Nature of Science
Nature of Science
Nature of Science
Concept: Science is limited to studying only the problems of the natural world that can
be understood by using the processes of science.
1. Scientists deal with natural phenomena (events) which can be observed,
measured, and tested by scientific methods; they must be able to use their
senses to observe (directly and/or indirectly) and evaluate.
2. The processes of science are very successful in dealing with problems within the
limits of science.
3. Scientific study is based upon the assumption that the universe is orderly,
reasonable, and testable.
4. A valid scientific theory offers a well-defined naturally occurring cause
(mechanism) which explains why or how a natural event (phenomenon)
5. Scientific theories are always subject to change (tentative, uncertain).
6. Science does not have the answers to all of the questions in the universe, or the
solutions to all human problems.
Concept: Following the discussion of "CONPTT", the student will be able to distinguish
between scientific and non-scientific statements.
Introduction: To summarize our previous discussions and today's ideas, let's list some
criteria that might help us recognize the difference between what is science and
what is not science, criteria that will enable us to recognize a scientific statement
and a non-scientific statement.
The following criteria were developed by science educators in Iowa and
found acceptable by several midwestern high school biology teachers.
REALITY CHECK #1: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a
scientific statement?
1. Green plants will grow towards a light source.
2. Walking under a ladder will cause bad luck.
Using the idea of "Consistency", how can we determine which statement above is a scientific
2. Observability: The event under study, or evidence of the occurrence of the event, can
be observed and explained. The observations are limited to the basic human senses
or to extensions of the senses by such things as electron microscopes, Geiger
counters, etc. If the phenomenon cannot be reproduced through controlled
conditions, natural evidence of the event's occurrence must be available for
REALITY CHECK #2: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a
scientific statement?
1. Some plants eat meat.
2. Extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth.
Using the idea of "Observability", how can we determine which statement above is a scientific
3. Natural: A natural cause (mechanism) must be used to explain why or how the
naturally occurring event happens. Scientists may not use supernatural
explanations as to why or how naturally occurring events happen because reference
to the supernatural is outside of the realm of science. Scientists cannot conduct
controlled experiments in which they have designed the intervention of a supreme
being into the test.
REALITY CHECK #3: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a
scientific statement?
1. Green plants convert sunlight into energy.
2. With a rod, Moses parted the sea so his people could cross to the other side..
Using the idea of "Natural", how can we determine which statement above is a scientific one?
4. Predictability: The natural cause (mechanism) of the naturally occurring event can be
used to make specific predictions. Each prediction can be tested to determine if the
prediction is true of false.
REALITY CHECK #4: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a
scientific statement?
1. Without sunlight (or comparable artificial light), green plants will die.
2. If you are a "Scorpio", your horoscope for today is "You'll be saying 'I feel rich !' Lunar
position highlights back pay, refunds, correction of accounting error."
Using the idea of "Predictability", how can we determine which statement above is a scientific
5. Testability: The natural cause (mechanism) of the naturally occurring event must be
testable through the processes of science, controlled experimentation being only
one of these. Reference to supernatural events or causes are not relevant tests.
REALITY CHECK #5: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a
scientific statement?
1. The Bermuda Triangle causes ships and planes to sink and disappear.
2. Life comes from life and cannot come from non-life.
Using the idea of "Testability", how can we determine which statement above is a scientific one?
6. Tentativeness: Scientific theories are subject to revision and correction, even to the
point of the theory being proven wrong. Scientific theories have been modified
and will continue to be modified to consistently explain observations of naturally
occurring events.
REALITY CHECK #6: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a
scientific statement?
1. The number of human chromosomes was once "known" to be 48, but is now considered to be
2. Living things were once grouped into 2 major groups, then 3, then 4, and now 5, because the
criteria used for classifying living things have changed.
3. We know that the world began about 6000 years ago, and nothing will change that.
4. At one time, it was thought the heart pumped blood out of a large container as an "open
system", but now it is known that blood "circulates" in a closed system.
Using the idea of "Tentativeness", how can we determine which statement above is a scientific
Non-Science Defined: Non-science may be defined as an area of knowledge which does
not meet the criteria of science (CONPTT). Non-science topic areas may be very
logical and based on good reasoning, but simply do not fall within the realm of
science. They would include any belief system, e.g., religious beliefs, philosophy,
personal opinions or attitudes, a sense of esthetics, or ethics.
Science is a limited discipline that studies only naturally occurring events, while offering
natural explanations for the phenomenon under study. The data must be
consistent, observable, predictable, and testable, while any conclusions or theories
must be tentative.
CONSISTENT Experimental results and observations are Experimental results and observations are
the same. NOT the same
OBSERVABLE The phenomenon (event) or evidence for The phenomenon (event) or evidence for
the event can be observed by the the event can NOT be observed by the
human senses or by extensions of those human senses or by extensions of those
senses. senses.
NATURAL A natural cause or naturally occurring A natural cause or naturally occurring
mechanism is used to explain how or mechanism CANNOT be, or IS NOT
why an event happens. used to explain how or why an event
PREDICTABLE Accurate predictions and conclusions are Accurate predictions and conclusions are
based on natural causes NOT on NOT based on natural causes but
presupposed or assumed information. usually on presupposed or assumed
TESTABLE Controlled experiments can be designed to Controlled experiments CANNOT be
test the natural cause of the event designed to test the natural cause of the
(phenomenon). event (phenomenon).
TENTATIVE Explanations (laws, theories, hypotheses) Explanations of the cause of the event in
of the cause (mechanism) for the event question are NOT subject to change.
are subject to change as evidence
shows the need.
During the quick review of the six criteria that determine whether something is science or not
science, or whether a statement is scientific or not scientific, only one criterion was applied to
each statement. To qualify as science or as a scientific statement, all six criteria must be used
and all must be satisfied. Remember: If most but not all are satisfied, then one may have
identified a protoscience. If none are satisfied, then one may have identified a non-science or a
Take one of the statements made in class, or you may find another one on your own, and qualify
it as scientific or non-scientific, based on the six CONPTT criteria. You may wish to use the
(above). Do this assignment on the special worksheet provided.
NAME____________________________________ SN.___ DATE_________ PER.___
STATEMENT: (Write down the statement you wish to qualify as being scientific or non-
Before considering the six CONPTT criteria, indicate your opinion:
I think this statement is [ ] scientific [ ] non-scientific
INSTRUCTIONS: Using the six CONPTT criteria, and referring to your statement above,
EXPLAIN how each criterion is satisfied or not satisfied as science, and indicate whether
this places the statement within or outside the realm of science.
Just because a statement is non-scientific, does it mean that the statement is not true?______.
Explain your answer: