X 178 x 5 4 ) 0.52

8 I 2 5 4 x 1 4 6 x 43 1 0 . 5 5

t Based on 6 0 minutes ( Design Table 4 )

* Based on 3 0 minutes ( Design Table 2 1

In each case the design method is conservative in that it results in lower angle positions with more
of the beam being shielded from the tire. In Tests 1 and 4 the predicted temperature of the angle,
making allowances for the small time differences, compares well withthe measured temperatures.
In Test 4 the design temperature is somewhat conservative. As stated earlier, more exact
calculation methods exist which would give results closer to those achieved in the tests but these
are very complex and beyond the scope of BS 5950: Part 8.

1. WAINMAN, D.E. and KIRBY, B.R.
Compendium of UK Standard Fire Test Data
Unprotected Structural Steel
British Steel Technical, Swinden Laboratories, 1988


BS 5950: Structural Use of Steelwork in Buildings
Part 8: Code of Practice for Fire Resistant Design
BSI, 1990

3. LAWSON, R.M. and NEWMAN, G.M.

Fire Resistant Design of Steel Structures - A Handbook to BS 5950: Part 8
Steel Construction Institute. 1990


Eurocode No. 3: Design of Steel Structures
Part 10: Structural Fire Design, EC3, 1990 (Draft)
(to be published as Part l .2 in 1994)


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