Engineering Data Book: Gas Processors Suppliers Association
Engineering Data Book: Gas Processors Suppliers Association
Engineering Data Book: Gas Processors Suppliers Association
Volume I & II
Sections 1-26
by the
Thirteenth Edition SI
The Gas Processors Suppliers Association respectively dedicates the 13th Edition of the
Engineering Data Book in memory of
Ron Brunner, Ron Cannon, Robert Maddox, and Gustavo Soto Soto
Ronald (Ron) G. Brunner, (1947-2008) retired GPA Di- Dr. Robert N. Maddox (1925-2008) was a member of the
rector of Technical Services from 1994 to 2008, was an active GPSA Editorial Review Board from 1978 to 1997. He received
participant on the Editorial Review Board for both the 11th and the prestigious Hanlon Award from the Gas Processors Associa-
12th editions of the GPSA Engineering Data Book. In 2007 he tion in 1985 for his contributions to the industry including his
received the Award of Excellence from the American Society for work on the GPSA Engineering Data Book. In 1987, Dr. Mad-
Testing and Materials (ASTM) for his years of work on Subcom- dox was awarded the Citation for Service by the Gas Processors
mittee D02.H0 of ASTMs Petroleum Products and Lubricants Association. He was the first person ever to receive both the
Committee, Committee D02. He also received GPAs Citation Citation for Service and the Hanlon Award. Dr. Maddoxs tech-
for Service in 2009. Before joining GPA, he graduated from the nical capability was proven through the years by the publishing
University of Missouri-Rolla (Missouri University of Science of eight books, nine handbook chapters, nearly 150 technical
and Technology) in 1970 with a degree in mechanical engineer- publications, almost 90 short courses and 30 publications with
ing. He spent 20 years working for Cities/Oxy in engineering 50 different organizations. In 1989, GPSA honored him with
construction and measurement, and four years with Edeco En- the endowment of the Dr. Robert N. Maddox Professorship in
gineers working in refining, procurement and construction. Chemical Engineering at Oklahoma State University. The Uni-
versity of Arkansas also awarded him a Sc.D. honoris causa in
May 1991 for his many contributions, especially for pioneering
Ronald E. (Ron) Cannon, (1926-2010) retired GPA Exec- the use of digital computers in the engineering classroom and
utive Director and principal staff officer of GPSA, served the or- in process simulation.
ganizations from 1957 until 1992 and was a contributing editor
for three editions of the GPSA Engineering Data Book. He was Gustavo A. Soto Soto (1949 2009) was a member of the
author of numerous trade journal articles on the gas process- GPSA Data Book Editorial Review Board and made many con-
ing industry and authored the book titled The Gas Processing tributions to the GPSA Data Book for 17 years, most notable is
Industry: Origins and Evolutions. He was active throughout his work on Section 8, Fired Equipment, and Section 12, Pumps
his career with the American Society of Testing and Materials and Hydraulic Turbines. Mr. Soto Soto was the Manager of Spe-
(ASTM) Subcommittee D02.H0 of ASTMs Petroleum Products cial Studies and Consulting for PDVSA Gas in Venezuela, and
and Lubricants Committee, Committee D02 in the develop- a great contributor of Venezuelan standards COVENIN regard-
ment and promulgation of LP Gas specifications. Mr. Cannon ing the natural gas industry. He was a member of the prestig-
was also an active member of the American National Standards ious Mensa International whose membership is only open to
Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organiza- persons who have attained an IQ score within the upper two
tion (ISO). He was the 1982 recipient of GPAs Hanlon Award percent of the population. His talent was manifested through
and was named a Fellow of ASTM and recipient of the ASTM thousands of hours writing, editing, reviewing, assembling,
Award of Merit in 1988. In 1992, he received the Award of coaching and mentoring, demonstrating his outstanding capac-
Achievement of ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products ity as a researcher and communicator of his knowledge to other
and Lubricants. A scholarship in his name was established by generations.
GPSA upon his retirement at Louisiana Tech University where
Mr. Cannon received a Bachelor of Science degree in mechani-
cal engineering in 1948.
These gentlemen will be remembered as working leaders in the gas processing industry who
personified the high integrity of its people.
Preface to the Thirteenth Edition
The Gas Processors Suppliers Association is an organiza- require a general reference work as a guide to accepted engi-
tion of companies with specialized knowledge of the supply neering practice for estimating, feasibility studies, preliminary
and service needs of the midstream/gas processing and related design and for making on-site operating decisions.
industries. A major service to them is embodied in the Engi-
neering Data Book, which was first published in 1935. Over The loose-leaf format of the Data Book permits periodic up-
165,000 copies (a combination of the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, dating to meet the changing technology of the process indus-
and Twelfth Editions) were distributed for use throughout the tries.
world by engineers, operating personnel and students. GPSA recognizes that the maintenance of the Data Book is
The Thirteenth Edition of the Engineering Data Book, a continuing task. Users comments and suggestions are wel-
available in two version FPS (English / Imperial Units) and come. Any such comments should be made in writing to:
SI (Metric Units) is an attempt to assemble, in single com- Gas Processors Suppliers Association
pilation, basic design information together with data and pro- 6526 E. 60th St.
cedures that can be used by field and plant engineers to deter-
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145
mine operating and design parameters. It is also intended as an
aid to design engineers who, in spite of increasing availability Fax: (918) 493-3875
of computer routines and other sophisticated design methods, Email: [email protected]
Thirteenth Edition
GPSA wishes to acknowledge the work of those individuals Review Board (ERB) members at the date of publication:
who contributed their talents and literally thousands of hours
of time to the writing, editing, reviewing, and assembling of the Chairman: Brian Price Black & Veatch
information in this Thirteenth Edition of the Engineering Data Members: Robby Denton ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co.
Book. Many, though not all, of those individuals are listed in the
roster of contributors. GPSA is also indebted to the processing Alan Dove OGE/Enogex
and service companies that made available expert personnel, Barry Friedman URS Washington Division
and for release of technical information for this edition, some of Steve Hopson Targa Resources
which has not been published previously.
Jack Kramer KBR Corporation
John Morgan John M. Campbell & Co.
GPSA also acknowledges the outstanding work and dedica- Shane Tierling KBR Corporation
tion of the Editorial Review Board, which was totally responsi-
ble for final editing, review, and assembly of editorial material
for the Thirteenth Edition. GPSA also wishes to acknowledge all the work of Pat Dock,
Ed Raper, and Kenny Wheat for their work in publishing this
Richard Barber Caterpillar Inc. Larry Kimble ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co.
Thomas Belvilacqua ExxonMobil Development Co. Jack Kramer KBR Corporation
Kenneth Blanchard KBR Corporation John Krogue PECOFacet
Mike Brezonick Diesel & Gas Turbines Publications Rainer Kurz Solar Turbines Inc
Michael Brown Cameron International Corporation Dennis Leppin Gas Technology Institute
Keith Burley Ariel Corporation Judy London Gas Processors Association
John Byeseda Cameron International Corporation Joe Lynch Ortloff Engineering
Jacquelyn Carioscia URS Corporation Mark Marston Targa Resources
Versie Cuthbert KBR Corporation Jeffrey Matthews URS Corporation
Michael Cyca BETA Machinery Analysis Douglas McCammon Shell International Exploration &
George Denavit URS Corporation Production Inc.
Robby Denton ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co. Timothy Miller URS Corporation
Sulabh K. Dhanuka ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co. John Morgan John M. Campbell & Co.
Pat Dock Retired Scott Northrop ExxonMobil Development Co.
Alan Dove OGE/Enogex Paul Nozel Targa Resources
Rusty Downey Cummins Inc. Brian Price Black & Veatch
Johnny Dreyer Gas Processors Association Ed Raper Retired
F. Dee Duncan Applied UA Inc. Jon Richardson OGE/Enogex
Bill Elston Wartsila North America Inc. J.M. Riesenberg Chevron Energy Technology Co.
Adrian Finn Costain Energy and Process Timothy Rollenhagen URS Corporation
Wolfgang Foerg URS Corporation Fred Russell Retired
Raymond French Shell International Exploration & M.M. (Sacha) Sarshar Caltec Ltd.
Production Inc. Don Sextro Targa Resources
Barry Friedman URS Corporation Kindra Snow-McGregor John M. Campbell & Co.
Edward Grave ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co. Gustavo A. Soto Soto PDVSA
Sjoerd Hoogwater URS Corporation Shane Tierling KBR Corporation
Joe Honeywell John M. Campbell & Co. Nicholas Urbanski ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co.
Steve Hopson Targa Resources F. Brian Walter URS Corporation
Brian Howes BETA Machinery Analysis Ralph Weiland Optimized Gas Treating
Robert Hubbard John M. Campbell & Co. Kenny Wheat Gas Processors Association
Norman Yeh ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co.
Table of Contents
Volume I Volume II
Single Stage Process 21-21 Beam Length for Gas Radiation 8-10
Split Flow Process 21-21 Bellows, Types of 4-9
Two Stage Process 21-21 Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling 25-9
Alkalinity 18-1 Bernoulli's Theorem 17-2, 17-3
Alkalinity and pH Relationships 18-1 Bidirectional Pipe Prover, Example of 3-25
Alkanolamine 21-1 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 18-1
Allowable Stresses in Tension for Materials 17-23 Bit (Binary Digit) 4-2
Alphanumeric 4-2 Blanket Gas 1-2
Alternative Liquid Flow Paths 19-10 Block Style Fully Welded PHE 9-33, 9-34
Altitude and Atmospheric Pressures 10-17 Blow Case 1-2
Altitude Correction Factor 15-14 Blowdown 1-2, 11-1, 18-1
Ambient Temperature Correction Factor 15-15 Boilaway Test 1-3
Ambient Temperature Vapor Recovery Cycle 6-18 Boiler Water Limit 18-14
Ambient Wet-Bulb Temperature 11-1 Boiling Points of Petroleum Fractions, Characterizing 23-27
American Gas Association (AGA) 3-3, 3-9, 17-17 Bonding 18-2
American Petroleum Institute 3-9 Bottle Sizing Chart 13-15
Amine (Alkanolamine) 1-2 Bottoms 1-3
Amine Reboiler 8-33 Bottom Vapor Inlet 19-27
Amine-Sour Gas Systems, Equilibrium Data for 21-16 Bourdon Tubes, Types of 4-8
Ampacity 18-1 Branch Circuit 18-2
Analog Computer 4-2 Breathing 1-3
Analytical Instruments 4-29 Brine Displacement Cavern Operation 6-8
Continuous Analyzers 4-29 Bubble point 1-3, 14-1
Cyclic Analyzers 4-29 Bus 18-2
System Control Diagram 4-29 Butane 1-3
ANSI B31.3 Pipe Code 14-11 Commercial 1-3
Anti-Surge Control System 13-39 Normal 1-3
Antifoam 21-1 Byte 4-2
AP-X LNG Process 16-29
API and Baum Gravity Tables and Weight Factors 1-11
API Gravity 1-2
API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-18, CaCl2 Dehydrator 20-50
3-21 Calcium Chloride 20-49
API Pressure Relief Valve Destinations 5-14 Calculating Inside Film Coefficient 10-12
Applicable Codes, Standards, and Recommended Practices for Relief Calculation Converting Stream Mass to Component Gallons, Example
Systems 5-23 of 3-19
CGA (Compressed Gas Association) Publications 5-24 Calculation of Liquid Density of a Mixture at 120F and 1760 psia 23-
Aqueous Amine Solutions, Freezing Points 21-11 25
Aqueous Amine Solutions, Specific Gravity 21-11 Calorimeter 1-3
Aqueous Diethylene Glycol Solutions, Heat Capacities of 20-21 Capacity, Refrigerating System 14-1
Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions, Heat Capacities of 20-21 Carbon Dioxide 25-3
Aqueous Triethylene Glycol Solutions, Heat Capacities of 20-22 Carbon Dioxide, Vapor-Solid Equilibrium Constants for 20-14
Arrangement and Mechanical Design of Air-Cooled Exchangers 10-1 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 15-15
Associated Gas 1-2 Carbonyl Sulfide 1-3
Atmospheric Pressure 1-2 Cartridge Filters 7-40
Atmospheric Spray Tower 11-14 Cascade Control 4-2
Atomic Weights, Approximate 1-15 Cascade Refrigeration System 14-9
Attenuation 4-2 Casing
Austgen, et. al. 25-11 Axially Split 12-2
Axial Compressors 13-41 Radially Split 12-2
Axial Flow Cyclone Schematic and Swirltube Deck, Example of 7-11 Casinghead Gas 1-3
Axial Flow Multi-Cyclone Vertical Separators 7-18 Cathodic Protection 18-2
Caustic Embrittlement 18-2
Caustic Wash Scrubbing Systems 21-18
Cavitation 12-2
B-P Mix 1-3 Centrifugal Compressors 13-17, 13-19, 14-11, 14-19
Back-Pressure Correction Factor 5-15 Calculating Performance 13-22
Balanced Bellows Pressure Relief Valves 5-15 Compressor Speed 13-29
Conventional Pressure Relief Valves 5-15 Controls 13-36
Balanced Relief Valves 5-7 Cross Section 13-21
Barrel 1-2 Cutaway 13-20
Basic Vertical Separators Designs 7-18 Estimating Performance 13-20
Bath Heater Alarm/Shutdown Description 8-35 Flow Range 13-19
Baud Rate 4-2 Isentropic Calculation 13-28
Mechanical Losses 13-29 Compressor Performance 13-22
P-H Diagram 13-29 Higher Compression Ratio 13-22
Performance Calculations 13-18 Low Compression Ratio 13-22
Polytropic Calculation 13-28 Compressors
Trouble and Causes 13-42 Axial Compressors 13-41
Centrifugal Hydraulic Power Recovery Turbines 12-20 Performance Capabilities 13-42
Centrifugal Pump Affinity Laws 12-4 Centrifugal Compressors 13-17
Centrifugal Pump Head Curves 12-10 Calculating Performance 13-22
Centrifugal Pumps 12-10, 12-17 Compressor Speed 13-29
Troubles and Causes 12-15 Estimating Performance 13-20
Characteristics of Tubing 9-17 Isentropic Calculation 13-28
Charcoal Test 1-3 Mechanical Losses 13-29
Chelate 21-1 P-H Diagram 13-29
Chemical Reactions in Treatment of Boiler Water 18-15 Performance Calculations 13-18
Chemical Solvent Reaction Processes 21-6 Polytropic Calculation 13-28
Chiller, Evaporator 14-1 Control Systems 13-36
Chromatograph System 4-29 Anti-surge Control 13-37
Chromatography 1-3 Pressure Control at Constant Speed 13-37
Circles and Cylinders Pressure Control at Variable Speed 13-37
Area 6-19 Volume Control at Constant Speed 13-37
Circumference 6-19 Volume Control at Variable Speed 13-37
Volume 6-19 General 13-29
Circuit Breaker 18-2 Flow Limits 13-29
Adjustable 18-2 Interstage Cooling 13-30
Instantaneous Trip 18-2 Journal and Thrust Bearings 13-30
Inverse Time 18-2 Lubrication and Seal-oil Systems 13-34
Nonadjustable 18-2 Drivers 13-36
Setting 18-2 Magnetic Bearings 13-31
Claus Plant Configurations 22-5 Shaft Seals 13-31
Claus Plant Maintenance 22-33 Integrally Geared Compressors 13-41
Claus Plant Startup and Shutdown Procedures 22-20 Operational Considerations 13-40
Claus Process 1-3, 21-1, 22-1, 22-33 Critical Speed Map 13-40
Theoretical Flame Temperatures 22-33 Field Performance 13-41
Claus Process of Sulfur Recovery 22-1 Rotor Dynamics and Critical Speeds 13-40
Claus Process Variations 22-4 Troubleshooting 13-41
Claus Reaction, Equilibrium Constant 22-25 Unbalance Response Analysis 13-40
Claus Sulfur Recovery Unit Process Calculations 22-27 Reciprocating Compressors 13-3
Claus Tail Gas Clean Up Processes 22-13 Performance Calculations 13-4
Claus Unit Tail Gas Handling 22-11 Rotary-Sliding Vane Compressors 13-46
Clorinated Fluorocarbons 14-7 Screw Compressors 13-43
Closed Cooling Water Systems 18-21 Types of Compressors 13-3
Co-current Flow 9-2 Compressors and Expanders 13-1
Coalescing 7-2 Compressors
Cobalt Bromide Test 2-2 Centrifugal Compressors 13-17
Codes and Organizations for Pumps and Hydraulic Turbines 12-22 Turboexpanders 13-48
Coefficients for Partial Volumes of Horizontal Cylinders 6-21 Auxiliary Systems 13-49
Combined Cycle 15-12 Mechanical 13-48
Combined Pump-System Curves 12-11 Compressors for Refrigeration Services 14-15
Combined Seal-Oil and Lube-Oil System with External Sweet Buffer Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) 18-42
Gas 13-35 Computer Systems 4-28
Combustion, Fired Equipment 8-10 Analog Computers 4-28
Methane 8-10 Digital Computers 4-28
Commercial Refractories and Insulations, Properties of 8-3 Microcomputers 4-29
Common Pump Equations 12-4 Minicomputers 4-29
Common Refrigerants, Physical Properties 14-10 Process Input/Output Equipment 4-29
Compressibility Factor 1-3 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) 4-29
Compressibility of Gases 17-4 Concurrent Flow 9-2
Compressibility of Hydrocarbon Liquids, Density Correction for 23-24 Condensate 1-3
Compression/Expansion Cavern Operation 6-9 Condenser Duty and Gas Horsepower for One Stage HFC-410a
Compression Curves 13-5 Refrigerant 14-15
Compression Ratio 1-3, 14-1 Condenser Duty and Gas Horsepower for One Stage R-22 Refrigerant
Compressor Control Systems 13-37 14-11
Compressor Coverage Chart 13-4 Condenser Duty and Gas Horsepower for Three Stage HFC-410a
Compressor Head 13-22 Refrigerant 14-23
Condenser Duty and Gas Horsepower for Three Stage R-22 Cooling Tower Location 11-9
Refrigerant 14-19 Cooling Tower Psychrometrics 11-1
Condenser Duty and Gas Horsepower for Two Stage HFC-410a Wet-bulb Temperature 11-2
Refrigerant 14-19 Cooling Towers 11-1
Condensers 9-10, 14-1 Basin Design 11-14
Condensers, Types of 20-40 Concentration Cycles 11-13
Air-Cooled 20-40 Cooling Tower Psychrometrics 11-1
Combined Air-CooledWater-Cooled 20-40 Tower Location 11-9
Glycol Cooled 20-40 Types of Cooling Systems 11-2
Water Quench 20-40 Wet-bulb Temperature 11-2
Condensing Temperature Chart, Effect of 14-6 Environmental Factors 11-14
Conductivity 18-2 Introduction 11-1
Conductor 18-2 Performance Characteristics 11-9
Constants for Determining Thermal Conductivity and Unit 6-12 Saltwater Cooling Towers 11-14
Contactor Sizing Parameters for Glycol Contactors 20-36 Types of Cooling Towers 11-13
Contaminants, Types of 21-2 Mechanical Draft Towers 11-13
Contaminants in Hydrocarbon Cleaning 21-2 Coil Shed Towers 11-13
Continuous Analysis Instruments 4-30 Forced Draft Towers 11-13
Continuous Analyzers 4-29 Induced Draft Towers 11-13
Continuous Load 18-2 Natural Draft Towers 11-14
Control-Valve Bodies 4-22 Atmospheric Spray Towers 11-14
Control Action Hyperbolic Natural Draft Towers 11-14
Derivative (Rate) 4-2 Cooling Towers, Types of 11-13
Integral (Reset) 4-2 Copper Corrosion Test (ASTM D-1838) 2-2
Proportional 4-2 Copper Strip Test 1-3
Control Concepts 4-16 Coriolis Meter Components 3-20
Control Loops 4-16 Corrected Log Mean Temperature Difference (CMTD) 9-2
Closed Loop 4-17 Corresponding States 24-1
Feedback Control 4-17 Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI) Oil Separator 18-22
Feedforward Control 4-17 Counterflow 11-1
Open Loop 4-16 Coupling 12-2
Controller 4-2, 18-2 Spacer 12-2
Control Modes and Controllers 4-17 Cricondenbar 1-3
Controller Tuning 4-19 Cricondentherm 1-3
Control Mode Considerations 4-20 Critical Density 1-3
Direct and Reverse Acting Controllers 4-18 Critical Pressure 1-3, 24-1
Offset 4-18 Critical Temperature 24-1
Proportional, Integral, and Derivative's Control Mode 4-17 Critical Temperature 1-4
Proportional Mode 4-18 Crossflow 11-1
Proportional Plus Derivative Mode (PD) 4-18 Cryogenic Plant 1-4
Proportional Plus Integral Mode (PI) 4-18 Cryogenic Processes 14-23
Proportional Plus Integral Plus DerivativeMode (PID) 4-19 Cryogenic Technology 16-33
Two-Position (on-off) Controllers 4-17 New Technology 16-34
Ziegler-Nichols Method 4-19 Cubic Meter 1-4
Control System Troubleshooting 4-26 Curtis Design 15-2
Control Valves 4-21 Cutwater 12-2
Control-Valve Actuators 4-22 Cyclic Analyzers 4-29
Control-Valve Bodies 4-22 Cylindrical and Cabin Direct Fired Heaters, Example of 8-19
Flow Characteristics andValveSelection Discussion 4-22 Cyrogenic Steels Specifications 6-15
Convection Heater 8-28
Conventional Relief Valves 5-6
Conventional Vapor-Liquid-Liquid Separator 7-33
Conventional Vapor-Liquid-Liquid Separator With Boot 7-34 Darcy-Weisbach Equation 17-3
Convergence Pressure 1-3 Darcy Formula 17-10
Conversion and Equivalence Factors 18-4 Data and Information Required to Specify and Size Separators 7-16
Conversion Factors 1-8 Data Base 4-2
Commercial Base Pressure 1-12 Data Highway 4-2
Energy Units Conversion 1-8 Datum 24-1
Gas Volume Relationship 1-8 Elevation 12-2
Other Useful Relationships 1-10 DDC: Direct Digital Control 4-2
Tables 1-9 Dead Band 4-2
Cooling Medium 14-1 Dead Time 4-2
Cooling System Characteristics 11-9 Deaerator 1-4
Cooling Systems, Types of 11-2 Debottlenecking Separators 7-45
Debutanizer 1-4 Desiccant 1-4
Dedicated Control 4-2 Desiccant Properties 20-44
Definitions of Words and Phrases Desulfurization 1-4
Cooling Towers, Used in 11-1 Detectors 3-33
Gas Processing Industry, Used in 1-2 Flame Ionization 3-34
Hydrocarbon Treating, Used in 21-1 Thermal Conductivity 3-33
Instrumentation, Used in 4-2, 24-1 Deviation Factors 17-7
Pumps and Hydraulic Turbines, Used in 12-2, 13-2 Dew Point 1-4
Refrigeration, Used in 14-1 Dew Point Control 16-3
Separation Equipment, Used in 7-2 Emerging Technologies 16-6
Sulfur Recovery, Used in 22-1 Low Temperature Separation 16-3
Utilities, Used in 18-1 Membrane Conditioning 16-7
Degradation Products 21-1 Refrigeration 16-4
Dehydration 1-4, 20-1 Rotary Valve Fast Cycle PSA for Fuel Gas Conditioning 16-7
Control of BTEX Emissions from TEG Regenerators 20-38 Stabilization 16-6
Condensers 20-40 Dew Points of Aqueous Diethylene Glycol Solutions at Various Contact
Incinerators/Flares 20-41 Temperatures 20-24
Recycle 20-41 Dew Points of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions at Various Contact
Enhanced Glycol Concentration Processes 20-41 Temperatures 20-23
Coldfinger 20-42 Dew Points of Aqueous Triethylene Glycol Solutions at Various
Contact Temperatures 20-24
Drizo 20-42
Diaphragm Pressure Elements 4-9
Stripping Gas 20-42
Diaphragm Pumps 12-19
Gas Dehydration 20-31
Diesel Fuel, Grades of, ASTM D-975 (1995) Classification 15-22
Glycol Dehydration Systems 20-31
Diffuser 12-2
Hydrates in Natural Gas Systems 20-9
Digital Computers 4-2, 4-28
Hydrate Inhibition 20-17
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) 4-29
Hydrate Prediction Based on
Composition for Sweet Gases 20-11 Digital First-Level Control Systems 4-31
Hydrate Predictions for High CO2/H2S Content Gases 20-16 Direct Digital Controllers (DDC) 4-32
Inhibition with Electrolytes 20-29 Distributed Control Systems (DCS) 4-32
Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors (LDHIs) 20-29 Fieldbus 4-32
Sweet Natural Gas Hydrate Conditions, Prediction of 20-11 Individual Controllers 4-31
Liquid Dehydration 20-51 Digital Indicators 4-16
Gas Stripping 20-51 Diisopropanolamine (DIPA) 21-13
Solid Desiccant Dehydration 20-43 Direct and Reverse Acting Controllers 4-18
Alumina 20-43 Direct Digital Controllers (DDC) 4-32
Calcium Chloride 20-49 Direct Fired Heaters 8-1, 8-18
Dehydration by Membrane Permeation 20-50 Direct Fired Reboiler, Example of 8-26
Dehydration by Refrigeration 20-50 Discharge Temperature, Approximate 13-25
Design 20-44 Displacement 12-2
Gels 20-43 Distillation 1-4
General Comments 20-48 Distributed Control Systems (DCS) 4-2, 4-32
Molecular Sieves 20-43 Distribution Basin 11-2
Refluxing 20-49 Doctor Sweet 21-1
Regeneration Calculations 20-46 Doctor Test 1-4
Water Content of Gases and Liquids 20-2 Double Acting 12-2
Water Content in the Hydrate Region 20-8 Double Containment Tank, Example of 6-10
Water Content Measurement 20-9 Double Gas Seal 13-33
Water Content of High CO2/H2S Gases 20-5 Double Pipe Heat Exchanger 9-19
Water Content of Natural Gases 20-3 Downcomer Design Velocity 19-13
Water Solubility in Liquid Hydrocarbons 20-2 Drag Coefficient for Spherical Particles 7-5
Demand Factor 18-2 Drag Coefficient of Rigid Spheres 7-6
Demethanized Product 1-4 Drift Eliminators 11-2
Demethanizer 1-4, 19-4 Dry Bulb/Wet Bulb Temperature Data 11-411-8
Densities of Aqueous Diethylene Glycol Solutions 20-20 Dry Gas 1-4
Densities of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions 20-20 Dry Gas Filters 7-39
Densities of Aqueous Triethylene Glycol Solutions 20-20 Dual Mixed Refrigerant Process 16-29
Densitometer 3-20 Dukler Calculation 17-17
Buoyant Force 3-21 Duplex 12-2
Depropanizer 1-4, 12-7 Duty 18-2
Depropanizer Reflux Pump 12-7 Continuous 18-2
Derivative Control 4-2 Jogging 18-2
Derivative Time 4-2 Non-plugging, Non-jogging 18-2
Deshmukh and Mather 25-11 Periodic 18-2
Plug-Stop 18-2 Expander Example Calculation 13-50
Plus-Reverse 18-2 Expander Process, Example of 13-49
Short-Time 18-2 Expander Process, Pressure-Temperature Diagram 13-50
Varying 18-2 Expansion Turbine 1-4
Expansion Valve 14-1
External Recirculation Design 10-5
Extraction 1-4
Eaton Liquid Holdup Correlation 17-19, 17-21 Extraction/Admission Flow Turbines 15-3
Effect, Refrigerating 14-1
Efficiency 12-2
Mechanical 12-2
Volumetric 12-2 Feed/Product Exchanger 19-28
Efficiency Conversion 13-27 Feedback Control 4-2
Electrical Formulas 18-24 Feeder 18-2
Electrical Power System One-Line Diagram 18-28 Feed forward Control 4-2
Electrical System of Induction Motors 15-18 Field Separator 1-4
Electrical System of Synchronous Motors 15-18 Filter 7-2
Electric Heaters 8-39 Coalescers 7-38
Electric Motor Drives 15-18 Separators 7-2
Electronic Analog Indicators 4-16 Filtration and Coalescing Devices 7-38
Electronic Power Supplies 4-4 Final Control Element 4-2
Electronic Transmitters 4-14 Fin Efficiency Chart 8-7
Electrostatic Coalescer 7-2 Fin Tip Temperature 8-7
Embedded Advanced Control 4-21 Fintube Data for 1-in. OD Tubes 10-11
Emulsion 7-2 Fin Types 9-23
Enclosed High Speed Helical Gear Reducers 15-23 Firetube Heaters, Bath Properties of 8-30
Enclosure 18-2 Fire Streams Table 17-16
End Point 1-4 Fired Equipment 8-1
Energy Evaluation Chart, NEMA Frame Size Motors, Induction 15-19 Combustion 8-10
Engine Heat Recovery Arrangement 15-26 Air Requirements 8-11
Engine Ratings and Operating Parameters 15-24, 15-25 Burners 8-15
Enhanced Oil Recovery 16-35 Draft 8-15
CO2-Ethane Separation 16-36 Flue Gas Condensation 8-17
CO2 Processing for EOR 16-35 Flue Gas Dew Point 8-17
Overall Process Configuration 16-38 Gas Burner Performance 8-17
Enthalpies of Paraffin Hydrocarbons, Combustion Products and Sulfur Heating Value 8-12
Compounds 22-26 NOx Control 8-18
Enthalpy 24-1 Thermal Efficiency 8-13
Enthalpy and Entropy Data 24-3 Direct Fired Heaters 8-18
Enthalpy Behavior 24-2 Controls 8-26
Enthalpy Calculation Example 24-11 Convection Heaters 8-28
Entrained 7-2 Convection Section 8-21
Entropy 24-1 Cylindrical or Cabin 8-18
Entropy Calculation, Example of 24-12 Insulation 8-23
Entropy Correlation 24-3 Ceramic Fiber 8-24
Example Calculation 24-3 External Insulation 8-24
EOR Production Forecast, Example of 16-35 Insulating Firebricks (Ifb) 8-24
EP-mix (Ethane-propane Mix) 1-4 LHV Castable Refractory 8-23
EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) 4-2 Options to Improve the Thermal Efficiency 8-26
Equilibrium Sulfur Vapor, Heat Capacity of 22-23 Other Design Considerations 8-26
Equivalent Length of Valves and Fittings in Feet 17-6 Draft Gauges 8-26
Erbar-Maddox Correlation of Stages vs Reflux 19-7 Flue Gas Temperature 8-26
Ethane Plus Recovery Efficiency 16-8 Process Coil Thermowells 8-26
Ethane Recovery, GSP Process for 16-18 Purging 8-26
Ethane Recovery Processes 16-16 Sampling 8-26
Example Comparison of Ethane Recovery Designs 16-19 Snuffing 8-26
GSP Design for Ethane Recovery 16-19 Radiant Section 8-19
Ethane, Vapor-Solid Equilibrium Constants for 20-12 Stack Draft 8-23
Ethernet Network Diagram 4-32 Types 8-18
Evaporative Cooling Systems 9-36 Vertical or Horizontal Tubes 8-18
Exhaust Loss Correction Factor 15-15 Electric Heaters 8-39
EXPANDED STAR Network Diagram 4-34 Firetube Heaters 8-28
Expander/Compressor Cross-Section with Thrust Balancing Schematic Controls 8-33
13-52 Direct Fired Reboilers 8-32
Firetubes, Burners, Stacks 8-33 Equivalent Length of Valves and Fittings 17-4
Hot Oil Heaters 8-31 Flow in Pipes and Reynolds Number 17-2
Hot Oil System 8-35 Fluid Physical Properties 17-2
Improved Thermal Efficiency 8-35 Friction Factor and Effect of Pipe Roughness 17-3
Low Pressure Steam Heaters 8-30 Pipe and Flange Data 17-28
Molten Salt Heaters 8-31 Pressure Loss Due to Friction 17-3
Troubleshooting 8-34 Darcy-Weisbach equation 17-3
Bath Level Loss 8-34 Single Phase Flow 17-4
Firetube Failure 8-34 Fire Stream Flow 17-14
High or Low Fuel Gas Pressure 8-34 Liquid Flow 17-11
High Stack Temperature 8-34 Hydrocarbon 17-11
Inadequate Heat Transfer 8-34 Water 17-11
Shell Side Corrosion 8-34 Low Pressure Gas Flow 17-7
Water Bath Heaters 8-29 Plant Piping Gas Flow 17-10
Heat Transfer 8-2 Steam Flow 17-14
Conduction 8-2 Transmission Line Gas Flow 17-4
Convection 8-4 AGA Equations, The 17-4
Forced Convection 8-5 Isothermal Flow 17-4
Natural or Free Convection 8-4 Panhandle A Equation 17-6
Finned Tubes 8-6 Panhandle B Equation 17-7
Heat Losses 8-7 Weymouth Equation, The 17-6
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 8-5 Two Phase Flow 17-14
Radiation 8-7 Flow Regime Determination 17-14
Inert Gas Generators 8-39 Liquid Slugging 17-21
Oxidizers 8-38 Pressure Drop Calculation 17-17
Vaporizers 8-36 Elevation Component 17-18
Submerged Combustion Water Bath Vaporizers 8-38 Frictional Component 17-18
Vaporization Equipment 8-37 Liquid Holdup 17-18
Waste Heat Recovery 8-38 Forced-Circulation Reboiler Arrangement 19-21
Fire Sizing Environmental Factors 5-18 Formulated Amines Applications 21-14
Firetube Heaters 8-2, 8-28 Formulated Solvents & Mixed Amines 21-13
Fitting 18-2 Fouling Resistances 9-6
Flame Ionization Detector, Example of 3-34 Four-Column Fractionation System 16-24
Flammability Characteristics of Gases and Liquids 18-8 Four-Column Ryan/Holmes Process 16-38
Flammable and Combustible Liquids 18-2 Fractionation 1-4, 19-1
Flanigan Liquid Holdup Correlation 17-20 Equilibrium Stage Concept 19-2
Flare Measurement 3-22 Types 19-3
Differential Pressure Flow Meters 3-22 Thermosyphon
Optical Meters 3-22 Horizontal 19-23
Thermal Flow Meters 3-22 Vertical 19-21
Ultrasonic Flare Meters 3-22 Fractionation and Absorption 19-1
Vortex Shedding Meters 3-27 Absorption 19-30
Flare Systems 5-20 Absorber Calculations 19-30
Location and Regulations 5-23 Sour Water Strippers 19-32
Pilots and Ignition 5-23 Stripper Calculations 19-32
Smokeless Operation 5-23 Fractionation 19-1
Thermal Radiation 5-21 Design Considerations 19-5
Types 5-20 Computation Method 19-6
Flash Drum 7-2 Minimum Reflux Ratio 19-6
Flash Gas 14-1 Minimum Stages 19-5
Flash Point 1-4 Number of Stages 19-6
Flood Capacity of Valve Trays 19-13 Operating Pressure 19-5
Flow Calculation Guide 3-3, 3-4 Reflux Ratio and Number of Stages 19-5
Flow Calculation Guide Equations 3-6 Energy Efficient Design Considerations 19-28
Flow Recording Controller (FRC) 4-4 Feed/Product Exchangers 19-28
Flow Sensors 4-13 Heat Pumping 19-29
Flow Through Vapor Passages 19-9 Side Coolers/Condensers 19-29
Flue Gas Side Heaters 19-28
Convection-Coefficients 8-22 Equilibrium Stage Concept 19-2
Ideal Relative Density 8-25 High Capacity Trays 19-14
Rates 8-21 Key Parameters 19-5
Fluid Flow and Piping 17-1 Mechanical Considerations 19-20
Bernoulli's Theorem 17-2 Column Internals 19-24
Compressibility of Gases 17-4 Mechanical Design 19-26
Reboiler Arrangements 19-20 Gas Sweetening by Physical Absorption 21-22
Packed Columns 19-15 Gas Treating Chemicals, Physical Properties 21-9
Column Sizing 19-16 Gas Treating Process
Dumped Packing Versus Trays 19-19 Capabilities 21-5
Packed Column Internals 19-19 Options 21-4
Packing Height 19-18 Selection 21-30
Product Specifications 19-4 Gas Turbine Air Filtration 15-13
Trayed Columns 19-8 Gas Turbine Engines (Mechanical Drive), 2011 Basic Specifications
Internals 19-8 15-16
Sizing 19-9 Gas Turbine Internals 15-10
Tray Efficiency 19-14 Gas Turbines 15-9
Types of Fractionators 19-3 Cycles 15-11
Fractionation Columns 19-8 Performance 15-13
Fractionation Grade Product Specifications (GPA 2107-08) 2-3 Types 15-9
Fractionation Model 19-3 Gathering System 1-5
Fractionation Schematic Diagram 19-2 General Gas Separation Selection 7-15
Fractionation Train 19-3 General Instrumentation Considerations 4-4
Fractionator Parameters 19-15 Generalized Compressibility Factors 23-1223-15
Fractionators, Types of 19-3 Glycol Injection System 20-25
Freeze Valve 1-4 GOR (Gas-Oil Ratio) 7-2
Freezing Points of Aqueous Glycol Solutions 20-25 GPA Cobalt Bromide Test 2-2
Freon (CFC) 14-7 GPA Liquefied Petroleum Gas Specifications 2-1
Friction Factor for Fluids Flowing Inside Tubes 10-14 GPA Publications 1-17
Friction Factors 17-3 GPA Research Reports 1-18
Friction Factors for Complete Turbulence 17-5 GPA Technical Activities 1-1
Frost Plug 14-1 Technical Committee 1-1
Full Containment Tank, Example of 6-10 Section A, Facilities Design and Optimization 1-1
Fundamentals of Control Valve Sizing and Noise Prediction 4-23 Section B, Analysis 1-1
Gas Service 4-23 Section C, Specifications 1-1
Aerodynamic Noise Prediction 4-23 Section F, Technical Data Development 1-1
Critical Pressure Drop 4-23 Section H, Product Measurement and Handling 1-1
Sizing Calculation Procedure 4-23 Section M, Operations and Maintenance 1-1
Liquid Service 4-24 GPA Technical Publications 1-26
Cavitation 4-24 GPA Technical Standards 3-32
Flashing 4-24 GPM/gpm 1-5
Sizing Information 4-24 GPSA General Information 1-1
Fundamentals of Heat Transfer 9-1 GPSA Members 26-1
GPSA Services 26-15
GPSA Supplies 26-26
GPSA Technical Activities 1-1
Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator Editorial Review Board 1-1
Design 7-33 Grain 21-1
Selection 7-17 Graphical Symbols for One-Line Electrical Diagrams 18-25, 18-26, 18-
With a Overflow Weir 7-35 27
Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) 1-4, 7-2 Gravity Settling Laws and Particle Characteristics 7-7
Gas-well Gas 1-4 Gravity Settling Theory 7-5
Gas-well Liquids 1-5 Intermediate Law Region 7-6
Gas and Vapor Flow Equations 4-24 Newton's Law Region 7-6
Gas Coalescing Filter 7-2 Stokes' Law Region 7-6
Gas Constant (R) 1-4, 1-12 Greatest Terminal Temperature Difference (GTTD) 9-2
Gas Emissivity 8-10 Greek Alphabet 1-16
Gas Flow Based on Weymouth Formula 17-8, 17-9 Gregory, Aziz, and Mandhane 17-14
Gas Horsepower and Condenser Duty for Two Stage R-22 Ground 18-2
Refrigeration 14-15 Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter 18-2
Gas Hydrate 1-4 Ground Water 18-2
Gas Injection 1-4 Guided Wave Radar (GWR) 4-12
Gasket Material Temperature Limitations 9-32 Amine Processes, Guidelines for 21-7
Gas Lift 1-4
Gas Measurement 3-3
Gas Orifice Calculations 3-9
Orifice Flow Rate 3-10 Hairpin Heat Exchangers 9-19
Orifice Sizing 3-9 Double Pipe 9-19
Gas Processing Plant 1-4 Typical Sizes 9-20
Gas Sweetening by Chemical Reaction 21-8 Halocarbons 14-1
Hardness 18-3 Brazed Aluminum Heat Exchanger Specifications 9-26
Harp Slug Catcher 7-42 Mechanical 9-26
Head 12-2 Thermodynamic 9-26
Acceleration 12-2 Two-Phase Flow, Design Considerations for 9-26
Heat-Transfer Rates 6-12 Plate Frame Heat Exchangers 9-31
Heat and Material Balances 14-6 Fully Welded Plate Heat Exchangers 9-33
Heater-Treater 7-2 Advantages 9-33
Heater Alarm/Shutdown Description 8-27 Applications 9-33
Heater Applications and Characteristics 8-2 Disadvantages 9-33
Heat Exchangers 9-1 Materials of Construction 9-34
Brazed Aluminum Specifications 9-25 Temperature and Pressure Ratings 9-34
Condensers 9-10 Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers 9-31
Components 9-14 Advantages 9-32
Detail Design Results 9-10 Applications 9-32
Economizing 14-15 Disadvantages 9-32
Evaporative Cooling Systems 9-36 Fouling Factors 9-33
Exchanger Components, Selection of 9-14 Materials of Construction 9-32
Industry Standards 9-14 Maximum Pressure and Temperature Ratings 9-32
Nomenclature 9-16 Size Limitations 9-33
Shell and Tube Exchanger Selection Guide 9-16 Semi-Welded Plate Heat Exchangers 9-34
Shell Size and Tube Count Estimation 9-16 Advantages 9-34
Tube Wall Determination 9-16 Applications 9-34
Fundamentals of Heat Transfer 9-1 Disadvantages 9-34
Basic Heat Transfer Relations 9-1 Materials of Construction 9-35
Heat Balances 9-1 Temperature and Pressure Ratings 9-35
Hairpin Heat Exchangers 9-19 Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers 9-35
Advantages 9-19 Applications 9-36
Application Guidelines 9-20 Design 9-36
Disadvantages 9-19 General 9-35
LMTD Chart 9-3 Reboilers and Vaporizers 9-12
Operating Characteristics 9-18 Effective Temperature Difference 9-12
Evaluating Altered Performance 9-19 Hydraulic Effects 9-12
Inlet Gas Exchanger 9-18 The "Pool Boiling Curve" 9-12
Tube Vibration 9-18 Reboilers, Types of 9-13
Plate-Fin Exchangers (Brazed Aluminum) 9-21 "Once-through" 9-13
Advantages and Limitations 9-23 "Pump-through" 9-14
Applications 9-23 Recirculating Thermosyphon 9-13
Approximate Sizing Procedure 9-28 Type Selection 9-14
Basic Configuration 9-21 Requirements, Estimated 21-16
Bars 9-21 Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers 9-2
Battery 9-23 Effective Temperature Difference 9-2
Cold Box 9-23 Enhanced Surface Tubing 9-18
Distributor Fins 9-21 Film Resistances 9-6
Headers 9-21 Fouling Resistances 9-2
Heat Transfer Fins 9-21 Metal Resistance for Plain Tubes 9-2
Nozzles 9-21 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 9-2
Outside Sheets 9-21 Performance Evaluation With Sensible Heat Transfer 9-6
Parting Sheets 9-21 With Non-Linear Behavior 9-2
Ports 9-21 Tank Heaters 9-20
Support Angles 9-21 Internal Pipe Coils 9-21
Other Uses of Core Blocks 9-31 Internal Prefabricated Tank Heaters 9-20
BAHX Kettle 9-31 Prefabricated Stab-in Tube Bundle 9-21
Hardware Capabilities 9-24 Simplified Tank Coil Calculation Method 9-21
Distributor and Passage Arrangements 9-26 Tank Suction Heaters 9-21
Fins 9-24 Wall Mounted Coils or Panels 9-20
Materials and Codes of Construction 9-24 Heat Flow Through Insulation, Example of 6-14
Heat Load Curves 9-26 Heating Value (Heat of Combustion) 1-5
Installation-Operation-Maintenance 9-30 Heat Medium (Heating Medium) 1-5
Cleaning 9-31 Heat Medium Systems 18-5
Field Testing and Repair 9-30 Heat of Dissociation of Sulfur Vapor Species 22-28
Hydrate Suppression 9-31 Heat Pumping 19-29
Insulation 9-30 Heat Transfer
Mounting 9-30 Conduction 8-2
Specifications 9-26 Convection 8-4
Heat Transfer Fluids, Properties of 18-6 CO2 Processing for EOR 16-35
Heavy Ends 1-5 Overall Process Configuration 16-38
Hertz 18-3 Separation of CO2 and Methane 16-36
Hexanes Plus (or Heptanes Plus) 1-5 Ethane Recovery
High Pressure Cylinder with Double-Acting Piston and Tail-Rod 13- Example Comparison of Ethane Recovery Designs 16-19
12 GSP Design for Ethane Recovery 16-19
High Speed Drives, Design Factors for 15-26 Ethane Recovery Processes 16-16
Horizontal Filter-Separator 7-37 Fractionation Considerations 16-25
Horizontal Flow Gas Composition 16-1
Regime Map 17-17 Introduction 16-1
Vane Gas-Liquid Separator (In-Line) 7-19 J-T Expansion 16-15
Vane Gas-Liquid Separators 7-19 Process Flow 16-15
Horizontal Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator, Example 7-35 Lean Oil Absorption 16-11
Horizontal Gas-Liquid Separators Process Considerations 16-11
Comparison Chart 7-16 Refrigerated Lean Oil 16-11
No Internals 7-20 Licensed NGL Recovery Processes 16-19
With Mesh Pad or Vane Pack 7-20 IOR and SCORE Propane Recovery Processes 16-21
With Hanging Mesh Pad 7-21 IPSI Enhanced NGL Recovery Process 16-21
With Vertical Mesh Pad (Horizontal Flow) 7-21 LPG-MAXSM Process 16-21
With Vertical Vane Pack (Horizontal Flow) 7-21 NGL-MAXSM High Ethane Recovery Process 16-21
Horizontal Multi-Stage Pump 12-9 RSV High Ethane Recovery Process 16-21
Horizontal Separator Configurations 7-20 Liquefied Natural Gas Production 16-26
Horizontal Single Stage Process Pump 12-8 Cascade Refrigeration 16-26
Horizontal Thermosyphon Reboiler 19-24 Dual Mixed Refrigerant Cycle Processes 16-28
Horizontal Vessel Inlet Devices 7-24 Mixed Refrigerant Processes 16-26
Horsepower Determination, Approximate 13-27 Precooled Mixed Refrigerant Process 16-26
Horsepower Required to Compress Gases 13-8 Precooled with Nitrogen Cycle Liquefaction Process 16-28
Hortonsphere Vessels for Liquid Storage 6-18 Turboexpander Based Process 16-28
Hot Gas Bypass 14-1 Low Temperature NGL Recovery Processes 16-12
Hot Oil System 8-37 Propane Plus NGL Recovery Compared to Ethane Plus NGL
HPRT 12-2 Recovery 16-12
HP to LP Pressure Ratios 13-47 Nitrogen Rejection 16-33
HTU vs. Gas Density for Various Structured Packings 20-36 Cryogenic Technology 16-33
Humid Air Ideal Density 8-13 New Technology 16-34
Humid Air Ideal Specific Gravity 8-14 Recovery Efficiencies 16-34
Hybrid Solvent Gas Treating Processes 21-20 Propane Recovery Processes 16-16
Hydrate 1-5 Example Comparison for Propane Recovery Designs 16-16
Hydrate Chart for Gases Containing H2S 20-16 GSP Design for Propane Recovery 16-16
Hydrates in Natural Gas Systems 20-9 Improved Open Art Propane Recovery Processes 16-16
Hydrate Inhibition 20-17 Solids Formation 16-28
Hydrate Prediction Based on Composition for Sweet Gases 20-11 Straight Refrigeration 16-8
Hydrate Predictions for High CO2/H2S Content Gases 20-16 IPORSM Process 16-10
Inhibition with Electrolytes 20-29 Refrigeration Process Alternatives 16-8
Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitors (LDHIs) 20-29 Turboexpander Processing 16-15
AAs Compared to Methanol or Glycols 20-30 Conventional Process 16-16
AA Screening Considerations 20-30 Hydrocarbons 14-10
Antiagglomerant (AA) Inhibitors 20-30 Hydrocarbon Treating, Emerging Technologies in
KHIs Compared to Methanol or Glycols 20-29 Compact Amine Processes 21-35
KHI Screening Considerations 20-30 Controlled-Freeze Zone (CFZ) Process 21-35
Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitors 20-29 CryoCell Process 21-35
Sweet Natural Gas Hydrate Conditions, Prediction of 20-11 Fast Cycle Pressure Swing Adsorption 21-35
Hydraulic Turbines 12-20 Membranes for CO2 Removal from Liquid Ethane 21-35
Types of HPRTs 12-20 Hydrocarbon Treating 21-1
Applications 12-20 Acid Gas Injection 21-30
Power Recovered by HPRTs 12-20 Alkaline Salt Process (Hot Carbonate) 21-21
Hydrocarbon Fluid Densities 23-17 Benfield Process 21-22
Hydrocarbon Gas Viscosity 23-34 Catacarb Process 21-23
Hydrocarbon Gases, Heat-Capacity Ratios of 13-7 Hi-Pure Process 21-22
Hydrocarbon Liquids, Viscosities of 23-31 Single Split Process 21-21
Hydrocarbon Recovery 16-1 Single Stage Process 21-21
Avoiding Common Operating Problems 16-22 Two Stage Process 21-21
Dew Point Control 16-3 Batch and Cyclic Processes 21-25
Enhanced Oil Recovery 16-35 Adsorption Processes 21-26
CO2-Ethane Separation 16-36 Scavenger Processes 21-25
Biological Processes 21-29 SPREX 21-30
Caustic Wash 21-18 Mercury Removal 21-3
Chemical Solvent Processes 21-6 Calgon HGR 21-4
Acid Gas Enrichment (AGE) 21-14 CMG 271 and 273 21-4
Activated Tertiary Amines 21-7 Desorex 21-4
Amine Process Flow Configuration 21-7 HgSIV 21-4
Aqueous Alkanolamine Processes 21-6 Organic Mercury Removal 21-4
Diisopropanolamine (DIPA) 21-13 Puraspec 21-4
Formulated Solvents & Mixed Amines 21-13 Non-Regenerative Treating 21-34
Primary and Secondary Amines 21-6 Caustic Wash 21-34
Sterically Hindered Amines 21-14 Offshore Design Considerations 21-34
Tertiary Amines 21-6 Physical Solvent Processes 21-18
Triethanolamine (TEA) 21-13 Fluor Solvent 21-19
Contaminants, Types of 21-2 Ifpex-2 Process 21-19
Definitions of Words and Phrases Used in Hydrocarbon Treating Morphysorb 21-20
21-1 Purisol 21-20
Emerging Technologies 21-35 Rectisol Process 21-19
Compact Amine Processes 21-35 Selexol 21-19
Controlled-Freeze Zone (CFZ) Process 21-35 Process Selection 21-30
CryoCell Process 21-35 Safety Precautions 21-2
Fast Cycle Pressure Swing Adsorption 21-35 Hydrogen Sulfide 21-2
Membranes for CO2 Removal from Liquid Ethane 21-35 Solubility Limits of Hydrocarbons in Amine Solutions 21-17
Equilibrium Data for Amine-Sour Gas Systems 21-16 Overall Solubility Trends 21-17
Gas Pretreating 21-2 Hydrofluorocarbons 14-7
Hydrocarbon Dewpoint Control 21-3 High Presssure 14-10
Inlet Separation 21-2 Hydrogen Sulfide & Carbon Dioxide Removal 21-31
Oxygen Contamination 21-3 Hyperbolic Natural Draft Tower 11-14
Gas Treating Process Options 21-4 Hysteresis 4-3
General Considerations for Solvent Process 21-23
Corrosion 21-23
Flash Tank (Drum) 21-23
Foaming 21-24 I/O Devices 4-3
Materials 21-25 I/P Transducer 4-3
Solution Filtration 21-23 ICFM to SCFM 13-23
Vented Regenerator (Aromatics Impact) 21-23 Ideal-Gas-State Enthalpy of Petroleum Fractions 24-8
Hybrid Solvent Processes 21-20 Ideal-Gas-State Enthalpy of Pure Components 24-6, 24-7
Selefining 21-21 Ideal Brayton Cycle Available Energy 15-11
Sulfinol 21-20 Ideal Gas (also called "Perfect" Gas) 1-5, 24-1
Liquid Hydrocarbon Treating Processes 21-30, 21-32 Ideal Gas State Entropy of Pure Components 24-13
Merichem 21-33 IFPEX-1 Dehydration Process Flow Diagram 20-50
Merox 21-33 Immiscible 1-5
Molecular Sieve 21-32 Impedance 18-3
Perco Solid Copper Chloride Sweetening 21-33 Impeller 12-2
Regenerative Caustic 21-32 Incinerator Residence Time and Required Temperature, Relationship
Solid Potassium Hydroxide 21-33 22-12
Liquid/Liquid Treating 21-30 Increase Firetube Heat Transfer, Methods to 8-36
Carbonyl Sulfide Removal 21-32 Indicator Diagram for Three Load Points of Operation 13-14
Counterflow Contact Towers 21-30 Indirect Fired Heater 8-34
Hydrogen Sulfide & Carbon Dioxide Removal 21-31 Indirect Fired Water Bath Heater 8-29
Mercaptan Treating 21-32 Induced Draft 11-2
Minimizing Amine Losses 21-31 Induction Generators, Types of 15-20
Mixing 21-30 Industrial Network Overview 4-32
Sulfur Removal 21-32 Network Project Implementation and Design Considerations 4-33
Treated Product Clean-up 21-30 Network Security 4-34
Liquid Phase Claus Reaction Processes 21-28 Inert Gas Generators 8-39
Liquid Redox Processes 21-27 Inerts 1-5
Iron Chelate Processes 21-28 Inlet Device Performance 7-25
Lo-Cat IIR 21-28 Inlet Loss Correction Factor 15-14
Stretford Process 21-28 Inlet Valve Unloader 13-14
SulFerox 21-28 In Sight From (Within Sight From, Within Sight) 18-3
Sulfint-HP 21-28 Instruments: Installation, Troubleshooting, and Calibration of 4-26
Membrane Separation Process Instrument Air System Example 18-7
Bulk Fractionation 21-30 Instrument Air Systems 18-5
Highly Sour Gas Pretreatment Processes 21-29 Instrumentation 4-1
Analytical Instruments 4-29 Differential Pressure Transmitters 4-28
Continuous Analyzers 4-29 Pressure Transmitters 4-28
Cyclic Analyzers 4-29 Temperature Transmitters 4-28
System Control Diagram 4-29 Failed Systems 4-26
Computer Systems 4-28 Installation and Troubleshooting 4-26
Analog Computers 4-28 Poorly Commissioned Systems 4-27
Digital Computers 4-28 Poor Performance 4-27
Microcomputers 4-29 Pneumatic Power Supplies 4-4
Minicomputers 4-29 Recorders and Indicators 4-16
Process Input/Output Equipment 4-29 Indicators 4-16
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) 4-29 Digital Type 4-16
Control Concepts 4-16 Electronic Analog Type 4-16
Control Loops 4-16 Mechanical Type 4-16
Closed Loop 4-17 Recorders 4-16
Feedback Control 4-17 Safety Instrumented System (SIS) Overview 4-30
Feedforward Control 4-17 Design and Project Considerations 4-31
Open Loop 4-16 Layers of Protection 4-30
Control Modes and Controllers 4-17 Sensing Devices 4-8
Controller Tuning 4-19 Coriolis Mass Flow Meter 4-14
Control Mode Considerations 4-20 Electrical Pressure Transducers 4-9
Direct and Reverse Acting Controllers 4-18 Electromagnetic Flowmeter 4-13
Offset 4-18 Flow Sensors 4-13
Proportional, Integral, and Derivative Control Modes 4-17 Positive Displacement Meters 4-13
Proportional Mode (P) 4-18 Turbine Meters 4-13
Proportional Plus Derivative Mode (PD) 4-18 Variable Area Flow Meters 4-13
Proportional Plus Integral Mode (PI) 4-18 Level Sensors 4-10
Proportional Plus Integral Plus Derivative Mode (PID) 4-19 Capacitance Probes 4-11
Two-Position (on-off) Controllers 4-17 Chain and Tape Float Gauges 4-10
Ziegler-Nichols Method 4-19 Displacer Level Measuring Device 4-10
Control Valves 4-21 Electrical Type Level Gauges and Switches 4-10
Control-Valve Actuators 4-22 Gauge Glass 4-10
Control-Valve Bodies 4-22 Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter 4-12
Discussion of Flow Characteristics and Valve Selection 4-22 Head-pressure Level Gauges 4-10
Definitions of Words and Phrases Used in Instrumentation 4-2 Lever and Shaft Float Gauges 4-10
Digital First-Level Control Systems 4-31 Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter 4-11
Direct Digital Controllers (DDC) 4-32 Other Methods 4-12
Distributed Control Systems (DCS) 4-32 Pressure Sensors 4-8
Fieldbus 4-32 Bellows 4-9
Individual Controllers 4-31 Bourdon Tubes 4-8
Electronic Power Supplies 4-4 Diaphragm 4-9
Power Outages and Interruptions 4-7 Manometer 4-8
Power Supply Specifications 4-7 Temperature Sensors 4-12
Uninterruptible Power Supplies 4-7 Bimetallic 4-13
Embedded Advanced Control 4-21 Filled System 4-13
Fundamentals of Control Valve Sizing and Noise Prediction 4-23 Glass Stem 4-13
Gas Service 4-23 Resistance 4-12
Aerodynamic Noise Prediction 4-23 Thermocouples 4-12
Critical Pressure Drop 4-23 Ultrasonic Flow Meters 4-13
Sizing Calculation Procedure 4-23 Signal Transmitters 4-14
Liquid Service 4-24 Electronic 4-14
Cavitation 4-24 Pneumatic 4-14
Flashing 4-24 Signal Converters 4-16
Sizing Calculation Procedure 4-25 Electric Dignal Converters 4-16
Sizing Information 4-24 Electronic-to-Pneumatic 4-16
General Instrumentation Considerations 4-4 Frequency Converters 4-16
Identification 4-4 Isolators 4-16
Type Selection 4-4 Pneumatic-to-Electronic 4-16
Industrial Network Overview 4-32 Smart Transmitters and Devices 4-14
Network Project Implementation and Design Considerations Connection Methods 4-15
4-33 Four-wire Transmitters 4-15
Network Security 4-34 Three-wire Transmitters 4-15
Topology and Cable Hierarchy 4-33 Two-wire Transmitters 4-15
Installation, Troubleshooting, and Calibration 4-26 Wireless Transmitters and Devices 4-15
Calibration 4-28 Instrumentation Symbols 4-5, 4-6
Instrumentation Symbols and Identification 4-4 Least Terminal Temperature Difference (LTTD) 9-2
Calibration 4-28 Level Distances for a Vertical Vessel 7-30
Differential Pressure Transmitters 4-28 Level Heights and Surge Volumes 7-28
Pressure Transmitters 4-28 Li and Mather 25-11
Temperature Transmitters 4-28 Licensed NGL Recovery Processes 16-19
Failed Systems 4-26 IOR and SCORE Propane Recovery Processes 16-21
Installation and Troubleshooting 4-26 IPSI Enhanced NGL Recovery Process 16-21
Poorly Commissioned Systems 4-27 LPG-MAXSM Recovery Process 16-21
Poor Performance 4-27 NGL-MAXSM High Ethane Recovery Process 16-21
Insulation, Storage Tanks 6-11 RSV High Ethane Recovery Process 16-21
Condensation 6-11 Lift Gas 1-5
Conservation of Energy 6-11 Light Ends 1-5
Personnel Protection 6-11 Light Hydrocarbons
Process Temperature Control 6-11 High-Temperature Vapor Pressures 23-30
Types 6-11 Line Drip Example 17-21
Uses 6-11 Line Drop 7-2
Integral (Reset) Control 4-3 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 16-26
Integral (Reset) Time 4-3 Liquefied Natural Gas Production 16-26
Integral Engine Compressor 13-5 Cascade Refrigeration 16-26
Integrally Geared Compressors 13-41 Cascade Refrigeration Process 16-26
Integral Wind-up/Wind-down 4-3 Dual Mixed Refrigerant Cycle Processes 16-28
Integrated Natural Gas Desulfurization, Example of 21-27 Mixed Refrigerant Process 16-26
Integrated Steam System 18-5 Precooled Mixed Refrigerant Process 16-26
Intermediate Feed Nozzle Applications 19-26 Precooled with Nitrogen Cycle Liquefaction Process 16-28
Intermediate Feed Nozzle Arrangements 19-26 Turboexpander Based Process 16-28
Internal Combustion Engines, Types of 15-21 Liquefied Petroleum Gases, Specifications for 2-5
Internal Floating Roof Tank 6-6 Liquid-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separators, Types of 7-21
Internal Recirculation Design 10-5 Mesh Followed by Plate Pack 7-22
Interrupting Rating 18-3 Mesh Followed by Plate Pack, and with a Secondary Mesh Polishing
Intrinsically Safe 4-3, 18-3 Media Downstream of the Plate Pack 7-22
Ion-Exchange Bed 18-16 Liquid-Liquid Coalescers 7-41
Ion-Exchange Processes 18-16 Liquid-Liquid Separators 7-2
Ions, Anions, Cations 18-3 Liquid-Liquid Separator Selection 7-16
IOR Propane Recovery Process 16-20 Liquid-to-Gas Ratio 11-2
IPORSM Process 16-10 Liquid Coalescer 7-2
IPSI Enhanced NGL Recovery Process 16-22 Liquid Coalescer Vessel 7-2
Irreversibility 24-1 Liquid Film Shaft Seal with Cylindrical Bushing 13-34
Isenthalpic Blowdown Paths, Sample 24-16 Liquid Film Shaft Seal with Pumping Bushing 13-34
Isobutane 1-5 Liquid Flow Equations 4-26
Isothermal Flow 17-4 Liquid Holdup Correlation 17-19
Liquid Hydrocarbon Treating Processes 21-30, 21-32
Molecular Sieve 21-32
Regenerative Caustic 21-32
J-T Process for Propane Recovery 16-13 Liquid Measurement 3-17
J-T Process with Mechanical Refrigeration Recovery 16-13 Liquid Refrigerant Receiver 14-1
Jacket Water 1-5 Liquid Storage Systems 6-17
Jet Pump Configuration 13-47 Accessories 6-18
Joule-Thomson Effect 1-5 Capacities 6-18
Journal and Thrust Bearing Assembly 13-31 Desirability of Large Units 6-17
Gaging Table 6-18
Liquid Sulfur
Density 22-18
Kent-Eisenburg 25-11 Liquid Sulfur,
Kettle Reboiler 9-13 Thermal Conductivity of 22-19
Arrangement 19-24 Liquid Valve Sizing Equations 4-26
Knock Out Drum 7-2 Liquid Volume Fraction Calculation 23-9
Koch-Glitsch 19-8 Lithium Bromide-Water Refrigeration System 14-28
LMTD Correction Factor 9-4
1 shell passes; 2 or more tube passes 9-4
2 shell passes; 4 or more tube passes 9-4
Langelier Scaling Index (LSI) 18-3
3 shell passes; 6 or more tube passes 9-5
Lead Acetate Test 1-5
4 shell passes; 8 or more tube passes 9-5
Lean Amine Charge Pump 12-21
LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) 1-5, 2-6
Lean Gas 1-5
LNG Problem Compounds 16-33
Lean Oil 1-5
LNG Product Specifications 2-6 Density Measurement 3-20
Loading rack 1-5 Displacement Meters 3-18
Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) 9-2 Mass Meters 3-19
Low-Molecular-Weight Natural Gases, Compressibility of 23-13 Meter Proving 3-20
Low-Temperature Separation System with Glycol Injection and Meter Proving Reports 3-21
Condensate Stabilization 16-5 Meter Proving Systems 3-20
Low-Temperature Separation Unit 16-4 Turbine and Displacement Meter Selection and Performance
Low Pressure Cylinder with Double-Acting Piston 13-12 3-18
Low Pressure Gas Flow 17-7 Turbine Meters 3-17
Low Pressure Retrograde Condensation Dew Point Curves 16-3 Volumetric Measurement Meters (Orifice Meters) 3-17
Low Sheet of an Ammonia Absorption System 14-28 Orifice Flow Rate 3-17
Low Temperature NGL Recovery Processes 16-12 Miscellaneous Measurement Devices 3-27
Propane Plus NGL Recovery Compared to Ethane Plus NGL Pitot 3-27
Recovery 16-12 Vortex 3-27
Low Temperature Pumps 12-19 Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquid Chromatography 3-31
External Motor Type 12-19 Calibration and Verification 3-34
Submerged Motor Type 12-19 Carrier Gas 3-32
Low Temperature Specifications 6-15 Column Selection 3-33
LP-Gas (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) 1-1, 1-3, 1-51-6, 1-8, 2-2, 2-4, 2-6 Detectors 3-33
2-7 Integration and Data Handling 3-34
LPG-MAXSM Propane Recovery Process 16-23 Introduction 3-31
LPG Specification Parameters 2-2 Maintenance and Troubleshooting 3-35
Moisture Content Product Stream and Components of Interest 3-32
Valve Freeze Method 2-2 Purchasing the System 3-34
Non-Specification Contaminants 2-6 Safety Considerations 3-34
Non-Volatile Residue 2-6 Sample Preparation and Introduction 3-32
Odorization 2-6 The Analytical Method 3-32
Sulfur Content 2-2 Training and Follow Up 3-35
Vapor Pressure 2-2 Natural Gas Liquid Sampling 3-27, 3-29
Volatile Residue 2-5 Utilizing Floating Piston Cylinders 3-29
LPG Water Wash Schematic 21-32 Steam Measurement 3-22
LRG (Liquefied Refinery Gas) 1-5 Measurement Devices, Miscellaneous 3-27
LTX (Low Temperature Extraction Unit) 1-5 Mechanical (Contact) Shaft Seal 13-32
Lube Oil Schematic 13-51 Mechanical Draft Coil Shed Tower 11-14
Mechanical Draft Cooling Towers 11-13
Mechanical Drive Steam Turbines 15-1
Condensing or Non-condensing Exhausts 15-1
Manometers, Types of 4-8
Extraction or Admission 15-1
Mass Flow to Inlet Volume Flow 13-24
Impulse or Reaction 15-1
Materials of Storage Tank Construction 6-11
Single-stage or Multi-stage 15-1
Metallic 6-11
Mechanical Forced Draft Counterflow Tower 11-13
Non-Metallic 6-11
Mechanical Indicators 4-16
Mcf 1-5
Mechanical Induced Draft Counterflow Tower 11-13
Measurement 3-1
Mechanical Induced Draft Cross Flow Tower 11-13
Flare Measurement 3-22
Mechanical Losses, Chart 13-28
Flow Calculation Guide 3-3
Mechanical Refrigerant System, Troubleshooting 14-25
Gas Measurement 3-3
Mechanical Refrigeration 14-2
Calibration of the UM 3-16
Chillers 14-24
Coriolis Meters 3-16
Kettle Type 14-24
Gas Orifice Calculations 3-9
Plate-Fin 14-24
Orifice-Meter Measurement 3-3
Condensing Temperature 14-6
Dual-Chamber Orifice Fitting 3-3
Considerations for Vacuum Refrigeration Systems 14-10
Flow Conditioners 3-5
Materials of Construction 14-11
Meter Tubes 3-5
Refrigerant Purity 14-11
Orifice Flanges 3-3
Seal Gas and Lube Oil System 14-11
Orifice Plates 3-5
Design and Operating Considerations 14-8
Single Chamber Orifice Fitting 3-3
Liquid Surge and Storage 14-9
Orifice Well Test 3-10
Oil Removal 14-8
Ultrasonic Measurement 3-15
Vacuum Systems 14-10
UM Meter Maintenance and Verification 3-16
Freon (CFC) Refrigerant Phase Out 14-7
UM Meter Tube and Approach Piping Considerations 3-15
Hydrofluorocarbons 14-7
Volume Calculations 3-15
Horsepower and Condenser Duty Estimation 14-8
Liquid Measurement 3-17
One-Stage Systems 14-8
Coriolis Meters 3-19
Three-Stage Systems 14-8
Heat Exchanger Economizing 14-8 Natural Gas 1-6
Two-Stage Systems 14-8 Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquid Chromatography 3-31
Mixed Refrigerants 14-23 Natural Gas Liquid Sampling 3-27, 3-29
Refrigerant Cascading 14-7 Natural Gasoline 1-6
Refrigerant For Reboiling 14-7 Natural Gas Processing Plant 1-6
Refrigerant Properties 14-7 Natural Gas Streams 24-5
Refrigerant Subcooling 14-6 Influence of Pressure on Enthalpy 24-5
Refrigerant System, Troubleshooting 14-25 NEMA Enclosures 18-36
Refrigeration Cycle 14-2 Net Effect Volume 11-2
Compression Step 14-2 Newton's Law of Cooling 8-4
Condensation Step 14-2 NGL (Natural Gas Liquid) 1-1, 1-6
Evaporation Step 14-2 NGL-MAXSM Ethane Recovery Process 16-24
Expansion Step 14-2 Nine-stage Cascade Liquefaction Process 16-25
System Pressure Drop 14-3 Nitrogen Rejection
Refrigeration Stages 14-3 Cryogenic Technology 16-33
One-Stage System 14-3 Recovery Efficiencies 16-34
System Configuration 14-3 Nitrogen Rejection Flow Diagram 16-33
Three-Stage System 14-3 Noise 4-3
Two-Stage System 14-3 Nomograph, Performance Characteristics 11-12
System Controls 14-24 NPSHA 12-2
Evaporator Temperature 14-25 NPSHR 12-2
Level Controls 14-24 NYE TRAY Schematic 19-15
Low Ambient Controls 14-25
Pressure Controls 14-25
Mehra 14-6
Mercaptan 1-5, 21-1 Odorant 1-6
Mercury Removal Bed, Example 21-4 Offset 4-3
Metal Temperatures, Minimum Recommended 8-18 Oil-well Gas 1-6
Methane Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram 8-30 Oil Reclaimer 14-23
Methane, Vapor-Solid Equilibrium Constants for 20-12 Oil Treatment Separators 7-45
Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) 21-13 Oliphant Formula 17-10
Miscible Flood 1-5 On-stream Factor 1-6
Mist Eliminator 7-2 Once-Through Cooling Water Systems 18-21
Mixed Refrigerant Liquefaction Process 16-27 Once-Through Reboiler with Bottom Tray Feed 9-13
MMcf 1-5 One-Stage Refrigeration System 14-3
Molar Heat of Condensation of S6 and S8 22-28 Open Cooling Water Systems 18-19
Mole(s) 24-1 Operating Envelope, Example of 7-44
Mole Sieve Dehydrator 20-46 Operating Factor 1-6
Motor-Circuit Switch 18-3 Operational Aspects of the Claus Plant 22-32
Motor Control Center 18-3 Optimum Generally Attainable Efficiency Chart 12-12
Motor Enclosures, Types of 15-19 Options to Improve Thermal Efficiency 8-26
Explosion-Proof 15-20 Add Convection Surface 8-26
Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) 15-20 Add Economizer for Waste Heat Recovery 8-27
Totally Enclosed Forced Ventilated (TEFV) 15-20 Install Air Preheat System 8-27
Totally Enclosed Water- to Air-Cooled (TEWAC) 15-20 Orifice Meter Installation Requirements, without Flow Conditioner,
Motor Feeder and Branch Circuits 18-30 Test Set-up 3-15
MTD Correction Factors 10-8 Orifice Plate Holders, Examples of 3-7
4 shell passes; 8 or more tube passes 10-8, 10-9 Outage 1-6
Multi-Stage Compression Path with Interstage Cooling and Recycle, Outlet 18-3
Sample 24-17 Overall Boiling Heat Flux Ranges 9-12
Multi-Valve Inlet 15-4 Overall Unit Efficiency (OEE) 18-37
Multi-Valve, Multi-Stage Condensing Turbines, Basic Efficiency of Overcurrent 18-3
15-5 Overhead Recycle Process for Propane Recovery 16-17
Multiphase Pumps 12-19 Overload 18-3
Multiple Heat Exchanger 9-20 Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) 15-15
Oxidizers 8-38
Packed Column Pressure Drop Correlation 19-18 Boiling Points 23-27
Packing Depths 19-19 Computer Prediction Methods 23-10
Packing Size on HETP, Effect of 19-20 Critical Properties 23-28
Packing, Types of 19-16 Data for Pure CO2, and CO2/H2S Mixtures 23-25
Pall Corporation 7-41 Gross Heating Value of Natural Gases 23-41
Panelboard 18-3 Corrections for Water Content 23-42
Panhandle A Equation 17-6, 17-7 Cost of Gas 23-42
Panhandle B Equation 17-7 Gross Heating Value 23-42
Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company 17-6 Hypothetical State 23-41
Paraffin Hydrocarbon Gases at One Atmosphere, Viscosity of 23-33 Ideal Gas 23-42
Paraffinic Hydrocarbon Mixtures, Specific Gravity of 23-22 Net Heating Value 23-42
Parallel Data 4-3 Real Gas 23-41
Parallel Pumps Selection 12-14 Specific Gravity 23-42
Partial Draw-off 19-27 Z-Factor 23-42
Partial Volumes of Spheres in U.S. Gallons 6-24 Hydrocarbon Fluid Densities 23-17, 23-18
P Controller 4-3 Data and Correlations 23-17
PD Controller 4-3 Specific Heat 23-43
Peak Shaving 1-6 Surface Tension 23-36
PECOFacet 7-38, 7-39, 7-40, 7-41 Mixtures 23-36
Pelton Wheel 12-2 Pure Components 23-36
Peng Robinson 25-9 Thermal Conductivity 23-33, 23-36
Pentane-plus 1-6 Thermal Conductivity of Pure CO2 and CO2/ H2S Mixtures 23-
Petroleum Fractions, Specific Gravity of 23-19, 23-21 36
Petroleum Measurement Standards, Manual of 3-2 Transport Property References 23-36
Petroleum Refinery Piping Code, The 17-28 Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Helium 23-36
Phase Envelope 24-1 Units and Conversion Factors 23-8
Phase Equilibria 25-1 Vapor Pressure 23-27, 23-28
Basic Equation of State Forms 25-9 Viscosity 23-31
Benedict-Webb-Rubin-Starling 25-9 Calculation of Gas Mixture Viscosity 23-31
Other Phase Equilibria Methods 25-9 Viscosity of Petroleum Fractions 23-31
Electrolytic Models 25-10 Viscosity of Pure CO2 and CO2/ H2S Mixtures 23-33
Mixed Models 25-10 Z-Factor and Density for Gases 23-10
Peng Robinson 25-9 Natural Gas Mixtures 23-11
Practical Application of Phase Equilibria Methods 25-10 Pure Gases 23-10
Amine Treating 25-11 Physical Solvent 21-1
Complex Systems to Model 25-10 PI Controller 4-3
Sour Water 25-11 PID Controller 4-3
Redlich-Kwong 25-9 Pigging 1-6
Soave Redlich-Kwong 25-9 Pilot Operated Relief Valves 5-7
van der Waals 25-9 Pipe and Flange Data 17-28
Equations of State and the Solid Phase 25-12 Pipeline Gas 1-6
Multi-Component (3 or More) Triple Points 25-13 Piston Equipped with Teflon Piston and Wear Rings for a Single-
Simulation Tools for Predicting Solids 25-13 acting Non-Lubricated Cylinder 13-13
Single-Component Triple Points 25-12 Plan Views of Aircoolers 10-2
Two-Component Triple Point Locus Lines 25-12 Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers (Brazed Aluminum) 9-21
Flash Calculation Problem 25-2 Plate and Frame Heat Exchangers 9-31
Carbon Dioxide 25-3 Pneumatic Actuated Valves Controlling Four Fixed Pockets in
Compressor for Five-Step Control 13-14
CO2-Ethane Separation 25-4
Pneumatic Power Supplies 4-4
Separation of CO2 and H2S 25-5
Adequate Capacity 4-4
Separation of CO2 and Methane 25-3
Filtering and Regulation 4-4
K-Data Charts 25-1
Hydraulic Powered Devices 4-4
Sources 25-3
Non-Air Systems 4-4
Methods 25-6
Proper Distribution 4-4
Equations of State (EOS) 25-6
Pneumatic Transmitters 4-14
Historical Development of EOS for Phase Equilibria 25-7
Pool Boiling Curve 9-12
Vapor-Liquid Equilibria 25-1
Positive Displacement Meter, Example of 3-18
Phase Equilibria Methods 25-6
Power Factor 18-3
Recent EOS Advancements 25-8
Power Requirements, Estimated 21-16
PHEs, Fowling Factors 9-32
Power Transmissions 12-16
Physical Constants 23-223-3
ppmv 21-1
Notes 23-5
Prefabricated Tank Heater 9-20
References 23-9
Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram 14-3
Physical Properties 23-1
Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for HFC-134a 14-27
Acentric Factor 23-28
Pressure-Temperature Ratings for Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings 900 to 1800 rpm 15-18
17-27 Below 514 rpm 15-19
Pressure Control at Constant Speed 13-36, 13-37 Synchronous Motors 15-18
Pressure Control at Variable Speed 13-36 Electric Motors 15-18
Pressure Drop for Flowing Water 17-13 Gas Turbine Cycles 15-11
Pressure Drop for Fluids Flowing Inside Tubes 10-13 Combined Cycle 15-11
Pressure Drop for Hydrocarbon Liquids in Smooth Pipe 17-14 Regenerative Ideal Brayton Cycle 15-11
Pressure Drop in Steam Pipes by Fritzsches Formula 17-15 Simple Open Cycle 15-11
Pressure Enthalpy Diagram for HFC-410a 14-26 Gas Turbine Performance 15-13
Pressure Equivalents 1-12 Emissions 15-15
Pressure Loss Due to Friction 17-3 Gas Turbines 15-9
Pressure on Entropy (Correction for Real Fluids), Effect of 24-15 Compact, Lightweight Design 15-9
Pressure on Entropy (Simple Fluid), Effect of 24-14 General 15-9
Pressure Ratio Efficiency Correction Factor, Non-Condensing Installation 15-9
Turbines 15-7 Maintenance 15-9
Pressure Relief Valves Gas Turbine, Types of 15-9
Balanced Bellows 5-9 Aircraft Derivative 15-10
Conventional 5-9 Heavy Duty 15-9
Pilot Operated 5-10 Single Shaft/Split Shaft 15-10
Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) 18-7 Induction Generator 15-20
Pressure vs. Temperature of HFC-134a 14-27 Internal Combustion Engines 15-21
Prime Movers for Mechanical Drives 15-1 Engine, Types of 15-21
A-C Motor Type and Selection 15-18 Compression Ignition (Diesel) 15-21
Auxiliaries 15-23 Dual-Fuel 15-21
Bearings 15-23 Four-Stroke-Cycle 15-21
Couplings 15-27 Spark Ignition 15-21
Flexible Couplings 15-27 Speed 15-21
Rigid Couplings 15-27 Supercharged Engines 15-21
Design Factors 15-26 Two-Stroke-Cycle 15-21
Bearings 15-26 Motor Enclosures 15-19
Dynamic Balance 15-27 Drip-Proof 15-19
Gears 15-27 Explosion-Proof 15-20
Housings 15-26 Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) 15-20
Pinions 15-27 Totally Enclosed Water- to Air-Cooled (TEWAC) 15-20
Seals 15-27 Weather-Protected Type I 15-19
Shafts 15-26 Weather-Protected Type II 15-19
Gear Ratings 15-26 Performance Rating 15-22
Durability 15-26 Engine Energy Balance 15-22
Horsepower 15-26 Speed Variation 15-20
Scuffing Temperatures 15-26 Fixed Speed Electric Motors With Fluid Couplings 15-20
Strength 15-26 Variable Frequency Electric Motors 15-20
Gears 15-23 Steam Turbine Components 15-2
Gearing 15-23 Control Systems 15-4
High Speed Gears 15-23 Exhaust Casings 15-3
Speed Increasers and Reducers 15-23 Inlet Control Valves 15-2
Surface Finish 15-23 Moisture Protection 15-4
Lubrication 15-27 Nozzles/Blades (Buckets) 15-3
Vibration Monitoring 15-27 Trip and Throttle Valve/Stop (Block) Valve 15-2
Auxiliary Systems 15-11 Steam Turbine Efficiency 15-5
Acoustics 15-13 Factors Affecting Efficiency 15-5
Air Filtration 15-12 Operation at Part Load 15-5
Coalescers 15-12 Techniques to Improve Efficiency 15-5
High Efficiency Media 15-12 Steam Turbine Types 15-1
Inertial 15-12 Condensing/Non-Condensing 15-1
Marine or Demister 15-12 Extraction/Admission 15-1
Prefilters 15-12 Impulse/Reaction 15-2
Self-Cleaning 15-12 Single Stage/Multi-Stage 15-1
Lube Systems 15-11 Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers (PCHE) 9-35
Electrical System 15-18 Process Chilling Curves 14-23
Induction Motors 15-18 Process Flow Diagram 14-3
Motor Voltage 15-19 Process Flow Diagram for Glycol Dehydration Unit 20-31
Speed 15-18 Production Separator 7-2
3000 to 3600 rpm 15-18 Product Specifications 2-1
514 to 720 rpm 15-19 LPG Specification Parameters 2-2
LNG Specifications 2-6 Materials of Construction 12-14
Moisture Content 2-2 Piping 12-14
Non-Specification Contaminants 2-6 Pump Protection 12-16
Non-volatile Residue 2-6 Series and Parallel Operation 12-13
Odorization 2-6, 2-7 Shaft Seals 12-14
Other Products 2-6 Specific Speed 12-9
Sulfur Content 2-2 Temperature Rise Due to Pumping 12-11
Vapor Pressure 2-2 Viscosity 12-10
Volatile Residue 2-5 Diaphragm Pumps 12-19
PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory) 4-3 Equipment and System Equations 12-3
Propane 1-6 Low Temperature Pumps 12-19
Propane, Commercial 1-6 Multiphase Pumps 12-19
Propane Condensing Curve 9-10 Net Positive Suction Head 12-3
Propane HD-5 1-6 Datum 12-5
Propane Plus Recovery Efficiency 16-8 NPSH and Suction Specific Speed 12-5
Propane Precooled Mixed Refrigerant Process 16-27 NPSH Correction Factors 12-5
Propane Recovery, GSP Process for 16-14 Submergence 12-6
Propane Recovery Processes 16-16 Reciprocating Pumps 12-17
Example Comparison for Propane Recovery Designs 16-16 Pump Calculations 12-17
GSP Design for Propane Recovery 16-16 Regenerative Pumps 12-19
Improved Open Art Propane Recovery Processes 16-16 Peripheral Pumps 12-19
Propane Refrigeration System 14-5 Rotary Pumps 12-19
Propane Vapor Pressure Curve 14-5 Pump Selection Guide 12-5
Propane, Vapor-Solid Equilibrium Constants for 20-13 Pump Through Reboiler on Column Bottoms 9-14
Properties of Sulfur 22-16 Pure Component Loading, Maximum Attainable 21-11
Amorphous 22-16 Pure Propane, Storage of 6-10
Monoclinic 22-16
Rhombic 22-16
Proportional Band 4-3
Proportional Control 4-3 Raceway 18-3
Protective Coatings of Storage Tanks 6-11 RAM (Random Access Memory) 4-3
Coal Tar 6-11 Ramp 4-3
Epoxy Resin 6-11 Rateau Design 15-2
External 6-11 Raw Gas 1-6
Galvanized 6-11 Raw Mix Liquids 1-6
Internal 6-11 Reader-Harris/Gallagher equation 3-17
Rubber Lining 6-11 Real Gas 1-6
Pseudo-critical Temperature and Pressure for a Natural Gas Mixture Reboilers and Vaporizers 9-12
Calculation 23-11 Reboiler Selection Chart 9-14
Pseudocritical Temperature Adjustment Factor 23-16 Receptacle 18-3
Pseudo Liquid Density of Systems Containing Methane and Ethane Reciprocating Compressor Control Devices 13-11
23-23 Reciprocating Compressor Horsepower, Estimating 13-5
Psychrometer 11-2 Reciprocating Compressors 13-3
Psychrometric Chart 11-3 Capacity 13-7
Pump-Out Cavern Operation 6-9 Control Devices 13-11
Pumps & Hydraulic Turbines 12-1 Capacity Control 13-13
Alignment 12-2 Unloading for Starting 13-13
Pumps 12-1 Cylinder Design 13-11
Calculating the Required Differential Head 12-6 Detailed Calculations 13-7
Absolute Total Pressure at Pump Discharge 12-7 Limits to Compression Ratio Per Stage 13-11
Absolute Total Pressure at Pump Suction 12-7 Detailed Horsepower Calculation 13-10
Calculation of Actual Horsepower 12-8 Discharge Temperature 13-9
Calculation of Hydraulic Power 12-8 Equivalent Capacity 13-9
Calculation of NPSHA 12-8 Estimating Compressor Horsepower 13-5
Motor Sizing 12-8 Gas Pulsation Control 13-14
Centrifugal Pumps 12-8 Performance Calculations 13-4
Affinity Laws 12-9 Pulsation Dampeners (Snubbers) 13-16
Alignment, Supports, and Couplings 12-14 Rod Loading 13-9
Centrifugal Pump Theory 12-8 Troubleshooting 13-17
Drivers 12-13 Volumetric Efficiency 13-7
Efficiency 12-10 Reciprocating Compressor Trouble, Causes 13-18
Installation, Operation, Maintenance 12-16 Reciprocating Pump Acceleration Head Factors 12-18
Matching the Centrifugal Pump to the System Reciprocating Pumps 12-17
Requirements 12-10 Suction System Considerations 12-18
Acceleration Head 12-18 Conventional Relief Valves 5-6
Capacity Control 12-19 Pilot Operated Relief Valves 5-7
Drivers 12-19 Rupture Disk 5-7
Piping 12-19 Remote-Control Circuit 18-3
Pulsation 12-18 Reset Rate 4-3
Recirculating Thermosyphon Reboiler 9-13 Residence Time 21-1, 22-1
Recirculation Control 12-2 Residue 1-6
Recorders and Indicators 4-16 Resilient Seat Relief Valves
Indicators 4-16 Resilient Seat Relief Valves 5-7
Electronic Analog Type 4-16 Resistance Temperature Device (RTD) 4-12, 4-28
Mechanical Type 4-16 Retention Time 7-2
Recorders 4-16 Retrograde Condensation 16-3
Recovery 1-6 Retrograde Condensation (Vaporization) 1-6
Rectangular Tanks for Each Foot of Liquid, Capacities of 6-24 Reverse Flow Cyclone, Example of 7-11
Recycle 1-6 Reynolds Number 17-2
Redlich-Kwong 25-9 Rich DEA Pressure Letdown 12-21
Reduced Pressure 24-1 Rich Gas 1-6
Reduced Temperature 24-1 Rich Oil 1-6
Reflux 1-6 Rich Oil Demethanizer (ROD) 16-12
Reflux Ratio 1-6 ROM (Read-Only Memory) 4-3
Refrigerant 14-1 Rotameter, Example of 4-15
Refrigerant Compressors, Types of 14-15 Rotary-Sliding Vane Compressors 13-46
Centrifugal 14-19 Rotary Compressors 13-2
Reciprocating 14-19 Rotary Pumps 12-19
Rotary 14-23 Rotary Screw Compressor 13-45
Screw 14-19 Rotor 12-2
Refrigerant Subcooling 14-7 Francis-type 12-2
Refrigerated Lean Oil Absorption 16-11 Rotor Response Plot 13-41
Refrigeration 14-1 RSV Ethane Recovery Process 16-23
Absorption Refrigeration 14-25 Run-out 12-2
Lithium Bromide-Water Systems 14-25 Runner 12-2
Mechanical RVP (Reid Vapor Pressure) 1-6
Refrigeration Cycle 14-2 Ryznar and Langelier Scaling Indexes 18-20
Refrigeration Stages 14-3 Ryznar Scaling Index (RSI) 18-3
Refrigeration Process Alternatives 16-9
Refrigeration Systems,
Single-Stage Ethylene 14-12
Single-Stage Propane 14-13 Saw Tooth Curve for Unloading Operation 13-14
Single-Stage Propylene 14-14 Safety Instrumented System (SIS) Overview 4-30
Three-Stage Ethylene 14-20 Design and Project Considerations 4-31
Three-Stage Propane 14-21 Layers of Protection 4-30
Three-Stage Propylene 14-22 Safety Integrity Levels 4-31
Two-Stage Ethylene 14-16 Safety Instrumented System Components 4-31
Two-Stage Propane 14-17 Salt Bath Heater 8-32
Two-Stage Propylene 14-18 Saturated Air, Properties of 11-15
Refrigeration System Checklist 14-24 Saturated Compounds 1-6
Refrigeration Systems 14-1 Saturated Liquid 1-7
Regenerative Ideal Brayton Cycle 15-11 Saturated Steam 24-1
Regenerative Pumps 12-19 Saturated Steam Pressure Table 24-36
Reheating, Alternate Methods 22-7 Saturated Steam Temperature Table 24-35
Relative Density (see Specific Gravity) 1-6 Saturated Vapor 1-7
Relative Exchanger Sizes 9-30 Saturated Water 24-1
Relative Roughness of Pipe Materials for Complete Turbulence 17-5 Saturated Water Content of CO2 20-5
Relief Systems 1-6, 5-1 Saturated Water Content of H2S 20-5
Applicable Codes, Standards, and Recommended Practices for Relief Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS) 13-35
Systems 5-23 scf (standard cubic feet) 1-7
Relief Valve Installation 5-13 SCORE Propane Recovery Process 16-20
Discharge Piping 5-13 SCOT Style Tail Gas Treating Unit 22-15
Inlet Piping 5-13 Screw Compressors 13-43
Rapid Cycling 5-18 Rotary 13-43
Reactive Force 5-18 Scrubber 7-2
Resonant Chatter 5-18 Selective Treating 21-1
Relieving Devices Sensing Devices 4-8
Balanced Relief Valves 5-7 Coriolis Mass Flow Meter 4-14
Electrical Pressure Transducers 4-9 Inertial Impaction 7-8
Electromagnetic Flowmeter 4-13 Separation Equipment 7-1
Flow Sensors 4-13 Data and Information Required to Specify and Size Separators 7-16
Positive Displacement Meters 4-13 Debottlenecking 7-45
Turbine Meters 4-13 Definitions of Words and Phrases Used in Separation Equipment
Variable Area Flow Meters 4-13 7-2
Variable Head Flow Meters 4-13 Filter Testing Standard 7-46
Level Sensors 4-10 Filtration and Coalescing Devices 7-38
Capacitance Probes 4-11 Dry Gas Filters 7-39
Chain and Tape Float Gauges 4-10 Filter-Separators 7-38
Displacer Level Measuring Device 4-10 Filtration Equipment Removal Ratings 7-41
Electrical Type Level Gauges and Switches 4-10 Gas Coalescing Filter 7-39
Gauge Glass 4-10 Liquid/Liquid Coalescer Separators Supplier Design 7-41
Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter 4-12 Liquid Particulate Filtration 7-40
Head-pressure Level Gauges 4-10 Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator Design 7-33
Magnetostrictive Level Transmitter 4-11 Coalescers for Horizontal Separators 7-34
Pressure Sensors 4-8 Design of a Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator with Standpipe 7-34
Bellows 4-9 Design of a Horizontal Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator 7-34
Bourdon tubes 4-8 Design of a Vapor-Liquid-Liquid Separator Drum with Boot
Diaphragm 4-9 7-35
Manometer 4-8 Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator Drum with Overflow Weir 7-35
Temperature Sensors 4-12 Gas-Liquid Separation Section 7-34
Bimetallic 4-13 Horizontal
Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator, Example of 7-35
Filled-system 4-13
Inlet Section 7-33
Glass Stem 4-13
Liquid-Liquid Settling Section 7-33
Resistance 4-12
Liquid Outlet Section 7-33
Thermocouples 4-12
Zones in the Separator 7-33
Ultrasonic Flow Meters 4-13
Gas-Liquid Separators, Common Types 7-17
Wireless Transmitters and Devices 4-15
Horizontal Flow Vane Separator 7-19
Connection Methods 4-15
Horizontal Flow Vane Separator (In-Line) 7-19
Three-wire Transmitters 4-15
Horizontal Separator No Internals 7-20
Two-wire Transmitters 4-15
Horizontal Separator with Mesh Pad or Vane Pack 7-20
Separation Equipment, Principles of 7-1, 7-3
Vertical Flow Vane Separator 7-19
Defining the Separator Feed 7-3
Vertical Separator No Internals 7-17
Fluids to Be Separated 7-3
Vertical Separator Combination Internals 7-19
Dispersed Droplet Size Distribution 7-4
Vertical Separator with Axial Flow Multi-Cyclones 7-19
Field Composition and Flow Considerations 7-4
Vertical Separator with Mesh Pad 7-17
Flow Regimes Upstream of a Separator 7-4
Vertical Separator With Reverse Flow Multi-Cyclone Internals
Gas-Liquid Separation Fundamentals 7-9
Gravity Settling in Gas-Liquid Separation 7-9
Vertical Separator with Vane Pack 7-18
Souders-Brown Equation for Gravity Settling 7-9
Introduction 7-3
Gas-Liquid Surface Re-entrainment 7-9
Scope 7-3
Degassing of Liquids 7-9
Separation Devices Used in Gas Processing 7-3
Re-entrainment from Collection Devices 7-9
Liquid-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator 7-21
Liquid-Liquid Separation Fundamentals 7-12
Horizontal Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator No Internals 7-22
Dispersion Layer 7-13
Horizontal Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator with Coalescer
Gravity Settling in Liquid-Liquid Separation 7-12 Internals 7-24
Liquid-Liquid Coalescing Devices 7-13 Horizontal Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator with Single Overflow
Liquid Residence Time Approach to Design 7-12 Weir 7-22
Mist Eliminators for Gas Liquid Separations 7-10 Horizontal Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator with Water Boot 7-22
Cyclonic Mist Eliminators 7-12 Horizontal Liquid-Liquid Separator 7-21
Mechanism of Mist Carryover for Gas-Liquid Mist Eliminator Horizontal Liquid-Liquid Separator with Plate Pack, Mesh
Devices 7-10 Coalescer, or Combination Internals 7-21
Mesh Mist Eliminators 7-10 Horizontal Three Phase Separator with Bucket and Overflow
Vane Mist Eliminators 7-11 Weir 7-23
Separation and Re-entrainment Mechanisms 7-5 Vertical Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator 7-24
Gravity Settling Theory 7-5 Vertical Liquid-Liquid Separator with Mesh Coalescer 7-22
Intermediate Law Region 7-6 Liquid-Liquid Separation Fundamentals 7-12
Stokes' Law Region 7-6 Dispersion Layer 7-13
Separation by Impingement 7-8 Gravity Settling in Liquid-Liquid Separation 7-12
Centrifugal Force 7-8 Liquid-Liquid Coalescing Devices 7-13
Coalescing, Natural and Assisted 7-8 Liquid Residence Time Approach to Design 7-12
Diffusion 7-8 Oil Treatment Separators 7-45
Direct Interception 7-8 Electrostatic Dehydrators and De-salters 7-45
Heater-Treaters 7-45 Gas Processing Wellhead Production Separators 7-42
Other Internals for Gas-Liquid Separators 7-32 Slug Catchers 7-43
De-foaming Inlet Cyclones 7-32 Test Separator 7-43
Degassing Baffles and Screens For De-gassing 7-33 Separation Equipment, Introduction to 7-3
Distribution Baffles 7-33 Scope 7-3
Outlet Axial Cyclones For Horizontal Separators 7-32 Separation Devices Used in Gas Processing 7-3
Principles of Separation 7-1, 7-3 Separation Strategy and Performance Requirements 7-13
Defining the Separator Feed 7-3 Gas Carry-Under Specification 7-14
Dispersed Droplet Size Distribution 7-4 Liquid Carry-Over Specification For Gas-Liquid Separators 7-14
Field Composition and Flow Considerations 7-4 Oil-in-Water Specification 7-15
Flow Regimes Upstream of a Separator 7-4 Water-in-Hydrocarbon Specification 7-15
Gas-Liquid Separation Fundamentals 7-9 Separator 7-2
Gravity Settling in Gas-Liquid Separation 7-9 Separators Used in Gas Processing Industry 7-3
Gas-Liquid Surface Re-entrainment 7-9 Serial Communications 4-3
Mist Eliminators for Gas Liquid Separations 7-10 Series Pumps Selection 12-13
Cyclonic Mist Eliminators 7-12 Service Drop 18-3
Mechanism of Mist Carryover for Gas-Liquid Mist Service Equipment 18-3
Eliminator Devices 7-10 Setpoint 4-3
Mesh Mist Eliminators 7-10 Shell and Tube Exchanger Nomenclature 9-15
Souders Brown Equation Applied To Mist Eliminators Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers 9-2
7-10 Short Circuit 18-3
Vane Mist Eliminators 7-11 Shrinkage 1-7
Separation and Re-entrainment Mechanisms 7-5 Shut-off 12-2
Separation by Impingement 7-8 Side Elevations of Aircoolers 10-2
Selection Guidelines for Common Separator Designs 7-16 Side Heater 19-28
Common Configurations for Separators 7-16 Signal Transmitters 4-14
Gas-Liquid Separator Selection Guide 7-16 Electronic 4-14
Selection Guidelines for Common Separator Designs 7-16 Pneumatic 4-14
Separation Strategy and Performance Requirements 7-13 Signal Converters 4-16
Gas Carry-Under Specification 7-14 Electric Signal 4-16
Liquid Carry-Over Specification For Gas-Liquid Separators Electronic-to-Pneumatic 4-16
Frequency 4-16
Oil-in-Water Specification 7-15
Isolators 4-16
Performance Requirements 7-13
Pneumatic-to-Electronic 4-16
Water-in-Hydrocarbon Specification 7-15
Smart Transmitters and Devices 4-14
Sizing Examples for Vertical and Horizontal Two-Phase Separators
Connection Methods 4-15
Four-wire 4-15
Horizontal Two-Phase Separator without Internals 7-32
Three-wire 4-15
Sizing Two Phase Vertical Wire Mesh Separator 7-29
Two-wire 4-15
Two Phase Horizontal Separator with a Hanging Mesh 7-31
Simple Expander 13-50
Vertical Separator Without Internals 7-30
Simple Open Cycle 15-11
Vertical Separator with Wire Mesh Mist Eliminator 7-29
Simple Turboexpander for Ethane Recovery 16-18
Specialized Separators 7-42
Simple Turboexpander Process for Propane Recovery 16-14
Troubleshooting 7-45
Simplex 12-2
Two-Phase and Three-Phase Separator Design and Operating
Principles 7-24 Simplified Flow Formula for Compressible Fluids Values of C1 17-11
Gas Polishing Section 7-26 Simplified Flow Formula for Compressible Fluids Values of C2 17-12
Gravity Separation Section 7-25 Simultaneous Removal of H2S and CO2, Process Selectrion Chart 21-
Inlet Section 7-24
Single-Acting Plunger Cylinder Designed for15,000 psig Discharge
Inlet Devices 7-25
Inlet Piping Design 7-25
Single-Column NRU 16-34
Liquid Accumulation Section 7-28
Single-Stage Cooling, Chilling and Heating Curves 14-3
Vapor Outlet Section 7-27
Single Acting 12-3
Zones in the Separator 7-24
Single Containment Tank, Example of 6-10
Water Treatment Separators 7-43
Single Gas Seal 13-32
API Separator 7-44
Single Valve with Hand Valves 15-3
CPI Separator 7-44
Sizing Examples for Vertical and Horizontal Two-Phase Separators 7-
Dissolved Gas Flotation Unit 7-45 29
Gunbarrel Tank 7-44 Sizing of Relief Devices 5-11
Hydrocyclone 7-44 Liquid Relief 5-12
Walnut Shell Filter 7-45 Sizing for Fire 5-12
Wellhead, Plant Inlet, and Flare Separators 7-42 Steam Relief 5-11
Compact Production Separators 7-43 Thermal Relief 5-12
Flare K.O. Drums 7-43 Sliding Vane Compressor 13-46
Slip 12-3 Desirability of Large Units 6-17
Slug Catcher 7-2 Materials of Construction 6-11
Smart Transmitters and Devices 4-14 Metallic 6-11
SNG (Synthetic or Substitute Natural Gas) 1-7 Vessel/Tank Materials 6-11
Soave Redlich-Kwong 25-9 Partial Volumes in Storage Tanks 6-18
Software 4-3 Product Recovery 6-16
Solar Turbines Incorporated 13-39 Vapor Losses 6-16
Solid CO2 Formation Conditions, Approximate 16-30 Displacement Losses 6-16
Solid Desiccant Dehydration 20-43 Liquid Equivalents of Tank Vapors 6-16
Alumina 20-43 Vaporization Losses 6-16
Gels 20-43 Vapor Recovery Systems 6-17
Molecular Sieves 20-43 Site Preparation and Installation 6-13
Solid Desiccant Dehydrator Twin Tower System 20-43 Dikes 6-13
Solids (Suspended, Dissolved, Total) 18-3 Grounding 6-16
Solid Sulfur at Constant Pressure, Heat Capacity 22-16 Storage Classifications 6-2
Solubility Limits of Hydrocarbons in Amine Solutions 21-17 Types 6-5
Overall Solubility Trends 21-17 Above Ground 6-5
Solubility of Benzene in Ethane 16-32 Working Pressures 6-2
Solubility of Benzene in Methane 16-31 Storage, Types of 6-5
Solubility of Hydrocarbons in Water 20-3 Above Ground 6-5
Solubility of Water in Liquid Hydrocarbons 20-2 Bolted 6-5
Solution Gas 1-7 Fixed Roof 6-5
Souders-Brown K Values 7-27 Flat-Sided Tanks 6-5
Souders-Brown Correlation for Approximate Tower Sizing 19-10 Floating Roof 6-5
Souders-Brown Equation for Gravity Settling 7-9 Horizontal Cylindrical Tanks 6-5
Applied To Mist Eliminators 7-10 Lined Ponds 6-5
Sour Gas 1-7, 21-1 Pit Storage 6-7
Sour Liquids and Gases 1-7 Specialty 6-5
Sour Water Strippers 19-32 Spheres 6-5
Special Problems in Steam Condensers 10-6 Spheroids 6-5
Specific Gravity 1-7 Liquid Storage 6-17
Specific Volume 24-1 Accessories 6-18
Speed Efficiency Correction Factor for Condensing and Non- Capacities 6-18
Condensing Turbines 15-7 Desirability of Large Units 6-17
Split-Ranging 4-3 Gaging Table 6-18
Splitter 1-7 Refrigerated Tanks 6-7
Sponge Absorbent 1-7 Double Containment Tank 6-10
Spray-Type Deaerator 18-17 Full Containment Tank 6-10
SRU 21-1 Single Containment Tank 6-10
Stabilized Condensate 1-7 Underground 6-7
Stabilizer 1-7 Conventional Mined Caverns 6-7
Stage Separation System 1-7 Solution Mined Caverns 6-7
Standalone AGE Flow Diagram 21-15 Storage Classification 6-2
Standards and Bulletins 1-17 Above Ground 6-2
Analytical Methods 1-17 Atmospheric 6-2
Measurement Standards 1-18 High Pressure (Above 15psig) 6-2
Miscellaneous Standards 1-18 Low Pressure (0 to 2.5 psig) 6-2
Sampling Methods 1-18 Medium Pressure (2.5 to 15 psig) 6-2
Specifications 1-17 Underground 6-2
STAR Network Diagram 4-33 Storage Pressure 6-3
Steady-State 4-3 Storage Vessels for Low- and High-Pressure Services 6-5
Steam Bath Heater, 15 psig 8-31 Straight Refrigeration Process 16-5
Steam Coefficient Factors 3-26 Strapping 1-7
Saturated Steam 3-26 Stream Day 1-7
Superheated Steam 3-26 Stripper 1-7
Steam Generation Systems 18-5 Stripper Calculations 19-30
Steam Measurement 3-22 Stripping Factor 1-7
Sterically Hindered Amine 21-1 Stripping Factor Correlation 19-31
Still Column 1-7 Stripping Medium 1-7
Storage 6-1 Subcooling Liquid Refrigerant 14-6
Appurtenances 6-13 Suction 12-3
Cathodic Protection 6-16 Double 12-3
Insulation 6-11 Single 12-3
Liquid Storage Systems 6-17 Sulfur 1-7, 22-21
Heat of Vaporization 22-22 Synchronism 18-3
Vapor Pressure 22-21 Synchronous Speed 18-4
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 1-7 System Control Diagram 4-3
Sulfur Oxides (SOx) 15-15 System Factors 19-12
Sulfur Product Specifications 22-32
Sulfur Recovery 22-1
Claus Plant Maintenance 22-33
Claus Plant Startup and Shutdown Procedures 22-20 Table of Physical Constants, Notes and References 23-9
Initial Startup 22-20 Tail Gas Clean-up (TGCU) 21-4
Shutdowns 22-23 Tail Gas Clean-up Unit 22-1
Subsequent Startups 22-20 Taitel and Dukler 17-16
Claus Process 22-1 Tandem Gas Seal 13-33
Claus Process Calculation 22-27 Tank Heaters 9-20
Claus Process Considerations 22-2 Tank Suction Heater 9-20
Catalyst Converter Operation 22-7 Taylor Forge 7-42
Combustion Operation 22-4 Telemetry 4-3
Process Variations 22-4 Temperature Correction Factor 1-7
Reheating Operation 22-6 Temperature Indicator (TI) 4-4
Sulfur Condenser Operation 22-6 Temperature Sensors 4-12
Waste Heat Recovery Operation 22-6 Test Separator 7-2
Claus Unit Tail Gas Handling 22-11 TGCU (Tail Gas Clean-up Unit) 21-1
Acid Gas Enrichment in Claus Plants 22-15 The American Petroleum Institute (API) 15-28
Continuation Processes 22-14 Theoretical Equilibrium Percent Conversion of Hydrogen Sulfide to
Direct Oxidation Processes 22-13 Sulfur 22-2
Emerging Processes 22-16 Therm 1-7
H2S Recovery Processes 22-13 Thermal Compressors 13-2
Incineration 22-11 Thermal Conductivity 23-33
Liquid Redox 22-14 Calculation 23-33
Oxygen Enrichment in Claus Plants 22-15 Hydrocarbon
Gases at One Atmosphere 23-39
SO2 Recovery Processes 22-14
Liquid Paraffin Hydrocarbons 23-40
Tail Gas Clean-up Processes 22-12
Liquid Petroleum Fractions 23-40
Instrumentation 22-32
Mechanical Considerations 22-8 Gases at One Atmosphere 23-39
Catalyst Converter Operation 22-10 Ratio for Gases 23-39
Combustion Operation 22-8 Thermal Conductivity Detector, Example of 3-33
Piping 22-10 Thermal Conductivity of Diethylene Glycol Water Mixtures 20-22
Reheating Operation 22-9 Thermal Conductivity of Ethylene Glycol Water Mixtures 20-22
Direct (Inline Burner) Method 22-10 Thermal Conductivity of Ferrous Materials 8-8
Indirect (Heating Exchanger) Method 22-10 Thermal Conductivity of Triethylene Glycol Water Mixtures 20-22
Sulfur Condenser Operation 22-9 Thermal Cutout 18-4
Waste Heat Recovery Operation 22-8 Thermal Expansion of Hydrocarbon Liquids, Density Correction for
Operational Aspects 22-32 23-26
Properties of Sulfur 22-16 Thermal Protector 18-4
Sulfur Product Specifications 22-32 Thermal Radiation 5-21
Sulfur Storage and Handling 22-16 Thermocouples, Properties of 4-13
Sulfur Recovery Process with Acid Gas and Air Preheat 22-6 Thermodynamic Calculations for Compression 13-4
Sulfur Seal and Drain Relationship 22-11 Thermodynamic Properties 24-1
Sulfur Storage and Handling 22-16 Change of Enthalpy with Pressure 24-2
Sulfur Vapor, Viscosity of 22-22 Enthalpy and Entropy Data 24-3
Sulfur Vapor Species, Distribution 22-20 Mixtures of CO2 with H2S 24-3
Superheated Steam, Properties of 24-37, 24-38 Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Helium 24-3
Superheat Efficiency Correction Factor for Condensing Turbines 15-6 Pure CO2 24-3
Superheat Efficiency Correction Factor for Non-Condensing Turbines Enthalpy Behavior 24-2
15-6 Ideal Gas State Enthalpies 24-2
Supervisory Control 4-3 Entropy Correlation 24-3
Surface and Volume of Spheres, Approximate 6-23 Example Calculation using Enthalpy Correlation 24-3
Surface Tension of Paraffin Hydrocarbons 23-41 P-H Charts, Uses for 24-3
Surface Water 18-3 Thermodynamic Properties of Water 24-32, 24-33
Surge Drum 7-2 Thermodynamics 24-1
Surge Time 7-2 Thermosyphon Reboiler Driving Force Curve 19-22
Surging 12-3 Three-Stage Refrigeration System 14-4
Sweet Gas 1-7, 21-1 Three-Stage Sulfur Plant, Example 22-3
Switchboard 18-4 Three Phase Separator 7-2
Switchgear 18-4 Three Stream Counterflow Brazed Aluminum Heat Exchanger 9-22
Threshold Limit Value 21-1 Purging/Pressurization 18-36
Throttling 12-3 Cathodic Protection 18-34
Tonne 1-7 Closed Cooling Water Systems 18-21
Ton of Refrigeration 14-1 Definitions of Words and Phrases 18-1
Top Feed Nozzles 19-25 Electrical Heat Tracing 18-33
Top Feed Nozzles, Design Paramaters for 19-25 Electrical Systems 18-23
Total Draw-off 19-27 Motors 18-23
Total Emissivity of Various Surfaces 8-9 Transformer Connections 18-28
Transfer Units (NTUs) vs. Theoretical Stages (N) 20-35 Transformer Locations 18-29
Transformer Connection Schematics 18-29 Fuel Systems 18-7
Transmitter 4-4 Grounding 18-34
Tray/Spray Deaerator 18-17 Equipment Grounding 18-34
Trayed Column 1-7 Grounding Principles 18-34
Treating Plant Wastewater, Complete System 18-23 Ground Resistivity Test 18-34
Triethanolamine (TEA) 21-13 System Grounding 18-34
Triplex 12-3 Heat Medium Systems 18-5
True Mean Temperature Difference (TMTD) 9-12 Instrument Air Systems 18-5
True Vapor Pressure 6-3 Interunit Spacing Guidelines 18-38
Tubular Exchangers Manufacturers Association (TEMA) 9-14 Intra-Unit Spacing Guidelines 18-39
Turbine Fuel Gas Specifications 18-9 Lighting 18-33
Turbine Meter Components, Example of 3-18 Sources 18-33
Turbine Types 15-3 Mainatenance Program Development 18-43
Turboexpander 1-7 Maintenance Guidelines 18-37
Turboexpanders 13-48 Motor Controls 18-30
Mechanical 13-48 Controllers 18-31
Auxiliary Systems 13-49 Electrical Control Devices 18-32
Control Systems 13-51 Power Factor Correction 18-32
Twister Process, Concept of 16-6 Protective Devices 18-30
Two-Column NRU 16-34 NEMA Enclosures 18-36
Two-fluid PCHE 9-36 Nitrogen Systems 18-7
Two-Level Chilling, Two-Stage Cooling System 14-5 Once-Through Cooling Water Systems 18-21
Two-Phase and Three-Phase Separator Design and Operating Open Water Cooling Systems 18-19
Principles 7-24 Biological Fouling 18-20
Two-Phase Friction Factor Ratio 17-18 Corrosion Control 18-19
Two-Position (on-off) Controllers 4-17 Scale Control 18-19
Two-Stage Refrigeration System 14-4 Solids Removal 18-21
Two- and Three-Wire Control Wiring Diagrams 18-32 Other Water Systems 18-21
Two Phase Flow Regimes 17-17 Planned Maintenance Validation 18-43
Typical Components of Industry Streams 1-2 Plant Spacing Guidelines 18-37
Typical Compressor Map (Variable Speed) 13-38 Power Supply System 18-23
Typical Gas Turbine Skid Layout 15-9 Programmable Controllers 18-34
Typical Heat Transfer Coefficients 9-6 Reliability, Availability and Maintainability 18-43
Typical Metal Thermal Conductivities 9-6 Stand-by Power 18-34
Steam Systems 18-5
Storage Tank Spacing Guidelines 18-40
Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 18-21
Ullage (see Outage) 1-7 Water Treating Requirements 18-8
Ultra High Purity Helium (UHPH) 3-32 ABMA and ASME Standards 18-12
Ultrasonic Flow Meter, Example of 3-15 Boiler Blowdown 18-11
Ultrasonic Flow Meters 4-13 Boiler Water Chemistry 18-11
Ultrasonic Measurement 3-15 Boiler Water Systems 18-11
Ultrasonic Meter (UM) 3-15 Boiler Water Treatment External 18-13
Unbalanced Response Plot 13-40 Boiler Water Treatment General 18-13
Unburned Hydrocarbons (UHC) 15-15 Boiler Water Treatment Internal 18-17
Undamped Critical Speed Map 13-40 Source Waters 18-8
Units and Conversion Factors 23-8 Water Analysis 18-9
Unsaturated Compounds 1-7
Utilities 18-1
Building and Area Classification 18-35
Hazardous Classified Locations, Types of 18-35 Vacuum Deaerator 18-17
Hazardous Divisions 18-35 Vacuum Refrigeration Systems 14-10
Hazardous Gases 18-35 Valve Freeze Method for Determining Moisture Content
Intrinsically Safe Design 18-36 (ASTM D-2713) 2-2
Need for Classification 18-36 Valve Sizing Equations 4-24
Valve Tray Diameter 19-11 Viscosity Relationships, 1-13
Valve Types 19-9 Volatile Sulfur 1-8
van der Waals 25-9 Voltage (of a Circuit): 18-4
Vane Element Mist Extractor and Typical Vane Pack 7-10 Voltage, Nominal 18-4
Vanes, Guide 12-3 Voltage to Ground 18-4
Vapor-Liquid Equilibria 16-37 Volume Control at Constant Speed 13-36
Vaporizers 8-36 Volume Control at Variable Speed 13-36
Vaporization Processes 8-36 Volumetric Efficiency 13-8
High Pressure Non-refrigerated LPG, Propane and Butanes Volute 12-3
8-37 Double 12-3
High Pressure Refrigerated and Non-refrigeratedLiquids 8-36 Single 12-3
Refrigerated Liquids Around Atmospheric Pressure 8-37 Vortex-Tube Device Design 16-7
Vapor Outlet Configurations 7-27 Vortex Breaker 12-3
Vapor Pressure (True Vapor Pressure) 1-8
Vapor Pressure, GPA 1-8
Vapor Pressure Gasoline 1-8
Vapor Pressures of Aqueous Diethylene Glycol Solutions at Various Warm Air Recirculation 10-4
Temperatures 20-23 Waste Heat Recovery 8-38
Vapor Pressures of Aqueous Triethylene Glycol Solutions at Various Wastewater Treatment and Disposal 18-21
Temperatures 20-23 Water Adsorption Isotherms 20-45
Vapor Pressures of Ethylene Glycol at Various Temperatures 20-23 Water Content of Gases and Liquids 20-2
Vapor Pressures of Gas Treating Chemicals 21-10 Water Content in the Hydrate Region 20-8
Vapor Recompression 19-29 Water Content Measurement 20-9
Vapor Recovery 1-8 Water Content of High CO2/H2S Gases 20-5
Vapor Thermal Conductivity of HFC-134a at Atmospheric Pressure Water Content of Natural Gases 20-3
14-27 Water Solubility in Liquid Hydrocarbons 20-2
Vapor Thermal Conductivity of HFC-410a at Atmospheric Pressure Water Content of Hydrocarbon Gas 20-4
Water Draw-off 19-28
Vertical, High Pressure, Double Case, Multi-Stage Pump 12-9
Water Impurities and Characteristic Treatment 18-10
Vertical Can Pump 12-9
Water Properties at Saturation Pressure 24-34
Vertical Filter Separator 7-38
Water Treatment Separators 7-43
Vertical Flow Vane Gas-Liquid Separators 7-19
Water Viscosity at Saturated Conditions 23-36
Vertical Gas-Liquid-Liquid Separator 7-23
Water Wash for Sweet Gas Leaving Amine Contactor 21-11
Vertical Gas-Liquid Separator Comparison Chart 7-15
Water Wash Schematic 21-3
Vertical Gas-Liquid Separators Combination Internals 7-19
Weathering 1-8
Configurations 7-19
Weathering Test 1-8
Flooded Mesh Pad Followed by Vane Pack 7-20
Weight in Air 1-8
Vane or Mesh Axial Cyclone Combination 7-20
Welded Frame Style PHE 9-34
Vane Pack Followed by Mesh Pad 7-20
Welding Caps Chart 13-16
Vertical Gas-Liquid Separators No Internals 7-17
Wellhead 1-8
Vertical Gas-Liquid Separators with Axial Flow Multi-Cyclones 7-19
Wet Gas 1-8
Vertical Gas-Liquid Separators with Mesh Pad 7-17
Weymouth Equation, The 17-6
Vertical Gas-Liquid Separators with Reverse Flow Multi-Cyclone
Wireless Transmitters and Devices 4-15
Internals 7-19
Wire Mesh Mist Eliminator 7-10
Vertical Gas-Liquid Separators with Vane Pack 7-18
Wobbe Number 1-8
Vertical Inline Pump 12-8
Word, Computer 4-4
Vertical Separators with Vane Packs 7-18
Working Pressures 17-22
Vertical Thermosyphon Reboiler Connected to Tower 19-22
Refinery Piping 17-22
Vertical Up-Flow Regime Map 17-17
Transmission Lines 17-22
Vertical Vessel Inlet Devices 7-24
Vertical Vessels with Combination Configuration 7-19
Vessel Orientation, Factors that Determine 7-15
Y-Grade Product Specifications 2-7
VFD and Soft Start Options Comparison 18-24
Vibrating Tube Densitometer 3-21
Vibration Severity Chart 13-40
Viscosities of Aqueous Diethylene Glycol Solutions 20-21 Ziegler-Nichols Method 4-19, 4-20
Viscosities of Aqueous Ethylene Glycol Solutions 20-20 Zones of a Gas-Liquid Separator 7-23
Viscosities of Aqueous Triethylene Glycol Solutions 20-21
Viscosity of a Gas Mixture, Calculation 23-38
Viscosity of Air 23-35
Viscosity of Liquid Sulfur 22-17
Viscosity of Miscellaneous Gases One Atmosphere 23-35
Viscosity of Steam 23-38
Viscosity Ratio vs. Pseudoreduced Temperature 23-35