Green Anarchy 9
Green Anarchy 9
Green Anarchy 9
An Anti-Civilization
Quarterly Publication
$2 U$A, $3 CAN, $4 WORLD
Free to Prisoners!
Inside - Special 4-page Introduction to
Green Anarchy and Anarcho-Primitivism! #9
Summer ‘02 Issue
Green Anarchy
[email protected] PO Box 11331 Eugene, OR 97440
Is Green Anarchy In Retreat? the new message seems to be “agree with us or
you are the class enemy”. All that junk that
from GREEN ANARCHY#8 - Spring 2002
Throughout the history of our movement
and struggle, any anarchists who have
When primitivists accuse us of being sectarian,
it is a dishonest attack. Because it is rooted
attempted to push the envelope and infuse in the pre-supposition that they are already
I had a problem with the last editorial, not settled on the remains of the traditional anti- theory with action (Alexander Berkman, established members of the anarchist movement,
so much in content, which was well put, but capitalist movement, the hard-lines, the splits, Leon Czolgoz, Ann Hansen, the Angry which they aren’t. Indeed, we attack all
with context. I’m not pointing blame since I the violence against comrades in words and Brigade, etc.) have had to endure harsh stripes of people who claim to be “anarchists”,
understand where the authors are coming from, deeds, all those manifestations of alienation, public criticism and revolutionary betrayal from “anarcho” capitalists to “anarcho”
but I think the way it’s said gives a wrong seem set to rise again if the above comment is at the hands of conservative “anarcho- primitivists. This is not sectarianism, it is
impression. There’s two points: 1. I fear that truly reflective of the mood amongst green gradualists” and “anarcho-lifestylists” who defining our boundaries as anarchists and
if we start going into retreat (which isn’t anarchists in the US. seem to believe that social transformation opposing ideologies that are *antithetical*
necessarily implied, but is likely to be taken The leviathan of global capital seems set on will be brought about gradually by “educated” to anarchism.
by some), we may never come out. Even if we an un-ending period of total war and instructors and small groups of academic
do start to search for other ways to attack militarization. Yet despite appearances, the thinkers, who will “reason” the ruling class One does not revise the principles of anarchism,
civilization, we shouldn’t ever give up our current intensification of conflict comes not out of power and who will make slow, one revises oneself and ones application of
presence or dim our voices. 2. I think that we from the strength of capital, but is a product unvarying “progress” towards their goal those principles self-critically. If you no
should be clear with people, as publishers and of the fractures and fissures rupturing across through principled arguments and incessant longer agree with the principles of anarchism,
outspoken groups, we have given up an aspect the global ruling class. Facing the numerous educational or mis-educational efforts. We or never did, then you aren’t an anarchist
of our anonymity. People who are coming into uprising and struggles of the multitude for at GA “flatly refuse” this ridiculous notion. - there is no form of anarchism where the
green anarchist theory and action should know autonomy and the assertion of the dignity of Here is some of the more hysterical BS that fundamental principles of anarchism are
first hand that we are immersed in a serious life and earth, the rush to war is a bloody and we deal with constantly due to our desire to mythically altered. We define things by
task, and not one that starts and stops. Once ultimately futile attempt to re-assert control. question the limitations we place on our- name because, although their form and
we become involved, we are marked by the In this context a green anarchist stance: an out selves and the anarchist “movement” and application may change, their core essence
State, and we can’t just fuck shit up and walk look that stresses the interrelation of human our support for focused, thoughtful acts of does not.
away. It is up to each of us to decide, first and freedom and the health of the earth versus revolutionary violence. The core essence of anarchism is a true
foremost, what our level of involvement is and oppression and restriction in all its forms, a
synthesis of liberty and socialism. If you
going to be. If for anything than our own safety. critique of the totality of exploitative relation- Bakunin writes on Wednesday disagree with this, find another movement,
For wildness and Anarchy, ships of commodity society; has a valuable part
to play. But to do so green anarchists should March 13: because then you disagree with anarchism.
Coalition Against Civilization It comes off as romanticized ignorance While our application of this principle
forsake the comfortable position of dogmatic
because it was written by primitivists, who changes, our commitment to it doesn’t.
Note from Epiphany: Thanks for the self-righteousness and pious certainty and
embrace pluralism, doubt and questions. As to essentially don’t want to talk about the fact It is the primitivists who are lost in a time
response. This letter essentially captures the
questions, issue #7 asked the readers their stance that anarchists are opposed to their bullshit warp, refusing to re-evaluate the same old
point of the article “Same Children Playing
on GA having a “no compromise approach to ideology. Namely, the primitivists try to tired Rousseau-inspired “noble savage” BS.
Revolution in the Park,” which was to think
the destruction of industrial civilization and also seize on acts of revolutionary violence and Anarchists have always railed against
carefully about your position in relation to the
be pro-indigenous”. If the alternative to being focus on them, rather than constructively primitivism, from the very inception of
power-structure at all times. The Green Anarchist
pro-indigenous is to be anti-indigenous well there assess the movement-building that takes anarchism, and always will.
movement has many levels and locations so this
is no real debate there. But in terms of con- place. Why? Because they aren’t anarchists,
analysis will be applied in different ways
structing a basis for political praxis rather than a and aren’t interested in the construction of
throughout our numbers. Knowing and under-
standing what risks to take, where, and when is no compromise approach to the destruction of anarchist federations. cw(3PO) writes on Thursday
essential. Understanding the essence of guerrilla industrial civilization I March 14:
warfare is the point, whether it is guerrilla would like to see a no I think this primitivist v. federationist debate
propaganda, guerrilla sabotage, or guerrilla compromise approach needs to be flatly refused, as both sides fail
gardening, the fact is that we have less power to total liberation. This to be self-critical with respect to their own
than our enemy, militarily. This fact forces our is not just splitting frozen ideologies...On one side, we have
tactics to be adaptive, intelligent, and secure. hairs but reconstructing people proclaiming that we need to shove a
There are times for insurrection, times for the the process for change bone through our nose and live as hunter-
spectacle, times for traveling alone, times for around a positive gatherers, and, while also asserting that the
staying under the wings of a community, times perspective and one majority of the population needs to die. On
for everything. We must not get locked into any that is far more accept- the other side, we have people advocating a
mode of action and then fear wavering from it ing and fluid. more radical version of social democracy,
to be a digression from moving in some ill- With this in mind, I who think that people should spend half of
conceived “forward direction.” Retreat is never think GA should open their time attending consensus meetings and
constant, silence is never for long. Like a wild its doors to actively workers assemblies and the other half engaging
place, diversity, adaptability, is survival and solicit contributions in industrial toil (which will supposedly
security. We hope to dance on the ruins, and to from numerous become more pleasant, once workers
survive unscathed and unimprisoned to both p e r spectives and control the factories). An ideology is a body
bring about and share in this day of liberation thrive on the debate of ideas which are not self-critical, and hence
from the machine. Remain diverse in your ways and diversity the is not capable of revising itself. Ideologies
of struggle, and we all just may see each other struggle for a global are products of authoritarian mindsets
there in end. family of free cultures belonging to people who attach themselves
in harmony with the to frozen dogmas instead of exploring new
earth creates. Some may ask, where do you Small wonder the unabomber is featured in
possibilities. Because they aren’t based upon
draw the line? Surely this will never be a fixed the same issue.
Feedback From Australia position, and what else are letter pages for?
a continuing understanding of desires and
The kind of militancy that the Greek anarchists needs, they serve the interests of capital.
Dear Comrades, Thrash for freedom (with green, red, utilize is of a revolutionary nature, and is anti- Primitivism and workerism are both ideologies
Whilst I was thankful to receive the last copies and black dreams), antithetical to primitivism. For primitivists, that serve the interest of capital, and I reject
of GA (and handed them out accordingly), as Dave Antagonism violence is a means to achieving some mythic both of them because as an anarchist, I’m
I read the last issue I was filled with a growing Wollongong, Australia destruction of civilization [something that constantly revising my perspective on the
sadness. It seems that GA is content to continue could probably not be achieved short of basis of new understandings of desires, needs,
to develop into a heavily ideological, dogmatic Editor’s Response: Thanks for the eradicating the entire population], an undesir- as well as different forms of dominating
and sectarian publication that wants to push a able and unattainable goal that saps the behaviors...Fifth Estate, Green Anarchy, John
feedback, and just so you know, we openly
certain primitivist/anti-civ party line. Once movement of its energy. Greek anarchists, like Zerzan and company are not qualitatively
solicit any contributions to this paper which will
again it seems that radicals are happier doing anarchists all over the world, are fighting for different from NEFAC, the IWW and the ISE
help us take a more critical look at where we
battle in disconnected cynical debates with a society based on the principles of Liberty in my eyes. All are based on frozen dogmas,
and others are coming from. In fact, the editorial
mythical theoretical opponents that try to build and Socialism, in which the means of production abstractions and selectively-interpreted data,
collective writes very few of the articles in each
a part, however small, of a genuine refusal of and distribution are held in common and and not at all in a continuing reflection upon
issue. Do we want to use this project to promote
capital, based on the complexities of life. developed along ecologically and socially real desires and needs. For me, being an
anti-civ perspectives? - Of course. Do we want
Debate and analysis is fantastic, robust beneficial lines - this is directly opposed to anarchist means rejecting dogma, not
to draw finite perimeters on this discussion?
discussion should be encouraged, but much the primitivist standpoint of “destroying” them conforming to a dogma that has commonly
- Definitely not. Our goal is to further this
of the last issue of GA seemed more interested or the process of “phasing out” technology. been called “anarchist”.
discussion from an anti-authoritarian and anti-
in reducing the scope of ideas through
industrial perspective. As far as your “red”
denouncing all those that disagree with the
new anarcho-primitivist orthodoxy. No better
dreams go, however, we feel that it is irresponsible, Thanks for the feedback! We strongly encourage dialogue about the
unrealistic, and shortsighted for anarchists to contents of this paper and discussions about the anarchist movement
line indicates this than that in “Remedial
continue on with their uncritical support of
Revolutionary Consciousness” that reads “As
industry and the inherent hierarchy of production, as a whole. We believe that direct communication is healthier than
for the critics of the ELF, the left, the greens spite-filled internet postings; we spend as little time in cyber-space as
as well as their lack of understanding of
and their moderate variants are a key part of
the glue that holds the whole rotting social order”.
ecology and how far out of balance with the possible! Please keep letters between 300-500 words, anything longer,
rest of life we have become. send to us as an article. - the Green Anarchy Collective
With all the flourish of a Stalinistic denunciation
SEX AMONG THE ZOMBIES to fire a projectile in the direction of the fuel
terminal, but no traces of it have been found. anti-imperialist movement. It
gives us momentum to continue our common
. . . continued from last page Police suspect anti-capitalist groups that have struggle, to intensify the campaigns in solidarity
for decades voiced opposition to the U.S. military with Intifada as well as with all peoples who
Workers in industrial societies tend to work longer hours than people in native presence in Japan. They were also investigating demand an end to the wars of oppression and
cultures. And industrial work is far less interesting. Industrial workers are kept at their the possibility that the incident was connected capitalist globalization. - Austrian Anti-Imperialist
jobs through their dependence on money and through constant indoctrination by to a three-day visit by U.S. President George Camp (GA Note: Massive demonstrations in
institutions. “The natural tendency of man, as manifested in primitive (sic) societies, W. Bush to Japan scheduled to begin days support of the Palestinian people, and against
is almost certainly to work until a given consumption has been achieved. Then he later. U.S. Navy officials were “working closely” imperialism, have taken place in European countries
relaxes, engages in sport, hunting, orgiastic or propitiating ceremonies or other with Japanese police to determine the source such as Australia, England, Germany, Greece,
forms of physical enjoyment or spiritual betterment. This tendency for primitive of the blast. About 47,000 American troops are Holland, Ireland, Poland and Spain, and Latin
man to achieve contentment has been the despair of those who regard themselves stationed in Japan as part of a bilateral security American countries such as Brazil, Chile, El Salvador,
as agents of civilization and remains so to this day. What is called economic agreement. Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. Many of these
development consists in no small part in devising strategies to overcome the demonstrations have been organized by Leftists
tendency of men to place limits on their objectives as regards income and thus on February 20, Korea: Anti-Bush Demonstrators who believe that Palestinian’s need there own
their efforts” (Galbraith). Fight Police centralized state that is independent of Israel.
Industrialism has devastated our sexual lives. We complain that we treat each other’s Seoul: Hundreds of people However, many of the these demonstrations
bodies unfeelingly, as so many objects, to use and dispose of. Yet we fail to realize that protesting the visit of President have also had the participation of anti-
we treat everything (including ourselves) as so many objects to use and dispose of. We Bush fought riot police who tried to authoritarians who believe the
fail to see that the total objectification of our environment and of nature is a direct effect stop them from burning an American state is an inherently oppressive
of the power system of industrialization. If we have been conditioned throughout our flag in downtown. The protesters, ins t i t u t i o n , b a s e d o n t h e
lives to objectify everything, how can we fail to objectify those who excite us sexually? some wearing headbands with exploitation of the masses for
The industrial system has reduced sex to a procreative activity, just as it slogans that read “We oppose the the benefit of a powerful elite,
reduces all human functions to productive activities. Under industrialism, the United States,” threw bottles and and they believe the Palestinians
purpose of sex has become purely economic: to breed consumers, workers, and pounded on police shields with must work towards decen-
soldiers for their proper roles in industrial and military hierarchies. Sexual clubs. Ambulances took away tralization and self-government,
relations have been reduced to productive relations. The basic unit of people- several injured activists. At least not more hierarchy and elitism.)
production is the monogamous heterosexual family. 2,000 demonstrators attended the
Sex itself is locked up in secrecy, privacy, darkness, embarrassment, and guilt. march, which started out peacefully at a park. March 16, Spain: Anti-Capitalists
That’s how the industrial system manages to keep it under control. Among nature Fighting began after police tried to stop Clash With Police In Largest Ever
peoples, as we have seen, sex is part of the public religion and education of the activists from burning an American flag. Protest In The History Of Barcelona
tribes. It becomes a collective celebration of the powers that hold the universe Later, protesters burned American flags Barcelona: Police clashed with anti-
together. Its purpose is its own pleasure. Any group of people with such practices and and a picture of Bush on which was capitalist protesters following a march
values can never be dominated by industrial institutions. That’s why the first thing written: “Bush is the axis of evil.” by hundreds of thousands of
industrial societies do on contact with “primitives” is make them feel guilty about sex Many protesters were farmers who demonstrators after a Euro-
and their bodies. The historical tools for doing this have been patriarchal religions. complained that World Trade pean Union summit. The bulk of
The whole industrial system is like one great night of the living dead where the Organization rules had undercut the rally had passed off peacefully but as it drew
entire populace has been reduced emotionally to the level of zombies. It has deadened their business with cheap imports. “Our farmers to a close in the city’s historic downtown port
us to our environment, deprived us of art, sterilized our animal nature, robbed us are struggling because the United States keeps area after dark, bottles and stones started flying
of the skills of survival, degraded our labor and leisure, and decimated our sexual pressuring South Korea to open its rice and police fired rubber bullets and charged in
lives. And so it has made us like the living dead - dead to nature, dead to each market,” said Kim Hee-sang, a 31-year-old with batons flailing. Some demonstrators set
other, dead to ourselves. farmer. Bush was visiting the heavily armed fires in trash cans. Militants threw bottles and
All the highly industrialized nations of the earth, regardless of whether they are border between North and South Korea when rocks and fired flares at public buildings. Militants
communist or capitalist, show the same effects of the impact of technology: concentration the demonstration started. Anti-US activists say smashed plate glass windows at branches of
of political and economic power in the hands of a few; increasing regimentation of every his tough talk on the communist North has two banks on the route of the march. “Eat the
aspect of life, including thoughts, emotions, and even fantasies; and devastation of the heightened tension on the Korean peninsula. rich,” had been daubed in red paint in Spanish
environment. “In spite of all the men of good will, all the optimists, all the doers of on one bank window. Corporate clothing stores
March 9, Italy: Over 100,000 Demonstrate In were also attacked by militants in the march.
history, the civilizations of the world are being ringed about with a band of steel” (Ellul).
Solidarity With The Palestinian Intifada According to some eyewitness accounts, some
Of course, it’s possible to divorce technical skill from institutional control, but
Rome: The following statement was released masked people threw petrol bombs at businesses.
then we no longer have industrial technology. Such a change would mean a new
from the Austrian Anti-Imperialist Camp, it has Police said they made 38 arrests and seven cops
type of technology, something far different from any productive system that now
been slightly modified for GA: Despite heavy were injured. Eyewitness accounts describe
prevails on the planet.
rain and the boycott by the big mass media police beating protesters and journalists. A sea
The industrial wasteland has come upon us from our past. It is the gestation of over
as well as by a big part of the pacifist left, of demonstrators from a wide range of different
2,000 years of patriarchal rule, the last offspring of Christian/industrial institutions.
100,000 people demonstrated in solidarity groups had marched through streets to reject
It is vast. It is powerful. It has respected neither culture nor ideology. It has spread
with the Palestinian Intifada. This was...the the free-market agenda approved by the EU
like a cancer over the whole face of the earth. It has ruined our work, our art, our
biggest demonstration in support of the Pal- leaders in the city hours earlier. Organizers
environment, and our emotional and sexual lives. It has cost us the magic sense of
estinian cause ever in Italy....this was also the estimated that as many as half a million people
life. If we are ever to rise up from the dead and regain our rightful place in nature, we
biggest mass manifestation in support of had joined the march and said they believed it
will have to do more than put our faith in the state, the party, or technology - all of
Intifada that has ever taken place in a western was the biggest demonstration in Barcelona’s
which are mere props of industrialism. We will have to tap the saving energies that
country. The idea to hold this demonstration history. Some 8,500 police had been drafted in
now lie buried in ourselves and in nature. And that means we will have to summon
was the Forum for Palestine... The to the Catalan capital for the summit amid fears
forth powers that have not been known since the days of the shamans.
call for this demonstration included five points: of a repetition of protests against globalization
1) Withdrawal of the Israeli army from the oc- that culminated in the murder of Italian anarchist
Some Recommended Readings: cupied territories; 2) Dismantling of all Zionist Carlo Giuliani at the hands of Italian pigs in
colonial settlements; 3) International observation Genoa last July. Anti-globalization activists from
The God Of Ecstasy: Sex Roles And The Madness Of Dionysus against Israeli violence... Finally, the call across Europe had descended on Barcelona for
by Arthur Evans included the request to the Palestinian National this march, held under the title “Against the
Authority to release A. Saadat, secretary of the Europe of capital,” to reject the liberal, free-market
Critique Of Patriarchal Reason by Arthur Evans Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, economic agenda espoused by EU leaders.
The Faggots And Their Friends Between Revolution as well as all other militants of Intifada.... There was anti-EU demonstrations in Barcelona
by Larry Mitchell After the demonstration, many newspapers all weekend, each day ended in clashes with
Trans-Gender Warriors by Leslie Fienberg have tried to distort this marvelous demonstration police, though the demonstrations on the 16th
The Mass Psychology Of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich describing it as one of the usual pacifist were the most confrontational. French activist
marches, which call for equal distance from Jose Bove had warned Spain against cracking
Visionary Love by Mitch Walker both the Zionist butchers and Palestinian down on protesters, saying that would only fuel
victims, which condemn any form of violence future demonstrations. To complicate matters for
Green Anarchy #9 page 6
the police, one of the biggest Spanish soccer were injured and approximately 1,000 Kurds Salvador from outlying provinces, so most into a large street fight involving more than
matches of the season, between bitter were arrested in the country. Authorities likely the demonstrations would have been two dozen people. Obviously, opposition
rivals Barcelona and Real Madrid, also took banned celebrations of Nowruz - the Farsi- even larger without the official harassment. to the American military operations in P.R.
place in the city on the same evening. The language word for “New year” - saying that Bush was met with hostility from the ex- is intensifying.
match was held up for over six minutes when the festivities would be “exploited by ploited everywhere throughout this trip.
two protesters wearing shirts bearing anti- outlawed groups to cause provocations.” May Day, Germany: Police Clash With
capitalist slogans sprinted onto the pitch Kurds have been battling the Turkish March 25, Canada: Protesters March Looting Demonstrators
and attached themselves to the goal-posts. government for cultural rights, including the Against Neo-Liberalism Berlin: Riot police clashed with hundreds
right to speak their native language, for Victoria: A march, made up of homeless of anti-capitalist demonstrators after some
March 19, Italy: Gunmen Kill Italian Official years. The Turkish government has received people, street youth, members of the Anti- of them smashed their way into a super-
Rome: Two gunmen on a motorcycle killed millions of dollars of US military aid to Poverty Coalition, native sovereigntists, market on the eve of May Day in a traditional
a consultant to Italy’s labor minister as he brutally repress those movements in anarchists, members of the IWW, and others trouble spot. Police were greeted with a
bicycled home from work in Bologna. Marco exchange for acting as an arm of US foreign wound its way through the streets disrupting hail of bottles, rocks and fireworks as they
Biagi, a professor and consultant to Labor policy in the Middle East. For more information business and traffic downtown for several tried to stop the looting, which erupted
Minister Roberto Maroni, had pushed for on the Kurdish struggle for self-determination, hours. The Liberal government of British after nightfall at the end of an open-air
employment reforms that labor groups and we recommend Noam Chomsky’s excellent Columbia has been cutting welfare and social rock concert that drew an estimated
leftist parties have denounced, saying the book American Interventionism. programs, laying-off 5,000 people to
proposals would give employers too much government employees the streets of
freedom to fire workers. The Red Brigades, March 22, Mexico: Thousands Take To The by the thousands, and Kreuzberg district.
a communist urban guerrilla group that Streets Against Globalization has created a six dollar A police helicopter
formed during the 1970s and has managed Monterey: The United Nations-sponsored training wage (two whirred overhead
to survive through the past few decades International Conference on Financing for dollars less then the as hundreds of
despite political repression, took credit for Development was held amid growing eight dollar minimum officers rushed in
this assassination. They claim that they awareness that globalization is a form of wage). They are also and dispersed
carried out this action because the labor colonialism that must be brought to and calling a referendum of the masked radi-
reforms proposed by Biagi threaten the end. “Representatives” of 171 countries, Native Treaty rights, cals, geared up for
well-being of the working class, and that including 52 heads of state; the World Trade intending to exploit the anti-globalization
the time is ripe for a new era of guerrilla Organization; the International Monetary racism of the white protests in the
warfare against the forces of capitalism. Fund; the World Bank; and dozens of non- settler population in capital on this
Similarly, Peru’s notoriously murderous Shining governmental organizations met to discuss the province. The march holiday. Police
Path recently bombed the U.S. Embassy how to meet the United Nations’ stated targeted businesses in dr o v e water
building in Peru, just days before imperialist supposed goal of cutting global poverty in the downtown core that cannons into
mass murderer Bush came to Peru to talk to half by 2015. Acknowledging that the trade contributed money to the streets and
it’s political and economic leaders about the policies that were supposed to bring the Liberal’s election the situation
future of their nation. The bombing killed economic development to poorer countries campaign, and busi- remained tense,
several cops, as well as a few innocent have failed to do so, wealthy nations say nesses that harass with demonstrators
civilians. While we at GA most definitely they intend to increase direct development st r e e t y o u t h . T h e huddling in small
do not support state-communist groups, the aid. However, most opponents of global- direction of the march groups. There
resurgence of the Red Brigades is noteworthy ization/colonialism recognize that the was spontaneously decided by the group, were no immediate reports on injuries.
because it’s indicative of a growing inter- people in power and the wealthy are not which kept the police off-guard and caused Berlin’s gritty Kreuzberg district has been
national resistance to capitalism and to the the friends of the working class, indigenous much disruption to traffic. The crowd dressed the focus of riots on May Day and the night
Bush oligarchy’s’ overt desire to rule the peoples, and the poor. The statements that like death, wearing all black and skull masks before for at least 15 years. May Day, a
world. Of course, the Red Brigades are were made by groups like the IMF and WTO and marched through the streets banging traditional class-struggle anarchist holiday
authoritarians and it’s almost guaranteed about “ending poverty” through “appropriate” on drums and pots and pans and attacking that has been largely co-opted by socialists
that should they succeed in seizing state economic development are lies that only several businesses including The Bay, The and progressives, is celebrated in virtually
power they would - like all state communists serve the interest of the ruling class. In fact, Gap, City Hall, McDonald’s and others. At every major city in the world. May Day is a
before them - promptly round up and execute the only reason these corporate bodies are McDonald’s, the marchers danced on tables celebration of class-struggle, but it has been
anarchists, so in no way do we subscribe now pretending to care about the poor and and chanted “Six bucks sucks!” Inside The transformed into a day of action against
to the naive “the enemy of my enemy is my the environment is because they want to Bay stink bombs were set off and clothes capitalism. Massive, militant May Day
friend” philosophy. It is worth observing calm down an increasingly militant anti- thrown onto the floor. Snaking through the demonstrations took place in England,
however, that the reappearance of the Red globalization movement, which is also Eaton’s Center Mall twice some marchers Australia, South Korea, Canada, and other
Brigades on the political stage is consistent increasingly anti-authoritarian. Thousands wrote “Fuck the rich” on Eaton’s Center countries.
with rapidly expanding destabilization of protesters from different communities property. Signs were pushed over, as the
trends at work in the world today that could showed up to influence, or disrupt, this crowd left the mall, a Ralph Lauren yuppie May 9, Indonesia: The Struggle To Free
potentially lead to the rupturing of the conference. Many of the activists who clothing store was paint-bombed, and Aceh Intensifies
whole social spectacle. We also feel it’s showed up to protest the conference were “Class War” was scrawled on the outside Aceh: Armed clashes between freedom-
important to report on incidents like this leaders from indigenous peoples movements of The Gap, as police locked the doors, fighter’s of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM)
because they won’t be mentioned in the and members of labor groups. However, trapping shoppers inside. There were very and government forces have been a daily
corporate media unless the movement or quite a few anarchists were also in attendance. few confrontations between the police and phenomenon despite the peace settlement
struggle in question becomes the next Masked radicals attacked businesses with the crowd, the major incident being when being promoted through negotiation. In
target of the “war on terrorism.” We’re first spray-paint and rocks throughout the down- a police motorcycle drove into a baby North Aceh, at least five recent armed
and foremost a newspaper and we feel the town area, and many activists clashed with stroller and knocked a mother and her young clashes have been reported. GAM
underground press has a responsibility to police who tried to prevent the protesters child to the ground. There were no arrests ambushed the military who were on their
make available all the information that the from getting too close to the meetings. An and at the end of the day all participants way to carry out an operation in villages.
State would like to hide from us, and let image from the protests on the internet dispersed safely. Several days before, on At least ten military personnel were killed
people draw their own conclusions. There showed a man swinging a dead goat at the 20th, the Minister of Human Resources in separate battles, but GAM managed to
aren’t many papers in North America focusing the conference security. The goat apparently made a public appearance and was met escape after the attack. Due to repeated
on the activities of groups like the Red died after drinking water from a stream that with an angry crowd who screamed at and attacks by GAM, the military deployed more
Brigades and that’s why a publication like was contaminated by industrial poisons. denounced him for cutting welfare rates. troops to locate GAM in suspected remote
Arm The Spirit (out of Toronto) is so valuable. Unfortunately, with most of the protesters After being taunted upon entering, the villages in North Aceh. As a consequence, their
Without supporting the objectives and unwilling to smash property or break the crowd chased him through the building and presence has caused trauma and fear for
politics of the authoritarian left, it only law, the protests were not able to significantly parking lot, delaying and disrupting his civilians. All male civilians were reported to
strengthens our own movement to be aware disrupt the meetings. This meeting was planned speech until police arrived. Direct have fled the villages to hide in the jungle to
of the existence of other groups fighting more significant than most global summits actions against social welfare cuts, the avoid further casualties when the military re-
capitalism and to keep abreast of the because it involved the making of decisions privatization of public services, and the taliated indiscriminately. Only women and
progress many of them are making towards that will largely determine the continuation continued exploitation of indigenous children remained at home. This situation has
their goals. This protects us to some extent of neo-liberalism in Latin America. Cuba’s peoples have become common in Canada. caused severe economic problems for villagers.
from their potential predation on us - after communist dictator Fidel Castro, a firm They have been banned by the military from
their revolution - and it can also help us identify opponent of the neo-liberal policies that April 22, Puerto Rico: Angry Mob Wounds going to rice fields and farms for any reason.
opportunities for actions in line with our own have landed nearly 75% of the Latin American Ten Marines Farmers could not cultivate their lands and
agenda, which for all anarchists is at minimum population into poverty, was asked to leave San Juan: A mob armed with bats and work for their livelihood as the military were
the complete destruction of the state, and the conference for the comfort of George pipes attacked ten US Marines, leaving one everywhere in the village looking for GAM. It
for many of us, the destruction of the industrial Bush Jr. with a cranial fracture and others with injuries was reported that after the military searched
system and civilization itself. Hopefully, some from broken bones to minor scrapes. All ten for GAM without finding anybody, the village
anti-authoritarian guerrilla groups will be born March 24, El Salvador: Protests Meet Bush, were released from the hospital after a civilians were often targeted and accused of
out of the current global crisis. Slam FTAA brawl that erupted late at night in the capital hiding information about GAM’s whereabouts.
San Salvador: George Bush landed in the of this US-dominated Caribbean territory. Many of them were shot dead and arbitrarily
March 21, Turkey: Kurdish Dissidents Clash capital of El Salvador on his last stop of a The Marines - more than 60 wearing civilian arrested, and their dead bodies were found
With Pigs three-country trip to promote “free trade”. clothes at the time - had just finished work dumped in nearby villages or roadsides. The
Hundreds of thousands of Kurdish youth Bush met with the President on the 22nd as a security detachment for contested GAM routinely attack the Indonesian military
put up barricades and battled police in anniversary of Archbishop Oscar Romero’s military “exercises on the outlying island that terrorizes the people of Aceh.
towns throughout Turkey after authorities assassination by a right-wing School of the of Vieques. Two Marines were arguing
banned Kurds from celebrating their New Americas graduate. He was “welcomed” by between themselves outside at about 11 “Solidarity lies in action. Action that sinks its
Year. Two demonstrators were killed. Riot 15,000 demonstrators and was “protected” PM when the armed mob began to attack roots in one’s own project (...) that above all
police used water canons, tear gas and by more than 7,000 police. Police check- them. Eight other Marines came to their makes us free ourselves...” - Daniela Carmignani
tanks to disperse crowds. At least 40 police points restricted people from entering San friend’s defense, and the brawl developed
Green Anarchy #9 p a g e 10
February 5, Philippines: Anti-GE Activists Block April 24, Scotland: GM Crops Destroyed
US Soybean Shipment In Highlands
Manila: Anti-GE activists blocked the unloading of 17,000 Munlochy: A field of genetically modified crops which has
tons of soybeans from the USA, because they were provoked a storm of protest in the Highlands was vandalized.
genetically engineered. Activists occupied the unloading The Northern Constabulary said about five acres of GM
equipment of General Milling Corporation at a berth oilseed rape was destroyed at Roskill Farm on the Black
in Batangas, about 63 miles south of Manila, unfurl- Isle in Easter Ross. The site has been the focus of
ing the banner “USA Stop Dumping GMO’s On Asia” campaigners’ simmering anger since it was first earmarked
on the hull of the cargo ship. The vessel was delivering for GM crop trials by the seed company Aventis in August
its load to the largest soybean processing plant in 2000. The incident comes only days after a Scottish parlia-
the Philippines. The Philippines buys about 300,000 mentary committee called for the crop trial, which had just
tons of soybeans annually, mainly from the United started to flower, to be ploughed up. A total of 4,000
States. “Asia should not be a dumping ground for protesters based on the Black Isle handed a petition to
genetically contaminated products,” said one anti- the transport and environment committee expressing their
GE activist. “We should not be forced to feed our opposition to the crop trial. Mr. Harper claimed evidence
children with food that the rest of the world is indicated that GM oilseed rape was the most likely of all
increasingly rejecting.” experimental crops to cross-pollinate with non-GM crops,
and could do so at greater distances than allowed for in
March 9, England: Over 100 people the current trials.
Destroy GM Crops
Long Marston: The anti-GE group Undercurrents The Culture Of
traveled to this region to record on film over 100
campaigners as they destroyed a crop of genetically
Make Believe:
modified oilseed rape at Forest Farm. This is the An Eye-Opening
final year of the farm scale GM trials in Britain. Last Exploration Of
year a survey carried out in the village showed that
the majority of residents do not want GM crops. Letters Civilization’s
have been written to local authorities, and the farmer Dark Heart
himself asking for the trial to be stopped. Local
people have attended a public meeting at the time
Derrick Jensen
ANTI-GENETIX ACTIONS of sowing in October to demand action from the govern-
ment and Aventis, the biotech company who manufactured Finally, the much-
In case you haven’t been paying attention, the the GM crops. The trial was even reported to the police for awaited follow-up to
mega-machine is on the brink of ultimate success in the criminal damage that could be caused through Derrick Jensens landmark
its war against nature. Genetic Engineering is ther contamination of neighboring crops rendering them un-sell- book, “A Language Older
newest weapon, but some are fighting back! able. Police were unsure of their role as they watched and Than Words”, is out! In this new 700-page masterpiece,
videotaped people as they pulled up plants, played samba, Derrick Jensen sets the bar as high as possible,examining the
Early January, California: Nighttime Gardeners and spoke to the media. Eventually five arrests were made. atrocities that characterize so much of our culture—from
Take Action Against Plant Sciences, Inc.
April 10, Belgium: Aventis Experimentation lynchings in early 20th-century America to manufacturing
Manteca: The North American ALF Press Office received the
disasters and death squads in developing nations and the
following communiqué: Early in January, Plant Sciences Inc. Field Destroyed destruction of the natural world. Tearing away all illusions
in Manteca, CA was visited by nighttime gardeners. We Smetlede: During the nighttime a field was destroyed
spread salt across many rows of GE strawberries, intending with his shocking yet graceful prose, Jensen sets out to
where Aventis Crop Science experiments with genetically
to disrupt research and cause economic damage. We also destroy white male human history and its complex web of
modified oil seed plants. The “Green” Party Minister of
uprooted a test plot of GE Valent wheat. This is the second racism,sexism,hate,greed and wanton disregard for life. If
Health Magda Aelvoet will soon speak out on new Aventis
time Plant Sciences Inc. was visited, the first time was two trial applications and activists wish to increase pressure
you feel oppressed by civilization and are sickened to the
years ago at their Watsonville property. Our actions will on her to prohibit these trial applications - which are depths of your being by the horrors it has caused, then we
continue until the genetic engineering of life is stopped. certain to have a devastating affect on ecosystems. urge you to order a copy of this book, which is published by
Context Books 368 Broadway,Suite 314, New York, NY 10013.
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Green Anarchy #9
These are not notes for any rigid and the originators of the practice. Several examples include a
decline in nutritional health due to over-reliance on non-
dogma or ideology, but questions and diverse diets, almost 40-60 diseases integrated into human
ideas for this collective to work from. populations per domesticated animal (influenza, the common
cold, tuberculosis, etc.), the emergence of surplus which can
ANARCHY be used to feed a population out of balance and invariably
Without rule; Against domination; involves property and an end to unconditional sharing, the first
The ultimate liberatory experience. ever problems resulting from disposal of and proximity to
excrement, the rise of ideal host environments for parasites,
CIVILIZATION and the capacity for diseases to be carried on through generations
We’re now seeing the end-point of civilization: for one thing, as the artificial environment buffers natural selection.
the complete domination-and soon to be destruction-of nature. There are now two categories of life in the world: wild and
And, as Freud predicted, a nearing state of universal neurosis. domesticated. Pick a side. forms of domination. Our domination increases everytime a new
In spades. “time saving” technology is created, as it necessitates the
Paul Sheppard said that the step to genetic engineering, INDUSTRIALISM construction of more technology to support, fuel, maintain and
including human cloning, is implicit in the first step: domesti- Industrialism - the existence of complex mechanized systems repair the original technology. This has led very rapidly to the
cation. The urge to control and dominate is the cornerstone of of production that are built upon centralized power and the establishment of a complex technological system that seems to
civilization. The inner logic of this orientation toward the world exploitation of people and nature. A critique of industrialism have an existence independent from the humans who created it
and the life upon it is reaching its completion. is a natural extension of the anarchist critique of the state, and where the power relationships between the “inventor” and
The founding spirit of civilization begins, most likely, in a because industrialism is inherently imperialistic, genocidal, the “invention” clearly favor the interests of the Machine itself.
gradually developing division of labor or specialization. ecocidal, and patriarchal. In order to maintain an industrial Discarded by-products of the Technological System are polluting
Inequities of influence come about via the affective power of society, you must set out to conquer and colonize lands in both our physical and our psychological environment. Lives stolen
various kinds of experts. The road to civilization was paved by order to acquire non-renewable resources to fuel and grease in service of the Machine and the toxic effluent of the Techno-
the domestication of animals, plants and our own ancestors the machine. This colonialism/imperialism is rationalized by logical System’s fuels — both are choking us. Technology is
only 10,000 years ago, which ended a state of natural anarchy racism, sexism, and cultural chauvinism. In the process of replicating itself now, with something resembling mechanical,
that had prevailed for about 2 million years. acquiring these non-renewable resources, you must force artificial sentience. The Technological System is a planetary
Prior to civilization there generally existed ample leisure time, people off of their land. And in order to make people work in infection, propelled forward by it’s own momentum, that is rapidly
considerable gender autonomy and equality, a non-destructive the factories ordering a new kind of
approach to the natural world, the absence of organized that produce the environment, one
violence and strong health and robusticity. Civilization machines, you designed for me-
inaugurated warfare, the subjugation of women, population must enslave chanical efficiency
growth, drudge work, entrenched hierarchies, and virtually people, or hoard and technological
every known disease, to name a few of its “benefits”. the resources expansionism alone.
Civilization begins with and relies on an enforced renunciation that they are It is questionable
of instinctual freedom and eros. It cannot be reformed and is dependent upon whether the ruling
thus our enemy. for their survival, class (who still benefit
as a means to economically and
DOMESTICATION coerce them into politically from the
Domestication began — first in the (once) Fertile Crescent entering the Technological System)
in the Near East (modern day Iraq) — some 12,000 years ago. mines, toiling in really have any control
Though it took a few thousand years for this process and the the factories, over their “Franken-
property and power it produced to necessitate the military and otherwise stein monster” at this
defense and social control strategy of civilization, it was the subjecting them- point. The Technological
first mistake in the series leading to modernity. selves to the System methodically
Domestication is the process by which human beings tame, destructive in- destroys, eliminates, or
control, breed, and genetically modify other forms of life. It is dustrial system. subordinates the natural
also the process by which previously nomadic human populations Industrialism world, and does not
shift towards a sedentary or settled existence. The first kind of cannot exist allow the earth to restore
domestication, that of the human control of life, necessitates a without massive itself or even to enter
totalitarian relationship with both the land and the plants and centralization into a symbiotic
animals being domesticated. Whereas in the true state of wildness, because it cannot relationship with it.
all life competes for resources in a limited way (i.e. seldom is exist without Technology is con-
more taken from any resource than needed at one time); massive specialization; class-domination is a tool of the industrial structing a world fit only for machines and the ideal for which the
domestication destroys this balance. The domesticated system that denies people access to knowledge, making people technological system strives is the mechanization of everything it
landscape (e.g. pastoral lands/agricultural fields, and to some helpless and easy to exploit. Furthermore, industrialism demands encounters. If we want to be more than “servo-mechanisms” or
extent — though to a much lesser degree— horticulture and that resources be shipped from all over the globe in order to cyborg lackeys of technology then we have to recognize its
gardening) necessitates the end of open sharing of the resources perpetuate its existence, and this globalism undermines local domination over us and work to dismantle the system that has
that exist or formerly existed on that landscape. The domesticated autonomy and self-sufficiency. Industrialism is inherently been built around the needs of machines, and not free life-forms.
landscape is the statement that where “once this was everyone’s, patriarchal because it is essentially anti-life and objectifying by
it is now mine”. Arguably this notion of ownership laid the its very nature. In the eyes of the industrialist, women and FEMINISM
foundation for social hierarchy as property and power emerged. nature are here for men to exploit for material gain. It is a Because patriarchy is fundamental to the existence of the
Domestication does not only change the ecology of the land- mechanistic world-view that is behind industrialism. This is the Techno-Industrial System, it must be challenged at all levels
scape from free to totalitarian, it enslaves the species that are same world-view that has justified slavery, exterminations, and and dismantled. Patriarchy demands the subjugation of the
domesticated. While the wheat and corn, pigs and horses were the subjugation of women. It should be obvious to all that feminine and the usurpation of Nature, leading us barreling
once freely dancing in the chaos of nature, they have come industrialism is not only oppressive for humans, but that it is toward total annihilation. We do not view feminism as a separate
under the control of human captors that literally twist their also fundamentally ecologically destructive. Industrialism means struggle or a single issue. Patriarchy is part and parcel of
genes to their will. Generally the more an environment is sucking the earth dry with mining operations and oil drilling; Civilization. It defines Power, Control and Dominion over
controlled, the less sustainable it is: the most sustainable types contaminating ecosystems, the air, and the water, with chemical wildness, freedom, and all living beings, viewing such as
of domestication in existence are the practices of horticultural agents. Nuclear energy, the backbone of the advanced industrial ‘resources’, fodder for the machine. The struggle against
gardeners that work within — not against — natural cycles economy, may soon render this planet uninhabitable if it is not patriarchy is not only a women’s struggle. Patriarchal
and are small scale. deconstructed. For these reasons and others, we are uncom- conditioning dictates all our interactions; with ourselves, our
The second kind of domestication — that of the humans promisingly against industrialism. sexuality, our relationships to each other, and our relationship
themselves — involves many trade-offs in comparison to the to nature. It severely limits the spectrum of possible experience.
foraging nomadic mode. It is worth noting here that most of TECHNOLOGY Besides challenging institutionalized sexism, we must also
the shifts made from nomadic foraging to domestication were Technology is more of a process or concept than a static form. overcome patriarchal colonization of our own psyches and
not made autonomously, they were made at the tip of the sword It is a complex system involving division of labor, resource break the cycle of sexism in our own lives and interactions. As
and gun. Whereas only 2000 years ago the majority of the world extraction, and exploitation for the benefit of those who implement Anarchists, we need to call out sexist and homophobic behaviors
population where hunter/gatherers, now it is .01%. This fact is its process. Technology is distinct from simple tools in many in ourselves and our comrades. Men need to acknowledge the
not a result of a collective informed decision of the last wild regards. A simple tool is a temporary usage of an element within entitlement their gender is afforded, and examine their actions
and free humans to go the way of slavery and ruin. our immediate surroundings which is used to help with a with this privilege in mind. We must work together to hold
The path of domestication has involved more than the specific task. Tools do not involve a complex system which harassers, abusers, molesters and rapists accountable. Until we
enslavement of once free populations throughout the planet. It alienate the user from the act. Implicit in technology is this stand up against sexism and homophobia in our movement,
has meant myriad pathologies for the conquering population separation, creating a mediated experience which leads to various we will be hobbled by inequity, half as strong as we could be.
Green Anarchy
Green Anarchy #9 pprimer
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BIOREGIONALISM populations have less to do with actual numbers, it is more a industrial expansionism, and corporate exploitation. They are
matter of cultural behavior. The billions of rural farmers — the only communities that have maintained a relatively
To live within the limitations of our immediate surroundings.
literally half the world’s population — while responsible in harmonious relationship with the natural world. They have and
To obtain all nourishment and satisfaction from our local area.
many places for deforestation and land degradation are, in continue to wage impressive battles against the status-quo.
To be deeply connected to the specific geography, micro-climate,
ecological terms, far less impactive than the destruction These battles often have the objective of forcing corporations
animals, and plants of the region in which we live.
wrought by the cultural behavior (i.e. consumption habits) off of sacred land, rejecting the arbitrarily imposed laws and
of the urbanized and “first world”. While it is true that the ordinances of the State, and ending industrial developments
AUTONOMY current population is out of balance and headed for a crash, which threaten the well-being of humans and animals. These
To live and act upon one’s own beliefs and desires without
the blame must be placed on the populations that are most issues are fully consistent with anarchism, and here we find
outside or overriding influences; To be self-sustaining;
responsible for ecological destruction, not simply on numbers alone. the potential for powerful alliances between sincere anarchists
To live within one’s own or a group’s limitations.
In this context, it is more than the population which must be and radical ecologists, and Native peoples.
stopped; it is the cultures whose behaviors represent many times Anarchist solidarity with Native peoples must not resemble,
REVOLUTION the destructive impact of non-industrialized population growth in any shape or form, the “solidarity” of “New-Age” cultural
The tragic irony of revolutions is that many of the “successful” centers of the world. appropriationists whose idea of “solidarity” with Natives
ones in modern times have actually reduced the level of freedom Ultimately, the industrialized North will pay the price of really consists of stealing their traditions and exploiting them
and authenticity in society. This is the case when the root causes unsustainability far more than any others as its inhabitants have for personal gain and profits. Rather, anarchist solidarity with
of oppression and estrangement are not addressed, when the lost the knowledge of land-based survival, unlike half the Natives must be genuine, concrete, and, most importantly,
god of progress/development/domination of nature is perhaps population of the world. egalitarian. When our support is welcomed by them, we should
ever more fully obeyed than before the Revolution. As anti-authoritarians, we hope that autonomous populations accept it and join them on the frontlines in the battle against
For revolution to have meaning, substance —to be and autonomous communities will live within their means, and colonial domination. And, when necessary, anarchists should
liberatory— certain hitherto unquestioned institutions must be we have faith that the imbalances that imperialism, capitalism, be willing to join Native peoples in armed struggle if objective
undone. Civilization is the fountainhead of all dominations: and globalization have caused in the third world will quickly circumstances necessitate that form of resistance.
patriarchy, division of labor, domestication of life, warfare, on subside once the industrial system is gone and natives of the
down the line to its present ghastly fullness. planet can return to their stolen and lost ways. And this will be POLITICAL PRISONER SUPPORT
The “revolutionaries” who fail to indict and move against based on collective autonomy and ecological awareness, not We believe that the necessity of prisoner-support and revolu-
these fundamentals, who only wish to re-arrange or reform external authority or nation-states. tionary solidarity is rather indisputable. There’s plenty of
the ensemble of technology and capital, offer only a prolonging
literature on that subject, so we need not explain the
of what is so deeply objectionable. INDIGENOUS SOLIDARITY importance of prisoner-support here. Here we will address why
For us, if the word has any meaning it entails the dismantling
A revolutionary movement that does not address the reality we support non-anarchist and anarchist prisoners alike. Women
of the whole thing.
of the original inhabitants of the land is a movement doomed who defend themselves against abusive males, people who are
to failure. We believe that one of the reasons that past revolu- struggling for their birth-right of self-determination, social prisoners
LEFTISM AND LIBERALISM tionary movements have failed miserably in their attempts to who have chosen the path of resistance, and anti-capitalist
The two main failed and exhausted means or approaches create a free, egalitarian society, is because they have not revolutionaries who are incarcerated for courageous actions
towards change in recent times have been liberalism and leftism. adequately addressed issues concerning the right of indigenous against capital and the state, all deserve the support of anti-
What really remains to be said about the liberal or reform peoples to secession, sovereignty, or self-determination. authoritarians. Many of the “non-anarchist” (anti-imperialist,
outlook? It’s an endless masochism, time and energy wasted Movements that don’t attempt to build egalitarian relations anti-capitalist) prisoners are not authoritarians as some claim.
in pursuit of negligible crumbs, while society and the biosphere with Indigenous communities and assist them in their struggles Most of them were radicalized during the ‘60s & ‘70s when
become evermore impoverished and ruined. Liberals of all for autonomy will never have the support of those communities. communism & socialism was the norm and they have only
parties, and including virtually every pacifist, continue in In fact, if a supposedly “revolutionary” movement does not recently begun to learn about the anarchist movement. True,
denial as to the deepening crisis everywhere. Some of them address the issue of decolonization, it will most likely only some of these prisoners have no interest in anarchism, but does
will apparently never wake up to the depth and scope of what contribute to the marginalization of Native peoples and turn this mean that they deserve to rot in prison? No. It’s not a
is wrong. Faithful voters and recyclers, they cling to the palpably them into enemies. heinous crime to not be an anarchist, especially given that
false claim that an all-destructive system can somehow be State-communist movements have been outright genocidal anarchism is an ideology (that’s exactly what it is) that is
redeemed, can somehow serve life. in their practice towards indigenous peoples. These movements European in origin, and thus may not be the truth for everyone
As for the Left, where it can be distinguished from liberalism, regard indigenous peoples as “pre-capitalist” artifacts that stand on the face of the earth. If we were to accept the criteria for
we find it hard to imagine a more discredited, dead-end. It has in the way of socialist evolution and industrial progress. The support proposed by some of our critics, than we would have
failed universally in terms of the individual and in terms of conditions faced by indigenous people’s under “revolutionary” to drop many of the prisoners from our political prisoners/
nature. It is an albatross to be thrown off. “communist” governments and proto-governments in Russia, POWs directory; we’d have to drop most of the Indigenous
Basically it appears in two forms. The first is the more overtly China, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Peru, Columbia, and elsewhere, prisoners because, aside from the fact that all of the prisoners
reformist, in which more “radical” goals are hidden from the have differed very minimally from the oppressive conditions in our Indigenous prisoners section come from traditionally
“masses” it seeks to attract. Manipulation and lack of they faced under capitalist governments. stateless cultures, many of them don’t identify as anarchists. It
transparency (e.g. the Green Party) define this brand of leftism. The anarchist movement does not share the communist would be arrogant and self-defeating to not support prisoners
The overtly “radical” form is straight-up authoritarianism and movement’s gross history of subjugating indigenous peoples, because they’re not anarchists. Our point is not that you should
has proven so in every instance in history. The so-called “small c” but anarchists have largely failed to address the reality of uncritically support non-anarchist prisoners (or anarchist
communists will never escape this baggage, rejected indigenous peoples at all. This is extremely unfortunate prisoners for that matter). Our point is that solidarity and critical
everywhere. Leftism approaches extinction, the sooner the better. because the anarchist movement finds natural allies in the support should extend to people who are behind bars for
Insofar as anarchists cling to the left and define themselves Indigenous sovereignty movement. legitimate and admirable actions against capital and the state,
in its terms (e.g. anarcho-syndicalists) they will go nowhere. Many “radicals” regard Native issues as “nationalist” and and actions in self-defense. Prisons are a breeding ground for
Technology, production, hierarchy, government, ecological anarchists. This is largely because of non-sectarian
destruction, and ideas like “progress” continue to go support for prisoners. You’re not going to “win people
unquestioned by most who would identify with the left. over” by dismissing them as authoritarians when you
In U.S. history, the Left, even in its best opportunities, really don’t know anything about them or their politics,
failed miserably and current prospects are even worse but you may be able to if you’re willing to give it a shot.
now that its record is known to all. Everyone knows
something different is needed. ECONOMIC SABOTAGE
It’s amazing that so many insurrectional anarchists
POPULATION allow themselves to be drawn into energy-draining,
The world population is out of balance; we aren’t rhetorical debates with liberals who attempt to turn
suggesting a strategy to deal with this, we just think there strategic issues into moralistic ones, i.e. their attempts
is data about the situation that should be known. For one to define property destruction and economic sabotage
thing, for about the last 200 years the human population as “violent”, and thus, control the rage of those who
growth curve has shifted from the normal mammal “s” have clearly identified their oppressors and who are rising
shape to the more viral “j” shape. Essentially this means up against their rule. Reverence for property is loyalty
that population has been dramatically increasing at an to capitalism and to the values of the system that some
ecologically lethal rate and the behavior of this increase of us are serious about destroying, not reforming. We
is much like that of viruses (which is to consume the host know that our enemy worships property, and that the
until both the virus and the host are dead). This is a very source of their power - in the world that they’ve created
serious reality that previous social movements have - is their stolen property and wealth and we have no
neither considered nor had the tools to consider. reverence whatsoever for anything the system uses to
We now have many tools to understand this and the oppress us. If we’re attempting a genuine jailbreak out
population problem cannot be tabled as one of many of the prison of this society, if we’re ready to make a
“issues” to one day address after some eventual revolution. move on our oppressors while there is still time, then
Addressing this issue should not, however, equate to we have to strike blows against them that hurt, and this
devising means of population control; rather population awareness therefore irrelevant. This is extremely flawed because it holds is not going to be accomplished through voting or peace vigils.
would be the anti-authoritarian approach. Because as anarchists that any distinct culture that takes action against a colonial power Our enemy - the industrial megamachine - has to be weakened
we seek no means to impose a “sustainable” number on the is “nationalist”. Some Indigenous movements are indeed before it can be completely destroyed, and this can be very
world’s populations, we choose to disseminate understanding “nationalistic” - but usually not in the sense of a nation-state, effectively accomplished by striking ruthless, crippling blows
and awareness of the problem for anti-authoritarian and but rather in terms of a distinct culture with distinct customs at the System’s key, strategic pressure points, with the intent
automous action to be based upon. What is needed to approach that has the right to exist freely within its own bioregion. The of impairing the industrial cancers’ ability to spread and replicate
the question of population is a understanding of context. This efforts of Native peoples to declare their sovereignty is often itself. Movements like the Animal Liberation Front and the Earth
can include the world population, those of given bioregions, fully consistent with the anarchist desire for decentralization. Liberation Front have demonstrated that economic sabotage can
the consumption habits per population, etc. Of particular Our movement needs to realize that the struggles of Native be effective in forcing specific industries out of business; our task
importance to green anarchists would be an understanding of peoples are issues that should be of major concern to all who now is to put civilization in it’s totality out of business.
the contexts of local limits of both numbers of people and consider themselves opponents of oppression. Indigenous
consumption habits. As it stands the most unsustainable
Economic sabotage: just do it.
peoples have always engaged in struggles against the state,
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Green Anarchy #9
While most of us strive for a peaceful and harmonious existence among ourselves and the rest of life, it is important to
recognize the context we currently live within. Most of the world’s people are living under deplorable conditions, not because
they have not become “civilized” or “modernized”,but instead are forced to be the workforce and dumping ground for, or
GA “Basics”
dependent on, the so-called “first world” powers. Those of us living in the “first world” are also suffering from this rotten set-up. ...Break out of your box!
With extreme alienation, physical deterioration, psychological distortions, and spiritual emptiness, there is no question we are
all quickly headed down a one-way path of ultimate doom. Needless to say, it is also undeniable that we are on the verge of
ecological collapse. With this being said, it is important for us to take responsibility for this situation and to take action now.
. . as we understand that time is running out!
Inherent in being a revolutionary anarchist is the notion of insurrection, or the promotion and insurgence of uprising for the
purpose of liberation. This can take many forms, but reform of the systems of domination cannot be viewed as revolutionary.
While most actions anarchists take would be considered non-violent, there can be no limitation set on our resistance. As
anarchists, we should flatly refuse any ideological and philosophical confines to how we choose to resist. Physical interaction
with authority needs to move beyond the passive and symbolic. In fact, many anarchists embrace revolutionary violence as a
necessary and natural reaction to oppression. If we look anywhere in the natural world, we see that self-defense is instinctual.
This cannot be overridden by hypothetical ideals. It is important to question ideological limitations stemming from a place of
extreme privilege. Most people on earth do not have the comfort to decide what the most “righteous” response to domination
should be, and often the stakes are life and death. It is not a matter of individual reflection or ideological refinement; it’s do or Just a few of the highlights from the Green
die. This is not to say that everyone needs to engage in violent resistance, but rather, to say that it exists, it is justifiable , and
Anarchy Distro, which may help to give people a
should not be condemned. Revolutionary violence, in a variety of forms, is a necessary response to the system’s institutionalized
violence, and necessary for the continuation of all of life. Yes, we need to heal the wounds caused by this death-trip we call basic understanding of our anti-civ perspectives
civilization, but the healing process can only go so far until we are able to stop the infliction of these wounds by our oppressors. and to help keep this project going.
As Franz Fanon suggested, there is also a kind of catharsis and deepening in connection between one another in the act of
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barrel of a gun, it is there and we must respond to it in an act of self-defense and of liberation. Discusses in detail the ideas of radical anti-civilization thinkers
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There are many plants which grow well in the cracks, which have a wonderfully destructive force on the infrastructure of foundations for the green-anarchist insurrection in Eugene.
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In a more general sense, the line between learned behavior and unmediated experience is one which can be explored. For Species Traitor
instance, symbolic thought and linguistic communication can start to be seen as very limited ways of thinking and modes of An insurrectionary anarcho-primitivist journal from the
expression. We, as human-animals, once lived and communicated much differently. We depended on instinct and direct experiences prolific Coalition Against Civilization, including many thought
much more, and we relied much less on symbols or abstract concepts like language. Our ancient ancestors probably communicated provoking articles and poetry by Kevin Tucker and others. Some
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there are still some less-mediated experiences possible which can offer a glimpse into other ways of expression and understanding. Cracks In The Empire
More can be learned about each other through non-verbal communication, like touch, smell, taste, body language, sexual 200 pages of anti-industrial and anti-civilization rage. Takes
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Running On Emptiness
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The most recent collection of essays by radical anarcho-primitivist
still connected to the plants and animals around them and live based on mutual respect and openness.
writer, John Zerzan. Just released from Feral Books! $15.
Many of these suggestions are in no way the end-all, or path towards total liberation, but instead, ways for us to more deeply
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Against Civilization
encourage one to strive to become wild once again. A substantial collection of essays and articles against
FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF CIVILIZATION. . . civilization. Edited and introductions by John Zerzan, with
Contacts: and
writings by Kirkpatrick Sale, Chellis Glendinning, Richatd
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Green Anarchy, Disorderly Conduct, Fuck The System and more!
Uncivilized Books, and much more! Here’s just a few of the books which have A 60-minute music-documentary of anarchist uprisings in
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PO Box 11331, Eugene, OR 97440 been influential to our understanding of controversial video which brought Eugene’s radical cable-
[email protected]
civilization. . . and why we need to destroy it! access show, “Cascadia Alive!”, to the attention of the Secret
Break the Chains Service. The tape also includes sections of “ELF: Green with
(Northwest Political Prisoner Support Network) Against Civilization by Un-Civilized Books a Vengeance” and “Takin’ It Down!”, the sequel to FTS. $12.
PO Box 11331, Eugene, OR 97440
[email protected] Future Primitive, and other works by John Zerzan * Green Anarchy Supporter Package
Get everything on this special distro, including all back issues, Against the MegaMachine by David Watson plus a year subscription to GA for $120.
Coalition Against Civilization In The Absence Of The Sacred by Jerry Mander
[email protected] The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul The 24-page quarterly anti-civilization newspaper Ishmael by Daniel Quinn Subscription rates are for 5 issues: US - $12, Canada - $15,
Venemous Butterfly Publications Europe - $20,
PO Box 31098 Los Angeles, CA 90031
Green History Of The World by Clive Ponting
Other countries- contact us for prices via e-mail or by post. abacus A Language Older Than Words, and other
Final Days works by Derrick Jensen HOW TO DISTRIBUTE GREEN ANARCHY
PMB 424, 996 Redondo Ave. Long Beach CA 90804 My Name Is Chellis and I Am In Recovery North America
Anarchist Prisoners Legal Aid Network From Western Civilization, and other works by We are actively seeking distributors of GA both in the US and
818 SW 3rd Avenue, TMB #345 Portland, OR 97204 abroad. Here are the prices: 1-49 copies for $1.50 per issue,
Chellis Glendening
Cascadia Media Collective quantity over 50 copies for $1.20 per copy.
PO Box 703 Eugene, OR 97440
Against History, Against Leviathan International
by Fredy Pearlman Sending large quantities of Green Anarchy costs a lot of money
Black and Green Network Since Predator Came, and other works by Ward Churchill and takes time. We ask that people pay the same rates as above
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[email protected]
Note: All of these books are relatively easy to find. Also, cheap as possible (usually surface) unless specifically requested
EugeneIMC this is only a partial list of books which specifically by you to send it air mail. address civilization, and does not even begin to list important
Earth Liberation Front Press Office books on the state, feminism, ecology, spirituality, liberal For anything on our distro, send well concealed cash, guilt-ridden moralist crap, direct action, revolutionary postal money orders or checks made out to Green Anarchy
Mid-Atlantic Infoshop struggle, political prisoners, and other liberatory and mail to PO Box 11331, Eugene, OR 97440. E-mail us movements against domination. at [email protected] with any questions or orders.
Green Anarchy
Green Anarchy #9 primer
page 1 6
Radical Def (ThelastissueIhadthemisfortuneofcomingacross) under constant surveillance during Di Giovannis’ hunted years
(Di Giovanni always found resourcful ways to slip past police
Radical Def (RD) is a horrendously paranoid, sectarian,
incoherent, dishonest publication coming from Ashland,
Oregon. RD is basically a collection of random articles about
anarchist, communist, socialist, and environmentalist projects
REVIEWS dragnets and hand-deliver his love letters). This is a chapter of
anarchist history that anarcho-moderates are always trying to
censor or discredit, but their fearful, reactionary efforts are
Anarchism And Violence: Severino Di bound to prove futile, as more and more anarchists are beginning
that have nothing to do with each other. In RD you’ll find an
to identify as insurrectionists. This book’s biggest weakness is
article condemning the “Eugene Anarchists” for their alleged Giovanni In Argentina by Oswaldo Bayer that it was written by a non-anarchist who struggles throughout
“violent” and “vanguardist” tendencies, while a few pages down
(Anarchist Pocketbooks) the text to come to grips with basic concepts like self-
you have an article written in support of the authoritarian,
In light of the current situation in Argentina, we thought it determination; there’s also a certain amount of sensationalism
misogynist, drug-trafficking “communist” guerrilla group
would be worthwhile to review this small book about the life present in the book, which can probably be attributed to the
known as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia, or
and revolutionary activity of Italian inssurectional anarchist fact that the author (Oswaldo Bayer) was a professional
FARC. Much of RD is dedicated to criticizing radical greens
Severino Di Giovanni, who migrated to Argentina in 1923 journalist who was commissioned to write the book by his
and anarcho-primitivists, or “chaoticists” as the editor likes to
(at the time, the anarchist movement in Argentina was the largest mainstream publisher. Still, this is the best biography on Di
call them. The editor of this publication obviously knows little
in all of Latin America and there was a strong expatriate Giovanni in english that we know of and we highly recommend
about anarcho-primitivism or radical environmentalism, or the
community of Italian anarchists living there who had fled Italy that our readers check it out, along with Sabate: Guerrilla
strategies of these movements. If he did, he wouldn’t make
during the fascist terror). Shortly after arriving in Argentina, Extraordinary by Antonio Tellez (also available from Elephant
sweeping generalizations about them, based largely on what
the 23 year-old Di Giovanni scored a day job at a print shop, Editions Anarchist Pocketbooks series). For ordering information,
he has learned about them from the corporate media. If you
whose resources he promptly began to exploit for the benefit check the Elephant Editions website.
were to take what is written in RD as the truth, then you would
be under the impression that the strategy of the anarchist press, at night
of the radical environmentalist and he attended anti-fascist meetings. The Feral Revolution by Feral Faun
anarcho-primitivist movements is to Di Giovanni had a reputation When I first started reading the anarchist press in the mid-
bomb us back to the stone-age using for being an intensely dedicated 1980’s, one of the writers whose work I immediately gravitated
simple incendiary devices, and that our and disciplined loner, a driven, towards and related to was Feral Faun. Clearly this was an
ideas about processual population reduction singularly-focused revolutionary individual who wasn’t afraid to explore controversial and
leads us to celebrate human genocide. passionately committed to living cutting-edge subject matter and who took the word Freedom
This is obviously not true, and that should out the anarchist ideal. His and all its implications seriously. This was Anarchy as I
be clear to anyone who’s educated about anarchist associates from that understood it in the depths of my being, a celebration of wildness
the ideas behind magazines such as Green period of his life described and ungovernability, a complete rejection of authority in all its
Anarchy, Fifth Estate, and other anarcho- him as being like “a bubbling forms, a spirit of revolt and insurgency that placed individual
primitivist groups. There’s plenty of real Italian wine that has just been autonomy at the center of revolutionary struggle and that was
life problems with our movements, so uncorked: overpowering, qualitatively different from anything the Left has ever had to
there’s no need to slander them with lies. enthusiastic, highly active. offer. Upon discovering the writings of Feral Faun, I remember
When reading RD you get the impression Once his days work was done, thinking to myself “If anarchists were sincerely committed to
that the editor is a Left (over) “activist” it was his passion to labor actualizing Anarchy, then these are the types of conversations
who is becoming cynical because a growing away with type and ink to give they would be having.” For many years Feral Faun had a semi-
number of people are disillusioned with expression to his ideas either regular column in Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed called
his tame, uninspiring, and out-dated politics in leaflets or in his own self- The Iconoclasts Hammer and this new book from Elephant
and strategy. He’s hostile to anarchists printed papers, which he Editions collects the best of those articles in one place for the
who don’t play symbolic civil disobedience financed with his own money. first time. Included alongside such often-reprinted classics like
games, and those who don’t have faith in He always stole something The Feral Revolution and Insurgent Ferocity: The Playful
the electoral system. The “anarchist” editor from the print shop at which Violence Of Rebellion are lesser-known but equally important
of RD is so out of touch with reality that he worked, espescially inks, in Feral Faun essays such as Radical Theory: A Wrecking Ball
his solution to the world’s problems is order to keep down the cost of For Ivory Towers and The Cybernet Of Domination. But by far
voting for Nader and joining the Green his journal Culmine. Food was the best essay in this anthology is Nature As Spectacle, which
Party, as if there’s any hope to protect the environment if we forgotten during endless hours we may reprint in the pages of GA at some point in the future.
rely on the state apparatus to do it for us. As if it makes any of work. I remember him grabbing a bite of hard bread whilst In this article, Feral Faun argues that “Nature has not always
sense whatsoever to devote our limited time, energy, and composing throughout long nights of feverish work.” For a existed. It is not found in the depths of the forest, in the heart
resources to the presidential campaign of a wealthy white man while, Di Giovanni put most of his creative energy into anarchist of the cougar or in the songs of the pygmies; it is found in the
- who couldn’t even capture five percent of the vote from the publishing projects (a cause which he remained devoted to even philosophies and image constructions of civilized human
American populace anyway. Perhaps the worst aspect of RD during his later years as a fugitive), but during the international beings. Seemingly contradictory strands are woven together
is the fact that the editor throws around the words campaign to free framed anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti, Di creating nature as an ideological construct that seeks to
“COINTELPRO” and “agent provocateur” so carelessly that Giovanni decided that more individual acts of violence needed domesticate us, to suppress and channel our expressions of
those words lose any meaning. In RD you’ll learn that the black to be taken on their behalf. In May of 1926, while Sacco and wildness”and that “From it’s beginnings, Nature has been an
bloc, the ELF & ALF, the “Eugene Anarchists” and others, are Vanzetti were on trial in the United States, Di Giovanni helped image created by authority to reinforce its power. It is no
not groups that, like all groups, have their own strengths and plant a powerful bomb at the US embassy in Buenos Aires and surprise that in modern society, where image dominates reality,
weaknesses - they are actually “agent provocateurs” and part a few weeks later, planted another bomb against the pedestal and often seems to create it, ‘nature’ comes into its own as a
of a COINTELPRO conspiracy to justify the repression of of the Washington Monument in Palermo. Both actions were means of keeping us domesticated. ‘Nature’ shows on TV,
“real” “anarchists” like RD. Coming from Ashland - a white, done in solidarity with Sacco and Vanzetti, and both actions Sierra Club calendars, ‘wilderness’ outfitters, ‘Natural’ foods
yuppie tourist town - the cowardly liberal editor of RD has forced Di Giovanni to go underground, as he quickly became and fibers, the ‘environmental’ president and ‘radical ecology’
zero experience with state repression. The police aren’t interested the Argentine secret polices’ prime suspect due to the violent all conspire to create ‘nature’ and our ‘proper’ relationship to
in dogmatic Green Party whackos even if they do call calls for action that appeared in his newspaper and also due to it.” If you have any interest at all in post-Left Anarchy, then
themselves “anarchists.” Overall, this is perhaps the worst the presence of informers in the Argentine anarchist milieu. At you owe it to yourself to read Feral Faun. At one point we had
“anarchist” magazine I’ve ever read, and I’m sure genuine that point—following in the proud tradition of Francisco Ascaso hoped to offer copies of this book through the GA Distro, but
anarchists and other radicals will agree that paranoid, manipulative, and Buenaventura Durruti (two truly legendary figures)— budgetary constraints make it impossible for us to do so at the
sectarian rags like RD will only have a negative affect on the DiGiovanni embarked on a four year campaign of banditry, moment. The best way to obtain a copy of this great book is to
anti-capitalist movement of North America. If you’d like to bombings, assasinations and expropriation of ruling class order it directly from the folks who publish it at
see this awful publication for yourself, email the editor at: wealth, all the while carrying on a high-risk, clandestine love Elephant Editions B.M. Elephant, London, England
[email protected] affair with 15 year-old anarchist Josefina Scarfo, who lived WCIN 3XX UK.
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Green Anarchy #9 p a g e 18
Interview with Julieta Paredes of Mujeres Creando,
an anarcha-feminist group in La Paz, Bolivia.
In Green Anarchy #6 (Summer 2001), we ran an article on the that have fallen into neoliberalism and are administrators of What are some of the next projects for Mujeres Creando?
Bolivian anarcha-feminist group Mujeres Creando, who in the murderous politics of the World Bank, IMF, etc.) Here’s Is it possible that you will participate in IMC Bolivia?
July of that year helped spearhead the violent takeover of a the difference between us and them: they use power and are
government banking agency located in the capital city of within the system, and therefore they always control the forces JP: If we want Mujeres Creando to go on, it needs to question
Bolivia: Due to negotiations between the Bolivian government (military, economic, social, political) against those who itself, and not embody a myth like “a cute group of feminists”
and church groups, none of the members of Mujeres Creando oppose what they say. because you have to have roots in society. For this, I propose
were prosecuted for their involvement in this action. Mujeres So, we’re not interested in power, women’s offices, or to build a space (Creando Feminism Autonomo [Creating
Creando draw from their Andean heritage, from feminism, ministries. We are interested in the daily construction of practice Autonomous Feminism]) for other women and other social
and from anarchism to fight patriarchy, power, the State and and theory in the streets and in nurturing our creativity. groups where we’d build feminism in terms of Mujeres
militarism. They publish the journal Mujer Publica (Public Our generation denounces the unjust relationship between Creando... and I think it’s important to let people know about
Woman) and have their own cafe named Carcajada (Laughter) men and women, just as the class concept has denounced the these experiences through Indymedia.
where they host many activities: They also engage in an unjust relationship between the bourgeois and the proletariat. My privileged space is for women; I want to start with them.
ongoing graffiti campaign all over the cities of Bolivia, making Therefore, it should have led to a revolution, but it’s changed I want to start from there, to feed others and myself through
unauthorized use of public space to broadcast their into a concept grabbed up by the system, because the only the Indymedia space. I don’t consider this women’s space to
revolutionary anti-patriarchy message. As a follow-up to the thing that works is the description of being a man or woman be apart from others - I think that we can get into deeper
article that appeared in issue #6 of GA, we’ve decided to today, not the denunciation of the relationship’s injustice... discussion if we start with women. But I don’t want it to start
reprint this interview with a member of Mujeres Creando, so, the generation becomes a descriptive concept. Feminism in Indymedia and finish with the women. It’s a social proposal
which was originally posted on “” looks for ways to recover this category, which has a descriptive by women and for both women AND men.
aspect, but more importantly its denouncing character. We bring
How did Mujeres Creando (Women Creating) come this character forward in our fight for the construction of our You can reach Mujeres Creando
about? What is its goal? anti-patriarchal theory.
at Casilla 12806, La Paz, Bolivia
JP: Mujeres Creando is a “craziness” started by three women (Julieta What do you think of the “lack of women” in social [email protected]
Paredes, Maria Galindo and Monica Mendoza) from the arrogant, movements? Is it a myth or an historical reality?
homophobic and totalitarian Left of Bolivia during the ’80s, where
heterosexuality was still the model and feminism was understood JP: It seems to me like a blindfold when people ask, “where
to be divisive. It’s not really a new design in a society such as ours. are the women?” We have been around since the beginning of
So we had already been developing this kind of criticism. revolutionary moments, always. On the other hand, in today’s
The other part of our criticism era, social movements (Sem-Terra,
of the Left is toward what has been de los Deudores, Madres y Abuelas
a constructed social practice; that I’ve said it and I’ll say it de Plaza de Mayo) are all
is, it was unethical, dishonest and women-led fights resisting and
it had a double morality. again that we’re not anarchists confronting dictatorships. What
Revolutionary in the streets, we see is a division between public
revolutionary in their words,
by Bakunin or the CNT, but and private affairs, a blindfold, an
revolutionary in their talking, rather by our grandmothers, invisibility in the struggles.
yet, at home, they were the
How do men and women,
dictators of their own families,
with their own loved ones.
and that’s a beautiful school indoctrinated into a patri-
We have started to realize the of anarchism. archal society, react to the
original proposal of Mujeres goals of Mujeres Creando?
Creando, and so we have been picking over all our experiences
with the Left, as well as learning through our first time taking JP: Women have sympathy as well as fear. The sexist women are
part in the San Bernard Conference in Argentina, which was much more stubborn and violent than macho men. These men are
an experience of all Latin American feminists. careful about having sex with us; they’re afraid, it’s some kind of
From the viewpoint of Mujeres Creando, one way to move complex... but in the end they have a certain kind of respect
toward our goal is the concept of diversity (the other is creativity). toward us because we have been fighting for ten or eleven years.
Diversity is fundamental for us, because if you look at how At first, most women have sympathy, and later they’re afraid
other groups are made up, they’re usually of the same kind of because it’s a demanding and radical proposal, but that’s the only
people (barrio [neighborhood], young people, workers, lesbians, etc.). way to build in a place where everything is superficial and
Diversity is a way to criticize these “enclosed cubicles” in diluted. And the men that sympathize with us follow us if they’re
society. Mujeres Creando is made up of lesbians and interested in everything, but they keep wanting us to be like mothers, CASCADIA FOREST ALLIANCE
heterosexuals, whites and indigenous women, young and feeding them; they’re a little lazy because they don’t want to
old women, divorced and married women, women from the accept the challenge of making their own group. STATEMENT ON THE DEATH OF
country and from the city, etc. The system tries to keep us
What is your vision of social change as relates to the
in the “enclosed cubicles” and to divide us so that it can
control us more effectively. books you [Mujeres Creando] write and the videos BETH O’BRIEN
What’s important is that we, through our connection with other and graffiti you make? On Friday, April 12, 22 year old Beth O’Brien died in a
women, are starting to observe the diversity in which Latin American fall from a tree sit at Eagle Creek. We are a community
feminism developed; that is, there were farmers, students, JP: You can want a microphone or camera like you’d want a
shocked and saddened by Beth’s tragic death.
soldiers, lesbians, etc. It was beautiful and it captivated us. rifle, neither with bullets nor with audio or pictures. No, I’ll
Years of community efforts, heralded by direct action,
Afterwards we realized that it wasn’t enough just to be a say what I want to say to others.
have protected the Eagle Creek area thus far. Beth’s
woman... there were deep political differences. We keep on with We have given communication a high place, on the same level
death came as we were preparing to take down the
the feminist movement and become feminists, and immediately as creativity - that is, creativity in communication. So we have
tree sits upon receipt of a signed legally binding contract
we see something that seems to us like empty space: it’s all good preferred to take from our roots and, by leaving them, we begin
canceling the sales. This document is expected to be
and diverse, but what was our position as to (government) power? a creative communication process. In ’92 we started to do graffiti.
signed by the Bush Administration early next week.
The difference between us and those who talk about the over- We did it in Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, and other places.
Tree-sitting is a risk taken to protect our remaining
throw of capitalism is that all their proposals for a new society And so, out of all our work that we do, the graffiti’s (signed
native forests from destruction. It is a tragedy that such
come from the patriarchy of the left. As feminists in Mujeres Mujeres Creando) are not anonymous - we put what we want,
risks must be taken. While we recognize the dangers inher-
Creando we want revolution, a real change of the system; we and everybody knows that MC is in this area, and if someone
ent in tree-sitting, we take safety seriously. Tree-sitters
do not want just to change capitalism, nor just to change wants to put us in jail, he or she comes here and does it. Whenever
and tree-climbing trainers are taught the best safety avail-
attitudes toward women, but also a change in attitude toward we’ve gone out to do graffiti, we have been afraid, and we’re
able and constantly stress the importance of conveying
young people and the environment. We want to change patriarchy, always afraid. But we’ve thought about our right to do it...
safety protocols to others. This tragic accident results because
in a historical and long-lasting transformation that is being Coca-Cola pays and paints, Repsol pays and paints, so why can’t
communities must risk their lives to protect their land.
created by the feminism we dream of. we paint without paying? The problem isn’t that the walls are
The timeline of events leading to the accident are as
In the process of constructing organization - no bosses, painted, the problem is that it’s not paid for. If we must pay for
follows. For two hours Beth and two companions snow
no hierarchy - I speak for myself and don’t represent anybody... public space, then it’s a big contradiction in democracy. What’s
shoed into the area with supplies. At 7pm, after climbing
I’ve said it and I’ll say it again that we’re not anarchists by public and what’s private? Streets are public space, the whole
to a height of 150 feet Beth fell from a rope ladder between
Bakunin or the CNT, but rather by our grandmothers, and that’s city’s a courtyard, not a jail hallway, where you go from the jail
platforms. She did not use a safety connection that was
a beautiful school of anarchism. of your house to the jail of your office job... if it’s public, then
available. She survived the impact. Emergency services were
everybody can use it. But if you pay for public space it becomes
called by cell phone immediately. First responders did not
What is it to be a feminist in Latin America? private. Public space doesn’t exist. Let’s start this discussion.
arrive on the scene until two and-one-half hours later. She
What’s dirty? What’s clean? “You’re making my walls dirty!”
JP: To be a feminist in our society means to fight against was pronounced dead upon examination.
Oh, so when Coca-Cola contracts a painter, it doesn’t make the
neoliberalism and its ideology; for us, being a feminist means We view Beth’s death in a tradition of courageous
wall dirty? That’s an aesthetic concept. It seems to me that it has
denouncing racism, machismo/sexism (in the Left and within action to defend life that extends through decades of
made the wall dirty in a disgusting way. And what we have done,
anarchism, as well as feminine sexism), homophobia, domestic non-violent protest in the US and abroad.
our graffiti, that’s beautiful.
violence, etc. It means denouncing the sexist, bureaucratized, For more info, contact: Kim Marks or Sarah Wald:
technocratic women of this generation (for us, those women (503) 235-8270
INDIGENOUS & CAMPESINO RESISTANCE seven families who have refused to sell their land. Now
another group of families who previously sold their land
are threatening to reclaim it, saying Endesa failed to provide
November 12 (2001), Columbia: Indigenous Want Neither March 4-7, Bolivia: Miners Violently Protest Corruption them with housing, jobs, and other social compensation
Rebels Nor Police On Their Lands Oruro Province: Some 3,000 residents of the mining promised in a 1998 agreement. On March 4, two hooded
Caldono: Some 4,500 Paez indigenous people from six community of Huanuni blocked the road linking the cities and armed individuals forced the driver out of the truck of
reservations intervened to halt an attack by the Revolutionary of Oruro and Potoso, outside the village of an Endesa subcontractor, then doused the truck with gasoline
Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) on the police station in Machacamarquita. The protest was organized by the and set it on fire. Police sources charge unknown infiltrators,
this Cauca Province. Armed only with traditional “staffs of Huanuni Civic Committee to demand the resignation of including some foreigners, with carrying out violent
command” - wooden sticks which symbolize authority - the Huanuni mayor Gladys Alcalo, and all five city council members, actions in the area in support of Mapuche demands.
Paez arrived about an hour after some 150 fighters from who have been accused of corruption. Police moved in on Following that incident, a number of non-Mapuche
the FARC’s Sixth Front and its Jacobo Arenas column began March 6 to try to clear the road, and protesters fought back activists who were supporting local actions against the
shooting at police agents held up in the station. The Paez with rocks and dynamite (which is readily available dam were forced to leave the area, fearing a backlash by
men, women and children placed themselves between the because of its use in mining operations); at least five authorities who blamed them for acts of “eco-terrorism.”
rebels and police and demanded that both sides stop demonstrators and 15 police agents were reportedly At 1 a.m. on March 5, a group of some 100 Mapuche residents
shooting. The Paez say they are prepared to “expel” any injured. The police were forced to retreat, and the provincial from the Quepuca-Ralco, Ralco-Lepoy and Avellano
armed groups operating in their ancestral territory, government sent in negotiators. On March 7, as negotiations communities began blockading the Maya bridge on the
whether they be rebels, police, army or paramilitary. “We continued, the mayor and three of the five council road linking Ralco to Guayalo, along which the transformer
won’t endure any more attacks against indigenous members resigned. But the protesters pressed for the was being moved under heavy security. Carabineros agents
people and civilians,” said Margarita Pela, an indigenous resignation of the remaining two, as well as government arrived several hours later, some of them in Endesa vehicles,
council member from Caldono. “We want them to leave us compensation for two protesters who each lost a hand in with air support from two Carabineros helicopters. The
in peace and we will pay whatever price is necessary to dynamite explosions. When the government refused to agents used tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons
clear the violent ones from our reservations.” accept the conditions, the tentative agreement was spraying a chemical substance to try to disperse the
(GA note: Recently Barricada, a Boston anarcho-communist suspended and the Huanuni protesters took hostage the Mapuche protesters, who fought back with rocks. Police
publication, published an article in support of the two lead government negotiators, Oruro provincial Gov. finally managed to clear the road around 7pm, after arresting
“anti-imperialist” FARC. We assume that they’re unaware Fausto Morales and Deputy Minister of People’s Participation 55 people and injuring 26 others, five of them seriously;
of the fact that the FARC is a murderous, misogynist, drug- Ivan Arias. As of March 7 the road remained blocked and 18 police agents were also reported injured. Three Endesa
trafficking, authoritarian proto-state, much similar to Peru’s protesters were demanding the presence of Government trucks were damaged. As of March 9, Mapuche activists from
equally awful Sendero Luminoso/Shining Path). Minister Jose Luis Lupo to negotiate the compensation other areas were marching to the Ralco area to join efforts
question. The action by angry Huanuni residents was the to block the arrival of the transformer. The Mapuche
November 28 (2001), West Papua: Free Papua
resistance continues.
Movement Attacks Police Outpost
Merauke: One hundred members of the Free Papua March 19, Canada: Dene Suline Members Occupy Band
Movement attacked a police outpost. Police and soldiers Council Office
drove off the rebels, killing two and wounding two Alberta: Members and elders of the Dene Suline indigenous
others. The Free Papua Movement includes some who nation occupied the office of their tribal government and
completely reject “modern life” imposed by the state called for the removal of the band’s Chief. Last December
and capital and others who simply want an independent the tribal government negotiated in secret with the
West Papuan state. It remains to be seen where this Canadian government to sell off 4,500 square miles of
movement will go. Dene Suline land. Under the deal, each member of the
indigenous nation would receive $2,500 and their
January 11, Peru: Indigenous Aguaruna And Huambisa
traditional land would continue to be used as part of
Seize Oil Facility
the Primrose Lake Air Weapons range. The land was
Amazonas Province: Indigenous Aguaruna and
leased by force by the Canadian government in 1952,
Huambisa residents of the northern Peruvian provinces
but that lease ended just before last year’s secret
of Bagua and Condoranqui began a 48-hour strike to
re-negotiations. Indigenous groups from around the
demand the immediate destruction of a highway linking
region have traveled to occupy and reclaim the land. It
Bagua and Zarameriza. The following day the protesters
has been used over the last 50 years as an oil field
seized as hostages seven government officials who
supplying $40 billion worth of oil annually to outside oil
had arrived to meet them. When 48 hours passed with
companies and as a weapons range for testing weaponry
no response to their demands, residents extended
like Depleted Uranium (DU). DU tipped missiles have
their protest to an open-ended strike, began
been used in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan and leave a
blockading highways in the area and seized the instal-
residue that remains radioactive for thousands of years.
lations of Station Six of Petro Peru, the state oil company.
For more info, contact: Dene Suline of Cold Lake Box
As of late January 13, some 3,000 protesters had shut
8452, Cold Lake, Dene Suline Territory, Alberta, Canada
off valves at the oil station and another 3,000 were
T9M 1N2. (GA note: The struggle of the Dene Suline
preparing to seize the El Muyo hydroelectric facility
has intensified since this article was written. Dene Suline
in Bagua.
activists have occupied the band council two more times
March 2, Argentina: Indigenous Toba Return To since March 19, leading to ever more conflict between
Traditional Barter Economy As The Crisis Of Capitalism Dene Suline traditionalists and corporate sell-outs).
Deepens In Argentina
April 17, Holland: Demonstrations At Canadian Embassy
Presidente Derqui: With bank accounts frozen in
Challenge The Treatment Of Indigenous People
Argentina and thousands of companies bankrupt, the Toba culmination of more than a month of protests that included The Hague: As countries from around the world discussed
Indian tribe is surviving by returning to its cash-less roots and the January 30 occupation of the Huanuni mayor’s offices; the implementation of the UN Convention on Biological
bartering for subsistence goods, in the process showing a February 18 protest in the city of Oruro; and a February Diversity (CBD), a vocal crowd of protesters gathered in front of
others how to weather the storm of capitalism’s collapse. 28 incident in which villagers forced city council member the Canadian Embassy to protest. “Canada loves to show
Trying times spawn exceptional and creative responses, Florentino Gomez, under threat of violence, to present a nice face to the world, and we are here to pull off that
and for the Toba natives who moved next to the city of his resignation. mask. Especially where big business interests are at stake,
Presidente Derqui from the northern province of Chaco six
March 7, Mexico: Vendors Fight Cops Canada’s policy on indigenous peoples is ugly - its position
years ago, the social and economic upheaval in Argentina
Chiapas: A total of 54 people were arrested and at least on the Biodiversity Convention shows this clearly,” said
has breathed new life into their community. Only two of
ten were injured when fighting broke out between police one protester. The protesters are supporters of the
the 150 people living on the Toba reservation still have
agents and indigenous vendors in a public market in San Secwepemc, a people indigenous to western Canada.
full-time jobs. But now the revival of bartering has begun
Cristobal de Las Casas. Police agents had entered the Spokespeople for the Secwepemc people came to the
weaning the community off its dependence on church charity
market to seize pirated cassettes and records. The vendors Hague to find out what position Canada would take on
and the social “services” of the state. Bartering is nothing new
reacted by throwing rocks at the agents, who responded part of the convention which is related to indigenous
to the Toba, a semi-nomadic people who for generations
with clubs and tear gas. The authorities say some 500-600 peoples. As they suspected, Canada is not supporting an
swapped goods like honey for fish among themselves. The
indigenous people participated in the resistance, in which interpretation of the CBD which would require the “prior
collapse of Argentina’s governmental infrastructure is helping
the Pitica supermarket and Granda Province stores were and informed consent” of indigenous peoples to projects
to reactivate not only their traditional form of economy but
looted and burned; two cars and a motorcycle belonging to on their land and the commercialization of their traditional
pride in their culture, as thousands of impoverished Argentines
the attorney general’s office were also burned, along with knowledge. Such an interpretation would help protect
seek to emulate their survival strategies and learn from
a private vehicle. According to anonymous eyewitness indigenous people from the “bio-piracy” of large companies
their example of self-sufficiency. Because the Toba are not
reports, a “festive atmosphere” characterized this events and projects like Sun Peaks Ski Resort that destroy their
alone in their poverty (an estimated 45 percent of Argentines
as “men, women and children joyfully carted off large traditional territories. The Secwepemc people point out
now live in poverty), the tribe recently decided to open its
amounts of food, drink, clothes and furniture over a period that indigenous peoples are the traditional caretakers of
doors to outsiders and try bartering handmade artifacts to feed
of over two hours. Onlookers shouted advice to the looters biological diversity in their land and that their traditional
and clothe the 150 members on the reservation. Organizers
about the best route to take to avoid the police.” knowledge tells them how to best protect diverse ecosys-
said the underground market has grown from 40 people to
tems. “We believe indigenous people have a better track
200 traders now. These are exactly the types of mutual aid March 4-9, Chile: Southern Dam Fight Heats Up record than countries like Canada in preserving biological
networks that we all need to be creating in our own Alto Biobo Province: Since February, indigenous Mapuche diversity and sustainable use of land,” said Arthur Manuel
bioregions with each other, as we prepare for the communities have been organizing protests geared at of the Secwepemc people. Manuel gave the example of
inevitable collapse of the global capitalist empire. blocking a 225-ton transformer from reaching the site of the Secwepemc’s battle against a giant tourism company
“It’s time we at long last brought things home, the Ralco hydroelectric project, owned by the Spanish which is threatening to expand a ski resort into a pristine
dealing with root causes rather than an unending transnational company Endesa. Protests against construction mountain valley. This expansion would damage and
series of grotesque symptoms.” - Ward Churchill
January 1, Greece: Anarchists Celebrate New Years Eve
Athens: A car belonging to the European Union is set on
fire in Kolonaki (also in the center of Athens). Responsibility
is taken for this action in a call to a newspaper by the
comrades to express their solidarity with the anarchists
persecuted in Cyprus for their solidarity with the Palestinian
Intifada. It is up to the people themselves to act however
Athens: The ATM of the Agricultural Bank in the suburb of group Chaotic Attack Front, saying: Solidarity to the they see fit. Anti-authoritarian solidarity with the Palestinian
Vironas is firebombed. Responsibility for this action is taken immigrants and to Palestine’s uprising. Intifada! Anarchists in Cyprus are not alone! For more info
in a call to a local newspaper by the group “Kolasmeni on the anarchists of Cyprus, see this web-link:
March 26, Greece: Rebels Attack Police Station
Arourei” (Damned Rats), who say that: This attack is Exarchia: The police station in the center of Athens was
dedicated to the French proletarians who, like every new attacked by about 15 people. In addition to the attack on April 24-25, Greece: Businesses Attacked With Firebombs
years day, revolted again this year. The New World Order the station, people also threw Molotov cocktails, setting Athens: On April 24th, a car dealership and an American
will find in front of it, the new world disorder. seven police vehicles, five motorcycles and an “official” fast food restaurant were slightly damaged after they were
January 25, Greece: Politicians Continue To Get The vehicle on fire. There weren’t any arrests. This action was hit by firebombs. Gasoline bombs caused damage to a dealer-
Treatment They Deserve claimed by the Chaotic Rebel Army in a call to a local news- ship that sold German-made luxury cars and to a Kentucky
Athens: A car belonging to a diplomat of the Jordanian paper, saying: The Chaotic Rebel Army takes responsibility Fried Chicken restaurant, both located in the Kalithea area,
Embassy is set on fire. The group “Floges Antistasis” (Flames for the arson of the Police Department of Excarchia. south of the city center. The next day a firebomb exploded
Of Revolution) takes responsibility for this action, in a call Solidarity to the demonstrators of Barcelona. Honor to Carlo outside a branch of the National Bank of Greece, causing
to a newspaper. Giuliani and all the dead victims of the social war. slight damage and no injuries. The firebomb, consisting of
two camping gas canisters soaked in gasoline, had been
February 13, Greece: Yet Another Bank Attacked! April 18, Greece: Anarchists Fight Police Outside The Home planted at the entrance of the bank, located in the eastern
Exarchia: There is an attack with stones and Molotov Of The Israeli Ambassador residential district of Galatsi. A car parked close to the bank
cocktails against the branch offices of Eurobank, in the Cyprus: There was a demonstration outside the residence was also damaged in the blast. No one claimed responsibility
center of Athens. The anarchist group “Haotiko Metopo of the Israeli ambassador, to denounce the massacre of for these actions, but they are believed to be the work of
Epithesis” (Chaotic Attack Front) takes responsibility in a Palestinian people. Many officials and diplomats were anarchists who carry out scores of fire bombings in Athens
call to a newspaper. invited to the party of the Israeli ambassador that day, to each year, targeting politicians’ offices, banks, foreign
celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of the companies and diplomatic property.
February 26, Italy: Anarchists Blamed For Bomb Blast Israeli state. Outside the residence, demonstrators, among
Rome: A bomb exploded in an abandoned motor scooter them Palestinians and anarchists, clashed with the police. Italy: Anarchists Say Set Fire To Documents!
in central Rome outside the Interior Ministry, headquarters In these confrontations three policemen were injured and The following statement was released by a group of
of the national police and security forces. There has been five people were arrested. Among those arrested were Italian anarchists, calling themselves “Banished Anarchists”,
no claim of responsibility for the pre-dawn attack, but the three anarchist comrades, who were the only ones to be after the government began issuing “travelling papers” to
rudimentary nature of the bomb and the targeting of a charged with rioting. One of them, Girgos Karakasian, was keep track of all of the Italian radicals who have been
government building have led Italian pigs to suspect that dragged by cops inside of the Israeli ambassador’s traveling to various mass demonstrations against capital
this was the work of what they term “domestic terrorists.” residence and was heavily beaten and injured. The cops throughout the world: By now, one can no longer count the
The ministry building itself was unscathed, although the had to take him to the hospital later and then release him, obligatory traveling papers that a large number of anarchists
blast shattered nearby windows, damaged trash bins and after pressing charges against him. On April 23, the police throughout Italy have been burdened with. This modern
parked vehicles and dusted the street with broken glass. of Cyprus arrested Giorgos Karakasian again, presenting ostracism, on par with so many other democratic poisons,
Witnesses saw two or three people leaving the scene. as a reason the further processing of video-tapes showing is a further enclosure with which to build the City of tomorrow,
“Experts” also were examining footage from security the riots at the April 18 demonstration. In the search at his the City of the Good. The police headquarters said, “move
cameras around the building. Local pigs said the bomb house the police confiscated anarchist leaflets and the along”. The police headquarters has so many papers. As
appeared to have contained four to nine pounds of gun- media in Cyprus launched a campaign of criminalization many as there are things and individuals to number,
powder and a slow-burning fuse. “Investigations are against anarchists. G. Karakasian was in custody. But he inspect, file, supervise, warn, punish. However, not every-
leaning toward anti-establishment extremists and was released after public pressure was put on the local body keeps their papers in order, not everybody wants to
anarchists,” Interior Minister Claudio Scajola told Parliament authorities. Comrades from the Anarchist Nucleus of Cyprus keep them. And for this reason there is one paper among
recently. “It seems at this point that we can exclude the wrote the following statement: We were among the many them all called the “traveling paper”. Anyone who disturbs,
idea that the attack was conducted by a group of demonstrators that night, enraged by the massacres, the anyone who does not fall into line, anyone who thinks out
international terrorists.” executions, the daily humiliation of the Palestinian fighters’ loud, is ejected, driven out, banished. Every authority is
dignity by the state of Israel... As anarchists and people traveling paper for those who do not obey, for those who
February 28, Greece: Anarchist Solidarity With The who fight against oppression and exploitation, against the don’t submit when they say, it’s the law. They have
Palestinian Uprising destruction of any human emotion, against the artificial distanced us hoping to confine us in that mental police
Exarchia: A luxury car is set on fire in the center of divisions between the repressed people, in a time where headquarters that is resignation. Useless toil, we don’t
Athens. The Chaotic Attack Front takes responsibility in a human rights are buried along with the human bodies, we even think of taking our place in line for a prohibition. Traveling
call to a newspaper, saying: Solidarity with Palestine, propose social revolution, revolt, continuous anti-authoritarian papers are traveling papers, and documents, documents
freedom to everybody. and anti-state action, because, as it is proven every day, burn. - Banished anarchists
Green Anarchy #9 p a g e 24
Statement From Political Prisoner Matthew Whyte Early March, Botswana: Bushmen Arrested For Trying North Carolina: Eddie Hatcher Postcard Campaign
On January 28, 2002, in San Jose Federal Court, Petey and To Live On Their Own Land Send postcards to North Carolina appeal judge to demand
myself were handed sentences of 24 and 14 months, respectively, Ten Bushmen from the Gana and Gwi tribes have been the release Native American activist and political prisoner Eddie
for pleading guilty to one count of possession of unregistered arrested on their ancestral land in the Central Kalahari Game Hatcher. It is vital that anarchists assist Eddie in his campaign
firearms — incendiary devices. Disregarding the persistent reserve, for hunting without a license. Despite having lived by for freedom! To get post cards send an email to:
attempts of the assistant US Attorney Scott Frewing to label us hunting and gathering in the same area for 20,000 years, the [email protected] For more info on Eddie’s case,
as having a terrorizing effect on animal abusers (he was careful government is now forcing the Bushmen to apply for hunting see his web-site:
not to label us as “terrorists” directly), the judge ordered a lesser licenses! The accused were severely beaten and now face five
years imprisonment. Two Bushmen bringing food and water Oregon: APLAN Versus Department Of Corrections
sentence than we anticipated from this fascist government. With
to the communities whose supplies had been cut off by the Members of the Anarchists Prisoners’ Legal Aid Network
rise in the public’s sympathetic support for the US government’s
government were told that entry to their ancestral lands was (APLAN) outside support group are attempting to challenge a
crusade against terrorism, and with new legislation such as the
forbidden. The two were later allowed in but were told that in yet-to-be determined Oregon prison. They will charge that
Patriot Act legalizing the feds’ unwarranted snooping, taping,
the future they would have to have a special permit or pay to Oregon Department of Corrections censors and denies mail to
recording as admissible in court, it should be of no surprise that
enter the reserve. The Central Kalahari Game Reserve was set prisoners due to political content, often cited as “anarchy”,
animal/earth liberators are increasingly being watched in their
up in the 1960’s as a home for the Gana and Gwi Bushmen, “inflammatory” or “gang related”. As a prisoner support group,
scope. A rise in repression can only account for the rising level
whose ancestral lands include the reserve area. Yet since the they feel it is important to help our kidnapped comrades by
of resistance in effect.
mid-1980’s, the Botswana government has waged a campaign any means necessary and all means possible. If playing by the
Petey and I were in possession of several incendiary devices
of harassment to force them off their own land. Recently, they state’s loaded rules (litigating) will better the environment and
when we were stopped by the police in Capitola, CA, and after
terminated supplies of water and food to those who were still conditions of our internees, then they are prepared to enter
an illegal search of the car, those items were found. Four days
resisting. They also seized solar powered radio transceivers, that arena. Winning this case would set a useful precedent for
later, the ATF took over the case because of our past criminal
provided by Survival International, their only source of prisoners and prisoner support groups to reference and cite.
records as “animal rights activists” and we were charged with
communication with the outside world. Hundreds of Bushmen They do not see this as a long-term solution. They do, however,
one count of possession and one count of making destructive
have been trucked into government resettlement camps where advocate for the complete abolition of capitalism, governments
devices/unregistered firearms. The charges were originally
they can’t continue their traditional and their apparatus (including,
introduced into legislation to criminalize the civilian possession/
way of life. The families who but not limited to, corporations,
making of sophisticated military-grade armaments. During
remain on their land are now cops, and prisons). Reformism is
the anti-war movement, the statute was broadened in an
totally isolated and at risk from not an end in-and-of-itself. They
attempt to break the growing underground resistance, making
thirst and starvation. Behind the have found a lawyer willing to
it a federal crime to have simple, unsophisticated incendiary
government’s attitude is a deep- donate his labor, but there will
devices, such as we had.
seated racism - the president still be considerable costs to
Throughout our year-long case, our legal strategies were
himself has called the Bushmen cover - approximately $3000
solid and handled as well as it could be. It should be under-
“stone-age creatures.” worth. If you have mail rejected
stood that those fighting for wildness and liberation are not
For more info, check out the in Oregon prisons, and are
going to win over any moral high ground in the federal courts,
Survival International web-site: interested in helping or joining
not unless it involves bombing a small, oil-rich, war-ridden the case, please contact APLAN.
country like Afghanistan, and especially not for attempting to
Also, donations will be greatly
disable a few dairy trucks, as it’s said. It’s their court and it’s
April 4, Virginia: needed. Leave “To” line blank on
their rules and it’s our choice we made to play their game and
John Batchelor Is Out Of Jail! checks or money orders or send
be regretful (for getting caught!) to receive lower sentences. It
Fairfax: Jonathon Batchelor well-concealed cash - please
disturbs me when arrogant fucks, who’ve never experienced
was facing charges stemming earmark this for “Litigation
— directly or not — the hammer of the feds, jump the gun and
from a PETA protest at a Wendy’s Fund”. Contact: APLAN: 818 SW
talk down within their internet-activist circles the choices of
during the Animal Rights 2001 3rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97204.
those who have worked to get a lower sentence. It’s a waste of
protest last summer. Jon was
breath to try and reason with the federal courts and with this
charged with assaulting an officer, Alabama: Free John Two
genocidal and oppressive government. I trust a roomful of
and escaping with violence, both Names!
political reformists as far as I could throw them.
felony charges. Despite attempts John Two Names is a Native
Petey, you take care, buddy, so that our tracks may cross
by the prosecution to completely American anarchist prisoner
under the rising of the moon.
slam Jon, through out right lies being held hostage by the state
!! Tierra y Libertad !!
and abuse of their own judicial of Alabama. John has been
For more info, contact the Santa Cruz Defense Fund: P.O.
system, the jury found him not incarcerated for the past four
Box 583, Eugene, OR 97440. [email protected]
guilty of both felony charges. years for crimes that he did not
February 26, Eugene: Auto Dealer Sues Free & Critter Both witnesses of the prosecution had completely conflicting commit. He was (and continues to be) a victim of the
For Damages stories; meanwhile, no evidence from the defense was allowed conspiracy set forth by the Sheriff’s Department of Cullman
Eco-defense prisoners Free & Critter are being sued in Lane except for Jon’s testimony. Jon, however, was found guilty of County, agents of the ATF and two ambitious politicians. On
County Circuit Court by the Eugene Chevrolet dealer whose assault and battery, a misdemeanor which is punishable only September 5th, 1996 John was arrested for supposedly burning
trucks were damaged in the arson fire they set in June 2000. by an expensive fine with no jail time. down two white schools and for committing a string of
Craig Marshall and Jeffrey Luers were convicted of arson in burglaries. He was charged with two counts arson 2nd degree,
Late April, California: Repression Hits Anarchist Activists four counts of burglary 3rd degree and one count of unlawful
the incident and are serving prison terms. In the suit filed by
Orange County: As some of you may have heard, a comrade breaking and entering. After a highly publicized trial marked
Romania Enterprises, which operates the truck dealership at 2020
and fellow anarchist activist, Matt “Rampage” Lamont has been with evidence tampering, perjury, testimony from a jailhouse
Franklin Blvd., seeks $28,213 from both men for damage to three
jailed very recently and remains jailed. He was arrested with snitch, John was convicted on all charges and sentenced to 90
pickups. Marshall, who made a plea deal with prosecutors, is serving
another fellow activist, Max Lucas, a juvenile, also in jail in years and ordered to pay five million dollars in restitution.
a five-year prison term. Luers, who was convicted on ten felonies,
OC’s juvenile detention center. They were pulled over in La However, many witnesses stepped forward to speak the innocence
was sentenced to more than 22 years in prison. Critter and Free
Habra and arrested after a search of the car, revealing “gasoline of this brother, and to refute the testimony of the state’s only
are both long-time anarchists and environmental activists.
cans” and they are both being charged with possession of an evidence, their witness. John has been active in prison helping
They need your support now more than ever!t
explosive destructive device. They have been in some contact form the Brothers in Tears Warrior Society of Turtle Island, a
with a lawyer and comrade, Jim Demaegt, who is willing to prison activist group designed to address the needs of Native
Prisoner Support Groups: help create and participate in a legal team to help free Rampage Inmates, as well as develop an effective strategy to stop the
Anarchists Prisoner Legal Aid Network, 818 SW and Max. They need all the support we can get right now, exploitation, forceful incarceration and total dehumanization
3rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. Email: [email protected] especially law professors, lawyers, funds, and media contacts. of Native American people as a whole. John also form the Social
An essential prisoner-support group. It is believed that this arrest is part of an ongoing conspiracy Consciousness Development Group that works as a collective
Dallas/Ft. Worth Anarchist Black Cross, POB by the police and federal officers to violate the civil rights of to make their voice heard among the voiceless. With the help of
202846, Arlington, TX 76006. Another fantastic ABC branch those involved with anarchism and community organizing. This activists outside, they began to create newsletters, fliers and form
from Texas! is repression and it affects all of us. Any work we do to better letters attacking the unjust practice of the Board of Pardons and
Friends of MOVE, POB 9709, Philadelphia, PA 19143. our society is a threat to the current system and this arrest and Parole. Write to: Andy Reindeau (John Two Names) #193786
Friends and supporters of the MOVE organization and the ongoing harassment and surveillance of activists is their G-5-12T, Staton Correctional Facility, PO Box 56,
their prisoners. retaliation for our efforts, proof that they will not tolerate Elmore, AL 36025-0056.
Houston Anarchist Black Cross, PO Box 667233, dissent, “free speech”, or any type of activity that encourages
Houston, TX 77266-7233. See their phenomenal web-site: the rejection of the status quo. This affects the anti-globalization Switzerland: Earth Liberation Prisoner Of War Extradited These people are amazing! movement, the animal rights movement, the workers move- Marco Camenisch has now finished his 12 year prison
Prison Activist Resource Center (PARC), POB 339, ments, and all the current movements toward liberation of the sentence for eco-activity in Italy. But sadly, as expected, he
Berkeley, CA 94701. Web-page: Excellent people of this country and the world. Matt and Max need our has been extradited to Switzerland where he is to serve the
resource for info anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist prisoners. support, we cannot let them become the new victims of state remainder of a ten year prison sentence there for eco-activity
Rob Los Ricos/Robert Thaxton Support Group, repression. This is real, the repression is serious and it seems (back in the 70’s & 80’s Marco used explosives to destroy power
POB 50634, Eugene, OR 97405. Newly formed support group as if it’s intensifying every moment. For more info, contact the lines which led to nuclear facilities). Marco is also due to stand
for this anarchist prisoner. Long Beach Infoshop: 684 Redondo Avenue, Long Beach, trial charged with escaping from prison during a mass break
South Chicago Anarchist Black Cross, POB 721, CA 90815. The phone number is 562-434-6934. out where some prisoners hijacked a piece of heavy machinery
Homewood, IL 60430. A very solid prisoner-support group. and smashed through a security wall! Marco is also charged
If we do not destroy power, with allegedly murdering a guard during the break out (something
* Note: Contact these groups for more he denies). You can now write to: Marco Camenisch Hornlistr.
comprehensive prisoner info.. we will be destroyed by it.
55, 8330 Pfaffikon, Switzerland.-
January 16, Thailand: Prisoners Riot Over March 27, Bolivia: Prosecutor Stabbed
ment of anarchist activist Mark Barnsley.
Eggs were thrown and David Blunkett was
described by one passer-by as looking Please Support The Friends
Inhumane Conditions By Prisoners
“afraid.” The protest was part of a day of Of People Close To Nature
action organized by supporters of Mark The excellent and extremely important network
Sarat Thani: During protests against San Pedro: A prosecutor was stabbed by Barnsley, who was jailed in 1995 and “Friends of People Close to Nature,” which
prison conditions, 30 prisoners in a juvenile four prisoners while walking through a prison sentenced to 12 years. Mark Barnsley - is dedicated in helping the last remaining
prison broke through a door releasing corridor in the San Pedro prison. The pros- a political activist of long-standing - was hunter-gatherers on the planet resist civiliza-
several hundred others who proceeded to ecutor was seriously injured, but he survived attacked by a group of drunken students tion, is in dire need of funding to continue.
riot. Prisoners used knives, clubs, stones, the attack. Prisoners didn’t comment on why while out with his new baby and a friend. Any donated amounts (no matter how small)
and Molotov cocktails against the police. It he was stabbed, though it’s rather obvious. Despite clear evidence that it was Barnsley are extremely appreciated. “The Friends of
took 200 officers to quell the riot. who was attacked, he was charged with Peoples Close to Nature is a global move-
March 29, Australia: Pigs Search For Ten
Grievous Bodily Harm and subsequently ment of individuals and groups dedicated
February 13, Brazil: Bomb Attack At Prison Asylum Seekers Following A Mass Escape
convicted. Supporters have long argued that to the survival of tribal peoples, in particular
Headquarters From A Remote Detention Center
in other circumstances it would have been hunter-gatherers. These were the first and
Sao Paulo: Five people were seriously Woomera: Police said that 37 asylum
the students on trial, and suspect that the are the last societies on Earth to have a
injured when a bomb exploded at the head- seekers and 16 protesters were arrested non-exploitative relationship with the natural
quarters of the state prison system. A note after a night of violence at the Woomera police and politicians have collaborated to
frame Mark in an attempt to stop his world. Our task is to help them preserve
attached to the bomb protested the treat- Detention Center, during which 700 protesters their unique cultures from enforced assimilation,
ment of prisoners in the prison facility. clashed with riot police outside. Ten escapees political activities.
the ideologies of ‘progress’ and ‘growth’
of the 47 who broke out are still on the run. April 20-21, Australia: Armed Refugees and absorption in the global economy.”
February 15, England: Detention Center They are among 300 mostly Afghan and Take Over Camp Check out their website:
Goes Up In Flames Iraqi refugees being held at the center. They Derby: Hundreds of asylum seekers armed To make a donation, go to their fund-raising weblink:
Bedfordshire: A part of Yarl’s Wood were helped by hundreds of activists who
Detention Center, which only opened in with home-made weapons took over part
had gathered at the former missile testing of the Curtin detention center. It follows a
November, was burnt down. The fire followed
disturbances after an elderly detainee was
base to protest the governments policy of
detaining asylum seekers in remote camps
riot by 100 inmates at the camp the day BlackThorn no.1 out now!
being moved to a hospital in handcuffs after before, where property and equipment
while their applications are being processed Blackthorn is publication focused on the creative
a three-day delay. At Yarl’s Wood, as with were damaged and a number of fires lit. spirit inherent in radical DIY culture. Our
- which can take years. The authorities say 300 detainees are
other detention centers, asylum seekers are mission is to create and distribute a paper that
locked up prison-style. According to the April 6, Australia: Fences Come Down - armed with sharpened broomsticks and reflects the lives we actually live, and provides a
Campaign to Stop Arbitrary Detention only Will Borders Be Next? knives and are holed up in a central part of vehicle for independent thought, which is reflective
the camp. Extra security personnel have of who we are as people. It will be about opening
four percent of asylum seekers in centers Woomera: Events at the Woomera2002
been drafted in and local police units are doors, exchanging ideas, taking charge of our
are awaiting removal for deportation, most Festival of Freedoms moved quickly as lives and the piss and vinegar spirit which courses
haven’t even had a hearing. There have protesters dismantled fences and made a on stand-by. Acting Immigration Minister
through our veins. Send $1.00 postage for a
been constant hunger strikes in protest of dash for freedom. At 6pm, detainees Chris Ellison said the authorities would not
sample copy to: PO Box11046 Portland, OR
the detention center’s conditions since began protesting inside the detention center. tolerate further unrest. “Part of the 97211. [email protected].
it opened. They were quickly joined by around 1,000 negotiations are that all weapons must be
Green Anarchy
PO Box 11331
Eugene, OR 97440
[email protected]