Keppel Corporation - Buy: To Be A True Conglomerate
Keppel Corporation - Buy: To Be A True Conglomerate
Keppel Corporation - Buy: To Be A True Conglomerate
BUY (maintain)
Fair value S$7.36
Harnessing synergies add: 12m dividend forecast S$0.20
Well-positioned to ride property upturn versus: Current price S$6.42
Asset management for various real assets 12m total return forecast 18%
Multi-business group Low Pei Han, CFA (Lead) +65 6531 9813
Though almost synonymous with Offshore & Marine, Keppel Corporation [email protected]
is a multi-business group with different verticals in the same line of Eugene Chua +65 6531 9678
providing solutions for sustainable urbanisation such as energy, [email protected]
Singapore, China, as well as Vietnam and Indonesia. It also has a Shares o/s. (m) 1,812.8
Exchange SGX
foothold in Myanmar. In China, Keppel is focused on the five key cities
BBRG ticker KEP SP
of Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Chengdu and Wuxi. Despite property
Reuters ticker KPLM.SI
cooling measures in selected cities in China, the group sold over 3,800 SGX code BN4
units and handed over some 3,480 units in 2016. Sales in China GICS Sector Industrials
contributed to about 65% of the total 5,720 residential units that Keppel Industrial
GICS Industry Conglomerates
Land sold in 2016. In Singapore, Keppel sold 380 units, double the 190 Top shareholder Temasek - 20.7%
units in 2015. With its landbank of 1.3m sq ft in prime locations, Keppel
is well-positioned to ride on a recovery in the residential market when it Relative total return 1m 3m 12m
occurs. Keppels residential landbank in Singapore and overseas total Company (%) -2 -8 22
8.4m sm of GFA, translating to a pipeline of about 66,000 homes, STI-adjusted (%) -2 -13 4
mostly in China and Vietnam. The group has also diversified into other
Price performance chart
segments such as office, retail and lifestyle developments overseas.
Please refer to important disclosures at the back of this document. MCI (P) 003/06/2017
OCBC Investment Research
Singapore Equities
Keppel Ba y Project 70.0% Res i dua l va l ue 700 4.7%
Property s egment 100.0% 1x P/B 9,111 61.5%
Keppel T&T 79.5% Ma rket va l ue 776 5.2%
Power & Envi ronmental 100.0% 10x norma l i s ed EPS 1,060 7.1%
Keppel Infra s tructure Trus t 18.2% Ma rket va l ue 382 2.6%
Keppel DC REIT 4.9% Ma rket va l ue 72 0.5%
Keppel Ca pi tal 100.0% 20x FY17F EPS 1,300 8.8%
K1 Ventures 36.0% Ma rket va l ue 100 0.7%
Kri s Energy 40.2% Ma rket va l ue 84 0.6%
Dyna -Ma c Hol di ngs 25.2% Ma rket va l ue 38 0.3%
OCBC Investment Research
Singapore Equities
Income statement
Year Ended 31 Dec (S$m) FY15 FY16 FY17F FY18F
Balance sheet
As at 31 Dec (S$m) FY15 FY16 FY17F FY18F
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- OIRs fundamental views and ratings (Buy, Hold, Sell) are medium-term calls within a 12-month investment
- As a guide, OIRs BUY rating indicates a total expected return in excess of 10% based on the current price;
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Carmen Lee
Head of Research
For OCBC Investment Research Pte Ltd
Important disclosures