Courier Hub: Charrette Opens Friday
Courier Hub: Charrette Opens Friday
Courier Hub: Charrette Opens Friday
Mike Daniels Farmers Insurance Agency
Sat., June 10th 11am-2pm
194 W. Main Street
FREE Food and Drink, face painting
and give-aways!
Thursday, June 8, 2017 Vol. 135, No. 46 Stoughton, WI $1 Prizes Include: Car detail kit donated by Gates Auto-
body 26 SmokeyMountain Electric Smoker donated
by Emergency Fire and Restoration
Community invited
to discuss riverfront If You Go
What: Riverfront redevel-
redevelopment opment design charrette
When: 9a.m. to
4:30p.m. Friday, June 9;
Unified Newspaper Group
9a.m. to 3p.m. Saturday,
June 10; noon to 6p.m.
After months of prepara-
Sunday, June 11.
tion, the riverfront redesign
charrette will take place this Where: EMS conference
weekend. room, 516 S. Fourth St.
The three-day-long pub- Info:
lic-driven planning session
is the first major step in cre-
ating a vision for the use of
10 acres around the river- all around Stoughton, not
front, where old, dilapidat- just the riverfront area,
Photo by Derek Spellman ed Millfab and Stoughton to attend the guided dis-
SHS senior Meghan Garvin talks with SHS principal Mike Kruse during Saturdays graduation ceremonies at the high Trailers buildings now sit. cussions and virtual site
school. The citys Redevelop- tours Friday, Saturday and
ment Authority is inviting
2017 graduation
community members from Turn to Charrette/Page 12
More graduation Stoughton Area School District
Nearly 300 Stoughton High School graduates from the Class of 2017 walked across
the dais at the Collins Field to receive their diplomas on Sunday, June 4 at the high
Page 2 Building skills
Lego kits helping
End of a colorful era as SHS Roloff retires
keep Kegonsa kids
engaged in reading, Grants series
SCOTT DE LARUELLE They needed a football coach and
writing May 11: Overview of last
years grants
Unified Newspaper Group Inside an art teacher, so it just worked out
in my favor, he said.
SCOTT DE LARUELLE May 18: New grants
Roloff coached freshman football
Unified Newspaper Group awarded
This fall, for the first time in more
than 60 years, there wont be a Rol- Read about some of the and later assisted with the varsity May 25: Student-centered
Because of an innova- learning at Fox Prairie
off teaching at Stoughton High other SASD retirees team for around a decade before get- tion grant she got last year,
School. ting into coaching tennis again fol- Angy Gagliano doesnt Last week: Back to basics
After 35 years teaching at his alma Pages 7-8 lowing in his fathers footsteps when have to steal her daughters with Kegonsa kindergar-
mater, Howard Roloff some jobs opened up. Legos anymore. tens
is calling it a career, I ended up taking over my dads N o w, s h e s w o r k i n g
having followed in the teach art. position as a tennis coach, and I This week: Lego
with Kegonsa Elementa- StoryStarter kits used to
footsteps of his father, I kind of struggled with reading coached the boys and girls tennis ry School fourth-graders
Roger, who taught and writing in school, but I had a real teams for many, many years, he help writers
on reading and writing
social studies at the talent for drawing, he told the Hub said. I dropped out of coaching skills with more than 30 Next week: Kegonsa
school for more than last week. Im fortunate my parents for three years to pursue my mas- Stoughton Area School grants help bring families
30 years as well. figured that out and they really kind ters, and then when I came back to District-funded Lego Sto- together
Howard, a member Roloff of pushed that at a young age. coaching, I was JV coach for boys ryStarter kits. The kits have
of the SHS Class of Roloff was even able to fulfill a and girls (tennis) for another couple allowed her and her fel- communication skills than
1977, said it was in part because of childhood dream of teaching with his years. low teachers at Kegonsa to before.
his fathers profession that he wanted dad, which he did for several years helping students become Its the evolution of an
to get into a teaching by the time he after starting in fall of 1982. He attri- Turn to Roloff/Page 7 far more engaged in their
was a first-grader. And he wanted to butes the good timing to a bit of luck. Turn to Lego/Page 16 Stoughton
608.282.6141 Apply online at
* Cannot be combined with any other offer. Good on all home loan applications received between March 3, 2017 and June 30, 2017.
2 June 8, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub
Howard Bud Busch and Leona Kjernes were Stoughton Citywide
relocation help married by Pastor Theodore Heimark on June
Garage Sales
6, 1942 at the Cooksville Lutheran Church. Bud
graduated from Stoughton High 1941 and Leona
Contract will help 1940. They farmed a total of 42 years. Leona also
worked for the first 3 years of marriage in Madison.
couple who plan to
sell land for public
After retiring from farming, Bud worked for 8
years at the Dana Corp. They moved to Edgerton
in 1984. Their children include sons, Ron (Mary), Gary (Jean), Brian (Terre
and daughter Judy (Ralph). They also have 7 grandchildren and 9 great
Saturday, June 24
works facility grandchildren. A family celebration was held on June 3rd.
Unified Newspaper Group Custom Designed & Built to Last!
Lifetime Film Integrity Steel Warranty
Featuring Doors
The city is contracting
with a company that special-
izes in helping people relo- Strongest Column
cate when theyre planning to in the Industry
move. Debt Free Since 1985
On Tuesday, May 23, the Builders Risk &
Common Council autho- Full Insurance
Only $1850
County Hwy. A, where city
officials anticipate building
a new public works facility (includes 15 words)
next year. The council has
yet to approve a purchase Additional words 40 each.
price for the property, which
officials anticipate being Deadline to advertise your garage sale is
appraised this week or next. Friday, June 16th at Noon.
The Kirby property is
located at 2431 County Ads must be placed in person, by fax, or e-mail. No phone calls.
Hwy. A and includes several Payment must be made at time of placing your ad.
buildings that would likely
be razed to clear the land for
new construction.
right to edit letters for length, on issues, but it reserves the right ome people might think I Farmers are observers with and ruin it all. Its okay to get
clarity and appropriateness. Let- to limit the number of exchanges was born in a barn. That I commendable problem-solving up and stretch and splash your
ters with libelous or obscene con- between individual letter writ- wasnt is only one of my skills, a strong work ethic and face with cold water, but then
tent will not be printed. ers to ensure all writers have a disappointments in life. the wherewithal to persist until put your gloves back on and
Letters to the editor should be chance to have their voices heard. That I grew up on a farm is a task is completed. They have finish what you started. You can
of general public interest. Letters true, and it has been my salva- to be. quit when youre done, as some
that are strictly personal lost This policy will be printed from tion. To raise livestock, a farmer farmers say.
pets, for example will not be time to time in an abbreviated My older sister spent the first has to scrutinize them every day While there are books about
printed. Letters that recount per- form here and will be posted in years of her life in the city, her for clues as to who is ornery, raising chickens, and manuals
sonal experiences, good or bad, its entirety on our websites. earliest observations noted as who is horny and who is feeling for tractors, farmers cannot
she peered down from apart- poorly. I have found that such make rigid lesson plans to
ment win- keen observation is helpful also implement in the coming semes-
dows. What to recognize at a glance the ter and expect them to be strictly
she couldnt mood of your boss as she enters adhered to. More often, the
see from her the meeting, not to mention farmers are the students, and it is
Thursday, June 8, 2017 Vol. 135, No. 46 windows, she deciphering the pecking order of Mother Nature and the animals
USPS No. 1049-0655 discovered that the herd of co-workers, jostling who school them.
Periodical Postage Paid, Stoughton, WI and additional offices. she could learn there at the trough of donuts. I do have a modest hobby
Published weekly on Thursday by the Unified Newspaper Group, by reading. Farm equipment breaks down farm today, but it is not how I
A Division of Woodward Communications, Inc. She would even on Sunday evenings, so make a living. As I go about
POSTMASTER: Send Address Corrections to
The Stoughton Courier Hub, PO Box 930427, Verona, WI 53593.
become an Wollin-Dunn sometimes hardware off a dif- the twice-daily routine of feed-
Office Location: 135 W. Main Street, Stoughton, WI 53589 educator. ferent piece of equipment gets ing and watering and cleaning
Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday and Friday
Having no scavenged to make a quick fix (before and after my paying
similar hard-wired fate, I left her to finish the task at hand. As jobs), I sometimes marvel that I
Phone: 608-873-6671 FAX: 608-873-3473
to her books and toddled about the front desk buzzes to let you have held more than 25 different
e-mail: our 100-acre farm in search know the unscheduled client is jobs without a college degree or
Circulation customer service: (800) 355-1892 of my destiny. My shoes were hanging up his coat and using formal training, and especially dependably fouled with manure, the restroom before heading for without a master plan.
This newspaper is printed on recycled paper.
and to this day I prefer to wear your office, its handy if you are My work-ethic must have
smooth-soled boots and to not able to rapidly recall and pull poured into me as the raw goats
General Manager Circulation ride in cars belonging to city up an old, similar contract and milk we drank. When my father
Lee Borkowski Carolyn Schultz people, just in case. switch out the data and get it fixed fences, I observed and But I do so love the smell of printed quickly so that you can reported back to him which
Sales Manager News manure. And cud burps, new save the day -- or at least the techniques had failed as the pigs
Jim Ferolie hay and wet horses. These to me account! spilled into the heifers lot and
Kathy Neumeister are the smells of a profession I Sleeping late, calling in sick which pig was the one who start-
learned young, long since sup- to work or leaving early for ed it.
Advertising Sports planted by the odors of break- the day are simply not options To catch a naughty pony to
Catherine Stang Jeremy Jones room coffee pots, the colognes when there are milking-goats go for a ride requires some and perfumes of human cowork- with full bags waiting for relief. very earnest problem-solving
Assistant Editor ers, and the untenable stench of Showing up to your job reliably, skills, and as one of my hens,
Classifieds deadline panic. every day and on time, and stay- Wednesday, reminds me every
Diane Beaman Scott Girard I am a farmer who has never ing to finish your shift is more evening these days, perseverance made a living farming. But Ive important than you might think, is thoroughly taught by a chick-
Inside Sales Reporters never wanted for a job, either, because the world is not an oys- en who does not want to go into
Samantha Christian, Bill Livick, and Ive often called upon my ter, it is actually an udder. the coop at night.
Monica Morgan Anthony Iozzo, Amber Levenhagen, early lessons to solve new prob- And even if exhaustion sets
Scott De Laruelle, Helu Wang lems. in on the third hay wagon, there Kelsey Wollin-Dunn is a Town
As it turns out, all you really are still two wagons of small of Rutland resident.
Unified Newspaper Group, a division of need to know you can learn by squares to stack in the barn
Woodward Communications,Inc. farming. before the rainclouds let loose
A dynamic, employee-owned media company
Good People. Real Solutions. Shared Results.
Get Connected
Printed by Woodward Printing Services Platteville
look at keeping our operation in-house or has not heard anything from parents on the
exploring a partnership with a vendor that possible change.
contracts transportation services. School board president Scott Dirks said the
No timeline on a decision has been set, board has invited representatives from Nel-
though Spellman said the district would need son to be on hand Monday night to answer Corner of Prairie & Main St.,
some sort of decision soon to allow for any questions.
planning for the fall. The districts 2017-18 401 W. Main St., Stoughton
fiscal year starts July 1. Email Unified Newspaper Group reporter
A district news release last month stated
the district has had a longstanding partner-
Scott De Laruelle at scott.delaruelle@
Tuesday, June 13 Noon-6pm
ship with Nelson thats built on trust and has Featuring Nationally acclaimed illusionist
Phil Dalton performing at 3pm!
tions of visitors. Serving hot dogs & drinks.
37 area homes to For information on the Parade of
New this year is the Peo-
tour before June 25 Homes, visit:
ples Choice Awards. Visitors
will be encouraged to vote
A FREE EVENT FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY for their favorite house in the
Stoughton will be host to homes/ entire Parade, as well as best
Dane Countys
the Parade of Homes for the home in each neighborhood
first time ever this month, as for the following categories:
the annual two-week event showcases a variety of home curb appeal, kitchen and bath,
runs from June 10-25. styles, sizes, features, accents lower level, and dcor/interior 39th Annual
Breakfast On The Farm
Nordic Ridge is among the and price points. Parade build- design.
neighborhoods with a home ers are committed to using The Parade of Homes is
available for a tour this year green-building techniques, open 4p.m. to 8p.m. Tues-
in the event sponsored by energy-efficient HVAC sys- day to Friday. Saturday and
Madison Area Builders Asso- tems and appliances and open Sunday hours are 11a.m. to Saturday, June 10 7:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
ciation (MABA) that has floor plans that utilize space 5p.m. Visit Blue Star Dairy - Middleton, 5191 Vosen Road, Middleton
been around for more than 60 in innovative ways. of-homes/ for more infor-
years. Nordic Ridge, located on mation on MABA and the
The parade includes 37 the west side of Stoughton, Parade of Homes, ticket pric-
custom homes in seven Dane includes single-family homes es, locations/directions and
County neighborhoods in ranging from about 2,200 to the latest updates.
Waunakee, Oregon, Stough- 3,500 square feet.
ton, Windsor and DeForest. Many of the builders will Submitted by Mark
The Parade of Homes be on hand to discuss their Crawford
Join our hosts, the Meinholz family, as we celebrate the Dairy Days
of Summer with fun for all ages! Listen to live music from the
Soggy Prairie Boys, meet a calf in one of four educational stations,
enjoy a farm-fresh breakfast and more!
Menu: Cheesy scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausage, yogurt, custard, milk & coffee.
In addition, samples of other dairy products will be offered in the Expo Area
Event Admission: Includes parking, breakfast & all of the events & activities.
Ages 0-2, free; ages 3-11, $4.00; ages 12 & up, $8.00
Location: For directions and parking information, please visit our website:
Platinum Sponsors:
6 June 8, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub
Support groups
Repenting or Turning Your Life Around Diabetic Support Group senior center, 873-8585
6 p.m., second Monday,
There is certainly cause for wonder in the etymological and historical Stoughton Hospital, 628- Low Vision Support
connection between repentance and penitentiaries. Penitentiaries (i.e., 6500 1-2:30 p.m., third Thurs-
prisons) were at one time thought of as places of repentance, or at least day, senior center, 873-
873-4590 penitence, where people went to atone for their sins and to turn their lives Dementia Caregivers 8585
1358 Hwy 51, Stoughton around. Nowadays we seem to have lost sight of the potential for prisons 2 p.m., second Thursday,
senior center, 873-8585 Parkinsons Group
Pete Gunderson to be places where people can remake their lives and instead think of them 1:30-2:30 p.m., fourth
Mike Smits Dale Holzhuter
more as warehouses for dangerous people. Perhaps we should go back to
Martha Paton, Administrative Manager
this original model of the penitentiary, and perhaps also we should think of Crohns/Colitis/IBD Wednesday, senior center,
Changing times
JoAnn Gerke
Hometown: Prescott
Position: Elementary Physical Education at
Your Family
I will miss all the student and colleagues.
What are some of the top challenges facing educators
The top challenge in education today is the respect from
Why are you retiring now, and what are your plans for
retirement? Our Stoughton Clinic Opens July 2017
My plan is we have already moved to the Lancaster area 1300 Nygaard St. (608) 848-5366
to be closer to the grandkids.
Anything else youd like folks to know? Now accepting new patients!
Thanks to the Stoughton Area School District for a posi-
tive teaching experience.
8 June 8, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub
in Stoughton
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Grade: Senior
Honorable mentions:
Owen Roe, Tristan Jenny, Nathan Moll
and Sean McLaury of the 4x800 relay
finished fifth and broke a school record to Photo by Anthony Iozzo
medal at state in 7:56.32 Senior Aly Weum races in the final 50 meters of the 400 final Saturday in the WIAA Division 1 state track and field championships at Vet-
Mya Lonnebotn (girls track) broke a erans Memorial Stadium at UW-La Crosse. Weum broke her school record by .02 seconds in 56.19 to take fifth and make the podium.
4x800 relay
ANTHONY IOZZO waukee King) 12.25
Assistant sports editor
200: sophomore Brooke Jaworski
(Wausau West) 24.65
Seniors Aly Weum and Mya Lonnebotn
breaks school both finished their high school careers for the
Stoughton girls track and field team on a high
note last weekend.
400: Jaworski 53.71, state record
800: senior Cami Davre (Whitefish Bay)
record again to Both not only broke school records
Weum in the 400 and Lonnebotn in the triple
jump but also finished fifth in their events to
1,600: Davre 4:56.76
3,200: Davre 10:53.67
medal at state make the podium at state, which was held Fri-
day and Saturday at Veterans Memorial Field
at UW-La Crosse.
4x100: Milwaukee King 46.81
4x200: Milwaukee King 1:40.33
ANTHONY IOZZO 4x400: Hamilton 3:51.66
Lonnebotn leaps to fifth Friday 4x800: Waukesha West 9:15.9
Assistant sports editor
Lonnebotn was the first to make her mark 100 hurdles: sophomore Destiny Huven
Seniors Tristan Jenny, Nathan Moll and Friday in the triple jump finals. She came into Photo by Jeremy Jones (Nicolet) 14.7
Owen Roe started the WIAA Division 1 the meet seeded 13th and was in the middle of Mya Lonnebotn finished fifth in the triple
the second of three flights. 300 hurdles: freshman Jadin OBrien
state track and field meet off with a bang jump Friday at the WIAA Division 1 state
Friday in the 4x800 relay at Veterans But after making the finals, she topped (Divine Savior Holy Angels) 43.22
track and field meet in La Crosse with a
Memorial Field at UW-La Crosse. graduate Brianna Bowers school record (37 school record 37 feet, 3 1/4 inches. Triple jump: senior Eva Laun-Smith
The seniors and junior Sean McLaury feet, 1/4 inch) by three inches with a leap of (Beloit Memorial) 39-10 1/2
broke a school record for the second week 37-3 1/4. Lonnebotn said the moment she will
High jump: junior Emily Scott (Kimberly)
in a row, taking fifth in 7 minutes, 56.32 I knew I didnt do my best at sectionals, remember the most was seeing her father tak-
ing photos while she stood on the podium. 5-8
seconds to reach the podium. Lonnebotn said. Ive been wanting to break
It was a really different experience the school record so bad I knew it was pos- Just looking out at the crowd and knowing Long jump: junior Armoni Brown
being up there and seeing all the crowd, sible but it was hard to imagine being up (on I made it up there my senior year, it was the (Waukesha South) 19-8 1/2, state record
Jenny said. Its a really good feeling. the podium). ultimate goal, said Lonnebotn. Pole vault: junior Daily Albino (New
And it just showed that all the hard work When I did get up there, it was the best And she may be back at UW-La Crosse Berlin West) 12-6
we put in together really paid off. moment ever. next fall, as she is still contemplating whether
she will run for its track and field team. Shot put: senior Josie Schaefer (Bara-
Jenny also made the medal stand in Lonnebotn reached the finals tied for sev- boo) 47-8
March for the state individual wrestling enth with a jump of 36-4 3/4 and broke the Weum races to fifth Saturday
meet at the Kohl Center. But it was even school record on her fifth jump of the day. Discus: Schaefer 163-8
more fun to be up there with his team- She accomplished this after missing all of last Weum first ran in the 4x800 relay early Sat-
mates, and the finish made up for not season with a broken hip and not being able urday, which came in seeded sixth. And the
making state in cross country last fall. to train until late January/early February of relay didnt perform as well as the girls had said. So breaking it by .02 seconds and get-
At state wrestling youre up there for this year. hoped. ting fifth just shows that the competition gets
yourself. Being on the podium today with It definitely took a little bit for me to get That motivated Weum to make her last race stronger. Everything I have done leading up
three other people, its a different feel- back to where I was, Lonnebotn said. In as a Stoughton Viking count in the 400, where to this led to that race, so I left it all out there.
ing, Jenny said. the beginning of the season, I was definitely she broke the school record she had set last Weum said she had the wind at her back for
The relay came in seeded sixth after frustrated with how I was jumping. I started year at state with a time of 56.19. the first half of the race and reached the final
winning sectionals, but Jenny said that working hard and working on my middle The fact that I did have to break a school 150 meters quickly. From there, she realized
phase, and I was able to pick up a couple of record to get fifth is crazy because obviously she was in seventh and had to kick it in with
Turn to Boys track/Page 11 feet. my school record last year got third, Weum Turn to Girls track/Page 11
10 June 8, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub
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Boys golf
Boys track: Seniors finish high school careers at state The Stoughton Mer-
Continued from page 9 Other finishes chants Home Talent team Whats next
Senior Sam McHone also D1 state champions defeated the Jefferson Blue
Devils 3-2 in a back-and-
while the guys knew they finished his high school forth affair on Sunday. The Stoughton Mer-
100: junior L.O. Johnson (Waunakee) 10.99
had to run faster, they didnt career at state track. McHone Irvin Medina grounded chants travel to Lake Mills
have a time in mind. Being a was a part of the 4x100 relay 200: senior David Dunlap (Nicolet) 21.84 out with one out to plate at 1 p.m. Sunday
senior gave Jenny, Moll and that made it to the finals Sat- 400: junior Jose Guzman (Ashwaubenon) 47.89 the Merchants go-ahead
Roe even more motivation. urday. run in the top of the fifth
Our goal this week was 800: senior Nathan Farrell (Janesville Craig) 1:53.02
Junior Jake Deutsch, off Ike Roth.
to focus on the little things, junior Jordan DiBenedetto, 1,600: senior Tannor Wagner (Ashwaubenon) 4:15.77 Ben Riffle struck out 11 in the Southeast Section
whether that was a hand- sophomore Dwight Walker 3,200: senior Finn Gessner (Madison La Follette) 9:06.24 for the win, while hurlers on Sunday with a 6-1
off or kicking just little bit and McHone finished ninth the Jefferson Blue Devils loss at Fort Atkinson.
more, Jenny said. We knew 110 hurdles: senior Kelvon Johnson (West Allis Central)
in 43.21. 14.56 sat down nine. Riffle went Schauer was credited
we were capable of making The relay also finished all nine innings, surrender- with the loss for the As.
the podium, we just didnt ninth in the prelims Friday in 300 hurdles: senior Drake Schneider (Eau Claire Memo- ing two runs on eight hits He worked five innings,
know how we would do it 42.91. rial) 38.05 and no walks. Roth took allowing six earned runs
Us three seniors wanted to McHone also ran in the 4x100: Nicolet (41.89) the loss for Jefferson. He on nine hits and one
run the best races of our lives 200 and finished 13th in threw five innings, giving walk. Christian Stokstad
and leave everything we had 4x200: Muskego 1:27.04
22.53 in Fridays prelims. up three runs on four hits. didnt give up a run in
out on that track. DiBenedetto ran in the 100 4x400: Kettle Moraine 3:18.1 S a m S i m o n , Wi n d e r three innings of relief.
We just didnt want to and took 17th in 11.41 on 4x800: Oconomowoc 7:45.88 Fuentes, Tyler Wilberg, Chris Koepke earned
have any regrets, even if we Friday. Dave Hanson and Median the win for the Generals,
didnt make the podium. Long jump: junior Cordell Tinch (Bay Port) 24-2 1/4
Moll ran in the 400 and each collected one hit to going 7 1/3 while allow-
Jenny will be back at joined senior Jacob Tobie, High jump: senior Jack Herkert (Verona) 6-8
lead Stoughton. ing one hit. He struck
UW-LA Crosse next year on Roe and McLaury in the Triple jump: Tinch 49-2 1/4, state record out seven.
the Eagles wrestling team, 4x400 in Fridays pre- Pole vault: senior Lucas McCormick (Green Bay Preble) Fort Atkinson 6, Utica 1
and he said it was fun to be lims. Moll finished 11th in Utica dropped to 0-6 - Jeremy Jones
able to run on the same track 15-3
the 400 in 50.29, and he
he will also be doing his anchored the 4x400 to 18th Discus: junior Boyd Dietzen (Kimberly) 184-11
wrestling workouts. in 3:26.09. Shot put: senior Austin Glynn (Onalaska) 62-3 1/2
Girls track: 4x800 relay
Boys lacrosse
finishes 15th at state
Charrette: Big-picture topics for riverfront property include housing, green space and retail
Continued from page 1 Were putting
Sunday at the EMS confer-
What is a charrette? Topics of Charrette concepts into
ence room, 516 S. Fourth
St. Those discussions will A charrette is an intensive, public planning process, discussion schedule drawings, and its
help lead designers to cre- usually intended to create a long-term vision for a specific exciting because you
ate a plan for the area. area. Landscape (greens- Friday, June 9 get to immediately
But rather than create pace, trail location)
Typically, it involves a series of meetings and discus- 9a.m. to noon, look at what you
the master plan itself, the Connections to
session is designed to cre- sions, over a weekend or longer, among various groups Guided discussion topic: were just describing.
ating dozens of individu- of interested people, such as area residents, members Main Street Functional Diagramming
al designs that get broad of the business community and community organizations. Connections to Mark Geall, co-founder
brush strokes of what peo- 1:30-4:30p.m.,
The sessions are led by designers, with the goal of cre- Mandt park across the and owner of Tanesay
ple want for the riverfront, Guided discussion top- Development
ex p l a i n e d M a r k G e a l l , ating a free flow of ideas and immediate feedback from river ics: Topography, open
whose Appleton-based professionals. Restoration/use of space, viewsheds
company, Tanesay Devel- through the summer. The
opment, was selected as the The word means little cart in French and refers to the river Saturday, June 10 demolition for MillFab is set
master developer for the when instructors at an art school in France would tote Energy (sustainabili-
for July.
area in February. around a cart to collect drawings from students. 9-11:30a.m.,
ty and renewables) Fea- Guided discussion top- Hearing voices
Were going to look at
the blank canvas and envi- sibility ics: Building design/mix The discussions will cov-
sion together what might any time to share their own immediately look at what of uses er a wide range of topics to
happen downtown, he told ideas. you were just describing,
Design: Density, Ori- address the possibilities for
the Hub. The guided discussions Geall said. entation, Height 10-11a.m., Virtual the property, like opening it
The weekend is lined will help attendees more In addition to the draw- site tour up for housing, green space
with guided discussion top- specifically articulate their ings by the architect, Con-
Retail / Residential / or retail.
ics on Friday and Saturday thoughts for the downtown sultant Gary Becker said Office mix 12:30-1:30, Virtual Connecting the riverfront
ranging from topography area that will be sketched that there will be a booth site tour to surrounding areas is one of
and open space to building and put on display, he said.
Brownfields: Soil the priorities, so several dis-
on Main Street during the
design and uses, and it con- These drawings will be pre- Art Walk with poster boards conditions / VPLE 1:30-3p.m., Guid- cussion sessions will focus
cludes Sunday with more sented at the open house and colors for kids to draw ed discussion topics: on its relationship to Mandt
discussion, an open house Views into site Park, Main Street and the
Sunday. what they might envision Connections/circulation
and pizza potluck. Were putting concepts along the riverfront. Lighting rest of the downtown area.
But Geall emphasized into drawings, and its
topics The health of the land sur-
This development is
that anyone can attend at exciting because you get to going to impact every- Stormwater Sunday, June 11 rounding the riverfront will
one, so we want to make also be discussed, including
sure (the charrette is) fam-
Mandt Foundry Noon to 3p.m., concerns with the soil condi-
CALL NOW 1-608-338-1170 ily-friendly and easily
accessible, Becker said.
Building potential re-
uses (must be self-sup-
Guided discussion top-
ics: Energy, brownfield,
tions, restoration of the Yaha-
ra River and sustainable and
porting for revenue) renewable energy.
Starting from scratch soil, stormwater These are all different
big-picture ideas that impact
The groups coordinating 4:30-6p.m., Sum- a development, he said.
the event Geall and the discussed, but Geall encour- mary open house and
Redevelopment Authority This is just drilling into
aged attendees to come with pizza potluck those details.
warmed up for it by hosting an open mind because, he
an informal discussion event But regardless of what
said, there are no set plans is eventually the focus of
at Wendigo last month. for the development. creativity, because other the property, Geall said that
A park and a riverwalk We want to create an people can come up with
were some of the ideas everyone can agree that find-
open space to have that some very interesting things ing a way to use the aban-
that you wouldnt have doned property will benefit
SAVEE $500 $
$1,000 thought of independently,
Geall said.
Stoughton all around.
Its hard though, because
on a New Bath
B h or Shower The designs sketched at youve got many, many dif-
New orders only. Minimum purchase required.
the charrette will eventually ferent voices and not every-
be digitized, likely within body is going to get every-
INTEREST FREE FINANCING a few weeks of the char-
rette conclusion, Geall said.
thing they want, he said.
But we all have the goal to
m 2 tto 4 YEARS! These will translate into a get that chunk of land back
proposal for the property into the community.
see website for details and disclaimers by the Planning Commis- Contact Amber Levenha-
sion and Common Council, gen at amber.levenhagen@
baths com a process that will continue June 8, 2017 Stoughton Courier Hub 13
Lyle Koehler Ill. on Feb. 11, 1984. Mack Reynolds, niece and
He enjoyed playing all goddaughter, Hailey; spe-
sports and coaching his cial friend, Jeff Yeager; and
daughters and other chil- many extended family and
dren for 37 years. He start- in-laws.
ed the Stoughton Storm He was preceded in death
Youth Softball League and by his father and grandpar-
the Southeastern Dane Vol- ents.
leyball Club and was very Funeral services were
proud of all the girls who held Friday, June 2, 2017,
played for him. Larry was at St. Josephs Catholic
a very family oriented man. Church in Lena, Ill., with
He was a devoted husband, burial at St. Michaels
father and grandfather. He Cemetery in Galena, Ill.
Lyle Koehler would do anything to help Visitation was held Thurs-
others. day, June 1, 2017, at the
Lyle Larry Koehler, He is survived by his Leamon Funeral Home in Photo by Tim Erickson
age 55, of Stoughton, mother, Jeanette Koehler Lena, Ill.
passed away peacefully
at UW Hospital Saturday,
(Dan Reynolds) of Lena,
Ill., wife, Karen Koehler of
A memorial has been
established in his name.
Stoughton volunteers of the year
May 27, 2017, after a long Stoughton; three daughters, The family wishes to give In a ceremony held April 25 at City Hall, Stoughton Mayor Donna Olson presented this
battle with cancer. Janelle Koehler of Stough- a special thank you to Katie years Volunteer of the Year award to the Stoughton Area Veterans Memorial Park steering
He was born on Jan. 28, ton, Katie Koehler of Lena, Loef at UW Home Health committee. Front, from left are: Dennis Derke, fundraising; Jim Oler, finance; Bud Erick-
1962 in Freeport, Ill. to Ill. and Kristen (Shaun) for all her great care. Also son, publicity; Olson, Dave Stolen, construction; back row, from left: Roger Kleven, name
Lyle and Elma Jeanette Jones of Stoughton; grand- a special thank you to our collecting; Duane Broughton, general chairman; Vic Duesel, construction; Roger Nitzsche,
(Greene) Koehler. He grad- children, Taylor, JaKobe new church families. construction and Sonny Swangstu, construction; missing.
uated from Le-Win High and Brayden, stepgrandson, Condolences may be
School in 1980. He married Marshaun Jones; brother, sent to the family at www.
Karen Grebner of Warren, Lenny( Nora); stepbrother,
Early Ad Deadlines
April 27, 2017, surrounded In 1947, Joe took a job Tracy, Calif.; grandsons, JC
by her family. at Montana State College Riley of Santa Maria, Calif.
She was born on Feb. 9, in Bozeman teaching soils. and Will Bennett (Angie);
4th of July
1922, in Stoughton, to Nor- Together they celebrated and two great-granddaugh-
wegian parents, Albert and the birth of a son, Stephen ters, Sofia and Selah, all of
Milla Amble. The younger Johan in 1951, followed by Belgrade, Mont.
of two children, she grew daughters, Jo Ann in 1953 Barb was preceded in
up in Stoughton and grad- and Carol Jane in 1956. death by Johan, her hus- July 5th Great Dane Shopping News
uated from Stoughton High Barbara worked as a band of 65 years; daughter,
School in 1938 at the age of nurse beginning with pri- Jo; brother, Mervin; and her Display ad deadline: Wednesday June 28 at 3pm
16. vate duty and eventually parents. Classified ad deadline: Thursday, June 29 at Noon
After graduation she joining Bozeman Deacon- Services to be held later
went to work at the local ess, where she worked until this summer. Arrangements
soda fountain because they her retirement in 1975. are in the care of Dok-
July 6th Oregon Observer, Stoughton Courier Hub
wouldnt allow anyone Along with working and ken-Nelson Funeral Service and Verona Press
under 18 into the nurs- raising a family, she was
ing school she planned to Display & Classified ad deadline:
Friday, June 30 at Noon
Celebrating 25 Years in Business! In observance of the holiday,
WisConsin MonuMent & Vault Co. our offices will be closed Tuesday, July 4, 2017.
VSA Choir
visits library
The VSA Choir performed a
special Mothers Day concert
at the library on Sunday, May
13. The choir sang songs like
Oh, What a Beautiful Morn-
ing and Doe a Deer.
Photo submitted
NOTICE RA HANSON, AGENT dba WAL-MART LLC., KENDALL L. GULSETH, AGENT applied for a Class B Liquor and Class ZA, located at 971 N. Page Street, has If you require reasonable accommo-
STORE #1176, located at 2600 HWY 138, dba THE KOFFEE KUP RESTAURANT, lo- B Fermented Malt Beverage License. applied for a Class B Fermented Malt dations due to a disability to participate
APPLICATIONS FOR has applied for a Class A Liquor and cated at 355 E MAIN STREET, has applied FAMOUS YETIS, LLC, CALE RYAN, Beverage license. in the court process, please call 608-
ALCOHOL BEVERAGE Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Li- for a Class B Liquor and Class B Fer- AGENT, dba WENDIGO TAVERN located MERSHONIAN CIDERY LLC, AARON 266-4311 at least 10 working days prior
LICENSE cense. mented Malt Beverage License. at 121 E MAIN STREET, has applied for BLOOM, dba MERSHONS CIDERY, locat- to the scheduled court date. Please note
JAGAT PETROLEUM, LLC, GURIN- LAZ BISTRO & BAR, LLC, CARY R. a Class B Liquor and Class B Fer- ed at 280 Business Park Circle 7 & 8, has that the court does not provide transpor-
YEAR 2017-2018 DERDEEP SINGH DHILLON, AGENT dba LAZZARO, AGENT dba LAZ BISTRO & mented Malt Beverage License. applied for a Class B Winery License. tation.
(JULY 1, 2017 THROUGH JP MARKET, located at 1009 W MAIN BAR, located at 419 E MAIN STREET, has VIKESTER HOLDINGS, LLC, DA- Submitted by: Lana Kropf, City Clerk Danell Behrens
JUNE 30, 2018) STREET, has applied for a Class A Fer- applied for a Class B Liquor and Class VID EUGSTER, AGENT, dba THE NAU- Published June 8, 2017 Probate Registrar
mented Malt Beverage License. B Fermented Malt Beverage License. TI NORSKE located at 324 S WATER WNAXLP May 26, 2017
WISCONSIN AGENT dba KWIK TRIP #738, located at BART M QUALE, AGENT dba MANDT quor and Class B Fermented Malt Bev- *** PO Box 1
Please take notice that the following 1231 E MAIN STREET, has applied for a COMMUNITY CENTER, located at 400 erage License. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Cambridge, WI 53523
retailers have applied for alcohol bever- Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Li- MANDT PARKWAY, has applied for a EL RIO GRANDE RESTAURANT (608) 423-3254
age licenses within the City of Stough- cense. Class B Liquor and Class B Fer- LLC, CESAR CERVANTES, AGENT dba CIRCUIT COURT, Bar Number: 1015663
ton, Dane County, Wisconsin. The Public KWIK TRIP, INC., BREONNA V PIT- mented Malt Beverage License. EL RIO GRANDE RESTAURANT, located DANE COUNTY, NOTICE Published: June 8, 15 and 22, 2017
Safety Committee met to consider appli- ERA, AGENT dba KWIK TRIP #739, locat- LYNN M, HULL dba NEVER MIND, at 524 WEST MAIN STREET, has applied SETTING TIME TO HEAR WNAXLP
cation recommendations to the Common ed at 517 W MAIN STREET, has applied located at 201 S SIXTH STREET, has ap- for a Class B Fermented Malt Beverage
Council on Wednesday, May 24, 2017. for a Class A Fermented Malt Beverage plied for a Class B Liquor and Class & Reserve Class B Liquor license. APPLICATION AND ***
The City Council will consider their ap- License. B Fermented Malt Beverage License. DHWANI LODGING, LLC., RAKESH DEADLINE FOR FILING NOTICE OF PUBLIC
scheduled for Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at AKHTAR BAIG, AGENT dba FOOD PAN- AGENT dba BANUSHIS BAR & GRILL, ed at 111 CHALET DRIVE, has applied for MEETING
7 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter TRY, located at 981 N PAGE STREET, has located at 800 NYGAARD STREET, has a Class B Fermented Malt Beverage & ADMINISTRATION) IN THE TOWN OF PLEASANT
may be heard. applied for a Class A Fermented Malt applied for a Class B Liquor and Class Reserve Class B Liquor license. MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SPRINGS
MARILYN J. BECKMAN dba ALL Beverage License. B Fermented Malt Beverage License. AMERICAN LEGION POST 59, EL- NORMAN MOE
Case No. 17PR368
A Liquor and Class A Fermented Malt #132, located at 2400 ROBY ROAD, has cated at 317 S DIVISION STREET, has 803 N. PAGE ST, has applied for a Class 1. An application for Informal Admin- 6:00 P.M.
Beverage License. applied for a Class A Fermented Malt applied for a Class B Liquor and Class B Fermented Malt Beverage & Reserve istration was filed. AGENDA
BOTTLED PLEASURE, INC., Beverage License. B Fermented Malt Beverage License. Class B Liquor license. 2. The decedent, with date of birth 1. Discussion regarding future road
ROBERT D SAVASKE JR, AGENT dba WALGREEN CORPORATION, JERE- KARIE R. MANHART dba SONNYS, PIZZA HUT OF MADISON, INC., February 21, 1939 and date of death May work and funding.
STOUGHTON SPIRITS, located at 965 N MY IVERSON, AGENT dba WALGREENS located at 151 E MAIN STREET, has ap- SCOTT COOK, AGENT dba PIZZA HUT, 5, 2017, was domiciled in Dane County, ADJOURNMENT
PAGE STREET, has applied for a Class #07519, located at 1705 US HWY 51, has plied for a Class B Liquor and Class located at 1424 HWY 51/138, has applied State of Wisconsin, with a mailing ad- No action will be taken by any gov-
A Liquor and Class A Fermented Malt applied for a Class A Fermented Malt B Fermented Malt Beverage License. for a Class B Fermented Malt Beverage dress of 1680 Williams Drive, Stoughton, ernmental body at the above stated meet-
Beverage License. Beverage License. VFW BADGER POST 328 INC, JEAN & Class C Wine license. WI 53589. ing other than the Town Board specifical-
BECCO INC., SUKHRAJ BHARYA, FIRE & EIS, LLC, SCOTT SOWLLES, TORGENSON, AGENT dba VFW BADGER BIG SKY LLC, SEAN CROWLEY, 3. The application will be heard at ly referred to above in this notice.
AGENT dba PLAZA LIQUOR, located at AGENT dba FAHRENHEIT 364. located at POST 328, located at 200 S VETERANS AGENT dba BIG SKY RESTAURANT, lo- the Dane County Courthouse, Madison, Please note that upon reasonable
1056 W MAIN STREET, has applied for 364 E MAIN STREET, has applied for a ROAD, has applied for a Class B Liquor cated at 176 E Main Street, has applied Wisconsin, Room 1005, before the pre- notice, efforts will be made to accommo-
a Class A Liquor and Class A Fer- Class B Beer & Liquor license. and Class B Fermented Malt Beverage for a Class B Fermented Malt Beverage siding Probate Registrar, on June 29, date the needs of disabled individuals
mented Malt Beverage License. PURPLE OCEAN LLC, ROBERT License. & Class C Wine license. 2017 at 10:00a.m. through appropriate aids and services.
ULTRA MART FOODS, LLC, DAVID VIETS, AGENT dba CULLYS COCK- VIKING BREW PUB, LLC, VIK MORELIAS CAF LLC, JEFTE GAL- You do not need to appear unless For additional information, or to request
BERNDT, AGENT dba PICK N SAVE TAIL LOUNGE, located at 210 S WATER MALLING, AGENT, dba VIKING BREW VAN, AGENT dba MORELIAS CAFE, lo- you object. The application may be grant- this service, contact Maria Pili Hougan
#6390, located at 1750 HWY 51/138 has STREET, has applied for a Class B Li- PUB located at 211 E MAIN STREET, has cated at 620 Nygaard St, has applied for ed if there is no objection. at the Town Hall, 2354 County Road N,
applied for a Class A Liquor and Class quor and Class B Fermented Malt Bev- applied for a Class B Liquor and Class a Class B Fermented Malt Beverage & 4. The deadline for filing a claim Stoughton, WI 53589. Tel: (608) 873-3063
A Fermented Malt Beverage License. erage License. B Fermented Malt Beverage License. Class C Wine license. against the decedents estate is Septem- Fax: (608) 877-9444 Email: clerktreasur-
ERATIVE, CINDY CWIK, AGENT dba YA- ME D. BUSH, AGENT dba DEAKS PUB BLOXHAM, AGENT dba VIKING LANES, HUA, AGENT dba PACOS TACOS, locat- 5. A claim may be filed at the Dane POSTED: June 1, 2017
HARA RIVER GROCERY COOPERATIVE & GRILL, located at 1017 NYGAARD located at 1410 HWY 51/138, has applied ed at 135 W Main Street, has applied for County Courthouse, Madison, Wiscon- Published: June 8, 2017
Located at 229 E Main St, has applied for STREET, has applied for a Class B Li- for a Class B Liquor and Class B Fer- a Class B Fermented Malt Beverage & sin, Room 1005. WNAXLP
a Class A Liquor and Class A Fer- quor and Class B Fermented Malt Bev- mented Malt Beverage License. Class C Wine license. 6. This publication is notice to any
mented Malt Beverage License. erage License. DANNY K. AABERG dba WHATEV- FAMOUS YETIS LLC, CAITLIN persons whose names or addresses are
402 Help Wanted, General JOB TRAINER: Work Opportunity in schedule of up to 35 hours per week 449 Driver, Shipping 554 Landscaping, Lawn, Tree & STOUGHTON- 821 Nygaard St. June
Rural Communities Inc is seeking an Monday through Friday, no evenings or & Warehousing Garden Work 8-10. 8am-4pm. Womens plus size
energetic, flexible and caring person to weekends. Mileage reimbursement is clothing, stampin'up, wrought iron patio
GROWING CONCRETE company join our team. W.O.R.C. supports adults given for miles driven within the work LOOKING FOR Pickup Truck Driver. LAWN MOWING set, glassware, doggie stuff, much misc.
looking for EXPERIENCED Flat work with developmental disabilities at their day. Pro-rated PTO and paid holidays. Must have CDL, prefer cattle hauling Residential & Commercial Come check us out!!
finisher Competitive wages, insurance job in the community as well as social EOE Please send letter of interest and experience. Good driving record with Fully Insured.
benefits. 608-289-3434 and recreational activities. W.O.R.C. has resume to Melanie Dinges, W.O.R.C. Inc, good work references. Pays weekly, 608-873-7038 or 608-669-0025 688 Sporting Goods
been working in Dane County since 1955 W. Broadway #100, Madison, WI $12/hr plus benefits. Serious inquiries RIGHT HAND MAN SERVICES lawn & Recreational
CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE IS Noon 1983, primarily supports individuals in 53713 melanie.dinges @ only. Please reply to:
Friday for The Great Dane and Noon mowing & trimming, clean up, planting, FOR SALE: FLEETWOOD CAMPER
the rural areas surrounding Madison. We or call etc. Over 17 years experience. 608-
Monday for the Courier Hub unless provide transportation so a reliable vehi- 444 Construction, 608-523-4712. 352-1044
TRAILER 34ftx8ft, good shape. $4000.
Canoe 15ft aluminum good shape $200.
changed because of holiday work cle, valid driver's license and insurance Trades & Automotive
schedules. Call now to place your ad, are required. Some personal cares may 452 General 602 Antiques & Collectibles
608-480-0199 Jack
873-6671 or 835-6677. be needed occasionally. Starting wage NEEDED FULL Time Sding Installer with
is $13.00 per hour. looking for a flexible or without experience. Madison area. OFFICE CLEANING in Stoughton Mon- 696 Wanted To Buy
608-219-0481 Fri 5pm-9pm. Visit our website: www. COLUMBUS ANTIQUE MALL or call our office: WE BUY Junk Cars and Trucks.
& CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS We sell used parts.
608-831-8850 MUSEUM
Increase Your sales opportunitiesreach over 1.2 million households! Monday thru Friday 8am-5:30pm.
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Advertise in our Wisconsin Advertising Network System. 548 Home Improvement Customer Appreciation Week
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For information call 835-6677. A&B ENTERPRISES 20% DISCOUNT June 5-11
Light Construction Remodeling Enter daily 8am-4pm 78,000 SF 705 Rentals
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(watch for signs). Moving/Tack Sale. or-July 608-843-7098
RECOVER PAINTING Offers carpentry, CLASSIFIEDS, 873-6671 or 835-6677. It
THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, GUITAR WANTED! Local musician will pay up to $12,500 for drywall, deck restoration and all forms Plus size clothes. Barn Supplies, Horse-
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Recreational Equipment, Sporting Goods, Appliances,
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SUNDAY, JUNE 11TH, 11 A.M.- 1 P.M. Benton Auction Barn: 72 Easy Street - Benton, WI 53803
SATURDAY, JULY 1, 2017 @ 9:00 AM OPEN HOUSE: FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2017 @ 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
101 E MURRAY ST - BROWNTOWN, WI 53522 2194 COLLADAY POINT DRIVE Powers Auction Service: 608-439-5761 or Dan Jr: 608-214-1883
QUALITY CONSIGNMENTS WANTED Enjoy your architect-designed, 3,100+ s.f.
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Advertising Deadline: Fri., June 16, 2017 2078 BARBER DRIVE APPLIANCES: Keurig Coffee Maker. Refrigerators.
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Hanging Baskets
Gagliano said teachers
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liked it, despite the fact that
$2 off First Basket Save up it took a bit more time to get
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Limit 1 koupon per kustomer per day. Valid June 7-June 12, 2017.
Because Im not a class-
room teacher, I had fears
the kids would just want to
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and it would be hard to keep
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great way to connect with
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daughter can get all of her
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Im really into the whole
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thing, she said. The use
of Legos for robotics and
CheCk out our kopkes greenhouse STEM things is very popular,
usdA CertiFied orgAniC line but it was cool to use it in a
language arts mode and real-
VegetAble plAnts, seeds And Fertilizer ly take this idea of building
Visit the stoughton AreA FArmers mArket on FridAy mornings in Front oF dollAr generAl and constructing things and
Directions from Stoughton:
applying it to language art.
Take 138 toward Oregon. Go past Eugsters Farm Market, one That, to me, was the cool-
mile and turn right on Sunrise Rd. Go one more mile then turn
est thing to see how it can
left on Town Line Rd. Continue on to Sand Hill Rd. (approxi- When in Stoughton, visit our
impact their oral and their
parking lot.
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Group reporter Scott De
Laruelle at scott.delaruel-