Science SSC
Science SSC
Science SSC
Valency. Chemical formulae of common * Pulse Polio program.
3.4. Exchange of substances by living
2.5 Atomic Structure: Electrons, protons organisms with the external world:
and neutrons. Atomic number and
Diffusion/exchange of substances
atomic mass number. Isotopes and
between cells and their environment and
between the cell themselves in the living
3. The World of the Living system; role in nutrition, water and food
3.1 Biological Diversity transport, excretion, gaseous exchange.
Diversity of plants and animals: Basic 4. Moving Things. People and ideas.
issues in scientific naming. Basis of Motion.
classification, Hierarchy of categories/ 4.1 Motion: displacement, velocity, Uniform
groups. and non-uniform motion along a straight
Plant classification: Major Plant groups line,acceleration, distance-time and
(salient features): Bacteria, velocity-time graphs for motion and
Thalophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, uniformly accelerated motion. Equations
gymnosperms and Angiosperms. of motion by graphical method .
Animal Classification : Major groups of Elementary idea of uniform circular
animals (salient features): Non- motion.
Chordates up to phyla and non 4.2. Force and Newton's Laws : Force and
chordates up to classes. Motion; Newton's Laws of Motion.
3.2 Smallest living unit of Life, Cell : Cell Inertia of a.body, inertia and mass,
as a basic unit of life prokaryotic and momentum, force and acceleration.
eukaryotic cells, multicellular Elementary idea of conservation of
organisms;cell membrane and cell wall, momentum, action and reaction forces.
cell organelles, chloroplast,
mitochondria, vacuoles, ER, Golgli 4.3. Gravitation: gravitation, universal law of
apparatus. Nucleus, chromosomes, gravitation, force of gravitation of the-
basic structure, number.Tissues, earth (earth's gravity), acceleration due
organs, organ system, organism to gravity, mass and weight, free fall .
Structure and functions of animal and 4.4. Work, Energy and Power: work done
plant tissues. (four types in by a force, energy, power. Kinetic and
animals;meristematic and permanent Potential energy, Law of conservation
tissues in plants). of energy.
3.3. Health 4.5 Floating Bodies: Thrust and Pressure,
Archimedes' Principle, Buoyancy. Idea
* Failure of health leading to disease.
of relative density.
* Disease and its causes.
4.6. Sound; Nature of sound and its
* Diseases caused by microbes and propagation through different media,
their prevention: Typhoid, diarrhoea, speed of sound, range of hearing in
malaria,hepatitis, rabies, AIDS, TB, humans; ultrasound; reflection of sound;
echo and SONAR Structure of the
Human Ear. (Auditory aspect). and alum
5. Natural Resources - Understanding b) A suspension of soil, chalk powder and
Ecosystem - fine sand in water
5.1 Types of ecosystem - forest, grassland, c) A colloidal of starch in water and egg
desert, aquatic, costal, marine albumin in water and distinguish
between these on the basis of
5.2 Interaction between biotic and abiotic
factors in an eco-system i) transparency
5.3 Energy flow and its importance. Cycles ii) filtration criterion
of nutrients in terrestrial and aquatic iii) stability
(fresh water and marine) ecosystems, 2. To prepare
nature's mechanism in maintaining
a) a mixture
b) A compound
6. Waste Generation and Management
Using iron filings and sulphur powder
6.1 Sources of waste - domestic, industrial, and distinguish between these on the
agricultural and commercial basis of:
6.2 Classification of waste : biodegradable i) Appearance i.e., homogeneity and
non biodegradable, toxic, non- toxic heterogeneity
ii) Behaviour towards a magnet
6.3 Impact of waste accumulation -
iii) Behaviour towards carbon disulphide
Spoilage of landscape, pollution, health
as a solvent.
hazards, effect on terrestrial and
aquatic (fresh water and marine) life. iv) Effect of heat.
6.4 Need for management of waste. 3. To carry out the following chemical
reactions and record observations. Also
6.5 Methods of safe disposal of waste identify the type of reaction involved in
segregation, dumping, composting, each case
drainage, treatment of effluents before i) Iron with copper sulphate solution in
discharge, incineration, use of water.
scrubbers and electrostatic
precipitators. ii) Burning of Magnesium in air.
6.6 Need for reducing, reusing and recycling iii) Zinc with dilute sulphuric acid
waste. iv) Heating of Lead Nitrate
6.7 Legal provisions for handling and v) Sodium sulphate with Barium chloride
management of waste. in the form of their solutions in water.
STD. IX 4. To verify laws of reflection of sound.
PRACTICALS 5. To determine the density of solid.
(denser than water) by using a spring
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS balance and a measuring cylinder.
1. To prepare 6. To establish the relation between the
a) A true solution of common salt, sugar loss in weight of a solid when fully
immersed in b) one adaptive feature with reference to
i) tap water its habitat.
2.3. Reproduction in the Living: remedies. Application of spherical
Reproduction in plants and animals. mirrors and lenses.
Need for and methods of family 5. Pollution
planning. Safe Sex vs-. HIV/AIDS. Child
bearing and women's health. 5.1 Types of pollution - air, water, (fresh and
marine), soil, radiation, and noise.
2.4. Heredity and Evolution: Heredity, origin
of life- brief introduction, Basic concepts 5.2 Sources of pollution and major
of evolution. pollutants, oil spills
3. Moving things. People and Ideas 5.3 Effect of pollution on -environment,
human health and other organisms
3.1. Electric Circuits: Potential and potential
difference. Ohm's Law, Resistances 5.4 Abatement of pollution
in series and parallel. Power dissipated 6. Striving for a Better Environment
due to current. Inter relation between P,
6.1 Use of efficient and eco-friendly
V, I and R.
3.2. Magnets: Magnetic field, field lines.
6.2 Sustainable use of resources.
Field due to a current carrying wire, coil,
solenoid. Force on current carrying 6.3 Enforcement of acts, laws and policies
conductor. Fleming's Left Hand Rule. STD. X
Electric motor, electromagnetic
induction. Induced potential differences, PRACTICALS
induced current. Electric generator, LIST OF EXPERIMENTS
principle and working.
1. To find the pH of the following samples
Direct and Alternating current. by using pH paper universal indicator.
Frequency of AC. Advantages of AC
i) Dilute Hydrochloric acid
over DC. Domestic Electric Circuits.
ii) Dilute NaOH solution
4. Natural Phenomena
iii) Dilute Ethanoic acid solution
4.1. Light : Convergence and Divergence
of Light. iv) Lemon juice .
4.2 Spherical Mirrors: Images formed by a v) Water
concave mirror. Related concepts: vi) Dilute Sodium Bicarbonate
centre of curvature, principal axis, Solution.
optical centre, focus, focal length.
2. To study, the properties of acids and
4.3 Refraction: appreciation of the concept bases HCl & NaOH by their reaction
of refraction. Laws of refraction. Velocity with
of light. Refractive index; twinkling of
i) Litmus solution (Blue/Red)
stars; dispersion of light. Scattering of
light. ii) Zinc metal
4.4. Lenses: Images formed by a convex iii) Solid Sodium Carbonate
lens; functioning of the lens in the 3. To determine the focal length of
human problems of vision and their
a) Concave mirror
b) Convex lens by obtaining the image i) Combination Reaction .
of a distant object.
ii) Decomposition Reaction
4. To trace the path of a ray of light
iii) Displacement Reaction
passing through a rectangular glass
slab for different angles of incidence. iv) Double Displacement Reaction
Measure the angle of incidence, angle 1. Action of water on quick lime. .
of refraction, angle of emergence and
interpret the result. 2. Action of heat on Ferrous Sulphate
5. To study the dependence of current (I)
on the potential difference 3. Iron Nails kept in copper sulphate
(V) across a resistor and determine
its resistance. Also plot a graph 4. Reaction between Sodium sulphate and
between V and I. Barium chloride solutions.
6. To determine the equivalent resistance 14. a) To observe the action of Zn, Fe, Cu
and Al metals on the following salt
of two resistors when connected in
i) ZnS04 (aq.)
7. To determine the equivalent resistance
of two resistors when connected in ii) FeS04 (aq.)
parallel. iii) CuS04 (aq.)
8. To prepare a temporary mount of a leaf iv) Al2(S0)3 (aq.)
peel to show stomata.
b) Arrange Zn, Fe, Cu and Al metals
9. To show experimentally that light is in the decreasing order of reactivity
necessary for photosynthesis. based on the above result.
10. To show experimentally that carbon 15. To study the following properties of
dioxide is given out during respiration. acetic acid (ethanoic acid):
11. To study (a) binary fission in Amoeba i) odour
and (b) budding in yeast with the help
of prepared slides. ii) solubility in water