DLL - Eng 6 - Q1 - W2
DLL - Eng 6 - Q1 - W2
DLL - Eng 6 - Q1 - W2
E. Discussing new concepts & Task 2. Build Up a Tree! Listen Answer Lets Do More Answer Lets Do More Do Lets Do More
practicing and concern to new skills #2 again to your teacher as he/she Activity Sheet in BEAM Activity Sheet in
reads the poem Trees by Joyce English 6 (Quarter 1: Decoding Meaning of English 6 (Quarter 1:
Kilmer. List down all examples of Week 2-Day 3, p. Unfamiliar Words using Week 2-Day 5, p. 4)
personification from the poem. 6) Structural Analysis
Write your answers inside the blank
(p. 44)
upper part of the tree below.
F.Developing Mastery (Leads to Task 3. Are You Ready for the Answer Lets Enrich Task 2. Viewing the
Formative Assesment 3 Choral Reading? Work with your Ourselves Movie Trailer! Your
groupmates to present a choral Activity Sheet in teacher will show you
reading of the following selection. English 6 (Quarter 1: a movie trailer of
Week 2-Day 3, pp. Heneral Luna. With
Oh, No! your partner, identify
For several days, a colony of hungry and describe the
ants positioned themselves at the scenes where
sidewalk every morning. They blocking was applied.
waited there patiently for some Do this by
unexpected meal. One morning, a completing the
careless biker drove his bike with a following table.
basketful of bread. The ants
annoyed the biker that he stumbled
over a big rock. Unknowingly, the
biker dropped a bag of bread. The
happy ants carried the bag of bread
to their place. They happily shared
with each other the success of their
plan. It was skillfully planned by the
king ant. From then on, they
patiently gathered mounds of dirt
for another ambush. But rainy days
came and the mound of dirt was
washed away.
G. Finding Practical Applications of Ask: Is listening to or reading poems/any Ask: Why are rhyme, Ask: Why is learning Ask: Why is blocking
concepts and skills in daily living literary piece with personification enjoyable? sound devices, imagery, affixes important? important in film?
Why do you say so? Why do you think and figurative language If you were a film
learning personification is important? essential? director, what kind of
blocking technique
would you apply to
your film and why?
H. Making Generalizations & Personification is a very Read Lets Remember Read Lets Remember Blocking is simply
Abstractions about the lessons important tool used by writers to This This the relationship of
enliven and give human attributes Activity Sheet in BEAM the camera to the
to inanimate objects. It adds beauty English 6 (Quarter 1: Decoding Meaning of actors. Essentially, it
and creativity to any literary piece Week 2-Day 3, p. Unfamiliar Words using is the physical
movement of the
10) Structural Analysis
actors relative to the
(p. 44)
position of the
I.Evaluating Learning Write your own personification poem with Do Lets Work On This Answer Lets Test
three-lines and four stanzas. Activity Sheet in Ourselves
English 6 (Quarter 1: BEAM
Week 2-Day 3, pp. Decoding Meaning of
9-10) Unfamiliar Words using
Structural Analysis
(p. 45)
J. Additional activities for application or Task 4. Say Yes? Say No? Read Do Lets Reflect Answer Lets Enrich Task 3. Film
remediation the following statements taken from Activity Sheet in Ourselves Critiquing! Watch
the selection titled Oh No!. Write English 6 (Quarter 1: BEAM your favorite movie
Yes on the blank before the number Week 2-Day 3, p. Decoding Meaning of at home.
if the sentence shows 10) Unfamiliar Words using On a one whole sheet
personification and write No if it Structural Analysis of paper, identify the
does not. (p. 46) message conveyed
_____ 1. A careless biker drove his by the film in at least
bike with a basketful of bread. two to three
_____ 2. A colony of hungry ants sentences. Write
positioned themselves at the down the scenes
sidewalk. _____ 3. From then on, from the film where
they patiently gathered mounds of blocking was applied
dirt for another ambush. then list down the
_____ 4. Unknowingly, the biker possible reasons for
dropped a bag of bread. their application.
_____ 5. The happy ants carried the Prepare to present
bag of bread to their place. your work in class
next meeting
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who requires additional
acts.for remediation who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials
did I used/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?