Ch. 4 Blood Flow and Metabolism
Ch. 4 Blood Flow and Metabolism
Ch. 4 Blood Flow and Metabolism
Fick principle:
o The O2 consumption per minute (dot VO2) is equal to the amt. of O2
taken up by the blood in the lungs per minute
o B/c the O2 concentration in the blood entering the lungs is C(line)VO2
and blood leaving is CaO2 :
(dot)Q ((Perfusion)) = Ventilation of O2 / (Concentration of
arterial O2 Concentration of blood entering the lungs)
Q = VO2 / (CaO2 CVO2)
Blood flow decreases linearly from bottom to top, reaching very low perfusion
values at the apex
Distribution of blood is dependent on posture and exercise
Supine position: apical zone blood flow increases, but the basal zone flow
remains unchanged
Uneven blood flow is d/t hydrostatic pressure differences w/in bvs.
o Zone 1 aka Alveolar Dead Space
PA > Pa > PV
where pulmonary arterial pressure falls below alveolar
pressure capillary collapse (negative PTM)
normally doesnt occur b/c the pulmonary arterial pressure is
sufficient to raise blood to top of the lung but may occur if
arterial pressure drops (i.e. hemorrhage) or if alveolar pressure
is raised (i.e. positive ventilation)
o Zone 2
Pa > PA > Pv
Pulmonary arterial pressure >> alveolar pressure
Venous pressure << alveolar pressure
Blood flow is determined by the difference b/t arterial and
alveolar pressures
o Zone 3
Pa > PV > PA
Venous pressure exceeds alveolar pressure
Transmural pressure is positive throughout length of tube
Mean width increases
Recruitment can increase blood flow in this zone
o Zone 4
Region of reduced blood flow, occurs when lung is poorly inflated
At low lung volumes, the resistance of extra-alveolar vessels
becomes important, and a reduction of regional blood flow is
seen starting at base
General Blood Flow: Periphery << Central regions
o Effect of directing blood flow away from hypoxic regions of the lung
( i.e. d/t obstruction)
o Assist in matching V/Q ratio (i.e. ventilation to perfusion = 1/1
o Occurs at high altitude
Hypoxic pulmonary Vasoconstriction PAO2 is reduced
Occurs when PAO2 << 70 mm Hg (normal PA/aO2 = 100 mm Hg)
o Contraction of SM in the walls of the small arterioles in the hypoxic
o Not dependent on CNS connections
o Vasoconstriction is determined by: PAO2
Decreased PAO2 Inhibition of voltage gated K+
channels Increased cytoplasmic Ca++ SM
contraction Increased pulmonary vascular resistance
o Fetal
Relatively low oxygen
High pulmonary resistance
First Breath removes hypoxic vasoconstriction
Increased O2
Decreased pulmonary vascular resistance
o NO mech.
Block NO increase Hypoxic Vasoconstriction
Adm. NO reduce hypoxic vasoconstriction (20mm usually,
lethal at high doses)
NO is created from L-arginine via catalysis by eNOS
NO activates cyclic GMP SM relaxation
o Pulmonary endothelial vasoconstrictors
Endothelin-1 (ET-1)
Thromboxane A2 (TXA2)
o Other causes of vasoconstriction:
Decreased pH (i.e. anaerobic metab.)
Increased sympathetic activity
Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction
o Alveolar hypoxia constricts small pulmonary arteries
o Probably a direct effect of the low PaO2 on vascular smooth
o Critical at birth in the transition from placental to air breathing
o Directs blood flow away from poorly ventilated areas of the
diseased lung in the adult
o PAO2 of 100 mm Hg = 80 % flow (normal)
o PAO2 of 50 mm Hg = 40% flow (vasoconstriction)
o PAO2 of 150 mm Hg = 90% flow (i.e. adm NO)