Veterans 2014
Veterans 2014
Veterans 2014
Irreconcilable Differences
Definition;.Complete alienation, complete intractability, immovability, immovable resolution, immutability, incurableness, inexxrable
positions, intransigence, irreparableness, irreversibility, irrevocability, obduracy, rigidity, rigorism, ruined relationship, total
inflexibility, unmoved positions,
VeteransvsThe Shameful Government of the United
States 3 part series.
Were going to do right by our veterans across the board, as long as it takes. Were
not going to stop working to make sure that they get the care, the benefits and the
opportunities that theyve earned and they deserve..B.O.
These are the words of Barack Obama, who like his predecessors before him, have
done nothing to really rectify the eternal and historically shameful relationship between
the U.S. Government and the Veterans of these United States. This latest V.A. scandal
is nothing new to Veterans, or to the Families of these disrespected Americans. A
review of Americas history shows an uncaring, heartless and dis-jointed government
that has little to do with embracing and honoring the promises granted to American
soldiers coming home from war. Please review these Highlights of History, along with
the resulting shame we have brought upon our fellow Americans known as War
Veterans. A misguided Government on a quest of its own, that (still), has little to do with
the true needs of these United States, and perhaps unknowingly reinforced by too
much apathy from amongst the people of these United States. These statistics / facts
presented are just a small portion of what has been imposed, and inflicted on our Fellow
Americans, by a distrustful and unworthy Government. The resulting travesty (upon our
Veterans), must allow for history to identify this as the Greatest Shame of
America Consider the following;
In a new land of 13 Colonies, our first American citizens seeking real Freedom was
promised (By the Continental Congress), free tracts of land, and pensions should they
serve in the Revolutionary War. The reality of these (Free?), Land claims (once these
Soldiers returned home), had so many restrictions placed on them,(compliments of the
Congress), that impoverished Soldiers, coming home from the War, lacked the
knowledge or ability to collectively settle on these land tracts, and many were compelled
to sell their claims to rich speculators, for pennies. Veterans remained in Poverty, with
no direction, and no stability. Furthermore, as part of the enticement to get (the poor) to
fight, The Continental Congress of 1776 legislated Half-Pay for Life to anyone who may
get disabled or lose a limb in battle. Unfortunately they had no funds for such
compensation, so they left it up to each State to provide such payment. These so-
called Pensions never materialized though the Law was in existence. No Pensions were
(really), ever devised (at the Federal level), for Veterans until the next War of 1812.
Thirty-Five (35) years after the promise was made to (now,) Homeless and poor
Veterans of the Revolutionary War..Even that Pension 35 yrs. later, (once
established), demanded Proof that you had served at least 9 months in the Army.
That stipulation (also), excluded what were known as Local Militia, and irregular troops
of the time period. Citizens, who could fight only as volunteers due to the need to
support their Families, while fighting for Freedom. They sacrificed, fought, and died as
regular Army troops did, but that meant little to our Congress and President. After all,
the Politics of delaying and denying, is a constant ingredient in Government rule. The
U.S. Government ended up only granting pensions (35 years later),to just over 3,000
Veterans, for a pittance (even during that time), of $96 a year. **None of this was
Why do these good Soldiers keep fighting for us?? We dont deserve them.
President Abraham Lincoln, in 1865 towards the end of the American Civil War, called
for good treatment of veterans: "To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for
his widow, and his orphan, were his words. The V.A. has embraced those words as
their motto. Unfortunately that too has yet to become a reality.
The Civil War brought a new Veteran into being, the Drafted Veteran. This was the
work of a desperate Government that could not find enough Northern Americans
wishing to fight the Southern Americans. Unfortunately the Govt couldnt even do this
fair and just. The Civil War was often known as the Rich mans War, but the Poor
mans Fight. Should you be drafted (and you could afford to), you could merely sell
your place in the draft, to a substitute individual for $300.00. That compelling sum of
money separated the poor from the rich, and once again we created a returning poverty
class of Veteran that was not only War-Torn, but ignored, homeless, mistreated, and
in many cases forgotten by those who pushed them into a battle. A Union private made
thirteen dollars a month, if and when he could collect it. A Confederate private
ostensibly made eleven dollars a month, but often went long stretches with no pay at all.
Over 3 million Americans fought from both sides of this Civil War. Many Americans from
both the North and the South, came back home to nothing, and just wandered the
country for years. *War Veterans (rest) Homes (original concepts of the V.A.), were
being set-up, but far too little, far too late, to truly aid the many returning Veterans. The
continuing lack of the Governments. understanding of why so many Men came back
(emotionally &mentally), incapacitated and were unable to lead normal lives, did not
make the struggle any easier. Not all their wounds were so evident, and few Officials
were looking for the causes. Left with No Families, No Homes, and No-one from a once
enthusiastic (Govt) to Welcome them, feelings of abandonment, and mistrust was all
these Veterans had. As we disrespected them in Life, we are (To This Day),
disrespecting them in Death. It is estimated from an 1889 study that 620,000
Americans died during this War. *An updated study suggests that 850,000 had actually
We used to recognize their Deaths on a day called Decoration Day. The stories told,
say that Slaves began this tradition by given each dead Northern soldier his own grave,
and then placed flowers on the graves in appreciation for their sacrifice in freeing all
slaves. Today we call it Memorial Day, and it is supposed to be a Day of Mourning for
ALL War Veterans, but shamefully many Businesses / Corporations throughout this
country have manipulated this Memorial Day, as a marketing tool to sell discounted
items from Homes, Cars, to couches, and mattresses. We promote (3 day), vacation
packages or Family trips for all these Happy Americans to go enjoy themselves on
Veterans and Colonel Forbes only got 2 years,......This Begs the question,who else
in the ranks of Gov't were "unindicted co-conspirators" in this Theft. What "deal" was
made to keep him silent by giving him such a minimum sentence?? Once again
Veterans were abused by the Gov't and the Gov't remains "Free"!!
World War-1 Veterans were to be abused further by this Gov't of false
representation..... In March of 1932, World War-1 Veterans who had come back to a
nation of poverty, and while struggling to not become homeless had to endure a
collapsing economy, and a crashing Stock Market, went to Washington D.C. to plead for
the Combat Bonus promised but never given by a U.S.Gov't. that used legislative
Trickery to delay giving them this needed money. At one point there were up 40,000
Veterans and their families camped-out in D.C. They are remembered in history as
The Bonus Marchers .. No jobs, No food, and No Respect by an arrogant
Aristocratic" Gov't that publicly chose to disregard those that had placed their lives and
future in the hands of a deceitful leadership. Though many camped-out Veterans were
eventually persuaded to go back home, they left after being paid a pittance of traveling
money (not the money owed them). At least 2,000 - 4,000 Veterans and their Families
remained and despite their Pleas for Relief, they were forcefully evicted (from the D.C..
property), in the darkness of night, by the very U.S. Army they had recently served
under. Their "Tent City" and Huts, were destroyed and burned, and they were Tear
Gassed, and with Rifles Bayonetted they were physically forced from the properties by
600 Troops, Tanks, and Cavalry. Over 100 Casualties were reported that night along
with 2 men who were killed and (reports state),(at least one), child. Americans injured
and Killed by other Americans merely because their hunger, and desperate need to
survive was ignored by a "Frankenstein (U.S.Gov't), Monster" who only had False
promises to give them. An abusive Government initially and innocently created by the
people, for the people, of a new country, merely seeking Constitutional Freedoms. All
history notes that these Veterans remained Peaceful and Civil during this entire protest.
There was NO need for the Violence of this mis-directed Government!!.....By the
way......Six years later did the Government see their way to give these starving
Veterans their deserved Bonus !!
**It should be noted that this disgusting "Attack" against these W.W.-1 Veterans was
led by General Douglas McArthur, and another Officer named Eisenhower. An
Eisenhower who would eventually become President, and pave the way for the Vietnam
Why do these good Soldiers keep fighting for us?? We dont deserve them.
World War-2
There is a general consensus that this era of War Veterans received more benefits
then their Fathers and their Grand-fathers before them. America welcomed them Home
in a fashion hardly seen before, with numerous parades, and events. Even the concept
of affordable Housing, (such as the creation of Levittown), was originated for the home-
coming Veteran. Undoubtedly, this was good for our Veterans, but I suspect this was
due, in part, to an atmosphere created by the facts that Americans at home had to
sacrifice also and work on behalf of the War effort. They had a small understanding of
what these Soldiers were going through, and understood some of the sacrifices
involved, because they (also), had to sacrifice, here at home. Food rationing, fuel
rationing, scrap metal drives, Farm equipment rationing, along with other prohibitions of
products purchased, brought the War a little closer to home. These prohibitions and
sacrifices gave awareness to the American citizens of what is required during war.
There was a definitive connection between Soldier and the Citizen. Unfortunately,
beneath this truth is the revealing fact that the Govt. was not as dedicated to the
Soldiers as were the Citizens. History shows that (once again), the Government was not
as ready nor able to treat the Veterans coming home.
In 1946, it was reported that the V.A. had beds for only 82,000 patients through-out the
country, and though they were building more Hospitals, that would only add an
additional 12,000 beds. All this in total did not even come close to the Hundreds of
Thousands of Veterans that needed treatment. World War-2 also brought us into the
Atomic era. Veterans were presenting illnesses not yet seen or understood.
Unbeknownst to many Americans we were testing the effects of radiation on
Humans, and using our Military troops as guinea pigs. **Many young Veterans
ended-up suffering from a number of radiation connected diseases, but were not
covered under the rules of the V.A. These illnesses was originated in part due to
Veterans Medical claims of being exposed to Radiation during Nuclear testing of
devices that eventually would be used to bomb J apans, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki.
Testing continued for years after. Approximately 210,000 service members took part in
atmospheric nuclear tests between 1945 and 1962 in the United States, the Pacific and
the Atlantic It wasnt until 1988, that all Radiation related sicknesses were recognized,
under a new Veterans Compensation Act, in which they (ALL), were able to get long
over-due, V.A. covered treatment.45 years later!! How Shameful!!
Testing and Medical deception continues on our Veterans of World War-2;.
1942 --The Chemical Warfare Service begins Mustard Gas, and Lewisite experiments
on 4,000 members of the U.S. Military. Many volunteers believed they were testing a
variety of different summer uniforms for the Military. They felt deceived and abused by
a Govt. they thought was their friend, and partner in the fight against Germany and
J apan.
1942-1945, A despicable J apanese Doctor by the name of Dr Ishii begins "field tests"
of germ warfare and vivisection experiments on thousands of POWs. Some of these
test subjects were American Prisoners of War. These prisoners were called 'maruta'
('logs') by the J apanese. After succumbing to induced / injected (by the J apanese),
diseases including bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax the prisoners were usually
dissected open while still alive, for examination. In attempts to conceal these
atrocities, their bodies were then cremated within the compound. Tens of thousands
died. These atrocities were committed by some of J apans most distinguished doctors
recruited by Dr. Ishii.. What was the U.S. Governments response to these vile
primitive acts on Americans and others?????? ***Our United States Government.
agreed not to prosecute the J apanese,(after the War), for these disgusting Atrocities,
in exchange for J apan's scientific data on germ warfare. In other words, when it comes
to human torture and sacrifice, even of American POWS, the ends justify the means as
far as the U.S. Government is concerned
***In 1995, the U.S. Government admits that it had offered J apanese war criminals and
scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries $$ and immunity
from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research. How could
anyone Trust anything this Govt. thinks, says and does, after knowing this????.......It
has been stated (in history) that (once again) General MacArthur led this Dishonorable
compromise / deal-making with J apan.. Disgraceful.
1944, As part of the Manhattan Project,(creation of the Atomic Bomb), researchers,
injected 4.7 micrograms of Plutonium into Soldiers at the Oak Ridge facility.
1945 President Harry Truman accepts the resignation of VA Administrator Frank
Hines after a series of news reports detailing shoddy care in VA-run hospitals,
according to a 2010 history produced by the Independent Institute.
1946 It has been reported that researchers were using patients right out of the V.A.
Hospital for a variety of testing, and experiments. Patients in VA hospitals were used as
guinea pigs for medical experiments. In order to allay suspicions, the order is given to
change the word experiments to investigations or observations whenever reporting
a medical study performed in one of the nations veterans hospitals.
1946 The American Legion leads the charge seeking the ouster of VA Administrator
Gen. Omar Bradley, citing an ongoing lack of facilities, troubles faced by hundreds of
thousands of veterans in getting services and a proposal to limit access to services for
some combat veterans, according to the 2010 history.
1947 - A government commission on reforming government uncovers enormous
waste, duplication and inadequate care in the VA system and calls for wholesale
changes in the agencys structure.
1945-1953 **One of the most Saddest and Dis-respectful performances on our
American Veterans, by an uncaring, and Hitler-style U.S.Govt. was the performance of
Lobotomies on (at least) 2,000 of our W.W.-2 Veterans. No one really knows how many
more of these procedures actually occurred since there appears to be gaps in the
Medical files.
**Lobotomy.A Surgical procedure in which nerve pathways in a lobe or lobes of the brain are
severed from those in other areas. Introduced in 1935 by Antnio Egas Moniz and Almeida Lima, it came
to be used to help grossly disturbed patients. Favoured for patients who did not respond to shock therapy,
it did reduce agitation but often caused increased apathy and passivity, inability to concentrate, and
decreased emotional response. It was widely performed until 1956, when drugs that were more effective
in calming patients became available. Lobotomies are no longer performed; however, psychosurgery, the
surgical removal of specific regions of the brain, is occasionally used to treat patients whose symptoms
have resisted all other treatments.
The V.A. Hospital, and our Govt. (in 1945), not understanding (still) the Trauma of
Combat, took Veteran Soldiers who came home with, Depression, Psychotic behavior,
Schizophrenics, and other combat related Trauma, and decided to Drill into their heads
and (neuter), parts of their Brain, by severing connections between the pre-frontal area
and the rest of the Brain. This was not necessarily done with their consent. This was (in
theory), a medical procedure that was (suggested), to make one more passive. The
Medical reports eventually uncovered, showed that these Lobotomies resulted in Adults
ending up as overgrown children . Unable to (now) take care of themselves, they
were subjected to seizures, amnesia, motor-function loss, and even Death. This was the
way the U.S. Govt. showed gratitude to those who put their lives on the line. They
Honored their service by making them medical Zombies, till Death brought them the
Peace they couldnt find from their Government, or their Commander-in-Chief.
This makes me so SICK, that I have no-more comment to make on this Tragedy.
Irreconcilable Differences.continued.Part-3
The Korean War, appeared to be a War where the Government and the people
simply chose to forget about these Veterans and their service. The Forgotten War, as
it has been called, left many Veterans feeling as if no one cared about them, or the
consequences of Combat. Approximately 5.7 million Veterans served in the Korean
War. The Korean War Veterans are more prone to suffer from disabilities related to cold
injures as a result of exposure to severe cold climates. Cold weather accounted for 16%
of Army non-battle injuries and over 5,000 U.S. casualties of cold injury required
evacuation from Korea during the winter of 1950-1951. In many instances, Service-
members could not seek or were unable to obtain medical care for cold injuries because
of battlefield conditions.
Korean War Veterans were also identified as the Atomic Soldier, as many Soldiers
of the era participated in atomic weapons testing, and the effects of the
radiationFrom 1945 to 1962 the U.S. military conducted nearly 200 nuclear
weapons tests in building Americas Cold War arsenal. Many of the 550,000 Veterans
being used for these test, and the results of Radiation poisoning were Soldiers of the
Korean War era. The Operation Castle series of blast tests released large quantities of
radiation into the atmosphere, according to the National Association of Atomic Veterans,
a Texas-based service organization representing sick Veterans. The V.A. (initially) and
for years later refused to recognize the resulting sicknesses from the Radiation
poisoning. Years after those tests, some veterans filed class-action lawsuits claiming
diseases from radiation exposure. Congress developed a program to pay restitution to
those military veterans. The Radiation Exposure Compensation Act was passed in 1990
and broadened in 2000 as an alternative to costly litigation..Why do Veterans always
have to fight the enemy from within (U.S.Govt.), to seek J ustice?..45 years after the
fact, Veterans finally get the proper Medical treatments and compensation they
deserved years earlier!! .Is this any different than the Revolutionary War Veterans
waiting 35 years for a Pension promised to them by The Continental Congress, or a
Combat Bonus, promised, denied and delayed (20 years later), by a deceitful U.S. Govt.
to our W.W.-1 Veterans???
Other Korean War "guniea Pig" experiments on American Soldiers.......................
1953 U.S. Army experiments with LSD on Soldiers at Fort Detrick, Md.
Some willingly, most not knowing what they were being subjected to.
1954-1974 U.S. Army study of 2300 Seventh-Day Adventist Soldiers in 150
experiments code named "Operation Whitecoat." Project
Whitecoat was unique in the armed forces in that it exclusively used
as test subjects soldiers who were Seventh-day Adventists. These
young Adventist men had been drafted into the army and registered
as "conscientious objectors," those who refused to perform combat
roles on religious grounds. These objectors were given a 1-A-O
classification and sent to the U.S. Army Medical Training Center at
Fort Sam Houston, Texas. There they trained to be Army medics. It
was from this non-combatant medical corps that the Army selected
its test subjects for Project Whitecoat.
These soldiers, mostly of the Seventh-day Adventist faith,
participated in experiments (most of which took place at Fort Dietrick,
Maryland) where they were exposed to various levels of infectious
agents and diseases. By using these individuals as human guinea
pigs military medical personnel were able to demonstrate the
feasibility of preparing a defense against biological warfare agents
and known risk factors that existed not just in the battlefield, but also
in the workplace.
1955 A second government reform commission again finds
widespread instances of waste and poor care in the VA system,
according to the Independent Institute.
The Vietnam War era
A time of Pain and Abandonment, from Wounds that never heal; Once again, a
Heartless Government, maintains its Historical arrogance and mistreatment of
America's Best;
There is far too much to write about from this tumultuous time in Americas history.
One constant though is the same historical feeling of Abandonment, Lies, and
Mistreatment by a self-absorbed Government whos performance resembles the likes of
some of the enemies all good Soldiers confronted in foreign lands. Whoever thought
theses Veterans had to come home to battle all over again. One of the most noted
betrayals was the never-ending denials from our own Government that there were any
adverse medical impacts from the use of Agent Orange. During the Vietnam War, the
U.S. sprayed more than 20-million gallons of the herbicide Agent Orange over eastern
Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Contamination of the 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid
which serves as the active chemical in Agent Orange with 2,3,7,8-
tetrachlorodibenzodioxin, a highly toxic dioxin derivative, led to soil and water
contaminations hundreds of times greater than the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agencys standards. Of the 3 million Americans that served in the military during the
Vietnam War, a large number came in contact with Agent Orange. Veterans returning
from the war started to report psychological symptoms, birth defects in their offspring,
skin rashes, cancer and a wide swathe of other health problems. Eventually, the federal
government recognized Agent Orange exposure as a compensable war injury entitling
affected veterans to health care and fiscal compensations. Nearly two (2) decades (20
years), after the wars end. The Agent Orange Act of 1991 sought to cut through the
medical and scientific quandaries by establishing two official presumptions: that
veterans who served in Vietnam from 1962 to the end of the war were exposed to Agent
Orange, and that those diagnosed with certain illnesses associated with TCDD would
have developed those illnesses at least partly as a result of their service in Vietnam. Yet
15 years after the law was passed, fewer than half a million Vietnam veterans had
undergone the standard Agent Orange examination offered by the Department of
Veterans Affairs to identify possible effects of their exposure. Agent Orange is now
considered the most toxic chemical ever created. Service-related disability payments to
Vietnam veterans in (reported in 2009), have surged 60 percent since 2003, reaching
$13.7 billion last year, and now account for more than half of such payments the U.S.
Department of Veterans Affairs provides to veterans of all wars. The average
compensation payment for Vietnam Vets is 41 percent higher than that for World War II
veterans and 35 percent higher than for those who served in Korea. Those disability
checks do not include the billions spent on health care for Vietnam veterans.
Unfortunately, even to this day there are some Veterans who are not recognized as
having any service connected illness from Agent Orange, though they have the same
sicknesses, symptoms, and diseases as their fellow Brothers / Sisters.
One group of Veterans (Denied benefits), are known as the Blue Water Navy
veterans They were denied automatic assumption, due to the fact that their service
areas were not in areas sprayed with Agent Orange. The VA ruled that only Blue Water
Navy veterans that went ashore or travelled inland waterways and can prove it or can
claim an Agent Orange-related illness. For the surviving 100,000 Blue Water Navy
veterans, however, this denial of presumption is a slight against them by the VA. On
Aug. 2, 2013, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Association and Military Veterans
Advocacy, Inc. jointly filed suit in the United States District Court for the District of
Columbia against Eric K. Shinseki in his capacity as Secretary of the Department of
the depth of the illnesses these Soldier have incurred since much of this still remains
secret, but the V.A. made a request in the year 2000 that they be given the names of
those who were subjects of these "guinea pig" experiments, so they could "reach-out" to
them for medical treatment......Why did we wait so long? How many Veterans
innocently, infected their wives, and off-spring with illnesses yet unknown???
1970s Veterans grow increasingly frustrated with the VA for failing to better fund
treatment and provide assistance programs, and later to recognize exposure to the
herbicide Agent Orange by troops in Vietnam as the cause for numerous medical
problems among veterans.
1976 A General Accounting Office investigation into Denvers VA hospital finds
numerous shortcomings in patient care, including veterans whose surgical dressings
are rarely changed. The GAO also looked at the New Orleans VA hospital, and found
ever-increasing patient loads were contributing to a decline in the quality of care there,
as well.
1982 Controversial VA director Robert Nimmo, who once described symptoms of
exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange during the Vietnam war as little more than
teenage acne, resigns under pressure from veterans groups. Nimmo was criticized for
wasteful spending, including use of a chauffeured car and an expensive office
redecorating project, according to a 1983 GAO investigation. The same year, the
agency issues a report supporting veterans claims that the VA had failed to provide
them with enough information and assistance about Agent Orange exposure.
1984 Congressional investigators find evidence that VA officials had diverted or
refused to spend more than $40 million that Congress approved to help Vietnam
veterans with readjustment problems, the Washington Post reports at the time.
The Vietnam Veteran, chastised, spit-on, mistreated both physically and mentally, by
both Government and fellow American, continues to suffer for merely "Answering the
Call" to duty. Here in the year 2014, well over 100,000 Vietnam Veterans have
committed Suicide since they came Home. Almost twice the amount of American
soldiers who died in Vietnam..........What wrong did they do to deserve this
The Gulf War
Soldiers coming home from the Gulf war fought some of the same fights as their
Fathers and Grandfathers did in Vietnam. Lack of J obs, denial of proper disability
benefits intentionally designed by the V.A., so as to avoid paying "permanent disability"
payments. The under-reported scandal (designed) on keeping as many disabled
veterans under the 30% disability "mark" so as to deny them life-time benefits, and
inturn, grant the V.A. employees a large $Bonus$ at the end of each year. Gulf-War
Veterans coming home to find the job, they had left behind, that was supposed to be
protected under Federal Law was not there when they returned home, and no one was
around to help defend the laws violated by the safe, stay-at-home companies. What
good is a Law, if the Government wishes to not enforce it??
The Gulf War Veteran was coming home with a variety of illnesses that (at first)
remained unexplained. "Chronic Fatique Disorder", Fibromyalgia, "Gastrointestinal
disorders", and many "Undiagnosed disorders" that caused Fatique, J oint pain, skin
conditions, Respiratory disorders, and many other symptoms. Charges of chemical
warfare being used was Denied (as usual), by the Government. In 1996 the
Government Finally admits that "Desert Storm" Soldiers were exposed to chemical
1986 - A report to Congress reveals that the U.S. Government's testing of a variety of
Biological (Chemical), agents has allowed them to "modify" Viruses and other Toxins
(Genetic Engineering) to the point where they cannot be Treated with any known
1986 - The VAs Inspector Generals office finds 93 physicians working for the agency
have sanctions against their medical licenses, including suspensions and revocations,
according to a 1988 GAO report.
1991 The Chicago Tribune reports that doctors at the VAs North Chicago hospital
sometimes ignored test results, failed to treat patients in a timely manner and conducted
unnecessary surgery. The agency later takes responsibility for the deaths of eight
patients, leading to the suspension of most surgery at the center, the newspaper
1993 VA Deputy Undersecretary of Benefits R.J . Vogel testifies to Congress that a
growing backlog of appeals from veterans denied benefits is due to a federal court
established in 1988 to oversee the claims process, the Washington Post reports. The
VA, Vogel tells the lawmakers, is reeling under this judicial review thing.
1994 - With a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson
Cancer Center in Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans
are infected with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe commonly used
in the production of biological weapons. Incorporated into its molecular structure is 40
percent of the HIV protein coat, indicating that it had been man-made.
(1994), Senator J ohn D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least 50 years
the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel
in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances.
Materials included Mustard and Nerve gas, ionizing Radiation, Psychochemicals, and
Hallucinogens, used during the Gulf War.
1996 -The Government and Department of Defense Finally admits that "Desert Storm"
Soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.
1999 Lawmakers open an investigation into widespread problems with clinical
research procedures at the VA West Los Angeles Healthcare Center. The investigation
followed years of problems at the hospital, including ethical violations by hospital
researchers that included failing to get consent from some patients before conducting
research involving them, according to the Los Angeles Times.
2000 The GAO finds substantial problems with the VAs handling of research trials
involving human subjects.
**2001 Despite a 1995 goal to reduce waiting times for primary care and specialty
appointments to less than 30 days, the GAO finds that veterans still often wait more
than two months for appointments.
**2003 A commission appointed by President George W. Bush reports that as of
J anuary 2003, some 236,000 veterans had been waiting six months or more for initial or
follow-up visits, a clear indication, the commission said, of lack of sufficient capacity
or, at a minimum, a lack of adequate resources to provide the required care.
2005 An anonymous tip leads to revelations of significant problems with the quality
of care for surgical patients at the VAs Salisbury, North Carolina, hospital, according to
congressional testimony. One veteran who sought treatment for a toenail injury died of
heart failure after doctors failed to take account of his enlarged heart, according to
2007 Outrage erupts after documents released to CNN show some senior VA
officials received $ bonuses $ of up to $33,000 despite a backlog of hundreds of
thousands of benefits cases and an internal review that found numerous problems,
some of them critical, at VA facilities across the nation.
The Iraq, and Afghanistan Wars
You have already read and heard much of the same treatment that goes on from
generation of American Veteran to next generation. The only thing consistent that
comes from "Government Rule" is the way they lie, and mistreat the Citizens they are
pledged to represent.Lets start with a report from the Washington Times in
"Currently, the VA and other federal agencies are conducting nearly 300 clinical
studies involving veterans with PTSD. Most studies are behavioral, including one that
tests the effects of yoga on PTSD sufferers. Twenty-five, however, are testing drugs on
4,796 veterans, more than half (2,488) of whom are just returning from the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan, according to clinical trials filed with the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) and reviewed by The Times."
Perhaps no other news report involving unethical human experimentation demonstrates
how far along the slippery slope the American government and the pharmaceutical
industry have plunged. The report is about the exploitation of the vulnerability of
disabled U.S. veterans who served in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The veterans are being enrolled in an unethical drug experiment with the approval of the
Department of Veterans Affairs, an experiment that exposes them to Pfizer's
controversial anti-smoking drug, Chantix, whose documented serious risks include
psychotic episodes, violence and suicide.
The FDA acknowledges that nearly 40 suicides and more than 400 incidents of suicidal
behavior have since been linked to Chantix.
"Just two weeks after A War Veteran began taking Chantix in November, the VA
learned from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that the drug was linked to a
large number of hallucinations, suicide attempts and psychotic behavior. But the VA did
not alert This Veteran before his own episode in February. In failing to do so, This
combat Veteran said, the VA treated him like a "disposable hero." "You're a lab rat for
$30 a month," claimed this Veteran.
In all, nearly 1,000 veterans with PTSD were enrolled in the study to test different
methods of ending smoking, with 143 using Chantix. Twenty-one of the veterans testing
Chantix reported adverse effects from the drug, including one who suffered suicidal
thoughts". ________________________________________
2009 The VA discloses that than 10,000 veterans who underwent colonoscopies in
Tennessee, Georgia and Florida were exposed to potential viral infections due to poorly
disinfected equipment. Thirty-seven tested positive for two forms of hepatitis and six
tested positive for HIV. VA Director Eric Shinseki initiates disciplinary actions and
requires hospital directors to provide written verification of compliance with VA operating
procedures. The head of the Miami VA hospital is removed as a result, the Miami
Herald reports.
2011 Nine Ohio veterans test positive for hepatitis after routine dental work at a VA
clinic in Dayton, Ohio. A dentist at the VA medical center there acknowledged not
washing his hands or even changing gloves between patients for 18 years.
2011 An outbreak of Legionnaires Disease begins at the VA hospital in Oakland,
Pennsylvania, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. At least five veterans die of
the disease over the next two years. In 2013, the newspaper discloses VA records
showed evidence of widespread contamination of the facility dating back to 2007.
2012 The VA finds that the graves of at least 120 veterans in agency-run cemeteries
are misidentified. The audit comes in the wake of a scandal at the Armys Arlington
National Cemetery involving unmarked graves and incorrectly placed burials.
2013 The former director of Veteran Affairs facilities in Ohio, William Montague, is
indicted on charges he took bribes and kickbacks to steer VA contracts to a company
that does business with the agency nationwide.
You already know about the most recent scandal of Veterans being denied simple
appointments for treatment. **This actually was known more than 10 years ago, but NO
Elected Official did anything, though they all want their "15 minutes" in front of the
"Media Microphone" now!!... The Governments performance is Shameful in the way
they treat these good Soldiers, and quite frankly they should ALL Resign! Here are
some of the statistics on Iraq, and Afghanistan Soldiers wounds that will stay with them
always, as our Ego-driven Politicians get the best of Medical Care.
1) More that 1600 Americans have lost a Limb. Even more have lost fingers or toes.
2)- More than 156 have lost total sight, and Thousands more have permanently
impaired vision.
3)- More than 177,000 having suffered hearing loss, and more than 350,000 report
4)- Thousands have come Home Disfigured, with Hundreds coming home in such bad
shape that they need Face Transplants.
5)- More than 400,000 have reported suffering from PTSD,while Tens of Thousands
have suffered Traumatic Brain Injury, (TBI).
**Consider all these injuries when you think of Barack Obama wanting Soldiers to Pay
for their HealthCare??? They are sent to War and return disabled and injured, and they
should pay for their "Healing" ??? Yet he gets FREE Healthcare that covers him even
when he is out (far too often), on the Golf-course!!!.........An "out-of-touch" individual who
couldn't understand the outrage from citizens and Soldier alike, when he made that
6)- In 2013 this very Paranoid, and Narcissistic Government sent letters out to these
Veterans stating that this Government was proposing a "Rule" that would determine (by
the Govt.), if you the War Veteran was Competent enough to own a weapon here at
Home. They were going to decide your degree of competency, though that Same
competence was not in question when they needed you to serve their purpose. Another
fragment of evidence showing that this Government is far too disconnected from the
people they were to serve.
7)- Sadly, statistics show that Veterans from both Iraq, and Afghanistan are committing
suicide on an average of one (1 ), Veteran a day. How can you Stop this Travesty when
the people these (Veterans), believed in, their Government, are the first ones to make
them feel Forgotten, and Abandoned??
8)- The V.A. suggest that there are close to 600,000 Back-logged Veterans claims from
all Wars, but I suspect that this number is a Lie, as everything else that comes from this
present "Regime" has been. The numbers stated in 2008 were at least 1 Million
backlogged claims, and I'm sure we haven't moved from that number in the last 6
Final Comment
Another Disgraceful performance from an uncaring, undeserving Government that No
longer, or perhaps never has served the People. The differences between the
Government and the People, especially our Veterans, has been so distinct, as to show
that we never have been and never will be a United States of America with both People
and Government as ONE. We cannot pretend no longer, and deny no longer the
Historical facts, in which some of them are laid-out before you in this writing. We are (2)
two Entities that have only drifted further apart in the past few centuries. Should we
have a desire to exist as a Free Nation then we seriously need to examine what has
happened. The "Experiment" of living in a Free State that was to breathe all the inherent
rights that the Human desired to embrace, is still that, an experiment. Perhaps, even
one on the Brink of Failure?
We have an opportunity to learn from these flagrant, abusive, and many intentional
infractions, but these resulting lessons have to be learned OF, FOR, and BY the people,
for the purpose of forming a true government of the People. There is NO chance that
(present), Government will ever learn anything, because it largely consists of people
who are far too selfish, and ego-driven to understand what "Serving your fellow man"
means. Words embraced by the People such as Loyalty, Unity, Patriotism, are foreign
words to those in Government, who will only voice these terms when attempting to hide
the Truth. Our internal conflicts (Veterans vs Govt.), and abstract differences shows that
the Historical atrocities inflicted by this distant government, on the people of these
United States, has left us with no choice but to declare a separation of such a degree
that it must be recognized as an immutability, incurable, irreparable, and irreversible,
relationship of Irreconcilable Differences.
To my fellow Veterans, I thank you so much for what you have done for
us.......We truly are not worthy, with all you have sacrificed for us.
To the United States Government, an entity more foreign to us than any Alien that
may observe this Planet, I must Declare that you do not Deserve the people of
these United States, and it is time to part our ways.
Thank you for your time,
Thomas Pastore, a Vietnam Veteran